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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 566 KB, 597x337, ice qream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9667665 No.9667665 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>9657027

/cgl/ Idol Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p-CYbtXF9NUJ3EuJuxkcujp_qwMmNfKaOrlO3VjaSHA/edit

/cgl/ Resources Spreadsheet (under construction) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19XZ308_3yoOKiTmgUA_DfgeqW4ddTCB_e6Zz1wnIJA8/edit#gid=1967117603

-Lots of stuff about Stellure
-Advice on improving dancing
-Honey Hime's new song finally announced
-Jenny Hayes' new original single

-Tons of Halloween covers, probably
-Stellure new members and song

featured photo this thread: Ice Qream

>> No.9667681

Probably both honestly. She said this is the first single she’s done all by her own hand and it shows.

>> No.9667686


This is such a weeb sounding song.

>> No.9667693
File: 504 KB, 1075x1071, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, luna is really pretty without the wig, even with the green dyed tips. I wish she would use her natural hair instead of that wig.

>> No.9667697

is 4chan meant to be good for constructive criticism or is just full of hate?

>> No.9667701
File: 128 KB, 792x250, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9667702

so close yet so far

>> No.9667704

Depends on what you decide to listen to and how your able yo handle any sort of comments made about you. You only choose for it to be constructive or full of hate.

>> No.9667705

It depends on the board, the thread, and the individual people responding. On /cgl/, there are long-running threads devoted to jfash and cosplay topics where people can ask for help and constructive criticism, and there are threads with a lot of positivity. There are also threads designed to nitpick and tear people down. This is the nature of anonymity. The net-idol threads here tend to be a mix of both types, since there are a lot of people here who are in their own groups and have experience performing. It's a good place to get honest, unfiltered constructive criticism on your performance, but you could also get torn to shreds. I wouldn't describe it as "full of hate" though. Most of us want to see everyone improve and give good performances; it's usually just the ones that have no humility that get thoroughly destroyed here.

>> No.9667708

I can completely get on board of these threads because I do see some great constructive criticism on here and it has helped groups improve. I just don't like when some comments look like they want to tear them down and make it look like they should never attempt being a net idol. Sadly it gives this thread a bad name really :/ I am sure there are some great people here who help groups improve

>> No.9667715

I though the same! She have a cute face and I never realized until now. Please burn the wig, is killing her appeal.

>> No.9667733

I agree. I think they all should go without wigs because, aside from Mimi and Tauri I believe, they have long nice hair. They could easily style their hair just like their images.

>> No.9667746

to be fair she still has a bit of time to grow.

>> No.9667826
File: 49 KB, 1137x640, mayuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally finds a cover of ankira kyousoukyoku
>mfw watching this

There other stuff is just as bad

>> No.9667829

in what universe is that a Kotori wig??

>> No.9667843

That “Kotori” is more like a blonde Nozomi...

>> No.9667854
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 300px-Anzu_SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think she is supposed to be Anzu from im@s, not Kotori, since it's Ankira.

>> No.9667865

But she is dancing to Kirari's part while Maki is dancing Anzu's part?


>> No.9667903

i think you might have unrealistic expectations if you're going to 4chan at all looking strictly for positivity. the site overall has a long history of extreme negativity, and honestly cgl as a whole is pretty tame, just a bunch of teenage girls bickering. if you can't handle mild level spice, perhaps try reddit.

>> No.9667905

Not only that, but if they’re supposed to be a u’s gorup and Maki is Maki, why isn’t she Kotori?

>> No.9667923

Looking through their other posts, I think you're right. They just called her Kotori in the description because she plays Kotori's part in their LL stuff.

>> No.9667948

but then why is she doing kirari's part instead of her actual fucking character's?

>> No.9667958

Can we please talk about how cringey Luna’s post was? All the fake written stuttering makes me want to exit this earth.

>> No.9667963

On the one hand: yeah, a little cringey

On the other hand: she's fifteen, the perfect age to be cringey, and the jab at Bright Future at the end of her bio was painfully self aware and made me laugh.

>> No.9667991

I agree that ending made me laugh as well. Her natural hair already matches her member color and that green tea color suits her more than mint even if Stellure is meant to be...bright

>> No.9667998

I know large budgets and such are not exactly a thing with many of these groups, but going through this list of western idols the big thing I notice is no one has good cinematography. Some groups have really good singing or dancing, but no one has good video quality. Isn't that also important if you're going to be a self promoted idol? Don't film your shit on shaky cellphones it looks bad.

>> No.9668031

I’d say yes but even Japanese indie/underground idols are backed by someone so their quality would be 720 to 1440... And now adays, with many phones shooting in 1080, I don’t mind cell videos as long as you have something that lessens the shake or you have a tripod. Not everyone can afford an expensive camera and most of this are kids who don’t have jobs so their parents either buy them a camera or their phone. Plus, for the ones who are older, their money may be going to things they actually need.

>> No.9668036

Thanks for adding my spreadsheet to the OP! If any artists or composers want to be added to the list, or if anyone wants to help me maintain the spreadsheet, please email me at idol.assist@gmail.com.

I think a list of recording equipment might also be a nice addition to the resources list, so if any one could give me their personal recommendations for good quality video cameras and microphones (preferably affordable for an average hobbyist, but higher-end equipment is fine too) to add, that'd be appreciated!

They all look better with their natural hair in my opinion. I've noticed that quite a few gulls seem to be fond of Luna even despite all the complaints about her wig.

So tomorrow will be Astra's profile reveal and then presumably the new members'. During auditions they said the new members would be revealed in November, so either they'll hold off until then to reveal the new girls (and possibly release One Step Ahead in the meantime) or maybe they changed their minds and we'll get to see them early.

>> No.9668054

I just have to say, I’m so glad I live in Texas. When I got into odottemita, I had no idea it had a fairly large community down here! Makes me proud.

>> No.9668064

I feel like there have been a lot of questions related to starting an idol group so I apologize if this sound repetitive to anyone, but I'm thinking about building up and starting a small alt-idol group. Do you gulls have any tips or suggestions on doing it?

>> No.9668070


Think about your goals first - do you want to do vocal and dance stuff, or just dance? Do you want to cover songs or release original music? What's your budget going to look like? Commissioning music isn't going to be cheap but if you have no experience, writing it yourself is probably not going to sound good. How much are you willing to invest towards outfits, recording equipment, etc?

Do you have any like-minded friends to start the group with, or will you need to recruit people? If it's the latter, you have to choose between opening auditions and just taking whoever's interested. If you have no content to show, it's going to be hard to get auditions. If there's a local convention/nerd facebook page or group in your area, you can reach out there to see if anyone's interested in forming a group. At the very beginning, you might have to just take whatever members you can get until you become interesting enough to hold auditions and be selective. Either way though, make sure whoever's joining the group is clear on the goals and direction you want to move in, so you're all on the same page. Figure out how frequently you all want to group up for practice, and how many hours of solo practice everyone should be committing, figure out who's going to do things like manage budget, produce promo art, handle social media, etc. There can be a lot to think about, depending on how much you want to accomplish. I wish you the best of luck!

>> No.9668118

>The way you start and end some of your words, where you're trying to add style and sound kinda sultry, doesn't sound good.

I think I know how to describe it. Your voice sometimes does a little dip when you finish a line or when you try to add emphasis to a word.

For example in the line "Only my heart stood still". Pay attention to how you sang "only". That's the kind of dip I mean.

Whatever image you have on what you want your voice to sound like, I want you to take that image and throw it away. I understand if you wanted to add your own original flair to a song but that should only come when you are more familiar with your own voice, more familiar with your own habits, and that you understand how you use it. Of course, this comes with time.

There are certain points where your voice becomes flat because of this as well. Really break down every single part and line of a song. Play back the song as much as you can and repeat your lines bit by bit until you know that you can hit the notes correctly. Figure out the proper place on where to add inflection in the lyrics. If you have a problem detecting certain notes, get a friend to point it out to you or try playing that note on a piano and match it.

Sorry if this came out harsh. Though I want to say that your voice is not terrible. Trust me, I've heard a hell of a lot worse. Your singing is definitely something that can be fixed. I really wish you the best in your singing!

>> No.9668176

Thank you so much anon, I think I understand a bit better now. I’m really motivated to improve! I’ll try what you advised and try work on hitting notes better. Plus work on my projection like the other anon’s mentioned. Thank you again, these responses have given me the idea of where to start with fixing my voice to something more presentable

>> No.9668178

The perfect age to be cringey is 9-13. Anything above that you should be able to tell that fake stuttering in a caption is just annoying and insulting.

>> No.9668181

Related to op's pic, how do you dance in snow, and still look good? It must be cold as fuck, and even if it's slightly chilly my arm and legs are red, and I belive shivering from cold isn't the most helpful thing.

>> No.9668307

Personally, I feel 9-13 is enough to be forgiving cringe (depending on how much cringe there is). Anything 14+ is just unforgivable.

>> No.9668361

They're Canadian. They're probably used to the cold lol

>> No.9668409

i really wish some of these girls who want to be "real idols" saw the Tokyo Idols documentary. i feel like their dreams would change pretty quickly

>> No.9668417

If they did, they would suddenly think they know everything about idols beyond anime. Even then, the documentary is very inaccurate and has poor translations to push the directors agenda. I think aspiring idols should take a look at the latest AKB documentaries.

>> No.9668429

Tfw you want to start dancing solo but you have no money for a good camera & you're fat & have no cute outfits.

Plus I kind of at least need a camera buddy so it doesn't get stolen while filming. I dont even know anybody where I live.

Can i get some camera recommendations so I can save up in the future?

>> No.9668433

I had no ideal this exists but I plan on watching it. However, judging from what >>9668417 said and what other people online have describe it as, it seems very “this is why Idol culture is so bad” and it also isn’t very different from western artist culture. I think aspiring idols (in Japan or in the West) need to watch all of AKB’s docs. They show the actual work that goes into being an idol. It’s not sunshine and rainbows and that’s more than important. It’s a thousand times tougher than what any of them are going through now.

>> No.9668457

There's quite a handful on nicovideo! Here's a couple of them!

>> No.9668459

I want to see it but I don't have fucking money to spend on Netflix. Sad.

>> No.9668467

i gotchu buddy, here's a youtube link to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSJoZTI1MQg

>> No.9668518

I highly recommend the Canon Rebel T6i. I use it for my photos and videos.

>> No.9668574


Still the negative narrative has been persistent than how other artist cultures are viewed. I mean KIdols at least have a couple of foreign newsites fluffing them while JIdols have to suffer the odd idoldrop.

>> No.9668617
File: 1.02 MB, 1054x1054, astra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Luna, her natural/out of wig picture looks so much better than with the wig. I hope we can see more natural selfies from Luna and Astra

>> No.9668645

thank you anon! Also I search some Akb doc for curiosity like >>9668417 and >>9668433
said, this is interesting! Any recomendations? I'm not fan of AKB but I admire how big the fanchise is. I started with Acchan doc.

>> No.9668674

>>9668417 here. I recommend watching The Time Has Come! Its focused around Oshima Yuko's graduation


>> No.9668676

Even as much as Stellure makes me cringe, I'm pretty exited to see their new members.

>> No.9668712

Astra strikes me as the most normal of the group, and the one that’s trying the hardest to be good. Honestly all she needs to work on are projecting and showing more emotions.

>> No.9668771

Wow. She’s really pretty.

>> No.9668780

Agreed, she's lovely. I'd love to see Stellure do a "cosplay" of their characters in their natural hair, I think they'd look great.

>> No.9668842


I'm in a similar boat to you. I'm not fat, but not skinny either, but I just see dancing as a means to get fitter. If you're any good at dancing anyone who is worth pleasing will make a solid effort to look through the appearance and realise you're actually pretty good (if you are). There was a group who recorded a video and the fattest dancer was actually the best. She had so much personality and drew your eye because of her energy!

For cute outfits though, I'd recommend experimenting and realising what looks good on you. So for example my butt is pretty well endowed (even when I was lighter) so I always make a point to wear circle skirts. I also have a chest on the smaller side and carry a lot of weight around my stomach, so I make sure my bras are padded to balance out the pear silhouette I have and change it to something more hourglassy which I believe people find more appealing.
To add to that I have been watching videos on thrifting and modding existing clothes to make them into something better. If you can sew, why not give this a go?

As for filming alone I'd go for somewhere where people are less likely to be and go private or at least have a lot of distance so you can walk over to your camera if someone approaches to ask what you're doing. Never give anyone the benefit of the doubt with your belongings - failing that just film within your house. I know it's not desirable with all of these videos out and about but you then have the luxury of being able to do up the area you're dancing in, getting ready at your own pace and not having to worry about the weather either.

Best of luck!

>> No.9668962

>There was a group who recorded a video and the fattest dancer was actually the best. She had so much personality and drew your eye because of her energy!
I think I know which video you're talking about! Is this it?

I had a look at her other original songs and
>This music video is a project I did for my second year of university course of Performance for Live and Recorded Media

>> No.9668971

I remember the discussion of this video! Everyone was talking about how cute and soft she was. I'm overweight too, so it made me happy too. I think most people on /cgl/ are fine with fat girls as long as they dress well and are talented at what they do. However, I'd recommend for the other gulls using dancing as a way to get fit to not only keep it up, but try and incorporate weight training and a gym routine! Dancing is fun, but especially while you're learning a dance there will be a lot of starting and stopping while you learn moves. It's not a great workout for building muscle and tone, so supplement it with some other workouts and it will improve your overall dancing skills and fitness!

>> No.9669292

Flusay girls is back... . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxI2ljqRyoE
Sometimes I wonder what goes through her head when she makes stuff like this

>> No.9669340


Yeah that's the one. She's actually inspired me a lot to go for what I want to do, so I'll probably begin posting dance recordings on Youtube soon.


What I like to do is use my completed dances as a workout - I stick them on a playlist and just dance away and try to find anything I can improve with them as I go. They also serve as very good warm ups.

>> No.9669363

Did anyone see Hari from Sugar Stars’ Halloween solo?? :// her singing was good but the dancing was under energetic/bland and the editing between shots felt awkward 0-0

>> No.9669371

Is... is this really why she changed Flusay Girls to a “label”? There are so many things wrong here. Did she steal a Yokai Taisou move? If she’s trying to be a (shitty) character, why isn’t the artist “Nyanyami”? What the fuck is with that song in general? She really thought this was cute? There’s only so much you can say “nya” as anyone before it’s seen as cringey, stupid, and not cute. Honestly Natalie is disturbing. I worry about her mental health and thats not something I say often.

>> No.9669383

i'm watching the videos on this channel and i think i'm having a brain aneurysm

>> No.9669396

Oh my God. She's singing in ENGLISH. It took me way too long to figure that out

Natalie, girl... I don't even know what to say about this. Nothing about this is good. This is not something I'd voluntarily listen to, ever. It's not cute. It looks like it was recorded by a weeb with her phone in her bedroom. You're... Literally making up incomprehensible lyrics "muoimuoimuoimuoi muoiaia" and calling it a song. What in the fresh hell.

I want so badly to give helpful feedback but I honest to God don't know what to say to help her
Maybe it'd be a good idea to just focus on covers, because then you have a frame of reference to compare yourself and can eventually learn an ear for lyrics she mixing

>> No.9669410

>It looks like it was recorded by a weeb with her phone in her bedroom.
That’s exactly what it is. I have honestly never seen anyone on her level of “weeb wtf”.

>> No.9669424

was that kyun vampire girl? Thought it was okay desu. Still nothin from that crystal chick though which is surprising. Maybe they have a rota they don’t wanna disturb??? Thought they would be swapped things tho considering everyone but crystal has summin up

>> No.9669428

Oh my god my ears are b l e e d I n g

>> No.9669439

I actually have no words.

>> No.9669477


There's a special place in hell for this girl.

>> No.9669484

Can we all make an effort to dislike the video? I want to see how long it takes her to remove it. Hoping she does.

>> No.9669632

There’s the kyun vampire girl vid thing if anyone’s not seen it lmao

>> No.9669791

How is that english, what the hell, I can't hear it even after you pointed it out.

>> No.9669809
File: 79 KB, 700x700, a1906305281_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have Stellure's Bright Future ringing in my ears like tinnitus for the rest of my life than listen to another Flusay Girls song ever again.

Turn on the closed captioning or read the video description for a translation of her "cat language."

>> No.9669838

The whole nya/nyan in place of certain syllables really only works in Japanese since it's usually used for play on words when done by cat like characters. Something like video related is an extreme example because it's a tongue twister, but it sounds way better than whatever Natalie was doing.

What's worse is that she doesn't even sound like she's saying "nya" or "nyan" in her lyrics. It sounds more like "nyoi" and "myoi". She sounds less like a cat and more like doodlebob.

>> No.9669848

Honestly, the only times she actually says “nya” is is the pseudo-chorus. Every other word honestly sounds like adding nya or some fake variation into the work. Like “know” sounds like “knyow” and it all sounds like shit.

Honestly I want to buy (or record so she doesn’t get my money) the song and just do it better and make a video that looks decent. The sad part is I’ve listened to this so much that it’s sounding less than terrible now even though it’s shit.

>> No.9669897

Yo where the new Stellure member profiles at

>> No.9669900

Knowing Mimi, she probably hasn't even come up with the concepts for the new members.

>> No.9669912

I was thinking that too. She probably hasn’t even started art on them yet.

>> No.9669922

its so crazy how much her natural look suit her better than the wig. she's really pretty!

>> No.9669946
File: 270 KB, 1242x1156, 92C780DA-BDA8-451E-A854-84CE8F6EB6A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This “dance” is so... And then I saw this.

>> No.9669968
File: 536 KB, 1079x1074, Screenshot_20171025-184242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic chuuni?

>> No.9669970

Seems like it, she's pretty cute though. I'm looking forward to a sample of her alleged "strong voice"

>> No.9669977

Actually like her design alot

>> No.9669980

I looked at the pics she’s tagged in and she looks very different, hoping she just lost some weight and the pic of her isn’t shooped!

>> No.9669989

Design seems cute but the fact it doesn’t match her actual face bothers me when Luna’s does. She also seems to be a friend of Tauri, Mimi, & Stella so I wonder if she actually auditioned or was added.

The picture isn’t shopped from what I can tell. What it looks like is she knows how to take a good selfie or she has lost considerable weight.

>> No.9669993

How much do you want to bet that “Nyanyami” is just a cringe corruption of “Natalie?”

>> No.9669995

Well a name she goes by occasionally is “Nanami Uehara” so.

>> No.9670016

2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jy1TEvZ_0w
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxI2ljqRyoE
She's spent 7 years, damn near a decade, on Flusay Girls, and her singing, dancing and music have barely improved. This is tragic.

>Entrancing, strong voice
I hope so. I wonder when the new members' first performance will be and when One Step Ahead of the Game is supposed to be released. Don't they usually spend like a week editing their videos after they've recorded them?

>> No.9670030

I think all the new members can be found in their accounts followed. They're only following 8 people and she's one of them.

>> No.9670042

all this cringe and yet i'm stuck on the fact that she switched back to hiragana in the title one syllable too early

>> No.9670059

Honestly that disturbed me too. At least be consistent if you’re going to switch like that.

>> No.9670061

If their composer is one of the new members, I’m thinking auditions may have been partially rigged.

>> No.9670069

i don't know why you'd expect stellure auditions to be impartial, though?

>> No.9670080

I'm 21 and I'm only 4'11" as well. That being said, she's only 15 so she has a few more years.

>> No.9670082

Stellure has always been Mimi's circlejerk of used friends to help her gain more popularity. What else is new?

>> No.9670090

Eh, I don’t really know why either.

>> No.9670166

I seriously doubt their composer is a new member. She said way back when that the reason she couldn't join was because she lives in Canada, so she wanted to compose for them instead. I'm sure their account just follows Misty because even though she's not a member, she's a vital part of their group.

>> No.9670183

>personality: girly, edgy

>> No.9670199

Ohhh the cute chubby-chan, what a delight to watch her again! I'm downloading this again in case it's ever deleted

I really liked her cover desu, I know nothing about singing but it was really pleasant to listen to all around (I also like the song a lot and she did the quirky bits that make it charming well so I might be biased)
The dance however is so unenthusiastic, cut at weird times, and inaccurate that I can only conclude that they only included some random bits of it because they thought it'd be too boring without it, but I would have preferred to watch her singing face and nothing else. Her interactions with the camera were awkward.

Why the fuck did they think naming the chubby girl Titania would be a good idea

>> No.9670204

>Why the fuck did they think naming the chubby girl Titania would be a good idea

Maybe they might use that name from the Titania of Shakespeare's Midnight Summer Dream? That's what I thought at first anyway. Hmm... but I wonder too.

>> No.9670205

Oh my word, she’s one of the cutest maids I’ve ever seen! Her energy is infectious!

>> No.9670209

What techniques do you dancers use to learn a song quickly? I'm the master of procrastination but I'm wanting to learn basically the bridge + chorus of Vampire Girl since I have the costume and want something even slightly seasonal to post on Halloween. I've learned dances in the past by mastering hand movements and then footwork, then combining the two, but I've been a pretty slow learner t b h.

>> No.9670215

Mirrors. Making a video of yourself and dancing along and noticing the mistakes. Trying with a friend who is skilled at dance. Dancing with metronome at the song tempo. Practicing ballet poses to improve range of motion.

>> No.9670227

It’s the largest moon of Uranus, not the best naming option for a chubby girl

>> No.9670239

I was wondering about something similar too

In my dance classes we used to time the entire song to a count to eight, and moves were executed along with this tempo like a metronome. However, I tried slowing down videos and trying to apply this principle and it just doesn't seem to work. Do most idol dances simply not follow one tempo like that or was I doing it wrong?

It used to help me a lot not only with sync but also with learning the dance because it broke the moves down into small and clear parts

>> No.9670247

Idol songs (and all songs in general) follows a metronome tempo. Maybe the metronome isn't in the correct speed? For example in my group we use a metromone oftenly and it's not te same speed with Aozora Jumping Heart and Mijuku Dreamer, but the 8 steps fits perfectly.

>> No.9670264

Then it's just me being retarded... that's great actually! I'll try it again

Actually, for the people who wanted to make a mirrored dance guide on one of the previous thread, this might be a good addition. I'm sure at least some of us would be very interested in a fixed camera + mirrored + tempo'd version of the songs!

>> No.9670302

Here's a real question for you guys, which net idols / groups do you actually like? Like which are your favorites, etc etc

>> No.9670342

Frankly none because I’ve yet to see one with decent production value. Aside from 4TE (who don’t classify themselves as net idols anyway), all these other groups are really shit and don’t seem to take quality, talent, or improvement into account.

>> No.9670349

any practice vlogs/con vlogs of cosplay cover groups? I don't really care if they're cringey or not I just like watching them. I've seen a few on youtube, but there's probably more.

>> No.9670358

All of them, to be frank. We cringe and complain and call each other retards but I'm very happy we can all be here talking about this, that the subculture is beginning to flourish on the west too. Things have been boring and lifeless for too long on the girlier side of weeb culture
>long live love live
because I don't think the recent influx of people into this hobby would have existed without it

>> No.9670444

Pretty much just Honey Hime, if we’re talking actual definition of net idol. Citresse had decent vocals during their livestream, so if they actually put out content maybe I would enjoy it.

>> No.9670446

I'm a big fan of Honey Hime! My favorite cosplay groups are Follow Your Kokoro and Love Notes Idols. I think 4TE is great, but since they're basically on hiatus/disbanded there's only so much to say about them. I wouldn't describe Stellure as good, but they are improving and they have a certain exciting appeal to them despite the cringe, so I support them. I want to see them become better. My favorite local group is Nebula Kiss, because it was seeing them dance at a local convention that introduced me to the world of odottemita and net idols.

>> No.9670449
File: 217 KB, 640x995, 2D65F363-21F3-4B2A-91E0-EE42434A42D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl who’s in pretty much every role play group ever just posted this. “Experienced....”

>> No.9670477

Your not "experienced" after 1 year.. your just a roleplayer too

>> No.9670484

Wow some advice.

>> No.9670505

Forgot about that. Always get a giggle out of it though

>> No.9670523

okay so in general for livestreams, do you guys prefer Showroom, or Twitch??

>> No.9670524

I want to be an asshole and ask her complicated questions. If she says shes experienced she should be able to answer them with no problems, right?

>> No.9670526

Do it

>> No.9670547
File: 221 KB, 1080x856, 20171026_103003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done. Glad i made a throw away account disgusted as a confessions page.

>> No.9670551

This is fantastic! Can’t wait for the response

>> No.9670557

Well, honestly it depends. Twitch is, more than anything, for gaming. I wouldn’t use Twitch unless it was a last ditch effort. For Showroom, I enjoy using it occasionally but you pretty much need to be somewhat proficient in Japanese in order to really connect (unless you’re singing). If I had to choose, Showroom since it’s simple for on the go but I’d prefer to use YouTube. You have to use the same method to connect from your camera to your video software to the website. However, if you are someone who’s strapped for cash and would love to do a live and get attention from the Japanese community, definitely Showroom. It may take a while but if you have people tuning in you’ll be fine and people will just pop in and stay in. If I ever I figure out how, I’ll be using Showroom and Youtube at the same time.

>> No.9670588
File: 699 KB, 1080x1602, Screenshot_20171026-111124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell she panicked

>> No.9670597

In other words, “i have no real experience and pulled this from my ass.”

>> No.9670599
File: 173 KB, 827x527, Screenshot_20171026-112108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decides to fuck with her more

>> No.9670615

I guess this would be more utaite related, but how do you get over the first upload jitters? I've sung in front of people many times for district and state competitions and college, but for some reason the idea of uploading a video of me singing even without my face being in it makes me nervous.

>> No.9670621

kek anon thanks for this. but you might want to be more subtle, maybe asking her "people follow idols because they want to watch them sing and dance like the love live girls, right?"

>> No.9670622

Sorry but I disagree entirely with facebook and youtube being good platforms, especially facebook. Instagram is still the best in my opinion despite the inflation of groups and roleplay groups but at least the tags work while with youtube it's really hit or miss. Facebook is only useful for hosting events and meetups with people in the same area. I highly recommend all group accounts to change to a business profile because you'll be able to see a lot of useful insight on how many views, individual accounts, saves a post gets and also how all your posts do relative to each other over different time periods. An added bonus for dance based groups is that video posts really stand out in the tags and since the limit is under a minute you can easily choose the best section of a video to impress people.

>> No.9670623
File: 471 KB, 1080x1181, Screenshot_20171026-115149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So were just singers ans dancers, not idols like your roleplay group, is what she is saying???

>> No.9670629

Seems almost like she’s trying not to offend any net “idols,” haha.

>> No.9670632

I understand what you mean, but I disagree on you disagreeing. I’m not that idiot btw. While you make good points, Instagram can only go so far. Instagram is still, at its core, a mobile-based photosharing website/app. When it comes to actual communication with the fans, Facebook and YouTube are the best options. There’s a reason many companies and artists still use the mediums. For one, streaming on YouTube and Facebook is optimized for large scale and events. Instagram is not. As far as analytics and statistics go, you get the same with YouTube and Facebook. To me, saves aren’t important but you can see views, likes, and general individual post information. Instagram is great for showing behind the scenes and off shot items, but when it comes to legitimate content, YouTube is the best. For announcements and other information, Facebook is the best. I honestly don’t think serious groups need to be based on Instagram. These roleplay groups okay. But serious groups need three things more than anything else: Facebook, YouTube, and a website (along with a domain). Instagram and Twitter I don’t feel are really necessary.

>> No.9670639

I went and auditioned for one of her newer groups, if I get in I’ll see if there’s any cringe worth posting from bts

>> No.9670647

I'm little tired of all this western idol culture only have LoveLive for reference. A lot of idol groups only have simple dances while sing, I'ts not fucking essencial to make a choreography like LL. Also a lot of groups make covers (like Bandori or AKB).
All this comm (and Stellure is the result of this problem) thinks to be an "real aidoru" is making original songs and dances, while the most of this community are just teenangers who don't have to make a songs, and like Stellure songs, sounds like shit. With cover songs and dances the quality will be better.

>> No.9670652

I agree to an extent. Most idols do cover other songs. However, unless they are rearranging the cover to a different style or something, most idols have original material and the covers are scarce. Doing original music is a large portion, however I do think either doing covers only or starting with covers for a while is fine and something that should be done. Unless someone has the money to have someone produce a composition or has the background (or talent) to choreo, there needs to be time taken that is just covers and showing what you are capable of vocally and dance wise. I wish more net idols did that instead of just trying to jump right in to original content.

On another concept though, anyone else remember how there was a period of time where these upcoming groups would ask for money on GFM or Kickstarter? I honestly wish more groups would start out as coverists and build an audience THEN ask for money once they’ve shown they’re worth it. And use a site like Patreon where it can be ongoing. Save that up to get where you want instead of trying to ask for it right away thinking people will delusionally give it to you.

>> No.9670653

Fair points, though I find that it's hard to interact with people in general on both Facebook and Youtube much less building a following. Instagram is great for daily posting and staying relevant which is why I find those statistics more useful over the statistics from the occasional Youtube video uploaded. I actually find saves important because it takes more effort to save rather than to like a post so it gives more value to that post in my opinion. Instagram might be more useful for Love Live groups since there's plenty of tags they can spam through and most of the bigger Western LL groups have more followers on Instagram than their other platforms. I found that posting video promos on Instagram would bring people to the full video on Youtube since it seems like both net idols and fans are just more active on Instagram in general. Perhaps I'm just not utilizing FB and YT to their potential? I just don't think people are going to be looking for new groups on FB and YT when it's easier to go through the Instagram of a decent group and see who they tag and follow.

>> No.9670674

>we can’t wait to hear from an expert! :) my fucking sides are in orbit

>> No.9670688

>>9670623 here. Based off what i said and how she is replying, what else should i ask? I honestly run out of things to ask but i want to keep fucking with her.

Tl;dr: taking requests on what i should say next

>> No.9670698

Personally I say hone in on the whole “net idols are different from actual idols”. Something going on about how even though it’s for fun, idols are meant to at least sing. Just try to dig into more idol technicalities. Ask if she admits the LL groups are roleplay groups and not net idols.

>> No.9670722

Stellure have a Patreon, they supposed to have a "strong fandom" and they only have 20$/month.
>also most of their fandom are weebs with 0 money to spend on their wannabe net aidoru

>> No.9670750

I hope she looses weight before debut, I can never take fat idols seriously,, she'll stick out so much, and just highlight how American Stellure is,

>> No.9670769
File: 181 KB, 640x1035, D635A0A3-C5D0-4E4B-8027-4A332F90166B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, I browsed the comments of Stellure’s audition post, and...wow. “Our songs aren’t as good as they could be, so instead of focusing on getting better we’re adding four new people! More means better, right?”

>> No.9670771

>Theres a reason why both u's and Aqours have 9 members, and thats because it works!!
Wow, and Momoclo have only 5 members and they're top team idol. What a shitty excuse.

>> No.9670777

Jesus this is a mess.
Pertaining to no. 3, how can you assign original choreo when most of these net idol groups barely even dance? And if they did I'm pretty sure they took no classes what so ever... you can't make original stuff if you don't even have the basics down.

>> No.9670780
File: 508 KB, 1080x1071, polaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow she is so cute. I'm sad cute girls joined stellure. They could have been great on their own or in a seperate group.

>> No.9670784

Stellure is also a shitty group that doesn’t take themselves seriously.

>> No.9670789

If anything that's just giving them a hell of a lot more work to do. Not even that but since they earn $20 bucks a month on patreon, where or how are they going to save up all the money to make more costumes? I'm pretty sure those costs in conjunction w/ getting someone to produce their music, is a bit expensive. Especially at the pace they are releasing the songs, that means more work on them no matter how many members they have.

>> No.9670790

Wow! She is really cute. I hope she counts good too. If her dance & vocal stats are accurate, I feel like she & Astra would go good together. Hoping they don’t make a third sub-unt and just add her to Nebula.

>> No.9670791

>Is Asian
>Has character with blonde hair
At least Tauri and Luna aren't the only cute ones anymore

>> No.9670792

This was dicussed before. Mimi is just spoiled and has her parents pay for fabric and such. Theres really no other way besides her comissions (which she doesnt make much out of).

>> No.9670796

I thought the same. Was kinda put off by it.

>> No.9670816

Hopefully she’s as good a dancer as she says she is! Stellure really needs better choreography.

>> No.9670869

>Theres a reason why both u's and Aqours have 9 members, and thats because it works!!
Do they think Love Live! is based on a true story or something? The groups of 9 works in the anime because they're fictional characters who'll always win in the end, and the seiyuus' have professional training.

Plenty of idol groups have tons of personality and variety with 5 (or even less) members. Having more people in the group doesn't change the fact that your weaker members still need to work harder to improve.

She is cute! So so far we've got a singer and a dancer. Here's hoping one of the next new members will be a decent seamstress.

>> No.9670874

her actual name is Mimi... I'm dying

>> No.9670903
File: 604 KB, 1242x1837, C611FC0C-DAE2-4122-94C5-636E3A156DCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think this kind of makeup is okay.....?

>> No.9670907

>socks with sandals

>> No.9670930

nico's is fine but the white eyeliner on maki looks so trashy

>> No.9670966

They’re going to REALLY have to work harder to not be outshone if the new girls are way better

>> No.9671044

Still better than our local LL cosplay group.

>> No.9671174

Anyone browse niconico? I finally have enough free time to actually explore and I'm finding that youtube and the western odorite "comm" is way too slow-paced, so I tried going there. I don't know any japanese beyond the kanas and a few basic words and although a part of the website is in english I'm still having a hard time browsing it.

Any pointers?

>> No.9671178

A lot of western & Japanese groups/soloists use these two tags: 歌ってみた and 踊ってみた. There’s also extended versions as well but I can’t remember them off the top of my head. If you just search those two terms, you’ll find a boat load. If you’re looking for a specific song, search the term with the original title (in Japanese). So if you were to look for Bibi’s Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan, you’d search 冬がくれた予感 踊ってみた (or 歌ってみた if you want vocal covers).

>> No.9671193


People latch onto the most popular and accessible thing for knowledge. All the other idol groups have a lot catching up and the exec back home are making it as hard as it is.

Look on the bright side though its easier to start a female idol group than a male idol group in Japan. When was the last a couple of male wotas did odottemita of ensemble stars?

>> No.9671304

That's so sad, are there any other net idol groups out there with Patreon's worth supporting? I'd like to help out at least decent groups, if there are any.

>> No.9671411

This and also I don't think it does always work because in live shows none of the Aqours seiyuu sing well except Yoshiko and Mari, and sometimes Hanamaru and Ruby. Yet in the smaller subunit groups they often sound better.

>> No.9671431

kek obv they can't just sing and dance and sound perfectly.

>> No.9671546

I saw this posted in the cringe thread and thought you guys might like it


>> No.9671551

at least she’s only 14, she aint no flusay girls

>> No.9671555
File: 458 KB, 1080x1072, vega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She feels pretty basic and boring..

>> No.9671561

I wonder how her grey image color will work with everyone else’s bright colors? Even Yoshiko doesn’t wear grey a lot, they really should’ve chosen something else imho. I looked at her page and she makes a decently cute Chika, so maybe she can make her character work?

>> No.9671562

>one star

This is kind of prerequisite for being an idol... you can often get away with lip sync but assuming this is an amateur dancing scale you should at least hit a three star

>> No.9671566

I agree. Even the “worst” dancers in idol groups are at least a 3. This probably means Stellure will continue to get hella simple choreo.

>> No.9671578

I wouldn't expect anyone to be perfect, but considering that they're professionals and people pay a lot of money to see them perform I was disappointed that a lot of them are below average. That said, all of them are very good dancers.

>> No.9671587


The freckles added to the legs just make it look like she hasn't shaved in forever.

>> No.9671589

I saw her at San Japan and she was a little cringey but her singing was not really that bad. I really think she needs to work on her presence.

>> No.9671601

I saw this girl at anime austin and at a local festival. She threw fits on stage when she didnt win the compeitions she entered at both events. She screams about how "not fair" it is to not win and how she was the better than everyone because she worked hard. Whats worse is that her mom enables her to act like this. Underage or not, i dislike her and her egotistical behavior.

>> No.9671623

Oh no... if that's the case well shit... that's terrible

>> No.9671625

Hey, thanks! That was very helpful, I'm finding my way around a lot better now

>> No.9671634

maybe you don't understand what an idol is. Most of the idols starts with just basic or none knowlegde of sing or dance. They try to make it better with experience and practise. If you compare first muse live and the last they improve a lot. And all of the Aqours' seiyuus never sing or dance at this level before.
If you want to spend your money in quality just see some other professional singer.

>> No.9671635

> I make it my mission to promote friendship between Japan and the USA. As such, this is a NO HATE ZONE.
She's just embarassing a hole nation

>> No.9671638

Just realized she’s “pure” as well... really? The rose symbol and red/grey color scheme don’t fit a pure character very well at all.

>> No.9671644

I mean that’s fine but nobody wants to see someone that is actively shit. When I see this scale I think 5 stars is skilled amateur. Three stars is alright and learning and growing. One star is no sense of tempo and two left feet. Nobody wants to see that shit.

>> No.9671645

I would love to see video of that... I'm in the mood to cringe.

>> No.9671669

If i ever get the chance to record her again, i will do it without hesitation

>> No.9671732

Does anyone have any tips or tutorials on hand for mixing multiple vocals? There's always a huge difference between the way professional idol groups mix their vocals compared to the amateur stuff but I can't figure out exactly what makes it different outside of the obvious like mic and vocal quality. A friend asked me to mix her stuff for a group chorus she's doing and I just realized that while I can mix solos and duets just fine I don't really know any of the specifics for larger groups.

>> No.9671745

I’m not a great mixer but I have friends who are. They always say most important things to learn are compression, EQ, and pitch correction. Personally, I also watch out for indivual and group part volumes. You don’t want people drowning out or being drowned out but you don’t want your music to be extremely low either.

>> No.9671762

well, I'm not talking about this shitty wannabe idol but real idols. Stellure is just too amateur.

>> No.9671765

Oh wow i thought i was the only one who knew this girl because of her outbursts. I'm glad she is getting exposed. I hate her snotty attitude. I heard her trash talking a friend for knocking her out of placing in a karaoke contest. I hope she sees these threads.

>> No.9671885

Do you grow hair on your knees but not elsewhere or what

>> No.9671901

honestly i don't think you need a super nice mic to get good audio, a 20-30 one will do fine, or even just understanding popping + being a well insulated area to record. After that I feel like the next important thing is cleaning of the vocals, like removing static & pops. Honestly if you have some clean vocals, even if the singer isn't very good you can clean it up a ton.

My advice is to youtube tutorial first on basic cleaning and recording tricks w Audacity, then once you feel like you're getting some quality vocals out of that then snag Adobe Audition or whatever and do more tutorials on tuning and w/e effects.

>> No.9671902


Well the rest of her leg is covered up by the sock so go figure.

But to add to my previous statement she also looks like she has a 5 o'clock shadow and some gnarly disease around her clavicle. It's so easy to make freckles look like dirt considering it's meant to be her cute charm point.

>> No.9671903

um also for some background on me I haven't done like "idol" stuff per se, but I've done a ton of youtaite and stuff, so like same thing lmao.
Back when I was learning mixing and stuff it used to be super fun everyday to come home and just like work on a new vocal sample. Like i'd do a tutorial a day or something, the slow progression is really worth it imo soooo you should stick to it ;0;/

>> No.9671912

Not that anon, but were you initially nervous with uploading stuff? I want into being an utaite (or youtaite since it would be on youtube), but I feel weirdly anxious about posting my singing online despite having to sing in front of crowds as part of a grade for my major.

>> No.9672121

>Sekai Sakura
So she's basically an even brattier Hoshi Teruko with a slightly better singing voice

>anyone else remember how there was a period of time where these upcoming groups would ask for money on GFM or Kickstarter?
Ugh. I remember Shining Academy (which was a spinoff of another failed net idol group that never did shit, Shining Royalty) and several of Hoshi Teruko's "idol projects" releasing either garbage content or literally no content at all and then asking for AT LEAST $500 for their debuts.

>> No.9672125

Why are good Pripara covers so rare??

>> No.9672248

I have resting bitch face and it seems like, even when I try smiling while I dance it still looks... off. Please help. I don't know how to smile w/o it looking weird.

>> No.9672261

It takes some practice. Do you just smile with your mouth or do you take your whole face into account, like your eyebrows and eyes? Sometimes the shape of your eyebrows can affect the way you smile looks as well. Do you smile with your teeth showing? It usually looks more happy and it even makes breathing easier while dancing. Sometimes smiling can look off if it's just a regular smile with no real emotion behind it. Don't be afraid to look a little "ugly" and let emotions show! I dunno what else to say because I don't really know how your smile looks at the moment but I hope this helped...?

>> No.9672327

Almost like good Aikatsu covers

>> No.9672366

Pripara covers in general are rare

>> No.9672377

It makes me sad, because I personally like Aikatsu and Pripara better than LL

>> No.9672386

They're conveniently ignoring the fact that 9-member idol groups have TEAMS of people working around them. Producers, composers, costume designers, choreographers, graphic designers, marketers, the list goes on. The "self-produced" groups are almost always solos or duos.

>> No.9672397

um, honestly it was super hard, i made a whole seperate persona at first , and some of them were pretty bad, but you just get better n better slowly. I think making a character for yourself can help a bit w the anonymity and such.

>> No.9672469
File: 321 KB, 1242x1234, FD90246F-7FAE-44D8-93AF-D2B99D3203CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they all so short? Tauri is the tallest but not by much. I don’t care for this one though but I hope their skill is as they say.

>> No.9672474

The weirdest part about it to me is that I guess this one is supposed to be non-binary? That's gonna cause some confusion with their weeblet fans

>> No.9672475

So its a sjw fakeboi?

>> No.9672510

She's actually pretty. I'm sad she's an sjw

>> No.9672514

You can tell she’s just a tomboy, it makes me sad

>> No.9672516

That’s what my group is doing, it really does help. We have had confused weebs ask if we’re going to cosplay as our “idolsonas” though. They don’t really understand stage names.

>> No.9672520

I actually have no issues with tomboys or real/amateur/wannabe idols who have a tomboy look or awareness or any kind of issues but it’s so bothersome when you see someone 17 or younger saying all this stuff and you just groan because you know EXACTLY what it means. Like we get it you wanna be edgy.

>> No.9672523

Yeah, I don’t mind the tomboy part at all! I just mind the “I don’t like girly stuff so I’m totally an enby guys” part of it.

>> No.9672561

Are all of these kids friends already? I see Titania cosplayed with Mimi, Stella, and Tauri and it looks like Mimi and the enby know each other outside of Stellure. I mean, I get why you’d use friends, but why “scout” for members if you’re going to use people you already know? Or did no one but their friends audition?

>> No.9672585

I think the latter’s a big possibility, the comments on the audition announcements were full of “my parents said no ;-;”

>> No.9672589
File: 82 KB, 586x720, Back to Tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9672592

Honestly, I think the audition was just an excuse to add their friends to the group. I mean it’s extremely possible that only their friends could audition but I still find it weird that only people they seem to known personally got in.

>> No.9672594

>but I still find it weird that only people they seem to known personally got in.
again, i don't know why anyone would've expected an outcome BESIDES this.

>> No.9672597

Did you not read the rest? I may have been unclear but what I meant was if it was a legit audition then why did only friends get in. I personally think the audition wasn’t really an audition and just an excuse to add more friends.

>> No.9672605

All stellure's new members have kinda natural subdued haircolors, dark blue, dark red, blonde and white, whereas the old members are all your stereotypical eyesore animecolors, pink, lavender, purple, cyan and mint/brown. I wonder how they'll blend in?

>> No.9672610
File: 41 KB, 720x960, 1482052063339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek Stellure is now officially a laughing stock. Now with their new overweight and sjw fakeboi idols, the group is going to look like a mess and contrast too much with each other. The fatty is going to stick out like a sore thumb, as she isn't even short like Luna is, and this sjw who claims to not be a girl, is in an all girl group, and will probably wear girly clothes, but has a stark edgy tumblr appearance. These 2 girls better be incredibly talented to make up for how much they'll stick out

>> No.9672615

I doubt Mimi knows anything about colour theory, when considering her costume designs, so she probably would have not even considered that

>> No.9672616

Maybe that was their point. They want the others to blend in so they can still be the center of attention.

>> No.9672621

If thats the case, it makes you wonder if they invited their friends to use them and make the original members look better by comparison.

>> No.9672622

right, i don't know why you would expect a "legit" audition to have any other outcome for stellure. mimi isn't objective enough to do anything but pick her friends.

>> No.9672624

It’d be pretty fucking hilarious if these new 4 were miles better than them.

>> No.9672628

Polaris does tap, so I’m assuming she’s going to be way better in terms of expressiveness and dance skills. She’s the one I’m most looking forward to watching.

>> No.9672629

To be fair, the people they already know are the most likely ones to even be aware any audition is taking place. It's not like they put an ad in the local paper. Secondly if you go by their rep on cgl they have known problems that would dissuade people from doing anything but cringe at an audition announcement.

>> No.9672632
File: 5 KB, 284x88, ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm cackling

>> No.9672643
File: 5 KB, 400x103, 2346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off to a nice start.

>> No.9672644

Oh dear, another Mimi style of reaction shit storm might come up

>> No.9672659
File: 436 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171028-204435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a girl send this in on a group chat I'm in. Hopefully the rest of stellure or their friends find out about this place

>> No.9672661

*don't find out about this place

>> No.9672664

Wow. That’s some wholesome content.

>> No.9672666

"kek" oh god i thought this board didnt have neckbeards

>> No.9672669

I hope they do so we can sjw outbursts and laugh about them

>> No.9672670

I have an inkling to message Stellure saying they need to be more careful from now on.

>> No.9672671

15 and complaining about SJWs? wow, you're so edgy and interesting

i'm not a fan of the idea of a nonbinary person in an all-girl idol group, but this "haha what a SJW faggot i'm better than them and i'm 13 years old" thing people here have going on is kinda fucking stupid

>> No.9672675

Wow stellure members work fast. If only they can work fast on improving their singing, dancing, and planning things. Sadly that won't ever happen if they come in here evrryday to defend and white knight themselves.

>> No.9672677

just ignore the part where i said "i'm not a fan of the idea of a nonbinary person in an all-girl idol group"

>> No.9672694
File: 1.84 MB, 1674x1344, stellure g2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Searching for プリパラ踊ってみた and アイカツ踊ってみた on Youtube and NicoVideo might yield a few more results for you.

>Costume Design: 4 Stars
When it comes to "Costume Design," does that just mean drawing some pretty dresses or actually being able to construct a costume? Because all of the original members have at least 2 stars in Costume Design, but none of them aside from Mimi actually made anything. None of the new member's profile descriptions really say anything about helping to make the costumes either, so if Mimi's going to be making all 9 costumes by herself... Yikes.

I really wish the original girls would ditch the pastel hair because the natural/subdued colors of the new members' hair are so much better.

>> No.9672719

"bigoted baby ass"

>> No.9672738

Wow, she in no way said “I hate nonbinary people,” just that she doesn’t support them. Nice jump to conclusions.

>> No.9672749

Well, considering it says “costume design” and not “seeing” or “costume construction”, I’m assuming that means...... drawing. But frankly, I hope they realize design is more than just pretty dresses. You have to factor in a lot of things such as fabrics, how the design flows, and more. Mimi doesn’t consider any of that and probably because she’s cheap.

>> No.9672757

*sewing not seeing.

>> No.9672758 [DELETED] 

Why is mimi making a brand new profile picture wjen she could have easily edited/photoshopped the art she did for the intros? I swear the inefficiency with this group will lead to its slow painful disbandment.

>> No.9672763

Why is mimi stressing and complaining about making a brand new profile picture when she could have easily edited/photoshopped the art she did for the intros? I swear the inefficiency with this group will lead to its slow painful disbandment.

>> No.9672768

I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t already. Thought I’m assuming the reason is because she wants it to look like a legit group picture OR she didn’t save versions of the drawings without backgrounds.

>> No.9672771

After you put them all together it's even more apparent how old and new designs don't match. Titania is the most similiar because of white hair, but the rest just looks grey and uninteresting by comparison.

>> No.9672772

I don’t know why, but I find it funny how most of the original members got pushed to the back of the picture, Mimi is still front and center, and that Astra and Nix are on her sides. Clues to what’s to come? I hope cause that’d be hilarious (and sad) for her to push the others to the side suddenly.

>> No.9672773
File: 576 KB, 1242x1768, 2F889C02-CC07-4C5D-8B18-06728653EAC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the picture wow.

>> No.9672948
File: 114 KB, 640x633, IMG_3832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9672950

>drawn as femininely as the rest with prominent breasts

mimi's art style has no range. i hope she doesn't plan to go to art school cause that shit doesnt fly in college.

>> No.9672955
File: 2.22 MB, 1512x754, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder when they'll be releasing One Step Ahead of the Game (and Mimi's solo) and start working on something with all the new girls. Doesn't it usually take them about a week to edit their videos after they've recorded them? If the video turned out as bad as we all expected due to the rushed costumes and choreography, they should just scrap it and release the song by itself.

In other news, here's some Halloween cringe.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llRRPjrQg70 I'm not familiar with the dance so I don't know if they're doing it poorly or not but... rolls shouldn't be visible through a kigurumi, man.

>> No.9672971

Im speechless. This is the worst thing ive ever heard. This is the most "uwu" thing ive ever seen. Im having a hernia. I would rather put a blade into my throat.

>> No.9672972

https://vine.co/v/MWJbuutVxw5 all I thought of

>> No.9672982

I also wasnt familiar with the second one so I searched for some dance covers and oh boy, those fatties are just terrible.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE_p764wo7o a proper cover.

>> No.9672991

Honestly, I would hope soon? We’ll get some bullshit excuse to why it’s not up yet.

>μtah Idol Association
When will people learn that adding fucking letters to pre-existing words does not work.

>> No.9673010

The most promising newcomer (and other Mimi) has also been shoved to the back

>> No.9673086

I’ve been laughing pretty hard, one of the Citresse girls has
>uploaded a Let’s Aikatsu cover with audio issues
>realized the audio issues, uploaded a video to YouTube to try and fix the audio issues
>deleted the video because there were still audio issues
>apologized for deleting the video

All in the span of 45 minutes or so. Kinda feel bad for laughing, but it’s pretty funny to me.

>> No.9673091

Aaaand a new video is up, apparently.

>> No.9673155

She's been deleting comments on her post oh boy

>> No.9673222



>> No.9673267

Where? I see the same comments I read yesterday.

>> No.9673289

Who already left the group?

>> No.9673293
File: 364 KB, 1080x1491, IMG_20171029_160234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this and it's just too funny

>> No.9673294

Jeez... Mimi should really stop responding like that. She's just digging herself and the group's reputation further into the ground. Even though Stellure is an amateur group, would it kill her to be a little more professional? If she has all of these dreams of doing bigger things and performing live, she really needs to think about what she's going to say to people. This is only going to entice other fans to start fights with people.

>> No.9673310

One of them deleted the comment of the girl defending Christian chan and calling them out

>> No.9673311


>> No.9673341
File: 57 KB, 720x960, Rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9673350

oh no

>> No.9673351

Honestly, I feel like with Nix in the group, we’ll get a lot more thoughtless and damaging comments. Literally no one else in the group gives off a Mimi response vibe like a Nix does to me. I just don’t like the idea of them being in a group together because it feels like the unable to take criticism gauge doubled. They’re trouble and I’m waiting for an announcement that they’re dating.

>> No.9673356
File: 2.29 MB, 1242x2208, B67FB01A-3E37-461E-804C-DBCB671681B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aurora’s debut will probably be coming within the next week or two. If anything, it’ll be.... interesting.

>> No.9673371

Oh no they probably are...

>> No.9673375

If they want to be legit idols, I hope they understand that dating is, for the most part, forbidden. Highly doubt they know that, seeing that they don't really care to educate themselves about actual idol culture. Obviously, the west doesn't give a shit about that but even just an announcement of Stellure members dating *might* rile up something. Personally, I'm not looking forward to that kind of drama because I honestly do wish the group success but they really need to learn how to handle these kinds of things better. Even though they are young, doesn't give them an excuse to act that way.

>> No.9673396

Is this a man?

>> No.9673397

Of course, all the weeblet fans will probably flip because “OMG OTPPPP”

Seriously though, if you want to date, keep it low key.

>> No.9673400

Holy potato camera, Batman

>> No.9673413


Is this the one with the fixed audio? It still sounds tinny and canned...

>> No.9673419
File: 171 KB, 576x1024, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little shocked this group is actually managing to make something. Quite a lot of Stellure-inspired groups never amounted to anything and either: went inactive immediately after member introductions OR stayed active for a few months, constantly posting selfies and talking about how much progress they're making without ever showing anything and then suddenly announcing their disbandment.

You can't rely solely on the ~power of friendship~ to make you a decent or productive idol group. It's hardly even working out that well for Stellure.

>They’re trouble and I’m waiting for an announcement that they’re dating.
Honestly, I had that same suspicion but I don't really know why.

>> No.9673421

don't know the dance so might be biased but the dance and energy don't look bad

>> No.9673422

She said on her story that this was one that had issues with background noise. Judging by the description of the video, I assume she got fed up with trying to perfect it and just decided this was as good as it was going to get.

>> No.9673424

This wasn't bad at all! My only nitpick is that I hope next time she wears shoes that aren't too big for her.

>> No.9673430


>> No.9673473

The thing that's so ridiculous about non binary bullshit is that they say "there's no reason to care about someone else's identity so stfu" but then they're the ones proudly brandishing their identities and trying to get themselves legally recognized like they want people to care. Like shut the fuck up stupid kids.

I just wanna make these kids sit down, shut up, stop hanging out on sjw social media, and read the fucking DSM and repeat after me, "Gender dysphoria is a disorder, not an identity."

>> No.9673479

I mean it’s better than this
Can’t believe they’re doing the same dance

>> No.9673521

the skirt seems to be too much high?

>> No.9673533

I thought so too.

>> No.9673543

Where's the solo though

>> No.9673547

I don't think the skirt's too high, but I think the waist is. It'd look better if the waist was dropped a little bit and the length of the skirt was shortened to compensate. Since it's an idol skirt it shouldn't fall too low on the legs or it'll look frumpy.

>> No.9673594

This channel is a goldmine, they're all so bad..
I can't believe that outfit and lack of energy though, the difference is hilarious.

>> No.9673609


>> No.9673617

He’s like the odottemita version of the guy who goes back inside in Cool Cat Saves the Kids, he gets me every time

>> No.9673670

Well considering >>9673294 and >>9672659, Nix is just a ticking time bomb by this point, for a Mimi style showdown on here, or within the group itself

>> No.9673671

Fucc tagged the wrong thing, meant >>9672643

>> No.9673679

To be honest, I know a couple of nonbinaries and they're just as chill as the rest of my friends. Most everyone I'm friends with advocates for social justice and cares about LGBT issues. I don't know if I'm just lucky to have really chill friends or if the hysterical SJW image gets exaggerated on the internet, but just about everyone I know isn't gonna get upset about people mistaking pronouns or getting something wrong, unless it's a repeated and intentional pattern. I think in reality, most NBs know that people are generally going to assume they're one gender or the other and that they'll be mislabeled a bit, and they aren't going to get angry about it unless it happens consistently with the intention of disrespect.

I would hope Nix is no different. I know it kind of set off warning bells to most people on this board, but it didn't for me, since again, most of my friends IRL are like that and I live a happy and drama free life. Of course it could go either way, but for now I'm going to give Nix the benefit of the doubt that they'll conduct themselves just fine even if they don't identify the same way the rest of Stellure does. To me, it just seems like a way to clear the air right away, like "hey, I use they/them and these are the things that are important to me" and then they'll probably just carry on the same idol activities as everyone else in Stellure.

Sorry if I got rambly there, my tl;dr is that caring about social issue and being nonbinary doesn't guarantee that you're going to act like a stereotypical "angry SJW" and I'm not going to assume Nix is like that until proven otherwise.

>> No.9673692

well said. as a person who completely lost sense of identity due to a traumatic experience, some people arent just playing a role for social justice points but actually feel that way.

>> No.9673693
File: 118 KB, 576x576, -bethlehem-star-design-white-gold-ogandy-organza-fabric-by-the-metre-150cm-wide-36539-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the concept, but I imagine seeing this costume onstage at a live performance would be very underwhelming. A starry sunset witch idol needs some shimmer!

I wish I knew. Her solo was supposed to be released a month ago and she claimed it wouldn't be pushed back too far. I wouldn't be surprised if she's still not ready and comes up with some excuse about how she wants to focus on the whole group and all its new members now instead of working on her solo.

Cover comparisons are fun.

>> No.9673698

If they use normal pronouns, not this weird xir, zir thingies, I think they aren't as bad. It's nice to have an interest and opinion in those matters, but they said it was a big part of his identity, which is usally a red flag. Kind of ot, but the main problem with "preffered pronouns" is that they only really work in english and other rather simple languages. In more complicated ones, there can be different forms of verbs and adjectives, depending on gender of a noun. While it can work with the form "they" or "it", it mostly sounds degradating. With newly created pronouns like zir or whatever, it would be nearly impossible to speak to or of such person.

>> No.9673699

Oh my god that is such a pretty fabric. This is what I mean when I say Mimi sucks at design. All she does is make a dress and then selects a (usually shitty) scheme to go with it but never changes materials or anything. I would love to see that fabric on an idol dress.

>> No.9673705

Kind of funny how they’re posted in order from best to worst. As much as I wanna say “Hey Paida just has her own style it’s not that bad!”, it’s so sloppy oh my god. Not even sloppy like she doesn’t know the moves but her moves are too big and it’s weird looking.

>> No.9673770

New Sugar Stars cover: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hU29vslu-cw

I’ve learned a bit of Dancing Stars on Me, and that’s...not how I remember it?

>> No.9673785

Yeah because she’s doing a lot wrong or the right steps in the wrong way. It’s very sloppy.

>> No.9673787

I'm happy to see an aikatsu cover but at the same time it's so boring to watch because the aikatsu dances are all so simple, it's not even her fault. I wish the girls who do them added some extra moves to make it more interesting

Anyway, audio aside this isn't bad at all!

>> No.9673863


What Stellure need is cold corporate style marketing, people who help you with the wheels in motion while you look pretty.

There is a reason why they exist, they keep you from giving your group bad PR, they are the ones who help promote your group at cons and they do the grunt work.

They probably got a lot of options, significant others can act as security and make up, the idol fan can help them with publicity and video work and some people with management skills to reel them in and remind them they got goals and if they can't meet them, they will have to disband as they will quit

>> No.9673875

if you're adapting a 9 person choreo into a solo act, you need to be a lot more consistent with your move choices than this... to say nothing of their actual execution.

>> No.9673882

I’m so confused by the prechorus bits, since she only does one girl’s part the first time and then does all three the second.

>> No.9673885

she pauses so much i thought she was only sticking to one person's part at first, it was driving me crazy not being able to figure out who she was trying to be. apparently the answer was "someone who can't dance"

>> No.9673943
File: 240 KB, 750x1205, 599FF07D-8048-4932-8348-B850FFE27DE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing that sticks out to me about Stellure is how much they really act their age. I mean, I’m not surprised from a group of wannabe idols that are teens, but I feel like this isn’t very professional or idol-like. I mean, it’s one thing to write about how you feel, but it’s another to draw your idolsona like this. Especially after saying point-blank in their introduction that they aren’t sure of their place in the group. But I guess that’s par for the course after cousin fuckers, although I wouldn’t say this is close to that at all.

>> No.9673977

yeah this is like textbook example of what not to do as an idol. if you want to defend yourself and openly fight with people fine, go for it, just don't call yourself an idol because it's the exact opposite of what they train idols to do. idk when these kids are going to find out that being an idol really isn't fun and cute and there's so many superficial aspects to it.

if they really want to play their part and be hardcore sjw they should see that doing whatever they're doing and calling it being an "idol" is taking another country's culture and turning it into something it's not :^)

>> No.9673980

Wow. Nix has cemented themself as the most immature in the group for sure. At least Mimi and Stella were kind of sneaky about it. Nix is straight up acting like a freshman in high school.

>> No.9673983

Heck, other teen idol groups act more mature than them!

>> No.9673984

I don't really care about gender identities or whatever, but Nix has only officially been a member for 2 days and I already can't stand them.

I can't imagine how this new generation of Stellure will work out. Five people was difficult enough. The new members are supposedly good at singing and dancing, but "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" and Mimi is the weakest link with the heaviest workload.


>> No.9673986

This is a big reason that teen idol groups in Japan are run/organized by adults... It doesn't even have to be the creepy old man stereotype, just something like a woman or two in their twenties/thirties that works in real entertainment and is willing to run things as a business.

But the market in the US isn't exactly roaring, girls are doing it for fun (which is fun) but then fucking up, which is easy to do unless they're exceptionally mature or situationally aware at least.

>> No.9673992

What the heck is Pleiades doing

>> No.9673993

Wholeheartedly agree. An outburst like that in a real idol group would be promptly deleted by a manager and then an apology would be sent out. Stellure has a brand now, as much as I hate to admit it, and they’ve got to stick to it.

>> No.9673994

Ah, the second one is a classic, with the "Kotori" that literally just looks like she wandered into the convention wondering wtf this nerd shit was, and decided to join the dance.

>> No.9674009
File: 186 KB, 2048x2048, 8B5C28B2-06C5-43B9-83A3-A0C0ACCDB1D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing I just noticed: Mimi, Luna, and Titania (and the chocosongs account that Stellure follows, but I don’t know who that is) all left comments encouraging this, even saying the post is cute. Not the best idea to start off a new “era” of the group by delaying two songs and encouraging a shitshow.

>> No.9674019

Aaaand this is the end of stellure. Holy shit, the only way they could have done something worse would be releasing a sex tape, and even then I'm not sure it would have been worse.

"You can suck dick"? Drawing your "idolsona" giving the finger? God, this is unacceptable for an "idol".

>> No.9674039
File: 326 KB, 1242x2208, AC453B56-7933-45F8-9CEA-7E69731F1586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this on his Instagram, can’t find it again now, did he delete that fast?

>> No.9674040

Ignore me I found it now

>> No.9674232

I'm not sure they were encouraging it. I mean, Mimi was DEFINITELY encouraging that behavior, it looks like chocosongs was encouraging it, but I'm pretty sure the Titania and Luna were just complimenting the art, but then again, Nix could have easily taken that as a valid reason to continue his behavior. Either way, they shouldn't get involved in that or they're going to make themselves looks worse.

>> No.9674272

>>9674268 new thread