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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 992 KB, 1240x620, 08e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9664415 No.9664415 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread got archived.

MCM next week, who's ready? Any good C4 progress to look out for?

Also heard that those who had "spare" Amecon spaces from the forms fuck up have now had the spare ones purged so anyone who was promised a space, best to get onto the waiting list asap

>> No.9664420

Thestarlightfairy and Shamasus have announced they're entering and are uploading progress. Kenny looks like he's entering with someone too as he's posted about making a skit.

>> No.9664428
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I'm going to a Halloween party with a cosplay meetup group tonight for the first time. How do I be extraverted and interesting enough to ingratiate myself with them before MCM next weekend?

>> No.9664429

As long as it's not one of his usual dramatic to shitty dance skits

>> No.9664436

just be yourself haha

>> No.9664449

Fuck guys my costume is all wrinkled up and I live in student accommodation so I don't have an ironing board. The fuck do I do?

>> No.9664452

Is it for expo? 1. Use your hotel iron. 2. Hang it in your bathroom and run the hottest shower setting. 3. Take it to a dry cleaners, I think they do ironing services?

>> No.9664465

What is the probability of there being a terrorist attack at london mcm? Shitting myself </autism>

>> No.9664480

>2. Hang it in your bathroom and run the hottest shower setting

I'll give that a shot. Thanks. c:

>> No.9664483

Careful with this method. Managed to set off a novotel fire alarm with the steam.

>> No.9664484

How long do you think I should leave it in there for?

>> No.9664486

As long as you keep the bathroom door closed you should be fine, just keep an eye on it.

Keep checking every so often, it can take longer depending on how deep the creases are. Also depending on your hotel they will give you an iron and board to use - usually it's the crappy travel board but anything is better than nothing.

>> No.9664504

Nah it will just be a boring fight scene like his ecg performance

>> No.9664546

I got a ticket. (Ame) What is a “spare”? Is that the bit when you can register your wife or whatever. People were reging multiple times instead? hows that supposed to work.

I know a few years ago, don’t recall if it was ame or aya people posted they tried to cancel membership by changing it over to a mate or something. Is that the same?

>> No.9664586

basically the way the reg forms was set this year people thought there was a problem when submitting it, so resubmitted a new form only to find the one they thought hadn't worked actually went through (that's the gist of it, correct me if I'm wrong) so people have ended up with 2 or 3 spaces to be paid for that they were going to transfer over to other people.

Only now Ame have deleted all the incorrect spaces, presumably so those on the waiting list get a fair chance

>> No.9664598

I'm one of those anons that got a spare place. It was actually some sperglord who thought it was funny to take 10 spaces and post about it in the social chat. In a way I'm happy they did, extreme low followed by a high high.

>> No.9664726

Amerifag here

Spent the last three years in the UK, and went to 4 con (went to 30 con in the USA), and I can tell you that England hsa NOT figured out how cons are supposed to work. Yeah it's cool that the drinking age is 18 instead of 21, but aside from that, everything else sucks, is smaller, and closes earlier.

>> No.9664728

So Toko reg is up already

>> No.9664775
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Silly OP forgot the discord link.


>> No.9664840


Sorry, Amerifag; this is just how we Britfags are. I expect the Japanese cons are wildly different compared to American ones too.

>> No.9664879


I cant wait to go to an American con next year, i wonder how different they are to the UK cons, care to explain?

>> No.9664902

They all wear cowboy hats with their waifu and their guns are all coloured like whoever they're cosplaying as well

>> No.9664915

I'm from America and this is not true at all.

>> No.9664920

It is

>> No.9664922
File: 2.09 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20170630_193534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britfag that visits Amerifag cons here

This is true

>> No.9664944

shut up Jake, you know nothing

>> No.9664946


wait do they carry guns at the convention!?! i hope no one tries to shoot me, though im sure that they would shoot whoever disagrees with who their best girl is

>> No.9665386

That’s cool. Good for the waiting list peeps. My mate said his reg number was in the 1800 or so, how may people are on the waiting list? I didn’t see a number on the website and this year there is no members list.

Hope it doesn’t rain

>> No.9665418
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if i have to read another post about that fucking dog

>> No.9665454

Glad it's not just me. I'm already annoyed that she is dressing up her service dog like that, I don't need to see her spamming it daily when the con isn't happening until July next year.

>> No.9665491


>> No.9665507
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-21-16-30-01-179_com.facebook.katana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. phone poster

>> No.9665509

It’s the borbon meme of 2018

>> No.9665526
File: 551 KB, 1718x960, brought a dog woof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well atleast she/him/zim/fir/its honest

>> No.9665596

Wtf am I looking at.. why does fandom attract such spergs. Is this person even employed?

>> No.9665618

Like.. If it's a service dog and is going to be wearing a DO NOT DISTRACT harness, why the fuck is she dressing it up?

People will want pictures and constantly be squeeing over it. They said they won't be in it THAT long but still sets a huge conflict with the "Working dog" aspect.

>> No.9665634
File: 17 KB, 360x360, service dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentative plans for my service dog at Amecon ;)
Costumes will be made to allow him to still work without distraction though, and he probably won't wear them too long depending on my mood on the day (though he's generally quite good about clothing as long as it's not hindering his ability to intoxicate)

Also his McCree belt buckle/collar buckle will say "BARF" instead of "BAMF" :P

>> No.9665654

It’s probably a made up nervous disorder anyway. Reeks of an extra layer of attention seeking over the gender stuff and stupid hair colour / piercings.

>> No.9665667
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>Give her a working animal certificate for her dog to shut her up

>> No.9665691

Toko reg was open pretty much as soon as last Toko ended.

I got my ticket, one of the most fun conventions I've been to, Go Tachibana Tigers Wooh.

Does anyone know if the 2018 Promo video is up yet? I saw it at Kitacon and wanted to show some folks but they've not put it up on their website.

>> No.9665726

> UK cons are smaller than American cons

Y...you are aware UK is much smaller as a whole compared to America??

You guys have massive five building hotel cons because you've got the space for it

>> No.9665740

You know that there aren’t enough people interested in attending cons the size of the USA ones here too right?

>> No.9665761

Additionally anime licensors have stated that per capita sales are simply significantly less in the UK vs America (or any other english language country bar RoIreland). So presumably the proportion of fans over here is smaller.

>> No.9666089

You can talk to the state of the industry panels at old events.

One of the licensors said he sold like 500 copies of what we would consider a big release in the UK. Where as he would make more money licensing those zombie samurai straight to dvd type horror movies you see in HMV

>> No.9666103

The same shit as with that Mighty Boosh/Noel Fielding girl from Kita then.

>> No.9666111

Oh yeah I know that. I got my ticket last year as well. But I didn't expect reg to be open this early for everyone else. I always thought it was in January time.

>> No.9666193
File: 1.22 MB, 1078x1537, 20171022_141853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both dogposter and mighty boosh girl were posting rampantly in both social groups for kita and ame. at least with kita it was relatively close to the con, but we've got 9 months of "HEY GUYS HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT MY SERVICE DOG" and quite frankly i'm ready to kms

>> No.9666203
File: 602 KB, 963x720, O8huQzP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there no mods to tell her to calm it down or get banned?

>> No.9666207

Is an unofficial group. The actual owner might not care.

>> No.9666222

origi discord.gg/SXmya6e

>> No.9666336


Their dog isn't a registered service dog, just a bog standard dog they're buying lanyards for go make it seem legit. Seen them post all this shit too.

If there was actually something wrong with them and actually had a service dog, I wouldn't see the problem.

>> No.9666387

I can see the facebook posts now.

“Evil ame committee deny dog of vulnerable tranny thing outrage. Ame now known as the EVIL con.”

>> No.9666469

Where is the MCM orgy gunna be this year? I need to know.

>> No.9666585

Wtf why hasn't anyone reported that shit

>> No.9666966

As obvious as it is, accusing people of faking mental illness comes with big social negatives.

"Prove you need that wheelchair spaz!"
"I'm getting real sick and tired of that cancer of yours, prove you have it or gtfo"
"You don't have anxiety disorder, just act normal you sperglord"

The committee seem to read it based on some of the names replying, so it's in their court now.

>> No.9666992

haha, you mentioning cancer reminds me of TheEmoEmu lying about having cancer for attention

>> No.9667442

right, going to mcm with a few friends, need stuff to do at night other than listening to bad music in a warehouse, are room parties or stuff like that common?

>> No.9667465
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, Smugprotag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything to do in London at night?

>> No.9667522

MCM just got bought by a new company called ReedPop

>> No.9667573

Get stabbed, run over or acid in the face. Yeah loads

>> No.9667575

just read - never heard of ReedPop before. Will be interesting to see what changes they make

>> No.9667600

m8 it's Halloween night. Go into central and find something.
I guarantee there will be several zombie crawls.
I expect none whatsoever.

>> No.9667649
File: 12 KB, 397x82, noone cares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9667688

They're pretty much the biggest convention company in the US. Owns Pax, Twitchcon, NYCC, C2E2, Emerald City CC, just to name a few. I'm hoping for great things.

>> No.9667691

I am New to this meme as I didn’t follow the kita social. I look forward to more.

>> No.9667696

i love the mighty boosh but fuck me does this person's constant posting make me wish i didn't

>> No.9667719

Same. I actively avoided her at Kita based solely on her daily sperging

>> No.9668152

oh dang, that sounds good. Hopefully they won't jack up the prices more though but who can stop the inevitable

>> No.9668277

Hopefully they make Manchester's MCM less shit. Doubtful though.

>> No.9668379

Random question but who is Lewis Falcon Williams? (sorry i dont follow a lot of the convo in these threads if you have talked about this guy before)

>> No.9668415

Sounds like a made up name. Like that guy that changed his name to Vincent valentine to look cooler being a Manlet hungry skeleton.

Is it a real name or a cosplay name?

>> No.9668551

he's that fat gross dude who always cosplays Dva/Overwatch

>> No.9668673

Is he also a photographer who wears fangs a lot? Or is that pouncy

>> No.9668682


i heard from a friend that he commented something about wanting to rape a overwatch cosplay girl at MCM London

>> No.9668684


ah no wonder he's a creep and someone who'd sexually harrass someone else. I had one quick look at his profile and saw a picture of my "friend", that already tells me a lot (since this "friend" also is friends with this other photographer who has sexually harassed cosplayers)

>> No.9668722

Can confirm. I've seen the screenshot of this but wasn't able to screenshot myself.

>> No.9668728

Nah Pouncy is the one who wears fangs and tight latex a lot. As far as I know he's a creep but not actually done anything

>> No.9669263

I'm going solo to MCM. Was hoping to ingratiate myself with meetup groups beforehand but one meetup was bad and the other was okay, but specifically for cosplay so I don't suppose I'll be wandering around with them.

/10 how much will I have given up on trying at life after the con?

>> No.9669293

Hey anon, I'm going solo too. I've done that for the past year and it's actually not that bad. Sure you miss sharing it with other people, but you're free to browse at your own pace and you don't have anybody complaining their feet hurt.

>> No.9669312

Yeah, what anon above said - whilst I have hung out in groups at MCMs it's good to have time to yourself just browsing - you don't have to wait for anyone/can take as long as you like looking at things

>> No.9669314

is it not quite dry socially to go to a con on your own?

>> No.9669318

it really depends on the con. Hotel/campus cons like Kita/Ame are more compact and have less attendees so it seems more pressure to have people to hang around with.

MCMs are essentially large dealer's halls and since thousands of people attend you're literally one person in a huge crowd.

>> No.9669328
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she's posted her cosplans about 3 times in the past 4 days i'm going to shit fury if it happens again tomorrow

>> No.9669684
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Has British Momokun done anything noteworthy lately?

>> No.9669689

Lol who

>> No.9669761
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>> No.9669865

I see that thicc has no meaning at all any more

>> No.9669874

Summer knight

>> No.9669891

Thicc =/= fat

>> No.9670004

any big dramas ahead of mcm this weekend?

>> No.9670007


yeah i'd like to know too

since I started cosplaying i hear my cosplay friends talk about a lot of drama but i dont physically see any drama.

>> No.9670222
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Looked him up. Not even suprised.

>> No.9670309

Hahaha oh wow

Surprised a bab like him isn't a crazy lightweight

>> No.9670606

There’s nobody to report it to? You can literally take any animal you like and pay to have it certified as a comfort animal. Most places don’t distinguish between that and a trained service dog or cat.

There was an article in the NYT where a journalist spent a week taking bizarre ‘service animals’ places and getting away with it. She took a chicken to a restaurant and a snake to an art gallery.

>> No.9670627

Again, who? Just did a quick search and found yet another try-hard millenial "cosplay model". I'm so bored of this shit now. Stop taking mediocre photos of the same old poses and get an actual job, love.

>> No.9670806
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I want to be in the MCM orgy!

How do I in

>> No.9670843

There's an orgy? Think I can go to it but just stay in someone's room so I don't have to get the train back to London the next day?

>> No.9670873

You might need to be in with the kinksters for that one with MCM if memory is right (unless there is another one that is also popular).

>> No.9670905
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It arrived on time, wew. Top is a little big but the bottoms are tiny. They struggle to deal with my thick manly legs and child-bearing hips.

>> No.9671349
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>Items that people normally carry such as umbrellas or walking sticks, as well as small mundane items such as vegetables, pans, rolling pins, and racquets are allowed up to a length of 150cm.

Could I get away with taking a broom?

>> No.9671369

Is it only me that feels like everyone is going to MCM London when you don't go? And then when you do go you regret wasting your money on a priority weekend ticket.

I hate feeling like this but I want to save up money for better/ different cons I haven't been to. (I have been going to MCM London since 2012 but only started cosplaying there last year)

How the hell do all my cosplay friends have money to go to all these conventions and cosplay!?!

also I hope everyone who is going to MCM has a fun weekend

>> No.9671371

As long as it's no longer than 150cm

>> No.9671380

I went to katsucon a few years back and it shows how much better cons are abroad. UK cons are just cosplay drinking parties they suck so much

>> No.9671386

> Conventions in the UK suck without giving any reasons why
Captain ship-poster everyone

>> No.9671392

>as well as small mundane items such as vegetables
Who takes veg to an expo???

>> No.9671436


I'm not going this year either, I figured I'd actually save the money and just go on a ten day long holiday instead so while it feels pretty rough that I'm missing out on my friends (most of which complain about MCM while we're there) I feel like it was well worth the change of plans when Hyper Japan is next month as well as Hibanacon.

>> No.9671437


Hatsune Miku cosplayers who dont have a brain.
I've seen it man, by the end of the day the leek looked so depressed and stank so badly.

>> No.9671460
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>They let me keep the broom

>> No.9671510

I saw someone with a melon at a con once.

>> No.9671660

Once saw a pineapple was confiscated...

>> No.9671672
File: 206 KB, 784x776, 1502835754670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live literally 10 minutes from the convention, will sell bed space in exchange for literal sex

>> No.9671684

Post preview pics and I'll consider it

>> No.9671689

Post previews. Also how many for bed space?

>> No.9671704
File: 942 KB, 720x668, Screenshot_2017-10-27-19-33-33-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewis drama. Fucking hilarous. Rapist cunt deserved it.

>> No.9671707
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>> No.9671708
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Rip grammar

>> No.9671709

Bonus image

>> No.9671739
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There is space for all. However, you must:
>have large breasts
>or be very cute
>be a girl
>very cute female (male) will be considered

Nice cuddles are also required. Will you be joining the comfy nice time express?

>> No.9671744

Any space for the bf to watch you screw his gf?
Won't blame you if you didn't consider the potential there.

>> No.9671770

Fuck it.

Anybody in the fox?
I"m the guy in the Hawlucha cosplay

>> No.9671772
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Broom-sama, till when r u expecting to b in The Fox? We took one look at how busy it was and went off to eat instead

>> No.9671858

Anyone still abouts the fox?

>> No.9671869

Many lols @ “wasernt”

>> No.9671880


Same, i'm already planning on going into London for Hyper Japan and taking a 6 days holiday to the US for a con next year.

>> No.9671887
File: 217 KB, 300x416, IMG_1460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow most likely, possibly Sunday too, already off now

Will be there tomorrow as >dragon

>> No.9671925

>Not living 5 mins away.
>living in shitty CT


>> No.9671996

Space is space and a hole is a goal.
Fuck you snob virgin.

>> No.9672188

Meet is at 5pm at the benches outside novotel, look for the dyke with the camera and Jojo hat, don't be too autistic/thirsty or we'll naruto run away and leave you behind.

>> No.9672192
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>> No.9672194

get him arrested

>> No.9672213
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 1507878799244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it possible for YOU to start a sentence without using the word LIKE and EMPHASIZE words that carry enough meaning not to merit capitalisation.
It looks fucking stupid.

>> No.9672214

North Greenwich brother brother

>> No.9672223


Ha, I sat next to this guy playing code vein near closing time. Gave off a wired vibe and tried to talk to me like we've been best friends for years.
He didn't seem like a bad guy but a bit emotionally needy and autistic.


Kill yourself degenerate

>> No.9672230


What are you guys planning to do?

>> No.9672235

I may or may not have painted the wrong side of my face.

I'm running this real late.

>> No.9672241


Fuck off with the blogpost this isn't goybook

>> No.9672251

How do your bags get stolen? Unless he was stupid enough to walk away from them somewhere.

>> No.9672256

If anyone's fucked in terms of accomadation I've got a whole room in the novotel to myself. Feels a bit wasted on just me so if you need somewhere to crash out I won't require sexual favours like the other guy.

>> No.9672262
File: 169 KB, 1200x1200, 4oz-hip-colorado-hip-flask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going out on a limb here, anybody found a 4oz Hip flask at MCM?

Pic related

>> No.9672274

Why was he doing drugs....
I know he said apparently but this isn't the kind of thing you can just make up. They must have had evidence. And I'm guessing the reason his bnb was cancled was because a girl told the owner that he was a fucking rapist

>> No.9672307

Spotted the cutest Brit
You coming to meet up later OURGIRL?

>> No.9672318
File: 71 KB, 220x189, IMG_8198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do

>> No.9672344

Based cgl meet soon

>> No.9672358

When? Where? The fox?

>> No.9672412

You guys not at Euro Cosplay thing?

>> No.9672413

Scroll up faggot

>> No.9672415
File: 3.23 MB, 386x232, Laughatbaka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Competitive cosplay

>> No.9672418

Don't be a thot
Come to the fox

>> No.9672421
File: 66 KB, 750x600, Corn_ecf1d6_181320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to spot the underagedb&

>> No.9672429

5pm on benches in front of novotell

>> No.9672432

Fox comes later famalam

>> No.9672434

Benches are all full, am on the trash lawn behind them

>> No.9672442

Follow the Eurobeat

>> No.9672451


Gunna be late lads

>> No.9672456

Which group is the autism group? There are some spooky looking people around there.

>> No.9672467


What are you guys planning on doing?

>> No.9672468

We're here lads.
Outside Novotel.
Pls come and bring dragon.

>> No.9672470
File: 1.67 MB, 2592x1944, JPEG_20171028_172913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pics.

Soz lads

>> No.9672473


What are you guys planning on doing? Your not just going to sit there for a couple of hours?

>> No.9672479


Bout 2 Mins away

>> No.9672480

Drink you fucking cuck. What were you expecting, LARP?

>> No.9672483

Who am I looking for

>> No.9672494

Is the club too sekret or am I supposed to ask groups of people if they're the 4chan group?

>> No.9672512
File: 277 KB, 498x280, IMG_8204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just approach the loud obnoxious dragon, I don't bite

>> No.9672515

Are you ourgirl from kita?

>> No.9672517
File: 3.11 MB, 5312x2988, 20171028_181224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice views tonight too

>> No.9672518
File: 379 KB, 2048x1244, BNlLmOt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any dragon

Where are people?

>> No.9672526

Behind the benches outside novotel iw where people were, but I'm not there rn. Look out for a Tohru (dragon maid) and Kobayashi

>> No.9672534

Heads up for those there - it is Fight Club


>> No.9672560
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, 1508507561058m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone post discord link?

>> No.9672566

Shit anons I've been gone for an hour and I'm already feeling post-con blues. I want to go back and stay with you all.

>> No.9672598

It's at the start of the thread.


>> No.9672623

Dragon is cute

>> No.9672625

Dragon is cuter than I thought

>> No.9672633

I know custom house is closed but are they letting people off at prince regent and herding them round or forcing people onto buses at Canning Town? I want to know if I have to let myself be herded from Canning Town tomorrow or if I can duck round to the dlr.

>> No.9672679

Tfw you smash your face open and are chorogon kisses it better

>> No.9672683

What's this?

>> No.9672692

Where is nicest dragon pls send help

>> No.9672715

Outside the airline cafe

>> No.9672794

Someone got arrested at the fox????

>> No.9672801
File: 1.43 MB, 498x274, IMG_8235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely killer night, love you all

>> No.9672803
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not at mcm
come to hibana so i can headpat you again

>> No.9672806

I love you too, qtest girl at mcm desu

>> No.9672808

I want to spitroast and/or DP the dragon

>> No.9672835

6pm tomorrow, same place, round 2.

>> No.9672838

me too.

>> No.9672842
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>you will never hold hands with dragon

>> No.9672848

>you never know it was me

>> No.9672876

whats with this dragon thing everyone here is going on about?

>> No.9672933

You didn't come to the meet so you don't get to know.

>> No.9673175
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Never again.

>> No.9673176
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Shush, come to hibanacon for headpats

>> No.9673177


>> No.9673182

What happened?

>> No.9673184
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That's not actually me

>> No.9673185


I didn't go to the meet because I'm trying to save up money to go to a better con plus I want to focus on my studies and not fail university

>> No.9673189
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It's honestly nothing special, I dressed as Tohru to Kita and MCM and avatar-fagged a bit. Hit thread meme value and I'm really not sure why.

And yes I'm looking into hibacon.

>> No.9673190

So you're coming to hibana for headpats? :^)

>> No.9673209

I want to cum inside the dragon

>> No.9673223

>tfw slept in my contact lens
>don't normally wear them so forgot to remove
>eyes red af
>slept for 12 hours bc my eyes felt heavy and I thought it was tiredness
>just made it worse

How unfortunate.

>> No.9673252


Kill yourself degenerate

>> No.9673254
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Guard 117 is my stand

>> No.9673268

>calling someone a degenerate for wanting to do that in a thread full of people who like to get shitfaced while dressing up as anime characters

Think you're on the wrong website, faggotron

>> No.9673270

I thought the fight club was a meme, seeing a genine gladiatorial arena being run by the guards themselves was fuckin astonishing.

>> No.9673306

Excuse me, what? Deets?

>> No.9673328

MCM fight club is a real thing. Last night people had formed a circle and an announcer/referee was taking in volunteers to fight it out. One of the guards was overseeing the whole thing and another took part, winning his fight. These were not just playfights either, I saw one girl full on bodyslam another before we all got shooed off.

>> No.9673379

Any new ones tonight?

>> No.9673383

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

Post video.

>> No.9673393
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Ref Polanareff made fight club this year a hit, last year it got broken up because idiots were swinging lightsabers around.

It's on again tonight. Same bat time. Same bat channel.

>> No.9673395

Fence is open, round 2 tonight lads.
(If anyone knows the dude with the professional camera hit us up)

>> No.9673399

That Polnareff was brilliant

>> No.9673404

Any idea when?

>> No.9673406

Usually around closing time, about 6

>> No.9673408

Will be sure to check the rave grass.

>> No.9673409

Great, we have a pair of landwhales repping us for CCCC. Helen Alice returns to sandbag with her Snow White costume, and The Road To Cosplay was a runner up.

>> No.9673423
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Come fox lads.
We're right up the steps.
Look out for a Slav man.

>> No.9673426
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Grabbing food with pals and then heading over

>> No.9673429


We've got a handful

>> No.9673438

Are dragon is here.

If this doesn't get you faggots to come here idk what will.

>> No.9673439

>tfw are dragon bought us drinks
/too nice/

>> No.9673448

Sorry sweetie, we'll do our best anywaaay~

>> No.9673451


Be careful you don't eat any of the other contestants, they're friends, not food.

>> No.9673453

Great advice cheers!

>> No.9673460

Road to cosplays makeup makes their head look like it was spliced onto the wrong body.

>> No.9673466

She's still going?

>> No.9673471

What's sandbagging?

>> No.9673476
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>tfw Dragon doesn't sit on your lap

>> No.9673486

>tfw dragon doesn't sit on your cock

>> No.9673488


When you repeatedly use the same costume for awards

>> No.9673491



>> No.9673493

Dragon a pure

You monster

>> No.9673495

Anyone see that terrible Wonder Woman skit at c4 today? Don’t know what was worse, the costumes or the skit

>> No.9673499

When you win at a competition then keep entering others even though you have already won various awards for it.

>> No.9673502

Lol will there be videos?

>> No.9673503

Two landwhales beating everyone else, competition must have been awful.

>> No.9673504

Wasnt it Amazonian? She's normally mess and the skit made no sense

>> No.9673506

I want to impregnate the dragon while Lucoa films it

>> No.9673507

You can't sandbag if you've never won in it. Get it right or don't shitpost

>> No.9673511

Yeah at least she didn't do what Enja cosplay did and use an ECG winning cosplay to try and grab a load of cash. Love that he didn't win anyway lol

>> No.9673514

How much do you think that cheap floppy sword cost her?

>> No.9673516

Not sure the exact definition, but sandbagging is something about entering the same cosplay (that may either have won already, or was used in a higher calibre contest) entering it in lesser contests

>> No.9673527

Free with a kids happy meal?

>> No.9673528

It's just re using it if you've won before. There's nothing wrong with trying again if you've never won anything.

>> No.9673531


>> No.9673570
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4chan is full of pricks my ass

>> No.9673579

I want to love dragon!

>> No.9673591

Tfw miss dragon cuz trying to go home
Tfw Euston had a bomb scare and I ended up back in fox as muh last train
Tfw made a 2 hour round trip pointlessly and missed ARE DRAGON

Why live?

>> No.9673600

Why is everyone so salted about the EuroCosplay winner this year? I think the people arguing about how many other costumes were "better" are stupid, but the whiteknights coming to defend are cringey as fuck.

>> No.9673602

I saw the first 4 or something, shit weird. Esp that one doing a non loli Tera cosplay

>> No.9673611

Who won C4?

>> No.9673615

The winners' skit was awful. Imo Kenny's should have won

>> No.9673616

In the Lebanese now. Absolute madman here ordered an "Aryan juice"

Anybody know what that is

>> No.9673618

I don't like her, but why the fuck not enter snow, considering she didn't have a chance at placing at ecg with shamelia dragging her down

>> No.9673621

The worst pair there. Some big furry

>> No.9673624
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It's like salty, watery yoghurt drink with some herbs on top.

A strange beverage.

>> No.9673625

Think they've already uploaded one

>> No.9673626

I actively avoided that Isaac person for this exact reason

>> No.9673628

I got a couple brother, will upload it die course. Security a best

>> No.9673633
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who /missedMCM/ crew here

>> No.9673635

People in the discord are chatting about it. Feels like I'm there in spirit

>> No.9673649

Me and Mel, we did a Persona 5 skit as Morgana and Beauty Thief/Noir

>> No.9673668

*Mel and I
Any concrit would be appreciated guys~

>> No.9673703

>admitting to posting on cgl

>> No.9673704

It's never been a secret that I watch the brit threads? Nor the help threads. I don't post anything I wouldn't say in person, not sure most can say the same

>> No.9673776

Just had a ripper of a wank to Dragon

>> No.9674130
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Absolute degenerate

>> No.9674140
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>> No.9674144

Stop being such a fucking gayboy
Come here, bby

>> No.9674172
File: 59 KB, 720x960, expo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a lotta fun

>> No.9674230

People have been disqualified from maj competitions before just for posting on cgl, doesn't matter what it was. So I would be careful if I were you

>> No.9674254

>people who don't know that the dragon is for drinking with not creeping on

Smh desu senpai

>> No.9674456

>not doing both simultaneously

>> No.9674461

Is this for real?
Are people really that uptight about 4chan in the current year, I thought this place was meant to be almost normie tier now?

>> No.9674473

are the videos from c4 up yet?

>> No.9674485

thats it's a lie ignore them

>> No.9674510


Either way it doesn't look good to take to cgl right after qualifying. It makes your partner look bad by association.

>> No.9674513

they already look bad by association for those costumes

>> No.9674528

didnt see Obayed Cuck at MCM

is he so scared of facing someone in a straight fight rather than just being an discusting internet troll hes avoiding every convention now?

>> No.9674530


Ha, you actually reckon he could hold his own in a fight? Not likely.

>> No.9674535


nice samefagging Towers.

Get the fuck off this thread with your lolcow level vendetta you kiddyfucker

>> No.9674540


Wrong, not the same people.

>> No.9674548


>t. AL team.

>> No.9674556


It is possible for someone other than AL to dislike him y'know? He's pissed a lot of people off.

>> No.9674578

I saw photos of someone being arrested at the Fox one of the nights? Or just loads of ambulances anyway. What actually went down?

>> No.9674586

yeah but no one likes the people he pisses off so it's okay.

inb4 someone tried to white knight for Lewis Falcon because they have such a hate boner for Obayed

>> No.9674605


You're missing out the part where I think they're all twats. I cant speak on behalf of the other one posting but really, I think its dumb that we've had so many Brit Threads taken up with Obayed vs Towers vs everyone else so I just hate them all.

The only thing I'm thankful for coming out of it is that people are starting to realise what a shit con AL run but I'm going to leave it at that before it becomes one of those threads I just mentioned.

At least I don't discriminate and hate them all equally.

>> No.9674707

Nice Fraser Place boyo

>> No.9674766

What's not to hate anon.
Obayed is a slitherly little fuck
Hell probabbly climb inside your vagina and incubate if you take you eye off him.

And Lewis is that sad kid in school who jacks off in class

And Towers is... alive

>> No.9674770

Some anon posting about getting ready for Kita as Tohru.
Was spunky, friendly and memorable so became a bit of a meme as /ourgirl/ and got flooded with headpats and requests for consensual handholding.
Including a guy who was dubiously sincere about wanting to pay her for a gloved handjob and another guy wanting to pay to watch.
They seemed nice when I chatted with them but I didn't get a chance to meet and greet with the group.

>> No.9674779

with the way you've fucking murdered the english language: hi cindy, nobody likes you either

>> No.9674803

Was an outgoing and genuinely nice person

>> No.9674821
File: 13 KB, 320x240, sakurambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no con until Hyper Japan.

>> No.9674843

Sunnycon for me bud. Any other Anons attend?

What is Hyper like?

>> No.9674852

Feels less like a con and more like a /culture/ event. It's kinda cozy, on its own, I am not sure I would recommend it but you can get a solid day out of it.

>> No.9674870

Your punctuation is cancer anon.

>> No.9674889

used to be pretty big on cosplay back when they hosted WCS/ECG qualifiers

>> No.9675023 [DELETED] 

sunnycon has never hosted WCS or ECG

>> No.9675220

>Packed convention with over 100k attendees

>> No.9675261

Wasn’t Towers the one who said he would confront Obayed last MCM and was too scared to show his face? Wouldn’t be surprised if this is him trying to pull the same shit again...

>> No.9675274
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>AL drama

>> No.9675380
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The dragon is for lewding and impregnating

>> No.9675393


Looks like Gollum.

>> No.9675394

whoah damn she tiny

>> No.9675415


>> No.9675416

which of you fucks kicked the dog?

>> No.9675420

A doggo was kicked?

>> No.9675422

Lol guise why do cool people and trips ever hang around us?


Man I wonder why the cool people stay quiet

>> No.9675445


Some female Sombra cosplayer. People have been sharing pics asking if it was that one without reading the details of when the incident happened and the Sombra having been cosplayed on a completely different day.

Im under the opinion people shouldn't be bringing small children or dogs at all. There's other smaller events where this is less likely to happen and crowd control is an actual thing.

inb4 muh service dawg. Half of these fuckers aren't even legit.

>> No.9675463

All the better for throwing over your shoulder. Too busy wrestling to make it to this meet up but maybe next time.

>> No.9675466

I mean I know there were drug dogs about sniffing out the dank weed but I did see a big surge in service dogs this weekend, especially ones for anxiety.

MCM is supposed to be a family event hence why so many are bringing the kiddlewinks but under 2 is pretty much a stretch and they'll just get bored/tired/tantrummy, especially if forced into a costume

>> No.9675468

fireman's lift to the bedroom

>> No.9675488


A few years back there was someone asking if it was a good idea to bring one that was literally a few weeks old. Everyone said no for various good reasons but they ignored us. I tend to draw the line under those who are still in prams and pushchairs because they're still in that stage where everyone knows if they're tired and cranky, and no one wants to have to navigate around pushchairs. 4 or 5 is when they start to appreciate this kind of thing without making life hell for the other attendants.

>> No.9675518

Left this pretty late but only just got back properly. Anyone know the story of what happened with the guy getting hit near the toilets in the Fox on Thursday night? Don't seem like a big thing but has left me confused as fuck ever since. Watched him get decked by some girl and then told me "nah it's just a nose bleed " when I asked if he was good since blood was down his face. Then walked out the front door like nothing ever happened. I wasn't the only person that saw it but haven't seen it mentioned ever since so hoping someone has deets

>> No.9675613

As I described them to my friends when they asked which Tohru I was on the lookout for.

"The one who would be floored by a stiff drink, a stiff breeze, or a stiff dick. You'll know em."

Super nice though but the thirsty fuckers are getting out of hand.

>> No.9675680

Heard that Big Guy Slim (that Ali dude) assaulted someone on the Sunday night. Any details?

>> No.9675683

I want to fucking break that Dragon in half

>> No.9675695

Yer the guy asked him not to sit next to him because his friend was going to come back to that spot, and then he triggered him, by mentioning his friend who Ali was meant to shoot but made her wait 3 hours etc. the got mad, so the dude stood up to call security and he walked behind him shouting. Of course everyone went to Alis side...

>> No.9675704

I always knew he was a dick.

>> No.9675861

Bullshit. I was there. Ali sat down in the spot as a joke, the guy got all up in his face and started shouting at him, so he lightly pushed him away. The guy then massively overreacted and called security so he could "win"

>> No.9675895

back from mcm, was too busy playing childrens card games to do regular con things. I will say though, if you wanted easy sat/sun con entry you should've just entered the ycs and dropped at round 2, you got a wristband free with the entry and if you preregged on the friday you made your entry money back on the free mat, packs and die that you get and then some. (registration was 20, mat was 15 minimum but was easy to punt for 25, dice were upwards of a tenner each, 5 pack token was about 10)

>> No.9675913

That doesn't make a lick of sense but okay

>> No.9675914

Ali was going on and on like an idiot, everyone saw it, he made himself look like a tool.

>> No.9675922

in simple terms, enter the big yugioh thing for £20, sell the stuff you get for entering for £45, don't even play just drop out as soon as you get your con entry token for both days.

>> No.9675945

The other guy going on about it and claiming someone pushing him away from them is "assault" looks a way bigger tool however

>> No.9675954

>Ame/Aya con several years back
>Someone brings their two kids to the con
>Gets raised on the forum why two kids were there
>Turns out parents are friends with the committee
>People point out that's not fucking fair
>The parents throw a hissy fit

It was a fucking mess. If it's an 18+ con keep it 18+, don't waiver it for favours for your friends.

>> No.9675959

>Dat Hello World drama

Did any of you chucklefucks go? It's starting to sound like a normie Dashcon.

>> No.9675977

Heard he wanted an actual fight but didn't get one cuz the other guy walked away and he got even more mad at that.

>> No.9676033

Similar thing happened to toko.

>> No.9676035

I've impregnated better. Seriously you virgin anons just need to hold back with the MCM funds and get with a whore.
Will likely be more successful and have a better idea on how to measure appeal.

Once upon time some trips (and they even said they were the "cool people") got too arrogant and got roasted for it...

Said roasting happened on here when they had control of the thread (they had the ability to close it) and had to close the second because the roasting would not stop.

Mostly ancient history now but was funny to watch as there were new posts less than every minute.

>> No.9676075

Hes fine I saw the in the Novo later that night with blood on his face and on Saturday night as well

I was told that the Ali guy was putting name tags on girls chests so he can cop a feel and when the long haired guy told him to stop he did it again

>> No.9676079

The name tag thing is something he does with all his friends. Everyone enjoys it. Stop trying to make drama out of something innocent

>> No.9676126

Ali is the Harvey Weinstein of cosplay. Everyone thinks it's innocent. Guy is a major monster created by his friends.

>> No.9676131

best uk cons for socialising and partying?

>> No.9676136

I would say more Trump. Will yell and try to pick on anyone who says a word against him.
The other guy was just standing up for a girl Ali upset, and Ali started pushing him around and assaulting him for it.
Ali just wants attention and for all the young girls to hang out with him. Not even a good photographer. I don't see why anyone would hand out with him.
Even his "friends" only use him for lifts

>> No.9676149

Seen Ali intimidate before. Gets away with it too. States he only gives hugs when someone offers a handshake. Touchy feely Ali. Always innocent. Now he even wears high heels. Court jester.

>> No.9676182

Tokonatsu since the entire con is 80% socialising.
Then the obvious Kita and Ame.

>> No.9676265

completely new to the uk con scene, are any of these like AX where folk are just partying nonstop?

>> No.9676348
File: 3.42 MB, 5312x2988, 20170820_022239[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not been to AX so can't really compare.

Tokonatsu is a campsite convention, pitch tents and chill. There isn't a huge amount going on in the way of formal panels or events, but more mess around games and events like Anime Pictionary, Waterpistol/nerf gun shoot outs, Build-A-Shitty-Shrine, Combat Archery, Archery Targets and other games with a Harrypotter-esque house-point system. There is also a laughable, but cute Matsuri festival, not that anyone expected it to be anything but.

It's only got a standing attendance of about 200-300, but was really fun when I went last year, just basically a bunch of weebs messing around in a field getting drunk and socialising. There is a bonfire every night that usually has 30-60 drunk weebs struggling not to immolate themselves or eachother. A group near us hung a screen on their tent and set up a projector each night streaming shit like Ghost-Stories and the entirety of Gunbuster.

Amecon and Kitacon are the big two event driven conventions with plenty of panels, events and shit going down they also have the holy grail of UK venues with Warwick university, there are party events going on ntil about 2am each night and room parties plus the steps going until 3-4ish. With multiple bars, accessable booze and a pretty normie-free environment it gets pretty social.

I think we had three or four ambulances to Kitacon this year that I saw, not even close the record though.

>> No.9676494

Toko's not 18+ though?

>> No.9676496

>streaming shit like Ghost-Stories and the entirety of Gunbuster
Watching Gunbuster when you're half cut is a truly incredible experience. Just felt comfy

>> No.9676509

It's not really aimed at little kids though. The main attraction is a bonfire with drinks

>> No.9676600

Agree 100% with this. He's always been a creep.

>> No.9676609

Would it be creepy to sneak a peck on the cheek from the ladies you ask to take a picture with if you're an attractive young boy in his late teens?

>> No.9676612


>> No.9676614

Justyn claims Ali was removed by security from the hotel, but can confirm that he wasn't at all it was not as big an issue as he's trying to make it out to be, apparently he's also trying to report Ali to MCM over it

>> No.9676616

But Joe does it from that youtube inteview show.

>> No.9676619

IF anon/10 > (random/10)+2 THEN canperv = true

>> No.9676620
File: 37 KB, 435x499, Anime boy Juice Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good because i'm a real heartstopper im sure...

>> No.9676653

It was Ayacon, I was there, I also complained because they took the kid into panels, 18+ my anus.

>> No.9676789

It's not, but as another Anon said it's not really aimed at them.

I saw like, two kids who were under 18 and a toddler the entire weekend and none of them were out once it got dark late. Toko also had a couple different camp areas, so there was the quiet zone, the rowdy zone, and the family zone so you didn't need to worry about people being noisy or being too noisy for people.

>> No.9676866

There's CCTV footage of it, but okay.

>> No.9676931


it was a member of the committee. not a friend

>> No.9677070

Do any of the old trips still hang around?

>> No.9677080

Only the garbo ones

>> No.9677175

Which noone has seen but Justyn.

>> No.9677336

I was there Ali was out of line. And he’s been nothing but a disgusting prick to me since I first met him. Why do people see in him is beyond me

>> No.9677346

Free lifts

>> No.9677357
File: 113 KB, 637x736, A87FC724-2067-47F9-BF01-AB54474F1075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are in it for the photos. Which is plain sad cause his photos suck.

Also what does every think of this dude? I saw him on Sunday and the black face was so obvious

>> No.9677373

That cosplayer is a concieted, self entitled cunt

>> No.9677789

Like that makes it any better.

>> No.9677962

Did anyone else thing London MCM was pretty boring this time around? I mean yeah, it's never the most exciting con, but the guest list was pretty small, no big names attended, lots of wide, open areas with nothing there, no esports stage, no good panels etc etc.

No big fuck-ups really that I saw though, other than having no guide books on Friday morning because "they haven't been delivered yet", so being told to take a photo of the map that they had, then when they did get them, they didn't have a show schedule in them so you had to pick those up separately.

Praise for making it easy to leave & re-enter excel though. A million times better than in May (although that was understandable considering all the terrorist shit at the time), but also better than recent years too. Thank god you didn't have to keep walking around the entire building.

>> No.9677966
File: 190 KB, 2048x1536, 9 Western Gateway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone stay at the ibis next to excel last weekend? Had to move from the sixth floor because the rooms smelt like something had died in there.

>> No.9678017

He's always been nothing but lovely to me. Always has time for a chat and very sweet. Kinda shy.

>> No.9678023

>no big names attendes
>forgot Yoh fucking Yoshinari

>> No.9678050

Hi Laura!

>> No.9678064

Fucking who

>> No.9678070

This happens very often at the Ibis.

It happened to myself once and I got upgraded to a larger room.

Ultimately their plumbing sucks, the small toilets built in with the shower causes easy clogging and when you ram so many guests in there, theres always build up of shit.

>> No.9678087

I miss the early drinks followed by making a fool of ourselves in front of the music stage. That said I still had the best London mcm experience thus far this year, can't fault the management.

>> No.9678104

I think he used to go by Thor Uk? So full of himself he thinks he’s the best Thor in the UK.

>> No.9678141

at least he would make a better Aquaman than the Road to Cosplay

>> No.9678189

Not Laura. He's pissed off a lot of people

>> No.9678191

God did you see her mess of a face this weekend

>> No.9678246

So has she with the way she's been acting again recently.

>> No.9678280

It's the ooze out the waistband of her leggings on sunday that was the real mess.

>> No.9678302

He really doesn't. Someone's got a grudge.

>> No.9678390

it's because her prosthetics aren't painted/finished properly. She tries too hard to look like the actor rather than the character, just like the majority of Cumberbatch cosplayers (sherlock/doctor strange usually)

>> No.9678563

*puts hand up* heard him slagging off my mates Thor costume a few times. Utter tosser

>> No.9678587


>> No.9678635
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not what she wore on Sunday, but I just went on her cospage and I'm cracking up at the fact she used offcuts from the wig as eyebrows

>> No.9678640

Anyway here's the photo of Aquaman

>> No.9678643
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and I dropped pic, go me

>> No.9678758

Anyone else hear about that dude creeping on underaged girls majorly? Looked hispanic, beige shirt, short as fuck was how he was described trying to take upskirt photos of oblivious teen girls. Only heard bits and pieces from other groups, apparently got security called on him a few times?

>> No.9678774

You just described a considerable percentage of convention attendee's.

>> No.9678787

was gonna say I can think of 5 of my friends that look like that

>> No.9678832

I'm sorry but that's actually good?

alot of the trash on here are people bitching about seams and shit.

I don't see many of you retards attempting full prosthetic

>> No.9678937

Post the face close up, it's even funnier

>> No.9679134

Same. We tried 3 rooms - We got moved from one 6th floor room to another 6th floor room which also stank. Eventually they moved us to a different floor which was fine. The manager was friendly, although really loud and crazy. Nice about it all though. The third room was a slightly bigger one to apologise.

>> No.9679291


It's impressive how ugly she manages to make herself look.

>> No.9679368

I'm not denying her prosthetic work is good, I'm just laughing over how it looks like she stuck pubes to her eyebrows

>> No.9679456


Ironic considering how much she got shit on last thread but it's Beths boyfriend Moody. No idea on the circumstance or who hit him though. Seems alright now but him and Beth argued for bit afterwards and she stormed off, so likely related.

>> No.9679522

was she the one who whacked him maybe?

>> No.9679581

Which Beth?

>> No.9679691

First Beth that comes to mind is Amazonian

>> No.9679695

She won a runner up prize at MCM with this. She won lfcc last year too. She wins/places a lot but none of her cosplays look that good.

>> No.9679700

Think they're talking about Beth Brookes, if they're talking about one with a boyfriend

>> No.9679701

Luck and shitty judges

>> No.9679770

Who the fuck were the judges this time? Never seen one of them before and HOW did that team win c4.

>> No.9679782

Yeah I forgot no one wants waaaahmazonian

>> No.9679783

To be honest no matter what judges there are there will always be a differing opinion even if a shit team wins

>> No.9679830

Any photos of them?

>> No.9679844

Yeah Beth Brookes

No she was outside and looked as shocked as the rest of us when he came out. Somehow went to arguing after. People that know them in the last thread were saying he's too good for her so proving that right in my eyes

>> No.9679847

The judges or the winners?

>> No.9679904

I think one of the judges was the yuna from the ICL duo in May but the other two no idea

>> No.9679933
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>> No.9679959

Oh those two. Well it could have been worse anon, could have been that Steven universe pair

>> No.9680037

Oh christ I (unfortunately) know those two, I've seen some of their progress shots on FB. How bad was it?

I think they disqualified themselves anyway by doing fan art cosplays but still.

>> No.9680066
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So this is the state of competitive cosplay

>> No.9680078

I mean the skit was cute and all but yeah doing fanart cosplays was not going to win then any favours (I'm sure there's a rule somewhere saying no fanart allowed)

Gonna gently remind everyone that if you're looking for competitive cosplays at C4 you're definitely in the wrong place. Since its 60/40 performance/construction the most perfected cosplay is not going to cut it if the skit was a flop.

From seeing all the skits the winners one was the cute fun shit C4 goes apeshit over - it was close to call but I do think if Kenny's skit didn't have the sword falling apart or the Wonder Woman skit not having it's issues they would have been more likely for the win.

At the end of the day if you want big impressive cosplays with intense fighty skits you're better off looking at ECG and EC (yet with all the salt EC has gotten this year with the winner even that has some flaws)

>> No.9680081

They beat Kenny's duo? Did he do a dumb dancing skit again?

>> No.9680092

Are there videos up?

>> No.9680096

Surprisingly no, his sword fell apart during the skit and it threw them off but was a standard fighting skit. I saw his costume up close and was the usual Kenny affair but seemed very worn in areas and needed finishing up a bit better - I think he's worn that costume a few times now so it wasn't at its best potential.
I've not seen a lot of videos, only the ones that people's friends have uploaded. Kenny had his during a recent twitch stream, and thestarlightfairy's skit was uploaded on her skit partners page (shamasus cosplay)

>> No.9680101

Beth's is up as well.

>> No.9680127

What's next? Sock puppets?

>> No.9680253


If anyone recognises the camera man with the professional lighting hit us up.

>> No.9680264

ravioli ravioli
don't lewd are dragon

>> No.9680561


I don't think they could have picked a worse pair. They're even less stable than a drunk OAP with a greased up zimmerframe.

>> No.9680607

I prefer my cosplayers to be more strong and stable than the Tory party as a minimum

>> No.9680629


What if they had the old charm and roughness of Corbyn haha.

How would you say they weren't stable though?

>> No.9680660

I just gave it a rewatch (I'd watched it on the day with everyone else's but couldn't remember a lot of it)

It feels rather awkward, not in the "we don't know what we're doing" way but in the transitions between each move - at the end of the day it's a fight skit that's been dragged out for the time limit. Doesn't really bring anything new or tell a story except "two people fight, whoop"

A lot of people go crazy over fight skits because of the choreography involved (which is impressive and the timing was good) but when you've seen a million and one fight skits at this point if you don't bring anything new to the table the audience and judges are just going to be uninterested.

>> No.9680689


You clearly don't have them on facebook.

>> No.9680696

wait I'm confused, which pair are we talking about, the SU pair or P5 pair?

Either way having them on FB and dissing them here is not cool bro

>> No.9680752

The dragged out comment doesn't really make sense, the time limit is 5 minutes for MCM and their skit was 1 minute

>> No.9680753

However your point about it not bringing anything new to the table is fair

>> No.9680758

oh was it? I guess it felt like longer than a minute. I mean the time limit usually for C4 is around 2 minutes and a half so you can play around with it.

>> No.9680911
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Never been to a con before but you lads make it look fun. Is it worth going to MCM birmingham (which is kind of close to me) or should I save my money for a better one? How do you know which ones will be good?

How do you even find meetups or is it better to go alone?

>> No.9680943

I was at the Ibis Styles over the closed DLR, same problem, bathroom stank like a mouse had died in the pipes.

>> No.9680951

MCM Birmingham is a fun con to go to as a starter, it's expanding each time and has a good variety of stalls that also go to London. Plus you have Resorts World nearby for food options and the hotels are decent too

>> No.9681022

If he is the tog I'm thinking off, bold, fat and short, hes at most cons? me and my friends try to avoid him. Comes over talking really loud and offensively and starts asking personal questions, and always ask for selfies to appear we're all friends with him.

>> No.9681030

One of the qualifiers has spat their dummy out on facebook and I've had enough of this.
If you two are reading this, which you probably are, just stop. You're just going back for more punches, if you don't like what you see then stay away.
It's no secret that this place is toxic as fuck but it's like sticking your finger over a burning flame and wondering why it hurts every time.
Concrit is best found with friends, not here. Stop being masochists because there's no good reason for you to be here unless you enjoy people talking about you or you yourselves shitpost

>> No.9681036

Because this kind of call out post is any better? Can't say it to their face?

>> No.9681037

Brum is just too far if you're south of London. Hoping Cosxpo turns out well cause Reading isn't bad to get to.

>> No.9681040

share with the class

>> No.9681048


There's nothing to share, I don't like that they've seen and are hurt by this but on the other hand coming back for more isn't the smartest move either.

>> No.9681053

It's not unusual to lurk though, so many are just scared if getting posted, or know they're going to be just for taking part in competitions. It's the same impulse as wanting to be able to see the wasp if there's one in the room.

>> No.9681057

it's not necessarily all been from 4chan though, I think a lot of the salt has been on FB posts from the other contestants

>> No.9681063


There's plenty of half baked excuses used to be here but there is only one thing which stops you from getting hurt, which is to not acknowledge it and ask others not to tell you. If they're decent friends they'll respect that.
You wouldn't willingly jump into a vat of toxic waste, would you? Cgl is just the same.

>> No.9681364

That doesn't stop a person getting hurt. Putting up and shutting up doesn't stop people hurting, it doesn't even help, it just perpetuates the distance between cause and effect.

People will stop getting hurt when others stop using anonymity and distance as a shield to make hurtful comments.

Hey fine, prefer another skit, that's totally cool, everyone has their likes but can we stop measuring success by other people's failures? Just say 'I liked X skit because' rather than buts or comparisons.

CGL isn't a vat of toxic waste, the people that use it badly are.

Sage because I know I'm an optimist for hoping people can change, or at least learn to be civil if they can't be kind. But don't blame the last domino that falls when the first one started the chain.

>> No.9681691


>> No.9681774


Erm, instead of spreading shit since this is a double name drop situation, why don’t you just ask Moody yourself what happened? You forget about the fact he got himself fucking PUNCHED, does that not give Beth a reason to be angry if he keeps shrugging it off as nothing?

I know A and Moody search these threads, too. Fair word and all that.

>> No.9681776


Lol this mascot was also at EGX, tried for the ECG qualifiers. I was sitting on the angle to see the eye fall out the head before they even got onto the stage.

>> No.9681835


Can't take the heat? Get the fuck out of the kitchen.

>> No.9682252

Anyone off to Doki Doki next weekend, lads?

>> No.9682281


me and my girlfriend are going to be there if anyone wants to arrange a meet ?, i will be mainly taking photos throughout the day

>> No.9682298

Going to check out HIbanacon instead as it's closer

>> No.9682764

Birmingham is nice but not necessarily worth spending 2 days in. If you live close buy a day pass and go for the morning. The site isn't really conductive to an afterparty so you can go home after.

It's pretty good as a first con. Try and find some Britgulls there. Not 100% sure if I'll be going though.

>> No.9682814

Aye I'm going with my friend. Might be able to meet up

>> No.9682976

Boyfriend gets hit:
Being mad on his behalf? Yes
Being mad at him? lolwut

He got hit next to the toilets. He could have gone cleaned up properly if he wanted to hide it or whatever. If he went out still bloodied and then "shrugged it off" something else is going on.

This seems like it's hitting the bullcrap emotional level between them so I'll leave it here. I don't have an opinion on Beth but Moody seems alright and I just wanted info so no point carrying on if there's nothing to come of it

>> No.9683142

So the shit C4 winner is now having a whine on Facebook publicly about being shat on. After coming to this thread and "welcoming criticism" as >>9681835 said, if you can't take the heat get out of the damn kitchen

>> No.9683178

You're late to the party, >>9681030 already referenced their status. Was the other half that asked for the criticism.

>> No.9683215

post pics

>> No.9683229

It's on public on her profile