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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9662361 No.9662361 [Reply] [Original]

Old one >>9658116

>> No.9662363
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>> No.9662364
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>> No.9662365
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>> No.9662368
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>> No.9662369
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>> No.9662371
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>> No.9662373
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>> No.9662376

That white cloth ruined her coord.

>> No.9662384

There is so much wrong with this. Why the chocolate bag and the chocolate accessories? This blouse also doesnt really work well with this print. Its a little too classic for this dress.

>> No.9662385

That’s a lot of bad coords.

>> No.9662413

what a mess

>> No.9662425

I think the flowers around the bodice are just too much. I get the idea, but it just looks strange to me.

>> No.9662533

that is not a blouse that is an angel costume for the church christmas play

>> No.9662538

This is the true spirit of mori-kei

>> No.9662574

ugh how good this would look without the garland/wreath thing.
I mean her creativity is incredible always but the green isn't warm and dusky enough and the flowers are similarly non-matching in colour.
I could really enjoy the colors in this coord without the floral cape interrupting. I love seeing lolita mixed w/ dolly kei, this has that feel.
>needs bracelets

>> No.9662618
File: 170 KB, 900x1300, 22496020_2118844018141186_1951711573562129605_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel costume how?

I think so too. The garland is off

>> No.9662642

does anyone know what the underskirt is she's using? The red one with the floral pattern? It looks lovely.

>> No.9662663

Wow, that really makes me lose all respect for her. I think her coordinates are still creative and interesting, not always in a good way, but now it makes sense if she can't even determine what materials are quality. Keeping buying taobao that falls apart after a few washes.

>> No.9662664

wish there were pearls in headdress to really pull the dark hime thing together.

>> No.9662668

might be one of BL high waist floral skirts

>> No.9662675

It is that floral bodyline high waist skirt

>> No.9662720

You mean...her sleeve??

>> No.9662793

Wow her wig is a mess and that ugly mass of brown on top does her no favours.

>> No.9662903

because of the big ass ugly sleeves, obv

>> No.9663088
File: 296 KB, 327x548, Sweet Gothic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweet Gothic
Loophole for 'bittersweet'?

>> No.9663095

I feel like she could have tried harder for a Mime look

>> No.9663107

>"no concrit please"

>> No.9663122

WAY too short. Looks like a fetishist like this.

>> No.9663159

Not at all. It just means sweet styled in a gothic way (or vice versa).

>> No.9663164

Daikon legs in sandals. Not sweet, not Lolita, not gothic, just a bad con outfit.

>> No.9663174
File: 442 KB, 1411x2048, 22181286_10214818597844719_1106732087742801629_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like this girl, I think they're both too tall, and their legs too thick. That kind of dresses look awful on them.

>> No.9663194

I loooove this coord so much <3

>> No.9663196

This coordinate is really pretty!
I wish my comm had people like her

>> No.9663197

I would change the blouse and the bag in this coord.
I think that everything else looks ok.

>> No.9663198

Love it!

>> No.9663199

This would look so much better if the dress wasn't that short for her and if she wasn't wearing that black flower or whatever in her head.

>> No.9663210

Oh dear, hello, this is me! I'm a pretty new lolita and I've only ever been here (cgl) once before. Thank you for the advice! I hoped to get some on CoF, but no such luck. I thought that was the point, but oh well... I see now that the Hime sleeves really don't work with this dress. I kind of wanted to work with the browns in the dress as well, but I guess that wasn't the best decision either.
I'm eager to learn and make my coords better, so I always appreciate concrit! ^o^

>> No.9663247

I think browns would be ok to pull out of the coord but I think the main problem with the browns here is that there aren't any chocolate motifs in the print. I really like your attitude towards the comments here; gulls aren't the always nicest. I look forward to seeing your improvement!

>> No.9663260

she seriously looks like someone threw a european grandma's rugs, tapestries, upholstery, and drapes onto one person and called it a coord

>> No.9663307
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Bring me

>> No.9663311

i dont think hime sleeves are the problem. its just this particular blouse looks very H&M so to speak. the sleeves are large but they lack elegance

>> No.9663313
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>> No.9663330

I hate to fall into the calling anons new meme, but jesus christ. Not replying to a post and emoticons? Can you try a little bit harder?

>> No.9663337

Literally what the fuck is this

>> No.9663541

That's a potato quality picture but the dress looks much shorter than the dress in>>9663088

At least in oldschool short dresses were intentional. Marble and cornet had some that were really short iirc. I think the white dress might not be that bad just the angle is very bad

>> No.9663556

Like her in what way?

>> No.9663559
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>> No.9663562
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>> No.9663566

Is he the girl's boyfriend or is that supposed to be an ouji coord? Because if it's the latter, he just looks like a regular dude in a fancy waistcoat.

>> No.9663569

sweet gothic is the hardest combo to pull off. Lillith, for example, is one of my favs for doing it so well in the past.
This would work if she had bloomers with cross or bat tulle lace. I like this a lot though. great effort!

>> No.9663581

cheap gloves+shoes are travesties
hmm, the make-up is not right for this, and the shoes are terrible. I think the echarpe does a good job of uniting the blouse and jsk, but the construction of it looks iffy.
I really don't like the legwear, that warm gold color in the print is just too much. making bright cold white work with a warm cream is very tricky, and so the accessory choices must be particular to strike a balance. solo tiara and lazy slip on gold shoes is not cutting it.
in a good direction, but incomplete and unpolished.

>> No.9663585
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>> No.9663587
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>> No.9663589
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>> No.9663591
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>> No.9663593
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>> No.9663594
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>> No.9663596

It looks like he got shopped from one pic to the next lmao

>> No.9663598
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>> No.9663599

Why is he not banned yet

>> No.9663600
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>> No.9663602

So you think a neutral expression would look better on her? Or an aloof, looking up at the sky wide-eye expression? Because I don't think smiling directly at the camera works well.

>> No.9663605
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>> No.9663608
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>> No.9663622

Stop encouraging him

>> No.9663627

to be honest I think that leg position in the 2nd and 3rd picture is the worst part... there's just nothing cute or elegant about it, it looks like a clown pose

>> No.9663630
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>> No.9663632
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>> No.9663635
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>> No.9663636
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>> No.9663638
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>> No.9663640
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end dump

>> No.9663642

This girl is always so pretty.

>> No.9663648

That velvet JSK is stunning, I like the color scheme too.

>> No.9663653

for such a fancy look, I wish she wore some wrist accessories

>> No.9663656

Not perfect enough for you?

>> No.9663678

Where's the rest of the coord

>> No.9663681

I don't care for Andrea much but I guess at least she's active in the community.

>> No.9663690

I really like the long braids!
Wonder if that is a wig, her real hair or extensions.
At least it looks like her real hair..

>> No.9663694

Nayrt but defensive much? That was a really gentle and valid critique.

>> No.9663698
File: 68 KB, 427x640, 22519449_1445421365495202_6563066655247579584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad

>> No.9663699

always with the bad makeup. the eyeshadow is a horrendously tacky shade, and would at least benefit from some mascara or eyeliner. this poor girl is always off.

>> No.9663701

As someone with facial piercings in lolita, I HATE her facial piercings. It just looks so dirty and trashy.

When is someone going to make a "no concrit plz" meme??

>> No.9663702

Her makeup is reminiscent of the chavs down my street

>> No.9663704

God he creeps me out everytime, and his smile doesn't help.
Those shoes are super unflattering on him, they look like legit clown shoes (probably because he has large feet)and that dress shows "cleavage".

>> No.9663705

is this lolita or a halloween costume
jfc everything looks so cheap

>> No.9663709

Sorry your coord isn't as perfect as you thought it was. Being pretty only gets you so far.

>> No.9663711

Everytime I see him in person he's so sweet but man I don't like any of his coords...

>> No.9663721

Ever sense she got implants, she's all about cleavage in Lolita.

>> No.9663724

So he decided to have surgery done on his chest rather than his face,, w hy

>> No.9663777

Why do so many trans women seem to think that frilly bows and tits are what makes a girl? It just shows that they have no understanding of what it means to be a woman, and they just want to be frilly princesses instead.

Aside from that, if he has enough money to buy almost every Haenuli release and travel internationally, why can't he invest in facial feminization surgery? It would make a huge difference in how he looks in lolita. Right now he just reinforces the misconception that lolitas are ageplayer fetishists.

Also everybody needs to let go of tea party shoes. They're hideous and they make everybody look like clowns.

sorry for the rant this shit just annoys me

>> No.9663799

And thats the reason why I'll never take them seriously in lolita.

>> No.9663807

>poor girl
Don’t feel bad for her, she’s a bitch. Her outward ugliness is just her inner ugliness coming out.

>> No.9663809

what the fuck makes a girl, anon?
coming from a woman, there are so many ways to be a girl, I can't even imagine what standards you could be thinking of.
Andrea doesn't represent all transwomen so the fact that she likes these royal feminine looks and feels better with obvious breasts doesn't translate to all transwomen.
also nothing she's done so far has registered as ageplay. the main issue has been her baring her chest and styling things too western-mature/immodest.

as a chick who is almost always in pajama pants and T-shirts outside of lolita, and wears jfash to be a 26-year-old frilly princess, I don't understand this assertion that women don't want to be frilly princesses.
"what it means to be a woman" is a concept loaded by the shared experiences that come from growing up in a heavily segmented and often woman-unfriendly world. without all these societal things bogging gender down, it's literally no deal at all to be born a woman.

this derailment is on you because you should have kept your dumb shit to yourself instead of making me reply.

>> No.9663812

Many men care more about tits than about faces.

Right? If you want to wear hyper feminine clothes and show off your implants, fine, but there are plenty of fashions more suitable for that than lolita. Cleavage is a nono in lolita even if you grew them naturally, even the biggest itas I know are aware of this. Join a vintage/retro community or something. Or at least don’t post it on COF.

>> No.9663813

It’s her real hair!

>> No.9663816

andrea is no different from all the other sissies who fetishize being girly

>> No.9663827

>the shared experiences that come from growing up in a heavily segmented and often woman-unfriendly world
Which Andrea never experienced because Andrea is a man who grew up as a man in a man’s world, then later on decided to see what life would be like in a woman costume. These types of transwomen always take it too far with the hair, makeup, clothing and surgery and end up looking like sissy/porn bimbos because that’s what they see when they think of the ideal woman.

~The hardest part about being a woman is figuring out what to wear~

>> No.9663837

"Andrea" is nothing more than a sissy fetishist. (pretending to be "trans" so nobody can say he's creepy because that would be ~transphobic uwu~)
But some people like you are so blinded by political correctness that you don't even see something as simple as that.

>> No.9663898

Sage for OT but I didn't make you reply, anon. You did that of your own volition.
But as you mentioned
>the shared experiences that come from growing up in a heavily segmented and often woman-unfriendly world
are an integral part of being a woman. There are as many ways to be a woman as there are women in the world, but I can guarantee that NONE of them are just boobs and bows alone.
You can't just brush all that off by saying
>without all these societal things bogging gender down, it's literally no deal at all to be born a woman
because we all exist in society and you can't ignore that.

Andrea seems to think that being a girl is about being a barbie doll, as evidenced by his choice to get (and then show off at every chance possible) breast implants but not have facial feminization surgery and to look like an ageplayer instead of wearing the fashion elegantly. Look at the shit he wears - mostly babydoll-cut dresses or tits-out haenuli.

It reeks of sissy fetish and a disgustingly simplistic idea of women.


>> No.9663952

I like her hair.

>> No.9663954

Rape face.

>> No.9663969

Andrea isn't a sissy. Have you met her irl? I've met more than my fair share of "lolita" fetishists and Andrea isn't one of them.

>> No.9663971

Andrea is a lovely person shut up

>> No.9663972

hello samefag

>> No.9663984

I feel so bad for her. She is so nice if you ever meet her in person but you really can't do anything to that face to make it better.

>> No.9663985

She's really cute but no of the accessories match. The hat color, tights and bag just dont work.

>> No.9663989

You're so fucking deluded and dumb if you think that girl is actually posting here.

>> No.9663991

Yea. I just hate most cgulls.

>> No.9664001

You are one tho

>> No.9664005

Remind me again why you are so salty about this girl who apparently isn't you.

>> No.9664072

He has consistently made comm members uncomfortable since he showed up making inappropriate comments and being a general fucking creep, but everyone is scared to be. ~transphobic~ so they don’t say anything. Seriously fuck off with defending a creepy old cross dresser.

>> No.9664083

where have people complained? Not being sarcastic at all, but seriously, do you have any proof of people complaining? What inappropriate comments has she made? I know several people in her comm and nobody has had anything but nice things to say about her. I've also met her a few times and have nothing bad to say about her.

also if you want any of us to take you seriously and not think you're just a transphobe, stop misgendering her.

>> No.9664148

I know her irl, and she's a bitch, and most of my comm that has met her says the same. She has mommy issues, and iirc, has a mommy kink or something along those lines.

>> No.9664158

Because fuck off, no one asked your opinion.

>> No.9664186

Your wrists need something, the gold shoes look tacky with the dress, and your wig looks like shit. Trim it before wearing, don't just sweep the bangs to the side. Learn how to take critique.

>> No.9664194

Your fitbit won't cut it for wristwear, but good for you working on losing that chub!

>> No.9664197

>that nasty old looking raschel lace on the veil
I have a shitty cape I made in 5th grade with that exact type

>> No.9664199

normally I'd say the gold shoes are weird for this coord, but her hair actually manages to balance it out! makes me wish I hadn't cut my ass length hair

>> No.9664208

I definitely don't have a fitbit.

Look it's pretty obviously that you are just convincing yourself it's her because you wish you could talk to her.

>> No.9664209

i guess i'm the minority, i actually don't like her hair because of how thin it is, but she looks cute

also minor nitpick but this jsk feels more elegant while the accessories are very cutesy

>> No.9664210

see I understand why you think that but in this case it was not samefagging

>> No.9664212

that's very interesting to me. Most of my comm has met her as well and everyone loves her. So IDK maybe it's a region thing? She's been nothing but nice to me all the time, and I've never gotten any weird vibes from her. She's also never talked to me about any "mommy" anything, kink or otherwise

>> No.9664219

the disgusting lace on that veil

>> No.9664220

cgl logic is pretty much "if two or more anons are replying with an opposing opinion, they are the same person actually"

>> No.9664223

ew I hate this hair, I thought it was a tassle because it's so thin and long

>> No.9664225

Why is someone always overly targeted every fucking CoF thread?

>> No.9664229

lol holy shit what an ugly personality you have for some coords I thought were cute, remind me to never interact with you at meets

>> No.9664239

Because they come here to defend their shitty cords.

>> No.9664242

Are you in her local comm? If so, that's probably why. I'd imagine she's more polite to them than to outside comms, since she has to interact with them regularly. I will admit that when I go to her state and see her at cons, she's always with other lolitas, so I definitely don't deny that she must have some redeeming qualities.

>> No.9664246

How's the voice?

>> No.9664247

Nah, when timestamps are exactly the timing you need to post twice, it's pretty obvious samefagging.

>> No.9664248

Jesus christ, arrogant much?

>> No.9664302

I agree with you anon, it's far too thin. Sorry if she just has thin hair, but it makes it seem like it's damaged and broken, that's why it's so thin. Maybe she could try braiding in an extension and spreading the braid to give it more volume.

>> No.9664446

I met her in Paris, she was absolutely lovely!

>> No.9664559

So no one could possibly post at the same time as someone else? That's far fetched to you?

>> No.9664572

I guess you don't know what arrogant means cause it doesn't make sense in this context.

So because Voldie and Kate do stupid shit, that means everyone does? no. You guys are full of delusions.

>> No.9664573

>stop misgendering her :((
go back to tumblr, it's a man in a dress and a creepy sissy, nothing more

>> No.9664608

I am with you, it's so damaged looking, you can't just grow your hair by leaving it, regular trims are so important to keep on top of split ends.
No one has posted the makeup but she had that tumblr ass galaxy makeup, not elegant at all.

>> No.9664619

So you are her.

>> No.9664626

Redxnavy-chan did last thread, and obviously >>9663600 is doing it itt. So it's not uncommon for people to come here to defend themselves.

>> No.9664630

Why can't you come up with anything else besides the fucking "hi x" meme that's been around since the fucking claire debacle.

You're so simple minded and you're too unintelligent to come up with your own opinions so you just repeat shit you've seen other anons say.

>> No.9664635

How do you know that was her? Do you have any idea how many r9k fags come here to role play? Why are you so gullible?

>> No.9664686

No one would be this defensive and adamant unless they're personally involved.

>> No.9664687

NAYTT but... A general rule is if someone starts getting unreasonably salty like this it's the person who was posted. Nobody who's not the person in the picture would get their panties so twisted over such simple comments.

>> No.9664688

>last thread
>non-pastel sweet thread
that was a completely different thread and I still believe that was just us in-fighting and not her. it's proved to be a quintessentially divisive coord: some gulls loved it (like me) and some absolutely hated it.

>> No.9664689

Yes they would.

You sound new to 4chan

>> No.9664692
File: 395 KB, 500x281, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DX you sound n-new

sure m8. I haven't wasted 9 years on this website at all.

>> No.9664695

Sorry that's the thread I meant. But the OP did come in and start a hissey fit at the end of the thread. She even confirmed it was her, and continued to do so throughout her replies.

>> No.9664716

I agree with the replies, the headdress is disgusting and it feels bare for a coordinate that's supposed to be a little more put together.

>> No.9664737

jfc this coord is fine, there is so much worse shit on COF to get pissy about

>> No.9664741

People aren't mad about her coord though. They're annoyed at her piss poor attitude towards concrit.

>> No.9664749

yall taking the bait. post moar coods and lets move the fuq on

>> No.9664765

Does she have ombre hair, or has she had blonde extensions braided in? Where it's darker, and the braids are a reasonable thickness, it looks OK, but the bright blonde sections look too thin and a bit ... shiny?

>> No.9664768

Left pic is so distorted - her face seems elongated and her legs shortened. What did she take the pic in? One of those funhouse mirrors? I don't know why people post these potatocam pics to CoF whee you can barely make out the details, and even the print closeup is blurred.

As far as the co-ord goes - the flapper style hairpiece doesn't go with anything else, and the eyeshadow would pretty for some sort of normie thing, but it's the wrong shade and style for that outfit. The blouse and dress look nice together. The boots seem too normie for the outfit.

>> No.9664771

She's always very well put together. The details on this are well balanced. I'm glad she's been blurring her backgrounds now.

>> No.9664772

... did she take that in a public bathroom with a graffiti'd mirror?? Is that some sort of deliberately ~edgy~ "look at me being fancy in trashy places!" thing, or did she just not think? From the amount of outfit visible, it doesn't look too bad, even if that lighting and makeup ages her.

>> No.9664774

I like this. It's nice to see some lace sleeves with quality lace, too - none of that awful stretch raschel lace! She looks cute, but the photography angle makes her look dumpy.

>> No.9664777

Only thing nice in this is that corset, and it doesn't belong in Lolita. The skirt/dress looks so cheap. This doesn't look like Halloween Lolita, it looks like a straight up Halloween costume

>> No.9664780

Dress and choker make me think of '90s Kindergoth, especially with it being really short babydoll cut - not exactly Lolita suitable! Plus the combination of shortness and cut just make it look like she's wearing a dress that's far too small for her.

>> No.9664810

No, I'm not in her local comm. That's exactly what I mean. I see her pretty rarely, but often enough, and as I said, most of my comm knows and loves her. We are definitely an "outside comm" but she is very polite to us.

>> No.9664814

it literally isn't, though lol. If she wants to be called a woman, call her a woman. *especially* when you're trying to convince people she's a bad person, when you go out of your way to misgender her it screams vendetta or transphobe. Nobody will take your claims seriously because they're written off as you being edgy

>> No.9664815

Hair thins as it breaks when it gets long, anon. She likely hasn't cut it in years, and on top of that, it looks like she processed it and damaged it pretty badly.
Thin because it's damaged, shiny because it's processed.

>> No.9664816

you realize you can respond to multiple posts in one post, right

>> No.9664823

That corset is shit-tier quality. Even with the skirt underneath it doesn't fit her hips or bust, so it's not doing any favors for her figure. I'd love to see corsets in lolita, but they have to be quality and tasteful. This just looks like a wrinkly, cheaply made, plastic-boned amazon corset. I think the idea is nice, but the overall execution isn't there.
Or maybe... ya know, he looks like a man in a dress. Even the most pushed up fake tits and fake personality can't hide that. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.9664863

I wouldn’t consider it “going out of your way” to call a man a man.

>> No.9664923

I'm not.
I thought that was such an annoying thing to nit and am bummed she started blurring her awesome room.

>> No.9664931

Same. Plus, the blurring just looks distracting af now. :/

>> No.9664956

It's nothing "special" or overly styled, but I really like how casual and comfortable this looks. Sometimes it's nice to take a rest from the extreme extra.

>> No.9664959

I really don't like this dress. and I'm not fond of the tights with it (there is just way too much going on with the print and the different laces and the tights) but it's kinda cute in a simple way. Not fond of the bag or necklace either, but oh well.

>> No.9665020

yes, I do. Posted the first reply without noticing the second reply.

sage for ot

>> No.9665064

Here room is interesting and clean, but the colors match too much and it's hard to make out the coordinate easily. It's still hard for me to tell even with the blur desu.

>> No.9665093

To be honest, I think this is someone pretending to be her. There was an anon in the Confessions/Feels thread who admitted they like to pretend to be other people because they think it's fun.
>sage for offtopic discussion

>> No.9665115
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>> No.9665116
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>> No.9665118
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>> No.9665120
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>> No.9665122
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>> No.9665124
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>> No.9665126
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>> No.9665127
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>> No.9665139

I'm sure she's looked better than that in her posts before, does she just take one awful picture of her face and think "yeah that'll do".
Where are her eyelashes? Why is her headdress thing upside down? Why does she never get better? I have so many questions.

>> No.9665142

This is perfect... Really makes me want to embrace the metamorphose wa-lolita trend.

>> No.9665146

Thanks for admitting you're shitty :)

>> No.9665147

Like I said. There are loads of r9k fags pretending to be litas.

>> No.9665148


>> No.9665152

you're saying you've wasted 9 years here and never had the social awareness to realize when someone is posing as a butthurt gal coming to defend her coord, even tho it happens probably twice per cof thread? you're retarded then. only a truly autistic person wouldn't be able to see the very clear "troll le memes" going on on this board /constantly/

>> No.9665154

Nothing was confirmed. I just looked at the archive.

>> No.9665156


>> No.9665159

that annoying girl who always replies too much on RC and talks about how she loves being white told this girl that her dress made her skin look bad lmfao.

>> No.9665166

I saw that, seriously what the hell. She looks fine, in both photos posted. She's pale but not ghost pale, the white and blue look fine.

>> No.9665168

>y-you WISH you could talk to me!!!
that's called arrogance sweetie

>> No.9665169

This is kind of cute, but the witch mixed with the very nun cross theme looks weird.

>> No.9665174

Please take your photos up and down like normal people.

>> No.9665176

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think model sets should be in CoF. You didn't style it yourself, and were given most, if not all of the pieces. Just post it on your own social media or something.

>> No.9665192

Yeah, I agree with this

>> No.9665201

But anon, how else are they going to tell us they're ~models~?

>> No.9665209

I'm getting bored with gravelvet. I used to like their coords but now they all run together.

>> No.9665230

Samefag, nobody actually cares this much about photo orientation

>> No.9665236

I like the hat and bag. Cute look

Simple and sweet. I like the bag a lot.

Wish the middle girl had more red in her makeup, but overall really like the outfits. Would change shoes on right girl though.

>> No.9665238

Sorry not the same person. It's just annoying visually, and obviously multiple people notice it every time she posts

>> No.9665241

I agree generally but I also like to see how the designers style things. It probably doesn't belong in CoF but I like it when actual nice things get promoted to a lot of people, so noobs can have a better sense of how to dress.

>> No.9665263

That hat is not situated on the wig properly, and the wig isn't sitting right on her head. She's cute, tho.
The real tragedy is the stark white underskirt.
Nice and elegant, with some princess vibes.

>> No.9665298

She's older and the shoes + tights are bad but eh. It doesn't burn my eyes.
Some of you guys are so dramatic..

>> No.9665304
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she doesnt look washed out, jaundiced, or sallow. the funniest part is J does. Shes honestly as gross looking as she is annoying

>> No.9665312

Finally, some really nice handmade around here.

>> No.9665329

The underskirt is apart of the dress

>> No.9665331

was going to say this as well but got distracted. thx anon
this op is dynamite. fit, construction, colors. the bodice bow is kinda dinky but this looks so lovely overall
I love this! looping the braids might have been cuter though

>> No.9665351

Saggy boobs, oily horse face, thick neck. Maybe she doesn't like it when a pretty girls does something good and gets compliments because of it. She must be a gull.

>> No.9665356

>thick neck.
So many people who really shouldn't accentuate that part are wearing chokers.

>> No.9665367

I think she's pretty. But the no makeup thing doesn't work for Lolita. It's a bit of a mismatch between her outfit and face.

>> No.9665388

The blouse on the girl on the right makes her look so wide.

But overall it seems that the coords are better this meet. Or maybe the itas haven't posted yet.

>> No.9665404

This is boring as hell. How is this even lolita.

>> No.9665406

She was pretty good in The Shining.

>> No.9665408

She is wearing a normie shirt, non matching tights and looks a whale. How is this not in the ita thread.

>> No.9665409

This is so good, couldn't believe it was made after a Simplicity pattern. Had to follow her after that.
I actually like this one, didn't understand all the hate. Looks comfy and I agree that the underskirt could have been more ivory. But other than that...
I don't really dig this look, I feel like the skirt could've been longer, but I do like the mini hat.
It feels like a full set. It's cute, but the collage doesn't help showing the coord. I would have changed the shoes to a paler pink.

>> No.9665415

>It feels like a full set
It was for a Btssb show. Read the thread next time.

>> No.9665427

>It was for a Btssb show. Read the thread next time.
It just say she's a model, anon. Nothing about it being a full set or BTSSB Show.
Sage for randomness

>> No.9665437

>Wearing an entire coord of OTT Baby

Hmm. Wonder what brand she was modeling for.

>> No.9665441

>Wonder what brand she was modeling for.
She was modelling for BTSSB anon. geez, youngsters these times... can't even recognize a dress by the glorious BTSSB

>> No.9665445

>that annoying girl who always replies too much on RC
Gee I wonder if you're talking about-

She's in my comm. She's actually quite nice, but she talks A LOOOT and apparently has no filter. I've turned off RC notifications because of her. I like you J but I don't need to know everything you're thinking about everything at every moment of the day.

I think that was sarcasm, anon.

>> No.9665483
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>> No.9665488

She needs to lose the stockings. They don't go. Maybe a blouse change into something not as sweet (bit of a nitpick), but apart from that it's an alright co-ord

>> No.9665490
File: 35 KB, 870x190, Baby-main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal Baby logo in the background on the bottom right photo.

>> No.9665494

At first I thought anons were putting the fact she dresses boringly out of proportion. But after seeing more from her, it’s just the same thing over and over. Not even in creative way. This coord is such a clusterfuck.

>> No.9665524


>> No.9665527

>What are photogs?
>Current year
>Not knowing how to operate your phone
>Being a fucking iphone user
And before you misinterpret the last one, apple is known for being user friendly towards those who aren't tech savvy.

Also some of us care about more things than lolita. Have you ever read an Instagram thread here? Its more talk about how you photograph yourself and the aesthetic than it is about plugging these days.

>> No.9665534

It’s just the annoying Voldie hate, otherwise nobody would give a shit.

>> No.9665539

If anyone else posted photos like that they would get hate too. Correlation =/= causation.

>> No.9665543

This. I don't care for that bowsbeforeboys chick doing it either.

>> No.9665551
File: 120 KB, 1024x576, group_photo-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be no itas based on report of the meetup here:

>> No.9665565

You have low standards.
Anyways it seems like not all of the girls' coords were posted either, that's what I meant.

>> No.9665589

I'm still trying to figure out why anyone gives a shit about it.

>> No.9665603

Corset looks sturdy to me - just way too big for her. I think it's a Corset Story one, and they can be moderately curvy on people that fit them, but they're one-curve-for-all thing means they rarely fit, plus I bet this girl ordered one in her current waist size, not her target waist size, or refused to tie it up properly. I don't think corsets as outerwear work in Lolita - as underwear, certainly. Lolita skirts flare out usually from the natural waist, and corsets extend beyond that, so they're perfect for accenting a waist under an outfit, but over an outfit they tend to squash down the top of the skirts.

>> No.9665604

It's cute from what I can tell, but I second >>9665263 with the thing about the hat. It's hard to get those clip-on style hats to sit right, part of why it's hard to get mini hats to work in general.

>> No.9665610

I agree with this too - I feel that model sets belong on brand pages/social media, the model's portfolio and/or in magazines - CoF is for daily Lolita - people's ordinary outfits.

>> No.9665620

Just be glad they're not dressing up as a vampire boy or menhera girl for a change, and have gone with Satanic/demonic priest this time. I know Goths go with the whole 'every day is Halloween' thing, but it seems like all their outfits portray a character, like they go too heavy on dressing for a theme, and don't actually just ever simply be themselves? Like, if you're always bordering on a costume level of theme and tend to for similar themes, eventually there's nowhere further to take it without going into outright costume territory. I know they wear Lolita & Ouji regularly, too, so I think they've backed themselves into a corner by trying to churn out highly themed outfits so constantly - eventually a finite wardrobe is going to end up repeating, plus they've overexposed themselves in terms of posting a lot, and then they've got nowhere left to push it because they've already pushed the themes so hard. They would really benefit from going back to basics, and just wearing a nice Lolita or Ouji outfit, without each outfit having to be some OC, and to pair it back to basics. This co-ord's OK, but some of their recent co-ords (like that shiro ghost one) have tried so hard to go with a concept that they've overshot, and landed back in Ita territor. At least this was for a Halloween meet, so it gets a pass for being costumey.

>> No.9665644

The tights are a little bold, but the rest of the coord is so lovely

>> No.9665666


>> No.9665711

eh, they post a lot more on insta, that is where the casual is, I prefer only seeing the noteworthy stuff on COF, think of how annoying school run woman has been with her boring spam

>> No.9665758

boots look sort of scruffy and cheap. replace with cuter witchy shoes.

>> No.9665776

Oh god, yeah, at least they aren't that school run woman. Gravelvet can at least usually dress nicely. What's their Instagram? I see them on CoF, and used to follow their blog. Most of their co-ords are pretty solid, just samey and sometimes they try too hard and it backfires. I'd like to see their other stuff.

School run woman just looks half-baked. Half her stuff isn't even J-fash, it's normfag stuff with the odd item thrown in, and she really can't mix the two well. I haven't seen her recently, has she finally stopped?

>> No.9665784

Gravelvet is Gravelvet on insta. Not meaning that to sound sarcastic. You know I am not sure where she (school run) went but man do I not miss it, half baked is right, though desu it seems even her "proper" co-ords are on the ita side of things which is nuts when people were saying on a previous thread she has been in the fashion like ten years

>> No.9666045

Maybe school run distracted a driver and got run over.

>> No.9666131

You'd think school run woman would have learned that you can't wear a normie office blouse with a pointed collar with a Lolita JSK after 10 years - I think most Lolitas have that figured out after 10 months. Her excuse is that they don't have time in the mornings - so why not plan an outfit the night before? It just looked very lazy, as did the untidy closet room and lack of ironing. Glad they're not posting any more.

>> No.9666138

Maybe the other parents and teachers also got annoyed with having to see her shitty outfits every day and got her kid expelled.

The office blouse really got me. She's been wearing lolita for 10 years and never thought to buy a white blouse with a suitable neckline or collar? White blouses are staple pieces in every style of lolita. Wearing a normie office blouse with a lolita dress is something only complete newbies do. Having little time in the morning has nothing to do with that.

>> No.9666198

I have this problem, and noticed it after taking lots of pictures. I am thin, can fit VM, but I have strong legs due to soccer practice. Really annoys me, but oh well.
Anyone has advice to help? Definetly not white tights

>> No.9666200

are your eyes ok, anon?

>> No.9666204

nothing matches wtf
not the patterns, the colors, not even the fabric textures
The shoehorned theme.
It hurts
too much, cats, pumpkin, bats, crosses, maid hairband, chocker, white, black and blue, and even red lipstick.

>> No.9666258

Are your eyes OK? Have you even seen the crappy lace on it, the badly gathered top, and those stupid kid's devil head thingies. It's completely Ita tier!

>> No.9666275

Oh she owns them, she chooses to dress the way she does

>> No.9666455

omg her face


>> No.9666481
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>> No.9666484
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>> No.9666486
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>> No.9666490
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>> No.9666491
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>> No.9666492
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>> No.9666493
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>> No.9666495
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done for now

>> No.9666499

This girl is super cute.

>> No.9666505

It rustles my jimmies so much that people think this is what old school looks like

>> No.9666525


That jacket looks like ass.

>> No.9666528

Is the dress a replica? Looks like a sad one

>> No.9666531

It's also 100% obvious that you're either her or one of her white knight friends. All of you guys are annoying as fuck.

>> No.9666539

I actually love the jacket/cardigan.

The tacky mask on her head ruins the coord.

>> No.9666556

this is pretty cute but the flowers of the hairclip do not match. perhaps she could use a hairclip that incorporates the tan of the shoe as well as the dusty rose. the jacket is pretty but it's too long for lolita. this would look nice without a petti and in a more otome direction I think.
>wew those curls
practice makes perfect with rag curls so I understand. the lighting really highlights the mediocre material of the BL blouse and JSK though. I'm distracted by the different textures and blacks in this. I want to like it...
gotta nit the blouse collar and the masquera. if the mask was a burnished or even rose gold it'd be cutest.

>> No.9666583

vendetta much?

>> No.9666588

Confirmed she can't dress herself outside of full sets. Rich to see this from someone so snooty and rude.

>> No.9666601

I thought it was a Halloween coord?

>> No.9666629

No, she mentioned going to a halloween themed event, but described her coord as "a comfy oldschool coord"

>> No.9666660
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>> No.9666662

She's improving though.

>> No.9666667

I just wish she'd improve faster. It's like squeezing blood from a stone.

>> No.9666693

I honestly really like this look, the idea is super cute. If she had some of those curled toe witch shoes or something a bit more fancy/more bows it would be perfect to me.

>> No.9666708

I can't believe this girl is still around, holy shit. What was her lj name again?

>> No.9666712

I disagree

>> No.9666718

I know this girl and she's just freaky tall. Not really her fault anon but I see what you're getting at.

>> No.9666728

Who cares? Wear tea length dresses if you're that sensitive. Anons will always pick on people who aren't thin and cute, wearing a slightly longer dress might help but ultimately wear what makes you happy

>> No.9666751

>eye make-up
only things she needs now to be a rockin babe imo
I'm proud of her. the bone clips are weird but I don't mind

>> No.9666764


>> No.9666775

she needs pounds of makeup asap

>> No.9666777

I really want someone to help her with makeup and wigs. She has a fairly decent wardrobe.

>> No.9666802
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>> No.9666838

I think she looks really cute but I'm so confused by the ribbon tied in the middle of hee fringe.

>> No.9666865

not a fan of the veil and bone clips here but I suppose the rest of the coord isn't totally terrible. different shoes would be nice too.

but like everyone else is saying goddamn I wish she could just work on her face, and also posing. like just mascara and eyeliner and a nice wig could do wonders on top of understanding how to pose her body and not make odd faces.

>> No.9666923
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>> No.9666925
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>> No.9666927
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>> No.9666930
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>> No.9666931
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>> No.9666932
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>> No.9666934
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>> No.9666936
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>> No.9666941

Can't really see the coord but the make up is a no for me. It looks like bad cosplay.

>> No.9666958
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This offends my eyes.

>> No.9666974

She sucks up to efamous Lolitas online and won't even talk to someone if it's not going to further her social reach.
I wish I had some dramatic story about being slighted by her or something like that, but I've heard the latter from different friends who have attended events with her, and the former is obvious from her online behaviour.

>> No.9667000

Unfortunately I can confirm this is true- I've seen and heard from friends she basically ignored everyone at dmc

>> No.9667001
File: 399 KB, 1360x2048, 295F713E-755B-4216-9116-443273ED9DC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lost enough of the baby weight to fit into IW again!! I wanted to wear something extra simple after seeing all the OTT Halloween coords lately, I wish I were more creative but every time I try unusual coords they seem to be disliked to the point no one will even concrit so I've given up on that lol :D

Maybe if you weren’t such a passive aggressive piece of shit you might get some likes? Congrats on making IW look normie.

>> No.9667015

Is that really innocent world? I dont recognize it and the sleeve length and shape is unusual for IW

>> No.9667016

>tfw the only coords of your style that you see are passable at best

Why is that so rare to see navy x gold sweet coords?

>> No.9667017

It's sad because in turn loads of people suck up to her. I'd gotten the impression online that she was chill, complimented her coord at DMC and no fucking joke she blanked me. Nobody owes a stranger their time or effort but she was really rude (literally walked right past me with her head turned away) and it put a really awful taste in my mouth. I'd expect that kind of behaviour from a teenager who'd just watched Mean Girls, maybe. Maybe.

>> No.9667019

is that a bodyline dress?

>> No.9667021

maybe she didn't hear your comment? i mean, it's not possible to be THAT rude, or is it..?

>> No.9667023

I really want to believe that maybe she just didn't hear me, but she looked away as soon as I said it so who knows.

>> No.9667027

She claims it is. It looks super cheap and weirdly shaped for IW to me but to be fair I don’t know the brand well enough to tell. The cherry on top of this post would be if it’s a replica or offbrand, any burando wizards wanna weigh in?

>> No.9667028

This is exactly the behaviour I've heard about her from other friends- she'll completely blank you. She's also really awkward if you tell her you like her YouTube stuff as well apparently (This was reported to me by someone else)

>> No.9667029
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>> No.9667031
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>> No.9667034


nayrt. I'd believe it, they have done half sleeve and 3/4 sleeve stuff in between their more normal short or long sleeves before. Maybe more believeable if you consider the possibility that this girl may have bought this dress secondhand for cheap, and it very likely originally had a detachable nun collar or something that got lost.

>> No.9667035
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>> No.9667036
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>> No.9667037
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>> No.9667038

If it's really IW then most likely it's something with a removable collar that she left off.

>> No.9667039

whoops, I need to learn to refresh the page before posting

>> No.9667060

I saw her crying at DMC later in the day, maybe she was having some issues? She was really nice when I talked to her about YouTube and asked some questions, but yeah she seemed a bit awkward. I don't think she was unkind or rude though.

>> No.9667061

I get that she wants to showcase that she went to the witchy/occult store, but that sort of thing is for Instagram/personal FB, not CoF - half her outfit is in shadow, and what she's surrounded by is clearer than what she's wearing, plus the photo angle is awkward because it's been taken in a cramped space.

>> No.9667063
File: 15 KB, 345x437, IW Collar Plain Bib OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm relatively certain it's IW Collar Plain Bib OP. Pic related is the stock photo with the bib removed.

>> No.9667066

I actually like the long jacket over this - I think it makes it look more casual, but because it is soft and fans nicely over the pettis, it still looks nice with the Lolita silhouette, rather than pushing the pettis down or something. I generally really like this co-ord, although I agree that while her shoes and wig are similar colours, she needs to bring more tan in - perhaps with her bag?

>> No.9667068

Harsh flash in the full body pic really makes her JSK and blouse look shiny and her face washed out rather than pale. I like the Lydia pin, I don't like the handmade bats in her hair - they look cheap - and I think with a gloss black bag, she should have worn gloss black shoes - or taken a black velvet bag with black velvet shoes.

Looks like she might have an interesting Goth bedroom

>> No.9667070

I like seeing more cute pastel witches, but that hat looks so cheap.

>> No.9667074

I like that someone recognises that the Phantom of the Opera is pretty spooky and Gothic tale appropriate for Halloween and NOT a happy romance, but I don't like how she can't match her golds at all - shoes are a brassy colour, dress is nearly rose gold, bag has pale yellow gold, and mask is bright yellow gold, and bows at her neck seem a tarnished 'antique' gold with a silvery/steely undertone.

>> No.9667076

She looks terrified posing. I think the OP would have been better with a bolero than a shirt under it, but if this is the same girl I think she is, she's improving s-l-o-w-l-y.

>> No.9667082

really unbalanced, to much white, ugly tights
nitpick: ugly personality

>> No.9667084

I can't make out the co-ord very well - wearing all black and standing against the light doesn't really work. I like the inverse-scallop on the cuffs. I think her makeup is a nice concept, but the execution needs work, especially her eyeliner around her eyes - it looks sketchy and thin where it needs to be bolder, and the cracked effect needs work, also her lipstick needs blending - currently it looks like she's trying to emulate blocky cel shading or something.

>> No.9667086

I like everything but the shoes.

>> No.9667088


>> No.9667089

I guess it's impossible to know the entire iw catalog

>> No.9667091

Blues match better in the group pic, and there's a word for when colours look like they match in some lights, but not all, but in that full body pic, th blues doe not match between the blouse and the skirt. I like the tights, but I don't like the silver hair chains or the necklace.

>> No.9667094

The dress is OK, but that wig looks so tacky and cheap - especially under harsh lights and just clipped down rather than properly styled - and that makeup doesn't make her look spooky, it makes her look ill with crusty lips. Just because something is Halloween-y, doesn't mean you should use a wig from Spirit :/

>> No.9667096

Creepy smile. This is where stickers are useful

>> No.9667097

I like this, but I don't think that makeup flatters them - it makes their lips look awkwad, not sure if that style wig flatters their face shape either. Dress and accessories go beautifully together as always, though. cute and nicely balanced, and I love that red velvet bodice.

>> No.9667098

I really like this, especially those shoes/boots - they're gorgeous. Witch-hat looks like it has nice trim, too.

>> No.9667099

Looks like a shitty Lestat cosplay rather than ouji. Those shorts, tights, and boots don't go with each other, and the shorts and boots don't look Ouji appropriate.

>> No.9667117

Lol crying

>> No.9667242

Most of the Singapore comm are either itas or mediocre as hell. I wonder why they're trying so hard to be the significant.

>> No.9667308

It's not because I'm not her. Keep on believing your lies, anon.

>> No.9667319

wow ur so you cool

>> No.9667507


How do you feel about the crocs tho

>> No.9667590

I couldn't figure out this comment for the life of me, but then I realized you probably meant to quote >>9667036

>> No.9667668

I did thanks for the correction

>> No.9667777

I don't see a problem with this, it's a halloween coord, not high-tea-everything-must-be-perfect.