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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9660455 No.9660455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen one in a while.
Spew your /CGL/ related dirty little secrets!

Starting off with mine:
I bought a dress from a gull in the BST and paid via friends/family (I had done heaps of transactions with gulls previously and always found them to be awesome honest sellers)
This time of my own naive stupididy, surprise, I got scammed.
So I did what I could, and became a mod of 2 large lolita Facebook groups blocked her from both and put out a scammer warning with her known LM link, and contacted all other large pages to do the same.
Good luck selling shit now bitch.

InB4 - you're dumb, I know.

>> No.9660482

nice one.
i love sniping on lm. not just me, right ?

>> No.9660493
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Bitches beware

>> No.9660503

Who was the user?

>> No.9660507

I shit up threads whenever I get into an argument with someone and am bored.
On particularly slow boards, I've dragged on stupid fights for days. I don't want to be like this, but when I'm triggered, I always have something to say and literally can't stop myself.
I've done some pretty horrendous samefagging, too. Sometimes I cringe thinking about the fact that the janitor knows and has seen all of it.

>> No.9660545

name and shame.

>I samefag comment an ugly girl who often gets posted in ita/cOF threads because she has a horrible personality irl especially for a face like hers.

>> No.9660552

I dont lift my petti when I fart.

>> No.9660559

This happens to me every once in a while, and it's kind of hilarious thinking about it:
>sometimes particularly active in tumblr-style arguments or lengthy discussions
>especially about weight or gender stuff
>short time passes, forget about previous OT debacle
>about to post on-topic friendly reply or question in different thread
>instant anxiety
>am I ot idiot b& yet...?
>nice post clears, no warning or ban

>> No.9660565

I shit up every ita thread with vendetta
Sorry, there are people I cannot stand so I have to vent someway... Is easier when are people I don't know
I'm tired to be a lone lolita

>> No.9660571

You could maybe bitch about them in the feels thread instead of being a cunt and shitting up a thread?

>> No.9660639

I sometimes vent about a girl in my comm who annoys the everloving shit out of me, and Im not the only one. Shes been posted to BtB and the ita thread multiple times but none of that was me. My issue isnt so much with her clothing choices (terribad though they are) but her immaturity, grating personality and unwillingness to ever accept any kind of accountability for her behavior. Ive muted her on FB because I cant deal with her constant whining about how all the mean jealous haters are bullying her for no reason, then seeing her sycophants tell her its just jealous losers with no life who hate her because shes too wonderfully unique and amazing for them. When actually, I only said I wished shed stop screaming like a hyperactive toddler and embarrassing our entire comm at meetups. Is that so much to ask?
I think Im developing a vendetta. Maybe I already have one. That doesnt even bother me so much as the fact that her asspatters keep acting like theres only one super-obsessed jelly hater who dislikes her when I know Im definitely not the only one whos annoyed with her. I almost wish I knew who else agreed with me, not least because we could then avoid her at meetups together. She has this habit of always ending up at the same table as me and its staring to damage my hearing.

>> No.9660651

When I feel sad, empty or disgusting I start lint rolling my dresses until I feel a bit better.
I also hoard items in two colorways in case I ever find someone to twin with.

>> No.9660672

My first attempt at cosplay got dumped in a bad cosplay thread after someone came up and asked to take my pic at a con. Since then I don't even bother trying to make something and just buy shit off AliExpress and commission wigs.

>> No.9660675

relax your anus this is a confession thread jfc

>> No.9660683


>> No.9660691

my vendettaposting on /cgl/ has led to other gulls recognizing the girls and making fun of them all by themselves. i just had to plant the seed. feels good!

>> No.9660694

What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.9660699

Who touched you as a child that you do this? I feel like you have to be destroyed as a child to feel good from shit like this.

I understand calling someone ugly or fat once or twice or arguing with them, but going to this length to give someone shit, you have to have some actual anger issues.

>> No.9660703

>anger issues

nope, i just enjoy fucking with people. you're not much better by throwing around phrases like "who touched you." projecting?

>> No.9660706

>I just enjoy fucking with people

But why? People don't actively enjoy hurting others on the level you described unless they are incredibly unhappy with their lives or are actual sociopaths.

>> No.9660709

seconding this
you sound like a weirdo who needs a hobby

>> No.9660710

>using an overused edgy joke is the same as actively attempting to get people to turn on eachother

u wot tho

>> No.9660711

My boyfriend gets really turned on by lolita, so sometimes I wear it when we have sex. I would never wear something expensive and he understands how precious some of my dresses are to me, but I have purchased cheap damaged or secondhand brand off of fril for this.

I don't let him cum on the clothes, but I sometimes give him footjobs while I'm wearing otks. I would never sell the socks, but I have sold some of the pieces I've worn. I always wash them and make sure they're clean beforehand.

>> No.9660715

>Look at me, I'm a manipulative mastermind >:3 I will strike down upon you with great vendetta and furious shitposting rawwwr
>SoMe MEn JUst WaNt tO wAtCH tHe WoRld BuRn

>> No.9660723

>Tearing people down instead of building yourself up
Get help, this is the kind of shit behavior you'd expect from r9k

>> No.9660727
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>> No.9660731

Is it 2009 again? Please say yes.

Though I get where OP is coming from. When I find out that someone snatched a rare dream- or wishlist dress of mine shortly before I did, I stalk them for a few days and write petty, nitpicky comments in the CoF thread if they post a coord in there. Sometimes anons agree and I feel better. It's stupid and childish but oh well.

>> No.9660733

abloobloobloo. blame the people who blindly follow me and start to hate other people they don't even know. you all make it too easy because you're desperate to latch onto something.

>> No.9660734

I have an insane jealousy issue over a girl in my comm. She's not a bad person or anything- she's never been anything but polite to me. I just hate that her wardrobe is so fucking huge and full of so many nice brand pieces when she ways almost twice as much as I do and all of the shit she has looks bad on her body, and I know it would look better on me.

I guess the upside is that I use that hate to fuel my desire to expand my wardrobe..but I think I might always stay salty at her.

>> No.9660738

>you all make it too easy

You do realize the people criticizing your sociopathic tendencies probably aren't the same anons who you rile up to the point they actually hate someone they don't know right?

Not everyone on this board is a raging cunt like yourself.

>> No.9660742

Please don't compare sociopathy to someone griefing like a 12 year old on Minecraft.

>> No.9660747

I can never find it in me to be jealous of somebody who is fatter than me, or can't pull off the coord. But I do understand wardrobe envy.

>> No.9660748

I miss the old /cgl/. Before the tumblrinas ruined it with their sensitive feefees.

>> No.9660749

>I shit up every ita thread with vendetta
>there are people I cannot stand
>I'm tired to be a lone lolita
With an attitude like this, maybe you should stay a lonelita.

>> No.9660752

>Psshhh... nothing... personnel kid...

>> No.9660753

you seem a little angry. are you okay?

>> No.9660760

You're free to go to lolcow or r9k if you just want to sit around and drag other people down into your negativity
Or I guess you can sit around and slowly rot as you fail to improve yourself or define yourself in any way that doesn't involve people or things you hate

>> No.9660761

I decided I will go to an event solely because I'm expecting some drama based on who else is coming.

>> No.9660772

I love wearing bodyline for the sole purpose of getting drunk or high on mdma without damaging my brand

>> No.9660787

MG Are you ok?

>> No.9660802
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>mfw no cute lolita gf to give me footjobs

>> No.9660820
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You seem angry

>> No.9660821

if you buy me burando I'll give you footjobs while wearing it

>> No.9660824

deets when it's over

>> No.9660829

Seconding this

>> No.9660840

>if you buy me burando I'll give you footjobs while wearing it
That would be prostitutions.
Every time you wore that Lavender A/P Holy Lantern JSK you'll be reminded of your dirty deed.

>> No.9660845

god same, i'm going to a small convention this weekend just to watch some drama unfold. i'll try to stay out of it myself though

>> No.9660849
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>Every time you wore that Lavender A/P Holy Lantern JSK you'll be reminded of your dirty deed.

what kind of uncultured swine would wear AP while giving a footjob? classic master race all the way

>> No.9660852

>unironically wanting to look like a grandma while giving a footjob

he won't cum

>> No.9660853


NAYRT but some people would beg to differ.

Nothing like a pseudo victorian feel to add some class to your masturbation session.

>> No.9660854


Honestly my grandma looks more like mori if anything. Layers upon layers upon layers, bless her.

>> No.9660855


we're talking about footjobs here you fucking noob.

>> No.9660857

Obviously the superior footjob substyle is gothic.

>> No.9660859

I'm not arguing with you on that. I merely mock the anon saying classic is a good choice for dudes cumming on your feet.

>> No.9660863

Classic? I bet you wear powdered wigs you 1800's basic bitch. Jk

>> No.9660865

I have an actual eating disorder and I talk massive amounts of shit about the girls who complain about their weight impacting their ability to wear certain pieces in my comm because I feel like if they actually wanted to look good they would starve themselves like I do.

When I get compliments about how thin I am Ill also say things like "Oh no, I'm still pretty fat, look at my arm etc" especially if it's a chubby girl.

I also have started a list of fat sellers on LM that I refuse to buy from.

>> No.9660871

just eat jfc, are you stupid?
hope you die soon

>> No.9660872

>just eat

Love hearing shit like this because it makes me want to not eat even more.

>hope you die soon

>> No.9660874

Well, at least you're self aware, that's the first step.
Hope you can get help soon.

>> No.9660877

Spot the bitter fatty.

>> No.9660878

you sound fat

>> No.9660879

One of my main goals atm is to prepare myself for sugar daddies. It will take a while, but I'll get my walk in closet and lifestyle furniture sooner or later.

>> No.9660882

Well, at least you won't last for long. Have fun being trash.

>> No.9660885

>you won't last for long

I've been doing this for like 7 years, I doubt your statement. Sorry you are fat.

>> No.9660893
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>Having to starve to be skinny and still bragging about it.
>Not having a fast metabolism that would let you eat like shit and not get fat.

I'm sorry you're so miserable anon. If i was you I would be a salty bitch as well.

>> No.9660896

I'm naturally thin anon, I just wanted to be thinner. In fact, what started it is a ton of people always commenting on how thin and cute I was. It got me attention and I wanted more of it.

Idk why you assume you have to be large to develop an ED to start with.

>> No.9660897

>One of my main goals atm is to prepare myself for sugar daddies.
So... kegels and dilators? You're going to fail the next comm inspection.

>> No.9660899

I always wondered what the income is for a sugar daddy.

>> No.9660902

You need to be a lot prettier first, given how a lot of girls on here look

>> No.9660906

>You need to be a lot prettier first, given how a lot of girls on here look
They say "whats on the inside is what counts" so they're screwed in that department too.

>> No.9660912

Instead of that, why don't you get a job and buy dresses with your own money?
Or are you so lazy you would rather become a prostitute?

>> No.9660924

Maybe they do work and just want extra income to blow.

>> No.9660967

Do sugar daddies actually care about shit like that?

>> No.9660981

no, but they definitely care about how young and pretty you are and how nice you can pretend to be
if you're over the age of 24-25, you are not going to be anyone's sugar baby

>> No.9660985

I hate like 50% of my lolita friends, but I feel like it's too late to cut ties with them. :(

>> No.9660999

I know anon, my comm is full of perfect donut shapes too. I guess you can't have everything.

Depends on what you're aiming for, but most people don't recommend anything under 150k a year.

There are some beautiful gulls out there, they just aren't retarded enough to post in the self-post thread.

Why are you projecting so hard? Like the other anon said, I work and also study a pretty time consuming degree, which doesn't leave much room for luxury. And sugaring just sounds like something I'd enjoy with all its nice and really shitty sides.

From what I've heard and read, to some extend. Appearance is of course a major factor, but if they'd just care about that, they could buy a hooker or an escort. I know I wouldn't spend 3k-7k a month on a hot but boring bitch. Character is one of the things that make you a keeper.

>> No.9661020

Not projecting, I just don't get it. Seems pretty weird to me, I'd rather be in a healthy relationship over being with a rich creep and be all cutesy for his amusement.
I'm not a lolita so I don't know how much brand means you.
You sound like a reasonable person tho, I hope you won't have to regret your decisions someday.
I wish you the best of luck. Sorry for being a little cunt before.

>> No.9661031

>not a lolita
No one cares about your opinion then.

>> No.9661035

That's pretty fucked in the head and sounds more like Npd and just an eating disorder. Nobody cares if you feel and look like shit, just don't make others feel bad too?
And targeting chubby girls specifically makes me think your mommy yelled at you every time you ate an animal cracker. Please go to a therapist and get the fuck off cgl. You need real help if you're actually making fat lists...

Pick one
>inb4 ur here dumass kek
Yeah I tried to get away but I came back. we're all ugly gross bitches inside even if our faces are cute.

>> No.9661036

Means u should do it again and ignore the first fuckwad bitch. U do u

>> No.9661040

> I work and study a time consuming degree
> but I'll have time for sugaring

>> No.9661046

I’m okay with being a physically cute person while being an absolutely abhorrent bitch on the inside. At least I look good in my dresses.

>> No.9661058

That's understandable, in the very end a solid relationship is the more important thing (though money is also a factor to keep it healthy), but that's just not what I'm looking for anytime soon. Brand isn't my only motive either. I think it all boils down to different strokes for different folks.
Thank you and it's fine, I was a bit bitchy myself because as soon as someone mentions sugaring or camwhoring another anon automatically screams "get a job!" as if you have to be a NEET.

This board still includes cosplayers.

Speak for yourself.
>we're all ugly gross bitches inside
kek, nevermind.

Let me phrase it like this:
I'd rather spend my time shitposting on SA, entertaining old men and earning x6 than inevitably having to take another almost minimum-wage job.

>> No.9661060

Spotted the whale

>> No.9661065
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>samefagging whenever you get a negative response to admitted shitty actions
>not even trying to not make it obvious you're samefagging
Most embarrassing behavior.
t. inb4 "u sound fat", I'm bulimic and 114lbs lmao

>> No.9661080

>not knowing what samefagging is
>thinking anyone who tries to respond to replies to them is samefagging

Samefagging is when you try and reply to a post multiple times making it look like there are different people replying. Only two of your posts are replying to the same post, and if you really think it's unlikely for multiple people on /cgl/ to call someone fat you may actually be literally retarded.

Bulimics are disgusting btw, it's like you don't have the will power to actually commit. By the way, most bulimics are average weight to over weight. So it's only a matter of time. Enjoy smelling like a frat house the morning after.

>> No.9661081

Forgot to add

>throws up to not look fat
>but throwing up makes your face look swollen and fat

Bulimics are next level stupid.

>> No.9661084

It absolutely boggles my mind that gulls are trying to one up each other with their eating disorders.
Isn't the point to be cute and thin without fucking up your mind and body?

>> No.9661087

The point is that bulimics are gross and nobody likes someone that smells like vomit.

>> No.9661090

>bragging about being bulimic
>still 114 pounds

being naturally <100 is great

>> No.9661091

It's actually pretty common for there to be tension be tween people with AN and BN unless they have AN with BP subtype. Ana-chans are often hangry and see bulimics as lacking conviction. Bulimia is the bottom barrel ED though, so.

>> No.9661092

Looks like I made the ana-chan angry lmao.
>being such a brainlet that you can't figure out people can purge without making their face bloated
>can't call me fat, so you have to go "y-you're still above 100lbs? h-h-heh get on my level" like it's a contest

>> No.9661094

Forgot to add: I don't really care if I'm "disgusting" to you (ie, an actual disgusting person). It's all shitty self-destruction. Keep deluding yourself that your brain problem means you have some higher form of willpower, though.I'm sure that helps you sleep at night. :^)

>> No.9661095

>when you're a fatty who gets angry at people for being skinnier than you
vomit more lmao

>> No.9661096

>replied to the same posts three times each, but everyone else is somehow angry
Keep writing those lists xoxo

>> No.9661098

ntayrt but doesnt height play a matter in it? Id be concerned if somebody was 5"6 and sub 100, not worried if they were 5"2

>> No.9661099

Take it to lolcow or crystal.cafe

>> No.9661100

have fun being fat and smelling like puke while i get to be 90 lbs without trying xoxo

>> No.9661101

>people can purge without making their face bloated

"Bulimia cheeks" is well known anon.

For fucks sake, there's multiple threads about BN's complaining about this on MPA. Somehow I'm doubting you're actually bulimic.

Don't act like you're better when you can't control yourself to the point you have to vomit not to blow up like a whale.

>> No.9661102

Don't try to talk sense, this person is seriously mentally ill and proud of it.

>> No.9661103

>the person with bulimia is calling someone else mentally ill
my fucking sides

>> No.9661104

I'm 5'6" and 90.4 lbs.

>> No.9661105

I'm only considered fat to unhinged freaks like you.
Keep your weird fantasies about how I smell to yourself pls and thanks

You only get bulimia cheeks if you purge every day, you don't magically puff up if you puke once. Keep trying to tell me how my disease works, though.
Restriction, then purging after any and all meals over 400 calories. Not that hard.

>> No.9661107

>implying I'm the bulimic anon
Take your medication, or does it have too many calories? Christ.

>> No.9661108
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Harley's Joker is a disgusting and vile predator who raped the original designer of his costumes and stole her designs.

>> No.9661109

Fell out of lolita, lost a decent amount of weight and now I'm back into it. The sizes now seem massive... Waists starting at 70cm.. I can see why it's seen as a fat girl fashion now.

>> No.9661110

>you don't magically puff up if you puke once

You... do though? You can see this not just in bulimics but people who get food poisoning etc.

God damn all that vomiting has made your brain rot along with your teeth. Why are you so fat if you eat aprox ~1200 cals a day? Did babby just start her ED?

>> No.9661112

She probably started as some massive fat bitch like most bulimics.

>> No.9661117
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Sounds like you don't know any bulimics or even understand how it works if you seriously think it manifests in puffed up cheeks 100% of the time.
>still trying to make a competition out of an ED with these pathetic "y-you must be fat"/"le babby's first started her ED" memes
As sick as I am, I sure am glad I'm not as sick as you.

>> No.9661122

I have known bulimics in the past and let me tell you, I dropped them like a sack of shit. I don't want to have to smell vomit every time I'm near them or they talk.

You guys are the nastiest, most wasteful cunts I've ever had the displeasure to know. At least fat fucks own their gluttony. You can't even sit with your own uncontrollable urge to stuff your fat fuck face.

It's common for people with bulimia to fucking store their rotten week old or month old puke in bags or bins around their room, COMMON. Not just with kids who live with their parents to hide it too.

You waste tons of money on food only to spew it back up and give others the displeasure of having a waft of barf smell every time they come near you after a purge.

Seriously, you nasty, bile breath behemoth, you don't have a right to speak.

>> No.9661125

just want to say you are a massive bitch but I like the way you write. maybe channel your frustrations into creative writing instead of a mental illness or getting into shitposting arguments on the Internet.

>> No.9661127

I once bid on someone's dream dress, not because I wanted it but because I didn't want them getting it for cheap.

>> No.9661128

>writing a pissy little essay all because someone commented on your poorly-done samefagging and you couldn't tell them they "sound fat"
Not gonna bother reading all that shit. You already demonstrated that your opinion is basically worthless from your very first post ITT. You spend time making lists of untouchables and getting toasty about literally nothing, anyone with half a brain wouldn't pick you up, talk less of you "dropping" them.
I'd say I feel bad for you because you're extremely unwell, but some people deserve their fate.

>> No.9661130

She uses Reddit spacing and types like an angry teenage girl. Not sure if samefag.

>> No.9661131

>I'm too retarded because my brain has deteriorated from all the vomiting to read more than a few sentences so I'm going to call your opinion worthless
>th-that'll show you >:c y-you s-samefagger even though I don't have actual proof of samefagging and two of the posts were literally FOUR SECONDS APART

Go sob over a pint of Ben and jerry's before shoving your face in a shit coated toilet to purge your lack of self control.

>> No.9661135

>bile breath behemoth

her alliteration is amusing and she has potential if she wouldn't be such a bitch. i don't understand why you would think someone who insulted another person is samefagging. everyone has different tastes in writing.

>> No.9661137

Maybe I like being a bitch. I don't think anyone should count what I say against bulimics against me either way since they're the equivalent of dog shit being scraped against a sidewalk.

>> No.9661140

It's not that I'm too retarded to read more than a few sentences, I just don't waste my time reading brainlet tales from angry, malnourished wastes of space.
Keep doing what you're doing, though. Can't wait for those next two or maybe even four (You)s screeching about bulimics in a bid to soothe your fractured, weak ego.
Pro-tip: Those of us in the civilized world actually shower daily, take care to make sure our breath doesn't reek of shit and brush our teeth. You probably don't, but most people do.

>> No.9661141
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>this thread

Can you all go back to the proana and promia websites where you truly belong?

>> No.9661142

>someone who places a ton of emphasis on dropping people because they don't have good hygiene and smell like vomit doesn't brush their teeth or shower daily

Now you're just being ULTRA retarded. Sasuga vomit-chan

>> No.9661143

>pro-ana anon typing "you sound fat" as we speak

>> No.9661144

>not really ana-chan, but do restrictive dieting to stay/ get thin to feel cute in fashion
>don't want a skellington body, just thin lolita body
> never have anyone to talk to about it because it's either super intense anas or normal people telling me it's dangerous
I wish we could talk about stuff like this on cgl, without rage on both sides

>> No.9661145

Have you considered you attract those people to begin with because you all reek like shit and have terrible hygiene? Birds of a feather flock together.
If you took some vitamins, maybe you'd have some critical thinking skills.

>> No.9661148

>birds of a feather flock together
>trying to use this as an argument when I said I stayed away from them immediately

Holy fuck. You just jeep getting dumber. I am genuinely impressed at how nonsensical your posts are at this point. It takes someone who's either insane or actually retarded.

>> No.9661151


Goddamnit your stupidity is so intense it is rubbing off on me.

>> No.9661155

>Have you considered you attract those people to begin with because you all reek like shit and have terrible hygiene?
I know heavy restriction can impact short-term memory and basic reading comprehension, but this is getting too much.
Plus if you stayed away from them to begin with, you wouldn't have anything to write about (though, like I said, I didn't take the time to read your butthurt post past the first sentence).

>> No.9661156

Nah, you were pretty stupid from the start.

>> No.9661158

>In one of the cleanest countries in the world
>have you considered ur all smelly :P

Again, you're fucking stupid for implying I attract these people or using the birds of a feather argument.

>trying to say my memory is impacted when you can't remember I said I got away from them ASAP

Fucking beautiful. Please be more retarded, I don't think it's possible but I want to see the peak of imbecile evolution with my own two eyes.

>> No.9661161

When did I say an entire country smelled bad? I even made it a point to outline that the civilized world takes care of themselves.
I specifically said just you and all the other trash you seem so adept at collecting throughout your life. Like I said, birds of a feather flock together.
You're getting dumber and dumber with each post. Even your spelling is getting worse.

>> No.9661163

>enter thread
>it's full of butthurt ED wank
Petition to ship these retards to MPA

>> No.9661164

>you're getting dumber and dumber with each post
>you can't even come up with your own shitposting insult shtick so you have to use mine


>> No.9661167
File: 73 KB, 421x248, 1493791612525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the person you replied to. I've studied EDs in a lab setting and have worked with a grad student who specializes in EDs. I've also had to seen a professional therapist for my own ED issues. If you're concerned that you may be developing one, please check out the disorders in the DSM-5 to familiarize with the symptoms. "Normal people telling me it's dangerous" is rather worrisome. Please seek professional help for this... It's always, always better to be safe than sorry with EDs. They are the deadliest mental health disorders, and will rob you of happiness and your physical health.

>> No.9661171
File: 646 KB, 1200x1000, 1501146067964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realize you fucked up and exposed that you have non-existent reading comprehension
>all you can do is complain that I called you dumb after you called me dumb

>> No.9661173

No no, it's okay anon. I get why you did it. After all it wouldn't be the first time bulimic took a concept an anorexic thought up and made a shitty rip off version of it that basically just ends up in the toilet.

>> No.9661174
File: 33 KB, 326x310, 1466991604063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair there are entire countries that smell bad.

>> No.9661175


>> No.9661176
File: 282 KB, 1079x720, 3d58150a-d494-49d6-a075-5b9845dd681d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is a whole new level of delusional.

>> No.9661178

>again stealing an insult I used

Is anything about you original at this point?

Do you also have dentures? I'd die laughing it your teeth were fake too.

>> No.9661179

How is that post stealing any insult you've used?
And nope, my teeth are pretty nice, as are most of my features. Are you covered in lanugo, but balding on your head? All I can imagine is a smelly sasquatch walking down the street in burando lmao.

>> No.9661183

>a bulimic with nice teeth

Yeahhh you're for sure lying but let's keep playing make believe on your end.

I'm not, I'm Asian so I don't naturally have a lot of body hair to begin with so its not like lanugo was ever going to be a huge issue. As for balding, no again! Thankfully I have good genetics and access to vitamins. I know since you're retarded it's hard to think of precautionary steps to take but they exist. If you aren't stupid things like hair loss is easy to avoid.

I do bruise easily though, but I like the way they look and bruises can easily be covered with makeup so.

As for the smelly thing, again, I'm Asian, so not really a huge possibility.

>> No.9661190
File: 92 KB, 595x394, this is great keep going.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is highly entertaining

>> No.9661191

>she doesn't know whitening kits exist, and that we're not all unfortunate losers with crooked teeth and piss-poor genetics that predispose us to weak, easily-yellowed teeth
Nice blog btw.
>As for the smelly thing, again, I'm Asian, so not really a huge possibility.
Not sure about that. I and pretty much everyone else I know who showers and practices self-care have managed to dodge dealing with unhygienic people to the point where we don't write essays about the ones we've encountered and had to subsequently drop, but you seem to attract them like flies to shit.

>> No.9661193
File: 170 KB, 634x947, 1413143281128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread has already deteriorated into arguing and fighting over eating disorders

>> No.9661195

>doesn't know teeth can't be measured in terms of health by how white they are
>doesn't know the obsession with the whiteness of teeth is pretty much just an American thing
>your vomit isn't eroding your toothenamle

>XD you dont like smelly people but I'm going to pretend you totes do


>> No.9661196
File: 151 KB, 780x848, 1461970072641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that /pol/ related? The country has well-documented issues with sanitation/public defecation.

>> No.9661198

p o o
i n
l o o

>> No.9661201

Ok, now this is truly derailing
>Indians are smelly though

>> No.9661203

Sounds like someone has ugly, neon-yellow teeth and is salty about it.
And "toothenamle"? Yikes. It's getting worse and worse.
>I-I-I don't attract masses of dirty, smelly people because those are my kind or anything! I swear it's a total coincidence!
Take a shower.

>> No.9661205

Wow, two letters switched and you bust a tit over it. I mean I guess I would get it if English was my first language but it isn't and I'm still managing to drag your ass through the dirt.

>> No.9661207

Plot twist: The anorexic poster is Indian

>> No.9661209

>I live in one of the cleanest countries
>posts poo in loo

Why would you think I'm Indian?

>> No.9661216

Not just two letters, you couldn't even manage to put a space between the words "tooth" and "enamel".
>drag your ass through the dirt.
You know what I and other normal humans do when our asses are dirty? We take showers.
You've already covered that you're some sort of beacon of unhygienic practices to the point where gross people everywhere flock to your side, so maybe you should try it sometime.

>> No.9661218

Well god forbid I mess up a word in my second language right?

Stop projecting your hygiene issues onto me. It's not charmingly retarded like you think.

>> No.9661223

I'm a mod for a online lolita community and I fucking love it when people argue with me or do some dumb shit to get themselves banned/removed.
>posts random candy rain stock photos
>takes down post that's not Lolita srry pls Google shit
>"but ITS LOLI TO ME! you can't tell me what I can and can't post! I'm leaving this place it's too strict >:("
>bye then bitch and don't come back

It's a wonderful and fulfilling feeling when it happens. Gives me something to do and keeps people like that far away from me.

>> No.9661224

Because Indians always like to make their country sound better than it actually is.

>Superpooer by 2020

>> No.9661227

Well considering I also said I'm not hairy you'd think you would get the hint kek.

>> No.9661228

Using dysentery as a diuretic is a pretty fucked up way of purging. No wonder your country smells so shitty.

>> No.9661230

You'd think someone on an English-speaking board would be a bit more humble when they make a retarded mistake and get corrected.
And I'm not the one projecting here. You kept talking to me about hygiene issues to begin with. Like I said: Take a shower.
If I'm "charmingly retarded", you must be hideously retarded.

>> No.9661231

Delusion at its finest.

>> No.9661232


>> No.9661234

>I willingly pointed out my earlier mistake
>but I'm not humble

it's almost like you're trying to pick the worst arguments possible.

>> No.9661235

>"Heh...I'm from one of the WORLD'S CLEANEST COUNTRIES!"
>calls self Asian
>English not your first language
Do you starve yourself so you don't have to poo in the loo? You can tell us.

>> No.9661238



Still not Indian anon. I'd have to be punished for not praying to the toilet witch if I was.

I said why I did it earlier anon.

And I'm East Asian. If you were smart you would have picked that up from the "I don't have body hair and don't smell" bit.

>> No.9661240

These are too cute. I hope you find someone to twin with.

>> No.9661242

You made two mistakes. First, the typo itself. Then, not knowing that "tooth" and "enamel" are not one word.
I pointed out both for you, so you should be glad.

>> No.9661243

Okay autism-chan, I'm sorry someone who is ESL making a mistake in typing English has made you so upset.

>> No.9661244

I do the same thing anon. Hoping to find someone I can trust with my brand to not ruin it.
I just want to look cute, matching with someone else.

>> No.9661246

>implying I'm upset
You're the one who reacted in such a salty way when someone was kind enough to point out your error.
Friendly reminder that showers help clear your mind. Soap is good, too. Invest in some.

>> No.9661248

Can you please change up the game and come up with a new insult? There are only so many ways to respond to your childish and entirely baseless accusation of me smelling before I get bored and we've long since passed that point.

>> No.9661250
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x666, l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9661252

So now you can't even come up with a response? Shouldn't you just quit at that point? Do we fuck now to end the sexual tension?

>> No.9661253

Consider this: It's not an insult, just a suggestion. You probably genuinely need to bathe, judging by everything you've said ITT.

>> No.9661254

Okay but when do we fuck at this point? I've got great tits and my lady bits smell like fruit because it's all I put into my body.

>> No.9661255

nayrt but you can tell when people really want to get the last word when they actually reply to a smug anime girl pic

>> No.9661256

I'm trying to get laid here don't ruin my game.

>> No.9661258

Maybe after you've taken a shower. No one likes the smell of fish and BO mixed with rotted fruit, anon.

>> No.9661259

Okay I'll shower just for you anon. Now lemme smash?

>> No.9661260

Ye sure

>> No.9661261
File: 32 KB, 286x400, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is going on

>> No.9661263

What a waste of a perfectly good thread.

I often choose to sit out of social events so I can scrape up $10-40 more for my shopping habits; even if i have a lot to work with at the time.

>> No.9661265

So I've never done it with a girl but I imagine we just sort of slap eachother faces with our tits and go from there? Mine aren't that big but they're perky so hopefully I can manage.

>> No.9661268

>sage for being on topic

>> No.9661273

Pls respond.

>> No.9661277
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>> No.9661280
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>> No.9661282

Ask away anon I will try my best to answer. <3

>> No.9661283

This poor thread.

>> No.9661284
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 1496646320313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) what did you do to this poor thread
2) what are you even doing
3) seriously what are you doing
4) what even
5) what

>> No.9661285

Since this thread is getting nuked anyway:
I hate gulls and wish this site would get just shut the fuck down. Stop talking about your eating disorders. Nobody gives a shit. Get help. Stop yelling at people who have eating disorders that they're gross too. They're mentally ill and obviously have no self worth, so they don't know better. It's not healthy to be 90 lbs at 5'5", it's not healthy to be 300lbs at 5'5", 70cm isn't huge, all gulls are hideous no matter what they physically look like, and lolita hasn't gotten that much bigger, skinny bitches have just gotten ruder, and eating disorders in both sides (binging and restricting) ruin lives and lead to unhealthy futures.

Man. That feels better. :^)

>> No.9661286

I've been fasting and needed to shitpost to keep me focused and not give in. Like hell I was going to give in on hour 76 of an 80 hour fast.

>> No.9661287

>I hate gulls and wish the site would shut down

y r u even here bro

>> No.9661288

Maybe eat and you won't get banned that sounds like a win-win

>> No.9661289

>getting banned actually matters in 2017

Just change your IP and be thin.

>> No.9661290

Since this thread is getting stickied anyway:
I love gulls and wish this site would get just opened the fuck up. Keep talking about your eating disorders. Everybody cares. Don't get help. Keep yelling at people who have eating disorders that they're gross too. They're not mentally ill and obviously have some self worth, so they know better. It's healthy to be 90 lbs at 5'5", it's also healthy to be 300lbs at 5'5", 70cm is huge, all gulls are beautiful no matter what they mentally look like, and lolita has gotten much bigger, skinny lovelies have just gotten kinder, and eating disorders in both sides (binging and restricting) improve lives and lead to healthy futures.
Man. That feels better. :^)

>> No.9661292
File: 137 KB, 460x521, IMG_7167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I hate myself and I want to die and the retards on this site push me closer every day, see >>9661290.
But I hold onto my closet as my last hope because I don't want my family selling my brand for too cheap. I know all these filthy bitches would pounce on it. It's all that keeps me going. Pettiness.
>evading ban
How stupid can you be honey

>> No.9661296

>evading a ban is stupid

Please tell me the actual consequences of evading a ban because the only one I can think of is that I may have the slight inconvenience of having to change my IP again.

>> No.9661298

If you actually wanted to be dead you'd be dead. You're probably just having your period.

>> No.9661300

Seriously? Deets please, I have a friend who's his fan, but she wouldn't be if he was really this awful.

>> No.9661301

Being stupid maybe?
This is exactly one reason why I hate gulls. Like? Just follow the rules? And you won't get banned? And won't have to change your IP? Not that hard not to be an ignorant troll. It doesn't actually do anything but kill threads. You're not making anybody actually mad. It's pretty pointless. I mean, I understand why other broads proclaim us the most stupid. What kind of creatures defiles its own bed with filth? /cgl/ apparently.

>> No.9661302

>what is a range ban

>> No.9661306

Just?? Change your IP again?? Any kind of ban is not a problem if you know how to work a computer.

>> No.9661308

>lol bet ur havin ur prd stoopid girl
Do you have anything better against someone who's been apathetically suicidal for the past five or so years because that one was just weak as shit my dude.

>> No.9661309

Changing your IP takes like two seconds max bro. It's not any sort of deterrent

>> No.9661310

Yo, please have your pity party elsewhere. People who actually want to kill themselves kill themselves and people who want attention say they want to kill themselves.

If you're depressed get help, if not stop trying to look for asspats on the Internet.

>> No.9661311

But why be stupid enough to have to do it at all is my question? I think I've gotten a temp ban once and I just waited it out. It really isn't too hard if you aren't just constantly trolling your own ass off on these boards my friend

>> No.9661313

Why should I have to sit through it when I can change my IP and continue on my merry way?

I'm genuinely curious as to why you think I should wait out a ban when I could even more easily get around it and continue posting as I please. there's no real world consequence for evading a ban on 4chan you goof. The Internet police aren't going to come and arrest you.

>> No.9661317

It's funny you think I'm new here I just wanted to see if you actually had anything better, which you don't, and so I'll continue being suicidal. Also you're obviously not educated if you're on cgl, so you aren't a psychologist of any sorts. Lots of people want to kill themselves and don't, and if you think otherwise, you're denser than the fattest of whale-chans.
I'm sorry I guess I'd rather just make a logical choice than inconvenience myself every time I feel like posting some bullshit. I still don't understand why you wouldn't just follow the rules and not let it happen to begin with. Preventative measures ya hear

>> No.9661319

It takes two seconds to reset your IP. If that's genuinely what you consider an inconvenience why is waiting a day/week/etc easier? Like what the actual fuck is your thought process with this? Do you not know how to reset your IP and you think it's some complicated thing?

>> No.9661323

I used to be sad that I'm still fat but after reading how y'all are bitching about different ways to starve yourself, I think I'm ok

>> No.9661325

Shut up fatty, nobody cares what you think. Go count your stretch marks in the corner.

>> No.9661326

Mods, please nuke this thread.

>> No.9661329

You're probably average, not fat, and this thread is a human cesspit. I mean literally what normal humans fucking argue about ways to starve yourself to look "better" in dresses while other people in the world have real problems? That's just sick.
I know it's not complicated, I did it a few times in the past, I'm just not understanding why you would keep getting banned over and over and not changing anything you're doing. That's the definition of insanity.

>> No.9661331

>I don't understand why you would choose to do what you want and avoid actual consequences

It's not insane, it's just morally dubious. Maybe you want to kill yourself so badly because you have issues understanding different perspectives?

>> No.9661335

Life must suck being you

>> No.9661342

I want to kill myself because i have clinical depression, Becky, not because you're dumb enough to get yourself banned 100 times in a row. I don't consider changing your IP to avoid ban morally dubious at all. I would kill someone if the opportunity arose. Now that's shit I consider morally dubious. I'm a very grey person as far as morals go, and I understand different perspectives on important conversations. I guess I'm just not internet-addicted enough to really care as much as you do or something.

>> No.9661344

>I would kill someone if the oppertunity arose


I'd tell you not to cut yourself on your edge but you probably enjoy cutting yourself so

>> No.9661347

It's the same thing and there is no glamor to either of them. Most sociopaths are shit, low iq people in prison who deserve to be there.

>> No.9661350

fwiw most actual sociopaths dont kill because its fun, but because its necessary to what they need/want and they dont think they'll get caught. The opportunity is always there.

>> No.9661431

>"clinical depression, BECKY,"
i dont really care what all ya bitches be talking about but you sound like a genuinely insufferable shithead. argh my depression.. arghghe one of the most common mental illnesses.... ahh.. my morality, skewed, me, a wayward man, no morals, the craving to kill....ahh fuck.. ugnngnngngn

>> No.9661445
File: 67 KB, 800x450, hidethepainharold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday we were talking about what lolita style was best for footjobs and now I find this mess of a thread.
You ruin everything.

>> No.9661450

>Waists starting at 70cm..
>fat girl fashion
I sure hope that's sarcasm, and I'm just being dense as usual

>> No.9661456

That measurement is quite big on a Japanese girl. I’m a head taller than the average Japanese woman, not even super skinny and 70cm is way too big in the waist for me. Most of the brands’ local customer base must either be overweight or swimming in their dresses.

>> No.9661461

Pls come mod my local comm, we're being spammed by annoying newbies who think they’re too good for the question thread or google and the mods aren’t doing shit.

>> No.9661486
File: 477 KB, 981x1004, 1493597601032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can two lolitas actually date? Or do you think that the princess complexes would just clash?

>> No.9661494
File: 130 KB, 929x462, 0E6B8355-F667-4139-A8ED-2B79617B2968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did post nasty secrets about people that turned out being good friend when I actually met them.

Also, a few of my lolita friends are really ita and I just don’t have the heart to tell them they look terrible. They don’t know how to dress themselves in any fashion, but I don’t want to spoil their fun.

Another thing, I come off as really snobby and don’t know how to turn it off. I never learned how to socialize, so I end up talking about myself and since I have a shopping addiction and many popular prints it sounds so braggy. It’s gotten to a point where my best friend starts to brag about my wardrobe and I‘m trying my best to brush it off.

>> No.9661499

>all lolitas are the same

>> No.9661502

I'm friends with a lolita couple who's married. One of them seems to be more into ouji now, though.

>> No.9661503

Im not sure if its the community that has changed or if its me. But I find myself not enjoying cgl like I used to. For the past year I've been very inactive here and only skim a few threads that still interest me from time to time.
>I'm a lolita btw

>> No.9661505

This whole thread is full of miserable and disgusting creatures, holy shit. It's like you have no respect for yourselves
>muh eating disorder, you're ugly and fat!!
>lol i'm being a bitch and i dont curr
>i want a sugar daddy because i'm too lazy to get a job
Shit like this is why we have a bad rep.
I pity all of you, honestly. Get help.

>> No.9661506

I hope you get to a place where you feel good without the disorder some day anon, good luck.