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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 699 KB, 810x922, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9654349 No.9654349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9654504
File: 106 KB, 590x350, cgl whales 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654535

The waistlines of all the women here

>> No.9654603
File: 1.39 MB, 1970x1354, 81ba7533-a74e-426d-a6cb-bebac5334ec1..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654612
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>> No.9654617 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 960x1280, bef426e8-f5f9-49c3-9a2e-2e580d09a8c8..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654620
File: 23 KB, 430x340, 628763bb-069d-479b-abd6-e2704af3bea3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654622
File: 485 KB, 550x550, a40c603c-1893-48da-b564-3f43e1d676a0..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654623
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>> No.9654626
File: 430 KB, 1076x540, 9cffe8d4-ef81-4b0f-8ff6-b5639d42990a..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654627
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>> No.9654630 [DELETED] 
File: 694 KB, 1854x1332, b7d8b648-e832-491c-9db3-60fb24548e77..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654631
File: 564 KB, 600x600, 04d20481-d492-4e69-b2f6-ea8ad2779ba2..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654637
File: 143 KB, 1071x892, little timmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654656
File: 271 KB, 720x540, Absolutely_Lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9654657
File: 168 KB, 445x356, dinolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9654661
File: 1.74 MB, 1114x1434, Screen_Shot_2017-10-09_at_10.08.02_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9655010

This picture is fake news. Look at the sizes, they're all wrong, everybody knows /fit/ belongs in the manlet pit with the other subhumans.

>> No.9655028
File: 3.90 MB, 382x161, wassup cgl have a gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9655029
File: 119 KB, 607x428, 1500003103450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9655158

>use the catalog
this but unironically

>> No.9655196
File: 43 KB, 220x300, 1373474092956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sides
But also
>pls no

>> No.9655423
File: 838 KB, 1050x2927, 1491832675042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much old content

/fit/ is with /lit/ now

>> No.9655425

thats some ugly ass art god damn

>> No.9655426
File: 991 KB, 1344x1662, 1482906174960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9655430
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>> No.9655431

i did not mean to link those

>> No.9655432

I’m fucking crying

>> No.9655434
File: 2.88 MB, 667x4433, 1436153064073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9655437
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>> No.9655438
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>> No.9655441
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>> No.9655442
File: 165 KB, 1344x1610, 1483169028579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncle T is best uncle

>> No.9655444
File: 137 KB, 547x1280, tumblr_oqkpao9rRp1vyegmzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9655448

>not even carrying an IFAK
>admits to not wearing earpro
is uncle T suicidal

>> No.9655452
File: 238 KB, 608x608, handmadeveganddlghaafurepublicanterf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9655455

He was a bro

I laughed like an idiot. The little pointy nose making him look like the :^) face made it even better. It's cute.

>> No.9655457
File: 83 KB, 661x595, 1463130997777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9655460
File: 198 KB, 768x1280, tumblr_oq6ncjxHyl1vyegmzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I laughed like an idiot. The little pointy nose making him look like the :^) face made it even better. It's cute.
the-daily-prince doesn't update daily, but i am happy when it does

>> No.9655473

Oh man! Haven't noticed it was an actual thing. Will follow, 10/10.

>> No.9655485

Just /cgl/

>> No.9658867



pick one.

>> No.9658877
File: 175 KB, 486x555, Screenshot_2017-10-08-17-49-54-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on /an/

>> No.9658961
File: 48 KB, 400x570, F26AA084-0B73-4015-8038-25807EAD745C-420-00000065FC9BDA52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9658962
File: 149 KB, 640x640, D2855C69-E97E-47F0-9057-0D07D502B12E-420-00000066D0E233C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9658963
File: 241 KB, 640x480, 09B0C410-08CC-44E9-8753-6DD89C844511-420-0000006806E6625F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9658964
File: 43 KB, 639x285, ABC4072B-F6F5-4F6F-A312-A817296C0919-420-0000006B8DDA50A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659014
File: 66 KB, 659x609, so_good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan ball a couple of years ago
>see /fit/ is on the voting poll for who we should take
>goddamn I hate /fit/fags
>go to /fit/ and post the poll over there saying we should rig it so /cgl/ HAS to go with us
>take a screenshot of my post over at /fit/
"guys, /fit/ is trying to rig it, we should disqualify them"
>everyone agrees and /fit/ is disqualified
>we go with /u/ instead

>> No.9659018

thanks for the idea, I'm gonna make sure /u/, /fit/ and /fa/ are disqualified next year. Have fun with arcanine.

>> No.9659021

as long as it isn't those /fit/ fucks Its a win on its own.

>> No.9659028
File: 65 KB, 449x1197, 1487722056139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659086
File: 40 KB, 736x592, 0aea6b1098e904d49ff576bd5fbe61c3--faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You. I like you.

>> No.9659087

people actually take those stupid balls and board tan things seriously?

>> No.9659091

no fukn rk9. some people say that our boards are similar but having spent a modicum of time there, that's not the case at all. maybe a few years ago.

>> No.9659094
File: 64 KB, 315x186, Screen Shot 2017-05-15 at 11.29.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659104
File: 133 KB, 632x327, 1438426730101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9659105
File: 162 KB, 417x640, ZyJVQ5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659107
File: 221 KB, 266x429, 1457057459167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659108
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>> No.9659109
File: 1.52 MB, 1972x1552, 1466028218129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659180

Anyone selling keychains or pins of spiderburger?

>> No.9659324

Why the /fit/ hate?

>> No.9659328

Ugly fat girls and /cgl/ numales who pretend to be girls.

In reality, /fit/ gets all the quality /cgl/ pussy while the ugly 5 foot numales (like >>9659028) get to watch from afar.

>> No.9659329

Not sure, /fit/ guys are cute.

>> No.9659353

See >>9659328
>Ugly fat girls and /cgl/ numales who pretend to be girls.

>> No.9659364

I don’t know, I’ve always found /fa to be fucking unbearable when it comes to crossboarders.
>that and /fit is actually useful

>> No.9659393

Because /fit/ is just /r9k/ with more lifting and fragile egos covering their insecurity.

>> No.9659397

Assuming they don't hate women like robots do, that just makes them cute.

>> No.9659398

It's the same split of hating women/not hating women as on /r9k/. Not all robots hate women and not all fitizens are nice people. I don't mean that in the argumentative "yeah well not all..." way either, it's a rather noticeable percent.

/fit/ is /r9k/ with more lifting and the homos are masculine instead of pretending to be traps.

>> No.9659418

t. numale who pretends to be girl

>> No.9659421

Fit is usually the loudest, most obnoxious crossboarder when it comes to announcing their main board in every thread. They are essentially r9k goes to the gym but think that going to a fitness board to shit post means they're above other people.
They also are usually the ones who spew most of the stupid rhetoric trying to appear "alpha", but most of them still have being confident mixed up with acting like a cunt.

>> No.9659422

t. insecure /pol/tard /fit/izen

>> No.9659423
File: 200 KB, 638x574, allthebrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9659424
File: 210 KB, 940x665, shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9659425
File: 144 KB, 576x817, cglhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9659427
File: 239 KB, 842x474, cglmofo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9659433

t. fatty trying to morally grandstand about being a fatty

>> No.9659455


>> No.9659477

I agree with what you say but it's also good to note that the obnoxious crossboarders are the minority.

"/fit/ here" usually signals it's going to be a shitty question here, but having been on there I can say most people are reasonable. It's on a curve

>> No.9659484

So I was right?

>> No.9659492


I just want to look at cute things inbetween sets.


>> No.9659493

whiny /fit/ guys suck.
the only true quality males are from /vg/.

>> No.9659494

If the behavior as >>9659421 described doesn't apply to you then don't take it personally.

>> No.9659657
File: 281 KB, 1257x927, ZrwSdrG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659674
File: 220 KB, 674x382, ebay is fine too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my own pic that I made after I heard that Liz Lisa opened an official ebay account

>> No.9659678

I'm so glad you posted this, and so glad I was around to witness this. I should've saved all of them.

>> No.9659684


>> No.9659692

Is that it?

>> No.9659696
File: 138 KB, 375x375, 1506914165468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9660048

>left to right

>> No.9660834

>how many more reps?
I'm absolutely dying, m8

>> No.9660873

If /fit/ won, it would have made their shitposting here increase tenfold.

>> No.9660946

/r9k/ was nicer before /lgbt/ started their shit. It was a shitposting woman-hating board but it was MY shitposting woman-hating board.

>> No.9660965

Both old but gold
Wow. Relatable humor? On CGL? Please tell me I'm dreaming.

>> No.9660983

Why isn't this our banner

>> No.9661328

I've literally never seen a /fit/ poster that came across as a /fit/ poster on any board ever and I'm a shut-in neet who scours 4chan all day. If anything someone might occasionally point out that going to the gym will help you not feel sad, which is true, and helpful.

>> No.9661559

I 100% expect rusty goat cookie cutters to be given as an ironic add-on present.

>> No.9661774

found out a good few of friends i party with are(were?) /fit/ posters. normies and helpful, all of them. every time i see someone who might be a seagull we both seem to tiptoe around outing each other, though.

there are boards on 4chan and then there are 4chan boards, i guess.

>> No.9661812

I'd actualy want to meet sone seagulls, but I think we are not enough people in my country to organize any meetup. In fact, I don't know any gull personaly.

>> No.9662062

/vg/ here wan get sum fuk

>> No.9662068

Most of the meetups are 10 or so 20 something skinny guys. Half are in drag or talking about traps, and there's like 1 girl there either hoping for attention or looking to bang the hottest straight guy out of the bunch

>> No.9662075

Gimme your lunch money

>> No.9662084

I shall politely decline your request for fornication.

>> No.9662108
File: 402 KB, 730x780, do_not_wan_by_miwol-d9xfi8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that is disappointing, I expected more variety knowing the audience of this board. I imagine most female gulls wouldn't approach with a panorama like that.

>> No.9662184

9/10 times any 4chan person you get to know closer has autism.

>> No.9662197

I do 4chan meetups all the time and pretend to be as autistic as possible.
it's like 50/50 i guess

>> No.9662203

Most girls don't show up because they talk so much shit online they would never say to someone's face
For how catty cgl is online, there isn't a lot of cattyness offline when there are no women

>> No.9662590

>tfw unexpectedly met my lovely, handsome and intelligent boyfriend on this godforsaken site
we're both a little autistic, but we're both very good at appearing normal and hiding our power level.

i dont think i could date anyone who didn't share this facet of my humour with me, nor someone who was unexposed to anime/lolita and weeb shit.

sage for OT

>> No.9662875
File: 908 KB, 1200x847, 05eea7fd88c85ed51bf0c57dcc0f0f55d2bfc76c18f499c1e2e893bb2a58f5af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new banner when

>> No.9662900 [DELETED] 

I think >>9662875 should be the banner

>> No.9662901

I think >>9655028 should be the banner

>> No.9662907

American political cartoons are about as subtle as repeatedly being hit on the head with a shovel. Not that they're much better in other countries but I never understood why they have to spell everything out so painfully

>> No.9662917

/vg/ Stands for virgins. Get out you gothic lolita.

>> No.9662920
File: 856 KB, 1000x969, 1482365592336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one can't be real.

>> No.9662928

This cartoonist is such a fucking loser.

>> No.9662943
File: 125 KB, 800x560, xggkxvq8rj02cpt9erfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm yourselves, it's from The Onion

>pic related

>> No.9662944

/k/ here
What the fuck did we do this time and who is uncle t

>> No.9662945

you’re like, what, two years late?

>> No.9662947

/k/rossposter report: nothing new of note but some time in the past a /k/ dude participated in the yearly secret santa and bought shitty gifts, but managed to be cool about it and fix it by gifting the recipients stuff that wasn't garbo to replace it

>> No.9662949

Some /k/ guy participated in the board's secret santa last year and sent some girl a bunch of crappy bows and rusted goat shaped cookie cutters as a gift, iirc. There was some salt at first but then people calmed down when they realized he wasn't a troll but a genuine and a bit misguided dude who wanted to do something nice for a gull.
It was pretty charming, actually.

>> No.9662952

He participated in our Secret Santa exchange and sent one unlucky anon bunch of ugly cheap satin bows straight from Amazon. His excuse was he didn't know it would be bad idea ans he didn't know better but why would someone participate if they knew that little of the general subject of the exchange. He fixed it though.

>> No.9663360
File: 1.60 MB, 443x332, 9bf0ae69821cfb2fdf3fc3e42c5f02e67a5f073d_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true, how am I supposed to face any of you after all that shitposting?

>> No.9663361

you need to seriously stop forcing these awful comics into /cgl/ humor threads.
no, they're not funny and they're awfully drawn.

>> No.9663382

oh and since you always seem to use the same excuse, No one gives a shit if it's from ~The Onion~
It's ugly, not funny and it doesn't belong here

>> No.9663384

/fit/izen here.

what makes you say that, reddit spacing poster?

>> No.9663386


>t. /vg/

abbreviation for virgin gamer

>> No.9663387

how can the most dyel asian on 4chan represent /fit/? dyel mindsets

>> No.9663418

I like how /fit/ is DYEL, and /fa/ has a terribly tied tie.

On the plus side, everybody is Asian but the weeb girl. Nice eye to detail there.

>> No.9663440


Real answer:

/fit/ used to have a "fit friday" thread on cgl. the beginning was actually really friendly, helpful and useful.

Then the original guy who started it got busy or something and left.

The shitposters and memers moved in.

Cue a shit thread that popped up every single fucking weekend of "DYEL" "no spot reduce!" and "Stoooopid girls!". They didn't keep it contained to their thread either, they felt happy to shit all over the board, rendering a lot of threads difficult to read because some dude would be posting "boy here, explain all of this stupidity to me" repeatedly. They didn't even give good advice, a lot of them don't actually know squat and simply repeat the same dumb memes as advice, a thread derailed off into "no spot reduce!" circlejerk and then the thread saged, just from some anon asking some question about abdominal exercises.

This was before the sticky went up by the way, and I suspect it's why the sticky says the health threads need to go in /fit/. After that gulls aggressively shat on everything /fit/ to finally get them to stop bothering /cgl/, and thus a tradition of shitting on /fit/ is born.

The guy who started the original /fit/ Fridays did actually come back and was really surprised at the vitriol. I don't think he realised how shitty the board got every weekend thanks to his "tradition".

So there you go.

>> No.9663462
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9663463

In full pics you can also see that she poses pidgeon toed
brilliant /cgl/ cosplay

>> No.9663479

I do sets to /fit/ into my burando. I've seen other /cgl/ posters on /fit/.

>> No.9663489

yep, guilty
/fit/izens are almost as salty as us so it's fun to go there

>> No.9663641

The cons meetups aren't all that bad. I've been to a few and it's always a semi decent mix of people. I don't think i've had a real cringe one yet.

>> No.9663743
File: 34 KB, 600x537, 1499068127591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that from John k. peta - Fever?

>> No.9663859
File: 69 KB, 540x539, 1493967065696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>someone actually trying to explain something in a thread this toxic

>>Explains the issue

>>isn't a cunt about it

>> No.9664117

>not thinking virgins are attractive af

>> No.9664329

There's a reason people didn't want them before this. And that's not a little quirk, people with little quirks get laid.

This is noxious fumes from armpits and rows upon rows of golden buttery-coloured teeth with a breath to match their beautiful pearly-yellows.

>> No.9664456
File: 10 KB, 441x408, 1310408064982_zps11ffb953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe they're just not huge sluts like you?

>> No.9664625
File: 123 KB, 246x354, i'm dying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9664646

>a lot of them don’t actually know squat
I think squat is the one thing they do know

>> No.9664670

Tell that to a girl who’s unironically waiting until marriage to get some because she thinks it’s much more romantic

>> No.9664673
File: 20 KB, 373x446, 1452402052852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9664805

I'm a girl and if a guy is a virgin I find him more interesting just because of that. + points if they never got kissed before.
Being the first for someone else is kind of a kink?

>> No.9664809

That's an interesting view, must be some kind of innocent air they have that makes you feel fluttery.
I'm a girl and if a guy is a virgin I find him a burden. There are two reasons for a guy to be a virgin into their mid 20's. They're either socially inept and have made do with alternate means for romantic interests (porn), and therefore they'd have weird ideas when it comes to sex with me (personal experience with 3 men justifies this), or the other reason is that they have had little to no interest in sex because it's not important to them. Maybe a guy in the uninterested group is also willing to wait 'til marriage. Either way... socially inept or low sex drive is a no-go for me.

>> No.9664938

Whoever made this must be jealous that they're not as hot as that dude. Just saying.

>> No.9664945

You can't possibly be hard pressed those type of guys. They're everywhere, in huge numbers, and ready to fly to another continent at the drop of a hat.

>> No.9664951
File: 30 KB, 474x266, E23F1291-4233-4AB8-885D-1173351C191E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a cherry boy kink

>> No.9664955

What's wrong with waiting for marriage you degenerate

>> No.9664990

I think it's a very funny situation since my experience on here is that lolita girls think the guys on here are just here to hit on them, but some guy puts together a decent coord and they sploosh all over the internet and spam his inbox

>> No.9664992

You're setting yourself up for disappointment.

>> No.9665002

I don't understand.. I want guys to hit on me? Why wouldn't you ?

>> No.9665005

yeah, but look at con meetup threads and friend threads and such on here.
they always have a ton of comments about how girls say they're not going or don't want to talk to people because they think guys are just there to hit on them or try to get laid

>> No.9665015

I understand why some would feel this way but personally I trust people. I'd like to think most people have good intentions.. sometimes you do get hurt but you move on. Just my opinion though..

>> No.9665089

Honestly, I've lately felt like /pol/ is likely responsible for a lot of shitposting over the past year, and /r9k/ is getting the rap for it.

>> No.9665098

Except I didn't because I was someone who waited and it was wonderful because it was with someone who was my best friend. It wasn't awkward or annoying. It didn't leave me feeling like I hadn't been pleasured because we both grew with each other discovering what it was like to please each other and looking forward to practicing and growing sexually towards each other.

Too bad your experience was shit. Don't be a crab in a bucket.

>> No.9665108

Congrats, you won the lottery.

>> No.9665635


This picture is cringe incarnate that comes from the most drama filled period of /cgl/. It has everything in one picture

>2 ugly Asians who only appeal to yellow fever girls
>yellow fever suffering roastie in the middle
>the "/fa/" wannabe chink on the left (also know as "Todd") got accused of rape by multiple /cgl/ drama whore tripsluts
>the "/fit/" (LMAO) wannabe chink on the right is literally DYEL tier (Merlini probably has more testosterone than this cuck)

And on top of that, it demonstrates that this female poster (the person who posted this ITT) has no sense of humor, because she posted it in the /cgl/ (((HUMOR))) thread.


>> No.9665664

Wow, this is autistic even for 4chan.

>> No.9665670

can you go blog somewhere else

>> No.9666025

Nah, you can suck a dick ya fuckin miserable cunt

>> No.9666325

You need to relax.
And try to understand parody when it's obvious.

>> No.9666348

I feel like I sucked a cock after reading your bullshit

>> No.9666379



>> No.9666391

I agree, /fit/ looks pretty dyel.
At least they got the manlet part right.

>> No.9666409

Imagine being this judgemental

>> No.9666429

>/threading your own post

>> No.9666438

Dawww. I´m happy for you.

>> No.9666444

>being a samefagging numale cuckold

>> No.9666454
File: 4 KB, 381x113, inb4 implications of 10k hours in photoshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9666536

>How many more reps
Fucking dead

>> No.9666545

Top fucking kek, please tell me there's more memri/cgl screencaps.

>> No.9666563

same but only if its because theyre nerds with a male "leader/friend in charge" who makes them all feel shitty about themseves and not that theyre fat and extra ugly

>> No.9666589

Where are the other pictures from this? >>9659657

I remember being annoyed at them being spammed here but now it just feels nostalgic. I remember the /d/-tan was pretty cute too.

>> No.9667517

fuck thats a good one

>> No.9667529


>> No.9667568

2010/2011 was the highest point for yellow fever on /cgl/

I mean look at Todd, he is a fucking 5/10 Chinese dock worker face who dresses like a garbage bin hipster but still managed to rape some girl after drugging her or something

those wacky cancerous Canadians, lel

>> No.9667601

Isn't that a part of the joke?

>> No.9667620

guy on the left looks bretty good tho

>> No.9667633

My boyfriend was 26 when I took his - he's really smart, funny, nerdy, fit, and attractive. He's a little socially awkward but not to the pint of stuttering and fidgeting nervously or anything. His expectations for sex were really down to earth from lots of self done research since he loves looking random stuff up.

Turns out he was only a virgin because he's extremely picky with women and the times he has found women he's fancied they were taken (and he's 100% against breaking a relationship up for his own personal gain so would instead help them out with their boyfriend problems when they were in a rough patch instead of capitalizing like most men do).

He was so used to it by the time he me that he assumed my male friend was my boyfriend and didn't actively chase after me. I mean, he was frank and to the point with telling me he liked me but he never pushed for anything because he thought I was taken. When I finally told him I'm single he thought I was pulling his chain and immediately asked for a date.

Sage for off topic.

>> No.9667769

100% /fit/

>> No.9667810

Who is this guy? Im lowkey ashamed but I want to see moar of him...

>> No.9667828

Don’t bother he is a selfish dick. Also a manlet.

>> No.9667832

>selfish dick
Isn't that what being in J-fashion all about?

>> No.9667850

Could not care less, just want my eyecandy

>> No.9667884

jealous guy detected

>> No.9667900

I am a lesbian so no. Just someone who knows he lurks and loves the attention. Stop being thirsty from this 5/10 guy just because he owns some brand.

>> No.9667906

I'm a big /k/ crossposter and this gets me every time. the boards are so similar in some ways its great

>> No.9667910

>I am a lesbian
Sounds like someone is jealous of a manlet

>> No.9667915
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1420325046692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody from /cgl/ enters the se/k/ret santa
>buys everybody Blackhawk! gear and NCStar optics
is it bad i want to see this happen

>> No.9667920
File: 175 KB, 1410x554, cgl visits dfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this in the dwarf fortress general

>> No.9667946

And just like /cgl/ posters, salt beasts crumble at the slightest resistance that is thrown up against them

>> No.9667983

>numale chink rapist
Sure you do, Todd.

>> No.9668044
File: 266 KB, 1428x521, perfect men dont exis.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencap from a few months ago

>> No.9668055

Ty anon! Hope you find a good relationship if you aren't in one already, best wishes to you in everything<3

>> No.9668058

He sounds wonderful! Congratulations anon!


>> No.9668060

You sound salty af

>> No.9668159


>> No.9668438

KYS Todd

I really hope this isn't some other Canadian cuck making excuses for him; I would have thought that rape is the ultimate no-no in your cuck-community, seeing how badly you badmouthed DerpQueen's brother after he supposedly raped that ugly underage cunt Voldefart

I guess Todd has non-white privilege?

>> No.9668474

Who the hell are all these people? Is the guy's name actually Todd? This sounds like personal drama.

>> No.9668477

>newfag from Tumblr wants to be spoonfed drama that only tru-/cgl/ oldfags remember

>> No.9668483

Imagine being this autistic

>> No.9668493

t. Canadian cuck

>> No.9668550
File: 89 KB, 312x312, jesus solo bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin I find him more interesting

>> No.9668554
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, blowing rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'am happy for you.

>> No.9668596

I was a virgin until I met my husband. We weren't married when he took my virginity, but he's the only man I've ever slept with and it's personally very special and romantic to me.
It's ok if you don't wait for one person but don't shit on people who do.

>> No.9669713


This was written by a /r9k/ virgin male. This is his fanficition about himself from a 3rd person perspective.

>> No.9669841
File: 1.14 MB, 500x500, IMG_9010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no
Almost Christmas better get Halloween ready

>> No.9669856

There is nothing romantic about not having good sex. I hope at least he wasn’t a virgin so you had a chance of something decent.

>> No.9670648

Actually serious opinion - based on statistics / math, the world would objectively become a better place if all men who're still virgins past the age of 20 were put to death.

There's a 90% probability you're a worthless piece of shit and a NEET. Think about it.

>> No.9670663

>hating on neets
>on 4chan

Also virgins are likely to cheat less since besides you they never had a chance at another girl.

>> No.9670708

*applauds her*

Fucking destroyed! You go girl!

>> No.9670717

ha thats the biggest lie ever, virgins end up cheating the most because they always wonder what they are missing. the minute they gain confidence or get hit on they fucking cheat.because thet arent used to it and want variety

>> No.9670743

This. Every cherry boy I've dated has cheated on me, and none of the non-virgins-before-me have.

>> No.9670745

Sounds like something a male would say [about female virgins (after being dumped by one)].

>> No.9670823

You have to pick the ugly virgins, anon.

>> No.9670834

>source: my ass

>> No.9670856

I didn’t know about the rape allegations :0

>> No.9670879

Trust me, they were both average-looking at best. And that's just me sugarcoating it a bit.

uh okay? But I'm a girl and I'm talking about cheating boys so

>people have had different experiences to me therefore they're wrong

>> No.9670883

>my experiences are the only ones that matter when im talking shit about something

>> No.9670888 [DELETED] 

Anon, holy shit, are you me?
This is the exact same situation I'm in down to a t, though he's a year younger than that and both he and I were virgins. He fits that description perfectly.
The only difference was that he found out I was single then only began to pursue me later after we got to know each other better, not immediately.

>> No.9670890 [DELETED] 

Anon, holy shit, are you me?
This is the exact same situation I'm in down to a t, though he's a year younger than that and both he and I were virgins. He fits that description perfectly.
The only big difference was that he found out I was single then only began to pursue me later after we got to know each other better, not immediately.

>> No.9670893 [DELETED] 

meant for >>9667633 I'm retarded

>> No.9670896

Anon, holy shit, are you me?
This is the exact same situation I'm in down to a t, though he's a year younger than that and we both were virgins. He fits that description perfectly.
The only actual difference was that he found out I was single then only began to pursue me later after we got to know each other better. He asked me out a few months later, not immediately.

>> No.9670915

Quoting just in case someone missed this retarded /r9k/ poster newfag

>> No.9670919
File: 684 KB, 600x656, hedyrtfugvyhbu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, that's why I said it

>/r9k/ poster newfag
>mfw I'm a lolita and have been here for years
Man, gulls sure are bitter they can't land a good guy.

>> No.9670933

I wasn't talking shit about anything though. I literally made one comment, in which I said that all of the virgins I dated cheated on me. That's hardly shittalking. Maybe you are thinking that some other comments were mine and that's why you think I was talking shit?

>> No.9670972

People only get cheated on when they don't get desired. Become a desired girl and the virgin will be scared you cheat on him every sec.

>> No.9672317

Another thread ruined by male virgins... (also known as Drumpf voters)

>> No.9672372

>bringing politics into it
It's like you WANT this thread to never get back on track ever again.

Saged for OT.

>> No.9672374

Drumpf is not a politics thing, if you're not #resisting Drumpf then it's like letting Hitler win

>> No.9672426
File: 39 KB, 486x434, 1507065440541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be male virgin, 23
>good looks and good hygiene
>non-roid natty
>IQ 115
>always bothered on self-improvement "just in case shtf or I meet 'somebody'"

>tfw some downy-looking body positive antihealthist turbo(((feminist))) wants you to be put to death because she saw some r9k guy funposting and she developed a grudge against all virgins

>> No.9672453

>>be male virgin, 23
>>good looks
Stopped reading your fanfic right there, /r9k/ posting cringebeard.

>> No.9672455

>there only reason someone would have to be a virgin ever is being ugly

>> No.9672463

This thread is beyond saving

>> No.9672486

No it's your 115 IQ (barely average)

>> No.9672493
File: 47 KB, 464x325, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you find it hard to believe? Well, then you are in serious need of a reality check, because I've talked to other people that are in my same predicament.

I'm in Europe. In my country, specially in my region, females just aren't worth it. They are usually high manteinance bitchy nightmares with no feminity whatsoever. Such females would add nothing of worth to my life, they don't provide what females are supposed to provide but they demand way too many things out of you.

They have no sense of belonging and no sense of faithfulness. They are loosen up and literally walking public toilets. You can't trust them on any issue. And god forbid you have some opinion that goes against the mainstream media hivemind.

In short, they are boomer-like entitled strong wymen on a powertrip whose ideal man is the self-deprecating cuckold (yes, this term is overused, but it applies here literally), that has enough money to pay for her lazy and worthless consumer lifestyle while forgiving her "mishaps" and "he's just a friend sweety" situations.

Then you might argue that this is not a valid reason for me to still be a virgin if I'm good looking. But, let's say I have a kind of strict moral code in which I'm not going to fuck a girl I don't like or whose personality is repulsive to me.

I don't know if you meant sarcasm, see this picture just in case.

I actually got it measured because I wanted to get into mensa for mensa bux, but didn't cut it, apparently.

>> No.9672499

If you mention your iq in a conversation regarding your own merit then you’re probably kinda shitty anyway.

Don’t do that

>> No.9672524

Because you are not allowed to feel proud about the cards you were dealt when you were born, specially in a board about "beauty" such as this. Ironic.

>> No.9672527

>I’m a smart, attractive, GENEEYOUS guy and all women are dumb ugly sluts who don’t want a nice guy me. Curse you feminism!!!
Dude I can literally smell the Dorito breath and unwashed doublechin neckbeard funk just by reading this post, not to mention how triggered you get when someone calls you out on how out of touch with reality you are.
If you’re at least slightly attractive, semi intelligent, and have a decent personality, girls will be at least somewhat interested in you. I’m guessing you’re lacking in AT LEAST two of those categories, if not all three.

>> No.9672529

Well it's more that if you have it, it should be self-evident. The people who talk about the stuff nature gave them as opposed to personal accomplishments probably haven't done much with themselves and thus need to use things they were born with as a means to feel superior.

>> No.9672530

No because iq is a shitty measure of intelligence that can vary whenever you take the test,

I was only happy with myself when I stopped getting hung up on that dick measuring contest

>> No.9672531

Stop going on r/incels and /r9k/
It becomes a feedback loop of self defeat and makes you more depressed.

>> No.9672533

As opposed to coming here where people think anyone who hasn't had sex should be rounded up and killed?

>> No.9672537

Fucking hell, this board sometimes really is just /r9k/ with frills.

>> No.9672548

Nah, /cgl/ is okay, it's just the virgin male crossies who ruin threads. Literally every time you see something bad happening on /cgl/, a virgin male is behind it. This isn't even hyperbole.

>> No.9672556

Don't lump me in with all the shitposters, please. I just come here because I enjoy cosplay and this board is generally pretty comfy.

>> No.9672565

Oh wow. Let's see.

>>I’m a smart, attractive, GENEEYOUS guy
I'm not a genius. Yes, I consider myself smart and I'm somewhat attractive because of my good looks. Some women tried to start something with me but I really didn't like their mindset and the friends they hanged out with.

>and all women are dumb ugly sluts who don’t want a nice guy me.
I'm not a nice guy and never claimed all women are dumb, ugly or sluts.
I've shared my experiences with females around my region and seriously, I don't want them being the mother of my children for the aforementioned reasons. I don't know what's your problem, did you feel alluded to?

>Curse you feminism!!!
I don't really want to get into a feminism debate, I've had enough of such debates to know that women won't give in to reason and lose the ability to blame their failures on muh patriarchy boogeyman and "it's all da wyte mens fault, arise wymen!". It's just way too convenient for you, girls. I'll just state this: Modern feminist is about brainwashing underachieving young females into blaming (white) men for their shortcomings while "people" like "body positivists", "lgbtbbq" and such jump into the bandwagon. Not to speak about how it hurts male-female relationships and destroys the classical family arrangement. Because apparently, the more of a cumpdumpster you are, the more liberated you are and so and so.

>Dude I can literally smell the Dorito breath and unwashed doublechin neckbeard funk just by reading this post
That's a funny line, I'll give you that.

>not to mention how triggered you get when someone calls you out on how out of touch with reality you are.
Because sharing my real world experience with females on my country and region is being out of touch with reality.

>If you’re at least slightly attractive, semi intelligent, and have a decent personality, girls will be at least somewhat interested in you.
Some are, but when they get to know me better, they know I'm no easy prey and either leave

>> No.9672567

The people who whine all the time about incels and crossboarders are just as annoying as the actual crossboarders

>> No.9672572


>> No.9672573


LMFAO, this post single handedly destroyed all the /r9k/ fantasies

>> No.9672575

or I shun them down.

I just want a proper girl that is able to stay faithful to me and that'll be able to raise my children in the future.

I don't want to spend time building bonds with some nobody vapid cunt that will backstab me whenever I turn around. It's not about getting laid.

I don't go to any of those places. I'm actually invested in positive hobbies and self-improvement, mental and physical.

It was a way to make fun of that whale that said that virgins should be shot and such. Because there's nothing eugenic about shooting down a guy with above average IQ just because he's a virgin.

Yes, IQ is self-evident, I can tell the IQ of people just from looking at their faces.

>> No.9672576

Stop shitposting. This is literally /b/-tier.

>> No.9672580

Not an argument.

>> No.9672581

>Stefan Molymeme loving neckbeard misogynist
>wonders why he is a virgin

Fuck off whiteknight

>> No.9672584

I actually got that line from people parodying molymeme, it just fits well on some occasions.
If you want my actual stance on that. Alt-right = cuckoldry, it doesn't address any actual issues, is controlled opposition and steers men towards becoming MGTOWs.
And I'm not a misogynist since I don't hate women per se.

>> No.9672608


Okay, I'll bite.

Honestly, your posts make my skin crawl.

I don't care if a guy is a virgin in his twenties (or thirties or whenever), or if he wants a traditional relationship or whatever. As long as two consenting people are perfectly, genuinely happy together, that's wonderful. And I don't think the behavior of some of the people arguing with you is above reproach either, but...

I think what's giving me alarm is this sort of dehumanizing attitude you have towards women. You constantly refer to them as "females," generalize them, state that there is something they are "supposed" to provide, and called them "loosen up" and "literally walking public toilets." Reinforcement of the madonna-whore dichotomy notwithstanding, you're giving the impression that a large part of what a woman means to you is just to be a walking reproductive tract and then to take care of your children when that purpose is not being fulfilled. It also sounds like you're a very traditional guy who wants a old-fashioned lady, but you have to understand what that means, especially to women: basically playing a prop to their man. It's not a fun life.

Assuming I'm wrong though, and you don't want a prop and actually do want an equal partner, I want to ask you this: What are you offering her in return? How do you plan to be supportive of her?

>> No.9672611

>I don't hate women per se
>I only hate women under certain circumstances
>I am schrödinger's misogynist

>> No.9672614

I just want to not have to deal with completely off-topic bullshit every fucking thread, how does that make me a whiteknight? I'm not "jumping to the rescue" of either side.

>> No.9672617

>Honestly, your posts make my skin crawl.


This girl's brave feelings completely obliterated the /r9k/ posters "muh arguments".

>> No.9672619

Shut the fuck up and stop derailing the thread jackass

>> No.9672631

>Honestly, your posts make my skin crawl.
This doesn't really mean much in this day and age. Whenever a guy speaks something that didn't come out of a disney movie or is politically incorrect, everybody is quick to assume he is some kind of crazed rapist racist lunatic and such. It's the price of being yourself and I'm willing to pay it.

>I think what's giving me alarm is this sort of dehumanizing attitude you have towards women.

No, quite the opposite I really admire women that are worthy human beings and I don't want a "female prop" as you say. Maybe my manner of speech leads you to think that but it couldn't be further from the truth.

I'm not generalizing females in the sense that I am saying EVERY female is like this or that. What I do recognize is that THIS kind of female is very widespread and I don't like that one bit, thus I remain virgin until a woman that suits me engages in a relationship with me.

>You constantly refer to them as "females

English is not my first language, but I get how you could see it as "dehumanizing".

>state that there is something they are "supposed" to provide

Of course, and I'm not talking about materialistic stuff here. I'm talking about the kind of support and faithfulness a woman must provide to a man. And of course the man has to provide support and protection to his girl too.
The problem is when you give, but don't receive anything but bad stuff in return, and that's a reality with modern day male-female relationships.

>and called them "loosen up" and "literally walking public toilets."

You can't tell me this is not the case nowadays with a straight face.
Most modern women live carefree lifestyles that lead them to become cumdumpsters who become angry at men by the time they are 40 and wonder why no men wants them.
The modern women does not think about selecting a proper male, about her biological future as a woman, about moderation, about worthwhile knowledge etc.


>> No.9672646

All the modern woman thinks about is getting wasted and fucked at nightclubs, "gotta get my degree, I'll have children later", men should provide everything I want, men should understand my "whorish slips" and if they don't they are scary wife beaters and misogynistic, etc.

Do you see the patterns and differences?

If you were to claim modern men are shitty cucks with no spine, I'd also agree with you. I'm just giving my opinion on women from my point of view. I don't consider myself misogynistic and I'm tiring of that meme word being used all the time, it ends up meaning nothing.

>woman means to you is just to be a walking reproductive tract and then to take care of your children

No, it means much more, a partner to share life with, the good parts and the bad parts, someone you know is always there for you and won't leave you if you run out of money or you refuse to buy her a new macbook.

I don't think I can tell you detailedly what my "ideal" women would be without writing several massive blogposts, but that should give you a few hints.

>What are you offering her in return? How do you plan to be supportive of her?

Sincerity, support, faithfulness, well raised children, knowledge, trustfulness, classical masculinity and in short, a well adjusted male and husband material.

I'm not allowed to """"""hate""""" (disliking is now hating?) certain women with certain personalities and worldviews now?

You better call the sjw police right now.


>> No.9672650

You too, please fuck off.

>> No.9672655

So basically, in the last 20 posts there's one male virgin who is a whiteknight/feminist-ally who wants "all the bad guys to go away" and one male virgin from /r9k/ who wants us to believe his power fantasies where he is good looking and attractive and that he's totally a virgin by choice.

And then there's a cool & smart sarcastic girl making fun of them both.

>> No.9672657

You know, you keep saying certain women with certain personalities but then you also say things like
>All the modern woman thinks about is getting wasted and fucked at nightclubs
>Most modern women live carefree lifestyles that lead them to become cumdumpsters
>The modern women does not think about selecting a proper male

I would even argue your terminology of "the modern woman" is not correct. Regardless of what the internet communities tell you about Stacies and Chads, study after study comes out that more young women and men are waiting to have sex, get married, have children and so forth.

>> No.9672658

thread checks out

>> No.9672662

>And then there's a cool & smart sarcastic girl making fun of them both.

That's a funny way of saying you are samefagging in a rather shameful manner, but ok.

>and one male virgin from /r9k/ who wants us to believe his power fantasies where he is good looking and attractive and that he's totally a virgin by choice.
I mean, I've never been raped, so yeah, by choice.

I mostly go to /g/ and /diy/, don't really get the /r9k/ meme other than there are many mgtows there.

Exactly, there I'm describing certain women I don't like that have a personality I don't like.

>I would even argue your terminology of "the modern woman" is not correct.
You get what I mean.

>Regardless of what the internet communities tell you about Stacies and Chads, study after study comes out that more young women and men are waiting to have sex, get married, have children and so forth.

I don't know about studies. I do know about statistics and numbers and I do not like self-deception. I might be wrong though, I don't claim I hold the universal truth.

I do know my country's natality is on the negative digits right now.

>> No.9672667

Whatever your opinions are, this isn't the board for this.

Post some fucking /cgl/ humour or stop posting.

>> No.9672672
File: 215 KB, 472x1336, creamintobutter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post humor while I'm derailing the thread.


Okay /r9k/anon. First off, acknowledged that English is not your first language, but just letting you know that constantly referring to women as "females" in English sounds really weird and has negative connotations attached.

The fact that your posts make my skin crawl has nothing to do with political incorrectness or language above that of a G rating. I have a rather dry, dark sense of humor myself- I don't assume everyone's a crazed rapist lunatic. I don't think you are. That's not what I'm saying here or accusing you of. Please, please listen here: the reason your posts make my skin crawl is that, quite frankly, from experience I have made the acquaintance of several men who spoke like this and who categorized women like this and it never went to good places. Again, not crazed rape lunatic places, just normal "I don't want to be around this person, this is not a good person who sees me as an equal human" places.

I think a lot of the trouble we're having here is actually coming from a language barrier, thinking on it. Because when you say, "I'm talking about the kind of support and faithfulness a woman must provide to a man," my instinct is to say to you that women don't owe you anything out of reflex from my own bitter experiences, but I don't think that's how you mean it. I think- I hope, at least- you're talking about in the specific context of the type of relationship that YOU want. Because not every relationship needs to be that sort of strict traditional male-female divide. I think trust and faithfulness and support and protection should honestly be cornerstones of any relationship, genders be damned.

(To be continued as well.)

>> No.9672673

>I have a rather dry, dark sense of humor myself-
Yep, just like >>9672655 said.

It's a fedora wearing whiteknight virgin vs a fedora wearing /r9k/ virgin.

Cringe as fuck!

>> No.9672678

Hi shitposter, "whiteknight" here. That anon's someone else.

>> No.9672680

Fuck off whiteknight samefag.

Women don't need your help. If you want to make yourself useful, give your (parents') money to women.

>> No.9672681
File: 802 KB, 1000x1500, peturchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I certainly can tell you with a straight face that women are not loosened up walking public toilets these days. I know very many lovely, wonderful young women, most of which are in healthy relationships. Conversely, a lot of the young men I know are not in relationships and tend to be bitter and angry. You make an awful lot of presumptions about "the modern woman," which I think are largely false. You're not in their heads, you don't know what they want, and quite frankly it's their lives, and they can have whatever goals and desires they please, even if those goals don't align with what you want for them. And if you read a lot of older literature and historical essays, honestly, men and women haven't changed much at all. This argument has been going on forever.

I guess the bottom line here is good luck finding your traditional relationship, anon, but please stop treating all other women who don't fit into your narrow mold of what womanhood "should" be like garbage while you look. You're still a little young, and so are the girls you're going after I'd imagine, if you're 23, so you're all probably just coming out into adulthood and still trying to figure yourselves out really.

>> No.9672684

Nayrt but you and the other people had no reason to drag male virgins into it. Sex doesn't happen for some people. It doesn't mean they're ugly or broken or anything else. Maybe if people hadn't posted about rounding up male virgins and killing them off you wouldn't have attracted a shitposter to rant this much

>> No.9672686

>It doesn't mean they're ugly or broken or anything else
See the last 30 or so posts and tell me that again with a straight face.

>> No.9672688

>just letting you know that constantly referring to women as "females" in English sounds really weird and has negative connotations attached.
I don't feel offended when someone refers to men as males, but seeing you are being reasonable I'll use "women" on this thread from now on.

>quite frankly, from experience I have made the acquaintance of several men who spoke like this and who categorized women like this and it never went to good places. Again, not crazed rape lunatic places, just normal "I don't want to be around this person, this is not a good person who sees me as an equal human" places.

I understand you might have had bad past experiences with other males that worded things similarly to me or shared some points with my opinions (that's were the fedora/r9k meme comes into place, whenever someone says something non-PC about women, the fedora image comes into mind).

But I'm not going to change my way of seeing things or my opinions just because it is commonly associated with people that has nothing to do with me or that we would just agree on a few things. This would be manipulative and intellectually dishonest so I try to come off as I am no matter the connotations it has. In short: I'm not going to stop drinking water because /r9k/ people drink water and there's a stereotype on it.

>Because when you say, "I'm talking about the kind of support and faithfulness a woman must provide to a man," my instinct is to say to you that women don't owe you anything out of reflex from my own bitter experiences

Well, in a relationship I want reciprocity, if I give you support and faithfulness, is it much to ask you to give me that aswell? I didn't mean it as if some random girl on the street must provide me with things if that's what your instinct told you.

If I devote myself to my lover, I want my lover to be devoted to myself, is this bad?

I do not see men and women as equal, and that's the beauty of it. cont.

>> No.9672691

>tfw incels invade your favorite board

>> No.9672695

Then don’t make a post in such terrible taste, but I do admit that there is quite a bit of overreaction going on here.

>> No.9672699
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I honestly just started posting. My first post the long-winded reply to Euro9kanon which specifically mentioned not caring about virginity at all.

But I'm not helping, I think I've done more harm than good here, and I'm sorry about that, so I'm going to stop now.

>> No.9672700

We can complement eachother and patch up eachother's shortcomings and weaknesses. If we were equal, we wouldn't seek our other half, so to speak.

>I guess the bottom line here is good luck finding your traditional relationship, anon
I'm pretty much convinced I'll never will, but thanks I guess.

>but please stop treating all other women who don't fit into your narrow mold of what womanhood "should" be like garbage while you look.
It's not that narrow, it's just hard to define all of this in a few lines, a man's worldview can't be summed up in a few posts.

I don't treat the women I don't like as garbage, I just don't invest time in them or get close to them, why would you get close to people you don't like?

>And I certainly can tell you with a straight face that women are not loosened up walking public toilets these days.
Internet posts and my experiences imply otherwise, but there's always the benefit of the doubt I suppose.

>You make an awful lot of presumptions about "the modern woman," which I think are largely false.
Maybe from your side this appears different. We tend to focus more on how the opposite gender is or behaves.

>You're not in their heads, you don't know what they want
Their actions speak.

>and they can have whatever goals and desires they please, even if those goals don't align with what you want for them.
I didn't imply otherwise

>And if you read a lot of older literature and historical essays, honestly, men and women haven't changed much at all. This argument has been going on forever.
They really have changed, you can't imagine just how much. Physically and mentally.

>yes, good boyim, just give us money
>everything I don't like is fedora
>everything I don't like is /r9k/
>everything I don't like is incels

>> No.9672701

Dear gulls, please stop replying to the incel. Please.

>> No.9672703

I actually looked up "incel" on google. How would that even be possible? You know prostitutes exist?

>> No.9672704

t. incel

It's just permavirgin males talking to one another.

>> No.9672707

>this sensitivity
At this point I'm assuming someone on /pol/ made a thread to come troll the "girl board", as happens occasionally.

Either way gulls need to stop responding.

>> No.9672709

*autistic woman screech sounds*

>> No.9672710

Well, I hope someone is screencapping most of this for future cringe thread fodder.

>> No.9672712
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Euroman here, anyway thanks for the chit chat. Looks like you actually put in effort on your replies instead of replying with memes like others here. I hope I'm proven wrong by life on this issue.

Have this obligatory pic m'lady.

>> No.9672716

>tfw almost had this except my boyfriend was kissed by a dude

>> No.9672720

ITT: plenty of evidence that if you're a virgin past 20 there is in fact plenty wrong with you

>> No.9672724

Exactly. They demonstrated that >>9670648 was right all along.

>> No.9672725
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Tfw shilled so hard for /u/ until a lot of gulls actually agreed

>> No.9672726

>one autist rambling about shit after being poked by shitposters and trolls has any relevance about other people
>one girl cheating on her boyfriend means all girls are whores
that is how I know you guys here are just like the idiots at r9k.

>> No.9672730

What bullshit fanfic is this? You went with /sp/ isntead

>> No.9672731

>being a slut is good

>> No.9672735

>some vocal idiots in a thread mean the whole board is like this
Come on now anon.

>> No.9672781

This is my first post in this thread, I just wanted to say that, after reading your long-ass conversation, there's a few things it'd like to tell you, but I guess I shouldn't derail the thread again. Oh well.

>> No.9672787

Do tell then, if you want. Threads aren't sacred. I still have this one open on a tab.

>> No.9672791

Why are there so many transpeople on this board ?

>> No.9672792

So is this the /r9k/ containment thread?

>> No.9672846

>I know very many lovely, wonderful young women, most of which are in healthy relationships. Conversely, a lot of the young men I know are not in relationships and tend to be bitter and angry.

How does that make any sense if there are more women then men?

>> No.9672870
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>come back to humor thread
>Richard Dawkins post his dissertation

Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t kill myself early this year.

>> No.9672871

>IQ 115
lmao scrub

>> No.9672877
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>Richard Dawkins post his dissertation

>> No.9672879

it's completely off topic, but on the statistics of women vs men in populations
there are more women overall, but that includes the fact that women live an average of 10-20 years more than men. If you take a look at say, 20 year olds, there are a large number more men than women due to the fact that men are born at a rate of 104 to ever 100 women.

there are more men born than women, but they die younger so census records look like it's the opposite

>> No.9672880

>but they die younger
woah, so this is the power of male privilege

>> No.9672963

But when you say younger how younger?

Because lots of young guys either kill themselves whether drunk, or at an unsafe job, or remove themselves completely from the dating field through extreme injury, or shit posting addiction.

Plus men are much more likely to be retarded, so all in all you'd imagine there would still be a surplus of women, unless of course it turns out that men aren't actually as desperate as they act and secretly have standards that are too high.

>> No.9672965

Oh yeah and don't forget male homosexuals and transsexuals out-number females.

>> No.9672967

TBQH it also contained some of the virgin neckbeard creeper nice guys

I wish they fought each other forever so we could finally get some breathing room w/o these betas