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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9646763 No.9646763 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>9611175

It's Halloween season. Is your Comm doing a big Halloween meetup?

>> No.9646797

yes, and i can already predict that there will be so many moms

>> No.9648152

lonelita here, anyone want to share juicy comm drama just so i can feel less alone?

>> No.9648542

Maybe more of an online comm thread question but we don't have one of those going and it involves someone from my comm, so here goes. What does it mean when FB sends me a notification like
>Anon, did you see [name]'s comment on [post]?
In my many years on Facebook I've never seen this before. It points me to a random post from some page I'm not even following, and I'm not tagged in it or anything like that. Considering the person in question and their desperation for e-fame it wouldn't surprise me at all if this were some kind of paid notification/promotion nonsense but I can't find anything about that online. There's no reason for the page to even know I exist, so I'm suspecting the person who left the comment.

>> No.9648547

I suppose the page paid promotion so they're spamming everyone's notifications. They used that person specially but it could be anyone connected to you. My guess is that the algorithms may have assumed that this content would be interesting to you somehow because of that friendship.

>> No.9648548

>halloween meetup is scheduled somewhat
>no one's organizing it properly
>I have nothing to wear
This may be a bit of a fiasco.
What do your comms do (outfit-wise) for Halloween anons? "Costume" themed (going as a pirate, ghost, whatever) or more gothy coords?

>> No.9648571

This this this! And even the ones who do say they're going to come on that date then cancel literally last fucking minute. It's always the same people, too. But you can't say anything about that because that's 'bullying' and 'causing drama'. But pushing for a date that a lot of other people can't come and then standing up the host isn't causing drama?

>> No.9648612

I've been a lolita for about 3 years now but only a comm member for two.

Have yet to go to a Halloween meet due to Kumoricon.
I hear they're getting a Baby fashion show tho so that's cool.

>> No.9648624

>Halloween meet is already sold out
>none of the itas or cringy people snagged a spot
aw yiss

>> No.9648630

>Halloween meet tickets were sold out
>"Aww, that's sad, but I guess I can book a flight to see my boyfriend that weekend"
>Suddenly a spot is available

Goddamnit, I could've had both if only I waited to book the flight!

>> No.9648649

Im trying really hard to throw together a meet we can be proud of, but I need some of the other girls to contribute (not money or anything) and no matter how many times I try to ask them to please help they just wont budge.

I dont know what to do and its looking like I will have to scrap the idea for now.

They said they were interested in the idea, but nobody (besides 2) actually wants to help make it happen.

Its a little frustrating.

>> No.9648739

>girl in the comm hosting a fun sounding themed halloween meetup
>$20 per ticket
>20 going
>at her house
>litterally zero details on what the money is going towards

It sounds really fun and i want to go but i can not imagine what she could possibly be doing with $400+ for a meetup at her own home, but a bunch of people have allready paid despite having zero detIls avalible. I dont mind paying for a nice meetup, but i dont want my money going towards lining this girls pockets for more lolita.

>> No.9648752

I'm pretty sure you're in the same comm as me, but I think the whole admission fee just to go to a meetup at her house is really sketchy as well. I'm really hoping she's at least throwing together some sort of gift bags.

>> No.9648754

If it's the murder mystery, I think she said the money is for food and goodie bags. It was awhile ago that it was said so it might be hidden in a post.

>> No.9648782

Yes my community is, but its full of hard hating Liberals, and im too much of a faggot to get over my own political alignment to ignore them and focus on having fun.

>> No.9648800

Same, after a couple of meets with weirdos it is so nice not to worry about the group pictures or sitting at a table with cringy people trying to one up each other with who the saddest person is.

>> No.9648828 [DELETED] 

The page probably paid for a promotion and then FB is promoting it to you using your friend so that it seems more relevant.

>> No.9648855

They’ll be happier without your presence surely.

>> No.9648857

I was worried at first, im trying to throw a mystery murder for my comms meet that would be at my house, thought this was about me but Im not charging anything for it.

Hope it goes well though! Im in a bind of needing 5 actors and not having enough willing participants to fill those roles.

>> No.9648872

If it's the murder mystery meet, I've been thinking the same thing and I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I wanted to ask the host(s) what the money was going toward but I thought it would be too rude and I'd be accused of being cheap.

I tried to put myself in their shoes and create a breakdown (assuming 26 girls go), but I can't see how $520 could go toward gift bags, food for 26 girls, props/printing cards for the murder mystery?

I'm really interested, I'm sure the hosts are working hard but I can't wrap my head around that and there have been no details to what the money is going toward so I haven't decided.

>> No.9648882

Burando goddie bags? I cant imagine spending over 200 for food.

>> No.9648885

Food per person can be pricey. If it’s 20 per that’s 520 for 26 people. Since it is at a home it hopefully is less, but buying ingredients to make enough can be a lot. Or like even if it’s 10 per for 260$, if you put 10 per for gift bags that ends up being 520 as well. There is also any decorations, props or whatever that may be bought or made for it too. Don’t assume it’s for profit just because you can’t do the numbers. They aren’t required to break down what they are doing for you to have a good time, and it’s better to wait until you see it before nitpicking on where the money went.

>> No.9648888

Nayrt but no need to be nasty. Sounds like your first time hosting a ticketed event but its pretty common to have a breakdown of what the price of your ticket goes towards. I would want to know why im being charged to go to your house

>> No.9648894

Anon, This was her post when the invites went out. Can none of you read?

"Hi everyone, the ticket price for the event is going to be $20 to include the cost of dinner and goody bags."

>> No.9648897

Nayrt but you seem mad

The hosts are not required to break it down, but it would make it a lot less questionable and more girls would probably be more willing to go. It doesn't look credible with no details, which seems to be case here. I personally would want to know why they're charging $20 to go to someone's house, hosts aren't renting a venue.

>> No.9648898

No one on the internet can read anon!

>> No.9648908

Even if its at their house, she's still renting her home out to the comm as well as spending her time preparing for the event. It's not a profit when you're investing your own time/effort in to create a large event.

>> No.9648926

Anon...you dont pay yourself when you volunteer your home for a meetup...

>> No.9648927

please read

>> No.9648929

>you dont pay yourself when you volunteer your home for a meetup
Please read

>> No.9648950

It isn’t my event, i don’t even have a comm. it is very easy to do some basic math to see how things add up. Also from >>9648894 there were some indication on what was going on with the money. It isn’t that there is no details, you guys just suck at understanding costs.

>> No.9648978

found the host

>> No.9649330

God I am yet to see a single thread not derailed with idiotic shit-slinging.

My comm hasn't announced a central Halloween meet yet, but we already have a bunch of other stuff planned, an afterparty hangout at my place after a con this weekend, next week we're going to a spooky bar on Friday the 13th and having a nun-themed meet the following weekend. To top it off, the local cosplay comm is having a Halloween party on November 6th, so even if Halloween itself doesn't work out I'm good!

>> No.9649336

Glad I'm not the only one wondering this....it sucks because I love Halloween meet ups and I have a super cute coordinate planned, but this seems super sketchy.

Also, isn't this the same chick who threw the super lame Christmas meet last year at her parents house? The one who told people they'd need to bring their own chairs?

>> No.9649477

Forgot about that. Yeah, I think so. If that's the case, where is everyone supposed to sit if it's a sit down dinner?

>> No.9649547

My bet is that she will have some guests sitting with their plates on their laps and just dismiss it with a "this is fine" attitude.

This thread convinced me not to go

>> No.9649775

The christmas meet was very casual and lasr minute, whereas the halloween meet has had a couple months of planning. Her home was very spacious and nice, its not like a run down tiny ass shithole.

Maybe some of that money y'all are bitching about is gonna go to chair rentals.

>> No.9649787

Honestly I have no local involvement with this but you should just ask what the money is for, say you're on a tight budget or something. If she bitches at you it's probably not worth it anyway.

>> No.9649910

Why are you so defensive anon-kun? The reason her last meet up was brought up was to show she has hosted a shitty meet before. AT HER HOUSE.

Personally, I don't think most meets should be at houses in the first place unless you live in some huge mansion or something. They're always cramped and awkward, especially if you live with your parents. This chick is too young and naive to host a successful meet.

>> No.9649930

From what I can understand, the groups are nearly only lolita based, right?

Kind of a bummer, wish there was a Boston group that's more cosplay focused. Brainstorming and sharing ideas would be pretty dope.

>> No.9649999

Oh there are Boston cosplay groups. You just don't want to have anything to do with them, trust me.
The boston comm is lolita focused although we do have cosplayers.

>> No.9650024

Lolita communities are lolita-based, yes. You might have more success with cosplay communities.

>> No.9650181

> too young
She's 21.
> too naive
Well you're not wrong about that.

>> No.9650247


Alrighty, thanks for the answers. I'm already spooked by most people that are "passionate" about anime, especially the ones at my college's anime club. Definitely going to tread a little lighter then.

And yeah, I get that lolita communities are lolita-based, I just don't know of a way to get into the local cosplay community. Is it a facebook group or something?

>> No.9650294

it's a bit of a mix here, you'll have the costume themed princess, doll, witch coords etc but then also a decent mix of general halloween aesthetic gothic and spooky sweet too

>> No.9650297

I was at the Christmas meet, her parents house is on the rich side of town, it's decently sized and clean, I can't complain. They are #blessed

>> No.9650305

I find that rather than asking people what they can contribute, you've gotta make a checklist kind of thing and make it so in order to attend they have to sign up for one of said things, just like you would at a potluck. If you need someone bringing, say, decorations, don't just say "can ppl bring decorations?", you need to literally put "bring X coloured streamers, bring this sort of tablecloth" and just let people pick which one on the list they're comfortable contributing to. That way the stuff gets done, they feel like they had a choice/say in it and not everyone's sitting on their heels waiting for someone else to take initiative

>> No.9650359

So #blessed that they needed people to bring their own chairs because they didn't have enough seating?

>> No.9650460

Thanks for the advice! I feel like im being too much of a pushover when I try to plan things. I want them to have fun, but im scared to be like "you HAVE to do this"

Im not really buddy buddy with anyone in my comm so I dont want to come off as a bitch and alienate myself.

I dont want to exclude anyone, and I know I cant please everyone, but damn it I try.

>> No.9650480

One of the anon's you replied to. I'm a lolita unfortunately so I don't actually know how to best get in but they have a lot of public cosplay events and from what I understand that's how to get in when Anime Boston isn't happening. I just also happen to know that the group that runs a lot of the events are unpleasant to deal with. I wish I was a cosplayer and college age then I'd be more able to help a fellow Bostonian better.

>> No.9650507

Who do you know that has 30+ chairs at any given time at their house? Perhaps she shouldn't have asked guests to bring chairs, but there was enough seating, I personally am not sure who ended up supplying chairs.

I don't really care for S but I'm not going act nitpicky, it's not as if her parents house is inconvenient to host a meet at.

>> No.9650530

Shit, at least you have people who want to host meets. Nobody in my comm is stepping up and hosting anything and I can't because I'm busy.

>> No.9650623

You're really defending her tooth and nail for not liking her

>> No.9650635

nayrt but that doesn't at all sound like defending tooth and nail

>> No.9650918

What is the etiquette in most comms when it comes to discussing finances? I don't think we shouldn't mention money ever, but there are a few girls in my comm who I feel cross the line of polite conversation too often. A few of them whine about everything being expensive and go "oh I could never afford that" literally every time anyone mentions anything from a Japanese brand. Others are always talking about getting things for as cheap as possible, to the point of rubbing it in people's faces when they paid less than someone else for the same item. Last meet I was at a girl was wearing a dress she pre-ordered from the brand itself and another girl started talking about how she saw that cut and colorway go for very cheap online and "sucks that you paid full price for that, haha!" It was the first time they met, so it wasn't like banter between friends. Am I alone in thinking this is super rude?

>> No.9650922

We have so many girls like you in our comm. They're all "too busy" but can't fathom that anyone else is busy, too, and so can't host a meet either. Then they throw temper tantrums about it. Why don't you "step up," anon?

>> No.9650924

It's definitely rude. Is your comm full of underage girls? Please don't tell me actual adults act this way (I say even though there are a few grown women like this in my comm)

>> No.9650926

Not just you. That's incredibly tacky. Like I can understand being excited about finding a great deal on something but there's no acceptable reason at all to start comparisons or get all high and mighty about it

>> No.9650930

And that's worth paying for? When I have my comm over to my house, I don't charge. They bring sweets and I provide light food, it's not expensive at all. I rarely spend more than 40$ to feed them

>> No.9650931
File: 299 KB, 445x450, 1437847422081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit! Ya'll having a hissy over $20.......

That is legitimately nothing when it comes to catering, decorations/hire and any take home gifts or prizes that may come with the meet.

If shes actually going to put a lot of effort into the menu and make it all herself she should actually be charging more to cover costs.

The fact that she is having it at her house and you're not having to split venue hire on top is already saving you cheapskates money!

I feel really sorry for your host.

I hope she serves you all KFC.

>> No.9650942

All >20.

Yeah I don't mind talking about good deals either, but rubbing it in the face of someone who paid full price (and so supported the brand directly) is super tacky. Even if someone overpaid by buying from an overpriced reseller or something you tell them this in private so they can make better decisions in the future, you don't mock them in front of half the comm. The one time I asked someone to tone it down they got offended and said "well I'm just being honest!" But there's a difference between being honest and being rude.

>> No.9651031

I've actually hosted every meet for the last ten months, hahahaha. I am actually busy for the next month because I have midterms.

>> No.9651071

wow, I thought about charging a ticket fee for the halloween meet I am hosting at my house. Even with a potluck, there are people who will not bring anything or contribute. Hosting a party can get extremely expensive, be a stingy bitch and dont go~

>> No.9651078

no, it's super rude to talk about money at all imo unless it's a simple statement like "snagged it for a good price, i'm really happy!" i joined the local lolita comm when i was 17 and select members kept asking me how i afforded stuff and it was really embarrassing to be singled out. like... working. working is how i afford stuff.

>> No.9651101

>when an over enthusiastic newbie spams the group with stupid questions
>"How do I remove makeup if I can only wear it on the weekends???????"

>> No.9651138


I feel you, anon.

>> No.9651146

>Managed to snag one of the last tickets for the comms Halloween event
>Feel dumb for procrastinating so long, but happy it all worked out regardless

To my knowledge this is our first time (at least in a LONG time) of hosting an organized, ticketed event at a rented venue. I'm really proud of the organizer for pulling it off, and hoping everything goes well. Now the dread of trying to figure out what to wear sets in...

>> No.9651212

If this is my comm, this is the very first ticketed event that isn't at a convention, I'm really excited how far we've gotten! The group of ladies who are working on putting this together really stepped up their game.

>> No.9651214

I'm not even planning on going, so good luck with that.

>> No.9651226

My comm will ask me how much I spent on every single dress I wear out and constantly comment to me, "I could NEVER spend that much money on this stuff!" It's fine to be thrifty but I appreciate Japanese brands because they're what inspired this entire subculture, of course I want to support and represent them.

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong about asking about dress prices since it can be a good conversation starter, or a general topic to chat about but the reactions I get are starting to feel shame-y and IDK what to say to them

>> No.9651238
File: 112 KB, 250x238, 1506294748841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this even mean

>> No.9651243

I don't know what's going on because it's not from my comm and I don't know the newbie, but if I had to guess, it's a simple explanation. Either:

>My job/school/lifestyle means I don't wear makeup most of the time, but I wear it for events and meets. I'm also inexperienced and too stupid to look things up for myself!
>I'm a boy and I think it's cute to show people how dumb I am when it comes to traditionally feminine things! Please like me and accept me as one of your own!

>> No.9651252

majority of the comm at least regulars are over 25 so generally we dont talk about dress costs. Unless its a steal. A friend got Cats tea party for basically half the going rate because she was good friends with the seller. The only other time i heard money or financial situations mentioned was a few of us talking about wanting to go out of country for a trip together but not being able to swing it for two years because rufflecon is across country.

>> No.9651275

Woah, settle down. This was just a few people who were saying this. Good deal of us already paid before this shit show. The people complaining are more likely to not come anyway.

>> No.9651290

>acting like I wouldn't enjoy KFC

>> No.9651342

Ya, I don't wear make up regularly outside of lolita/cosplay either. Doesn't mean I don't know what make up wipes or a washcloth is.

>> No.9651348
File: 798 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman on the far right overcharges Bodyline items in her store and at the local con
>girls think she's the only option around especially for plus size
>I'm a cunt because I point this out to my "friend" who's friends with her
Whatever. I wanna go to see this glorious shit show.

>> No.9651349

Forgot to add. This is the only Halloween meetup my local "group" is doing.

>> No.9651636 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 1200x800, go ahead and coord this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No chill!

What' do you have against the Colonel?

>> No.9651639
File: 67 KB, 1200x800, go ahead and coord this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No chill

What do you have against the Colonel?

>> No.9651671

Same comm, I wonder why these newbies are allowed to spam the group. We got a question topic, because members pointed out this was annoying.
But to be honest, I have the feeling that the current mods aren’t really that active in the comm.

>> No.9651686

Yeah, mostly the first. Apparently she can't wear makeup or nail polish to work but wants to wear them on the weekends, so she needs us to spoonfeed her information about how to remove makeup and nail polish "fast"... so at the end of the day, like you normally do (for makeup, anyway). She wears makeup for cosplay, so you'd think she knows how to remove it. Apparently not.
Don't ask me how this is lolita-related or deserves its own thread in a lolita community because I don't know, either.

With our mods I always feel like they want to be seen as nice and inclusive and so it takes a lot of annoyance and rule-breaking before they're willing to step in and tell someone to cut that shit out. Telling an overenthusiastic newb to stop spamming could be seen as "bitchy" so they don't want to do it. Add that it's a cosplayer and she might run back to her cosplay friends crying about how lolitas were mean to her waaahhhh and it's like she's practically untouchable. I don't know why some people in our comm care so much about what cosplayers think of us, but they do.

>> No.9651818


But if you're a mod, you should be able to "mod" these type of posts without sound bitchy or whatever. I mean, I don't think anyone is gonna think "wow, she's so bitchy" because of these. Or at least I want to believe that.

>> No.9651824

I wish they would stop with that, why care if the cosplay comm thinks we’re meanies? They are already way too open with accepting new members to the group. No one shares coords and such in the group anymore and I feel like the 500+ members can be blamed for that. There are too many non-Lolita’s in the group and I am pretty sure most of them aren’t newbies who plan on wearing the fashion some day.
I feel like the online comm is slowly dying. Most of the people who post seem to be newbies, like where is everyone?

>> No.9651885
File: 717 KB, 450x337, EpgG6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organising comm's Halloween event
>biggest meetup ever for comm, first ticketed comm event, private venue, raffle and goodies
>almost everything is fine but still panicking that SOMETHING will go wrong

>> No.9651890

One way to assuage your anxiety would be to talk with a mod or a member of your Comm who has organized a large event before.

>> No.9651891

That expression is too much! Thanks for the laugh, anon!

Hopefully the event is a smash

>> No.9651895

I agree. our mods are nice but like... too nice.

I know several people for who it's bullying to ask them to stop doing something, no matter what the thing is. remember you-know-who? asking someone to stop bullying is also bullying?? not saying this girl is like that but in my years in the cosplay and lolita comms I learned to be really careful about being anything but positive and uwuwuwu with someone I don't know just in case they freak out and say I'm a bully or toxic because they love that word.

I agree they need to remove at least hundred people or more. who are all these people?? I don't post in the group much because there are 500 full strangers in it who can see every post. most of them will not even notice if they are removed. and the ones who get upset but don't wear Lolita or are planning to can gtfo, why care what they think?? they don't belong in the group.

>> No.9651905

So a bunch of itas are gonna walk around the mall? Hope you guys have a Hot Topic for them all to loiter in.

>> No.9651914

I can't imagine demanding to know how my ticket fee would be used at any other event where I'm paying to be entertained. It's entitled and more than a little classless imo. It's easy to drop more than 500.00 on ingredients to feed 20 people; hell, non-shitty catering often costs more than that. Event planning isn't easy, especially when it's for people behaving like poorly socialised lowbrow degenerate cheapskates. KFC is too classy for y'all.

>> No.9651916

Take the SEPTA to Frilladelphia?

>> No.9651922

Nobody has organised anything big before in the comm, and I'm a mod. Oops. Thank you for the advice though!

You're welcome anon, and thanks!

>> No.9651935

Can't we just do a poll or something? Sticky it, leave it up for a month or two and then kick out anyone who didn't reply. With a poll you can also have different questions like do you wear lolita, do you come to meets and several options for people who answer no, like why not or whether they're planning to wear lolita or come to meets within the year or something. Then we also have a nice overview of comm demographics. If mods don't feel comfortable kicking a lot of people at once they can do it in stages, like first the people who didn't reply at all, then later people who replied but say they don't wear the fashion and aren't really planning to, etc.

Personally I think anyone who doesn't wear lolita and isn't actively working on getting a coord together within the next half year or so does not belong in the group, but I've been told this is 'lolitist'. I'm not sure why, because buying lolita clothes online is insanely easy nowadays and not even all that expensive. If someone is actually interested then they'd find some way to at least get their hands on a poofy skirt and buy a frilly top from H&M or something. 'Loliables' aren't ideal but IMO it's still leagues better than not trying at all.

>> No.9651938

There's also a Target. Oh boy what fun!

>> No.9651941

My comm did that, there wasn't any drama that I know of at least.

>> No.9652015

I think that’s a very good idea, I can understand that it’s a lot of work, but it would definitly give the comm a boost. The recent plurge was just too small and they didn’t even remove all the people, who are only in the group for assignments and program making purposes.
If it’s too much work you can always have a blank start by opening a new group. And them only let people in after some good screening, just like in the old forum days. They could also ask for some more mods if they think it’s too much work. I am sure there are people who want to help.

>> No.9652021

My comm did one too and some people tried to make a big stink about it cause they didn't see the poll or were too entitled/lazy to respond and they got removed

>> No.9652047

A fresh start would actually be a good idea in our case because the group is still owned by someone who doesn't wear lolita and lives in a different country but can't be bothered to hand over ownership. Starting fresh would lose us a lot of valuable older posts, but we can start over without all the random onlookers and transfer informative posts and photos.

>> No.9652068

We definitely need to be more selective and cut more people out of the group. There is nowan account posting with only an anime picture and meme picture and only has 17 friends who all seem to be like those teenage weeb FB models.

I think people who used to wear it are fine, since we do still know them and they might pop up again in the future.

>> No.9652108

We tagged everyone and let them back in if they missed the deadline. But I can see how people would get butt hurt. there was a bunch of confusion from people convinced we were kicking them out because they didn't go to meets because of work or whatever. Nope please just opt in unless you've moved away!

>> No.9652138

Rant time? Rant time.

Several years ago, our comm had high-quality, well-planned events. We'd go to high tea, we'd visit a museum and then a restaurant, we'd rent out one of the girl's apartment complex leisure centers for potluck swap meets, etc. Then I stepped away from the comm for a few years and something changed.

Now there are two types of meets. There is zero in between.

One is the paid meet. Often prohibitively expensive (yet somehow still not expensive enough to keep the itas or younger parent-bringing members away) with little to offer, I have yet to attend one of these ticketed meetups that wasn't wildly disappointing. They're not at a quality venue, the food is poor, there are no raffles, we had a coordinate contest once I think where there was a prize but that's it. They're always well attended but really kind of shit.

Then there are the "aimless wandering" types of meetups. "Oh well we'll all meet at this shopping center at about this time and then see what we want to do from there" and it's always aimless and awkward.

I'm disorganized and hate being the center of attention so I would't be a good person to organize a meet that could break this cycle, so I'll just keep sitting here complaining I guess. We never used to have such a hard time having quality meetups.

>> No.9652173

So this girl with a really fake looking profile and definitely a fake name joined our comm. She is now hosting a meet where you pay for the chance to see her "mobile boutique" and maybe buy something from it. It's like all overpriced bodyline and Taobao. She just seems really sketchy. No one knows her, she doesn't really seem to know the area. It's weird.

>> No.9652206


We did that also in my old comm and also, there was not so much drama about it. I mean, if you're not into the style anymore, or you haven't posted in the group for ages... What are you doing there? I left the fb group of my former local comm because of that, why read about what they're doing if I'm not gonna be there? And if I pay them a visit, I always can contact the people and organize something without being in the group, no big dramas at all.

And also, with the poll you're not excluding anyone (in my humble opinion); you leave it there for a while, pinned on the top and you give a couple of reminders.

I don't know, I'm quite new into this comm, but also I understand you because in the past my former comm suffered from this type of things and it's not funny. I really think that if the mods know about this we all can find a solution.

>> No.9652213

My comm's mods made a Facebook event before for people who still want to be considered active in the comm, and all they'd have to do is select "going", and they had the date of the event be the deadline to RSVP. The mods then deleted people who either didn't RSVP or chose "declined".

>> No.9652225

Join Frilladelphia. We have some pretty nice meetups, especially in October. Even when we do casual mall stuff (which isn't often) at least it's King of Prussia.

>> No.9652234

Lol, do you have a link to her store?

>> No.9652241

It's called Les Cerises or something like that.

>> No.9652293

What comm are you? I am afraid to ever bring my kid to a meet even though he is very good and cute since I know people don't like kids. It would be nice to have other moms in my comm but I'm the only one, they're a young group

>> No.9652323

Ask beforehand, be respectful of a no, and only suggest it at a child appropriate venue like the zoo or something. Most of us (and my comm is mostly mid-late twenties) are non-breeders and don't like children at all, but would accommodate when/where appropriate with advanced notice.

>> No.9652353

Found their eBay store..
>Hi, we re Cherry-Chan & S.P., managers of Les Cerises, an Ohio-based boutique specializing in new and used Japanese Lolita clothing and accessories. You can view more content related to our products on the Les Cerises Lolita Fashion YouTube channel.

Interesting, they have thousands of sales and 100% perfect feedback. Some kind of wholesaler is joining your comm, I guess...or at least impersonating them?

>> No.9652387

no i mean people bring their moms to meets

not all the girls who bring their moms are young girls, either

>> No.9652406

Nayrt but isn't kind of trashy to join a comm and make a meet so people can pay to look at what you're selling?

>> No.9652566

As a parent, is say only meets that are places kids would be expected to be already, and not enclosed spaces. Like arts festival, botanical gardens, museum, etc. Only if you have common sense though, if you would stay when your kid was tired and running around licking food and putting it back on trays, stay home.

>> No.9652613

There's a woman in my comm who keeps talking about bringing her son to meets, while at the same time talking about how he thinks lolita is stupid and is embarrassed to be seen with her when she wears it. She says she wants him to meet "mommy's friends" but the reality is that she only has at most one or two friends in the comm. Most of us hardly know her and don't care about meeting her son.
I have nothing against kids, but please don't bring a preteen who hates lolita to a lolita meet. You'd think that's common sense, but apparently it's not. He's going to be miserable and will probably act out and make the rest of us miserable too.

>> No.9652689

Uhhh forcing your pre-teen son to meet "Mommy's friends" is fucking psycho, the fact that it's a lolita comm besides. I wish I had advice on how to dissuade her Anon...

>> No.9652873

I saw this meet and immediately thought 'when the hell was the last time that any of us had a mall meet' I thought we were past that stages in our lives.

>> No.9653194

Not every lolita group hates kids, I've hosted a meet where a mom brought her baby and it was fine.

Just check with the host before bringing the kid, and don't take it personally if they say no.

>> No.9653322

If it seems like there is a lot of vitriol here towards kids it's because there is a lot of that here in general. And shitty moms do exist so people vent about them.

I lucked out with a comm where members either outright like kids or don't mind well behaved ones. That said, I don't bring her to venues that aren't kid friendly. Not only would be she a bother, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself trying to keep her in line. In places like parks, zoos, fairs, etc, there's a ton of kids running around anyway. One as part of the group doesn't make a huge difference. Smaller meets are generally easier for that too. I just try to keep her away from other girls' burando and all that.

That is really fucking weird. If a kid is old enough to vocalize that they don't want to do something (where they don't belong to begin with) they shouldn't be forced into it.

>> No.9653569

Oh hey fellow GLL member. Glad I'm not the only one put off by that... Equally annoyed at the moment by everyone's favorite resident obnoxious attention-grubber making two meets at literally the same venue for the same (?) purpose within less than a month. Maybe by the time those meets roll around she'll be able to stuff herself into more than just the one JSK she can "fit" into atm.

>> No.9655276

Does anyone have info on the LA chinese comm? Just saw the meetup post on lolita updates.

>> No.9655449

Anyone have ideas for games to play at a tea party?

>> No.9655453

Does anybody know if there are any comms in Japan, and if they're like the western ones?? I'm moving to Niigata next year, and I don't want to be a lonesome lolita just roaming around in the middle of no where. I'm only really aware of the brand tea parties, other than that I don't know.

>> No.9655476

There's an international lolita group with several well known lolitas like Cathy Cat.

>> No.9655480

Bingo, where the spaces are things like colors, themes, etc.

>> No.9655943

our comm hasn't had a meet in almost a year, a tea meet is set up for this month. am excited. if we're lucky there'll be like 5-8 girls show.

>> No.9656083
File: 63 KB, 500x500, MNTGg4P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comm has poll on which substyle you'd choose if you could only wear one
>only person who voted OTT sweet looks like pic related

>> No.9656136

It would not surprise me if this because of the very limited options the poll offered us. Because I know the person who voted is actually interested in Sweet Ouji. And Ouji itself wasn’t an option, as they only let you choose between Sweet, Classic, Gothic and their spinoffs. Personally think it’s a very narrow minded poll. Why specify on OTT and Old-school instead of adding other substyles?

>> No.9656313

pin the headbow on the lolita

>> No.9656410

generally bingo and scavenger hunts are tea party games because they can include large groups of people... but i would suggest werewolf or mafia for a free version as a fun game.

If youre looking to buy party games theres tons of lists out there... personally i love cheating moth/molge motte but its only 3-5 players... you can play with maybe 6 or 7 and itll still work.

>> No.9656416

Depending on the size, something like Skulls would be good too. You can easily make your own tiles if you're crafty. It would be best if all guests are seated at one table.

>> No.9657089

does anyone in the GLL believe for a second that the person who got their Lolita panel into youma wasn’t aware that the girl whose been doing it for years was also submitting

>> No.9657140

I thought she said she was aware? I don't get why they decided to go with a new panelist for it though.

>> No.9657143

the person who submitted it knew, they'd been to the panel in previous years, but they went ahead and submitted it with the same name and all. Maybe they were trying to meet the hour req for a free badge and didn't have anything else to submit

>> No.9657144

Absolutely not. When I saw them post in the FB group, I was just shocked. What were they doing trying to go around a successful panelist in our comm's back and try to run a Lolita 101 panel? An ita and their friend who doesn't even look to be into lolita, just shitty cosplay.

>> No.9657155

Any other comm mods feel like nobody else does anything? 15+ people will turn up for meets, but if I'm sick or snowed under with work, nobody steps up to organise a meetup. Nobody else keeps the fb group active, updated, or moderated.
I don't get it. Plenty of people show up, but nobody wants to give back to the community. I don't understand such a selfish mindset.

>> No.9657159

Same I feel like I am the only mod who handles any of the unglamorous jobs and the one who has to play the bad guy when a member fucks up.

>> No.9657163
File: 65 KB, 1231x271, E1640F09-88BA-4C4E-9F67-95897A96B2C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally a year ago, and they think they're experienced enough to run an introductory panel?

>> No.9657166

It's so tough. If I really, really bother people then they'll help out with something but I shouldn't have to nag people to help. I feel so weird about it.
What bothers me is that I'm really trying to pull together a big tea party for Valentine's and I've directly asked people for help, they've said yes, but now they won't actually help with anything.
I really, really love doing stuff for the community and seeing people have fun but when nobody is helping or giving back it leaves me feeling pretty shit.

>> No.9657174

Do you guys make it known/encourage people to make their own meets?
In many cities (at least here outside the Us) the mods don’t allow it (because they’re mods?). And many of us aren’t not sure if it’s allowed in comms where it hasn’t been said. My current comm I haven’t been active enough to ask but she seems to have them planned out 4-5 months in advance sometimes she makes a meet once a month for the entire year early in the year. She hasn’t ever said feel free to host your own.

But my past local comm mod would post every few months that everyone’s free to host their own events (especially if someone bitched about it always being on the weekend or always eating/not being free). However she and often her friends wouldn’t attend anyone else’s event no matter the size... which could be discouraging.

>> No.9657175

So...playing on the old joke of Mana's overshooped missing nose, once i did "pin the nose on mana" as a game and the results were hilarious because everyone drew their own noses to pin

>> No.9657181

Man, i wish our leader/Mod would ask people for help. She’ll ask her normie friends to help after her Lolita friends/behind the scenes mods before she’ll ask some of us Regular attending and on her good side Lolitas. However, we are a smaller comm so maybe she’s doesn’t want to ruin the experience.... ?

>> No.9657281

Ohio? I feel you, man. My anxiety is through the roof.

>> No.9657317

I can't imagine a comm where mods would be the only ones allowed to make meets, what's the point of being a community then?

>> No.9657519

I've done a "name a print game" where you print and cut out a bunch of random words that appear frequently in lolita releases and hand those out and people combine them to come up with the most ridiculous one.

Alternately, draw the words from a hat and sketch out the print, you could have pages with the silhouette of the dress already drawn out.

I got the idea from cgl originally.

>> No.9657674

This is brilliant, I totally want to steal this but most of the girls in my comm don't really know who Mana is...

My comm was like that for a while. It was part powertripping on the part of our self-appointed leader and part incompetence on the part of the people who tried to organize meets without mod help.There was one really annoying woman who would organize meets that consisted basically of hanging around in a mall or park, and she'd invite people who were kind of persona non grata in the comm like the creepy brolita we kicked out months ago. All the experienced lolitas could see the writing on the wall and wouldn't come, so she'd be left with only naive newbies and impressionable teenagers who would then get creeped on by the creepy brolita and get a bad impression of the lolita comm as a whole. Rather than try to fix things, the mods decided to just disallow meets unless a mod was involved in the organization. It wasn't an ideal solution but I can see how they came to that decision.

>> No.9657696

i mean you can make meets in private but you cant advertise/post about it on the group page. It gets iffy when you want to invite the mod or their friends or post a group photo on social media. but you cant share the photos on the group page either....

Its basically the mods or leader power tripping and the majority not wanting to plan anything or wanting to eventually be a mod and not pissing anyone off.

>> No.9657701

While there's no rule against it in my comm, I think I'm done hosting meets. The mods are weird about it, and it's getting to the point where it's just not on FB. This one mod can't even talk to me about meet planning. So, in order to avoid drama, I'll stop. It sucks though.

>> No.9657786

Newbies keep asking questions on the comm page, questions that can be answered by already existing comm documents.
Where on earth are our mods? It’s getting very annoying. They also haven’t made a new question thread, which could be one of the reasons of the newbies placing their questions on the group page, anoher would be the mods not correcting them.

>> No.9657812


It's not that difficult to find the question thread, for God's sake. And even if it's from last month, ask there, it's not a big deal.

>> No.9657822

I suspect we're in the same comm. Are you talking about the same newbie who couldn't even be bothered to google "how to remove nail polish"? Enthusiasm is great, but it's clear from her posts that she doesn't even try to research anything herself and expects the comm to be her personal Siri.

>> No.9657849
File: 18 KB, 500x359, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just posted on our lolita comm page asking if she should be ~worried~ about some random dude she matched with on Tinder.

>dude in question isn't even in our comm
>"not trying to call him out" but posts his FB anyways
>if you're freaking about randos on tinder, don't be on tinder
>how is this even lolita related

>> No.9657851

I agree, but no one is telling them they should post there, so they will just continue doing this. I want to tell them, but I feel like that is not my job as I am not the mod.

Same newbie yes. It irritates me that nobody ever told her that it was extremly off-topic and the questions thread would be a better place for all her questions.
I feel like our mods aren’t active in the community at all. I also heard some people say that some mods don’t even wear Lolita anymore, if that’s the case then why don’t they just search for new mods? I am sure there will be people that are willing to fullfill that function.

>> No.9657886

Her lolita panel wasnt memorable obviously. This new girl wont be better but its just lolita 101. Not like its original thought.

>> No.9657900

I really doubt that's it. More like youma doesn't care and chose whatever was first.

>> No.9657906

To be honest I think it's of rude to even ask if you can bring your kid, unless the host explicitly stated that it was a family friendly event. It puts the host in a weird place if you're like "can I bring my kid!!!" because a lot of people will feel rude saying no, and most moms would be offended if they were told no.

>> No.9657967

Ya, I saw it too. A quick look at his fb profile shows he's a really dedicated photographer

>> No.9658036

Do these people not have any friends they can talk to?

>> No.9658041

Personally I think it's weird to want to bring your kid to meets. I'm not a mom, but don't you want to have some "you" time with your friends? I understand not being able to find a sitter, but if you can't find one, you probably shouldn't go to the meet. Sorry, but I see that as just being part of being a parent.

>> No.9658050

The new person hosting constantly posted in the comm with questions about how to purchase lolita without a Paypal or credit card, if Wunderwelt was trustworthy, if they could wear 5-inch platforms. The person running it before has been wearing the fashion for years and successfully run the panel for years as well, one that the new person even attended. Your thinly-veiled white knighting is sad.

>> No.9658052

What an annoying bitch. How does one expect to buy anything over the internet without a Paypal or cc? fax them the cash?

>> No.9658053

They said their only method of payment was a prepaid credit card - so I guess something like a Visa giftcard? It was ridiculous. Literally a year ago and they're going to run a panel on Lolita 101 lmao

>> No.9658054

Sounds like they failed as an adult and probably as a lolita as well lol

>> No.9658060

The weirdest part was when she mentioned how she was in a "vulnerable place right now". Then why are you on Tinder trying to make friends?

>> No.9658098

I mean they have "danceing" listed as their major in college so take that as you will.

>> No.9658102

They aren't even an adult. They're under 21 for sure.

>> No.9658106

The best part is though, that they have now alienated the entire 125+ person Michigan comm. So when someone asks at the panel where they can go to find meet ups etc, what are they going to say? "Sorry we left/got banned from the community so we don't really know!"?

>> No.9658112

Drama llamas

>> No.9658113

Pretty sure you can use paypal without a cc

>> No.9658129
File: 1.83 MB, 2880x3840, 16B1F4F2-F107-459C-B83E-81F3185F9414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but this person is running an introduction and how to lolita panel?

>Here are some brands but those are unipmortant and elitist! Anything can be loliable especially if you're on a budget xD
>You can all be lolitas but especially if you're a transboi uwu like me ur pronouns are still important!!!!!
>My black piercings aren't jarring at all it's all about individuality!

And something about how replicas are totally fine and anyone who says otherwise can fuck off judging by that Holy Lantern and ripoff Hot Topic tights.

I'll probably go for the trainwreck.

>> No.9658158

They're definitely going to try to start their own comm, and draw in the weeby cosplay cheapo crowd. I guess it's a win for the main comm because you don't have to deal with that, but it means that's what's representing the fashion in your are at cons and it's shit.
Had something similar happen in my area, hope for your sake that they just fade away into nothingness.

>> No.9658164

If you guys want to actually do something about her, especially since she's going to misinform a bunch of innocent people, I suggest submitting another panel like "History of Jfashion by the Michigan Lolita Community" or something, so you can run a real panel that sounds way more legitimate.

>> No.9658171

lmao you have to join their weibo though, I think I found the link by one of the chinese brands RT the original post about their event http://weibo.com/u/6190804766

>> No.9658210

This is the panel that was chosen though by youmacon. It was chosen over the Lolita 101 run by the person who does it every year. Also can't submit another panel as it's for this year's convention (in three weeks). They denied all other j-fashion panels submitted.

>> No.9658223

It was chosen because they were "first!!!!!" to submit it despite Youma's previous policy to prioritize past panelists. Because it had the same name as the original panel. Since two panels had the same name, they go for the one that was entered first. That's why everyone's so especially salty. If they had just called it something else, there wouldn't have been a problem.

>> No.9658234

At this point I don't think there's anything we can do since it's too late to submit anything else. Apparently he hasn't actually made the content for the panel yet so it's possible he'll drop out from doing it since he's got a bunch of other panels too.
He is actually an adult over 21, sadly. I snooped his facebook profile because I wondered just who this person is. He's an ftm trans emo scene kid who seems to be mostly into cosplay and I have no idea why he could not use a credit card or bank account.

>> No.9658261

Honestly, I think it's best to let this idiot do her little fail panel and then have the original showrunner take it back up next year. She'll be out of the fashion pretty quick after this. Idiots have thin skin.

Also supposedly she copy pasta'd the description from the panel she "didn't attend" last year in her application to youma.

>> No.9658263

Ah, shit. That's a no-go for me then, thanks for the information anon.

>> No.9658266

This is so depressing to compare with the usual panelist's quality level, jesus. After the new person and his "partner" flipped their shit in that thread I'm surprised they didn't just hand it over since it looks pretty bound to sink rather than swim, especially without support from the comm.

>> No.9658278

They kept talking about "going away to school next year". I assumed from that and their behavior that they were younger. All my benefit of the doubt is gone if that is an adult acting half their age then.

>> No.9658546

You can, that's what I do. Where I'm from many people don't have a credit card because we rarely need it, but the only people I know who want but don't have PayPal are <16 or "vulnerable adults" who aren't in charge of their own finances. A while ago there was this 30-something woman begging people in my comm to buy lolita clothes for her and saying she'd pay them back in cash later, because she wasn't "allowed" to use online banking. I checked out her profile and she was an obese furry cosplayer dating another obese furry cosplayer with a chain around his neck. Yeah... no thanks.

>> No.9658596

What the fuck

Who even uses Weibo in LA? They should have kept this event private in their Chinese only group

>> No.9658618

There is one admin who doesn't wear lolita and never really has. She's not active as a mod and lives in a different country. She's a dead weight, but since she made the group it's impossible to just get rid of her. The most active mods do wear lolita regularly and do most of the work regarding meetups. Then there are a few in between, who still wear lolita but (IMO) badly, or so normified I wouldn't recognize them as lolita if I saw them on the street. They've been losing interest in the fashion and have not been very active organizing or even attending meets, but maybe they do stuff behind the scenes, idk.

>> No.9658622

It's just that I am the sole caregiver, his dad travels and isn't home every weekend. So if I can't find a sitter, I'm stuck watching the kiddo all weekend. This is very lonely, I miss seeing my comm but sitters keep flaking on me. I never get to do anything fun, even when my husband is in town I end up watching the little one. I try to do fun things with him like go to movies, parks, museums and so on, but it would be so much more fun with other adults to talk to

>> No.9658630

Why don't you organize your own meets and write that your bring your child and other parents are welcome to bring theirs too. This way the other girls can decide themselves if they want to attend your meet

>> No.9658632

Same here, I even encourage other people to organize meets, but the most I can get is someone asking "Who wants a meet in city xy" and then "ooh but I have never organized a meet before, can someone else do it"

>> No.9658643

I'm not really part of the comm, but the events are really well run and everyone is well dressed. However, it's not going to be much fun if you aren't fluent in Mandarin.

>> No.9658646

You don't have to join the weibo, tf? You just buy a ticket.

>> No.9659430 [DELETED] 

I don't know if this is the right place for this or if anyone even cares at this point but I've been too shy to say it until now. The "alt" tpc tea party in london was a rip off.
I wish I knew where all the money went. £45 would have paid for an AP ticket and all the goodies that came with it, but the alt party was cheap aliexpress stuff. There were some decent donated prizes but everything else was cheap and tacky. Felt more like a weeaboo tea party.

>> No.9660886


>> No.9660955

That's actually a great idea, I tried to make an event without my baby when I could get a sitter and no one came. At least if I try to make a kid friendly meet and no one comes, I can still enjoy being out with the baby

>> No.9662158

Potentially dumb question here - is the Kentucky Lolita Society still around? The link on the comm directory is dead and searching it I only find a person's public post mentioning it from 2016. Did they rename themselves by chance?

>> No.9662191

Anyone going to the Texas ILD event?
The two venues seem kind of far apart.

>> No.9662200

Caps of the shit flipping? I didn't hear about it until after everything was deleted.

>> No.9662201

I’m going to Ohio this weekend for my first venture to go to another comm’s meet. I’m going to the tea in Columbus and am super excited, driving about six hours. However, my friend who was supposed to go with me ended up having to stay behind so I’m going alone and am pretty nervous. I’m not sure how to phrase this question exactly, but would any gulls want to maybe hang out and talk while at the meet? I’m sure I’ll hit it off well with whoever I end up being by, but I’m afraid I might have a bit of trouble breaking through and talking to groups if I’m the only person there no one knows. I’ll be getting there on Thursday, so if anyone would maybe want to do a casual dinner or lunch before Saturday then that’d be nice, too!

>> No.9662205

Possibly same comm? I used to personally organize a lot of stuff in the group but it's unrewarding work to be totally honest. People flake a lot, to the point where it wound up costing me a significant amount of money (before we required meets with reservations etc to be prepaid) to cover for them, people bitched if you had too many meets in one area or another, and even if everything went great and you had a great time, it was just plain exhausting and you get tired of being one of like, 5 people tops who were willing organize the damn things.

I haven't seen one meetup in the last year that made me shit my bloomers about wanting to attend, which makes me sad but I'm just too fucking tired to make my own anymore.

>> No.9662224

Are there any lolita comms at university? I go to UCSB in California and was wondering if there were any lolitas here

>> No.9662227

Kentucky EGL society I think. They just had a meetup either this month or last

>> No.9662282

Any lone lolitas or comm in the Southern Oregon area?

>> No.9662285

I live in SB, the scene here is deader than dead. Central Coast Rufflebutts has talked about meets, but when push comes to shove no one makes plans, and there are only a few of us so planning a day where more than one or two people can show up is remarkably difficult.

plus, no one has posted on the facebook page in ages.

>> No.9662296

I wish I could meet up with you, but I don't live in Columbus anymore. You may want to make reservations at Kihachi while you're there and ask on the event page if anyone wants to join up.

>> No.9662324

Ah, thanks! Should have realized they'd probably need to dodge the Lolita FB filter, doy.

>> No.9662481
File: 59 KB, 1048x786, 6380277F-FD29-4804-990D-7F26B6613DBA-4515-00000581832C364C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comm is having our Halloween meetup in November since so many people are going to HalloWien. My usual style is gothic, so I think I might sweeten it up a bit with my Halloween Treats coord.

>> No.9662493

I blame tumblr and untreated mental illness
>be vulnerable
>muh cundishuns
>need attention
>stop stupid shaming me, bullies!
>predictable clusterfuck of reeeeee

This shit isn't elegant.

>transboi uwu

aka crazypants.

Yep. Vulnerable means too stupid or crazy to function, as well as "will ruin your com for attention" 95% of the time, and then I'm being generous. It's a com, not a therapy group for gendertrenders, zoophiles, and fetishists. I wish coms could put that in their profiles, but imagine the backlash.

>> No.9662653

Hi I'm going as well, me and a buddy are carpooling from Pittsburgh :) you're welcome to join us if your in the area, I'm one of the girls who posted in the local coms' rideshare for the event.

>> No.9662681

Not really surprised, but they simply deleted the event.

That sounds fun. I have no idea what to do, I was a ghost last year and didn't want to repeat myself.

>> No.9663039

Opinions on Southern California comms? I'lI be moving to LA/OC in January. I know there's SoCal, LA, and Beach Cities comms. Are people generally friendly/receptive to new comers?

>> No.9663145

Thank you for the suggestion! I checked that place out and it looks really nice, so I may just do that.

I'll be driving from the opposite direction, but if you would like to meetup at the event or getting dinner beforehand, then I would really like that! When will you be arriving? I was thinking about checking out the restaurant anon suggested, but also trying the meadery that's in Columbus if maybe you'd like to hangout and grab a drink.

>> No.9663192

I they have their own comm, but most are also in the main Oregon comm as well

>> No.9663270

I'm driving in morning of because boo paying for hotels, but if be happy to hang out at the event out after it :) no drinks for me though cause I'm the driver ); I'll be wearing a black/grey indie gothic border print, coffin bag, black chiffon blouse, and probably looking sleepy haha

>> No.9663348

Depends on where you live. When I lived there I was by the coast, and all the meets were too far. They're a lot in up towards DtLA, Pasadena. They were largely in Riverside and Long Beach when I lived there.

>> No.9663401

No. Good luck making friends here. Everyone is super cliquey and e-fame hungry.

>> No.9663480

Active comms in SoCal
>Orange County Lolita Community
>LA-Lolitas (secret Chinese language comm)
>San Diego Frill Society

Inactive comms in SoCal
>Beach cities
>Inland empire
>Southern California

My favorite comms are San Diego and Orange County because they're a nice medium size and inclusive so it's easy to make friends. I don't particular care for the LA comm because it's so well established and everyone just hangs out with their own friends. Nobody is rude per se, just unfriendly.

>> No.9663703

Great, I'll keep an eye out for you, then! I'll be wearing the 3F Bloody set with a black velvet Roland, probably also looking sleepy/beat up from hiking all day tomorrow.

>> No.9666113


Hello >>9662285 here again
Well today I saw a lolita in the wild while at the movie theater. I tried to talk to her but she didn't really respond... I am starting to think that other lolitas in the area just don't want to meet up. Hell, you didn't even respond to my reply!

>> No.9666240
File: 232 KB, 1439x809, 1508638346006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving this pic from the Ita Thread to the Comm Thread where it belongs.

Nice Ohio Comm meetup recently.

>> No.9666243

Tbqh I was impressed with how the event went and so many people had amazing coords the ones with nods to vampires and maleficent were my fav

>> No.9666259

Same, I was a little sad to see this photo in the ita thread since really this wasn't representative of the meet. The coords overall were very nice, but they're all covered by ones that weren't so great.

>> No.9666264

Yeah, me too. Though most of the people with nicer coords were also super tall haha so they got pushed to the back. It's okay though, one of the coords that was really good is already on CoF and more will follow when the photos come back from the photographer

>> No.9666268

Most of the people who showed up were from the Pittsburgh comm, too. So the photo isn't an accurate representation of the comm.

>> No.9666516

I always dislike group photos of meets because somehow the people with crappy coords end up in the front or are such a huge eyesore that they take away from the group.

I see so many group pics in the ita threads that are only ruined by one or two people. You can't even see moere than 50% of the coords but that whale-chan is fully visible and draws your eyes right in.

>> No.9666522

Why are all of the UK communities so dead?

>> No.9666524

Wait is there a southwest Florida comm?

>> No.9666541
File: 158 KB, 713x738, IMG_20170118_072442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no nearby comm
>Tfw no lolitas out here
I just want to be able to go to regular meetups like one of the closest comms
>Moving to a place with no real comm either

>> No.9666555

I spot a frog...
It's naturally racist chan!!!!

>> No.9666559

As someone who has been part of the local MA cosplay community for years, I wish there was an easy answer for this. There used to be more active groups, but constant drama has made most of them die out. If you're looking for non-convention events to attend, I'd keep an eye out for events by N.E.C.C Events. They plan the big yearly cosplay picnics. There's also a Halloween cosplay meetup happening on October 28th in Boston. That's titled "3rd Annual Halloween Cosplay Meet Up" on its event page.

While we're on the topic of Boston/MA communities, I have the opposite problem, where I'm unsure how to break into the local Lolita community. Is there an active Facebook group? The absolutely scattered cosplay community in the area has made me afraid to try and join a group only to find it has activity once a year.

>> No.9666592

Where are you from and where are you moving? There's probably at least one lone lolita out there that you don't know of.

>> No.9666597

anyone wanna give me the milk on that brolita who got kicked from a meet for creeping on some girl on amino?

>> No.9666610

People who have moved and been in different comms, what is the worse out of the ones you have actually been a part of?

>> No.9666618

double trips nice

>> No.9666619

LA comm. There were too few meets, too many annoying people, and when there were meets they were all too inland with too much traffic.

>> No.9666631

I really wonder who is the girl that got stalked...

>> No.9666654

is the girl in blue carrying a fucking sword

is that a saber cosplay or something

>> No.9666655

ok i take it back, that and some of the other weirder choices make sense in a halloween context

>> No.9666676

The Boston Lolita Society is great. They're active and pretty much drama free. There are meets about once a month if not more. There's a fb group, but they also have an active discord server.

>> No.9666680

Seconding this! I'm also a member of BLS. There's very, very little drama, and what little drama there is is kept pretty quiet and only shared / vented to to close friends, so it's not as much of a breeding ground as some other comms seem to be.

>> No.9666704

Thanks for letting me know! I sent a request to join on the Facebook group so hopefully I can get involved. Nice to know there's actually a well organized and friendly comm in the area.

>> No.9666717

Holy shit that girl on the left needs some help. She's the size of the next four people next to her.

>> No.9666721

Indiana. Small, cliquey, younger members, not as passionate about the fashion as my new comm. Probably just lucky with my current comm, it seems like a lot of the Midwest comms face issues (not enough members, online drama, etc.). Indiana is not that bad, just not worth going to meetups when I have nothing in common with the members. My new comm is fantastic, it's a bunch of mid-20s girls who actually love wearing lolita, know its history, love the culture, and aren't cosplayers

>> No.9666755

>too much traffic
Welcome to LA, where of course there is traffic.

>> No.9666953

Ya, but certain routes are know to be extra hell. Try going to Anaheim from LA. You'll want to shoot yourself on the way there.

>> No.9667032

Anyone catch Dom raging on Facebook that someone "stole" her coord for Disneyland Lolita Day?

>> No.9667040


>> No.9667047

Are you in the north or south? Northern comms are super active

>> No.9667048

Is it like that everywhere? I'm in NI and every comm that emerged died off.

>> No.9667075

Avoid the Santa Ana Fwy for the next few years and use the Asteria Fwy as an alternate.

>> No.9667183

Indiana is getting better- but I agree, it can be a bit cliquey.

>> No.9667220

I like how people clapped if you got a really good deal on some part of your coord. I would definitely go next year.

>> No.9667238

there are a few newer well dresses lolitas and they just kicked out a problematic member, so it’s improving. I find it odd that the mods aren’t active tho. Like they never come to meets or even organize meets

>> No.9667457

is she the one who was like I wore that same coord a year or two ago but with dif colored shoes? and it was the most basic minnie coord that japanese lolitas do all the time?

>> No.9667675


>> No.9667804
File: 102 KB, 419x427, 1495427074329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assblasted that our stupid mods are too busy frilling each other off to plan our fucking halloween meet. Its one week out now and these new fucking mods do nothing. I'm so devastated, I'm literally blocked from helping because the moderators think I'm affiliated with people who aren't in the mod's friendship group, or who take opposition to their modding. (no shit, they haven't done anything productive this year.) We (used to) have a gigantic, active comm with fabulous events, both paid and free, and over 200 members. Now there hasn't been any posts in over 3 months, and irrelevant posts are clogging up the page because nobody is doing their job. Our comm used to be great, but you guys killed it.

>> No.9667809
File: 41 KB, 395x394, 1404009659575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hosting my first meet
>the meet before mine was a shitshow because of some newer members
>in the week leading up to meet another girl starts needless drama
>super nervous for days
>show up 45 minutes early and then go to a gas station to waste time and continue to panic
>drive over to meet location
>Owner of tea house is super excited to us all dress up
>I get to sit next to people I like
>Girl that started drama is chill the whole time, got me a gift for hosting
>New girl takes nice photos of everyone
>Everyone posts after the fact that they really enjoyed the meet
>cry a little on my way home because I'm so relieved

>> No.9667835

Oh god anon your post reminded me of this girl in my facebook who whined about her face hurting. She didn't have any more makeup removal cream so she used that thing you use to remove fucking nail polish.
She's an adult.

>> No.9667901

seconding caps. she's annoying af and it's funny to see her get mad.

>> No.9667924

Our con has a 3 strikes rule for that- the host submits the list of no-shows to the mods and after three the person is removed.

>> No.9667928

I think you're maybe you're over thinking it, it's sounding like you're wanting to start out doing an everything homemade tea or something? Naw, you don't have to do all that!

Step 1- Pick something fun and make a facebook event page with a date, time, location and how much the venue charges for the activity.
Step 2- make a reservation with the venue.
Step 3- Show up and enjoy. Boom, you've hosted a meet! :)

>> No.9667931

Yeahhh it's sounding like you're salty over something personal with the host, not the fact that there are two date options. Just, like... don't go then?

>> No.9667935

wtf acetone isn't even that good for your hands because it dries out the naturally occuring oils in your skin, what the hell is wrong with her
>oh no no makeup remover
>nail polish is makeup

>> No.9667938

Can't speak for other lolita panels, but there was one other J-fashion panel on the schedule called like 'Lesser known J-Fashions' or something. About Mori and decora and such I guess.

>> No.9667942

fucking LOL as if everyone and their damn mom hasn't worn fantastic dolly to disney

>> No.9667951

acetone in high concentraqtions actually burns the top layer of my skin off

t. art

>> No.9667953

yeah it is not pleasant stuff, i paint my nails frequently as a hobby and do acetone cleanup and follow up with a good cuticle oil routine to keep those from getting shredded.

>> No.9668240



>> No.9668536

>ild tea party announced
>be in our fashion show!
>sorry, not even discounted tickets for models

this is retarded. why would i pay the same amount as everyone else but lose a couple hours of the event getting dressed and doing the fashion show? modelling is work and should be compensated.

>> No.9668664

Oh hey there, wish I'd scoped out this thread before the meet, I would have been down to hang. It was great to talk at the meet, but I'm sure we could have had fun at dinner or something

>> No.9668675

Generally I’ve never seen free or reduced tickets For models. Normally it’s the chance to wear brand/new releases And maybe not wear a style you are use to... and often you get to keep the legwear or get some kind of novelty item when it comes to baby or AP.
I’ve attended cons, a single Lolita comm and a state collective of comms fashion show whose hosted brands and they’ve never given a free ticket. Normally you’re required to have a ticket to be able to model.

However once a friend was offered a ticket in exchange for modeling once since she’s didn’t plan on going at all and they were short models that fit brand.

>> No.9668688

in my personal experience, i have attended multiple cons with major brands as guests and they will at least give you a 1-day ticket for the con if you model. some give a full 3-day pass, food, hair, and makeup.

>> No.9668701

I hate this desu. I've been in my share of fashion shows and have never been compensated other than with small gifts (whether brand or for smaller shows). It is honestly kind of irritating at times.

>> No.9668706

Even if OP wasn't referring to Melbourne this could definitely be applied to Melbourne's comm

>> No.9668708


assuming you’re whining about the LA event. comm events never discount their tickets. the organizers can’t give away an expensive event ticket to an amateur model.
big cons are a diff story though. hold in your salt and don’t model if it bothers you so much.

>> No.9668854

>to an amateur model
>implying this is a professional event

>> No.9668914

That's alright! I had a really great time both at the meet and outside of the meet, so I'll likely visit again in the future, maybe this summer. Not sure if we added each other on FB or IG, but I'll reach out again next time I'm in town.

>> No.9668992

Exactly, it’s not. That’s why anon said amateur. I’m fairly sure the mods and hosts don’t profit off the events either.

>> No.9669001

This fits so many comms I'm honestly stumped

>> No.9669003

Implying it's not a professional event, duh.

>> No.9669008

They donate every drop of their raffle tickets into charity, so idk what you guys want. It's always been a big event hosted by the local girls. Asking some attendants to model is not much.

LA ILD has already annouced they're bringing Krad so fuck I'll fight all of you.

>> No.9669027

>annouced they're bringing Krad so fuck I'll fight all of you.
Definitely agree with this. Even though the LA comm is kind of dead for monthly/regular meets, they definitely work really hard for ILD. I feel like this year is going to be really good, but I will be honest I think the theme is kind of lame.

>> No.9669035

No, I think they're doing great. Was just confused why salty anon >>9668854 thinks they should pay volunteer models when they're donating proceeds to charity and probably throwing in their own money to boot.

>> No.9669090

they dont need to pay their models, they should at least give them a half off ticket or something. i just dont get paying $55 or however much just to work.

>> No.9669109


>> No.9669111

I’m a model I have Instagram, Discount my ticket please
What do you mean I’m not a real model

>> No.9669126

>investing your time and self presentation skills to promote a clothing brand
Yes, work.

>> No.9669141

Then don't do it. There are a few options for would-be models for the LA event:

- Complain to the organizers directly
- Don't model
- Do model and enjoy it
- Do model and stew in your own resentment which affects nobody but you

Venting here is the most useless and ineffective option of them all.

>> No.9669174

I've modelled in 4 lolita fashion shows and never expected a discounted ticket. Modelling is a privilege and it's a fun thing to do in and of itself! Some brands give a gift which is lovely, but not expected.

>> No.9669178

what if i told you i just wanted to complain about it anonymously and wasn't expecting anything to change? thanks for breaking it down though.

>> No.9669189

>throws spoopy Halloween tea
>no one wears Holy Lantern

Great success

>> No.9669256

Clearly there are some LA ILD hosts in here with all the ridiculous defensiveness. I've modeled for tons of events both paid and unpaid, but I've definitely never been expected to pay money in order to model. It's pretty ridiculous that they expect people to pay $60 and then spend 80% of the time rushing around and waiting in line to change in the single bathroom. $60 for the ~privilege~ of modeling for free, no thanks. Seriously, wtf. Even the chinese lolita meet gave their models 20% off and a free wig.

>> No.9669291 [DELETED] 


I live in Australia but I agree with the sentiment of “no ones asking you to do it so what’s the point of bitching”

Holy shit am I a mod
When did this happen
Congrats to me

>> No.9669294

You don't have to do it, see it as volunteering. As a volunteer it is nice to get something for free, but don't expect it.

>> No.9669298

I’m lost as to why some people are so upset about this. If you think it’s terrible, just... don’t do it? Is the concept that hard? Are the hosts begging you to model?

I just don’t get it.

>> No.9669509

>I’m lost as to why some people are so upset about this
because frankly, it's insulting, and people like you who try to make it seem like you should be ~grateful~ to work for free are delusional. Obviously I'm not going to do it, since it's a waste of my time and $60. But I can still voice my concerns about it however I want. Is the concept that hard?

>> No.9669517

People come here to vent tho.

>> No.9669520

Because you don't get to enjoy the event to the same degree as people who aren't modeling? Volunters shouldn't have to pay to attend, that's literally insane.

>> No.9669523

You aren’t paying money to model. You are paying to attend the event and volunteering to model. You guys are so ungrateful

>> No.9669525

I don't know about that event but the organizers of such events usually don't earn a single penny with their event, instead they might even have to pay from their own pocket (in addition to the costs of their own ticket). Yes it was their decision to organize the event and work for free, but because of this I don't find it rude to ask for other free volunteers. Do you really expect them to pay hundreds of dollars from their own pocket for models?

>> No.9669534

ah yes, i should be so grateful that i get to work for free, you're absolutely right
if you model for an event, a good 90% of the time you'll be not actually able to do event shit. if you seriously are delusional enough to think that people should pay $60 to be able to volunteer to model, you're either a organizer or a retard.

>> No.9669540

> organizers of such events usually don't earn a single penny with their event
no one said they did
>instead they might even have to pay from their own pocket (in addition to the costs of their own ticket)
not true, i've seen the LA comm in particular give free/discounted tickets to their friends for past ILDs
>Do you really expect them to pay hundreds of dollars from their own pocket for models?
No one is asking for money. Please read before speaking.

>> No.9669556

So don’t model then. There are tons of people who would love to talk to the brands and mingle with guests and model. If you aren’t that person don’t apply.

It’s a common thing to pay for your ticket and model, the only examples of otherwise are big cons. Stuff like DMC was paying far more for Saturday and you didn’t get anything back if you modeled. And that is bigger than your ild event. Chill with the vendetta, and go enjoy not modeling

>> No.9669578

Since you've never modeled before, let me break it down for you. At events like this, the designers don't attend. No one from the brand does. The dresses are mailed over, and you only talk to the organizers, ever. You're not going to do much "mingling" with guests, either.
>There are tons of people who would love to model
Yeah, fatties who won't fit into the dresses.
It's not common at all to pay for your ticket full price and model, because most people aren't idiots and realize that you'll barely be taking part in the event when you're modeling. No one has vendetta against your LA comm, stop sucking your own dick and realize what's wrong with your event.

>> No.9669587

Aren’t the ChoLitas a thing too or did they die?

Or am I an idiot and wrong region?

>> No.9669588

Different anon but, I have modeled a few times now and actually I am very grateful to have modeled for such great brands indeed. Of course I can only speak for myself, but I always enjoyed the events even more, because of the modeling.
And I am not insulted that I am not paid, since all I do is getting dressed, feeling super pretty in those outfits and showing them off and then quickly change into my own outfit again. Maybe practice my poses in the mirror once or twice before the event as well, wow soo much of an effort!

>> No.9669599

No one is talking about payment. People are upset because 1) paying money to volunteer is dumb and 2) when you model at a tea party, you'll barely get to be at the actual tea party. You'll be waiting in the line to the restroom to change in/out 50% of the entire event.

>> No.9669600

I thought the girl who kept hosting teas at her house was a mod, that's so weird if she's not. She seemed to be the only one who hosts meets at all, at least when I was in the comm

>> No.9669601

I’m going to break down exactly what is expected at a lolita modeling event. This is based on firsthand accounts of many others, but I have never modeled “for” a brand at an official event before.

You almost always
>submit headshot and coord shot
>it helps if these are in brand
>pay your own travel expense
>come to the show early and often times there’s a rehearsal you must attend as well.
>you will be provided key item like dress

>bring your own wigs, some accessories, some hosiery
>do your own makeup

>bring your own shoes, blouse, cardigans, makeup

So yeah, it’s not hard work, but it typically is somewhat serious and you can’t just fuck around.

My opinion is, guest models get comped tickets and attendee models don’t.

Any presents or such are bonus.

At the end of the day, some events are seeking volunteers and some are seeking paid workers. If you meet that need, cool, if not, no big deal. It isn’t a job for you.

I’m not gonna work retail for free but I’m not upset if a charity shop requests volunteers.

And no, lolita is a business and not a charity and I get that but they still can choose to call for volunteers.

>> No.9669613

Putting this much energy into whining about something you won’t do anyway

>> No.9669621

>it takes soooo much effort to type out a sentence on an online forum!!!!
fuck off LA organizers

>> No.9669623

>My opinion is, guest models get comped tickets and attendee models don’t.
This is wrong, in all the past lolita events I've modeled for, the guest models are paid with actual money with their flights covered and other models are either comped or have discounted tickets since they aren't going to partake in the events as much.

>> No.9669625

Again, why would you ask VOLUNTEERS to pay for the privilege of attending?

They are already doing something for free, ie. working for you. And yes, modeling is working. Literally the least you could do is comp their ticket.

>> No.9669637

If you were a real model, they'd pay you. As long as girls are jumping at the chance to pay $60 for a ticke and volunteer to model for free then they are going to keep using them and not hire professionals.

>> No.9669676

From what I saw of the comm's rules you basically can't join as a newb - you have to run into cholitas at the bigger events or manage to catch one of their public events. No idea how active/inactive they are though, the last big event they had was CNY in Feb.

It had sounded like they wanted/expected something to change without actually putting the effort forth into it. If it's just straight venting with zero expectations then disregard.

>> No.9669687

Who hurt you, child
Do you need a hug?

I’m not even on the west coast but the amount of upset this(these) person(s) have is unreal.

>> No.9669692

Simple as that! I'm sorry you can't have it both ways. I'm sorry that you feel that you need to pay for your bragging rights.

You either go to enjoy yourself or you choose to work. No one is forcing you to do this. If having fun is more important, then don't model.

I have gone to every single ILD event Los Angeles comm has hosted and I have had nothing but loads of fun. They try their absolute best to make it better every year for your guys, The same people who come to this forum and rip their events a part.

You're all the worst.

>> No.9669693

I feel like you used to be comped a badge, but now so many people attend these events and want to model they feel it's not necessary. One time I qualified for a couple of badges for NYCC for modelling. I doubt they do that any more (mostly because they probably don't have those events any more)
I think they should at least give a badge or some worthwhile item. It is work, and takes up a lot of your saturday, often the best day of the event. I'm sure some people think it is thrilling just to be picked to be a ~model~ but you are going to end up with lower quality models if you have that attitude.

>> No.9669705

Not even in the comm, I think its a ridiculous practice to make volunteers spend money to volunteer.

>> No.9669717

>t. LA ILD host
you guys are seriously delusional. glad i know to avoid this meet now

>> No.9669722

yis more cannolis for me

>> No.9669727

I envy you. My comm’s Halloween event had four HL’s and not a single one of them tried to do anything special with it, they just tossed it on as usual and figured that was good enough. The rest of us were all on theme in one way or another, even the girls in sweet.

>> No.9669731

Nobody’s talking about payment and professionals but you.

>> No.9669734

>you are going to end up with lower quality models if you have that attitude
This! Nobody is asking to BE paid, just saying that it’s not good practice to expect your volunteers to pay YOU. The only people desperate enough to spend money for the ‘privilege’ of working as a model are people who wouldn’t ever get that opportunity otherwise, e.g. fat and ugly people. You want decent-looking girls in your show, at least try to make it worth their time.

>> No.9669763

Great, maybe tickets won't sell out so fast this year.

>> No.9669774

Getting a comped ticket counts as payment. They aren't getting that because they aren't professional models. Do you think RinRin or Risa pay for tea party tickets?

>> No.9669814

Tickets have been up for a while and still not sold out sweetie, better get them while there's still some cannolis left!

>> No.9669815

Rinrin and Risa get paid money on top of their tickets. If you really think they just show up for free, you're an idiot.

>> No.9669867

Cholitas are a thing!
As >>9669676 said you need to be friends with a cholita before you can join the online fb page, but as long as you go to events in LA you're bound to run into one. They aren't super fast about responding to add requests, so don't be discouraged if you don't get accepted to the group right away.
They've done a few smaller events recently, usually potlucks/swapmeets or local IE things. It's not super duper active but it's by no means dead.

>> No.9669875

You completely missed the point

>> No.9669919

I think people are salty at the LA mods because they are all self-appointed. No one has a say in the comm about it...

>> No.9669942

Don’t think anyone actually cares. They don’t actually control anything, just keep spam off the page.

>> No.9669962

Someone cares or has an issue it’s like every time they throw an event a bunch of people flood the boards. It is annoying because the mods do a pretty great job with these events.

>> No.9669963

>Obviously I'm not going to do it
Then why would anyone listen? Vent away but you have no sympathy and no one cares because it doesn't even affect you.

>> No.9669965

Like, if you want to do it, do it. If it doesn't sound like fun, don't. It's not hard.

>> No.9669967

Please do.

>> No.9669969

I remember that being a thing. What tf is Cholita?

>> No.9669982

It's a derogatory term for a Chinese lolita.

>> No.9669985

I always thought the term came from cholo, whoops.

>> No.9670027


>> No.9670033

Has no one seen that this ILD is organized by completely different people than the current mods or am I delusional...?

>> No.9670044

And so have you. You don't make volunteers pay to volunteer. This doesn't work for any form of organization. Lets wait and see how the models look; 99% sure most of them will be ugly and barely able to squeeze into the dresses L

>> No.9670047

I saw that, but one of the other mods is going, and two of the people hosting it are mods. Maybe the rest just wanted a break. I bought my ticket once they announced Krad, I just don’t know what to wear.

>> No.9670065

There are new LA mods? No announcement or anything?

>> No.9670083

I don’t think so, the two mods hosting the event have been modding and hosting LA comm events for a long time now and the mod list in the comm hadn’t changed.

>> No.9670908

>Lower quality models
Good, I want to see the dresses, not attention whores

>> No.9671802

>i want to see fat ugly fucks squeeze their way into tiny dresses

>> No.9674036

Because asking for models with no other compensation than "you get to be a model, desu!" somehow weeds out attention whores instead of targeting them? Use some common sense.

>> No.9674660

i love how this could easily apply to almost any comm right now
the holy-lantern-pocalypse is real

>> No.9675331

Is there an international comm in japan?

>> No.9675335


Look for Tokyo International Lolitas on Facebook.

>> No.9675335,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is just an overall comm question. But, how can i deal with a community that only seems to hold meets on saturdays, that don't consider some people (like me) usually have to work then?

I'm getting back into the fashion, and seeing as i already have no friends, i want to male like-minded friends.

I just feel like such a solitary lolita right now.