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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9647273 No.9647273 [Reply] [Original]

Stop lying to yourself gulls

>> No.9647274
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>> No.9647275
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>> No.9647276
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>> No.9647277
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>> No.9647280
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>> No.9647281
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>> No.9647282
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>> No.9647283
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>> No.9647285
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>> No.9647288
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>le sweet looks like ageblay!1! maymay xD

>> No.9647300
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I'm not saying that
In fact, many of my dream dresses are sweet
But this?
This needs to stop.

>> No.9647303
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_nmy17xaYvA1qbuhibo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon, I'm sorry you're not able to embrace cutesy themes on dresses in an elegant way, yet.

I mean, think about it. We look like weirdos to normies anyway, so why not chose pastels over dusty colors?

>> No.9647307

I don't think it's a meme since a lot of ageplayers have an easy time relating with sweet lolita.

>> No.9647311

ageplayers liking sweet lolita /= sweet lolitas liking ageplay

just look at all of the sissies who make those gross captions of normal lolitas, pretending that they're dudes dressed up as girls. must mean all lolitas are into sissification too right

>> No.9647323

I wouldn't be half surprised if sweet lolita rose in popularity with ageplay girls due to all this chattering coming within our communities about the two being one and the same. The two are probably connected on Google searches at this point. We brought this on ourselves.

>> No.9647324

basically this >>9647311
I'm not even sweet but you sound really bitter OP. Maybe trying sweet would balance that salty side of yours. Or maybe you're just mad because you can't pull it off properly?

>> No.9647325

Isn't the entire ideology behind lolita based on "fake" nostalgia (wanting to dress like a European child from a time before you were born) and embracing your "child within"? That's what I learned from reading GLB at least.

>> No.9647329

They are long connected, along with DDLG and nobakov (because on a lot of pages about lolita fashion, he is also mentioned)

>> No.9647333

I think it's less 'I want to be a child' and more 'I still like the cute things I liked as a child'. No sweet lolita actually wants to be a child or be seen as a child.

>> No.9647335

Sweet lolita here, 100% agrees.
I'm a woman, I don't wanna be a kid or seen as such. I just like cute shit and soft colours, that's it.

>> No.9647336

Nabokov is not a big deal because that's a connection we've had to deal with since the fashion left Japan's borders, and he's often mentioned in posts explaining the disconnection between the novel/movie and the fashion. Sissies were a problem for years too but they were tossed out by the community, not allowed to florish for the sake of tolerance and "no kinkshaming" unlike what's happening today. DDlg wasn't mentioned by name until said "no kinkshaming" bullshit became widely spread online.

>> No.9647337

Nabokov meme again. Link the sites that mention him in any way besides: "He isn't related to fashion at all"

>> No.9647338

Op here

Love sweet, actually
Big fan of chocolate themed prints, personally Especially when paired with mint)
Magic and fairy themed stuff has a special place in my heart

But kiddie toys, and stuff you would see on literal kiddie clothes? That's asking for age players to reblog your shit and use your ap tights as a cumsock

>> No.9647341

And now we're connected by Google do you think people are going to read all those "lolita fashion is NOT pedobait/DDLG/ageplay/sissy" posts? No they are just going to see the terms are commonly used together

>> No.9647347

You missed the point. Yes, the sites are about how the fashion isn't related to him. But having so many articles about it will still relate his name to us, at the least. Most normies would just see the words together and think it's about the book.

>> No.9647360

My Daddy gave me cummies last time I wore this dress.

>> No.9647363 [DELETED] 

Idk what normies read but anyone with a decent company uses SEO and Google now thinks ddlg is relevant to lolitas and vice versa

>> No.9647371

Idk what normies read but anyone with a decent company uses SEO and Google now thinks ageplay is relevant to lolita fashion and vice versa, literally every time we post about it it brings it closer together

>> No.9647383

The majority of people who scream ageplay are others lolitas really
I wear prints like this and normies eat it up. Maybe you just don't have the looks to pull them off?

>> No.9647388

I didn't say "want to be a child" anywhere did I?? A lot of lolitas just don't seem to understand what influences lolita designers

>> No.9647389

I'm gonna agree with you for Dreamy Baby Room (because the cut is awful and something an actual toddler would wear) but that's about it. Honestly I've seen Toy Parade worn well (especially in black), and I used to own a dreamy dollhouse skirt back when i tried sweet which was very cute. I never thought of it as ageplay ever and never got any comment like that about it (or anyone telling me i dressed like a little girl for that matter, the more i got was "barbie").
People like you need to stop seeing ageplay everywhere, geez.

>> No.9647398

>having so many articles about it will still relate his name to us
I'm sorry to tell you this but having our fashion share the name of a popular controversial novel and movie is what relates us to Nabokov, not the articles about the disconnection. That's not to say that the fashion was inspired by the book or whatever, just that your claim that the articles are to blame for the connection is ridiculous.

>> No.9647405

It's the combination of the words lolita fashion+nobakov, otherwise it would be understood that lolita fashion and lolita the novel are different. It's outside of our control if ageplayers and pedophiles use the term lolita, but by repeating lolita fashion+ageplay and other shit, we are helping it getting linked together more and more.

>> No.9647408

Anon, the normiest normie who has never read the book in his life might connect the fashion with the book if you just bring up its name. This has nothing to do with Google and everything to do with misconceptions perpetuated by pop culture.

>> No.9647409

That doesn't change the fact that because we are talking about ageplay now, you are bringing us closer together on the internet :)

>> No.9647410

You dropped your :^)

>> No.9647412

personal trick

call it:

Victorian inspired classic fashion -> Classic
Victorian Japanese Goth -> Gothic
Harajuku style -> Mature sweet

Keep extreme sweet for expert meet ups. Normies don't care to understand, they just want to judge for juicy drama


sissies will fantasize with anything remotely feminine. It is not about Lolita, or sweet colors. It is the clothes. Even normie clothes.

this confuses me a lot.
Books about the fashion (Japanese Goth by Tiffany Godoy), also mention Nabokov and the nimphete thing.


I just want my damn frills

>> No.9647417

I'm >>9647408, I'm aware of this, I was just talking about the inevitable connection that some normies make when hearing the name and how it has shit all to do with Google's algorithm and how often Nabokov is mentioned in articles about the fashion.

>> No.9647418

But we weren't talking about that, we were talking about google searches

>> No.9647419

I don’t care if it looks like ageplay, it makes me happy to wear it so whatevs.

>> No.9647422

I'm not gonna stop wearing sandals because pervs have a fetish for feet. Not gonna stop wearing thigh highs because zettai ryouiki is a thing. And I'm especially not going to stop wearing sweet because some disgusting bitches think it fits their "little" aesthetic.

>> No.9647425
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>hurr durr pastel sweet dresses look like ageplay!!

Honestly anon, why the fuck do you care? Normies will judge you no matter what substyle you wear, whether it be classic in muted tones or pastel sweet. Anything beyond tees, jeans and crocs is weird to them. As for other lolitas, how about you just mind your own business and let other lolitas wear whatever substyle they want without labeling them as ageplayers? This was never a debate until tumblr trash came along.

>> No.9647477

all of this.

You all need to chill about ageplay and just wear whatever the fuck you want and let people wear what they want.
We're all dressed fucking weird anyway

>> No.9647569


not a site but English GLB from fall '08 acknowledges the book as a "root" of the fashion.
It's certainly not played straight in the fashion's history. I am from the U.S. so I have no direct knowledge of the societal factors in Japan that led to the fashion's blooming, but I have always figured lolita as a rebellious fashion:
>looking extravagant, regardless of class
>embracing youth regardless of age
>taking on extremely feminine and demure aesthetics, so much so that the end result is large and off-putting (intimidatingly cute or ornate)
>rejecting aspects of the 20th century in favor of particular aspects of the Western European 17th-19th century life and cultures

different styles have different foundational motivations, I think. What attracts me to the fashion is dressing up beautifully and indulgently, while also taking up a lot of space and alienating people. I find I wear a lot of sweet but gothic and old school gothic are my heart, as I love looking feminine but also scary at the same time.
in the end, we're all people who cannot, and refuse to try to, reconcile what we do like with things external forces say we should like. lolita is about being true to yourself.

ageplay is a whole 'nother thing and I honestly don't really understand why LGs don't flock to costumes and actual children's clothes for their fetish. lolita is adult clothing for grown women, not adult sizes of kid's clothes. especially since the traditional lolita silhouette accentuates the waist and, in turn, draws slight attention to the bust.
>sack cuts on the other hand...

>> No.9647572
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>This many replies to a bait thread
Why, anons.

>> No.9647584

There's going to be some kind of weird ass fetish for everything beyond normie wear. I would have to throw out my cosplay and period clothes if I gave a shit about other people getting off.

I wear sweet because I love colorful clothing and I really enjoy feeling cute for myself. None of these are really my taste in patterns but it's not hard to take any of these dresses and make them more mature.

>> No.9647586

Post your dream dress

>> No.9647836
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Most cuts of chess chocolate in the mint colourway
Sorry you think all sweet needs baby toys, anon

>> No.9647850

This is cgl

>> No.9647865

But they're soooo cute. Can't stop won't stop

>> No.9647866

Yasssssss tell em

>> No.9647868

>a lot of ageplayers have an easy time relating with sweet lolita
This is a really dumb argument and in no way the fault of lolitas. That's like saying rock music is evil because some group of people that listen to it are satanists.

>> No.9647883
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>> No.9647887

This is bad, but the cut of some of them is mature enough to save the print, like >>9647274 has a cute retro look to the cut

>> No.9648013

You got problems.

>> No.9648020

Just 1 dream dress?

>> No.9648068
File: 38 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just asked for one
Here's another (not as drastically sweet but I love it so much)

>> No.9648082

>that children's bedroom wall print
oh anon...

>> No.9648084

Sorry fans of sweet- All the dresses with baby toys on them are way too close to age play shit.
You shouldn't be in your teens/twenties wearing a dress that's baby pastels with rocking horses, rattles, blocks or overly cute teddy bears on it. Even if you are a sweet lolita.

>> No.9648108

Many people would claim that we "shouldn't" wear anything remotely out of the ordinary and that we should "dress our age", whatever that may mean. Fuck that, life's too short to wear boring shit.

>> No.9648154

Anon are you saying rock music wasn't invented by satanists as a way to leech into modern popular culture to brainwash our children and takeover the universe? I'm shocked. Really. Truly.

>> No.9648162

Haha 20's? I'm in my 30's and still wear my Toy Parade dress out! It's a cute dress. I like the print. I think ageplay is stupid and it has nothing to do with me. Why would I change what I like/wear? Gross fetishists will fetishise everything. Pretty sure there's plenty of fettish nasty crap on every form of Lolita fashion, and pretty much every alternative fashion out there.

*sips tea in cute pastel vomit

>> No.9648164

it's only other lolitas that bring this shit up. i feel like the same people who publicly preach about "not caring what normies think" turn around and post things like this.

>> No.9648172

I don't. I just wanted confirmation you like shit dresses, anon.

>> No.9648186

Why would it be the same people? It's probably the same people that try to give lolita a different name and think they are blending in by wearing solids

>> No.9648207

>this needs to stop
>print is from 2012

they haven't released anything like this in years

>> No.9648406

If the dress was a bright pink you'd call it ageplay.

>> No.9648413

Actually, I like the pink colourway, try again

Maybe if it had y'know, baby bottles and letter blocks like some of the prints I posted

>> No.9648418

Where does this end?
Don't wear chokers because BDSM fetishists will get turned on and think you're a sub. Don't wear heels or thigh-high boots, either, or they'll think you're a domme.
Don't wear sandals because footfags will get turned on. Don't wear glasses because meganekko-lovers will get turned on. Don't eat in public or else feeders will get turned on. Try not to ever choke in public or else asphyxiation fetishists will get turned on.
You can't live your life worrying about what degenerates and normies think.

>> No.9648428

I remember before I got into lolita, i definitely thought sweet was weird and looked like ageplay baby dresses. Now I'm desensitized and don't really care, but I don't remember ever thinking that about gothic or classic.

>> No.9648475
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Cats, ponies, toys, chocolate whatever the fuck it all looks like age play

>> No.9648480
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There's a fine line and this definitely crosses it: https://www.wunderwelt.jp/en/products/%EF%BD%97-15177

>> No.9648490

You should just quit lolita

>> No.9648533

Looks like a magical wand

>> No.9648534

Because you have a normie brain.

>> No.9648541

But the cartoon animals are ok
Somehow more mature than toy animals.

>> No.9648616

How are cats only for children?

>> No.9648644

And chocolate... chess chocolate is a cutesy print but relatively mature

>> No.9648654
File: 107 KB, 1024x782, a-model-displays-a-chocolate-dress-at-the-salon-du-choc89027389-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chocolate
You're right anon, the entire chocolate industry as a whole is just here to promote age play to us poor, misguided lolita minds

I mean, just look at this ageplayer. Clearly she's just in it for daddy's cummies

>> No.9648676

i'm sure she likes milk chocolate only, that dirty little slut.
A real woman doesn't like chocolate

>> No.9648679

>you shouldn't do what i don't like or else it's shit
I mean rattles and blocks are no from me but watch me, i'm 20 and own toy parade and i look amazing in it.

You glorious bitch

>> No.9648682

ITT "everything i don't like is ageplay and if you wear it you look bad and you're an ageplayer hurr!1!"

I would get the rattles and big letter blocks but cats?? chocolate??? you're baiting right? Someone can't be this retarded?

>> No.9648683
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>> No.9648688

Not sure it was intended to be since they were at least sort of reasonnable at first (I mean, Dreamy Baby Room, come on) but the "xD cats n chocolaet is ageplay" retards following definitely are. That or they're retarded beyond belief.

>> No.9648690

Clearly a real woman only likes 87% cacao aztec traditional naturally sourced bio friendly rainforest chocolate

>> No.9648830

it's clearly a baby rattle

>> No.9648833

who cares, it's cute af

>> No.9648876

Op here
I love chess chocolate, it's a dream dress
Nothing wrong with candy prints imo

>> No.9648964

Exactly, so normies think that sweet looks like baby ageplay, while classic and gothic do not. Isn't that the literal point being proven by this thread?

>> No.9649084

If it's not ageplay, why are you whining like babies :^)

>> No.9649085

except a lot of normies don't even think ageplay

knocking an entire style just because other people are twisted perverts is pretty stupid tbqhfampai

>> No.9649086

why are you? :^))))))))

>> No.9649315

you've kinda missed the point of this thread lol

>> No.9649323

>chocolate is mature
Ok fatty

>> No.9649325

Those are dead flowers. What.

>> No.9649328

In my experience most normies think you're trying to look like a porcelain doll over anything age play-ish.

>> No.9649338

not really, a thread isn't going to make me have a vendetta against cute shit

>> No.9649341

yea normies don't think ageplay they just think you're a weirdo wearing baby dresses
not with poofy pink baby dresses they don't

>> No.9649358

striking a nerve? sounds like you're not cute enough to pull off sweet desu

if you're actually pretty and well-groomed then it's never an issue, but it doesn't sound like that's the case

>> No.9649417

Post non age play lolita

>> No.9649667

If that can help you sleep at night to think that they think that, then you do you i guess.

Lower your sodium intake y'all.
Also this beito thread should die already, it's just full of salt chans that are mad they don't look good in sweet or feel the need to yell about ageplay like retards.
Get a hobby already, that's not healthy to be this mad about something.

>> No.9649680

kek, i don't wear sweet or lolita. i'm just telling it like it is, as a normie, your pink baby dresses look like exactly that.

>> No.9649682

>on 4chan
Lie to yourself my friend, it's the only thing that is left for you.

>> No.9649735

>on the chans
>every normie thinks the same as me!1!
>implying your normie opinion matters at all
1/10 for making me respond. Now go be a nuisance elsewhere.

>> No.9649821

>be me
>wears mainly sweet
>gets loads of compliments from "normies"
>the only negative stuff i hear are "it's not halloween/we're in 2017/lmao konnichiwa barbie"
Idk man that sounds like you should just stop sexualizing everything y'know

>> No.9649827

you're dumb af if you didn't recognize it as bait first thing. cgl just loves bait and will keep replying to it.

>> No.9649833

Gulls, stop replying to obvious bait. Just wear what makes you happy and stop caring what people think. If you care this much about the opinions of others maybe lolita isn’t for you.

>> No.9649840

You're not wrong but to an extent, even mediocre bait like this still provokes meaningful conversation. Like it or not there are fetishists that wear lolita, both ita and halfway decent. Whether or not you care, it's important to explore that identity of the fashion.

That said as soon as it was mentioned that cats were ageplay I bounced the fuck out

>> No.9649877

What’s meaningful about this thread? Fetishists exist and some of them wear brand, being attracted to child-like motifs and palletes. They aren’t an ‘identity of the fashion’, in fact they’re often hated and viciously excluded because the community hates them and the stereotypes/negative connotations they bring. Maybe I’ve just been here too long but this whole topic is less debate and more beating the already derelict corpse of a horse.

>> No.9649880

Normies don't say kek you fucking retarded frog

>> No.9650142


>> No.9650150

>arguing about how normies don't think you're wearing baby dresses
>yes they do, i'm a normie and i think you're wearing baby dresses
>y-your normie opinion doesn't matter!1!!!

>you look like you're wearing a baby dress
>s-stop SECSHUALIZING me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sounds like projection m8
also people who think you're wearing a baby dress will avoid you because they think you're not right in the head. kinda like how you avoid hobos on the metro.

>> No.9650179
File: 5 KB, 333x220, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about your hurt ego my fellow non-normie anon

>> No.9650187

>Implying screencap proves anything
>Implying I'm the same anon who said they were a normie

>> No.9650189
File: 23 KB, 240x240, 1507077919273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you admit you're not a normie?

>> No.9650193

The reasonable ones in the community hate them, the rest coddle them because "kinkshaming" is bad, or something.

>> No.9650196

>Implying I can do passable photoshop
>Implying that I'm the same anon who wrote that post and at the same time implying that screencap doesn't prove anything
Two can play at this game, peasant.

>> No.9650204

>people who think you're wearing a baby dress will avoid you
So, everybody wins. What's the problem exactly?

>> No.9650207

Of course I'm not, I never said I was.

Nah, the difference is that what I said made sense and your word salad doesn't. You don't have to photoshop to fake a screengrab, retard.

>> No.9650215

Fake me a screenshot anon.

>> No.9650227
File: 554 KB, 1417x1701, I spent too long on this bait thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're going to have a deadhorse thread we have to do it right.

Give me some fetishes, gulls

>> No.9650236


>> No.9650252
File: 403 KB, 1417x1701, I spent too long on this bait thread (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternative version in progress

Hentai quotes or greentext?

>> No.9650255

This is a blue board

>> No.9650274
File: 20 KB, 344x749, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how does it feel to be a retard?

>> No.9650279

You actually did it. Also go check your eyes.

>> No.9650280

wow.. so adults cant like cute things?? i think ur just a pedo trying to justify shit lmaoooo.. ageplay is ageplay. wearing a dress with teddy bears on it don't mean ur into that shit, my dude.. xD

>> No.9650285

Nayrt but you say it like it takes effort, it really doesn't

>> No.9650287

>go check your eyes

You realize it takes literally 30 seconds to do all four screen grabs and zero photoshop right?

>> No.9650288

You really don't see the problem with these?

>> No.9650293

There's no issue with them though... anon, you're exposing yourself as a newfag.

>> No.9650295

Kek, just compare >>9650274 with >>9650179

>> No.9650299

Are you talking about the underline? or the timestamp? Because you realize that different browsers have different formats and there are extensions for 4chan that change the format of your timestamp right...

>> No.9650306

Wondering what browser you use.

>> No.9650314
File: 3 KB, 290x62, 11233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrome + appchanx, and mine doesn't have the underline either.

>> No.9650415 [DELETED] 

Normie anon you sound really invested into hating on girls wearing "baby dresses".
Sounds like they're not the only ones who aren't right in the head

>> No.9650424

Yea, what's the problem?
Wear baby dresses if you want, just stop trying to cry about how normies don't actually think you're wearing children's wear. Because they do. Move on with your life.

>> No.9650428
File: 373 KB, 519x582, 1405113450222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this invested in hating on/laughing at some girls wearing poofy dresses

this. didn't warrant a whole thread (which reeks of bait)

>> No.9650440

I'm into ageplay but I like classic better, classic lolita is all ageplay shit now

>> No.9650455
File: 135 KB, 239x221, 1496455856444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed when the bait would stay in the feels thread
at least their autism was contained there

>> No.9650891

>where r the <u></u>s??

>> No.9651505
File: 186 KB, 420x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9651534

The bears are kinda cute but ugly.
Taobao prints just aren't that good.

>> No.9651746

who likes that shit from third wolrd country. Just chocolate from 100% american industries but if you think about it maybe the government add chemicals to make us gay