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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 216 KB, 1600x1000, WP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9637457 No.9637457 [Reply] [Original]

In our last episode:
>My hero academia orgy
>Ocean breeze arcade sea gull has no fancy picture booth arcade game
>Coffeecat cosplay and co throw a shit fit because no one cares about them
>Doormat kun is afraid of getting stomped on. He may like it though
>yaya-han pizza. Bigger tits, better Pizza.

>> No.9637473
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Why don't you come and post in the thread on FB?

>> No.9637475
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Anon why you so scared?

>> No.9637478

>>Doormat kun is afraid of getting stomped on. He may like it though

You believe I may like being stomped on and disgracing my family name?

Your disrespect shows how low my family name has fallen due to my shortcomings. I can not even call you sensei, let alone senpai.

Please, forgive me. I will no longer be a nuisance shortly, soon I shall restore honor to my family.

>> No.9637479
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>> No.9637482

Pretty obvious the kid doesn't want to say anything cause they'd prefer to sit here and cry to anons about shit rather than discuss it with people.

>> No.9637484

Never been to a con before, never cosplayed before, and I'm 100% sure I need to remake my helmet before the con.

>> No.9637489


Hey, stop being mean to him.

(I'm gonna white knight him til he fucks me.)

>> No.9637492

Where do you like it tripfag?

>> No.9637495

My response was slower than it should have been, my apologies. >>9637484

I am straight, I have disappointed you yet again.

>> No.9637498

Since you're lurking watching the FB thread as well, have we met before?

>> No.9637502


Your mouth, in a Subway bathroom. I like the oil and vinegar smell

>> No.9637504

What about the onions and deli style meats?

>> No.9637507

No, I can guarantee we have never crossed paths.

I hardly use my Facebook as it is, the chance of me using my Facebook to follow weeb stuff is beyond non-existent. My family is beyond dishonored by me already. I shall not disgrace them further.

>> No.9637510

Anybody excited about the shitty Chinese food in the mall court thing? I'm not.

>> No.9637514

Oh man, I got sick last time. Only local place open after the fire alarm when off. No telling how long that food sat there from the night.

>> No.9637519

yeah the food situation and awa sucks. I end up ordering shitty pizza. I wish they would move to a better location or something.

>> No.9637524
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>>9637507 Sudoku-Doormat, I hope you're not the same retard that made this thread, whined about that shitty stripper victoria secret getting bagged on for not being cosplay at awa several years ago and bitched about "atlanta clique."

>> No.9637529

I'm 100% certified newfag when it comes to cons and con drama. Some other anon made this thread. I would could not dishonor this board by creating a thread with my disgusting hands.

>> No.9637536
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Con drama is awful. The cosplay community is fucking cancer. I'd stay far away as you can. There's always some fucking asshat who wants to stir up drama when all I want to do is get drunk, buy gundams and wear an okay cosplay while doing so.

Go to Dragoncon. Less cancer, aside from the random jackass on the 10th.

>> No.9637538


Lol I've been going to cons for like 4 years now (i know nothing). And I've never been affected by con drama in RL.

unless you're the kind of person that looks for drama I doubt you'll be affected.

don't worry about it

>> No.9637539


Lol chairs.

Dragon*con and AWA is like that scene in Rick and Morty...


>> No.9637540

Not entirely wrong. I'd still suggest staying away from Cosplay Communities.

>> No.9637543

Are you a cripple who can't cross a bridge?

>> No.9637545

lol I can smell white knights in this thread.

>> No.9637550

I'm so triggered m8. 10/10

>> No.9637555
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>> No.9637559

Worst fucking scum.

Captcha was Bridges.

>> No.9637564

DragonCon is for a more dedicated audience. A normie casual like me can not attend, it would be most dishonorable.

Understood, I must avoid the drama before committing sudoku. It will prevent my family name from being completely tarnished.

>> No.9637565

This entire thread is cancer.

>> No.9637618

Less cancer, more chairs to the head with attention whores claiming their cosplay saved them from the chair throwing jocks.

>> No.9637621

Bitch can pop a wheelie and totally clear that easily.

>> No.9637658

What? Cosplay saved someone from chair throwing jocks?

>> No.9637659

The victim wouldn't shut the fuck up about how she thought her Lady Loki cosplay saved her life.

>> No.9637660

Wait, so her horns helped stopped the chair from impaling her in the head and not physics?

>> No.9637695

Oh yay did I make the first post greentext

>> No.9637696

yes, somehow her paper mache flimsy ass shit stopped a 10th floor velocity chair from shattering her skull into a million pieces.

or she just got clocked by a flat piece of the chair

>> No.9637704

Newfag grew up after we used to do tornado drills with fucked up text books open above our head.

He's a baby.

>> No.9637710

I think it's interesting that someone with no spine is hating on people who just want to see their work acknowledged.

Only directors are salaried if that, and only a few people get comped for anything. Most people are working for an equivalent of below minimum wage because they like to see AWA do well.

Fuck them though if they want website acknowledgement, a badge and access to the staff food plan though right?

>> No.9637723

Cosplay guests do nothing but leech off the con to promote themselves. They run at most 4 panels which usually just ends up with them jerking off about themselves. They bring next to nothing for convention income unless they are cosfamous Nigris or Yayas. During the con, guest cosplayers do about 2 hours of actual work and then spend the rest of their time at their table promoting themselves, their patreons and prints of themselves, then going off galavanting around the con to rub elbows with other wannabes. While actual staff works a fuck more hours, only get a room discount if they stay at the Sheraton, not the Waverly, have to set up and take down the con, have to pay for the staff food plan.

You then have the balls to tell me someone that does almost nothing compared to actual staff deserves a free Waverly hotel room, free access to food, free admission, a free dealers room table and more?

I think they are damn lucky they are even getting a free badge instead of being charged for using up space that a dealer or artist would have been happy to pay for. Also what fucking part are you talking about website acknowledgement? They are on the website in the guest section, whats the fucking issue?

>Directors are salaried
If that was true, AWA would not be listed as a non-profit. You want to talk about "directors" getting paid? Go find the for profit cons.

>> No.9637781

I staff. Don't be such a baby about it. You don't do it for the badge or compensation, you do it for the con.

Getting salaried doesn't make it not a non-profit. Any of the people who work year round are getting compensated.

Do you really think people who work for non-profits work for free? What are you? 16?

>> No.9637785


I didn't actually. I went through those same tornado drills. I'm saying that she's lucky things worked out the way they did and hit her with the seat or back.
Oh I hear from others not involved in this 4chan spat that it is the worst it's ever been organizationally. I'm really glad I decided to not go.

>> No.9637787

Bearing that in mind though staffing, volunteering a guesting has been a shit show this year.

Departments understaffed, volunteers mis placed or their application just totally lost. Judges which typically get comped rooms not getting comped. 3rd party stuff being fucked. There's a complaint about people wanting acknowledgement on the fucking website who deserve it?These cosplays take weeks to make. The panels take hours to prepare. It's all content that drive the con.

People are just being twats about it and just because you have to sit in your chair for 12 hours over the weekend instead of 8ish hours of panels and WEEKS of work before the con you feel entitled to belittle people.

Fuck you.

>> No.9637791

I think you replied to the wrong Anon.

>> No.9637795

I oops'ed and replied to myself. Little bitch knows who I'm talking to.

>> No.9637796

Fuck I missed the last thread. Did we already talk about Moderately Shitty Cosplay under the annoying cosfamu people?

>> No.9637800


So, regardless if its mediocre, and the convention asks you to be a guest...you shouldn't have an announcement on the website while other cosfamu peeps who aren't as known as you get one? Especially if you've been a featured guest and won awards at previous conventions?

>> No.9637813

Oh my fuck who the hell cares stop whining

>> No.9637820


No one gives a shit about cosplay guests anyways unless they are famous.

>> No.9637836

So it makes it okay for awa staff members to be unprofessional fucks who rather than admit a goof, go on 4chan to start drama? The fuck out of here. Famous or not, these people were asked to be guests by the inviting staff.

>> No.9637838

Obviously the anon faggot that started this discussion cared enough.

>> No.9637841

They weren't on the website until one of them vaguebooked and then one of the retard staffers went on here and started this entire hoopla.

>> No.9637849

This was started by people on Coffeecat friends list leaking her feed, not awa staff.

Sounds like you just want to blame awa for her bad choice of friends

>> No.9637851

I will play the saddest song I can find on my tiny violin for these mediocre cosplayers affected by this clear tragedy

>> No.9637859

Clear as day. Their entire lives were hurt and reputations ruined!

>> No.9637860

And you know that person who did it, isn't on staff? I don't know for a fact they are and you don't know for a fact they aren't.

>> No.9637863

>And you know that person who did it, isn't on staff? I don't know for a fact they are and you don't know for a fact they aren't.

I apologize for my earlier accusation. Will the real challenger appear?

>> No.9637872

Please Stop crying or end your laifu, no one wants an entitled waifu

>> No.9637876
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>> No.9637883
File: 95 KB, 846x544, flash_682924_largest_crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. It's over and done and I'm on 4chan bitching. I'm done. Im as much a retard as you.

>> No.9637895

Thank you, sorry I had to put my foot down like that.

You know nothing foolish mortal. Hold your tongue.

>> No.9637908
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Holy fuck everyone could we get anymore off topic

What meet-ups are you guys excited for or plan on attending? Any panels?? What are your guys favorite places to eat during the con?

Also less than a week, how's everyone cos crunching

>> No.9637911

Speaks only in idioms and nonsense. I think I need to ring the retard alert triangle as well.

>> No.9637913

I only hope they don't fuck the food trucks up. I want some delicious food truck trash.

>> No.9637915

I don't see that being likely, the food trucks are always popular.

>> No.9637917

The chicken and waffles truck wasn't there last year. They already fucked up.

>> No.9637918

Doormat Sudoku kun, is that you?

>> No.9637942

>devil titty
Hell yeah

Looking forward to the Jojo and Persona meetups and a few panels I'm eyeing. Favorite places to eat is the mall (cheap), Cheesecake Factory, and the Waffle House up the street.

Con crunch is killing me rn and I'm having to half ass everything just to get it done in time. Gonna be remaking things for Momo, though.

>> No.9637953

Yes anon-sama, I apologize for such a shamefur dispray.

Mi o sutete mo, myōri wa sutezu.

>> No.9637971

Food trucks were pretty good last year. I just wish they'd still sell after vendor/artist alley hours.

I tried Big Chow Grill for the first time last year and I really enjoyed it. All you can eat build your own stir fry.

>> No.9638006

>jojo, persona, waffle house
do I know you

>> No.9638127

Oh hay Catherine. Since I know you are reading this thread. I would send you a message or FB tag you, but since you will twist it into making me look like the villian, I am just going to use this so you can't.

Shut the fuck up and stop being a selfish fucking cunt. You are ruining it for everyone else and chances are, they are not even going to have amateur cosplay guests after the shit you just fucking pulled. You are not royalty, you are not some fucking mega hit sponsor from Japan. Stop trying to pretend that you are. I am getting sick and tired of the whining with your fuck boy friends enabling with the asspats. Keep up the shit and I will send screenshots of your feed that includes the other cosplayers you hang with shit talking the conventions that invite you ungrateful cunts, to every damn convention that might even consider you as a guest.

Yours Truly,
The person that never seems to respond when you whine about your "difficult" pampered life.

>> No.9638142

The website guest site has not changed except for one person disappearing. I am assuming the cancelled because of whatever reason. What the hell do you guys keep going on about website acknowledgement when everyone is already listed?

>> No.9638171

Sounds like someone who doesn't know Cat outside of shitty weeb cons but ok

>> No.9638172

Too much drama for ya mama-sama.

I hope to avoid this entitled-chan

>> No.9638180
File: 135 KB, 700x779, Movie+night+i+found+a+thing+i+haven+t+seen+before_324544_6021748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no anon-sama, this getting the spicy.

>> No.9638182


Why don't you send her a message then? Are you too afraid to expose your name?

>> No.9638188

They're trying to make drama when there is none. Catherine busts her ass for everything she has. Anything new or nice she has she pays for. She isn't pampered by any means.

All she wanted was to be listed on the awa website with the rest of the cosplay guests and ironically it finally happened after this shit show.

To the vendetta anon, get your big girl panties out of a bunch. If you aren't friends with any of the 'Atlanta in crowd', then maybe they're not the problem here. It's probably just you.

>> No.9638189

Looking at her posts, I'm really confused why this is all such a big deal. She wanted the other guests to be on the site, and now they are and everything's done... Why are you still going on and getting so mad?????????????????????????

>> No.9638192

No thanks. I've seen what she and her inner circle do to people that call them out on their shit. So yes, it would be very detrimental to expose my name. Thicc Asian pussy power would quickly override any sense people would have.

I actually know her personally and deal with her on a weekly basis.

>> No.9638194
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>> No.9638195

You have a pretty fucked up world view m8. None of this is grounded in reality. Seek help for that paranoia.

>> No.9638202

Then why take your complaints to an anonymous website instead of directly to her face? Smh anon please grow up.

>> No.9638203

If all she wanted was website acknowledgement, why is she and others still bitching for more free shit then? They have been on the site.

> If you aren't friends with any of the 'Atlanta in crowd', then maybe they're not the problem here. It's probably just you.

Thanks for validating my point.

>> No.9638207

White knight harder. Just makes the incentive to pass out the screens even sweeter.

Exactly the reason why I won't talk to her in person. Even with hard evidence thrown in your faces, you still get down and lick her cunt to defend her.

>> No.9638212

Not validating your point. All I'm saying is that the majority of Atlanta cosplayers do know each other and are friends in some way and if you are not in that massive circle then you're probably the problem. If you actually read her post, and the comments clarifying below instead of just screencapping it and looking for more drama then you would know that she was not asking for more shit. She was making sure all the guests were taken care of properly. But you wouldn't know that since you clearly can't read.

>> No.9638214

I've always wanted to be a knight! You made a little girl's dream come true~
Defending is the duty of a knight so yeah sure. I'm brienne of tarth bitch, invite some civil justice into your life and stop hiding behind a screen. Maybe you'll get what you're looking for.

>> No.9638216

They were added to the site last night after all the drama went down. There's another post on FB acknowledging that it's resolved and over.

Butthurt anons are still stirring shit because they're mad.

>> No.9638218


>> No.9638220

This thread stinks of vendetta. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Like make a cosplay or something?

>> No.9638281

Why do I get the sneaking feeling this is just the cosplayers themselves samefagging to pretend like anyone gives a fuck about them?

>> No.9638282

>if you are not in that massive circle then you're probably the problem
Oh no, maybe I should not do the cosplay. My suit will be the butt of the joke. Please can you put in a good word for me. I don't want to embarrass my family. If I could join them maybe it will bring honor to my family name.

>> No.9638285

But they were on the site for 2 months. I still don't see what you are talking about website acknowledgment. That post also cleary has Dat , along with others who have posted here, implying that they wanted more then just being put on the website.

>> No.9638292

are we still doing the cheesecake meetup on friday?

>> No.9638294 [DELETED] 

They were on the site, but then removed due to photo credits needing to be updated. Even though everything was apparently emailed over but then AWA just took 600 years and a /cgl dramu shitstorm to then actually put the updated info up

>> No.9638298

They were on the site, but then removed due to photo credits needing to be updated. Even though everything was apparently emailed over, AWA just took 600 years and a /cgl dramu shitstorm to then actually put the updated info up

>> No.9638301

Your post eludes me sensei.
Teach me the meaning, and I shall discover it's truth.

>> No.9638306

They posted many csplayers, including cat, on the site. But so many caught flames from jerks who don't like cosplay on facebook, so they took a break, and the remaining cosplayers got pushed to the side and left behind in all the other things going on. When brought up, they said they'd put them up on the website, but forgot? didn't get around to it? until last night, when they finished adding the remainder (like 4?) cosplayers to the site. It's fixed, miscommunications and feelings addressed and put to end, and lets all just be happy and have fun at AWA :)

>> No.9638307

Deets! Cheescake is life.

>> No.9638311

There was an orgy?
Catch me up senpai, someone post a cap or something.

>> No.9638317


oh I mean the cheesecake factory meetup we do every year. Last year it was like what around 2-4pm friday.

>> No.9638325


I still have much to learn. Attending this will bring much dishonor to both you and my family shame. Please excuse me.

>> No.9638352

>checks photo credits
> it's Ken AD

Well now that explains everything. I had a hunch that fucking ladder climbing freak had something to do with it.

Yeah, thanks Kenny. You just fucked us all over. I don't even have can ask to know what happened because you did the same thing to me and almost got me banned from Momocon.

>> No.9638406

Okay, now we gotta know.

>> No.9638418

I want to know more about this orgy..

>> No.9638420

Me too, it seems most inviting for the shamefur dispray.

More of the drama?!? The con has yet to begin, I will not survive.

>> No.9638423

He goes over your head and tries to act like he is your modeling agent or something. Momo came to me like, can you stop your agent from sending us threatening letters regarding legal action in regards to your profile pic on the site. I'm like wait, I have an agent? Since when? They tell me he goes by Ken AD. I'm like wtf, that is my photographer not my agent. I don't even need an agent. Not even 10 minutes later he messages me whining that the convention is trying to steal credit from him because the photo cropped out his watermark. It got auto cropped because of the formatting and the con didn't think anything of it because when I posted to the group, I put his name as credit on the post. I ended up having to cancel, Momocon was nice enough to understand and not permaban me for the stink he created, but I am done with Ken. If a con suddenly don't invite anymore un-cosfamous cosplayers, you can thank that shiesty little fucker.

>> No.9638479
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You're fucking insane. You read like a sociopath. If you're the same child who started this fucking drama, you're now blaming a photographer? The photographer didn't make you post the screenshot from Facebook. No one made you do it. You're just trying to start shit to make your sad existence feel like it's getting attention. Grow up.

>> No.9638482

Found Ken AD lol.

And what screenshot are you talking about, I just got here.

>> No.9638493


Well, there's a subway kiosk that actually prepares pretty well for the weekend. if you're only ordering for yourself, you will get donen in about 90sec to 2:30, depending on hold v hot cuts.

There's a sports bar with typical wings, quesadillas etc. further in the mall. There's a u-assemble stir-fry place with an all-u-can-eat option, with a bar in it too.

and if you don't want sit-down food, there will be food trucks sprinkled around too.

>> No.9638494

Nope. Not Ken.

Recap: anon shared screenshot of vaguebooked complaint about a lack of a announcement for several guests. all intents and purposes was to start shit drama while remaining anonymous so they can continue to shit talk "friends they interact with on a daily basis."

Jealous, cowardly and bitter girl.

Fucking Christ this would be easier to keep up who is who with tripcodes. I hate myself for saying that.

>> No.9638495

Sorry anon who just wanted to keep thread on topic. I fucked up my reply.

>> No.9638496

Nm. Mimi is acting up. Yay!

>> No.9638578

You seem to be taking a bit personal if you are not him.

>> No.9638641

So what is this thread gonna be summarized as for the next thread?

Low tier cosplayer guest gets what she was wanting from the aftermath of fb and 4chan postings
Her friends continue to post here in hopes of making themselves feel better or get a hint of who the op was
Beginner cosplayer didn't know who yaya was, is afraid of judgement of their own cosplay and now disappeared
is the orgy happening or nah?
still on for cheesecake meetup?
KenAD is a shitbag photographer from FL who somehow is in throwing distance when it comes to issues about photography, drama, and cons.

Does that sum up our topics?

>> No.9638649

that chicken and waffles truck was so good and I was so hungover I got emotional over it. I hope they come back sometime.

>> No.9638652


/end thread

seriously, it's amazing how big of a shitstorm this became bc someone wanted recognition.

>> No.9638658

This year Momocon was policing for alcohol at main hangout spots and asking people to get rid of it. Does AWA do this as well? Or do they not really care about public drinking?

>> No.9638659

Wait so this mentioned orgy isn't a thing that DID happen, but a thing that MAY happen?

I'm disappointed. I was hoping for some photos to circulate. Who am I supposed to judge relentlessly now?!

>> No.9638694

Shit the Waverly usually makes people checking in to their room sign some wavier. One of the items was about alcohol.

Yeah it is sad when people and their autistic needs has an outlet.

Usually one gets posted every year either on here or craigslist. The guys who were trying to run one last year are some loners who can even pick up ugly fat chicks. They were resorting to trying to get some underage girls drunk to bring them to their room. Luckily most people tend to be in groups at night and they failed.

>> No.9638728

Because it was not just about recognition. They vilified the con because their photographer was a attention sucking douche taint.

>> No.9638732

Dont act like a raging alcohol faggot and security will usually leave you alone.

Step out of line though and don't clear out when it's time, prepare to bent over and get ass reamed. They let you on a long leash as long as you don't cause problems for the con, hotel or other attendees

>> No.9638855

>Beginner cosplayer ... now disappeared
>now disappeared

That was your dream, not mine.

To the rest of you, revenge takes only those who seek it.

>> No.9638863

Glad your back. Don't stress over what others think. Have fun dressing up. If anyone gives you shit, take a picture of them. We got your back.

>> No.9638874


Idk about y'all but I've used Ken 2 or 3 times and he's always come off as a pretty chill and quiet guy even after talking to him for awhile.

So I'm finding him trying to start "drama" a bit far fetched? Then again everyone has their quirks so..

>> No.9638883

No, I think you're a child who can't take responsibility for your own actions when you deflect away from the main issue, which was whomever came to the thread to start drama in the first place. Wouldn't have been any issue and her friends wouldn't have come here to try to figure out who the shit bird was if the culprit hadn't done it it the first place and talked to the person they have grievances with.

>> No.9638884

Please for the love of God. Does sage not work?

They didn't vilify the con. They vilified the fucking retard that came here and started the drama.

Are you fucking kidding? Does anyone not see how this works? If the anon had posted the fb screenshot on 4chan, there wouldn't have been a "shitstorm."

>> No.9638890

>Anon hadn't posted the fb screenshot on 4chan, there wouldn't have been a "shitstorm."

>> No.9638903

Ask many Florida scene. He has a reputation in his area already.

If you're really curious, just check the archives, he has some threads dedicated to him and usually is mentioned on when one of the photographer threads pop up.

>> No.9638906
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So back to the topic of AWA.
I am guessing this year is gonna be full of my hero academia cosplays judging by a ton of people's line ups.

>> No.9638914
File: 1.26 MB, 500x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck; You know it's going to get derailed again.

I'm skipping AWA this year. It was really boring last year. I think I'm out growing it.

>> No.9638942

I'm doing Hero Academia too. Its gonna be fairly sizable this year.

>> No.9638987

Thank you anon-chan, your words are endearing. I will not waste this chance.

I too am doing the cosplay of heroes, but not of the Academia.

>> No.9639050

Anyone else flying in to ATL for AWA? How far are you guys traveling?

>> No.9639084

First time going to AWA. The site says prereg line is 15 minutes or less. I'm all for that, but there's a 10$ online booking fee.

If the Thursday at-door line is non-existent, it'd be a waste of 10 bucks. If the line is more than 2 hours, it's worth it. How was the registration situation in years past?

>> No.9639088

I didn't go last year but the year before that I went Thursday night to purchase at-the-door and there were only 10 people in line ahead of me while pre-reg was a good 100+ people.

>> No.9639121

Ken is a pedophile who dragged me into his lap when I was 13 and put his hands up my shirt to touch my back. I as a naive 13 year old can never wipe this out of my memory. He was 20+ at the time. Should've know better. He knew I was 13.

>> No.9639150

Only ways to get cosfamous are to either A) Have giant tits and a glorious ass and show them off in unnecessary over-sexualized costumes then whoring yourself out on Patreon in hopes that people will stick around long enough to provide a steady income. Failing that you create drama and hope it doesn't backfire in your face.

Cosplay is a fucking joke compared to a decade ago now that its become commercialized (Thanks, Yaya.).

>> No.9639160

I cant even hate on their game. A woman who's in the 4-6 range looks wise becomes an auto 7-10 in a cosplay (12 if she's Asian). Sure they cant be magazine models, but thanks to Instagram, the game has changed in their favor.

>> No.9639162

I'm actually getting pretty fed up with AWA itself. Its run by morons and I hope the new partnership with Momocon and Dragoncon shoves them into the dirt.

Ardyn actually threatened a friend with retaliation against her panel partner if she kept pushing for a refund for the difference of the panelist discount code they didn't receive until AFTER the deadline. She's antagonistic and doesn't know what she's doing but then again none of the monkeys running the show do. Paul is a shitlord that believes women shouldn't carry pepper spray because its "too dangerous". Of course they're the only ones that ever post anything and when they do oooohhhh boy do they make themselves look bad. Just look at their recent post trying to muscle photographers out of the convention if you want proof.

I guess it also doesn't help that they got that wannabe troll Rick shoving his nose up their assholes and huffing the taint because he is just as bad and somehow makes himself MORE ANNOYING than all of them combined. If you're reading this Rick, fuck off.

>> No.9639170

Eh, its not like I actually hate the ones that do such things. Its their body, they can do whatever they want, I just find it distasteful even as a hetero male. Its just low effort most of the time and very insulting to people who put in months worth of effort. Don't just slap on a pair of bunny ears, wear a leotard and fishnets with glasses and call yourself "Bunny Mei".

>> No.9639196

Just buy your ticket at the door on Thursday. It's never too busy then.

>> No.9639251

>Momocon partnership was out of desperation and they are still failing behind the scenes.

I'm also guessing you are a photographer that got told to follow the rules instead of blatanty break them.

pro tip: Shut your fucking mouth you autistic reject. You are fucking up everything for the rest of us. Just because you are a social faggot that can't figure out simple loopholes they don't bother with, does not mean you poke the hornets nest. They know paid photo shoots go on. You just can't use their resources to advertise unless you want to pay Georgia taxes. You are so mentally retarded you don't even realize they are doing you a favor.

>> No.9639255

You should just go all the way and deepthroat that dick. The fact that they aren't even allowing FREE photoshoots to be advertised on their group pages and are actively hunting them down should be a giant red flag to you but I guess you can't see the flag when your face is buried in that scraggly pubic hair.

>> No.9639258

So why exactly are you so pissed at Momocon? You sound like a butthurt child that can't afford a hotel downtown.

>> No.9639263

Lol, I know who this Samefag is.

>> No.9639265

Please provide the screenshot of free photo shoots being hunted down. Because they are actively encouraging free photoshoots.

>> No.9639267

I forgot to add the last bit and you can't edit on 4chan you retard.

>> No.9639350


I am newer photographer who isn't charging. My post says free photoshoots hasn't been removed yet. Maybe I am just lucky or they haven't gotten to deleting my post.

>> No.9639354

Don't worry about it. They aren't doing anything about free shoots. They are only removing any posts that have a cost listed or insinuate the is a costs like the message me for my rates kind. Even then, they won't do anything at the con even if someone goes out of their way to report you. You can't prove you are charging and if they randomly ask the person, they can say it is a free shoot. Just don't advertise paid shoots in person on their property with a sign or shirt.

>> No.9639378

This anon knows. Ignore the fake news faggo above claiming they are going after people advertising free shoots.

>> No.9639514

Care to elaborate any? I'm not finding too much in the archives

>> No.9639660

He hasn't used watermarks since like 2013, but why would it make sense for either AWA's or Momo's staff to be against giving photographer credit to begin with? Y'all are fucking crazy in here

>> No.9639846


Last year they had a little minibar thing setup in the lobby and were selling booze there. I walked around the convention with beer in hand and no one said anything to me, Even several Con security, Hotel staff and cops saw me. But I wasn't acting like a drunken underage tard either.

>> No.9639897

jesus christ this awa discord was a mistake..

>> No.9639910

I've never seen them care about the main Waverly lobby, since there's a bar there. They have to expect people will be going back and forth to room parties. Just don't act like an idiot and you'll be fine.

>> No.9639918

Doormat-sudoku anon here.

I finished my suit for my cosplay, but I noticed something as I wrapped things up. The pattern I used was made by YayaHan, and I MODIFIED IT!! She's going to be very disappointed in my dishonorable actions. I'm finished.

>> No.9639980

the hotel side should be fine, but the convention center is the Cobb County government and not exactly the same private-property wise. If you are just milling around, you're probably ok if its not an open container and you're not a lush.

>> No.9640018

Which one are you in. There are two. One that has actual people, the rest is some guy and his bots.

>> No.9640120

I haven't posted on /CGL in years (but I came because I heard there was AWA drama), but holy crap, your schtick is annoying. Just stop.

>> No.9640150

>I haven't posted on /CGL in years
>randomly posts now
Wow, me too. This is a crazy coincidence!

>> No.9640233

I-I'm sorry senpai. I'll stop.

Please forgive me, I will eliminate this miskate permanently.

>> No.9640280

wtf is this shit?

>> No.9640390
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I miss when awa had a forum on their web site but I get being gay with 4chan now... Still Better then being a face book

>> No.9640428

It's my apology senpai. I'm making sure this never happens again.

What's wrong?

>> No.9640583

Too complicated for the late millenial generation. Needs ADHD facebook mode

>> No.9640724

Are cons fun? I've never been to one before.

>> No.9640739

Me neither.

I heard it was easy to get laid at one of these. Especially in Atlanta.

>> No.9640785

Not for you

>> No.9640798

Oh, is that what you think?

Wanna bet?

>> No.9640808

Yeah, cons are a blast. There's a great feeling of positivity and excitement in the air. Talking to people is fun and easy, if you've got the mind for it. If you're on the fence, just go! You might just make a lifelong friend or two.

>> No.9640846
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If it's possible for you to land the occasional one night stand from bars, it's easy to get laid at cons.

If you can't get laid normally, I mean.. don't expect anything to happen magically at cons. I speak from experience :)


>> No.9640862


>> No.9640865

Fml, well I guess I'd better off myself after this con.

See you starside.

>> No.9640866

If you find a fat ass, sure.

>> No.9640869

I mean it's still fun and worth going...

>> No.9640870

That's why I said *after* the con.

>> No.9641025
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It's pretty simple. Just don't be a thirsty neumale.

Ignore sluts, don't give them free shit, and don't like their stupid pictures on fb/ig whatever.

>> No.9641076


Correct. There's alot of ways to meet girls at cons, but it's really just more getting their attention, talking to people, generally enjoying yourself and being friendly while being at least normally attractive, and they will come. You just gotta know how to seal the deal once you find some neutral attraction.

>> No.9641161

The amount you idiots don't know about AWA or really any conventions in Atlanta is stunning.

>> No.9641163

Enlighten us, sensei

>> No.9641547

Is anyone selling lolita at the Super Happy Fun Sale willing to post what they are selling in here? I want to buy some burando, but I'd like an idea of what's being sold so I can bring the right amount of money.

>> No.9641548

I might be bringing some stuff. All the actual burando in my sales album has been sold but there are a few pieces I'm considering adding. Possibly Alchemy by Moitie (OP in black/wine), possibly my skeleton print from Haenuli as a set with the headdress...trying to move away from gothic. Probably asking 150 for Alchemy at 200 for the Haenuli set.

>> No.9641566


the bulk of the con arrives Friday afternoon/evening due to work/school

>> No.9641745

How is this con compared to Momo? Haven't been to either yet.

>> No.9641921

It's a bit more 'adult'. And almost completely focused on anime, with gaming being a tangential thing. Drinking openly is very common.

Momocon was varied and diverse in everything, comics, anime, video games, youtube, etc.. but frustratingly family friendly.

AWA feels more like a night con, and Momocon very much feels better for a day thing.

I mean they're both conventions in the Atlanta metro and I think you would be stupid to avoid either if you live in the area.

>> No.9642002

Best comparison and analysis I've ever heard.

AWA last year had dumb levels of dance party and social drinking events.

I go just for these alone.

>> No.9642135

Tomorrow's the big day everyone! What cosplays are you doing? Going to the HFS?

>> No.9642277

>how to seal the deal
Teach me, I am but a young pupil.

Tell us more.

I'll probably be the only comic book character there.

>> No.9642648

Is the mixer worth going to?

>> No.9642735

If you are looking to get some ass and you are male, no. If you are female and looking to get fucked, yes.

>> No.9643018

At the risk of sounding creepy, you have to isolate anyone you're interested in from their friends (nobody wants to be caught doing their business in public with someone they just met) and escalate the situation physically over time, gradually. Two steps forward, one step back. Pretty simple, just let the other person talk more than you, people like you more when you talk less or make conversations about them and not about you. Just be mindful and pay attention to social cues.

>> No.9643024

Yep, I give up. This requires me to pretend I'm interested in people, listen to other people's problems, and pretend I care. I don't like lying, so I'd rather avoid the whole thing than pretend I care to someone's face.

>> No.9643053

Why would you want to have sex with someone you don't give a shit about? I mean some people do, but yes, you probably should put in effort into getting with someone you find attractive. Not chasing them down and whatever, but actually investing in them as a person, learning who they are, yadda yadda.

>> No.9643230

I'm not saying you're wrong, you're right and I agree. I care about everyone, but if I'm being completely honest with myself I just lack the capacity to be caring and compassionate enough to be someone's bf or FWB. I'm not self centered, I just like to be alone alot.

>> No.9643405

Anyone know what time registration opens on Saturday? I'm getting in late Friday night and would like to get my weekend badge as early as I can.

>> No.9643473

It's been awhile since I've gone to AWA. I'm flying in for a work trip and have some time to come to the con beforehand. However, I don't really want to Uber around in full lolita and my company isn't providing a rental. I'll be there pretty eariy Saturday.

Does anyone remember what the bathrooms are like? Is there a decent place to change? I'll already have hair and makeup.

>> No.9643476

There's literally info on this on their website and FB.

>> No.9643895

Anybody have a spare usb c charger?

>> No.9643901

I couldn't get a cosplay together and feel naked walking around with my shitty Star Wars shirt and luggage, but I still couldn't be more excited. Did I really miss this much drama on opening day between 4pm and now?

>> No.9643905

Yo where the con parties at

>> No.9643935


>> No.9644158
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There's a great Japanese bar a few miles from the con open to midnight. The huge mugs were $10. We got trashed and ate a lot of takoyaki.

>> No.9644399

The one near Tomato?

>> No.9644475

I'm pretty sure she doesn't come here, but there was a girl that walked right in front of me and as she passed by I accidentally stepped on one of the ribbons on her outfit and it pulled her. I'm sorry and I tried to tell her but she looked really pissed when she looked back at me and walked off.

If you are here my bad I really didn't mean to, I hope I didn't screw up your outfit or anything.

>> No.9644567

Ill forgive you if you post your dick

>> No.9644578

Ginya Izakaya. I'm not sure about Tomato.

>> No.9644632

There's no disappointment like knowing you are going to be judges by someone who is much more inferior in costuming than a lot of the contestants. I don't even really know the gentlemen behind Moderately but after looking at his pages and creditianals he has one no craftsmanship awards that would married him being a judge other than he's popular. I'm so utterly disappointed with the con had a guest be a judge that has really has nl qualifications to do it. You bring them in as a poster child for sales cool but leave them as that

>> No.9644641

I'm in Atlanta on business and have no friends in the area to go with me. Will the con still be fun alone?

>> No.9644666

Seems a little unfair, her skirt didn't fall and I didn't see much.

>> No.9644738

Yeah, I've gone alone and I'm going alone again.

>> No.9644772

I'm outside the main hotel by the fountain on top the curved stairs. I'll be here for half an hour if anyone wants to chill

>> No.9644814

I'm at the midnight madness panel.
What is this? Do you guys like this stuff? I'm considering sudoku the longer I stay.

>> No.9644846

Where do you get booze around here? Can I still get some at this hour? Just looking for the closest space around.

>> No.9644876

Post discords pls

>> No.9645054

Me too. Let's be alone, together.

>> No.9645060

What was it?

Are you a guy? Not sure if I want to hang out alone with a guy.

>> No.9645066

I didn't think you'd reply. Yes I am a guy, I'm actually in a small group too. You can join us for some booze in the parking deck if you'd like.

>> No.9645080

I'm a lolita who doesn't drink. Thank you though.

>> No.9645092

If anyone hasn't downloaded the AWA app, it's pretty decent and good for panel reminders.

>> No.9645230

You're not drinking enough Strongbow if you're considering Sudoku sir

>> No.9645258

At first it was Anime He'll, then it was apparently some abridged anime videos. I left after a few minutes of abridged gundam.

Sadly drinking doesn't help me.

Well, this was my first con and so far I'm just not feeling it. It's cool and all and it seems to make a lot of people happy, but I guess it's just not my cup of tea so it'll probably be my last.

I don't really fit in anywhere so I don't know I'll figure something out. Anyway, later. enjoy the con.

>> No.9645276

Are you coming to the tea tomorrow?

>> No.9645350

Isn't that some Lolita event? I'm a big guy dresses as a comic character, so I'd probably look weird there.

>> No.9645397

Anyone see Asherbee yet?

>> No.9645404

Anyone have a spare bottle eopenr?

>> No.9645455

Oh I meant whoever the lolita was

>> No.9645464

Ooh, totes. This kid >>9645080?

>> No.9645531

Yep sorry!

>> No.9645534

What if I want to make friends?

>> No.9645566

Anyone want to meet up tonight

>> No.9645613

I will trade someone a wii for a 12 pack of beer

>> No.9645687

I'm not, this was a last minute trip so I didn't buy tickets. I went to the one in 2014 and had a great time though.

>tfw my flight was delayed 8 hours and my bag was an hour late so couldn't even go to the con today
Should I even go tomorrow?

>> No.9645689

That was pretty boring. I went by myself, but all the events I went to minus one were shit. All the merch was overpriced or shitty. About 10% of the cosplay was good though.

Why are cons so popular? What am I doing wrong?

>> No.9645694

Where the hotel party at

>> No.9645706
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grizzled pessimist reporting in.
I've been going to cons for 6-7 years now and I've personally come to conclude that they aren't good to go to alone.

I usually go with this bitch I'm fucking and all she does is change into 420 cosplays and then we sit around all day with the rest of the group.

I seriously can't enjoy conventions unless I drink.
But when I drink, I start calling everyone a nigger or a faggot- especially those fucking freaks who go by any other gender than their biological one.
Can't win.

>> No.9645709

Glad I'm not alone. The whole time I was AWA today all I could think was "Maybe Hitler was right"

>> No.9645714

Good to see I'm not alone as well.
To be fair though, it's very self-imposing.

>go to the most Leftist-concentrated gathering outside of college universities
>expect to see normal people who aren't fucked in the head

Shame too, I really enjoy being with my friends when I'm at cons. I just try to be just a little more positive with every new con I go to. It's really difficult.

>> No.9645738
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The worst part is seeing young kids there. Especially the ones dressed up as characters that are essentially sex icons for pedophiles.

I might have been able to enjoy the con with some friends, and lots of alcohol. Unfortunately I'm only in the area for business. I may go on Sunday anyway. I've already paid for it, so I feel I should try to get the most out of my money.

>> No.9645739

Your time is worth more than your money, anon.
If you can invest your time into something better than Day 3, then who cares if you paid for it?

>> No.9645750

Seems like I'm not alone then, this was kinda my last hope in seeing if there was anything worth living for.

Cringey edge aside, I was hoping that I'd find something I was missing out on. I see why people like going to them and taking pics and all, but I'm not social at all so it's a miss for me.

>> No.9645813
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Cons are meant to be enjoyed with friends. You can make friends at cons but it takes a lot of time and effort. Granted, you have the benefit of knowing that you share interests in the same ballpark, but it's still abridging months or years of trust in three or four days. To make things worse, most people are already in a group or couple because most loners don't go, creating an exaggerated sense of isolation.

Anyway, more on topic, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of Made in Abyss and Princess Principal cosplay. I confirmed one Ange in blue dress and saw a few others in outfits which could easily just be Gothic lolita. As for MiA, no luck. It's a shame. This was the con of Dragon Maid and Boku no Hero.

>> No.9645844

Is it just me or are the volunteers on some mall cop level undeserved power trip shit?

>> No.9645890

So much whining in this thread jfc. Con is what you make of it. I've had a great time.

>> No.9645909

You got kicked the fuck out of the cosplay after dark, didn't you?

>> No.9645916

Did anyone else here go to the Quantitative Statistical Data Concerning Pug Rhinoplasty panel?

>> No.9646100

Nah just screamed at by tons of volunteers over dumb shit. Like not hugging the wall in line for example. Like stuff that I shouldn't be doing but also doesn't justify literal screaming.

>> No.9646151

Yes. I am full of regret.

>> No.9646159
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I'm happy you've been able to enjoy it, anon.

>> No.9646161

found the whiny liberal.

>> No.9646571

How did everyone like the tea party?

>> No.9646584

I had a blast! The food was wonderful, so beautifully presented.

>> No.9646645

Anyone know the dimensions of the daoko/teddyloid posters? I want to get them framed but I don't have a ruler.

>> No.9646716

It was kind of boring honestly. It took forever to really get started and get food bc the first hour and a half was just pictures with the guests. There were no games or fun interactions like at most tea parties, other than the raffle.

>> No.9646747

I would have like to hang out with you.

>> No.9646753

I didn't even go, but thanks anon. I'm always down to hang with people who can deal with assholes like me.

>> No.9646768

First brand tea ever attended. I was impressed by the sheer variety of coords and how pretty everyone was. Only one gripe, the shopstaff were cute, but I really wanted to meet a designer. Other than that, would go to another again.

Semi related, are novelties usually stationary? I don't really use them so I had hoped it'd be something I could wear. I would like to know for the future.

>> No.9646816

It just depends. Sometimes it's jewelry, sometimes it's a small makeup bag, sometimes stationery. You never know.

>> No.9646824

They explained that the designers couldn't make it because they have a huge Baby/Aatp fashion show in Tokyo tonight that the designers are always at.

Also it's very rare you get something wearable for these parties.

>> No.9646842

It’s free brand stuff.... it’s better than nothing? I thought the gifts were lovely

>> No.9646850

Buy a ruler or measuring tape. That costs like nothing at CVS.

>> No.9646861


People here bitching are all probably kids, idiots, and drama whores.

Normal people go to the con to hang with friends, buy some neat shit, see some concerts, hit some panels, and hang around people with similar interests. Most cosplayers are just normal people having fun and most fans are just normal people enjoying the costumes.

I know my friends and I accomplished those goals probably because we aren't retards who get caught up in retarded drama, try to break rules, and hate everyone for no reason. We went to have fun and so we did.

Y'all complaining went to bitch and moan about whatever it is you have to bitch about and never even went to have fun.

>> No.9646902

So I did my first actual cosplay and had a great time. The app worked well enough to make getting from panel to panel a snap and their variety was decent. Sure the lines were horrid, but that's almost always the case. I think it's been the best AWA experience I've had in years.

Plus the Cereal Party on Saturday night was pretty lit.

>> No.9646908

I had so much fun! Started off a little slow but other than that it was a great time. Everyone looked absolutely darling especially bambi chan. And the little bracelets were so cute!

I did chuckle when the music stopped and an ad came on. I'm probably framing all the pictures from the catalog. And the bracelets were cute too. I do wish there was a savory course though.

>> No.9646919

I've been going to this convention near 19 years, and this has by far been the worse. I know that this year was a struggle for the con, mainly because of internal management and all the good, long term employees quitting because of internal BS, but this was just beyond poorly run. It was also clear that there was FAR less people here than the last year.

AWA was great, but since the staff can't seem to get their shit together, it looks like Momo-con will take it over. So sad when everyone on my FB feeds say the same thing. I'm going to 1 more AWA-con, but that will most likely be my last. 90% of the cons schedule was group photo ops, autographs, and misc gaming tournaments. I think there were only like 2 rooms playing actual anime, and not the anime scheduled. They were even daft enough to play some bootleg fan subs in one of the room because they couldn't show what they were supposed to.

>> No.9647056

Met up with some fly fuckers and talked about anime tiddies.

Met the creator of La Blue Girl, got some hentai.

Saw a lot of hot girls in skimpy clothes, got drunk.

Got made out with a few different chicks, got a BJ, and a HJ,

Good con.

>> No.9647113

>90% of the cons schedule was group photo ops, autographs, and misc gaming tournaments
Wut? That's what large cons THRIVE off of. Large cons don't pull in big industry names through only rooms playing anime. AWA was packed as is and if anything severely needs to find a new venue because they can't handle the traffic.

>> No.9647117

In 2014 we were given necklaces.

>> No.9647151

Is there anything keeping them from moving to the convention center where Momo is held?
Besides "we can't because we need to be different from Momo"

>> No.9647165

If they're japanese, they're likely B2, or another B-size
good luck finding an off-the-shelf frame in a store for B2

>> No.9647259

The tea party was really great! There were twice as many people as last year. The coords this year were stellar. Literally no one looked bad. I can't wait to see the photos!

>> No.9647343

Who goes to anime conventions to just watch anime

>> No.9647369

Interests in the same ballpark but my interests seem to have been so niche in the west that I’d fallen through the cracks. Not even a single mention of Frame Arms Girl, only like 5 Kemono Friends cosplayers, nothing about Made in Abyss, so on so forth. I ended up buying a bunch of rubber straps and stuff cause I felt obligated to buy them since I wasn’t seeing anything else of those franchises.

>> No.9647380

Anyone go to the Miyu Miyasaka live drawing panel? What the fuck was that translator? I’ve never seen a translator so in love with the sound of her own voice she drowned out the guest.

>> No.9647411

Yeah, their poor management. I knew many directors and long term employees there. Most of them quit after last year because of the way they treat their staff and how they mis manage money. Their contract ran out this year, and they were supposed to go to a larger venue, but because the directors are idiots, they decided to renew with the Cobb convention center because they thought they'd get a kick back.

The Cobb Galleria is no longer a good location. Everyone needs to be prepared to pay a shit ton more for their hotel rooms. Some have already experienced it this year with the $40 a night price hike, and it's expected to be more next year. It's what happens when they build a new stadium within walking distance of a hotel. They have also lost a few of the really good venders, and more will be lost soon. The reason I've been told by some of the fronts was that they suddenly started charging Dragon Con prices for smaller booth sizes, making them barely a profit each year to bother continuing.

AWA-con needs better management.

>> No.9647426

Coming in late, the hell is with all the drama, what did I miss?

The only thing I heard about was some dude from Florida but trying to roofie a girl.

I had a good time overall, but like last year their security is terrible and misguided. You can get away with anything except walk by the prop check station where they tagged literally everything. And you could easily avoid it by using another entrance. Saw a guy Saturday who had a legit strung compound bow, no one cared.

>> No.9647464

I'm curious about this too. Talking to staff, it seems like they are really stressed. A lot of the experienced volunteers weren't there this year, and so the crew was stretched thin. I'd love it if they would move the con downtown; the area just isn't that good anymore, and the interstate is a pain there. The super happy fun sale line was stupid long.

Did Atlanta Lolita comm split in half? Some came to the tea party, but others went to separate event. There wasn't any lolita drama this year. Everyone was really great. What were your favorite coords? Bambi-chan was so cute.

>> No.9647485

That dude was never even at his booth. I had literally never heard of him until this convention and his costumes are just boring.

>> No.9647494

The SHFS didn't even fucking start until like an hour later. They wouldn't even let the vendors in the god damn room until about 7:30. The entire show was a mess this year and even Subway of all things fucked shit up.

AWA was definitely mismanaged this year and between the idiots running the facebook page and the dumbasses in security I don't think I will bother with next year's show if they don't change. With the stupid stadium right on their doorstep the convention HAS TO GET OUT NOW. There's no way in hell the average attendee for this con can continue to afford paying the hiked up hotel prices and the rising badge costs without squeezing double the room capacity into rooms with that stupid stadium.

I really got more upset than I wanted to on Friday night when I walked into the one-way to the convention from registration holding my sword with the hilt in broad daylight with the bright ass orange check band and sternly told to go check it at the desk by what I assume was a blind retarded chimp that couldn't understand what the words "Its already been checked" and me pulling it up and pointing out the band meant after three attempts. Every other time I walked by the booth everyone else working it somehow knew it was checked when I lifted the hilt and tapped the band.

The whole Lero situation was fucked. The chick that made that claim of being drugged did it because she felt guilty after trying to hook up with him when he posted a picture on facebook of them. She was actually married so to avoid drama with her husband she cried rape. No proof so far from her end and the police haven't found anything at all to back her claims up.

>> No.9647560


Man, I forgot how angry and retarded many con-goers are. Thanks for reminding me.

Honestly, con was lots of fun for me. Some good panels, some cool cosplay, some decent booths. The traffic to the con was from midtown was almost nothing and the area has some places to eat.

Sounds like people here just looking for a reason to be angry about nothing and made-up drama.

>here's no way in hell the average attendee for this con can continue to afford paying the hiked up hotel prices and the rising badge costs without squeezing double the room capacity into rooms with that stupid stadium.

Really? The rooms were pretty damn cheap. Sometimes I forget that weebs are filthy poors.

Shit, the tickets were much cheaper than almost every other similar-sized con and the rooms were cheaper than *anything* you'd find in downtown ATL or even other cons in places like DC and Orlando.

If you're advocating it to move to be cheaper than you basically need it to go even further out of the metro area because it certainly wont be cheaper by pulling a dragoncon and being downtown.

>> No.9647606

~15 years ago in that convention center, rooms were ~110 a night. during those last ~15 years the cost went up to ~130-140 a night. This year the price was 180 a night because of that stadium, and from what I was told, we were only granted that price because no events were planned in advance for that stadium because of how new it is and no planning that far in advance. That means that next year, when the stadium is more booked and used, our hotel rooms could easily jump to 200 or more a night.

Going as long as I have, and having the pleasure to actually know and hang out with as many directors I have, even out of the convention, I've been privy to hear about some of the internal drama happening at the con, and none of it is good. They lost so many great people all at once because the big wigs don't know how to manage money. They abuse what they get, and basically spend it all on themselves and useless things the con doesn't need. People got fed up with it and left. It's why the staff were stretched so thin this year.

People like you, who haven't been going to the same con year after year don't really have the right to make your statements, as you are clearly not seeing the changes occurring. If you thought the panels, booths, and cosplay this year were good, it's clear you haven't been going to this con long, as it was previously much much better. I've been going for almost 20 years, mainly because of the friends I've made from staff, but after this year with all the shit that has happened, I will most likely not return.

For the rest of your comment, it's clear you don't go to a lot of cons, so I'll just end it at that.

>> No.9647612

Oh, and for people curious why there were no video rooms, it's because every year one of the technical teams were bringing the equipment from their own company (Not awa, their own business), and AWA refused to compensate to helpoo out with his costs and repairs, so he simply stopped doing it for them. That was last year after the con he stopped, so this whole time they didn't bother to find alternatives, so they simply said "Fuck it, take away most of the video rooms"

>> No.9647622

Congratulations you aren't the average 20-something in college with a retail job that lives out of state. You aren't a con-goer and it shows. I can't say much that doesn't really parrot >>9647606 but I have been going every single year since 2010 and things are getting way too out of hand. The area around the galleria is just no longer affordable for a full weekend stay if you aren't well into your career with a decent wage. Parking is now becoming pay to park and that's just more money you have to spend to be able to enjoy the convention.

Momocon is in the heart of downtown and its somehow cheaper than AWA. You know what it doesn't have?

Oh yeah I forgot to mention being harassed by security officers in the park during photoshoots and watching several photographers and seeing a few cosplayers get shooed off of public property because a building was in the background. Cobb is no longer convention friendly.

>> No.9647638

Forgot to mention, it's already been confirmed that they will be charging for parking starting next year, from what I understand, it even applies to people who are staying in the host hotel as well. Depending on price, could be an additional 10 a day or so.

>> No.9647640

Embassy charges too. I appreciate it being gated now but holy shit that was a huge surprise. For me $24 is nothing but that's $24 someone else won't be able to pay without hardcore budgeting.

>> No.9647641

The room rates went up because of a new ATL hotel tax. I ended up paying an extra $90 on my 3 night stay due to this shit. The tax isn't going away for at least the next decade.

>> No.9647643
File: 76 KB, 640x360, ange-dorothy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't spend much this year in the dealers room as some of the booths I normally shop at weren't there this year. I ended up buying a Gunbuster poster and a few Tenchi laserdics.

As for cosplay, hopefully I'll see more next year. I can understand the shows I wanted to see only recently aired. I did see a few Kemono Friends. Two Servals, one Kaban, a Grape-kun, and, my favorite, a tsuchinoko. The Ange I saw was pretty ecstatic that I recognized her. The outfit was on point, but she wasn't wearing the more recognizable leotard with skirt and top hat. With the work she put in and a good frame for Ange, I'm guessing she wouldn't t feel comfortable wearing Ange's mission suit.

>> No.9647645

Too bad Kemono Friends won't be popular anymore after the whole mess with Kadokawa. RIP.

It did feel like not as many people were in cosplay this year but I did however notice that there were a hell of a lot more photographers doing private shoots than ever. That's definitely good at least.

>> No.9647667

I didn't see a single Serval, did you happen to get any photos of them?

>> No.9647670

I can't really complain about the con experience I had. It seems like there were fewer group photoshoots than in previous years but there may just be fewer large, active fandoms right now. Or everyone is just cosplaying overwatch as their main fandom and don't have time for anything else.

>> No.9647673

The FF shoots were actually a little disappointing this year. The one on Friday was literally all Prompto and Cindy with a few Noctis and...hardly anything else. No other franchise cosplayers there. I am so tired of FF15 lol.

>> No.9647683

I agree. It took too long to seat, too long to get food and the food was super sad for the $60 price. No games besides the raffles and just overall it was poorly planned. I feel bad for people who spent $60 for fruit cups.

>> No.9647697

I really didn't like the weird spread they had with video gaming this year. It felt really awkward.

>> No.9647709

The one on Saturday was good. I mean yeah there was a lot of ff15 but what did you expect? There was also some 13, a good Fran from 12, and some really good 14. And an excellent Edea from 8.

>> No.9647722

Hotel tax isn't $40 extra a night. They've already confirmed it was the stadium. They are now classified as a high value location for events.

>> No.9647724

>g to seat, too long to get f
Again, the games were donations from people and staffers. Management took advantage of them and the people that owned the equipment got tired of them and stopped providing.

>> No.9647819

The new stadium has really fucked that convention centre up the ass. It's jacked up prices for EVERYTHING in the surrounding areas, and will only continue to go up... Making the host hotel and surrounding hotels pretty damn expensive..... And it will also cost more for the convention to be ran, which will increase prices for badges and other events... Not to mention dealers jacking prices up because of being charged more for a booth.

Plus, let's face it, the con outgrew that convention centre a few years ago or more.... It needs to move somewhere bigger and fast.

They claimed a total of over 31k people this year, where as last year was around 28k.... But at times, it didn't feel like there were that many people.

Momocon is more than likely going to start really digging into what AWA is, and eventually replace it. I don't think AWA will ever die as a con, but it will get surpassed.

I probably will go next year, Just because I've been going since 2004, but I'm slowly starting to lose interest in this con and what it has to offer.

>> No.9647841

Yeah, I basically called them out on that number they gave. They may have finally gotten their line situation fixed for badges, but there was nowhere near as many people as usual wandering the con this year as in years previously. Last year and the year prior you could hardly move at certain times of the day, but this year it was all free flowing and felt like it was less crowded. I have a feeling they just made up those numbers to make their con seem bigger than it is, that or they're doing some bogus math for the same reason.

As for momo-con attendance, they've already matched AWA-cons attendance in 2016 and 2017. Difference is that momo-con had well more "turnstile" attendees, so in reality more people/cosplay.

I haven't gone before, but I will be checking Momo-con out this year. If I find it more enjoyable than AWA, I'm just going to stop going.

>> No.9647855

It helps that Momocon partnered with Dragoncon so they have a major boost in funding and promotion to help. They've also been busting their asses for the past few years to get really big names down there. Meanwhile AWA is stuck with getting local cosplayers, some of which aren't even well known, and a few JPop or Rock or whatever genre musical guests and uh...thats it I guess?

I can't really name anyone that was really high profile in the past few years except for Kamui Cosplay and the Touhou guy several years back. I wish that AWA would take advantage of their Crunchyroll partnership and start pushing for more exclusive first-in-the-US screenings of anime. I do remember having tons of fun and enjoying being the first to see the Yamato live action movie when that came out.

>> No.9647867

Seconding a few rude volunteers with sticks up their asses. I very clearly had a badge around my neck and was running to try to get in line for the pictures with Daoko in the last 10 minutes (that didn't even happen as advertised) and a volunteer ran up to me demanding to "see my badge". I didn't realize it was an exit-only door. I was clearly in a rush and he very staunchly refused to let me go through, because letting one person in is going to mess up the traffic flow.

Also worked at a booth and experienced a decline in sales due to the shitty internet connection. Would it really be too expensive to hook up some hotspots for vendors or at least warn us to bring one?

>> No.9647875


He reason momocon partnered with Dragoncon is because they defaulted on their contracts and the state of Georgia is after them.

>> No.9647878
File: 34 KB, 1039x191, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that we've established that you're a total retard, how about you post some links about the reasoning you specified. I can't find anything online even close to what you're stating.

>> No.9647879

You seem to have this giant hard-on for hating Momocon. I appreciate that you're trying so hard to defend AWA and its band of taint worshippers but you need to provide proof if you're going to make stupid accusations like that.

>> No.9647881
File: 9 KB, 858x154, chrome_2017-10-02_17-42-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's more fuel for the fire. Retard confirmed.

>> No.9647890
File: 57 KB, 1290x486, retardfire2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Until you've got proof, It's just bullshit "I heard through the grapevine"

>> No.9647901


The only try hard Samefag that uses diffrent devices and explodes this hard when someone mentions that situation is Chris Suckey, lol.

>> No.9647928

Unfortunately, no. I saw one in the overly crowded SHFS, and another who left a panel we were in early.

>> No.9647976

lol, you know how stupid that makes you sound? You're saying these people preemptively knew you would do this "samefag" response, so used different devices to not come up as the same person just for your sake. That's hilarious.

>> No.9647985

You can tell its him because his constant attempts to be superior because he has small man syndrome.

>> No.9648053
File: 57 KB, 298x297, 1308258447052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AWA 2018 is the same weekend as the Braves home games. GG fucktards.

>> No.9648061

>Is it just me or are the volunteers on some mall cop level undeserved power trip shit?

There's 3 different safety personnel onsite at AWA. The Cobb Galleria safety company (which is both the meeting rooms, and the mall downstairs), the AWA volunteers, and the Cobb County Police Dept.

There may be some hurt feelings when loud voices are used, but the sheer volume of people and their regular speaking voices combined makes so much noise of their own that you have to yell to carry over them.

Unless they specifically stopped you from getting where you were going rather than just inconvenienced you a moment, its probably best to leave off.

>> No.9648064

>I know that this year was a struggle for the con, mainly because of internal management and all the good, long term employees quitting because of internal BS,
>mainly because of internal management and all the good, long term employees quitting because of internal BS
>long term employees quitting
>long term employees

AWA is all volunteer.

>AWA was great, but since the staff can't seem to get their shit together, it looks like Momo-con will take it over.

ah. i see.

>> No.9648090

Danielle Beaulieu won best in show in the cosplay contest and won that trip to Hawaii. Favoritism at its finest. Sure, her cosplays are beautiful, but she thrives off of Patreon and is a paid guest already to some conventions. I didn't cosplay this year so it didn't affect me, but it's a shame seeing as I'm sure someone else who didn't have the means for that Hawaii trip had just as clean craftsmanship and was passed over for a big name.

>> No.9648099

They don't play in North atlanta do they? Pretty sure the stadium is 20 min away

>> No.9648107

Nah wait nevermind. I'm not privy on the whole sportsball nonsense. Unless the Falcons play that weekend it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Though there will be a few more normies hanging out in the area since its one of the nicer areas.

Still though it could pose a small problem if the Falcons end up playing a home game there

>> No.9648143

I mean Dragon*con is downtown with the black biker rally, and the gay pride thing, AND football shit so.. we do ok.

>> No.9648151

But yeah its on the 20th.. 2 weeks away from DragonCon exactly. Don't think I'll make it next year. I felt kind of stretched doing DC and AWA 3 weeks away this year.

I'd pick dragoncon every time. Oh well. Bad move imo

>> No.9648157

Not like they had much of a choice. It was either those dates or nothing.

>> No.9648219


>Oh yeah I forgot to mention being harassed by security officers in the park during photoshoots and watching several photographers and seeing a few cosplayers get shooed off of public property because a building was in the background.

Yeah.... that’s actually an office park and is private property so security has every right to do so.

>> No.9648231

>~15 years ago in that convention center, rooms were ~110 a night. during those last ~15 years the cost went up to ~130-140 a night.

Have you not heard of inflation?

>> No.9648257

New thread


>> No.9648289

>Have you not heard of inflation?
You didn't read what I wrote. I wrote that first part as an understanding of inflation, then I wrote how within 1 year because of the stadium it went up $40 a night. That wasn't inflation.

>> No.9649062

Those musical guests pulled 100x more people to their events than any cosplay guest could. AWA has put its name out there for bringing in surprisingly big time musical guests and they're certainly bringing me back year after year for that. I give zero shits about cosplay or industry guests but I'm not going to shit on a con if they focus more on that.

>> No.9649552


yes, and same =(