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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9638055 No.9638055 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is autosaging

This thread is for instagrams related to
>related crafts
>anything on-topic for cgl

Share favourites, ways to deal with the algorithm, useful hashtags, or anything else you feel.

>> No.9638058
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>> No.9639002

what would people say a good interaction rate is for someone w about 250-300 followers? I get around 100 likes whenever I post but I'm not sure if that's good or not

>> No.9639008

I have around 150 followers and get between 20-50 likes per post so I would say it is about average but idk

>> No.9639030

Is there a better tag for morigirl on ig other than "morigirl"? That shit is a fucking nightmare to look through at the moment.

>> No.9639044

I know in the last thread you guys were talking about grid layouts and stuff. I never post stuff with the same aesthetics since I post such a variety... is there any way I can still make things pretty? Maybe putting the same filter over something or the same border? I'm really new at Instagram but I want to try getting more into it.

>> No.9639059

I have a somewhat new crafting insta. There's one thing that concers me in my feed: I do a bit of everything (jewelry, plushies, clay, etc but have a certain cutesy style in everything). I change my current interest often, I might do a plushie today and the next one after few months. I'm a bit worried my followers will unfollow since the things I do changes too much. Should I concentrate on one thing even if it means less posts (1-2 times a week), or just keep the current pace with a bit of everything and post whenever I make something new? What kind of crafting instas you follow?

>> No.9639149

What is a good way to get more followers, without having to post it in other places? I'm posting pretty frequently, but I am not sure if I am reaching enough people.

>> No.9639172

You have to spend time interacting with people on instagram. All the new changes have made it so it's really hard to be found by new people organically. You have to put in a lot of time liking and commenting on other people's photos if you want them to notice you.

>> No.9639183

I really miss the reblogging from tumblr. You just need to be reblogged once by a popular tumblr in order to go up in the searches and gain more followers. I have some popular people following me on Insta, but it doesn't do anything aside from a like from them.

>> No.9639246

I have 160 and get between 20 and 40. 50 on one or two posts.

You'll want 10% of your followers to like your content at minimum.

You can do some variety, but its best to keep everything as some sort of theme. If someone follows you because of your flushies, they will unfollow you if you post too much other stuff.

literally bribe popular people to mention you. Also, do trades, photo shoots or any other form of collaboration with someone else with a decent insta following.

>> No.9639248

Instagram followers are so fickle and quick to unfollow. This is why I prefer tumblr

>> No.9639253

>literally bribe popular people to mention you. Also, do trades, photo shoots or any other form of collaboration with someone else with a decent insta following.
This is true, it's the easiest way to gain a following. However, this is also why popular people usually talk and collab with other popular people, because they know social climbers do this. I have 200k+ followers and I know my cosplay acquaintances always try to get me to join their groups for the possible mention and because all photographers shoot me for free.

>> No.9639279

I feel like a lot of them play the "I'll follow you in the hope that you'll follow me" game. Usually they will unfollow later.

>> No.9639282

Same filter and border. My Instagram is all over the place, but it still looks cohesive because those two things are always consistent. If I want to change the filter, I pick one that's similar to my current filter, and then gradually change.

>> No.9639283
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Speaking of tumblr, which do you think is better for jfashion and getting followers for it? Insta or tumblr?

>> No.9639295

Tumblr most likely
they love kawaii jfashion shit

>> No.9639328

Seconding for tumblr. Got more attention there than on insta even though I did get a fair share of likes.
I'm no attention whore but when I hapoen to take a nice picture i'll post it and secretly hope for lots of compliments lol

>> No.9639333

Tumblr is a dying site. Instagram is the biggest social media at the moment. Tumblr might be easier to gain followers on, but there's really no point since barely anyone uses it anymore.

>> No.9639334

tumblr is best for gaining a following/fanbase.

the entire platform is dedicated to sharing other people's content so as you can imagine, if something a lot of people like is posted it spreads like wildfire. more people will know you and your work. ezpz.

>> No.9639348

i think insta is better. i post the same things to tumblr with the same tags, but i only get like 10 notes on something, unless one of the big lolita tumblrs reblogs my coord.

>> No.9639355

sounds like you need to up your aesthetic game

>> No.9639388

I haven't used tumblr in a year or two so idk if they've changed this or not, but they've always had it so only the first five tags you use will actually work. It's super annoying and it's likely the reason why you get more likes on insta than tumblr

>> No.9639392

same! I post the same shit on tumblr and insta, I even have more followers on tumblr but without fail my instagram stuff always gets more notes/likes. People seem to be more active on instagram overall, tumblr is kind of dying

>> No.9639608

I never figured out tumblr I wouldnt get reblogged a single time yet my IG is pretty active.

>> No.9639991

I honestly think it's just because tumblr is dying. I have posts on tumblr that have thousands of notes and consistently had hundreds around 2014-2015, but over the years that number has dwindled to nearly nothing. A lot of jfashion bloggers have stopped using tumblr, only a handful of the blogs I used to follow are still active.

>> No.9640008

I stopped using tumblr due to the excessive amount of gross spam they had for a while. Couldn't go through any tag without seeing disgusting clickbait. It's gone for the most part now, but didn't have any interest in reviving my blog.

>> No.9640072

@the.lolita.princess, I only started posting a couple of months ago. I post a mix of lolita, food, cosplay, and my pets. I do want to get more popular but also I don't want to *just* do one thing, you know? I feel like I don't have enough content or time to make content about just one thing, like lolita or cosplay.

>> No.9640097

What are people's opinions on promoting posts through Instagram? Not selling anything, but just promoting their photos and profile.

>> No.9640105

I follow you actually. I like the mix you have and I think you'll find your popularity be more fulfilling if it's from stuff that you like to post rather than just one theme. In any case I wish you luck and I will continue to follow you as your insta progresses!

>> No.9640121


like shout outs? i think s4s's are great things, especially when done in ig stories instead of on the page. im more likely to see stories than people's pages because of the ig algorithm. if the picture used is appealing, ill check them out.
but since im female ill only follow if youre a cute girl who has good makeup/wig styling, not fond of just boobs

>> No.9640157

@tofugiggles I post lolita, ootds, and cosplay occasionally

>> No.9640160
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more doll due to high doll demand

>> No.9640164

This is such a positive outlook, and I think you're right. It'll be better to just be myself and let those who like it follow me than to try to fit into any particular mold. Thank you for the advice, and thank you for following me!!

>> No.9640199

I really love your Instagram!

>> No.9640476
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only just started a couple weeks ago, but i wanted a place i could show off my lolita and cosplay shit without driving my twitter followers bonkers. concrit more than welcome btw, i have zero idea what i'm doing with instagram.

>> No.9640480

Any cosplay photographers I should follow?

>> No.9640586
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May as well post my (admittedly new/mediocre) cosplay account! @sageblossom_cos
Mostly photoshoots/finished shots, sometimes progress pics, never unrelated.

I follow these ones:

>> No.9640604

Added you. Is that pink MM dress the Farutteto JSK?

>> No.9640626
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Followed! I love all the detail shots, you have good taste


Mainly jfashion stuff and sometimes selfies if my makeup is good

>> No.9640630

I know you get a lot of hate around here but I genuinely love your coords.

>> No.9640633

why would she get hate her coords and makeup look fine to me ?

>> No.9640634

She was a notorious tripfag and anytime she identifies herself threads get derailed by people hating on her.

>> No.9640636

That only started after she derailed threads herself with really stupid shit

>> No.9640638

Who cares about dumb tripfag stuff from years ago? You guys are derailing this thread right now.

>> No.9640646

I wish. It's their Lieselliddy JSK actually, but now that I'm looking at them side by side, they have a similar sort of look to them.

Thanks so much! I'm a real sucker for detail shots. Especially lace detail shots. I have an embarrassing amount of lace photos on my phone.

>> No.9640652

>years ago
oh anon, she still does it to this day, just without the trip

>> No.9640654

Your vendetta is clear and it's shitting up the thread. Protip: if someone is posting anonymously, you have no idea who is derailing threads.

>> No.9640811

I feel like my account had really stagnanted recently. Everytime i gain a couple i lose a couple, so im not sure what content people want to see. Anyone have advice? My ig is @knovicecosplay

>> No.9640845

kek, i'm not the same anon you were replying to
get your head out of your ass newfag

>> No.9640867

Have you tried #morikei? Mine is under that tag. Not many outfits, but I lead the perfect mori girl life.

>> No.9640903

I think you have a cute face and body but the last two photos don’t showcase that well. Your face specially looks dark and hidden and it’s not appealing.

>> No.9640938

I’ve slowly been transforming my only account into one for jfashion and the occasional drawing so it’s still small. Just been archiving old non related life pics to clean it up but it’s hard lol my layout is really ugly imo. When colder weather comes by I’m gonna post a shitton of nanchatte so hopefully that’ll clean it up some.

What does everyone think of selfies, like with the upper bust of your outfit showing? How much is too much? I tend to be put off by them but I post them myself least one per week. Am I being hypocritical?

>> No.9640941


I like it when I can see details of the outfit or an interesting hairstyle. Otherwise, meh.

>> No.9640964

>pins and other details
>interesting makeup
>you're cute
These are all valid reasons. But honestly if you're cute I'm gonna dig the selfies regardless.

>> No.9640966

Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look. Changing the term to Japanese also helped clean up a lot of the mistagged posts.

>> No.9641114

Agreeing on interesting hairstyles, makeup and accessories. If it's just a picture of your face with nothing particularly interesting going on and you're not my friend, it's off-putting. Even if you're cute. I don't really understand why anyone would want to look at strangers' faces all the time, but that's just me.

>> No.9641119

Well, are you trying to get a following? If so, post your selfies. The opinions of people on cgl are generally the minority, most people on instagram really like selfies.

>> No.9641303
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My insta is SleepyClaudie! Posting more cosplay and WIPs

>> No.9641423

I hope this doesn't sound creepy, but you have the perfect face and body for idol cosplays. I'm jealous!

>> No.9641456


>> No.9641931


Ahhh that's so sweet of you, thank you! I feel like I don't suit Mika so that means so much to hear.

>> No.9642834
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Self postan, still fairly new with only 32 posts and all I really post are random con shots. I'm going to NYCC, Anime NYC, Magfest, Katsu, ABoston, pretty much any major east coast con + ACen/AX. If anyone is willing to do a short photoshoot pls DM me, I wanna get more practice with muh camera in a setting that isn't just a 5 second hallshot.

I know the question was posted but I guess I'll also ask. Can anyone link some good cosplay photographers to check out?

>> No.9643130

I'm trying to find some good people to follow, but way too many people have like 30 pictures of food and pets in between jfashion pics...

>> No.9643152

How do I get more mutuals / followers? I'm posting cosplay / craft content that's pretty good once or twice a week and tagging like mad. I see other people's shitty selfies get more likes than my posts.

>> No.9643273

You don't like food and pets?

>> No.9643310

When they are in front of me. I don't need to see pictures of someone's take out and pet pics all look the same after a while.

>> No.9643313

Not that anon but my IG feed is exclusively lolita/fashion-related, I'm not going to follow someone who posts unrelated shit every other post, it ruins my timeline.

>> No.9643364


They just aren't eating interesting things.

>> No.9643376

She outs herself pretty often and does it on purpose my dude.

>> No.9643377

Why do you tilt your phone so damn much. Learn to edit your photos good lord

>> No.9643384

Same. It’s ok to share them occasionally of course but it has to be an exception.

>> No.9643398

Yeah, some people have great coords and all, but if I need to go through multiple last night's dinner pics and other uninteresting stuff I just don't find it worth it to follow them. I don't mind high tea pics or fancy cakes occasionally, but those at least look interesting. Facebook is for daily life stuff for me, I don't need it on Instagram, especially because if I don't know you then I don't care.

>> No.9643406

I enjoy seeing people's daily lives, including their pets and food, but I prefer to see it via their story instead of their posts. My feed is reserved for fashion, art and mermaids.

>> No.9643447

This. If I cared about what you had for breakfast or the mess your dog left on your carpet I'd friend you on Facebook, not follow you on IG. Same goes for children and spouses, honestly.

The majority of food people post about is mediocre at best and unless your pet is amazingly adorable, I don't need to see it all the time. I love my pets too but that's because they're mine, I don't expect anyone else to want to see them.

>> No.9643493 [DELETED] 
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Trying to post more frequently and get that post cohesion.

>> No.9643500
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Trying to post more frequently and get that post cohesion.


>> No.9643821
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My insta is @kungfualice! I've decided to try and focus my posts on my artwork which is usually anime/kawaii/pastel inspired, but there's some cosplay and Lolita sprinkled in for good measure.

>> No.9643832
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I am the least coherent person I know.


>> No.9643835
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I haven't posted as much progress recently being in the middle of school and work and...not really working on anything but I'm going to be starting on Katsucon stuff as soon as I figure out what to actually cosplay.

People I follow that I like: >redthreaded
Plus a few other cosplayers from the DMV area
Plus some oldfags like
>likovacs (y'all know she had a baby???)

>> No.9643840
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Mostly my art/ game project stuff, usually I reserve cosplay related things for my story and around con season. Gonna start posting a bunch of artist alley prints soon for Katsucon if I get in.

>> No.9643855

Oh hey cool I follow you already! Your Arachne is seriously one of my favourite things

>> No.9643890

Legit question is that not normal? I see a lot of people take mirror photos that way and naturally hold my phone that way, so I've never seen it as jarring.

Thanks anon! That makes me really happy to hear

>> No.9643988

nayrt but personally I think it's pretty normal on say tumblr or fb, but the format of instagram stuff makes the same thing pretty jarring there, especially when you see them all in the grid like that

>> No.9645424

I find them more normal on instagram since it is often used to keep your entire outfit in their tiny square without getting at least your shoes cut out of the picture.

>> No.9646945

>floor coords

they make me die desu just lay them on a clean solid sheet on a bed or table

>> No.9647024

nayrt but this doesnt bother me, like can you say with any certainty that your sheets or table are gonna be any cleaner than your floor if you're cleaning them the same way beforehand anyways?
I feel like all it does is guarantees a better angle of the shot without having to stand on a stepladder over a table or something

>> No.9647720

This says a lot about the cleanliness of your floors

>> No.9649820

Do you still often find new blogs to follow? I have a fairly new account and it seems like most of my likes and followers are other new accounts and shops.

>> No.9651328

Not really. Maybe it's to do with IG algorithm.

>> No.9655091
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Looking for lolita content only accounts to follow.
I started posting more frequently on mine.

>> No.9655649
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Selfpost. I do makeup looks and cosplay.

>> No.9655653

Get your vendetta post out of here.

>> No.9655671

>tried to lay off the shopping addiction
>actually getting to the end of dresses on my wishlist for lolita thank goodness
>discover vintage clothing on IG
>fuck now I have a new shopping addiction

Thanks IG for introducing me to bored housewives selling grandma kei.

>> No.9656273

To those with lolita/jfashion instagrams: do they also serve as your 'personal' accounts? (For lack of a better word) Are they followed by people that know you irl or do you prefer to keep them unaware of it? As far as possible of course.

Would like to hear everyone's thoughts. I'm feeling slightly paranoid, I'm going into professional employment relatively soon so I'm wondering whether having my coords online could affect me. It is a design field which might give me some leeway, but still.

>> No.9656287

only lolita and jfash under a nickname. i actually have no personal accounts which i just realized upon reading your post

i don't think it's paranoid to want to separate your potential professional identity from your alternative hobbies. it doesn't even need to be a matter of whether or not it affects you--it's just the power to keep professional and personal relatively exclusive. i'm doing the same, plus i don't like most of the people i know irl so i prefer for them not to follow me.

>> No.9656308

Mine is a separate account, but its more because I think my friends and family would be uninterested than trying to hide it from them. People know what I wear IRL so there's no sense trying to pretend I don't.

>> No.9656325

I don't have lots of friends so I just have a j fashion account and my mum and aunt follow me there as I don't update my fb. I tried to keep it separate but my ex tagged me and some of my school friends etc started to follow me so I just thought fuck it everybody knows I do this shit so it makes no difference. One petty normie girl apparently enjoyed to laugh to it though and that's why I wanted to keep it to myself in the beginning but she gave the stalking up when I broke up with my ex and didn't see her anymore irl. Haven't had problems since as I don't have it linked to my fb or fullname.

>> No.9656362

I keep mine seperate so that my lolita one can be consistently lolita only content and not a mishmash of my various scattered interests and daily life. I dont like following people with super inconsistent accounts so I'd want the same for my own too

>> No.9656399

Have you ever had anyone you know irl find you on one of those? how did that go?

Are the two linked in any way? At this point I'm debating whether it'd be worth having two accounts, one for jfash and one for my other interests, maybe cross posting if there's something relevant to both, but I'm not too sure, might be a hassle.

>> No.9656409

I have three IG accounts (my "normal" one, one for my jfash, and one for my dog (I'm a basic bitch and I don't care)) and only my normal one is linked to my FB. Despite that, some of my FB friends were suggested as friends to me. I ignored the suggestion and no one from my normal friend list has tried to add me. I'm not sure if I come up on their suggestions or not though.

>> No.9656423

I spun off two separate IG accounts just for art and jfash respectively. My old account has coworkers and friends following it, and I posted random shit so I wanted a fresh start with better focus.

Also, I just don't like sharing those particular interests with them or them knowing exactly what I'm up to on my own time. It's one thing if they know about it, it's another thing to have them commenting/liking it. Feels really awkward and too much like pity likes, especially if it's stuff they otherwise have no knowledge or interest in. I'd rather be interacting with people who have genuine interest in what I'm doing rather than an obligation just because someone knows me irl.

>> No.9656433

yeah, i got a follow from an obscure acquaintance from highschool somehow and that's the one time. they must have stumbled upon me through the recommendations or something? i don't hide my interests, just separate them, so it wasn't a huge bother. just odd.

>> No.9656624

I don't post much myself, but a few cute IGs I follow are:

@dejavudea (cosplay and jfash)
@frailu (cosplay)
@abipop (jfash)
@peachmilky_ (jfash)
@renbunni (cosplay and jfash)
@burrito_princess (jfash)
@starmiitiara (accessories and jfash)
@gyaru_kitty (jfash)
@keekihime (cosplay and jfash)
@dollielulu (cosplay and jfash)
@magicmarymermaid (cosplay and jfash)

Would love some more Jfashion instas to follow!

>> No.9656625

follow sugarycarnivore !
i just befriended her recently at ax and she's so cute omg

>> No.9656628


>> No.9656779

I use my IG as a general fashion account. I wear a lot of lolita and it's a big part in my life, so most posts are sort of j-fashion related.
I have a lot of followers I don't know personally, but also most of my real life lolita friends are following. Some acquaintances from work or school are also following me, and it's a bit weird sometimes, but since I don't hide my interests, I see no real problem with it. If they want to see my rave about a new dress, why not? I did, however, disable the "suggest new profiles based on your FB account" setting and just hope that means that they don't automatically get my IG profile suggested to them.

I work in a field where people tend to be a bit on the alternative side, so nobody has ever given me shit for wearing lolita. But I do sometimes wonder if they look at my posts about clothes, new purchases and so on and think that I am the most shallow person on earth.

>> No.9656795

I only post lolita pics. Personal stuff is for FB. I am actually having a hard time to find lolita-only blogs since I am not interested in seeing 9 personal life pictures for every outfit shot.

>> No.9656948

Neither my IG or FB are linked to my academic/professional life and most of my family doesn't know (or care) that I have either. I'm currently a filthy NEET but I think that when I do get a job in my field, I won't be going around telling everyone what my IG is. Not least because then people expect me to follow them back and I have zero interest in following anyone who doesn't consistently post Jfashion or related ~aesthetic~ pictures. I've already unfollowed several girls from my lolita comm because they rarely post about lolita and instead spam my feed with pictures of their unappetising meals, greasy-haired selfies and bad pedicures. Pls no.

>> No.9657589

How many followers do you think you should have before participating in s4s is it proportionate to the other persons follower count?

I want to do some s4s with users i like that do them but I'm afraid I'll just come off as someone leeching off them since I don't have that many followers.

>> No.9657597

I think that works best with someone from your own comm. I'm not really into it, but in my comm there is an entire group that always take group shots together and comment on each other's photos.

>> No.9664603
File: 178 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171019-092617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Lolitas get followed by this account? It's screams gross sissy to me and I kinda wanted to check but decided just to block instead.

The hairy legs and thigh highs made me gag.

>> No.9664649

It looks better to just edit the photo. Post more than one shot at a time. Does she only have one good coord shot? Cause lol

Its also normal to be an instaho but you probably don't want to be one right? Who cares about what normies do??

>> No.9664859

I'm just so sick of getting followed by shops and the get unfollowed a couple of days later. Stop getting my hopes up of getting a nice follower count.

>> No.9664910
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Mostly daily coords for school/life with a little bit of my art/garden/nature in between

Anybody have any old school/daily/lifestyle lolita instas?

>> No.9665027

> "not part of the community"
> posts on cgl

Which is it m8

>> No.9665040

Nayrt but what does that even mean? Most lolitas who post on cgl are also part of communities. If they weren't then there wouldn't be lolita comm threads.

>> No.9665144

When did i ever say i wasn't apart of the community or didnt post on cgl?

>> No.9665150

Is there a tag for wearing burando casually? There's like 5 posts under #dailyalamode, was wondering if it's not a thing or people are using a different tag.

>> No.9665160

I use the casuallolita tag pretty often. If it's too far removed from lolita I'll just use the tag for the brand along with #jfashion #kawaii or whatever it falls under. I wasnt aware that anyone still used the term #dailyalamode since the decline of the lj comm. Maybe it's something i might start using.

>> No.9666085


Are there no other tags? I'm honestly just interested to see how other girls wear their IW to the office or non-poofy dresses for dailywear inspo, not so much interested in girls wearing poofy skirts.

>> No.9666257
File: 2.75 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-19-19-35-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Already posted my cos account earlier in the thread but I've since started a lolita/jfash account too!
Only coords and wardrobe detail shots, no unrelated or food pics. I try to post consistently every day or two.

>> No.9666265

If enough people report this creep he'll get banned right?

>> No.9666908

I do a lot with makeup and like nothing with Jfashion :x

>> No.9667199

Cool story.

>> No.9667822
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Mine is @otter.miu I usually post my cosplays there

>> No.9668714

Is anyone interested in forming a j-fashion comment pod?

Alternatively, are you already part of a pod thay is accepting new members?

>> No.9668715

Ugh, just today I've had an influx of normal friends finding and following my lolita IG. I'm not sure why, my lolita IG is not linked to facebook, I didn't use the same email. The only thing is that its on the same phone as my other IG and I reaaally don't want this to keep. happening.

>> No.9668721

I had the same thing happen. Had to make a fake facebook account with no friends and connect it to my Instagram account to get it to stop. Also, every time Instagram recommended I follow someone who I know in real life, I blocked them, just to be safe.

>> No.9668724

one of my friends from elementary school found mine and started messaging me about how cool it was that i liked anime so openly

>> No.9668729

I actually did that today and its still attached to my real FB account. I've blocked everyone who's followed me today and uninstalled the app a couple times but it still has "Invite FB Friends" with all of my real FB contacts.

>> No.9669302

Has anyone who gotten from 1k to 5k or more within a year without doing lewds? Any tips? Cosplayers please

>> No.9669306

it looks through the contacts stored on your phone and makes suggestions based on that even if you're disconnected from fb/don't have it
anyone with you in their phone contacts will probably get you recommended and I have no clue how to stop that; at best I think maybe you can make it stop suggesting people to you but not the other way around to the best of my knowledge
it literally recommended me my gynocologist's personal instagram the other day just because I had the office phone number saved in my contacts, like what the fuck.

>> No.9669422

Fb bought Instagram and has facial recognition. They have a profile on you whether you like it or not.

>> No.9669438

I find softlolita sometimes catches a few more casual outfits, wish there was a specific term for more relaxed wearable outfits though

>> No.9669604
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>> No.9669787

I'm relatively new to lolita and I was wondering which are the best hashtags to use, since #lolita is not available anymore. Any clues? Do #rorita or #ロリータ work?

>> No.9669937

be cute

>> No.9669943

lolitafashion, eglcommunity, or whatever substyle you're wearing works (classiclolita, gothiclolita, etc).

>> No.9670198

How do you gulls feel about accounts that don't post often, but when they do it's really nice quality content? Meaning well edited, clear, aesthetically pleasing, etc. photos. What if they interact with your posts often enough?
I'm a bit conflicted because I don't really like following inactive accounts, but at the same time if I absolutely love the content I feel its worth it.

>> No.9670399

rip me then

>> No.9670410

I don't look at that at all. I follow accounts when their pictures comes by, look at their other pictures and I prefer quality over seeing blurry daily life photos in between.

>> No.9670465

I honestly prefer less active accounts with high quality content over very active accounts with mediocre content. Like >>9670410 I'm not interested in blurry daily life stuff, unless we're already friends.

>> No.9670591

What do you consider to be mediocre content?

>> No.9670631

>blurry daily life stuff

>> No.9670633

Plastic surgery is always an (expensive) option.

>> No.9670706

Stuff meant for Facebook. I use Insta for Jfashion exclusively, though I don't mind pictures of cute things, architecture or well done art. I don't need to see pictures of your dinner, non-interesting selfies (especially with filters), pictures of your car, bad fanart, photos of your family etc. I also avoid blogs that also have nearly naked photos, because I want to be able to scroll down safely in public. If you post a lot of cosplay pictures I am also not really interested. I like pure lolita/mori/otome blogs the most.

>> No.9671042


Anyone else got any ideas?

>> No.9671052

Okay, I'm going to be real with you here. Unless you're cute or have a nice body, you're not going to get popular on instagram as a cosplayer. People don't give a shit about construction or wips. It's all about how good you look. If you're decent at makeup, maybe make eye only tutorials, since even uggos can get followers from that.

>> No.9671125


>> No.9671183

why do you namefag if it's not for a reason? js


>> No.9671186

that's not namefagging, that's tripfagging dumbass

>> No.9671188

>isn't tripfagging a form of namefagging though?

>sage again dumbass

>> No.9671192

ive had this name for years idk

also this >>9671186

>> No.9671218


>> No.9671305
File: 594 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171027-012910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've reprised my insta as I've found a passion for Lolita fashion openly in the last few months and am transitioning to dedicated my page to that. Is it bad to have all of my own non lolita fashion photos on the page? My insta is @cakepopclara

>> No.9671426
File: 308 KB, 1400x1400, 9718cac40e4ff83e461dc3768310d21746ebd7dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added a bunch of you in the thread.
@qtquiet but I don't have a lot to share right now. Working on getting into cosplay.

>> No.9671483

I think Instagram is attached to a phone number. Maybe look into you Instagram account and unlink that. Update us on if it works.

>> No.9672015
File: 565 KB, 506x900, instagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@tea.karma is my aesthetic/fashion account, kinda dead but I try to keep it pretty.
@takuncosplay if you're looking for an equally idle acct (con season is summer for me)

>> No.9672108
File: 806 KB, 640x1136, 2D14737B-AEDB-4D18-934D-97CA6DD355FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly post lolita fashion, food and just general aesthetics I wish I could be more consistent lol

>> No.9672331

Your pictures are cute! But why do you cut off your face tho, it looks weird (just use beauty filters like everyone else if you feel unsecure lol)

>> No.9672497

It was out of insecurity but I also just liked the aesthetic of having no faces in my photos

>> No.9672651

You have a lot of other people’s faces in your photos, though.

>> No.9672760

nayrt but some other people in these threads would be a lot better off cutting their faces out of their photos desu

>> No.9673147

I recently made another IG page just for lolita and cosplay so I could keep those two separate from my personal IG. I also wanted an account that was more consistent in general instead of it being all over the place with personal life and whatnot.

>> No.9673149

Long-time lurker, first time poster. What do you guys use for cosplay tags on IG? I recently started uploading cosplaying photos. I tag with the name of the thing I’m cosplaying from and the character I’m cosplaying as (as well as repeating both tags but with the word cosplay attached to it), the abbreviation of the state I’m in + cosplayer, and #cosplayersofig. Anything else I could add? I don’t want to add generic tags if they’re not going to be relevant.

>> No.9673191

For those of you that update consistently, would you say that it's worth the effort to also post on weekends? Coming from a tumblr background where the site basically dies on weekends, so I'm not sure how applicable it is to IG.

>> No.9673362

I also use the tags コスプレ, コスプレイヤー, and 外人コスプレイヤー (in order, cosplay, cosplayer, and gaijin cosplayer) and that has gotten me some attention / followers from Japanese people.

>> No.9673465

What are some jfash/lolita brands that have a lot of followers and re-post customer pics? i'm wanting to buy some new clothes anyway with the added bonus of gaining more exposure. is that shady?

>> No.9674789

Devilinspired is probably the most likely to repost

>> No.9674841

Oh hey I'm going to animenyc as well.
No advice though, I just use insta for posting for fun.

>> No.9675792

>browsing for gothic jewellery on Etsy to complete my first gothic coord
>few days later a bunch of gothic jewellery shops start following me on IG
>my IG is all sweet lolita and otome, no reason for anyone to think I’m interested in goth
This can’t be a coincidence, right? Are IG and Etsy connected? It’s innocious but it still makes me a little uncomfortable, like someone’s been looking over my shoulder watching me browse. I didn’t favorite anything, either.

>> No.9675837

I've never attached my phone number to any of my accounts and I've never imported the contacts of my phone to IG on any of my accounts. I've just been blocking people who follow me. It seems to have stopped.

>> No.9676709
File: 1.25 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go back and forth between tea, cosplay and deserts.

>> No.9682799

My likes to follower ratio is pretty good, but I feel despite posting every second day/daily, I'm not really gaining many followers. (About 5 a day) Any tips?

>> No.9682802

like to follower ratio doesn't mean anything unless you're at least 5k. you're not going to gain a lot of followers if you're a small account unless you get promo'd

>> No.9682805

Are they consistent? So your demographic might not be turned off because it has too many pictures unrelated to their interest.
Are the tags you use active and related?
Are your pictures high quality?
Do you often like and comment on other people's pictures?
Do you also follow other people with the same interest often?

>> No.9682836
File: 2.98 MB, 750x1334, DBA9167F-7B4C-4B79-98AA-1AC941352E27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m working on making it more consistent, but it’s still a WIP. I have some experimental coords on there too, and other jfash, so it’s not always 100% lolita. I would love to make some more insta friends though, as well as have some more gorgeous things, coords, and people show up on my feed!

>> No.9682845
File: 1.62 MB, 1080x1696, 20171106_072648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I post mainly J-fashion, sometimes bad cosplays and occasionally things I make. I plan to start posting more art.

I've had my Insta for a bit but I don't post often. Trying to change that. Concrit is welcome because I'm not the best at this Instagram thing!

>> No.9682871

I've been following you for a while, I love your coords and you seem like a sweet person. You're one of my favourite Instagram lolitas, please never stop posting

>> No.9682874

I also think it sounds like a pretty good idea... Might tag my next pic with it.

>> No.9682879

After reading these posts, I'm starting to think that making a new lolita Instagram for all my fashion stuff would be a better idea than shoving it all into the same page as my ugly drawings and pictures of food, but I'm worried about starting over, especially since several lolitas follow my current account. Anyone have any tips on how to do that?

>> No.9682904

You could delete your low quality pictures food and art pics and from now on only post lolita and jfash making it look like it always was only that in the first place. You could make a second account for the art and other irrelevant pics.

>> No.9682977

This, and if you don't want to delete them for some reason, you can archive them so the posts still exist but don't show up on your feed.

>> No.9682984

This is mostly a great idea. Problem is, most of my followers aren't lolitas and are probably more interested in the everyday shit... I don't want to bombard people who don't care for lolita with my outfits.

>> No.9683159

Then make a new one and repost everything consistently and make a post on your first one leading to your second blog.

>> No.9683279

Is a 20-30% interaction when you're at 1000 followers ok? I really need to interact more myself but I've been holding steady at 200-300 likes per post even as I gained followers.

>> No.9683557

I see, I'm sitting on 1k atm. I don't do lewds, appearance average. How do I get promo?

>Fairly consistent unless it's something really popular which spikes or something not popular which has a small dip
>I tag only the series/character/general cosplay tags
>most are photoshoot photos with some HQ selfies
>I tend to like/comment more on those on my feed, less so on others. Probably should do more of this?
>yes but I'm not interested in following more or I won't be able to see people/friends on my feed.

>> No.9683561

just realised you probably meant types of cosplay/photos... I cosplay a range of series, which could be part of it. I'm not willing to compromise by cosplaying only popular characters though, only looking to promote what I already have

>> No.9683627

Promos are when you get someone to shout you out/tag you in a post. I guess if you participated in s4s or had friends that have large followings?

>> No.9683651

Not interested in s4s but thanks for mentioning.
For the second part, I see. Thanks.

>> No.9684339

Is there a way to tell if someone buys followers? Ive seen a couple of profiles that are fairly popular, but their average likes to follower ratio seems unreasonable.

>> No.9684397

s4s in instagram stories could work if you don't want them on your profile. The other way to get promo is to to a couple or group cosplay with more popular people. Too bad I don't have many friends who cosplay, much less with decent followings :/ Good luck anon!

>> No.9684419

Check their socialblade, if they have an absolutely unreasonable follower spike during a very short period then it's likely

>> No.9684428

If they have an old account and a lot of posts it might just be that some of their followers became inactive in the meantime.

>> No.9685999
File: 662 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just witnessed this disaster on an insta story. The message called them stalkers, not murderers. She only reinforced their point. god, this makes me want to die.

>> No.9686006
File: 24 KB, 1139x122, sakumawiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update: christ, i just looked up the character she's referring to and--how can she honestly call this a "cute way of following people around" and not obsessive stalking?

>> No.9686015

I follow you
Pls post more cute food I love that stuff

>> No.9686054

please be 14

>> No.9686110
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171108-200924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just...lots of pink!

>> No.9686191

You don't have to buy them. Someone can even be more sad and just follow and unfollow people in the hopes they follow you back.

>> No.9688492

I want to change my username and start fresh but I'm not sure what the best way to do that is. Delete my existing account and start a new one, or change my username and delete posts? Of course the first would result in me losing my existing followers (all 50 of them or whatever lol), but if I start anew and re-follow people won't it be relatively easy to gain followers back?

>> No.9688500

I use the same IG for everything and a few of my normie friends follow it.Thinking about making a separate account just for J-fash but I hate managing multiple accounts.

>> No.9688605

Lika anon >>9684419 said, this is the only way to tell. The new algorithm has really screwed up engagement so lots of users with massive followings are experiencing a drop in likes.

>> No.9688836

I have a ton of old photos I want to post, but they all don't fit in that stupid small square. Any solutions?

>> No.9688856

Photos don't have to be square any more

>> No.9688881

>>9643500in all your pics you look super cute and delicate!

>> No.9689035
File: 26 KB, 221x221, please respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of filters, what filters do you guys use and are there any especially nice/popular ones I should know about? I notice other people's filters always seem to look better than mine.

>> No.9689067

if you're planning on getting rid of ghost followers, starting a new account is your best bet. (Make the account and make some posts on old one to let ppl know as well)

if you're not, then just a change of name with a post that lets your followers enough should suffice

>> No.9689145

Requesting gothic/classic accounts, ones that are not well known preferred!

>> No.9689286

I met you at katsucon and followed you after that! I dunno if it matches your insta aesthetic but I'd love to see more progress photos

>> No.9689350

use SquareIt or a similar app + strategic cropping where possible

>> No.9689392

Yeah, but I still can never get my shoes in.

>> No.9689499

you can download apps to "expand" your images but you'll have the white border

>> No.9689998

Don't take your photos so close then. You don't have to fill the whole frame with your body.

>> No.9690122

Like I said they are old photos. So before they were fine on any site and now I can't repost them on insta.

>> No.9690335

either mirror the photos, add a border, or suck it up and have your feet cut off.

>> No.9690604

Idk what pisses me off more; her comparing her cringe self to Mayu or not even fucking knowing anything about the character she's comparing herself to

>> No.9690609

it sounds like most girls (not all ofc) who are into cg dont know the characters they love

i heard about a shiki cosplayer that didnt know or (refused to believe) shiki would drug or rape someone

>> No.9690652

ffs, these children piss me off

>> No.9690911

I want to use instagram more often but my phone's camera sucks. It's blurry most of the time, and it randomly makes pictures that aren't blurry for some reasons. I checked the camera's settings and there should be any problems and yet, my photos suck. It's frustrating.

>> No.9692323
File: 447 KB, 750x1334, C7B953A6-FB8F-4D54-8F16-1B62707877AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m pretty new to posting my coords online, so I only have two posts. I’d love to follow some other people in jfash tho!

>> No.9692452


>> No.9692518
File: 1.06 MB, 1440x1962, Screenshot_20171114-013810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@animebobbies here! I try to focus more on art but I find it hard to stay focused on one topic/style. I do a cosplay every once in a while and some selfies/daily fashion stuff. But I'm thinking about seperating all the art sometime though.

I followed some of you, always love to see some more art/cosplay/cuteselfies!

>> No.9692736

Followed you!

>> No.9693114

You're cute and I like your coords but I don't understand why you'd want they/them pronouns (nonbinary?) but then call yourself a girl in your username?

>> No.9693806
File: 27 KB, 270x480, 23618825_10213766900621992_356328547_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@_bubunani_ I recently open this account so im still working in it
It's mostly illustration, stickers and fashion.

>> No.9693811


Fuck off

>> No.9695688

Line Camera has a lot of nice ones! I've been using "Lala" almost all the time lately, it's soft and pinky, but not super obvious. I think it usually looks best at 15-20%.

>> No.9695692

>expecting people who use they/them pronouns to be logical

>> No.9695704

What's some good mermaid themed fashion ones to follow? I'm only finding shit

>> No.9695716

I honestly could care less what pronouns people use for me, they/them is just there as an option. I don't care if people use something other than that.
My username is that because I thought it was cute!

>> No.9695781
File: 1.38 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfpost @manekineko_xo

I try to post cute outfits, not always J-fashion but I'm still building my wardrobe. Sometimes cosplay, sometimes lolita. If I'm posting there's always a selfie and an outfit shot then a filler. It was the most cohesive theme I could think of because my style varies quite a bit!

>> No.9696396

Why do you care what pronouns other people precer

>> No.9701271
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>> No.9704448

It seems like the tags aren't working for a lot of people...

>> No.9709602
File: 2.10 MB, 1270x958, insta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trying to find more people with similar styles!
Less pastels, more cool styles!

Any gyarus here? Or cool streetstyles? I need more inspiration!

>> No.9709606

I don't care what people call me so I'm gonna specify what they should call me in a field where I could've put literally anything else.

>> No.9709629

I’ve found that people often prefer if they have a choice picked for them - so that’s what I did. I’m sorry this upsets you so much.

>> No.9709715

or you could just not put anything at all and let people chose whatever they assume fits you, like every single other normal person

>> No.9709937

I'm more interested in posting pretty clothes/outfits by themselves for aesthetic and art/craft things. I don't post often so my count stays the same typically until I post then get randoms and randoms leave whenever. How often should I be posting to be able to gain and maintain real followers?

I also do lots of different things since I can't focus so I often have wip's or still reading x book on this skill. Are people interested in wip's or knowing what books I'm reading on something? Or should I only post them once I am close to finshing so followers don't have to wait/unfollow because they don't see enough final product? Lame question but I struggle juggling social media, crafts and working a lot.

>> No.9712020
File: 74 KB, 640x480, dDowdwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice for when are the best times to post about cosplays on instagram, to get max exposure?

>> No.9712023

I love your style! I wish I could pull off cool styles like that.

Instagram began shadowbanning people who put tags in the comments of their post a couple of updates ago. You shouldn't have a problem with tags if you put them in your post caption though.

>> No.9712040
File: 432 KB, 750x1182, 3137992B-A330-477E-83AD-EBC5849C1319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the semester I really wanted to get into insta and posting outfits on it but my stupid room’s single window is high off the floor and an awning hangs over it outside, so the sun barely reaches it and when it does it casts a straight shadow across my legs in mirror pics. I hate this apartment complex lol. I have to embarrass myself by going to the dance rooms every time I wanna take a pic.

>> No.9712063

it mostly depends on where the majority of your followers live and thus their more active hours; just check your post stats through unum or picbear or something to see which times and tags seem to be working best for you personally

>> No.9713094
File: 1.25 MB, 936x864, insta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hopefully you like my stuff.

>> No.9713142

thank you~ I hope to get even better once i have more opportunities to go 100% with my outfits

>> No.9713143

get a cheap umbrella lightset, its my saviour at night

>> No.9713150

gtfu with this ugly normie shit

>> No.9713412
File: 99 KB, 747x747, 5A9EF22E-DDD8-45E0-9BC7-89872490790C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly post cosplay

>> No.9713434

You indeed are really cool but you post way too many selfies, I think. It puts me and likely other potential followers off. I’d post them as a group so your followers aren’t seeing the same thing over and over.

>> No.9713447

This is honestly not true at all; instagram is geared towards selfies and unless you already have a dedicated fanbase that ONLY likes your outfits, 99% of the time, interaction is way higher with selfies.

>> No.9713451

What is interaction on selfies? “You’re so pretty/your hair is good/your makeup is good” “thanks!”? I don’t get why people want to stare at strangers faces daily but w/e

>> No.9713470

Yeah, I followed someone for their coords and now I am almost unfollowing her because I just get selfies and nature photos. Unless you are a make-up artist or have a ton of interesting accessories I really don't need to be spammed with your face.

>> No.9713473

I definitely get way less interaction with selfies. But I'm uggo and usually only post full costume pictures.

>> No.9713949

>inb4 u don't liek selfies u must be uggo lol xD
I really don't get the appeal of selfies. Even if someone is very pretty I don't see the point of posting essentially the same picture of your face over and over. I already know what they look like, I don't need to see their face on my feed every day. It's different if they have different makeup/hair/accessories in each one but most people who do this do the same makeup and hair every time, so it gets boring. If someone starts posting too many boring selfies I unfollow them.

>> No.9714639

Semi on-topic: Can someone explain the appeal of the "cosplay contests" on Instagram please? I understand that it's just a popularity contest --how many of your followers will go like a photo / comment your username / etc-- but
>no tangible prize beyond having your photo reposted by an account with <1k followers (and maybe the gratification of seeing the notifications when people @ your name?)
>highly suspect measure of actual quality - you're "the best," but not for craftsmanship or any quantifiable reasons (aside from present follower count)

I guess it can be explained in seeking validation from others (especially since most of the participants seem to be high-school-age or in their early 20s), but it's still boggling that users will ask their followers to go vote, or celebrate being declared "the best" by an inconsequential third party.

>> No.9714701

yep that about sums it up

>> No.9714717


You left out boredom. I'd prob. have done it if I were into cosplay and had a long summer holiday and had finished all my homework (hence the school age/young adults demographic, the age group that's not too overworked and too tired to do something that has no tangible benefits).

>> No.9714724

Interaction = likes, comments, and resulting follows
Again, if you've already built up a following based on outfits, it's obviously not going to be beneficial to post selfies. However, if you're trying to grow and audience and maintain high interaction rates, selfies do much better than outfit shots.

>> No.9714767

But if you grow an audience based on selfies and then start posting mostly outfits, won't you lose that audience?

>> No.9714774

It depends; if your face is clearly seen in the outfit photos, the audience and interaction rate will still stay.

>> No.9714809

Any specific recs or will pretty much any brand do? I moved recently and lost my sun sweet spot for my full length mirror.

>> No.9714882

I just got the cheapest I could find and they work great. however, if you can get one with 2+ lamp sockets those are the best.

>> No.9714885

Ill keep that in mind!
i tend to post 3 similar pictures in a row so that my profile looks neat and orderly, But i will try to do more outfits then!

>> No.9718034
File: 712 KB, 742x1288, 610B2C2D-2E36-42E7-AF56-B6CC01CBB1DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made a cosplay-only account, I have a big backlog of cosplay photos so I’ll be uploading once per day for a while.

>> No.9718053

How cheap is cheapest you could find? I’m interdasted.

>> No.9718072

i got my set with 2 umbrella lights incl everything (stands bulbs, etc) for about €60?

>> No.9718098

I'm following you since an old instagram thread and i just wanna say youre super fucking cute!!

>> No.9718889

Seconding this question, I know it's old but still, I've seen people jump from 2k to 20k in a matter of months with nothing but selfies, I guess I had better get those fillers.

>> No.9718895

i know from one friend, both her haircolour change and her visits to japan made her get big jumps in followers

>> No.9718898

especially the trips to japan, she would gain hundreds to thousands in weeks every time

>> No.9718932

Also brand names.

>> No.9718946
File: 221 KB, 1030x713, ss+(2017-11-29+at+10.48.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i am having around 100 likes on my ig posts but hardly get any follower, i think maybe its because ig doesnt show my stuff :C anyways here is my cosplay related account ^-^

>> No.9719130
File: 2.77 MB, 1440x1427, Screenshot_2017-12-11-21-01-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people i follow:


>> No.9719330
File: 2.34 MB, 1242x2208, 100D6CFA-4C47-4CAC-A36B-AD10B3DEE471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made- I really like crafting armor. I want to get more into the community but I’ve always been too shy, so this is a baby step in that direction.

>> No.9719370
File: 1.98 MB, 750x1334, BAF3BF54-A222-4978-945F-F3F3F20D8E08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mines mainly lolita, food, travel, cute shit I buy and occasionally art.

>> No.9719394

does anyone know of any good brolita instas? i'm thinking of getting into lolita fashion and i need inspiration

>> No.9719397

Defintely anaphrodisiacs and orgasmicyogurt

>> No.9719399

Thank you!

>> No.9719415

The screenshot doesn’t include the name of your account, can you post it so I can follow you

>> No.9719449
File: 88 KB, 362x371, 23321823-CEA9-4486-A725-930DAFECFF4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that second pic
You sure showed him!

>> No.9719468

You're kind of how I imagine a western Momoland (ももらんど) would look

>> No.9719663

Old screenshot so we wouldn't see your drama?

>> No.9719699

Kek, that's so cringy. Good find, anon.

>> No.9719706

>haven't posted anything to IG for six months
>haven't even logged in for two months
>last two weeks I've been getting at least one new follower a day
My follower count is growing faster now that I'm practically dead than when I was active. What gives? They look like legit accounts, too.

>> No.9719812

At least I don’t buy pissed on brand.

>> No.9719892

there's been a new update that puts recommended posts and accounts directly in your feed, so some of your old stuff might have randomly ended up in the feeds of people following similar stuff

>> No.9720148
File: 121 KB, 1200x1200, ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complimenting yourself because you aren't getting attention

>> No.9720208

Those are amazing, anon. The detail work alone is exceptional but so is the construction. I'm so jealous of your skillz.

>> No.9720298
File: 236 KB, 1080x1724, IMG_20171213_084345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I'm a filthy /a/ /jp/ cross-boarder, that strays here from time to time.

No need to be so hostile towards people anon.

>> No.9720318

Just a warning, a few anons on cgl are so retarded and self-centered they think people take the time to doctor screenshots. It doesn’t mean anything here unfortunately.

>> No.9720354
File: 54 KB, 480x451, gdvMi0r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to use Instagram due to pic related. What are the alternatives?

>> No.9720362

Does anyone have a lolita account that's organised in grids, themes or palette? I'm trying to get mine organised, but i don't find much inspiration.

>> No.9720488
File: 28 KB, 610x407, IMG_20171129_123411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh right. Thanks for the heads up anon. I'd heard bad things about cgl, didn't realise people were that insecure though. I'll go back to lurking.

Take this Chitti as thanks.

>> No.9720491

That means a lot! I’m super shy so I never really wear the stuff out (wore the Jinouga once to a small local convention, never wore the tetsucabra) so I’m trying to get more involved in the cosplay community.

>> No.9720493

I usually take photos on a normal camera and then email them to myself or use google drive, so I can download them to my phone and then upload to ig

>> No.9720545

Kek, just because you post that doesn’t make your samefagging any less obvious; you don’t need to edit your caps to make your arguments sound better sweetie.

>> No.9720769

Anyone else now suddenly getting virgin hair shops following them? I got 3 different ones in 2 days and also others liking stuff. They all have different names for their stores as well. I also get the usual jfashion shops following me, but for some reason these creep me out.

>> No.9720772

Same here, just got 3 following me today.

>> No.9720774

Where does everyone get inspiration for their cosplay page names? I want to make a cosplay Instagram that's separate from my normal social media but I'm stuck on what to call it

>> No.9720776

Seconding this >>9640630
Your coords give me a lot of inspiration! Its pretty much bang on my personal taste, although printed AP rubbish is my guilty pleasure.

>> No.9720832

yep me too suddenly

>> No.9720934

lol, jus let it go brah

>> No.9720944


>> No.9721121
File: 125 KB, 1080x1350, inkplasma_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9721124

You look just like someone I know IRL, right down to the nose ring, which was pretty confusing for a second because they only wear normie clothes

>> No.9721134

How do you have so few followers? Your outfits are impeccable and you're super cute! Followed

>> No.9721246
File: 1.87 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171214-111503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfpost. Looking for ways to improve my online appearance, any tips?

>> No.9721263
File: 956 KB, 1242x2102, F23EB29A-425F-4284-8D43-B48AE68FEC38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfpost - @ookyvonspooky

I used to care a lot more about my Instagram but I know I’m never going to be popular, so now I just post outfits.

>> No.9721298

what's the white and black dress middle top, is that baby?

>> No.9721306

im not into lolita but i actually love your outfits
also your eyes are stunning

>> No.9721308

Yup! It’s Baby’s My Anniversary OP with Chess Ribbon.

>> No.9721765

I hate being the guy to call samefag but these are less than a minute apart lmao

And her eyes are kind of weird, but they could be pretty for someone who likes rat-like/squirrel-like features, but definitely not "stunning"

>> No.9722048

sorry definitely not samefag, I just have auto-update on because I have no life.

>> No.9722360
File: 179 KB, 1242x693, 8C2DDD76-DD6E-46C8-B1D1-167595CE898A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, friendo. My mom was a rat, thanks for noticing, btw.

>> No.9725403
File: 1.17 MB, 1915x2553, IMG_5884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfpost: caffeinated_cameron on Instagram
I've been cosplaying since 2014, but I'm just now making a serious cosplay page.
I'm a 22 y/o male US-based cosplayer.
I cosplay:
-sports anime
-reverse harem/otome
-boys love/yaoi
-idol anime
-vidya games

I mostly cosplay male characters, but I sometimes crossplay as female characters. I do a lot of couples cosplays with my boyfriend.

>> No.9727708

What shitty app is that

>> No.9727715

Lel why do we keep using this garbage

>> No.9727719

>because I want to be able to scroll down safely in public
Hahaha where do you live