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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.46 MB, 618x960, IMG_6477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9499126 No.9499126 [Reply] [Original]

So anyway, at what point are we just gonna give up with the Homestuck threads, you guys?

Still want someone to tell me what happened to Heaven and Urchintier.

>> No.9499132
File: 1.20 MB, 640x960, IMG_6478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part two, with the pasta:

Previous Thread

> Cosplay Masterpost: http://pastebin.com/ekZP1fhg
- Tutorials and links that can help with Homestuck cosplays. Refer to it if you need help. Any contributions welcome.

> Crunchy Cosplay List: http://i.imgur.com/QRRWqRn.jpg
- A list of suggested Homestuck cosplayers to follow and check out, as they have great cosplays and some also have good tutorials on their blogs.

> To discuss:
- Heaven + Urchintier?
- What is your favourite Homestuck photoshoot in concept/location/theme?
- What is a Homestuck photoshoot/CMV/whatever you still kind of want to do?
- Can you ever NOT tell when arms are greyshooped?

Also I feel like one of these photos should've been mirrored.

>> No.9499374

I think the threads been pretty dead this month with all the con crunch. Having Acen, Animazement, Momocon, Anime North, Mega and Colossal all so close together means most of us are too busy getting our shit together to pop on and chitchat.

>>What is a Homestuck photoshoot/CMV/whatever you still kind of want to do?
I've wanted to do a Dancestors cmv for about a year now, but every time i try and organize it, the decent cosplayers i want to be in it either cant make the same cons or move on to other fandoms. I'm running out of cosplayers as time goes on, and i'm pretty close to accepting that it just wont get made.
Photoshoots are much more doable.

>> No.9500437

I've been involved in like three dancestor groups at this point, and all fell through. I still can only think of like, two or three *full sets* of Alternia trolls that actually got photoshoots done and weren't just a panel thing.

>> No.9505350
File: 87 KB, 400x499, IMG_6522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope y'all are having a good time at Colossal.

>> No.9509694

Yep. I'd love to be in a full group of anything at this point, but all my old homestuck friends are moving on to new fandoms.

I hope there are some good photos that come out of Colossal because there was a pretty decent homestuck turnout. I've seen a few pictures on my dash that hint at proper shoots, but it's only been a day. I'm sure there are people still hung over from how hard everyone partied.

>> No.9509718

Damn Heaven brings bad memories.
She was in my local community.
Just memories of her at a meetup as Damara flashing her panties in a public park while playing Die Antwoords "Baby's on Fire" on loop.
It was a Saturday. There were children about.
I was lucky though, a lot of my friends were close with her and dealt with manipulation and emotional abuse.
She really fucked some underage kids by being romantic with them.

>> No.9509761

Where can I find all the Heaven drama? Searching "Heaven" in the archive isn't too useful

>> No.9511170

Heya everyone, so my local con is this weekend and I've cosplayers the same thing the past 2 years and I want to cosplay again, but that's the only cosplay I have. How bad would it be to cosplay the same HS again... a 3rd time?

>> No.9511182
File: 417 KB, 485x795, 1351989765193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC it went something like:

>Heaven makes a "makeup test" post that is obviously shopped grey
>People call her out on it
>Heaven actually greys up so that she can take a selfie of herself crying off the makeup as "proof" of her grey
>People continue to call her out on it
>JJ makes attached post, making fun of her


>Heaven's Homestuck panel gets canceled
>At the con meetup she starts crying and someone she knows tries to see if she's okay
>Heaven slaps them
>Heaven's roommates kick her out of her room

There's others too but they were from before I Was in the fandom

>> No.9511193

Asking the same, I just opened this thread by chance (I thought HS was dead so I peeked in out of curiosity) and saw her name mentioned, considering I had heard there had been plenty drama about her a while ago, I figured it was her.
I met her online through another fandom way before HS so I'm pretty curious about it. Even at the time she came across as a bit messed up.

That's pretty wtf-inducing but I thought there was a lot more?
Idk if there's more recent stuff, I've even heard of cosplay scams under her name a fair bit of time ago but can't quite find anything now.
Are there prints of the makeup test bullshit tho?

>> No.9511198

Just realized I mispelled her last name while browsing, I did get some info on the scam stuff. Fun times

>> No.9511265

Anon you're replying to, I searched "heaven homestuck" and was able to find everything!

>> No.9515071

Are any MSPA gulls going to be at AX at this year? Unsure if there's a meetup this time around, but in all honesty it would be nice to just have the pit and nothing more this year.

>> No.9517589

Saturday shoot from Colossalcon is over on flicker
looks like a lot of humanstuck, but an ok turn out.

>> No.9517627
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Some highlights, for those who dont want to wade through all those photos

>> No.9517630
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>> No.9517639
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>> No.9517645
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>> No.9517650
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>> No.9517651
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>> No.9517658
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>> No.9517688

i should clarify that the highlight of this one is that the skirt is made out of cardboard.

>> No.9517700

wait okay what the fuck is going on here? Is this some weird OC costume that's really fucking dumb???

>> No.9517709

it was a 'fancy dreamer' terezi.

>> No.9517835

I'd like to say that explains it, but it totally doesn't. Like the weird cardboard hoop skirt?

>> No.9518031
File: 101 KB, 351x556, IMG_6599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That calliope is probably the least awkward mask I've seen so far.

Twerquius is such a handsome, I really wish their craftmanship was better on their HS cosplays.

A wonder of mediocre style choices and mediocre work.

This is. So off mark. In every sense of the word. That design is just terrible to begin with, ugh.

Are you new? Mookies terrible fancystuck designs are a staple of Homestuck cosplay culture.

Challenge: share the worst AU design you've seen attempted in cosplay.

>> No.9518331


This is... so awful. It looks like a closet cosplay, they didn't try on this at all.

>> No.9518349

What happened with someone trying to "call out" Ikimaru on the CC draw meet?

>> No.9518445

Nothing really.

This Caliborn cosplayer >>9517630
just has a vendetta against her and tried to insult her art to her face, but was too much of a nervous mess to really go through with it.

>> No.9518455


The inevitable result of tumblr try hard crusaders facing up to their real life crippling awkwardness. It's easy to be OMG WARRIOR 4 JUTIZE on the internet but calling somebody out irl requires a modicum of self confidence

>> No.9519999

man, that Caliborn seemed really nice and friendly too. wtf.

>> No.9521936

Some of these sprites look like they've got potential.
That painted jadesprite with that darker wig looks nice and clean.

>> No.9521950

She scammed people on commissions and got called out on it, disappeared for a while.

She still cosplays, she has a Patreon now and does anime/video game stuff and does some photography too.

>> No.9522252
File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_6650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst fuschia Karkat I ever saw.

>> No.9522313

Never trust someone who likes Caliborn.

>> No.9522495

Caliborn is pretty funny, though.

The only correlation I find between problematic faves and people who're genuinely pretty shitty is Serket fans. Not every Serket fan is shitty, obviously, but they have an absurdly high percentile of batshit crazy people who will genuinely insist that Vriska got her redemption, Aranea did nothing wrong, and Mindfangs journals were 100% unbiased.

>> No.9523181

The concept of "problematic faves" is dumb asf so really it's just "a bunch of shitty people seem to be Serket fans".

>> No.9523267

I feel like shitty Serket fans mirror their faves traits to a higher degree than other shitty fans, that might be why I've noticed it.

>> No.9524684

>be bitchy
>like vriska
>become more bitchy like vriska
every fucking time

>> No.9524991


I'll be there as Vriska. Haven't heard anything about a meetup yet.

>> No.9525070

there have been minimal gamzee enthusiasts i've met who weren't incredibly cringe inducing and gross too.

>> No.9525307

i mean if you put a juggalo in your comic, you're gonna attract juggalos. and who of sane mind and capable of normal social interaction actually likes clowns even in the slightest non-ironic sense?

>> No.9525397

I've met two Gamzee fans who only like him because they are Capricorns. How unlucky.
I've found the worst people are generally the hardcore Arenea fans. As in like, yikes, stay away from me.

>> No.9526260

has anybody had experience cosplaying Roxy Lalonde yet? I have some parts coming in the mail this week.

>> No.9526307


The whole group made....questionable design choices but the Karkat seemed to have fucked it up the most.

>> No.9526561

Yeah I just...
The contrast between the ~fancy~ shoes and froofy fabric and high leg holes, and the frumpy, fabric-painted shirt is SO jarring. Even looking past the fact that it's incredibly un-Karkat and un-fuschiac it's just a terrible design with mediocre-at-best execution.

The most promising designs seems to be Eridan and Equius.

>> No.9526564
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>> No.9526571

Ooh, thanks for posting the full(?) group (minus Tavros, unless the group just didn't have one). Something was "off" about the Equius until I realized that he didn't have painted wrists/hands. What I can see of the Eridan *does* look promising, and I'm partial to the Vriska because she's cute (though her design doesn't learn particularly towards Vriska's aesthetic)

>> No.9526627
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_6670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking closer, it's really just good because it's a palette swap of an already working design... it's not particularly Pyrope and for a minute I thought I'd misinterpreted it as being a jade Eridan.

The Vriska is just Bad.

>> No.9527592

Mostly pallet swap or not, this is still pretty cute and reasonably clean. the streak in the wig could be a lot nicer, but everything else looks good. Azara isnt amazing, but she and this Eridan definitely stand above everyone else in terms of cleanest looking.

>> No.9527643

Who on earth is the Karkat?

>> No.9527645

knew a guy who liked gamzee because he too was a stoner juggalo and a capricorn as well

>> No.9527875

I cosplay her

>> No.9527878

tsunderedragon on IG...

>> No.9527893
File: 104 KB, 933x1400, FB_IMG_1498058792579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-posting my Alpha kids group from a couple years ago since it was my Homestuck redemption (I'm Jane). I still want to revisit it with an elaborate AU but good ones are few and far between and people don't care unless it's Mookie art.

>> No.9527930
File: 111 KB, 1080x929, IMG_6677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently, blood/kidswaps, as well as trollstuck seems to be pretty in trend.

>> No.9527953

This is probably showing my age in regards to fandom deals but wtf is trollstuck, just troll versions of characters or...?

>> No.9527966

Trollstuck has been around for years. It's troll versions of the human kids.

>> No.9528000

Oh yeah! Well shit have I slept since then.

I do want to see more elaborate costumes, maybe I just like being recognized and I'm also guilty of scoffing and shrugging off Homestuck cosplayers these days.

>> No.9528442


I was asked a while ago during Wondercon season to join this group because they couldn't find a Feferi.

Holy shit, I dodged a bullet.

>> No.9528489

Shit like this makes me sad. I've wanted to do a bloodswap Sollux forever, sketched designs out and everything, but seeing this tells me it's not something to bother with.

>Oh well, not the right body type for Sollux anyways

>> No.9528495

>Only three people bothered to paint more than their faces

What the fuck kind of laziness...

>> No.9528509

I give the Aradia a pass because it looks like she's wearing armsocks and is just in a shitty pose for them. The Vriska is earning a lot of my ire though, and I don't know why the Equius didn't even try, his face application looks pretty solid.

>> No.9528633

I'd like the Equius more if they got a better wig and put more effort into changing up the outfit. We know they've put a lot of effort into other cosplays, and they seemed to listen to not doing over the top face makeup this time, so why not wear some armsocks?

>> No.9528640

Your Jane is the best put together out of all 4, honestly. I hope your friends have improved on their everything with time, though they're certainly better than some of the first tries we've seen here.

Look into some current tumblr artists designs for bloodswaps (clockheart had a nice one). I'm going to be part of a couple bloodswap groups this summer and I'm here to tell you that I'm a fan of Soft Hacker Bod Sollux, and you should give it a shot anyway.
If your wig and horns are nice, sewing and outfit is clean, no one's going to be looking at your bodytype.

>> No.9528948
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They're pretty clean for the most part, yeah.

>> No.9529165

Thank you! I wish I could say the same for my friends but our Dirk relies on closet cosplay and we don't even associate with them anymore, Roxy doesn't make her own stuff, and Jake is stuck in a rutt of bad craftsmanship. I havent improved much either but I at least use the correct color thread when hemming things.

>> No.9529781

> not using matching thread for the fabric
> yikes

Good thing you're not cosplaying with them any more, then.

>> No.9529930

I might get some inspo from what others have done but I've cosplayed one of my own designs before and enjoyed it so I think I'd stick with my own work. If people don't like it then that's fine.

I kind of wish I had a group though. I do have one friend who still does Homestuck but somehow we never manage to properly coordinate our con days.

>> No.9530001

Oh anon I wish I could say that. We live together and competed at a local con the other weekend. Judges were impressed with my sewing work enough that we got an award but the progress on my friends' costumes was cringe-worthy. I took pics and was critiquing it with other friends.

>> No.9530021

>posting and shit talking your friends on 4chan
You sound like a cunt.

>> No.9530083

Hey, at least we photograph well. They know my opinion anyway so whether I sound like a cunt to you doesn't really matter anyway.

>> No.9530776

anyone notice the band-aid coming off of jakes leg?

>> No.9530812

The Roxy in your group is so familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.9530965

Can't find a good one of theirs..

>> No.9534988

Small tumblr dump. I can't tell how old some stuff is anymore.

>> No.9534989
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>> No.9534990
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>> No.9534991
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>> No.9534994
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>> No.9534995
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>> No.9534997
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>> No.9534999
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>> No.9535007

>vintage aerith as Homestuck
Yeah, pretty old.
Can we have some more danscestor God Tiers, though? Do they exist?

Cute, but potato photo.

Honestly I wish we could have more Homestucks playing with coloured light for photos.

This shirt looks nice.

>> No.9535396
File: 5 KB, 650x450, 02757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I wasn't paying attention. I just grabbed whatever was in the most popular section of the tumblr tag that had good photos and I just assumed that most of it was at least from the past year.

>> No.9538301

they do exist, though few and far between when it comes to anything quality. I'll go digging and return with some later i guess

>> No.9538341


This could have been so much better if she was looking at the camera

>> No.9538773
File: 232 KB, 1024x1536, _eridan___damara__001_by_mephistopink-d670g93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a dump for you. was a little tricky finding decent cosplays of certain characters, but I managed at least one nice one for each.

>> No.9538776
File: 163 KB, 800x867, rufioh_nitram_by_maryvictoar-d6gbkm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9538779
File: 170 KB, 1000x993, 85388-63f611a9bf8c51461469d25f719f6ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9538781
File: 266 KB, 600x900, tumblr_n8bld556AX1r35os0o5_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9538783
File: 1.02 MB, 900x600, tumblr_mideyiOwX71r1hdm0o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS's is the only good one i can find easily. Google shows a few that look ok... until you zoom in.

>> No.9538784
File: 150 KB, 432x648, umehvqskfkextflvpyijctmuzbogktoihrgjxnkv-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google gave me this, but short of selfposting, I can't find any other godtier porrims. I know I saw one at Colossalcon a few years back who was pretty good, but I can't find pictures.

>> No.9538789
File: 91 KB, 500x327, tumblr_ngl6841w2t1s793tho2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a good number of Latulas, but no nice photography.

>> No.9538792
File: 890 KB, 900x600, infinite_branch__aranea_and_terezi__by_mitsuki_aizawa-d87myf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9538793
File: 59 KB, 720x960, tumblr_na06s59Bw81rtvubso4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't find any decent photography for gt horuss either. I was surprised to find tthe two i did.

>> No.9538796
File: 166 KB, 920x1380, 85673-1d630d4f13531b5a01216093b2246691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many kurloz godtiers either

>> No.9538798
File: 257 KB, 600x900, tumblr_n8bld556AX1r35os0o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of godtier cronus cosplays, but very few of decent quality. Squigglehaunt still takes the cake every time.

>> No.9538799
File: 421 KB, 500x714, tumblr_mgl9s68npf1r35os0o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of great meenahs.

>> No.9538806
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>> No.9538807
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>> No.9538808
File: 163 KB, 426x603, 19a1308aefa67134a4c983ebf24e3556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9538809

Does this Rufioh have a canon outfit?

That's unfortunate.
The maid outfit isn't very flattering, let's be real.

Still one of my absolute faves, just covering hscos in general.

Oh shit I really like this one. Who are they?

>> No.9538810
File: 42 KB, 400x267, godtiers_by_trioxed-d8wir20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9538811
File: 50 KB, 480x343, 1484150803896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9538815

Don't think so. I'm mad i didn't notice just because it was clean looking.

Maids look best on people who seem to be able to pull off any outfit. I've cosplayed 3 different maids, oh boy does it show your shape.

I grabbed that kankri off google, and reverse image search is giving me fuck all. if someone can find it, i'm curious who they are too.

>> No.9538816
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>> No.9538818
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>> No.9538819
File: 190 KB, 500x667, tumblr_moeyxnIJNf1rt1bcpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9538820
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 17818771_1587233561291341_5679395367586627584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last one.

>> No.9539666

This would have been better if they'd not done the hood like that. Can't see the symbol with that skateboard in the way.

Not the right shirt, but the wings and horns look nice. Mask too.

Looks good except for the wig.

>> No.9542799
File: 193 KB, 750x785, IMG_0759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9544373

That Vriska looks like a babe.

>> No.9545684

They both look good! Nice horns and makeup. Great robo arm too!

>> No.9546875
File: 179 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_6773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreads on Equius, yay or nay?

>> No.9547290

The hair looks fine. The armsocks on the other hand...

>> No.9550393

Wobbly armsock fingers. Wig looks fine, though no widows peak? And I'm not usually a fan of yarn horns, but those look pretty good.

>> No.9551380
File: 69 KB, 500x375, 574783894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9555401
File: 124 KB, 540x810, tumblr_osc2uhFe7n1r33yrpo5_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small tag dump.

>> No.9555410
File: 79 KB, 540x720, tumblr_osg5809R761w09fpoo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555414
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>> No.9555462
File: 74 KB, 540x405, tumblr_osjfvdWDdu1v9cvyto1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555470
File: 113 KB, 540x720, tumblr_orwxscA55B1w09fpoo3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555472
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>> No.9555480
File: 163 KB, 540x810, vriska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555482
File: 76 KB, 540x405, tumblr_osg1shA5RM1uu0j6oo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555487
File: 87 KB, 400x484, tumblr_os9cw4gn0L1wtr43ho4_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555510
File: 65 KB, 540x361, tumblr_os44abA8UJ1tpt46po6_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555561

god not this kid again

>> No.9559433

Thats a pretty decent looking davespite.

>> No.9560406


>> No.9560707

the one in the middle. selfposts here a bunch, posts a million almost identical selfies in the tumblr tag, legit posts saying shit like 'nyaa~'.

>> No.9560742
File: 980 KB, 1456x2592, IMG_20170121_130737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A self-post but this is my favourite cosplay, Vriska

>> No.9560817

Were you the crossplayer coming in looking for advice?

Need lipstick, and the horns look pretty meh from here, but passable. I'd also roughen up the tied together sleeve; tear the end up a bit, add blood there and to the torn sleeve of the grey shirt. It's far too clean compared to your face and messy wig.

>> No.9560894


I don't even think they're into homestuck anymore.

>> No.9560972

the photo is from AX. Last weekend.

>> No.9561277

Not a crossplayer :|
But thanks for the advice. I knew I needed lipstick and yeah those horns were an after thought

>> No.9562967

You've got a very androgynous face, so I understand why the other anon assumed you were the crossplayer who's asked for help in here a few times.
Lipstick will help with that, but don't be afraid to use a little more makeup (eyeshadow, thicker eyeliner, bit of blush, falsies). Vriska is a badass, but she's a hot badass.
Agreeing with the other anon about your arm, and you certainly need horns that arent on a headband covered in glue. But! This was a good start.

>> No.9567328

Any cons coming up with decent turn outs for homestucks? Did we even see any decent photos come out of Colossal?

>> No.9570926

Ota has had less and less homestuck each year.
ConBravo in Ontario has a small meet up friday of next week, but there's never a huge turn out. It's a tiny con.

Metrocon in Florida usually has a sizeable turn out, and there are multiple homestuck themed events going on during it this year still. Panels, Promstuck, Xagave and I host the draw meet each year.

Don't really know about any other cons past that though.
I assume Dragoncon wont have a big homestuck attendance- I've heard its mostly very young kids in Atlantastuck now, though its usually a guy from NC who runs the shoots.

>> No.9573831
File: 425 KB, 443x475, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really sure how to get decent photo sizes from instagram, but heres a dump from the tag. It looks very similar to how the tag on tumblr used to look- very active but 95% garbage.

>> No.9573847
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>> No.9573850
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>> No.9573853
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>> No.9573855
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>> No.9573861
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>> No.9573864
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>> No.9573866
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>> No.9573873
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>> No.9573876
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>> No.9573880
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>> No.9573887
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>> No.9573900
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>> No.9573901
File: 746 KB, 655x436, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and done.

>> No.9574930

Is it just me or does this Vriska in particular stick out like a sore thumb?

Could it be the arm and the teeth?

>> No.9575200

It's Azara. She's the only one who has a border on her image but honestly i think she just suits vriska realy well. There are plenty of other vriskas with nice arms and teeth, she just happens to have The Look.

>> No.9579681

Can't believe theres still people making new militarystuck cosplays in 2017

>> No.9580536

Let me guess, it's the same Vriska as >>9573880, right?

>> No.9580766


>> No.9581460
File: 51 KB, 591x590, CronusTest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any critique on my Cronus?
Also a few questions;
Firstly, I got my wig on ebay because I didn't have time to style a pompadour and it was way smaller and the hairline when way farther back than I expected hence the skin and hair showing. Anyone have recommendations for a wig that can withstand a lot of styling or any general styling tips?
Second, my horns are drybrushed felt attached to the wig with snaps. They're very light, sturdy, and despite being rushed I think look alright. Would I still be better off making clay horns? I'm absolute shit at sculpting, but if they'd look better I'm willing to try.
Third, my eye is red because I somehow managed to sleep with it open the night prior. And potato quality is because fuck instagram.
I'm still really new to cosplaying homestuck, and I'm looking for any critique I can get.
God after seeing the great cosplays posted here, I'm starting to see a lot more mistakes in mine

>> No.9581505

You went a little heavy with the violet. Trolls are primarily gray. Especially with warm colors if you put too much accent on it jus looks like your paint is bad

If you want to salvage your wig you could use black makeup to creat the illusion of your natural hairline blending up under and into the wig. Otherwise, arda is a good standby.

Horns look fine but it's a picture for potatoes so who can really tell.

>> No.9581550

like other anon said, go more grey with your color scheme. accents on trolls generally look kind of bad and I think it just makes you look like a newbie cosplayer/less polished because of how often color accents are used by the shittier side of the fandom. Also get grayer lipstick because the harsh black looks super feminine. I think you could blend your contour a bit better as well, it's a bit harsh and unnatural looking. Honestly, I'm not much of a fan of the wig. I don't think a pomp really suits cronus and you would be better off getting a marty from arda instead. There's too many cosplayers that stray away from canon and it would be more refreshing to see a cronus with a canon wig.

>> No.9581663

I'd say you did really good for being a beginner. the horns look nice from what I can see! and I agree with what the other two anons said about the makeup.

>> No.9581689

I definitely see what you guys mean with the make up. I knew there was something wrong about it but I couldnt place exactly what. My only question about the Marty is how I would do Cronus's weird ass side burns? They look like they curl around his face more than normal ones, and the Marty honestly looks like it doesn't have sideburns at all. Would I just have to style the hair to look like them and hope for the best?

>> No.9581758

I haven't tried it myself, but it looks like you should be able tuck the wig behind your ears and then trim the hair in front of the ears to get that effect?

>> No.9583353


>> No.9585281

>really new to cosplaying homestuck
youre like the final passenger to come out of a sunken ship

>> No.9585544

>right body type
None of the characters in homestuck have canon body types.

>> No.9586050

I dont know why everyone imagines Sollux to be a skinny pretty boy. I always imaged him as a fat fuck.
>room filled with food all over the place like garbage
>has psychic powers so never needs to actually do any physical activity
>hobbies include being at the comptuer 24/7

>> No.9586271

Decent start.

Blend your contour, and also no ones eyebrows look like that. It's a smudgy mess and you need a better shape to them. With that said, the general sculpting looks fine. I'd get a new wig because he does have a visible hairline and also yours is lacking in sideburns. While you can make the transition smoother with dark make up, actually creating a hairline with it tends to look terrible.

Fins work but look cheap. I'm not a huge fan of fins-behind-ears look but it's better than petal fins IMO, but you definitely need to work on yours.

He has a pomp, though? Not Josuke level but it's definitely a more realistic pomp.

Marty is not long enough at the top for the smooth swoop of hair Cronus has. He is actually pretty long haired, and only get spiky at the back (small flip excepted) while Marty gets spiky way earlier on.

Just extend the sideburns into hairflips, honestly.

To be fair, I know people who eat nothing but garbage food and are still underweight because they get the filling feeling of it without getting any of the nutrients.

>> No.9586921
File: 674 KB, 900x600, 1354667680695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should someone avoid in a Bec Noir/PM cosplay? I've seen some people say that you should extend the fur from the head down the torso like the pic to make a less jarring look, but I've seen some who are sticklers for accuracy and disagree. What are all of you guys's preferences (toony, realist, afformentioned fur placement, etc.)?

>> No.9589291

Your post kind of sounds like you're trying to avoid using the word 'fursuit', but basically you're doing a fursuit no matter what, even if it's just a partial. Make sure your fursuit head is proportionate to the rest of your body. It'll look super cartoony and weird if you aren't careful. Check out the fursuit community on livejournal- they'll have every tutorial ever for you. Just know that you're likely going to be shaving down the fur, but don't shave at the neck. Just the face area. If you're looking to do something with no fur, check out fleecerot on furaffinity.

>> No.9592955

Just keep it consistent. I personally hate the look of a furred head and then a zentai body - completely breaks the illusion for me. If you want less fur, go for a shorter pile and a matte zentai.

I also dislike noirs that look too clean, but personal preference.

>> No.9594322
File: 2.60 MB, 1608x933, DSC_3823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this was the entire Saturday shoot at Metrocon this year. I think I counted like ~28 people max.

>> No.9594390

I'm curious, do you have another picture of that (I'm assuming) Redglare? I'm intrigued and confused by the skull? she's wearing.

>> No.9594581
File: 3.41 MB, 2000x982, redglare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a few but they did this pose for every photo so it's hard to really see them good. And, yeah, I'm assuming it's Redglare cuz they were the only one who went up for the ancestors shot.

>> No.9594699


late reply but theres no such thing as nice felt horns. make them out of clay. for your wig just buy a cady or marty though youll have to do some ventilating on cady. dont just paint black over your hair where the wig doesnt cover it, its lazy and sloppy and looks bad because it very obviously looks like you just smeared black on your head. everyones already pointed out the contouring and eyebrows but please dont do lipstick on male trolls, it looks bad 100% of the time and is completely unnecessary

>> No.9594703


im sure there would have been more people had the shoot not been at the crack of dawn

>> No.9594746

Yeah, this shoot was also starting at the same time as the chessmatch so a lot of people probably went to that instead. They also had a Thursday and Friday shoot and 2(?) Promstucks but I didn't get a chance to go to any of those.

>> No.9594874
File: 81 KB, 338x600, IMG_7577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arda wigs are fine but both Marty and Cady need to be modified to work, especially Cady is way too thick to work with just some styling and I'd even advise taking out wefts to avoid helmet hair.

>> No.9594902

Seconding. I was part of a small group and we couldn't attend early shoots. Ran into multiple others who said the same.
The most frustrating part for me was the shoot organizer had been told there was other time options for the saturday shoot, and they still picked the early time instead. Though, considering who it was, I'm not really surprised.

Promstucks looked haphazardly planned and one of them was only for 50 minutes due to setup. Last years was alright? Not sure what happened.

>> No.9594910

yknow, a lot of these look pretty clean? Not really amazing, but overall quality is pretty good.
There are a few questionable ones, but where are the steel gray Sollux cosplayers? There are only a couple people not wearing wigs.
I know we've said it before, but while quantity of homestuck cosplays have gone down, quality sure has gone up.

>> No.9594937


a good wig always requires work, but id rather have a helmet hair wig than a wig that doesnt cover my actual hair at all

>> No.9594946


Any good examples of different Bec Noir cosplays?

>> No.9597223

I can't stop thinking the morph suit at her neck makes her look like a frog or lizard

>> No.9597299


>> No.9597304

Why call her out? Ive met her. She seemed like a really chill person.

>> No.9598575
File: 86 KB, 723x936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this Fef? I kinda like her makeup.

>> No.9598676

Cute. glasses are an odd choice (not one I'd have made) and the fins are shitty, but the horns look good and makeup looks nice. Would like to see a full cosplay.

>> No.9599831

Petal fins honestly don't look good. She could do without the color on her nose, it just makes her look like she has a cold, and I'm not sure if it's just the hair and stuff obscuring the shirt symbol but the edges look messy. Love the eye makeup.

>> No.9599952

Very generic instagram prettyface. There probably isn't a full cosplay anyway, and judging by the glasses (and lack of tiara), if it does it's probably cobbled together from stuff they found at home. Everything about this is pretty, but generic ans uninteresting. Make up, wig, etc.

>> No.9601237
File: 144 KB, 738x736, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the only full body pictures she posted.

>> No.9601241
File: 194 KB, 750x1048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These where in the top tags on insta.

>> No.9601244
File: 204 KB, 739x1026, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9601823

Wow, she really didn't try very hard

>> No.9603956

so she painted a shitty symbol on a longsleeve bodysuit, and didn't bother with a skirt? Hell, we can see a bit of her underwear peeking out too!

Her eye makeup, eyebrows and horns are nice. Everything else is a disaster.

>> No.9603959

I'm so glad my phone shows most recent vs most popular, because that second one is awful, and the first one has potential but the shirt isn't canon at all.

>> No.9603960


closet cosplays rarely result in anything remotely good

>> No.9604278

I think I almost prefer this. Most equius cosplayers look gross imo but this one looks pretty nice.

>> No.9606180

Requesting Jakes with good wigs

Equius is pretty gross, to be fair.

>> No.9606621

yay af

>> No.9606954

>maid outfit
>arm socks
>yarn horns
So many mistakes.

>> No.9608962

I'm really not a fan of people who cosplay with non-canon hair, honestly. I'm tired enough of seeing it in art.

>> No.9609403

My problem with it is that it's usually lazy and/or an excuse to reuse wigs (looking at people who think that all bangs are created equal, as well as Eridans using that shitty ebay wig with purple fringe), this actually takes more effort than just a widows peaked lace front so it doesn't bother me as much.

>> No.9611759

>sashay away

>> No.9611855

So when is Hiveswap coming out

>> No.9612900
File: 60 KB, 576x190, pls huss i beg u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we're lucky this thursday.
But probably not any time soon.

>> No.9613996

Will there every be a nepeta cosplayer that doesn't do that stupid line from their nose to their lips..?
Also would it be a better idea to make paw shoes for her or just paint some canvas shoes blue? I've had a lot of experience making paws before so they'd probably turn out better than shoes but I also would like to try and stay as canon as I can.

>> No.9614026
File: 23 KB, 277x246, 1478383797626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a dumpster fire that whole project is jfc

>> No.9614227

Apparently September 14

>> No.9614238

I wonder how much Sugar daddy Fox had to shell out for this game to finally be fucking finished

>> No.9615774

Man, I have a con this weekend and can't switch out a cosplay for hiveswap so last minute. Bummer.

Maybe the hype will make a few extra kids show up at the meets?

>> No.9617849

From what I hear people are anticipating it to resemble 2012 Homestuck because of the potential coverage from Let's Plays. Of course, there's a pretty even split with respect to people who are genuinely excited and people who don't trust a word about this game's development. Either way there does seem to have been a spike in content.

>> No.9621301
File: 111 KB, 484x444, tumblr_ovphlaSnuJ1wx4ku6o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

following up on this- There was a reasonable turnout Friday and Saturday, but only one Dammek and they weren't good at all. Someone snagged an incredible Guy Fieri cosplayer though?

>> No.9625045

I know a few people are doing hiveswap countdowns? But i think its mostly artists instead of cosplayers

>> No.9627523
File: 372 KB, 576x374, get hype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'll go for a dip in the tags, just to get myself even more excited.

>> No.9628416

That'd be appreciated, anon!

>> No.9629352
File: 155 KB, 540x810, tumblr_oveu0iuE581rjx7a5o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start with a homestuck cosplay dump, then a hiveswap cosplay dump. Had to resort to google and instagram for hiveswap due to lack of people tagging on tumblr I guess.

>> No.9629355
File: 75 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_ow6ncuQtlV1rp3lm2o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9629356
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>> No.9629359
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>> No.9629360
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>> No.9629362
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>> No.9629364
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>> No.9629365
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>> No.9629368
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>> No.9629370
File: 86 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ovu0gwUhyl1v9cvyto1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9629373
File: 72 KB, 400x533, tumblr_ovm5ofhrSu1uj8r20o4_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9629375
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>> No.9629376
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>> No.9629380
File: 76 KB, 540x527, tumblr_ovubauJa3B1s1lg63o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9629381
File: 113 KB, 540x672, tumblr_ovtsmmNpdi1vv8as0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do the hiveswap dump tomorrow night. I need some sleep.

>> No.9629475

Lmao the Lady Gaga piece in the background.

Also he looks like he's in a boysband, which isn't half bad for a trickster I suppose.

These are solid.

Why do people make Kankri all soft and uguu? Can a case be made for (visually) soft and uguu Kankri? Is it the sweater that does it? I'd like to see a less shota/bishir Kankri.

That's a terrible wig.

Looks solid, but I'm personally a bit offput by the shape of the horns, also the wig could be a lot more dramatic.

God this is so whatever at this point.

Same for this. New and better positioned horns, more tightly styled wig, then we'll talk.

She's a babe as Vriska, but I can't find anything she's done before this. Is she a first time cosplayer or am I just not looking?

Too big glasses, unmotivated and lazy wig. When will people style start styling their long wigs?

This one I like a lot, who is she? Full body?

I'm nog sure how intentional it is but this is terrible to look at.

This one is pretty cool. Full body?

Again with the not styling long wigs.

>> No.9630379

I've never been a fan of eyecolour editing, and theyre definitely photoshopped gray. Look at the awful job with the line around kanaya's neck.
Designs are rather lackluster in general.

Messy symbol, but otherwise looks fine.

this kid looks 10 years old what the fuck

the colors are off on the sleeves, but otherwise this is reasonably good for a dave cosplay. A better wig and use of makeup would help make them look just that little bit better.

Everything looks nice except the lipstick and 'goggles'.

fucking awful and eyeburning.

horns look nice, and I'm really drawn to the vriska's lipstick.

>> No.9630450
File: 250 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_ow9egkBX4M1s1lg63o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top of BabeVriska's blog says 'beginner cosplayer'. She has all sorts of progress shots on her vriska arm, which is incredible btw. So yeah, looks like she just started at the top of her class.

The feferi is snow-the-salt-queen on tumblr, only has bust shots up, comment says she wore her to dragoncon. She's worn non-canon looking jades, a noncanon roxy, vriska and dave by the look up it?

Knight Dave is visguard24, who posted this fullbody only an hour or so ago... convenient timing, or someone keeps up with this thread. Either way, looks great. My only complaint is the wig needs trimming.

>> No.9630455
File: 104 KB, 600x900, f276aa9bd1698f3293cdca0a1e2bf1a5--fitness-shirts-taps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiveswap comes out at 11am/2pm today, so here are the best hiveswap photos I could find. Most of the good cosplays in the tags are either Cowbuttcrunchies or Xagave's groups, so variety sure isn't there yet, but there are a few others who aren't awful.

>> No.9630459
File: 97 KB, 540x609, tumblr_ofsd58WqXd1uufeafo3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630460
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>> No.9630462
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 14582516_550322551820114_3571563935700090880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630465
File: 64 KB, 750x750, 17437920_273508443075051_1794180046252933120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630466
File: 50 KB, 480x480, 20582542_143380429580456_6665653518130479104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630467
File: 147 KB, 540x810, tumblr_oviklmtuRX1ud4k37o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630468
File: 130 KB, 540x810, tumblr_oviklmtuRX1ud4k37o4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630471
File: 23 KB, 500x625, tumblr_oiwk55v9tX1rkhttyo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630472
File: 144 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nsmzey91xj1r0a2yxo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630474
File: 101 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ow91wlzfFB1so6dsjo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630478
File: 443 KB, 500x563, tumblr_ntit7tFyQw1svj8h8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630479
File: 58 KB, 640x640, 17077362_261422800964797_4379422880073515008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630482
File: 96 KB, 540x810, tumblr_ou9bn4y9Mg1ud4k37o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630484
File: 160 KB, 498x750, tumblr_nufr8cLO2u1r35os0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630485
File: 47 KB, 400x711, xefros_tritoh_cosplay_by_toxic_cosplay666-db6oju9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630492
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>> No.9630494
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>> No.9630496
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>> No.9630497
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>> No.9630498
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And done.

>> No.9630502

I love this. Does he have any progress shots?

>> No.9630547

Lol nvm then.

Also that looks neat af but I'm severely bothered by the hip-groin-thigh area, which doesn't seem accurate to the rest of the outfit at all.

>> No.9630591

>Boots and the fins
What were they thinking?

>> No.9630783

I surprised there's a good amount of decent cosplays

Do you guys think the game will re awaken some of the fandom?
I'm hoping it won't be a shit fest

>> No.9631228

I've noticed that there isn't a lot of males that cosplay homestuck. Not counting daves/dirks/bros.. I don't actually see a lot.

>> No.9631241
File: 1.58 MB, 1178x957, f23aa9bd1cda0a1ow90f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought Hiveswap yet?
How's everyone liking it so far?

I'm seeing more people posting in the tags, not sure if I should be excited or worried about the second coming of Homestuck

>> No.9631260

Bought and played it today. Loved it, but I know some might not enjoy it the same. Honestly, of the few people I know still lingering in the fandom, not as many seemed as excited for it as I thought they would be.
Aside from that, I'm excited to see old Homestuck cosplayers come back to cosplay Hiveswap.

>> No.9631630

What character do you guys want to see a cosplay of? Like when you go to a convention who is that one character you'd like to see?

>> No.9631655


Jokes aside, Doc Scratch, Bec Noir, Horuss, any groups of 3+ people.

>> No.9631668

>tfw seeing a bunch of Happy Birthday undertale posts
>no mention of Hiveswap anywhere


>> No.9631879

Good Eridans

>> No.9631884

I get really excited over well done Felt, but they're so so rare. I've seen 2 in person, and i've been in fandom since 2011.
Well done anscestors always grab my attention too.

Aside from Robohorse Rufioh, I'd probably lose my mind over an impressive Drone cosplay.

Bought it right away, beat it with about 5 hours total gameplay? was super cute, really funny and well done. I'm so thirsty for more already.

sounds like you aren't following the right people. My dash has been covered, as is my datemate's. Art, memes, screencaps, textposts. Even on twitter a bunch of the people I follow have been talking about it steady.

>> No.9633050

Does Doc Scratch count as "The Felt"? I mean canonically yes but do most people consider him Felt?

I went to AnimeMidwest and they just grouped the poor doc scratch cosplayer in with "FORGOTTEN COSPLAYS"

>> No.9633053

I kick started it all those years ago but I'm not even sure if I want to play it anymore.

>> No.9633060

I was the same way. Payed money for kickstarter, didn't give a shit about it at all when everyone was talking about release days and etc. I got an email and tried it out this weekend when I was free and I went from 0 to loving it instantly. The dialog is all great, the characters are great, and the music is phenominal. Sadly since it's too short for my tastes I wouldn't recommend buying it straight up, but you may as well get what you paid for.

>> No.9633149

Do you think it will attract a large fandom?
(that isn't mostly made up of previous Homestucks)

>> No.9633285

I don't expect the game to pick up any traction until more parts are released. I expect old homestucks to do like some Joey/Jude cosplay since that looks easy to make, maybe babysitter Roxy/Claire cosplay also. The Heiress looks harder to cosplay as.

>> No.9635608
File: 16 KB, 697x153, here we go kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in case some of you haven't seen this yet

>> No.9635939
File: 48 KB, 603x871, u1cbuY8Xh1qh6nap_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 1 million views

I hope y'all are ready because I'm not

>> No.9636191
File: 93 KB, 477x235, z_XGUKd7jsBIMgVypi_ivaZvO4zNLLd1DkjTolqBle0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are in the timeline god abandoned

>> No.9636647

Oh please god no...

>> No.9636927
File: 422 KB, 1280x960, piexes_generations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9637276

Honestly just plain old Damaras. I always see ones in Halloween store kimonos or $10 sailor fukus but not a lot of her actual outfit or Godtier. Plain dream outfit trolls too, they're a rare specimen compared to some form of fancy outfits.

>> No.9637456

I love how they decrease in height.

>> No.9638934

If I remember right, they were sisters?

>> No.9642334

That's pretty cute.

>> No.9642358

>Spot the blacks

>> No.9642743

CBC and a lot of their group sold most of their homestuck cosplays, it looks like. Even some commonly used wigs, with no future homestuck plans in the works. Will there be someone to fill their spot as homestuck cosplay bnfs? Sure there are cosplayers who are active, but do they have clean tutorials and help posts now that so many people have moved to instagram?

>> No.9642787

Although I'm sad CBC isn't cosplaying Homestuck anymore, their work just gets better and better and I'm happy to see where they're going with it. It feels unlikely that anyone could get to the same levels as the old bnfs at the peak of the Homestuck fandom. There are more than a few "big names" in the instagram community, but most of them are kids with no real work and have made it big off of musical.lys, closet cosplay selfies, and petty drama.

>> No.9642944


With Tumblr as a platform for cosplay dying out, it would be hard to replicate cosplay + advice/tutorials. You can't cultivate a text heavy brand on Instagram and FB blows for reach and sharing for anyone just starting off.

Hopefully Hiveswap will encourage some fun costumes

>> No.9642971

nonono you guys are getting the wrong impression
see, the reason why that vid has a million views is because of the youtuber playing it, and im betting only less than a third of those viewers are homestuck fans and not jacksepticeye fans

>> No.9643007

not really the wrong impression- he's introducing a lot of people to a series they likely hadn't considered interesting prior to the video. doesn't matter if less than a third are current homestucks, it's likely to bring in more NEW people.

I'm really sad it's dying out- it's such a customizable platform to show your work.
There are still a few people who do in-depth tutorials that are decent, but the difference is the kids now days aren't looking for them. They'd rather ask the same question on 6 different instagram posts, hoping someone just hands them the answer instead of doing any reading.
Instagrams multi image thing might work for examples, but again, these people don't want to read. Hell, they don't even read the image descriptions.

>> No.9643196

Youtube and videotutorials, maybe...
But I do love tumblr as a creative platform so seeing it rot is really sad ):

>> No.9643683

Help, HSCG! I'm looking for a Bec Noir/PM cosplay duo, anno ~2014 (likely earlier). They had (rather slim) fursuit heads but not furred bodies, and I believe the wings especially were very impressive. I can't remember details but I believe they either had flashy animatronics or light up parts, because IIRC they showed up in a few cosplay showcase videos. The cosplayers were never on the lists AFAIK, and didn't really do anything else as far as Homestuck goes...

>> No.9644836

be realistic, how mamy people are really gonna read all of homestuck or even grt into the fandom?
no one who watches youtubers play video games will have the attention span to handle such a long ass comic

>> No.9646802

Most kids i've run into that are new have watched the 'lets read homestuck' videos to get them a good ways in before picking up the actual comic. If they can watch a letsplay, they can watch a letsread.

>> No.9646815

hey why do they still have the original caste members' symbols, that's pretty weird. I mean i guess you can still tell the character by the horn shape, but symbol seems as intrinsic as their name and horn shape

>> No.9646819

>symbol seems as intrinsic as their name and horn shape
I'm guessing that's why they still have the original symbol, just in a different color. Symbol is family/genetic lineage (slash horn shape), so a bloodswap is that just with a different blood color. It makes more sense than Karkat wearing Feferi's symbol.

>> No.9646822

not that anon, but...what's in canon for Vriska being conventionally hot? I have no problem believing she wears minimum makeup/what she does apply is sparse and not of the best quality or consistency. She definitely has messy-ass hair. P sure the only troll who's canonically good looking and nicely 'made up' by human standards is Kanaya, due to her fashion designer tendencies

>> No.9646825

you're right, that makes total sense. I guess i was for some reason envisioning an AU where the ancestors were swapped too (ex Karkat's ancestor is the canon Condesce)

>> No.9646893
File: 2 KB, 209x250, IMG_3891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not evidence for actually being hot, but Vriska is canonically wearing mascara and lipstick.

>> No.9648585

ah fuck

>> No.9648971

What would you recommend for good Dirk shades?

>> No.9649016

>jake with gauges

>> No.9651575

Well, obviously, but I was thinking beyond that it's hard to imagine her painstakingly applying foundation/concealer/etc. The blue stuff is for the Mindfang aesthetic, but it's hard to imagine her caring much about being coifed and applying good/lots of makeup.

>> No.9653774
File: 440 KB, 3024x3106, znq6mxtyohqz_by_mkla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]