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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9607647 No.9607647 [Reply] [Original]

Now that summe's basically over and the Western school year is starting it's time to have another Nanchatte Seifuku/School Uniforms/General Preppy thread! Here's some stuff to jump start the thread

>> Have you found any brands (Japanese or not) that goes well with the style?
>> Do you have any coordinates ready for the start of the school year?
>> What are some trends you've noticed that you think will go well with nanchatte?

>> No.9607652

Sorry for my ignorance on the matter, but is this a thread to help people spice up their actual school uniforms, or for people who are weeb enough to buy cosplay Japanese school uniforms and wear them to school?

>> No.9607663

We've had threads about this before so...yes to both. Also, there are legitimate stores that sell school uniform accessories and items. Look up Conomi or Kuri-Ori. They're not cosplay since it's not based on any fandom.

>> No.9607665
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I wore nanchatte for the first time to japanese class yesterday and everyone loved it. I didn't expect a positive reaction from the teachers so I'm really happy.
Now they want me to dance AKB48 for the festival and not sure if want.

Do you guys wear nanchatte as everyday wear too?

>> No.9607674
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Is pic related what you actually wore to class or something like it?

I don't really wear it as everyday wear, simply because I don't have a lot of it. I do have one of those leather bags that I use all the time though. Very roomy. Small straps so it's a little hard to carry though.

>> No.9607679

No, It's just what I found with AKB + seifuku.
I can only post my coord when I'm home though.

>> No.9607732
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The only ones I can think of since I usually thrift are Lands End school uniform skirts and French Toast blouses. I have a size 14 one (they are kids sizes) with a lacy Peter Pan collar that is so cute.
I lived in Japan during May and pretty much replaced my whole wardrobe, so I have several coords ready! I can't wait to put them on insta since there seems to be a lack of nanchatte there but i wanna lose weight in my thighs first. After seeing the girls in Japan I see it's just not as good-looking on booby and thigh-y girls. It's still cute but I like the straight up and down leg look better. It's too hot now anyways for the cardigan/blazer/sweater vest ones.
I think Korean fashion and kpop kinda leaking in is normalizing unforms by a little bit. And using varsity jackets or hoodies and sneakers too.

>> No.9607733

Is nanchatte a style you only wear as a uniform substitute (ergo only while you're in school)? Is it actually worn f.e. by people in their 20s?

>> No.9607749

Lots of people past high school wear them, not everyday obviously but for going out occasionally. It's pretty common to see women in their 20's wearing seifuku at Disneyland Tokyo.

>> No.9607758

I'm 24 and I wear it. It's not really that normie unfriendly I think.

>> No.9607792
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Going to college in September and I am not adjusted in wearing anything BUT uniform. I would be doing Art and Design so what outer layer would you guys suggest wearing? (are smocks even kawaii)

>> No.9607803

I'd go with cardigans or vests. Blazers doesn't seem to be practical, although you can always take it or wear it after classes. Have you also consider wearing jumpers?

>> No.9607817

I do have cardigans but they don't really have the shape/thickness of Japanese ones. As for jumpers, they are worse than blazers in terms of how easy they can stain.

For any Britfags, can anyone suggest shops that carry good cardigans?

>> No.9607818
File: 350 KB, 950x1277, td8two1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the reason for nanchette being a trend is so japanese people who are not in highschool can relive their highschool days by wearing their uniform again but as a fashion
so age isn't really a big deal

>I think

>> No.9607824

The prices support this.

>> Almost $500 for a full outfit from Conomi.
>> What teenager can afford that?

>> No.9607826

Cardigans are $60 and skirts I think are $90. No way do they cost that much.

>> No.9607827

I always thought that nanchette started out as a fashion for teenagers tired of wearing the same old boring outfits. And then it evolved into a cuter fashion to wear outside of schools.

>> No.9607841

hmm I think you're right

I was just throwing out a theory, but I could've sworn I heard or read it somewhere

>> No.9608048

Both are correct, actually! There was an article a while back.


Myself, I wore a uniform for all of high school but it was pretty frumpy (including things like polos and badly fitted khakis, even though the girls' kilt was pretty cute) and often poorly made from scratchy materials. Anything you could possibly do to make your uniform cute was instantly forbidden by the uniform code as soon it got popular enough that teachers noticed. Once I got to university, I could wear whatever I wanted, the wore the kind of "uniform" I would have preferred to wear in high school.

I still wear it out and about. I usually wear it most in spring and fall but it's not bad during cooler summer days either. And I like that unlike lolita, my other jfash of choice, it's pretty effortless and very comfortable while still being cute.

I'm going to an amusement park in a little over a week, so I'll report back with a coord once I've decided what I'm wearing.

>> No.9608110
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does kogal count?

>> No.9608140

How do you make /tie the bow tie? I have noticed that it makes all the difference between a ho-hum generic uniform to a Japanese school uniform.

>not sure whether it goes here or in the feels thread, but I want to apologize to a girl in high school who wore a Seifuku to school, and who I probably creeped out staring, that uniform was awesome.

>> No.9608163

The bow ties are pretty straightforward. Here's one link: https://iwearabow.com/blog/anime-diy-japanese-school-girl-bow-tie/ there's a ton of tutorials out there though.

Or, they can be obtained cheaply from various places (ebay, ali, taobao, bodyline etc.)

>> No.9608341
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Is sukeban considered nanchatte?

Also, where are good places in Canada to get loafers?

>> No.9608390

I love sukeban. It's like the rebels uniform right? I'm going to start wearing it to class.
I see that they don't shave their eyebrows anymore.

>> No.9609797

H&M does some REALLY cute cardigans and jumpers, right now there's a good selection, I bought two the other day, and they often have great sales.
>TFW last year they had some nice jumpers in before Christmas but they were sold out for good when I went back with money.

>> No.9609800

I use one of these bags for college since I'm too shy to go out all out and I love it although I do tend to stuff it too much and can't seem to move anything out to make room haha

>> No.9609809
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I bought 6 different colors of the same type of cardigan from H&M when it was on sale for $5 each in spring. They go really well with kogal style.

Else I can only recommend Hug Sunshine on taobao, they have good quality for really low prices (full uniform for $20)

>> No.9609821

Is LucyPop a nanchatte brand?

>> No.9609828

I consider any brand that mainly makes uniform-like stuff nanchatte.

>> No.9609857

So glad to see one of these again!

I ended up selling off my nanchatte collection but I kept a few of the skirts and I'm currently using Sugarcandy bags as my daily college bags. They're really handy but they don't hold as much as backpacks.

If anyone needs Taobao nanchatte help, I'd be happy to help even if I'm not active anymore.

>> No.9609859
File: 250 KB, 723x960, Disneynanchatte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao-anon here. I can fully second Hug Sunshine. You'll get some loose threads and some skirts aren't as thick as I'd like but you can't beat the price, especially on their full set deals.

pic related is like their $5 shirt and one of their free bows.

>> No.9609861

Forgot to mention, ignore all the threads on the arm, I had my sleeves rolled up to my elbows.

>> No.9609902


Second this. Using one of their cardigans for daily wear, can't really say anything negative about it.

>> No.9611303
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I'm really looking forward to the weather cooling down so I can wear cardigans and such again!

Recently bought a sailor uniform but I can't figure out for the life of me how to tie the scarf!

>> No.9611458

Is it ok if I request some cute long skirt coordinates? Just got a nice skirt that hits right under my knee, and I need a bit of inspo.

>> No.9611695
File: 241 KB, 647x599, sailorfuku scarf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad to see one of these threads again!
Probably a long shot, but does anybody know a good place to get magazine scans anymore?

I translated this image way back in the last thread, maybe it'll help?

>> No.9611714

Tbh, I get all my loafers from the thrift store. You can find some cute ones that way. I saw pretty plain loafers at walmart at some point, so checking normie stores is not out of the question.

I also own a pair of bodyline loafers and they're not very comfy but not super terrible. Mostly they have fucked sizing. The style is on point, but the fit not so much. If there's anyone who's tried loafers from places like Antaina, they may be able to tell you more about fit and comfort.

>> No.9611728
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You can buy cheap pretied scarfs on ali and tao

>> No.9612054

I think seifukus are really cute and have been considering buying one just to wear casually. Do you think that'd be stupid, though? Imagine going to walmart and seeing some jackass casually chilling all decked out in a seifuku in the dairy section. What would your reaction be?

But still, they really are cute... I want to be cute.

>> No.9612106

It depends on where you live, how much effort you put into the rest of your appearance, and how confident you are/look in general. You'll probably get looks from "normies" but if you're confident and look put-together they're not likely to care more than a passing glance.

>> No.9612116

I'm good looking enough without much effort. I once posted a sweaty picture I took of myself after walking 2 miles without makeup in a rate thread and got a lot of responses, the average rating being a 7, so I don't think I have to worry about looks. I just wanna wear cute things, and seifukus are fucking adorable. I don't care if it's a cheap 5 dollar one from aliexpress, I wanna wear that shit.

>> No.9612141

I think you may get some stares, but not to the same extent as Lolita. At most they might think you work in an office, if you go for the blazer/knitwear look. Sailor fuku, idk.

>> No.9612287

>I don't care if it's a cheap 5 dollar one from aliexpress
Do you want to look natural and authentic or just costumey? Because you can just buy a cheap one and go to a con for a day if you want costumey.

>> No.9612302

Best place to get a natural-looking, fair quality seifuku or nanchatte outfit/pieces for a low/decent price? I want to look good but it's not something I'll wear too often so don't wanna drop a ton of money on it.

>> No.9612369

Order it through Yoybuy and grab their $10 off coupon.
Promise you'll get the full set for less than $35 including shipping and ss fee.

>> No.9613660
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I'm really into these threads so I'll post what I know/have noticed for new people

AR Conomi
Lucy Pop
Paris Kids (bows, accessories)
Cosmates (authentic looking uniforms)
Taobao (nanchatte is popular in china)
eBay (loose socks, school bags)
ToAlice (cute sailor uniforms)
Rakuten or japanese secondhand apps

>Accessories/extras I've noticed
Decorating school bag with charms
Scrunchies on the wrist
Loose socks
Hoodies under a blazer
Trainers/sneakers for a sporty look
Pastel cardigans/pleated skirts
Itabags are really popular
Crocs work surprisingly well with kogal

I'd recommend going to your local thrift store to find button ups, I've found that men's shirts are 1000x better for nanchatte.
Women's button ups tend to give you a weird silhouette if you're going for the Japanese school uniform look. I'd also avoid costume-y sailor uniforms that you can find on eBay or spreepicky, in the older threads more emphasis was placed on your coord looking somewhat authentic with subtle personal touches

>> No.9613702

I picked up bows from Paris Kids and they're shite upon seeing the conomi and even ebay ones, but for 300 yen I can't complain.

>> No.9613758

Have you worn any of the costumy To Alice sailor sets?

>> No.9613762

They're obviouslynot as good when you compare them to a pricey brand like conomi. I added them for anons on a budget

I prefer the more low key sailor uniforms they have, but the quality is better than one from eBay. They got a harajuku store this year I believe

>> No.9613796

I don't even really tie mine, I just stick the ends through the hole in front of the seifuku. is that considered wrong and bad, or does nobody care?

>> No.9613833

Might've had to do with the area (it was a really close knit nice neighbourhood, half old people, half rich hipster types) but I went grocery shopping in my seifuku and I got so many compliments. I did get asked if I was dressed up for something, and once if it was a uniform, but a simple "yes but I the look so I wear it casually" took care of that.

It was a cheap one from aliexpress, I think around ~$25 shipped. The material and construction is not terrible but the details do give away its lower quality. I still feel super cute wearing it, but I'm not sure if I'd recommend it since for a few dollars more you can buy a pretty decent set from Bodyline or Taobao. In a blazer or cardi I barely get any reactions, most just assume I'm a student. If I have my kid with me I get dirty looks...probably cause they think I'm a student.

>Imagine going to walmart and seeing some jackass casually chilling all decked out in a seifuku in the dairy section. What would your reaction be?
I mean, I have a pretty low sensitivity to outlandish dress because I've happily gone to Walmart in lolita, and I give zero fucks. If I do get reactions, I think I must be filtering them out now. So I would not give a fuck. Wear what you like and what is comfy, but obviously, normies can be super obnoxious so just be ready for that. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best!

>> No.9613983

I'm curious; can nanchatte be pulled off with uniform pants instead of skirts? My legs are pretty beat up from years of imitating Jackass so I'm a little self conscious about wearing skirts.

>> No.9614017

Hmm, it would depend on the fit and style of the pants. I don't see why you couldn't make it work though. You could also try flesh stockings or a sukeban style uniform.

>> No.9614042

I would think so?
I've seen boys' nanchatte, at least.
So I don't see why not.
Or you could wear a sukeban-style/long skirt, maybe?

>> No.9614070
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I'm actually getting into "boys nanchatte" myself and it's definitely possible! Hug Sunshine on Taobao sells both skirts and pants uniforms.

>> No.9614073

Whoops, mixed up my links! This is Hug Sunshine's shop: https://shop36089213.world.taobao.com

>> No.9615394

Don't worry about a smock unless you're specifically in a painting class. In that case just pack an apron and put it on when you get there.

>> No.9615477
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Not to be dumb... but why wouldn't you just buy uniform skirts from western brands? They are essentially the same, you just need to get them hemmed (which as a catholic school kid I can say costs like ten bucks).

>> No.9615878

Why don't you just wear stockings? That seems like far less of a departure from nanchatte than wearing pants.

I replace skirts with shorts pretty often though, if they count as pants.

>> No.9616103

if you buy head to toe conomi it'll be well over $500 anon.

>> No.9616129

>be me 6 years ago, an edgy 15 year old
>post-halloween shopping for spooky clearance
>hot topic has costumes on sale
>buy "school goul" outfit for 10 bucks
>short sleeved white button down with some dumb skull patch on the breast pocket
>rip the skull patch off
>still own the button down
>fits really well, opaque, still holding up

kind of a worthless story but what I'm trying to say here is that nice pieces for nanchatte can come from anywhere

>> No.9616149
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>blouse $35
>cardi $60
>skirt $100
>bow $20
>socks $10
>shoes $100
Total $325

>add schoolbag $65

>Replace cardi with $220 blazer

>well over $500
And that's going all out. Nope.

>> No.9616166

NAYRT, do many high schoolers you know have $325 to blow on one outfit? that's still pretty expensive, regardless of anon's overestimation.

>> No.9616176

People will think you're a weeb if you wear sailor fuku, but how negative that is will depend on your area.

Sweaters and pleated skirts will just come off as preppy or as an actual uniform to 90% of people.

>> No.9616217

I won't argue that but it's still more affordable than people think it is. especially since the shoes, skirts, and blazers will last forever if you take care of them.

>> No.9616223

Everyone's gonna think you're a high schooler there on a field trip at first unless you wear your nanchatte in colours that aren't typical for real uniforms, like pastels.

>And that's going all out. Nope.
That's not going all out, you'd need a coat and scarf if you were really gonna go all out.

>> No.9616228

Where did you buy that bag?

>> No.9616439
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It's also a good idea to check out normie western brands, found pic related on h&m's website


>> No.9616468

Not that anon but here's my go-to for bags. I've owned five of Sweet Candy's bags and each one was like $5. My current one has lasted well over two semesters of daily use.

This is the link to mine but they've got the leather looking ones as well.

>> No.9616484

Some H&M stores will give you 15% off if you donate old clothes/fabric to their store at the time of purchase, I recommend calling ahead to see if your local store is participating. I've used it every time I shop there just to get the extra 5-15 dollars off, it works multiple times too!

>> No.9616607

Nobody said you couldn't, if it saves you money go for it anon. I just prefer to buy from japanese nanchatte brands when I have the money.

>> No.9616625

Most from cgl already wear jfash and doubt they give a fuck about what others think.

The only opinion that matters for yourself is your own opinion. So wear that weeb clothing before you're old n gonna regret that you didn't.

>> No.9616655

The Japanese brand stuff is often a lot thicker and nicer than stuff you find from Western normie brands or cheap random Aliexpress jfash. Neither are made to last like a real uniform.

>> No.9616664

>Neither are made to last like a real uniform
>a real uniform
Anon I was literally suggesting buying a real uniform, but not ordering it from a completely different country because ~glorious nippon~

(Fuck, and I'm a huge brandwhore but this I really just don't get)

>> No.9616677

>I wear my seifuku every day, this superior uniform is made to last because it's cloth is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other uniform on earth. I earned my seifuku license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

>> No.9616685

Oh right, I thought you were suggesting buying from H&M or something. Regardless, I'm actually a Britfag and wore uniform in school and have easy access to Brit school uniforms, and I still prefer the quality of a lot of Taobao and Japanese brand stuff (and I'm not some ~glorious Nippon~ weeb). Brit supermarket chains have always competed on price to be the cheapest of the cheap with their uniforms, so even though they last better than normie brand stuff, they're still not that nice. A £3 polyester skirt from ASDA and a £60 skirt from Conomi are going to be miles apart, and shirts often have ugly designs or are too thin and see-through. Specialist suppliers and posh schools have nicer uniforms, but a lot won't sell to non-students (or have to be ordered through the school) and think it's suspicious if someone online tries to order and get stuff sent really far away. I've bought a lot of shoes from shops like Clarks and had good luck finding vintage school skirts in some charity shops though, and I like buying things like socks from school uniform sections much better than buying them on Ali/eBay, since those cheap ones often pill and get fucked up really quickly, whereas school ones are designed to last the year.

>> No.9616718
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But see through is hot.

>> No.9616772

You could buy the plainer skirts and stuff from Western brands, but more unique items you'd have to get from Asia.

>> No.9616781
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You don't have to explain yourself, anon. Nanchatte is just like any other jfash, it always feels nicer to buy from japanese brands even if you can use off brand. I will agree though about the quality of japanese nanchatte brands, it's pricey but the quality does tend to be better than western uniforms. Conomi is actually priced at what a real uniform would be

>> No.9617329
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I'm planning on getting a couple of pleated skirts while Bodyline is having their sale. I'd like a solid colored one but I am not sure which color I want. Leaning towards navy but I'm not sure if it's a nice deep and dark navy like in the picture, or if it's a bright navy and just looks dark in the picture. You know how Bodyline's pictures are.

I know people have posted about the quality of Bodyline's skirts before, but if anyone has pics of theirs feel free to post them!

>> No.9617346
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a sale?

I don't have any solids but I have two plaids and they are amazing. I know there's something about only getting the ones that aren't in a set and have the clasp thing at the side but I've never bought a set so.
It's not the plasticy material as the seifukus. It's midweight and I love them.

>> No.9617357

Believe it or not, not everyone is a slut

>> No.9617441

Yan's bday sale. Some of the stuff is just normal price, but some stuff is on sale. I don't know what shipping is like yet, though. That might be a dealbreaker.

I love hearing that people like their Bodyline skirts. Makes me feel confidant that I should order a couple. I especially love that most of them have a pocket.

>> No.9617446

Annnnd everything I wanted to get is sold out, except for the pleated skirts. All I wanted was some socks and a new pair of shoes. Sigh.

Still can't check to see what shipping is like because their site crashes when I try. Sure hope it's not over the top.

>> No.9617473

Their cheapest shipping is $8 (I just finished looking at skirts) but they also add a little tax

>> No.9617539

Look at John Lewis, they do school uniforms for prep schools and some of them are cute af.

>> No.9618180

So I was just about to order those skirts from Bodyline, only to discover that I'm too big. The one I liked the most only goes up to 70cm, which is a squeeze at my natural waist, and I need more like an 80cm to wear it comfortably. I have been feeling so fucking fat lately, so this has been a blow to my already scant self esteem.

>> No.9618186

Sorry for bitching I am just so frustrated. Life has been absolute shit and I was so looking forward to getting myself a treat. I weigh under 110 lbs and people accuse me of being anorexic even though I'm not and despite that I'm still too fat. Plus my doctor just put me on a medication that will probably make me gain weight, and when I brought up my concerns about that she told me medicine can't make people gain weight so if I do it will be my own fault.

>> No.9618190

>110 lbs
>80cm waist
I don't know what is more confusing, how is this even possible or that choice of measurments. How tall are you?

>> No.9618195

There's no way you weigh under 110 and have an 80cm waist unless you're the least fortunate of the skinny fat, apple shaped midgets.
I'm straight shaped (no defined waist) and at 105 and 156cm (~61"), my waist is like 63cm on a bloated day. At 110 it was maybe 67-68.

>> No.9618197

Seriously, what? I'm a 155lb chubbychan and my waist is 75cm. Are you sure you're measuring right? What on earth is your body type?

>> No.9618245


I dunno what to tell you guys? I can't wear stuff on my natural waist so I need sizes that fit me more like mid rise - low rise and I have wide hips. my natural waist is probably closer to 72cm? I dunno. Thanks for making me feel freakish though lol.

>> No.9618265

then your waist isn't 80 cm, genius

>> No.9618290

To be fair, she said 70cm is a squeeze and 80cm is comfortable. If she finds that 80cm is comfortable on a 72cm waist, that's just a personal preference rather than her actual measurements.

I don't know if that's really how you should be wearing this type of skirt though, they don't look right around the hips.

>> No.9618403

Shapewear girl.
Makes any kind of clothing you wear look good, comfortable and fitting.

>> No.9618543

I was worried about it not looking right being worn so low, but after asking other people about it everyone seemed to think I could make it work. I have IBS so wearing anything that constricts mt waist is asking for trouble.

>> No.9618825

I know that really sucks anon, but maybe give jumpers/pinafores a try? They wouldn't then have a waist to constrict you.

another option is to wear the skirt loosely, but keep it at waist level using suspenders. Hide the suspenders under a cardi after that (imo visible suspenders look great but don't read nanchatte to me, just general jfash).

For what it's worth, I find Bodyline skirts very comfy and I often can't have anything on/around my waist for extended periods of time (and this extends to my ribcage as well so wearing a bra for too long makes me feel sick). But I can't imagine what level of pain or irritation you might experience because of IBS.

>> No.9620627

Thinking of wearing some nanchatte this fall but I'm in my final year of uni so it's probably pretty weird.

My uniform back then was ugly, but I miss not having to pick what to wear every day in high school, desu. I'm an extremely anxious person so I tend to panic and obsess over what I wear to uni now in case it looks weird, I would rather wear the same thing every day like a uniform. Simpler times.

>> No.9620706

You can still basically design your own "uniform" and wear the same shit every day with some variation ex: pleated skirt + blouse + cardigan + loafers (or literally any combination of items). It's not weird, and in fact most celebrities who are known for their personal style have some variation on that. Whether you want that to fit into the unifor "aesthetic" is up to you.

>> No.9620829
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Well my town's pretty small so everyone can recognise school emblems on blazers and plus patterned skirts aren't a thing. I'm so short however that I still get asked for child tickets.

Are they still on sale??

>> No.9620942

Yeah, I used to wear always sneakers/boots + dark blue jeans + long-sleeved T-shirt + chunky sweater before I got into jfash. I've been experimenting a lot with different styles for the past couple of years but I'm so busy and stressed that feeling pressured to dress up for class is no longer fun, especially now I'm older and it's seen as unprofessional not to save the fun stuff for the weekend. I just want to go back to a simple approach but jeans are no longer comfy to me and it's hard for me to settle on another style that I don't feel self-conscious in.

Thinking of going for a simple preppy nanchatte-ish approach with berets, pleated skirts (tartan and plain), dark-coloured knit sweaters, and tights or OTKs. I already own a lot of stuff that fits the style, could just do with a couple more skirts. Not sure about shoes, I don't really like loafers or oxfords and it's hard to find the perfect Mary Jane (too flat looks childish and too high looks porny or office-y). I was honestly considering hi-tops or maybe T-bar shoes. Not sure about shirts either, I find them kind of uncomfortable and hard to care for so I was thinking of buying false collars to use over crew necks, but it V-neck sweaters seem much easier to find.

>> No.9621544
File: 320 KB, 640x814, IMG_0346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has a hard time finding inspo, here's some keywords you can use for google. I've been rebuilding my nanchatte folder lately.


>> No.9621843
File: 801 KB, 599x768, TB2ojePbFXXXXXqXXXXXXXXXXXX-66594260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should check out Yumetenbo, they have a lot of casual cute mary janes style shoes with 4-8cm heel (on taobao夢展望).
You can also find cheap false collars on taobao.

>> No.9621854

/r/-ing warm toned/autumnal outfits? Considering getting pic related but a lot of inspo skews into blue tones or pinks.

>> No.9621857

Does Dear My Love even sell these anymore? Also, Yumetenbo is a japanese brand and sells on rakuten. Any taobao listing you are finding is a replica

>> No.9621858
File: 939 KB, 1179x1425, Screenshot_20170905-214652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.9621889

Dear My Love is a line from dreamv/yumetenbou. Idk if they're in stock now, but they've had identical shoes to that regularly for years.

>> No.9621894

I'm aware what dear my love is, I just didn't see them a few months ago when I was browsing their site. A lot of their stuff skews heavily normie or Larme these days. I could have missed them, though

>> No.9621909

They only have gross suede ones in that style, but Autumn is starting soon. Their sweaters are awesome.

>> No.9621929

taobao has replicas of all the good old things. current dreamv sucks.

their quality is on par with taobao replicas though

>> No.9622099
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, ZCdRSXt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I wore nanchatte to the zoo and my friend took pictures of me.

After he showed me the pics I just got really sad because I don't think I'm cute enough to pull off this look. I spent money to get authentic items and everything else is perfectly on point, my face just ruins it.

He swears they're just bad shots but idk. I've had this fear for awhile and it was pretty much just confirmed for me today

>> No.9622165
File: 730 KB, 480x270, IMG_0366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe there's a standard of "cuteness" for this fashion, anon. School uniforms can fit anyone well especially in nanchatte where you can personalize it. I think you should believe your friend, we've all had bad photo days. Don't be discouraged!

>> No.9622180

I'm the same way. I bought authentic things for colder weather recently after just thrifting forever I think I'm just going to censor my face in my insta shots. It used to bother me since I considered the face part of the coord but it doesn't as much anymore as long as my body looks ok in the clothes. I think we can feel cute with just cute clothes.

>> No.9622188

Maybe try wearing a medical mask?

>> No.9622382

Photos are pretty unforgiving, unless you really carefully set up an angle, most people look better in person. I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.9622495

Do you wear makeup? And how do you style your hair?

>> No.9622511
File: 47 KB, 700x700, costume1047-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done a huge clearout of my wardrobe and I found a bodyline seifuku (pic related) that I bought for a cosplay that I never did. Are there any tips people have to help make a seifuku look less weeby?

>> No.9622558

Everyone has to wear school uniform, even if they're ugly. No standards of cuteness; it's not like they make the ugly girls go to school in a sack.

>> No.9622570

Requesting pics of coords with winter boots or generally winter coords!

>> No.9622603
File: 63 KB, 320x418, cardi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One look I've seen that I thought was cute and more subtle was to wear an oversized cardigan over the traditional seifuku.

>> No.9622632
File: 600 KB, 1024x576, SS000054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon.

I'd rather not, I'm kinda concerned people would notice me in the wrong way if I did that (like omg that girl looks like she has some contagious disease, move away)

Thank you anon, I'm just so used to seeing all these carefully posed images and then people always look so cute IRL. And I can't see myself to know if I am truly one of them or if I've just mindfucked myself into an illusion that I am cute

The only thing approximating makeup that I wear is the Shiseido undereye cream that has a lightening effect. It's an intentional choice because I'm going for youthful/innocent, not the kogal look.

My hair is naturally curly (think loose, dark curls) and I've been leaving it that way recently due to being told that it is more flattering to my face shape than flat-ironed hair. I had blunt-cut bangs which I am growing out because I've had them forever and I want to see what I look like without.

If it was just a matter of a different hairstyle I'd do it... But even when I had a hime cut and straightened my hair, I still had this issue of feeling like my face itself wasn't cute enough. I have a long face with high cheekbones and my nose is really prominent. Basically my features are really defined and "adult" looking, the opposite of soft Japanese schoolgirl face. It's like the difference between a collie and a Pomeranian. I think I can be decently attractive if I play my cards right (more mature looks) but when I try to do "cute" looks like most nanchatte there's this weird dissonance that makes me look like a fucked up adult trying to be a kid. Lol

I guess the fear is not really that I'm ugly, but that I look too serious and mature. I might try the long 70s-style uniforms.

>> No.9622676
File: 57 KB, 640x480, IMG_0321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could wear oversized cardigans like >>9622603 suggested. You could also try baggy sweaters as well, a vest might even look cute.

>> No.9622682

>The only thing approximating makeup that I wear is the Shiseido undereye cream that has a lightening effect. It's an intentional choice because I'm going for youthful/innocent, not the kogal look

This is the biggest mistake people make with makeup. All those pretty/cute people you that look ~natural and innocent~ have makeup on, it's just selectively applied to make the wearer look naturally more pretty then they are. Consider looking into natural makeup tutorials. Some concealer, tinted moisturizer, blush and mascara could make a huge difference...

and trust me, you will never accidentally look gal. if you've spent less than an hour doing makeup, applying false eyelashes and teasing your hair you are safe

>> No.9622689

>I might try the long 70s-style uniforms.
You could also look into 1930s vintage looks, sailor clothes for adult women were extremely popular at that time.

About your face, I honestly think it sounds like you've been watching too much anime and idealise looking like a kawaii Japanese girl too much. I'm biased as a Britfag but as long as you don't look super old, having a prominent nose or obvious gaijin face doesn't make you look out-of-place in uniforms at all IMO...plenty of Western countries have uniforms. Maybe you should look at more series from those countries for inspo if it makes you feel better.

>> No.9622700

Konomi is usually what kids in private schools wear, it's not what your everyday high schooler would wear though

>> No.9622760
File: 346 KB, 1292x758, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need more make up and a different hair style.
There is so much you can do that will make you achieve the younger look without looking like a want to be kid.
A big difference is the hair color. Jennifer Aniston is a good example for this.
Soft blonde hair makes younger and cuter. That's a fact. Just look up all the hollywood stars who went from blonde to brown or the other way around.
Flat ironed or curls don't matter, as long as you get some highlights that soften your face shape. Instead of blunt bangs go with soft cut bangs or side bangs. No bangs will make you look older. (see zooey deschanel)

As for make up, you need false lashes. The difference they make is insane. They will open up your eyes and give you a youthful look. Avoid going for undereye lashes or putting much eyeliner/mascara there. Keeping it top lashes only makes you young.
Conturing is also something you need if you want to hide a big nose and get a shorter face. The same goes for high applied blush. Bigger lips = smaller looking nose.
Chokers also make a long face look shorter. Avoid anything that goes into lenght.

>> No.9624051
File: 49 KB, 352x200, PA01004204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone any experience uniforms from Mia Costume (a.k.a M.I.A)?

>> No.9624079

I think that's overkill, but some "no makeup" makeup will make a difference over nothing without looking too made up. Just like light foundation, blush, maybe natural eyes, mascara. Maybe soft highlighter? I like filling in my eyebrows, not like crazy big but they look better evened out. YouTube has good and bad natural looks.

>> No.9624133
File: 19 KB, 236x278, ca37f064fa71bd8f4c3e76b7a6eb95e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the best place to get seifuku in cosplay colors? Bodyline can be a sketch and desu I'd rather pay a bit more for a better looking costume.

>> No.9624174

I got mine from bodyline and the quality is great. Unlucky you just missed the sale though.
Else taobao is good too (check feedback).

>> No.9624204
File: 978 KB, 1573x2702, IMG_2627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do bodyline. I don't think there are better costumey ones desu.

>> No.9624213

Whoa that ones crazy cute!

>> No.9624244
File: 103 KB, 480x640, IMG_0327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't really find any boots, but I did find some cold weather coords. Though there's still a lot of bare leg

>> No.9624248
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>> No.9624250
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>> No.9624254
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>> No.9624255
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>> No.9627368
File: 142 KB, 744x717, -font-b-Japanese-b-font-Girls-font-b-School-b-font-Student-Uniform-JK-Horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to find some, sorry if some of them seem creepy (they're taken from the back)

>> No.9627370
File: 434 KB, 800x564, a114184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9627371
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>> No.9627374
File: 115 KB, 950x713, japanese-school-girls-uniform-in-the-winter-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9627376
File: 59 KB, 950x713, japanese-school-girls-uniform-in-the-winter-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9627377
File: 79 KB, 950x534, japanese-school-girls-uniform-in-the-winter-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9627379
File: 60 KB, 500x750, b7d8da5d8155d2e78cafaa2f883d46e2--japanese-school-uniform-school-outfits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only picture I could find with tights and she's not even wearing a coat.

>> No.9627381
File: 96 KB, 680x1024, japanese-school-girls-uniform-in-the-winter-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. I suppose if weather conditions are absolutely horrid you have a few girls where pants and boots but overall it seems to mostly just be kneesocks.

>> No.9627505

I think some of them might be wearing skintone tights of some kind, with the kneesocks over them?

>> No.9627507
File: 79 KB, 480x640, coordisnap mito otk style tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or even like this girl, whose stockings are actually just those tights that look like stockings.

>> No.9627525

From what I have seen so far, it's pretty normal for japanese girls to show bare legs in winter.
They tend to wear thick layering on top and under the skirt though.

Uggs/Furboots are great for Uniform.

>> No.9627532
File: 78 KB, 429x750, 1469715162471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9627543


I think I actually remember a spot about this on NHK world once, stopping women on the street who had leg exposed in freezing temperatures and asking how they coped. I think the common answers were layering a lot of socks to keep the feet warm, and just dealing with it.

>> No.9627692


Thank you so much guys!

>> No.9627966

Welp, I just ripped my favourite cardigan this morning. I'm absolutely heartbroken esp since I got it on clearance years ago so I likely won't find an exact one in stores.

I'm heading to Ali to look for cheap cardis and hope I can find something decent.

>> No.9628043

The brand of my two pleated skirts are Hug Sunshine. I had purchased mine through Amazon. I agree the material isn't the thickest, but it's good quality for the price. I haven't had any issue with either skirt, and they've been worn pretty consistently of the past year. Also, they hold their shape well when hung to dry so easy ironing.

I didn't mean to babble. I saw the name, and recognized it. It's good to know it is a Taobao brand for future reference.

>> No.9628054

I wear skirts only year-round and what I do is just layer heavily on top and wear heavy socks. Your legs don't need as much heat as your torso, and they're not as important as feet when it comes to perceiving the cold.

>> No.9628241

What cute bags, does anyone know where they are from?

>> No.9628271

Too bad the guy didn't model the girl's uniform.

>> No.9628273
File: 456 KB, 1278x566, dennis29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try buying from Dennis Uniform?

>> No.9630765
File: 157 KB, 432x576, 01_001-432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone with a Tenso this is a good deal. Earth music&ecology is having a sale on their seifuku collab.

Have fun

>> No.9634656
File: 106 KB, 640x917, IMG_0695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a little so we don't lose the thread yet

>> No.9634658
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>> No.9634663
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>> No.9634665
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>> No.9634673
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>> No.9634676
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>> No.9634746


These are perfect.

>> No.9639543

This is the fashion I definitely want to get into for my college years..
Hopefully I can come up with the money before going off to college..

>> No.9639582
File: 1019 KB, 1400x2165, 083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the whole burberry scarf look, but they are so expensive.
I own a fake one, but it feels like it's super obvious it's fake. Wonder if they are wearing real or fake ones.

(been having this picture for 6 years now and still haven't figured out who model#3 is)

>> No.9639586

You can always go the Taobao route. Nanchatte is pretty big so there are a lot of Japanese and Korean styled uniform shops.

>> No.9639587

Probably fake ones unless their parents are rich or they were the kind of kogal that did dating for money which was how students afforded brand name items like that and LV purses.

>> No.9639663

Thrift stores are your friends for the basics like blouses and skirts, I’d say thrift for the basics and then save for the nicer stuff (loafers/mary janes, school bags, bows, cardigans etc etc)

>> No.9640726
File: 51 KB, 564x846, ufek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for autumn coat like pic related on Taobao . Not too thic, not too expensive but good quality. Can you help me anons?

>> No.9640746

What are some good brands of thigh high socks? I haven't been able to find anything quality, especially made of cotton. It seems like none of the big western hoisery make them, instead they carry knee-highs, or transluscent stockings made for lingerie.

>> No.9640755

Her name’s Katie, ケイティ if you wanna copypaste to search, but the rest of the text is cut off so I can’t read what it says about her

>> No.9640756

sock dreams has some (sockdreams.com)

>> No.9640758

seconding sockdreams. one of their own brands has a sock called extraordinary thigh highs which are great. they even have longer extraordinaries that come all the way up to my butt (I'm 5'9.5"). and if you want even thicker knit, they have a bunch of those too. I think their 2 personal in-store brands are dreamstockings, and dreamer socks... or something.

>> No.9640788

Yeah, go with sock dreams desu. The extraordinaries are the best bang for your buck (but I like the solid opaques too). Taobao, ebay, and ali are a crapshoot unless you're petite. I'm only 5'5" but muscular calves means thigh highs are barely otk on me.

>> No.9640833

I actually just got this bodyline skirt in the post today. I got the black, but it's amazing, and my favorite of the three I ordered. The material is thick and soft and doesn't wrinkle easily. It actually feels like a decent pair of slacks. It's definitely polyester, but a nicer polyester, and not the rough, plasticky kind they use for their seifuku.

The other two are plaids. One feels a bit like the black one, but of a slightly thinner fabric, and the other isn't as thick or smooth, and doesn't lay as well because it's more of a flannel, but it's still nice. It almost feels like a polyester/wool blend, though the tag on all 3 say 100% polyester.

I think my favorite part of the bodyline pleated skirts is the pocket.

If I get a chance later I'll try to take some pictures and share the quality as best I can.

>> No.9642037

I bought this one: https://world.taobao.com/item/542390858651.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a1z10.5-c-s.w4002-15029436131.33.6e9d7adc0YWXu7
From Hug Sunshine a week ago. The version with the extra cotton.
It feels pretty soft and looks good when I wear it.
The sleeves and overall length are a bit short (I'm 5'7 choose size M, L would've been better) and the shoulders are a bit small and it attracts fluff easy.
For the price it's still a good buy and got many compliments for it already.
If you need some pictures lmk.

Thanks anon!

>> No.9642698

Thx anon, that's what i was searching for! It's really cute coat! And if that wouldn't be a problem I would love to see pic of that coat, especially if you would wear it. There aren't any photos of model wearing it so that would be helpful if I see how it fits.

>> No.9644718

I watch a youtuber who lives in Japan and swears by these heat packs that you can stick on your clothes in the inside so that they keep you warm when your out. She says that's how she copes with wearing short skirts in the winter - basically layering up on top plus heat packs all the time lol

>> No.9645483

What taobao sellers do people recommend for slightly higher quality cardigans, I bought some long cheap ones from a random store about a year ago and they're starting to fall apart. I really want to get some higher quality ones but some of the Japanese brands are a little too out of my price

>> No.9645512
File: 85 KB, 500x375, 2017-09-30 15.33.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my go to brand for those since they come in a variety of sizes for shoes to pockets to coats with or without the sticky pack, and when they say 24 hours they really mean it. I had forgotten to take any jeans with my to Japan in February and these plus thermal tights saved my life

>> No.9645867
File: 394 KB, 810x1440, 17-10-01-00-09-06-895_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would honestly wear scarves all year round if I could

>> No.9646134

Oh Anon, is that you? If it is, where did you get your cardigan?? I've been lookiing for a cardigan that shade for a long times now, and all I'm getting are sweaters

>> No.9647212
File: 478 KB, 1489x476, hf45h45hf5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(don't mind messy background/hair)

The coat is overall more like a longer jacket on me and you can see how it doesn't fully go over my wrists. One of the buttons is also sewn a bit higher than the other.
Both those things don't matter much to me though, since I always wear a cardigan under it and don't close the coat.
It looks a bit thin, but in current rainy weather (10°c) I tend to sweat with blouse and cardigan under it. Padded version is more for colder weather.
They also sell the exact same coat on Ali, Hug Sunshine one came with a free bow tie tho.

>> No.9649430

I got it when I was in china a few years back. if it was a taobao order I'd be more than happy to provide a link but I got it in-person, so...

sorry I couldn't be much help
good luck on your search though

>> No.9649440

I got a similar cardigan from Primark (sans pocket). Fits loosely with a size up with very similar buttons. It was around 8 USD.

I would recommend looking at stores like USPolo, GAP, NYco, etc.

>> No.9650434

You can find them on both ebay and amazon. I recently got one from amazon in black and it's actually pretty decent. looks exactly the same as the one this anon posted, and they do have it in several colors

>> No.9650436


>> No.9650466

Oh my, you helped me so much anon! Srsly you are lifesaver! I love this coat and already ordered it, for that price it looks really good! And thx for pics, you look super cute!

>> No.9651234

Are there any aliexpress sources for skirts? I'm just looking for something to pad my wardrobe in dark colors.

>> No.9651352

Here's a couple links:

>> No.9657411
File: 38 KB, 486x700, 1448585227519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so cute, I love the leg warmers!
Anyone have more dark coloured leg warmer pics?

>> No.9661557

Sorry, this is a super weeby question, but where can I get those leather briefcase/messenger bags I sometimes see in anime or in seifuku? Or, what are they called?

>> No.9662210

IDR what they're called, but Hug Sunshine has a few listed--the rest of their stuff is good quality, so I imagine the bags are decent as well.


>> No.9662228

TJ Maxx has a pretty good selection of loafers. I snagged some Ralph Lauren ones about a year ago on clearance for $20

>> No.9663580

>tfw you realize there's a girl at your school who wears nanchatte all the time
>tfw there's no good subtle coords for boys

I've wanted to get into this fashion for years, and she just happened to revitalize my interest. Do you think a gakuran would be too overtly weeby for an American college campus? I have a good assortment of sweatervests, but maybe I should try embroidering a school logo onto them.
Basically: where's a good place to start with male nanchatte?

>> No.9663700

I absolutely love Bodylike seifuku skirts, go for it anon.

>> No.9663833

IMO gakuran are very old-fashioned looking, so it depends on what kind of nanchatte you're going for. If you want a more casual/cool look, I'd go for a cardigan+collared shirt+trousers combo and roll the sleeves up on the shirt/cardi. For a more preppy look, depending on the climate, a blazer+sweater vest combo looks really nice. Make sure your clothes fit correctly and your hair is decently styled.

See >>9614070 and check the last thread in the archives for more info.

>> No.9663884
File: 1.51 MB, 2448x2448, 6347A53C-6123-425C-A081-332F04415E12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon again, the weather is finally colder so I could coord this particular skirt.

>> No.9663979

This is so cute!

>> No.9664070

Thanks! it looks better as a floordinate than when worn just because boobs and vests don’t work well. I should have got an L instead of an M but oh well.

>> No.9664086

That's adorable, anon. Sauce on vest?

>> No.9664094

I got it from Good Day House on Takeshita-dori. They had a whole little nanchatte section. I’m not sure if it’s a chain store or what but the tag says Good Day House at least, so maybe they have an online shop.
>same store also had an osomatsu-san shirt on clearance for $5 hell yeah picked that up too

>> No.9666231

I was wondering, is there any facebook groups for Nanchatte?

>> No.9666754

What's the name of the fabric school skirts are commonly made of? That heavy, not-very-soft fabric. Google isn't helping. I want to say khaki but I don't know what you'd call it in other colors.

>> No.9666759

Drill? It comes in lighter weights, but heavier weights are more stiff, and it has that distinct diagonal weave.

>> No.9666771

Yeah, I think that's it! Or twill. Thanks.

>> No.9666789
File: 174 KB, 1080x1080, 1502690405943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy here and non /cgl/ poster. I'm glad to see chicks getting along in a /cgl/ thread.

>> No.9666797

Lots of the threads here are civil to nice, it's mostly the bigger fashions like lolita that attract lots of drama.

>> No.9666815

Or jfashion that isn't lolita in general. I would like to know as well.

>> No.9666906

desu, you can't do much wrong with this fashion style.
2nd hand, normie shops and chink stuff is where you even find the basics, brands have no place here.

>> No.9666920

Anon, you're not alone. I can't really help since I feel the same way, but thank you for sharing. Makes me feel un-weird!

>> No.9666924

I feel the same way!

>> No.9666935

Where do you stick these?

>> No.9666980
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, jNmXrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I've been spending a lot of time searching for a proper uniform like pic related but can't seem to find anything that's close to it.

>> No.9667393

Anon, it's just a brown blazer and sweater vest.

>> No.9667405

No offense anon but this art is terrible. That is not how boobs work.

>> No.9667667

I'm going to be cosplaying Monika and desu your best bet is to get a very cheap sweatervest and add the quilting stiches yourself, if you have any sewing skills. Personally I'm going to add the collar and cuffs of the undershirt to the vest, so it's not a full shirt. Then a plain grey blazer and navy pleated skirt. It's very much an "easy to thrift" cosplay.

Agreed, the art is off-putting but for certain aspects of the game, having the art be "off" actually adds to the scariness

>> No.9667685

Is nanchatte even big enough to have a facebook group? Id honestly join in a heart beat

>> No.9667687
File: 2.41 MB, 1439x1637, 20171023_173219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this so much but I cant even find any of it on the website...

>> No.9667698

shall we make one?
keep it nice and clean

>> No.9667748
File: 162 KB, 532x800, kyary-pamyu-pamyu-adidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not brave enough to wear nanchatte or jfash in my conservative baptist community. Would it be tacky to wear it just to anime conventions and say that I'm a generic high school girl (despite being mid-20s)?

>> No.9667787
File: 493 KB, 1122x1599, yurucamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nayrt, but you stick them wherever there's a concentration of veins. Between the shoulder blades, on back of the neck, on the sternum, just below your belly, middle lower back, etc.

Pic from manga "Yurucamp" (or "Yurukyan").

>> No.9667790

Derp, forgot to add: for my legs, I put my heating pads on the upper inner thighs or back of thighs, in my shoes, and around my inner ankles.

>> No.9667792

I highly doubt anyone would question/criticize you wearing nanchatte at a con. And if you think the whole outfit would be too much for everyday use, you could just wear individual pieces with other things. The cardigan/blouse with a different bottom or skirt with a different top would make you look nicely-dressed without it looking like you're wearing a school uniform.

>> No.9667799

Nah, you can do it. I've worn nanchatte to conventions before without a wig and gotten pictures taken because people just assume you're a cute schoolgirl from some obscure game/anime.Maybe wear the schoolbag or an itabag to make it a bit more convention-appropriate.

Can't find the outfit, looks like some of their normal items with customization.
the bag is here:
and top (with pink heart) is here:
Skirt without lace:
It's possible that it's just a preview and they're going to upload it later, but it's more likely they just customized items they already have.

>> No.9667813
File: 121 KB, 612x612, 20160528_193153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear nanchatte to conventions all the time. Either straight up nanchatte or cosplay-themed nanchatte

I've posted this a ton but it's a good way to do nanchatte and add an extra convention touch.

>> No.9667940

is that the playboy symbol on her vest...?

>> No.9668009

I particularly like this photo. Its a bigger girl in the middle proves a point that its kinda hard to actually look bad in school uniform if you use quality products.

Any one with photos of "bigger" ppl in this style? It'll be a confidence boost until i cut out the 70 lbs (im 170)

>> No.9668016

Plenty of people in their mid 20s cosplay highschoolers, and still plenty wear nanchatte (to cons or casually). Wear what you like!

>> No.9668038

How do you wear something of this kind go to a american school and not be called weaboo/nip
i really want to wear something like this but i'm too afraid of getting harassed

>> No.9668039

It might be easier to look for individual pieces in your search rather than the whole set together.

Nobody would know, definitely wear it to a con to get comfortable in one first if that will help you wear it outside elsewhere.

>> No.9668040

If you wear a simple coord, like a skirt with a button-up and a cardigan, you'll just look preppy.

>> No.9668045

Dependent on your style but you could ease it into your daily wardrobe by starting our with a few skirts with tops you usually wear. Some more modern casual nanchatte include sport/jersey jackets or hoodies. You can try peter pan collars with long tin bows/ties as transition pieces. Then slowly add in dress shirts, sweater vests, cardigans, and blazers. I know I wouldn't get away with a seifuku where I live but the prep style is pretty easy to get away with.

>> No.9668046

I meant thin*

>> No.9668047
File: 1.81 MB, 1804x1804, 20171024_010824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jackets seem to spice it a little.

>> No.9668048
File: 1.79 MB, 1777x1777, 20171024_010946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of different colored cardigans / vests.

>> No.9668053
File: 1.55 MB, 1439x1398, 20171024_011816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color skirts would go well with a lilac color cardigan?

>> No.9668057

Thanks anon ( ㅠ ㅇ ㅠ )

>> No.9668130

Man we should. I’d join in an instant

>> No.9668162

any monochrome color
ty for this, going to try n get all their pastel accessories

>> No.9668163

Let's do it, seriously. Idk how to admin a page nor do I want to but if someone makes it I'll be active

>> No.9668164

Yeah same though. I could start the group but desu I’m not even active with this clothing style yet. My first coord(?) arrives in a week or so.

>> No.9668333

Thats exactly why i didnt say anything. Im not ready to post my own coords nor do I have the patience or want to admin a facebook group.

>> No.9668416

It definitely looks like it

>> No.9668472
File: 22 KB, 570x377, il_570xN.1104605261_7w8h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tacky would this be in an almost all black (maybe... an equally orange skirt?) coord? I feel like id remove the bow and swap it because its too much.

Does anyone have an experience having / buying the collars separate?

I feel like I'll do it more.. i might make these myself bc its cheaper that way...

>> No.9668478

maybe it's just me, but I've always thought the collars from this shop are really awkward looking in design/construction.

as for your question, I guess it could be okay in a costume, but not one from this shop.

>> No.9668484

Yeah the more I look at it, the more it looks off.

It'd probably only be something I'd wear in October to give off that halloween vibe in a costumey kind of way, just to mix up the usual every day "regular" looks.

>> No.9669656
File: 294 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_1051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is a little OT, but I'm looking for a nice Evangelion school uniform to buy. I really don't feel like making one right now but I've never bought a costume before.

>> No.9669662

Probably better off asking in a cosplay help thread than a fashion thread.

>> No.9669664

>Now that summer's basically over and the Western school year is starting
I don't know about Europe, but here in the USA USA USA, school has been back in session for more than a month, closer to two months in some places.

>> No.9669667

Me too anon.

I’m trying to merge some nanchatte into my wardrobe and shift from jeans and tee to something a little more “collegiate preppy” in a classic sense, considering modern collegiate standard where I love is nikes, ass shorts and shitty oversized tee shirts.

Are uniqlo cardigans a good buy, or should I try something a little different? I’m looking for a US women’s 6-8 sizing that won’t break the bank, which sadly some of the Japanese shops seem to do. I don’t need a uniform but I like the aesthetic. I’m willing to give some real dosh for nice blazers though.

>> No.9669860
File: 95 KB, 510x765, s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9669864
File: 924 KB, 1440x1440, 20171025_174001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like with a pink cardigan, weebs will just think you're cosplaying Nico

>> No.9669883

Good thing this thread was made two months ago

>> No.9669890

what level of American are you writing the USA like a chant

>> No.9669901

see when the thread was started

you're a potato

>> No.9669904
File: 1004 KB, 1440x1440, 20171025_182027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I liked the idea of different colored cardigans but this fucking yellow one ruined it. The orange one is cute.

Also has anyone considered wearing a pin instead of having embroidered cardigans?

>> No.9669913
File: 109 KB, 251x600, 20171025_182945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9669984
File: 67 KB, 250x367, PQ_Chie_Satonaka_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a recommendations for cute track/sports jackets? I kind of want to go for a cute sporty tomboy approach.

>> No.9670070
File: 61 KB, 529x499, tumblr_nadsd4UVrH1r4v4fvo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, pink cardigans are kind of generic for seifuku style outfits.

Maybe Adidas? I see a lot of Japanese girls liking their sweatshirts

>> No.9670499
File: 126 KB, 800x668, nanchatte-coords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since it is nanchatte weather here, I am experimenting a bit - did not decide yet whether I like seifuku or blazer uniforms more.

>> No.9670506
File: 92 KB, 484x645, IMG_4770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling two seifuku sets, one peach and one black~ From J brand NewlyMe

>> No.9670507
File: 88 KB, 484x645, IMG_4766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9670511

These look so cute on you anon! I think the pink skirt crashes a bit though, It'd look really cute with a pink bow for the seifuku! Either way, you look really good! Where did you get those legwarmers?

>> No.9670528


I would have loved to wear a pink bow with that but just now I checked and realised the bow is detachable...

I do not remember where I got those specifically but I I bought some from this shop https://www.sockdreams.com in the past - slouch/harajuku are good keywords.

>> No.9670534

love the blazer version, though I do not like the white thread used for the hem of a black/navy? skirt. looks great otherwise.

>> No.9670535

You can also get long schoolgirl socks on amazon. I grabbed a 180cm pair not too long ago and they are amazing quality, I was surprised.

>> No.9670537

Anyone happen to have any pictures of chubbier girls in nanchatte? I almost always see really thin/normal girls, but having recently lost 100 pounds (I'm now a normal weight for the first time in my goddamned life) I still need to do some toning and lose a bit more weight, so I feel I still look chubby. if it helps, my upper body is actually small and bony, but my thighs and ass are chub, and I want to see some chubby nanchatte inspiration.

>> No.9670548

Anon you look so good! Saving as inspo

>> No.9670568

Sell that on Keimarket not lacemarket.

>> No.9670575

I'm pretty sure they had it on keimarket forever, at least I saw these exact things there forever

>> No.9670584

woops, somehow pasted a url I was checking out on this

>> No.9670630

Thanks, it's potato quality - pink on dark denim.

Aww thanks!

>> No.9670657 [DELETED] 

woops it is listed on keimarket i think bc i accessed the link thru LM it showed the egl prefix. trying to clean out styles i dont wear anymore

>> No.9670658

woops it is listed on keimarket i think bc i accessed the link thru LM it showed the egl prefix. trying to clean out styles i dont wear anymore

also i feel like no one uses kei market or is it just me? wheres a better place to sell jfash thats not lolita?

>> No.9670886

I've bought things from kei market, but usually it seems people want to sell their stuff for way too much there, so it's really rare I see something of worth.

>> No.9670891

Where did you get your seifuku top? you look amazing!!

Any idea where I can get just a seifuku collar that looks legit (even without the shirt itself)?

>> No.9677521

This thread's not allowed to die, dammit! I haven't gotten around to embroidering school logos on my sweatervests yet!

>> No.9678133

If there are any anons on a budget looking for loafers, Walmart has them for around $11. I picked up a pair and they’re pretty nice

>> No.9678290


Thanks! It's from a To Alice set - they have nanchatte and the quality is alrighty (ok for everyday wear, does not look like cosplay).
I think most of Japanese nanchatte brands also sell seifuku.

>> No.9678331

Most nanchatte taobao brands will offer a few seifuku top. What do you mean by legit? No ribbon?

Godspeed anon.

>> No.9678435

i will be checking that out thank you

>> No.9684160

No! This can't die! I won't let it!

Thread-bumping... PUUUUNCH!

>> No.9684203

Crazy thought, but have you tried contributing?

>> No.9684291
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 636cdb1fa7560b52e90ddaef3c44fe85--style--japanese-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic unrelated, but I think it would be easy for someone in her 20s-30s to wear nanchette, and make it look professional- using blazers, plain color skirts, heels instead of platforms, and tights instead of knee socks.

>> No.9684295

The word you're looking for is preppy. and yeah, it's a style.

>> No.9684385
File: 785 KB, 2048x2048, C8EC7A71-ADEA-4690-9FEB-E401762E30AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I selfpost too much in these threads but to keep it alive and show my new fave coord, here’s this. It’s pretty safe. Conomi cardigans are def worth the price and I’ll be buying more.

>> No.9684417

Cute! A little droopy if that makes any sense, maybe size down the cards?

>> No.9684425

Thanks! I don’t want to go smaller though because I have a larger bust and hips so this is the only way to get the baggy look I want. It sucks.

>> No.9684434

I agree, I think a smaller cardi would look cute, or maybe balance out the oversized top with chunkier shoes or scrunched socks? I dunno, I love the otk socks but the bottom of your outfit seems so bare and small/understated to me that the cardi being so oversized makes You look like an inverted triangle. could also be a lot to do with the angle of the photo, but I think better balance overall would make me love this. Or maybe white socks?

>> No.9684488
File: 135 KB, 750x707, 22173ACA-4DD6-40D2-AD4E-87FBFD5AA6FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been keeping my eyes open for some kind of platforms or creepers like these at the local alternative thrift stores for a long time but haven’t had luck yet. I tend to like the stick legs coming out of a baggy shapeless body kogal look but I don’t have sticklegs so...but the more I look at it the more I see the inbalance. Irl more thigh shows but maybe I should try white socks instead. Or a black bow?

>> No.9684528

I definitely think that the huge amount of black on your lower half is unbalancing the outfit and drawing attention to your legs, agree with other anons about trying lighter coloured socks, or even shorter socks. Maybe some brown loafers instead of black too?

>> No.9684545

They are brown actually but it isn’t apparent. I have a redder leather pair I could use. I seem to never be able to do this right lol.

>> No.9684557

>never to do this right

I’m the one that thought it looked droopy but it’s still a 7/10 in my book, with 5/10 being “good”

>> No.9684919


This is very cute! I would try baggy white socks to balance out the oversized cardigan and go for a more kogal look. Or a tighter top like a vest if you want to keep the more sober look.

>> No.9684927

I have actually seen some cute platform/heeled loafers on amazon of all places. Also similar on ebay, and I'm sure they're just reselling taobao or something, so probably there. Sadly, they stop at a US 8.5 and I have 10.5-11 US women's feet so I am out of luck.

>> No.9686073
File: 58 KB, 480x720, 1437835765713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I was just looking through my nanchatte inspiration folder and thought of you. Maybe a blazer over the cardigan? Most images I have show girls with a bit more fitted cardis, or if they are really oversized it's with big slouchy socks and big hair, but I saw this image and it reminded me a lot of your outfit +blazer so I thought I'd post for you.

>> No.9686077


Also this, anon.

>> No.9686114
File: 104 KB, 264x201, QT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so cute!!
aww look at that little peach guy in the pocket

c o z y

>> No.9689573

Places to get the nice cardigans that aren't taobao? No one around me is doing an order anytime soon so I need other options

>> No.9689586

Where are you located anon? If you can fit into junior's sized clothing, try a school uniform store. Chains like H&M and Uniqlo should also have a good selection of cardigans.

>> No.9689609

>that center roastie

>> No.9689646

I’m sorry, but those skirts are way too short to make it look professional. This is something you’d see in a teacher-student porn vid.

>> No.9689757

>pic unrelated

>> No.9690412
File: 154 KB, 640x358, pixlr_20171111213327122_20171111220325846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's uniform related haul. I finally remembered to order myself one of those school bags.

Also asking for tips on male nanchatte with a gakuran, if that's somehow possible. Bf wants to wear a matching guy equivalent version to my outfits

>> No.9691501

I'm interested in buying a sukeban/deliquent style uniform but I'm having trouble finding some online. What are some trustworthy sites or sellers who sell sukeban style uniforms?

>> No.9691812

bodyline has/had one in their men's section

>> No.9691847

Totally off topic, but I seriously need that Katamari plush. It's adorable.

>> No.9692055

Chill anon, being able to see your bra through your shirt is annoying and kinda embarrassing but hardly slutty. This is why you wear a nude bra with white tops, the same shirt with a nude bra would be no problem.

I feel you on the I don't wear this to be sexy (especially not for some rando) thing though.

>> No.9692332

Has anyone gotten their bf/gf to do matching nanchatte with them? That would just be so cute!

>> No.9692689

seconding this
also I like French Toast cardis and you can get them on amazon :)