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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9621033 No.9621033 [Reply] [Original]

There's no new episode of Rick & Morty this week. Starting a Rick & Morty cosplay thread.

>> No.9621034
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>> No.9621037
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>> No.9621039
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>> No.9621042
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>> No.9621069
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There's a special hell for Pickle Rick cosplayers.

>> No.9621074

The one in the OP is a surprising well-made costume, though.

>> No.9621081
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>> No.9621083

More like a place in hell for shits like Nigri

>> No.9621084
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I like this Pickle Rick better, Anon.

>> No.9621091

Why do so many people dislike this show?

>> No.9621123

It's randumb. The only episode I sat through featured a Fantastic Voyage plot that was full of grossout toilet humor and ended with a giant in space being blown up. It wasn't what I was looking for in a cartoon.

>> No.9621142

Now thats a gilf

>> No.9621150

Thats what most people like about it and its why I hate the fandom. I love the sciency bits of the show. I like that its a sci-fi show that isn't super serious but is actually consistent.

>> No.9621333
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>> No.9621366

My dick

>> No.9621387

The light on the whistle is a nice touch

>> No.9621588
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>> No.9621640

it's south park for people who think they're too good for south park

>> No.9621649

Pretending to dislike something popular us an easy way to feel superior

>> No.9621652

Cheap and tasteless American humour

>> No.9621682

I actually assumed it was the opposite in that regard? Either way I can empathize with why they do dislike the show as a whole.
The pickle Rick episode can be used as an example. That episode in particulr had most fans creaming their panties. In my opinion even as someone who enjoys watching was needlessly violent and gore filled. Also some episodes with low brow humor(farting sounds,burping, athiesm is bae uwu) can turn people off of a show.

I loved most of the episodes especially lawnmower Dog. But honestly you'd have to be a fool to not see why some of this show can be off putting to the average person.

>> No.9621772

Or bing bong theory

>> No.9621778

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.9621818
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It's been a while since I've seen that copy pasta

>> No.9621951

Idk why everyone so triggered. Its a show based on 2 voices Justin does while intoxicated. They don't make the show for anyone. Its for them.

>> No.9622001
File: 16 KB, 342x342, pickle rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I have news for you, its his profile picture on facebook rn

>> No.9622175

Because it became the lovechild of Family Guy and The Big Bang Theory, and is a poster child for the "tfw to intelligent" types who think that nihilism is this new hot thing. It honestly shouldn't have stopped after the first season.

>> No.9622253

Should have stopped, my bad.

>> No.9622275

>thinking this show is anything like the big bang theory



anyway, I think the real reason is ***usually*** either

1- they don't enjoy the humor

2- the dark themes or the blase way that they're discussed make them too uncomfortable


3- it hits too close to home and makes them too depressed

It's all pretty fair. If you hate it because it talks about "smart" topics and that somehow makes it the same as that shithole Big Bang Theory, I don't think you watched more than one episode. It IS seemingly a really shallow cartoon, like >>9621123 said, you don't really get anything deeper without actually watching pretty much all of it, and if it doesn't hook you episodically, you're not going to enjoy it enough to get into it and pick up on the shit that you have to watch an episode 6 times to see.

Personally, I really like it, though I don't really know anything about the fandom, I just watch it. I just really like seeing a series where not everything works out okay. It wouldn't surprise me if the series ended with Rick C137 just dying anticlimactically and it's almost like... Game of Thrones in a way, where my sadomasochism causes me to keep watching these characters that I like face horrible things that they don't deserve, for my own entertainment.

sage bc I got really off topic, TL;DR read the first 3 points.

>> No.9622282

>Hey Leonard
>>What Sheldon
>Love is a meaningless chemical reaction to encourage breeding, bazinga

>H-hey M-Mor*BURRAAP*ty
>>Oh jeez what now Rick
>Love is a meaningless che*BURRAAP*mical reaction to encourage you to fuck, wubba lubba dub dub

Season 1 honestly wasn't bad, but you can only do the same witty commentary for so long until you need to resort to gratuitous gore like Family Guy to get the joke across.

>> No.9622287

>implying that's not just a trope that's been used in hundreds of different shows, books, movies, etc. before

I mean, of course, both of them being sciencey shows, they're going to share some tropes.

But there's always been gratuitous gore. It's not like they just slammed it in there out of nowhere suddenly.

Like I said, it's fair to not like it or whatever. But comparing it to the dumpster fire that is Big Bang Theory just because they share a common trope or joke is a little unfair.

>> No.9623099

I was going to say it's the lovechild of Futurama and Family Guy. Futurama is good, Family Guy is unbearable; put them together and you have something bearable but not good.

>> No.9623102

Have you ever met Rick and Morty fans?
They're annoying as fuck

>> No.9623103

Popularity backlash.

>> No.9623107

1 is all there is, 2 and 3 is bullshit that you tfw too intelligent people say.
The show is alright. The fandom is retarded:
>there are things to get deeper into and pick up after rewatching in Rick and Morty
Please kill me

>> No.9623329
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Wasn't this show still super popular when it came out?

>> No.9623353

>the dark themes or the blase way that they're discussed make them too uncomfortable
>it hits too close to home and makes them too depressed

You need to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.9624972

That's a pretty good one too. It reminds me of that meme someone made where it said something like "Rick and Morty is just Futurama for people who have never touched a tiddy"

>> No.9624992

Thanks, senpai. I cannot agree more.

>> No.9624998
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Im a big fan of the show but honestly the fandom does get overbearing and they have a hostile "IF YOU DONT WATCH IT YOU'RE NOT SMART" mentality I.e. Big Bang Theory fandom.
Also the amount of gore is annoying, especially in the newer season.
Slight contribution?