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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9616680 No.9616680 [Reply] [Original]

(First 4chan thread so pardon the noob.)

Share your creations, or questions. I've made a bunch and will teach what i've learned if anyone's interested.

Only been into Steampunk a year or so, but I want to learn from the best, so show me whatcha got! :)

>> No.9616682

You need to do a small dump to start off the thread, or start a discussion. Try posting tutorials or your stuff.

>> No.9616686
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Oc bump

>> No.9616687
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How much should I dump?
Didn't want to spam. Lol

>> No.9616688
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>> No.9616690
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Usually I start with 10-15 pics. Also, maybe steampunk general? I love steampunk, but the lolitas get pissy when you acknowledge it

>> No.9616699
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So tutorial-wise i guess i can start bu saying I don't really repaind anything.
I mostly repurpose old furniture parts. My main haul comes from Hanitat for Humanity's scrap metal bin, which they let me buy a few pieces from before they dump it.
Chandeliers, doorknobs, ceiling fans, lamps, table legs, bed posts, filing cabinet droor sliders, dresser handles, cabinet door knobs, and even old light switch covers make for excellent base pieces.

>> No.9616702
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Steampunk requires a lot of gears of course so I found an old clock and watch repair place in town and asked the repairman there if he had any junk parts he recently replaced. Nearly every time I visit now I leave with at least one or two entire grandfather clock mechanisms which when disassembled, will score you about 50 to 60 wildly varied gears.

(But watch out for those springs! They'll cut you in a hurry if you're not super careful)

>> No.9616703
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Awesome costume btw

>> No.9616707
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So for lighting I usually go with Auto accent LED lights.
They're cheap, come with their own adhesive strips, you can easily wire them up to a switch or button and a couple of 9v batteries hidden in your gadget.
And sometimes they even come with a remote!

>> No.9616709
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Thanks! Your weapons are very interesting.

But as an FYI lolita is technically not a costume, it's a street fashio (for example, I wear lolita out on the weekend to get coffee with my friends).

>> No.9616717
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>> No.9616719

Steampunk aestethic is nice, and steam lolita can be done right. I think most people have problems with the attitude of those liking steampunk. Don't know if it's majority or laud minority, but they come off as annoying, trying to make everything classify as steampunk, and treating legit alt fashion as costumes. Some time ago anon wrote about her cousin or something adding her clothes to a "steampunk costume" board on pinterest.
So do what you do, just don't be a cunt about it.
Sorry for blogpost.

>> No.9616720

Well, like I said, i'm quite the noob. Lol

In that case, I admire your elegant and quite amazing street fashion.

>> No.9616723
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That's why I tried a Steampunk weapons thread instead of a general because while I have a lot of gadgetry tips I don't even know a costume from a street fashion.
And I certainly won't claim to any time soon. Lol

>> No.9616728
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Wow! Those are great!
Okay, i'm probably gonna get this one wrong to, but I really like your... "clock bag ??"

>> No.9616729
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Nah, that makes sense. I know steampunk can attract itas, and it's hard because the steampunk and lolita community view things differently, but it would be nice to be able to use steampunk as a theme without everyone giving you death glares.

>> No.9616730

Yup, that's just a clock bag. Also, none of these are me lol.

Love your light up cryo tube thing!

>> No.9616732
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Started making "lever action" rifles recently with stocks made from old baby crib rails, curtain rod barrels, and rear bicycle derailers for levers. The lever handles were done by popping out the derailer gears, drilling holes in an old chandaleir arm and bolting it all back together.
The design puts a lot of strain on where the derailer bolts onto the wood though so I screwed a metal plate, ( in this case half a door hinge) onto the stock first so the strain is on the plate instead.

>> No.9616735
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The "Cryo tube thing" which i'm totally gonna call it now, is an old ceiling fan base, topped with a plastic latch lid jar flipped upside down and topped with a chunk of an old chandelier again.
Round auto lights, gauges from an old xray machine (no kidding) and droor knobs.

The Nuka Cola om display is Courtesy of my prop making fanatic friend.

>> No.9616736


Totally callin it that.

>> No.9616737
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>> No.9616738

Very cool!

>> No.9616740
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>> No.9616741
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The cryo tube is also the first design i made that actually plugs into a wall.

I had a fire extinguisher handy in case I wired it wrong.

>> No.9616743
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Tiny salt and pepper shakers make really cool bits and pieces too.
Like dis

>> No.9616746
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Glad no fires were had. Mind if I post a few coordinates? (That's fancy lolita talk for outfits)

>> No.9616745
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>> No.9616748
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Please please do.

I feel like i'm flooding the feed here. Lol

>> No.9616750
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>> No.9616753
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You're stuff is very cool! And I imagine some of the cosplayers could learn a thing or two from it. I know I'm taking notes on where to get parts for accessories

>> No.9616754
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>> No.9616755
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>> No.9616756

Well thank you very kindly. *^_^*

Any gadgetry questions I might could answer?

>> No.9616757
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>> No.9616758
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>> No.9616759
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>> No.9616760
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>> No.9616761
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>> No.9616762
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None off the top of my head. How long does it take to make one of these things (you know... for science... or a photo shoot prop)

>> No.9616765
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Last one... this pic is so cute

>> No.9616766
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Damn, even I wanna wear that one. Haha.

It's an elegant adventurer attire.

>> No.9616770

If it's my prototype, like say the first lever action rifle, it could take days, even weeks to figure out. But one I pin down the design and how it works, sometimes, it can take as little 2 or 3 hours.

(Provided I don't run out of the right parts and have to reinvent another part. Which happens a lot)

Sometimes, about 80% of the build time is me staring at it and pacing around looking at boxes of parts trying to figure out how to make stuff fit right.

>> No.9616771
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Sure wish my fat fingers could text a little more accurately tonight.

I'm starting to sould like a caveman.

"Build gun, much time! Lose tool, scream lots. Grog want build rifle and wear pretty things!"

>> No.9616774
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>> No.9616776
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>> No.9616778
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Goodnight thread.

Don't die on me...

>> No.9616946
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>> No.9617049
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Yesterday's find at an instrument repair shop.
Blunderbus maybe?

>> No.9617349
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>> No.9617524

Did anyone go to the steampunk asylum in Limcoln? I live there and didn't get a chance to check it out just curious if anyone was lurking there

>> No.9618082

Haven't heard of that one, but ther'll be a Louisiana Steampunk Festival in November. That's the only one I really know much about.

>> No.9623132

if you want glow, buy tritium