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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9613894 No.9613894 [Reply] [Original]

Going to a con alone soon, what do you guys do when alone at cons?

I was just going to walk around, take pics of some cosplayers and go to a bunch of panels because I usually don't get to go to many panels. but kinda boring to just do that.

>> No.9613955

>I was just going to walk around, take pics of some cosplayers

That and I hang out in the dealer's room and artist alley. Granted I do that even when I'm not alone either.

>> No.9614040

last con i went to alone i spent a ton of time walking around the con space, eating as many snacks as i wanted, sitting in the gaming room.it's nice to take the con in at your own pace

>> No.9614151

>tfw might have to go to a con alone as well

I don't know, anon. Put up a false bravado and enjoy yourself. Go to the arcade and dealer's room. Knock yourself out.

>> No.9614155

I find people who seem cool and offer them a joint. That's how i met my con crew and they're awesome. Drinks work too!

>> No.9614157

last time I went I just grab some random roommates and followed them around all weekend
before then I went by myself and tried to go to meetups, but there always seems to be this one person at meetups who hangs around me and hits on me really hard

>> No.9614261

start a thread about that con on here and have a meetup.

>> No.9614271

There is actually a thread for that con up, but most the people meeting up seem to have been friends for quite awhile and I don't want to be one of the weirdos that intrude on that.

>> No.9614274

Considering going to Youmacon alone this year since I thinknow my friends will all be out of state. I've never been to a "real" con before. Does anyone have tips for meeting people/making friends or having a good time alone?

I'll mostly be wearing lolita, planning to cosplay as Mugi from K-ON one day.

>> No.9614275

4chan meetups are never what you expect to be honest
they usually are mostly guys and very few people are in cosplay. The few girls that show up are usually thots looking to hook up with the hottest guy there and the guys are looking to get pussy.

>> No.9614278
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Well then that sounds like a major waste of time then. Fuck that.

>> No.9614281

Just go, it'll be fun.
I enjoyed the meetup I went to.

>> No.9614287

maybe I just have a bad local comm, but the people around my area are just so goddamn petty about shit and it makes the meetups so awkward

>> No.9614294

what I know of 4chan users I know in real life, I really don't want to meet people from here that would willingly associate themselves to the site, such as a meetup.
Not really a fan of the sex charged, meme spouting bullshit that 4chan users seems to be.

i mean naturally not saying everyone on 4chan is like that, but when you have the label 4chan attached, thats what 90% of people seem like.

>> No.9614313

>sex charged, meme spouting bullshit that 4chan users seems to be.

>implying those people leave their basement.

People who actually go outside are usually the best people of a site.

>> No.9614335

This really depends a lot on your local community. I imagine giant cons like AX/Otakon and drama swamps like Florida cons would like like you describe. The meetups I've been to up in Canada have been very relaxed and 30-40% girls

>> No.9614339

Meet up with other gulls!
t. Youmacon attendee

>> No.9615430
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i hope i meet you at a con someday, joint-senpai

>> No.9615432

>30-40% girls
Considering every survey this board does says we lean heavily female that says something

>> No.9615504

most normal girls have no problem meeting guys at cons. it's mostly the guys who need to have a meetup to meet friends and hook up.

>> No.9615506

>coming to meet ups for a hookup
That's literally what we said was annoying upthread, anon

>> No.9615507

Just find some people who think seem decent and ask to hang out. As long as you're not a massive retard, you should do fine.
I've managed to find people to hang out with at AX too. It's not that hard.

>> No.9615510

Yea, it says a fraction of people are here for just jfashion and lolita, not cosplay and conventions. A survey I did a while ago had 27% saying they are only interested in lolita, so unless that con has a lolita focus, it makes sense that many won't go.

>> No.9616491

>As long as you're not a massive retard

>> No.9616497

I'm shit at talking to and approaching people, so last con I went to alone I made some kickass cosplay and people would just approach me, compliment it and initiate small talk with me. Went a lot better than expected.
I'm now ever-so-slightly less shit at talking to people. So that's something.

>> No.9616561
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>met seagull on discord
>she was going to same con I am
>flying from out of state by herself
>asks me if I have any room for another person to stay for the weekend
>told her I didn't but offered to talk to my lady friends and have them hook her up with a spot
>she found a place later, but we continued talking and made plans to meet up
>hit her up but no response
>assume she ghosted or wasn't real due to fishy stuff stated earlier
>found out she actually went to the con and was more qt in person than her pics

To be fair she probably was just trying to ditch me but I feel dumb for being too aloof and not at least getting her number to hang out

>> No.9616988

Do that and don't worry. Luckily the toxic part of /cgl/ is usually bedbound at home.

>> No.9616990
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>hottest guy there

what are they thinking tho

>> No.9616991

This. Especially if you have a fandom or two in common, you'll be fine.

>> No.9616998

I started to enjoy cons a lot more when my usual friends got disinterested in cons and didn't want to come anymore. I met so much new people instead of just hanging around guys I already know and not having to stick to others' schedules is the best. On the downside sharing rides and hotel rooms is a bit harder.

>> No.9617153

Made a lot of friends on 4chan and metup at meetups best people ive met are you afraid to have fun you fucking roastie nigger?

>> No.9617155

Thanks needed your approval please continue going to conventions , you'd definitely the upper echelon of society

>> No.9617156

That's a good question, but the other poster isn't wrong that is consistent.

>> No.9617187

Just means whoever is the skinniest, has the best hygiene and the least ugly face

>> No.9617517

That me, girls like me desu~

>> No.9618371

It means they're looking for me, duh