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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9607974 No.9607974 [Reply] [Original]

As Kita is kill, what cons are you planning to attend over the next year, and what are you cosplaying as?

If anybody has a brit cgl discord pls share.

No orgyposting allowed.

>> No.9607975
File: 523 KB, 360x555, Koichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having just been Kita, I intend to go to October MCM (boo) as Koichi from JoJo. Will look to book Amecon when I can too. I hear it's basically Kita with less alcohol, so it sounds worse. I wouldn't have enjoyed the weekend be so much if I were sober.

>> No.9607983


Ame usually has slightly less people drinking, but the people who drink do just as much. Just find a good group to hang out with and it's indiscernible from Kita.

Though now they're alternating it'll just be the same crowd in both probably.

>> No.9607987

London gonna be suffering compared to kita but can't stop going to cons

Probably biggest thing will be a finished HALO related cosplay for that, might enter the masquerade

>> No.9607990
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>> No.9607992
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>> No.9607997
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Previous bread for reference.

There was an alleged orgy at kita which people shitpost about frequently.

Cgl meet at Amecon hopefully

>> No.9608035

Planning MCM October probably. Assuming I have the money lol
Nothing will beat kita though. Haven't had con blues like this for a fair few years

>> No.9608054

Who were you anon? We may have met.

Saturday night step anons were really cool

>> No.9608060

Kita was great man, best I've felt in ages.
Sad it's all over now, missing a fair few people.

>> No.9608115

Kita was fantastic and honestly the best convention I've been to since Ayacon but might be just because I forced myself to be more sociable and go to the parties and dance like a motherfucker.

Got to see old friends, hang out with new ones, meet some of you autists but didn't really attend the meets due to hanging with normie-friends, shitpost about #ourgirl, see some actually pretty great panels.

I've always avoided cosplay chess because it sounded autistic cringe as fuck, but turns out it I'm autistic and actually enjoyed the cringy skit-show a lot more than I expected to. The only thing that I can complain about the weekend is MADstravaganza and Dj-Digi running at the same time and I really wanted to go see both of them, and one night in the fusion bar my order got missed by the kitchen and I was stuck waiting an hour for my food and missing half a panel.

>> No.9608122

My only complaint is there was a Speed-o-Sound Sonic cosplayer and she had a really good costume and an ass so obscenely fine that I think I'm into guys now because I spent two hours straight unironically beating my meat to hentai smut of Sonic getting his boipussy smashed in.

>> No.9608219
File: 246 KB, 1000x1502, azuhang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kita freaked me out. I always thought I was pretty discteat in the con scene but everyone knew who I was, even without my badge on. Guess it's bound to happen when you've been cosplaying for a while.

>> No.9608254

>Thinks Ame is like Kita

Ame is going to be fucking overrun by drunken weebs thinking PARTAY CON next year, isn't it?

>> No.9608282

God my body still hurts from Sunday night

>> No.9608310
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Currently intend to go to:
Glasgow MCM in September
London MCM in October
Birmingham MCM in November
Hyper Japan in December
Telford MCM in February
Birmingham MCM in March
London MCM in May
Hyper and Ame in July

Busy con year.

>> No.9608316

All these trash cons

>> No.9608317

>giving MCM all your money

>> No.9608323

Makes me sad to think about it but it's not like there is much alternative. The UK needs to step its con game up.

Might drop some and sneak in some US cons but we'll see. Toko did sound nice so I might also do that.

>> No.9608329

No cons this year, but next year it'll be just Toko.
Might just take two weeks off work and go to Ame as well.

>> No.9608333


Toko sounds good but Ame sounds better and I'm not sure I'll survive two weekends in a row.

>> No.9608349


>> No.9608357

Same amount of alcohol, just fewer dumb fuckers killing themselves with it. Huge crossover, only Kita brings in fresh faced 18 year old and Ame/Aya were the 20+ year olds who know how to handle their fucking drink and not shit all over their bedrooms.

>> No.9608374


One can only hope.

>> No.9608377

Weak anon

>> No.9608420

I can camp in my naruto headband and get shitfaced any day I want anon

>> No.9608685

is it bad that I want to do a duffman cosplay after seeing the bara cafe

really want to nail the accuracy (not yellow dye skin tho, looks creepy AF in real life)

>> No.9608717
File: 354 KB, 607x630, damnseagulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nail the accuracy
>Not yellow

>> No.9608719

£10,000 in gear for a cosplay...

>> No.9608723

Is anyone attending lscc

>> No.9608728

not taking so much gear you destory your liver, getting jaundice thus getting yellow

get good

>> No.9608769

I finally understand post con blues

having to force myself to push forward and not mope around

>> No.9608902

BRB starting my own con in my garden to fight the con blues.

>> No.9608960

alright kenny

>> No.9609084
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For now, intending to go to October MCM and AmeCon. Keeping an eye on HibanaCon, basically 50/50 right now. Not sure which yet on the cosplay. Tempted to do a furendzu.

Looks like it will be October MCM London. And yes, would be lovely to talk again.

>> No.9609421


>> No.9609566

>when you see photos of yourself in cosplay and want to die

why didnt I costest this

>> No.9609624
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>frenzu cosplay meet might be happening

>> No.9609956
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What's the closest con in the UK to this date right now?

>> No.9610152


Technically? Kitacon.

>> No.9610168

Still uncertain about Hibanacon. Website is pretty garbage, so no idea what the full events schedule is supposed to be.

>> No.9610176

They not being like other cons by being like other cons. Also it's >Milton Keynes

>> No.9610178


Same here, I like the idea of sitting in a a hotel in costume playing boardgames for three days, but not in Milton Keynes and the dude on stage at Kita talking about it skeeved me out a bit.

>> No.9610202

I'm planning to go to Hibanacon, a small hotel con sounds comfy, kinda like Minami but not a cliquefest.

>> No.9610203

I talked to the guys at Toko and I get the impression their 'not like other cons' thing is about going back to the old type of cons- anime focused, gaming focused, not so much the LET'S GETSMASHED WITH A TANGIENTIALLY NERDY TANG that a lot of other cons have become. I didn't see the guy on stage at Kita, I don't think he was at Toko, but the chairman was and he was super nice. I'm biased as hell though because I really want another con within 45 minutes drive

>> No.9610278

At least MK has the Xscape place close by if you get bored

>> No.9610351

Anyone catch the insomnia masquerade?

>> No.9610521
File: 151 KB, 600x455, DSCN0328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a latefag, but the /cgl/ meet was fun. Didn't stay for long, but you guys are super.

>tfw accepting shots and spaghetti from strangers on the internet

>> No.9610936
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Sorry for posting this literally months after the con in question, I haven't had internet for months (long story) but why does she think this look is a good idea? Anyone here know her? I want to understand.

>> No.9611123

she wants to become a human pin cushion anon, so she can help out everyone with their cosplay repairs

>> No.9611133


Sweet Hellraiser cosplay.

>> No.9611147
File: 90 KB, 500x582, IMG_5370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP cosplay

>> No.9611196

What's with the spots? Skin condition or is that actually makeup?

>> No.9611213

Can anyone confirm that Emizone likes to be cucked by her boyfriend Kinreal and that he's fair game? He tried it on with me at Kita and I would've gone for it if I knew he was fair game.

>> No.9611221

>tfw you see a decent enough 2B from behind and you get excited but then she turns around and you have to act like you weren't just about to ask her for a photo

>> No.9611366

WTF he's fucking hot, why did you not jump to suck that D

>> No.9611390

Why not ask her yourself?

>> No.9611412

Cos asking a girl you barely know if she a cuck is gonna go great.

>> No.9611423

I was on Tinder the whole weekend and found him a few times, was a bit confused too if they had broken up or naw.

>> No.9611450

Well either they're open or they're not. Either you're honest or you're not. Weakling.

>> No.9611525

Last I heard was that they're together but he's allowed to go out and bone whoever he wants as long as they're not part of the con scene. She's basically Asexual.

He did get with Felixise though just before May Expo which is why she broke up with her ex as he found out.

>> No.9611533


Sounds functional.

>> No.9611536

I'm considering Ame next year as never been Kita/Ame but I'm in my 30s so a little worried about the age

>> No.9611539


You'll be fine, plenty of alright people that age who have been going to cons for 10 years and use it as their one bender weekend.

Just find and stick to them and don't be a fucking creeper hitting on 18 year olds.

>> No.9611544

Don't think my mrs would be too happy if I did that.

I do know people who go to these cons but they're in mid 20s and my friends my age don't go to this con and I can't convince them.

>> No.9611548

am i the only one who only goes to MCM cons because cosplay friends and cosplay groups?

like I'm really thinking about cutting back from MCM cons this year and going to Hyper Japan, Kupocon, Cosxpo and Amecon (though i heard from someone that a small kitacon is happening next year). Im also thinking about going to a US con too.

>> No.9611555


how about getting your mrs to go with you? also there's lots of older people who go to these cons like one of my friend's who's 35 and i have another one who's 27.

>> No.9611571

I'll be 33 next Ame anon. Come hang with me, we can bitch about the younger weebs and how modern animal is shit.

>> No.9611573

Anime, fuck this, the senior dementia is already hitting.

>> No.9611581


It's alright fellow oldbro, modern animals are shit as well. I'll bitch about them too with ya.

>> No.9611599

I gave you all spaghetti and absinthe. You owe me all dick pics.

>> No.9611608

My Mrs isn't into the scene it's not her thing :) I met her outside of all this con shit.

Can do I'll bring some friends with as some of them are younger but mentally older than me. They'd love a good bitch

Best start taking some pics now

>> No.9611611

I'll be 39 by the next ame. You'll be fine.

The jump from my age to the next age in fandom is the dr who/train spotting/pedo fandom where everyone is an overweight 40something virgin who collects Star Trek badges. Leather man on your belt and a leather hat optional.

>> No.9611665



I've dropped them aside from my local one. Manchester isn't even on the cards because it's running the same time as ame.
I'm not missing much and I'm saving a lot of money by skipping out on them. Minamicon is also on my list.

>> No.9611682


same here, im saving money by not going there for even a day. Every time i went to MCM i just felt i was wasting my money there, i should've used it for Kitacon instead but i was scared to go there without having a group of good friends to hang out and stay with. Though i do know a lot of people who went to Kitacon

>> No.9611685

Definitely, I'm not buying a ticket for october, I'm just gonna be outside with other people who are doing the same. it's ez as fuck to sneak into the green if your friends are in though.

>> No.9611687

really? i thought they made it more difficult to get into the grass area though that does make sense since i was able to climb over the fence quite a few times at MCM May this year

>> No.9611688

here's hoping MCM staff aren't watching this cause I don't want them to add extra security measures, but for real if there aren't any guards looking you can just hop the fence real easy.

>> No.9611696

Why wouldn't they be reading it. The shit you lot give away is usefull.

>> No.9611705


though lots of people have already talked about doing this for years now so it isn't much new news

>> No.9611721

No, admittedly not. A few years ago they started policing people in the non con areas outside as they realised people would turn up to not actually attend the event but to chill on the steps outside. They are a for profit business.

>> No.9612330

Sorry anon, I was one of the few ladies there, reverse trap is the best I can do.

>> No.9612455


>> No.9612473

A blurry picture of a deflated balloon or a carrot will do. It was dark anyway

>> No.9612534
File: 118 KB, 432x600, PrincessPrincipal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea if this is the right place to ask this, but is anyone interested in cosplaying characters from Princess Principal?
I know that I sound like a creep, but I just would like to see some cosplays of that series

>> No.9612665
File: 33 KB, 318x299, Centurions_cast_7842[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but want to find people to do this with me

>> No.9612744

Weird, I was actually pondering doing a PriPri one yesterday. Was thinking Dorothy would be the best fit to my figure, although she's the most 'generic' or missable looking of the cast.

>> No.9612763
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 2hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to MCM Glasgow on the Saturday and same with London in October, Will be Okuu from Touhou (with my gf as Rin) should I hope for more 2hus attending? ;_;

>> No.9612786

>small kitacon

pls don't be like amechib


>> No.9612788


>> No.9612791
File: 304 KB, 500x485, starry eyed Orin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okuu & Rin couple cosp?!
I think I love you.

>> No.9612846

sorry, amechibi. it was appalling, though that was mostly down to the venue

>> No.9612857


>AmeCon presents AmeChibi, hosted at the Britannia Hotel Nottingham dur...
>Britannia Hotel
Oh gods.

>> No.9612882

Amechibi was dire, I hope none of them do Chibi style events again....Not a fan.

>> No.9612884

Anyone been to a Chibi Sunny? They're pretty bad, which is worrying because they're the same as the full con but just smaller.

>> No.9612889
File: 54 KB, 800x800, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those bad feels when you have a document that shows how bad some things at Alcon are going but you can't share it because you're the only person other than Towers that has it and the prospect of more hilarity is worth more than 15 seconds of internet lols.

>> No.9612891

Aside from a smaller attendance and smaller venue, what were the differences?

>> No.9612896


i mean "Kitacon Karnival" as my friend says it, they keep saying it will happen next year but i heard from lots of my other friends that Kitacon isnt happening next year.

>> No.9612905

>you have a document that shows how bad some things at Alcon are going but you can't share it because you're the only person other than Towers that has it and the prospect of more hilarity is worth mo
>you can't share it

have you tried the police or the venue

>> No.9613074

Just say you got hacked anon, or your laptop/memory stick stolen.

>> No.9613096


As part of that friend group, you just described his brothers relationship somehow.
Kinreal and Emizone are in a normal relationship, no cucking.

Felixise was dumped by her bf for other reasons, what your referring to happened years ago.

>> No.9613118

Plough and popcornkuma...?
What the fuck have you been on?

>> No.9613125


Nothing anon, all you have to do is get the guy a bit drunk and he'll tell you all about his 'arrangement'

>> No.9613139

Is this Jake trying to fuck with that group after they shit on him super hard?

>> No.9613147

Jake X drama? Haven't heard about that guy in an age. Is he still in the con scene?

>> No.9613148
File: 321 KB, 518x518, Seriously_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to oust the two friendliest people in the uk scene?
Das cute.
The shitters never leave.

>> No.9613184

Imagine still being so obsessed with tripfag drama from
>four fucking years ago

Give it a rest Wez, you're literally the only person who still has a problem with Jake so it's pretty obvious when you're here trying to scapegoat him for all kinds of unrelated drama.

>> No.9613190

That sounds moe as fuck send pix

>> No.9613195

Calling bullshit on this. Jake, stop trying to mess with everyone's lives just to stay relevant

>> No.9613202

Because that's going swimmingly at the moment isn't it

>> No.9613221

Lot of people still have problems with Nax.

>> No.9613223

pretty sure people are talking about a different Jake...

>> No.9613225

Wait what, you mean Jacob?

>> No.9613227

There's another Jake...?

>> No.9613230 [DELETED] 

NikNax = Jake
JakeX = Jake Sims
Kimber = Jake Kimber

...those are the Jakes I know of.

>> No.9613232

NikNax = Jake
JakeX = Jacob Sims
Kimber = Jake Kimber

...those are the Jakes I know of.

>> No.9613237

Jake Causier 100% still posts here and has a history of dumb shit like this.

>> No.9613278
File: 968 KB, 467x250, lllhb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Anon, you're on /cgl/ again

>> No.9613285

He literally doesn't though? Poor guy has been scapegoated for years despite never doing fuck all to anybody, it's high school tier shit. He's one of the few genuinely nice people I've met through this shithole.

>> No.9613289

You are incorrect.

>> No.9613342

How so? Known him five years and never seen him act in a malicious way to anybody.

>> No.9613365

So Felix did bone Kinreal why both were on other relationships? Sounds about right for those two.

>> No.9613370

Well, this anonymous testimony changes everything! Thanks Jak- sorry, I mean anon.

>> No.9613388


No boning was involved, but that depends who you ask.

>> No.9613392

Ask Felix's ex and he'll say they boned. He's the one that broke it off and moved out so inclined to believe him.

>> No.9613398


I'm sensing a vendetta-chan.
I've heard old rumours and off opinions on Felixise.
But saying that sounds about right for Kinreal? The guys pretty quite and polite in the scene so you must know him personally obviously.

>> No.9613402


This is where opinions clash.
This all came out AFTER they broke up. They broke up for other reasons.

>> No.9613409

So what did he do then?

>> No.9613421 [DELETED] 

He's on a level of shit stirring with Eva Braun and Annie.

>> No.9613423



>> No.9613523

Gods, all this make the bit of drama I was exposed to at Kita seem like nothing.

>> No.9613526

Did someone take your seat at breakfast or something?

>> No.9613533


>> No.9613536

What's it like in victim protection?

>> No.9613538

guys please, we are ALL great anons

>make love, not war

>> No.9613544

Are chorogon did nothing wrong

>> No.9613607

Nah it's not on a machine that'll be hacked or stolen. It's not even high tier drama its just solid evidence rather than butthurt.

>> No.9613614

So Monica Rial pull out of ALcon

>> No.9613616


>> No.9613628

She's stuck in the hurricane. I think this time rather than being petty about Alcon he wish her luck as it must be scary for her and her family

>> No.9614020

On the subject of Alcon, why is Baker going there after saying he wasn't going?

All for the money, Baker. Going, not going, tell your fans to boycott, tell them to go, let's worship Baker either way, our god!

>> No.9614033
File: 26 KB, 300x168, IMG_5527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never got raped all weekend because of MDPF

>> No.9614058

MDPF is always watching
gotta protec /ourgirl/

>> No.9614076


I've actually been wondering what's the situation with 2ho cosplays in UK these days~

I still have a few I'd like to do, and am considering some for MCM though it's looking a little tight timewise - but I'll try, anon! :)

>> No.9614177

From what he was saying at Ame he's telling people he's being forced by his boss. I wonder if this is him telling people this to save face

>> No.9614181

Samefag I meant Kita

>> No.9614183

Who is Baker?

>> No.9614526

What about my £5 to watch?

>> No.9614607


>> No.9614666

>not asking for at least nmw

>> No.9614925


>> No.9615103

There's a group or two at london.
Never really see them at actual anime cons though.

>> No.9615119

Alright alright, how about £5 for...


Also, on that note though, it was nice chatting to you Tohru, Ribbon-Chan was nice too and I'm sure the rest of you wierdos are alright. Shame I didn't join you guys at the spaghetti fest you guys looked like you were having a good time, maybe I'll catch you fags at Ame.

>> No.9615149
File: 13 KB, 258x225, 18118890_397727820626981_2987298523917567251_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, I'm working at Alcon

but I don't really want to be supporting Towers

but then again money spent at my stall pays me, not him


>> No.9615368

a few cons were last weekend....anything interesting happen at lscc?

>> No.9615373


Baker is a guy who used to work at AL with Towers but left after LAGC and told everyone the truth about him and how horrible he actually is (even though people have known this for years


you should stop working there if you dont want to support him, just by you being there is supporting him... i'm sure you can find another con that your stall can get money at

>> No.9615379

talking about AL reminded me of Oh Japan... the creator basically taking people's money and never paying everyone back....

>> No.9615380
File: 95 KB, 724x844, 1405124472443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never had a comic con group to enjoy the weekend with
>everyone in groups seem to have fun
>no idea how where or how to join a con group thats age 18-25 and chill but also fun
just fcuking kill me

>> No.9615421
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_1434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just out meet group

>> No.9615422
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*our, I'm drunk

>> No.9615831


>> No.9615834

Use that new fangled facemagazine that all those dabbing kids use these days. Start with "Hi, I'm XXX, and I've gone 12 days without fapping to my waifu", everyone will reply with "Hi XXX" and clap. Eventually we'll all be free.

>> No.9615842
File: 376 KB, 618x568, IMG_7391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of rum

>> No.9615852

Not too long until EGX - who's entering ECG?

>> No.9615871
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1ae40c_6194733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking dragons getting smashed and demanding headpats

>> No.9615877
File: 313 KB, 1280x1280, 1501680870224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally turn up when and where we say for bants

>> No.9615915

Is doing the masquerade worth it

>> No.9615919

Do you want to win?

It's a rush having that many people clapping and taking photos all at once if that is your thing. Haven't entered since about 2004 but it was fun. When I enjoyed it. You might be satisfied enough with the more personal "hi wow cool costume, I like that character blah blah blah can I take a photo" you get when you floor costume.

>> No.9615922

Winning would be nice but I am a ways away from that good yet

Looking at the kita masquerade I'm fairly sure I could be in the top 50% defo

>> No.9615924

heyyy sad american here just wanted to thank the brits for being generally nicer than americans are .. bye

>> No.9615927

Np senpai

>> No.9615931

Maga my friend

>> No.9615952

You must know them personally as don't remember Felixise mentioning anything online about a break-up
She looked pretty cosy with someone at the ball so figured it was her bf
Why are cosplayers love lives so important to you guys anyway?

>> No.9615954

Ross is the only person i know publicly posting about it

>> No.9615955

does no one remember Oh Japan?

>> No.9615966

Probably one of them turned anon down and they're salty af.

>> No.9615968

TheStarlightFairy is.

>> No.9615972


That senpai haigh was a mess...

>> No.9615983

Literally the one thing I think of when I see gossip like this. I'd rather be told about which cosplayers to avoid or which are the creepers to look out for instead of who's slept with who and who's broken up with who like it's high school. People break up it happens. Move on.

>> No.9615986

Nes Proxy
Mad Hamster

>> No.9615989

Amazonian Cosplay

>> No.9615998


yeah it was, it died out pretty quickly... and its like everyone forgot about it once Oh Japan closed down

>> No.9616009

You do know that the Kita masquerade is for funzies right? It's not like the LAGC or Eurocosplay competitions.

There's no judging or big winner reveals or anything.

>> No.9616028

You know you're talking crap right?

There's a competitive portion of the masquerade, with the winner awarded an engraved trophy and announced at the masquerade.

True it's not international and it's purely based on the costume (no preformance required) but it's still a competition.

>> No.9616040

This. Unless they're a cheat. then shame away because I'd rather avoid that shit

>> No.9616156

But she looks like a horse.

>> No.9616161

Just because she can eat an apple out of your hand only using her lips doesn't mean she's horse like.

>> No.9616242

also I was basing it on that as its the most recent one I was present for!

>> No.9616458

FYI felixise and evocos are now a thing, don't know felix all that well but if it's true she's boned emi's bf behind her best friends back and kept it a secret for 2 years then I wouldn't trust her. The salt on here did this group tho why ?

>> No.9616487

Zombie and Felix broke up. It came out that Felix had kissed Kinreal and another friends partner during their relationship. afaik everyone in that group is now amicable and have forgiven eachother like adults. Both Felix and Zombie have now moved on. That's it, that's the "drama". Come on guys we're not in highschool anymore.

>> No.9616499

>>9616487wow two friends partners what a slag, fair play to the others for forging tho I couldn't do that if it was my partner and best friend

>> No.9616531

It was the same weekend too, at a convention she attended with her boyfriend, and managed to keep it a secret from him for going on two years until AFTER they broke up.
I get a strong feeling that this isn't the first or last time Kinreal will do this to Emi, takes a special kind of prick to try to bang your best friend's girlfriend. Plus he thinks he's hot shit because he crash diets for conventions and wears eyeliner.

>> No.9616537

His diets don't seem to do anything though, JS.

>> No.9616546 [DELETED] 

I'm finding it hard to feel bad for Emizone though, it's now public knowledge that her boyfriend is fucking behind her back, and she not only forgives him but her "best friend", and all their friends just seem to condone it?

>> No.9616549

>Tfw miss being drunk with are chorogon

>> No.9616579

Why did this make me laugh so hard

>> No.9616921

Finally all of the "vendettas" are coming to light

>> No.9616958

Join me in the ball pit anon

>> No.9617033 [DELETED] 

this is the kind of stuff I mean. Cheers for the deets, I can't deal with cheats and will avoid them both now. it's thanks to these threads I heard about Spoony too and man am I grateful I've never had a run in with him already. what a creep

>> No.9617056

Only costs £10 per hour

>> No.9617133

So hows alcon herd a weeb broken a door

>> No.9617203

sup herd your havin englandish problims.

Are you MT? that message has ALtard level of illiteracy. This some kind of reverse psychology where you talk smack about your own event to "win at 4chan".

If you're just a tard or are typing while eating/fapping/shitting, then sorry.

On topic, I have no idea, I wouldn't go to ALcon even if MT's mum begged me while we cucked his dad. Strange how she makes me dress up like her son... hmmmm

>> No.9617237


Because who gives a fuck? Grow up.


Jesus, what part of your breakfast did ALcon shit in?

>> No.9617375
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, DIpO0lWXgAAHvMH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcon looks packed

>> No.9617454

Holy cow Obayed called it. It really is a sad sausagefest.

>> No.9617460

looks like Sindy's typing desu, she's always on these boards desperate for attention

but it looks like I gave her some, oops.

>> No.9617476


That picture is just so depressing.

>> No.9617553

>>this thread
All drama no pics of cosplay or con stuff
except this.
Fucks sake

>> No.9617639

i only come for the drama.

>> No.9617648

It'd be interesting if it wasn't years old garbage. Aren't they all nearly 30 by now?

>> No.9617694

Yeah theyre all late 20s acting like 14 year olds that group is NASTY AF

>> No.9618106

thats a fursuit pannel you retard, of-course its going to look empty, its a freaky fetish nobody is interested in bar autists.

im not defending alcon, but this is not making them look bad, it looks like a weak effort to shame them. try harder.

>> No.9618117

I mean, the fact that they have one is pretty shameful

>> No.9618637

Heard from a bunch of different sources that a lot of people walked out of the opening ceremony, which from prior experience, hasn't happened before in recent memory?

Plus it looks dead from the few pictures friends have posted on their Facebook accounts

>> No.9619095

people on twitter are saying the con is dead

>> No.9619120
File: 93 KB, 576x1024, DIylpjXXUAEVfxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay classy alcon

>> No.9619131


"We can't get caught doing something illegal again"

>> No.9619174

Lol wtf.

Local anon finds out how to get his con closed down in 1 easy step

>> No.9619179
File: 662 KB, 292x300, 1468950217171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is karen so adorable?

>> No.9619189 [DELETED] 

Sup Lauren. Yeah you "kissed" them... everyone knows you fucked Julian and Kinreal.
When he found out Zombie told Emi who then got super pissed as she "would rather not know". So now everyone is amicable in the group except Zombie who got FUCKED by almost everyone.
Only reason Zombie speaks to you and is trying to keep the cool is that if he doesnt wanna be out a job as well! As you both work for your fat friend who sided with you.

>> No.9619236

Man, it's so hard to find anything on how well ALcon is doing because all I can see on Facebook are people saying they didn't go. I was hoping someone would take one for the team.

>> No.9619255
File: 165 KB, 1481x970, IMG-20170903-WA0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9619257

I had no idea they were even on, normally my wall is flooded with people going. Good fucking riddance.

>> No.9619259

Twitter is full of people not having a good time or 1st time con goers who don't know any better.

>> No.9619266

Look, if you have a problem with Lauren, go take it up with her. Honestly, the fact that this group has been dealing with it's problems on 4chan for nearly a decade is just fucking sad.
But of course, anon must know the truth. Because an anon say it, it should be taken as truth, over and above how the actual people involved feel.

>> No.9619285

Not directly in their group but I did try and bring her up on it! She made a snide remark to a friend so I bought it up. She responded that she doesn't want to talk about rumours then blanked me the rest of Kita.

>> No.9619296

where are these posts

>> No.9619309

What did you say to her? That's a dumb ass response considering it's not rumours it's a thing that straight up happened.

>> No.9619319


Of which no one but those physically involved know the details of anon.
We're all clutching at half stories here, no one really knows what went down.

>> No.9619365

>> it's not rumours it's a thing that straight up happened.

What is?

>> No.9619371

Seems a lot of the issues are from the staff being rude to attendees. Not like that's any different from previous years though.

>> No.9619406

Will Alcon ever die?

>> No.9619506

Can we see some screecaps of people posting about ALcon?

>> No.9619553


>> No.9619572
File: 77 KB, 660x743, 1427075951424.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brit discord is literally /Pol/ at the moment
>Just wanted to talk about cosplay and cons with people and have some cosplay bros

Why this

>> No.9619575
File: 67 KB, 602x709, 1504051048444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We can't talk about cosplay forever"
Should be a banner desu desu

>> No.9619590

obayeds timeline

>> No.9619615

who can make the best attack on alcon anime opening parody?

>> No.9620233

I think whoever is admin should make another chat just for cosplay stuff and kept the shit posts in the one they have going.

>> No.9620238
File: 230 KB, 648x566, IMG_7427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I go for it or is three cosplays in 6 months overboard?

>> No.9620261

It fell apart this year! I have never seen a con be so terrible!? I use to enjoy alcon, but now...... it is dead

>> No.9620264

Yeah, i can confirm. The opening was a cringefest! Empty seats and people leaving.

And what happened ? Because Alex was not on AL staff to fix there problems and make it somewhat more better.

Just goes to show how much work he did. I miss seeing him on stage

>> No.9620265

wasnt he still at alcon? went running back with his tail between his legs

>> No.9620272

He was there as a dealer working for some other guy.and to be fair to him he made the con more fun by just being there. Respect

>> No.9620281

yea respect the compulsive liar

>> No.9620282

so which people make up this group? Need to know so I can avoid in future

>> No.9620287

Go back a few years and a bunch of strangers said this was the best group in the com, now a bunch of strangers saying the opposite.

Make up your mind for yourself when you meet people anon.

>> No.9620336

They were a great group, especially when a load of people first all moved up north, but I think they all learnt over time that you don't live with your friends.
Never knew things to get this bad, all just seems like someone trying to save face while still taking personal stabs

>> No.9620339

I miss the days of drama being about which con girls nudes were going around next.

>> No.9620341

compulsive liar? proof?

>> No.9620346

It's funny, how quickly anons defend Felix and friends in every thread they're mentioned! Here's a hint, telling people to let it go will do nothing but prompt everyone to wonder what it is you're hiding (:

>> No.9620354
File: 1015 KB, 1024x576, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture from Twitter. Supposedly from the Charity Auction on the last day.

From previous experience, the auction is usually packed, no free seats, generally just mobbed, etc. Can't exactly say "oh, it's just a furry panel, those are usually dead anyway" with this one.

>> No.9620355

It's weird because Alcon isn't a charity

>> No.9620357 [DELETED] 

A friend went to Alcon on the Sunday, but didn't pay for a ticket or anything, just walked in and hung out with people. Seems there weren't enough staff members around to check, most of them probably bailed.

>> No.9620358

A friend went to Alcon on the Sunday, but didn't pay for a ticket or anything, just walked in and hung out with people. Seems there weren't enough staff members around to check, most of them probably bailed.

>> No.9620361


Why is there a hobo on stage? Im going to assume its a hobo because he has no shoes.

>> No.9620364

The auction was to get him a new pair of shoes

>> No.9620367

Pretty sure it's LittleKuriboh?

>> No.9620370

A dealer who sells mostly bootleg trash, guess it's a step up from working for a rapist.

>> No.9620391 [DELETED] 

To be fair, I'm not defending them, more pointing out the folly of listening to a bunch of anons over personal experience.

I could tell you the sky is green and the earth is flat.

That doesn't make it true.

Like my personal experience of Felixes is that she took a disliking to me and bitched about me on and offline. But we don't run in the same circles, so whilst if I had to I'd be polite but I wouldn't try to talk to her. That's not to say other anons might not have a completely different experience. Cause clearly her friends like her, so there must be something to like.

You'll always here good and bad stories about someone, usually because of the perspective and experience of the person telling the story. Now if you know the person then you're in a better position to judge whether it's likely to be the same for you based on your similarity to them or knowledge of their judge of character.

But blindly believing a little lilac box seems counter-intuitive.

>> No.9620394

To be fair, I'm not defending them, more pointing out the folly of listening to a bunch of anons over personal experience.

I could tell you the sky is green and the earth is flat.

That doesn't make it true.

Like my personal experience of Felixes is that she took a disliking to me and bitched about me on and offline. But we don't run in the same circles, so whilst if I had to I'd be polite but I wouldn't try to talk to her. That's not to say other anons might not have a completely different experience. Cause clearly her friends like her, so there must be something to like.

You'll always hear good and bad stories about someone, usually because of the perspective and experience of the person telling the story. Now if you know the person then you're in a better position to judge whether it's likely to be the same for you based on your similarity to them or knowledge of their judge of character.

But blindly believing a little lilac box seems counter-intuitive.

>> No.9620448

I have no idea who this Felix is, I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Also, I don't care.

>> No.9620553
File: 1.72 MB, 810x5331, Screenshot_20170904-185206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is on AL's feedback thread
You know it's fucked when a guest publicly voices the shittery

>> No.9620565

If people who don't even have wristbands/haven't actually paid to attend the con can get in without any issues, I can only imagine how it was at the VIP gala. He's not wrong though, it is a slap in the face, considering how much more it costs for VIP tickets.

I'd laugh if the feedback miraculously disappeared though.

>> No.9620587
File: 87 KB, 1326x460, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like damage control

>> No.9620593

The security was handling it? Isn't that usually a gopher's job?

>> No.9620602

Entirely depends on the event venue. If it's a licensed premise then security would be responsible for wristband checks and indeed bag checks.

>> No.9620608

From my understanding the bar at DMU has it's own security team and previous events they have done all the bag checks. To give you an idea of how bad the security at this event was if you forgot for a moment that AL was running an event there. Me and my Friends were able to walk into the bar holding booze we had clearly brought in ourselves. The security didn't give a shit full stop. Nothing to do with Alcon they were letting anything in.

>> No.9620612
File: 143 KB, 1068x1607, FB_IMG_1504541962195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have come across some good cringe on fb whilst reading how shite alcon was. I usually wouldnt post bad cosplayers cuz id feel guilty if they were to see themselves posted, but I'll make an exception for people that support a pedo lol

>> No.9620613
File: 78 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1504541543742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620614

It does have it's own security, however, compared to previous years, it wasn't this bad. Previous years they did check wristbands, did stop people walking in with outside alcohol, etc.

>> No.9620617
File: 134 KB, 1228x1394, FB_IMG_1504550379660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620618

well baker, first you said you would never go back, then you do
then you say you were asked by the police to remove the fb status, then you say it WAS towers.

you're a complete liar nobody with sense would be anywhere near. you belong with alcon, really

>> No.9620620

Not Baker but OK, anon

>> No.9620624

*a lot of dropouts*

>> No.9620629

Who wears a getup like that and stands that awkwardly?

>> No.9620630
File: 181 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1504541505503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this pair of autists irl. One on the left had an online relationship with an underage girl, would send each other nudes, cybersex and all that
Pedos unite!

>> No.9620631
File: 95 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1504541657979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pls kill me

>> No.9620646
File: 92 KB, 1438x960, FB_IMG_1504552962452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit best cos I've come across

>> No.9620653


Its like someone's crawled into a mattress protector.

>> No.9620694

That texture looks so comfy

>> No.9620698

what the fuck is that disgrace of a venue
and what the hell are those decoirations

>> No.9620699

what the actual fuck

>> No.9620756


i'm just waiting to hear about drama to do with my cosplay friends since all they talk about on facebook is drama. I laughed my head off when i was looking at the archived threads about one of my cosplay friends

>> No.9620764


same, i only know one person who went to ALcon and she's a DJ there. She said that the tech was pretty bad

>> No.9620767


i wonder which Lauren you're talking about... hmmm

>> No.9620770


Spotted this in the MCM Group



>> No.9620772


it doesn't sound too hard Anon, i'm sure you can make 3 cosplays in 6 months, as long as its not complicated

>> No.9620774


was the "ALcon Girls" there?

>> No.9620779

P sure this is someone I went to uni with, she was trying to shag one guy from each country in the world

>> No.9620783

It's Jim Sterlings Kornflake Humunculus

>> No.9620784


i was pretty disappointed at the LAGC cosplay auction in February, especially when finding out (or basically rumors being spread around) that Michael took the charity money for himself

>> No.9620789


yeah i never heard of Felix before either, all i know is about Michael and Alex

>> No.9620844
File: 35 KB, 1205x299, P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikes girlfriend didn't go down well at Alcon apparently...she needs to get out of her head and out of Towers pants

>> No.9620872

Ah, the frantic deleting of negative feedback only serves to make Alcon look worse.

>> No.9620894

lol yh she thought she was doing 'amazing' but actually it was a fucking shit show don't know how they get away with half the shit they do, duggan got scared and ran cause he w just her trying to run the show by herself trying to be Alex just a shit one Alcon is dead!

>> No.9620947

So what ever happened with Alex's 'police investigation'?

>> No.9620955
File: 88 KB, 1334x275, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't occur to them that maybe the staff members are lying? And that stuff is being reposted because genuine negative feedback is being ignored?

But of course, the people involved who aren't staff were banned, so can't have a fair say in the matter anyway.

>> No.9620983

I'd also like to know

>> No.9620986

Probably still ongoing. Ever thought of how long most "historic" cases like this take? And that's just the ones in the public eye...

>> No.9621075

this mcm in london will be the biggest con in the uk right?

i kinda want to go cause the eurocosplay shit will take place on the 28th, and although i havent given a shit about the wwf since 2005 i can always hope john cena or the rock or something gets enough jewbucks to appear and jew us 25 quid for pose n photo.

gonna go as ryu from sf2 and kintoki from fate stay night.

no third costume tho i think ill go as wojack or something for the memes

>> No.9621304 [DELETED] 

Watched maybe 3 Kita 17 vlogs since I didn't go and wanted to see what it was like. I've cringed way too many times why do people act this way

>> No.9621305

Watched maybe 3 Kita 17 vlogs since I didn't go and wanted to see what it was like. I've cringed way too many times why do people act this way

>> No.9621320

Only big because of normies

>> No.9621330

If you watch people's vlogs expecting to see what cons are really like you're in for a bad time.

Ever since Hildaglitz set the trend of LOL BANTZ vlogs there have been too many copycats

>> No.9621332

Pretty much this nowadays. Memes and people just trying to be as obnoxious as possible

>> No.9621368

Leave them to it, let this dicklord suggest it's exaggeration. It only serves to make alcon look worse to those who are regulars.

Without their regulars they won't even get the 450 members that they got this year.

It's about time this shitstorm ended. It's a shit event, run by cringey scumbags.

>> No.9621371

vlogs dude? really? that's not how you find out if an event is any good. I really don't give a shit how much someone spend on attack on titan figures.

>> No.9621398

desu you'd be better off watching the videos of panels and events like what Team Neko do if you want coverage of Kita

>> No.9621410
File: 329 KB, 1703x917, fuck alcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any surprise they deleted this one instead of dealing with it?

>> No.9621416

holy crapsicles

>> No.9621420

"Hey even if what you said is true, here are X issues
Anyway here is how it actually went down"


Who is the mod? Fucking W.T.Snacks

>> No.9621434

Will note that in future. Figured I'd get some kind of feedback from watching the attendees but it's just mostly them sitting around eating or in their hotel rooms. No thanks

>> No.9621442

They're now basically removing any word of people being treated badly in terms of parking. Another user posted about it as their 10th point, and it was edited out by Mike.

>> No.9621444

I'm really mad I didn't bring my blue disabled badge this year (I don't personally drive), because I could have crammed it into sweaty flaps' wobbly face myself as "proof" that I am actually one of those disableds despite not looking it.

I also can't join in with my friends bitching on the AL forums as I'm already booked in to sell in the AA at LAGC twice next year. I'm happy to answer questions anons have about this year's alcon and the shitshow that was how my friends were treated though,

After 7 years I can't believe this place is finally dead. It was never good, but at least it was a little fun with friends. Not even that this year.

>> No.9621453
File: 161 KB, 1333x633, jhjhjhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appeared on the forums last night. By this morning, Mike had edited out point 10 from the post and claimed it was bordering on bullying.

Way to go to cover up your staffs misconduct. I hope people sue.

>> No.9621457
File: 104 KB, 722x1058, FOUR Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9621459

good to know towers is as delusional as always

>> No.9621460

It's an old post, but it's definitely showing he was bullshitting about all cons being up on sales from previous years. Considering almost all of the feedback says it was dead, can't have been up on numbers

>> No.9621482
File: 79 KB, 1167x606, p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since they're deleting the negative feedback, may as well post them on here as and when the feedback appears.

Probably deleted this one because it pointed out they do fuck all when someone is assaulted at their cons


>> No.9621484
File: 152 KB, 1169x604, p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9621485
File: 67 KB, 1165x434, p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9621488

>forming con opinions on vlogs
Better use tumblr chains next time.

>> No.9621489
File: 66 KB, 1325x461, p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deletes negative feedback, tells them to email instead. Sounds like censorship and a cover-up

>> No.9621499

It got reposted with the security bit omitted. Sounds like a cover up

>> No.9621646
File: 169 KB, 575x446, 1501088120669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the next con you're attending, anons?

>> No.9621655

temp alcon thread, post nothing you aren't happy to loose, as nothing is archived

>> No.9621662


>> No.9621664


Dunno, when is the next Alcon?

>> No.9621743
File: 40 KB, 342x298, 1401355034970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with you?

>> No.9621791

*titanic flute music*

>> No.9621823

Sunnycon 2018, don't really know much about anything else worthwhile between now and then.

>> No.9621838

So one of the ECG entrants has been asking people to come help her make her costume.

Y'know, in a contest where you have to make a good majority of it yourself

>> No.9621936

They are allowed a % of help so it's not a problem

>> No.9621956

Glasgow or London MCM depending on whether I can be arsed to go north.

>> No.9621982


it was going to be MCM London October but i decided i'll go to MCM Birmingham instead and then Hyper Japan the week after

>> No.9621983

It's a toss up between Glasgow MCM, if I decide to go, or RTX, which I already have a ticket for

>> No.9621989

who? name and shame

>> No.9621990

the percentage is how much is allowed to be bought or altered - no one else is allowed to make anything

>> No.9622006


If you buy something surely someone else made it.
Rules state other people can make 25%

>> No.9622010

Rules state no one you know is allowed to physically make any part of the costume and is only allowed to help with holding things up/measuring etc in case you are unable to do it with one person. Buying a premade part is different to commissioning/someone helping by making something for you

>> No.9622022

Like most entrants don't get help from family, partners and friends when up against it.

>> No.9622029

Actually I'm fairly sure you're quoting the Eurocosplay rules here, but since they're entering Ecg the rules are as follows:

'Costumes must be at least 75% handmade by the contestants themselves. Any parts not made by the contestant (i.e handmade by their friends and family should be declared during judging.'

So actually this is fine.

>> No.9622405

I'd understand if it was simply holding things up etc but it sounds like she wanted someone to sew things together for her as she's running out of time

>> No.9622465

I stand corrected! Hope she declares it at least. I know someone who always has friends sew large parts of the costumes for her but claims to judges and on her page to do it herself

>> No.9622468

Following up it looks like she's made the decision to drop out now

>> No.9622544


>> No.9622562

Fuck off with your drama m8

>> No.9622575


I mean is it not relevant if a con is deleting negative feedback because they fucked up?

>> No.9622578


Aside from being on topic with discussing UK cons, I mainly want it here just to hurt MT's feelings when he inevitably comes here to post shit and sees that link.

>> No.9622605

but didn't you hear anon he's WINNING at FOUR chan

>> No.9622610
File: 128 KB, 618x683, IMG_2256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No comment

>> No.9622684


How....How do you actually manage to get worse?

>> No.9622785


>> No.9622786

oh no

>> No.9622793

Can someone give me a quick rundown of the Alcon drama, I mean I was there, but all I saw was a lack of attendees and a not very strong panel line up.
Last year was better in that it had a bit more spark but I don't really know much about the drama, just something, text to underage girl, something, dealers room.

>> No.9622809

Confirmed that there will be no kitacon, mini or otherwise next year.

>> No.9622821
File: 995 KB, 507x668, winningon4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9622844
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, packed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf u on, the pannel was super full
look, just 2 mins later

>> No.9622851
File: 128 KB, 412x187, shhh no tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys
come alcon
trust me guys
its fun
defo no suspect shit here

shhhh just come

>> No.9622855

alcon going full north korea

>> No.9622857

new thread


>> No.9622968

The owner of AL, Mike Towers, was outed this year for grooming underaged girls and holding onto charity money.

desu a lot of people already knew he was into underaged girls but now it's more public.

>> No.9623629

yes, but its obvious you're just trying to get views on your shitty channel, which btw you will never grow if this is the kind of garbage you put on it

>> No.9623797

Not Obayed but honoured you think I am. I'm just reposting his stuff here because he has his posts set to friends only.

>> No.9625451

Any one going to Northampton comic con next weekend? First con, going solo to oogle the trade stalls and see if I can find any cool weeb robot stuff.

Any tips or people who want to exchange contact info and oogle robots together?

>> No.9625453

Can I get a link to the discord please?