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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 156 KB, 1200x563, DDmwwp6VoAA7IoH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9579669 No.9579669 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread saged >>9567173

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.9579673
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>> No.9579677
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>> No.9579679
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>> No.9579680
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>> No.9579682
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Unsure if handmade phone cases count.

>> No.9579708


I'm waiting on one more merch order, but I'll definitely post here after it arrives. I'd rather have gulls rip it apart than wear a shitty bag in public. The photoshop idea is really good and I may try that tomorrow!

>> No.9579713

I'm so confused about this one. I was surprised and happy to see a Ramza itabag since Tactics is an unpopular FF, but... why are a lot of Garland (the armored character) rubber straps??? He isn't even from the same game! I really don't get it, it makes zero sense...

>> No.9579733
File: 108 KB, 500x330, ichigo-tokyo-mew-mew-10459966-500-330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you >>9579616 >>9579630 and >>9579637 . Hopefully once I get a few more things I'll post pictures. I'm planning on getting the Korean aqua wand as well as the Mew Berry Rod. Sadly all good offical versions of the Strawberry Bell are in the $150+ range. For now I'm probably just gonna work on getting the basic decorative items including the offical Strawberry Bell necklace to line the top, plastic strawberries to put on lights, and keep my eyes open at local dealer's rooms/artists alleys for Ichigo charms/pins. I hope to finish the bag for when I cosplay Kish (and hopefully get a better base since the one I have now isn't the best).

>> No.9579755

Whoever owns this phone case, please don't actually use it, because there's been reports of the fluid inside burning skin if it breaks.

>> No.9579791

Please stop using eBay to buy things. You're going to waste so much money.



>> No.9579792

FWIW, i'd also check mandarake.

>> No.9580155

Maybe they're that person's favorites to play in arcade Dissidia? (although that one has three characters you use and not just two...)

>> No.9580169

The only reason I'd been using eBay is because I've never gotten to see these websites. I'm not a huge merch buyer normally, so thank you.

>> No.9580173


Check the op guides then. These sites aren't secret.

>> No.9580201

FYI looking at the OP guide, it's a bit incorrect- Otamart does not need a proxy just a forwarding service. The app accepts Overseas cards. But you do need to be able to speak some levels of Japanese to speak to the sellers.

>> No.9580219

Discord link?

>> No.9580334

>no proxy needed
>need to know some Japanese
Most people don't know any level of Japanese and often times running things through a translator is frustrating and confusing for everyone involved. This is why the FAQ suggests a proxy.

>> No.9580341

Anon I am so excited for you to post progress of your bag, TMM was my gateway anime way back when!

>> No.9580343

This isn't my case but I've made a custom whip one for myself of my husbando. I've had my phone long enough to where if I need a new one, it wouldn't be an issue with my phone plan and I never keep it in my pocket and I'm always gentle with my belongings.

Anyway, I'm planning on making another phone case for myself for another husbando that's this style, so I may end up posting it in this thread whenever I get around to it.

>> No.9580581

96 bulb, battery-operated, 8 foot long flat strips of LEDs are a little less than $5 at Michaels right now in the clearance section for anyone looking for a lot of lights at once. Warm white only and I think in-store only, but the strip itself comes in white/silver/black.

>> No.9580583

So just a random question. I ordered some things on Zen market and they came in already. I made my package a couple of days ago and it says "waiting on confirmation". But it still gives me the little notification like I have to do something? Are they waiting on my to confirm or am I waiting on them? I want to know how to pay for shipping if that's what they are waiting on.

>> No.9580655 [DELETED] 

You don't have to do anything. They're packing the items and will notify when to pay.

>> No.9580660

You don't have to do anything. They are packing and weighing your items and will notify you when to pay and the amount.

>> No.9581072
File: 2.62 MB, 6048x6040, TB2yJ3rxJRopuFjSZFtXXcanpXa_!!2476225735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was interested in getting one of the Berry Q base bags but it looks like I missed the preorder window. I'm not familiar with the brand so does anyone know if they might be available again?

I know they are available on Wunderwelt but they seem much more expensive than getting them straight from taobao.

>> No.9581184

I'm really not sure but they likely will be selling them in the future but not for as much as the preorder price. It'll likely go up once the bags are readily available like it did with the ToAlice bags.

>> No.9581821

Does anyone have any experience with buying merch from Korean artists? I see a lot of merch of my husbando on Twitter from artists I follow, but most of them only speak Korean and no English.

I've debated on using a translator and sending them a shitty, choppy message asking if they ship overseas, but I'm not sure if thats rude to do?

>> No.9581824

There are proxy services for Korea too

>> No.9581829
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 1493447895443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mention itabag to friend
>she sends me a pic of her WIP
>literally a fandom bag
>no theme, random band pins, and is supposed to be some sort of overwatch itabag
>ask if I can offer concrit, she accepts
>she doesn't even know what ita means
>she thinks duplicates look bad
>doesn't want her bag to be too busy

I don't fucking care if she makes 30 fandom bags using knock off wego heart shape bags, just don't call it an itabag when you put zero effort into making it one.

>> No.9581843

Same here! It's so frustrating! I did ask some who speak English but they don't ship internationally. Besides, they usually use order forms and you have to state your Twitter handle so, I don't know if a shopping service or proxy would work.

>> No.9581847

I understand not liking duplicates or having too busy of a bag, but if they don't want the concrit and just want a shit bag that's on them.

>> No.9581999

I really don't think I could use a proxy for a single charm ordered through Google Docs.

>> No.9582001

>don't call it an itabag when you put zero effort into making it one
Yes, I feel the same way anon. This is a hobby based on passion and obsession, so anything half-assed will always look bad.

>> No.9582084
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>what do you do for extra hooks

>> No.9582096

I've seen this asked before and it never fails to baffle me

>> No.9582158

If this is the itabag fb group they should read the posted FAQ. How goddamn sad.

>> No.9582188

I'm so not sure if I should make small bags dedicated to each of my important OTP's or a big bag of all my important OTP's?

I like the idea of having a bunch of small itabags for my OTP's but it's not practical for me since I'd never carry it. Like I'd love to carry a pretty deco inspo worthy itabag but I tend to lean more toward the drowning-in-merch aesthetic...

>> No.9582242
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You gulls ready to buy some homemade pins?

>> No.9582244
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>> No.9582245

Sometimes I worry about posting commissions in the sales group because I'm not confident in my art. Then I see these and that some people bought them and I feel a lot better.

>> No.9582250

|I guess they aren't charging too much for it though.

>> No.9582251

I think what bothers me most isn't the poor art, but that none of it is consistently sized and centered.

>> No.9582269
File: 3.39 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170702_191834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed my ita to a backpack; as I always carry a lot of things and, that I wanted to buy more bc the other one was too little to put more merch on it lol. But, now I'm not sure how to stylized it. More than that I'm concerned about the back part, not sure if a layer would be okay or just leave it like that. Any suggestions?

>> No.9582275

This person makes me so sad idk why. :(

>> No.9582354

Anyone else working on a bag but feels like their bag isn't "good" enough yet. Like mine isn't Facebook tier bad, but I can't seem to get a good layout working and it lacks soul.

>> No.9582392

tfw you're close to reaching a perfect credit score because you've been charging and paying off husbando items

Not sure how even they calculate this sometimes, but it's a good feel to know my husbando and this crazy hobby helps. Now I am patiently waiting my my base bag to get to me within the next few days.

>> No.9582437

Same here, anon. I'm stuck in a wego knockoff until i can figure out what to upgrade to but I'm not horribly creative enough to decorate it so that it's more exciting. No idea how to tackle it.

>> No.9582448

Pretty sure I saw their bag in the last thread. I remember that terrible BnHA art.

>> No.9582451

Note to self: try this

>> No.9582485

I'm in the same boat. I have a pile of merch and I love my husbando, but I also have zero creativity and shit layouting ability.

>> No.9582575

Because they obviously had enough confidence and devotion to make these, and a button maker isn't cheap, but no one has the heart to tell them how terrible these are.

>> No.9582583

It sounds like you need to sit down and make a decision. If you want to make a bag of a ship you have to purely focus on which one and essentially aim for that when it comes to buying things, especially if you want a really full bag. If they have limited merch, consider putting duplicates in your bag.

Putting all these things/ships together into one bag would look like a big mess and would not be an itabag. If you want a con/multi fandom bag then go for it.

>> No.9582615

>Bought 2 DVDs and a soundtrack CD from the aniplex store for 15000 yen just to get a bonus button and charm I wanted
>Proxy warns I might not get the bonus items because they're limited edition, go for it anyway
>Got the package today, both the bonuses were in it
>Meanwhile the 300yen postcard I also ordered is misplaced
I'm too relived to be mad at this point

>> No.9582754
File: 470 KB, 489x677, Screen Shot 2017-08-01 at 2.51.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who gets so ridiculously annoyed when people say they can't find merch of their somewhat popular character?

>> No.9582778

I want to dip my toes into ita bags, because I'm finally into a fandom with lots of march, but I want to force myself to start small. Basically, an ita pencil case/makeup bag/pouch. does anyone know of any good base bags that are around the right size for something like that? I did a search for クリアポーチ on rakuten but nothing really caught my eye.

>> No.9582880



I have this one on the way, i'm going to put the medium bag inside the large bag and I might attach a crossbody strap to the whole thing. However I'm going to put some mini plushes in it, so you might want a base that fits more exactly into the clear bag if you don't need the extra space.

>> No.9583011

I'm okay with a multi fandom bag because like a otome game bag and one of my main bags is a seiyuu itabag?

The two OTP's I would love have their own bag are for RyouMarx and KakaYama but they present their own set of issues. Fire Emblem doesn't have much official merch and I've been buying as much Ryouma and Xander fan merch as I can find but it's slow going and usually I find ether or and not both. As far as Yamato and Kakashi goes, Like it's super easy to find Kakashi merch but hard to find Yamato, and there isn't much stuff being sold in the AA's. I've found some pics I'd love to be made into buttons but like im having issues finding the artist for some because like it's been years and reverse google search isn't helping much.

>> No.9583018

I have a friend with a multifandom bag who is just so excited to order product for it and rearrange it and get extra little embellishments for it that I can't find the heart in me to ruin her fun with semantics. She's slowly working on ordering more product for specific characters so that she now has three characters with like six pieces each, and her genuine joy every time she expands the collection and works towards what we would consider a "proper" itabag is too cute for me to crush it with, "Well, that's great and all, but what you have right now isn't an itabag yet so stop calling it that."

I'm known in my friend group as "the guy with the itabag problem" (I'm a Multiple Carrier) so everyone already knows what I think an itabag should look like through osmosis. But since I'm not ACTIVELY correcting them, I feel guilty that it's my influence bringing more shitabags into the world. There's another friend with a knock off Wego with maybe three mismatched buttons, but if I talk to them I have to stomp on cute friends dreams and that ain't happening.

>> No.9583046
File: 61 KB, 1071x1500, SPINNS heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's also this super cute bag. If I thought it could hold more I would have gotten it. Only 1080 yen, too.


>> No.9583051

real friends don't let friends walk around with terrible bags. I'd rather hear it from a friend rather than have other itabaggers talk shit about me behind my back or god forbid, be posted here as an example of a horrible bag.

>> No.9583090

>I'm okay with a multi fandom bag because like a otome game bag and one of my main bags is a seiyuu itabag?

Gonna have to call you out on this and say neither of these things are specific enough to make a shared bag for. These are maybe one step above con button bags.

>> No.9583112

you guys are the best! thanks for the links! I really appreciate the help, trying to find things in the size I was looking seemed like it was going to be impossible when I was looking earlier.

though you've also kick-started another expensive hobby of mine so maybe I shouldn't be so happy about this, haha.

>> No.9583119


Or when you reach a good points tier and can turn it into cash to pay for more goods. Feels really great to hit that big payout number.

>> No.9583180


A single seiyuu is pretty specific. "Otome games" isn't.

>> No.9583351
File: 72 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1142278481_nc1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the guide about regular pins, but does anybody know where to get custom heart-shaped badges/pins? I found a UK site that looked decent enough, but I'm in the US. Also clarifying I don't want 100 pins from alibaba lol.

>> No.9583355

Well...call it whatever you guys want I guess? There hasn't been any problems in the past on here with ether of those bags.

At anyrate, I had an design idea for what to do for a KakaYama bag so I'm gonna focus on that then back to RyouMarx. My only issue is that I'm still not sure about making buttons for fanart when I can't find the artist?

>> No.9583356

lordsticksalot will start doing them soon, but they're on preorder right now. I got some regular buttons from them for a con and they seem pretty good.

>> No.9583417

Yup, and it looks like 1 AA charm and 5 bootleg buttons.

>> No.9583448

I took it as multiple seiyuus. If it's just one, I'd call it an itabag.

>Well...call it whatever you guys want I guess?

The point is that if it can't be called an itabag, it shouldn't be in this thread.

>> No.9583508

This too. Been saving AmiAmi points for over a year and I have almost $10. Also credit card has a rewards system. So double the good feels.

>> No.9583518

Its a single seiyuu. I have four other bags dedicated to specific characters he voices. I don't think there is any doubt on my dedication to him.

My post isn't really about the my bag I mentioned it in passing as a reference to the bags I'm working on at this current time, thus why I don't care what you call my bag because the bag in question wasn't what I asked for advice with?

>> No.9583644

Here's someone on Etsy that does that, they're from Canada though so I don't know how shipping will be. make sure to post the finished product when you get it!

>> No.9583724

You said you were okay with having a multifandom bag because you already had those other 2 bags that didn't fit the criteria for an itabag. So, since you don't really care about whether or not your multifandom OTP bag qualifies as an itabag, then do whatever you want?

>> No.9583765

Well I ramble on but I eventually asked if it's okay to use fan art when I can't find the artist for. Like reverse google serch leads to dead end links?

>> No.9584073

>it shouldn't be in this thread.

>Itabag/Fandom Fashion General
>Fandom Fashion General

>> No.9584115

It isn't. Lurking for even one thread would tell you that.

>> No.9584197

If it's not an itabag it doesn't belong in this thread. Fandom fashion has been given in examples through a lot past threads. Carrying a random bag filled with shit doesn't qualify as fandom fashion. Go back to the facebook group.

Never use art for anything without artist's permission, even if you can't find the original source. If you want to use some type of fanart, commission someone. This has been said enough times in past threads to where it shouldn't have to be in the FAQ but apparently needs to be if it's not already.

>> No.9584228

The source from alibaba has an MOQ of 1. Also it's not the badges that'll be awful in price, it's the shipping that'll get you usually but sometimes a supplier will send a package slower if you request it. I'm not sure about this specific supplier though.

>> No.9584314
File: 839 KB, 900x900, Youpop-Japanese-Anime-Tokyo-Ghoul-font-b-Album-b-font-Brooch-Fashion-font-b-Pin-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, what's your opinion on turning pixiv fanart or official art into unofficial custom badges? I'm not a fan of duplicates and I do want more than just keychains.

>> No.9584319

Please be a troll and not actually this stupid.

>> No.9584380 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 527x921, Screenshot_20170802-191458-527x921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen sanrio's official itabags? They're too cute!

>> No.9584381

> sanrio not using the sanrio danshi to promote them

>> No.9584385 [DELETED] 

Sorry reposting.

But yeah it's apparently a starter kit? Honestly it's pretty cute.

>> No.9584389
File: 562 KB, 1055x1843, 79293637389191458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry reposting AGAIN.

phone posting is shitty.

>> No.9584393

Yeah that's a stupid move on their part?? Especially since the danshi are really popular and I've seen some bags already.

>> No.9584400

Are you serious or do you only check eBay? Also read what >>9584115 and >>9584197 said in relation to using fanart already. Tokyo Ghoul has merchandise out the ass so I have no idea why you would need to even consider fanart or even make your own badges. Read the FAQ to figure out where to buy shit that isn't from etsy and eBay.

>> No.9584407
File: 116 KB, 1444x938, itabag fanart flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're probably just taking the piss, but I slapped together a flow chart on using fanart in itabags.

>> No.9584449

Thank you gull. This needs to be the in the FAQs! Too many people ask this.

>> No.9584488
File: 1.28 MB, 2016x1512, 20170802_195036_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good, gulls. Feels better. Feels... ready.

>> No.9584527

It looks better but you weren't able to trim the stickers? Again, the figure blends into the background.

>> No.9584578

Does anyone have improvement images of their bags? Like maybe you started off with a bootleg heart bag and a couple of pins but as you learned more about the hobby you upgraded?
I know a few anons post their bags as they work on them, but it would be fun to see the development in a single image.

>> No.9584581

No, it started separating the resin and damaging the image unfortunately. Might take the fabric backround off, might match the character too well...

>> No.9584589

That's a project from start to end that most people don't consider doing since they focus on just getting the bag done. I know some people in the tag on IG do that sometimes for transformation Thursday, but it's not that common.

>> No.9584611
File: 23 KB, 381x390, 1450180644846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you anons seriously think that a specific, coheseive topic like a certain genre is as bad as the "shit I like ' theme' " of a con bag, you seriously have brain problems. The only rule of an itabag's subject is that it should be specific. Otome games is specific, as is magical girl anime and similar genres. Whereas things like video games and anime are too broad for a bag. And then you have con bags with no theme outside what the wearer likes. It's not rocket science.

>> No.9584621

Okay. Then I guess you can classify someone's multifandom husbando bag with a 'Bishounen' theme.

>> No.9584636
File: 21 KB, 850x520, 20294067_1415487195205208_6956925706822612607_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a link to this bag?

>> No.9584732

I wonder if coloring the edges of the stickers would work? Like painting/sharpie-ing them black but leaving a slight white border so theyre not so stark?

>> No.9584734

>Three new Persona spinoff games announced.
>Possibility of new Persona 3 merch.

I'm so happy.

>> No.9584759
File: 57 KB, 1024x576, it_s_over__isn_t_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't really know if this should go here or in feels but I'm not sure all seagulls really know what itabags despite a couple years of these threads.

I have an itabag for my husbando and spoilers for the manga came out today and he's continuing his slow metamorphosis into an asshole. I knew it was coming but I always kind of related to his internal struggle with family issues and self-worth so seeing him deal with it in a very unhealthy, violent way is making me ill. I'm not one of those people who is all OMG I'M CRYING AND/OR SCREAMING any time something remotely dramatic or emotional happens in a story but I'm starting to understand that feeling.

I know I should give the manga a few months to see where this is going, but it seems like most of the fandom hates him right now so I don't feel comfortable carrying my itabag now. I'm glad I have another bag that'll be more relevant with an upcoming anime. But I still have a rather sizeable bag for a character I'm falling out of love with.

Have any of you struggled with falling out of love with a character or just looking at it one day saying "meh"?

>> No.9584766
File: 707 KB, 560x678, oh dear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time this girl posts one of her shitty bags i get so wildly irritated. it shouldn't bother me that much but she has about 4 or 5 bags and they're all.... so shitty. i don't get it.

pic related

>> No.9584799

> just looking at it one day saying "meh"
I have an entire bags worth of Yuri on Ice merchandise, and the base bag, and zero interest in pinning it all together or wearing it.

>> No.9584808

I was going through something similar. I kept denying it but I've finally accepted it. I'm gonna still love my husbando even if he's an asshole. I like other characters who are assholes anyway. I just hate the fact that everything about him might all have been a lie. But just like you, I have to wait for irrefutable confirmation. I've spent too much money on this guy, I can't just fall out of love with him.

>> No.9584816

Fiction is full of assholes who we can love anyway for being interesting in a love-to-hate kind of way. I love how fandoms tend to gravitate towards these characters and even the authors are like "seriously? you like him?"

I feel like we might have the same husbando. Is yours a megane who prefers firearms?

>> No.9584819

That's kind of the curse of itabagging, isn't it? Either you go with a FotM husbando with tonnes of varied, available merch, or a husbando that's withstood the test of time and has maybe two different badges that occasionally pop up on Y!J once every 5 months for 15000 yen.

>> No.9584821
File: 1.05 MB, 1053x1111, itabag_baby_pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to put one of these together anyways, so now's a good time!

>> No.9584834

Yeah that's why I'm kinda glad my other bag is an idol game bag. Idol characters are tailored to appeal to every taste and since they're made to make money it's hard to "ruin" them.

>> No.9584842

He's a megane but I don't think they're the same character haha.

I'm not into bad guys. I usually like assholes who are not real assholes you know, kinda tsundere? But if this guy ends up being a true jerk then he'll be the real villain and everything will be completely messed up. Which is very sad because I not only love him but all the other characters and the plot of the story.

>> No.9584880

Yukio Okumura anon, is that you?

>> No.9584888

I've been trying to decide on what color my base backpack should be for my first itabag and it's been kind of a struggle... The merch of my favorite series are very dark save for a few of their cafe merch. Their general color palate include black, red, green, brown, and blue. My favorite character's color theme is dark green though his appearance is a dark blue but I'm considering making separate inserts for other characters of the same series. Should I have a white base backpack or would that make the merch too stark? I'm considering getting a green base backpack too but I'm open to other colors.

>> No.9584893
File: 1016 KB, 345x352, don glover pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AoEx fandom right now

>> No.9584899
File: 1.89 MB, 800x1054, 20170210_011601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School bags were a mistake.

>> No.9584907

Man, as much as I hate how limited in scope my husbando's role/appearance in his series is, I'm really glad I don't have to deal with a canon, definite death or characterization that ruins him in my eyes.

Hope they get written back on track or redeemed, anon. Props to you and other husbando/waifu-friends who have to suffer like that.

>> No.9584920

I'm a sucker for the 'overfull' look in itabags but you arranged so much unique merch really well in the final bags!

the merch level up is impressive! i suppose its the nature of uniformed characters but the colour coordination is a+ as well

>> No.9584933

Talk me out of buying my first itabag, I don't need this strain on my wallet but my god

>> No.9584993

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? I'm sorry anon. Hopefully your husbando gets a redemption arc.

Do it, anon. You know you want to.

>> No.9585024

I love that you used the same background for both bags! Not familiar with the character but that moon charm in the smaller bag is GORGEOUS.

>> No.9585026

S.E.M. anon! I'd wondered where you had gone! So glad to see you're still going at it and I love the bag upgrade!

>> No.9585035

Oh lawd, don't remind me of all the canon deaths. 99% of my husbandos end up dying one way or another and the very few husbandos that's still alive, I get very passionate/possessive for. Luckily my ultimate husbando is one of few that's still alive with a decent merch release so I can make a bag without wanting to fling myself into the sun.

>> No.9585039

I can't access the old thread because of dumb reasons. Can someone relink that button making website that isn't cheapestbuttons, and can we get the latter removed from the faq for pisspoor quality maybe?

While I'm here and being dumb. What's the consensus on using official art on badges for personal use (aka no selling like a scum). My boy isn't popular enough and I own all of his merch but I feel like badges would really help balance the bag out

>> No.9585042
File: 760 KB, 1176x1379, Luxas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luxas shop is increasing their prices. Looks like I need to find a new proxy for otamart and mercari. It's too bad because I really liked them when I first used them.

>> No.9585043

I'd probably go with the dark green if that's his theme color. Or consider black/navy. White sounds like a terrible idea. Maybe you could post a pic and help feed us ideas?

>> No.9585069
File: 568 KB, 960x854, hack_960x854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swore once I finished my last bag I'd never make another bag and then they start suddenly releasing merch for a series I adore and thought was officially dead.

There isn't an escape from this hobby aside from bankruptcy, is there?

pic related

>> No.9585073

What do you do with your old base bags when you change to a bigger one? Do you use them for making another itabag, do you keep them even if you won't use them, or do you sell them? Dumb question but I have a lot of merch now and I'm wondering about buying a bigger bag, but I really have no idea of what to do then with my current base bag, since I'm not sure about making a second itabag (at least for now)...

>> No.9585152

I got that email too. Between this ridiculous pricing and the weekly warehouse costs, it's not worth it anymore. I get that working with Otamart can be tedious, but those prices are crazy. It's upsetting because Luxas was rather accommodating in my experience, albeit slow.

>> No.9585177

Got that too. That is some ridiculous fee...they can basically say goodbye to their "sudden increase of customers." Who the hell thought a 2000 yen fee per listing would be a good idea? It's not even like they have a strong enough position in the proxy business to pull that and get away with it.

>> No.9585248

i'm making my first ita bag and i'm wondering what you wish you knew when first starting out?

and for that matter, how do you personally attach "extras" - things like bows, chains, cabochons, gems, rosettes, things like that?

>> No.9585287


How much shit I would amass basically immediately, my "starter size bag" lasted about a week.

I also wish Surugaya was the first website I had scoured before Rakuten or Y!JA. For my series I would have saved a lot.

>> No.9585338

This is a huge fear of mine, honestly.

>> No.9585414

This is news to me! Aigis bag here I come?

>> No.9585421

Honestly, my bag is for one of the most disliked characters in the fandom. It's your bag, and nobody's going to say anything to your face. Just wear it.

>> No.9585426

Double sided tape. Pins or hot glue if you don't care about the bag.

>> No.9585459
File: 120 KB, 640x746, 492485-bc7418c2bce248d9b2b528c18c0fed7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize the merch is a bit more colorful than i remember though the characters are a bit plain colors in some charms. This is his green with some variants of a similar shade. The borders on the rubber charms and some badges are either dark red ir black, and the live stage merch is are either blue-green or vintage looking if I ever consider putting them in my bag

>> No.9585490

Try not to get the colors to match completely or the whole thing will get kinda washed out.

>> No.9585545

Is >>9582754's pic you?

>> No.9585570

for a vibrant/loud look, you could go for complimentary colors (i.e. green bag/red merch or vice versa)

for a more balanced bag you could do an analogous color scheme (i.e. dark green bag, light green accents, blue/green based merch). with this one you'd need to make sure the colors don't blend too well or it might be hard to accentuate all your merch.

building itabags has given me more information about color theory than i ever wanted to know.

>> No.9585652
File: 2.41 MB, 2880x3840, IMG_8156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally was able to put together my two newest bags. I'm probably going to redo my Nero bag at some point, I'm not totally satisfied with it, but I'm in con crunch and needed it put together.

>> No.9585671

Maybe I'm just inexperienced re: shopping services, but I recently made 2 comparable orders from Buyee and from FromJapan and Buyee cost me over twice as much for the second charge, and that's including Fromjapan's charge 2 service fees.

What I didn't realize at ordering is that Buyee just takes the box they get in the mail from the retailer and sticks it in a bigger box. 25 small packages later, that's a ton. I paid for an incredible amount of air for 30 or so straps: think a large shoebox with 2 rubber straps in it. There were 2 such boxes in my package, and also a ton of inflatable cushioning. I might have appreciated that if I was shipping something other than rubber straps. The shipping weight was listed as 5kg and was too big to ship any way other than EMS.

FromJapan opened all my packages and shrinkwrapped everything against a piece of cardboard and put it in a densely packed box. Nothing banged around at all. This package weighed just 1.6kg.

I probably just misread something somewhere, but I was trying to heed the FAQ's comments about shopping services, it was Buyee's fees and packing practices that snuck up on me way faster than FromJapan's.

>> No.9585677

Wit buyee you need to select the 'protective packaging' option and then they'll repack everything for you. Otherwise yes, they will just toss all the received packages into a bigger package.

>> No.9585726


Ohhh. I read that option and thought that it meant "we'll make your already bulky package even bulkier". It's still an extra 1500yen fee at Buyee that is included in FromJapan's 500yen consolidation fee, though. Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.9585759

What are some recommendations on spray painting the toalice knock off bag? Someone on my Twitter feed spray painted theirs and then coated it with a gloss spray, they also recommended using clear nail polish. Was thinking about doing that for my overflow bag.

>> No.9585774


Don't paint anything larger than a coaster with nail polish. You'll get a blotchy coat.

If the bag is vinyl, spray paint will not stick to it and will flake off at the first use. You might have better results with something flexible like fabric paint or angelus, but I wouldn't recommend either of those in high friction areas.

>> No.9585775

Not sure about spray paint but you should be able to use a leather paint like angelus on the bag.

>> No.9585786

Aliexpress lists the knock off as PU. I looked into angelus, but I wanted to make the bag more metallic/brighter.

>> No.9585794


There's always going the rhinestone stud route like that one YOI engagement bag.

I wonder if rub n'buff would adhere well. Since such a little goes a long way, it probably wouldn't flake, at least.

>> No.9585827

Angelus sells metallic paints? You could also just mix two of the paints and I'm sure you can achieve the color you want if you used a metallic/pearl white.

>> No.9585864

Here ya go buddy :)
As for your question I don't think it's looked down upon if you've bought most of the other merch? I've been lurking in most of the recent itabag threads and have yet to see anyone talk about that like it's bad. Like you said as long as it's for personal use only you should be fine c:

>> No.9585950

Just use Zenmarket.

>> No.9586102

Buyee is fucking awful. They charged my bank after my parcel arrived for "additional fees" without any warning. I've had to open disputes with them 4 times and ultimately I told them to fuck off and blocked them. (They tried to charge $300 extra for one order)

They have the absolute worst practises of any proxy I've ever used. I'd rather pay a consolation fee than ever use them again.

>> No.9586195

How much was your parcel/order worth and what was in it, anon? I've been using Buyee and their sister site Tenso for a while without any problems (although they do charge up the ass) and I know they have extra fees if your package is over a certain value/size, but $300 is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.9586280

That shits cute as hell!

>> No.9586374

Lol glad I left an impression. The Utapri bag was totally worth it. I'm very happy with where it is which is good because with the new anime coming out I hopefully won't feel as strong a need to get more merch.

>> No.9586858

I concur. ZM is very transparent about all of their fees and any charged is listed with price and why.

>> No.9586867

Do you have pics of their bag? I'm curious to see how it turned out.

>> No.9586900

The original parcel was $90 but they charged my bank $300 after it arrived at my house for "mistaken fees they forgot".

>> No.9586905

How do you deal if the vast majority of your husbando's official merch is ugly chibis?

I really want to make a Ferid Bathory bag but I'm reeeally not crazy about the official merch there is for him. Should I load up on homemade pins and AA material?

>> No.9586918
File: 12 KB, 189x182, y832055_b_Ferid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking it couldn't be that bad, but, ah
He does have some cute official merch. The badges are nice. I don't think there's an issue in supplementing a bag with fan merch even if a character has official merch, if its' what you want. After all, you are making the bag for you, right?

Admittedly biased because my girl has some ugly official merch too, so I incorporated some fan merch of different types for visual diversity.

>> No.9586981

I was thinking of making a Gudetama itabag and I can't believe I haven't seen these - thanks anon.

>> No.9587101

I posted before about a package which tracking info wasn't updated at all after being accepted by USPS. Well, I told my friend about this and she called her local post office and was told that there was a delay and that the package had been sent the previous week. The tracking info didn't change though. Is it possible that they had the package for 1 month before mailing it out? Has someone had this issue? It's so frustrating.

>> No.9587150

Just a word of caution if you're planning on using ZM for Otamart: they're slow. I've paid for Otamart items that end up not getting bought because they only communicate with sellers 1-2 weeks after you pay them. Practice extra caution if your husbando/waifu is popular.

>> No.9587171
File: 139 KB, 640x621, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9587241

Could you share the UK site please?

>> No.9587368

My experiences with ZM for Otamart has been wonderful. Only had to wait 1 business day every time I ordered and haven't lost an item yet. However, I could've just been lucky.

>> No.9587614
File: 786 KB, 2268x1701, 46A39810-8699-4E8E-BCF9-3C032DA2E79B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on having multiple Kaede itabags and was wondering if anybody had tips on how to arrange stuff if they have multiples of some items because I feel like I'm not doing it very well so far. It's pretty hard; I like having some sort of organization to the layout but I don't really have enough to be doing rows of the same item either. Any feedback appreciated!

I think I want to keep the heart bag as is (towel only) because I prefer it looking clean.

>> No.9587640

I like somewhat overlapping my multiples if they're a flat item.

>> No.9587649

Just curious, what is the distinction between a can badge and a button? I originally assumed it was that the can badges were thicker and used a separate pin to attach to things (based on the official ones I have), but rereading the guide, it refers to artsmoo and wackybutton as places that can make can badges. But from what I've seen they make buttons.

Are they actually just the same thing?

>> No.9587652

A can badge is anything that has the metal back, in the US we call them pins/buttons but in other parts of the world like Japan they're can badges. Now I think of pins being more like enamel pins, badges are anything with a pin back, and buttons are those things used to keep your jeans closed.

>> No.9587824
File: 187 KB, 1040x585, tmp_19418-IMG_20170621_150240289-1-2097485654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like mirroring dupes across from each other, like on the bottom and top corners here.

>> No.9587840

Depends. I had to upgrade recently but my old bag is an authentic WEGO heart. So I'm not sure if it will have much resell because anyone can get a knockoff heart for a lot cheaper then what I would charge. That being said it's also pristine because I only took it out a few times and I didn't pin directly into the pocket fabric.

>> No.9587868

Trying to get some To Alice bags that arent knock offs , but it seems that the only ones available are Pink/Gold/Silver and I remember an anon last thread said they aren't being restocked.. was I too late?
Blue would've been perfect for my husbando and I really dislike knock offs, should I just put up with getting a knock off since theyre not restocking?

>> No.9587869

You could always make it a casual, everyday bag.

>> No.9587912

how do i go about making a bag for my ultimate fav character, but his source material is old and relatively unpopular, his game has no merchandise, and there is no good fanmade merch anywhere online? at this point, is it acceptable to use a button maker/design my own straps?

>> No.9587933

Read the goddamn faq and thread

>> No.9588028

What colour is it?

>> No.9588035
File: 49 KB, 500x600, tumblr_o2rygtuH2K1qfvrzvo1_500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "green" but it's really teal.

>> No.9588129

All of this and more is answered in the FAQ, read it from start to finish. Lurking also answers these questions easily.

These threads are just starting to get to be a headache at this point considering that it seems even more people are posting the same questions without reading the FAQ or just not reading the thread at all when the exact question has been answered already.

>> No.9588827

im sorry, im sorry! ill do a better job reading up next time, i promise.

>> No.9588943
File: 1.32 MB, 1102x1254, itabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do an itabag but I don't know what color base bag I should go with. He has two main color schemes: blue and yellow, red and black. Pic related is what color bag I'm thinking of though I don't know if I should go with it or not.

His merch has him wearing both his school uniform and his unit outfit so I don't want either to clash with the base bag color ;_;

>> No.9588947

I think the yellow would go well with both!

>> No.9589376

I think the blue is the right choice, still matches his left eye no matter what he's in and doesn't really clash with Valkyrie's colour scheme, Shu used a similar blue on the Tanabata costumes and it went in fine. I kind of feel like the yellow will clash with the gold accents on a lot of his costumes.

>> No.9589405

I agree with >>9589376
Yellow is a strong/bright color and can clash pretty easily with certain color groups, imo. With blue, you won't be as limited since it's a softer color.

>> No.9589844
File: 145 KB, 600x600, IMG_5792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here have this little phone case thing? I'm considering getting the green to make a little orisa pouch.

>> No.9589852

I'm slightly worried by the dangling charm parts but I want to try this out. Link?

>> No.9589912

That looks like a mess.

>> No.9589930


I don't like carrying purses normally so I thought it'd be great for everyday stuff, but it's kinda expensive for its size. I just want to make sure it's a decent quality before I invest in one

>> No.9589983

Yeah the "mirroring" doesn't work if it's only one section.

I think this is one of the problems with fanmerch bags. It's hard to achieve the chaotic visual harmony of official merch where they usually have to stick to specific art styles and color palettes.

>> No.9589993

I paid just over this for a massive window tote. Yikes.

Maybe check Taobao for a cheaper version?

>> No.9590070

Where did you get the mint bag with the ribbon like trim from? It's perfect ;-;

>> No.9590129

nayrt, but it's a Swimmer bag that's sold out in literally every color. i might be a bit salty about it because they really are the cutest effin things.

>> No.9590136

You can find them secondhand if you're patient and look carefully. I came across a few in black, sax and pink a while ago.

>> No.9590247

What site did you see them on? y!japan auction?

>> No.9590276

I have one. They're super cute in theory, but just be aware that anything larger than 56mm is likely not to fit in the window. I tried to fit a few charms 60mm-65mm and couldn't close the zipper.

>> No.9590279

I think I'm just gonna end up making one myself; so I could have a little bit more space for money and merch. I've wanted to dip a toe into making my own itabag anyway so it'd be a good start.

>> No.9590302
File: 3.38 MB, 2592x1936, 2dde91a154bf691ce6402d7c89353a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any ideas on how I would add lettering to the plastic vinyl of my bag? Similar to pic related. Or should I just use a sticker decal?

>> No.9590399

I personally have only heard of people using sticker decals but if you find a paint that works on vinyl, that'll likely work as well.

>> No.9590492
File: 1.37 MB, 1600x1166, saber iri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm having trouble deciding on a base bag color for my OTP (Saber/Irisviel from Fate, pictured) and would appreciate some input...

My initial bag was white, and while I'm still leaning toward white (with silver and gold as accent colors) for my upgrade, I'm concerned that white is much more associated with Iri than Saber, so it isn't a fair representation of the pairing. It'd be neat to find a metallic gold base since they both have gold accents in their designs, but the only one I know of is the To Alice backpack, and I'd much prefer a messenger bag. Otherwise, they really don't have any common associated colors... My other thought was maybe a sachs blue as a midway between white and Saber's royal blue? But then I'd be worried about the gold and silver accents not looking as good.

Opinions? If I'm overthinking this, do smack me.

>> No.9590539

I think I've seen your bag around (the one with lilys, right?) and it's beautiful!
I think you best bet is still to stick with a white bag, and add rotal blue and gold accents. I think a sach blue bag would look misplaced, a royal blue bag would over power iris.

A gold & white bag would look really nice, but since I can't think of a messenger bag available in that color scheme, I'd say you'll have to jerry rig your own with pretty accents.

Good luck! Post your bag when it's upgraded, I love your first one!

>> No.9590543

https://twitter.com/sarunamirabu/status/894668067472584704 Thoughts?

>> No.9590549
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1428010291472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linking to your twitter instead of just posting a pic
You need to seriously lurk and learn how this board works, newfriend. Bags look nice though

>> No.9590553

What's the point of posting to an anonymous board if you're just going to out yourself? Definitely take >>9590549 advice for future reference. Your bag looks good but would be more satisfying if it was more full (personally), but it seems like you already have an understanding on that.

>> No.9590572

Yes, that one is mine!! Thank you so much! I adored my previous layout, but turns out that backpacks just aren't for me. But I'm definitely sticking with the lilies!

I didn't even think about royal blue accents, but that would be a beautiful pop of color alongside the more subtle silver/gold... Or maybe I should I nix the silver altogether? I do like the idea of gold/blue alone because of the coloring of Avalon. I'm only hesitant because the backing fabric I have picked out and the rosettes I'm having made both have silver in them. Nothing's set in stone just yet, but I don't want to be a pain in the ass buyer, haha.

Thank you for your help!

>> No.9590738

The silver + Gold could work if you're really careful with placement, but I've personally found it's a lot harder to unify the design if you have more than one metallic hue. If you use silver for like, all the outlining, and gold for all the other accents (or a similar distinct sorting method). then you could make it work and it might actually end up looking super nice. But it's something you should really plan well before you do it, or it could end up eclectic.

>> No.9590741

If T&B anon is around I wanted to ask how you did the EL wire on your bag

>> No.9590755


I'm planning to manually cut a sticker out of glitter adhesive vinyl I got at Joann for mine.

>> No.9590827
File: 874 KB, 1000x397, rankabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm replying to this mega late but oh well
i still have a lot to improve/add (a firm backing board, about a dozen more merch pieces I ordered once i realized how much bigger the new bag was, etc) but i like my bag a lot better now!

>> No.9590836

Not them, but I know that they sewed it down with hand stitched needle & thread. It took them many hours.

>> No.9590990
File: 30 KB, 225x350, 322159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I join in the "which bag color for my husbando" thing? I'm thinking of going for grey or white as green or orange would drown him out. What do you gulls think?

>> No.9591024

The green bag that >>9588035 is selling looks like it would match perfectly.

>> No.9591068
File: 753 KB, 574x592, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is right, I hand sewed it in using some black sewing thread and it took probably close to a week of working on it a few hours each day?

Only pic of progress I have on hand but you can see in the top right the black stitching over the EL wire. I just sewed over it into the bag and every few inches I'd make a loop with the thread and then sew threw that to 'secure' it in place so if the thread broke somewhere only one section of EL wire would be loose. (sorry I don't sew so I just made it up as I went along)
It worked though! I've got a few breakage spots along my bag but they're contained to maybe an inch or so before it hits one of the loop spots.

>> No.9591074

grey would look best i think especially if most of his merch is in that outfit

>> No.9591378

Don't know what the rest of his merch looks like, you don't want it to match too closely or it all blends together. Take it from someone who go a black bag originally for a husbando that wears all black. Maybe a light mint?

>> No.9591392

Do you have a friend that has a silhouette cameo or a cricut? You could either have them cut a stencil out for you to paint with or get something cut from a sheet of vinyl.

>> No.9591675
File: 86 KB, 461x651, my son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to also hop on the "what color bag should i get" train... i was initially thinking white, but that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, and if i managed to find the right shade of navy it seems like it would just drown out all the merch. right now i'm leaning towards hoping and praying that To Alice backpack gets restocked in silver but i'm open to suggestions.

>> No.9591691

You could always just get a white bag and have a colored insert, anon. I think both white and navy would make the character get lost unless the navy had a specific texture, pattern, or anything else to keep things from blending too much.

>> No.9591708

10/10 taste, please post pics of your bag when it's done!

>> No.9591713

That's a tough choice. You can get something in blue or silver then experiment with different fabric backings for the merch. Maybe something like a checkerboard, horizontal "speed lines" or a sky pattern

>> No.9591716

I'm honestly more worried about the outside of the bag being white; I am not too proud to admit that I'm a clumsy piece of shit and would spill something on it like day one.

Thanks anon! I'm glad other people out there appreciate my boy too. I'll definitely make sure I post some pics when I get done with it.

>> No.9591726

Oooh I really like the speed lines idea, anon, thank you! I'll take a look around some fabric stores and see if that gives me a better idea of what color to look out for bag wise.

>> No.9591731

He has VERY little merch, I've only found 4 of them so far but he's popularity is going up (scale figure yay). It's mostly him alone or on a green bg

>> No.9591812

God like taste anon

>> No.9592304

I would say a gold bag if you can manage to get one. Or a white/silver bag with gold backing if you want something easier.

>> No.9592310

this physically hurt to look at

>> No.9592338

>upgrade my base bag because I was out of room
>now I don't have enough stuff to fill it
>buy/preorder more merch
>now I have too much stuff

Every damn time. Maybe this isn't the best hobby for me, seeing as I have piss-poor impulse control when it comes to buying merch.

>> No.9592381

I'm working on baby's first itabag and l've got a couple pieces of merch that has my focus character on it along with another character. Is it ok to have a second character cameo in one or two pieces of merch, or is it better to stick to the theme of just the focus character?

>> No.9592394


I'm doing it only because the secondary character shares my adoration for the primary character, so I feel it fits with the singular theme, which is adoration of the primary character.

>> No.9592399

This is why I buy doubles of everything since my bag is all fanmerch. I tried with singles but I couldn't arrange it in a way I liked to save my life.

>> No.9592401

that's a really good way to look at it! that helps me frame whether or not the secondary character works with the theme, thanks!

>> No.9592406
File: 124 KB, 598x295, DetectiveConan-BowTieBag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads up if anyone wanted to make/has a Detective Conan itabag.

>> No.9592421

Late, but I'd been wanting to compile these for a while, cheesy names and all. The bottom right wasn't really a proper upgrade, but it did well for the con I went to.

>> No.9592422
File: 204 KB, 1220x1000, mechabag mechabag kai and mechabag mkII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand dropped my pic

>> No.9592433


Were all of your figures originally straps, did you add loops to the top to affix the ones that weren't, or is there more creative engineering keeping them in place?

>> No.9592598

So I preordered a shit ton of YOI merch planning to do a Yuri P bag but now I'm not really interested in it. Would $12 a strap shipping included be a fair price or am I scalping? Or should I bother trying to find out how rare each strap is?

>> No.9592776

I wouldn't pay this much a strap because I'd rather order a bunch through a proxy. This is the most common pricing I see for individual straps on selling apps though. Since it's YOI merch you can probably sell it to people who won't know better.

>> No.9592838

I'd be interested if you have anything coupled with Otabek.

>> No.9593018

All I'm thinking is how perfect these would be for magical girls if I ever decide to build one.

>> No.9593135

This is why everyone in these threads tell people to think carefully about who they want to make a bag for before essentially bleeding cash over a mild interest.

>> No.9593144

same anon, considering it heavily.

>> No.9593145
File: 12 KB, 500x500, 20504101_1588250504580560_1360534873_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe people are still making YOI bags
I'm tired of seeing them

>> No.9593147

I feel, anon. I have a bunch of VicYuuri stuff on the way and I'm just not as pumped anymore. I still LOVE them to bits, but idk, just not feeling the itabag anymore.

>> No.9593193
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, 20170809_204953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried my best gulls. I still need to figure out what happened to my missing taobao orders to decorate it further.. sorry for the bad lighting.
Open to suggestions to place things better!

>> No.9593217

The image is so difficult for me to see exactly what you have going on there. All I can really say is that while I understand what you were going for with the coffin pin, for me it doesn't make as much sense as the battle menu pin. This is all I can really mention since I can't see some of the stuff you have going on.

>> No.9593223

Yea I just realized how shit this picture came out. The pin reads "Chaos is me".

>> No.9593230
File: 2.11 MB, 2552x2199, IMG_6064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i started a year ago i NEVER thought enough devilman merch would even exist to justify upgrading from my wego bootleg but it feels so good to know that it's getting more popular...!

since basically all of this stuff was made by me or a friend(very small fandom), and i made a lot of devilman friends through buying stuff for it, looking at it makes me a little sentimental even if it still needs a lot of work..

>> No.9593250

Oddly enough you have my interest. Is it a webcomic or something?

>> No.9593252

Yeah I got mine from YJA, but look on Otamart and Mercari JP since they have some pop up as well!
I do rather like the grape bunch look... I'll try it out.
Eh I'd rather not try to mess with getting symmetry if I don't have duplicates of each piece.
Why thank you.

>> No.9593255

>tried my best

Try harder.

>> No.9593261


>> No.9593265

it's a classic manga from the 70s ^^

>> No.9593266

It's devilman, a true classic.

>> No.9593268

They're all figure keychains. Some were a bitch to pin, so I'm probably going to wind up sewing them in for the upgrade.

I'm glad to see you back anon! You guys seem like you've been busy with new fanmerch.
I know it's weird to ask, but would you happen to know if your friends have any leftover solo Akira stuff they'd be willing to sell? I found the pixel charms, but that's it.

Are you literally too damn lazy to google Devilman? They said it right in their post.

>> No.9593281
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, If you chant Itabag three times in front of a mirror your wallet comes to life and strangles you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm right there with you, sis. My 43 year old cross to bear and it's not even "done" yet.

Also, where did you get that "Wild Boyz" keychain? I need it in my life.

>> No.9593286

People these days don't appreciate the fine vintage flavor of 70s anime or manga, so I'm not surprised they're "interested" but not enough to look it up themselves.

Your bag look great, anon! I'm so excited that it's decently full. You and your friends keep at it!

>> No.9593328

Thank you anon! I'm thinking about making one since there's an influx of character merchandise too

>> No.9593337
File: 59 KB, 600x450, 37A003E0-539A-4256-96C2-3C7CD4CF6CC6-1006-000000E6D26301EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys price the merch you want to sell? I want to sell my Kenma Nitotan but not entirely sure what I should price it at, I've seen a couple of them at ridiculous scalped prices on eBay

>> No.9593341

unfortunately i collected a lot of this stuff over time and i think most of it is out of print now, with the exceptions being those pixel charms on the right that you found and these buttons --> http://ranked51.storenvy.com/products/17254770-devilman-pins
i did the pixel charms on the left though (ik they don't look very pixelly in the pic since they're bigger) and plan on reprinting them at some point !
we're in this together ;_; the wild boyz one is by @maximolorenzo on twitter! i don't think he has any more in his shop atm but i think he said he had a couple left that weren't listed. i only have it bc we traded haha
thank you very much!

>> No.9593417

Why do anons keep coming here to ask this question? This isn't a thread about merch sales.

>> No.9593424

Your bag is literally half empty and you posted a really shitty picture of it. What did you expect? Us to #plsgoeasy on you?

It's really hard to give advice on spacing when you have such a big base bag compared to the amount of merch currently in it.

I'm not 100% sure, but does MFC list the original price of stuff? You could maybe use that and a combo of ebay and other second-hand sites to try come up with a price. If you have a FB, you could try the sales group, though I've heard people tend to waaaaay overprice there.

>> No.9593506

These are so cute! The window seems really small though.

>> No.9593572
File: 24 KB, 200x282, 200px-Devilman_manga_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf when you see a cover of it it looks nothing like the stuff in the bag. They probably thought they had the wrong thing.

>> No.9593591 [DELETED] 

First off, post a decent picture next time. Also, you have mirrored flowers, but your merch isn't mirrored, so it looks weird to me. Either have more mirroring, not a couple pieces, or have an asymmetrical bag. But that's all an opinion.

>> No.9593617

Anon, are you still in need of more nero/tama/fate charms?

>> No.9593638

does anyone have a link to the discord?

>> No.9593655

Here you go.

>> No.9593662

Holy fuck, that's awesome. I thought about giving a Devilman bag a shot but I'm going to do my husbando for my first itabag.

>> No.9593667

thanks anon, you're a pal

>> No.9593688

Since there's so much merch out there I'm considering doing an outfit-specific Eros bag, should at least be a bit cool and different.

>> No.9593708

I might make one for Sera, not sure which color would fit the best.
Or Haibara, would be easier but I'd like to look for more merch where she's an adult

>> No.9593797

Apologies for the probably repeated question but does anyone have a guide/method handy for protecting single-sided clear charms?

>> No.9593815

Never mind, I see it in the guide, oops.

>> No.9593817

Just use the same methods in the FAQ, whether a charm is double sided or not doesn't change how it's protected. Double sided charms always have an exposed back where the art is, same with a single sided charm. If I remember right the FAQ recommends resin above all.

>> No.9593904

Most of double sided fan merch are protected.

>> No.9593975

> Double sided charms always have an exposed back where the art is

Not necessarily,some double sided items are sandwiched between two layers of acrylic, or have an epoxy dome on one side to protect the art. This is a lot more common with fan merchandise than official, though.

>> No.9594042

I've bought a lot of fan made charms in the past for years, the charms you're mentioning are artists that use specifically vograce. I have a handful of these (sandwich and epoxy coated) but a lot of artists still use other suppliers. I haven't been able to hit the AA scene this year, so maybe artists are using them even more commonly than just last year. My response was not specific to fanmade charms, but I find official charms usually have exposed printing and 50/50 on fanmade ones.

>> No.9594131
File: 945 KB, 800x600, itabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put together my Josuyasu bag, it's a bit sparse but I hope to order more stuff for it in the future, this is all merch I just happened to have already (besides the Josuke plush which I made).

>> No.9594155

I am really not a fan of the yellow bag....I think a darker purple shade would look better. It just feels so jarring with the yellow back. but looks good so far!

>> No.9594175

It's more green irl but I agree, it's just the only color I could get my hands on. Maybe I could make an insert/background of some sort?

>> No.9594249

> it's just the only color I could get my hands on


>> No.9594314

For two anons who wanted to start New Vegas bags, Dollar Game Vinyls has securitron pins up (they're blind bags though which sucks) if that's your jam. They've had a lot of Fallout pins lately, so I thought I would mention it

>> No.9594505
File: 53 KB, 863x643, kirbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My September order from Amiami is getting ridiculous help
>hoshi no kirby
>hoshi no kirby
>hoshi no kirby

But seriously I am considering making a second and maybe even third bag for my kirby stuff. I kind of want to do a waddledee themed bag to go with my kirby one but then I also have a lot of just kirby stuff to fill up another kirby only bag. Im pretty excited to do a waddledee one and Im thinking a light purple bag might look nice. I want to have enough crap one day to do a total ita outfit look.
Maybe far in the future I'll do a metaknight or king dedede but I dont have very much merch of either of them

>sorry for blog im just super excited about kirby

>> No.9595520

Anyone know where to get itabag bases in unusual colors? I've been hunting for a brown itabag base for a while but all I can find are the same 8 colors. Thinking I might just have to make one myself

>> No.9595750


Salus has more colors than other places but you might just have to make one for brown. Someone in the facebook group posted a clear boston bag with brown details/handle from ali a while back and they had made a brown tweed insert for it.

>> No.9595756
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only brown one I could think of, you could always just cut off the ears

>> No.9596134

Is this a mise tote? I can't imagine this being the only color available otherwise, and even then did you check secondhand/auction sites? The color is very odd choice, even if it's more green than it is yellow.

>> No.9596137

The ears are cute anon, don't encourage such an awful thing.

Making your own bag is incredibly easy and I always encourage it since it gives a more personal feeling, especially when the fabric matches a character better than a solid color.

>> No.9596181

Yeah, I'm sure there were more options on other sites but it was the only one available on amiami and I prefer ordering from there when possible since I can combine it with my monthly order. I originally wanted to use the bag for a different character so I might buy a new bag in blue or purple and switch it around, thanks for the feedback! I'm not too deep into itabagging yet so I was afraid to order from new sites at the time.

>> No.9596279

Amiami doesn't have bad options whenever they have them in, but I remember these specific totes and their color options were sort of odd. Check the FAQ for bags that order direct if you don't want to bother with an SS since some of those places carry bags as well.

>> No.9596292

what is this character's name?

>> No.9596326

Nayrt but Kuro Hazama/Black Jack.

>> No.9596424

Seeing your bag gives me motivation to start a Kiriko itabag

>> No.9597099

ToAlice knockoff owners-

How much did you pay for your bag? I don't know if I got a bad deal on mine.

>> No.9597102
File: 676 KB, 491x810, ;(.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me so genuinely sad.

>> No.9597150


$21 but it was the only listing that had the color and features I wanted.

>> No.9597192

what a stupid idea
maybe one or two would've been fine but the whole thing??
people on the fb group never fail to make m cringe

>> No.9597278
File: 161 KB, 768x1024, DHImlpmW0AEge62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, I thought it was too soon for this game but this actually looks pretty damn good

>> No.9597293

Anyone know where to get tiny bags like this? I'd like to do the thing that was suggested a couple of threads ago. I can't thing of what they're called right now but it was esentially making a "belt" of ita bags. But with Overwatch characters because I love them all so much

>> No.9597317 [DELETED] 

I think mine was around $14 and I got it off Aliexpress

>> No.9597371
File: 100 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1502694715630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually really nice. As opposed to this one that I really...don't care for. I can't place it for sure but I think I just really dislike the cluster of buttons in the middle (that all look the same desu).

Or maybe I'm just mad because Joseph is worst boy, but I digress

>> No.9597375


The cluster makes a heart, I think this could be accentuated with a cutout shape behind it

>> No.9597378

The colors threw me off on this one. That's a trans flag.

>> No.9597651

Quick question about Surugaya- when do they actually charge your card? I have an email stating that they are ready to ship but seems like they haven't charged my card yet.

>> No.9597670

Sometime after they ship.

>> No.9597805
File: 31 KB, 197x175, IMG_18122016_211336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pink fabric inside the window doesn't match up in hue with the pinks in all the crafts -- it's almost brownish.
There are also giant chunks of the button cluster that are bare and I feel like if they'd been moved closer together, it'd also resolve how blobby and indistinct the heart is.

>> No.9597887

Pretty sure thats the person who was on fb bitching about the "itabag police" when the group split and they're a fake boi so I wouldnt doubt it.

>> No.9598130

Sorry for the late response, I've been off at otakon and this is my first time checking the thread since I left.
I am ALWAYS in need of more Tama/Nero merch. Also Gudako and Ozymandius.

>> No.9598319

ohwowie wow wow. thank you for liking my bag :> and taking a photo of it.

otakon was a goldmine for Dream Daddy, if anyone needs artist names for their own DD bags, hmu.

>> No.9598465
File: 579 KB, 647x851, dream doodoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes a trans flag bag not for the trans dad
Joseph is the worst dad imo but aside from that, the layout is very poor and I really hate the "heart" cluster. At least clean it up to look like a well shaped heart and don't use only screencaps of his damn head. If you're printing them yourself, at least be creative and make a scary button man. Pic related.

>> No.9598490

Shitty bag for a shitty person. It fits.

>> No.9598496

I started putting my bag together...but I'm stuck on how to pin certain types of keychains. I have a number of keychains with non-removable metallic clips which are big and bulky. Checked the FAQ and didn't find anything useful how to stick them on...besides buying a bigger chain to hook them but it'd look weird, I think...

>> No.9598499

tbf the trans flag matches Joseph's color scheme wayyyy more than it does Damien

>> No.9598507


What do you mean non-removable? Unless it's welded shut you can take to it with some sturdy pliers.

>> No.9598530
File: 898 KB, 2048x2048, 26658BA2-C5FE-4062-BCA5-32AA61E756D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, anon! Not a problem at al!! I'm taking preorders for some servants atm so I was just wondering if you'd be interested in Nero and Tama. If you're ok with fan merch, that is!

>> No.9598550

Do you have an example of the metal piece? I'm sure we can help you, usually you just need needle nose pliers. Like >>9598507 said, unless it's welded completely shut, it can be removed.

>> No.9598554
File: 123 KB, 1200x1200, Portable-25pcs-pack-font-b-Keychain-b-font-MINI-Metal-Lanyard-Hook-Swivel-Snap-For-Paracord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of like this (too lazy to take a pic of the ones I have). I don't really want to take it off the keychain with pliers for personal reasons, I feel like it'd lose its value more and I feel bad pulling it apart...

>> No.9598560

If you don't want to use pliers to remove it, then unfortunately you're just going to have to hang them from a chain like you suggested, or the outside of the bag but create a protective sleeve for the keychain. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you.

>> No.9598564

Ah ok. I figured. I might just suck it up and pull them apart...I think it's easy to replace the little ring that connects the metallic hook and the keychain...I still need someway to hang it off the chain, so back to the store for some jewelry clasps. This is a never-ending cycle and it's worse off I keep buying more things to stuff in my unfinished bag lol

>> No.9598590

Honest question but where are people getting information that Damien is trans? Apparently it's canon but I already did his playthrough and nothing stood out. Did the creators tweet about it or something?

>> No.9598608

Creators had tweeted, plus Damien mentions wearing binders one time? I wish it was made clearer in game

>> No.9598664

new thread >>9598662