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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9591834 No.9591834 [Reply] [Original]

New thread

Con is in about 3 days you guys ready? Will it be a shit show or will it go smoothly in the new venue?

>> No.9591840

I'm hoping it'll go smoothly - really looking forward to all that empty space. It was way too congested in Baltimore.

>> No.9591845

I am not ready at all; I might not even go

>> No.9591848

What's wrong anon?

>> No.9591860

I forgot to buy my pass or make arrangements on where to stay

>> No.9591913

I'm pretty optimistic and also excited because I never been to DC

>> No.9591950

Someone give me a checklist of things to pack pls
I am new to traveling to a different state

>> No.9592004

I expect a huge turnout because it's DC and alot will flock there for the cosplay pictures.

Otakon in DC will get huge popularity overall.

>> No.9592032

Did pre reg ever hit 20k?

>> No.9592047

I hope this year is kind of like when animeNEXT moved and 2016 was deserted, but filled more this year.
Are you going casual or going in cosplay? Either way definitely bring an empty bag to haul shit home in if you're big on merch.

>> No.9592062

If you don't mind rooming with strangers, there are people on the Otakon boards still looking for roommates.

>> No.9592134

Aw man I missed out on animeNEXT the past two years, how is the new place?

I think it's going to go well, I like the new venue alot. It's not gonna be over crowded and easy to go to places. I doubt it'll be as desereted as people are making it to be though.

>> No.9592209

I have a question before pre-registering ends is would it be smarter to pre-register or do the walk in? I don't mind spending the extra $5 on walking in but anyone who's been to otakon can tell me the pros and cons of either option?

>> No.9592230


>> No.9592246

The idea was to stay with family, so I wouldn't have to pay money

>> No.9592659

Any Anons living in the Midwest that want to road trip up to Otakon later today?

>> No.9592671

Pre-reg line troubles are probably a thing of the past. Are you going to be around on Thursday? If you pre-reg, you can pick up your badge early then.

>> No.9592674

I never went to the somerset location, but the AC location seems great so far. Enough walking room to not feel suffocated but at the same time the attendance was large enough to not feel like a ghost town, fairly well packed, nice places for photoshoots too. I have a lot of hope for the upcoming animeNEXT years.

>> No.9592685

Even though all my friends ditched me I'm really excited to go.

>> No.9592702

You too? My friends all told me they couldn't go then, I found out that they all ditched me. It's fine in the end, because I get a hotel room to myself.

>> No.9592712

We're your friends, right?

>> No.9592725

Should I bother going to the rave?

>> No.9592732

My friend says that it depends on the mentality you go into it with. If you're going to be the same as that reaction image "My feet hurt, the music is too loud, people are dancing around me, etc." then you won't enjoy yourself apparently. So it's what you make of it. I'm probably at least going to pop in an check out how it is at least.

>> No.9592820

I leave tomorrow and still need to finish two cosplays, but I'm excited. Hopefully it's not too humid.

>> No.9592845

I had the same thing happen last year (and this year to a lesser extent), and it's honestly not that bad. More time to do what you want, don't have to worry about meeting up with everyone, and it's what got me to go to the /cgl/ meet up last year, which was great

>> No.9592907

How do I find out when meetups are happening? Specifically the JJBA one.

>> No.9592971

I'll be casually cosplaying as a simple lucoa, so it's not really a full blown cosplay. Noted on the bag, thanks

>> No.9592981

I just heard it's pretty close to 20k.

>> No.9592982

Official schedule says friday and saturday at 5 for jojos

>> No.9592986

D-does anyone want to help out a new photographer practice and do a photoshoot with me

>> No.9593001

When, where, what sort of cosplays are you looking for?

>> No.9593032


Here's my checklist when I'm going to a con and staying over for the weekend:

Carrying bag, lanyard, hand sanitizer, tissues, sun block, lip balm, deodorant, power bank, snack, water bottle, Sharpies for autographs.

Change of clothes, lint roller, stain remover pen, hot glue, duct tape, scissors, costumes, wigs, props.

Cups, plates, utensils, water, alcohol, food, shot glasses, playing cards, sticky notes, Bluetooth speakers.

Sleeping bag, pillow, pajamas, beach towel, power strip, phone charger, air freshener, bandaids, lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste, razor, hair product, makeup, contacts and solution, spare glasses.

I obviously don't bring all this to every con, but it's a good guide line to look over, figure out what's feasible, and pick up what I need.

>> No.9593041

Heck, I'd offer but I've never been photoshot before so any help I could give would be minimal.

>> No.9593060

Honestly that's okay, I've never done one either but this is just to get some more general experience.
Some of the pictures I see from shoots look great, and I'd be more comfortable trying to get a good shot in a somewhat controlled setting vs walking up to someone and saying "hey can i take a picture of you standing here in this spot in this position pls".

I'm free on Friday and Sunday, and Saturday I actually already have a shoot around 1 - 2 but any other time on Sat that isn't 5 - 8 would be good.

Unfortunately I don't know DC too well but the City Center area (thank you other anon that posted in the other thread about it) looks really great for shoots, I'm probably gonna go check around Friday to scope some places out.

>What cosplays
Anything really.
The shoot would most likely be short in comparison to legit photographers with real experience.

>> No.9593084

>bunch of people dropped out of my room last minute
>responsible for nearly $600 of hotel now

At least I learned to take deposits from now on

>> No.9593086

I decided I'd be going super last minute so I have no cosplays planned and I still haven't bought my bus tickets but I'm pretty excited. I'll probably just be wearing Lolita all three days, but I haven't gone to a con in years so it'll be fun regardless.

>> No.9593087


>> No.9593112

I wouldn't mind volunteering, since aside from a few big group shoots, there really isn't anywhere I 100% need to be at over the course of the con. This might sound dumb, but do you have an IG, discord, email, etc. that you could throw out and the anons who are interested could contact you and talk out times? I might have 1-3 other people who wouldn't mind coming along too and help you practice, but I'd need to run it by them first and see what they're up to.

>> No.9593113

I would consider it. Have you gotten in the /cgl/ otakon discord yet?

>> No.9593142

Awesome! I'm over in the Otakon /cgl/ discord under the name Hente (#7257) and my IG is: https://www.instagram.com/hentekorino/ (shit stuff so far but I do want to practice more)

Just joined it, no worries if you don't want to in the end.

>> No.9593174
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Badge was finally bought this morning. Still need to pack.

I'm just looking at the weather frankly shocked, it looks like I won't be melting to death this weekend.

>> No.9593355

Do you have a invite link to the discord?

>> No.9593370

>tfw living in DC but still get a hotel room

>> No.9593463
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>tfw live in DC and didn't get a hotel room

>> No.9593576

I'm in the con center now and it's nice AF

>> No.9593587

Ay yo where is badge pickup?)

>> No.9593589

I am NOVA/DC native so I went to Awesomecon earlier this year at the DC Convention Center to try and get a feel for the layout of the place. It'll feel very weird to not be in Bodymore, Murderland for Otakon this year but it'll definitely be an interesting change of pace, hopefully they can prevent the bottlenecking of crowds.

Some pros of the venue: 1.) No fucking Orioles stadium across the street so no drunk-ass old baseball normies screaming "IT AIN'T HALLOWEEN" as they spill out of the park into the Otakon crowd
2.) Great restaurants all around, just check out Yelp and you can find some great stuff within walking distance or a quick and easy Metro ride away. Definitely hit up Chinatown for some ramen or dim sum or sushi if you're in a really weeb mood. 3.) The Metro is extremely convenient, parking was such a nightmare in Bmore.

>> No.9593597

Same. I'm not fucking with parking or Metro.

>> No.9593599

Same here. It's way too much hassle and I can only imagine what a pain it'd be in costume

>> No.9593613

What time is the badge pickup for Otakon to began

>> No.9593614

but there is no Royal Farms for me to eat to sober up after getting shit faced. However The Sacrificial Lamb delivers to my hotel so I'll have some halal kabob to sober up on instead.

>> No.9593615

How do you think the normies will react to their first Otakon?

>> No.9593631

We will have ton of normies and tourists coming out of droves for this. It will be a positive experience first time.

>> No.9593633

The real question is will the baltimore normies miss us?

>> No.9593642

Oh no. I'll miss my nigga Tyronne

>> No.9593644

I know Ice Cold Water Man will miss us and we will miss him.

Also get ready for the confused horde of government workers coming to check the con out.

>> No.9593677

Maybe Sean Spicy will be there

>> No.9593681

Flat tire on the way down from Boston, and I'm only in Rhode Island. See you later, Thursday badge pickup.

>> No.9593682
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My shit was crushed on the way here, fuck everything.

>> No.9593703

Now we know the real reason why he quit. He wants to get back into the cosplay game.

>> No.9593707

What would the Spice cosplay? Something Gundam?

>> No.9593710

My group actually chatted Ice Cold Water Guy on our way out last year and asked him about plans for the future. He said he might actually show up to DC, considering his status as an Otakon celebrity at this point. I guess we'll see.

>> No.9593742
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Something furry.

>> No.9593781

>tfw plan on going
>tfw if I do go I'm gonna spend most of my time solo
>tfw the inevitable fate of life is that we will all go our seperate ways

I barely watch anime anymore, I have my lanyard and have pre registered but if I do go what would I do

>> No.9593785

Supposedly you can start going today at 3

>> No.9593787

People watch. Big cons like Otakon aren't even all about annie may anymore. Eating is also good

>> No.9593816

Marriot Marquis is already fucking up and doesnt have double beds

>> No.9593835

Any recommendation for cheap eats around the center?

>> No.9593851
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Walk to Chinatown and go to pic related.

>> No.9593882

Seems sketchy. Deets?

>> No.9593889

I just checked in at the Embassy Suites.

I'll probably walk around today since there's no festival.

>> No.9593893

Visit some of the DC sites.

Who knows how long before North Korea goes full retard

>> No.9593895

Should I wear the camo MAGA hat?

>> No.9593898

Absolutely. Indulge in Trump while America still has him.

>> No.9593909
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What Palace theme is good for the convention?

>> No.9593914

hows the hotel? i check in tomorrow

>> No.9593926

Sae Nijima's

>> No.9593929

Never thought I'd see the day where the pre-reg line would be non-existent. It just ain't the same not waiting 2-1/2 hours under the blistering heat.

>> No.9593930

theres a five guys and a fudruckers just south of the convention center. walk farther on 7th heading south and youll hit hill country which is a bit more. if you take the metro (like 10-15 min metro plus walking if shits slow) you can head to dupont circle theres a burrito place called surfside that's excellent and open 24 hours, if you go at night try not to get robbed. remember that the metro closes at like 1am.
nigga its chinatown what the fuck do you want.
unless you look like a staffer or something people will know your a tourist. take that how you will.

>> No.9593939

I must have just missed that when I was walking around. I'm at the Embassy's restaurant right now.

>> No.9593947

>wearing a MAGA hat in DC
do not this anywhere but the mall

even if you do it there, everyone will instantly know you are both a tourist and a backwoods hick

>> No.9593953

You could spend a whole day in the arcade room alone.

>> No.9593954
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Go to the newest, biggest Wong you can find.

>> No.9593978
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Should have asked sooner but was able to go last minute, would someone be willing to help with some cosplay? I need someone to help with my eyes specifically, I've been practicing but I still can't do it myself. I can buy you lunch or something if you want I dunno. I'm bringing my own makeup.

>> No.9594035

Any good place to park nearby that isn't over $40 a night?

>> No.9594053

damn came to otakon on a Thursday night only to find out there no Thursday activities anymore

>> No.9594080

>book for atrium room
>get a nonatrium room
Feels good to waste money

>> No.9594088

It pisses me off too. Their excuse is shit. "Oh Otakon didn't have a guarantee on it". So why give us the option?

>> No.9594093
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The worst part was I booked last week directly. Luckily I got roomies to help with the cost. And the view isn't too bad.

>> No.9594096
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You lucky fuckers.

>> No.9594101

Yeah that view is kind of nice, but even more insulting that you booked DIRECTLY with them. How could they not give you what you paid for?

>> No.9594120

Anyone can share a discord invite?

>> No.9594122
File: 129 KB, 665x1074, 20170810_205215-665x1074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, I'm strapped for cash this year. Anyone want to buy a Kurisu (Steins; Gate) cosplay? Size medium, never worn, put it together two years ago and just never ended up wearing it. Pretty complete except for a wig (merch room has 'em) and black boots. Cleaned & ironed. $40 and I can meet you anywhere in the con.

>> No.9594124

Hey is there any pre con parties going on right now?

>> No.9594149

No, but I think I know one of your friends who goes on /k/.

>> No.9594180

also looking for some. Pregaming anyway

>> No.9594236

I got a double. But I have a Marriot card so I checked in at 10:30am

>> No.9594294

As a result of my poverty and idiocy, I am not positive I can make the actual con, but is there a possibility I could at least get drunk and have fun with 4chinz shitposters and weebs?

>> No.9594334

It's not connected to the convention site and dinner was more expensive than the Hilton in Baltimore.

I'm still getting used to it.

>> No.9594401
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>3 am bus cancelled
>5 am hasn't shown yet

>> No.9594477

I just got back from the complementary breakfast at the Finn and Porter (Embassy Suites).

Everyone is still half asleep.

>> No.9594497
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Be sure to head to the Marriott to get to the site. You gave to use the underground tunnels if you already had your badge.

>> No.9594503
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If you don't bring a bag, you can skip most of the line.

>> No.9594512

Chad, Tyrone, and Chang Long here.

How much of a sausage fest is this con? I see a lot of dudes and not enough boobs.

>> No.9594518

I'm interested, but I won't be at the con till later.

>> No.9594519

If you have to ask...

>> No.9594520

Be careful.

Even if it looks like a woman, it's probably a man.

>> No.9594524

You're going to be fucking traps and you will like it.

>> No.9594528

I can be your girl for the night uguuu

>> No.9594529

Me neither, not getting there until probably 4 or 5 today. Just let me know and I will bring it! I'm there tomorrow and Sunday too.

>> No.9594535


I know your kind, I've read the stories. You lure horny nerds into butt fucking you. And then after the nerds cums in your butt, the wig comes off and it's butt raping time on the nerd who's weak after busting his nut.

Hence "trap", the true meaning.

>> No.9594536

Goodbye Ice Cold Water Guy,
Brought us joy at Otakon year after year.

>> No.9594537


Tbh u will probably see him in DC

>> No.9594539


>> No.9594547

Go to MAGFest next February.

>> No.9594558

Is anyone hungry? I don't want to go eat alone like the loser I am.

>> No.9594562

How are you still living

>> No.9594565

I saw Weev here

>> No.9594573

But did the ice cold water guy make it?

>> No.9594577

>only one door to get in
>badge checks just for walking around
Wew lad

>> No.9594586

DC is a full fledged nanny state

>> No.9594588

Magfest just opened registration and it was a clusterfuck because they tied buying badges to securing a hotel room.

>> No.9594590

What parties are going on today? I'll be walking around alone today and can hopefully meet some fellow seagulls.
And if anyone has any horror stories with vic mangina this weekend feel free to post.

>> No.9594598

there's always a bug catcher, isn't there?

>> No.9594600

I don't know but I'd join you.
How many booths open at reg? Yesterday the 18+ line took longer than the badge pick up line.

>> No.9594602

Where are you, bud? I'm flying solo too. We can meet up at the food court. I'm the bro dressed as casual with a green military bag.

>> No.9594608

I'll toss on my USS HARRY S TRUMAN command cap so I'll be easier to find. Also has my last name "RIORDAN" on the back of it. Just looking for some buddies to hang with and enjoy the con.

>> No.9594612

I am dressed as the prince, I don't mind going around seeing my ew peaple.

>> No.9594613

*Meeting new peaple

>> No.9594614

Where are you at right now? I'll try to meet up with ya

>> No.9594615

In the Marriott but I can move to your location.

>> No.9594617

I'm at the entrance of the convention center. Alot of people here though. I'll move down to the Marriott/convention walk way and try to meet up there if it's not too crowded.

>> No.9594618

I have a staff, and a red cape and will be by the connection between the

>> No.9594620


>> No.9594640

Did anyone else watch the concert at the Opening Ceremony?

>> No.9594658
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>registration line
I thought I could just walk in and go straight in

>> No.9594789

What's the cheapest place to get booze here? Not too far from the center though please.

>> No.9594790

Why the fuck is the dealer's room so shit? Where did half the dealers go?

The artist's alley was also shit with the same art save for a few unique artists.

>> No.9594795

Is that the secret entrance for no bags? Where is it?

By the way, does anyone know if you can pay via credit for walk in registration?

>> No.9594800

North entrance of the Marriott. I don't know about payment.

>> No.9594804

Yeah, you can. Visa or MasterCard

>> No.9594806

Can you half cash/ half card it? Asking for a friend

>> No.9594807


>> No.9594818

Meet up when?

>> No.9594819

What's going on tonight guys

>> No.9594824

So basically this year is shit, and I didn't miss anything?

>> No.9594826

I just want to know wtf happened to the dealer's room

>> No.9594831

We're planning on meeting by that spiral rainbow staircase at 1800.

>> No.9594834

So I am not the only one who thinks it feels empty?

>> No.9594836

There are a ton of vendors missing. One vendor was telling me that there was a mixup with a contractor. I'm sad because one I really wanted to see and was on the list and schedule wasn't there.

>> No.9594842

I went to a place in Chinatown for liquor. Probably your best bet since Chinatown isn't too far from the convention.

>> No.9594854

Would you happen to have any time to show me the any by any chance?

>> No.9594855

I'm going to miss it. I need to rest before the concert.

>> No.9594861

Its by the corner of 6th and H street. Probably a couple storefronts next to that New Big Wong place posted earlier.

>> No.9594866


Ok thanks

>> No.9594870

What time does the dealers room close. All I want is a con tshirt.

>> No.9594871


Anyone know where I can get some elf ears?

>> No.9594873

Top or bottom level of the stairs?

>> No.9594876

They keep accepting the same artists in year after year, would be nice if they actually gave some different people a chance

>> No.9594879

I'm the dude with the military/navy hat on.

>> No.9594885

IDK man. Like it's a massive space in there and like my friends and I literally saw nothing we were interested in at all. I feel like it's going to be a repeat of last year where the best thing I got in the dealers room was a free bag from CrunchyRoll.

I think the empty feeling comes from all the space in between the booths. It's nice to not be right on top of everyone with constant body traffic jams.

There are a few new people and there are definitely more people in there. Idk the people I tend to buy from year after year in the Artist alley have a lot of newer stuff too, but they also tend to have a new batch of things for all cons they go to.

>> No.9594896

>checks guidebook
>all I see is [CANCELED] next to a bunch of panels

>> No.9594907


>> No.9594913

Anyone got any cool cosplay pics so far? Any pics from the Disney meetup or any other meetups?

>> No.9594931

Are there any thicc girls free tonight?

>> No.9594987

Anyone see that THICC table at artist alley? Im a powerlevel hider, but also a SU fag and that Amy bodypillow is calling out to me, my heart skipped a beat

>> No.9594991

Ayy i'm not attending this year, but last year I hung out with an anon from /cgl/ thread. We hung out on a patio all night and I drank an entire bottle of alcohol you brought.

That being said, I owe you a bottle. I'm hoping maybe they are in this thread and can prove they are that person. I may metro down and throw you a bottle or something.

>> No.9595032
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I'm at the con, what does it take to get a cat girl cosplay gf here? or hell any cosplay sex?

Native DCher here, well arlington.

>> No.9595040

Money or grab one of the felixs that are around.

>> No.9595049

where the FUCC is everyone

>> No.9595052

Where the fucc are you?

>> No.9595055
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Being comfy right now

>> No.9595056

Lucky guy

>> No.9595057

Art room atm

>> No.9595061

Game room

>> No.9595070
File: 472 KB, 480x640, flir_20170811T211113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at the rave, everyone is just akwardly standing.

Looking for a femanon to dance with.

>> No.9595077

Wheres the meetup

>> No.9595080

This. I started drinkojg without yall

>> No.9595082


Why don't we all drink together

>> No.9595083

Otakon so far: I got to the end of the wrong registration line, missed the panels I wanted to see or they otherwise just canceled, one of the controllers for street fighter were broken, Kinokuniya had no manga, I couldn't find any ergonomic mousepads, there were no PS4 controllers for Project Diva Future Tone, I caught a cold, and it's raining.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.

>> No.9595084

Fucc im in art room now, too, and Im just warily looking around for y'all.

>> No.9595086

Where's the rave?

>> No.9595087


Where is it

>> No.9595090

Hall A.

>> No.9595094

Ok where to meet?

>> No.9595096

Tbh im in a cosplay group so im kind of just thread lurking.

>> No.9595097

Im just wandering around by myself

>> No.9595098

That sounds so sad. Though youll probably see our group if youre in AA.

>> No.9595099

They really need to ditch those shitty boxes. I just want to plug my own stick in ffs.

>> No.9595102

We are hanging out in the game room, if your around.

>> No.9595110

It's cool, I'm enjoying myself. I'm really tired, I wandered around for a few but went back, don't want to interrupt anyone either.

I'll head back out in about 20 minues if you're still there, I'm down to play some games!

>> No.9595112

I am still around

>> No.9595115

Anon I am going to the "youre taste is bad and you should feel bad" panel, then afterwards im down

>> No.9595116


>> No.9595118
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I looked around but has anyone seen a dealer sellin the (YOU) cap? I really need it go to full ironic.

>> No.9595120

Game room at the music games look for a red cape

>> No.9595122

Why would you even want to go full ironic?

>> No.9595123

Anyone got any pics from the JoJo meet up? There were way more fucking people than I was expecting.

>> No.9595127

If theres any persona people, theres a photoshoot at 11pm in level 2 south building

>> No.9595132

ugh fuck I really want to fuck a cute cosplayer God damnit

>> No.9595133

To add on I with a blue jojo

>> No.9595134

Bacardi is really easy to drink

>> No.9595136

because the only way I can protect my self esteem is behinds multiple layers of irony

>> No.9595137

Fuck self esteem. Fuck what people think about man, just be you.

>> No.9595144
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>head down to DC with friends not to go to the con but for the sake of a free vacation

Honestly the only thing I would have wanted to do in there is get doujins and maybe some somewhat rare stuff in the dealer's room. Other than that I am glad not to have payed for this shit this year.

>> No.9595149

anyone at hiro's? its pretty lit

>> No.9595150

I'm in the "mystery" game tournament.

look for bald, grey shirt, jeans black boots.

>> No.9595153

Disregard that, I suck cocks. Front lobby.

>> No.9595156

Where drink up at?

>> No.9595161
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs moar hot cosplay

>> No.9595163


>> No.9595164

M4. hiro's lounge has a jazz/swing band playing til 12

>> No.9595175

I'm cosplaying traps all weekend and man does it feel good.
I'm done for the night but if anyone wants to meet up tomorrow I'm so down. Especially for pregaming in the evening.

>> No.9595179

Just ask for a picture. Why do you have to be a creepy fuck like that.

>> No.9595186

I was rear ended by a drunk driver when I was 11 and caused severe damage to my spinal cord and Broca's area, rendering me deaf-mute and confined to a wheelchair. Asking for photos is obviously a hardship for me and usually just results in a 10 minute pity party which I don't want.

I was trying to take a picture from the front but she turned around and I didn't want to cause a disturbance.

>> No.9595190

Sure, Jan.

>> No.9595192

You guys still at the game roon?

>> No.9595197

Fuck im kinda drunk but i took all night ane day

>> No.9595201

Yes were at the game room by the front, black gundam hat, king outfit front left side

>> No.9595213

Hmm didnt see

>> No.9595214
File: 1.61 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20170811_235354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an adorable Ebola-chan in my Hotel.

>> No.9595217

We left at the front of the con now

Join the discord its easier to connect

>> No.9595223

>see some neat figma and nendo I'd be interested in for sale earlier
>price is marked up like crazy from AmiAmi or even TOM

What exactly IS worth buying from the dealers?

>> No.9595228


Ok where at

>> No.9595233


>> No.9595247

meet up at Marriot @ Metro, room -32. Rspond if you can't get into hotel I will come

>> No.9595248

>watched a dude spend over $1000 on figures like it was nothing

That motherfucker paid for all that using either an AmEx Platinum or Visa Palladium card because the lady that rang him up noted how heavy the card was. Dude was probably some tech millionaire that lives around here.

>> No.9595249


>> No.9595252

If he he was a tech millionaire he'd just order it all online like a sane person in that situation would

More likely he's a millionaire's son who isn't playing with a full deck of cards

>> No.9595257

no, metro

>> No.9595265

Try to meet up sat @ 7pm
Location being the foot of the rainbow spiral staircase

>> No.9595275
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that's a man, baby

>> No.9595277

How does that change anything?

>> No.9595284

did you just assume their gender

>> No.9595301
File: 357 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-08-11-18-00-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving reading the CL listings for cons.

>> No.9595319

Exactly, which is why I want a hat that labels me as You, because when I talk to another person, I am you

>> No.9595321
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holy fug

>> No.9595323

>tfw no manface /cgl/ gf

>> No.9595324

Bane here from previous Otakon /cgl/ meetups. Not there this year but I hope you all have a great time.

>> No.9595328

are you guys still up?

>> No.9595330

Did I do the right thing by not going this year?

>> No.9595333


I didn't go either, from what I heard its pretty shit so far.

>> No.9595343

There's only one escort advertising for cosplay on BP.

>> No.9595351

Judging by the thread and the weather, yes.

>> No.9595353
File: 301 KB, 468x494, 1494145667029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying figures from a con

>> No.9595364

from the thumbnail i was expecting a cute girl, was disappointed

>> No.9595386

is that a disco ball between her legs???

>> No.9595429

Did you pick up the trap though?

>> No.9595433

There's no bag check, right?

>> No.9595434

Oh, fuck. By "bag check" I mean "a place to deposit your bags once you're in so you aren't carrying them around." I know they examine your bags on entrance.

>> No.9595455

New venue is great, in that new venue is huge.

>> No.9595465

They are by no means a trap given the pictures shown in the post.

Imagine Chris Farley with a wig and too much makeup. That is what was shown in there. Don't get me wrong, I would love to fuck a trap but that is FAR from a trap as you can get.

>> No.9595466
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Also this is a favorite of mine this year.

>> No.9595474

this con is shit

>> No.9595484

I'm only doing a one day since I suspect the transition is gonna be a shit show. any fortune meetups occurring? Any restaurants or bars within across the street distance since it's suppose to rain.

>> No.9595495

What's the Lolita garden like? I'm not too into anime anymore, is the Lolita stuff any good this year?

>> No.9595509

I heard it was pretty empty last night.

>> No.9595511

Happens to me every year. I just assume I'll be fronting the full amount when I book.

>> No.9595513

Wok And Roll in Chinatown has karaoke boxes and decent food. Got real drunk Thursday night and every day feels like Sunday.

>> No.9595521

Why have I never done this before, these are great

>> No.9595524

I almost want to scope it out to see if anyone shows up.

>> No.9595533

how did the dealer's room get worse?

>> No.9595535

It's bigger, but that didn't mean it got more vendors.

It just means more space, and larger super booths for sponsors.

>> No.9595545

Crossplaying or cosplaying?

>> No.9595560
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What's with the line outside?

>> No.9595562

Jesus, I hope that's not the bag check line.

>> No.9595574

Anyone got a badge for sale

>> No.9595605

Chad, The Gracious Tyrone, and Chang Wukong about to crash this dork festival.

And take yo girl.

>> No.9595609

Are you all on discord on something, where are the meetups?

>> No.9595622

Ok ill be wearing all purple, love live stuff>>9595609

Yes weve been meeting up

>> No.9595623

Oh, please, by all means.

>> No.9595677

i care too much what people think about me =(
no amount of depressants, xans, and alcohol can make me like feel a normal person

>> No.9595682

It's a pretty sad excuse for a Lolita programming comeback. They tried

>> No.9595712

Fucking Ruroni Kenshin movie is next to the damn concert hall, you can hear the music and screams

>> No.9595716

So what is the consensus so far? Why do so many panels keep getting cancelled?

>> No.9595718

People were afraid to go

>> No.9595720

Good question.
I like the venue, finding food is easier than Baltimore, and its not got rats and droves of homeless in the streets.

>> No.9595721

That's so shitty. Any explanations for the missing dealers yet? Artists in the AA seem kinda disappointed overall with sales too

>> No.9595728

Now that you mention it, I didnt see my favorite manga booth that always shows. Sucks too because those guys always dropped their prices to a 30% on Sundays

>> No.9595729
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who tfwnogf or friends so wandering around alone here

>> No.9595754

I'm chilling at the otacafe for abit. If you wanna join just find the guy sitting near the doors in a Jean jacket. Keepin' it 80's up in here.

>> No.9595782

The AMV Theatre is full, so I'm going to panels until Fate is open.

>> No.9595800

Why? Are you going to be my gf?

>> No.9595803

There is no women in this thread...

>> No.9595816
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, 2017-08-12 16.22.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had to set aside a room for people who want to see Fate Grand Order.

>> No.9595818

So many cuties

>> No.9595824

>giant egg
What the heck?

>> No.9595830

You wanna be my gf? . . .

>> No.9595835

Are you the guy who got the ambulance called because he shit his pants?

>> No.9595836

Didn't it already come out?

>> No.9595837

I've seen three of them. Maybe they're mystery boxes from the Dealer's Room.

>> No.9595879

Saint Chad, Gracious Tyrone, and Chang Sun here.

Your offering of bare females pleases us.

We demand more lewd cosplay.

And be rewarded with just coque

>> No.9595882

Pimply cosplay pussy, smeelin like cheese pizza

>> No.9595884

Yeah, it's some mystery box thing from the dealer's room.

>> No.9595885

Pickle ricker in the house eatin shrimp n chicken at hooters drankin. Hooters home of the year round cosplay why settle for these 4s who turn into 7s once a year when these skrimps and wings are as spicy as some memes

>> No.9595886

Yeah they are. I bought one. Got a good mix.

>> No.9595902


>> No.9595904

Is there anything worthwhile tomorrow?

>> No.9595906

Weed is legal in DC and I got some

>> No.9595911

where you at? let's get to the fucking moon

>> No.9595926

80s idol music

>> No.9595928
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>and its not got rats and droves of homeless in the streets.
>droves of homeless in the streets.

They're there anon. 8-10 PM is the witching hour. Be wary.

>> No.9595929
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Any romances blossom here? Meet a nice guy or gal to have some pillow talk with? I'm holding out hope that /cgl/ hasn't fully succumbed to body pillows and fan fiction just yet.

>> No.9595931


I'm with two other dudes and we looking for a hotel party(s)

>> No.9595933


Not this Otakon, but I've had some romantic encounters during past Otakons. I also know 4 people that met their SO's at Otakon and are still together.

Problem is if you're ugly and/or out of shape its just not going to happen. You gotta fix yourself.

>> No.9595937

lmk if you guys get organized

>> No.9595947

Id be willing to chill over weed. I can bring a few bucks to pitch in if need be

>> No.9595949

You act as though people are so socially inept that they cant meet women any other way than by going to a convention, i hope your not this pathetic

>> No.9595954

Why not make a sign to attract a potential mate?
You see. Like the type who'd do that.

>> No.9595957

Dont do that... just fucking talk to them

>> No.9595963
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>You act as though people are so socially inept that they cant meet women any other way than by going to a convention

Yeah, this is exactly what I meant.

>i hope your not this pathetic
Your knee jerk response tells me you're one of those people.

It's honestly getting painful to go to cons with my GF, just because the times we've ever tried to make new friends, they end sour. Usually ending with them awkwardly trying to hit on my GF behind my back or can't process how have conversation outside of their fandom.

>> No.9595965


No cash necessary at all just looking for a chill party that can accommodate 3 for a while.

I got a nice mix of buds.

>> No.9595970

Thats bomb as fuck. Now correct me if im wrong, but I thought smoking indoors was illegal even if weed itself is ok?

>> No.9595975


Eh? I have no idea. I just know it's legal in DC. I think you have it backwards.

>> No.9595983

Ah ok. Well in any case ill be lurking if you find a place to go. Are you in the discord chat?

>> No.9595988

Water pipe on the ceiling busted open in the art room and now they're kicking everyone out of the art room.

>> No.9595991

Get pics

>> No.9595992


>> No.9595998

Well I figure it be a plave to meet a girl who's into anime,cosplay vida and even kinky stuff.

I wouldn't got to con for that reason alone but it's one of em.

>> No.9596002
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Yo hiros is lit

>> No.9596008
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Sorry for poor quality photo. Heard it was leaking in dealers and game room too.

>> No.9596024


> Bodymore, Murderland

NE DC is mini-Baltimore

>> No.9596032

wonder if someone tried to flush one of the small hotel hand towels into the toilet as to the cause of the burst...

>> No.9596044
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>> No.9596053

So does the con pay for damages, or...?

>> No.9596055

I hope so because it's ridiculous

>> No.9596057
File: 42 KB, 627x354, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope people get their money back for this shit.. literally.

>> No.9596060

By that I meant damaged merch

>> No.9596061

wow...if it really is sewer leak, that area is supposed to be quarantined and bleached clean, otherwise there's going to be issues following the con, pretty sure if people is trampling through that water and spreading it around, surely some outbreak or sickness is going to follow a short time after the con.

>> No.9596063


And the artist's twitter said they're reopening AA.

>> No.9596064
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>people are literally getting shit on

>> No.9596065

yeah any merch that got rained is a total loss. Throw that shit away, even if it looks clean but was wiped off thats raw sewage splatter ew.

>> No.9596066

This is worse than Otakon 2001, when the streets exploded.

>> No.9596069

>Treating it like it was roof leak due to rain.
wash your hands daily is all I can say. That's a recipe for a norovirus outbreak with that aa being ground zero.

>> No.9596071

So... literal shit show this year?

>> No.9596072
File: 3.83 MB, 5312x2988, 20170812_213910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiros is straight fire

>> No.9596075

nah otakon is chill, good amount of babes.

>> No.9596076

Where is this? What yall doing?

>> No.9596080
File: 490 KB, 960x1200, pop-team-epic-ch-20-pic-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Popteamepic here?

>> No.9596084

>when the streets exploded
Tell me more.
Apart from dealer's room merch I didn't see much.

>> No.9596085

It's the premiere of the English dub

>> No.9596086

Damn, I was hoping the anime would have some reveal news

>> No.9596087

Hiros swing dancing lounge or some shit. There's a few of us chilling here. We might head up to that rave though

>> No.9596095

I'm probably going to call it a night. I couldn't make the switch from shift work to convention this year.


>Nine years earlier, in 2001, the convention center was evacuated due to after-effects of the Howard Street Tunnel fire. Residual tripropylene from an earlier train accident reacted with electrical sparks, and the resulting explosions launched manhole covers 4 feet into the air on Saturday, August 11, 2001 25 days after the Howard Street Tunnel fire,[47] very early in the morning of Sunday, August 12, 2001 city workers opened 48 fire hydrants in downtown Baltimore for approximately 1 hour to 90 minutes in an attempt to flush out and recover the remaining traces of tripropylene,[48] as a result, the Baltimore Convention Center was evacuated during this recovery effort causing thousands of attendees to leave the convention center to encounter inches of water rushing down Pratt Street. This incident was spoofed in Otakon's 2008 Opening Animation: in the video, one of the convention's mascots causes a barrage of manhole covers to strike a giant robot menacing the convention center.

It also rained most of that convention and you had to walk a longer route from the hotels to the convention site.

>> No.9596096
File: 100 KB, 446x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen 2 pairs of Pipimi & Popuko cosplayers! Also the Kinokuniya booth in dealers hall has some merch memo pads, book, and hand towels. I wanted to see if anyone there had the nendos but I forgot dealers hall closes at 6.

>> No.9596101

All of the bathrooms on the 3rd floor are blocked, and another I went to was out of soap. It shouldn't be this difficult to wash your hands

>> No.9596106

Shoutout to the guy who recognized my Vinesauce tee. Was too tired to reply something witty

>> No.9596114

SE DC is mini-Baltimore, you dingus.

>> No.9596117

Otakon? More like

Jailbait con


>> No.9596119

To the Momiji Inubashiri cosplayer I kept seeing around the Marriott Marquis occasionally wearing the MAGA hat, they pretty damn cute. Couldn't get a shot of them unfortunately.

>> No.9596120

Where's everyone at right now
I wanna get drunk

>> No.9596130


Lol truuu

t. Bait of jai

>> No.9596140

Christ it's going to be a lot of sick people after this Con.

>> No.9596145
File: 724 KB, 766x753, 1480455171336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to take my sister home early because she got sick, and that was long before the shit rain.

>> No.9596152

Have you thought about taking anything that isn't a literal downer???

>> No.9596154

anyone at beyond the tentacle?

>> No.9596166

I met someone cute who matched my cosplay, and their friend took pictures of us with his DSLR, but I forgot to ask for them to send them to me

>> No.9596173

There's Pipimi nendos at the Good Smile affiliate's booth (I forgot the name) but the Popuko ones sold out yesterday

>> No.9596175

I am, middle of back half

>> No.9596176

Any word on that smoking party?

>> No.9596180

Sick, gonna try to grab one tomorrow morning.

>> No.9596183

With all these fetishes someone is getting off to this while everyone laughs at them. Its just like /v/

>> No.9596187

i wish they wouldnt yuck my yum ;_;

>> No.9596213

Where everyone at?

>> No.9596222
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Drunkposted this in the wrong thread. Bless you anon smut peddler

>> No.9596228
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>> No.9596231
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>> No.9596266

Any seagulls chilling in the marriott? I have no friends here and would like to chill.

>> No.9596268

Depends on which one.

>> No.9596275

>seagulls chilling in the marriott
marquis? let's link up

>> No.9596287
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Finally, it's fucking empty

>> No.9596297
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Homeless nigger Man with king crab leg outside

>> No.9596340

Did I make the right call to skip out on this?

>> No.9596376

What are the dealer's and AA times for Sunday?

>> No.9596379

Dealer's Room: 10:00 to 3:00
Artist's Alley: 10:00 to 2:00

It's too soon to tell.

>> No.9596388

You fucking nigger if I'm going to Otakon I'm going to fucking talk about anime and weeb shit. It's the only time of the year I can do that.

>> No.9596446
File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 2017-08-13 09.57.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line for the Dealer's Room is closed.

>> No.9596482


>> No.9596605

So apparently there was an attendee that was playing loophole with the contact consent rule. Guy in his mid-20's, dressed mostly in black, Hispanic-looking. He reportedly was giving girls a high-five, and if they responded was grabbing their hand and not letting go. Turning consensual hugs into more than hugs. Multiple complaints about this guy over the weekend.

Anyway, I heard police got hold of him and that he is looking at sexual assault charges, don't know the details.

>> No.9596618

ahh its finally over!!!
overall not bad and i hope they can grow into it next year

>> No.9596623

I liked the convention center itself. The halls are a lot more spacious, which must be a blessing for those with wings or any costume part extending past shoulder length. I do think the bag checks and the restriction to one entrance only is a bit silly. That said, it was kinda lackluster for me compared to other years, but that's probably because of the unfamiliarity of DC and general lack of planning on my end, and not a lot of panels really grabbed my interest. First year, I'd say it was much better suited for cosplay overall, but if you're just going to a con to show off cosplay, I think cons like Katsucon are much better since you don't need a con pass to enter the main halls and only really need it for the panels.

>> No.9596626

I felt the same overall about the panels and it did feel lackluster for me. Disappointed with the dealer's room and I think I may just try out katsucon again. I haven't been since when it first started

>> No.9596667
File: 255 KB, 750x850, 1498062521369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I couldn't talk to anyone because autist

>> No.9596672
File: 510 KB, 720x540, 1403148045724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the club, though I did chat up a few dudes in the dealer's hall about FGO for a bit.

>> No.9596682

There was this big black dude wearing a Washington Nationals jersey that had a guy like that jacked up against the wall in the Marriott. Not sure if Kenpachi jersey guy was an undercover cop or not.

>> No.9596683

The concerts are what got me to go to Otakon this year honestly.

All the preformers were great

>> No.9596689

Like anyone at all? Not even to take a picture?

>> No.9596691

Same here, reason I came there in the first place and was absolutely worth it.

>> No.9596695

The process of taking a picture went like this:
>Can I take a picture
>Take pic
>Thanks! :3
>Walk away

There were a couple of moments where I chatted for a minute about something random, but I never had a conversation that lasted longer than 5 mins

>> No.9596706

I wanted to go the first night, but I slept all night.

Next year, I'm bringing the energy drinks.

What did they perform?

>> No.9596709

I only went to very few panels this whole weekend. I was mostly walking around the halls or hiding in the video game room. I was bored a lot. I was hoping for more interactive panels or game show panels.

>> No.9596729

TMR and Jam?

>> No.9596739

Yes, at that concert.

>> No.9596897

Well you still talked to someone.

>> No.9596963

Got a girl's number I wasn't even trying that bad. She was pretty cool though.

>> No.9597014
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>Met cute girl, chatted her up in the hall for an hour, definite chemistry
>"Hey here's my number, we should hang on Sunday"
>"Sure, sounds good!"
>"Enjoy the con!"

>Radio silence


>> No.9597043
File: 67 KB, 640x422, tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having been to both Katsucon and Otakon this year, I'd have to say they each have their pluses and minuses.

Katsucon has a better area in the atrium at the Gaylord for taking pictures of cosplayers. It also has some nice areas outside by the Potomac that look great at sunset with DC across the water.

Otakon has way more quality and quantity of food options in the DC Convention Center area, and is far easier to get to by metro and mass transit. It is also easier to learn your way around Otakon than Katsucon, due to the more intuitive layout of the Convention Center.

>> No.9597044

>met cute girl we start dancing
>she gives me her number
>ask her whassup
>we go to the bathroom she lifts her skirt and I smash
>I nut super deep start getting nervous about responsibility
>she says its cool pulls up the front of her dress unfurls penis

>> No.9597109

>Otakon has way more quality and quantity of food options in the DC Convention Center area

Honestly speaking finding relatively cheap food was a big as fuck issue. Even cheap places were more expensive because of DC tax bullshit and you had to walk past some shady as fuck places just to get to them.

>> No.9597136
File: 99 KB, 675x900, Other_fawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no, I'm not saying the food near Chinatown is cheaper (quite the opposite, it's way more expensive than Bmore): there are simply more options to choose from for the discerning gourmand.

>> No.9597155

>wash your hands daily is all I can say.

Who only washes their hands once a day?

>> No.9597315

Okay, so Friday night, watched a dude getting taken out on a stretcher roll off it into some DR cosplayers. Medics started screaming at the kids, who ran off, and at the guy, he didn't look like he was having a seizure or anything, but it took them 10 minutes to get him back on the stretcher. Dude was cussing up a storm while 5 medics tried to strap him down and continued to yell at him. Does anyone know what the fuck that was about? This was near the entrance when the cop cars, firetruck, and two ambulances were outside, like 9 pm.

>> No.9597319

Probably was on acid

>> No.9597335

That was my friend's guess, since it looked like they came from the direction of the rave. Just wondered if anyone knew if it was anything different.

But man, I was in AA when the pipes burst. Second pipe was right next to me and I got a tiny bit wet, kinda terrifying, ended up running out only to see the raging storm outside so I couldn't return to my hotel yet. Wew, Otakon DC was a ride. Hotel was hell, had a towel smeared in shit that I almost used. They didn't do anything to make up for it. Room had quite a few smaller issues, not staying at Cambria again.

At least walking around that area of DC didn't feel as terrifying at Baltimore.

>> No.9597337

Baltimore is fine if you stay around the inner harbor area. Stick to sky bridges and you are more or less fine.

Also I was shocked to hear how much shit got flooded, several hotels and areas surrounding had odd floods. You would think DC would have its shit together.

>> No.9597440

Who is this fluid druid?

>> No.9597553

Back to work le sad face

>> No.9597577

>Tfw pounding away at Excel

>> No.9597582
File: 214 KB, 800x600, Excel.full.608906[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pounding away at Excel

Its not as bad as you think

>> No.9597632

4chan people are the best people

>> No.9597642

Walked into my office today with all the can badges and keychains newly attached to my backpack so the coworkers can admire ma waifu

>> No.9597766

Oh fucking-please, this sounds more like a toasty roastie trying to stur up make belive drama and attention. The type of sjw who probably bring up "MUH RAPE". When nothing likey happened.

Poor guy I hope he gets vindicated from the haripes. You cannot take chances in these cons, in this current climate even if you have concent with a girl thats no garuntee she wont change her mind later.

I was even asked by a cute girl cosplaying as Dva I met and had some chemistry with why I wasn't holding her during thr dance and walking around the con.

Can't be too careful.

>> No.9597770


Fucking this

I remember a few Otakon's ago some blue haired cunt claimed a fake rape at one of the /cgl/ meetups. The guy in question basically couldn't come back to the meetups because everybody just believed the girl.

Given what I saw, I know she was faking it, she was all over said guy and lead him by the hand out of the room and I assume back to her place, obviously to fuck.

>> No.9597828


>> No.9598168

Any good stories from the rave this year? From the past few years ive been going the saturday night party is the best. I was lookin good in my fresh french maid outfit, pime cat ears and tail, drunk off a bottle and a half of wine and dancing with everyone being a makeout whore. It was great. ^^

I felt bad for one dude who bit off more than he could chew. I noticed on the dance floor some staff were whiping up a huge puddle on the dancefloor and at first. I went to take a piss and right away someone was screaming "all right people hurry up and go!" I checked the time and it was....fuck i dont know...at least 1230. Nowhere near 2am so it was not over. I finish up my piss, flushed, turned around and seen 2 staff members and one other guy around a guy laying in a puddle of puke passed out. Was gonna see if he was all good or need help but he was breathing fine so, whatever. Washed my hands, left and a stretcher was being wheeled in for him and went back tp the dance floor.

The rest of the night was chill. Anyone else have any fun stories?

>> No.9598249
File: 86 KB, 1024x712, Excel_pre_Microsoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9598266


That's pretty damn funny.

>> No.9598284

I talked to about 40~ chicks no lie grinded on a cute black girl. Talked to a very beautiful girl. All the girls were incredibly nice and giggling when i was talking to them very shy. One girl told me she was a lesbian unfortunately, but was still extremely fucking nice. So mich different than the fucking bitch stacies i talk with at bars so even though I didnt close that night my confidence and mood was still through the fucking roof. I had a great time.

>> No.9598308

Damn, I guess I should've gone to the rave. Otakon this year around didn't really hit for me. There were almost no panels I was interested in (not to mention the amount of ones that were SJWshit seemed much higher than last year). Plus, my cosplay was shit, so I couldn't even enjoy that. I probably should've gone to one of those Anisong concerts, too.

>> No.9598923

Panels were decent, yeah the sjw shit is a sign of the times shit needs to end , zankaicon was so pozzed with that shit that i wouldnt go

>> No.9599026

are you an attractive Chad, anon?

>> No.9599190

Line's closed due to aids.

>> No.9599283

I picked up game about a month ago now, I have good confidence, I am decently attractive and im in shape /fa/ guy id say im a 6~7 .

The girls are super fucking nice though and the guys are very nice too to a fault i talked to a few guys in a big set with girls next to them the girls walked away and i asked hey "you gaming those girls" and than he proceeds to tell me theyre single man you should talk to them i ask again if theyre talking with them and they say theyre our co workers, i also talked with girls with their boyfriends right there and the boyfriend would say nothing. Im not a douche so i wouldnt fuck over these dudes but they could use to be a little more aggressive on the women of course not being a total sperg like some girls told me that creepy dudes were coming up saying nothing and just start humping them, i prefer to dance in front look in eyes grab hand than grind forwards than switch to the booty

>> No.9599312

>Missed out on qt cat maid

I was outside the con Saturday night just walking around noticing about five or so cop cars, some girls in cosplay crying for some unknown reason, and also noticed a lighter shaped and made to look like a realistic grenade just left outside too. Because that is always a great idea in someplace like DC.

The only thing I want to know is how many people just outright passed out from the rave. It's fun to see how many ambulances come on by in a single night.