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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9563416 No.9563416 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread saged.

Kitacon is in one month, who's ready?

What do you think of our chances at WCS?

>> No.9563563

Who's competing?

>> No.9563641

Does anyone know what got Spooner kicked out of Hyper Japan, just seen his angry facebook video about him getting ejected for "one picture."

>> No.9563646

Came here to ask the same thing

>> No.9563649

I think we all did....

>> No.9563658

I swear the amount of clueless people who think it's OK to take candid pictures of cosplayers resting and eating increased a lot this year at hyper japan. I had to actually chew someone out after the fith set of people did it to my group of friends. I've never had to do it before.

>> No.9563666


He got kicked out for showing random people photos of him in his "body confidence" cosplay, his ass is out.
I know at least 3 people in my friend group who said they got shown it and made them feel uncomfortable...

>> No.9563667


>> No.9563685

Fucking brilliant video, he sounds like a Muppet

>> No.9563686

>showed people his booty pics when they did not ask to see them
>made people uncomfortable
>got reported and kicked out
>just made a live stream blaming it on his autism so everyone is being unreasonable


>> No.9563692

I had someone do a stereotypical glomp on me. It was my first time in a costume, but I'm sure it's common courtesy to not randomly squeeze people?

>> No.9563695

so that's why he did that live steam, i was about to make a post to see if anyone knows what happened.

but my question is how many people did he show? XD

>> No.9563699

Did anyone save it?

>> No.9563701

the livestream or the photo?

>> No.9563707


They shouldn't have done that. You would have been within your rights to backhand them

>> No.9563710

I put a fan in front of my face because I was eating - they just moved around to try and get an angle where they could get my face.

>> No.9563711

Gonna guess the livestream, though the photos he was showing are on his Instagram

>> No.9563716

That's pretty dangerous - idk why they don't get that. You can seriously hurt someone

>> No.9563718


i would send the livestream but i think you need to be his friend on facebook to see it

>> No.9563732


As outgoing as I can be, I went the autistic route of freezing up. Thank fuck for masks.

I didn't expect to enjoy the convention as much as I did though and a shame I only went for one day.

>> No.9563816

someone PLEASE send the pic Liam was showing people

>> No.9563834


If they're the ones of his 'boudoir shoot I don't blame them for reporting him. They should be in the old thread if that's still knocking about

>> No.9563836

I think they're asking for it to be screen recorded and reuploaded for those who weren't his friend

>> No.9564343

Moonlily and Frederica La Noir are our reps for WCS this year. Solid costumes but skit abilities aren't the greatest.

>> No.9564385

One of my friends also go treated to seeing spooners ass
He was weird as fuck

Also wtf was the whole "queueing during session change"

And didnt see any massive change in how rude/not rude people were from other cons desu

Lots of nice BNHA costumes tho

>> No.9564417

I don't get why they have this double session thing though?

>> No.9564435

It's annoying how some are excusing Spooner's behaviour and insist his Autism is to blame and that he may not know social cues. He's more sociable than others who are on the spectrum and knew exactly what he was doing, many Autistic people do yet use their disability as a shield. It's nothing about his pride in 'body confidence' or sexuality, whatever the photo was, it was probably trash judging by what was on his now private or on lockdown second Instagram account. It was uncomfortable seeing it posted by him in the first place when he started thinking he's God's gift for being 'thicc', wearing a ill fitting swimsuit with everything about to hang out is distasteful. I wonder if LFCC and Kitacon are aware of things as those are the two conventions he's attending next.

>> No.9564452

oh great, he's coming to Kitacon...

>> No.9564466

>not going to McDonald's with Kurebayashi

>> No.9564467

(Seriously everyone just bailed on the session change and went to McDonald's)

>> No.9564469

He was screaming on the overground to anyone who would listen saying he'd make the venue pay. He even screamed so hard his eyes were bulging out

>> No.9564482


During his live stream it sounded like he was getting louder and louder at the station he was at, not surprised he went to screaming level. He's mentioned he may need someone to go with for LFCC after what happened at Hyper Japan, the question is, who would actually be his chaperone for the day? He'll wander off to go and loiter with other cosplayers who definitely don't want him around but are too polite to turn him away. Seen it multiple times at cons what he's like, he has no sense of personal space.

>> No.9564522

Do his parents not give a crap? They need to get something sorted for future events

>> No.9564530


Unsure, he's really independent in public so they probably think he's perfectly fine, but honestly he does need some sort of set chaperone, carer or shit even a decent friend to keep an eye on him at cons. One of these days he's going to make the wrong person feel uncomfortable and it'll backfire badly.

>> No.9564567

his dad die last year

>> No.9564590

Was it deleted? I dont have him as a friend but i cant seem to find his autistic breakdown. Id like to witness it.

>> No.9564631

Lol, I'm probably in the background of that video somewhere rolling my eyes. TfL staff were about ready to call the police. Didn't even realise he was livestreaming.

>> No.9564670


It seems so, I only caught a glimpse of it due to a weak signal. He was just too loud, at least vent somewhere in private and not surrounded by normie people at a station who may get concerned.


He's lucky TFL didn't get the police involved, can only imagine he would have had a further meltdown. Then again, maybe that would have enforced something in place to make sure he's not being a pest at future events.

>> No.9564733

What the fuck is up with Spooner? He came to our workshop and he was so lovely, polite, not at all creepy, then he goes elsewhere and goes FULL retard. I feel sorry for him but damn dude, stop.

>> No.9564744

I honestly just think that at any type of confrontation he just completely goes on the offence, and I don't think he really gets boundaries, which is a really shit combo

>> No.9564862
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Should be ready for LFCC. Looking forward to it. (yes it will have a removable orange tip.)

>> No.9564937

Was she at Mcdonald's? That sounds hilarious.

>> No.9564950

She ordered a happy meal it was so cute, her translator was having to explain chicken selects to her. Lol at the fashion guest bailing the changeover for maccies though

>> No.9565093
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These are the the photos he wasn't showing everyone (including me...)

>> No.9565095
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>> No.9565099
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>> No.9565108

I wish I hadn't gotten curious as I scrolled past. I've truly seen some shit now.

>> No.9565393

A couple of years back at hj I was sat in a secluded area of the con way behind a pillar just eating. You couldn't have seen me from the main con even if you tried. Yet still somehow a woman leaned around the pillar, and snapped a pic of me while I was trying to eat shaved ice. I just stared in disbelief because it was so random.

This year I was wearing lolita and I didn't notice too many candids at hj. A couple of photogs asked, but on the train back I could hear a shutter noise behind me. Looked over my shoulder to see an old man snapping pictures of my back. I was tired and in no mood, so I turned round and focused my phone camera on him to make him uncomfortable. Seemed to have worked because he spoke to his wife and they quickly got off next stop.

>> No.9565417

Why was there so many fetish types at hyper Japan this year? Including the ott sweet thing with his backside (thankfully covered in bloomers ) hanging out and the French maid complete with feather duster.

>> No.9565500

jfc anon this is a sfw board

nah but ew no wonder he got reported

>> No.9565505

I genuinely don't understand why he would go around showing that to random strangers. What does he get out of it?

>> No.9565538

it's the ones where it looks like he's rubbed oil over his ass that makes me vom

>> No.9565555
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What is it with the guys in this fucking community

>> No.9565559


oh my god I think I saw the OTT sweet dude. I thought he was wearing an oversized nappy or something because I just couldnt understand why someone would have their bloomers on show. It was horrific

>> No.9565560


He's the one who keeps butchering D.Va, now he's moved onto my second favourite.

>> No.9565585

>those hairy shoulders

>> No.9565586

oh my god no not the virgin killer sweater

>> No.9565618

oh no
i didn't even notice until you just pointed it out
fuck you for doing this

>> No.9565740

I posted in the last thread about this asshole and forgot to respond to anons that asked for a rundown. He's sent multiple threats of sexual assault/rape to female UK cosplayers, there was an incident on a UK selling/commission page where he was outted as having sent sexual messages to a female commissioner to the point she cancelled his costume and refunded him and he retaliated by telling her he was going to rape her at mcm comiccon.
Also been told that, while in one of his skintight d.va bodysuits he kept pressing his bulge against female cosplayers he asked for photos with, but thats secondhand info I cant validate that, sounds like him though.

>> No.9565768


Fucking scum.

>> No.9565794

Disgusted. But not surprised desu. Anyone who looks like that and parades around in a bodysuit with zero self awareness has to be a creep.

>> No.9565833

he's been known to post on here and try organise gull meets on the mcm fb page. Someone stop him please

>> No.9565863
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>> No.9565869



>> No.9565957

Used to work with Mike Towers at AL

>> No.9566025

Hollitas Merida, its hard to look at, the unfinished seams makes me frustrated no end..

>> No.9566565

If you're gonna nitpick and shit on someone's costume then at least post a pic. This is an image board after all.

>> No.9566698
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 20108375_853487548142632_5526977888333205696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down anon

>> No.9566751

oh my god the edges

>> No.9566761


Holy shit. To think I used to actually follow her for the patterns she uploaded.

>> No.9566768

I think the issue is, that even though she is at good at pattern cutting but her finish is awful because they're all rush jobs

>> No.9566770

This is Eevee cosplay standard finishing

>> No.9566797
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This literally looks nothing like Merida's dress. Where's the underblouse and the lacing? And the white fabric is meant to be cream and there is NOTHING right about this. Is this the girl representing the UK?

>> No.9566813

Thankful not. She doesn't compete she just drops out

>> No.9566843

Is that a raw cut edge left like that? Hahahahah why does she have so many likes?!

>> No.9566894

Because she got her badly made 2B go viral

>> No.9566924
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This shit makes me feel so much better about my own edge finishing, even though I'm a total beginner at sewing... Like yeah, it's not perfect, I'm more of a propmaker than a seamstress, but at least I don't have visible cutmarks..

>> No.9566936
File: 93 KB, 334x292, how high.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ I buy every single one of my cosplays and even I can tell this is a car crash
a toddler can cut wrapping paper more neatly than this

>> No.9566976


Dont get too excited, this isnt anything to sing or dance about either.

>> No.9566984

Is that ribbon used as bias binding?

>> No.9567054

Wait is this your work or Hollita's work? Horrifying either way

>> No.9567070

That's what I'm saying, I'm new to sewing.

yes because I suck at sewing.

Mine. I literally said in the post I'm a beginner at sewing.

>> No.9567108

"I suck at sewing" isn't an excuse not to buy fucking bias tape - it's sold in the same places and isn't expensive. You should learn the basics by looking up different cosplayers, looking up tutorials and guides and THEN start making things. It's your lack of research that makes your work look bad right now, not lack of skill.

>> No.9567111

I'm not denying that. It's a starters project, to learn from, not meant to do big stuff with. If I compete, I take something I'm better at.

In this case; learn to use fucking bias tape.

>> No.9567114
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Of course being a beginner is an excuse to make mistakes. Everyone learns at different paces and usually by assimilating what they're exposed to.

>>9567111 but yes, look up bias tape. You can get cotton and satin (though satin bias tends to be less wide). You can also really easily make your own bias using an iron and bias makers of different sizes.

>> No.9567117

Even if it's not for a competition you should take time learning how to sew properly rather than churning out shit. You'll feel a lot better about crafting if you take your time and look up ways to improve now rather than winging it

>> No.9567130

You'd laugh at my very first sewing project, which I now laugh at too. It's not my talent, but hey I practice, I learn. At least I've already learnt to iron my seams and sew those flat when necessary. I feel better every time I improve on something. So yeah, thanks for the bias tape thing, because I literally did not know what it exactly was. I look forward on trying it on my next fabric project.

>> No.9567136

Bias tape is fabric that has been cut on the 'bias' or 'diagonal' of fabric and folded in a C fold shape. This is what allows it to have some give (not quite stretch but definitely give) which makes it infinitely more pliable for going round curved edges.

Here are a couple of methods for sewing bias binding as an edge:

Top stitching

Understitching (you can also hand finish the inside/second line of stitching if you want to avoid visible stitching on the outside of the garment all together which is the preferred method for competition)

You can also use it to face hems like so:

>> No.9567138

No problem, if you ever need assistance there are always help threads too where you can ask about materials or techniques, and you can ask people in shops for assistance too if you don't know what something is.

And don't worry. You'd laugh if you saw my first sewing project too. We all start somewhere but take it from me, putting in research now will help you advance a lot. I never used to research anything and it made things much harder than they needed to be in the beginning

>> No.9567141

At least it explains why the ribbon was being such a bitch and I was just like 'I don't feel this is how it's supposed to be.'

I just read stuff too yeah. Which makes a lot of sense, and will ultimately be less frustrating I think. Heh.

>> No.9567148

We've all been there.

>> No.9567239

Is no one going to mention the wig or the off character pose?
This is a car crash, like most of her rushed cosplay.

>> No.9567892

Does anyone know any good UK sites to buy Love Live cosplays from? I've checked out cosplaysky and they seem to have reasonable prices.

>> No.9567895


No, but thats only because I know that most of these sellers are just reselling from an original taobao seller and jacking up the prices. You're better off learning how to use it and order directly from them. Cosplaysky are usually reselling the taobao seller Vivikaka (cosplayfly has a connection to them on ebay)

>> No.9567929

any talk about who is entering Eurocosplay?

>> No.9567983

So many events on the August bank holiday. Who is going to what and why?

>> No.9568033

That's one way go get around the plastic gun bans...
on the same note - I wanted to make a staff and was originally gonna just find a wind-fallen branch and use that, but considering that's solid and long - would it be better to just do with foam?

>> No.9568045

Needs to be able to transport, so...

As for your staff, what kind of design is it?

>> No.9568047

If it's a soft wood you're fine

>> No.9568064

Fair play. How likely is it I'd get an outfit off taobao before Kita?

>> No.9568102


I think I might know who you are... one of your cosplays a cat character per chance?

Going through taobao is risky at this point unless you pay through the nose for shipping, and even then it's hit and miss.
What I recommend you do at this point is go through cosplayfly on ebay and ask them to do a rush order for you, they're usually happy to oblige as a friend of mine needed one in a hurry. explain that your deadline is soon and ask that they help you with that, you should receive it within two weeks.
They do custom sizing as well and generally have a better grasp of what you want and dont have to go back and forth between the agent several times. From my experience their love live costumes are decent quality too, just always remember to stitch on anything thats been done by hand yourself otherwise you'll be losing buttons and so on.

>> No.9568103

Haven't heard much. Seems like a lot of the regulars are going to LFCC. Have the judges even been announced?

>> No.9568116

He's not a cat, he's a real boy

Thanks for the advice! I'll give them a message today.

>> No.9568117

redpill me on AL

>> No.9568281
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This will be my first time going to mcm london and I'm actually so worried about this creep comming up to talk to me

>> No.9568370

genuinely go talk to Obayed and his girl gang if you're worried, he won't go near him. Obayed is actually very chill in person, just a dickhead online.

>> No.9568398

.......Wh...Why would someone post this?!

>> No.9568412

some form of voyeurism I guess?

>> No.9568443

There's a group of girls rallying to get him banned from expo due to his past threats of rape and then sexual assault at expo. Don't worry anon hopefully he'll get what he deserves.

>> No.9568447

Also if anyone wants to add to this, I've set up an email to submit anon screenshots/deets, just reply if you're interested. I think this is serious enough that he's close to actually fucking raping someone for real.

>> No.9568451

As expected of home grown vegetables

>> No.9568455

Problem with this guy is he has his own little female army who will kick off if he gets banned. He's lied about the screenshots saying that they were a troll on his account. But yea obviously we all know better.

Could you submit the email so I can send all the stuff I see I in his timeline. Getting fed up of seeing him post hentai (really graphic hentai)

I'd unfriend him..but..you shouldn't keep someone light that out of sight

>> No.9568463
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He's perving on one of my friends atm and it's really hard to ignore

>> No.9568465
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>> No.9568475
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We need nukes

>> No.9568477

Do you mean the "youre gonna get raped bitch slut" screenshots? Because that's funny as he actually admitted he "sent them while drunk" so guess he's denying it again. If they're different ones I'd be interested in receiving them.
Email is in the name field! :)

>> No.9568503

>had a lung infection for the past 2 weeks
>0 exercise, shit diet
>mcm manchester in 1 week.

fuck, I'm definitely not in the proper conditioning.

Gonna eat triple the amount of t3 with yohimbine and albuterol for that extra metabolism and gonna gulp down all my oral steroids like candy as well as going into a low carb cut.

damnit 1 week isn't enough.

>> No.9568517

What a boring bastard.

>> No.9568711

is spooner friends with that lewis guy? it would be horrible if they hung out together at conventions

>> No.9568766

>>9565093 >>9565095

first time on this board and i see this

what the actual fuck

>> No.9569094

welcome to cgl

>> No.9569128

Nah spooner hates him too. Spooner isn't actuallya perv/creeper. He shared his own pictures not pictures of other girls. Saw no evidence of him apparently taking up skirts either.

Most of the cosplay girls are obease/ugly anyway so who the hell would take up skirts

>> No.9569162

There was a photo after a Hyper Japan of him on his back next to the stage obviously taking upshots but of course unless someone posts it it's just words

But I have seen him after an MCM once where he was following a girl round the grassy square by the Novotel, she was clearly uncomfortable but he was looking like he was about to chase her down.

>> No.9569192
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Shit I keep meaning to post this and then forgetting

There you go

>> No.9569193
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And in any case of someone wanting to deny it's actually him

Here he is in the exact outfit and that backpack

>> No.9569201

I really doubt this is up skirts. For 1 he's not close enough. For another thiers literally a crowd of people behind him... if he was doing that he'd have been told to stop. Lastly the girls on stage would not dance/perform if he was doing that right in front of them

>> No.9569225

I was literally there, I saw him do it, the girls looked super uncomfortable and then after he had left the area he was escorted out the venue

>> No.9569226

Hi Sindy

>> No.9569228

The legs

>> No.9569332

Hi Lewis

>> No.9569368


Do you know what group it was?

>> No.9569418

Do Brit cosplayers make good girlfriends? I wouldn't mind a nice gf who can sew up a storm but they seem pretty insane from reading cgl.

>> No.9569470


theyll always end up being really fucking fat/ugly.

go for the actual asians(ie not muslims/pakis) or mixed race.

>> No.9569633

Cinnamon Purin

>> No.9570524

Does anyone have the screencaps for lewis?

>> No.9570556

What particular screenshots

>> No.9570562
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Fuck off Lewis,
God you're so transparent....

>> No.9570668

Screencaps of the accusing comments? Can't see them on his profile, not his friend

>> No.9570801
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When you live less than an hour away from this...

>> No.9570856

Anon, your health is more important that fitting in a chinese cartoon costume. Your body is still recovering, don't try and push it to lose weight. A few extra pounds won't matter.

>> No.9571647

So Tokonatsu is around the corner, it'll be my first time going. What should I expect?

>> No.9571805

Oh hey, it's my first time going too. I've no idea what to expect myself but I heard people said it's a good social con with decent drinking.

>> No.9572850

I'm looking to go to more cons next year that are more about the even than the sales

As I'm new to the UK conventions scene, can anybody recomend me cons that have lots of pannels on and activities for the whole day/weekend.

Obviously kita and sunny are up their on my list but are there any others?

>> No.9572852

Lots more going on this year than usual- usually at toko I just chill with my friends in the sun/games tent and don't bother too much with events, but this year there's going to be a maid cafe, karaoke, dance workshop- sounds like there's a lot more going on. Basically expect to talk to a lot of new people- the more you socialise at toko the better it is. No need to cosplay, most don't bother, but bring any fun card games or board games you have. The tg tent has an outstanding variety of games and it's a very easy way to make new friends.

>> No.9572855

Glad to see others having experiences with Spooner, just so I know he's not some crazy fever dream hallucination I've been having at cons.

>> No.9572958

Well they do say he is the Chris-Chan of the UK.

>> No.9572964


>> No.9572974
File: 82 KB, 480x640, deprived lunatic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 30 year old crazy who has tantrums over trivial things such as Sonic having blue Arms, also the author of some awful Sonic-Pokemon crossover comic.

>> No.9573088

I knew him before I left found out about the Ass Of Darkness. It's a surreal experience.

>> No.9573210

It's so much worse than that.

>> No.9573252

Chris-Chan is probably the deepest people can dig for cringeworthy shit. He even makes Redditors look like they have lives.

>> No.9573294

Anyone know if MCM manchester will have a cloakroom for bags n shit?

also will we have any e-celebs like spooner or obayed or maybe even towers sneaking in?

>> No.9573324

Towers is banned from MCM, you'll probably see Spooner and Obayed though.

>> No.9573414

Spooner is at LFCC that weekend

>> No.9573419

Yeah they have a cloakroom there.

>> No.9573717


>> No.9574219

So any word about eurocosplay? Do people care more about ECG then?

>> No.9574260

Chris-Chan cut a hole in his taint and claimed it was his vagina.
There are pictures/videos of him masturbating using it.
Nothing is worse than Chris-Chan.

Don't worry anon, I appreciated this post.

>> No.9574297

j-just why

>> No.9574322

Isn't there an actual Chris-Chan reference in the new season? Like a crazy obsessive sonic fanboy basically kidnaps sonic and forces him to read fanficition and fanart, one of the lines is "Oops, sorry It looks like the arms aren't coloured in yet."

>> No.9574336

God everytime I read that it makes me feel faint.

>> No.9574621

Ame and Aya, if either come back. Aya is more about the panels, Ame more about the events/balls. Kita is mainly a piss up, with the committee whining at people drinking at a con they marketed as a drinking con.

Don't touch anything by Anime League with a baregpole.

>> No.9574888

Who the hell is Candy Valentina, and why is she now on the cosplay scene with her shitty bought costumes, shes a model who gets her stuff made for her, quality is low tier, yet she has a massive following, end rant...

>> No.9574989

LFCC is in a few days....any big news or stuff about that?

>> No.9575261

Natalie Dormer still hasn't canceled. I suppose that's some kind of news.

>> No.9575344

didnt she win the masq at MCM May(?) when Sneaky Zebra were judges?

>> No.9575351

ECG is a free trip to Paris. EC is just London Expo.

>> No.9575368

I don't think SZ have ever judged at MCM, LSCC they definitely have.

>> No.9575399

shes been here for a while. she does a lot of modelling and shes hot. thats why she has a big following. i met her and her boyfriend last year and they were really nice.

>> No.9575412

>this weather

Is Toko doomed?

>> No.9575425

I love how I'm not the only one who saw this. Kek. He came up to my friend and showed her his ass. He's an interesting character alright.

>> No.9575449

She's actually really decent,met her during mcm few years back she's really kind and not up her self unlike some of the cosplay "models"you get.

>> No.9575634

Its funny how many cosplayers are now in a panic because LFCC has sold out of tickets and they hadn't brought them.

>> No.9575767

So glad I bought mine on time..

>> No.9576529

The WCS reps Moonlily and Frederica La Noir go to Japan today.

It's obvious we won't place at all though - at least they have people nice enough to make tshirts and care packages for them

>> No.9576617 [DELETED] 

Where did they bring them from?

>> No.9576619

where were they bringing them from?

>> No.9576679

why the fuck would anyone go to Liverpool and get stabbed by scousers when on the same day MCM is out in Manchester, 20 minutes away?

>> No.9576686

..Who cares if we place? People entering these comps do it for the experience not because they're dead set on winning. Theres always crying that nobody "tries" and that's true to an extent but with these comps people entering care more about having fun and making friends than being the best team

Post-Brexit it's unlikely we'd win anything at WCS because of politics anyway

>> No.9576756

Haven't WCS reps usually had tshirts tho? Or no?

>> No.9577081

It's hilarious there are people like yourself who still think people can actually win WCS. It's as political as Eurovision.

>> No.9577085

Any gulls at MCM this weekend?

>> No.9577101

So it's much less political than you think then. Glad we got tha clear.

>> No.9577600

What part of my post said I thought we would actually win? When we've even sent Laura and Lex twice with nothing gained it's obvious WCS has strings attached in terms of politics.

>> No.9577624

Laura and Lex had tons of issues with their skit last time. With those problems they wouldn't have placed regardless of if politics come into play for WCS or not.

>> No.9577741

I am

Is it me or is sunday unusually pretty much sold out this time round?

>> No.9577812

How strict are tokonatsu on tent sizes, we've got a 6 man tent for 3 of us but 1 ust bailed so it's only 2 of us going. They have paid for their ticket and pitch though but I don't want to cause issue if 2 of us turn up with a large tent.

>> No.9577913

They had problems because WCS and MCM didn't pass on any of the right info to them, probably WCS not caring about lower sponsorship countries. You see it across the board for loads of the lesser countries going along, there's definitely preferential treatment at WCS and the uk ranks pretty low

>> No.9578007
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>Eurovision is political
>When the best song wins every year

Top kek anon. Next you'll be saying that the UK never wins.

>> No.9578016

Nobody gives a shit, just don't be obnoxious about placing, clutter, noise etc and you'll be fine. I take a 6 man tent for two every year.

>> No.9578021

>100% precipitation, raining all fuckin day
>100%, rain all day

holy fuck, that's some really good luck there for MCM Manchester.

I'd be raging if it rained while queueing up for an hour.

>> No.9578897
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front seat of mcm lads.

they better up the lighting though.

hope that tamamo joined the masquerade

>> No.9578930

keep us updated senpai

>> No.9578985
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thumbelina qualifies.

i couldnt find the tamamo cosplayer so im sad as fuck

>> No.9579044

Thumbelina is the judge not the contestant

>> No.9579058


the judges are megara and the dark souls blondie.

thumbelina actually did perform were you even there?

>> No.9579128

That's Kyokyo cosplay, she is normally a judge for MCM masquerades though so that's probably why the confusion.

Interested to see the skit if there was one though I'm 95% sure it will be that scene Thumbelina has the outfit for.

>> No.9579129


Skit was good, fuckin shitloads of layers she had on. Shame I was retarded as shit and didn't charge my phone at 3pm while resting.

>tfw all that bouncy goodness when she was wearing that skin tight gown

>> No.9579133

yeah I've seen some footage now, pretty much what I expected for that specific outfit and I liked the light up wings.

There wasn't any major competition I guess this year, some nice leather work but nothing that really stood out so I expect the performance points made the decision in the end.

>> No.9579144

Did Amazonian Cosplay win at LFCC?

>> No.9579148

If you enter the same thing enough times you will fluke a win once right??

>> No.9579152

Nah. Someone else, same costume but actually done well.

>> No.9579153


>"sometimes nobody shows up and you automatically win"
>"it politic bro"

>> No.9579155
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This entirely very accurate costume won? Somehow I feel that's unlikely

>> No.9579156
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You weren't lying

>> No.9579157
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Professional cosplay

>> No.9579165
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>> No.9579194

Saw Spooner stalking around LFCC today and could only think of those screenshot of his Instagram. Somewhat unsettling. He seems to have plenty of people that like him though. Which is more unsettling.

>> No.9579204

someone said he was in the masquerade

>> No.9579221
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Yup, there he is far left.

What about Amelia, thought she'd be going in again?

>> No.9579225

i saw her there so i don't know why she wasn't in the masquerade :S

>> No.9579227

Oh wow that was spooner then. I thought he looked familiar. Started talking to me. Asking if my character was from Red Alert. Well...at least I didn't have to look at his IG.

>> No.9579242

And then there was Enja Cosplay redefining sandbagging. Great show.

>> No.9579247

What did he do?

>> No.9579253

Entered Loki. His ECG winning cosplay.

>> No.9579278

Didn't it come second at the same thing last year?

>> No.9579300

Amazonian was boasting that hers was better and that the other was based off hers. When the judges were describing the winner she was about to stride over.

My sides fucking split

>> No.9579309

I mean she's not wrong, it is better

>> No.9579338

lel, I wish I could have seen her face

>> No.9579339

If you mean the Loki in above, that's not Enja? Unless he's not in that group.

Wasn't Enja in C4 this year? I hardly heard anything about that comp or even the con itself (which is understandable since it is in the Netherlands)

>> No.9579341

He's entered that costume so many times now, has he even made a new costume since then?

>> No.9579343

He's in the middle

>> No.9579344

There are two Lokis in that picture...

>> No.9579346

Looks like all the talent and originality went to Manchester this weekend

>> No.9579353

The winner was so much better. amazonians is a mess because she didn't bother to wait for a decent reference. Gotta be first for that juicy juicy cosfame

>> No.9579380


the freakin children cosplayers in MCM were better than that.

>> No.9579691
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There's a Dutch thread where compos get discussed. It's a few threads ago now. Team France won C4 with snow white.

>> No.9579692
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And a picture of all the group compo winners (I'm not seeing Enja in it, I did see him backstage on Sunday though)

>> No.9579714

Wow, guessing winning ecg wasn't enough. The costumes looking pretty beat up now too

>> No.9579807

What a unfortunate face.

>> No.9579824
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>Little kid with hoverboard in bottom right

>> No.9579825

Am I going mad, or is that a John Fucking Freeman cosplayer?

>> No.9579860

Didn't laura make parts of it for him?

>> No.9579972

I fucking hope so.

>> No.9579991

No it's reaper before he became reaper. Gabriel something, from Overwatch.

>> No.9580022
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thanks anon - those winning costumes look gorgeous, kudos to them!

I literally just had to do a double take, there he is. My bad

>> No.9580101

Who came runner up at lfcc?

>> No.9580213
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From the looks of this photo a Link cosplayer came second.

>> No.9580226

Are those the judges with them?

>> No.9580242

I'm assuming so - this was taken from the LFCC winner Uncannyannie cosplay

>> No.9580352
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Kyle Hebert wants to come to the UK as a guest for MCM in October according to twitter.
>inb4 using twitter
If anybody wants to see him just send MCM an email, apparently they are taking requests for October until the end of August.

>> No.9580431

Get a new pr team you wanker no one wants you here.

>> No.9580457

Oh fuck *that* guy. I remember seeing him at cons just kind of loitering about and being a bit creepy. I've always wondered WTF his deal was.

>> No.9580598


>> No.9580885
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First time here too, friend has been nagging me to go last year but didn't get the chance.
I'll be in my Luka Urushibara/Miko cosplay because why the hell not, drinking while cosplaying sounds like a laugh.

>> No.9580957


>> No.9580959

let us know how it goes anon, my friend's persuading me to go next year but I'm not a big fan of camping outdoors

>> No.9580977

Will do, though been camping every year so that doesn't really put me off.

>> No.9580994

pls be male

>> No.9580995

Daga otoko da.

>> No.9580996
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>> No.9581002
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I know.
I actually have two Luka cosplays, I got one genuine steins;gate brand one and my chinese brand one, so I'll be wearing the chinese brand one with one of my prototype hairpieces.
Save me losing or damaging any of the official cosplay.

Next year might do Mayqueen Lukako.

>> No.9581009
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I hope you're decent at passing

>> No.9581017

What are some camping essentials? Sorted so far:

Sleeping bag
Sleeping mat

Anything else? Also are there any supermarkets in walking distance from Toko?

>> No.9581037

readingsteiner liked my cosplay, though won't be putting much effort into it at toko as it's just for laffs and drinks.
Getting into the spirit so to speak of going to weebcamp 2017.

Clothes is always a good one.
Wetwipes too so you can quick clean if need be without having to pop into the showers.

>> No.9581081

Did anyone else notice that there was an overabundance of bootleg merch at MCM this weekend?
Looking for legit merch was like trying to find a needle in a haystack this weekend holy fuck.
Saw one stall selling a clearly bootlegged Rem Nendo for 38 quid.

>> No.9581091

He knows one of our group and got talking to them at comicon and ended up following us in october (When he was in his DV8 suit)

We went to a place near the fox and ordered food.... all except him because he looked at the menu and went "Nah this is too expensive" and just sat there while we ate.....

Like, solid hour in this place and he didn't do anything but sit there.

>> No.9581095
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you'd have to be borderline retarded to buy most of the merch there.

I just came for the alpaca shit. I probably should've bought one of those bigass plushies and more keychains though, fuck it'll be another year till I see one (unless I go to London later). also,

>like 50 grams of churros
>there are fatfucks who actually queued for 40+ minutes for this shit

>> No.9581101

Pretty much, Just go for the shit you can't really get otherwise from the actual dealers, like I recall rice digital sold parts of various collectors editions and sold t-shirts that they don't have on the online store.

Everything else just buy from nipland if you really want it.

>> No.9581108

Slippers/sandals in case you need to piss in the middle of the night
Some kind of standing/hanging lamp for your tent
Something for bug bites

There's a little village shop within ten minutes walk and people regularly drive to tesco

>> No.9581297


>> No.9581302 [DELETED] 

Any britgull lolitas want to show me their cute feetsies?

>> No.9581333

Here senpai:

Chippy round the corner as well if you don't want to pay loads of money. I'd bring a camping chair as well.

>> No.9582258

So there were death threats to artists and stars at LFCC. The most worrying thing is that there were almost no bagchecks. At MCM I can't get in without having everything checked. LFCC didn't even bother to try and check me until I put my bag voluntarily on the desk because I was very aware of the fact that the rifle I took with me could look real to others.

They were very lax, and then you've got actual madmen in who want to kill a comic artist and due to the artist not being at the table, he said he'd go and find Cumberbatch instead.

Come on LFCC, up your security game! A snifferdog is useless if the staff doesn't want to do anything.

>> No.9582285

Did this happen on the Saturday? On Saturday I put my open bag on the desk and the guy didn't even look down before waving me through. On the Sunday I had a suitcase and got the full sniffer dog and taking things out of my bag so they could get to the bottom treatment so I wonder whether they stepped it up or if it was just luck.

>> No.9582295
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When the Junkrat is fatter than the Roadhog. Did anyone else see this trainwreck at mcm?

>> No.9582316

Anyone else read the Daily Fail article about LFCC?

>> No.9582352

How did the Sunday MCM masquerade go?

>> No.9582357


Yup. To be honest I feel as though I should be more worried about the people actually going in there looking to read it, or even bothering to read it in the first place. We all know they're full of writers whose parents didn't hug them enough as children.

>> No.9582364
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>Like going to cons to meet VAs/guests/artists
>MCM hasn't changed for the past 3 years and the guests are abhorrently bad
>LFCC promises great guests until the last minute then they cancel the day before the event
>Animeleague has the same guests every year and is generally awful to go to

>No idea what cons to start regularly going to
UK is fucking shit for this.

>> No.9582447

>I went to some bad cons and was surprised when they turned out to be bad

I don't really know what to say, anon....

>> No.9582452

Toko soon lads.

Packed wellies and enough booze to black out the memory of the bastard wasps?
Who's going for the pizza gash this year?

>> No.9582467

Need to buy some wellies like. What's the weather supposed to be like for the weekend?

>> No.9582471

So far, cloudy with a chance of showers.

>> No.9582498

Sort of like that last year iirc. Maybe we can pray the wasp away?

>> No.9582557

Oh no, that reminds me of Wasp-con which hopefully Kita won't become

>> No.9582641

Just got some local made vodka, just need the boots.
Also need to print everything out for bring n buy tomorrow too.

>> No.9582649

Saturday yeah

>> No.9582749

I've got some Stella from Morrisons and some rum and coke mate. Should be sorted for weekend hopefully.

>> No.9583150

Are some Wellies that needed I get it's going to be wet but is the ground that wet? I don't really have anything like that other than perhaps some old boots or my workboots?

And wasps too, are they really bad? Should I look at getting some bugspray or a wasp trap or something for the tent or are they just an occasional sight. Shit I didn't even think of this sort of thing.

So far I've got clothes, tent/sleeping junk, a torch/lanterns, a few powerbanks for phones, washing stuff, a fold out table and chairs, basic shit like asprin and plasters, bottles of water, bin-bags and stuff, a couple small bins, getting booze tommorow a bottle of sambuca and jaeger and a couple crates of cider, maybe some sours plus whatever my buddy brings, not sure what the drinking environment is like so maybe this is overkill.

What is the food situation like, I know we can't cook jack ourselves but are there food cars during the day and that sort of thing or should we hoard snacks in the tent to for fuel.

Also, what time do we arrive for the Thursday early check in, I can't see it anywhere but I assume it's like noon I guess?

Are showers accessible? With a fairly sized event I'm wondering what the brawl for em is going to be like.

Going to bring a few board games that we might bring stuff like Barbarossa the Loli Nazi Deckbuilding game to Boss Monster. A couple decks of standard playing cards, and Drinking-Jenga, which is pretty self explanatory and a great party piece. Wonder if it's worth making a new set with some weeaboo themed pulls just for Toko.

Anything else that idiots forget that should be obvious?

>> No.9583269

It's a field. When it rains it gets muddy. You should probably get some wellies. Wasps can be awful but so long as people don't leave their rubbish around or spill alcohol they can be dealt with.
Food vans on site for food and a pub and chippy round the corner. Plus the big tesco within driving distance if you have a pal with a car.
There are enough showers that you can just queue up for one unless you're super unlucky.
The website states that early entry grants you:

Permission to arrive on-site starting from 1700 BST on Thursday 3rd August 2017.

So I wouldn't recommend arriving at noon unless you want to acquaint yourself with the surroundings.

>> No.9583358

Thanks, couldn't find an exact time when I was looking myself.

Food vans and a chippy sound satisfactory.

Sucks about the wasps, I fucking hate flying bastards.

I'll have to look for some decent boots or wellies later today then.

>> No.9583669
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Here is a photo everyone's been waiting for..

>> No.9583721


>> No.9583775

It is pissing it down lads, hope you've got your wellies for Toko.

>> No.9584043
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Top kek

>> No.9584168
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>Kita events schedule is up
>It's shit

I didn't expect QUALITY from Kita, but holy shit. The only thing I'm remotely interested in is the Red Dwarf panel, and what the fuck is that even doing there at an anime con?

>> No.9584191

Where is the schedule, I can't see it on their website or facebook.

>> No.9584312

Well here is hoping I can find some in town tommorow.

>> No.9584332

Notice a lot of Falcon bashing here, the guy is a grade A twat however Obayed couldn't make it clearer he's posting about him here. Your vendetta against him doesn't relent, go back to stalking Towers you buffoon

>> No.9584613


Kita stopped being an anime con years back my dude.

>> No.9584805




>> No.9584894

I think it seems better than last year, but I'll most likely just end up staying in the games room and playing in the Smash tourney again

>> No.9584922

Gettin them today, good thing I checked everythin's waterproof.

>> No.9584965

As usual, I've got hours with nothing I want to do and then three panels I want to see at once

>> No.9584968

Good place to get wellies on the cheap? There's a Boyes near me

>> No.9585098


Hi Falcon.

>> No.9585100


Primark does them in the summer because of festival season.

>> No.9585203

Ended up going to Boyes. £12 so a decent enough price really.

>> No.9585246

Inbound for toko, any of you degenerates there yet. I hope the place is as good a booze up as I've heard or we brought too much.

>> No.9585341
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arrivin tomorro cause im a fag.

ATM I'm trying to make room in my bag to put my cosplay in.

>> No.9585348

You fucking bellend, someone speaks out again Obayed must the person they're targeting. Get the fuck out.

>> No.9585370

This should be put in a museum.

>> No.9585534

G'night Tokofags. Tachibana rules. Go Tigers.

>> No.9586014

Tigers are fucking shite. All about the Phoenix's mate

>> No.9586209

If anyone needs to know, my tent is the one with the bin bags on

>> No.9586227

But do you have booze?

>> No.9586261

Of course

>> No.9586290

Does anyone have any pesticide?? My friends tent is literally on an ant hill

>> No.9586326

Is it good booze tho?

>> No.9586366

Ye. Stella and rum

>> No.9586368

I got welsh vodka.
Better than stella.

>> No.9586431

did anyone see eeVee at manc last weekend?

>> No.9586435
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>> No.9586440
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>going to Kita for the events
You're gonna have a bad time. Only thing I expect from Kita is a decent party in the evening. Got a few cosplay groups going so I'll probably be chillin' outside most of the con

>> No.9586445

Big the Cat

>> No.9586448
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>Spooner knows my full name and points at me and says it everytime I see him because I added him as a FB friend after a games event.
I'm in the deep end for sure. Is he confirmed for Kita? Should I bring self defense?

>> No.9586489
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Fuken stella faggot.

>> No.9586522

Serp kidda. I like drinking it.

>> No.9586625

>Body Positivity panel at Kita

Bet the panelist is a fatty with muh disabilities.

>> No.9586652

>come to Toko anon, it's the most social con!
>none of the people who invited me are here
>The friends I brought are in a card game tournament
>It is infact, not easy to meet people here

I feel lied to....

>> No.9586668

Come drink by the fire

>> No.9586719

I'll be your pal

>> No.9586902

man complains he is lonely
anons offer help
ignores them to continue to be sad

/cgl/ a wonderful place

>> No.9586917

so is there a /cgl/ meet at kita planned?
I want to make some degenerate friends ;_;

>> No.9587187

We'll put one together closer to the time, probably on the steps one evening

>> No.9587279

>All of this rain

Can't have good weather every year ;-;

>> No.9587318

Haha, I'm ok dude. Being lonely is dull, but I'd hate to be a burden on strangers. I did think it was extremely kind of those anons to offer though. I was just pointing out that I'm finding it harder to approach strangers here than I would a regular con at a bar or something.

Bonus green text story
>drifting off to sleep last night
> couple next to me start fucking
>girl suddenly screams "No I won't suck your dick!"
>"Oh come on Eileen..."

>this morning
>can't get " COME ON EILEEN, WONT YOU GO DOWN ON ME..." out of my head

>> No.9587329
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>> No.9587425

Tachibana shrine fell to the great winds but the Bonsai remains undeterred.

>> No.9587561

Cheeki hint, order pizza from pizzagogo

>> No.9587830

ty bro

>> No.9587841

You bellend I've had that stuck in my head all day.

>> No.9587950

hows toko guys

>> No.9588161


>> No.9588767

Slutty cheerleaders in lip sync were top notch

>> No.9588802
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Really was incredible

Also isn't Hibanacon just Kita but a bit harder to get to

>> No.9588832

Tachibana got Dumbledored at the last second.

Go orange tigers.

>> No.9588844

Made me realise just how bad I am at small talk. I really need to get around to talking to people outside my designated friend group.
But its been pretty fun, lipsync was MVP.

>> No.9588957
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>> No.9589516

The key difference is that hibanacon is actually an anime convention

>> No.9589587

Well have to try harder next year and put the Phoenix down for good. The house stuff was actually pretty fun and interesting looking forwards to next year toko.

Good show Red. House leader was a Qt in the Taira Samurai cosplay too.

>> No.9589592

Sigh. Regular as clockwork, SZ doing their...attention seeking, feel sorry for me status. Money grabbing ungreatful duo who gets famous by taking your money, getting free trips paid for Crunchy Rolls across the country. They are so transparent I really dont get why you all think theyre amazing.

>> No.9589597


Like, I'm no SZ fan but I can't see any attention seeking post in the past few days on their FB or Twitter....

>> No.9589620

What do you think the amecon announcement will be? New smaller location hopefully

>> No.9589645
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Red leader was so cute! She was kind of socially awkward which added to her appeal.

>> No.9589658

>Getting the train back
>No space for big bags so I have to sit near the doors with it
>5% battery

Not going to be a good journey tbqh lads

>> No.9589801


Back the to Britannia lads!

>> No.9589802

Why smaller? They just moved to Aya's venue, let's face it, it's the only decent venue in UK.

I mean Amecon is no Ayacon, but it's the nearest thing we've got.

>> No.9589958

what about their personal accounts?

>> No.9590046

>wanting to move away from Warwick
Literally why

>> No.9590417

It's on his personal ac. Translates as, I can't get free trips, need to beg for more. Everyone please donate me more money so I can enjoy more holidays abroad at your expense.

>> No.9590435

I fail to see what SZ actually bring to the community to warrent funded.

They don't do anything which already other people do for free and out of their own pocket. Move along, times changed. Give up and get a real job and stop freeloading. Zero respect for people like them.

>> No.9590472


I used to like their CMVs but since they thought they could get invited places and now make them feel like they are suddenly worth something.

With that post Nick made it feel like he just doesn't want to be only making CMVs and because he hasn't gotten any traction on his original series or director endeavors he's having a "woe is me" moment.

I'm not a fan of the guys work but his post is something that I'd akin more for an actual cry for help rather than a "waaaah my skills deserve recognition, pay me what I'm worth" post, which is the vibe I ALWAYS get when they tweet companies begging for work.

>> No.9590771

>Implying the Britannia wasn't the best con venue we've ever had

>> No.9590862

A friend in Notts said that they finally replaced the H on the sign. It's no longer the Otel.

You want to start a petition to get amecon to go back there? With the H on the front, it's a whole new hotel

>> No.9590988

so how's things been lately? doesn't sound like there was any big drama from lfcc or mcm manchester last week. what about this latest weekend?

>> No.9591445

>Not at my sacred circle steps of Warwick
just kill me now fampai

>> No.9591455
File: 199 KB, 500x369, 1496854375113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 days till Kita. who prepped. who [worried].

cosplays are 95% done. prob the most prepared I've been for a con in a long time, but I know something's gonna fuck up at the last minute.

>> No.9591606

I'm just still kind of shocked that I got a room in Bluebell for the weekend really

>> No.9592457

thread's in autosage lads

>> No.9592516

Haven't got too much to do left for my costumes but I need to knuckle down and stop procrastinating

>> No.9592547

Not related to Kita but is it worth to stay near the Excel centre over night for MCM London? Planning on going for 2 days and I don't know if I should just get the train home then come back, or stay the night and see what happens after the con.

>> No.9592558

you'll be lucky if you can find anything near the Excel for a decent rate at this time, the rooms go quickly and the prices aren't worth it unless you cram people into your room. It depends on what cosplays you're taking too.

>> No.9592561

Huh. I've been saving us for a hotel for a fair bit of time so the price won't matter too much.

Is the night even worth it, though? Like what happens? I've seen a few things in these threads but I dunno where that stuff happens.

>> No.9592568

If I'm honest you might as well just train it in each day. There is a party on the Saturday night which never seems to be worth the hassle, and it's not like a convention where there are dedicated evening panels or music.

>> No.9592575

i am out here to fucc

>> No.9592591

I kinda like the idea of the easter con chibi Ame/mini Kita being at the Britannia and Warwick being the big summer venue. Fingers crossed for date announcements.

>> No.9592693

If that was trolling, it was pretty bad.

>> No.9592727


I mean, they posted that sincerely, that's kinda worse desu