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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9580998 No.9580998 [Reply] [Original]

New larp thread: We survived the schlammageddon edition.

pictures and stories later when I rested enough

>> No.9581001
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oh, yeah
previous thread >>9554363

>> No.9581006
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So like I was sayin' last thread, I need help figuring out good barbarian garb. Esp for Autumn and Winter.

I am pretty fit and the only exercises I can afford at this time, besides a pretty physical job, are calisthenics

Any ideas? Thanks yo

>> No.9581069

Given that time of year, going full Frazzata and running around with a loincloth and your mighty thews showing probably is not a great idea.

How about several partial layers of leather, scraps of armour and furs? Possibly over a base layer of a shirt and/or tunic for when it gets really cold and you have the option of mixing and maxing the layers for a variety of looks and climates. A fantasy Mad-Max scavanger kind of vibe.

>> No.9581177

I second this. Barbarians probably didn't care what they looked like, so they cobbled furs and leather into clothes. Fur line the crap out of everything. Add a hat to match you "nationality" and you're set.

>> No.9581199


Yeah that's what I was thinking pretty much.

Thankfully I've got a half-skirt (Whatever Conan wore in the Jason Mamoa movie) I can line with fur and a leather vest I can do that with too. Nice. Gotta grab the fur from the fabric store, though I guess.

Now all I need I guess are some good boots and a tunic and I'm set. Any cheap recs? Esp for boots. http://www.darkknightarmoury.com/p-7348-villager-boots.aspx I was thinking somethin' like these guys

>> No.9581204


Ideas for some sexy ass barbarian hats?

>> No.9581213

We are going to war! We are going to war! Finally going to War! Enough diplomancy and stupid negotiations! Give me a war of annihilation!

>> No.9581233
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Nothing says barbarian quite like Mongols, and you're planning on going around in the buff anyway.

Jokes aside, Mongolian helmets and fur hats are the shit.

>> No.9581241
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babbys first DIY bracers

>> No.9581259

>only exercises I can afford at this time
gravity and cleverness are free though

>> No.9581304
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Damn that guy has class


What would you suggest for getting big? Like I said I'm fit but could use a bit more buff. No six pack but I'd imagine most irl barbarians didn't really walk around with a shredded six pack all day either.


>> No.9581390

>not being buff
>wanting to do a barbarian and run around in the buff
I mean, just go for a celtic style character. But really, don't be a navel warrior.

And more importantly, don't cheapen out on your soft kit, even if you want to walk around bare chested half the time. It's bound to get chilly at some point.

>> No.9581691

I am a tiny bit buff but like I said, I could use a bit more lol. I mean a lot more. I don't look like a flabby gross mess when I'm shirtless, nor a tiny twig man.

I miss the gym regardless though.

Depends on how hot it gets but yeah I am gonna try to figure out how to layer stuff for winter time. Need more furs.

>> No.9581701

Furs and leather layered on each other looks great man, and since it can't be store bought you end up with a quick and easy all personal costume!

Trust me, you want to just deck yourself out in clothing in the end, and be prepared for all kinds of weather just in case. In all honesty, when I see people going half nude they're either flabby or showing off. Neither of the times I like it.

And before you say I'm just a jelly nerd. I'm a 3 year lifter, going for a few hours without a shirt is great if it's called for. But don't actively look it out, you'll seem like a try-hard and nobody likes a try-hard.

With furs, leather and random straps of cloth you can make one sick costume, look at the DF orcs and the likes.

>> No.9581963
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so once more, i made this armour to intentionally look like a self taught amateur made it but did i fuck it up too much? still a wip

>> No.9581974


get yourself a 20 dollar pull up bar and start working on wide grip pull ups and start working toward hand stand push ups. it really causes your shoulders to bulk out which makes you look more ripped.

that and eat more! you can only gain muscle mass by consuming more calories that you expend

>> No.9582207
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Anyone went to Avatar in Belgium?
I had a lot of fun and am still processing I will have to wait an entire year for the next one.

>> No.9582336

Is there some 'maturity' scale regarding LARP activities or is it all just in my head?

As in, are those who only fight when it has some story-related impact, or those who only enjoy LARPs with deeper themes (Usually chamber LARPs) considered more mature than those who enjoy beating each other with latex foamsticks in metal plates?

>> No.9582361
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this is the most accurate maturity scale I've ever found

>> No.9582369
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Based HLF strikes again.

how was DF?

>> No.9582372

As the guy who joined the golden and black night raid I can tell you copper really isn't all that great early in the morning. The only real opponent we had was the mud while we were retreating with the black banner.

It's iffy. Both can be good and bad, and depending on country and LARPs and what have you it can change massively.

What I can say is that at the LARPs I go to most of the time the guys who come purely to fight are the less mature ones. And those who focus on roleplaying are usually the more mature or experienced players.

>> No.9582379
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it was... muddy.
Weakest Drachenfest in the five years I've went there but even then it was pretty good.
Also the fact that I survived all that fucking mud gave me IRL xp points, or at least that's how I choose to remember

>> No.9582399
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>> No.9582400
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>> No.9582401
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>> No.9582408
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>> No.9582466
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>> No.9582469
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>> No.9582473
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>> No.9582474
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>> No.9582475
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>> No.9582476
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>> No.9582477
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>> No.9582478
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>> No.9582479
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>> No.9582480
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>> No.9582481


Hell yeah man, bought myself one just last week lol. Any other exercises you'd recommend?

And yeah. My biggest issue is the eating thing. I can manage to eat more but I REALLY need to up my appetite. Is stomach stretching a legitimate thing? I've also been thinking of trying Paleo out.

Yeah, that was the plan. Went out and bought some faux fur to line some of my costume with that I've already got. Any recs where to buy some good actual fur fur though?

http://www.darkknightarmoury.com/p-7348-villager-boots.aspx also are these good boots or should I look at toggle boots by viking leather crafts?

>> No.9582483
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>> No.9582484
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>> No.9582489
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>> No.9582490
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>> No.9582493
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>> No.9582494
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>> No.9582497
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>> No.9582506
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>> No.9582508
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>> No.9582510
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>> No.9582511
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>> No.9582514
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>> No.9582515

I know some of the LK made clips of the blue-maroone/Rosso-Verdi supporters, if you can lay your hands on them could you post them here?

>> No.9582520
File: 197 KB, 1620x1080, Drachenfest2017_picdump_by_Tibor_Pongracz_238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends, which side did you supported?

>> No.9582522
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>> No.9582523
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>> No.9582524

The only good side. I'm not a whuresone.

>> No.9582528
File: 222 KB, 1620x1080, Drachenfest2017_picdump_by_Tibor_Pongracz_246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then lets see some proof of it

>> No.9582532

You invited me to the game and the only good supporter side (thanks for that by the way). Did find the other guy in Goldenes lager at the end of the event though.

We were the faggots who were there like an hour early with the benches and booze.

>> No.9582533
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>> No.9582536
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fair enough, but one can never be too cautious about blu marone scum trying to spy on us.

The video is not up yet, probably later in the week or the next one

>> No.9582538
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>> No.9582541

Only a blu marone would do such a low thing, it's good you're careful around them.

Once it's up if you could drop it here you'd be a hero.

>> No.9582542
File: 220 KB, 1620x1080, Drachenfest2017_picdump_by_Tibor_Pongracz_251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do

>> No.9582548
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>> No.9582566

Avatar is for poofters and has been since it's tenth anniversary or so.

>oui, oui, les règles sont les règles, mais tout le monde doit s'amuser, hein?
>J'ai trompe la mort!
>j'ai la triche sur 6!

>> No.9582572


the hand stand push-ups will be pretty good upper body if you're just looking for visual results but dont skimp on lunges and squats especially if you're going the battle skirt route. killer calves+ skirt is sexy on everybody.

if you live in the suburbs or country, get yourself a maul and some wood to split. it'll be the very best workout to build all the muscles of a guy who swings a two handed axe all day. it's also scientifically proven to boost testosterone which helps with muscle growth

>> No.9582578
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>> No.9582580
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>> No.9582581
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>> No.9582582
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>> No.9582584
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>> No.9582585
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>> No.9582587
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>> No.9582590
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>> No.9582592
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>> No.9582593
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>> No.9582595
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>> No.9582596
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>> No.9582597
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>> No.9582599
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>> No.9582600
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>> No.9582601
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>> No.9582602
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>> No.9582603
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>> No.9582605
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>> No.9582606
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>> No.9582608
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>> No.9582609
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>> No.9582610
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>> No.9582656

Cat-dad and cat-daughter were awesome. Now that's proper parenting.

>> No.9582686 [DELETED] 


Oh no, would never skip those. With my job I basically get in enough bodyweight squats. Not really barbell squats but I guess they help regardless.

And nice. Well, we definitely have the amount of wood. We do have a wood axe but I'll look into the maul thing. Thanks man.

>> No.9582709


Oh no, would never skip those. With my job I basically get in enough bodyweight squats. Not really barbell squats but I guess they help regardless.

Handstand push ups I'd imagine would take a bit to work up to lol

And nice. Well, we definitely have the amount of wood. Also a maul, somewhere. Thanks man.

>> No.9582738

Are you the guy with the boar spear from Freund?
If so, that raid was great fun, even if a bit uneventful at the beginning.

>> No.9582740


search hand stand pushup progression on startingbodyweigh fitness for a good routine. I know it seems like a weird exercise to reccomend but if you don't have a gym it's the best for simultaneously working upper body and balance

>> No.9582741

In fact I am, yeah, started off a bit slow but took a fun turn. Afterwards a pal of mine and I did a raid on a relic that was long gone at chaos camp though, since it hadn't lasted long enough.

>> No.9582748


Alrighty will do.

1 log split. Hopefully more will pile up before it gets too snowy lol. I'm already feeling 10x better than I ever did after a gym workout, I love it lol. Wish I had thought of it earlier.

>> No.9583146
File: 2.77 MB, 2238x2221, Tavern Tak set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished making a tavern tak set! what do you guys think?

>> No.9583207


It looks really neat. Good job.

>> No.9583354

if that's so maybe you could suggest a different big larp in Belgium? oh wait, there isn't any...

>J'ai trompe la mort!
good job proving you haven't been to any of the new editions, those rules were cut out

It's still a fun larp if you don't take everything too seriously.

>> No.9583389
File: 2.80 MB, 2202x2617, WiP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the rope. my WiP is actually starting to look like something now!

>> No.9583394

>if that's so maybe you could suggest a different big larp in Belgium? oh wait, there isn't any...
>I know they only serve literal shit at this restaurant, but we're still hungry
You said that like you have a point. Try a different country

>J'ai trompe la mort!
These particular two rules have been changed. Good job. Now the Umpteen other awful rules remain. As well as the attitude the rules can be ignored for "everyone to have fun"

>good job proving you haven't been to any of the new editions
You're not a genius, anon. I was kind of implying exactly that. That abortion of a larp isn't worth half its price, and I hear enough stories to know that exactly dick has changed.

>It's still a fun larp if you don't take everything too seriously.
Nigger, when three quarter of the players and their grandma decide they're not dead because they don't feel like it and the judges say it's okay because, hey, having fun is most important, I might as well go play army buy pointing my fingers and shouting bang.

And this is without even mentioning the organizers their godawful ineptitude at actually organizing plots, events and battles.

Honestly, man. Stop paying for it and save up to go to Drachenfest. You'll be doing yourself a favour. Unless you're in the barbarian camp, you can just stay and wallow in your own filth, then.

>> No.9583466

wow man you sound way too mad about a larp you don't even go to anymore.
Meanwhile I'll just keep going and keep having fun.
btw anon, I'm sorry you don't have any friends to enjoy avatar with instead of being all serious about it like it's your dayjob.

>> No.9583502

>Eins Zwei oder Drei references


>> No.9583512

If you want the mail-panels to not look like shit, make them 1-6 or completely border them so that they hold their shape.
But if I were you, I'd drop the mail and make myself a multi-segmented apron with those washers and re-use the mail bits for a bishop's mantle to cover the shoulders and the chest.

>> No.9583673

it's ugly as fuck

>> No.9583689


the washers are heavy as fuck. that was my original idea until i discovered that..my vision for the piece didn't work out so after this next event in a couple weeks, i'll probably start over and try something simpler.

i was actually going for that but did I go to far? >>9581963

>> No.9583692

just burn it or use it for something meaningful.
I have no idea how to use this meaningfully in it's current state except beating the living shit out of people with it

>> No.9583779

>I pay good money to get jerked around by amateurs instead of going to a proper larp

Whatever man, it's your life, I'm just pointing out to everyone else that you're hyped up about what is essentially Belgium's Amtgard, and saving them the trouble of trying to find it on a map to get there.

>> No.9583797


you have convinced me to cannibalize it for parts

>> No.9583802


Now you need to think over WHAT you actually want to do. I mean it could be parts for a postapoc stuff but it needs rethinking, or just leave out the washers and make some kind of chain.

If the whole concept is "I will throw material at it and something might turn out from it" then it's bad, even for postapoc.

>> No.9583807


my plan right now is to get the chain and join the segments together to make a kind of tube that goes from sternum to hip. and support it with a belt around the chest and over one shoulder to try to get my original idea. My character's race are a bunch of fish people that usually go barechested because of their gills or else i'd just go full chain shirt

>> No.9583816
File: 159 KB, 720x1080, Drachenfest2017_picdump_by_Tibor_Pongracz_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could also try a bishops mantle like this

>> No.9583822


I like that a lot but the gills thing. i don't want anything close to my neck.

>> No.9584033

>Weakest Drachenfest in the five years I've went there
I went there for the first time and had an absolute blast. What was 'weak' about it to you?

Also, who is/are blu marone?

>> No.9584139

Blue marone are Whuresone. (It's the city's postal service and their sports team.)

First timer here as well, but was a blue cap. Lots of things didn't find their place, we had to spend the Tuesday doing redcaps their work fixing up Limbus, the ritual was so late a lot of IT stuff came far too late. And a day and a half of LARPing time killed is a whole lot of time lost.

The mud and rain made a lot of things hard as well, and it wasn't just my IT insults at the locals.

>> No.9584188

well, way less happening. Way less fights too and people weren't "moving" between camps as much as in previous years. Basically because of the weather everyone stayed in their own camp more. Which is understandable and I did the same because otherwise I would had to go through the knee deep mud.
Plus a lot of thing wasn't ready in time or at all.

And Blu Marone is lesser team in the Steckenkrieg, a sport event originated from the Landsknecht camp and contrary to >>9584139
they aren't the postal service's team. It's a landsknecht team but one of their main fan base and sponsors are from the postal service (and Rosso Verdi's same is the MASH)

>> No.9584269

Ah, that explains the pants. One of the guys from Rosso Verdi said that blu-marone was the postal team and that Rosso Verdi was the mafia, except that the mafia doesn't exist and has nothing to do with this.

>> No.9584284

obviously, nothing to do with it. Neither with the landsknechte.

>> No.9584472

>people weren't "moving" between camps as much as in previous years.
There were some thugs from black camp that were holding up passerby, that wasn't exactly helpful for mobility either. That and the constant packs of orks looking for a fight.

>Plus a lot of thing wasn't ready in time or at all.
Other than the opening ritual (and apparently Limbus), what wasn't done in time?

The problem I ran into myself was that the shuttle was unorganized as fuck. We were told to be at the orgaplex at ten, but nobody inside had any clue what we were talking about, nor bothered to help us. In the end we flagged down a passing redcap, and she arranged a shuttle leaving from town. In the end it left at eleven. Kind of a waste of game time.

>> No.9584724

UK larp fags, how you feeling about the Empire drama?

>> No.9584832
File: 120 KB, 582x625, 1352040256794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I haven't been to any other larps
>implying I can't still have fun despite the bad stuff
>implying I don't go there just to get wasted and have fun with friends
Do people with different tastes than you trigger you so much, anon?

>> No.9584911

>There were some thugs from black camp that were holding up passerby, that wasn't exactly helpful for mobility either. That and the constant packs of orks looking for a fight.
that's normal. I mean usually there are several smaller groups out in the field hitting each other and a dozen or so groups who are ready to protect others by sheer goodwill or for money.
I was out there selling property insurance.

>Other than the opening ritual (and apparently Limbus), what wasn't done in time?
Usually by Wednesday nearly everything is ready and you can't really see people building stuff. This year at wednesday you could have see several cars and such which were still bringing up stuff (cars usually banned from wednesday morning) because they either couldn't bring it up from the mud or needed other emergency supplies because things got flooded.
The homeless "stand" was late, MASH was late, several other stuff was late that I didn't even know the name or needed "repair".
Talked with a guy who said that he woke up that his air mattress was floating on the water. Things went down the shitter....

>The problem I ran into myself was that the shuttle was unorganized as fuck. We were told to be at the orgaplex at ten, but nobody inside had any clue what we were talking about, nor bothered to help us. In the end we flagged down a passing redcap, and she arranged a shuttle leaving from town. In the end it left at eleven. Kind of a waste of game time.
well, not every orga has the same function, some are looking after only for construction or for other specific stuff, you might have asked the wrong one. Although I don't know what kind of shuttle you are talking about that would have been a waste of game time

>> No.9584980

>Do people with different tastes than you trigger you so much, anon?
It's not about you, anon, it's about letting other larpers on here know which larps to avoid.

>implying I don't go there just to get wasted
This part was already assumed.

>> No.9585168

the fuck is that

>> No.9585190
File: 75 KB, 415x542, 1479939553610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no good francophone larp apart from Bicolline

>> No.9585249

What drama?

>> No.9585269
File: 554 KB, 1600x1200, 20170708_051115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn english faggaute.
You go to bico??

I never knee bishop mantle could be this long.
i made one using a broken camail but it only goes to my breast and does not cover my arms.

No idea what this is but ther is never enough period or fantasy games.

Amazing suits.

>> No.9585275

I kinda know rosbeef already but LARPing in this language would be really awkward. And no, never been to bico, to costy for a student.
It's such a shame that with France's huge medieval history, there aren't more stuff of this type.

>> No.9585382
File: 791 KB, 1600x1200, 20170803_162029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never be ashamed of your accent.
that also goes for everyone here.

'Muricans spend their time tying to have a accent while larping.
Now you sound like someone from the 14th century to any anglo.

>> No.9585387
File: 155 KB, 654x920, 8kl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck knows. either a lamia or a naga or someones waifu if you go to /tg/ enough

little above elbow height is a pretty good length for bishop mantles

>> No.9585497

Some cunt was a cunt, there isn't really anything to feel to be honest

>> No.9585569


Murican here. Never had an accent from day 1. In fact in all the time I've been larping, there've been no accents. Maybe one or two but they were at least putting in effort. Meanwhile everyone else just walked around in Under Armor ad chainmail wielding their mighty duct tape dickbats.

Last I had heard that larp is trying to make an encouragement for garb though honestly I feel like it's beyond saving at this point lol.

When will Murican larp not suck?


Finally got my pull-up bar set up, damn. So convenient.

Guess I am gonna have to get into meal prep in order to get the calories in.

>> No.9585582

Sexual assault, people saying the game isnt safe or procedure wasnt followed etc. Games made some official announcements and lots of posts up about it around.

>> No.9585635

>When will Murican larp not suck?
When you burn it to the ground and rebuild it.

>> No.9585642

and here I am, back from drachenfest where as a landsknecht we constantly catcalled the ladies who were hearing range of our camp.... And tried to seduced them even while we were marching to battle... sometimes even when the Obrist was right next to us

(truth to be told some people got angry at us because of this but thats like 3 or 4 from several hundred)

>> No.9585664

Catcalling isn't on the same level as sexual assault.
And in a medieval setting, catcalling will be considered RP.

>> No.9585685
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Finished my tunic/ summer shirt.

Pretty happy with how it turned out.

>> No.9585798

Wore a new gambeson to an event a few weeks ago, and it chafed quite a bit around the neck and writsts. Anybody else had this kind of problem? Is it something that tends to work itself out as the armor breaks in, or is there something I can do to address it?

>> No.9585813
File: 544 KB, 1600x1200, 20170803_161959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine used to give me the ol' bloody nipples.
It will soften eventully but until then, wear a sports shirt underneath.

good job

Is it bad if i say i would like to know more?

You're that rare breed of good 'murikan larpers.
Lead by exemple by wearing good suits and being courteous and fun to interact with.

>> No.9586093

>Catcalling isn't on the same level as sexual assault.
according to some girl it's rape

>> No.9586095

Krauts will be krauts.

>> No.9586098

Oh okay if that's the case I understand. Avatar is more of a combination between larp and a festival and there's not that much roleplaying (unless you're in with the big guys)
Allthough they have been trying to make it better with the reset, this year they introduced adventures wich was very story and roleplay heavy (even in English). There are still very long waiting times though and there's no excuse for having groups of people wait for hours with no info.
What faction were you in btw?

>> No.9586101

actually it was some of the larpers from the US

>> No.9586106

It really depends on the person and the context that something happens.
For instance, a drunk guy grabbing a girls butt is a total different thing than a sober guy doing it intentionally to harass her. Or as you said if you're playing a ladies man flirting with girls.

Just stop doing it when they're visibly annoyed or tell you to stop and if you really upset someone just apologize, don't try to make up excuses.

>> No.9586149

And back to the Morningstar with her. :^)

Played a snooty nobleman on Drachenfest, you can get away with a lot of things if you actually have just a sliver of OC boy-ish charms and have been to the gym atleast once in your life.
It's not sexual harassment when they're into you. Gotta scout out your battles though, can't just do this with any girl, see how she responds to catcalling or whatever first.

>> No.9586178

As some people will be aware there was a serious incident in the Navarr camp at the last event. A player who was attending their first Empire event was subject to utterly inappropriate sexual comments throughout the weekend - making them feel totally unwelcome and unsafe. This culminated in a situation on the Saturday night where the player was physically intimidated and subjected to non-consensual physical contact. That is a clear description of a sexual assault - it is illegal, it is immoral, and it has no place at any LRP event. There is no defence of any kind for the behaviour on the night or across the weekend.

The incident was handled at the time by our security team who followed our standard procedures derived from their SIA training. Profound Decisions are committed to providing an event where every player can feel safe and welcome but it is very clear that we failed to do that in this instance. On a personal level I do this job because I love the hobby and I want to create events people can enjoy, not to create an environment where this can happen. I trust that everyone who participates in Empire will share my ambition to see this situation addressed to make sure it does not happen again.

>> No.9586181

I've seen a few comments to the effect that we shouldn't discuss this because it's "bad for the hobby". But the truth is that nothing could possibly be worse for our hobby than to tolerate this kind of abuse. If we try to brush it under the carpet, or pretend that it isn't happening, then it will continue to ruin people's events and in the worst cases - people's lives. If you want anything to have the right reputation then the way to achieve that is to do the right thing. In this case that means discussing these problems so that we can tackle them at their source.

Unfortunately - as I've said a few times before - I cannot do anything about problems of these kind if people don't report them. I am very grateful to the players involved in this incident for having the courage to report their experiences to me - but I really want to hear from anyone who is experiencing sexual harassment or worse at an event. Earlier this year we were able to work with players to identify issues with gender discrimination in the military council - that allowed us to put in a place a new approach specifically designed to address that. But that was only possible because players talked to us about their experiences.

I understand that reporting any incident of this type is a deeply intimidating prospect - we will be looking at what we can do to make reporting easier. But I desperately want to hear from anyone who has had any negative experiences with sexual comments and harassment at the events or experiences that have left them feeling uncomfortable or unsafe. We will treat all comments in confidence - at this stage my main focus is to assess the extent of the problem so that we can look at what systemic changes we can make to produce a better event for everyone.

>> No.9586187

...I firmly believe that LRP is a fantastic hobby but we clearly need to work hard to eliminate this sort of behaviour from our events. It's absolutely down to Profound Decisions to take the lead to tackle this but we need help from everyone who participates in Empire if we're going to create the kind of events we all want.


>> No.9586192

Completely agree with the feelings against quieting it down to keep the "good" name of the hobby out of shot. Only by adressing the problem we can fix it, we don't want the sexual assault name of the Catholic church but now in a fatter sweatier jacket.

Although I'm not sure what you mean with gender discrimination for the military councils? Not an Empire player myself, but care to tell me a bit more about it so I don't have to throw an uneducated opinion at you.

>> No.9586407

Not the Anon you're replying to; he just posted the statement from Profound Decisions (Game Organisers)

The Military Council is made up of Generals from the various nations, each in charge of an Army, that takes part in the military campaign between events. Each Army has a fighting strength of troops. It's a lot to do with grand stategy rather than fighting prowess of the General. You could be the best fighter on the field, but that means fuck all if you can't form a cohesive strategy.
The problem the MC has had in the past if that it has been filled with big shouty men, who have been big shouty men over the female Generals. In the past opinions or points from female Generals have been overlooked or ignored, until a male General makes the exact same point a few minutes later and it gets considered.
PD have done a few things to make the MC game more accessible to all players. They have moved the Campaign Map to a bigger tent, with benches surrounding it, meaning that it's not a race to stand at the table, where the larger players had often pushed out those smaller.
Empire is a gender-blind setting, so there should be no discrimination towards a female General based on gender, all are equal. (unless someone is shit and therefor should be replaced *cough* Estana *cough*

>> No.9586425

I get the gist, but I'm afraid that to some extent that's part of the roleplay isn't it? If the generals table is a big shouty event where all noblemen and commanders are doing their best to show how good they are, and above all, how pompous they can be. I'm not sure if I'd see that as a gender-hating thing, it's just part of the in-game culture.

Why didn't they just make this point IC rather than having to get the ST's to fix it? If they'd just get overshouted again or waved away wouldn't that just be part of the RP and you'd have to respond as such?

I'm all for genderblindness in settings, because by God one setting where women are looked down on is enough for me. But really, this seems more like an IC problem to fix rather than having to call in the STs.

>> No.9586429
File: 433 KB, 752x500, dub1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could try facing the problem areas with a less chafey fabric?

my first doublet is coming along, heres a few shots of the details. hopefully ill set in the sleeves today

>> No.9586433
File: 345 KB, 752x500, dub2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going for an early style. a bit longer, cant yet decide buttons or laced for the front

>> No.9586436
File: 445 KB, 752x500, sleeves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got the interlining to about the elbows so i can use it for sca rapier armor

>> No.9586460

Eh, I'm not a fan of the "but it's rp!" reason for being a)against the setting in looking down on female Generals or b) doing stuff that actively drives a certain section of the playerbase away.

Also the MC isn't meant to be a tablethumping exercise in shouting. It's more like the bit in a film where all the officers are looking at a map and discussing the strategy needed to win. Some of the best Generals are the ones that can work the numbers and see opportunities to exploit, rather than shouting.

Now the ST's are trying to make a more inclusive feel to the MC, by calling out the blatant bias in gender at the table, and reminding people of the genderblind setting. The players themselves (for the most part) are taking it on board and doing more to solve the ingrained problems of the past.

>> No.9586470

It's a good thing the players are responding accordingly and I'm 90% sure it's an improvement. But I feel it's a little overkill. I mean shouty men being shouty men isn't looking down on women.

At best it's looking down on people who aren't as loud and pompous as your character. Fix it another way, get servants with fucking banners or whatnot standing behind you (yay for the bigger tent in that case) make yourself look more important if you can't shout.

It's a good thing they're removing things that are putting players out of the game, but if this is something that needed an ST intervention... Coming as a man from the sidelines, I don't know how bad it was ofcourse.

>> No.9586480

I've heard horror stories from both genders in the MC, and from all accounts it's way better now than it was.
Unfortunately, to stop it becoming a massive endeavour to get anything done, the only people allowed in the MC tent when an official session is ongoing are Generals, their Adjutant and any Priests using Right of Witness to view what's going on (Priests are not allowed to speak, merely observe) so you can't rock up with mates to seem important.
It's less being loud, it's the (conscious or unconscious) shouting over women who are trying to speak, or just plain repeating what they said in different words and getting a better response.

>> No.9586620

So were their characters okay with being shouted over like that? If you're a general and you're speaking with your peers to get something done they couldn't just shush it down, or knowing what might happen, talk about IC in advance?
They are given an in-game challenge and they confront it by stepping to the ST. Why didn't they just fix it in-time by I don't know... confronting the other characters about it afterwards, making a statement about it later on, not showing up anymore, whatever way you want show your dismay.

>> No.9586708


Yea man lol. I'd rather be the one guy who is actually there to larp and not hit people with foam sticks

>> No.9587080

Do you think a layer of linen around the inner collar and cuffs would work? Would help soak up sweat, at the very least.

>> No.9587259
File: 232 KB, 994x636, meanwhile in Australia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Australian, I'd love to attend one of your big LARPs.
In fact I have a few friends who would as well. So, as such...

What theme/style would you Anons recommend for a small band of Not-Australian Mercenaries who have landed by ship in your lands?

>Bonus point if each state and territory has it's own unique character...
They are:
> New South Wales
> Victoria
> Queensland
> Western Australia
> South Australia
> Tasmania
> Australian Capital Territory
> Northern Territory
Any fellow Aussies want to add a brief sentence describing the climate/land of their own area?

>> No.9587261

Had a group of Aussie canonniers at Drachenfest, good stuff. Usually pseudo late renaissance mercenaries, with a lot of plumage but a little toned down from Landsknechten will do perfect.

>> No.9587269

I'll get the emu feathers...

>> No.9587280

>toned down from Landsknechten will do perfect
>toned down landsknecht
U wot m8? I'll fite u!

>> No.9587504

I agree with this. Whenever I am hit with problem that isnt anything to do with rules cheating and is people/personality based I deal with it IC. I also find the idea that women cant also be shouty or deal with shouty and need refs to hand hold and make them feel heard a bit sexist in itself.

>> No.9587510

Still ISOing for Gropey... Anyone know how to contact him off list? Im gonna be moving his way by the end of the month.

>> No.9587891
File: 53 KB, 1037x784, Ukraine post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new gambeson has been circulating Ukraine for half a month now, no clear sign of it having left the country either.

Should I postpone my new armor stand until Christmas?

>> No.9587900

what did you get an how much if you dont mind?

>> No.9587990

He's alive, as far as I am aware. I'll message him on the book of faces.

>> No.9588013


Plus a sallet liner

Want to test their quality before making a bigger purchase.

>> No.9588493

>Medieval Gambeson Of 11th-15th Centuries
>11th-15h centuries
400 years and that piece of clothing didn't changed even one bit.

>> No.9588503

hey, if it aint broke don't fix it

>> No.9588509

then again the viking gambeson is nearl 20 usd more expensive. Probably because there aren't any credible source that they ever existed. If you look at it from this viewpoint 20 usd isn't that expensive

>> No.9588510
File: 288 KB, 1629x975, hemmets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one didn't turn out that great

>> No.9588514

friendly advice: don't try to make leather helmets if you aren't a professional because more likely than not you will end up with a BDSM mask.
Only exception if you want a BDSM mask.

>> No.9588516

I'm open to criticism but fuck you, that is not advice.

>> No.9588538
File: 197 KB, 1024x1537, 006[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I've seen worse.
Also I won't question your fetish.

>> No.9588545

You can kinda fix it by attaching the things on the sides, cutting the white thing and making the nasal protection more like the white thing.
That's a lot of things.

>> No.9588604
File: 161 KB, 640x562, 63d93fe45ad55b1a5e13562f9113f4e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think I'm going to attach the flap things together, at least loosely. Cheers for opinions

>> No.9588668

Hey hey. Life at the museum is a little hectic lately. Not much time to waste on the Taiwanese shadow puppet forum. Drop me an email at screwloosecircus AT gmail DOT com.

>> No.9588818

If you want to make leather armor that really looks protective, you need to use thicker leather or add padding (think gambeson thickness, not a thin quilt) behind the leather. The end product should look thick/rigid enough to actually protect you from a blow.

>> No.9588830

Post the thing when it's complete!

>> No.9589455

Goes as barbarian sea raiders

>> No.9589964
File: 444 KB, 500x752, hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nearly finished this simple hood. still undecided on whether or not to add some wide and shallow diamond dags. it matches the doublet im working on, so i might match any dagging with that as well

>> No.9590090

what's the best way to lace your bracers?

>> No.9590130

Makes me wonder, how hard would it be to plan out a larp event? I figure it would take awhile in the planning stage, talking to people, researching many pre-existing events and systems, and would be very small for a first event. But it sounds like an interesting idea. Is it worth it?

>> No.9590154

do you enjoy pain and suffering? If yes then it's totally worth it.

Joking aside, if you enjoy giving people the possibility to enjoy themselves then it's probably worth it. About the how hard would it be... Well as hard as you make it for yourself. That is you can cut corners everywhere which may or may not effects the quality of the game.

Basically depends on everything but if you take it seriously then it's not as easy as everyone thinks

>> No.9590158


i want to improve the local larps but I also want to play :[

>> No.9590165

>but I also want to play
go to other larps then. You won't play jackshit at your own larp

>> No.9590174


that's what i was getting at. not the original anon btw. the thing that stops me from trying to make a good larp is that i'd rather play a bad larp than run a good one

>> No.9590179

you can do both.

>> No.9590242


possibly If I start it out as a once a year thing. atm i have no time to do it more often

>> No.9590244
File: 2.33 MB, 1782x3583, laces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's what i do. wear something under it obviously

>> No.9590294

well, no problem with that, most EU larps are once or twice a year thing

>> No.9590800

>What faction were you in btw?

Lotus Noir for lyfe, homie.

>> No.9590811

does resin armor work well for boffer larps? I don't want to make it and then have it fall apart at first contact.

>> No.9590975

>Played a nobleman
Were you the French nobleman from Blue with the really fancy outfit and Jack Sparrow-y walk?

>> No.9590997

Naw, although I think I do know who you mean.

>> No.9591008

Probably. Everyone seems to know the guy, somehow.
Were you from gold, then? Since you mentioned the Morning Star and they're from there as far as I remember

>> No.9591225

Foken noice moustache.

>> No.9591282


depends on the contact and thickness you make it

>> No.9591286
File: 2.67 MB, 2250x2805, mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

killll me

>> No.9591296

Hang in there, anon. Once it's done you'll feel great satisfaction, and more importantly: you can join the legion of anons in here advocating against making your own mail!

>> No.9591301


luckily I'm not making a full shirt. unluckily I plan to close top and bottom with leather

>> No.9591394

nice, whats the cut on those rings?

>> No.9591399

16 ga 5/16 machine cut aluminum.

>> No.9591501

All this work... for nothing.

>> No.9591509


yup it's mostly costuming

>> No.9591539

I got a question for you Dachenfest and Conquest guys. I'm an American LARPer and my friends and I have been wanting to go for a while now. I know the Great Expidetion group doesn't run anymore, so what do you suggest or what is your experience with player from abroad and where do you recommend they start looking for groups to join next year?

>> No.9591558


But really, take the camp that best suits your character. If you have a group theme that best fits one of the camps, please take that as your first guideline. With the sentence "Am English bitte." you'll get 90% of the people to switch to English. If not for a theme Gold camp is the reknown international camp with even their camp speeches getting a rebound round in English and a very friendly avatar.

Only time I met a friendlier avatar was when I was invited to an audience with the avatar of the camp of Eternal (name) change.

If you do remind us next year, and we'll have a better meeting point than this year. Two /cgl/ fags spent a good day asking people around about Cantonese mouthweaving pictureboard members.

>> No.9591560
File: 1.56 MB, 1000x1504, fitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


doublet is getting there. i know the fit is not great, but i learned a lot from this, my first one. next one will have the shoulder seams much shorter so the sleeve covers the whole shoulder joint. i think my block's shoulder holes are a little off as well, or maybe i just need to adjust my posture

>> No.9591588

Most Germans speak plenty of English, although for some it's a tad more improvised than for others. As >>9591558 says, Gold camp had their speeches in English; Grey camp has some speeches in English and translators for the rest. With a bit of effort, you can join in on plot just as well as any German.

You don't necessarily need to join a group. I went with a new group of five, and we had the feeling we actually did our part and made a small difference in Grey camp. That said, it was only a three hour drive for us, and we could bring a load of stuff. If you're flying in from overseas, you probably won't be able to bring an entire encampment with you. It might be worthwhile to join a group just for the benefits their encampment offers.

If I recall correctly, the Grand Expedition has been replaced by the Morning Star at DF, but I don't know if they take everyone or are invitation-only, nor how to contact them. I'm quite sure someone in this thread can tell you more.

Also, I'd be down for a /larpthread/ meetup. Does Hungarian still have the Cock and Swallow banner? That sounds like a thing we'd naturally flock to.

>> No.9591598

For a full inter-camp meetup I'd say I had a great time this year as a Rosso Verdi supporter. Wouldn't mind meeting up with my Drachenfest friends and enemies at the end to support the true winners of every years Drachenfest Rosso Verdi!

Once again a thanks to Hungarian for pointing it out, one of the best moments of this year's Drachenfest for me.

>> No.9591621

don't worry anon, once you are finished with it we will mock you why it isn't riveted mail

blue camp has even more players from different countries than gold so they usually do their stuff in english as well or at least has a separate english version

the steckenkrieg is the highlight for many people. It's a nice little cultural sport event where you can beat the living shit out of the subhuman scum blu marone, in a recreational method

>> No.9591665

>don't worry anon, once you are finished with it we will mock you why it isn't riveted mail

And when he tries to compensate by welding it all together, we'll bully him for not being historically correct.

>> No.9591694

Welcome to 4chan, where the Nirvana fallacy isn't a thing.

>> No.9591695


Honestly, the encampment gear is our biggest concern. I can only imagine the shipping cost, as well as the hastle to get everything to and from the airport or post offices. :P

Is there a forum, facebook group, or another place to find encampments? I remember a Youtuber used the Morning Star group you are talking about, but I can't find anything on them.

>> No.9591701

One other guy on here is from the Morning Star, great guy, if you wait a bit he might just see what you've been asking and help you out here.

Other than that, the Morning Star rents tents, so that saves a lot of work. Besides that next year I might be running an IT tavern with a Dutch cateror. I know he also rented out tents this year, so I could ask around coming next year if you're not signing up for the Morning Star.

>> No.9591717

Oh snap. I actually just found the morning star FB group. Do you guys know off hand if they also go to conquest or just DF?

>> No.9591732

With my meager knowledge I think they're a Drachenfest group but I'm sure a lot of people will join you to ConQuest right after.

I sure as Hell know I'll be doing my bit of international representing at the Untotes Fleisch next year as well.

>> No.9591746

As long as you can rent the tent, the rest is quite easy. Find some honest-to-god bedrolls (not sleeping bags), pack your costume tightly (consider leaving any polearms at home), and buy enough food for breakfast and lunch to last the week once in Germany. Of course, if you can rent some more luxurious bedding, do so.

For food: artisanal bread, dried sausage and the oldest cheese you can find go a long way. The water there is kinda kinda not potable, so consider buying bottled water if you're concerned about that stuff. For dinner, it's better to buy food in town. You'll be paying at least about €5,- each night, double that if you're a big eater.

If this is your first time larping abroad, keep in mind that there's some massive cultural differences between countries. Don't expect it to be too much like larping back home. I've found some pretty major differences between Dutch and German larping; I imagine the difference with American larps to be even larger.

Also, many European larps look down on boffers. Some might not even ban them in the rules because they cannot even conceive anyone bringing them over 'proper' foam weapons. Seriously consider getting foam weapons if you don't already.

>> No.9591775

Thanks for your help!

I'm have heard about the differences between European and American Larps, one of your friends is actually studying it for her Masters Degree and will probably be joining us, and we are all super excited to try it out.

And yea, fuck boffers, we got the good stuff. ;)

>> No.9591780
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Not if you went to more GnS events you didn't. Without kidding though, it didn't feel all that different from them except for the bigger focus on fighting.

On the other hand, some of the GnS events really are ConQuest: part 2, the cheap knock-off rules wise.

Biggest difference I've noticed between Dutch and German LARPs is the age difference. Far more middle-aged and older players.

>> No.9591797

I indeed don't attend any GnS events. From a combination of first-hand experience and second-hand information from others, I've found a few significant differences, though. Note that these are all extreme swooping generalizations, and I'm sure there are counterexamples, but these are trends I noticed:

Germans tend to roleplay in combat more, whereas the Dutch treat combat as a contest of skill.

Germans more often play characters on multiple larps and for longer times, meaning a German might have about two costumes while a Dutchman often has three, four or more.

>Power level
Many Dutch larps are quite high-powered and rules-heavy, while German larps are often more down-to-earth power level for PC's. Ironically, Germans seem to be focused on personal skill out of combat and roleplaying in combat, while the Dutch do the opposite.

When a Dutchman explains a larp, the first thing he mention is what makes it different from other larps. German larps tend to have more similarity and overlap of themes to allow playing characters at multiple larps.

I never really noticed the age difference, myself. Do the Dutch or the Germans have more older players?

>> No.9591811
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The Germans, atleast in my experience. When strolling through green I saw a ton of families, people in their mid 50's, and just all in all a lot of 30+ folks.
In the Netherlands there's far less of those, I think that has a lot to do with how old the different scenes might be though.

And it's funny how I experience it in a completely different way. Although that's usually the problem with all the different LARP organisations in the Netherland.

I guess it also has to do with the different folks you hang out with at a LARP.

(On an unrelated note, do you know a good Middle Dutch word for "my love" or a petname or the like. I kinda ran out and still have letters and poems to fill.)

>> No.9591819

>On an unrelated note, do you know a good Middle Dutch word for "my love" or a petname or the like. I kinda ran out and still have letters and poems to fill
Nothing immediately jumps to mind, sorry. I could guess some stuff, but my guess probably isn't better than yours.

>> No.9591936


I'm playing a fish man. historical accuracy isn't my biggest concern

>> No.9592192

But my immersion!

>> No.9592368

Cool, Lotus makes for some pretty nice game and always seem to play fair.

>> No.9592746
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well i wasn't intending to make a mini skirt...

>> No.9592771

Question on chainmaille. I've made a shirt out of bright aluminum previously but I want to look into making one out of steel. The problem is, which kind? Mild steel, galvanized or stainless? The latter is far more expensive than the others but you know, is far harder to rust or oxidize.

I'm contemplating galvanized and then deal with oxidation if/when it happens. Any of you have more experienced advice?

>> No.9592777


go with mild and just make sure to upkeep it.

>> No.9593146


>> No.9593456

You'll be the belle of the ball.

>> No.9593669

Fair enough. What sort of oil/maintenance would be best? I doubt I'll be subjecting it to much harsh weather for now so rust shouldn't be too much of an issue.

>> No.9593693

Sorry for the extreme noobery, but a friend and I have been looking into larping for a while but can't seem to find any good starting points. Are there any decently newbie friendly fantasy larps in Sweden (preferably south of Stockholm) that we could look into? We've considered Lazarus but it seems kind of intense if you're new to the scene.

>> No.9593704

im an scafag in the usa, but maybe try this

what aspect are you most interested in?

>> No.9593717

That looks pretty useful, thanks!

I'm mostly interested in the story and interaction aspect of it, and I'm not really into plot-less fighting which seems to be a pretty big thing in some places. (My friend isn't entirely sure what she wants out of it but)

>> No.9593875

Spray with WD40 every once in a while and store somewhere dry. Rust can still happen thanks to humidity and sweating; spray with even more WDD40, place in a heavy duty plastic ziplock bag and shake vigorously.

>> No.9593910

As an engineer I approve of this solid engineering practice.
However, WD40 has the tendency to drive off not only water, but also any oils that might be on the metal. This means that if you apply WD40 and washes off, whatever protective coating the metal might have had when you bought it has also been washed off. It's a very minor problem (hell, I maintain my armour with WD40 myself), but if you want to be absolutely certain I recommend using Ballistol or another purpose-made maintenance spray/oil for metals instead.

>> No.9594107
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im going with buttons! bretty easy actually

>> No.9594229

Morningstarfag here, with some details.

Technically it's an open group, but as far as I know they're closed for 2018 because they have fucktons of people (This year they were almost 90-By far the biggest group in Gold camp).

However, do note they'd want you to be a part of the group, help with quests etc. They'll get mad and would probably not take you woth them next year if you treat them as 'LARP hotel'.

Since it's made of players from so many different places (There are about 50% Israelis but also Icelandics, Aussies, Norwegians, an American, TheIrishWill etc), most character concepts will go, long as they're not about death and evil-The characters range from fancy duelists, to lowly rogues, from shamans to asian-themed monks.

Despite saying it's currently closed, look it up on FB if it fits you, since people may leave by next year.

>> No.9594372
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>tfw no horc gf

>> No.9594643

Hey guys, what was that indian website that sold a decent riveted mail?

>> No.9594711


why live?

>> No.9594713
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try number 2. hows it look?

fuck haw did i get so out of shape?

>> No.9594716

Looks too much like fetishwear to me. Black leather on bare skin is very hard to get right in a non-weird way.

>> No.9594723


hmm I see your point. I personally like fetish wear maybe that's why i chose black

you think adding a strip of fabric under the shoulder belt will help?

>> No.9594727

recently got some bracers that are way lighter in color than I though. is there a good way to make them darker?

>> No.9594760

Just wear it over a shirt, man

>> No.9594763


it's 117 degrees. you're lucky i'm not naked

>> No.9594768


>> No.9594778

depends. vegetable tanned or chrome tanned?

wait a fucking minute. That's not the whole kit, right? RIGHT?

>> No.9594784


fuck no this is just my torso armor. but i plan to be bare chested if thats what you mean? with a large chest/arm tattoo

>> No.9594788

and you consider the torso armor finished?

>> No.9594793


I consider the chain and the belts done for now. I'll work on it after the next event probably. now I'm probably just goint to hem the under cloth and ad a cloth backing to the shoulder straps

and probably do a million pushups cause i got fat

>> No.9594802

Yes. Yes I am.

Consider not making a fool of yourself to people you actually know rather than internet strangers. For your own good, wear a shirt.

>> No.9594821

okay I need some context here because probably I'm missing things.
So why did you thought that pulling up a chainmail miniskirt to your lungs would be a good idea? And (judging from the pic) using fake leather to hold it there

>> No.9594829


my character's race is known for large chest/ arm tattoos that must be visible however I still wanted mechanically to have the protection of chest armor which by the rules must cover >50% of your torso to give you a benefit. this is the best I could do in a moth having never made armor before

fake leather is because it's what i had and I figured I'd probably turn this into a full shirt eventually and didn't want to waste good materials on it

>> No.9594856
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how did you thought that this will look good?

I mean even if you look like adonis the sudden change from chainmail to bare chaste will make you look like Hercules from the old series when he tried to dress as a girl.

your main problem is that you choose one racial stereotype and though you MUST have that no matter what, even at the cost of armor. Which again is kind of a min/maxing mindset.

I mean you could have made a chainmail with bigger links so your skin would have shown under it (and yeah, wearing it on bear skin)
Or maybe make vertical strips of chain that connected horizontally with leather strings or actual strings, so you can still have the technically 50% but some of your chest still shows.

I'm pretty sure there could be other solutions and probably your kit as it is now is still salvagable but right now the only thing I can think of it is pic related

>> No.9594961

Dropping a quick question here since I'll probably get better answers here than in /his/:
In what context would you hang around or fight with a Longsword?
Was it a battlefield weapon? A status symbol like later period swords? A self defence weapon that every other man carried?

>> No.9594970

both battlefield and civilian context is okay, there are several sources for both.

>> No.9594973

How useful is it on the battlefield? And what would you do with it? I mean, you'd fit neither as a part of a shieldwall nor with the polearmers. Do you just run around and look for enemy soldiers to slice and dice or whatever?

>> No.9594979

it's a sidearm. You use it mainly when your main arm got broken, lost or by other means not useable or preferable.
You can use it on foot or from horseback sometimes.
But as I said it's a sidearm on the battlefield. Several instances of this for swiss, german checz and polish armies

>> No.9594983

I see. That makes more sense. Thanks for saving the day once again HLF

>> No.9594989

no worries. Look up "A brief examination of warfare by medieval urban militias
in Central and Northern Europe
Jean Henri Chandler, SDA NOLA, New Orleans, Louisiana" for an interesting but kind of short read

>> No.9595157

longsword also shows up as a prime judicial fight weapon, and as i understand, is one of the most treated forms of main european how-to-war manuscripts

>> No.9595439

>longsword also shows up as a prime judicial fight weapon
ehhhh.... I would argue that. Heavily depends on the where and when. There WAS a time in history when it was very fashionable and stuff but it just changes a fuckton to flat out say the prime judicial fight weapon.
As for the manuscripts I would only add that it's true for the _surviving_ manuscripts that so far was catalogised. And even then keeping in mind that manuscripts weren't as common as one would think and a lot of masters teached without it

>> No.9595531
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Do we have a /larp/ film list?

Or should I ask /tv/ for one?

>> No.9595541

the 40 year old virgin

>> No.9595569

Black Knight

>> No.9595722

none that is worths mentioning.

>> No.9595755

i just watched canterbury tales (1972), great costumes and characters, fucking hilarious

>> No.9595979

Do you mean films that are about LARPing i.e. The Wild Hunt and Knights of Badassdom, or films that makes you wanna go beat armoured people with foamsticks i.e. Whatever fantasy/historical films?

>> No.9595985

The latter

>> No.9596058

I doubt there's an organized list, but it might be a good idea to make one. Make a pastebin and let anons throw in some suggestions.

Since you seem to know so many reading sources-Where should I start if I want to know more about Musketeers (Their full loadout, what style did they use for their sidearm etc) and on 17thC history in general?

>> No.9596127


I think i just got too focused on one idea. i'll see what i can do to salvage it. thanks for being constructive

>> No.9596344
File: 263 KB, 786x1390, HEY HLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hungarian, Can I have that sweet sweet instructions to make landschneckt clothing?

>> No.9596346

If you need it I can be an asshole any time and point out how stuff sucks. That's my job.

Are we talking about musketeers as in people who use muskets or musketeers as the french stuff?

Anyway if you aren't really want to dwell deep in the subject just read an Osprey book about them.

If you do want historical accuracy, and sources and a little dryer reading then you need to find proper books. Sadly 17th century and the muskets really isn't my thing but for a start I can suggest "Furies, War in Europe 1450-1700" that covers a LOT about how warfare was done, focusing on the civilians at the time. Really good book, fuckton of sources, good historian wrote it.

here it is

>> No.9596348

searched through my pdf's and found another promising one that I did not read yet.
"Renaissance armies 1480-1650, George Gush"
It's a short 125 pages summary of the various armies of various countries at the time and they roughly 14 pages about the french, including some musketeer stuff.
Can't say how good the book is as I still not read it but seems like not complete bullshit

>> No.9596349

That sounds like a good start. Thank you!

I basically meant the French, but any would do.

>> No.9596431

many thanks

>> No.9596686

Role Models
Legitimately enjoy this movie. the larp parts feel good as well, despite the free for all king battle stuff.

>> No.9597046

You are bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.9597060

For anyone who plays Dystopia Rising or equivalent, is there any reason to use packets over darts for ranged combat? As much as I like them, they're a pain to reload/clean off, and people wear so much that they can't even feel darts. I know darts are cooler at the end of the day, but packets are just that much more practical.

>> No.9597495
File: 88 KB, 306x406, sole-Wikinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight outta So lebten sie.

>> No.9597665

>darts are cooler at the end of the day
That's all there is to it. Larping is a hobby of looks and immersion, after all.

>> No.9598246


I think I'm being mocked but i honestly have no idea

>> No.9598601

I got three baskets of nice ostrich feathers for pennies recently. Other than fancy-as-fuck hats, and some quills, what do I do with all of them?

>> No.9598606

So I'm a cosplayer maybe wanting to get into larp in Boston, MA area. Everything is new to me and I'm not quite sure how to get started. I thought larp was legitimately what it sounds like, but I've had friends tell me it's basically just a group getting hammered in the woods and hitting each other with fake swords until they pass out? Which is great and all but not really what I was expecting. Is it just my area, or that specific group do you think?

>> No.9598651

Usually that's even worse because you can fill in how mean it is.

>> No.9598782

put all of them on ONE hat

well, it's the US. there might be something better close to you but don't get your hopes high

>> No.9598786

The book has a lot of hilariously dated examples of historic fantasy armour, it even features your belly cooler in one illustration.

>> No.9598935

Well, that descripton would be the equivalent of describing your hobby as 'Some weebs gather in a building trying to be Naruto". Sometimes it's the case, sometimes it's far from it. Just look for LARPs around you and try some. The US LARPs do tend to be worse, though.

>> No.9599460


i haven't found a lard near me that allows alcohol since they're all held in state parks

>> No.9599499

Should children be allowed into LARPs? I'm kinda mad because they started allowing them to enter in my LARP, so everything that had an 18+ theme was removed or dumbed down into oblivion.

>> No.9599505

if it were on me I would allow all the children but ban every manchildren

>> No.9599513
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>> No.9599516



>> No.9599884

Galavant, even though it's not a film.

>> No.9599907

Rule of thumb: anybody who says "larp is... " and follows it up with anything that sounds more subjective than a dictionary definition is full of shit. Larp is a lot of things, depending strongly on the game.

A common type of larp-like game in the US is what many refer to as "battlegames" (or "stick jockeying" if they're feeling derogatory). Battlegames are, strictly speaking, not a larp, because they almost universally do not involve playing a role in an established setting with any real depth. And there's nothing wrong with that; if that's what they have fun with, great! But that's not really larp by any means, and is certainly not representative of the hobby as a whole.

>> No.9600283
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JUST need to add the lining and do the button holes and add buttons.

>> No.9600297

i dig it.

>> No.9600302

looks great, although you either left the collar too wide or too short

>> No.9600335

Depends on the game imo. Having children in a larp that's designed to be fairly tame in the first place is fine. It sounds like your game began more adult and rolled that back so that they could add kids, which is less okay. If nothing else, at least a few players' planned story directions are probably now impossible because of the change.

I'm okay with either, really, as long as they pick a route and stick to their guns.

>> No.9600712

Keep them off to the side to interact with the other kids, loan them out some weapons and make sure they don't leave them anywhere stupid.

>> No.9600893

>tfw pirates in a landlocked larp


>> No.9601148

I want to make a monk robe, and then a hood.

>What material should I make it from?
>Anybody got any good patterns/tutorials?

>> No.9601157

robe is not hard, even if you fuck up it can be hidden away, and there are simplified version. Hood is a little less forgiving.

But first the material: It could be done with a thinner canvas or canvas like material.
Cotton and wool or to some degree their synthetic versions is doable too.
I usually do not advice synthetics but IF it looks okay this is the time to use it because usually you have enough air that overheating is not a problem and you can properly dressed (or undressed) under the robe

>> No.9601167
File: 41 KB, 736x539, 1fc4d0085373060ebd881e7ca66b3616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the hood here is a very simplified tutorial. Probably good enough for a start but as always: medieval tailor's assistant. Look it up, read it, use it.

>> No.9601173

for the robe I don't have a handy tutorial right now but as I said it's mostly simple. Basically the same as a long sleeved tshirt just make it more "baggy" and add a skirt part and that's it. Collar part is optional.

>> No.9602184


Barbarianfag here

Gains coming along nicely yes'm. Did some sprints yesterday and am keeping up with food intake. Not even fat anymore really. Sadly, I am forever a 5'6" manlet.

Good times though, good times.

Can anyone recommend how to make a battle skirt without just wrapping fur shit around my waist with a belt? Or is that all there is to it?

>> No.9602201

>how to make a battle skirt without just wrapping fur shit around my waist with a belt? Or is that all there is to it?
get some skins too

>> No.9602291

meanwhile, autosage is here again so there is the new thread

