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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 231 KB, 750x895, IMG_5567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9580068 No.9580068 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is saging. Post your itas, keep bickering to a minimum.

Starting off with poor fucking Squrriel Party yet again. I see this dress being sold for such upped prices, yet it's still somehow an ita staple.

>> No.9580069

I feel bad for this dress because it's actually a cute pring, and can be coorded nicely... I think it became an ita staple because its the best and closest thing Bodyline has to those older coveted sweet AP prints. Sad, because I have it but every time I wear it I feel like I look like a noob.

>> No.9580073
File: 181 KB, 750x716, IMG_5408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean honestly no wonder lots of people think Bodyline is immediately ita. BL just attracts them like flies.

>> No.9580080
File: 323 KB, 750x842, IMG_5568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is that dress from to alice right

See, I agree. The print is super cute and I want it because I'm collecting squirrel prints as my next goal, but I'm scared of looking ita. Not sure, but I think I'll take the plunge and just take time to do a really nice coord.

>> No.9580082
File: 1.01 MB, 640x1136, IMG_0117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl has pretty nice coords. Not sure what this one is though. Just a reminder that even experienced lolitas can be ita at times

>> No.9580089

Someone tried really hard to give her nice concrit on her "punk" coord, and she was really snotty about it. Why won't the itas ever take advice?

>> No.9580104
File: 14 KB, 229x220, IMG_0122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NARYT ngl I gasped a little at the end of her response when she was like "post your coords"

>> No.9580130

mainly because many itas are being poorfags or people who don't want to spend to much trying a fashion out who will scream "people hate anything that's not burando" and then start hating brand. They also seem to think TaoBao is either far more expensive (because resellers), or don't want to take time to learn shopping services, so they end with BodyLine and the worse quality TaoBao you can find on Aliexpress. Also the reason why so many itas are reported to have bad attitude irl.

>> No.9580135

The ones that do tend to stop being ita. They also get less attention, because they're not creating drama.

>> No.9580233

I have seen good coords done with Squirrel Party, so it IS possible, just has a bad association with it. Kind of like Chess Chocolate always makes me think "replica".

On the flip side, never seen a single good coord with this >>9580073 unicorn dress.

>> No.9580235

I actually kind of like this as punk, I just wish she used actual punk shoes like rocking horse, or creepers or something.

>> No.9580259
File: 160 KB, 749x937, IMG_5573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I was going to post this girl anyway but she said
>"No hate because it's not brand, I could never afford that!"
And I'm cringing. No. That's not why you're being posted to the ita thread. It's because your dress looks like a kindergartner made it.(and I can assure you she probably paid at least 40 dollars for it.)

>> No.9580297

They must be dressing the other lolita.

>> No.9580349

>shitty dyed hair
> no petti
> no make up
> no legwear and horrid shoes
I own this dress and I'm saddened by this picture.

>> No.9580351
File: 316 KB, 900x1200, DF_HXFWXUAAJGZc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda reminds me of this

>> No.9580359

that dress is way too small for her

and yeah this is the To Alice one, could be cute for casual non-lolita wear if she had the right size and knew how to dress herself

>> No.9580390

This gives me young Margo vibes for some reason

>> No.9580420

At first I thought it was her too!

>> No.9580426

Skirt portion of that dress isn't the worst (although I'm not keen on the lacing) but the fit on that bodice is terrible. I'm pretty sure that if the waistband is being pulled UP in the centre that something is seriously wrong, and despite this, she's tied all the lacing at the front pretty tight, making the whole bad situation even worse :/ At least loosen the bodice off a little, those boobs are being loafed so bad!

Plus touch up those roots, girl! Pastel dyed hair looks scruffy so fast when people don't touch up their roots.

>> No.9580429

I actually like that make-up, but NOT as Lolita. As straight up Goth in an Adora Batbrat kinda style, it's fine. I just don't like the deliberately scruffed way she's styles that wig.

>> No.9580430

those shoes have been out of stock on bodyline for eons now, she doesn't deserve them BAKA

>> No.9580445

I was about to ask for sauce on those shoes, now I'm just double annoyed.

>> No.9580474

Whoa you're right i didn't notice when I posted it

>> No.9580647
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>> No.9580662
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>> No.9580663
File: 107 KB, 960x960, IMG_4771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9580664
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>> No.9580665
File: 167 KB, 750x702, IMG_5564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the full coord as well.

>> No.9580669

This could be cute decora or fairy kei if that had been what she was going for. Makes me sad.
She's pretty haggard looking, but she could be saved and possibly be a decent older lolita if she curled her hair and left it down, as well as got some different socks and shoes. How old is she..?

>> No.9580675

I feel kind of bad for her because this is almost not horrible. If she did something nice to her hair, puts on tights and lost the neck thing, it'd be a nice casual Gothic outfit.

That said, that posing weirds me out so much.

>> No.9580762
File: 129 KB, 748x774, IMG_5570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9580826

Pls no bully anzu is pure
At least the girl on the right tried...

>> No.9580833

It's the dress made from the same simplicity pattern as the military girl in last thread, I lost my faith in humanity.

>> No.9580840

Why do so many handmade lolitas have absolutely zero taste in fabric/color?

>> No.9580841

Because they use what they can find, instead of searching for something appropriate. And what they find is typically quilting cotton, intended to be used in small shapes rather than full dresses.

>> No.9580856


I doubt it, there's always solid-colour quilting cotton, or the option of going all-black. Plus, even regular American quilting cotton companies do sometimes like to put out things like gingham with cherries, or prints in monochromatic schemes, which would look a lot less jarring than what itas typically pick out.

I lean towards these girls being attracted to lolita because it's bright, colourful and fun-looking, same reason as sweet lolita is usually the one that attracts the attention. They just aren't observant or skilled enough to notice that lolita colour schemes are actually usually very cohesive, you can't just mash together "a bright and fun" "floral dress with lace" in an edgy "green x black gothic" colour scheme, execute it in subpar quality on top of everything, and then expect it to work out.

>> No.9580864
File: 134 KB, 750x725, IMG_5571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her petti peeking that terribly or is that tulle on the dress

>> No.9580866

It's just the dress I think.

>> No.9580910

Funny how people never own up to it when called out.

>> No.9580976 [DELETED] 

I mean I don't have any coords on my page either. I'm just there to laugh at the itas

>> No.9580978

I can't speak for everyone here but the people I know with accounts don't ever post coords on there. I personally am there for the cringe desu

>> No.9580980

It's on the dress. If you see past the tulle you can see like a millimeter of the actual petti(? I think? It might be bloomers tho). Also the tulle seems to hang right from the hem, attached to it.

>> No.9580981

It kind of seems they want to be "original" with it too. I've seen handmades that didn't even look handmade because the sewing skills and the general design was so smart and neat. It's possible to be handmade and not ita, but it's difficult because in addition to sewing skill it takes artistic and aesthetical eye. Why? Because it's essentially designing AND making your own wardrobe. It's pretty hard and a lot of itas try to gobble up what they can't chew. Which is why this shit happens.

>> No.9580983

I kind of like the style of the girl on the right. It's cosplay-y but it looks pretty cute, as a cosloli instead of actual serious fashion lolita. At least from this angle it does. The purple girl is just no no, not a cute outfit even in cosplay standards.

>> No.9581021

My exact thought when I clicked that thumbnail. I bet she thought she could "balance" that godawful busy print with the black. Nope. That just made it worse.

Yeah, most handmade itas I know are all about the prints and think that details like pintucks and ruffles are too boring (and too much work).

This, too. I've tried nudging some handmade itas to more appropriate fabrics and made the mistake of saying that it looked like the kind of print X brand sometimes uses. The response was "well, I don't want to copy X brand! I want to be unique!"
To some of them, being ~unique~ and ~original~ is more important than making something that looks good.

>> No.9581033

>getting called out
>have nothing to show for it
Typical gull.

>> No.9581038
File: 165 KB, 700x576, IMG_0125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't post your coords you can't get posted

>> No.9581039

Hence why that girl was saying "post yours"- she knows you asslickers like to hide while you make fun of others. You know that if you posted you'd get torn to shreds cause deep down you know you look like shit.

>> No.9581060

>if it's not brando it's shito
>fatties and uggs buy brando because they don't want the hate of replicas and non brand
>"lel U ggo itas"

I will never understand women. Your pettiness is beyond comprehensible.

>> No.9581071

Replying to bait but you really have poor reading comprehension.
Replicas are a no-go because they're usually shittier in quality and there's the ethical issue of plagiarism.
Handmade is where a lot of the early fashion came from; everyone appreciates good handmade, it's just a far more difficult endeavor and a lot of people who attempt it do it because they're bitter poorfags with no innate sense of taste.
It's similar to the cosplay debate. Dresses take skill to make at the level of brand. It's part of the reason brands can charge as much as they do. Fast fashion has really skewed the general public's perception of what goes into the clothes we wear.

Also if you're fat or ugly you can look good, it just takes more effort because you already start out at a disadvantage. Besides, you need a good eye to look good in lolita. Git gud

>> No.9581074

I think its lacing on her socks. You can see a bit of bare skin just above it

>> No.9581083

Even as a gull, I kind of have to agreed. I will super hardcore judge you if you admit to not posting coords and then posting in the ita thread. I'm fully aware that 4chan isn't the pinnacle model of morality, but it just seems incredibly hypocritical to me.

>> No.9581084
File: 345 KB, 620x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be real for a second?

This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies. Ordinary women spent their money on fancy clothes for you to marvel at. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.

Guess what? No coord was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a lolita.

What it WAS meant to be was a fun way for girls to feel angelic and pretty, and I just checked the #lolita tag on Tumblr and it was exactly that. What more do you want?
Is the coord blouse-less? Sure. Is it wig-less? Maybe. Are the tights purchased from Spencer's Gifts? Sure, fine.

But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?
How fucking entitled do you have to be to witness this painstakingly-crafted Jfash and then say "yeah but..."

We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most elegant fashion trends in recent history.

Lolitas don't owe you their beauty. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION blogs of it.

If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.

>> No.9581086

Best new copy pasta

>> No.9581087
File: 117 KB, 629x745, IMG_5566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the worst quality dress I've ever seen I don't guess, but she has it coorded like ageplay and I don't think she meant to

>> No.9581093

I didn't post anything. Normally I lurk but I was mentioned here so I got involved

>> No.9581097

>I will super hardcore judge you if you admit to not posting coords and then posting in the ita thread.

>a fun way for girls to feel angelic and pretty
Ehh, I'm calling troll.

I almost think you're trying to make light of the fact that people are upset at how often anons on cgl are just straight up fucking wrong about a lot of things. That's the only reason I'm ever pissed, anyway.

>> No.9581098

Nitpick. She just needs a petti.

but maybe
>How fucking entitled do you have to be to witness this painstakingly-crafted Jfash and then say "yeah but..."
applies here.

>> No.9581102 [DELETED] 

I didn't post anything. Normally I lurk but I was mentioned here so I got involved

>> No.9581112
File: 41 KB, 640x636, CyBuqxLXcAAsSZ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9581121
File: 27 KB, 387x500, e21fbd37dcca972f1dbcf2fc52512fdb--deadman-wonderland-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this was a cosplay dress of pic related for a second

>> No.9581123

>using a pic of Big Red shutting down a men's suicide lecture un-ironically while trying to make their point.

The idea isn't terrible. She shouldn't have used lace if she couldn't do it right; making a ruffle trim out of a tube of fabric would have been better. And the lace on the hem is really too long for the fabric to be otherwise blank cotton.

The skirt could be puffier and sit higher on her waist, but otherwise I like it.

The hair is too anime.

The make-up ruins this. I see the hybred between Lolita and Menhera she was going for, but the western-style make-up clashes with everything. I would have gone with a Menhera face, Lolita approach to lipstick at the most.

>> No.9581195

>she has it coorded like ageplay
That's just some basic oldschool sweet anon? It's a bodyline set btw.

>> No.9581216
File: 17 KB, 640x480, CAjwDSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on Reddit Qi Lolita from last thread: it's MTF, too.

>> No.9581218

This actually looks better than the heavily edited pics on bodyline.

>> No.9581219

her face and body have potential at least

>> No.9581220

Is this copypasta that was originally about cosplay? Because it makes more sense that way. If someone wears lolita for others' sake rather than her own, she's in it for the wrong reasons and I dgaf about her feefees.

>> No.9581222

what the fuck is this anatomy

>> No.9581223

bangs might make her face look less long and she needs a better hairstyle and legwear/shoes. otherwise quite decent

>> No.9581226
File: 57 KB, 500x375, IMG_0374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'm not a fan of the black tights, and early bodyline was...not good so if it's from there that might explain why something looks off. It's missing some weight to it. Not necessarily ita I guess, but definitely not something you could base a solid coord around.

How the fuck is >>9580762 salvageable. She would need to completely start over, especially with that fabric.
I agree on >>9580664 though, it isn't my taste but for what it is it doesn't burn my eyes. She looks like an ex tho and it's throwing me off.
That poor bodice...is she even wearing a bra?
Is blindingly bad and there is absolutely no saving it. I can't think of anything positive with her coord

>> No.9581229
File: 140 KB, 960x960, 20479425_1561453190567120_9151401764291438393_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9581234

I didn't know it was bodyline. Like I said, not the worst quality dress. She definitely needs a better petti, it would probably help flatter better.
But is nobody else seeing the unmatching black otks and flats what the fuck

>> No.9581235

This could be fixed pretty easily. Different shoes, maybe navy tea parties. Lose the unnecessary vest. I think just a cutsew would've been okay. Add a couple more accessories, and I'd consider it nice. Also, is that her real hair? It's really lovely holy shit.

>> No.9581245

The turquoise and pink fabric wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't paired with white lace and a black bodice :/ Like, at least run with a colour actually ON the dress?

>> No.9581246

I did see the black tights, but didn't comment on it. I think she should get a different pair of shoes too. And yes, a better petti wouldn't hurt either

>> No.9581248

Summer, when all the itas think they don't have to wear a damn blouse :/

>> No.9581256

Either that's a man, or that poor girl managed to use lighting to perfectly simulate 5 o'clock shadow somehow. Either way, yikes.

>> No.9581263

>complains about summer

>> No.9581268

What in thengood name of god is that contouring. Blend bitch, blend. And get lighter bronzer.

>> No.9581274

It looks like a shadow because in the full body pic you can't see it.

>> No.9581285

I was about to say it doesn't look like she's wearing makeup at all.

>> No.9581286
File: 237 KB, 750x906, IMG_5621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god, I haven't seen a nice raschel lace monstrosity in a hot minute but my prayers have been answered.

>> No.9581300
File: 190 KB, 750x889, IMG_5618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she's not technically ita but I'll post her age-playing daddy kink brand-snatching ass here until I fucking die. Why can't she get cummies on eBay shit instead of brand god dammit
>when you're pissed that she owns an AP mini hat and you don't but then you remember you don't look like a slimmer PT so it's okay

>> No.9581301

I think it's a leftover from attempting to photoshop her face. She needs tights/shoes with some sort of heel/something better as a top.

Other than that I think she's ugly, unfortunately. But could definitely be improved.

What in the everloving fuck is this

>> No.9581308

Yeah she has an unfortunate face which can't really be helped but her hair is pretty, she just needs not to pull it back on her head like that, it seriously doesn't flatter anyone and it's such a popular ita mistake.

Also I have no clue, apparently some normie designer's idea of lolita fashion

>> No.9581314
File: 54 KB, 303x477, yara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Yara Greyjoy?

>> No.9581317

This is just an observation from a normie male, I've lurked enough to know what's going on.

>> No.9581320

Wow, she looks amazing. If sure hate to be the jealous vendetta-fag that posted her.

>> No.9581329

Sorry you got posted but maybe don't wear black socks with an old school sweet coord because it looks like garbage
Also jealous? Ha. Ha ha. Alright.
Vendetta? I didn't know she was popular or anything.

>> No.9581330

Ok I think op overreacted with the age play comment but it's still baby's first (semi ita)coord. She needs a petti, legwear that matches the coord, and better shoes. She looks fine, not even close to amazing.

>> No.9581334


>> No.9581394

because you look like a fatter PT? stop being a poor fatass and go buy an AP minihat, they're cheap.

>> No.9581453

don't you disrespect Yara like that

>> No.9581458

Don't you disrespect Asha like that.

>> No.9581483

>you're a poor fatass because you won't slap down thirty bucks for just any mini hat
I haven't been able to find the sweet cream house hat in mint for ages so suck my ass first off
I also don't know why you'd call someone a fatass for not owning a mini hat but okay I guess ageplayer-chan

>> No.9581485
File: 195 KB, 608x960, 1500722628987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep buying those? It's especially baffling to me, because I think they are new(the military pattern one is), and simplicity came out with much less terrible patterns lately.

>> No.9581488
File: 126 KB, 750x746, IMG_5615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that messy ass room
It's like it's an ita staple too

>> No.9581490

better an age-player wearing all brand than a poorfag fatass who can't even afford a $30 hat.

>> No.9581498

Your trolling is bad and you should feel bad. That, or you have no reading comprehension skills at all. You sound like that dumb cunt that comes here constantly to defend ageplay, so that wouldn't be shocking
Yeah the other picture is recent as well, like a few days or so.

>> No.9581504

>but but I'm not a fat ads, I'm just big boned
>Its not that I can't afford the hat, I just have to buy 20lbs. of lard for dinner.

Lmao wow, are you kidding me?

>> No.9581529

Am I the only one next to OP who hates this? The ballet shoes, the black socks with no black on other places, the lack of petti, the bows on the bottom beign replaces with way too triangle shaped bows?

And I had this dress, lace is decent, but that front bow is a stiff mess and the lacing trough the lace and on the bodies is really shiny. The fabric is also that plasticy feeling Bodyline fabric, not half as soft as it looks here. It's decent, but not great.

>> No.9581531

Yes, you and OP are obvious jealous haters. It's quite pathetic actually.

>> No.9581537

I think it's the petti actually. Flows more with the dress than with the legs.

>> No.9581540

>yfw someone in ageplay looks better than you

>> No.9581551

> pissed that she owns an AP mini hat and you don't
> but then you remember you don't look like a slimmer PT

I think the fact you imply you're to thick to make it look good makes up for the fact you don't own one is more the problem than calling everyone who can't/don't want to afford 30 bucks is fat.

>I haven't been able to find the sweet cream house hat in mint for ages
Sudden change of argument makes you sound butthurt.

>but okay I guess ageplayer-chan
Starts insulting based on nothing but your own words.

I think it's time for you to leave before you make it even worse for yourself. No one told you arguing on 4chan is not a good idea?

>> No.9581558

Literally what. I guess I'm petty bitch number three, then. It just doesn't look good friendo. At least get a petti if you're going to use a cape

>> No.9581563

Yeah we're just jealous haters anon she's totally not whiteknighting herself or anything.

>> No.9581566

Did your Daddy send you to detwective skool?

>> No.9581568

Whoa, I wondered why people hate raschel (I buy a lot of Meta and theirs is so nice, pretty and soft). Didn't even know lace this bad existed,

>> No.9581569

If all three of these are the same person then you've got some kind of attitude problem.

>> No.9581570

Are you ESL or just retarded, Anon said nothing about her own looks, just that that girl looks like pt

>> No.9581571
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit shitting up the thread with samefagging, that's prime ita behavior

>> No.9581575
File: 53 KB, 750x301, IMG_5627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again

>> No.9581582
File: 130 KB, 750x747, IMG_5616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and she has the most Ita fan I've ever seen

>> No.9581586
File: 6 KB, 599x110, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I think you have proof enough to conclude 3 different people now.

>> No.9581590

Sorry wrong tag. Should have been >>9581569

>> No.9581615

"but then you remember you don't look like"

Implying, not literally saying. English is my second language, but she makes it sound like that minihat only looks good because she looks like a slimmer PT. I read the PT as pre-teen, which made it sounds like only super tiny people can wear minihats. Then she said she is not that so she can't wear it. Altrough she might not be fat, I rarely see someone of a "normal" weight acting like only thin people can wear something, at least, not in an execating ("slimmer pre-teen", which seems a bit extreme in terms of sizing) way.

Even if she didn't mean to imply she's fat, changing the argument for not buying one made here >>9581483 makes it sound like someone is having a hard time taking concrit or any kind of negativity, which makes it still seem stupid to mee that she get's all the protection.

>> No.9581616 [DELETED] 
File: 973 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20170731-175949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she was my ita, better than you uggos.

Youd be much prettier if you weren't so ugly on the inside.

>> No.9581636
File: 809 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20170731-181110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9581571 #
I wish she was my ita, better than you uggos.

Youd be much prettier if you weren't so ugly on the inside.

>> No.9581650

>Sorry you got posted
No ita thread would be complete without this typical fucking crutch posting.

>> No.9581653
File: 90 KB, 342x156, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I wish she was my ita"
>links post with talks about multiple people
Not even sure who you want to be your ita and who would be prettier.

But then, I didn't understand the previous post. Thinking something is a petticoat and not lace on top of socks is ita now? I'm the one who posted about the petti and te main reason I think it's a petti and not socks is because I see white on all marked places, the green places it has a fold which looks more like a petticoat than a sock.

>> No.9581678

There is only one post claiming I'm a samefag.

Follow the reply trail.

Use some common sense.

>> No.9581679

The set is a Bodyline set but it needs a petticoat, and the socks and shoes she's paired with it look terrible. White ruffly knee socks and pink Lolita shoes would have been a more Old School way to co-ord this.

>> No.9581688

I never changed the argument because that's been my argument against buying one of those tacky little bastards for years. Why would I want a random mini hat that doesn't match a dress I own? Also that's not what PT means, you need to lurk more.
So are you going to cry more about being posted or nah

>> No.9581690

any screenshots?

>> No.9581692
File: 77 KB, 547x711, IMG_5619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoooooo mama that terrible ass lace is making me ill.

>> No.9581693

Prove thats me in the picture.

>> No.9581700

>thinking PT means pre teen
God, being this new. Fuck off summer-chan.
Never talk to me or my queen again.

>> No.9581703

>when you're pissed that she owns an AP mini hat and you don't
>but then you remember you don't look like a slimmer PT so it's okay

Still sounds like it's okay because you won't buy an AP mini hat anyways, because you don't look like a slimmer PT.

>> No.9581704

Calm down. Even if it's not you, you're making things way worse for the girl you're defending because people will assume so.

>> No.9581710

Who's your queen? >>9581300 ?
Why would you even like her? Fuck off, you disgusting ageplaying bitch.

>> No.9581711

not exactly ita, just babby's first coord. She could be cute with eyelashes and eyeliner and blush, and a different blouse. And maybe a beret or something.

>> No.9581716

No, my queen is PT. If you weren't such a summer fag, you would know this.

>> No.9581717


* reply to >>9581700

>> No.9581720

Who the fuck even is this PT then? You're all massive fucking bitches.

>> No.9581722

Say please, and maybe I'll tell you.

>> No.9581723

>It's probably some Steven Universe bullshit
>My diamond

>> No.9581739
File: 128 KB, 720x960, 20245806_10154810910867966_2828201696309787250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9581740

What's even wrong with that?

>> No.9581745

>not knowing the queen herself

What has this board come to

>> No.9581746

Pop a xanax and go outside, jesus.

>> No.9581748

Just admit you went on a rant without knowing who you were talking about, it's ok. We were all newfags once.

>> No.9581749

I mean. Look at your calendar. All will be made clear.

>> No.9581759

It's almost over gulls, just a little bit longer and we'll be free of them again

>> No.9581762

dick or gtfo

>> No.9581766
File: 49 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1501544153575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9581770 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 1358x544, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just admit you went on a rant without knowing who you were talking about, it's ok.

Person who actually went on a rant here. She's not the person who went on a rant, pic related. Care to tell people so we can stop being a newfag?

Literally googling it brings up 4chan lolcow board, and a teaser for a videogame, it being short for "Physical Training" and "Phantasy Tour". Googling it with lolita or lolita fashion in the query made me find random lolita pictures of different people, but none who had a name that could logically shortened to PT (I found a lot of Misako Aoki, Midori and a deviantRt user names UselessDevice). It also gave a sexshop before I added the fashion part.

If you don't like me for my rant, at least tell the other person who was just genuinely asking.

>> No.9581771

>you're defending because people will assume so.
I'm not? I don't give a rats ass about the girl in the picture. I want the "hi X" meme to stop. that's where I came into the convo.

>> No.9581776

You become less of a newfag by posting less and lurking moar.
>genuinely asking
>called all of us bitches
Why should why have helped her?

>> No.9581793

You have no reason too, and I get where you're comming from. In all honestly I would like to know myself and mainly hoped it made someone say it now, because if no ones says it newfags will not learn until someone writes it out or it becomes more obvious. I too am curious, which is why I googled,and noted what I was thinking about (I wasn't sure about the meaning). I've ranted unnecessary, I admit. Long stressful day and little better to do.

I am really hoping you (or someone else) tells me tho. I don't have time to get on cgl every day, and I do easily miss certain topics. Sometimes I can get online everyday, sometimes not for weeks, so even tho I'm not new to cgl or 4chan in general, I tend to miss a lot of things making me act like a newfag.

>> No.9581796

Took me literally 30 seconds of searching to find it(and yes I did it in an incognito window, logged out of google so I'm not getting biased search results). You must be really new to internet culture. When you're not sure about some meme/board culture thing check, knowyourmeme, encyclopedia dramatica or as a last ditch attempt /r/outoftheloop.

>> No.9581799

>and mainly hoped it made someone say it now
This part is referring >>9581770 , not to my drama.

>> No.9581800

I did check knowyourmeme and such.

>> No.9581822 [DELETED] 

Because you did become polite- pixieteri.
And shes old as dirt, shes hardly something that youd miss.

>> No.9581839

>bicolor wig
>black lipstick
>cheap-looking gloves
>lace fan
>carrying around a rose for no reason
>normie shoes

This SHOULD be a complete trainwreck but surprisingly not that bad.
If it had better poof I'd give the rest a pass.

>> No.9581842 [DELETED] 

Thank you.

I rarely follow cosplay, only lolita. I also rarely follow e-famous people in general, so unless I happened to be online during a discussion, I do miss a lot like that. I did actually miss her somehow, or forgot about her. I wish I could just forget that after googling tho.

>> No.9581872

i kind of love this

>> No.9581884

Is it just me, or have his co-ords really gone down hill? Those are all really good pieces, and that waistcoat and shorts set is pretty damn gorgeous, but everything here clashes, and I'm sure some of his past co-ords were a LOT better than this. The Lolita one he posted with this wasn't much better :/ I have a vague recollection of a 'beauty and the beast' theme co-ord he posted a while back that was actually quite nice. How can someone get WORSE with time?

>> No.9581890

Wig isn't suited to style of outfit, necklace looks like kids' plastic jewellery, bodice of the dress fits awkwardly, hardly any puff with that petticoat, brooch is wrong colour to match print, plastic black rose looks tacky, tights don't go with outfit, normie shoes, cheap fan...

>> No.9581932

It's not ita.

>> No.9581966

Nice try, BB I'm not getting banned for you.

>> No.9581978

I'm not the person who posted her. I agree, it's not ita.

>> No.9582014
File: 151 KB, 892x590, fapfap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then gtfo

>> No.9582028
File: 305 KB, 1208x1409, IMG_5411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less bitching and more itas.

>> No.9582040



Post more pretty women please, I like to look at these pics.

>> No.9582042

>pretty women
>in this thread
Damn anon, love yourself a little more.

>> No.9582053

I'm sure you'd be pretty too If you weren't so nasty on the outside.

>> No.9582056

What is even happening in this pic?

>> No.9582057


I think mostly though these are just bad photos, I saw the outfits in person and they looked better then, with a some nitpicks

>> No.9582059

Okay but how could you forget her and Melty Chocolate

Also this thread went to shit because itas and summerfags can't control themselves so small dump incoming.

>> No.9582060
File: 444 KB, 1224x1469, IMG_5412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, stahp.

>> No.9582062
File: 124 KB, 750x710, IMG_5617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9582064

what is on her forehead

>> No.9582065

Yo I was JUST about to post this!!

>> No.9582071
File: 250 KB, 1196x1185, IMG_5414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem brows.

>> No.9582072
File: 154 KB, 750x743, IMG_5410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually worried for this kid's health
We must be mind twins fampai

>> No.9582080
File: 232 KB, 743x955, IMG_5572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell which one is the actual lolita because she looks uncomfortable

>> No.9582090

"only actual lolita"
yea in a bodyline cosplay set. right.

>> No.9582133

You're in the wrong thread.

>> No.9582237

Nah, it's pure garbage. The BL set is irredeemable, the black tights are completely random and the shoes are fugly. That coord has absolutely nothing going for it and someone is trying to troll us by claiming otherwise.

>> No.9582246

I wish they would ban people for shit like this.

>> No.9582261 [DELETED] 
File: 962 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ita posts to cof
>morbid curiosity
>look at profile
>this is cover photo
This girl is an absolute ita goldmine.

>> No.9582268

The worst part is I have to wonder who's pic this is because all of them are massively ita.

>> No.9582270

Girl on the left, unfortunately.

>> No.9582271
File: 94 KB, 575x575, IMG_4080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the one on CoF

>> No.9582273

>earlier on in the thread people don't know who PT is
>this nigger not recognizing one of this place's oldest memes
Is it because it's summer or can this board and this site per extension really not be redeemed anymore?

>> No.9582280
File: 95 KB, 1080x720, FB_IMG_1501573923911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad they shielded Minori from that monstrosity

>> No.9582313

what is reading comprehension. let me break it down for you:
ageplayer girl owns an AP mini hat and anon doesn't. anon is salty because ageplay-chan has one and doesn't deserve it, because ageplay-chan is an icky ageplayer. however, anon can still feel better about herself because she doesn't look like a slim version of PT. so even with the AP minihat, ageplay-chan is still a gross ageplayer, and she looks like PT (which is a bad thing)

>> No.9582320
File: 3.59 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_4431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9582332

Nope, this is the Ita thread right?

Sure, whatever makes you feel better about the situation.

>> No.9582348

I wish we could just ban blatant newfags.

>> No.9582358
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 20479473_10154973889183507_1986634668706424370_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently made from a 200 year old kimono, this makes me want to cry

>> No.9582363

I wish we could ban people that are off-topic, OH wait...

Post or Itas please!

>> No.9582373
File: 249 KB, 1072x1440, IMG_4169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My new lolita sweet set "

>> No.9582377

There's a person in this photo? All I see is trash.

>> No.9582380

>coorded like ageplay
>no pacifier
>no fucking diaper
>no stuffed animals.

How the fuck do you coord like ageplay. I don't think you understand what this word means. Stop using it.

>> No.9582384

OP is just jealous and really salty. She's not even trying to hide it.

>> No.9582413

Is this the girl who went on a rant last night on CoF saying she got posted to 4chan and for people to say to her fave that they didn't like her coord

>> No.9582417

I hope the age of the kimono was lies, that JSK is terrible - especially the bodice. Why ruin a perfectly good kimono for this?

>> No.9582419

That messy, weeby room. What is it with Itas and living in filth... then posting that online?

>> No.9582420

lol i was wondering when that will show up

>> No.9582440

This is criminal. That poor kimono. Why not practice with regular fabric before cutting up something that's hundreds of years old?

>> No.9582460

There are a shit ton of old slightly damaged kimono floating around. I doubt it's 200 years old though.

>> No.9582487


>> No.9582543

WTF is that garish mess? The bright colours and mask make me think it's supposed to be a cosplay, but I can't think of any character off the top of my head that she's supposed to be. Whole thing looks ill-fitting and sloppy, plus those shoes just seem faded and grimy.

>> No.9582547

NAYRT, but I think these really aren't his best co-ords. The boots clash badly in the ouji outfit, and that waistcoat is looking pretty tight on him. Ouji outfit has not coherent theme. Lolita outfit has been dissected by two anons on here already - again, mostly nice pieces, just don't go together well.

>> No.9582551

Fluttershy? Ugly one atleast.

>> No.9582576
File: 336 KB, 1536x2128, IMG_4774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posted in the chat looking for confirmation that this was lolita
>Two people tell her no but that the skirt MIGHT work for fairy kei
>Look at my fairy kei coord everyone!1!!

>> No.9582607

You might be right! It's the right colours for a humanised Fluttershy, but there's very little in the co-ord (if you can call something that uncoordinated that) to represent that character - if she was going for Fluttershy I'd expect yellow wings, and more prominent ones, and some butterflies.

>> No.9582628

I agree. Hope this was a tourist trap kimono.

>> No.9582644

Not a vendetta, I just don't think these are good coords. Sorry you felt the need to whiteknight for him

>> No.9582677

I would post dick but its a blue board, dont wanna get banned for the 60th time

>> No.9582692
File: 131 KB, 540x960, IMG_0399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a nitpick between the pose and the petti.
The triumphant return of prom dress-chan

>> No.9582697

Didn't she brag about buying this dress in that wish app? Congrats, you got overcharged for a shitty replica.

>> No.9582701
File: 312 KB, 1440x1440, FB_IMG_1501610708313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starfleet Kei. So rori

>> No.9582703

Why would anyone post this photo publicly?

>> No.9582710

I think it's not so much that this dress is a replica, more that she's coordinated it half-decent. Likethe shoes are fine, but with a long sleeve OP, she should have worn tights/longer socks. Coffin bag would have worked if the design was a cross and not a skull. Hairstyle doesn't suit, and black lipstick looks messy. Black lipstick is so dominant that it has to be done perfectly otherwise any error in the shape will be glaringly obvious. The pose doesn't help her, nor does the pylon and general background (that deck looks scruffy). I'm not sure this is bad enough to be 'Ita' though - although the dress being a replica doesn't do the whole thing any favours.

>> No.9582744

The dress isn't a replica; it's Ista Mori's Nameless Poem OP, anon.

>> No.9582758

According to >>9582697 this is a replica of Nameless Poem she bought on the Wish app. There are plenty of Nameless Poem replicas out there - it's a popular dress even if it's a TaoBao dress, I've seen it at the TaoBao seller TO Lolita Studio for example (a friend of mine bought one there, and I warned her it might be a replica as I don't think they're just a reseller).

>> No.9582769

I see those real shitty ones on storenvy all the time.

>> No.9582793

In the LSE post she said it was too damaged to be worn as a kimono, rips, tears, moth holes etc. Still, that beautiful fabric.

>> No.9582803

I actually think this is kind of cute but her bangs and brow situation confuses me. Is this a halfassed attempt at the Vulcan short bang/wide eyebrow look or is this how she always wears her hair?

>> No.9582805

"Remake" grade kimono are really cheap in Japan.

>> No.9582807

She still mangled it. Before she cut into it it had potential, now it's an ugly frumpy mess of a dress. Dishonor on her family, dishonor on her cow.

>> No.9582819


>> No.9582824

I can't decide if I like that Bodyline set or if it looks like well made cosplay

>> No.9582826

This would be vastly improved with tights, a different bag, better headwear, and a different hairstyle. I wouldn't call it ita but the details are off.

>> No.9582829

They look bad but they also look like they're still kids. Unfortunate about the bad wig, wristcuffs, and no makeup on the left, she is so close compared to the others. If they just learned to do hair and makeup and bought things that matched the main piece colors, they wouldn't look bad

>> No.9582840

Dang she must be fat or this must be trick photography. This looks huge as fuck

>> No.9582842

>picking an argument with someone when you don't even know what they're referencing

If you don't know who PT is then you shouldn't even be in the ita thread

>> No.9582855

As someone with a tiny ass room, it hurts my soul to see so much space being used for trash.

It isn't cosplay, it's part of their Lolita range. I don't like the trim but I've always liked the overall design of that set.

>> No.9582866

I clicked on the poster's profile and... yeah, I'm not one to critique someone's weight, but she looks to be morbidly obese.

>> No.9582888


>> No.9582905

It's not just you, his styling went down the drain after Paradis>>9581771
o. Its awful bad and a lot of the (newer??) pieces on CoF are just WRONG.

>> No.9583037

>if you're fat or ugly you can look good
You think somebody would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.9583040

Oh no, I'm incredibly sad that it got turned into that monstrosity. The kimono in its former state was unsalvageable but it deserved better than this. rip

>> No.9583042

>the whale with the inevitable septum piercing
>trypophobia-chan on the right

>> No.9583280
File: 277 KB, 960x1280, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those slippers are so rori

>> No.9583316

All that fucking trash. I understand why some people don't want to be wearing shoes indoors and thus opt for slippers, but her floor is so disgusting it wouldn't matter.

>> No.9583319

...I love this make up and would do mine like that if I were this good at it. It's stunning in a good way, to me at least

>> No.9583360

Itas seem to always have messy rooms as well as messy co-ords. Definite correlation there...

>> No.9583533 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 750x683, IMG_1142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9583535

Was this deleted I can't find it

>> No.9583543

Yea, it was gone after 10 minutes or so.

>> No.9583554

Is that a spoon by her feet?

>> No.9583574

Alright that's definitely not>>9582271
Now I need to know.

>> No.9583594

>How dare you be mean on le 4chan you fatshamers wee wee
Oh my god it is.

>> No.9583666

I used to own that, it's from their lolita line like>>9582855 said. It's pretty cute I guess, if you're on a budget, but it isn't cosplay fampai
Is this that Melanie Martinez dress AGAIN or is this just another terrible design..?
She didn't say anything about cosplaying Fluttershy, sadly. I think it might be a real coord. Sad face.
>those flats
>black thigh highs
>with a PINK dress
Okay yeah that's not vaguely ageplay-y at all.
Still not sure why I'd be jealous of a poorly coorded bodyline-chan but alright I guess
She looks like leaf-chan
I'm screaming this is an ita personality type, to the fine grains. Publicly posting about being posted is just so stupid, let it roll off of your back or turn the other cheek like normal humans ffs
Exactly if you don't know who PT is then just fucking leave and go lurk or something.

>> No.9583714

Just because something isn't a cosplay doesn't mean it can't look like one. That set looks so tacky and costumey, it reminds me those xxxholic dresses that look fine in less detailed 2d but ridiculous in 3d

>> No.9583745
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 1501388241260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was armwarmers-chan from the last ita thread.

>> No.9583748

Oh dear lord.
What possibly made her think any of that was a good idea. Nothing about this looks good, and she totally looks like pregnant trailer trash.
Not really something to share on a semi-public forum

>> No.9583753

How did she think that was a good photo opportunity? Filthy!!

>> No.9583767

Has she considered her back hurts when she stands up straight because of her massively protruding gut tho

>> No.9583780

She looks like she cradling a baby bump, whose in the wrong?

>> No.9583803

The coord isn't even THAT bad, it's just "Bodyline-chan wears her first oufit" type of simple.

But there is NO EXCUSE FOR THIS PHOTO. If you live in this kind of mess you should waste less time in the internet and more time organizing your damn room.

>> No.9584004

Too bad this isn't their first "coord" if you can even call it that. I knew this person for a while and none of their other coords are any better, but I picked this one because it's most recent and even though it hardly looks like a full coord, they tagged it with things like "plus size lolita" so I assume they're trying to parade it as a legitimate outfit, so I will treat it as an attempt at such a thing.
And yeah, the room is messy, not to mention the fact that they're in their late 20s, don't go to college, and still live at home with their parents. I don't even think they have a job.

>> No.9584054

Why shouldn't someone posted here defend themselves? Almost no one in this thread posts themselves, and if they do they hide here behind anonymity to criticize, so that kinda makes everyone in this thread a hypocrite.

Plus most of you aren't even lolitas anyway.

>> No.9584059

Defending yourself on 4chan is a waste of time and energy.

>> No.9584070

Well shit anon, you hate her huh?
Post her pics here then, see if it makes you feel better. I know I like seeing shitty coords.

>> No.9584072

If you know you did your best, you shouldn't care. Just roll with it. Everyone gets posted eventually.

>> No.9584077

This, it's just life when you post yourself in public groups.

>> No.9584084
File: 299 KB, 960x1280, coord2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly hate people who mooch off others and don't make something of themselves. If they can't dress themselves that's icing on the cake.

>> No.9584138

But why should it be? Who gave /cgl/ the right to be the fashion police?
Especially when about 3/4 of the posters in this thread are incel males.

>> No.9584141

If she was skinny this wouldnt be ita. She does need to work on her hair situation though.

>> No.9584161

So shitty. I really like this shade of blue, never thought I'd come across a coord with it that I didn't like.
>I mostly hate people who mooch off others and don't make something of themselves
Most of my extended family is like that and they think it's ok to criticize me for lolita while they pay plastic surgery for their 35+ children who never studied or got a decent job. So I feel the hate.

>frumpy cardigan
>ugly UTKs
>no attempt at hairstyle or makeup
If she were skinny the socks and cardigan would fit her and actually look good, so in that sense we agree. Until then, she needs clothes that fit her. Her hair looks much nicer on >>9583280 for example.

>> No.9584162

It's human nature to judge bad outfits, not even exclusive to jfash. Look at any fashion magazine, People of Walmart, celebrity red carpets, etc... it's just A Thing.
Also your comment about /cgl/ being mostly incel males sounds like something you tell yourself to feel better when you get posted. Get better at dressing yourself, or make peace with being judged.

>> No.9584177

Everyone talks shit on their local comms with their friends when someone fucks up their coords. The only difference is that this is public.

Heck, my local comm was laughing at Misako's makeup for a shoot a couple days ago. Doesn't mean we hate her or anything, it's just talking to spend the time.

If you don't like petty gossip it's better not to check /cgl/ or get involved in comms in general. You can always wear stuff and not post it anywhere. People tend to post only CoF coords, so if you avoid there it'll be okay.

>> No.9584194
File: 17 KB, 236x211, 074a7906259e84cfed0925bed4bf5b02--pastel-grunge-pastel-goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this defensive and fragile
>choosing to browse /cgl/

>> No.9584206

Exactly, these fags are nothing but jealous salty hypocrites that are bitter because no one loves them. Pro tip, there's a reason people don't like them.

I give all these 'itas' more respect than any of these skanks that are too scared to even post themselves.

>lol newfag whiteknight u mad ect.


>> No.9584213

>It's human nature to judge bad outfits
Uhhh no? Clothing is a made up subject and so are the ideas surrounding it.

>> No.9584217

>made up subject
I think you mean "societal construct" and I hate to break it to you but we live in society.

>> No.9584219

Cool, your comm sounds like abunch of assholes. You included, of course.

My comm never does this.
>Inb4 obligatory "they do it behind your back hurr" comment

>> No.9584222

Okay but who appointed anons as judges of other people?
they did themselves and if you lower yourself to this kind of behavior under the guise of "but its 4chins!!" Then you're a self righteous elitist gatekeeping douche.

>> No.9584223

Nah. Nudists exist. Its a choice.

>> No.9584229

People on here post themselves all the time. There are itas that browse here but there are also lots of very pretty, competent lolitas. Dismissing anyone you disagree with as ugly/hating/a loser is pretty unhealthy. People have layers just like ogres and onions, anon, it's not a world where people are either for you or against you. Even your best friend probably finds you annoying sometimes.

Last time I checked no one here has any sort of authority, everyone's just shooting the shit and the ideal thing to do is to either A) ignore them, in the case of obvious trolling, or B) take the critique to heart if it seems genuine and you want to improve. If the comments and behavior stay on 4chan, what's the problem?

>> No.9584230
File: 292 KB, 1024x1378, 1024px-Bustle1870PunchOrTheLondonCharivarl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and that's literally never stopped people from judging those they consider badly dressed. Here, have a 200 year old cartoon mocking women who wear bustles.

>> No.9584235

>People on here post themselves all the time.
>implying the same fags that troll and shit on others post themselves
Stop pretending to be a retard.
>but but your friends
This has nothing to do with me.

>> No.9584239
File: 49 KB, 432x576, reeUpBd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


w o w

>> No.9584243

See >>9584206 "inb4 >...lol u mad"


>> No.9584248

but you are mad though. like, really, really mad. lol

>> No.9584250

NAYRT but there's a reason they said not to bother defending yourself on here. We're not going to stop venting and gossiping, and you're just going to frustrate yourself.

>> No.9584256

And people like me are never going to stop coming here to argue against you.

>> No.9584262

Nah, I'm just disappointed that you aren't pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9584263

K. Good luck fighting human nature, senpai.

>> No.9584266
File: 214 KB, 2048x1365, 13680124_10208593649177559_3524484600466399399_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, back to itas though

>> No.9584268

>This has nothing to do with me.
That was a point about how everyone is a human being, not actually a literal point about you, you dipstick. The girl who smiled at you as she gave you your coffee and says she likes your hair is not a perfect pure angel who never rolls her eyes at you behind your back when you order something she's sick of making.

Similarly there are lots of people here who say catty/bitchy shit, then go on to compliment several other people, then post a photo of themselves in the drawthread, then go home and make their mom dinner and hug their cat. Of course they do all those things, are you incapable of recognizing that this is an anonymous board and you can't track who does exactly what?

>> No.9584275

What are you even going on about. No one smiles at me when I get coffee, I hardly buy the stuff in the first place. What does that coffee even have to do with this?

>> No.9584281

>Taking anon's comment literally
Now who's pretending to be retarded?

>> No.9584283
File: 538 KB, 245x320, 1456002618586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? why does she wear that JSK backwards? How can one assume it is to be worn that way?

>> No.9584289

Maybe her boobs couldn't fit in it the "right way" so she last-minute, umm... "Experimented" would be the charitable word, right?

>> No.9584296

>Now who's pretending
So you really were pretending to be retarded.

Caught red-handed.

>> No.9584299

My hands aren't red they're normal coloured. Why would you say that? :(

>> No.9584301
File: 283 KB, 967x1206, IMG_5419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ita but damn girl, you ok?

>> No.9584306

Are you a Seminole?

>> No.9584316
File: 174 KB, 1365x2048, 13925434_10208593647577519_3379913701795705313_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9584329

I-I'm sorry senpai, I dont know what got over me.

>> No.9584330
File: 1.64 MB, 868x1078, Screen Shot 2017-08-02 at 5.39.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found in the Fairy Kei tag on Instagram

>> No.9584333

You can see where she extended the straps too

>> No.9584337

FanPlusFriend does custom sizing. Why are her tits about to pop out at any second

>> No.9584338
File: 101 KB, 377x391, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9584350
File: 28 KB, 600x418, 5e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing what PT stands for
is it just me or are there way more summerfags than usual this year

>> No.9584356
File: 113 KB, 458x347, Screen Shot 2017-08-02 at 5.14.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I own that blouse

>> No.9584357
File: 12 KB, 200x281, Consuela1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consuela so rori

>> No.9584395


Seriously though, get help.

>> No.9584406

No thanks, but you really should talk to someone about your emotional problems. You shouldn't have to live like that, I honestly hope you get better.

>> No.9584408

Wrong reply my bad, it's for >>9584395

>> No.9584409
File: 845 KB, 910x1077, 20170802_184044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9584411
File: 483 KB, 671x1072, Screenshot_20170802-183759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9584414
File: 576 KB, 1075x1338, Screenshot_20170802-184430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9584416

What was this pic and why was it deleted?

>> No.9584421
File: 145 KB, 774x899, Screenshot_20170802-185103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9584425

Okay but for real this deserves fatshaming. Those boobs have transcended boobloaf and become some sort of bizarre... idk

And yeah she defo looks eight months along, if you post a picture like that and don't realize and get angry when someone says it then what the fuck is wrong with you.

>it wasn't my house, it was a friend's despicable filth!
Yea way to throw your friend under the bus, bitch. Tbh this is typical itatude, I think any sane person would have accepted blame for it themselves rather than dragging a friend just to escape the heat?

>> No.9584427

>transcended boobloaf
So, a boob bakery?

>> No.9584430

>about 3/4 of the posters in this thread are incel males.
Even if this were true which it isn't, wouldn't it imply your coords are so shit that even a NEET boy can tell? Doesn't that make it *worse* than if it's just better dressed lolitas judging you?

>> No.9584434

>not knowing how to use an archive
seriously the summer is bad this year

>> No.9584446

I just don't know where the /cgl/ archive is because I'm an incel male ;____;

>> No.9584451
File: 481 KB, 1079x1077, Screenshot_20170802-191300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged lolita fashion on Insta

>> No.9584460

Honey no...
That's not what what word means...
That woman's jsk starts lower than both her shorter friends' blouses and there is something extremely wrong with that.
Ah yes
Incel males
Judging niche woman's fashion
You caught us

>> No.9584478

What the fuck is wrong with her hands?

>> No.9584487

baby finger painted for daddy

>> No.9584490

This picture... Wonder wtf is going on. The wigs are so bad. Is the girl on the left wearing just a prom dress?

>> No.9584494

>being this much of a catty bitch
>thinking you're still kawaii

>> No.9584500

Damn right I'm still cute.

>> No.9584502

Doubt it

>> No.9584503

No, honey, you're not.
And you already know that.

>> No.9584507

I dare any of the bitches in this thread to post your "con crit" with your email in the name field.
Guess what? No one will because you're so scared to be seen for the venomous hypocrites you are.

>> No.9584508

>not ita but
>I'm gonna post it in the ita thread anyway!

>> No.9584512
File: 384 KB, 1071x1170, Screenshot_20170802-200921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9584517

This actually has nothing to do with that woman.

>> No.9584520

You're funny if you think this is about one person.
I'll say it because the thread's dying: a community has decided they're sick of /cgl/ killing the fashion. Have fun, anon!

>> No.9584534

Would y'all shut up? Damn

>> No.9584680
File: 102 KB, 1146x600, FB_IMG_1501733330824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9584692

Problem? Double sage for neither contributing to the thread.

>> No.9584706
File: 294 KB, 960x869, IMG_4777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nudists still live in society they even make their own society in those camps or whatever. Perhaps you are thinking of hermits?

>> No.9584811
File: 610 KB, 1280x1677, oh god why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw fatty-chans expect asspats for being fatty-chans even though their coords are shitty regardless

>> No.9584861

he goes by him but whatevs

>> No.9585425

>there have always been assholes
>being an asshole is natural!
get rekt loser

>> No.9585435

>Last time I checked no one here has any sort of authority, everyone's just shooting the shit
Nah. Anons are always getting closer and closer to posting tmi about the girls posted to these threads. There are people here who think this place is a free for all like the farm is.
Digging up someones info is unnecessary regardless of its public or not.
Being an asshole just to be an asshole does not make your concrit more acceptable or honest.

You guys are fucking delusional and you secretly hope that the people in the pictures will see what you're saying cause you want to get under their skin so badly.

Being mean under the guise of concrit should always be called out and I'm never gonna stop and neither are the other anons.

>> No.9585521
File: 798 KB, 2048x2048, 53204E37-891A-4B04-94F3-F6990F920875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged Lolita fashion.

>> No.9585553

How new are you? You just described the whole board.
Well she sure does look like a baby...
The other lolita i guess

>> No.9586242

Okay, so you've called it out. Most of us are just being mean and making fun of really shitty outfits because we think they're so bad they're funny/worth gossiping about. Congrats.
>I'm never gonna stop
I have a sneaking suspicion you'll stop around September but until then go for it, people coming in here to defend themselves and other itas is just more fuel to the fire.

>> No.9586815

Do you guys realize that you aren't getting under anyone skin and nobody fucking cares because you're just words on a digital screen?
White-knight all you fucking want, If something looks like shit I'm going to say it looks like shit.

I find it funny that some are criticizing people for being anonymous despite the fact that they are just as anonymous as we are.

>> No.9586817

Sorry for samefag.
Grow the fuck up and get a thicker skin and better taste in fashion.

>> No.9586878

is this the myxtv doll life girl who does cake porn or a different girl?