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9572858 No.9572858 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>9475203

Post here for coordinate advice!

>> No.9572859

>starting the thread off with my own question:

I need a new blouse to match an old school jsk I've bought recently. When anons say that "lace should match" in old school, do they mean the type of lace (eg. cluny with cluny, eyelet with eyelet), or that the PATTERN of the lace should be the same on both pieces?

>> No.9572937


>> No.9573522
File: 136 KB, 720x960, IMG_0533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm building a coord around the Excalibur Lolita Hyakki Yagyō JSK, going with black and gold. I have all these pieces at the moment, headwear is the matching KC.
Does anyone have any feedback or advice on accessories? I love this print and want my coord to be amazing.

>> No.9573532
File: 2.48 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My newest purchase.

What type of blouse would you gulls suggest using (if any)? Thinking of plain brown stockings and cream shoes as well.

>> No.9573533

I don't think that blouse' s collar is going to go well with that jsk...

>> No.9573534

Sorry that image is sideways, uploaded from mobile

>> No.9573541

A blouse with a square neckline would be cute, I'd pick a color that matches the JSK (beige?). Brown socks and cream shoes will look strange though, switch it around for cream socks and brown shoes instead, maybe even brown lace up boots for a bit of mori-inspired look?

>> No.9573588

Thanks so much anon! Loving the brown boots, definitely trying that.

>> No.9573645

If you want to match the stars and moon, Lily of the Valley does a cool art nouveau crescent moon headdress that would match those tights. You can also get some horns if you want to go with a more demon/OTT theme. You've pretty much got your bases covered on accessories, though, you can add thematic rings or bracelets, but a necklace would be too busy with the bow that the collar of the JSK. Maybe a matching bag (like the AP crescent moon bag?)

>> No.9574140

Anons please help!
I am a sweet lolita with the self confessed shittiest 80's barbie trash tier taste. I am going to my first ever halloween party (I am in my mid 20's, how did this happen)/ meetup and am super excited but don't know what to wear. I want it to be special because it is my first halloween meet so am wanting to try something spoopy but none of the gothic prints or sweet cross overs like tricky nightmare factory or halloween alice are really doing it for me.

I am a proficient embroiderer and sewer so I thought I could embroider an apron to go over one of my plain sweet main pieces ala tricky nightmare factory (+ the bonnet hat too) with the theme of spoopy sweets x Usakumya is petite patissier.

With all that background out of the way, here is the question:
>are sequins too trashy?
>>is there any way you could see the use of sequins in lolita working?
Keep in mind this is for a special meetup so things that are a bit out there should be ok. My reasoning is the sparkling sequins are kind of like sparkling stars and also because of shit taste.

>> No.9574168

Sequins are pretty tacky, anon. I can't really imagine them looking good (though I wouldn't mind being proven wrong). Have you considered going with a candy theme instead of forcing yourself to be spooky scary? You can make yourself a cute witch hat and staff in matching colors and motifs and be a candy witch if you want something a little more special.

>> No.9574178

Just be candy themed. Sequins aren't going to work and it sounds like you're going to have to explain your outfit concept to everyone anyway, people aren't automatically going to get it.

>> No.9574267

I think candy themed would be best, thankyou. I will do up a sample and maybe post it if I don't immediately recoil in disgust at the sequins to see if anyone else thinks it looks ok. sequins are easy to remove so maybe worth a try for lolita science. If nothing else we will all get a laugh.

Thanks for your input anons, I needed someone to ground me because I was thinking it was a good idea but for needed someone to tell me it was bad, because I deep down I was skeptical of my sanity.

As for the theme, I was more just using those prints as a sweet inspiration with spooky candies etc. not really an elaborate multi faceted theme so I chose my words badly. if there was a theme it would just be spoopy treats.

>> No.9576659

A lot of my dresses are a-line and I'm looking to purchase an a-line petti, but I'm just wondering where they should sit on ones waist/torso, how big should I go and also, what would be the right length for short ass 4'11" me? I have a bunny house cupcake petticoat already in large and love that so I will be looking to purchase from them again. Thanks in advance

>> No.9576702

I'm the same height! For pettis, they sit on my waist and the length varies depending on my dress. I have a 45cm MLT and a regular CP a-line petti that is 60cm. A good balance would be in the middle between those measurements.

>> No.9576733

Your height doesn't matter, it's the skirt length that does. You want it to be a tad shorter than the skirt. You place a petti where it looks good, usually at your waist.

>> No.9577576

Thank you! What about poof size?

>> No.9578050

Depends on the layers and again, the dress. Some skirts/jsk's permit a lot of poof, others don't. I think I had 5 or 7 layers and it fits perfect with Holy Lantern and Baby Skirt.

>> No.9578426
File: 78 KB, 408x609, IMG_1789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently grabbed this JSK and I already have mostly everything planned for it, except for hair accessories.

I don't want to do a veil even if it's sort of a religious piece. Would a few clips in my bangs work or maybe a bow? I'm trying to keep it sort of calmed down.

As far as the rest of the coord, I'm doing a white princess-sleeved blouse and white heels, and the tights I'm getting have a matching print and are black, so I think my hair accessories should be either white or maybe the gold in the print?

>> No.9578548

Rose hair clips or a round head dress both work. Get them in black, with maybe some white accents: your coord currently sound bottom heavy, and black tights with white shoes will make your legs look shorter. Consider a cross necklace.

>> No.9579530
File: 343 KB, 565x850, TB2Bqs6sXXXXXbMXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!50894782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I was wondering would this blouse work with Rose Museum? (The tiered JSK) Or is the lace on it too questionable?

>> No.9580521
File: 656 KB, 750x634, glassbottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback on this coord for glass bottle of tears? I'm not sold on the socks, ideas are appreciated!!

>> No.9580523

Why brown shoes? Why cheapen the coord with an itchy bodyline blouse? Why cover up the best parts of the dress with an apron?

I don't think the socks need to be your biggest concern.

>> No.9580615

Apron is because my dress has a stain right on the front of it from the previous owner so I wanted to hide that while still showing the print, bodyline blouse is because I want something that shade of sax blue, and brown shoes because I feel like sax shoes would be hard to match and white shoes remind me too much of easter sunday outfits when I was a kid for me to like.

>> No.9580667

Not that anon, but if you want to do brown shoes, maybe try to add brown somewhere else? One of the hairbows or something? Not sure how I feel about the pink socks against the brown shoes.

I think the blouse looks okay, and the apron is pretty cute. Is the apron white or cream?

>> No.9580673

Those brown shoes need to go or you need to somehow add more brown in. They're far too dark and don't go with anything.

>> No.9581057
File: 62 KB, 500x333, tumblr_nsw8g7PiRI1uzqm7yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had the pink Milky Cross JSK for a while now, but I've struggled with what blouse to wear under it to showcase the back lacing.
Specifically, I feel like a white blouse would provide the most contrast, but for some reason the white looks really bland and childish, imo.
I don't have enough lavender in my wardrobe to justify buying a lavender blouse, though.
Would sax look silly?

I have the matching tights in pink and ivory/white; sax, pink, and lavender otks that all match; and plain, textured tights in all of those colors as well.
Any help would be much appreciated.

>> No.9582397

I think sax and pink would be nice. You could still do the matching tights with sax shoes.

Also, your cat is cute.

>> No.9582410
File: 63 KB, 590x868, IMG_20170801_135227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had this dress for over a year now and god damn I wish I bought the black or red one just because I can't work out how to coordinate this green colour for the life of me. I should never have tried to go out of my comfort zone, even though it's a lovely dark forest colour irl.

If any gulls can help me out on how to coordinate this, I will love you forever. I'm open to any ideas but I like visible headwear the best rather than small hairclips, ya dig? If not, I'll sell or trade it, if someone else wants to do it better than I can.

So yeah, tl;dr - how would you coordinate this? All help is welcome.

>> No.9582468
File: 52 KB, 480x640, 20614406_10154616078760286_1166104282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all~ I recently bought my Top DD and I've been planning this coord for months. This is what I have currently with Items I already own. I also plan to be doing a fairly high hairstyle to compliment the OTT classic of the dress. Long base wig with Odango buns that I'd like to give a pin cushion look to using pearled bobbi pins similar to that of Elizabethan puffed sleeves .

Any pointers or opinions are appreciated.

>> No.9582486

Buns seem a little childish for this dress but that's just my opinion. Give it a go, it might look cute. Everyone wears those socks with those sorts of dresses but I can't blame you because they do look good.

>> No.9582658

I'd pair it with some lace tights, dark brown shoes, and if you could find a similarly colored headdress go with that, otherwise your best best would be to match the shoes and find a dark brown headdress. Maybe even put in some cream-colored hair flowers, depending on how dark your hair is.

>> No.9582708

No bodyline, no brown shoes.

>> No.9582763

Are you planning on wearing the collar? I would be careful with using so much white scattered throughout your coord. Also you haven't already gotten it, I would wait until you've received the dress to work on accessories. It's not obvious, but there's a LOT going on in this dress, like it's not quite black due to the checker pattern, and the stained glass can be difficult to harmonize with.

>> No.9582774

Perhaps reconsider the socks? Those are never a good idea in my opinion. The headdress is not bad per se but I would consider something more dramatic consider the dress you're wearing it with, maybe you can find something you like in the current Baby stock. Good luck with your coord.

>> No.9582794

I think it all looks great but I'm not sold on the idea of odango, I'd be tempted to make it a single bun instead of double but what suits you best might depend on your face shape.

>> No.9582798

Measure your dresses from the waist down, you'll get a more accurate idea that way than from anything we can tell you.

The first A-line I bought was 45cm because that's what a lot of the advice online suggested as "standard", but because most of my A-line pieces are longer-length I ended up having to buy a longer one (55cm) a year later. It depends on your wardrobe - measure and then take a few cm off for your ideal petti length.

>> No.9582817

Thank you very much. My face shape is pretty much a V, round at the top so I figured I could give it a shot. I'll consider the single bun for sure.

>> No.9582820

OP: I have mixed feelings on the socks myself but I went from being someone who didnt get the hype on them to really like them with the more Elaborate Baby coords. I've also considered swapping out the headdress for a full hat.

>> No.9582823

OP: Thanks Anon for the input. it seems to be the one thing people are questioning being the hairstyle. Hopefully I can get a mock look of it and it might be easier to picture.

>> No.9582828

Don't change the headress.

>> No.9582832

I like it a lot. I Don't think I will be

>> No.9582910

Maybe have some silver somewhere? In the accessories. Might look a little Slytherin inspired though lol. Like the anon said earlier brown shoes would look nice. I think if wanted to to add any warmer tones it would have to be a dark red though.

>> No.9582958

Have you considered a himegyaru style curly updo wig? It seems pretty close to a modern Marie Antoinette look.

>> No.9582973

Thank you desu, I never thought of coording it with brown. My hair's a dark brown so I guess I'd go with solely cream flowers, do you think brown shoes would still work with this? The dress has white on it, not cream. All the white flower accessories I can find are too frilly, if anyone can give me a link to some classic/gothic accessories that would be amazing.

silver might actually work, do you reckon a silver crown would look too much with this?

Sorry for all my questions, this dress makes me feel like I'm a complete fucking newbie again.

>> No.9582981
File: 1.08 MB, 1030x679, idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm trying to put together an outfit for an event at the end on this month. I've been so wishy-washy about it that now I have no time left.

I have a ridiculous amount of straw hats, so my plan was to decorate one of my own to match the bolero (the Triple Fortune hat just pulled off of LM for reference as was the BtSSB bag) and I think at this point I'll have to find my own straw bag to decorate, too.

>> No.9582984

Looks cute! Those socks look cream and that dress looks white though.

>> No.9583008

I really like the idea of coordinating it with silver or gunmetal gray. I think if you go with brown shoes, make sure you go for a bitter, cool brown instead of a warm brown. I'd actually favour black over brown generally but if you want a more original combination bitter brown could be nice.

>> No.9583021
File: 94 KB, 640x960, 1494270908008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think it's a bit too religious for a crown to work. As I feel crowns mostly work in very regal coords but that's just my opinion. You could experiment with it ofc (maybe I'm just boring). I'd suggest looking at religious themed coords and see if they inspire you?

>> No.9583034

I love religious coords but I personally don't feel comfortable going the whole way with a nun-type headdress. People in my country would think I'm an actual nun. I know I'm being difficult but I want to coord it in a non-boring way without going the full jesus route haha
I'm in love with that dress and those amazing sleeves though, do you have a source?

I'm definitely gonna use silver after this thread! I'm with you on black rather than brown if I use silver, it's quite a cool green so I think it'll work.

>> No.9583036

I already own the socks and I can thankfully say that they are white. Though, in the past I bought a bolero for a coord thinking it was white and it turned out to be more of a cream/off-white. So disappointing.

>> No.9583080

Hmm I think the only way to try and take it from the religious element is to go more of the classic route (rose headdress maybe?) or even try some old school elements. Sorry I don't have the source for the dress anon I'm not massively familiar with gothic or classic dresses as I'm more of a sweet lolita lol. I admire all the styles though.

>> No.9583083
File: 75 KB, 880x960, 19989374_591784084542671_2266902092558765051_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe you could go for a simple headdress like in this coord? Doesn't have to be in this colour ofc lol.

>> No.9583199
File: 105 KB, 500x781, rulebreaking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had posted just as the last one died. Rule breaking thread inspired me as super hot state in summer sucks. Some anon suggested ankle socks, any recommendations that aren't brand socks?

>> No.9583298
File: 28 KB, 462x615, get yo cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the apple bag really goes with the sweet theme. Kate Spade has a really cute cake bag with red details on it that would go really well and I'm sure it'll last longer than pretty much any AP bag.

>> No.9583300

Wow, this is so cute. You're making me actually like that dress.

>> No.9583312

Threw it in because I already own the Apple bag but that cake one is to die for. I have a purse addiction.

>> No.9583585

I think thats a nice idea. I havent considered it. Thanks Anon

>> No.9583605

It's ok, I'll try asking around for a source, because even though I'm sure I've seen that pic before I've never noticed how nice the dress is until now. I agree desu, I was thinking of doing a rose headdress/flower crown type thing, I'm glad you think that would work! I know it's kinda dumb for me to buy a religious-looking dress then want to coord it non-religiously haha

how have I never seen this coord before? I love the accessories she used.

>> No.9583667

I'd def go with ankle socks, I always find blouseless cords look weird with tights or long socks, like, if It's too hot to wear a blouse it's probably too hot to wear tights. I don't think the shoes work either, the dress is so sweet but the shoes look more like they would work for classic.

>> No.9583711

I have been looking for this purse all night and can't find it anywhere. Why did you do this to me? So cruel.

>> No.9583796

Sorry! Here's the link:

Agreeing with this! I don't think the shoes fit the look and they'd probably look weird with ankle socks anyway.

>> No.9583841

Might be an unpopular opinion, but I like everything except the shoes. It's a more covered up JSK so it doesn't look bad without a blouse. I like the apple bag as well, it looks very summery.
The Kate Spade one is perfect though, too bad it's $400.

>> No.9583872

I'd like to try having real heels for once, I'm short and bf is very tall plus heels do good things for making short calves look more dainty. I thought ankle socks would conflict a bit with the bow on the shoes, going to get some red standard Lolita shoes as backup once I try it all on together. Will post when I do for science, see if I end up in an ita thread. Haven't as of yet.

>> No.9583881

What dress is this??

>> No.9583903

Then coord it with a rectangle headdress? You can get plenty of those with nice details, little roses, dangling charms, gorgeous lace etc. A white one would work easily. Also pretty sure that dress is Meta's famous nun op from 2003.

>> No.9583916

Cream Cookie Parade.

>> No.9584143 [DELETED] 

thank you
this is what happens when you ignore releases for 3 years.

>> No.9584151


If you're still looking for the dress in >>9583021, it's Meta's Nun OP. The bag she's carrying is Meta as well.

>> No.9584305

Ahh thanks anon hopefully she sees this as it's a very gorgeous dress.

>> No.9584352
File: 27 KB, 376x250, CE-DA-1-forweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like crap in everything but deep, muted autumn colours. I've bought some basics in those colours and am now looking to make them cuter. How can I do that with my current wardrobe palette without making everything look overly goth? Pic related for colour reference, I wear toned down otome on a daily basis. My current wardrobe colours are dark forest green, black, charcoal grey, dark brown and some burgundy. I was thinking of going with a foresty aesthetic but I feel like that calls for happier, brighter colours.

>> No.9584364

Mustard? Lots of cute otome coords have mustard as an accent. Maybe some carmels or lighter browns? Also cream for your blouses or socks will lighten up your wardrobe.

>> No.9584391

Accessories, hairstyles and make up can play a big part in changing the look of your outfit, even with muted colours anon. Maybe try to find some cuter accessories in a style you like?

>> No.9584433

Brown anon, yes I think it would work fine to still have brown shoes. I am a fellow dark brown haired anon, and along with cream (or maybe in place of it) doing a beret with deep red flowers would pair really nicely with this color.
>I fucking love greens

>> No.9584442

That bolero is adorable omg
Navy. Navy is your friend, I use a similar color palate where everything is burgundy, navy, green, or cream

>> No.9585001

Thank you!!!!! Never bought Meta before, I'm going to have to put that on the dream dress list

>> No.9585075
File: 278 KB, 928x716, catcoordwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a coord with one of my dream dresses and I can't for the life of me decide on the legwear.
Looking for something black+gold possibly with a bit of cream or off-white because it's present in the print. I have my IW black OTKs with crowns and lions as backup, but I'm trying to find something better.

>> No.9585125
File: 436 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These teja jamilla tights (it won't let me link to her etsy for some reason) would look nice with the gold accents you've included.

I own a pair of her tights in ivory and they still look practically new after two years of wear.

>> No.9585282

Thank you, I'll consider them, but I'd prefer otks (just personal preference)

>> No.9585841

Okay I know I said I'm looking for OTKs, but these tights just caught my eye and I really like them!
My only concern is that in the proof pics they look distinctly bluish, but I don't know if that's just the lighting. Can anyone tell me whether these tights are actually black and if they're a good idea?

>> No.9585935
File: 68 KB, 700x700, swan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really stuck on how to coord this, and an appropriate coloured blouse. I was thinking pink, but it's hard to match the pinks. Does anyone one have any suggestions for the blouse? Also what sock do you think?

>> No.9585994

Sauce on this?

>> No.9586013

A white/offwhite that matches the lace and swans would be easier to coord than finding that exact pink. For a simple coord I'd go for a white chiffon blouse or bolero, white socks with pink accents and wine shoes. Or maybe introduce another colour like black for the shoes and bag, depending on what you already have.

>> No.9586019

Metamorphose Lovely Forest. A different cut in te white colourway is still available on their website in the sale section.

>> No.9586023

Meta's Lovely Forest.

>> No.9586057
File: 90 KB, 480x640, My Sweet Mates Kumya Strawberry & Lace Millefeuille Sophy JSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry this isn't a strictly coord help question but I need some advice. Any redhead anons out there with a super pink skin tone? I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on readhair x pink skin in pastel yellow coords. I find myself loving almost all sweet yellow colourways but now that I have a disposable income and want to buy some I find myself wondering if I will look 'pink' i.e like I am blushing head to toe. Should I wear a wig to help with this effect? what colours might help negate looking sunburned?

>> No.9586159
File: 164 KB, 426x298, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolibrary has them listed as blackxgold, but I think the tights would look weird and be far too busy with that print.

>> No.9586215

I really love the colour scheme and the items you've chosen. you could try a simple gold embroidered on black stockings but I think the crown OTK's would be a good idea.

>> No.9586249
File: 1.16 MB, 3988x2988, babys first cord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm pretty new and trying to start coording my wardrobe. One of the issues I'm having is with my Opal Choir skirt from Alice and the Pirates.

My first idea was keep to a pretty strict gold and ivory color scheme- but I worry about finding a blouse because I dont want to deal with matching the ivory of the skirt to an ivory blouse. And then I thought gold blouse but those are hard to find in decent quality so far and I wasnt sure if the color scheme was a bit too simple that way...

Any ideas? Scrap the red items? I'm not sure about the socks either- their just a maybe as of right now.

>> No.9586631

Red is a nice idea. I think the socks are okay but would go for more elegant red shoes and maybe including some red with hair accessories.

>> No.9586764

The jsk and apron are so cute (and im a bit jelly) but I wonder if the shades of off white might clash irl? That headbow also seems far too stark white to go with the main piece.

Socks are cute but if you want to emphasize the blue with the blouse then i'd suggest blue socks too. Ivory or beige shoes would be cute.

>> No.9586769

Good start but I recommend adding a larger headdress along with the small bows. Small hair accessories make the whole look pretty unbalanced imo.

>> No.9586875
File: 36 KB, 450x570, IMG_1179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I was doubtful about them and needed a second opinion.

Thank you!! I'm a noob so your words mean a lot.
These are the IW socks I originally mentioned, on the upside I already have them, but I'm worried they're a bit too classic? The rest is pretty sweet so I'm afraid they'll look mismatched

>> No.9586911
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had this sitting in my closet for a while, and I'm at a complete loss on how to coord this- particularly what kind of blouse to get.

>> No.9587349

Peter pan collar. I think you need to decide exactly what you want to do colour wise - you could go black blouse, black x pink socks and pick pink accessories or you could go with gold as an accent.

>> No.9587590
File: 1.64 MB, 2188x3115, IMG_20170805_144015657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a coord I'm working on for a meetup tomorrow, does it look okay? I think it would be better with a red bag + red/ivory socks but I don't have any at the moment. Any suggestions?

>> No.9587645

Socks look really odd because there's none of that tan color anywhere else.

>> No.9587674
File: 72 KB, 649x423, IMG_9186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow gulls, please help me out! I recently got the Cotton Candy Shop set in pink (JSK, OTKs and headbow) and I want to do an OTT sweet coordinate with it, but I need help (can't decide between a fluffy cotton candy theme or a more holo space glittery theme):

-Lavender tea parties (first theme) or holo shoes (second theme)??
-Original purse that comes with the set (first theme) or holo star purse (second theme)??
-I found the fluffy scrunchies in the mall and thought they would work well as wristcuffs, especially with the first theme. Thoughts?
-What dangly chocomint clip would work best: fluffy stars or fluffy hearts (first theme) or lavender moon (second)?? I also picture one I have which is little twin stars themed that could work well with the first theme (along with little twin stars clips)
-Holo clips or stars clip for hair (second theme) or a cute bow with stars (first)?? Can't decide on color for that bow if I pick it.
-What rings should I get?? Lavender star or plastic stars?? They all work better with the second theme but maybe I can add the lavender moon clip along with the ring to the first and it might look good??
-Thoughts on the tiny bows??
-What kind of wig might go well with this?? My skin is dark so some blondes don't look good with me
-Should i just toss out the entire coordinate and start anew??

Sorry for all the doubts, there's so many possibilities i can't pick the best one yet

>> No.9587683

Maybe a pink bag and socks with a pink accent that match those on the dress?

>> No.9587720


Yeah, the picture looks weird but the socks match the blouse and the brown on them matches the bag. And I think pink would also look cute, thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into finding more pink accessories. I'm still new to lolita, I've been wearing it for a year so my wardrobe is pretty small. Thanks for your help!

>> No.9587773

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say both! I know it's not helpful at all right now but you have two pretty great themes here and that's always better than wearing a dress just one way.

Holo is great because it's a newish trend, not many coords done with it, and those items will easily go with other OTT sweet dresses in your wardrobe.

On the other hand the fluffy stuff is a classic and super cute. If you admire the old ott sweet and didn't get a chance to wear it before I'd say go for that too.

I'd say it all depends on whether you want to get that older vibe or be more new. Either way all of those items will work very well in any sweet lolita wardrobe and can be mixed and matched.

If you go for the holo then get the glittery moon clip. Either ring type works, i think you're overthinking a bit there. Best case scenario get all the accessories since you want OTT.

Pink wig would be best, or a brown that has a pink or lavender gradient.

>> No.9587808

How new are you? Is it your first item or do you have a few?

I think the red coord you've put together looks really nice (although agreeing with anon's advice about nicer-quality shoes with a slightly more elegant design, BtSSB have several designs that I think would work nicely). If you have other main pieces that would match an ivory blouse and wouldn't rely as much on getting an exact, specific shade of ivory, I don't think it can hurt to try buying an ivory blouse - best case scenario it matches the skirt, worst case it'll match those other main pieces. An ivory and gold coord would look lovely if it works out.

Wearing colours that flatter you is most important for things that are next to your skin, especially the face. If you're wearing, say, a navy cardigan I think you could get away with a pink JSK just fine - try this out in a normie store sometime. Agreeing with the >>9584364 on cute hairstyling and make-up helping too.

Pink shoes? Are you sure the apron is short enough to show the print? It looks like a pretty big one and might cover too much of the dress.

>> No.9587809

I don't think your bag needs to necessarily match, especially if you don't need to include it for pics and might not even be holding it all the time. Rather than try to tie in the brown bag with brown socks (if that's what you were doing there), I'd wear ivory socks instead and let the bag be separate.

>> No.9587813

If you're going for OTT you can wear more than one ring and some nice pastel nail polish as well.

>> No.9588669
File: 111 KB, 280x373, c81973c4-bf6f-50ab-bdf7-ff9c1f832217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HelloI am attending a sailor meet soon and would like some advice on how to coord this. thank you

>> No.9588675
File: 1.88 MB, 1675x2402, cafeteria_doll_dress_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got my first lolita dress. It was an impulse purchase from the Angelic Pretty shop in Paris (it was on sale).
I only have the dress and the accessories for now so I have to find a petticoat, shoes, socks/tights and a bag maybe.
For the petticoat I'm thinking of buying the medium one from Bunny House. As for the rest I'd go with either pink, sax or white, should be pretty easy to find I guess? This is my first ever purchase so no bully pls.
Here's some coords I found on Twitter.

>> No.9588681

wear an a-line petticoat, cute shoes with a small heal and short socks, brush your hair and put a good quality bow in it.

>> No.9588686
File: 947 KB, 835x800, 2345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on how to make this dress less huge on me? I have a 70 cm waist and I'm swimming in it. The sleeves fit perfectly though

>> No.9588692

As a general bit of advice, I'd say make sure you steam or iron it well before wearing, it should really help to improve the overall look of the coord. That dress seems to be made out of slightly wrinkle-prone material since it looks a bit rumpled even on the hanger and in worn pics - making it nice an crease-free should take your coord up a notch. No bully and all but full disclosure, that dress was slated on release by a lot of anons and people on lolita updates saying it was ugly, so you should really try for nice overall presentation with attention paid to hair and make-up too to keep it from looking ita.

About petticoats, it looks like that dress has a lot of room in the skirt so I think you might need a large petticoat or to buy two pettis you can layer for versatility, unless it already has a lot of tulle in the in-built petti. I think that shade of darker sax will be hard to match so it might be easier to go with mostly white with bits of pale pink unless you see the accessories in person.

>> No.9588695

thanks, I am just on the fence about the head situation.

>> No.9588700

best advice if you don't want to get it altered is to take off the buttons on the back and sew them wider apart, so that you can have them kind of sinch the waist and make it smaller in the back when you button the strip.

>> No.9588701

Yeah I also noticed the wrinkles and the girls running the shop steamed it for me. It looks much better now.
Fuck I just read the archive and found out how much people made fun of this dress. I don't really mind but I guess I will try very hard to make it look good. I thought it was nice to begin with since it has a bunch of accessories (all for a very good price).

Thank you for your advice I don't want to be an ita I sincerely thought it looked good on me (yeah I put it on at the shop).

>> No.9589098

I'm rooting for you, anon! I hope the coord works out.

>> No.9589503

If you're buying from bunny house, I would definitely opt for the extra large size. This skirt is very full and probably a bit heavy with all the layers, it will look pretty sad with a small petticoat. I have the large size and it's more of a daily, mild poof level, I'd imagine the medium is pretty light-duty. I'd go for pink shoes since this shade of blue will be tough to match. For socks, high quality lace topped otks would be a good beginner choice that you can get a lot of use out of.

>> No.9589591 [DELETED] 

Thanks! I can't wait to post my coord when it's done.
So an extra large petti would make the dress look best? Got it. It's a bit more expensive but I'm sure it's worth it.

What I plan to do so far:
Extra large from Bunny House
Possibly food shaped?
Light pink

I'll skip on the jewelry for now.

Aside from the petti, I'll try to stalk Lace Market and see if I can find anything nice. If I don't, I'll probably order on some Taobao stores.

>> No.9589624

>no bodyline
I'm genuinely not sure if this is a meme, but since when did seagulls suddenly have a problem with bodyline?

>> No.9589629

BL had always been a bit questionable, but ever since Taobao brands became so easily accessible and BL started raising their prices without any increase in quality, they've become much less popular. Combine that with their unwillingness to restock even their decent shit and there's really no legitimate reason left to buy from them at all. I don't think many people are actively celebrating, most of us just don't care anymore. The only people who care enough to comment are the people who actively dislike it, and they've always been around. The only difference is that nobody can be bothered to defend BL or feel sad anymore.

>> No.9589636 [DELETED] 

Someone asked the same thing here and there's some speculation: >>9588645

Don't skip jewellery when you wear your coord out or post it, I think it's really needed to pull the different colours you're using together, and to incorporate the food motif. If you weren't using jewellery I'd be tempted to use white socks and a white bag.

About buying bags, if you're looking for anything involving white I'd recommend secondhand AP and Baby on sites like Fril over buying fro Taobao stores like Loris as some of Loris's pleather is too white and looks grey. Plain designs go really cheap but so do some food ones, and are often much less than on LM - an AP donut bag like the one in your collage went for 2500 yen on Mercari recently.

>> No.9589637

okay, thanks. I'm an old gull who honestly never bought directly from bodyline but o have a few secondhand pieces I've liked through the years. I've just seen a few of those comments around and they seemed really off? and new-ish? that's a good explaination.

>> No.9589651

I used to own that skirt and the dusty pink is actually easy to match with otome brands. I had some Shirley Temple socks that were perfect for it and axes femme does some good blouses. If the colours are reading right those socks are IW beige - and I think with the ivory it's going to look weird, like you can't tell beige from ivory and thought they matched. Also, is the blouse itself beige or ivory? Because that could look kinda odd too, although it'll be ameliorated somewhat by having the bolero on.

Other than altering it as other anon suggested, it's pretty tricky due to the button placement - often excentrique styles these sack dress styles with vests/waistcoats/corsets but this dress doesn't seem to lend itself well to that unless you're happy completely hiding the buttons underneath a waistcoat.

If the yellow isn't directly against your skin you shouldn't need to worry. If you're wearing,say, an off white blouse with it then the yellow isn't actually against your skin anyway...

>> No.9589656

I know this is a stupid as fuck question, but how do I choose a blouse that works well under jsks?

I can't tell from the pictures, and I'm not in a position where I can just get whatever and resell if it doesn't work (shipping is expensive and takes forever) so I really need to be sure before I buy

>> No.9589665 [DELETED] 

Thank you so much I'll keep it in mind when buying my bag. I guess I'll be hunting some jewelry too (I think keeping the food theme is important), bye bye money.

>> No.9589892
File: 1.37 MB, 2292x1164, cafeteria_doll_dress_set_coord1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's >>9589665 again.
Okay so I tried something I guess? It was actually pretty hard to find a bag but I think the one I picked fits really nicely with the dress. Again this is my first coord so don't be surprised if you think it's bad.

>> No.9590233

One thing you can do is consider what typical styles your JSKs are and buy blouses according to those styles. Like, if you have a lot of classic dresses, typically a high neck collar blouse will work, if you wear sweet dresses you might want a peter pan collar. I've found that blouses with wider necklines can be kind of iffy depending on the dress, because you don't want the collar to be wider than the straps of the JSK but in a bind you can usually finagle them into the right spot and the straps will hold them in place. I'd say buy a simple blouse based on what style you wear most often, nothing with a crazy neckline, and typically it will work. You're going to want to have a few basic blouses to start off with anyway, because they're easier to coord with more items.

Your accessories are cute, but the ball chain of the necklace might come off as cheap, so I'd replace it with a regular chain. Also, those bloomers? in the right hand corner might be long for the length of the skirt, and aren't really the right shape for lolita bloomers anyway. Since it's not really a coord you want your bloomers to show with, I'd say swap them out for shorter ones, or if you only added them to make sure you don't flash anyone, just wear some shorts. Since your arms look like they might be bare, maybe get some wrist cuffs to go with, and some dessert-themed rings. This is a coord you can kind of go balls to the wall with in terms of accessories.

>> No.9590266 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure about those bloomers with that dress - can't say for sure without measurements, but they look long enough to peek, which doesn't fit the style of the dress. The shoes look fine and the socks are really cute and match the bow details on the dress well, although most of the detailing will only be visible from behind.

I think the ice-cream theme is a nice choice, since the bottom tier of the dress looks like a table parasol/café awning, but I'm hesitant about some of the accessories you've chosen. I think that bag is cute by itself, but I don't think that casual backpack style really goes with the outfit. It screams "cheap Taobao probably bought from a reseller" a mile off, which might be workable with another dress but with this one I think it screams "babby's first coord from someone who was into ~kawaii aesthetic~ first". Unless you plan on building a wardrobe that's on the fairy kei side I think a more traditional lolita bag would be a better first purchase.

The earrings look pretty cute (NB earrings don't work with a lot of lolita hairstyles) but I think the necklace looks cheap - mostly because of the chain, but also something about the size of the waffle and sprinkles being too big for the ice cream and the proportions being off from each other making it look weird, plus (if we're going to get really nitpicky) the sprinkles are in a lot of bright shades that don't match anything else in your outfit. That kind of chain with little silver balls always looks extremely cheap and if you're dead set on getting that necklace I'd strongly recommend replacing it with something nicer - lolita necklaces often have pearls, small bow charms, etc, but an ordinary jewellery chain should do.

You should also get some white or write and pink wristcuffs so your arms aren't completely bare and if you're going to go OTT you should consider getting some ice cream rings and (depending on your hairstyle) maybe some additional hairclips as well.

>> No.9590270

Whoops, didn't see >>9590233 and we've given a lot of the same advice, sorry.

I wouldn't normally get this nitpicky but since it's a dress so many people dislike anyway, I thought it was necessary to really hone in on small details.

>> No.9590732

Lol I'm glad we were on the same page

>> No.9590872
File: 265 KB, 882x882, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's early for valentines coords but I'm hammering out this experimental one now and could use some feedback.

>> No.9590989
File: 1.42 MB, 1500x1968, cafeteria_doll_dress_set_coord2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your detailed advice. I tried to apply what you said and here's my updated coord. I hope I made some improvements!
By the way I can get the earrings in gold in case you find the silver/gold mix too jarring.

>> No.9591808

Newfag question :
What would be considered a more classic styled blouse vs a sweet styled blouse. I have heard there is is a difference but, what characteristics would both have to fit in either category ?

>> No.9591813

Nothing but cgl is really anal about putting things in seperate boxes so I'd say classic blouses are more likely to have a smaller collar, less frills and sweet blouses have more lace with ribbons and shit. also pink

>> No.9591817
File: 22 KB, 480x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic and sweet have different aesthetics, and you kind of have to get a feel for them. Yes, you CAN wear many blouses for either, but many blouses just simply wouldn't work. I'll post some examples and explain

>> No.9591837
File: 123 KB, 640x912, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are a random assortment sweet blouses that wouldn't work for classic I pulled off Google. Some are more extreme examples, others less. Generally, elements like non-dusty pastels, cartoonish/overly large details (not meant to be offensive just descriptive), plastic-y buttons, super puffy sleeves, sweet motifs, and boxier cuts can make blouses lean sweet. Obviously one or of these things on the same blouse might not make it definitely sweet, but they add to the aesthetic.

>> No.9591866
File: 101 KB, 640x912, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*one or more

here are some classic blouses that wouldn't really work for sweet. classic usually has more subdued elements, and when they are more bold/OTT they look historically inspired (think refined victorian lady, not anime magical girl). they have more fitted cuts, frequently use ruffles and pintucks, don't have plastic-y hardware and look generially more, well, classic

>> No.9591868

i really feel like you should bring in the blue somewhere else, maybe with wristcuffs or shoes. as it is, i can imagine the coordinate being unbalanced because the blue doesn't carry throughout.

>> No.9591869

Is that why cgl thinks IW is a classic brand?

>> No.9591883

That's what I thought too but anons told me it would be hard to match this shade of blue.

>> No.9592714
File: 46 KB, 450x666, IMG_4290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's >>9590989 again.
I'm thinking of going with these OTK instead. What do you think?

>> No.9592729

Lol but it is. That isn't a cgl thing

>> No.9593058

Original anon here. Thank you so much ! This was all very helpful!

>> No.9597067
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, pompompurin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to wear this with lolita where it wouldn't be super ita? I love Pompompurin and wanted to do a themed coord but it's more difficult than I thought. This apron was pretty much the only loli-able thing I've seen.

>> No.9597076

No. Plus, that apron won't fit a petti

>> No.9597156


I could see the little apronlet (the frilly beige thing with the print) working out if you ripped it from the rest of the apron and used it on its own. It's small enough that at least you wouldn't be one solid block of cheap tacky yellow.

Don't know if you'd want to go to the trouble of buying the whole apron just to rip off that part of it though.

>> No.9597177

Why not make your own apron? You could do just a ruffled waist apron with the dripping chocolate design on the front, and make it fit a lolita skirt better.

>> No.9597346
File: 682 KB, 4000x3000, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know yet if I want a jabot or not (Have a white Boz Jabot ordered tho)

I have no idea on what hat (if I wear one) or shoes to wears. As for blouse, I don't want anything too frilly as I rather dig the clean look of my AATP Sheol coat.

I will be wearing F+F or AATP (if they fit) breeches.
Your suggestions are appreciated.

>> No.9597352
File: 446 KB, 1009x1080, TB2pABxhXXXXXcPXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!2244285493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that this isn't about the apron, but anon if you're making a Pompompurin coord, you should use this beret! I think it'll look really cute.

>> No.9598975
File: 96 KB, 250x333, chess chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an impulse buy and none of my blouses look good with it. What kind of blouse should I wear?

>> No.9599259
File: 85 KB, 557x554, 3697394_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My instinct is long sleeves with either a peter pan collar small enough not to obscure the top of the JSK, any size peter pan collar and a cardigan like pic related, or a high-neck blouse. Google "chess chocolate bustier JSK" and a bunch of coords come up.

>> No.9600162

What would you think is best to wear the first day of school? I'm thinking either a chocolate print which might be good for making friends and starting a conversation or my usual toned down gothic. I want to leave a good impression the first day, yet
i don't know if i want to scare them or confuse them. Thoughts?
It's cute!

>> No.9600200

If you usally wear gothic do that for the first day. Get people used to your usual look before you switch it up

>> No.9601446

I'm styling a black OP with white trim and a white square collar
Leg wear is white with black details and shoes are black. Headwear is black
Should wrist cuffs be white or black?

>> No.9601471

White, but maybe white ones with a black ribbon

>> No.9601484

Is the OP long-sleeved or short-sleeved?

>> No.9601633
File: 38 KB, 285x380, WHT__78079.1471284834.380.380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this skirt now I don't know what the hell to coord it with because I usually wear gothic and 90%of my clothes are black. I was thinking a pair of cream riding boots (sort of victorian style), a cream blouse and ??? I don't know how to tie in mint with the outfit. I was thinking of finding a vintage lily brooch to tie that theme into the outfit, and maybe a cross necklace/ring, but when it comes to the mint color, it's throwing me off. Do I do a mint headpiece only? A mint cardigan? A mint shawl?

>> No.9601948

Okay, thanks!
Short sleeved. I thought the arms would look so bare without anything on them

>> No.9601969
File: 261 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_ou9rf0lo7k1wo5eaeo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint gloves/accessories or if you are going to go with a mint hair accessory I would do something like pic related

>> No.9601970

That is not the bustier though

>> No.9602013

Is there sauce for these shoes?

>> No.9602014
File: 306 KB, 830x800, wipcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The socks are just a placeholder since they're what I have. Would love some recommendations for legwear!
Also, should I go for a more simple blouse? I'm worried the detail on the blouse will clash with the bows on the JSK.
This is not including accessories.

>> No.9602017

I would not have thought about adding ribbon braids to the outfit!!! Thank you so much anon.

>> No.9602105
File: 159 KB, 303x631, mockupcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions before I order the blouse, tights, and shoes?
Is it decent, anything that might need improvements or replaced, etc.

I think it all fits together fairly decently.

>> No.9602106

Maybe pink legwear and blue shoes? I feel like that might look more balanced
Also, I don't think that wig is going to look good since its the same color as the jsk, so it'll kinda melt together
If you want an unnatural colored wig, maybe go with a white blouse and a light pink wig instead

>> No.9602488
File: 217 KB, 484x645, DSC00582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to coord this dress.
I was thinking of pairing it with a black blouse, black lace-topped OTKs, and black mary janes. Would it look okay ?

>> No.9602697
File: 1.51 MB, 3988x3988, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just for lolita right? I need help just coording a regular ol' type of harajuku outfit. I was thinking of tucking the kumamon tunic into the skirt for a baggy shirt/skirt combo appearance

Im not sure what to do with legwear, I was thinking fishnets and someone else mentioned maybe tall black athletic socks (the type with the white stripes on top)

>> No.9602726

Yup, black is a pretty safe bet for that dress.

>> No.9602748
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 2b9b8c18-d967-5552-bf20-5448cd29d3b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the blouse is a little plain and looks thin with cheap lace, I'd try to find an alternative in a similar style.

Otherwise looks good.

Yes, that would be fine. Since it's a pretty sweet-styled dress it'd look good with a sweeter oldschool black blouse, like old AP. Have a look through some old hair and make-up tutorials too to really nail the look. You don't even have to go that oldschool with it if you don't want since it's a 2008 dress.

If you search "angelic pretty heart pocket jsk" on lolibrarysome of the re-releases have suggested coordinates from shop blogs, pic related.

>> No.9602981
File: 317 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170819_172121_895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like some advice on shoe colour choice please. Leg wear will match the blouse and bag. Thank you!

>> No.9602994

Like previous anons said yes, black will be fine. You can coord it with white as well, as in white blouse, white socks, black shoes, black purse, etc. I'd say red shoes can work with this too, then just pick out a red, white or black headbow or headdress, maybe even in red tartan if you can find one with a similar pattern.

>> No.9603004 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 650x734, donutzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make my coordinate less.. blah looking? I feel like it's so bland right now.

I didn't bother to include my rings, bracelet, necklace, brooches. That might make it less boring but I don't know.

Also, sorry for the weird shoes, I'm just trying to work with what I have as much as possible.

>> No.9603380
File: 592 KB, 750x969, TB2iKaBmW8lpuFjy0FpXXaGrpXa_!!93746821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm styling this dress with a long sleeved high collared blouse in black and black shoes
What color would look best for legwear + headwear?
I'm thinking black (with white details on the legwear), but I'm not sure

>> No.9603399

I was thinking white with black details might work better, esp. if your black blouse is sheer.

>> No.9603417

The blouse is opaque
I might get a sheer one in the future because I think that might look good, but since I have a blouse that would work I'll just go with that
What about sheer legwear though? Would that work?

>> No.9603513

I wouldn't bother incorporating sheer legwear when there aren't other sheer/chiffon elements in the coord (apart from the trim on the dress hem)?

You could also go for digitally printed tights in the same sort of white and grey colour palette as the skirt (Grimoire have done angel stuff that would work), but I'm thinking it might be too busy.

>> No.9605722
File: 60 KB, 720x960, 20953139_1565007326877844_337859348684244671_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some concrit. Just got a Taobao haul in the mail and I'm starting to put together a coord for a meet on Saturday. Am I on the right track? Or should I rethink this? I'm gonna see if I can pick up a pair of gold normie shoes before the meet.

>> No.9605732

Looks good. I'd probably wear some gloves and a Morun x Muuna headdress with this.

>> No.9605838

>even in red tartan if you can fine one with a similar pattern
I am a tartan whore, and I'm going to tell you right now, mixing tartans is a very bad idea. eithe find the exact tartan or just pull colors from the dress (in this case black or maybe white b/c old school). mixed tartans almost always look off

>> No.9612019
File: 356 KB, 500x600, ap op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really appreciate some suggestions for pretty headwear (preferably headdresses or bonnets) that would match the navy LS, I got the op with the bonnet and that shapeless flappy thing is so darn ugly.
Thank you!

>> No.9612034
File: 2 KB, 85x102, milkycross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my hands on my dream dress and need some help. I have the matching tights but need blouse/headwear suggestions. Worn photos too if you guys have any.

Maybe do a half ponytail hairstyle with some angel wing clips with gold stars? If you can't find anything like that I'd be happy to make you a pair if you want me to drop my email. Gold shoes would be my choice by the way.

I would try to incorporate some gray/silver into your legwear/headwear, even if it isn't the main color. A headchain with silver crosses could be a nice touch.

>> No.9612037
File: 46 KB, 500x600, milkyfuckingcross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic for ants sorry

>> No.9612073
File: 1.49 MB, 1184x968, pentagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the pentagram on the back of Milky Cross, I'd wear a light colored blouse and updo to highlight it. Another anon posted these shoes and I think they'd look great with it

>> No.9614972

I'm in love with this hat, anon. Where is it from?

>> No.9615910
File: 85 KB, 480x640, ribbon_20organcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would really appreciate blouse/headwear suggestions for this please, I'm stumped

>> No.9615920
File: 140 KB, 640x640, Sweet-Lolita-Chiffon-Bolero-Shrug-Short-Sleeve-See-through-Women-s-Cropped-Blouse-with-Lace-Ruffles.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe this for the blouse

>> No.9616039
File: 814 KB, 1638x3052, 20170831_085901_HDR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is the wrong thread to post this in but I need some help. I was gonna wear my first cord to san japan but the dress only shipped out yesterday so I had to improvise. I was just wondering if this dress was acceptable before or if i should just though out the whole idea of wearing any lolita to this con. Also im aware it needs to be ironed.

>> No.9616043

I know you are very excited to be a lolita, but trust me there are many of us that regret grabbing what we had on hand to get started right away. Just go to the con and have fun. Later, when the dress comes in find a meet you want to go to or get dressed up and go somewhere with a few of your friends. You will feel so much prettier and have a much better time, I promise

>> No.9616049

Hold off, anon. Dress normally and go enjoy the con, like >>9616043 says. You want your first time wearing lolita to be deliberate, not rushed and improvised, and what you have on there neither qualifies as lolita nor looks flattering.
You'll feel a lot better about it if you wait and wear your first coord to a different meet or out with friends.

>> No.9616059

That's not a blouse

>> No.9616083

Thank you for the advise! I'll wait then for the dress to come and wear it to the next convention i go to then!

>> No.9616157

That'll look great with it, would never had thought of a bolero! Thank you

>> No.9616643

ur welcome!

>> No.9621250

I think that if your silhouette is loose on top, then it'd be more flattering to contrast that by keeping your legs slim with some plain black tights/OTKs.

>> No.9621274
File: 695 KB, 857x645, shirogothcoordidea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this dress from LM and here's what I'm thinking I'd coord it with so far. It looks lavender in the stock photo, but it's supposedly a grey-white.
I'll very likely ditch the demon wings on the shoes too (they're detachable).
Any advice for leg wear? My main problem is that I have big ol' legs, so brand tights tend to be out of the question.
Is the headdress okay? I think it's pretty, but I'm still pretty new to the fashion in general.

>> No.9622525


>> No.9622629

Thank you!

>> No.9622637

I think the lilac would go better, for future reference I think for the shoes to match one of the darker shades on the print would look best though.

>> No.9623255
File: 381 KB, 497x768, 4c5e87078a3a0a2675324804b89c0245--lolita-style-gothic-lolita (1) copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone just tell me if this is a good idea or a shitty idea? I get this like... maid-like vibe from this dress, but I can't tell if the apron works or not.

>> No.9623281

If the bodice is velvet it can look very weird with the flowy blouse and cotton apron...
If it's not, it might work.

>> No.9623309

It's not, i don't know how to describe the fabric, but it feels almost like canvas a bit? Like it's thick and sturdy, very matte, holds its shape on its own pretty well.

>> No.9623352

Well idk if the print really lends itself to the cute gothic german wench dirndl look -- I'd rec some wristcuffs though if you have to. I think it would look best styled more aristocratic.

>> No.9623367

I think it's the cut and the way the top sits. I tried it on with one of those half blouses and it looked really good with the cut, which is why I sort of had the feeling to try it out. Since the print is a big spooky castle I was like... spooky... maid? I don't really know. it was sort of just a whim. Maybe i should just try everything on and take some pics. i don't have a black apron but I own most of what i'd need anyway (minus small accessories)

>> No.9624585
File: 124 KB, 480x480, 2017-09-08_02.14.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this blouse look good with this jsk? Do you guys have any suggestions as to other styles of blouses that would work or look better?

>> No.9624586

Tuck in your skirt and make sure it's at your natural waist. You look really dumpy as is.

>> No.9624823
File: 452 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_6999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think black would look better than white... square necklines would show off the choker better. If it's not included, then a high collar would be nice too!
Included a short sleeve one just in case you live in the tropics.

>> No.9624839
File: 17 KB, 174x320, IMG_7004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Taobao store has up to XL size tights!

>> No.9625353

Those are beautiful! It doesn't seem to let me order directly from Taobao (it gives me a delightful "order closed: buyer is wrong" google translate message), so I'll have to suck it up and get em from a shopping service probably.

>> No.9626507

It comes in black, unfortunately it just had photos in white; I actually really like the one at the top right, I've been looking at it, it's pretty cheap; I might just get both of them. Thank you so much kind anon

>> No.9626565

Sauce on bottom right?

>> No.9631680
File: 573 KB, 903x790, ppoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys! this is supposed my first coord. i don't want to buy anything too expensive because i'm not sure if i'll be even able to wear lolita properly (it's really hot where i live, and dollar is expensive here). i was planning on matching it with simple black tights. what do you guys think? pls don't be mean

i've been looking at lolita stuff for a few months now but i don't think i have a good eye for coords yet, so please help me out. i would ask my comm but 90% of them are noticeably ita.

>> No.9631681

Why buy an op like that if it's hot??

>> No.9631733

>pls don't be mean
you have to be 18+ to use this site.

>> No.9631735

I have this same op and I live in Texas. That op will get pretty dang hot if you have to stand in the sun for any longer amount of time.

I think those shoes are perfect though! In fact id love to buy them myself!

I usually either wear plain black tights because im lazy or those lacey OTK socks from BTSSB that everyone hates in black. I think if you found a suitable gothic printed pair of black OTK or tights (like crosses or coffins) that would also work pretty well!

Then for the head I either go with a black rectangle headress that has black roses or a side veil with a dark red rose on it.

>> No.9631781

I would be mindful of trying to match your shades of reds. The dress looks like it has purple tone, more like a wine, where the shoes look just dark red. They don't look too bad in those pictures but next to eachother they will really stand out.

>> No.9631910

thank you so much for your input! the shoes are from the brand your highness.
yeah i just noticed it after editing the picture, i think i might just use a pair of plain black shoes i already have. thanks!
i see your point. it's not hot the entire year tho, during summer it's unbearable but i think i could wear it during the rest of the year so it should be fine. but idk we'll see, if i just can't wear it i'll sell it.

>> No.9633031
File: 347 KB, 1365x2048, 16402487_1800255383570479_5264074801357551849_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help with what kind of blouse to use with this type of collar besides possibly a stand up neck blouse?

>> No.9633174

You could use a scoop neck blouse so only the sleeves show through

Actually this opens you up to the possibility of non-lolita blouses with necklines that aren't necessarily appropriate. I've seen some with nice sleeves but way too much cleave in the past.

>> No.9635935
File: 63 KB, 220x264, 12ecca82-b097-5e6e-92ad-d9d02b6b7bb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me coord this jsk? I've never owned a dress with such a busy print. Everything I attempt looks awful. This jsk is La fête de Saint-Valentin JSK by Juliette et Justine.

>> No.9635994

keep it simple in the beginning. you could try offwhite for legwear and blouse and use blues and/or greens for everything else. also gold jewellery. when you get used to the dress you can go for for more extravagant and experimental coords.

>> No.9636000
File: 6 KB, 236x283, f18125f63b8fe7142e0df07428a43b05--velvet-heart-lolita-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of stumped on the legwear, but for the top I would suggest an off white high necked blouse (can't tell if the lightest shade on the dress is off white or cream, adjust accordingly) & a navy/dark blue (again, not too sure what colour that is) jacket - something structured essentially. Not sure about the buttons on this JM jacket but the heart lapels would go well with the print.

>> No.9636144
File: 74 KB, 432x559, 21850594_1509404229141190_179842253_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is appropriate for this thread, so feel free to redirect me if there's a better place for this

I bought these boots from an anon on here a while ago (really cheap), and I absolutely adore them
I think they're super cute, and they're incredibly comfortable

The problem is that because it was kind of an impulse buy, I don't have anything in my wardrobe that goes with them

I'm thinking of getting a coat that will work with them, because that would be nice for winter, but I can't seem to find anything that I feel would match
I think it's just because I'm kinda unused to this style, but I'm struggling a lot

If someone could just, throw something together, an outfit, or just a matching dress or coat or anything, I feel like that would help me a lot to kinda get into what else would work

Also, sorry for the low quality pic, can't seem to find any stock photos, and I was kinda in a hurry while taking the pic because my puppy kept trying to eat them

>> No.9636152

Why don't you find a fur scarf/stole in a similar pattern? This way most coats in a subdued colour would work.

>> No.9636846

Sorry if I'm stupid but... Could you show me a picture of what you mean?

>> No.9636852
File: 139 KB, 680x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into mori girl, natural kei and dolly kei for inspiration. Don't worry about being matchy matchy, as any look you will come up with including the boots will be more earthy and quirky

>> No.9636854

I'd probably go for a wide square neck and try to adjust it so you got a strip of the ruffle above the neckline but didn't see any fabric to the sides until the sleeves.

>> No.9636864

Ahh, gotcha
I've been looking at liz lisa, ank rouge etc, because the boots were from liz lisa.
But now that you mention it, I realize that something mori looking would be muck more fitting
Thanks anon

>> No.9637112
File: 62 KB, 720x960, 21730927_1235739823198889_3403362407074792234_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have advice on taking mannequin coord photos? I am too uggo so I don't want to take on-the-body pics, but all I have for mannequin displays is this super teeny store display thing.

Also if you have any advice for the coord that's cool too. I still need to find a good baphomet necklace to wear w/ it. Assume black tights for this outfit.

>> No.9637117
File: 398 KB, 1500x1500, Faux-Real-Fur-Scarf-ChinChilla-2-product-1x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this but matching the fur on the boots.

>> No.9637145
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x1836, 1506029396307-2098414206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can safely say after reviewing this board I have no sence of fashion what so ever I mean right now I'm whering black Adidas pants a real tree camo hoddie and orange buff where neck band here's my leg as an example

>> No.9637159

looks like a replica of VM

>> No.9637178

Check out IG for people who only do flatlays or mannequin shots (I follow thehocketviper and sweetexpedition who largely do that). See what things you like and don't like.

>> No.9637204

Maybe don't use a potato to take photos? And lift your mannequin off the ground.

>> No.9637297

:C I only have a cheap camera because I count big purchases in terms of how much burando I can get for the same amount of dollars.

>> No.9637311

np. they are cute!

>> No.9637323

Maybe try getting a tripod to calm your parkinsons hands then.

>> No.9637624
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1920, SI_20170922_015127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning a coord for my first meet up at an aquarium. How does it look so far? Any advice on legwear?

>> No.9637655

Are you using your natural hair..?
Get some jewelry / accessories on your arms and hands, the bow is a little plain..

>> No.9637817

You look really new so I'm guessing you don't have anything better. I'd advise taking off the bag for the coord photos since it's not very loliable.

As for legwear, something lacy to match the headband. White lace tights are easy to find and versatile, they go with almost anything in lolita.
What shoes are you going to wear?

>> No.9637819
File: 30 KB, 425x425, 71n45mTH4fL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitively get a tripod like >>9637323 said. It's about $10 on Amazon.

>> No.9637830

Okay, then I understand! I'll look around and see if I find something like that, thank you!

>> No.9637852

Reposting from the dumb j-fashion questions thread.

I always just bought JSKs because of their versatility, but lately I'm buying a lot of OPs and I'm having a bit of a hard time coordinating them in different ways.
My boleros don't fit properly over the sleeves of my OPs and my cardigans' sleeves are too tight.

Pics would be appreciated but I'm accepting any tips on how to get the most uses out of short-sleeved OPs.

>> No.9637886

You can add wristcuffs, depending on the OP. Even just varying the type/color of the socks can bring out a different look. Do you have an example of an OP you have?

>> No.9637891

>using a different hairstyle, make-up style, bag and shoes each time (I do this with my long-sleeved OPs since I think it's more noticeable from a distance than changing jewellery is)
>layering (e.g. overdresses, underskirts, false collars, belts)
>wristcuffs vs bracelets vs lace gloves vs opera gloves; other accessories
>accepting and embracing that OPs often look samey

>> No.9637903
File: 421 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_7210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My style is all over the place. These are four examples of what I have. Bottom left is in all white and another brand.

These are all very helpful, thanks! I'll look into getting a bunch of gloves first since that's easier.

>> No.9637912

About these specifically, I think a chiffon overskirt would look great with top left, and the Moitie OP you could actually wear with a blouse underneath if you can't easily fit boleros on top (although I'm surprised you're not able to, a lot of my brand boleros have slightly puffed sleeves to accomodate this). A square neckline, high neck and peter pan collar long-sleeved blouse could all look good with it in either black, white or navy. Could change hair colour with a wig as well to really change the feel, esp. for some of the sweeter pieces.

>> No.9637921
File: 126 KB, 720x1280, IMG_7002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For that OP specially, it's just that my stuff is too sweet for it.
I'm comissioning a chiffon blouse with these sleeves, it'll probably look good under it. I'll email my comissioner to see if she can make an overskirt as well.
Thanks for the tips anon!

>> No.9639239
File: 31 KB, 290x387, 4d39913e-fa38-5ed5-a826-23a62767701c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imoop sorry for spamming this twice in one day but I'd like some input on more classic and not OTT chords for this dress that still look elegant. This dress is quite heavy so I think winter accessories would be best. I love this dress but I really should make an effort to wear it more when I can.

>> No.9639241

>how even

>> No.9639870
File: 34 KB, 350x350, o0350035013674184910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an ETC dress that's around 70 cm, it's really cute but when I move around it doesn't completely cover my butt. What would you wear with this?

>> No.9639883

I'm imagining short black swissdot gloves, matching sheer dot tights, and simple mary janes with this one. Hair up in an elegant bun with pearl accessories.

>> No.9639924
File: 43 KB, 436x635, d7712b3a4582f7dabec1a957da8e076a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brown shoes and pink socks are such a bad idea anon. Notice the proportion of the colors on this image. You have brown and pink on the bottom but no where else in the coord except kind of in the print.
Try gold shoes, plus if you don't have a lot of lolita stuff they are great to have anyway because they match a lot of stuff.

>> No.9639932

I like this a lot anon, chocolate x wine red is a favorite of mine.

>> No.9639941

a black underskirt or bloomers?

>> No.9639949

Maybe something like this http://s.aliexpress.com/jeuMRFju or bloomers as the other anon suggested.

>> No.9639951

Shorts or a skirt. Wear it as a long top instead of as a dress.

>> No.9640126

this dress looks like something a child on the titanic would wear. not that i dislike that....

>> No.9641283
File: 190 KB, 1050x908, comfychristmascoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue dot = I own it already, Purple dot = it is available for purchase somewhere

So I know Halloween is just around the corner, but I'm already putting together this comfy casual Christmas coord, haha. I'm being very fussy about it as it's something I may like to wear more on the day-to-day and may be my first impression on my local comm I'm getting my guts together to join soon.

But, overall I could use some critique! I'm more of a classic/gothic lolita with moreso black wardrobe hence the more casual classic vibe with this. So, suggestions welcome! I really don't like headbows, but I know I'm very uninventive with my head, and would other lolitas scoff at having rose bows in a coord involving no roses? Should I be going with a more normal cutsew/blouse instead of a burando sweater or is the look fine and not too plain? I absolutely know a gold bag would be better, my red bag is just backup if I don't find one like the AP Star Pochette since it already matches the skirt.

I haven't checked Japanese auction sites yet, but I did find these shoes on Wunderwelt. https://www.wunderwelt.jp/en/fleur/products/s-00480 Are Queen Bee good enough to spend $110+ on with shipping? Do Queen Bee’s bordeauxs generally match other brands? I'll check auction sites next but these boots do look nice.

In a side question, are earings from brands like AatP and Milk and such hypoallergenic to your guys's knowledge? I have a nickel allergy, doesn't really look like they are unfortunately. I'm thinking of ways to integrate more Christmas stuff like ornaments or candy canes or bells in pretty subtle jewelry or decorations. Good idea? On top of this outfit would be a bordeaux coat/jacket for maximum comfy, if one pops up.

Sorry if I seem like I’m second-guessing myself and being wishy-washy, honestly I like the ideas I’ve put together, but I know I’m inexperienced and would love to know if I’m making a grave error.

>> No.9642414
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1200, Cat Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many ideas for this JSK but I'm having trouble keeping coord ideas from blending together. This is what I have so far. Thoughts?

>> No.9642420
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1200, Others.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking the bonnet plus flower crown instead of the headdress in original pic. Short sleeve chiffon blouse in black if the heat is too much.

>> No.9643142
File: 41 KB, 333x250, ap melty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a casual coord that passes as normie be possible with this skirt?

>not a lolita but in love with this skirt

>> No.9646865

New thread >>9646864

>> No.9646866

I think so, take it in a toned down decora way

>> No.9648012
File: 51 KB, 500x375, alice bambi pink burgundy skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to coord this, I tried a pink and burgundy top and both looked bad

Any help is appreciated

>> No.9648222

Choose a contrast color like white or ivory for the blouse and tights, match the hair accessory to either skirt color, match the shoes to the burgundy, and accessorize with any of your three colors. If you can get a similar burgundy, try a bolero or cardigan to break up the blouse color.

>> No.9648233

Idk but i need sauce on both

>> No.9650313

thank you anon, I'm gonna try and construct a coord collage

>> No.9650832
File: 1013 KB, 768x1024, IMG_8218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bough this ank rouge dress, and it's really cute but Idk how to coord it in a otome style. Halp pls (usually I do himekaji but this was an impulse buy)

>> No.9651598

I don't really understand what you mean but I'm thinking a simple mint top would do since the skirt is already very busy? (for normie)

>> No.9651606

Maybe add a cardigan in a different color (I always use red, but you can try pink, gray, navy even) and darker tights. Or you could try a lighter blouse but go with darker shoes and lighter socks.

>> No.9651644 [DELETED] 

Starting point, I ended up ignoring the aforementioned burgundy for now.

I only do classic so I'm struggling to coord for sweet, not sure what to do for headwear bc I don't love headbows?

>> No.9651651 [DELETED] 

Starting point, I ended up ignoring the aforementioned burgundy for now.

I only do classic so I'm struggling to coord for sweet, not sure what to do for headwear since I don't love headbows?

>> No.9651654
File: 804 KB, 944x810, pink coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting point, I ended up ignoring the aforementioned burgundy for now.

I only do classic so I'm struggling to coord for sweet, not sure what to do for headwear since I don't love headbows?

>> No.9651741 [DELETED] 

Go for the shoes on the right. The left are too chunky for the kind of sweet you're going for. Also the right ones will be reusable in classic.

Go for the headdress on the left as well.

And finally, unless you're already planning to do so in which case what i'm saying is useless, take both the blouse and cardigan. It'll be nice since cold months are there and a peter pan collar peaking out of a cardi is super cute!

>> No.9651744

Go for the shoes on the right. The left are too chunky for the kind of sweet you're going for. Also the right ones will be reusable in classic.

Go for the headdress on the right as well.

And finally, unless you're already planning to do so in which case what i'm saying is useless, take both the blouse and cardigan. It'll be nice since cold months are there and a peter pan collar peaking out of a cardi is super cute!

>> No.9652479
File: 86 KB, 650x975, neverland-lolita-undead-concerto-lolita-normal-waist-coreset-jsk-dress-5_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a fullmetal retard, but I can't seem to figure out a short sleeved blouse that will look good with this dress. It's been sitting in my closet for quite a while now, because I don't really have any long sleeves (have some on the way tho) and I just can't seem to figure out what kind of short sleeves would work. It's still pretty warm here even though it's October, and i want to wear my shit but I'm not about to get heat stroke.

>> No.9652939

I think a square neck short sleeve blouse would look good with this, in other words just show the blouse sleeves and no collar.

>> No.9657405

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, maybe I should start a general help thread nd ask there instead but I don't want to make a tread just for me...

My boyfirend has given me 1 weeks notice for a black tie event, and I don't know even where to start. My wardrobe is mostly gothic lolita, so I'm hoping I can use something from there, but I don't know if that would be okay for black-tie.

Any advice would be very very appreciated anons!

>> No.9657412

It'd be easier to just buy a formal than to try and make a normie outfit with a JSK.