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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9570787 No.9570787 [Reply] [Original]

Previously, on the Chronicles of Dutch Thread >>9561604

"WIP pictures. Crafting questions. FB White Knights. Healthy discussions. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the FB White Knights attacked. Only the OP, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. The Vierdaagsefeesten has passed and Prop-Anon and Smoke-Anon discovered the OP, an oldfag named Tully. And although his drinking skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe OP can save the Dutch Thread."

The next five major events:
>Castlefest (August 3rd - 6th, Lisse ZH), the other outdoor fantasy orientated convention.
>TomoParty (August 19th, Ewijk GL), the cosplay beach party where they serve rose chicken teriyaki.
>Abunai! (August 25th - 27th, Veldholven NB), 'a nice con that suffers from a limited amount of nearby sleeping accommodations.
>Amsterdam Comic Con (September 2nd & 3rd, Amsterdam NH), a geek culture fair that's all about buying stuff.
>Elfia Arcen (September 23rd & 24rd, Arcen LB), not the other outdoor fantasy orientated convention.
Our full con calendar with Google Calendar support can be found at https://www.churi.nl/agenda

Friendly reminders:
>We have a newcomers guide at https://churi.nl/newcomers-guide
>Defending yourself on /cgl/ only makes things worse. It's best to take things posted here lightly and just move on.
>Posting WIP pictures and/or progress about your current projects is encouraged.

Hey silly gull, we're all chilling on Discord and metting up and stuff. Why not join us at https://discord.gg/RgaEYeK and say hi!

>> No.9570792
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>"WIP pictures. Crafting questions. FB White Knights. Healthy discussions. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the FB White Knights attacked. Only the OP, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. The Vierdaagsefeesten has passed and Prop-Anon and Smoke-Anon discovered the OP, an oldfag named Tully. And although his drinking skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe OP can save the Dutch Thread."

I died

>> No.9570796

And in order to start this thread off, fresh and properly, how about we start sharing some fun convention stories? Let them be the best thing that has ever happened to you at a con, the worst thing, the most cringiest thing, or maybe just something completely different.

>> No.9570798
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I could tell you about my last con expierence but you wouldn't like to hear that, trust me.

>> No.9570803

Well otherwise I wouldn't have left this reply, so go ahead

>> No.9570806

Believe me, you don't.

In fact, I already hinted at it in the last thread with general negative responses as if it was my fault.

>> No.9570807

>mous 07/22/

I went to tomocon with 2 friends of mine, it was my first time at an actual anime con (I was an anime fan for a while even then). We were just chilling there and after a while we decided to go see what was on the second floor.
Apparently there was someone cosplaying chitoge from nisekoi there, with the mini skirt and all. Standing near the top of the stairs. As about 20 people per minute walked up the stairs.
We got a "little bit" of a view to say the least.
As the 3 of us looked up when walking up the stairs, nobody suddenly said anything and after a while we were talking about it;
Me: lol did you see that
Friend 1: YEAH yeah it was DISGUSTING who would do such a thing???
Friend 2: yeah it was pretty... overwhelming, although it was just part of the cosplay

I think friend 1 might be slightly gay and friend 2 might be a bit hetero

>> No.9570809

Cringiest: had a guy hit on me at abunai, talking about him being into asians. so I told him that I'm not asian and if he wants to get a date, he should go to the speed dating instead. Later on he's been dating plus size obvs not asian looking girls.

>> No.9570814

Can't remember the last thread aside from the shitstorm. Are you the anon that got drugged at tomo?

>> No.9570815

No, I'm the anon from Germany.

>> No.9570820

The one who got groped by the refugees?

>> No.9570825
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Groped and harassed for over 2 hours at the Rhinepromenade to the point where we had to call the police and lock ourselves in our car.

But that's rascist and dosn't belong here because I'm a /pol/tard, I know I know. All germans are nazis and rascist and blah blah blah.

>> No.9570831

Might aswell tell the whole story at this point desu.

>> No.9570837

That sucks sorry to hear that anon. If it's any good, I like the german language/songs and would like to visit germany sometime. You got a nice themepark as well over Theresia. Getting offtopic tho

>> No.9570839

I meant there wtf autocorect

>> No.9570844

Refugees or no refugees, there will always be creeps at cons. There's a reason that 'cosplay is not consent' is rising nowadays with actual rules and signs. It wasn't like that a few years ago, but it doesn't mean there were less creeps

>> No.9570845

Fun convention story..

Well, at Animecon there was an asian girl, smaller then average one, drunk as shit and suddenly starts taking bites and eating foam bits from those foam light tubes.

This year animecon this dude who was just trying to get small talk, hit on every girl, failing hard and just kept going to each girl there..

Was fun as hell seeing him try, but you gotta admit he kept trying tho.

Abunai cringe or almost everyone con cringe.. the zentai suit wearers who proudly show the curves of those 2 inch dicks in their suits.. Yeah so classy.

>> No.9570853

>>9570844 there will be con creeps no matter what, too many people who have no idea how to act in social situations.

>> No.9570866


Just people with no social skill, to much weeb like acting, Yaoi fangirls who really need a dick for the first time, autistic fuckers, people who blame their behavior on being bullied in the past, fucking creeps who dont know how woman work and think that cosplayers must be some open sex object which you can treat how you want, cause the cosplay..

No wonder those type of people are single 99% of the time and think the dating show and speed dating actually gets them a date...

>> No.9570869

I think I've seen somebody eat / bite the foam thing as well but it wasn't an asian kid. What's up with that?

>> No.9570905
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Well, considering the nature of /cgl/ I write down an actual trigger warning here.
Oh right, spoiler tags are not supported on /cgl/ I forgot. Well, if you got similar expierence and like to have a tumblr-like meltdown better stop reading here and hide the post.

Well, this are the events from the 26th to 27th of May.
Me and two friends we're cosplaying as Byakuren Hijiri, Shou Toramaru and Murasa Minamitsu from Touhou.
To explain the "con" a bit, it's basically a japanese culture appreciation day in Düsseldorf on the long public area at the Rhine. There are a few stalls, a little concert stage and in the night there is a big firework.

During the day, it was all fine and dandy, made a couple of new friends, had some japanese food, bought tons of melon flavored ice, basically everything thats good about going to cons.

The firework attracts a lot of people, even those who do not necessarly have a liking in japanese culture.
And since there is only a bit of soft grassy area to sit down and watch the firework, it gets a bit crowded there during the evening.

>> No.9570906
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>>9570905 continued
It started when we made a free hugs line, where everyone was allowed to get a free hug and go to the next person and get a hug.
That guy grabbed my ass and went straight for my butthole, trying to poke it through my clothes. I could feel how he tried to stick a finger inside.
I pushed him away with a loud "Hey, lass den Scheiß" for those who don't speak german "Hey, cut that shit out".
In broken german he answered "Ah, benehm dich nicht so, du willst mich doch auch" roughly translated to "Don't act like that, you want me too"

Well, his friend came right afterwards, grabbed me by the neck and tried to kiss me. Thank god my friend pushed him away when she noticed what he was trying to do. She took me and the other one and we buggered off from there. While we left from the scene, one of the guys yelled "Heut wirst du meinen Namen und den Namen des Propheten stöhnen" - "You will moan my name and the name of the prophet" and did motions towards his crotch.

For an hour or so, it was quiet again I already tried to forget about it. But those two gathered some of their friends, in total 8 guys and settled down on the grassy area next to us, yelling obsenties at the people arround and at us. The people all arround were visibly annoyed, including us but there was literally no place left. So basically, we endured it while hearing things like "You will suck my cock you whore" or some shit in arabic I don't know.

When the firework ended arround 23:something, not sure anymore, we left the area quickly but those guys followed us to our car. One of my friends already got paranoid and had her phone in hand wanting to call the police. We finally reached the car, got in and wanted to drive away but they just stodd in front and the side of the car, making it impossible to get out of the parking area.

>> No.9570911
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This kept going for like 10 minutes, with the guys yelling stuff at us, how they want to fuck us etc. etc. My friend finally had enough and called the police. After additional 10 minutes, a patrol came arround and the guys quickly ran away when they saw the police car turning into the street.
We had to come in the next day at the police station and filed a charge against person unknown for harrasment. Until this day, we heard nothing that they found the guys.

And well, that's basically the story of the worst con I ever went to.
But this is a general thing happening in Germany right and I am rascist for thinking like that. I know I know. Poor rapefugees, all the traumas they had to endure on their way here.

I can deal with this story, I was only harassed. There are girls out there who had much worse fates than I did. These past two years here made me a bit anxious with bigger mass of people and certain groups of people. I do not longer go out alone after night and if I do usually in with a male friend.

Just, be careful alright? You never know. Neither in public nor on cons.

>> No.9570916

sucks that it happened anon, i'm sorry to hear

also sucks that it turned you into pol though, i think i know more white dutch creeps who'd do shit like that (minus the prophet thing) than others
would be nice if the whole cosplay =/= consent thing would be taken seriously

>> No.9570925

I don't know how that exactly makes me "pol"

There is a problem with certain groups of young men here and that problem increased drastically in the past years.

If fearing for your own safety is "pol" then I don't know anymore.

>> No.9571019
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WIP for today, leg guards and knee caps are almost ready for filling

>> No.9571020
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There is a huge difference between white dutch creeps and letting loads of criminal into your country. Most cons in The Netherlands require tickets to get in, so stuff like this is less likely here.

Calling somebody "pol" for seeing the danger called refugees isn't is just idiotic. Yes, I believe 99% of refugees are nice people, but we also let in bad people, on top of the regular creeps.

As long as our events require a ticket its fine though.

>> No.9571370

10/10 OP, OP! I giggled.

>> No.9571383

Sorry to hear that, anon.

The convention grounds in the Netherlands are relatively save. Like, you'll see the occassional creep trying to talk you into letting him take pictures of your feet, but that's the usual worst of it.

If you decide to travel in cosplay however, especially after dark, you do run a higher risk of running into men in their late teens/early twenties who never learned what sexual harassment means. Thet might have a darker skin colour, but my personal experiences mostly involve garden variety Dutch 'tokkies'. They see you're dressed weird and see that as a challenge. It might be regular harassment, it might be sexual in nature, but it's never fun.

>> No.9571386
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>you will never be Dutch

>> No.9571497

Cunts come in every colour and size.

I go by the age all thing that 60% of humans are normal, well-behaved human beings. 40% are scum. But some are hidden scum, and a smaller percentage (10 to 15%) are the creepy/harrassing types of scum. And that applies to refugees as well as native dutch people.

>> No.9571498 [DELETED] 

>Free hugs

You deserve to get raped

>> No.9571499

point proven

>> No.9571500 [DELETED] 

can you post some pics that isn't anime
hard to imagine an attractive girl writing all that

>> No.9571501

>There are girls out there who had much worse fates than I did


>> No.9571506

What were all those normies doing smoking pot in front of the world forum then? I didn't even see security shoo them away.

>> No.9571543

Young girls being raped, beaten black and blue? Did you live in a cave past few years?

>> No.9571546

Never heard of any case.
Yeah I'm in Canada, you're basically right.

>> No.9571571

>Never heard of any case

Are you living in the Yukon and sending messages via Moose?

>> No.9571575 [DELETED] 

Are you gonna tell me about the cases or what

>> No.9571583

Why would security tell them to sod off? Pot is (sorta kinda) legal here and the worst thing that could happen is that they end up laughing a lot and getting the munchies. If anything they're doing far less harm than all the drunks at a con, especially during Deshima. I mean I'd rather see a hundred people getting high on pot than see a guy being escorted out of the con in a wheelchair and lifted into a car by his friends because he drank so much he passed out. And yes, that's exactly what happened this year aside from the usual idiots who can't handle their booze and need help getting to their hotel room.

Polite sage for not being all that /cgl/ related.

>> No.9571586

Specific con related rapes or general rapes?

Because I think that anon from germany was talking about general rape with the worse "fates"

>> No.9571644

You mean, some paying visitors?
Normies. The word alone makes me puke in my mouth a little. Like not being weird or some introverted Tumblrina makes you a lesser human. Get of the freaking high horse already..

And get out of your bubble while you are at it: People smoke weed, drink alcohol and can dress normally. They can have fun and go to a convention without knowing all all planets of the Dragon Ball saga's or naming each and every episode of Cowboy Bebop and knowing the title reference.
Not everybody who visits a convention is introverted and hangs out in front of the computer watching some anime all day and hentai all night.

I'm sick of all these safe space demanding excuses for humans who think that a convention should be filled up only with people of their approval. Hell, a few years ago the staff of Tsunacon was caught on Abunai for smoking weed on the roof. But, yes, go along and just think reality should pass you by. It will serve you a lot in your life.

>> No.9571667

If this sounded harsh, good.
I pay money for my ticket just like you. Smoking some weed of grounds is not a crime. Not cosplaying is not a crime.
Don't group me with my 2 joints in a weekend of fun with rapists.

>> No.9571671

Because that's not exactly something the law forbids? Besides, if they aren't on convention grounds, security can't do all that much, because they can't enforce convention rules outside of the convention grounds. If people outside of the convention are in violation of Dutch law by, for instance, harassing cosplayers, that's police business.

>> No.9571676

smoking in front of an entrance is rude and gross, regardless of what

>> No.9571682

Then maybe they shouldn't put the ashtrays there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9571686


>> No.9571698

Yeah should they do it inside then? Retard.

>> No.9571706

Ehh, what's the problem with just walking a few meters away so you're not in direct contact with people walking into the entrance? Logic

>> No.9571719

Not that Anon, but I agree with you. As an occasional weed smoker me and my group always follows the stoner etiquette. It specifically states things like how you should never smoke where it will bother others, as well as common courtesy such as keeping your smoking spot clean. Too bad most cool kids these days never heard of this.

Another polite sage for being off-topic.

>> No.9571737

then they'd had to ash it on the floor. That's just poor behaviour if there are ashtrays nearby.

Blame the convention center, not the smokers.

>> No.9571795

>blames the smokers anyway

>> No.9571862

I saw Robin Morgan being mentioned in the last topic but I always got drama queen vibes from his instagram so I unfollowed him eventually. Plus he's like 30 something but always having shoots with teenagers and the likes soooo yeah

>> No.9571872
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Potheads are the worst anyway.

Even worse, female potheads.

>> No.9571910

Not that weird having shoots with teenagers.. Coscom is filled with teenagers? Also, many photographers are "older". Never heard anything weird about him, though

>> No.9572045

Never heard anything weird about him either. I had a couple of convo's wih him for future shoots and he seems like a nice guy.

>> No.9572084


I had a few shoots with that guy. He's really nice to work with. Acts normal too

>> No.9572925

I was wondering what you guys think about the 3D printing hype that's going on in the cosplay community lately. Do you think it's a great thing because it makes the prop more accurate? Or do you think there's nothing fun about it because the whole 'craft the prop yourself' experience is gone?

>> No.9572940

my worst experience is with 50+ white guys who obviously don't get sex from their wives anymore and lust after grls the age of their daughters/grandkids

>> No.9572944

Same. They're choosing to stink up the place and inconvenience everyone around them. It's not like they can't go a few hours without lighting up, it's their choice to be shitheads.

>> No.9572947

I think it depends on how you use it. There's people that model the pieces by themselves from scratch. That's not easy. And after it's printed the pieces still need a lot of work and assembling.

Others though, buy 3d models or already printed pieces straight off the internet. And even if they do, it's up to them. Of course, even with 3d printed parts you can do all kind of different things. Make mold, use it as a base to add details or to make something crazy with it. 3d printing is simply a new medium that allows cosplayers to discover different techniques and try new things with. 3d printing is also a technique that's developing fast. Who says that within 5 years we still use it like this in cosplay at all?

However, I do think competing with 3d printed pieces that you didn't make/create/model yourself is not okay. I think competitions should put rules in place or find some form of judging 3d printed costumes in a different way.

>> No.9572965

At the moment, I'm still faster by hand than a 3D printer for most things. Also I'm way to poor to afford a printer. But once I have a decent livingspace, I'd like to get back into 3D sculpting/modeling and see if shapeways can get me something fun.

>> No.9572968

I'm buying my own 3d printer as soon as I move, since i'm a 3d modeller i'll be able to make my own pieces (i already do it a lot in the form of scratch pepakura templates).
But 3d printing has quite some disadvantages aswell, not to mention the huge time it takes to model and print a piece.
It's very heavy (depends on the construction though) and it requires quite some refinement. It can also break quite easily, and the filament is not easy to work with, especially if you need to put things together because the print surface is so small.

I'll mostly aim at using it for difficult pieces that would otherwise require a handful for sculpting, or use it as a master for moulds that i intend to use multiple times (such as selling small guns and trinkets etc). It'll also be useful to make your own casing for things like batteries and also some mechanical engineering that would require too specific elements.

>> No.9573017

A 3D printer isn't a Star Trek Replicator that allows you to just press print and have it spit out a good looking prop. First off you need a model. These can be pre-made, ripped from a game and edited for use with a 3D printer, or made from scratch. Also have fun fitting everything in a 15cm x 15cm x 15cm printing space, because that's all you'll get with most home use 3D printers. The printing itself also isn't just a matter of pressing print and taking it out. You actually need to learn to use the right fine-tuned settings for each print and material type if you want to end up with detailed quality prints. Also printing takes forever to finish (18hr large prints aren't uncommon) so you actually need to plan your prints ahead of time and often you'll also have to reprint parts because u dun goofed. And what does all of this gets you? Parts that still need to prepped, filled, sanded and painted just like with hand made props.
So in the end I'm with >>9572947. 3D printing is just another tool for the job and as with all new tools we just need to find the right place and use for it. I'd imagine that if this was the 1850's we would now be discussing of these new "sewing machines" that are getting common are ruining the handmade quality of our theatre costumes.

>> No.9573106

The snarky argument that 3D printing does not have an advantage over traditional crafting is silly.
You want to make a point that 3D pr. is just a tool but not in definition better than hand crafting. But the example you use is sewing machines, which has almost completely replaced hand sewing because it is faster and considering a proper machine, more accurate and consistant than hand work. Even hand tailored suits are sewn by machine after measurements, because the stitches are simply more consistant than by hand. So yes sewing machines have other than few artistic exceptions, replaced hand work. Your point is silly.
3D pr. is rapidly evolving and not as primitive as you describe. There are already 3D pr. that can print complete working moving mechanisms without assembly. Earlier Anon is more correct. It is a new tool, but because of it's advantages new rules should be set for competitions. For the ppl that have already mastered the tool, it is a tool that can more easily create more fine and detailed objects than traditional crafting. Having to learn how a tool works and to master it isn't a disadvantage. That's with any tool, traditional tools or materials. And waiting or time as an argument. Waiting is not something that makes 3D printing more difficult. In fact there is nothing difficult about waiting, it’s just an inconvenience.
Consider this. After mastering the learning curve of traditional tools and materials for handcrafting, you still have to do every little step to create something from scratch from a flat sheet or pellets or block. Now consider once you’ve mastered a 3D pr., you skip a lot of steps. 3D pr. is easier, considering you’re not taking a shitty 3D printer as comparison. But that would be the same if you take a shitty sewing machine for comparison. When you compare, compare apples to apples.
Watch this video from 2015, button is pressed, machine comes out.

>> No.9573114 [DELETED] 

As for 3D models, making your own 3D models is not a requirement as most people using 3D printers don't make their own models from scratch. It is nice artistry when you do, but the fact is mostly is is not, it is a "borrowed" model that is modded and adjusted. But that in itself is no odd thing at all as this is the exact same with patterns for sewing. Making your patterns yourself from scratsch is great, but a lot of people also use existing patterns and modify it to their own sizes.
I just get so tired reading thsese bullshit arguments as if everyone that owns a 3D printer is also a 3D modeling artisan that create or had to learn how to create all their models from scratch, which isn't the case at all IRL. Just ask anyone that knows someone with a 3D printer or has a 3D printer at school. Please stop using that BS argument.

>> No.9573118

I never said 3D printing doesn't have an advantage, just that it isn't as simple as most people seem to think it is. And again, like I said, it's a (relatively) new tool that we need to find the right place and work for. Yes, the consumer-grade printers are catching up in terms of quality and ease of use, but they are far from perfect as it is. Hopefully by the time they do become accessible to everyone, both in price and ease of use, we will have figured out the right place and use for 3D printers for costume and prop making. I mean we also found the right place for CNC machines and nobody bats an eye when you use one to make perfect cut pieces that only require some glue and a coat of paint. And before you go there, yes I am heavily against using 3D printed props in competitions unless the person actually made the models themselves and provides proof of this. Being able to design/patern something yourself is just as important as having a good looking prop or costume.

>> No.9573119

As for 3D models argument. Making your own 3D models is not a requirement for using a 3D printer. As most people using 3D printers don't make most of their own models from scratch. It is nice artistry when you do yes, but the fact is that it mostly is not. More often than not, it is a "borrowed" model that is modded and adjusted to needs. But that in itself is no odd thing at all as this is the same with patterns for sewing. Making your patterns yourself from scratch is great, but a lot of people also use existing patterns and modify it to their own sizes. No shame in that, making patterns from scratch is very difficult and is not for everyone. Just like making 3D models from scratch.

I just get so tired reading thsese bullshit arguments, as if everyone that owns a 3D printer is also a 3D modeling artisan that create or had to learn how to create all their models from scratch, which isn't the case at all IRL. Just ask anyone that knows someone with a 3D printer or has a 3D printer at school. You do realize almost everyone has a 3D printer at school nowadays right?
Please stop using that BS argument.

>> No.9573152


The reason I started this topic is because I see more cosplayers buying 3D printed props and use them for their cosplay. There's nothing wrong with using them to make your cosplay more accurate, but if I see a cosplayer use a 3D printed model in a competition I think it's not fair for those who made all the props themselfs without using a 3D printer etcetera.

I personally would be mad if someone with a full 3D printed cosplay (Most of the parts of Kamui her Aloy for example) can enter a competition under the same rules as everyone else who handcrafted their stuff..

Hopefully future compo's will make different rules for that.

>> No.9573229

Indeed I don't recall Animecon being a kids party. It never was, and it never will because the average age of the visitors is still creeping upwards.

>> No.9573621

i don't think kamui will join any competitions, 80% of her cosplays nowadays are designed and largely made by her boyfriend/husband. He makes all the models, patterns, assembly, sanding and kamui does the sewing and painting.
It's what they like most, but it'll probably not sit well with judges and competitors if she would join any contests.

The comparison of 3D printing vs sewing patterns is logical, but the actual printing of a 3d model that is already suitable for 3d printing is a lot easier than assembling and neatly sewing a pattern (which you usually have to fit for your own size aswell). I think.

>> No.9573984

Kamui did participate in CCCC last year if im not mistaken.
She and her hubby did a Starwars skit.

>> No.9574041

Nope, those were Kairi in Cosplayland and Zel COShorse from Poland. Kamui isn't competing anymore I think ever since she won the Blizzcon cosplay competition in 2013.

>> No.9575436

Anyone else noticed that the song used with the alice skit from paraluna was just the fran bow song altered?

>> No.9575557

Your point being?

>> No.9575632

Never heard of the guy, but I checked his instagram, and I don't see anything odd? Pretty sure that not all of the cosplayers I'm seeing on his instagram are teens either. Not every young looking woman is a teen, you know. Plus, I'm spotting some men too. So yeah based on what I'm seeing, I think you're just overreacting, anon. Not to mention what >>9571910, >>9572045, and >>9572084 responded.

>> No.9576084 [DELETED] 

Most of his pictures look great on instagram. Some of them look really bad when you see it on a large screen on his facebook account. Quality drops hard on quite some pictures, almost towards mobile phoe quality. And colors and editing seem really rough on some others. They all look great on instagram thumbnail size.

>> No.9576089 [DELETED] 

Most of his pictures look great on instagram. Some of them suddenly look really bad when you see it on a large screen on his facebook account. Quality drops hard on some pictures, almost towards mobile phone quality. Color and effects editing seem really rough on some others, harsh lensflare stickers pack much. They all look great on instagram thumbnail size, but quite some "fall through the basket" when viewed on larger screens.

>> No.9576097 [DELETED] 

Most of his pictures look great on instagram. Some of them suddenly look really bad when you see it on a large screen on his facebook account. Quality drops hard on some pictures, almost towards mobile phone quality. In some of them you can’t even see the face of the cosplayer properly. Color and effects editing seem really rough on some others, harsh lensflare stickers pack much. It’s the same with some background replacements, only looks nice in tiny format. Sloppy fake blur editing is also a bit of a thorn in the eye for most photographers. They all look great on instagram thumbnail size, but quite some "fall through the basket" when viewed on larger screens.

>> No.9576102

Most of his pictures look great on instagram. Some of them suddenly look really bad when you see it on a large screen on his facebook account. Quality drops hard on some pictures, almost towards mobile phone quality. In some of them you can’t even see the face of the cosplayer properly. Color and effects editing seem really rough on some others, harsh lensflare stickers pack much. It’s the same with some background replacements, only looks nice in tiny format. Sloppy fake blur editing is also a bit of a thorn in the eye for most photographers. They all look great on instagram thumbnail size, but quite some "fall through the basket" when viewed on larger screens. Just click on the banner photo of his facebook account. You’ll see all the points I mentioned above.

>> No.9576427

Just someone with a vendetta again. Let them cry. :) So many vendetta's the last few threads.

>> No.9576560

Nah I think they're cool but people think it was so original what they did, while it was just a song from youtube without much effort. If for example team chaos would've done it everyone would cry about them stealing something.

>> No.9576564

Dont alot of people use youtube songs for acts? I usually enjoy them so i see no reason to be so bashful

>> No.9576572

Not really though. Like, people use songs for their acts all the time. It's usually a combination of things that sets people off about stolen stuff in acts.

But if you're curious, Sophie actually sang their song in the team paraluna alice act :) so it's not ripped from youtube.

>> No.9576577

Sad people can rage so bad about "stolen" stuff from songs or whatever. I mean, would we ever have broadway if people didnt "steal" songs?

>> No.9576591

I think the 'stolen' thing only comes up when entire acts are eeeeerily similar with minor differences, like EGC a few years ago with the hobbit act that came from Denmark but team France did it a year later, nearly exactly the same..

>> No.9576599

Kamui now also made a big post about the mess at the Blizzard cosplay contest at gamescom. It's sad to read about all these skillfull cosplayers seemingly rejected for no reason at all for this contest.

>> No.9576603

Broadway productions do credit their sources though, they don't just take a story and then conveniently leave out that it was written by someone else.

>> No.9576605

So in other news-
What do you all think of the massive amount of Love Live Dance groups that are poppin up all over the community

>> No.9576607

And somehow Team Paraluna did get into the contest. Them again..

>> No.9576609

Old news. You're about 2/3 years too late

>> No.9576615

Old news? Isaw them puppin up like a fuckign disease tis year.

>> No.9576637

Because, most likely, their cosplays are finished. It seems Blizzard is not taking unfinished cosplays, as well as no stilts, or other 'risks' like cosplayers from 'far away' or something like it.

>> No.9576640

Yeah I think that is it. I've seen WIPs accepted aswell though. And rejected. There's not a clear pattern though and it would have been nice if they made the selection process clear in the beginning.

Filtering on 'this might be a risk if he/she will make it to the stage' is really disappointing, especially when it's not communicated.

>> No.9576642

Y no cute dutch plus size cosplayers x-x

>> No.9576647

So what, you're posting this because you find it unfair how those 2 haters keep attacking TCC and not Team Paraluna? Could someone please hand me a water bottle because I do feel extremely dehydrated from your salty presence.

>> No.9576649

Love Live is the new Naruto under cosplay...

>> No.9576652

There are a couple of dutch girls who formed a net idol group recently too. It's prob going to die a silent death when they realise it takes more than just having a youtube and instagram account.
But I'm curious about if they will be able to pull off anything at all.

>> No.9576656

I thought that about prism but they are still going

>> No.9576696

Honestly, I think it's the worst.. Especially since this year. Keep an eye out for Abunai's CAC. They got SO MANY entries from Love Live ''Dance'' groups..

Especially that group called Miyabi.. They're the worst and filled with toxic people.

>> No.9576706

I'm guessing for the most part, these type of things are just a phase indeed. I remember 10 years ago, my friends and I formed a "k-pop/j-pop inspired idol group", needless to say, we never did a damn thing other than setting up a hyves account..

>> No.9576711

I miss Naruto cosplay. I still see small groups of Akatsuki cosplayers around on occasion and they make me so nostalgic.

>> No.9576766

if you wanna talk about toxic love live cosplayers you should take a look at riri cos and nyunekocosplay

>> No.9576779

Talking about toxic love live cosplayers.. I think the worst are nekonyu, riricos, jessie & manon (dont even know their cosplay alias)

>> No.9576782

Arent they like all friends of each other as well?

>> No.9576784

Are we really gonna start about those Love Live groups.. Those people are really those lowest of the low regarding cosplay.

The really active ones trying to be dancers and a group. Cant think of 1 decent looking female cosplayer that does Love Live.

I would rather watch a full day of those weird fan gay sketches at Animecon's Anime got talent then 1 of those LL dancers.

>> No.9576787

I think you mean Xi Cosplay (jessie) and Pon Cosplay (manon) ?

>> No.9576798

i don't know jessie but i do believe the rest of them are friends. nyuneko is toxic as fuck though wish someone would call her out on the shit she does. her looks fit her personality too they're both complete shit.

>> No.9576800

gotta have to agree that all of those 4 are literally toxic as fuck. especially pon and nyuneko. ugly fucks

>> No.9576803

isn't manon that child that blocks and deletes everyone from all her social media that disagrees with her ? so i've heard

>> No.9576805


Lets be fair. Every active Love Live cosplayer is toxic and ugly as fuck xD those 4 are just most noticeable ugly shits you can find.

Only people with the mind of a 12 year old can be such an active Love Live cosplayer.

Love Live cosplayers do it, because they know no one cares and hates them, so they dont have to work hard like good, active and diverse cosplayers.

Have you actually seen those groups like miyabi perform. Laughing my ass off when i see them.
Also with that weird indonesian dude that also wears that Love Live cosplay who is with that group..

Too much cringe.

>> No.9576817

Speaking of which wasnt there one at this years agt?

>> No.9576818

This post is just as cringy as any Love Live fan cover. Who hurt you, anon.

>> No.9576821

Looks like there's a lot of samefagging going on here atm.

>> No.9576823
File: 43 KB, 533x400, IMG_20170727_190228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*just throwing WIP inbetween vendetta discussion here*

i hate yellow/gold paint

>> No.9576828

Love Live hurted me, anon. Cant walk around in peace at smaller cons without those LL taking part in everything that does not require handmade cosplays.

At least those homestuck, naruto, bleach, one piece, undertale etc. keep their cringe in small groups outside of any stage acts.

LL cosplayers spawn those events because they cant do anything else but LL.

>> No.9576843

A vendetta on all gold paint!

>> No.9576845
File: 112 KB, 540x960, IMG_5731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9576848

Not all LL cossers are ugly and bitches though.
Some of the LL cossers actually want to stay away from the comunnity as much as they can

>> No.9576849
File: 29 KB, 720x480, 14947912_1211737932240224_8901743141240676398_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just like this one. lol.

>> No.9576851

Don't forget Kirsten (Yuufia)

>> No.9576853

LL stays LL

>> No.9576856

You got a point,, But I do enjoy seeing some love live cosplayers from time to time.

>> No.9576857


Maybe not a bitch, but hot damn, all those active LL are ugly as shit.

They should switch to other series to cosplay. Best way to avoid those type of people. Well, then you also have to avoid cons. In the end they are just annoying crap at cons.

>> No.9576858
File: 418 KB, 2048x1365, 19417344_1692277254411158_4767544778670970728_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is this?

>> No.9576859
File: 65 KB, 459x816, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if were dropping ugly ll cosplayers ... guess this is the fugly ll chain or smth

>> No.9576862

the only cringe here is the entirety of this post, please leave

>> No.9576863


is'nt that second one that Riri/Ricardo dude or just some other dragqueen doing LL ?

>> No.9576866

The Second one (Maki) is Kirsten/Yuufia >>9576851 mentioned her earlier.

>> No.9576868
File: 90 KB, 1280x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she already looks dead inside

>> No.9576870
File: 34 KB, 680x440, spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hurr,Durr. DoNT be mEan to Love liVE CosplYERs on 4CHan

>> No.9576871
File: 941 KB, 1220x782, 8th_Air_Force_psychological_warfare_leaflet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9576873
File: 1.28 MB, 4000x2189, BeFunky Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this just me or are all LL cosplayers either Fat, Ugly or Anorexic?

>> No.9576874

don't witchhunt, samefag

>> No.9576875
File: 33 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9576876
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 17626693_1232334130219110_2206248662441935325_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or thos\ who can only look good with filters or photshop

>> No.9576877

That looks more beige than yellow/gold. Did you buy beige instead because of your vendetta against yellow/gold paint? You hater!

>> No.9576878
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9576880

Ur talking about toxic people in the coscomm but yall are more toxic than anyone who is mentioned here
And also on an anonymous site how sad

>> No.9576881

When we're talking about cringy dance groups. Have you heard about that bunch of cosplayers that cover gay pop songs? They just wannabe sexy tbfh. I thought they were called antidote or something? They are all a bunch of gay chicks that want to be popular

>> No.9576882

ugh riri is so disgusting... he gives off such a creeper vibe even in pictures

>> No.9576883
File: 1.98 MB, 1342x890, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but meanwhile .....

>> No.9576884


>> No.9576885

camera's just shit unfortunately. It thinks purple is blue too.

>> No.9576886

I think people here are so nice to each other. Just post stuff like this on cosplay nl let's see how many people will agree with you there, hm? I challenge you to do that anon. post those pics to cosplay nl on Facebook and let's see.

>> No.9576887

You know what's funny? For some reason the IP count isn't rising and all these salty posts are made 30 to 60 seconds after eachother. Which also happens to be the post cool down on /cgl/. It's almost as if we've got a samefag or two in our thread trying to start shit...

>> No.9576889

negativity is not allowed on COSPLAYNL!!! EVERYONE CAN COSPLAY OK

>> No.9576890

That's not even how the meme goes.

There are tons of obnoxious cosplayers and I understand your complaint, but there are some good ones that likely don't deserve your ire. Not even a Love Live myself but I do know a few chill people who cosplay it.

>> No.9576891
File: 44 KB, 625x351, whiteknights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9576892

Or perhaps they wanna post mutipule times because they have loads of pics?

>> No.9576894

Thats a female car.

>> No.9576897

it's okay to go back to facebook now

the selfposting in this thread is ridiculous

ps literally nobody thinks that meme is funny, try to fit in better

>> No.9576898

Can we just stop shitposting about LL cosssers?
Why not just shitpost about Tomo.
Tomo is worse than LL.

>> No.9576899


What is antidote ? never heard of them.. personal grudge ? Like everyone else here ?

>> No.9576900 [DELETED] 

Sorry anon, >>9576887 here. I'm just all that keen on people trying to start pointless drama just for the sake of starting drama. If that makes me a white knight then so be it, because I'd rather be a "white knight" than some salty prick.

>> No.9576901

Can you knock it off with those terribly unfunny "memes"? You're not on Facebook.

>> No.9576902


Or LL at Tomo ? 2 horrible things together.

>> No.9576903

You sir are right.
Now lets talk about our cosplans,, Anyone cosplaying smth from the new Animeseason?

>> No.9576906

Ur mom is a female, fag

>> No.9576907

the fact that you don't even know how to quote/reply shows enough that you're normally not on here, i see. go

>> No.9576909

or just Allahu ackbar all the cosplayers and no one will fucking have their shit again on 4chan, making people sad because you like to post their pictures.

>> No.9576910

I dont have to quote shit if Im jus asking to stop shit posting

>> No.9576912

Sorry anon, >>9576887 here. I'm just not all that keen on people trying to start pointless drama just for the sake of starting drama. If that makes me a white knight then so be it, because I'd rather be a "white knight" than some salty prick.

>> No.9576913

Isnt it a good idea to remake the thread again?
I noticed you're the admin and if theyre even callin yu a white knight then well yea.

>> No.9576915

what exactly do you expect on here

>> No.9576916

What is this ? .. wtf . .. well first i dnt know who this person is ... but men .. ladies and gentlemen.... are you .. omg ..such a shame .. really disappointing ..i mean who are you even ..bunch of stupid losers who didn't succeed in their miserable lifes and didn't do anything that can be considered or noticed even by themselfs ..waiting for the day that you get out of the friendzone that your crush puted you in because you are ugly and empty minded... passing 40% of their time masturbating on porn videos and the other 60% is complaining about other people who are trying their hard to acheive their success in life ..such a shame ..wake up for fuk sake .. do you have nothing to do ... people like you .. are the only mistake of the power that created this mother earth ... it would have been better if you were trees or smth .... i mean fuck .. really .. you are like house flies ..you are the house flies that make someone feels that their only job in life is to annoy him every 4 seconds ..you deserve to be whiped with papers instead of getting into vaginas ... die all of you for fuk sake ..

>> No.9576918 [DELETED] 


Kankerkekz zomerfagoten ga weg

>> No.9576919


Not yet. This season seems to be a bit lacking to be cosplaying something.

Like Knight & Magic, Fate and Kakegurui. Nothing else worth my time at this point.

>> No.9576920


>> No.9576921

Some bunch of girls that do gay pop dance covers. All in boy cosplays they just want attention

>> No.9576922


>> No.9576923

sure senpai

>> No.9576925

Yall are sad.

>> No.9576926

Oh you mean these > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm0EfdmUjG0

>> No.9576927

Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi’ll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihonstudies on the Leidse Universiteit , and watashi’ve been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of the Netherlands. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has never been mimasu’d before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the The Nethrlands, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu’s the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You’re fucking shinimashita’d, akachan.

>> No.9576929

qt Leidse bf

>> No.9576930 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 461x705, Screenshot_2017-07-27-20-27-11-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to talk about cosplay whores

>> No.9576931


So. we arent daijobu anymore ? nandesuka. i am very kanashi now.

>> No.9576932

no we don't. go away

>> No.9576933

This thread right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE32aoIDjvY

>> No.9576936

That took long enough-- I always see her right after Kimu. Shouldn't you go back to Facebook?

>> No.9576937

At least it's a she and not fat.

>> No.9576941

Kek. Stay salty Manon.

>> No.9576942


aah. The outdated VKS trend. That shit isnt dead yet ?

That photo and trend is so old, every cosplayer has done it. Almost every one.

>> No.9576944

Aw shit, does that mean that I'm too late for a VKS cordana shoot?

>> No.9576945

So Miyabi is on 4chan as well?
I don't believe this is Manon because she didn't even know about this till her pictures got posted.

>> No.9576946

>>9576941 #
I am not manon thank you very much

>> No.9576947
File: 161 KB, 400x300, 1472347660992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never too late to see you in a VKS.

>> No.9576951

Wouldnt surprise me if they are, look at all the salt on this thread...

>> No.9576952
File: 21 KB, 394x266, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9576953 [DELETED] 

Miyabi is the worst group so they better read this. they should all quit cosplaying and just put their heads in a tube full of acid. I heared they even said other groups were bad at the animecon compo or something like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are a bunch of mean people. let we wait until they fall apart. those bunch of ugly bitches especially rin and honoka and nozomi.

>> No.9576954

Ikr worst LL cosplayer yet

>> No.9576958

old move on jesus its getting boring.

>> No.9576959

Still nothing alike compairing to fuckface nekonyu & miyabi + co.
Move on, anon

>> No.9576960

Omg kys or stick some cosplay prop up your ass.

>> No.9576962

Everyone is talking about LL but can someone just tell me one good Dutch cosplayer from Fairytail?

Yeah no me neither.

>> No.9576963

Can some people please go back and cry on their fb pages on how bad 4chan is.

talk shit about each other there. Sad LL weebs.

>> No.9576965

These look absolutely disgusting. How do we deal with this at conventions?

>> No.9576966

its a copy paste from before lol

>> No.9576967

Aren't all love live cosplayers toxic cunts? One of the main reasons to avoid that fandom

>> No.9576969

In other news. Castlefest in a week. Plans?

>> No.9576970

Atleast they dont slap a VKS on a character 10 times and call it cosplay Lmao never omving on

>> No.9576971

Lmfao they already are crying on facebook

>> No.9576973

I like Ilunaneko as Lucy

>> No.9576975

Who hurt you, anon?

>> No.9576976

caps or it didn't happen

>> No.9576979 [DELETED] 

Ga weg ofzo lmao mietjes wrm te fuc ga je op een anonieme forum bashes over cosplays IK GA STUK WAT IS DEZE

>> No.9576981
File: 65 KB, 960x1280, FB_IMG_1500687941511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us take a moment to appreciate this legal loli body? Stop hating on my chick man.

>> No.9576983

You are too young little pooper

>> No.9576985

I love retards

>> No.9576988

please stop posting this poop face. thank you.

>> No.9576989

National butthurt day
While I am just sitting here fapping

>> No.9576990


Why keep posting this piece of human waste which people can only look at if she is photoshopped.

Have seen her come along too many times in this short period of posting time.

trying to scare us away with her photos.

>> No.9576994
File: 1.37 MB, 3500x1915, 1551f_wrfad5518IMG2587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dees dont look tat bad,

>> No.9576995


Difficult to think, I suppose?

>> No.9576996 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 499x841, drama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this ?

>> No.9577001
File: 858 KB, 653x767, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah look at this legal loli body hurr durr

>> No.9577005 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 1440x960, FB_IMG_1501182481140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since everyone is busy passing screenshots ;) Sometimes cosplayers need to stay in cosplay. Give it up girl u will never become a model. She is even more sad because she comes crying at you when u don't want to stay friends anymore. Like get the hint u depressing piece of shit. Hope it reaches her and she won't add my new account. I hate suicidal attentionwhores.

>> No.9577007

Omg gross. Go kiss her butt and stop spamming irrelevant fuck life photo's to get fame.

>> No.9577008

that evenstar is triggering me so much, why disgrace a great series with this god please

>> No.9577009
File: 71 KB, 366x585, 14068086_952084111568310_9156912493724492761_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favortie natsu cosplayer //sarcasm

>> No.9577010
File: 7 KB, 224x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) Anyone can post anything they want on 4chan. We're not some collective hive-mind like some of you people seem to think but independent people.
2) Non-regulars sometimes come here with the sole intention of stirring drama by making posts and replying to said posts themselves making it appear like lots of people share this opinion. This is bait, don't take it!
3) You reacting to these posts or sharing it on FB is considered taking the bait and only results in a larger exposure of these posts. With a larger exposure comes more people reacting to it, essentially triggering a shitstorm with you as the centre of attention. Don't be a fucking tool, don't take the bait!

If you're up for an in-depth 2-minute read on how /cgl/ works, please read https://churi.nl/guides-lists-and-surveys/newcomers-guide/#butthurt and think before you post anything. That will be all.

>> No.9577013

Correct me if I'm wrong but that Honoka cosplayer isn't the same person as rin and kotori.

>> No.9577014

but uuuuuh my life is destroyed because certain vendetta that stalked me and i turned down is spamming bad talk about me in different replies omg!!
gotta post it on fb my life is gone now thanks anons

>> No.9577015

>New account

>> No.9577017

youre right

>> No.9577018

Nope, I'm here but she's already in my friends list since day 1 of my new profile so idk who tries to impersonate me..
But it's fun to see them try!

>> No.9577020

Lol someone is trying to make someone else the bad guy here

>> No.9577021

I believe that is Nanaa Cosplay? I heard about her being an emotional wreck but didn't expect to see her turn up so much. She doesn't seem that interesting to me.

>> No.9577025 [DELETED] 

Ik geef geen fuck about die regels. Hebben jullie niks beters te doen dan om mensen bashen gewoon omdat jullie normaal geen aandacht krijgen en op deze site wel ;')?

>> No.9577026

I am starting to suspect that it is nanaa herself.

>> No.9577029

Read >>9577010 and realise what you a tool you are for taking Vendetta-Chan's bait.

>> No.9577030
File: 48 KB, 220x276, IMG_6290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's past your bedtime. Go to sleep

>> No.9577031

reported ;')

>> No.9577037

Is everyone done already? Aww

>> No.9577043
File: 35 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1500687673675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9577044

Some share it on Facebook (that 4chan is talking about them aka boohoo I am so sad and have pity with me), so they can get their attention and make it worse because in all cases 4chan is and will forever be the bad guy.

>> No.9577045

I don't even speak this language and I can understand exactly what you said lol

Stupid is stupid around the world it seems

>> No.9577048

I already seen more than 5 posts on Facebook..

>> No.9577050
File: 88 KB, 960x640, FB_IMG_1501184189817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally all are bad.

>> No.9577054


>> No.9577057


Can people stop posting this person. No one likes her.


why do all male natsu cosplayers look like they have some sort of down syndrom combined with autisme.

>> No.9577058
File: 17 KB, 480x281, Flat-earth-society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly why I hate those who self post. Or just don't know how to talk things out. It's an on going war. I keep seeing xiuemi kimu and nanaa. Can't they get in a chat together and just circlefap? Get off 4chan girls. We are tired of you.

>> No.9577059

>4chan is and will forever be the bad guy.
I know the general public will most likely never think differently of this place. However if this message manages to reach even a single person then it's at least one person more than before. One cosplayer deciding not to take the bait and making things worse or a white knight realising he is being used as a tool can make all the difference in the world. I still have some hope for this place you know.

>> No.9577061

Can we just post some positive reasons to keep using 4chan? Let's motivate good behaviour or something.

>> No.9577062

I'm fine with drama / rumours, it's just the crybabies from facebook who come here to stirr shit up that annoy me.

>> No.9577064

Thank you for your message!

>> No.9577066

Pff, newfags have been a thing for ages. Who cares dude, just give 'em the ol' 4chan treatment

>> No.9577077
File: 473 KB, 1200x510, WIP Rifle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished a rifle for LFCC this Saturday. Fixing a strap right now and making removable orange tip tomorrow.

>> No.9577094

Sweet prop. Smart idea about the removable tip. Con and photo proof plan!

>> No.9577127

So...... Anyone got anything constructive thing to say???

>> No.9577143

Let's talk about cosplay acts on conventions. Anyone got a favorite they wanna share?

>> No.9577148

I liked Ilunaneko's and the mmmc chick's act from last animecon alot. Can't say I have a favorite though

>> No.9577156

I kind of like it though they make a good Natsu and Lucy. Who are they?

>> No.9577158

I've got plenty of constructive feedback to give. The first would be to actually state on who or what you would like to receive feedback. Otherwise we'll just be taking shots in the dark which makes it quite difficult to hit the right target. Well, that is unless Prop-Anon's rifle has a night viewing scope in which case I'll just leave this to her and make a mental note to never piss her off.

>> No.9577162

her death stare is enough to pick someone off either way

>> No.9577168

I always enjoy Black44Angel's stuff alone or with teenjuwel

>> No.9577186

I was the one that started with the kimu and xiuemi comment and I sincerely apologize for the amount of white knights I brought here.
Make Dutch thread great again 2k17 :^(

>> No.9577190

Black44Angel is great act wise, I also like her cosplay music videos a lot. Plus she's my fav harley.

>> No.9577193

Hey even if you weren't the one starting it, somebody else (maybe me) would've made a comment on them one day and started this shit. So I'm glad it wasn't me this time.

>> No.9577194

>mfw I also did a Fairy Tail cosplay, which looked like shit...

Well, we had had some good looking girls and a very nice looking Grey, who surprisingly also had a good wig (or good styled real hair) and wasn't only muscle eyecandy.

It's the wig. 99% screw it up or wear it like how they bought it. Which results in looking like a mentality ill person who can't dress themselves.
Also the fact that most guys don't get that you need makeup: because non-natural looking wig = face gets overshadowed by wig, and you need makeup to counter that (unless 40 year old virgin is the look you're going for).

>> No.9577228
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>> No.9577239
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sauce on these

>> No.9577247

As mentioned A LOT by others on here.. Xiuemi & Nanaa.

>> No.9577293

sry I only browse pictures
They look nice. Total qts.

>> No.9577297

VKS may be an overdone, outdated meme at this point but I never tire of seeing women in them.
Xiuemi looks great to me in it. *in b4 duuur shutupwhiteknight or lolselfpost*

>> No.9577493

how much does she want on payment for a night?

>> No.9577534

I'm not sure which one you mean. But check their Patreon for their prices.

>> No.9577541

>dude who starts threads on 4chan

>> No.9577619 [DELETED] 

I find the chocobo act from final fantasy very fun. I don't know who they were tho.

>> No.9577640

So anyone else excited for Abunai? Expectations? Thoughts so far about the new coinsystem/competitions/deshima etc..?

>> No.9577662

the photographer who took this picture is shit.

>> No.9577672

Pretty excited for Abunaicon this year. Although, I do think the new system with coins kind of sucks.. But I understand where they're coming from. Deshima is probably shit like always

>> No.9577674

I agreed. She looks afraid afraid and unsure about the person who take this picture.

>> No.9577810

But we are the bad guys. Shit posting about unfunded stuff just stating opinions without any reason. Basically just crying out for attention but we're scared to let people know who we are so we do it anonymous.

>> No.9577811

It's my first time visiting since 2011, so I'm really curious to see just how much has changed. I do hope they made better use of the space they have as I recall missing out on several events as the rooms were filled to the brim.
As far as the coin system goes, I'm not a real fan of those. On paper they might sound convenient as dealers won't have to worry about spare change, but in reality that's not how it works. The venue often takes a cut of each coin sold, meaning food stands have to raise their prices to make the same amount of money. Stating "1 coin" rather than €2 also makes items appear cheaper, making people more likely to spend more. Simultaneously once you're out of coins, odds are you won't bother getting more if you're just looking to buy a drink which greatly reduces the amount of impulsive purchases. In the end with these systems it's always the visitor who loses. If you truly want to make things more convenient for everyone, just give us (NFC) bank payments.
Deshima Sounds has lost their touch a long time ago, or at least it has to me. The last time I actually enjoyed Deshima Sounds was years ago when it still felt like a weeb party. These days I find it way more enjoyable to just put on say, a Teddyloid remix album assembled by /a/ rather than visiting Deshima Sounds. Then again, I might just be getting a bit too old for this stuff.

>> No.9577813

Deshima actually got moved to friday iirc, another group will be doing ''deshima'' on saturday.

>> No.9577817

I was just thinking by myself, with moving Deshima Sounds to the Friday, isn't that a step backwards for Deshima Sounds? I am curious how the Djs from Deshima Sounds thinks about this because the Saturday is the best day of the convention in my opinion.

>> No.9577818

Maybe it will serve as a wake-up call to them, have them realize they'll have to step up their game if they want to remain relevant.

>> No.9577828

How was GalFest?

>> No.9577830

Speak for yourself.

>> No.9577879

Excited for what exactly? There isnt even a schedule to look at

>> No.9577881

Also they have shit guests

>> No.9577883


>> No.9577889

>Not stealing Schedule-Chan's access card to infiltrate Abunai headquarters
>Not making your way through the airducts into the security room so you can hack the PC and disable all camera tracking and alarm panels
>Not knocking out the two guards protecting the server room by sneaking up on them and performing a double non-lethal takedown
>Not quickly hacking that server using Nuke and Stop Worm and stealing the schedule and event list
>Not making your way out before anyone even noticed what was going on and publishing the event list on the Abunai website

>> No.9577902

OP, pls

>> No.9577905

Smoke, pls

>> No.9577908

You could say they are putting Fairytail on the map

>> No.9577916

Seconding this.
All my friends how would go, haven't post anything about it.

>> No.9577917

Harem, pls

>> No.9577946


Their's no "we" when it's only Love Liver's who cause the problem here. You guys clearly have a long running intern problem in the LL comm, which is not the caused by or the fault of 4chan, but by you and your friends (and your enemies, I guess). So stop blaming it on a non-existing collective hive-mind. And start improving your problems outside of 4chan.

>> No.9577969


How dare you ! Are you saying they should actually behave as adult, work on their problems and grow a pair !?

And actually not blaming something or someone else but themself. I am outraged by this. Next thing you will say is they can not post screenshots of 4chan on their fb so everyone call be a hypocrit and be "such a real, good and supportive person" by "bashing" 4chan.

>> No.9577983

8 of my FB/Insta mutuals went yet I haven't seen a single peep about it on my feed since before it happened. Is there an official gag order? Was it just that underwhelming? Did they all died?

>> No.9578040

Kpop is really popular right now, not saying they should switch from japanese to korean songs but formula cosplay had loads of people dancing.

>> No.9578041

Deshima had a live on their party, it seemed pretty underwhelming in my opinion.

>> No.9578075

Question/discussion time!

So Sakizou is popular among competing cosplayers for all the intricate detail. However it's not an existing anime, game, film or series. It's a popular artist. It's allowed.

Now, would Zach Fisher designs be allowed at WCS/ECG/YCC and other big compo's? Under the same norm? And would people lose points on accuracy on the original character, i.e. Deathwing, or would they not count the source material and go by the actual design from Zach and count accuracy on that?

Personally; I'm just wondering. If one artist is popular enough to get cosplayers through legit competitions, then where does the line get drawn? What other artists would be allowed?

>> No.9578077

I honestly don't know, but I can imagine one line being the difference between fanart and original work. Zach Fisher designs would be fanart, but most of Sakizou's designs are originals. People cosplay fanart all the time, though.

>> No.9578080

but doesn't 'original art' clash with rules such as 'must be from an existing series/game/film/anime' ?

>> No.9578148

I believe animecon announced a sakizou cosplayer as someone who cosplays a 'fanart' but it wasn't really fanart since it's an official artist or something?
I can't really figure out what kind of artist he is and what the designs are intended for. I don't think it's a manga or some sorts right?

>> No.9578171


Zack Fisher isn't a fair comparison unless he starts to make his own original content (or maybe he does, but I only know him from is fanart).

Sakizou is an Illustrator, with the most important part, published work by a respectable publisher.

It isn't original work as in "I made my own sonic oc and printed my own comic", but a real recognised artbook.

>> No.9578234


don't really care about those love livers, just don't bring shit up here. there is no "we", but just like the love livers have their own problem. People here are causing problems just by shit posting stuff. making it seem like we are the problem, but well since it's on 4chan it's called 4chan. same thing with being love liver it get's blamed on love live.

>> No.9578277

I have a love live cosplay and stay away from fangroups as far as possible. Just all of them. Everything there is (books, movies, podcasts) have crazy fangirls, just some more than others (hentalia *cough*)

>> No.9578295

Can't take my access card if I don't have one B)

>> No.9578301

yuri on ice *Cough*

>> No.9578318


>> No.9578323

spending my vacation money on costumes and abunai, exchange rate is good right now

>> No.9578693

But then >>9578080 is a thing.

>> No.9578728

I don't think there was exactly as much "event" value to GalFes, as it was pretty small and the program was a bit improvised. But it was a nice excuse for European gals to travel and meet up. As a non-gal I was very excited to see so many gyaru all together.
A cool event thing that deserves a mention though, were the Gajin Gyaru Awards. Once again not my scene, but props for keeping that alive!

Just like the day-part, Deshima was more of a gathering of like minded people than a full-on weeb disco. Since gals are known for parapara and all, there was a playlist of a whopping 65 routines, announced beforehand, which was pretty cool. Almost always was there someone who knew the routine, which we could mirror of off. Inbetween the parapara sets there was some regular deshima stuff, but sadly the more normie and/or non-paralist attendees weren't into dancing as well.

Overal I had a great evening going in without expectations. I figured at worst it would be my usual weeb-dance crew and me hanging out in the weeb disco, so turned out for the better.

Also I have never seen such strong hairspray and so many false lashes as in the dressing room, you gals impress me!

>> No.9578762

Karel and Sakuraflor from TCC

>> No.9578763

Team Chaos's Karel and Sakuraflor.

>> No.9578776


We get it. they suck. i agree. old news.

>> No.9578782
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1479043892949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posted a minute and a half after eachother on a slow day
Stop trying to start shit Vendetta-Chan.

>> No.9578814
File: 1.25 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-29-14-51-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike these peoples attitude so much. The way they talk about people and stuff. I believe its mostly the girl though.

>> No.9578817

Known the guy for years, great guy.

I believe the girl reads these threads on the regular, so I'm sure your hateful message gets to her.

>> No.9578852
File: 145 KB, 418x591, trophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you Anon, here's your trophy.

>> No.9578872

Literally never heard of that guy b4

>> No.9578944

Not saying her body is bad, but she obviously has quite an adult body. Heck, my body is more slim/flat compared to her (from what I remember when seeing her irl), and I think I'm like more than 5 years older. Never considered myself a legal loli. A legal loli imo, are women like my short af skinny Japanese co-worker (who I won't post here cause privacy).

>> No.9578952

I'm so dissapointed in this, it looks so rushed. I mean she didn't even bother painting some kind of metal/rust texture the skirt looks like bricks

>> No.9578975

What the fuck are you even saying

>> No.9578995

'adult body' she looks like me at age 11

>> No.9579095


Considering cute/loli pervs this is either her boyfriend, who is even more female in crossplay then her, that weird virgin dude from NNN or just some weirdo..

Most likely some weirdo who just tries to find people with the same loli 3D fetish.

>> No.9579110

Which guy, there are...two I think? Three?

>> No.9579112


honestly. It is a decent attempt. It may not be perfect, but when making shit yourself it is hard.

I dont see any what the attitude should be from this screenshot desu ? people again with some personal grudge they cant relay to the person themself ?

>> No.9579125

Junkrat-guy. McCree guy is a cool guy too in my opinion, but don't know him that well.

>> No.9579132

But srsly... What was up with that cosplay meet in scheveningen today.... Wtf was that even? It was complete shit... Who thinks its a good idea to hold a cosplay meet, on the beach, with this kind of weather .... ?

>> No.9579134

I never went to a cosplay meet like that before and probably never will. They always are complete shit and the aspie level is high.

>> No.9579138

LOL, I was at Scheveningen beach today with friends and saw one lost cosplayer and was a bit confused about that. But now I understand what happened. I think a cosplay event at a shop like Special Edition or Animere is a better idea. Especially with this weather.

>> No.9579141


It was really boring. It felt like such a waste to travel to it for only such a meet. At least i got something decent to eat somewhere close.

>> No.9579154

Yeah the chick is fucking retarded.
Dunno bout the other members but the fat chick is a mess

>> No.9579159

desu people can't really control the weather or something, but yeah, nothing was really organized. Pretty boring, if you ask me??

>I think a cosplay event at a shop like Special Edition or Animere is a better idea. Especially with this weather.

Gotta definitely agree with this one

>> No.9579176

Even the organizer left before others even arrived ...

>> No.9579291

I used to go to meets but I feel like the thing died out. Any that might be ok still?

>> No.9579293

thank fuck I didn't bother going there.

>> No.9579820

They are all filled with aspies, land whaled and people with personality disorders.

>> No.9579887

Only if you like to cringe.

>> No.9579896
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New thread is up at >>9579892
Please note that the new thread is officially declared a salt-free zone. My blood pressure is high enough as it is so the last thing I need is more salt in my system..