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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9551789 No.9551789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are /CGL's thoughts on Racefacing?

Are Americans too sensitive?

>> No.9551792

Johnny Depp is white so I dont understand why this picture would be an issue to Americans

Eurofag here and really changing the color of your skin tone to a character isn't a big deal to us or meant maliciously

>> No.9551801

> racefacing

What now?

>> No.9551808
File: 18 KB, 300x326, minstrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they're too sensitive. I just want to be able to do my Popo cosplay in public.

>> No.9551809

American usually don't care. It's when a white person does black face that they care. Black face has strong racist roots from back in the days.

>> No.9551810

Americans are too sensitive and idiots. Half the shit that gets called blackface in cosplay isn't even blackface, as it's being done respectively.

>> No.9551815

lol Johnny depp is white, he's just ~dirty~~

>> No.9551830

>starts this topic
>uses a picture of someone cosplaying a tan white person

This is some shitty b8 like at least put some effort in

>> No.9551861

So many people can make themselves up to look like Depp. Why is that. Does he just have boring average face?

>> No.9551865

all you need is eyeliner and shitty facial hair, its not hard

>> No.9551872

i was gonna say, that's gotta be the easiest cosplay to look exactly like the actor.

>> No.9551878

Definitely too sensitive. Plus, SJW's from here (Europe) are picking up that hyper-sensitive bullshit and it's spreading over here.

Blackfacing or racefacing is meant to be humilliating and overexaggerated. That stuff isn't done when cosplaying. Simple.

>> No.9551937


What now?

>Are Americans too sensitive?

Yes, do you really even have to ask?

>> No.9552084

Changing your skin tone for any cosplay is wrong. End of discussion.

>> No.9552094

Nine times out of ten it looks like shit. Way to often a person going darker skin looks like they rubbed their face in dirt.

Rule of thumb, if you want to change your skin tone to something that isn't un-natural, go as far as you'd be able to naturally tan (and I don't mean like those people that look like leather wallets from over tanning)

>> No.9552105

why? people use foundation on their face to change their skintone all the time.
stop getting offended so easily, faggot.

i bet you cosplay as japanese characters and I know for sure youre not japanese at all.

>> No.9552119

I'm a white person who uses foundation to go pale for certain characters.

I'm sorry for oppressing you, pale people :( I hope you'll be able to sleep at night knowing someone with NW20 skin tone is appropriating your skin tone.

>> No.9552120

There is a difference between blackface and doing that Tropic Thunder thing.

>> No.9552122

Is this about Leon Chiro?

>> No.9552133


Stop taking the tumblr bait.

Context is what makes blackface offensive.

In dressing up as a character, are you specifically trying to dehumanize or otherize someone of a different race? Are you using make up to parody and belittle a group or culture?

That said, from a make up stand point, there really is a maxim on how pale or dark you can go from your own skintone without looking ridiculous.

Make up can only do so much, and skin is never a single color. However, when you use make up, you are covering your skin with a single color. You can on,y get away with that for so far until people start realizing something looks seriously off.

>> No.9552181

Is that what they're calling it now? Racefacing?

The answer is, no, "racefacing" isn't Americans being too sensitive. Americans have experiences and histories that other countries lack. Because of this, Americans will, more than likely, always view racefacing as intrinsically racist. The fact that it hasn't actually gone away only rubs salt in the wound when a cosplayer tries to justify it with "I'm trying to show how much I love the character." Yes, by being rude to actual people.

Also, pic unrelated?

>> No.9552199

Doesn't the Netherlands have a holiday that is just dressing up in blackface?

And was it Spain that threw banana peels on the stadium during a preliminary match when the Spanish football team went against, I want to say Ivory Coast?

>> No.9552216
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There is currently a cringefest 'whst do you think about ganguro lolita' thread going on RC, holy fuck why are we talking about this so much? It's not fucking about race you god damn fuckwads.
'b-gyaru is totally racist I'm not saying it isn't'
I'm saying it isn't. Cosplaying black characters because you admire them isn't blackface. Blackface refers to a very specific form of parody, and doesn't, nor shouldn't be used in reference to cosplay at all.
Yes I took the bait hard, but goddamn lolitas in my feed are fucking retarded.

>> No.9552408

But boh Johnny Depp and that girl are white? How is this race-changing?

>> No.9552622
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Yes especially this week with the whole Leon controversy. Now using tanning spray is consider blackface now according to SJWs.

>> No.9552634


The only think he's guilty of is that horrible tan. As a black person, I could under stand the outrage if he went all out minstrel show blackface stereotype bullshit but all he did was use a spray tan; something that a lot of people do.

>> No.9552657

I don't know, he's definitely trying to look more Egyptian (and looked darker in the original picture he posted imo, editing maybe?). I didn't really like it, but I wasn't going apeshit over it, either. I was more offended at how shitty a makeup job it was in general.

Granted, this also isn't the first time Ubisoft has used people who made themselves look darker for their costumes, I guess.

>> No.9552658

>Are Americans too sensitive?
Yes, holy shit yes. Especially the whole "blackface" thing. Like trying to accurately cosplay a dark-skinned character is remotely linked to comedic ridicule of blacks. I get that there's a lot of cultural sensitivity about race, but I can't even comprehend how shallow-minded someone must be to not see the difference...

By the way, has anyone ever tried to simulate an epicanthic fold with makeup? I'm curious about if it's possible or if it would just look weird.

>> No.9552661

Why is everybody so hyper-fucking-sensitive about the most menial things? This era of placidity has bred the biggest goddamn pussies.

>> No.9552663

Whew, that came out a lot edgier than I meant it to.

>> No.9552685

At this point, both sides of the argument are being really stupid about it

-It looks shitty most of the time
-People are gonna get offended because historically it has a shitty precedent

The tumblrshit side will get witch-hunty on the (usually non-American) cosplayer's ass, which will make the cosplayer and their supporters defensive and angry without a proper understanding of why. On the other hand, because people are so quick to judge even the slightest consideration for another person's feelings as militant SJW bullshit, people will be quick to shut down anyone who voices any kind of discomfort or offense to this practice which, again, has a historically shitty precedent. Like point-blank, people ARE gonna get mad about this shit. They been mad since forever ago. It's not just gonna go away overnight.

It's turned into a mess where non-American cosplayers don't actually learn jack shit about why people get mad, which I would argue is at least good to know in terms of interacting with a global audience, and tumblrinas have completely alienated the people they should instead be educating or at least communicating intelligently with. It's stupid and not even worth discussing anymore.

>> No.9552722

>However, when you use make up, you are covering your skin with a single color.
Only if you're doing it badly. Shading is important, friends.

>> No.9552728

And here we go

>> No.9552738

I think good make-up is essential to the character you're cosplaying, whether that is changing skintone or not. It belongs to the design of the character.
However i would avoid cosplaying a race that isn't remotely close to your own, as it will almost always look incredibly bad due to facial structure.

Example: https://www.martina-big.com/
(used to be white, did a lot of plastic surgery to get black)

I suppose europe has less issues with it as we don't have a huge history of slavery like the american farm fields do, and our population of descendants from that group is slim (and i think europeans are more tolerant in general). However a lot of cons ban cosplays that are 'hate-inducing' so i guess this would qualify as so.

Doesn't the Netherlands have a holiday that is just dressing up in blackface?

Yes, we call it sinterklaas and zwarte piet (black piet). It's tradition and probably stems from slavery back in the days and there's been a lot of uproar about it recently, but in the end it's a really really tiny group of people that really find it offensive. It's mostly just a holiday to make kids happy.

>And was it Spain that threw banana peels on the stadium during a preliminary match when the Spanish football team went against, I want to say Ivory Coast?
I can recall a banana peel incident yeah, i think the entire fanclub from that certain football club got banned from future matches (only one supporter side allowed for the rest)

>> No.9552915
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>Example: https://www.martina-big.com/
>(used to be white, did a lot of plastic surgery to get black)
What the fuck

>> No.9553248

As someone with a darker skintone, I think making your skin match natural tones should be left out of cosplay. No one will make remarks about a black or darker skinned person not doing lighter makeup and if they do they are being absolutely shitty since your skin color is something you did not choose. Light skinned people should not have to feel they have to darken their skin color unless its within the tanning spectrum (like in the op) and dark skinned people should not feel that they are "too dark" to cosplay certain characters. Leave this shit out of cosplay, seriously. Focus on your craftsmanship and styling and posing a.k.a. things you CAN change and people won't give a shit if you are too dark or light for the character if you put in effort and look amazing.

>> No.9553280

Prosthetics maybe? I have huge ones and I'd love to try hiding them myself

>> No.9553696
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>model part time
>indian designer wants to use me but I'm pasty and white asf
>bronze me the fuck up
>no one give a shit

most people don't care because >>9551878
context is important

>> No.9553705

The people fighting about it was cringy but his fans defending him saying that black people cosplaying Japanese character is white washing and racist was just embarrassing.

>> No.9553771

If you're a professional you should care. Accuracy is prime.

>> No.9554015

Bullshit. White/asian/black big name cosplayers do characters that don't match their skin tone or even race but don't fuck it up. Seriously, people should not be pressured to give a shit about this unless the character is an unnatural skin tone. And if their "accuracy" bothers them so much then they can stick to characters that match their skin tone only.

>> No.9554025

> Captain Jack and Bella Swan confirmed as same person

>> No.9554048


>> No.9554085

Accuracy is more important than racial sensitivity?

>> No.9554088

if your a professional then yes if your just having fun then no
the only thing thats making it racist is by people getting offended over something that has no racist intent .
like grow the fuck up no one is trying to purposely black face in the 21st century and if they do im sure you can tell the diference be tween someone cosplaying or making fun of.

>> No.9554091

They've got a point. Racism isn't half as bad as it used to be let's be real here guys. I don't like it when people blackface but if you get a small tan like nigri did with nidalee then thats ok.

>> No.9554105

I've never seen a cosplayer do actual minstrel show-tier blackface like >>9551801, though. Is getting a tan for a costume considered blackface in America, too?

>> No.9554109

Whoops mean to quote >>9551808

>> No.9554110

Agreed. Homestuck and SU cosplayers are literally Hitler.

>> No.9554114

There's more to it than the facepaint, it's actually the basis for Santa and the gift-giving aspect of Christmas. Only instead of cute little elves, St Nicholas has helpers who are liberated African slaves.

I can understand side-eyeing b-gyaru since it's basically ghetto cosplay complete with cornrows, overly bronzed skin and overdrawn lips, but it's more tacky than outright racist. But ganguro is inspired by Japanese mountain hags so I don't know why black girls are identifying themselves with that and getting offended...

>> No.9554159

Saw some bitch cosplaying a Na'vi, so I bashed her fucking brains in. Stupid fucking cunt deserved it.

>> No.9554160


I don't buy this, even moreso the people making an issue out of this are fucking upstarts. It's fucking Pion Kim all over again.

People need to realize that what separates this whole thing between an art form or an insult is intent. If a cosplayer does it to make for a character, they're doing it for accuracy. Any one calling it racist or bigoted is just pretty much showing off their ignorance.

>> No.9554163

Im dark skinned and I dont see anything wrong with the intent behind cosplay.

>> No.9554190

I remember growing up and feeling ugly because of my dark skin and other kids would make fun of me. The people who darken their skin for cosplay can wipe off the dark skin at the end of the day after they had their fun. I cannot.

>> No.9554222

I've been made fun of for being too white, getting called a cracker and trailer trash. There will be assholes no matter what you look like.

>> No.9554226

That's every Asian coser defense whenever some coser who isn't Asian proceeds to facetape to have slant eyes to cosplay an Asian character.

Whenever you take your experiences into this, you're only propagating the entire cycle, you're literally in the same position as the bullies that used to shit on your eyes or your skin color, it's even worse when at this point, your locking out other people from cosplaying dark skinned characters just because you're salty.

>> No.9554234


Fucking this. Intent and context is everything in these situations. I actually find it flattering when paler skin types darken their skin for accuracy to depict a darker skin character they obviously like/respect etc. I don't buy into that whole "you can wash it off at the end of the day and your life goes back to being perfect whilst woe is me because being non white is suffering" bullshit either. I have a pretty nice life and at the end of the day any racism I may be on the receiving end of I take with a grain of salt as it never alters the quality of my life in any way, I always assume the one being racist has a shit life and is projecting some insecurity or another anyway.

>> No.9554284

As kids we get made fun of for everything though, that's just how kids are they don't understand. They see anyone different and theyll make fun of them. I thought I was permanently ugly and because I was severely bullied as a kid but I needed to realise this wasnt the case anymore. They even used my ethnicity as an insult. I have many dark skinned friends and they dont get treated differently than any one else where I am as an adult. If you dont get called out for it now rather than your childhood then I think it comes down to how you see yourself due to your lack of self esteem through your childhood and thats something you need to work on. There will always be bigots, just don't go attack cosplayers who have no racial intent.

>> No.9554306

Speaking the clear truth!
I love you anon thank you.

>> No.9554310

In a era where racism is less than it has ever been. Why are people still getting upset when someone changes their skin color for cosplay but not when they get a dark tan or people actually being racist? Your supporting racism and keeping it alive by saying cosplay is black facing when it's about appreciation.

>> No.9554315

I used to put pale foundation on my arms and face everyday because I hated my skin tone. Then I realized that the only person who hated it was me, I could never learn to love myself if I didn't accept it.

>> No.9554346
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I remember someone posting a cosplay of the black chick from The Walking Dead that looked pretty minstrel-ish.

In general most "race crossplays" look kind of shitty just because of the underlying differences in bone structure and physiology between races. If they bothered to contour it probably could look at least a little better. And it's different when you're cosplaying as a character with an unrealistic skin-tone since there's not really any history of that character having the bone structure to match a specific race.

Sorry for the /pol/ meme, but it really does help to demonstrate that you can't just slap on some black/white make-up and expect to look like anything other than a parody of another race.

>> No.9554348

Are you really this stupid? People don't get upset at natural dark tans because that's naturally how that person looks, people DO comment negatively on fake tans fairly often but mostly because it looks absolutely retarded. As for people not getting upset about actual racism... I'm not sure where you're from but the vast majority of people DO get upset at actual racism.

>> No.9554352

They also get upset about shit that isn't even racism so "actual racism" is debatable.
You see so many people scream racism when they simply don't get their way.

>> No.9554354

You better not ever wear a ginger wig then.

>> No.9554357

ITT: a bunch of white people whining about how oppressed they are because they can't change their race

>> No.9554360

So what ypu're saying is
are white?

>> No.9554364

>you can wash it off at the end of the day and your life goes back to being perfect whilst woe is me because being non white is suffering"

The whole fucking thing is also a costume of a fictional character. So who the fuck cares.

>> No.9554372

I thought he was multiracial or something, like how Lenny Kravitz is half jewish and half black.

stop using blackface reeeeee

>> No.9554376

>natural tones should be left out of cosplay. No one will make remarks about a black or darker skinned person not doing lighter makeup and if they do they are being absolutely shitty since your skin color is something you did not choose. Light skinned people should not have to feel they have to darken their skin color unless its within the tanning spectrum (like in the op) and dark skinned people should not feel that they are "too dark" to cosplay certain characters. Leave this shit out of cosplay, seriously. Focus on your craftsmanship and styling and posing a.k.a. things you CAN change and people won't give a shit if you are too dark or light for the character if you put in effort and look amazing.

There is a reason why Moonraker has become the "bond we don't talk about"

>> No.9554380

You mean besides the overly corny plot?

>> No.9554475

I believe he's american indian and caucasian anon. If that helps any

>> No.9554646

Uh no?

Better yet, I've only been in the US for 7 years.

>> No.9554673

This reminds me, I need to self-tanner my tits.

>> No.9554677

I was quoting soemome else who ignored your input and was saying everyone who disagrees with them is white.
You were someone who said that they werent white but dont care about race change in cosplay as long as its done respectfully.
Which refutes the other anons point.

>> No.9554703

mb, this shit just makes my blood boil

>> No.9554720

Thank you. I feel the same when I see Gamora and Nebula cosplays. Racist fucks

>> No.9555268

abbos aren't human.

>> No.9555305

Since its a sensitive topic just leave it at tanning.
Tanning your skin is fine just don't do anything darker since people will have a fuss over it.

>> No.9555311

Hey, hey, hey, hey, take your meany butt outta here, /pol/

>> No.9555313

Ikr. I'm seeing more and more european SJWs that get offended for anything and try to victimize themselves in every possible way then call themselves woke.
It's like a fucking virus that makes you oversensitive and whiny.

>> No.9555319

Black people are getting more and more oversensitive these days gee.
>i must find a way this oppresses me
Every time.
Just deal with it you wusses. It's just cosplay.
>weeeh but my skin color isnt something you can wear whenever you please
Though titties. Whether you like or not people will do it.

>> No.9555353

Couldn't read through the thread cause I personally think racefacing is bullshit unless you're intentionally trying to insult another race, which is highly unusual. However I remember that there was a story of some asian woman that had shaved part of her head to cosplay Sombra and gave the hair she cut to charity. The only things I read in the comments about it were how dare she brownface.
The moral: if the internet can, it will bitch about anything.

>> No.9555357
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What if we just wore their whole skin, like the ancient aztec sun-god priests did?

>> No.9555361
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every cosplayer ever apparently

>> No.9555403

no cosplayer is stupid enough to do it like this like calm your tits people they will just get a tan

>> No.9555520

Just intent, really. The whole case is even more clear cut now considering the fact that there's actually a precedent for it.

What's okay
>Pion Kim darkening her skin to match Sombra's skin tone for the sake of accuracy

What's not okay
>Chinese Onmyoji cosplayers tanning themselves dark to emulate low quality summons to Africans. the crappier summon, the darker the skin

The latter shows clear racial intent, the former does not.

>> No.9555535
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Point to all the professionals who blackface please.
Even if you don't mean to do something doesn't mean it's okay. I didn't mean to step on your shoes, but I still apologize.
There is no difference between someone blackfacing for fun or blackfacing for a fucking costume. The character is more than their skin colour. And, yes, people are doing blackface in the 21st century. Google is your friend. There's an entire movie about it.

>> No.9555576
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Nigri asian-faces and tanned herself for Nidalee anon. It was such a small difference that no one picked it up but it was enough for others to get pissed at. They didn't mean black face as in full on painting your skin brown they meant getting a slight tan.

>> No.9555685

Except even that is unacceptable anymore.
See the case of peope reeing over Chris Pratt having a tan in Jurassic World and people called it black facing.
And IDK if I saw it here in tumblr, but there was that Moana cosplayer who, when she wore the foundation for her skin color, she got accused of black facing.
So the next day she decided to wear a lighter foundation for her skin color- she was accused of white washing.
She was native american (i think) and tamned super dark in the summer. Still called black facing.
Tl;dr youre damned if you do and damned if you dont, so do what ever you think is best.

>> No.9555694

Honestly, it's a shit show if you darken your skin, so why bother? Just cosplay without having to buy an entire new set of shitty foundation or paying for a tan lol sounds cheaper to me...

Overall sounds like people just really go out of their way to match the race of whatever character when I don't think it really matters. Your race isn't going to make or break your costume-your shitty sewing job and bitchy attitude will though. People who get whiny about not being able to tan or blackface for cosplay are the same people who are doing casual bikini versions or really shitty cosplays with BeautyCam filters lol like that bad make up job is really going to help you out....

>> No.9555695

I think blackfacing is worse than whitewashing, because you can always default whitewashing to "can't help the skin I'm born in and you can't tell me who I can and can't cosplay" but blackface feels like making a conscious choice to recolor your skin despite knowing (by now I hope) that it's going to cause a shit show. Like I almost feel like it's a really bait-y move that's more for attention.

>> No.9555709

I'd just say screw it and tan if necessary. I mean, I could go outside and spend a few days in the sun to tan, but I'd rather avoid doing actual damage to my skin via the death star in the sky. So if it means self tanning to save that risk, then so be it and fuck the people who choose to be offended by it because my health is more important than their delicate fee-fees. I'm capable of doing it (tanning) naturally, it's not malicious and honestly, it's silly that we should have to be so politically correct all of the time when people can just as easily tan for every day wear or for nights out. But nobody will say anything or stop you in the mall for it shouting "help help im being oppressed!"

If I'm smearing boot polish on my face, feel free to take a crowbar to my kneecaps and shins, but bronzing up a little isnt the same context as the blatant racism with the minstrels.

>> No.9555714

>WoC accused of blackfacing
Interesting. In my experience people lose their shit when a white person cosplays a non-white (or non-pale in the case of anime characters) character but those same people fall all over themselves to praise a non-white person cosplaying any non-white character even if they're a completely different ethnic group. Like that black girl who was featured as an amazing cosplayer when she cosplayed the older sister from Lilo and Stitch, who is Hawaiian (not black) and wears the most basic outfits you can buy in any store. I've also seen many black cosplayers praised for basic or even crappy cosplays of Moana (Polynesian), Pocahontas (Native American), Anthy (Indian), Katara (fantasy Inuit), Connie from SU (Indian), etc., when white cosplayers would be put on blast for even considering cosplaying these characters. I get that there aren't a ton of black characters to choose from but they're still cosplaying a character from a race they are not. So is it really just the darker skin tone that makes it okay?

I'm not a big fan of changing your natural skin tone to be darker or lighter for cosplay mostly because it tends to look bad, but I'm still confused by what causes outrage and what does not, and why.

>> No.9555722

I saw a girl at Colossalcon getting a tan. I spit on her ass.

>> No.9555724

Because the cosplay community has a stigma about cosplaying outside of your race that has persisted since before you were born, and applies only to people who aren't white or asian.
>In my experience people lose their shit when a white person cosplays a non-white (or non-pale in the case of anime characters) character
This has only really come up in the last 10 years and less, compared to the 50 or so that cosplay has been a thing.

>> No.9555830


>can't detect sarcasm

wew lad

>> No.9555850

I wont read all the comments but you people are stupid. Black people werent allowed to role play as anyone but black. So people started yelling for more black characters. White people cosplay whatever they want and dont care if they look a+ or f-. People yelling about whitewashing is recent. That started because its not that many black characters and here comes a white person throwing any rags together just to be first. Then a ton of you do it and the character isnt cool anymore.
I wish you guys would quit making racial pist. 4chan doesnt like black people! How many times does that need to be said! Let it go! I come here for the stories. I will never be apart of your world. Most black people dont even try to fit in so why all the "blackpeople" post. Go talk about Asians. This is an asian site.

>> No.9555861


so is this a white or asian site lmao.
basically, poc can cosplay anything but whities have to stay inside their race?

>> No.9555886

Stop being so obvious with your gaslighting.

>> No.9555928

This is a white created site that looks to mimic asians without acknowledging they are superior to you.
That will teach you to ask me a question.

>> No.9555959
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Either you're the most obvious black sjw I've ever seen or this is bait.

I agree with this anon. If POC can cosplay outside of their race, why can't white people? I find that nowadays people don't genuine get offended by this kind of stuff. They are just looking to cause drama and bitch about things because they are too insecure.

>> No.9556019

>Stop being so obvious with your gaslighting.
I dont think that means what you think it means.

>> No.9556296

As long as your tan is within your natural skin range, it's not a problem.

If my Italian friend who naturally tans so much that she looks hispanic decided to stay out in the sun to cosplay Pharah, I wouldn't trip.

If my friends who look like Casper the Friendly Ghost decided to paint their skin so they could do a Coming to America cosplay, I'd have one less friend.

Just cosplay whoever you want without trying to paint your skin too much. Just stay in your natural skin range, unless the character is like, say, a troll from Homestuck.

Also, I've never seen Nigri yellowface. Not saying it doesn't happen though. Pics?

>> No.9557066

100% agreed

>> No.9557070
File: 119 KB, 718x1024, 755e11878f89dffd2509dca4be722a1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She legit just said shes trying to be a 'creamy delicate Asian' you mist be an idiot if you looked at that when asking that question. look at her eyes.
Its barely noticeable but you can tell the difference with her usual makeup and shopped herself lighter for these photos.
But no one cares because its nothing compared to blackfacing.

>> No.9557072

I've noticed she tends to do that makeup with anime characters which of course, are usually asian.

>> No.9557094

>Are Americans too sensitive

Mostly yes. Glad to not live in a country where most of your youngsters are easily triggered pussies.
Where I live we don't give a fuck about pocs, we don't even have such a term and I feel the dumbness infecting me just by using it. We just coexist, we live, we work and we don't waste our time with such idiotic things.

Good luck with your "boo hoo hoo I'm offended" generation.

>> No.9557105

Were Asians upset? I think it's shitty, but I'm black, not Asian.

>> No.9557106

Do you really? No one in your area ever gets upset about anything?

It's not even about "being offended". It's just the internet means everyone's voice is louder, dude.

>> No.9557111
File: 2.90 MB, 200x170, 1470273650153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew. I guess a lot of people really haven't seen Depp in his pre-POTC days.

He's a pasty white little bitch who slathers on fake tan and fakes a British accent.

>> No.9557136

This went below the radar

Shit blew up with that one guy who did facetaping though. Fucking Asian cosplayers crawled out of the woodwork to condemn that guy

>> No.9557294

From wikiped
"He is also of 3/2048 African descent"
So she is black facing!!!!1one
But I believe hes 1/4 Cherokee?

>> No.9557355
File: 154 KB, 1080x839, Screenshot_20170712-014711~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a post on Facebook of a girl doing different celebrity makeup look-alike styles (with some black celebrities)
THIS reply is the reality. Take it in.

>> No.9557356
File: 110 KB, 1080x529, Screenshot_20170712-015248~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the original comment.

>> No.9557359

I am rarely surprised that the people who screech "racism/cultural appropriation/etc" are white themselves. It seems to be a majority if them.
In the cases its not, it seems to be a Yusra Khogali-type black supremacist.

>> No.9557391

>I am rarely surprised that the people who screech "racism/cultural appropriation/etc" are white themselves.

It's the religion of cultural marxism. Being born with white skin is the original sin; you must seek penance by punishing yourself and converting others.

>> No.9557771

So what if I want to give honor to the character, accurately? Because I love the character. Because I want to showcase the character exactly as they are depicted, properly with excruciating amounts of detail. My make-up isn't leaping off my face and beating someone up.
You have the right to be offended since my make-up is the most pressing matter in your life, and I have the right to not give a fuck and do what makes me happy. I'll keep focusing on my love for a character and you can focus on your hate of sincere portrayals.

>> No.9557901

>Where I live we don't give a fuck about pocs, we don't even have such a term and I feel the dumbness infecting me just by using it.

Ah, one of the countries where it's perfectly okay to be a racist shithole because 'local culture fit in or leave!'

I'm putting my money on Sweden or Holland since those are the two that are always massively racist yet love calling Americans racist.

>> No.9557976

I mean, there actually is an argument that they might be genetically different enough to be considered a different species.

>> No.9557997
File: 101 KB, 686x582, smug anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling countries you've never lived in and cultures you don't know anything about racist shitholes because that's what tumblr says s-so it must be true right

>calling Holland racist because of a national holiday that has nothing to do with racism just because Amerifats have a white guilt attack when they see other countries having an actual culture

Anon don't you know Sweden is culturally enriched these days?

>> No.9558009

I'm gonna assume you're talking about Knitemaya, and considering she does try to pretend to be a qt azn boi in all her cosplays, even using the facetape, it's understandable why Asians were upset. She's literally trying to be another race

>> No.9558017 [DELETED] 

Not even American but it's kind of hard to take you seriously considering how your country rolled over and spread its legs for Germany so...

Surrender, like slavery and racism, must be part of that Dutch culture you're on about.

>> No.9558019

>Fucking Americans
>Fucking Amerifats
>Goddamn Americans
>With their white guilt
>Stupid Americans with their lack of culture
>Fucking hate Ameri--


>The Germans are here

>We love you Americans!! Please save us, Americans!!

>> No.9558027

>can't even think of a counterargument and instead try to salvage yourself by pulling in irrelevant WWII shit like it's supposed to be humiliating
Am I supposed to feel bad now? You're not saying anything or trying to make a point about racism. I mean, I get that it's hard to think up something smart to say when you're wrong, but please at least make it seem like you tried.

>> No.9558043

Coming into this thread was like walking into the asshole of the world and I really hope that it gets nuked soon.
If anybody's too sensitive, it's you guys. Stop getting butthurt if a black person says "maybe you shouldn't do this because putting brown paint on your face has historically racist and demeaning connotations even if you don't intend it to come across like that."
It's also really funny that the /pol/tards in this thread think that this is some Tumblr or sjw thing.
>what is history
>what is anthropology
You can't just still have people who slather brown face paint all over them and put on an afro wig for Halloween and then paint yourself black and say "b-but it's because I admire this character so that makes it not racist!"
The argument of 'skin tone appropriation' is also easily the most retarded thing I've ever seen with my own two eyes. You're fucking white, nobody cares if you put one shade lighter makeup on because there's no racist connotation to that and even if there was, wow, you're still white too. What a shock. Odds are, it will just make you glow like a ghost anyway. Just like trying to spray tan to be a brown person looks like orange marker or dirt. And just like brown makeup on white skin will make you look dirty and unnatural. Also, unless you can completely cover even your waterline in makeup, you just won't pass for that race. In the same sense, Mexicans trying to be paler, Asians trying to look darker, black people trying to look Asian: It all looks bad. That's the bottom line.
Nobody has gotten sensitive, they've just gained the ability to publicly voice their disgust and then other people get their feelings hurt and throw a tantrum because they can't do whatever the fuck they want without backlash.

Don't get me wrong, do whatever cosplay you want. Just don't change your skin color. Why is it that hard?
>inb4 'muh accuracy!!1!'
Just don't make your cosplay look like shit?

>> No.9558065

Why does your country hate immigrants from nonwhite majority countries even though they make up less than 5 percent of the population
>white guilt
Like obesity isn't becoming an epidemic in Europe as well and fun fact us white Europeans were part of the slave trade too.
Why does nothing you say make any sense and how is it related to this topic? Also, overused reaction image says new or /pol/fag

>> No.9558137

And everyone will hate you for being a racist piece of shit. Just because you're free to do something doesn't mean you can't be critiqued and socially rejected. Kill yourself.

>> No.9558143

I agree with most of what you said, but let me clear some things up.

Mexicans can be white/pale. Spaniard blood can still be found in many Mexicans.
Asians can have dark skin. Not even counting Indians, Arabs, Polynesians, etc., Asians can be born with brown skin and, in some cases, even darker while still being fully Asian.

>> No.9558209


You're entire premise is that changing your appearance to a race that is not your own is a racist act, regardless of intent.

I fail to understand this logic. Your claim of racism implies some type of malice or hatred, but clearly that is not the case for 99% of the people doing this. They are trying to be accurate, as you have said.

Then, you would argue that it hurts someone's feelings. Are you sure about that? It is usually just a white SJW who is attempting to be offended, on behalf of a non-white being targeted.

The hurt feelings argument is pretty bad in my opinion. We've become so obsessed with it that our generation is turning into a bunch of neurotic basket cases. We should strive to toughen up our psyches instead of retreating into safe spaces.

>> No.9558282 [DELETED] 

where as you get violent and as i pointed out, my make-up isn't leaping off my face to attack someone. sounds like you're the real piece of shit. liking a character and honoring the character isn't racist, grow a brain window licker.

>> No.9558285

where as you get violent and as i pointed out, my make-up isn't leaping off my face to attack someone. sounds like you're the real piece of shit. liking a character and honoring the character isn't racist, grow a brain window licker.

>> No.9558324

Because whatever your intent is, the fact is that racists did it first. You don't have to hate or have malice towards people of color to be passively or unintentionally racist. But, It's a prime example of shitheads ruining something for everyone. White people (mostly talking American here but Europe did it too we aren't lily white in our racism history) originally did things like yellowface and blackface because they hated these immigrants, considered them lesser humans, and wanted to make fun of them. And this shit still happens. It's not something that you can just take so many years of oppression of these races and turn it around and tape your eyes to a slant in your cosplay of an Asian character and say "But it's because I admire your culture! And I like this character! I'm not even wearing stereotypes! It's not racist now!"
That's just not how life works. Just because you see something as beautiful now doesn't mean you can reverse history and conquer racism on your own. Then you, in turn, are stamping your feet and saying "But I still wanna!"

Well, Get this: nobody except for maybe young trigger-chans on this board will get mad if you cosplay Garnet and don't paint yourself black. Nobody will shit all over you for being black and cosplaying Homura Akemi, who gives a fuck if you're not pale or Asian. Your skin color is irrelevant, friend. It's the quality of your costume, your effort, and your passions that matter. If you are dedicated, if you are good, people will know who you are and they will appreciate it unless they're just dumb as fuck.
But I mean if you still want to do something that a majority of people find racist, that's up to you. Just don't throw a temper tantrum when someone calls you out on it.
Yeah, I have several Chinese friends who have very dark skin and then a milky pale Cuban friend. Don't worry, I understand that. But it's easy to tell when someone is faking it. Just use your natural skin tone, whatever it may be.

>> No.9558326

>what is passive racism

>> No.9558384


Well, I really just can't empathize with you on this. I've never experienced any form of racism after immigrating to the US and my ancestors obliterated millions of whites and middle eastern lives hundreds of years ago.

I think white Americans take their white guilt too seriously and aren't really noticing that every race has committed it's share of evil.

>> No.9558442

>telling someone to die because they wear makeup you don't like for a cosplay
You're definitely the good guy here, yup.

>> No.9558443

By that logic all of drag culture is racist and mysoginist as well, because it originated as malicious caricatures of non-white women by white men. It can never be redeemed and anyone practicing it, much less making money off it, should be harassed for it until they stop.

>> No.9558666
File: 57 KB, 690x659, nicki-minaj-skin-bleaching-dadc6a2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its 2017. If we cant get over trivial matters like this then we will never progress. How about you start worrying about actual racism because its out there. No its not racist to make your skin darker or lighter for cosplay because your not fucking doing it to make fun of anyone. Blackface is based on something that has happened in the past that no longer happens now. Hopefully we can move on and see this small issue for what it is because the longer you see it as 'racist' the longer racism will stay alive. Blackface is in the past it doesnt exist any more. humans are stupid but stop over reacting over something that doesnt happen anymore. People get their skin bleached/whitener and thats not a problem and some get tans. Stop thinking black people are opressed only for someone putting some makeup on. Can you start worrying about real problems and just let people enjoy cosplay whether or not they want to do it for the character? thanks

>> No.9558835

>Are Americans too sensitive?
yes, always

>> No.9558876
File: 107 KB, 750x1000, IMG_5159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blackface not existing anymore
>acting like the pressure of white beauty standards are the same as racism
You've got to stop

>> No.9558900

>says theres just flat out black facing outside of cosplaying
>posts a picture of a nicki minaj cosplay (albiet a shitty one)
Bitch, at least post the right shit.

>> No.9558901

This looks like a Halloween costume anon. Don't be stupid.

>> No.9558935
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1378, Screenshot_20170713-031707~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is black facing right now and you know what? No one in her comments CARE because its a fucking cosplay!

>> No.9558939

What about this? Is this racist? Anti semitic?
Its eddie murphy in "white face" playing a new york jew.
Theres 0 outrage for this.
And it was a funny character, so who really cares?
-t. A kike who thinks you need to calm your shit

>> No.9558951
File: 37 KB, 550x297, trading-places-saul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic

>> No.9558980

Back to /pol/ with you