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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 135 KB, 960x720, IMG_4616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9544853 No.9544853 [Reply] [Original]

Time to let it go gulls

>> No.9544855
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>> No.9544859
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>> No.9544861
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>> No.9544868
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>> No.9544884 [DELETED] 


>> No.9544888

Ohio comm is all fattychans and itas.

>> No.9544891
File: 108 KB, 750x723, IMG_4842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the last thread get nuked, I can't find it

>> No.9544902

Seriously. I'm sad I was forced to move here.

>> No.9544907

What did I just say? You babies need a time out and a nap.

>> No.9544910

OPs pic looks like someone who just wants to have a good time while wearing a bunch of ice cream cones and unicorns and make eye contact with someone just to say hello.

...Now I'm sad.

>> No.9544911

Move out?

>> No.9544928

She said it wasn't supposed to be lolita. Vendetta?

>> No.9544931

The last TWO threads got nuked, because apparently /cgl/ is all about being deferential to fatty-chans and their feefees now.

>> No.9544937

It's because fatty chan knows mods and will get your IP address tracked and ur meanie secrets removed. Literal Kylie clone

>I know a guy from this hacking group called poodle Corp and Imma pay them $20 to blow up their phones

>> No.9544942

At a certain point it became less about their fatty-chan status and more about that one girl constantly defending herself/saying she'd whine to mods and btb. All I could imagine was a giant toddler stamping her feet and having a big tantrum. People need to just learn to take shit in stride or else they'll make it worse for themselves. Thanks to her I can't take Ohio comm seriously and I don't eve know them.

>> No.9544944

I commented on that photo in the last thread and replied to her twice, and left to go grocery shopping. After dinner, hours later, I could NOT believe that whiny autist was STILL screeching at everyone.

>> No.9544945

This is cute af. Not for Lolita obviously, but I really don't think she's aiming for Lolita.

>> No.9544947

Agreed. While I haven't been posted in an ita thread, I have been posted, and I've had my share of mean comments. Sure, at first it hurts, but after the hurt, it's important to consider those comments objectively and figure out which ones are just trolling and which ones are pointing out things you really do need to fix. And if you try to fix the things you agree that you need to improve, you become a better person, IMO.

>> No.9544952

Not ita. Not anything too special but it's cohesive enough and has the elements of the fashion.

Post more srs ita like >>9544891

>> No.9544955

>At a certain point it became less about their fatty-chan status and more about that one girl constantly defending herself/saying she'd whine to mods and btb. All I could imagine was a giant toddler stamping her feet and having a big tantrum
That just makes it weirder that the mods accomodated her though

>> No.9544957

I'm guessing the reason is bc it -is- against the rules to single someone out. It doesn't change the fact that she should have just let it go and it would have never escalated that bad.

>> No.9544959

But we aren't just singling out just one ita, we are drawing attention to a whole comm of them.

>> No.9544961
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Idk then. I guess that was that girl's reasoning and the mod's accepted it.

Anyway, some new eyesores.

>> No.9544964
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>> No.9544966

Oh sit down and shut the fuck up and look around you for two seconds. The last meet posted didn't have a single girl under 200 lbs and then we have that gross fetishist that tries to talk in a high voice and curtsies and shit too. The last event I saw had HORRIBLE advice given to new/newly interested people too. Like fuck man it might be mean, but you can't say it's not true.

>> No.9544968

It's a well-known fact that the mods of /cgl/ are all fatties themselves. Anytime there's fatty-chan discourse the thread gets nuked or the posts are deleted, but far more heinous things stay up.

>> No.9544969
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>> No.9544970

>I'm guessing the reason is bc it -is- against the rules to single someone out.
But shouldn't that just have gotten HER banned? She was the one who identified herself in the pics, nobody else. Before that we were just discussing how ita they all are, even in pictures with several people in them which if anything is less singling out than the one-person fullbody shots usually posted here. We gave all the fatty-chans shit without discriminating or hyperfocusing.

>> No.9544973
File: 119 KB, 540x960, tumblr_os4r3uCS6h1s2yvoro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged as "old school lolita" with everything offbrand. Cute normie outfit I guess.

>> No.9544976
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>> No.9544977
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>> No.9544978

I wish she would get banned. It was awfully annoying.

>> No.9544980
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>> No.9544981

Tagged as "lolita fashion"

Already posted

>> No.9544985
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Dropped image

>> No.9544988
File: 310 KB, 1280x926, tumblr_orv448yDjF1sizbnho9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a "lolita" fashion show

>> No.9544994

This isn't THAT bad, just ill-fitting. If she took the dress in at the waist, replaced the stupid flower crown and little bows with a red and white katyusha headbow, and invested in cotton lace white OTKs, it could make a cute, simple oldschool coord.

>> No.9544996

lurk more, this was posted a few threads ago already

>> No.9544997


>> No.9544998

It IS quite oldschool and I like it as an oldschooler myself, but lolita's different now, and I wouldn't consider this part of what's posted to CoF, etc.

>> No.9544999

Several of these were, including the OP image

>> No.9545001

Then you guys dump.

>> No.9545032
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It isn't that it was untrue, I don't know or care about anyone in that comm, it's that I'm tired of having threads nuked.

>> No.9545035

Oh my fucking god.

>> No.9545039

This girl spent too much time considering if she 'could' rather than whether she 'should'. I'm almost impressed.

>> No.9545060
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>> No.9545061
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i figure it was just because the thread was being rampantly derailed, but if fair is fair, she should have gotten a short ban as a result of fanning the flames imo.

also to stay on topic, i loathe 70% of this coordinate. the dress and the jeans she could maybe keep, but none of the goddamn whites match, that headdress looked better as a bouquet, and prom shoes have never been acceptable as lolita. plus the lace in that blouse looks way too much like milanoo quality.

>> No.9545070

this could be considered a nitpick if she was going for like a spank! street fashion vibe but man is it unbalanced. i think she made a mistake trying to combine casual items like the tote and the sneakers, arguably the jsk, with a way too fancy, princess-like blouse. and those wristcuffs just look like plastic, they're so stiff. idk i feel like she has potential but this was a swing and a miss.

>> No.9545073

THIS. CGL can be harsh but it's honestly the best critique I've ever gotten. Facebook and Amino are too scared of stepping on ppl's toes.

>> No.9545075
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please tell me this is someone's 'indie brand' and i can view more of this trainwreck online somewhere.

>> No.9545080

normie outfit with a lolita blouse, but it'd be passable with an underskirt and some taller socks.

>> No.9545082

I can't get over the fact her face/mouth reminds me of a pufferfish. Or a mummified infant. She's not ugly, and the outfit's not really painful, but. PUFFER. FISH.

>> No.9545083

Everyone keeps praising this girl because she is a Muslim but Muslim or POC or whatever, it still looks like shit.

>> No.9545084

It looks godawful but she got tons of asspats for being a POC,wearing a hijab AND ott

>> No.9545102
File: 232 KB, 728x1023, 1494614499531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, kinda this

>> No.9545119

Person in pic here. I wanted to thank you for actually giving feedback--It's damn hard to find someone who's honest about what looks bad in a coord without a) tiptoeing around the issues or b) just thrashing it without specifics. You're a blessing anon and I'll do my best to learn from your crit!

>> No.9545137

It's a shame she insists on the pants and peep toe heels look. If she wore lolita boots and solid color leggings (or pants if they're a necessity) this could be a really cute coord. I also think a chiffon blouse would look better than the lace, and if I was getting really nitpicky I'd add more pink flowers to the headdress in a better matching shade.

All in all it's just a few things that would be easy to fix that end up making this a mess.

>> No.9545139

Is this supposed to be McDonald's inspired?

>> No.9545142

Well at least it's a cheap replica and not the actual dress

>> No.9545143

What are you smoking? Everything about it is tacky

>> No.9545146

I hate the fuckinh peeptoe shoes, they're not lolita in any sense. Her coord would be cute and passable but she just
keeps wearing those damn shoes and I hate them

>> No.9545151

I so wish this wasn't true but it is. There's like four girls that I know of that dress nicely
I'm in the same boat anon, It was fine when I was just starting out but now I'm more experienced and I've traveled and lived in places with better comms and it just makes me sad

>> No.9545152

I think it's cute, but if you're going for casual, wear a cute cutsew with the salopette because the frilly blouse definitely throws it off
A smaller bow would help tone it down a little too, I feel like a head eating bow is unbalanced with shorter hair.

>> No.9545162

I found it in the recent tumblr lolita fashion tag, I can try to find again later, there were more photos but I chose the one that showed entire "coords"

>> No.9545178
File: 584 KB, 540x948, fixedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I agree with the chiffon blouse, plus that sort of flowing, drapey material would match her headscarf way better than the skintight lace thing. i wouldn't even mind the pants so much as long as they're tucked into some ankle boots.

>> No.9545212

Still hate it.
Looks frumpy.
Especially the flower headdress with a top like that.
A bonnet would be better

>> No.9545237

Kinda beating the death horse now, but I guess the Ohio ita might still be lurking, so why not.
Lolita-tips wrote a wall of text in response to a complain about "meanie cgl", and as much as I respect her work, reserching the topic would be better that just giving a typical "bulling is bad".

>> No.9545243

This is not ita, just an ugly girl. Her coord is fine, just cover the face with a sticker.

>> No.9545253

I saw this irl and let me just say.. this girl needs to learn about lace holy shit. She only uses cheap shitty lace and then tries to defend it by saying it's what she had lying around

>> No.9545260

We've migrated over to the Comm thread to discuss. >>9545213

>> No.9545262
File: 110 KB, 300x450, bf3714082968447c97d60e3b771cfdda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man bonnets with hijab always come off as awkward to me
there's no place to stick the combs and tying it with a ribbon makes it look like a double chin.
headscarves in lolita are just hard to make look good.

>> No.9545374

seconding what >>9545152 said. the color is balanced well, but the blouse kind of sticks out because it doesn't go with the coord's casual vibe. a pink cutsew would work really well, and maybe nix the wristcuffs or acquire a cuter pair?

there's great tutorials for lolita wristcuffs on youtube if you need a starting point.

>> No.9545404
File: 137 KB, 750x937, IMG_4835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, okay. Stay classy then gulls.

>> No.9545413

Not trying to stir the pot or anything, but I like hijabi-litas, I think it looks very cool. I think it's a creative way to draw attention to your headpiece, seeing as how they don't have any way to do their hair all cute and stuff,
This particular pic of it just isn't all that well done

>> No.9545417

the outfits are ugly as fuck but the girl in the middle is really pretty and kinda rocks that frumpy negligee outfit

>> No.9545422

and by "kinda" i mean "she has the least offensive outfit of the group, at least"

>> No.9545427
File: 242 KB, 750x921, IMG_4841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me

>> No.9545467


>> No.9545571

I actively hope people will say stuff about my coords when I get posted. I've only been in the fashion for like four months, and I need all the help I can get.

>> No.9545586

Aww this is too bad. It looks a kind of alright sailor coord from the thumbnail and then you expand it...

>> No.9545599

I just hope they don't think it was me... I travel and am in a few comms, and sometimes get posted here because I kind of have shit taste in color balance, don't like accessories, and am chubbs and ugly. I just like sharing my cute dresses, I like seeing different prints on CoF. It's too bad, I was hoping to start going to more Ohio meetups but now I'm nervous people will be paranoid about who's a gull

>> No.9545628

Everyone is so nice and most of the meets I go to everyone is dressed wonderfully, but there are so many times when they look awful. I'm honestly really average with my coords. I hope the best for the girls in the comm. I know a lot of them are working on becoming healthier.

>> No.9545687
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>> No.9545690

you take that back anon. RE4 was a good game.

>> No.9545740


idunno, I'd argue it belongs here. The dress has more problems going on than just being too loose at the waist. You can see a lot of wrinkles towards the back of the waist, so there's definitely some issues with the sides and the back as well. The skirt itself is too flared, that's why it's bunching up into huge folds of ruffles. Looks like some bad handmade that tried to go for a circle skirt, and this girl learning first hand exactly why we don't use circle skirts.

Her bolero's vertical lace is also kinda emphasising how it's just sitting over the top of her boobs as well. I'd say she's better off with a plainer bolero, or at least rip the vertical lace off.

Nitpick would be saying her wristcuffs are too white for her dress and bolero, or saying her ankle socks look too cheap. But at this point she's almost better starting off from scratch with a different dress that doesn't have all these construction issues.

>> No.9545741

Agreed. There was another meet on the same day that that group photo was taken and honestly most of the girls at that meet looked fine especially since a couple of them were wearing lolita for the first time.

>> No.9545754

>I was hoping to start going to more Ohio meetups but now I'm nervous people will be paranoid about who's a gull
>tfw Ohio comm melts down over mutual angry accusations and paranoia over who's the quisling-chan

>> No.9545766

I don't know how to feel about this one. Color cohesion is messy but good enough.

>> No.9545768

That's so sad that they're so terrified of a gull among them.

>wah wah someone here is a meanie and is gonna post me

If it's a public picture anyone can do that, hun. CGL isn't even that bad.

>> No.9545821

The irony is I know half a dozen girls off the top of my head who are gulls.

>> No.9545833

How dare you post the queen in the ita thread. It's called fashion, look it up.

>> No.9545847

>Queen of Itas

glad you agree.

>> No.9545892

sage for ot and obviously she can't help it, but this girl has the most annoying looking face I've ever seen.

>> No.9546169

this is how i imagine lolcow farmers irl

>> No.9546180
File: 751 KB, 645x645, LM_ita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's selling this coord for $378 on lacemarket

>> No.9546182

She discounted it? Saw it for $420 yesterday. That is insane.

>> No.9546367

i can't even start with this one, everything is so ludicrously bad. who started making those fucking cardboard tophats? why do those even exist? they're so ugly and cheap-looking, layering 12 bits of different trimming on top of a hat does not make it 'elegant' or 'cute', it just looks like a clusterfuck.
>selling bodyline and ebay shit for as much as a brand dress
>couldn't even be arsed to cut the bangs on the wig


>> No.9546436

I want that lemon skirt for normie outfits though w2c?

>> No.9546463

Reality check. A lot of us are gulls. A good portion of the mods are gulls. I'm pretty open about the fact that I'm here. I don't hide it. I don't sugar coat it. But I make it adamantly clear that I do not, have not, and will never post anyone in these threads. I mostly stick around in discussion, b/s/t, and in some of the cosplay and convention threads.

If you want people to improve, here's a good tip. Lead by example and just put together the best coordinates you can. Be the person people trust and go to for coordinate advice and make friends.

>> No.9546480
File: 194 KB, 750x744, IMG_4840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majorly OT but Leon slightly annoyed me, making it hard for RE4 to be super likeable for me. In turn, lots of people hated SH4, but I liked it a lot.
Here's a complimentary ita for me wasting your time

>> No.9546482

This thread is garbage. Obv it was started by someone who got the other thread nuked. As a mea culpa. Most of these girls arent itas. I can see this board isnt going to be fun anymore.

>> No.9546491
File: 143 KB, 540x758, IMG_4837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you wanna keep complaining and making it worse or to you wanna put on your big girl bloomers and get over it

>> No.9546502

How about you itas are just going to run everyone away.

>> No.9546506
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>> No.9546507

So btb tracks ip? I guess thats why secrets are sparse.

>> No.9546513

Newsflash. Ita threads are never fun in the summer. You don't see many actual itas unless it's around finals/midterm time when the kids are too busy to post.

>> No.9546533

I'm in the Ohio comm and unless you're willing to travel 3 hours to a meetup (I live real close to the Michigan line) then forget about it. 90% of their meetups are down in Colombus or close to it. So if you live in Colombus or close to it you should be fine, just be aware of the gross brolitas and sjw fatties that swarm the comm

>> No.9546536

So btb tracks ip? I guess thats why secrets are sparse.

>> No.9546538

I meant to reply to the person above you sorry about that

>> No.9546547

I like it. Just needs a petti and maybe better fabric. Anyway its creative and bold.

>> No.9546552

Why the namefagging

>> No.9546555

Wears hijab yet doesn't cover the feet
>you a little haram?

>> No.9546556

Aww, I kind of like, mainly because in high school I thought scene girls looked cute.

>> No.9546558

Does it matter on /cgl. Get real dude.

>> No.9546559
File: 55 KB, 625x415, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ are you serious? I say burn it in hell.

>> No.9546581
File: 238 KB, 750x731, IMG_4843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itas running people away from the ita thread
Um. I'm not sure you know how this works. Lurk moar?
Why the salt please do not start the shitfits over namefagging again

Also, related to pic, she wore this through harajuku apparently

>> No.9546585

This needs the fry crown.

>> No.9546588

You're probably not far off lol

>> No.9546590

Are you fucking blind??? The fur and the OTT headgear makes me want to kill myself. It's some of the worst elements of 2010 sweet with none of the charm

>> No.9546591

This is actually a great dress. It sucks that they put absolutely no effort to make this a cohesive coord.

>> No.9546594

Where are you guys finding itas other than tumblr or instagram or the occasion cof? Is there other sites to look at?

>> No.9546600

Why is her stomach showing... blegh

>> No.9546601

I'm sure most of these come from people's personal Facebook pages.

>> No.9546606

Here's the itafinder 101

>Facebook (cof, daily Lolita, public pages)
>Lolita amino
>reddit /lolita
>twitter sometimes
>weibo for the Chinese cringe
>sales posts like lacemarket. You can bet your bloomers if someone is selling something shitty at an inflated price, their coords will be awful too

>> No.9546612

This was sarcastic.

Sage for ot

>> No.9546616
File: 147 KB, 750x728, IMG_4826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another coord from my favorite ita. She's... Still not getting it right, nope. I'm kind of losing hope for her.

>> No.9546632

She has potential somewhere... she needs a mentor

>> No.9546635

ngl i'm interested in some weibo cringe

>> No.9546643
File: 149 KB, 750x773, IMG_4839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the trend of these stupid deco cat ears dies soon

>> No.9546676

Host your own damn meet, Toledo-chan. Ohio is huge, most of us travel.

>> No.9546684

This is really fucking cute. Not anywhere close to lolita, but cute none the less.

>> No.9546699

y-you're not alone, anon. at least their hair has the right volume for lolita...?
dw we can be trash together.

>> No.9546701
File: 124 KB, 750x741, IMG_4901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, here's a babby's first I believe. Not even close to as terrible as some of the rest of these, so I hope she learns color matching because she's got potential.

>> No.9546706

Oh honey no.
She never seems to make any progress.
She seems very sweet but gosh she's such an ita.

>> No.9546716

This is adorable. Why would you post a child in here? Wtf is wrong with you? It's not even ita.

The little Cinnamoroll pouch is too cute.

>> No.9546738

>do not start the shitfits over namefagging again
>what is board culture

Then people need to learn the damn purpose of it. If your name is actually relevant to the conversation, feel free to namefag or trip, otherwise people need to stop being little snowflakes that just makes them look like idiots.

>> No.9546741

Yeah this legit looks like a kid, fuck off.

>> No.9546762

Much better than my first coord

>> No.9546763

>responding to an obvious joke
Dumb troll or just VERY summer?

>> No.9546770
File: 498 KB, 680x725, 1434207093435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting children on 4chan
You're a creep, anon. Not cool.

>> No.9546775
File: 55 KB, 355x311, IMG_0650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.9546813

She's adorable.

>> No.9546831

Kinda unrelated, but why would you take an outfit picture, especially when wearing all black, in the shade?
Like, you can't see any details or anything

>> No.9546878

What kind of "child" has free reign of social media just wondering :^)

>> No.9546890
File: 155 KB, 750x743, IMG_4907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow look, more "children" I wonder if the ita police are going to come and yell at me because I posted an ita who's younger than them

>> No.9546900
File: 183 KB, 750x733, IMG_4909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9546947

Friend I'm almost 30. Posting minors in these threads and acting edgy about it just makes you look like an asshole.

>> No.9546954

Call me immoral, but it really doesn't matter to me. I'm sure that a lot of the people posted here are probably 15-29 or so. Then there's the young itas. Really, if you're old enough to be on the internet and social media, posting these types of things, you're old enough to take criticisms. It's not like she's doing terrible, I said I hope she improves. Right now she's got some polishing to do.
Second one however is truly a trainwreck and I'm not sorry for posting it.

>> No.9546955

>can confirm
>posted in comment section once on BTB
>mistaken for an ita that lives 20 minutes away
creepy bitches

>> No.9546958
File: 93 KB, 750x723, IMG_4903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't even know what to say.

>> No.9547007

I just don't get what's up with her body?????

>> No.9547010
File: 125 KB, 746x741, IMG_0277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9547038

whats with these fucking wigs

>> No.9547055

aw she looks so sweet.

>> No.9547073

She's like ten years old and has an adorable purse, fuck off

>> No.9547077

Yes you do, it's fat, she's fat.

>> No.9547101

Sayonara then
I knew it was going to be some McDonalds shit just from the thumbnail, now this will appear in my nightmares
I'm really sleepy but i think this dress is from the alice in wonderland merch. One of my dream dresses by the way.
Other than that, i can't stand that pastel helmet she has.

>> No.9547191
File: 280 KB, 749x1331, IMG_8640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his "glo-up."

>> No.9547250


>> No.9547265


> "A twist of the phrase "grow up", referring to a person's incredible transformation."

If this is an incredible transformation I really don't want to know what she looked like before

>> No.9547270

Yeah,that's not how that works.

>> No.9547286

Posting a kid is really shitty even on 4chan. Fuck you.
She's so cute, how can you post that happy face to a ita thead?
She'll get better, also as said reviously the little pouch is adorable. Today's babby lolitas are the future of lolita, we all started somewhere too.

>> No.9547289

Ow the edge.
You're quite pathetic and you should possibly lower that sodium intake of yours.

>> No.9547327

You have got to calm the fuck down lmao stop acting like anyone really genuinely cares. I'm kind of starting to wonder how one mediocre coord is getting so much defense just because she's fourteen. Jfc if everyone policed every single itas age, we would never get anything done.
Summerfags getting butthurt in the ita thread is getting super old.

>> No.9547332
File: 182 KB, 750x728, IMG_4908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down ita police, you seem bothered

>> No.9547337
File: 148 KB, 750x910, IMG_4906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9547340

Naw man, you're the one who screwed up. CGL has never been keen on posting people under 18.

>> No.9547348

nayrt but you're the one who needs to chill here anon
who peed in your cereal this morning?

>> No.9547351
File: 218 KB, 608x933, IMG_4911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then do something about it
Or you know don't because you can't because it's not against rules.
You kind of sound like the Ohio ita stirring shit again, wanting another thread nuked. Go derail some other thread, please god.

>> No.9547367

That's a Haruhi cosplay. Yeah, ita by lolita standards, but old as fuck.

>> No.9547369

This is really tiresome Ohio-chan don't you have other people to bother

Or certify that every single ita in all of the threads are over eighteen for some weird sense of moral superiority I suppose?
Newsflash: cgl isn't exactly the pinnacle of morality. If you think it is, you may really want to do a double take and think on whether or not you should be here if you're going to be so sensitive towards one particular topic. Cgl is just not a place for sensitive or thin-skinned people. Especially not the ita thread.

>remembering that crazy fakeboi ita everyone lost their shit about
>fakeboi was not eighteen
>fakeboi is still not eighteen

>Sage for OT because whiny pissbabies not using logic

>> No.9547373

Really? She just now posted it. Maybe she was doing a throwback or something, though and I didn't notice. Either way oops sorry for stale(?) ita.

>> No.9547389
File: 126 KB, 771x323, you have to stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can not do this again comrade

>> No.9547473

Nayrt but dude can you stop samefagging with this fake edgy bullshit and just admit you shouldn't have posted a child in the ita thread. Also, are you that namefag from a few threads ago? You have the same grating habits of reusing the same couple idiotic comebacks and refusing to acknowledge your lack of board etiquette is what's actually derailing the thread. Sage.

>> No.9547484

>holding a mcdonalds happy meal
>holding a ronald mcdonald ty beanie baby
You're literally autistic

>> No.9547488

it's the wig. I can even let the underskirt go, it doesn't look bad. but if she had a voluminous updo this would be a million times better. twin puffs, afro, single central puff...or maybe even a short curly wig that stopped at her chin.
that long wig droopy wig, and terrible lipstick shade, ruined this fun coord.

>> No.9547490

A million times better than my first coord. Fuck you for posting this adorable kid

>> No.9547498

you don't have any real-life experience in the fashion, do you? stop talking about things you don't know and just lurk.

>> No.9547501

God, thank you. I wish the mods would just ban this person.

>> No.9547508

looks like she could be related to Model-san...except she has no brand and never got to go to Japan and is trying hard to be just like her older sisters.

>> No.9547813
File: 140 KB, 750x842, IMG_4902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban this person
>thinking I did something banworthy
How fucking new do you have to be honestly

>> No.9547830


Would still bang furiously

>> No.9547843

Are you retarded? Legitimate question. If you're so asshurt over this, either go crying to the mods like Ohio-chan or get the fuck over it and stop derailing threads with inane bullshit. Maybe she's not terribly offensive but I'm not sorry, because I didn't do anything wrong or against the rules. It's not being edgy, it's just a fact. All this is doing is making another ita thread go down the shitter. You've got to get over it or take a breather. It's really not that big of a deal.
>Sage for this incredibly autistic argument that has no point

>> No.9547846
File: 176 KB, 750x746, IMG_4913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please raise your standards

>pic not related

>> No.9548193

This is nitpick imo (or at least calm yr tits). Looks like babby's first honest attempt at lolita coord, at a convention no less. It's not great but it's not garbage; she clearly tried.

>> No.9548206
File: 37 KB, 500x500, IMG_7419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9548211

>that nose

Opening the thumbnail was like a jump-scare

>> No.9548219

It's an Oompa Loompa?

Very Amy Schumer.

You're right, the lace stretch top and random leggings look like utter shit.

Once upon a time, a porno began

The gull is the only one under 200 lb, duh

The men go rape ragey over hair but not over toes apparently.

Jesus fucking Christ. You win, anon.

>> No.9548221
File: 305 KB, 1000x1000, godhasabandonedus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita sewing collective doesn't deserve this

>> No.9548223

Ugh. The Bodyline crotch-flower dress.

>> No.9548225

>"Amy Schumer"
>being this new

Fuckin lurk please

>> No.9548231

I love the Card Captor Sakura-esque random wings on the "Captain America" dress. My boyfriend was absolutely stumped when I told him to guess what mainstream character this was inspired by.

>> No.9548330
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

>> No.9548333

Hahaha That wasn't me. I'm just laughing at the unprecidented shitstorm

>> No.9548348
File: 75 KB, 750x751, IMG_4912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a cute normie dress but it's definitely not lolita. The ita mentality that dress=lolita just continues to stun me.

>> No.9548368

Whatta ya buying? Whatta ya selling? Eheheheheheeh

>> No.9548375
File: 411 KB, 750x922, IMG_4924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last thing you see before you die

>> No.9548388
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>> No.9548390

This was at my local con.

girl was nice but they picked her for top 5 outfit at the tea party and I don't understand why

>> No.9548482


I messaged her on LM and told her $100 was even asking a lot for that set. She told me she spent way more than that and I was like "sorry, but you got scammed"

Not sure what she'll do now

>> No.9548503

You've got a lot more nerve than I do anon

>> No.9548505
File: 236 KB, 727x743, IMG_4919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't even show the terrible cleavage

>> No.9548612

Why can't they just have headscarves with lace trim and stick some matching pins on? This colour red bonnet doesn't even go with the red stripes on the dress.

>> No.9548616

I figure she's gotta learn at some point, so I might as well tell it to her straight

>> No.9548629

Cutesy Goth outfit, not Lolita outfit.

>> No.9548763
File: 205 KB, 750x744, IMG_4920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes here we go

>> No.9548784

I did one of those hilarious computer screen double takes.

>oh. Phew. Just gross old boobs

>> No.9548813

4chan also tracks IP, that's how it knows comments are yours. IP isn't static most of the time tho, so after a while, your own comments might not get the (you) tag afterwards because your IP is different. IP is nice for tracing physical location roughly, but banning IP is useless nowadays thanks to almost all IP addresses being non-static. Also with the use of VPN, IP is useless unless you track further, which websites don't do by default.

Long story short, blocking and tracking IP is rarely useful unless you're looking for someone physical and want to make your search area smaller.

>> No.9548866
File: 130 KB, 750x747, IMG_4921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not technically "ita" dress but I don't see why you'd put these two things side by side...

>> No.9548932

although I don't recognize the right, it looks to me like a "These are my outfits for the con" post, with lolita day on left and cosplay on the right.

>> No.9548954

Honestly people at the meets are pretty chill. No one will say anything at least not to your face. It's the ones who don't go to meets who usually say shit online.

>> No.9549053

Like, every 12 year old these days? Are you living under a rock?

>> No.9549221

You must be 18 or older to use this board.

>> No.9549515

Lol there's no sage here newfag

>> No.9549681

holy shit those look infected

>> No.9549907
File: 51 KB, 420x200, IMG_5907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't look that ba-
>opens image
>pic related

>> No.9549936
File: 796 KB, 2448x3264, 2013-09-02 15.30.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going through my old phone photos; this is a picture my little sister took with a girl at a "Lolita Fashion Show".

>> No.9549942

Aw, come on, there's already a pretty awesome Winter Soldier dress out there.

>> No.9549984

what the fuck is wrong with her fac-- I mean hand

>> No.9549996

Old henna?

>> No.9550009
File: 107 KB, 600x1047, IMG_0324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9550086
File: 20 KB, 65x135, Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 1.19.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's some sort of ita-cryptid outside of her window

>> No.9550146

>fake mcdonald happy meal box
how poor must this ita be if she can't even get branded fast food

>> No.9550186

Not lolita but damn adorable.

>> No.9550259

Idk where she is, but, in my town, neither of our McDonalds even is the little red box, they either use cardboard boxes like it but covered in games or ads, but, most of the time they're tossed into regular brown paper bags

>> No.9550338

Holy fuck that is terrifying

>> No.9550368

It's not, she tagged it as bdsm and Lolita fashion both. No mention of cosplay anywhere.
Solution: Don't let your children be on social media at 12 because that's not even a moral matter it's a legal one
Holy fuck I did not even notice this but now I fear for my life

>> No.9550402


>> No.9550474
File: 100 KB, 648x968, 19780386_10155517629725842_6564398599187710065_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9550498
File: 39 KB, 512x504, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off of Lolita amino

>> No.9550502

Posted earlier, lurk more

>> No.9550507

I hate that pose with a searing passion.

>> No.9550515

Not that fresh because >>9547010 already posted it, dumbass.

>> No.9550529

Not same anon but I just saw this on the amino too posted less than an hour ago and people are only just reacting to it. Maybe it was posted somewhere else first?
But whatever. Still ugly af

>> No.9550736

I think I hate the flamingo leg pose even more.

>> No.9550742
File: 134 KB, 749x922, IMG_4972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse anon

>> No.9550789

if you don't even think the first one is ita, then why tf did you post it?

>> No.9550901

My highschool self loves this.

>> No.9550908

Why the fuck would you post a kid? C'mon now.

>> No.9550928

That's what I thought too lol
Girl needs to lose weight,she'd look great with those legs

>> No.9550933

She looks like a fucked up Sim

>> No.9550949
File: 139 KB, 650x836, IMG_1189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Winter Rose, and I'm not quite sure which Taobao brand put it out. It's my favorite fandom print to date, because it's so subtle.

>> No.9550987

This is adorable, (although not really lolita, and honestly the dress is a little mature for the choice of accessories but honestly I still love scene style hair and makeup in this year 2017 kek)


>> No.9551007

Help I'm garbage I love this. I feel 15 again

>> No.9551017

I'm pretty sure this is that hottopic alice dress. If that's your dream dress please love yourself more, and consider a different fashion to get into.

>> No.9551025

Ay are you a french gull too?

>> No.9551027

Ohio chan? Bro, I'm not even from America. Just saying nagging on a kiddo isn't cool.

>> No.9551028

You would be correct. Good eye, anon.

>> No.9551029

Get out of our fashion

>> No.9551035
File: 88 KB, 750x729, IMG_4974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone commented about how bad this is and I'm losing my absolute shit

>> No.9551036

On dress? It's hot topics Alice Through the Looking Glass dress. Pretty sure it's been sold out for months

>> No.9551062


>> No.9551083
File: 70 KB, 750x381, IMG_5024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if this dress is baby then did she just pull it out of a laundry hamper to put it on? Because it sure looks like it

>> No.9551106

Bitch all you like about summerfags but I got bigger keks out of this thread than any ita thread I can remember besides the recent Fatty-Chan Hoedown.

>> No.9551257
File: 63 KB, 240x320, 89d6cd8c-8b85-5113-8fe5-c2e7e8ad7947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the 2010 version of bttsb pocket embroidery. I had the black version of this dress. The fabric is very heavy and very sturdy, and requires some serious ironing before you can wear it.

>> No.9551267

Really now? That's interesting and slightly intriguing. I'm just obsessive with my steaming I guess. Still, burando doesn't make the coord.
Ita cryptid was the hardest I've laughed at anything on this entire board since the k8 drama.
>tfw if half of the ita thread wasn't gulls squawking just to squawk and itas coming to their own defense then it wouldn't be such cancer

>> No.9551276

It helps that she is the skinniest one too. Thinner girls seem to pull off some the most hideous shit.

>> No.9551281
File: 46 KB, 309x477, IMG_8727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what's worse: their coordinates or the fact that the girl on the left is wearing fugly ass normie sandals with a "lolita coordinate"

>> No.9551283

Holy shit

>> No.9551303
File: 70 KB, 639x424, IMG_8729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9551313

That comment is hilarious. But yes, that's BABY. Unfortunately during one of the many princess drop/pocket embroidery jsk re-releases, they skimped out on adding buttons which makes it look cheap.

>> No.9551356

Sounds fake but okay

And you can't honestly say that dress isn't hideous, or that the place selling it doesn't reek of Milanoo-tier scammery

>> No.9551357

I hate to be anti-fun but it's her reflection

>> No.9551388

Yes, a reflection of her dark ita soul

>> No.9551437

>Read the thread

>> No.9551443
File: 44 KB, 242x326, Screen Shot 2017-06-25 at 11.48.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit, captain obvious

>> No.9551455
File: 50 KB, 564x856, tumblr_osnrgmHTCx1qacxl1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OT but I dont get the hate for SH4 either, its great

>> No.9551586

>see a post of someone saying they're "plus-size" on rufflechat
>go to their facebook page pictures

Everyfucking time.

>> No.9551588

where is the dress from?

>> No.9551592

These were popular when I was in high school and that was like 15 years ago. Don't think its gonna die anytime soon

>> No.9551645

the tulle on the hip panels of the corset was a horrible idea. with the bright color of the corset her silhouette is ruined.

was this tagged as lolita? I think she models for Lady Sloth but I guess there's no guarantee she actually wears the fashion. hmm...
could have been okay goth with more work

>> No.9551657

my bad, apparently i'm blind as i didn't see the reply link

my second comment still stands though. It really worries me that there are people in that group who think anything over like... $20 is acceptable for an eBay 'lolita' dress.

>> No.9551672

The cat ear trend dies down a little and then it's just right back, worse than before.
No mom it's who she really is

>> No.9551736

I've been noticing people trying to shoe horn thick normie belts into coords like this a lot, why is this happening?

>> No.9551741

shit taste

>> No.9551756

To make it look like they have a waist, or at least make the one they have more prominent.
Used to be this chick in my comm that would always use these corset/belt thing with her coords to make herself look like she had an hourglass shape (gotta give her cred for making them sort of work with the color schemes) but it only made her humongous cankles stand out even more kek

>> No.9551757

not knowing how/having the resources to curate a wardrobe made of loliable pieces of appropriate length to create a non-frumpy silho, so they try to make up for it by cinching with cheap belts. that cardi is way too long

also, probably just general style confusion. people take the partial influence of 40s&50s western fashion on lolita to mean they can put any old half-assed "retro" accessories together and have it look good with lolita.

>> No.9551787

I agree with what most people have said in terms of con-crit already:
- More pink flowers on her head
- Sleeve lace is bad quality, chiffon blouse would be better
- Swap prom shoes for Lolita boots

>> No.9551802

Babybat/Mallgoth tier Goth, not a single Lolita thing about this, and other than the Alchemy Gothic necklace, and her tights (ignoring the rip in a Goth outfit that's not got 'ripped' as a deliberate feature), she's wearing really bad quality everything, especially those really cheap and crappy ears and cuffs. You can get better kitty-ears in Claire's these days.

Con-criting this as a /Goth/ outfit:
- Hair is fine for Goth
- Ditch the kitty ears entirely, or swap them for realistic or well-made lace & velvet ones.
- No polkadots on the eye-makeup
- White eye-pencil tight-lining
- Rest of makeup is fine for Goth
- Swap bow for a better quality one - shiny ribbon looks terrible and cheap
- Lace crop top is shitty lace. Cut is fine for a Goth outfit, but that lace is crap quality.
- Necklace is fine - maybe try and find more of that Alchemy set (the bracelet's often on eBay)
- Skirt looks cheap (and probably wasn't! Over-priced Goth-clothes are /everywhere/), especially the mesh underneath. Mini-skirts, and polkadots, and red, are all fine for Goth, but the quality is severely lacking here.
- Either put a million more holes in those tights or get new ones
- Proper gothic platform shoes - plenty of red, burlesque ones in existence.
- Learn to match your reds,
- learn about lace quality and garment quality in general. Shop secondhand or indie, and don't buy the over-priced low-quality bullshit that's flooded the Goth market the last few decades.

>> No.9551803

Oh god, why?

>> No.9551811

Why is this tagged Lolita? It's just Goth. It's not Ita, it's just completely wrongly tagged. I think kitty-ears girl probably DID think she was wearing Lolita, but I think this is just a modelling pic that's been tagged Lolita.

Corset design is different - not sure if the tulle on the hips is a cool new thing, or just weird. I kinda like it, but it certainly doesn't have the hour-glass effect. I really like most of this, just thing that the blouse looks like a rather unfancy one with flowers pinned to it,and a rufflier blouse would have been nicer, but really it's probably a promo pic for the corset so making the rest of the outfit uninteresting would probably have been a styling choice for the client.

>> No.9551813

I get the feeling the two either side of these two are just as ita :/

>> No.9551820

Absolutely not Lolita :( This isn't even a good Goth outfit :/ Belt beneath her boobs and skirt beneath her belly REALLY isn't flattering on her at all. Again, lots of poor-quality stuff - that peignoir/shawl thing looks like it's made of crap lace. None of her clothes seem to actually fit her, and those 'edgelord' sandals are eww.

>> No.9551829

It's available in europe version of hot topic

>> No.9551837

It's from the German Anime and Manga site.
But it was labeled as Lolita.

>> No.9551871
File: 129 KB, 900x600, 43f83af0f27996ac835731ec5825ffc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have gotten the moschino one

>> No.9551877

What I really don't get is if you're that self conscious of your waist, why not wear a corset as it's intended underneath the clothes. I'm a size 2 and I wear one sometimes because it fixes my posture and the structure makes everything hang great.

>> No.9551922

She was borrowing the dress from the shitty host. She managed to give her a dress to wear but not suitable shoes? It was her first coord and had no idea that it looked bad.

>> No.9552010

so is claire's post on RC just a really well disguised attempt to draw out itas, or...?

>> No.9552078
File: 28 KB, 500x218, devilorangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9552091

maybe, maybe not, but it's working lol.

>> No.9552109

It certainly is a delicious feast for the eyes

>> No.9552129

But you are a size 2, so you don't actually need to get a good corset. A belt like that is 10$, a good corset is a few hundred plus the time you need to put in to break it in and get a good cinch. It also is usually too low in the hip for lolita so it can be a pain.

>> No.9552225
File: 219 KB, 638x960, IMG_4629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some from that thread.

>> No.9552228
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>> No.9552232
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>> No.9552237
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>> No.9552240
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>> No.9552241
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>> No.9552246
File: 175 KB, 864x1440, IMG_4637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9552281

what was her post about?

>> No.9552294

The fact that you know enough about her age and post it is disgusting

Fuck off

>> No.9552303

How stupid are you guys? This is pure bait, how dumb can you women be?!?!?

>> No.9552306
File: 153 KB, 483x542, the ita movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her post. Seems like a way to gain e-fame points with the diversity/appeal to SJW stuff.

>> No.9552326

isnt this the same girl that claims she has a closet of only eBay, Bodyline, and etsy pieces, refuses to buy burando or from taobao, yet claims on how much of a gosurori she is and how she worships mana-sama?? i remember once telling her that taobao is better quality than her sources and how brand can be found for dirt cheap nowadays but she kept ranting on how her clothes were "super high quality and amazing according to some seamstress family member"

>> No.9552341

These two are cute imo, considering the guidelines given in >>9552306.

>> No.9552452

please stop using those faces...

>> No.9552553

kek actually it wasn't bait but everyone got butthurt anyway including you
Holy fucking guacamole. This is in just one thread?
As if summer didn't have enough itas anyway, she definitely rang the dinner bell and they were fucking hungry.

>> No.9552584 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same girl, more ita

>> No.9552589
File: 141 KB, 748x861, IMG_5473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same girl

>> No.9552614

>I was dressed classy unlike all the other sluts at prom
Cringe until I die.

>> No.9552616

>not bait
Yeah I believe you.

>> No.9552625
File: 318 KB, 1152x2128, IMG_4639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my take on lolita

>> No.9552811

Lol it's going to be an itafest. Cringe.

>> No.9552940

These both make me want to give myself an icepick lobotomy.
A+ itas, anons. Good finds.

>> No.9554140

does she have an extra chromosome somewhere or something? there's no way those proportions are normal, even for a fatty.

>> No.9554251

This isnt lolita its just a kid wearing kid clothes. Whoever posted this is just stupid. I had the same socks when I was a kid. If anything this is Easter latin america or europe.

>> No.9554339

What are you doing? going through regular peoples facebook. What is the obbession with posting pictures. You dont have to post. This looks like a school presentation. There are a few more pictures on this thread that looks like posting just to post.
Then the fake story to get away with posting some kid. This ita thread was pure low quality.
Thats what I thought. Which points back to school presentation. Probably some markers. lol.
This looks edited. The coloring is giving it away.

1. Most vpn are blocked on 4chan is blocked.
2. You dont understand small communities. Btb tracking isp is a concern. More than 4chan tracking acctual.
Looks like a replica or ill washed. I guess it could be bttsb but too small. She needs to sell it.
Seems cheap and lazy. She's going to take pictures off the thread and make a collage? I smell 4chan bait as well.

>> No.9558244
File: 520 KB, 959x1280, 35db9796-17c7-4078-be6c-b49f310ed940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking through the AP tag on Tumblr and found this. Her caption was "my first lolita dress" I wanted to die.