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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1021 KB, 2000x1125, DF2016-IT-0056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9533659 No.9533659 [Reply] [Original]

New larp thread, 'cause autosage and whatnot.

Drachenfest soon fellow larpers!

previous thread

>> No.9533748
File: 104 KB, 333x500, 2233893613_63311ddc0a_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who's coming to DF this year, and what camp will you be in? How's progress coming along?

>> No.9533762

Me! I'll be going to grey camp.

Progress is... well... I just need to find IC-appropriate kitchenware, cutlery, furniture and a fireplace on a broke student's budget; come up with meals which are IC-appropriate, don't have any ingredients that need refrigeration, and don't contain anything a group member is allergic to; then pray we somehow manage to get a second car from somewhere so that we can actually GET there.

Oh, and I also have to attach arming points for jack chains to my gambeson and repair my hosen.

>> No.9533764

Will be in the Landsknecht camp and will bring a rotte (and three hungarians to the blue camp)
Technically all my stuff is done as was previous year, I wanted to upgrade a few stuff but I'm not sure if I will have time for that as we have to finish the other guys costumes first

>> No.9533787
File: 378 KB, 402x1132, 20170626_094837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent my money on armor and calimacil.
Next year ill join the gold camp morningstar jewquisition

>> No.9533866

Guys, I am so tired of trying to find decent shoes.
I aim for a simple early Germanic outfit. Simple earth-colored tunic, baggy trousers, dark colored hood. I know some people consider the outfit to end at the ankles, but I die a little on the inside when I put on my dyed (read: darkened/waterproofed) chukkas to try to complete the look. I wear a size thirteen wide and its just really difficult to find anything that doesn't break the bank. I have a decent amount of leather, but I have never actually done leatherworking before (besides super simple pouches and the like. I participate in Amtgard, so I would need something that I can trust to run around in a variety of weather.

>> No.9534054

Get leather boots that you feel comfy in
Wear gaiters over them.

Or break the bank on custom made high quality shoes made by a mastercraftsmen that started making shoes before the age of 4.

>> No.9534326

>tfw won't go because frog and doesn't have a group that goes there

>> No.9534478
File: 311 KB, 2048x1536, RAG32(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been here for awhile, Been busy with real life.

Enjoy my kit. feel free to critique!

(back shield uses backpack straps to secure it)

>> No.9534481
File: 830 KB, 2048x1536, dag fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of our events. I should be in the backround. Enjoy the two fighting and their kits!

>> No.9534482
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In combat with my petitioner brother.

>> No.9534500
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Last one untill more photos of the event come out.

Should have 3 more kits to showcase even though this one wasn't a full body shots.

Other two are red and white, red and black, and maroon.

>> No.9534505

Also, embroidery was done by hand by myself, the belt was also made by myself( with the exception of the castings)

all other kit items were either purchased off etsy or made by local artisans.(such as the tunic and pants)

>> No.9534529

hi - anon from >>9515714 here again although this time i thought id try and theme these post this time.
If you ask a violin player for the best violins they'd say Stradivarius
ask a car enthusiast and they'd say Ferrari or Porsche.
Ask a UK larper about crossows or bows? and they'd tell you one name - Arrowkaster.

>> No.9534542
File: 1.24 MB, 3888x2588, PICT0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

founded in the early 90's this husband and wife team [an later on extra partner] made a name for themselves in the creation and selling of larp safe crossbows, bows, and larpsafe bolts and arrows - a fact helped that at the time thee simply wasnt much i the way in competition.
However it wasn't just for this that they were known for - if you challenged them to make unique weaponry you may as well have waved the proverbial red rag in front of them.
>make a triple bolt firing crossbow, with option for individual or mass firing capability? DONE!

>> No.9534544
File: 1.18 MB, 3888x2588, PICT0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want a QUAD version? EASY!

>> No.9534547 [DELETED] 

>Want a tripod for emplacement defence?
>What? you want a HEAVY crossbow?

>> No.9534552
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>Want a tripod mounted quad launcher? Cause it its you...

>What? you want a HEAVY crossbow?

>> No.9534555
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>single or double shot?

>> No.9534579

Sadly though all good things come to the edn and the creators of Arrowcaster, already in their 50s when they started the company finally retired in 2008, and sadly passed away a year or so later. and while we got an influx of German Crossbows, their design and draw strength [and maybe a LITTLE bit of stubbornness] meant they never really caught on.

>> No.9534687

i hate being stuck in america... i wanna go to DF

>> No.9534744
File: 434 KB, 2048x1536, rag32(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one of my fighting Kit. Don't have gloves so picked up spare MMA gloves so my blisters wouldn't get larger.

>> No.9535012
File: 16 KB, 480x448, FB_IMG_1494955089504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magischola posted pictures from their recent event
>Hambeasts who think quantity > quality when it comes to cleavage
>Awkward nerds doing chuuni poses
>Comments full of people talking about how "fierce" and "sexy" everyone is

Why is this game such a cancer?

>> No.9535037

Gold master race reporting in lads, doing some extra work for the event I got up coming weekend before focussing on DF. Struggle is I've caught a bad fever and inflamed almonds, so it's all kinda going to shit.

Gonna hit myself up with some cuir boulli for over my chain in prep of DF though.

>> No.9535134

Grey are cool. Will that be your first DF?

Ah, you guys are so intimidating on the battlefield! What is planned to be upgraded?

Get well soon anon!
Which subgroup are you in Gold?

>> No.9535143

Thanks mate, doing my best, main priority is doing a sports intake for my follow up education this Thursday, hope they're as understanding as you are.
We're playing with Fréod in Gold, what about yourself?

>> No.9535146

I'll be a part of the Morning Star. I like your group! Good people.

>> No.9535147

First timer for me, but I'm sure we'll get along great.

>> No.9535152

Why don't American LARP allow "realistic" weapons ?
Seems like they didn't get that immersion plays an immense role.
But cool kit.

>> No.9535153

a waffenrock, a new leather jerkin and some leather accessory upgrade

that's the US version, right?

yeah, german larp weapons sometimes go way too much into the direction of safety and falling on the other side of the horse

are those rivets on the shield?

I know at least one frog who wanted to go to drachenfest because he went previous year and had a blast, though his group isn't really keen on it as they liked ConQuest more

>> No.9535154

>Grey are cool. Will that be your first DF?
Yup, and I'm still a bit overwhelmed with everything that has to be done in preparation. I'm sure that once we get there everything will be fine and we'll have fun, but for now I'm getting stressed out by everything that needs to be done in an increasingly small time frame.

Does anyone have some recipes or other camp cooking tips they care to share? It'd make my prep work a lot easier.

>> No.9535155

>or other camp cooking tips they care to share?
I buy my food from the stalls so I don't have to worry about such things, and bring a little emergency food.

>> No.9535167
File: 274 KB, 960x940, Códice-De-Trajes-Biblioteca-Nacional-de-España-c.1529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm building a Kern kit based around this (and a few other) images displaying asymmetric use of bridle gauntlets; however I'm not based in Europe.
>in Oz
What's a good core for building your own European standard level weapons? Carbonfibre, or is that too splintery?

>> No.9535201

Hungarian, you going to make that jerkin yourself, and you going to boil that leather? If so, any tips and tricks if you still remember them?

I'm not too far away from starting on my own little project, although I'm kind of thinking of just picking up the old WW1 stuff they used in the British army. Beautiful little things as well.

Cooking for a group is a blast and lots of fun for both you and your player group. Try to go for simple recipes, and remember that parsnip and the likes are your go-to friends. Stews, mini BBQs, soups, etc. are all really easy to cook and just take somebody to watch the campfire. Make sure not to take all the work on yourself and divide it evenly over your lads, this'll keep you from ruining your own week.

Not necessarily just cooking, make sure you have people doing the cutting for you, you have people doing the dishes for you, etc. etc.

>> No.9535209

>Hungarian, you going to make that jerkin yourself, and you going to boil that leather?
yes and now. No need for boiling for the kind I use.
But about tips, you either boil it in water or wax, whichever you use try to do it in a not too high temperature so you can harden it more accurately if you want that

Cooking for a group is a blast and lots of fun for both you and your player group.
It is, but campfire rules on drachenfest really limits the options and you would also need a week worth of food which can whitstand the temperature or bring some kind of cooling deice which is just bumps up your luggage.

>> No.9535214

Yeah, thank fuck we're in the build-up crew, so were there for so long we have dedicated people making shopping trips about three times.
Saves a whole lot of storage stress.

>> No.9535220

>campfire rules on drachenfest really limits the options
On that note, are oil-based garden torches allowed at DF?

>> No.9535221

as long as the fire doesn't touch the ground it should be fine, I mean I've seen a lot of candles everywhere, those are the same kind of fire hazard as far as I know and they are okay with that

>> No.9535375

Most are fine with latex or other realistic weapons, but they sometimes encourage boffers, especially for more heavy-contact games, because of "safety." Many US larp-runners have been running their games for a long time, and aren't used to the idea that latex and injected foam weapons are a lot safer than they were 10 years ago.

>that's the US version, right?
Yeah. The one that thinks having no game mechanics and a hugbox setting makes it a Nordic larp.

>> No.9535381

I use poles from Band Shoppe for polearms; I find that anything thinner is too whippy at that length. For anything shorter than about 5-6 feet though, you want something thinner.

>> No.9535402

>The one that thinks having no game mechanics and a hugbox setting makes it a Nordic larp.
don't be like that, they also made huge improvements, like only girls allowed to be organizers and such things that objectively makes the game better

>> No.9535459

It's true, I wish all larps required me to wear a name tag with my preferred pronouns. That's the best way to preserve my immersion.

>> No.9535483


i've also heard latex weapons being nixxed because of allergies :c as a cosplay prop whore in america it makes me sad to use giant dildos instead of swords

>> No.9535489

Because of course, it's more sensible to have everyone around you adapt to your problem rather than -god forbid- wearing long-sleeved clothing.

>> No.9535493

>i am allergic to weird rubber.
then they shouldnt reproduce, fucking shit.
Cant handle calimacil because they are """"""too hard"""""" and they cant handle default good looking ones because they are toxic to a small %.

Lmao the american scene is in fucking shambles.

>> No.9535494


what makes it even worse it this is a lightest touch system. too hard shouldn't matter. good larps is just another reason i want to move

I've been looking at ireland for years. just gotta get my teaching masters so i have a good chance at a long term visa

>> No.9535500
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Good luck my dude!

>> No.9535502


thanks! i still haven't decided where i want to try to live. anyone know how galway is?

>> No.9535517

>I've been looking at ireland for years
have to mention the irish guys mostly go to the UK for larping

>> No.9535520


I figured. I'm american, traveling 16 hours to get somewhere I wanna go isn't out of the question

>> No.9535530

Safety. The LARP I attend allows full force on all targets with the exception of the head and neck.
Granted the rules were made in the 80's where they had literal baseball bats covered in foam. Its slowly adjusting to the newer tech.

>> No.9535536
File: 572 KB, 2048x1536, dag shield2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my shield, They are foam rivets coated in plastadip/latex.

Cost a pretty penny, but came with a 5 year warranty and looks really pretty. Worth it in my opinion.

>> No.9535652
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, Picture 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just duct-tape your foot, draw the pattern and cut, add about a quarter inch for seam allowance, then cut it out of your chosen material. I suggest adding a bit of length to the toe to avoid chafing. You can do this by rolling a cone of paper over your toes before taping them. Leather soles will wear quickly, so I suggest using multiple layers or getting a sheet of crepe rubber. Pic related. Simple shoes I made by just doing this.

>> No.9535750

I studied abroad in Galway for a month, it was absolutely gorgeous. Didn't go into the city proper very much, but when I did it seemed nice enough. Really has that small-town feel while being big enough to have all the basic stuff you look for in a city. I wouldn't mind living over there myself.

>> No.9535804
File: 135 KB, 640x960, feastgarb rag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my feast garb, Which took 2nd place for best feast garb at the event with about 2-3k attendance.

Also note my buddy with the sweet hussar kit!

>> No.9535938

>feast garb
>winged hussar wings
Bruh why... how can you feast when you don't fit in a chair? Also what's with the tight pants, the colour scheme it gives is pretty sweet, but they eye awfully modern.

All in all it's looking good, but by God I can't understand what it has to do with feasting. I mean you're wearing armour damnit.

>> No.9536027

Makes me wonder why there aren't larps where all characters are trannies just to take the piss yet.

>> No.9536039

It's 1217 guys! Get with the current year, you can't just misgender people, that's worse than the plague. (◡‿◡)

>> No.9536196

there were a few nordic larps IIRC where part of the main plot was that there are no genders and you weren't allowed to use pronouns or something along that line

>> No.9536205

Nordic LARPing was a mistake.

>> No.9536207
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Please don't tell me this is real.

>> No.9536213

Euro larps are experimental at times. Also far superior.

>> No.9536218 [DELETED] 

sometimes I feel the whole nordic larp thing is a social experiment when will we call bullshit on it.


>> No.9536219

sometimes I feel the whole nordic larp thing is a social experiment when will we call bullshit on it.


>> No.9536236

>70 bucks for that

>> No.9536304

the core idea is not bad but it echoes SJWs way too much for my taste

>> No.9536438
File: 523 KB, 960x2568, f05163e088916f709458e32e46b9c74b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's up with Katana hate on LARP community?

In more details, I see people get away with pretty much most anachronistic stuff, but when it's a non-Japanese character with a Katana, people usually scold the player. Why's that?

(Disclaimer: I'm not playing such character.)

Pic unrelated ofc.

>> No.9536484

because it has been used in a lot of unrealistic weeb (and non-weeb) medias, and there are a lot false claim around it IRL.

If I see someone going to a medieval-fantasy larp with a Katana and a non-Japanese costume, I'll safely asume he's the kind of d4rk cunt that wants to do like in his anime. And it's usually that.

>> No.9536485

general hate on weeaboos. Although it's not that bad outside of the US.

>> No.9536504

let's be honest here, sometimes the player know jackshit about mixing cultures but the organizer said in the rulebook it's totally okay so they do it.

>> No.9536539

>I see people get away with pretty much most anachronistic stuff

That issue is one of perception and immersion as much as anything else.
Most people have little knowledge about medieval weaponry and little interest in confronting anachronisms in LARP. Everything from a foam replica of the sword used in the lastest Gnorts the Barbarian flick, to a xiphos or a rapier gets a pass as they are all "Old timey European swords". Even non-European designs slip under the radar if they look similar enough and hardly anyone could recognise that the paladin is using a Tuareg takoba.

Everyone knows what a katana is though, and can instantly recognise it as being "alien". It does not belong there in a way people understand/care more about than fantasy or temporally displaced West Eurasian weapons. It also does not help that there are few reasons to use one that do not reek of weebery, which only reinforces the backlash.

>> No.9536611
File: 252 KB, 2048x1365, feastgarb rag 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IM, In feast garb (fancy maroon cloak and bear pelt. My buddy was entering for a fighting Kit (though he won't wear his precious wings on the field.)

>> No.9536614
File: 402 KB, 2048x1365, fighting kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i have a story about a shit show that occured at this last event I was at, which I will continue after I dump a few more pictures of my various kits! I'm super proud of them, I sunk alot of money and time into the game!

so enjoy! And I'll include some stories too.

(This is my olive drab fighting Kit, you'll notice me walking in the middle of the picture)

>> No.9536621
File: 396 KB, 2048x1365, fighting kit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my olive drab fighting Kit with my chainmaille.

Funny story about this chain (its alternating riveted and solid washers) It earned the name "cheese grater" when a guy decided he wanted to try to box me, and punched my chest while I was wearing chain. Rightfully so! He ended up with super bloody tore up knuckles and a lot of embarrassment.

>> No.9536626
File: 115 KB, 960x720, fighting kit 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my other fighting/causal kit, which uses red. You should be able to see me off in the nearest right hand side. I'm using a 6" carbon fiber glave which I'll be plasti dipping in the near future! If anyone has any advice or ideas on what I should shoot for making it look like please fill me in!

>> No.9536636
File: 342 KB, 2048x1365, the9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, one of my friends had the awesome idea to have the Nine, at this years event. Which the 9 people(plus friends and unit mates) spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours into making a reality. They developed their kits, and the day battle coordinators saw this and ran with it. A battle was created in which the Wraiths took no damage from men, and could only be killed by women.

Of course You see where this shit show is going.

>> No.9536646
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Eventually, on the field, in the mists of a super hectic chaotic battle where they are being battered by tons of dudes, a cloth face cover obstructing their vision, one was "killed" by a Tranny.

Of course, the tranny in question was Male identifying as female, and had no physical attributes of a female, and the only indicators were the fact the tranny was wearing a dress( as if tunics aren't already incredibly similar)

He called out "I'm a woman etc etc" but up to this point the wraiths had already been dealing with a fuckton of people trying to self identify as a woman just so they could try hard and kill them.

The wraith in question told the tranny to go to the herald(As they should, as the field is no place for actual arguments)

Upon returning from the battle the tranny made a huge shitshow on the facebook groups page over how they were discriminated against and all this other bullshit. At this point it's about a week after the incident and the shitstorm still rages on strong.

Oh how I wish we didn't have to deal with this special snowflake shit.

>> No.9536841

Agreed. There's some interesting ideas there, and I can definitely respect wanting to create a fantasy game with narrower focus and a truly "foreign" culture. It looks like the execution ended up getting stuck on SJW culture a bit, though.

>> No.9536852

Nothing wrong with being trans, but that is definitely something needs to be given proper treatment in game--otherwise, like you said, you get tons of people just claiming to be whatever gives them the greatest advantage at the time. I think what I would have done, knowing in advance that this fight was planned, is hold a different puzzle earlier in the day that involves each person defining their character's gender for certain ("males do X and get Y bonus during this mod, females do A and get B bonus during this mod," something like that). That way, even if you get people min-maxing their gender for greatest benefit, you can at least hold them to a consistent choice by pointing out that they identified this way or that earlier on.

(Although to nitpick, I'm pretty sure it's only the Witch-King who couldn't be killed by any man, the others should have all been fair game.)

>> No.9537217

I think the trans community should follow that good old larp principal here: "What you see is what you get"

Are you an ancient resurrected golem? Look the part and people will treat you as such

Are you a girl/boy who feels like they are a boy/girl? Look the part and people will treat you as such.

Do you identify as an assault helicopter? Look the part and people will treat you as such

also fuck victim culture.

>> No.9537249

>and the day battle coordinators saw this and ran with it
didn't you wanted to write "it was well communicated with the organisers beforehand" ?

>> No.9537259

I recently had this idea to create a gender called either larpgender or min/maxing-gender after I saw a ressurection of class based larp system that was HEAVILY dependent on what gender should be allowed to play what class.
Like knights and lot of martials were only allowed to males and witches were only allowed for females. Mind you this is because of the Ye Olden Days.
So I had the idea to identify myself as larpgender which means I'm the gender which gives me the biggest bonuses at larps or allow me to get the better classes. (and it translates to real life well, that's why I'm a male because muh privilage)
Never actually did it but one of these days I might do it. Fortunately not much of an SJW culture here so they might not understand it.

>> No.9537268

Pretty much how I feel about it too. You got a dick but you want me to call your character "she?" Sure, as long as I can look at you and say "Yeah, looks pretty female." For the most part people in my larps have all done a good job of costuming for their character's gender, and the ones who don't, I just avoid interacting with them so it doesn't cause drama.

>> No.9537320
File: 36 KB, 819x185, HLFsolid advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay based HLF

>> No.9537336

I should also mention that there MIGHT be a line there so you have to wait a little.
The Ankh-Morporkian city watch for example always try to cheer the coppers up a little by singing them some fun songs around that time.

>> No.9537486
File: 195 KB, 1155x600, Collage 2017-06-26 12_50_36~2-1155x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian-inspired-LARP anon here, thank you all for the advice in the previous thread ! I was a bit worried since it was my very first time LARPing but everything went more or less smoothly. I didn't have time to do everything I wanted costume-wise, so I ended up just wearing some neutral pants instead of the elaborately decorated skirt I had in mind. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I kept running from place to place all weekend long ! I got to be a part of a lot of events : I helped during rituals, healed people injured by Yokai/ghosts/triad/catpeople attacks and got them away from danger, nearly got kidnapped by the enemy, took part in creating the apothecary guild... my proudest moment was casually strolling past the goddamn Cat god (aka the dude with crazy powers besieging our city with his army) not once but twice, just to check out what his soldiers were up to. I barely had time to eat and sleep with all the stuff going on, and I can't wait to do it again ! Since my character is of the opinion that suffering should be eased, I'm thinking of trying to gather people to create a Red Cross-like organisation to heal people regardless of affiliation. Or, since people in the previous thread mentioned masks as an accessory, I could make myself a disguise in order to be able to help both friend or foe on the battlefield without risking arrest for treason...

Anyways, pic related is my kit, I'm pretty proud of my customized basket. Now that there's time before the next edition, I can concentrate on adding embroidery and painting cool shit on the clothes (and finishing that damn skirt)

>> No.9537489

I like the outfit, but unless you enjoy people constantly staring at your crotch I'd suggest moving the bright red dreamcatcher on an otherwise blue costume somewhere else.

>> No.9537496

Yeah, I'll put it somewhere else, maybe on the basket ? I bought it because it had the Chinese Zodiac on it, so it was fitting for the theme.

>> No.9537501

It works fine at the hip, so I'd suggest either attaching it to the front strap of the shoulderbag (where the strap meets the bag itself) or simply hanging it on the other side of the bandage belt.

Also, where does your game take place? Those look like some pretty legit old buildings in the background.

>> No.9537512
File: 134 KB, 768x501, ivr21_03520079za_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in an old fort called "Fort du Cognelot", which was built in the 1870s. Google has lots of pics from different angles, but it's cool because you've got the fortified area surrounded by trenches, some little hills on the outside where you can put the camps, and a whole bunch of forest and clearings

>> No.9537560
File: 167 KB, 700x612, 0773-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) cool kit, even for a veteran
2) its always nice to see someone new enjoying to hobby
3) having a masked doctors without borders organisation sounds amazing
4) are easy and cheap to make and also add a lot to oriental characters

>> No.9537563

4) Knots are*
Google "fusion knots" for starters

>> No.9537613

>3) having a masked doctors without borders organisation sounds amazing
agreed. hell, even though the plague doctor fad has kinda died down, I'd still love to see plague doctors without borders. other masks would be great too.

>> No.9537615
File: 138 KB, 350x350, Naamloos-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Are you sure they are knot too complicated?

>> No.9537634

Carlos, you little...!

>> No.9537638
File: 93 KB, 1440x1916, FB_IMG_1497886094253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine some featureless masks with the insignia on them only with stylized eye slits.

Yeah, it even gets easier once you get the hanged off it.
Cool ornamental knots can really tie a kit together.

>> No.9537652


seriously if you can convincingly make yourself look like a blue skinned sea elf consistently for 3 days of 90F+ weather. It's really not that hard to look female. I'm 6'2" and can pull it off

>> No.9537712

>I'm 6'2" and can pull it off
yeah but 6'2" women aren't THAT unusual

>> No.9537725

hungarian, your god damn entire nation is height biased.
i do like me tall ladies tho

>> No.9537734
File: 31 KB, 1280x720, thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait no thats holand...

>> No.9537761


true but the taller you are over 5'6" the more attention you draw which suposedly makes passing more difficult

>> No.9537763

>having a masked doctors without borders organisation sounds amazing

Thirding this. As someone who loves masks as an aesthetic and storytelling device, and is always on the lookout for new and creative reasons why somebody might wear one, this idea is great and I may just steal it for my own use sometime.

>> No.9537781

where do you get the best looking helmets? Eu

>> No.9537783
File: 107 KB, 1200x675, get a mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice hat. What did you do with it?
What event was that? I'm french too but not very well-informed about the community.

>> No.9537924

"Best looking" is 100% subjective.
What styles do you like and how protectiv3 do you need them to be?

>> No.9537962

closed helmets
anything really.

>> No.9537997
File: 147 KB, 444x250, Amon_and_his_Equalists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you ! These knots look really cool, I think my vest would look quite a bit nicer with them

Since it's Asian-inspired, I was thinking of maybe using something similar to Amon's mask in Legend of Korra. It won't scare patients half to death, doesn't have any protrusions that people can grab to tear it off you, and it's easy to decorate with the emblem of the organisation. Unless people wish to decorate them based on their faction, but I like the idea of everyone wearing the same design.

Please do and report back !

It's "Les Contes de la Brume" ! The main event just ended, but there were two inter-events last time (one in November and one in March). The hat is just a wide brimmed Chinese hat I got off LeBonCoin for 3€ (I love that website, I also got my basket, camping stove and the camp's alarm bell from there) and to which I added tulle lotus flowers and a blue organza veil. I'm planning on adding felt flowers for next time, maybe even wisteria strands and ditching/shortening the veil ? Since my character's faction is known for going all out fashion-wise I can experiment.

>> No.9538001
File: 360 KB, 1669x1402, IMG_20170522_193838~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the hat before I customized it

>> No.9538025
File: 29 KB, 570x437, il_570xN.1136110788_4g1q[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something plane like this leaves a lot of room for personalisation and customization.

They all wear the same masks but the some have slight alterations and personal touches.
On an unrelated note has anyone played a character that was a martial master and a teacher? a battle master of sorts, tried all kind of swords and fighting styles and want to pass on his knowledge?

>> No.9538060

That's actually a pretty good idea. There were thousands of people at the event though. I don't know if its plausible to screen each person.
I think this is a better solution. especially when forced to make split second decisions on if a shot was valid.

I don't think "Well communicated" would be the most accurate term, but yes.

Men couldn't Kill them, but we definitely did our part.

>> No.9538062
File: 58 KB, 632x632, REEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, picture didn't post.

>> No.9538074

I think that's the best choice.
A few of my usual (small larp) players are trans (and play characters of their preferred gender). One (cis) guy has expressed interest in playing a lady for the thing I'm currently preparing.
As for me, as the GM, I play NPCs of both types, often in quick suggestion. Which has taught me real respect for people who have to wear a binder all day to pass.

Larp is live action, but it's also roleplay. I see no problem with people playing as the opposite gender, as long as they make an effort (it's actually less complicated to do than say, your ancient ressurected golem).

But then again, it's really small larps and I know everybody involved really well. Seems odd to me that some people would try to minmax in a larp of all things. It's not like you've got a lot of crunch to build a character on.

>> No.9538077

*succession, you dumbass

>> No.9538581
File: 163 KB, 2048x858, serveimage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I fucking loved that movie. The depiction of a bard is brilliant.

>> No.9538612

>anything really
You realize this shit makes it sort of difficult right?
What era and geographical location is the rest of your kit from, roughly?

>> No.9538626
File: 33 KB, 748x561, serveimage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you had fun, anon. It sounds like a blast.

>without risking arresst for treason
We had a group that did that at our previous larp. Coincidentally also an Asian inspired healers guild, called themselves the blue lotus. They had white scrubs with the logo painted on they would lend to their members, was pretty cool. Anyway, they were forgiven for healing enemies since it was a guild composed of people from different groups which had more or less monopolized healing. It's hard to take a swing at a guild that has members of your own faction or factions that will gank you for taking on one of their own.

Awesome job on the costume, I especially like the basket and the use of veils. I do have some minor remarks though. I think it'd look better if you replace the small pearl bracelet by larger wooden or stone prayer beads, since I'm assuming you're a low wealth healer/traveller. In the same vein I'm not entirely convinced by the bright red talisman, though I know bright red signifies long life in Chinese culture. I suppose one or two small items of stature aren't that bad.
As for the pants vs skirt issue, if you want something more flowy/Asian than just straight pants, but without the hassle of a skirt, you could try to find a hakama. The sport article isn't that expensive and comes in dark blue or black.
If nothing else, you could get harem pants and bunch them up like pic related.
A final tidbit that might be nice to keep in mind is that among Chinese, soldiers knot their belt left, commoners knot their belt right and officers/teachers knot their belt center.

>> No.9538812


>> No.9538824
File: 319 KB, 1280x964, tumblr_oscvbfqTM61w672jvo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glued rope

>> No.9538833
File: 13 KB, 255x225, czech[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old timey mining hat

>> No.9539121
File: 13 KB, 177x197, lawbihelmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyhting like this?

>> No.9539200

nah, that's not the best looking. Go with the rope, guaranteed swag

>> No.9539207

meanwhile, random question:
Let's say that there will be a sci-fi larp in the future and let's say someone will be a space navy officer in that game.
Let's also say that said character will be kind of a weeb, not balls to the walls kind but the silent-about-it-and-creepy kind.
What would you suggest as a waifu for him that isn't well known or from any mainstream animu?

>> No.9539223

If it's sci-fi and you can draw, create your own waifu (and show, as her background). I'm pretty sure you could randomly generate a plot with all the anime classic cliches. The more stupidly long the name the better.
Have him hide pictures of his waifu in his wallet and sleep on a body-pillow hidden under his blankets, maybe.

>> No.9539236

michigan random anon here. always interested but never proper larped, decided to make a straight 1200's peasant outfit after reading Parzival. his mother describes the making of his outfit to send him into the world (she doesnt want to let him go but decides that she cannot stop him, so hopes he will embarrass himself and come back to her).

"the lady took sack cloth and cut for him a shirt and breeches which, all of a piece, came halfway down his white leg. such was the regular garb of fools. on top was a hood, while from a hide of untanned calfskin boots were cut for his feet."

Any guidance for this outfit? I have natural colored muslin i will use for the shirt and breeches. not sure of the cut or details. would burlap also be appropriate? and im not sure if a full hooded mantle is what i want, maybe just one of those little caps with sides. i have long matted hair and a large bushy mustache

>> No.9539246

Are you trying to make something historically accurate or just for fun?
Is there something in particular (like an event you'd like to do with it?

>> No.9539247
File: 301 KB, 1067x800, 1433596068848[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the character (which is totally not played by me, and surely not because some people from that game might lurk here) will be the director of a colony and there will be LOTS of pictures of the waifu stashed in various places, like the high-security safe of the colony, And yeah a body pillow would be nice, especially a centaur one just so the tg joke could be done. Stickers on the weapon is also possible.
But probably there will be pendrives and such in the game and it's hard to come up dozens of gigabytes of data about an imaginary show.

Then again the Code of Bro allows multiple waifus

>> No.9539248

And post pictures of your mustache.

>> No.9539249

>and im not sure if a full hooded mantle is what i want, maybe just one of those little caps with sides.
do you mean a chaperon? because those are basically full hooded mantles worn differently

>> No.9539251

Can't really help you then, but it sounds like a fun idea.
Open /a/'s catalog and throw a dart at your screen, maybe.

>> No.9539257

It's also pretty funny that this comes up now since I played a game (tabletop, though) with a weeb character just two days ago.
He fought by hitting things with his waifu bodypillow half-filled with gravel.

>> No.9539261

that's balls to the walls weeb. I want it to be a subtle backdrop of him, not the defining characteristic. Something as a hobby he does because there is a fuckton of time that he has to kill, but he also has a job to do and relatively sane

>> No.9539282

Yeah, not the same thing. I just found the coincidence funny.

>> No.9539343
File: 2.07 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im interested in accuracy, but this is for fun. how does a muslin underwear set with a burlap overwear set sound? also would a town dummy's shirt have toggles or just be essentially a bag with holes?

interesting, maybe a proto chaperon just as the elongated hood part was starting to grow. definitely not looking for the heighth of fashion. i was more picturing the helmet looking cap the peasant john cleese wears in mp holy grail witch seen

>> No.9539345
File: 83 KB, 993x705, memebroidery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Shave.

>> No.9539420

here are some ideas on how to wear a hood


>> No.9539449

Muslin sounds too thin for underwear. You can have sleeves on your shirt and still look properly peasant-y, methinks.

>> No.9539557

Thanks for the feedback ! I agree that there were inconsistencies with my costume, mostly because I had to rush by the end and mostly grabbed the closest things available. The talisman was a cheap accessory I happened to stumble upon, I'm thinking of taking it apart to keep the Zodiac part and rebuild a better one. I'm still unsure of what direction I'm going to take costume-wise : my character is from a fairly rich family and from a faction where flaunting your wealth is encouraged, but she also kind of had a nervous breakdown after witnessing the horrors of war and basically ditched her old life to become an itinerant healer. So it would make sense to go all out with the bling, as much as it would make sense to consider that as a traveller she would look plainer.
I've thought about using a hakama since I own one, but no one else in my faction wears them since it's been clearly defined as Chinese-inspired. The whole larp draws from Asia in general, but each faction has a more defined inspiration (Han, Tibetan, Japanese, Mongolian, Aïnu...)

>> No.9540335
File: 127 KB, 1500x1000, whispers through the black gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just putting up a few pictures from the recent Empire. Don't mind me.

>> No.9540337
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>> No.9540338
File: 65 KB, 960x720, suns of couros - whispers through the black gate again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't take these, and there's none of me that aren't from behind, but I rather like how it turned out.

>> No.9540339
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>> No.9540340
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>> No.9540341
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>> No.9540408

looks nice. are they yours ? if not, where can i find the set?

>> No.9540502


also i just found this resource fyi

>> No.9540741
File: 359 KB, 1248x1504, 1470601568039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I really wish we could have cool sects and rituals over here instead of the half assed shit that the power larping poorfags bring

>> No.9540784

Today, I found out that I prefer foam warhammers over swords. I seem to be much better at hitting/disarming people with them.

And I want to try and make a foam flail someday.

>> No.9540785

man i've never played a very religious character.
I want to fight but also be ritualistic.

other than a paladin what religious warriors can i look for?

>> No.9540790

I used a foam flail.
im shitty with shields but the flailing is awesome!
buy one at DF

there is also goldhammer which you can order from online

>> No.9540799

>>single combat, i prefer a staff
>>my larp almost never has single combat

hate it

>> No.9540800

Nah, the fun is in making it. I like making props. I don't really need a particular weapon for anything, but I'd like to try my hands at some weapon I like, whether it ends up usable or not. Thanks for the advice anyway.

>> No.9540814

Ah, Suns of Couros. What ritual were you doing? It looks cool
*waves from Dawn*

>> No.9540815


what are some good larps in your neck of the woods? thinking about moving somewhere in that piece of the world

>> No.9540833

You need to insult more people

>> No.9540846

Ur a cunt

>> No.9540875
File: 402 KB, 1424x842, 7000 skeletons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just giving you advice on how to get into more single combat, anon.

>> No.9540881


I realized this but was attempting to create a humorous situation through intentionally appearing to misunderstand his advice. This is a common comedic practice

you cunt

>> No.9540892

You should probably pick a better joke than "haha, cunt is a funny word" then.

Alternately, I knew that, and was continuing the joke, but ya blew it. Whichever answer you like, take your pick.

>> No.9540895

You blew it anon

The only way to settle this now is by a duel to the death.

>> No.9540912


excellent i'm great at single combat

thanks >>9540833

>> No.9541275

Surely there are some vikingaboos who would be up for a challenge.
What LARP is it anon?

>> No.9541286 [DELETED] 

Do you guys have any recommendations for comfortable summer garb? It's over 100 degrees centigrade here in the summers. I'm in Texas if that helps.

>> No.9541299

Do you guys have any recommendations for comfortable summer garb? It's over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Centigrade) here in the summers. I'm in Texas if that helps.

I like viking and Rus stuff but that really isn't practical here.

>> No.9541338


ameri-larp. called shadowmoor. it's very pve focused high fantasy but it's the only one close

>> No.9541343


shirtless is always an option. just don't get hit

>> No.9541646

Only if you're a guy though.

>> No.9541822

whispers through the black gate. It went better than expected.

>> No.9541872

Naw man, there's plenty of people of either gender that should not consider shirtless as an option.

>> No.9541874
File: 60 KB, 465x333, 1311859850277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duel to death... WITH SHIELDS!!!!

you wankers

>> No.9541877

Linen, a hat, and plenty of water.

In fact, you should do that anyways regardless of temperature.

>> No.9542002

Do you guys wander off the larp thread sometimes? Do you actually post anywhere else on /cgl/ or is /tg/ more of your home board?

>> No.9542013

/tg/ is my main board and I post there regularly, once in every blue board I browse other cgl threads.
That said I only namefag in larp related and arms and armour related threads

>> No.9542062

>That guy is also using a sword
Fucking loser

I only post in LARPthread but I lurk in all sorts of /cgl/ threads

>> No.9542085

What that for Nicovar? I had heard that someone had Black Gated him.

>> No.9542098

>there is also goldhammer which you can order from online
that is, as long as you don't want to contact them through email. In which case you will never have a weapon.

I mean I really like goldhammer stuff, I will probably buy a halberd from them and I wanted it to be a custom one but they apparently challanged when it comes to answering emails. Month long waits for replies and after stating several times that I actuall do want a halberd and I do want to know their prices they still couldn't give me those infos.

So probably I will just buy one that they have on stock.

>> No.9542103

Oh hey, any ideas for easy to make, larp-usable medfan goodies for players?
My co-organizer and myself are thinking of giving a trinket to each player at the end of the game, to thank them and commemorate. And we'd really like it to be re-usable later. Something small and fast to craft for about a dozen persons.
Ideas for the moment are :
-Coin purses
-Medals or charms

>> No.9542110
File: 67 KB, 960x716, 1357309834134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add two buckles at the top part of the back and you are good to go.

>> No.9542122

Nice, thank you.

>> No.9542169


always an option

>> No.9542189
File: 808 KB, 722x1000, virag016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically it is an option but so is suicide

>> No.9542208

What was the best or most memorable character you've ever came across?

>> No.9542219

does anyone use daggers?

>> No.9542246
File: 985 KB, 2848x4288, DSC_0139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obrist from the landsknecht camp on Drachenfest. He was the best or at least the most memorable, even if I was way down on the hierarhy level to get a chance to interact with him much. Regardless the guy had a charisma that made us follow him everywhere and when we seen him in the town piss drunk we would without a word get behind him and follow him back to the camp so nobody would try to mug him. (or to be more precise so he won't shoot up some random civilians, but that was part of his charm)

Who DOESN'T use daggers?

>> No.9542259

Does it really count if it's a player more than a character? One of my friends in an amazing actor. Whatever he plays at, he plays it extremely well. Last time I organized a larp, I had him play a (secretely) demon-possessed guy. He scared all the other players off, suddenly going from normal dude to hellish monstruosity only with his voice and his acting, then back to scared out of his mind normal dude.
But then again he's good at everything.

>> No.9542395

Well, define 'use':
I don't run around on the battlefield like a leather-clad edgelord, but they're a great off-hand weapons or when your opponent closes the distance.

>> No.9542425
File: 13 KB, 300x168, bizarro_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, on bizarro LARPthread:

>> No.9542428

What are the currently most popular larps in the UK? I can't find a single definitive answers and most opinions come down to 'Empire might not be the biggest, but it's the only big one that doesn't come down to beating people with sticks and drinking yourself unconscious'.

>> No.9542434

you have to do that as an opening post, otherwise it won't be funny

if most people say they would rather go to empire than to X larp then empire is the most popular. That's what popular means as far as I know, but english was never my strong point

>> No.9542528

fuck he's too cool.
I can never larp again.

>> No.9542592
File: 2.20 MB, 1440x1920, 20160730-_7300599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you doesn't even know the half of it.
Like how last time before the final battle where parts of the camp do their final prayer because that might be their last battle ever, what does the obrist do?
Find someone to shine his shoes.

>> No.9542630

In Scotland specifically or the UK as a whole?

So the big 3 are:
Curious Pastimes
Lorien Trust

I've not played the last two so can't comment on them, but I heartily recommend Empire.

However, there are loads of larps that sell out quickly, of varying genre and styles.

>> No.9542666


Scotland specifically. I've narrowed it down to somewhere in the UK or Ireland and I'm just trying to get a feel of where to go

>> No.9542699

Is this a Halloween prop? That guy's torso is spooky.

>> No.9542702

My 10' PVC halberd is coming along nicely, I can't wait to slash everyone with it!

>> No.9542727

nah, he is an IRL skeleton

>> No.9542818

We're all skeletons, deep down. He's just in touch with his inner self.

>> No.9542848



>> No.9542852

Do you have any other patterns like this?

>> No.9542872

wtc canvas barracks? LARP I'm a part of requires period-accurate tents, but military style canvas would be good.

>> No.9543089 [DELETED] 

right - after looking specifically in Scotland ive come with a few options
1] the Cuckoo's Nest [Glasgow] - this one is the most iffy of the to ive found as the wesite is all but dead, and the last event ive found was from 2009
has one email adress you can try
this has the other

other than that thees fools and heroes, a old [founded mid 80s] national larp society with two branches in Scotland:

And thats all i can find for Scotland.

>> No.9543096

Right - after looking specifically in Scotland I've come with a few options
1] the Cuckoo's Nest [Glasgow] - this one is the most iffy of the to I've found as the website is all but dead, and the last event I've found was from 2009
has one email address you can try
this has the other

Other than that theres fools and heroes, a old [founded mid 80s] national larp society with two branches in Scotland:


>> No.9543180

Tell us more about him, please!
(If you don't mind, that is)
What is his role?
Also, what is yours? (Since you said you weren't high-ranked enough to interact with him.)

>> No.9543737

>So it would make sense to go all out with the bling, as much as it would make sense to consider that as a traveller she would look plainer.
In that case it probably would make sense for her to have a couple of accessories that flaunt it, especially if she hasn't actually fallen on hard times. In this case, pearls make perfect sense, though visually I'd opt for jade or carnelian (traditionally red coral, but that's on the level of real ivory). Also turqoise, but that doesn't stand out against the blue outfit. Seeing as you're in France, it shouldn't be too hard to find a Chinese supermarket in a nearby mid size city if you don't know where to look, they tend to have those prayer bracelets in stock for cheap (stones are just coloured glass, of course). If you enjoy handcrafting your stuff you could also just get the beads and make them yourself, this way you can pick the size of beads to your liking etc.

As for the zodiac, a bagua mirror might be a thought. The center is usually a mirror as the name suggests, but it's been done with that symbol at the center.
I understand not using the hakama, then. In that case it's back to the harem pants or skirt

>> No.9543952
File: 159 KB, 800x1132, LKL-Hierarchie-v3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few
https://goo dotty thing gl/photos/h52aup7X5srVo6Z37

well, I doesn't know that much about him, as this will be only my third year with the Landsknechte on Drachenfest (plus the year before that when I was accepted)
The thing is most of the talking is in German, so I'm in a slight disadvantage to get all the info.

But still I have a few funny stories and talked with him numerous times.

He isthe obrist, which is a military role among the landsknechte, in this case it means he is the leader of the camp and basically owns everyone in it. Or to be more precise he was the obrist as he stepped down from that role, but that's another story. (on pic, an older version of the hierarchy)
I was basically just a knechte (roughly 70% of the camp is a knechte, or more, depending on how you interpret the judicial system in the camp), though this year I will be a rottemaister.

The first time I've encountered that glorious bastard was before I joined the camp, four years ago. I already had a landsknecht kit because of reenactment, but I was in the blue camp, though encountered and talked with a lot of landsknechts from the LKL. Long story short I was at the stalls eating when he sit down next to me and basically started the conversation with "So, why are you not in my camp?" as he heard from his men that there is a landsknecht that isn't in in the LKL. Basically that's how I was recruited, and I wasn't against it, though I still finished that event with the blue camp as it would have been kind of a dick move to switch camps during the game.

>> No.9543958


Cuckoo's Nest is still going, and I've got friends who attend and run the games. They so everything via the Facebook group rather than website these days. I'm tempted to help crew whenever my days off align with their games.

Never done F&H and I've never heard good things about it.

Both are single day linear systems - an adventuring party follows a route doing encounters until a final boss fight.

There's a 40k larp I attend called No Rest for the Wicked which runs in Dundee usually, but the first "season" ends this year and the location might move south a bit.

Most larps in the UK tend to run in the Midlands, as that's roughly equidistant from the north and south

>> No.9543989

Basically the guy is the kind of leader who knows every one of his men by name, and in this case that's over a hundred people.

He is also a leader who knows full enough that he has the loyalty of everyone in the camp and prepared to use it. If he says we go against every army on the event we go. If he wants to use us to impress the daughter of the red avatar so he might get a chance to get in her panties then we will be god damn impressive.

As I told you he was charismatic. He always gave charismatic speeches and keep in mind I don't speak german, but still he had that something that kept you entertained even if you only had just a slight idea about the subject and none about the language. And we, the camp played our part, cheered him when it was needed or booed when he was talking about the enemy. We are that kind of jolly bunch.

Last year, when the triumvirate got their avatar in the middle of the game (which is a strange and unique thing) the guy who proclaims the avatars went to the big magic circle started to introduce the avatar as this is the custom (though now in full daylight when the event already started, so a lot of bystander went there to see what the fuck is happening)
This basically goes the way that the proclaimer says a few important thing about the avatar, like a herald, recounting important things, and then the final sentence is actually saying that it is the avatar of XY.
Just before the last sentence our obrist ran out of his tent with a joyful smile and said something in german. I don't know what was it but in my headcanon it was something along the like "The avatar of wine and tits!!!" and when the proclaimer guy told everyone that it's basically the avatar of the triumvirate the obrist just throw his hat to the ground like "fuck this shit" and went back to his tent .

>> No.9544070
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One for Gropey

>> No.9544128
File: 1.23 MB, 3240x4320, SAM_2156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I already mentioned there was one time when he spent most of the game trying to woo the red avatar's daughter. Which is just as an impressive quest as it is dangerous. Regardless we wen't jolly cooperating with the red camp because of this a few times, even helped them kill a few civilians and whatnot (who had the temporary insanity to shank a few high ranking red camp members the previous night)

Sadly the red avatars daughter wasn't really impressed by all the courting that the obrist done, although it's hard to tell because of her resting bitch face. At the end of the day the obrist came down with a serious case of hammer-to-the-faceitis.

Another funny highlight is one of the time we escorted him back to the camp after a meeting with the local mob leader and heavy drinking. it was just funny to see how he stumbles from tent to tent, from person to person and either try to "harass" the girls or just drunk shittalk others. Although he was kind of a casual racist when it came to orks skavens and similar things (he was more of a warhammer fantasy landsknecht than an authentic one) so when he seen some rat-like guy he just drew one of his pistols, placed it under his chin and probably did the german equivalent of "do you feel lucky, punk?". Nobody died at the end and nobody attacked our obrist, though it might be bacause of the fact that we were there, half dozen landsknechte, some of them are even slightly sober.

>> No.9544134
File: 1.67 MB, 2000x1333, DF2016-IT-0058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was also a time when we were hired for a late night fake attack, just to bring most of the camp out at the battlefield so that some of the camps would think they will be attacked so they won't come out etc, basically denying reinforcments from others without actually attacking. After that was done what did the absolute madman did? he brought as back through the city.
This is kind of serious for two reasons. The city and the city guards doesn't really like if whole armies march through the streets, not that they can do much about it apart from a few sanctions maybe but it rustled a few feathers.
The other reason was that the city streets aren't really that wide. This mean that at night some civilians or just people from other camps who were in the city doing their stuff turned the wrong way and suddenly see the whole landsknecht camp marching towards him, all battle ready and singing.
Obviously we had the right of way everywhere.

On pic: we had a little training battle with the copper camp and the obrist is proud of us as we rekt the coppers

>> No.9544220
File: 213 KB, 900x1273, byzantine_cataphact_by_robbiemcsweeney-d5ylo5x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How/where the hell do I find klivanion or kavadion for an SCA kit or simply larping as a Cataphract? I've tried to find people that make Roman armor and come up with jack shit, and the guys I've sourced my prior kit from haven't a fucking clue how to make Roman style armor.

>> No.9544226

Good shit, maybe next year we will try a poke at you guys


there was this other place too but i cant remember what was the website's name

>> No.9544229
File: 50 KB, 498x960, 292a677346b18b736aeae2ba1fe6d236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense but that sure as hell ain't klivanion armor. Klivanion armor looks like this. It's lamellar bands secured to each other for great mobility while being incredibly protective.

>> No.9544232
File: 16 KB, 275x450, Byzantine infantry Leo's Taktika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is what a kavadion looks like.

>> No.9544235
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1440, 20160727-_7270216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly as I said he is no longer the provost, he stepped down so others can try this tiring position too.
This year we will have a new provost who won the "election" Basically two guys were up for it, one with an awesome hat the other with really great facial hair. The guy with the facial hair won.

>> No.9544242

The hat guy should have won. You can see hats from further away.

Hey, what's the percentage of non-germans there? Is it easy to find other non-natives or not?

>> No.9544244

you can get a great hat whenever you want. But you can't just grow an awesome facial hair.

Also there aren't that many germans there as one would think. There are a lot of austrians there and swiss. Also french germans and italian germans.

Right now we will get a group of spanish people too, but I have mixed feelings about that as I heard bad things about that particular group.
Also there is me and my rotte of hungarians that I will bring this year and hopefully next year too

>> No.9544270

Lingua franca is still german, I suppose? Is english, or french or anything else, really, used in character or only for clarifications and the like?

>> No.9544272

Holy shit. He sounds fucking amazing. Do you have any idea about what does he do IRL? Was always curious about that kind of people.
Also, how many years did you go to Drachenfest? And how many years have you been to LARP/Reenactment?

>> No.9544280

>Do you have any idea about what does he do IRL?
he is a chemist or something along that line. I once talked with him about various things when I won half his money while playing Glückhaus. Apparently he grows his own chilis/hot pepper for fun and use his chemist stuff for this for giggles and shit.

About Drachenfest, this will be my fifth year.
About larping, this is my 12th year
Reenactment is 4th year.

>> No.9544328

I love me a good larping sword and metallic armor.
However, for next year drachenfest I want to look stylish.
Where can I buy a fanvy doublet and other article of clothing that would look fancy?

>> No.9544362
File: 221 KB, 864x648, BitchImBallin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirtless is never an option unless you want me to spit on your ilky millk coloured body.

If for a matter of fact you actually manscape a little, aren't fat, and actually go out enough that the moment you pull of your shirt the opponent falls to their knees clawing their blinded and ever burning eyes out... then sure, you can go shirtless no problem.

Anyway, for Kiev Rus or Ukrainian stuff you can just take their long shirts, throw a belt over it, wear some ketills under it and you're golden with the weather. Make thin linnen shirts embroidered with flowers, or just pseudo-kaftan lines.

>> No.9544429


Help me, guys.

I'm a US native. We have no real LARP. There is the Harry Potter one but fuck that I've heard too much bad about it lol.

Dystopia Rising was okay but eh. I guess I'm more into fantasy when larping?

Others I've done are overpriced as hell. Then the big one that I've done most of is the New England Realms, which I mean.. it's very elitist I guess. Not much in the way of garb or RP.

I know we have Weekend Warrior, but I am not sure if that could make it off the ground and become an annual thing (I kind of hope it does for the sake of US larp).

Why are all the big cool larps like DF over in Europe lol. I wanna Landsknecht it up so bad

Why does US larp suck lol. US DF when

>> No.9544431


>>9544429 here, I fucking hate lightest touch so much. I just wanna use cali weapons ffs. Sick of all these big dildo bats. That and the fact that people take advantage over lightest touch and fucking drumroll while using two weapons at once.

>> No.9544439

>US DF when
hopefully never, because you guys would fuck that up too, just look at your latest election

>Why are all the big cool larps like DF over in Europe lol
Fuckton of reasons, I could even write three books without getting to the end of it, but deep down the core problem is the US people

>> No.9544444


That's fair, actually lol.

Fuck I wanna participate in a fun, good larp. How much would it be for a wee merican do go over to le DF? lol not counting weapons and garb.

Does one just find a good camp and stay there? Or do you need to sign up to stay in one? I'm guessing it's all themed period tents too?

I've heard there was an Expedition to DF and Mythodea or whatever that helps Americans go to them but like, last I've heard they've stopped running it sadly.

>> No.9544446

Hey guys, did anybody here try the Iron LARP? How impossible is it?

For DF Gold has a whole lot of foreigners, and I think the village of tribes had a lot as wel.
Moreover ConQuest has a fuck-ton of foreign NPC groups running around.

>> No.9544457
File: 203 KB, 879x1024, 3490530958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, i think the US Military-reenactment scene is pretty developed and mature. however, the larp-community over there mostly seems to be like pic related, or this one comedy movie with stifler and mac lovin', can't remember the name

>> No.9544461

>US Military-reenactment scene is pretty developed and mature.
only within the boundaries of US history, and sometimes even that is questionable.

DF is not necesseary the best game for everyone, it's just one game that I really enjoy. What I'm trying to say is that it isn't the holy grail or the salvation.
Anyway it is in Diemelstad in Germany, and the ticket price is 90-150 euro depending on when you order it.
And you can use modern tents too but your tent space will be at far back then

>> No.9544498

lets make our own larp with black jack and hookers. we'll call it west world

>> No.9544536

Nice 44444.
While it's true the expedition stopped, there is now the Morning Star.
This year is lost for you but start preparing yourself for the next one.

>> No.9544546

You know, I don't think there's anything stopping you from organizing stuff. At least not from finding some buddies and a park, and doing it your way.

>> No.9544627

then again, nothing stops him to be shit at it either

>> No.9544644

Well, yes, but it'll be *his* shit. Things always have to start somewhere and with someone.

>> No.9544648
File: 11 KB, 500x297, FB_IMG_1486604402754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey HLF,
I barely know any german, I dont have a landsknecht kit but i have money.
Say i want to join the marry band of flamboyant poleman, what to buy, where to look, and genral tips would be appreciated deeply.

>> No.9544655

Not our disgusting mudcrawling overlord from Hungary, but you'll most likely need to find either a tailor to get make one for you, or quickly start sewing yourself. There's no spot AFAIK where you can find the full costume on the quality that is required for the LKL.

So you're either going to fork over a whole lot of dosh to speed up the process, or you're going to have to wait a year.

>> No.9544671
File: 2.67 MB, 1600x2400, 1490040565321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys thought me mad, I am aiming for next year.>>9544648

>> No.9544710


I can def do that hell yeah. Anywhere to read up on Morning Star?

While I agree it's probably not perfect, it's looking to me much better than the dildo bat plumbing swords larps I come from where no one wants to wear even a bit of garb besides underarmor, shitty chainmail and drumrolls down enemies with their foam bats and yell at you for not being a fast enough of a drumroller lol it's so dumb.

I've also forgotten about bicolline but I've heard that's gone down in recent times.

>> No.9544771

there's an FB group.
i dont think there is an online resource.
let me come back to you with that.

>> No.9544777

well drachenfest is big so everyone who is into fantasy and battles probably find his entertainment if really looking. Also let's not forget that it's heavily pvp oriented.
Mythodea is slightly bigger also fantasy but pve oriented.

I will presume you live in the US, so correct me if that's not the case.
speaking german is not a must have. I still don't speak german and I'm doing fine (although I want to learn but I don't have enough time between larping and shitposting on a canadian sketch forum)

So about clothing if you want an LK one the obvious step would by buying one from Mytholon. You shouldn't do that. Like, ever if you want to come to the LKL.

If you can sew, you can try yourself one year is a lot of time for sewing and there are a lot of tutorials, although you will need expensive materials. most of the stuff looks good only with wool (although I just half finished an LK hose for one of my guys which is made on a budget, out of linen but it's not a good option)
There is even a wiki for the LKL, with the power of google translate you can look into the requirements

If you can't sew but you now scadians then might probe around them for a seamstress.

Also I know two person who can do great LK cloths although I don't know if they do commissions or not (katafalk lives in sweden, whilje, fuck knows where)

>> No.9544783


Also, what's the best way of getting started on garb? Make it myself or would it be better to buy nice quality shit?

I mostly just want a short-sleeved gambeson, tunic and pants.

>> No.9544786

Eu actually.

>> No.9544787

then you have a better luck with a seamstress. Which country?

>> No.9544794

well not actually EU.

>> No.9544802

this conversation starts to feel like a roller coaster.

Anyway, sadly I don't know anyone there who does LK costuming so you have to do it in the hard way. Either making it yourself or finding a seamstress and giving her very specific instructions on what you want (modern sewing techniques can fuck up an LK costume) or order it from a reliable source

>> No.9544812


Ohh, thanks for explaining it. How do the combat rules work for both?

>> No.9544824

Hey guys, so somebody in my group just pulled a retarded move and asked us to cough up 900 euros split over our group for transport costs and tables. Now I said that that was ridiculous and that I'm never paying that.

So besides looking just for a local company near the location, does anybody know of companies hiring tables on Drachenfest itself?

>> No.9544825

well I don't know much about mythodea but the systems are allegedly similar.

About drachenfest? the written rules are shit. It's a clusterfuck of HP system. But then again nobody really cares and do it by the rule of cool. There are obviously arguments because of this but I've seen far fewer of those than in smaller games.

>> No.9544896

Hey I like that lol. I've just read something about that actually.

>> No.9544913

i once saw a manlet fight someone who looked like he was 7'2 and in full armor.
Manlet threw down his arms an his helmet, grabed the giant's halberd and disarmed him.
then the small guy climbed on him and faked a headbutt.
armor guy played along like a champ and fell over backwards.
his allies took a step back in fear and then manlet shouted something in german.

shit was wack yo.
DF is crazy.

>> No.9544986

yeah, most players aren't there to "win" but to have fun.

That said you have to find a balance between "not there to win" and "I planned to die all along", neither extreme is good

>> No.9545000

Role Models

>> No.9545062


oh fuck nice lmao

Oh I remember that movie. Was fucking weird. Definitely better than the Wild Hunt was though.

>> No.9545134
File: 211 KB, 500x219, tumblr_o95nla0pfx1vuzwalo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally ordered a decent gambeson, am excite!

Now to whether or not I should spend my next bux on a period tent or some armor parts?

>> No.9545154

Fucking players demanding to be babysat for ABSOLUTELY everything. One of them just blew up in my co-organizer's face because... she hadn't told them they'd have to check if their carpool has enough room for THEIR gear. And oh, they hadn't read that they'd have to pay their part for gas, too. So it's my co-organizer's fault, somehow, that they a/Can't be half-assed to read a short e-mail b/Assume they're going to get to cross half the country without driving or paying for anything c/Assume other people aren't equally tight on money d/Can't even coordinate with their carpool to check if there's enough room for everything

Sometimes, it feels like litteraly spoonfeeding babies. Including the part where they vomit all over you.

Dammit, I'm mad. My partner is doing everything she can, far too much imho, and they're still whining at her. I really want to drop that player, dammit.

... and it's her fucking SO.

>> No.9545179

What part of the states you in? Sometimes you can find smaller games that are good, since they haven't reached the saturation point.

>> No.9545197

Whoever drives me and my stuff gets gas + reserved spot in my tent + driving tip + free cocoa. Assholes who cant plan or pay for themselves should take the bus.

And how can a person get mad over how their SO plans an event? Shouldnt they be assisting them at least??

I think the only major issues my group has is a lack of commitment and taking things for granted. Nothing beats showing up at the event with no tent spot reserved despite the list being up on our fb page for two months.

Apparently this is a common thing, right?

>> No.9545214

Don't forget the bitching and whinng about how money is tight so petrol money is out, but once at the event they can splurge on expensive booze or overpriced crap gear.

>> No.9545225

Entitlement goes far.
We've got a few commitment issues too, but at least they're not acting like it's the organizers' fault.
As for the SO, I hope she dumps them fast, to be honest, after seeing that.

I suppose it's pretty common. Some people really act on the principle of 'eh, if it's important, somebody else will surely do it'.

>> No.9545699

period tent is great, but im more partial to armor.
make sure you arent too much of a hassle like in >>9545154

>> No.9545959

Well, making napalm in your backyard is very easy. Just saying.

>> No.9546038

Is that fucking Christian Bale and Louis Theroux?

>> No.9546046
File: 77 KB, 878x610, Swetnam-staff 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also how do I make a 7ft quarter staff and 130cm rapier so I can be this dude?

>> No.9546047

nope, not even the regular ones

>> No.9546057

get a 10 ft long staff and cut down 3 ft from it

>> No.9546115

Wait a minute
Are there players who would legitimately willingly play a shoeshiner??

Also-Any tips on how to use a Halberd in duels/skirmishes other than 'hit 'em with the pointy/slashy end'?

>> No.9546128
File: 74 KB, 631x421, conflict management.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait a minute
>Are there players who would legitimately willingly play a shoeshiner??
.... yes? What kind of shithole you live in that it's news to you?

>Also-Any tips on how to use a Halberd in duels/skirmishes other than 'hit 'em with the pointy/slashy end'?
have you ever heard of P. H. Mair?

>> No.9546138

>Also-Any tips on how to use a Halberd in duels/skirmishes other than 'hit 'em with the pointy/slashy end'?
Make proper use of reach: if you have more reach than them, keep them at a distance.

In a pinch, the back end of the halberd is a perfectly serviceable thing to attack with.

Contrary to popular belief, it isn't all that beneficial to point your halberd directly at the enemy when fighting. Especially so in systems that disallow stabbing. Pointing your halberd at the opponent means you have to make a motion to move your halberd into a position from which you can attack before actually attacking. This extra time provides a perfect opportunity for your opponent to respond to by closing the distance.

The advantage of pointing your halberd directly at the enemy is that they'll have to swat it out of the way or move around it in order to close the distance, though.

If they get too close, drop the damn thing and draw a sidearm. Don't do this in large pitched battles.

>> No.9546258

Where does one buy a doublet/find a pattern to show a seamstress?

>> No.9546280

which kind of doublet?

>> No.9546351
File: 19 KB, 236x307, 86b167b49b3b5f1c400a385166c0aa3b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similiar to this
if i can also get fitting pantaloons i'd love that

>> No.9546361
File: 498 KB, 1356x934, vívókabát.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's more of a fencing jacket

>> No.9546370


ok what about this?

>> No.9546372

>posted a link
fucking shit im not focused

>> No.9546383
File: 1.30 MB, 3872x2592, Zeke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not against the fencing jacket, I'm actually really like it and one they make one when I will have money (and the pic I posted has a similar one)
Anyway Patterns of fashion 3
It's a book that has a few stuff that is similar to what you want. I would post the pdf but it's over 200 mb

>> No.9546399

>Patterns of fashion 3
thanks ill might purchase it

>> No.9546417

keep in mind that it might not contain what you specifically want, regardless there are a lot of awesome stuff in there and most of it is according the original sources i.e: the surviving cloths

>> No.9546437
File: 564 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170704-183601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh then can you link me to the pdf?
Or maybe another solution?

>> No.9546442

no link for it as far as I know.
About another solution... find someone who now his shit about historical cloths

>> No.9546577


>> No.9546599

that only has two early doublet variant and he clearly wants something that is at least 16th century

>> No.9546622
File: 1.95 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mustache here. thanks for the tips anons. nearly done with my shirt, although it maybe got a bit finer than peasant garb

>> No.9546623
File: 1.92 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive yet to add a couple cloth ball buttons the the collar

>> No.9546627
File: 1.93 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breeches next

>> No.9546650

it might be kind of late to mention but short sleeved shirts weren't a thing, although that's not that important.
What is kind of more important is that you did the shoulders/armpits with a modern pattern. That means whenever you will raise your hands the bottom of the shirt will also raise slightly or not so slightly.
That's mostly important if you wear a tight belt or somehow the bottom of your shirt restricted because then it can tear.
Or if you try to hide something under it.

>> No.9546674

good to know, thanks for the info. ill check out that patterns of fashion tip too

>> No.9546694

Actually I think for that, the Medieval Tailor's Assistant would have the patterns you need (I don't really know the other book, but I know this one is good and easy to use).

>> No.9546695

you will need the medieval tailors assistant. The patterns of fashion thing has very advanced stuff in it, and nearly nothing about shirts as far as I recall

>> No.9546710

ha cheers, that sounds right as this was my first sewing thing

>> No.9546715

Congratulations then.

>> No.9546843
File: 73 KB, 501x720, Neck embroidery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit garb.
Tier 10 garb except for the shitty chain, and glasses.

Is that embroidered print? or printed with dye. Looks good except for the trim.

stop pls.
What is this made out of? It's going to look bad unless you layer it with atleast two layers of garb, and a layer of accessories.

>> No.9546874

muslin, its a next to the skin shirt. im going to make an overshirt and then some leather armour, should only really see the tall collar

>> No.9546959

You do know you're supposed to put the seams on the inside? As a tip, when sewing things, make sure to work on your kit inside-out, as to hide your seams.

Also, as other anons said your armpits are wonky for the time, and might tear when using a belt over it. What I advice is to simply cut open your armpit and put in a little triangle. And don't forget to hide the seams this time.

All in all, for a shirt on somebody who didn't get any help it's really not that shit and shows promise. Keep on trying, and don't let some grumpy anons keep you off your work mate. All beginnings are humble, but we're all going to make it.

>> No.9546967

>Shit garb.
it's not a shit garb. It's not even a garb. It's just simply shit.

>Tier 10 garb except for the shitty chain, and glasses.
What's the problem with the bishop mantle?
Also he doesn't have glasses in any picture...

>> No.9547068
File: 21 KB, 236x382, yeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind that armor is /not/ garb. You should develop your soft kit before you get to that point.

Get your linen shirt, then an over shirt or tunic, then some sort of cape/cloak/ layer, and then accessories. furs also work well.

Unless you 100% need it for your larp, armor should be your last purchase.

it isn't garb your right.

Sorry, didn't make myself clear. I was saying his friend ruined the shot. the aventail piece or whatever isn't bad but it looks like butted maile (could be wrong tho.)
solid ass kit tho no matter how you look at it.

>> No.9547076

it's a bishops mantle not an aventail.
And expecting any kind of mail but butted on a larp will make you a very sad person very fast

>> No.9547121

speaking of armor, ive messed making with steel mail before and decided that its just too hard on my hands and and i can only ever get the butted finish. non-ferrous metals, however, i have tons of experience with and id like to make a some soldered ring items. can anyone speak on brass/bronze/copper mail and period authenticity? how out of place would a brass/bronze hauberk be in 1200's?

>> No.9547167

Basically never existed. At certain times maille might have a trim of copper/latten links but that is it. The actual armour was always the ferrous rings.

In the 1200s your choice of maille material is either bloomery iron or bust. Sorry for the bad news.

>> No.9547219

eh thats ok. maybe i can give it a red patina and go full fantasy

>> No.9547221

is there a reason that short sleeves weren't a thing? They're comfy and would cost less to make, and they'd be nice for when you're working during the summer.

>> No.9547282
File: 95 KB, 528x1000, Goliath (1175-1220) BL Harley 2895 Charité-sur-Loire Psalter, Folio 82v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't mind going fantasy there is something you might be interested in.

Chivalric Romances are famous for having mysterious knights in all the colours of the rainbow. One of the earliest appears in "Perceval" by Chretien de Troyes, the same story that introduces the idea of the Holy Grail to the Arthurian Mythos.

Early on in the story Perceval kills the Red Knight, loots his distinctive red maille and gains the nickname himself. It's utter fantasy, but it's authentic High Medieval fantasy which is a type of accuracy in itself.

What's the kit going to llok like when all is done?

>> No.9547918
File: 47 KB, 548x395, leatherarmour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im >>9539343 itt, reading eschenbach's parzival now, which has got me coming to /cgl/ in the first place.

im very much still considering how i want to use my time regarding the final kit. i have a 4year degree in small scale metalsmithing/fabrication and am very confident in the metal side of things, but this is my first attempt at fibre arts side. ive always wanted to do pic related leather armour from braveheart, but now parzival asthe red knight is serendipitous for me which is great for followthrough.

in the immediate future id like to make an accurate basic long braies/hosen/undershirt/tunic. the medieval tailor's assistant is on libgen fyi. beyond that im open to suggestions. i have a lot of fab skills and am still figuring out what i could sink time into

>> No.9547930

>they'd be nice for when you're working during the summer.
You say that until you're working in an environment with grime/soot/dust/bugs/nettles/brambles/etc. everywhere, and no running water to clean easily. It's basically the same reason shorts weren't a thing.
Exposure isn't pleasant when it's day in, day out.

>> No.9547981

long braies are equivalent to shorts and there is examples of laborers wearing them as their main layer

>> No.9548126

actually shorts WERE a thing, although mostly from the 16th century.

long braises are underwears, they are basically boxers so it doesn't really count, even when people worked in that

two things:
first is practicality. If you make al ong sleeved one you can still fold it back to be a short sleveed one if it's really that hot. And your simple peasant really couldn't afford to ave THAT many different shirts. Although I'm not saying that he only had one set of cloths and that's all (that would be retardation too)
Second: fashion, it's simply looks better and in some places the clothing law would even force you on it. So even people with more money did used long sleeved ones.

as long as you are going to a larp no one will care. I mean there are aluminium rings out there. And some retards are making """chainmail""" out of can opener ears.

>> No.9548220

>Are there players who would legitimately willingly play a shoeshiner??

There's a fetish community built around shoeshining, Anon.

>> No.9548335

>i have a 4year degree in small scale metalsmithing/fabrication
How's being unemployed working out for you?

>> No.9548438

Even without the fetish, sort of shoeshiner player here.
I play a squire for a good friend of mine, a squire so humble and proud of his lord that it's an IC and OC walking machine of awkward.

The whole fun in it is that 1. this is how you let other people shine (and shine far brighter yourself in the cool and silly moments you make) what's the purpose of 20 lords acting all interesting when there's no squires, handmaidens, soldiers, beggars and what have you to make them feel like a lord. There's no gravity to a king with no servants.

2. The look on people's faces, on the other event the organization does I play a very angry soldier who usually just bullies people off the street with his group of zealous bandits. When all of a sudden you butt into conversations to shine your lord's shoes, when you run up to knights and the likes begging for an autograph or even better, a wax seal!
When you're out and about whincing over the touch of a woman for it's not befit for a lad of your stature. They sometimes have a hard time to hide their OC confusion or surprise. I'm a pretty burly lad as wel.
All in all, it's a great experience. And it's what I'd advice every player to play right after their first "epic" character.

>> No.9548470

sounds great, like a soft and playful 'i was merely pretending to be retarded.' my buddy and i are musicians, never larped but it would be fun to play in this way with music

>> No.9548476

Please do this, I swear, at one of our event we have a guild of the finer arts which write songs, poems and plays and earn a pretty penny by doing so. They have tons of great RP.

Moreover, there's actually little to no events I know where there aren't bards who work for clients ranging from whorehous- I mean uh... bath houses to the insanely rich who want a song written about just how beautiful and glorious their left buttock might be.

The more civy roles you can bring to your event the better, cooks, real merchants and craftsmen ( I know IC smiths, leatherworkers, woodworkers, and foamsmiths and heck, I'm working on setting up an IC mead brewery including actually drinks sold) they really bring an event to life! Far more than any twat in a chainmaille with a pointy stick ever could

>> No.9548506

So I'm working on creating a new weapon and shield for larping as my previous ones had to be left behind while moving houses. Previously I had very good success with what are apparently considered to be shit materials, that is roll mats, ducktape, pvc pipes, pipe lagging,
and plywood. It required very precise work but the final results were better than I expected from what I've seen in tutorials. Now I hear that this is no longer the standard, and that I should be using carbonfiber, industrial grade foam and latex. Problem is, I have no idea what's the right proportions with them, can't find any guides and can't afford mistakes. Any hints?

>> No.9549169


If there were more people drinking, it would look like a normal event at Amtgard.

>> No.9550356

We dont know what are th required safty specs at your events so we cant really tell.

>> No.9550361

Weekend Warrior looks rad as fuck but I'm hoping it picks up so that hopefully it raises the bar for pathetic amerilarps

seems like a hopeless endeavour though

the name is kinda eh though

>> No.9550362

They are not heavily specified. They come down to use 'enough' padding, don't use cores that may splinter or are too heavy and no hard pointy elements. It's just that everybody swears by latex sprays and fibreglass cores but for the life of me I can't find a decent tutorial on how to work with them. Side question, how does one reinforce the blade of an axe with a core that doesn't come with elbows? Like road markers.

>> No.9550369

I spoke to a american larper before about this, it was literally "I can't pull my blows cos i get carried away"

>> No.9550371
File: 204 KB, 2000x3000, 1490040887511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats most of it.
Here we used 1 cm of padding from the core in all directions (3cm for the tip) and wrap the ends with denim or kevlar to prevent the core bursting through the tip.

As for axes, just add a tough fabric between the layers of the axe blade (like denim or kevlar).

>> No.9550372

>"I can't pull my blows cos i get carried away"
also known as "I have no idea how to use my weapon"

>> No.9550380

Also as "I have the arm strength of a 3 year old and the brain of a bird."

>> No.9550381

Hmm. 1cm doesn't sound larp safe. Not that it would hurt unless you smack somebody in the face, but I can see the weapon getting really worn really quickly. It would look neat though. Also, are you sure that something to hold it together is enough for an axe head not to fall off when somebody parries it with a shield?

>> No.9550383

Meant to tag

>> No.9550385

I posted one tutorial a while ago although in less then an hour I will go to a larp. Ask me again at monday

>> No.9550387

Anybody who's been to Profound Decisions' Empire could explain something to me? I am checking out what makes it special and somebody told me that you can get mead and ale from IC player made bars for about 5 rings, and also food. Their website on the other hand states that it is illegal to sell alcohol during the event and that food is only available for real money. Could someone clarify?

>> No.9550488


The information on the website pertains to selling food and alcohol for real life money, as that breaches licencing laws.
However, selling that for IC money is completely fine.

I buy a meal ticket from one of the food vendors (Mhorish) for OC money, as that means I actually remember to eat. If I was just eating from IC places, I'd end up skipping meals due to being busy. But paying real money, means I'm damn sure getting my moneys worth.

There is the main taverns (The Forge) that sells booze for OC cash, but I only usually pop in there when I really need a cold drink. Otherwise I tend to do by drinking with IC cash at the various bars (I recommend The Temeschbar, The Salty Butcher and the mead bar in Brass Coast I keep forgetting the name of. The bar owner also does nice shoulder massages for IC cash too)

>> No.9550491
File: 89 KB, 1279x606, HLF boffer tutorial 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the one?

>> No.9550493
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>> No.9550496
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>> No.9550500
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>> No.9550545


this is my experience with most larpers here in the US.

I'm starting a new full contact "traditional combat" group soon though. hopefully that scratches my firghting itch

>> No.9550625

When you say "full contact," do you mean full-force with face, hands, and groin as valid targets? Just pre-empting the inevitable slew of questions about that.

>> No.9550626

How do people have enough spare cash to prepare meals and sell them for IC money?

>> No.9550643


not sure yet since i haven't gone to an event yet but i was told to bring a mouth piece and a cup

>> No.9550667

Probably the same way people run bars, or newspaper, or any other self-crafted stuff for IC money: They have enough disposable income and think that the OC outlay is worth it. And it possibly is as some of the richest people on the field are those who sell stuff they've made.

>> No.9551085


I just went. it was HEMA in disquise

>> No.9551180

Seems neat, but their website sucks. Are there any established locations for this yet? What's to keep people from stealing all their shit at an event?

>> No.9551505

Sounds great.
Maybe more larpers will be less likely to bitch when they get lightly touched by soft foam.

>> No.9551536

Is plasti-dip as weapon coating instead of latex much harder to touch?

>> No.9551745

Looking decent, but why do you have that brooch pinned on your hood? Did you buy it and were just lacking pockets to put it into?

>> No.9551951
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>> No.9551963

finished my long braies, took a few days. i see online there are lots of what looks like machine sewn braies in the 30-50 dollar range, and they look rather shit. is there a market for full- or near -living history grade underlinens?

>> No.9551992
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So what're my chances of finding a decent Burgundian Kettle this Drachenfest?
Also, any good vendors of arms&armour that'll be there and have a site, so I'd know what to expect?

>> No.9552213

I have a question for gropey the clown or others in the SCA.

How much padding is needed for you to only use padding? I'm getting a jupon made and am wondering how much padding I would need in the sleeves for it to be standalone with only elbow cops to obey the rules.

>> No.9552565
File: 90 KB, 400x533, armour_14a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no idea if that counts as name brand, but they look good. pic related

>> No.9552690

do they do it by order?

fantasy stuff is more common, but you might be able to find some nice helmets if you hurry.
as for arms, there will be an abundance of cool shit.

>> No.9553001

I've only gotten a helmet from them, so not positive, but the link seems like they might tailor it to your measurements


Helmet fits well though, might get the matching bevor later

>> No.9553590

Anything Greek or Roman.

>> No.9553713
File: 2.43 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still have to add hose string holes, but will do that after making those to locate them correctly. next will be a proper undershirt.

>> No.9553880
File: 730 KB, 1704x2272, polish_mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this rust?

>> No.9554123

Those are some pretty sexy braies mate, I'm more fond of the knee length ones for comfort wear though.

>> No.9554154


also, shortly new thread when I have at least a few pics

>> No.9554157

not really. It's 70% bad light

>> No.9554167

Before we move-Do yoy still have that image about how to make a LK hat? Could you please share it?

>> No.9554180
File: 107 KB, 800x1362, 1390425233579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?
Because it's really just a very simplified thing

>> No.9554197

Playing a fancy adventurer soon.
Should I go with leather gloves or some rings, regarding handpiece?

>> No.9554230

Leather Gloves are a yes, as for headpiece take a some fancy looking fabric and make a big hat out of it

>> No.9554231

are you going to DF?
there is a fancy hatter there, pricey but beautiful works

>> No.9554365

alright, new thread is up



>> No.9557713

Always leather gloves