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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 11 KB, 450x450, 1499024758258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9542586 No.9542586 [Reply] [Original]

WHY /cgl/... JUST WHY

>> No.9542596

Where is the new shuttle boarding location?

>> No.9542599

When did the Mako nendo sell out? Feels bad man.

>> No.9542661

This is our new AX thread then?
Previous >>9541514

>> No.9542671

You know it's fun to get interviewed when the host isn't an asshole swearing at you and calling out your tits.

>> No.9542674

Are the badge pick-up lines still really bad? Thinking about coming in atm just to do some light shopping.

>> No.9542701

walking around, if you see a gyaru with a rainbow tote bag feel free to say hi~

>> No.9542708

Who waiting for flcl and trigger here? Fuck evergarden

>> No.9542723


was like 15 min today no bs


me, line huge mang

>> No.9542737

I'm in the second row of the line so I'm pretty hopeful

>> No.9542739

Who's at the open karaoke? I need someone else to share this cringe with.

>> No.9542745

Imagine waiting in line for 6 hours with the sun beaming down on you just you could be a cunt to fat nerds for your 800 subscribers.

>> No.9542753


im on the 3rd

>> No.9542772

If you are waiting in line you aren't getting in

>> No.9542782

Bad singing or bad cosplays? Any good cosplays in there?

>> No.9542787

Looks like I'll come late again. Clearly I didn't learn my lesson.

>> No.9542796
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FLCL here. Got good seats considering I was halfway down the snakeline. Glad my Trigger seat is secured

Oh shit trailer time

>> No.9542817

Both but I've seen some good cosplay sprinkled in but not a lot.

>> No.9542820

This is what you all wanted. You wanted anime to become mainstream and let patreon cosplayers run fucking wild. Now you are nothing but normie fodder for their youtube channels.

Enjoy the results of your own bullshit.

>> No.9542824

Also some of these song choices are just bad. It's shit like Steven Universe and Disney.

>> No.9542827

>3 30

>still havent left the room

fuccc better start getting up

>> No.9542828
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>> No.9542830

Better than me nice

>> No.9542833


>> No.9542837

Aww fuck, you need autograph tickets a say prior?

>> No.9542842
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>> No.9542843


>> No.9542846
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Who else suffocating in trigger line?

>> No.9542857

Something about this year wasn't enjoyable. Last year I had one of the best times ever. What happened? I'm contemplating to come back tomorrow or just buy more whey protein instead.

>> No.9542869

I've literally asked 6 volunteers if there are showing rooms of anime or AMVs. They all said no. Am I crazy or are they not doing that this year?

>> No.9542878

I didn't go but watched a few videos and there's barely any one piece this year, weird because there was a lot last year, shit just can't catch a break

>> No.9542882

Trigger line capped.

Premier can still get in though.

>> No.9542890

They tried to bullshit a fifth day.

This year's Day 0 was just a half-length Day 1. There were panels, cosplay gatherings, and a major event. It's even listed as it's own day in the schedule app. Instead of embracing a 5-day AX which would spread the attendee numbers out a bit more, they did this half-assed line on bullshit and now everyone is exhausted.

>> No.9542893

Me. I want to die.

>> No.9542942

Anyone going to Neon District?

>> No.9542948
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How many badge checkpoints are there? My friend is gonna be sneaking me in which will be the easy part, but I'm gonna be without a badge most of the time

>> No.9542959

Pretty fucking hyped

>> No.9542961

one but i don't see how you are going to get through the first one

>> No.9542964

He brings out two badges

>> No.9542974

Except he didn't wait in line and snuck in.

>> No.9542992

Is there a live stream for the trigger panel? Or at least a place that'll post updates?

>> No.9543025

I went in there for a while last night and it honestly wasn't as bad as I expected but I left when some morbidly obese girl got up and started dancing while flailing her arms around dangerously close to my head.

>> No.9543029

What is everyone doing right now?

>> No.9543036

where that orgy at

>> No.9543049
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I'm at the Claris concert because I couldn't get in the Trigger panel.

Anyone here as well?

>> No.9543051

Gonna get mcdonalds before heading back for the cosplay contest

>> No.9543057

I have weed if anyone wants to smoke some joints. let me know

>> No.9543060

Anybody Intested in getting me something and I'll pay you back
If possible any vocaloid IA shit under 35

>> No.9543062



>> No.9543066

Or gundam plamo from 00, unicorn, or orphans

>> No.9543077

Third floor at the jw Marriott (fully packed though)

>> No.9543084
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I'm not at the con this year but where there any famous cosplayers selling prints
>>got yay alas red queen in 2014 AX

>> No.9543107

How do I deal with people cutting in line? I dont wanna be a rat nor do I wanna be kicked out for fights.

>> No.9543126

I hope it's a good time. Are they clearing out the entertainment hall for it? Or where the hell is it?

>> No.9543130


>> No.9543134

Just tell them to fuck off just loud enough for others to hear. If others looks at them, it should be awkward enough that they leave.

>> No.9543151

I wouldve done this, but they left luckily.

>> No.9543155
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>2 seconds later

I hate this. Did Trigger announce anything new?

>> No.9543161

lol he has a badge

>> No.9543167

Whos getting pre drunk for anamanaguchi?

>> No.9543170

I'll prob start at 8

>> No.9543176

What's the best panel after 7:30?

>> No.9543178

Any nicca wanna slip me a 18+ wristband

>> No.9543179

When and where is this? Tickets needed?

>> No.9543182

underage b&

>> No.9543184

Yeah. It's already sold out :(

>> No.9543189

Only if you'll blow me.

>> No.9543190

I got into the movie and Trigger. Didn't bother for FLCL.

>> No.9543191

That late? Shiiiiit

>> No.9543198

I wake up so fucking late my friend is already eating dinner and everything closed and I need to wait until a good panel. No more fucking around in waking the fuck tomorrow sharp

>> No.9543204

That's exactly how the persona 5 panel was

>> No.9543205
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Their line control has been ass this year

Also, real JoJo hours who up

>> No.9543207

What anon had the table at artist alley? I wanted to say hi but forgot what table it was.

>> No.9543211

Rie Takahashi isn't going to be there is she? All I see of her twitter is her shilling for FGO so I'd be very sad if I missed her

>> No.9543215

Do they let bags into the ax dance or will I have to leave it with someone?

>> No.9543216


She didn't come. They played a video she made towards the end of the panel.

>> No.9543218

Who's going to NEON DISTRICT

>> No.9543222

ah okay, thanks

>> No.9543223

Fucking lines everywhere. What the fucking fuck is going in this year? Good thing I didn't bu a fucking badge and was just swapping ones with my buddies. Holy shit, the amount of kikery this year was off the charts. Man, things were looking good last year, too...

>> No.9543224
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Please save my AX, Teddyloid and Taku Takahashi!

>> No.9543229

fashion show was off this year - combining blocky colors with soft pastels and galaxy creepers doesn't make a good coordinate at all

>> No.9543237

was the FGO panel worth it?
did they give away any in game items?

>> No.9543242

Where the fuck are the shuttles at. Came out west hall and i don't see shit.

>> No.9543245

Any seagulls watching the masquerade? Cheer me and my group on if you are, we're the fire emblem fates group.

>> No.9543249

Will clap. Anyone else going to masquerade? I'm riding solo atm

>> No.9543254

Going tomorrow, hope to run into some gulls.

>> No.9543266


If you are talking about in-game goodies then the answer is no.

>> No.9543267

For sure. I'm going to be loaded that night.

>> No.9543270

The fashion show always sucks, I don't know why they even have it.

>> No.9543274
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>Paying con prices for gunpla.

Also, leave your email or some shit if you want people to actually do shit for you.

>> No.9543280
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How many cute LWA cosplays were at the Trigger panel?

Be honest

>> No.9543282

Oops sorry
Is me
Or at least posing books

>> No.9543286

Who's /mikudance/ here?

>> No.9543293

Me, a group of friends want to go in, they're starting to lieu people in.

>> No.9543294

How can I sneak drinks into the con???

>> No.9543297

shove em up your ass

>> No.9543303


>> No.9543307

Just say your diabetes and it's for your insulin

>> No.9543316

I wanted to go with a friend but saw you had to pick your seats before buying and they already had passes.

I would have gone with you anon

>> No.9543318

There was a cute chariot that was outside the panel.

>> No.9543339

change of plans on the miku thing, no big bags allowed so I'm gonna chill outside holding the bags. If your bag is bigger than the strap bags either check them into baggage or take them to the car. Too much effort.

>> No.9543345

Cool. Thankfully got a vape and some concentrate to bring in. Idk if I can sneak in the jack Daniels tho

>> No.9543349
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>Safety and security for Anime Expo attendees are SPJA’s highest priority. SPJA deeply regrets attendees’ frustration at the long waits to enter Anime Expo yesterday. SPJA immediately added many more bag check stations as lines grew. As of yesterday, 70,000 attendees checked in and went through bag check. Overnight, SPJA moved its shuttle bus drop off point. Today, those who already have badges can enter along the South side of West Hall rather than in front, where people first pick up badges. This morning, lines are moving more quickly. Delays are under half an hour.

>The world we live in has changed dramatically. Balancing enhanced security with treasured parts of the AX experience, like cosplay, moved Prop Weapons check outside the event. To accommodate the extra time bag check would require, SPJA opened registration on Thursday, a full day earlier than usual. The registration line moved quickly, but the separate bag check line slowed and then merged. Immediately, SPJA reorganized the lines and opened more bag check stations. For Day 2, many more bag check stations were added, fans were asked to bring fewer bags to the event, and shuttle routes were changed.

>Given recent world events, for everyone’s safety and security, there was no choice but to implement bag checks. SPJA is deeply sorry that doing so made the first day experience so difficult for many. We deeply appreciate the patience everyone showed yesterday. Some one-day badge holders who were not able to enter the event until late in the day were given substitute one-day badges for another day at AX, or were given refunds if they were not able to return another day.

>Today’s entry into the event is moving smoothly. Please come to AX and enjoy the incredible talent and programming here for fans of anime and Japanese culture.

>For any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to registration@anime-expo.org or visit the Customer Service counter on-site in the Registration Area for help.

>> No.9543355

Yet some normie youtube faggot snuck in.
Safety my fucking ass.

>> No.9543369

Carry a big bag and put other stuff on top.

>> No.9543389

>that cute tohsaka standing alone in AX
I hope she finds her Servant

>> No.9543390

Had more fun at Bushiroad Festival than AX and I don't even play card games. Glad I only went to AX for one day. Sucks to be you all.

>> No.9543392
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Anyone know how late the convention center parking lot is open until?

>> No.9543393

Godspeed you guys! I'll cheer extra loud!

>> No.9543398

Already inside. Not packed.

>> No.9543399

Nah, still having fun at AX because I'm having fun hanging out with friends who live in other parts of the US. Sucks to be you without friends.

>> No.9543404

Don't rub it in for other anons you sick monster.

>> No.9543410


the line looked pretty intimidating though

>> No.9543414

How insecure you gotta be to rub it in someone's face that you got friends and you assume they didnt?

>> No.9543423

Where you at son?

>> No.9543425

At my hotel room m8tie
What about you

>> No.9543428

In my car drinking heinys and Jim

>> No.9543431
File: 65 KB, 480x480, LetGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have warned you guys about this first skit.

>> No.9543432

lets smash 80 in my ride and blast eurobeat top off? anyone want a pickup?

>> No.9543437

Because if they actually had friends to be with at AX, they could have found other things to do than line up and shit.

Stay mad, no friend faggots.

>> No.9543442

Went to Little Tokyo and I sold my badge. Feels good

>> No.9543444

Who has weed and is at the con? I have cash on deck. I'm from out of town show me what this Cali fire is all about. Toradora baseball shirt, khaki shorts and a blue camp cap

>> No.9543448

How much anon?

>> No.9543450
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If you're staying tomorrow, I'm fuckin' down, dude.


Westin Bonaventure Pool Party!
4-7pm on Monday

Bring snacks or drinks if you want. If you're bringing drinks, please bring ice and cups.

>> No.9543451

Fuck this con. It's so lame now.

>> No.9543452


damn anon, you sound like my kind of people

>> No.9543454

Well feel free to make assumptions if it makes you feel better about being in AX.

>> No.9543455

Serious thing guys. I have been waking up to late for the con. What is the best time for an alarm in. The morning pls reply

>> No.9543456


>> No.9543457

7 with 1-3 snooze button hits. Gives you enough time to shower,pregame, eat breakfast before the con

>> No.9543459

That was hella cringe but soul caliber was hype

>> No.9543462

Small drink party at the marriott floor 17, room 1727. Need people to finish these boozes.

>> No.9543463

>A full fucking day.
>No one posting cosplays.
What the fuck guys.

>> No.9543466
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Here damn

>> No.9543472

I'm everyone's kind of people

>> No.9543475

Down bro wya

>> No.9543477

>The world we live in has changed dramatically

TL;DR Ariana Grande spooked SPJA. The Muslims won.

>> No.9543479

traps are gay

>> No.9543480
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Alright alright, I'm here jesus.

>> No.9543481

Nah. It's fact, sweetie.
AX is shit. Have fun continuing to support this shit con

>> No.9543482

Judging by the smells outside of West Hall quite a few people have weed.

>> No.9543485
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>> No.9543486

is this the orgy

>> No.9543487

traps are not gay they're just girls with dicks

>> No.9543491
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>> No.9543493
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>> No.9543494

Been asking for 2 days straight and the only person who came thru was the lyft driver of all people but we ran out

>> No.9543495
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Did you make anyone happy today?

>> No.9543496
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This is a fire hazard.

>> No.9543497
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>> No.9543498


>> No.9543499

Does the stuff that happens in lounge 21 get capped quickly? Want to go to that cosplay deviant thing but don't want to bother if I'm gonna be in line only to get kicked out for it being full.

>> No.9543500

What's a good site to upload galleries? Is Flickr still a thing?

I'm sitting on ten years worth of AX photos totaling well over a thousand that have never been seen by anyone other than my circle of friends and was thinking of posting them somewhere.

>> No.9543501
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>> No.9543502

The irony of this is that attack didn't even happen inside the concert so the entry security was useless.

>> No.9543503

More than a couple people seemed to genuinely enjoy seeing a Tingle cosplay, I got maybe 30-40 requests for pictures, so I'd say I did a pretty good job

>> No.9543505
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>> No.9543506

Yes, Flickr is a thing or you can make a Facebook page and dump everything there.

>> No.9543507

yuss our cosplay dump savior is here

>> No.9543510
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>> No.9543511

The last three days I've made one person happy each day. It's a record year for me.

>> No.9543512
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>> No.9543513

Facebook compresses the shit out of photos.

>> No.9543515
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>> No.9543516

>tfw you don't have the body and face type to cosplay archer

>> No.9543517

Meant for >>9543506

>> No.9543518
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>> No.9543519

Has that ever stopped anyone else?

>> No.9543522
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>> No.9543523

Get jacked

>> No.9543525
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>> No.9543526

Slushii will perform at Neon District tomorrow

>> No.9543528
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>> No.9543529

It they announced 3 new anime and a season 2 of little witch, I ain't even trolling

>> No.9543530
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>> No.9543531

LC, please know that I appreciate you being literally the only person posting any cosplays in these threads.

>> No.9543532

That offer still on the table?

>> No.9543534
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>> No.9543536

I feel like I know that ussop from somewhere.......i think i partied with him once

>> No.9543537
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>season 2 of little witch

Stop lying

>> No.9543540
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Again no problem, today's going to be a bit short since I ended up camping in the FLCL/Trigger room for about 4 hours. Cut into photo time BIG time.

>> No.9543541

I was thinking of posting cosplay here but didn't think people will actually give a shit.
I have a couple hundred shots so far.

>> No.9543542
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>> No.9543543

Yeah, it must have sucked for a lot of people. Imagine waiting in line for like fucking 5 hours, spending an hour doing what you wanted, and then what? I assume most people went to take a break.

>> No.9543546

Anyone going to the butler cafe?

>> No.9543547
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>> No.9543549

I'd love to see what you got. Seeing other people's cosplays really motivates me and will help convince to go next year.

>> No.9543551
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>> No.9543553

My two friends went last year. They said it was 100% not worth it.

>> No.9543554
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>> No.9543557
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>> No.9543560
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>> No.9543561

Oh thats disappointing. Any cute gayboys to hang around with then? I kinda wanted a princess carry from the boys there

>> No.9543564
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And I'm tapped. Expect either an early dump tomorrow or nothing at all, as I'll probably be at Neon Alley super late 'til at least Teddyloid plays.

>> No.9543566

Well, my two friends were women, and Im a straight guy, so I didn't go. From what I heard it was just kinda boring.

>> No.9543568

What is this supposed to be?

>> No.9543570

Linda from bobs burgers. It's pretty cute/clever.

>> No.9543574
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Where's the meet up?

>> No.9543579

Ah okay I've never watched that. Assumed it was some visual pun I wasn't getting hahah.

>> No.9543580

Daily reminder that this kebab pounded that Nightstalkers cosplayer

Just remember, thirstfags, normal Chads and fuccbois will steal all of your "qt" /cgl/ women and female cosplayers. Just lmao at you nerds trying to strike up conversation about the series someone cosplayed from, while this dude just takes what he wants


>> No.9543585

It kind of is. Linda is a very generic looking female character, but her main point outs are her hair and glasses. Couple the fact that those spices are things you put on the burger, it's a very clever way to show off that you're from Bob's Burgers.

>> No.9543593

Can people please post some persona cosplay, specifically best girl Makoto

>> No.9543596

This dude seems like a huge fucking tool.

>> No.9543598

You mean slut?

>> No.9543602

That bit with Princess Peach unironically pissed me off. What a fucking faggot.

>> No.9543603
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I only got this one, sorry

>> No.9543607

But he definitely fucked all the con sluts

>> No.9543610

Post nightstalkers cosplayer

>> No.9543613
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Still holding out hope on finding an ARMS cosplayer. Am I a fool?

>> No.9543616


Yeah dude your being nerdy has nothing to do with why no sober woman under 300lbs will ever touch you, yikes.

>> No.9543618

She's in the video

She looked annoyed by him and the dude didn't even know what Nightstalkers was, and they still fucked. "Cosplay is not consent.." lmao

>> No.9543619
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This is probably bait or whatever I'm sure, but isn't the wise thing to remember that if these "qt seagulls" are hooking up with fuccbois then perhaps they weren't ever worth one's time to begin with?

>> No.9543620
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>Registration details for 2018 is up
>still no badge mail in for regular 4 day



Also, $400 for a premier next year.

>> No.9543621

She wore the spice across her chest in an episode and called it a spice rack, so Yeah.

I liked it

>> No.9543622

stop projecting, thirsty virgin. you guys have been ruining cons and it's time to get a reality check. now stop coming to cons to try to get laid

>> No.9543624

>shaming people for having fun and sex
You sound as much of a virgin as him. Here's a newsflash: we've all fucked ""fuccbois"" at cons. (decently attractive men)

Get over it.

>> No.9543627

I need some context for what's happening here

>> No.9543628

I saw a Spring Man, MinMin, and Ribbon Girl today in the exhibit hall

>> No.9543630

>actually admitting it


>> No.9543632

Speak for yourself skank

>> No.9543633

2d > 3d always for me
but I wouldn't mind making some one happy..

>> No.9543634

How do you know they fugged

>> No.9543635
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I actually heard some girl ask what a waifu is while in line for a panel

Normie scum must be wiped clean off from all cons

>> No.9543636

Who anamanaguchi here

>> No.9543644

Is the neon district worth the price? I don't know what they have

>> No.9543645

Hi can someone bring me a wig brush

>> No.9543647
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Best cosplay I found so far

>> No.9543650

Teddyloid, that's if you like Panty and Stocking.

>> No.9543653


Caught them walking/cuddling while going up to one of their hotel rooms. They were close.

But yeah, no decent woman on /cgl/ will fuck you lol.

>> No.9543654

The meetup still going on?
Where you guys at right now

>> No.9543655

Yeah, I'm a chick, like most of CGL.

All you need to get action at a con is to be attractive and fun to hang out with.

Dropping 'fuccbois' and 'females' into a sentence is less subtle than wearing a sign that reads, "Why won't anyone ever have sex with me?"

Also, ladies, should you run into the unicorn of anime conventions that is a hot guy that's fun to hang out with, there's no shame in hitting that. Don't let these bitter mouthbreathers get to you.

Con flings are fun! Just make sure to be careful and always use protection.

>> No.9543656

hell ya HxH is always dank

>> No.9543657

Teddyloid for Panty and Stocking

Taku Takahashi for Space Dandy

>> No.9543659


>All you need to get action at a con is to be attractive and fun to hang out with.

From the self proclaimed woman herself.

She basically just said

>If you're not a fat neckbeard I will fuck you

Thirsty betamales BTFO

Thank you based woman.

>> No.9543660

This reads like /r9k/ trying to emulate /cgl/

>> No.9543661

I'm not shaming anyone for hooking up, I've done it at a con before -- though it taught me that I don't think I really like casual sex like that. I was just trying to make anyone salty feel a bit better.

Seems like you're the one getting bent out of shape.

>> No.9543665

Thanks for BTFOing all the thirstfags in here.

If you're male and you frequently post on /cgl/, you're unattractive. Just give up and leave con sex for the well-adjusted people. Maybe you'll actually have fun this time.

>> No.9543667

Three? Well hot damn, that's awesome. Hopefully I can run into one at some point. Or at least find pictures.>>9543628

>> No.9543668

Was taking pictures before entertainment hall closed. Charging my camera nearby.

>> No.9543670

>Badges are mailed to US & Canada only

>> No.9543671

Yeah they were together. I was gonna ask them for a pic but they were in the front entrance to the exhibit hall and it would back up foot traffic

>> No.9543674
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>4-Day badge for ages 14 and over. Access to Exhibit Hall, Entertainment Hall, Kentia Hall, panels, workshops and more! Badges are mailed to U.S & Canada only. Pre-Show Night and ticketed events (i.e. Concerts, Masquerade, Maid Cafe) must be purchased separately.

>Badges are mailed to U.S & Canada only

>> No.9543677


Pretty much this.

Seriously if you're a man and you lurk this board you should kill yourself.

You are NEVER going to fuck a woman from here at a /cgl/ meet up. They have much better normalfag dude bros that show up to cons to fuck easy sluts to choose from.

Now let me contract myself by saying I'm a male that has fucked a cute known girl from this board 6 years ago at an Otakon. Her and I lost communication a bit ago. At least I'm a well adjusted male.

>> No.9543678

>based woman

Yeah. Between a guy who knows as much about my favorite anime as I do but uses terms like 'betamales' and a normal dude with even the most basic social skills, why is it remotely shocking to you guys that normal guys have figured out anime conventions are easy pickings?

Seriously. A handsome chatty guy after a day surrounded by the oppressive self hatred and self consciousness of basement dwelling mouth-breathers? Please.

>> No.9543679

Look in the AA thread. Their trip is Angel.

>> No.9543683

What if they go for men?

>> No.9543686

It's been a long time since I have gone to masquerade. Do they still charge for it?

>> No.9543687


I mean, it almost sounds like you're intimidated by the guy that knows as much about your favorite anime as you desu.

I'm just saying, its AX its one of the if not THE biggest con of /cgl/. You know there is at least one virgin male that wants to meet a "4chan girl" reading this thread.

The women in this thread would rather fuck a non anime loving "fun" normalfag then a guy that knows as much about as anime and stuff as them. I don't know if it's more sad then funny.

>> No.9543689

Cosplay Suika and hide it in your gourd.

>> No.9543690


It feels good being a genetically superior male. Short philtrum, strong maxilla, deep set eyes, high IPD, near perfect midface ratio of 1.05, Roman nose, good gonial angle, positive canthal tilt, blue eyes, good hairline, high radix, high cheekbones, decent height of 6'1". I seriously laugh at all the dumbass /fit/ crossboarders that think lifting will help them with women, when it's all about face.

>> No.9543692


If they want to go to an anime con to meet a guy that's fine. That logic leads me to believe they are going to an ANIME con to meet a guy that is into ANIME which is a mutual hobby.

So when I see posts like


Which I assume is a woman saying she'd rather be dicked by an attractive normalfag that knows NOTHING of anime then an average con goer that is into the hobby.

>> No.9543693

How many Kemono Friends cosplays did you see?

>> No.9543694

Post video of kebab pounding that cosplayer. Otherwise you are just one of his beta fuck fans trying to get a rise.

>> No.9543695

Tons of kabans

>> No.9543696

Just one

>> No.9543697


I already posted in this thread saying how I hooked up with a /cgl/ girl 6 years ago. I'm a fucking manlet which is the funniest part. I just decided to take my fitness seriously, started lifting 2 years prior to that and suddenly women find me attractive. Maybe it is the face, idk.

>> No.9543699

one sad serval

>> No.9543702

W-what if you're attractive but autistic
Do you still need to fucking approach a woman to fug her
Pls respond

>> No.9543703

In my case, liking anime is kind of a turnoff at my age bracket which is 22-25. If you're a guy it doesn't matter how good looking you are you should have moved on from that. Plus, normal guys are pretty loving, unlike anime watchers.

How tall are you? Being short isn't necessarily a turnoff, unless you're under 5'9.

>> No.9543704

You're fucked

Autism is the one thing you'll never fix

>> No.9543705

> never uploaded
You too? I'm shit with this time management stuff.

>> No.9543706
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>> No.9543707

>Liking anime past age 22-25 is a turn off.
What the fuck are you even doing on /cgl/. I know I'm probably being baited by an /r9k/ crossboarder, but God damn is it working.

>> No.9543709

I can't make it to AKFG tomorrow.
>Will lose money
>Need to print out ticket and sell it

>> No.9543710

What is there to do right now

>> No.9543711


>> No.9543712


>In my case, liking anime is kind of a turnoff at my age bracket which is 22-25.


I love this because of how much it will piss off the beta fucks on this board. You will meet at an anime con because of your mutual love for the hobby, but she wants a guy at an ANIME con that has no idea of ANIME.

Holy fuck hahahahaha.

and to respond to


I'm well under 5'9 rofl. Never had a problem with my height though.

>> No.9543713

It was 5 bucks for the 'worst seats' but I thought they were fine.

>> No.9543715

Honestly, if you're attractive? No.

Nothing you say matters, unless you're an absolute memespouter. Both men and women decide if they'd fuck you within the first ten seconds of seeing/speaking with you, and there is very little that can be done to change that initial judgement.

>> No.9543718

Not a crossboarder, newbie.

Anime and Cosplay are two separate hobbies.

>> No.9543719

I just wish that all the douchebag dudebros like this could be filtered out of cons. Then loaded on a rocket and launched in the direction of the fucking sun. Would make everything fucking better.

>> No.9543722

>he's actually 5'7/5'6

How does it feel knowing that women will do ANYTHING to get my attention, at 6'5"?

>> No.9543723


t. betamale who got the girl he liked stolen by a guy like me.

>> No.9543724

Small marriott party still open to anyone who want it. Probably open til 2am

>> No.9543726

2 serval and 3 kaban

>> No.9543728


Feels nothing because I somehow get my share of quality women at social events myself. Infact I'm glad you're here BTFO'ing other betamales on this board.

>> No.9543729

You're right, cosplay is arguably worse. What kind of grown ass woman thinks dressing up in costumes is in any way acceptable past the age of 12?

>> No.9543730

If you have a shred of self confidence, shower, and don't talk like a redpill bot, that's all it is.

Most chicks into anime dream of finding a guy who shares her hobbies but also happens to be more social than cabbage and have some sense of basic self grooming. Women don't wake up fit, with immaculate make up, and perfect costumes. We have to work at it, and we do it because we want to look good. The hope is to find someone else who works at it, but when it comes to guys into anime, finding a guy who even bothers to shower or wash his face is already a shock.

Seiously, a hot guy who can nerd out? That's the dream. A good looking guy who doesn't think it's weird when you nerd out? Most normal looking anime fangirls think we're lucky if we meet a guy who doesn't think it's gross and bizarre that we even watch anime past the age of 12.

But if it's between a spergy creep who thinks everyone remotely social is 'a normie faggot' and a normal guy who doesn't think it's weird that a chick attends an anime convention?

Like, how stupid do you have to be to think there's even a question?

>> No.9543731

lmao don't fucking try to suck my dick from down there, manlet. You belong with the betamales.

>> No.9543732

All of /cgl/ would prefer a tall dudebro over a pasty loser like you. And yeah, I would have sex with him if I was having a particularly self-destructive day.

>> No.9543733

The pool deck at the westin is starting to develop, should be fully rolling in half an hour

>> No.9543734
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>> No.9543735
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>tfw this the only fun addition in the entertainment hall

>> No.9543738

Was Naotos brand stuff there? Or just galaxxxy bullshit?

>> No.9543739

>people having trouble picking up girls
Just be yourself man.
Works for me.

>> No.9543740

I was wondering when the corssboarding scum would show up

>> No.9543741

Where and is there food? Literally only had one meal today.

>> No.9543743

Hey if she likes getting abused for her like of anime and self confidence destroyed because the only use she is to her romeo is nothing but a used up tenga sock, more power to her. I got other things to worry about then some bitch so desperate she thinks a guy fucking her best friend behind her back is "loving".

>> No.9543744

I refuse to believe any woman would get with a guy like the one in OP.

>> No.9543745

PUA fuck detected.

My 10 seconds must be damn good with my fuck record. I thought I was a total fug and my late game was good, but by your logic, I am an adonis and sex god.

>> No.9543746

>implying that's what I meant

I was talking about the state of cons and the fucking influx of normalfags who are just there to party. Christ, not everything is about who wants to smash your pussy.

>> No.9543748

Wow, thanks for illustrating my point. Yeah. For most of us women who cosplay, this is what we think most normal guys think like.

Still. I think most of us would rather keep our hobbies to ourselves and date someone who is nice and fun rather than date someone who shares our hobbies but is a complete autist.

Seriously, guys. Personality matters. Being able to quote anime religiously isn't personality, and being the kind of redpill reject who uses terms like 'betamale' just reeks of insecurity and tryhard.

>> No.9543749


Fair enough point. I am that dream guy you described minus the manlet part. I can be perfectly sociable, job/career outside of weeb shit.

That being said I'm pretty deep into my weeb shit just more on the downlow. If you saw me on the street you'd never know how much of a degenerate weeb I really was.


I might belong with them but I'm not them rofl. Stay mad lanklet.

>> No.9543751

Lol I'm against PUA. That's a dumb coping mechanism for unattractive losers. And no, it doesn't work. ALL PEOPLE, on first encounters, only care about looks. That's the truth, and it's one that will probably make a lot of the /r9k/ losers here angry.

>> No.9543753

More projection than an IMAX up in here.

Love how creepy guys all have this same fantasy that all normal looking guys *must* cheat on their girlfriends and that's why women should be grateful if some sallow basement dweller decides to grace her with his unwashed and untouched penis.

>> No.9543754


Well the state of cons is simply because con sluts are easy as shit because the only male competition is fat awkward betas.

If I need to fish to eat, would I rather fish at the lake with all the pro fishermen? Or would I rather goto the lake with guys so bad at fishing they don't even have bait on their lines?

Also cons need to bring back loli/shota shit to repel normalfags away but that will never happen.

>> No.9543755
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>> No.9543757
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>> No.9543758

Me but it's dead af and not fun at all

>> No.9543759

You sound as much of a try hard as those retard spouting "redpilled" bullshit. If you sincerely think normal men think like that, you sincerely need more interaction with them.
>Hot guys only like self composed Stacys who have zero shreds of personality and keep all their hobbies to themselves lest they be labeled as a "weirdo."

>> No.9543762
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>> No.9543763

which one do i do

>> No.9543764

Yeah I actually just left, didn't really think I could stick around to wait for anamanaguchi.
Neon District is tomorrow anyway

>> No.9543765

>Quick, what's the easiest low effort costume of the latest flavor of the month garbage?
>Say no more, senpai.

>> No.9543767
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>> No.9543768

>the non-Lucoa Maid Dragon cosplayer is more attractive

Like clockwork

>> No.9543769

When will all the dvas fuck off

>> No.9543770

Then buddy, you'll be fine.

Trust me, you've got the toughest parts cornered. A nerdy guy with self confidence and social skills? Believe me, there's plenty of women who think a guy like you cannot possibly exist.

Get out there, brother. You'll find her and you'll make someone very happy, and I hope they make you happy too!

Almost all the guys from my cosplay group back in the day were able to find The One, people they can be themselves with without feeling like they had to settle. People they can go to gyms AND cons with.

Now get the fuck off CGL and start talking to people.

>> No.9543772
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>> No.9543773

Nice DoF.

>> No.9543775



>> No.9543776
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>> No.9543777

>that X in the right corner

>> No.9543778


Well thank you for that.

My issue is that I only ever usually goto one con a year. Just hard to get off work in my field and I have to put in months and I do mean months in advance.

Other then that I'm just a huge wageslave and that one a year con is my only time to get out and actually meet somebody. So I'm single, not because I'm an autistic beta, but because I have one weekend a year to meet somebody haha.

>> No.9543779
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>> No.9543780

Man, I know this feel all too well. I also prioritize hanging out with old friends that I only see at cons over trying to meet women at them.

>> No.9543782


>> No.9543784
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>> No.9543787


its pretty much this. so the women on /cgl/ think that the "dream con guy" doesn't exist. We do, we're just always wageslaving away so we never get a chance to meet.

>> No.9543792
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>> No.9543793

Fill it in an opaque travel mug or water bottle.

This is basic shit.

>> No.9543794
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>> No.9543795

Am I the only one commuting to con this year and hating it? I don't live that far away, but somehow it's so much less fun when I wake up in my own bed and have to drive to con instead of waking up in a hotel room with everything going on right outside the door.

>> No.9543797
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>> No.9543802

Anyone at the Westin pool solo kinda boring I got weed

>> No.9543805
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This is it for now will try to get on Monday.

>> No.9543807

Tfw out of 30 dollars and akfg

>> No.9543808

New thread. Move when ready.

>> No.9543809


Well of course. That's why sleepovers are WAY more fun than just hanging out til dinner time and then having to go home with your mom. Yeah I'll see my friend tomorrow, but it's not the same.

>> No.9543811

Won't be at the westin till atleast another 2 hours. Gf wants to go to the shitty rave first.

>> No.9543813


wish I was there anon, I'm just at home getting drunk reading these depressing posts

>> No.9543814

only worthwhile cosplays ive seen so far
everything else is shit

>> No.9543822


>> No.9543825

I'm no dream guy, but yeah. It doesn't help for me that I'm industry and work harder at cons than any other time of the year, and even my free time is largely spent with work people.

>> No.9543851

So there's a party at Westin and Seven something? Anyone at either? How is it? I don't need a ticket or anything do I? My friends are sleep and I'm bored thinking I'll go out alone.

>> No.9543855

Thinking about going to this. Any good?

>> No.9543868


>> No.9543902

Anyone know if anyone's selling The Adventure Zone stuff? Only saw one table in AA today.

>> No.9543937
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Said Chariot

>> No.9543943
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Taking reqs if anyone has any, will see if I took pics of them

>> No.9543953
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20 x Kaban
5 x Serval
2 x Shoebill
1 x Crested Ibis

>> No.9544144

Its lit

>> No.9544180

Literally where are you? What are you wearing?

>> No.9544221

Tracksuit, shit just ended tho. Yall missed deadass kakashi