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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9541835 No.9541835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which cosplay is the most obvious at signalling potential daddy issues?

Hard mode: No "Me!Me!Me!"

>> No.9541844

All ahegao selfies and fixation
Sexy basic bitch Pokemon gijinka

>> No.9541849
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>All ahegao selfies and fixation


Why didn't I think of this? Ahegao selfies are basically an "I have daddy issues and I must scream" cry for attention.

Imagine taking a selfie like this and having your dad walk in on you lmao.


Does Purrblind have daddy issues?

>> No.9541852

Why do you care?

>> No.9541856

Stop taking /r9k/ bait. They've been salty little virgin beta males lately and have been organizing raids. Must because they're indoors during summer and not getting laid.

>> No.9541858

>daddy issues meme

>> No.9541866

What's wrong with a guy being a virgin...?

>> No.9541870

>Denying that cosplay is full of girls with daddy issues

Anon pls. Anyone who has spent extensive time in the con scene knows it's true.

>> No.9541886

yeah ahegao nails it. As a reformed lonely attentionwhore it reminds me of taking every opportunity to brag about sexual experiences among friends in high school. I couldn't believe a majority of anons thought it was cute in the first thread about it I saw.

>> No.9541895

It's cute in manga/doujin form, but IRL it just looks like you're a deranged inpatient.

>As a reformed lonely attentionwhore it reminds me of taking every opportunity to brag about sexual experiences among friends in high school.

I know girls like this on my steam and skype lists. Like I thought it was just guys who randomly steered the conversation towards sex but these girls will just start talking about dick, sex, giving head etc out of nowhere.

What gives?

And what sort of things were you bragging about? Why even brag about sexual experiences among friends? I would have got called a whore for that as a kid and lost friends, lol.

>> No.9541896
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>> No.9541899

This looks strangely terrifying.

Also if there were any doubt she was a whore, check out the sleeve tat.

>> No.9541920

It's more subtle than that. Mind my friends and I were nerds. An example I can think of is complaining to a friend that I got caught sending lewds to my bf when my sister went through my phone, where the complaint about my sister going though my phone is just a cover up to mention the lewds.

>> No.9541925

W...Why would you feel proud of sending nude pictures to guys?

>> No.9541950
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Because he was my boyfriend of two years

Were you a perfect shameful high schooler, prude-chan?

>> No.9541956

I dunno why you'd just broadcast it to everyone as a point of pride, social decorum and all that.

What happened with your father?

>> No.9541969


Any sexified version of an unsexy cosplay
Nudist Beach versions of KlK


Likes Asian guys.

>> No.9541971

Suprised to see no suicide harley quinn

>> No.9541972

Depends on why they are a virgin.
White knights, neckbeads, shut ins, autists, 'nice guys' and will only fap to 2d guys are often virgins.

>> No.9541974
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>> No.9541976


It's amazing how many 2B cosplayers haven't even played Nier: Automata.

>Likes Asian guys.

Agreed. Always the best way to establish if they're actually a stereotypical cringe-weeb is if they don't like men of their own race and prefer asian dudes. That goes for black, hispanic and white girls incidentally.

>> No.9541981

I immediately unfollow any weeb who hashtags AMWF on their stuff.

>> No.9541992

>likes asian guys

t-t-t-tell me more

>> No.9541993

Unless you're a proper desperado you don't want to get involved with them.

Normal white girls don't like asian guys.

>> No.9541994

Congratulations, you rehashed >>9541852.

>> No.9541996

>Which cosplay is the most obvious at signalling potential daddy issues?

All of them. Normal humans don't dress up in fictional characters' costumes to compete for male attention. Just the ones who were denied it as a child.

>> No.9541997

I hate the girls described in >>9541969 as much as anyone, but is it really fair to say someone who has built say, a machine cosplay from Nier, or an Atelier girl is the same as some asiaphilic weeb weirdo who does Tharja and nudist-beach nonon over and over again while talking about the ONS she had from the rave the night before?

>> No.9541998
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> a machine cosplay from Nier

Women who do fullbody obscuring cosplays are literally around one in a thousand

>> No.9541999

This is true, all girls like to feel sexy I suppose, but cosplay creates a hyper-competitiveness that just leads to lower common denominator tier behavior in the long run, since its the easiest way to get the attention of the average guy quickly and effectively.

>> No.9542001

>have played nier automata
>am currently making my 2B cosplay

Damn. Hope people don't assume I haven't played it

>> No.9542004

So long as you don't whore it up (lace panties instead of the leotard), it will be fine.

>> No.9542008


If you're making a sexy cosplay, women will be bitter at you. That's just the way of the universe. The best approach is to do what you enjoy, others' reactions are out of your hand.