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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9541514 No.9541514 [Reply] [Original]

You thought you were safe

You thought it was gone for good

You thought wrong


Previous thread: >>9540919

>> No.9541519

How was AniSong you mother fuckers?
I wanted to see the idolmasters and ali project :^(

>> No.9541520

Damn is shit always like this at AX? I was planning to go next year with It being my first out of state con but those lines. Just fuck.

>> No.9541521

2014 was a nightmare

2015 and 2016 were reasonably good

This year linecon hit hard at almost 2014 levels. Maybe even above it.

>> No.9541523

Wow the meetup is all uggo normies I'm glad I'm not hanging out with these fucks

>> No.9541527

Fakku line is cap

>> No.9541529
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I'm laughing at all the normies me and the GF literally walked past all of them and entered into the convention floor skipping the hour long line. I swear they're all spineless so it's too easy.

They were lined up under the bridge, so there's my tip anons just walk with purpose and go around the line, pass the first door near the elevator, that one connects directly to the line I don't want to cut right into them there. I just went into one of the outer doors. Those are still gated off but have like 15 people in line
>pic related

>> No.9541530

2014 was a day 0 linecon.
This year's day -1 and 0 were smooth sailing, you fuckers should have showed up earlier.

Also someone said they saw rhythm games at another arcade in some hotel, which one is that?

>> No.9541535
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>> No.9541541

the meet up is 10 normeis and a special needs girl in a helmet

>> No.9541542

Need a picture to confirm this.

>> No.9541544

Fakku line capped

>> No.9541545


>> No.9541550

Jesus that line at Linecon. I thought it was a myth. I don't understand, why can't these people get their badges on Day -1, Thursday or Friday? Why wait for THIS HORROR. I did that, and I was never IN a line, we just walked for 3 minutes and got out stuff without anyone ever stopping.

>> No.9541557

For those interested in fakku's rooftop party, but diddnt get a ticket.

>> No.9541559

360p source. wew

>> No.9541560

Ehh, no reason to watch it, just have it on the background and listen to some edm, Jcore, or what ever is actually playing.

>> No.9541562
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me and my bf had a blast. skipped all the lines
No homo tho

>> No.9541563
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I lazily and sloppily drew the linecon for this year.

Wish I could've gone yesterday, but work is a bummer. Last time I went was in 2013 and I was not expecting this.

>> No.9541564

wat do

>> No.9541565

Easier to just watch trihex's stream

>> No.9541566
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Did you make someone smile today?

>> No.9541567


Is that waifu...a man? Or...becoming a man? Or...was a man before?

>> No.9541568
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I saw someone dressed like Rin doing tbe Carlton

>> No.9541572

Picked up my pass day 0, it was so fast and easy. A dream come true.

>> No.9541573

you are all cute!
really hate the buff hairy chest breaded dudes that do the lazy 'filly dinty' cross dress just for the laughs at least he didn't do the sailor moon crossdress this year
thanks fo the pics!!

>> No.9541574

Anyone go to LP2 at the Marriott? How big is the room?

>> No.9541576

When dud this ironic weeb thing take off? They all look like a bunch of normalfags.

>> No.9541579

should I be naughty and remove all the pink duct tape around my prop gun but leave the orange tip and weapons check tag on?

>> No.9541580
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Why do fujoshits freak out at dub announcements

>> No.9541581

Any of you wanna meet for some sex in the JW Marriott

>> No.9541582

Shuttle spot changed too. I blame the line.

>> No.9541585
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>tfw i stood in line from 11:30 to 3:50
never getting there that late again. Ive learned my lesson

>> No.9541586

DEpends are you a guy?

>> No.9541587

>Trihex talking to random people vs the music directly streamed
I'll take the shitty ass

>> No.9541588

Come alone.

>> No.9541589

taking or receiving?

>> No.9541592

https://discord.gg/rRbZZ9q zz

>> No.9541593


>> No.9541595


Yes to all men? Man it is then.

>> No.9541597

17th floor
Start banging on all the doors

>> No.9541599

I had lots of people ask me for a photo and they all seemed really excited, I've never been asked so many times before.
It was so much fun

>> No.9541600
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buff karp for anyone who missed it

>> No.9541604

fuck this im selling my ticket to AKFG and my badge for anime expo. going to ALA and Sac anime instead

>> No.9541605
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>tfw I got there at 845 today
>didnt even have a badge
>was in exhibit hall at like 10
i bypassed so many people with my military id
and then realized that people werent even in the right line for security and walked around to the main entrance

>> No.9541607

2015 and 2016 was nowhere near this bad. But with all the terrorist shit recently, they are taking a shit load of precautions but at the same time they are understaffed for it.

>> No.9541608


>that line

holy shit I was complaining about getting in at 11 but why would anyone want to wait that long

>> No.9541610

Saw a military guy get taken directly to the onsite purchase booths after telling a staff member at the height of linecon. Feels jelly.

>> No.9541612

how much for your badge? I might be willing if its 4 day

>> No.9541614

Yeah it was great. Got there at 8:30 and got in exhibit at 9.
The longest line I've been in so far is picking up my fucking pen light day 0.

>> No.9541616

precautions? the bag check was literally just a dude feeling up your bag for half a second and looking inside very superficially for even shorter as if he gave a shit.

>> No.9541617

I literally had weed in my backpack and the guy didn't even fucking notice

>> No.9541618

Did anyone see a exhibitor selling yugioh singles?

>> No.9541619
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thats insane I would just offer a dude 100$ near the front and curse myself for not getting a 4 day badge.
I hate to say it, but the terrorists have won, they really have.
wait... ...maybe it's a double buff to take all the normie onedayers money but not actually let them in. Like a club with bouncers where only the cool kids get inside

>> No.9541620

Do 4 day badges get mailed out?

>> No.9541621
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I gave my "Tales of " poster to someone who asked where I got it, but I also inadvertently cut two lines that were suppose to be capped just by showing up at the right/wrong time

>> No.9541623

no you have to pick it up would go now if i were you

>> No.9541627

What did AKFG do? The concert isn't until tomorrow and Monday.

>> No.9541628

its a 4 day, give me an offer
wont be able to make it due to events not under my control. trying to sell it. its for the 3rd dont know if u need an ID for it but i can just print out the ticket and give it off

>> No.9541629

I mean normally. Do they get mailed out before the con?
This would prevent a lot of the line issues. Hell even charge an extra $10 for shipping.

>> No.9541630

>why dont people just go on day 0 ecks dee

jobs, prior obligations

not everyone can drop fucking everything for ax

>> No.9541632

tree fifty

>> No.9541633

holy fucking shit fuck this normie on trihex's stream

>> No.9541634

Only premiere badges get mailed

>> No.9541635

Exactly. It's fucking stupid but even just feeling bags like that, it wastes time which is why the lines are super fucking long.

>> No.9541636

yeah it would but your identity has to be identified

>> No.9541638

You gay nigga

>> No.9541639

I'm willing to part ways with 40-50. Can't attend on Sunday

>> No.9541640

Well maybe you shouldn't be going to fucking AX then if you can't make appropriate time off from work.
It's your own damn fault.

>> No.9541641

what happened?

>> No.9541643

>don't go have fun for a weekend if you can't take the whole week off like us neets!!!!!!

suck my fucking dick

>> No.9541644

Because Vic McNugget is so kawaii

>> No.9541645

Why is this anon so salty about people not being able to take out five days out of their work schedule. Not everyone has a flexible schedule and what if they're saving up their off days? What if they just like money more than being a weeb? Dang, it ain't that deep.

>> No.9541648

>premiere badges
am I crazy or did premiere badges used to include the masquerade?

>> No.9541650

Anyone posted the meet up pic?

>> No.9541651

I got a military (veteran) ID, what perks do I get? Already got my badge at day 0.

>> No.9541652

No. Is it all guys? I just went to the hotel meet up instead.

>> No.9541654

What dub got announced?

>> No.9541656

Veterans only get a badge discount, that's it.

>> No.9541657

you know Thursday and Friday badge pickup lasts till 11pm
just stop by after work?

>> No.9541658

Are lines long just because it is LA.

Were lines long back when AX was at Anaheim?

Are lines long because of the size of the convention? Would a larger convention cut down line time?

>> No.9541659

literally bad management

line extended like 3 different times for me people in front of me ended up behind me they need to organize a lot better

>> No.9541660

Man, AX at Anaheim's convention center sounds amazing. Wish I could've been there during those days.

>> No.9541662

No, there were a few women.
>Hotel meet
How was it? Still going?

>> No.9541664

Where the hell is Site 2? I can't find it on the map.

>> No.9541668

>driving an hour or two after work to get my badge

I'd fall asleep at the wheel, but maybe other anons can think about it next year.

>> No.9541669

For some reason they only do badges at one entrance. They need to
>mail out 4 day badges
>separate 1 day and 4 day badge lines so 1 days can actually enjoy their fucking day
Then it'd be fine.

>> No.9541670


Think the stream is pretty funny and fun honestly

>> No.9541672

I just left but (not because it's bad, just need to sleep) I think it's still going strong.

>> No.9541673

The biggest difference is there were half as many attendees as there are now. It's just gotten way too big and crowded and the only way to slow the growth is to put an attendance cap or triple the price of admission.

>> No.9541675

Honestly, he's the kind of Chad I wish I could have as a friend. He seems genuinely nice.

>> No.9541680

Where is it? I don't know if I will be able to go but I want to know for the future.

>> No.9541683

meant for >>9541652

>> No.9541684


A lot of people said they really liked my cotume, if that counts

>> No.9541689

Probably the convention organizers got cheaper so they moved AX to a smaller sized convention.

>> No.9541693
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> Would a larger convention cut down line time?
the problem is AX doesn't have enough content to make it any bigger, some of the off meme panels are jr high student tier.
No one seems to go to the board gaming area, or the other nerd stuff much.
they can either raise the prices and cut 50% of the real fans or add more and more normie shit to spread people out. They can't really scale the chokepoints because the dealer halls are
already full.
fan-Cons don't really scale well. Most panels suck if you have to sit in the back rows of a 1000 seat room, so you can't really make them bigger. The dealer hall already feels like >30% crap booths. You can add more staff, but it doesn't really help in the way you think when you are already at capacity
also do this.

>> No.9541694

I was one of a few people that didn't get a dude's Tail Concerto cosplay wrong. I made him happy!

>> No.9541695

My first AX and fortunately I picked my badge up on Thursday because idols.

Holy fuck the organzation, maps and signing are fucking awful though. There's no staff anywhere and all but 2 I talked to didn't have a clue about anything. No wonder they can't get volunteers. Looks awful.

I'm happy though. Got the some of the autographs I wanted, got some event tickets for tomorrow and got some stuff I wanted from GSC. There's a shit ton of queuing but I almost always got talking to someone else in the queue. People are a lot more friendly than I'm used too and that helps a lot.

Dunno if I'd want to do again but I'll see how the news few days are.

>> No.9541698

My experience:

>2 hours to get badge
>went straight to the Marriott. No one there in the morning so got to sit in three neat panels
>walked right into the convention center from the side entrance. Never experienced any lines or bag check
>snuck into the Atlus booth for Persona stuff
>got into the Persona panel without any trouble
>played games for the rest of the day

Not bad. My only regret is that I didn't really explore and see stuff. And that I didn't have the courage to talk to any girls.

>> No.9541700

People loved my overdone generic costume.
I thought I'd get maybe 2 pictures tops and that was an overestimation. But I was stopped all day long for pics. Pretty much all smiles.

Great day.

>> No.9541701

AX might move back to Anaheim or even San Diego someday.

Depends if Los Angeles wins the Olympics bid or not.

Might have to close down LA's convention for renovations since some sports are held in convention centers.

Would be pretty interesting to have AX in San Diego but Anaheim has larger exhibit space.

>> No.9541702
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Me and my group almost didn't get get into the masquerade competition because we thought we just gave them our audio day-of, and the deadline was hidden on the website underneath a blurb that still says "deadline TBD". Luckily the volunteers at the masquerade office were chill and we're getting judged tomorrow.

Anyone else here entering?

>> No.9541706

>first ax
>have bad anxiety
>couldnt handle the huge crowds
>felt better when i was inside a video room watching samurai champloo
feels bad man

>> No.9541708

wait, is Anaheim's convention center bigger?
you know the reason they do these fancons on holiday weekends like 4th of july? It's cheaper to rent the convention center. But hey, at least it is not comiket tier crowed

>> No.9541711

Do cosplayers mind if I stop them for a photo with my phone? I feel kinda bad, like I'm putting no effort into making their work look good with a proper camera so I never ask. I'm no photographer.

>> No.9541712

>show up around 10
>wander the floor and pick up a shirt
>decide not to get anything else
>play some DDR
>time for costume
>30 minutes later finally get it on
>nearly die of dehydration wearing it
>people liked it even though i feel it had huge flaws
>take it off after 5 hours
>sleep then went home

All in all I had a fun time.

>> No.9541715


Just look at the Convention History page for Anime Expo.

No wonder why Anime Expo is run so badly. People in top management resigning left and right.

This shows the org behind AX is very unstable.

Maybe the Japanese government needs to step in. You know those Cool Japan people.

I could see Japan investing and creating their own convention center in California to host Japanese industry events on the West Coast.

But yeah, looks like AX is doomed to have shitty management forever.

>> No.9541717

Tell me where you are. I'll comfort the anxiety out of you

>> No.9541718

So how long did everyone wait in line? Either for badge pickup or bag check. My group had a 4 hour line.

>4 hour line that went through the ghetto, mostly in the sun, fucking up traffic and generally causing road and pedestrian hazards
>less than 5 minutes to get out and through bag check
>lines to get in for people who already have badges
>AX staff blaming security for the line when it's clearly incompetence capping sales
>seemingly no refunds or compensation for anyone, especially 1 day passes
>no one even controlling the lines out in the ghetto
>more hot dog vendors than staff
>no one allowed to use the bathroom, no water passed out

What a disaster. They need to learn to fucking cap sales and go back to mailing out badges, especially now that they're plastic and harder to copy.

>> No.9541719

No one cares unless you say something creepy or ask them to do weird poses.

>> No.9541724


>> No.9541725

Rule of thumb, don't make them go out of their way, like asking them to pose somewhere specific. Most people take pictures with camera phones.

>> No.9541726

>tfw want a chubby girl to comfort me

>> No.9541727

is AX doing the RFD chip badges?

>> No.9541730

at my hotel hitting the fitness center. feels good

>> No.9541732

I don't know about you, but I got my one day transferred to tomorrow.

>> No.9541733


OK thanks. Yeah I don't want to inconvenience them or anything so I wouldn't do anything obviously silly like that.

>> No.9541734

if it's in the square with all the photographers they don't seem to mind, but have some self awareness, if they are in the middle of the crowded dealers halls or walking down the hall between events it depends, but most people LOVE having their cosplay taken
you never had a friend, it was the dehydration
>but I almost always got talking to someone else in the queue. People are a lot more friendly than I'm used too and that helps a lot.
this is the only reason cons are successful, you meet more like minded nerds, and no one is self conscious about nerding out, the energy/excitement is one of the main draws. All the more reason to keep the normies out

>> No.9541735

I had to check this myself because Anaheim was smaller way back when. Yes, Anaheim is now the largest convention center on the west coast at 1.6m square feet.

I think they moved because of costs and generally losing contracts, but I wouldn't be surprised if they got booted because SPJA has gone through so many management and board problems over the years.

>> No.9541740

Almost any half decent person typically loves getting stopped for pictures if they're dressed up.
I got stopped at least a dozen times in a few hours. Loved every time, really makes me happy.

>> No.9541747
File: 1.04 MB, 800x800, 1411607778451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw some dudes passing out water once.
>more hot dog vendors than staff

>> No.9541749

how? is it still possible if I complain enough?

>> No.9541752


> more hot dog vendors than staff

You know what I'm thinking. They should recruit the hot dog vendors as staff.

>> No.9541753

15min max once the doors opened.

>> No.9541756

I just went to customer service and was like hey, I waited in line for five hours and the exhibit hall closes in less than an hour and I spent my entire in line rather than in the convention and I'm not happy about that. And then the guy said okay and transferred my badge to tomorrow.

>> No.9541758

It's a little teal rectangle by the overpass

>> No.9541759

Anyone at the Westin party? I suck at talking to complete random.

Fuck social anxiety.

>> No.9541761

Anyone even try street vendor food in Downtown LA? Been careful of where I eat since I got food poisoning one year ago.

Or are Costco hot dogs the only hotdog worth buying?

>> No.9541763

still possible if I come back on monday?

>> No.9541764

that wiki is sort of interesting.
I don't know what they were thinking hiring a universal studios exe to run a fancon. 99% of MBAs are trash, especially for a con.
>eight members of Anime Expo's upper management team (ConCom) publicly resigned over irreconcilable disagreements over the direction of the organization set forth by the SPJA's new CEO.
> One significant point of contention was the new CEO's decision to refocus and restructure the SPJA's marketing efforts
>starting with the dismissal of a PR and marketing contractor that the organization had a close working relationship with since 2004
I don't know why CEOs do this, but they do, they don't know how to actually fix anything, being useless spoonfed college prep tards, so they just fire whole departments and rehire new ones as a show of doing something.
But most of those staff changes were 6+ years ago.
This is from 2016:
>100,420 unique attendees, a 10% increase over last year's number of 90,500.
>This year's number set a new attendance record for the convention. The convention marked the turnstile attendance at 304,799, up 15% from last year.
I wonder what the numbers will be this year, if they grew 10% again, it's no wonder. I wonder if they still have that $700,000 debt

>> No.9541765

Heard there's an anti Trump protest tomorrow so the suttle have to change drop off point. Can anybody confirm?

>> No.9541769

How many people are there?

>> No.9541770

Hey, so I am taking my friends badge for the last two days since she is unable to attend. Are the badges checked at the door this year?

>> No.9541772

Tfw press and zero fucks given

>> No.9541774

They don't have names on them.

>> No.9541776

Who do you work for, want to get myself a press pass but I don't work for a media company.

>> No.9541777

They don't check anything just ask if you have a badge

>> No.9541779

Unsure, but worth a shot right? How good are you at complaining?

>> No.9541780

I fucking hate this guy. Him and his crew that dress like that all lift at a tiny Fitness 19 in Milpitas, CA and fuck up the place. Leave their bags all over and are loud as fuck. They're annoying at powerlifting meets too. Fuck these guys.

>> No.9541781

How long did it take to get through the exhibit hall and artist alley? I'm getting there at 8.

>> No.9541782


>> No.9541783


water ant free you commie, you want water, buy a bottle from the hotdog venders, or better yet a garderade, sense you will be walking all day.

>> No.9541785

Yeah same here but every other panel had some red vest that seemed to think press == general admission. It was awful having to explain what should be COMMON FUCKING SENSE all the fucking time...

>> No.9541789

I just waited one and a half hours for bus number fucking 2.

>> No.9541790

>tfw press pass and just went to the press lounge and grabbed a water bottle from the center of the circular tables whenever I was thirsty

Fuck giving overpriced vendors my money when I don't have to.

>> No.9541791

What even goes on at the Night Cafe?

>> No.9541795

fuck off, I hate you pressbadge fags always violating the firecodes, acting holery than thou, acting like you are better then the fans because you don't like [event fandom you are at]. Stop acting like you are some VIP and realize you are just paparazzi freelancers.

>> No.9541797



>> No.9541798

Someone better live stream at hotel party REEE

>> No.9541799

Stay salty, my friend.

>> No.9541803

At pool deck where u at fgts

>> No.9541805
File: 213 KB, 638x354, IMG_0602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What panels or events will you be attending tomorrow, anon !

>> No.9541806

So I am not going until Monday due to work. Who is selling nendoroids and figmas cheap this year?

>> No.9541808

Just left lol. Will be back there tomorrow. Was pretty uneventful tonight.

>> No.9541809

I love getting my picture taken and just posing with other people in it. No one really cares unless it's really crowded then it's a bit awkward getting a good spot to stop.

>> No.9541810

I'm not your friend you normie fucktit, I will take a brick to your face, I don't have anything to lose, I hate you normies so god dam much, I'm so happy everytime I see a red shirt or security hassle you because you think you can go anywhere at any time, I will nerd rage so hard the folding chair will exit you skull

>> No.9541811

People seemed to enjoy my cosplay, and they appeared happy because of it. So, I guess I did.

>> No.9541813

besides the fact that anyone that actually goes to AX is a fucking normalFAG, the fact that you said "normie" instead makes you even more of one.

>> No.9541814

I suppose so. I really did only get about an hour and a half to look at shit so itll sound sincere at least. Then again why would they trust me if I came back on monday? I guess Ill try it before my friend tries to sneak me in

>> No.9541817

That could mean anything at an anime convention.

>> No.9541819

ali project sounded like garbage live

>> No.9541823


Everything else was great though. Mashiro's dress was cute as fug.

>> No.9541824

Very sad to hear

>> No.9541826


>> No.9541827

Fake news. It changed so people can get into the building faster. Check out the app.

>> No.9541829


Both were great. I went to kawaii live solely for aqours, but all four acts tore it up.
-Tomoyo Kurosawa's speaking voice is literally Kumiko
-I now want to watch WUG
-Walkure best singers and english speakers
-I can't remember aqours' show, I was hypnotized by shukashuu's legs the entire time.

As for the super live, I admittedly only knew like one song by each artist, but all of those songs were performed. Show started with a collaborative cover of Cruel Angel's Thesis
-Konomi Suzuki kicked things off with This Game and closed with the Re:Zero OP.
-Mashiro Ayano a megacute
-garnidelia was cool I guess? Not too memorable for me.
-ali project: the crowd didn't seem to be feeling it.
-Minori Chihara: I started cheering for the KnK OP before anyone else, and the song has a pretty quiet opening, so that was kinda embarrassing.
-angela: my personal surprise. atsuko wore a lion suit. she can really command a show, which is impressive given the language barrier. Also she's hilarious.

>> No.9541830

followed these threads to kill time at the con.
I now know that /cgl/ is the cutest board.

>> No.9541831
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2B was a girl, can confirm

t. sakamoto

>> No.9541832

The press who actually do work are fine. The ones who just get a badge but don't put out relevant or quality coverage are the ones who don't deserve badges. There's hundreds of press registered but I sure as hell don't see enough legit outfits releasing things.

>> No.9541833

That sidonia song was pretty baller
Mfw up front with the other hardcore guys and they know all the calls and motions

>> No.9541836

As singer, Walkure made me cry while I was watching it was amazing

>> No.9541837


That was the best part.

>> No.9541839

noon o clock

>> No.9541840

Fuck that, other conventions aren't like this. Fucking apologist.

>> No.9541842

I really liked the Fafner song. Angela was the best part of Anisong

>> No.9541843

what other conventions, strategicon, (lmfao) stanlee con? comiccon is worse for crowds

>> No.9541847
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The marriott plays anime all throughout the night, who actually stays up all night for this?

>> No.9541854

Did anyone else notice the FBI in the dealer's hall?

>> No.9541855

I want to fuck the trap from the meet

>> No.9541857

>tfw reading these horror stories
>tfw never got to see AX as a small weeaboo in the mid-late 00s
>tfw I will probably never go unless they move the con to Anaheim like you say because screw this 9 hour line crap
>tfw I missed haruhi mania but will never get to see most of the people who were in it because why would they go to a smaller con
>tfw hoping ALA catches their eye
>tfw hoping ALA doesn't catch too much of the public's eye
>tfw I will never get to see any of the Love Lives either
>tfw I will never be able to tell Rikyako that she inspired me to never give up
>tfw they'd never go to anything smaller than AX
>tfw all my weeb friends are no longer going to AX or saying this is their last year because screw this crap so I wouldn't have a squad either
Anime was a mistake.

>> No.9541859

Any fellow loners still hanging about?

>> No.9541861

too tipsy, going to bed

>> No.9541862

Also-- Did anyone see the very obviously trans girl and her girlfriend selling "lesbian love anthology" or some shit at their booth?

>> No.9541863

Seems to be a lot of people who went alone, why don't you all just group up?

Cant send her fanmail?

>> No.9541864

It's the ham in me wanting to say "thank you" in person one day should I get the chance.

>> No.9541865

Yeah where do you wanna hang out?

>> No.9541868

no confidence

>> No.9541871

I'm in the cool people lounge sitting on one of the sofas near the back. I'm the skinny white dude looking at my phone.

>> No.9541875

>friend fails to reply to text i sent at 5

>never hears back from them

holy fuuuckk what happend the concert or something

>> No.9541876

Yeah, I understand. Maybe you will win that AX sweepstakes to go to Japan and maybe you can go to their meet and greets. Sadly there's no interaction this year. Good luck to you Anon.

>> No.9541879

What the fakku party or the 21+ lounge? My lazy ass doesn't want to leave my hotel.

>> No.9541881

fakku party is over

>> No.9541882

The 21+ lounge

>> No.9541883

Shit. How was WT Snacks?
Oh that place was too loud. The DJ was a total sperg last night. If you want we can meet at the JW Marriott lobby

>> No.9541887
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Snacks unironically had the best set of the whole night

>> No.9541888

yeh I was there 2014 as a volunteer. Got my shit on the spot. I just stood around in the shade giving people swag.

>> No.9541889

That's where they're doing the video rooms, right? It's on the way back to my place so I might drop by

>> No.9541890

The dude is an old fag I'm not surprised.
Alright let me know when and I'll come down

>> No.9541893

fakku sunday part is sold out, what do?

>> No.9541898

>ugly girls

how was your AX 2017 experience so far?

>> No.9541903

Never going again. I threw my crunchyroll gear into the garbage after they gave it to me. Exhibition hall, game room, actual hallways all felt like a giant advertisement. I didn't even line up because I went to day 0 but it was so bad for those people. Fuck this place, I'm just going to stay at Fanime from now on.

Anisong was fucking amazing though. If anyone is going to Long Beach for Bushiroad tomorrow, I'll see you there.

>> No.9541906

do they have any Danganronpa figs I couldn't find any at exhibit hall today but didn't look that hard

>> No.9541915

I'm in the video room

>> No.9541918

JW Mariott. Sorry, I forgot the name earlier. They have Audiotechnika, DDR, Pump it Up. And, uh, I guess Fist of the North Star is like a rhythm game. Good news is it's operational 24/7 or just really late. Not sure.

>> No.9541919

Holy shit Daikokuya is fucking delicious.

>> No.9541926

Damn, I missed the AX07 amv contest retrospect. I was feeling nostalgic because that's the one I bothered to enter. Anyone go?

>> No.9541929

You could at least use the bag.

>> No.9541931

Alright heading down

>> No.9541932

Insomniacs or people who wake up too earlier?

>> No.9541937

Yesterday it was only till 5 or 6 am.

>> No.9541938

Can someone explain to me if autographs will require some byzantine process? I really want to meet Sakaguchi and the Persona 5 cast for reasons.

>> No.9541939

Wow, I forgot all about Snacks. What's he up to these days?

>> No.9541940

What regular con going doesn't have a lot of bags already? Fuck CR and fuck their bags.

>> No.9541941

You there can't find you?

>> No.9541943


It's obscure only because none of the staff seem to know what's going on.

You queue up for the ticket collection that starts at 8am near where the food trucks are on the South Hall side of the road. I think it's a red line.

You ask for what tickets you want and you get them. Priority tickets get in first and the numbers don't relate to your order in the queue. The other kind of ticket the number does match your order in the queue, but you come after the priority tickets. First come first served.

Then you turn up at the autograph place. They say the queue starts half an hour before the time on the ticket but people were queuing an hour before.

They say priority tickets guarantee an autograph but that's not true. They'll cut the line regardless when the guests allotted time runs out.

It's totally down to the guest whether they're doing sketches and the staffers don't know. You just have to ask them.

It was kind of a clusterfuck but a minor one by AX standards.

>> No.9541944

The thing is that the current CEO and the inner circle doesn't give a flying fuck about anything other than how much money can get out of this shitty expo.

Look, this year unlike other years decided to refuse volunteers and took a good portion of the staff and demoted them to only volunteers. This will decrease spending and giving themselves more money. They are going to suck much until this expo bleeds dry and move on another venture.

No matter how much you bitch, moan or talk shit, it's not going to change. Once the attendance drops and profits decrease, then the higher ups will jump ship and change will happen.

This con is am abusive relationship and anyone attending isn't it making it better.

Their projection predict that this will become the next comic con and they are looking forward.

These higher ups earn so much money that you cannot comprehend.

Enjoy the next few years of this shit. They won. Hope you happy.

>> No.9541945

Are you in the room? What do you look like
R u a girl

>> No.9541946


Oh and it could be different on day 2 I guess. The details all seem pretty arbitrary.

>> No.9541947

Fucking hell. I can't believe it's only the end of day 1. I'm chaperoning some Japanese industry people all weekend and I'm already beat as hell. I also keep trying to speak my fucked up Japanese to English speakers, which is awkward as shit.

Is there a seagull gathering coming up? I had fun with the Fanime bros and would like to meet up again if I'm free.

Former SPJA staff here. You wouldn't believe how much of a fucking mess it is behind the scene.

>> No.9541949

In the Video room, center back row

>> No.9541952

I'm right outside

>> No.9541954

Already heading home. You want to start a meetup?

>> No.9541955


Lastly no one I was in the queue with figured out how the priority/normal ticket separation worked. One queue I was in was mixed but everyone got an autograph so no fucks were given. The other there were no normal ticket holders.

I need to figure out how the stupid industry guest autograph thing works today. That's going to be a laugh I'm sure.

>> No.9541959


Anime was a mistake

>> No.9541960

Lol in the same boat as you. Worst ax I've had ever. Why do I do this to myself

>> No.9541961
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Hello friends, I have finally arrived from NY

>> No.9541963


Better get in line now.

>> No.9541967

I'm already home too, I was asking if there were a planned gathering on one of the other days.

Fuck organizing one myself though, I've been there and done that, in the Anaheim/LB days, and never want to be responsible for that shit again.

You doing industry shit too? I got this one dropped on me at the last minute and couldn't really say no. It's not all bad, the guys are cool and the CEO I'm with pays for everything, which is cool, but damn is it tiring.

>> No.9541968


I purchased a pass from a scalper, no authoritarian line for me (-:

>> No.9541991

Yes. Having to be guide, impromptu assistant, handler, all that,jazz

If it wasn't for the concerts I would be having zero fun. Time for a two hour nap before I have to get up

>> No.9541995

> Exhibition Hall closes
> Clears everyone out
> Closes South Hall
> Clears everyone out
I don't think they thought their brilliant plan all the way through.

>> No.9542019

Just get the former Yakuza member/current owner of anime Jungle, Tetsu, to oversee it. Fucker runs almost all of little tokyo + the Japan jungle shops.

>> No.9542020

I go to ax but end up just hiding in my hotel room 99% of the time

>> No.9542024

That sounds like quite the pickle...

>> No.9542082
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What should I expect going to pick up (or at least trying to) on day 2? Managed to sneak my way into everything yesterday but I'm not sure how long I can keep that up.

>> No.9542099

He DJs online to /r9k/

>> No.9542101

The line should be significantly shorter now.

So yeah.

>> No.9542126
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Waking up at 6am to drive to the convention center hurts

>> No.9542128

This is why me and my friends got a hotel. Also because changing into cosplay out of youf car sucks.

>> No.9542130

Should I just get into the line to get in now?

>> No.9542131


Slept in a video room here

>> No.9542135

I was wondering if people did that here. Were there a few people doing that?

>> No.9542139

There were a handful of us getting bounced around between video rooms when one closed for a break yeah

>> No.9542145
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I want to get fucked up and drunk tonight, anyone know any parties or raves or other shit going on tonight?

>> No.9542154

Lots...just keep looking anon

>> No.9542157


You mean that con that is ran for profit but says its fanmade so it can run itself on the cheap

The con that has fuck all to do in terms of guest

A con with nearly 0 industry presence

A con where people have to go create their own fun as the convention still goes ahead and greenlights a crapton of Character QA panels and barely any musical acts or industry guests

A con where you don't even get any swag, exclusive merch or world premiers

A con where people buy a badge for an overglorified lobby con party

You folks are getting fooled

>> No.9542158
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>> No.9542159

>This con is am abusive relationship and anyone attending isn't it making it better.

And this describes fanime.

AX while it does get bigger, you can see where all the money goes as their guest lineup and events keep escalating

Fanime gets bigger but you still have it ran as a shitty fan con

>> No.9542160


use the pico drive entrance or west lobby entrance. It's fucking short. At pico entrance and there's literally 50 people in line compared to the 500 in the main entrance.

>> No.9542161

sent ;)

>> No.9542164

>Guests of honor
>Industry panels

>> No.9542165

What time do they start letting people in?

>> No.9542166

>all these faggots crying about heat stroke yesterday on Twitter and Facebook

Top Kel. It wasn't even hot and there was a decent amount of shade. Dumb faggot nerds are just not used to being outside for more than 10 minutes

>> No.9542175

lmao that's his backstory?

>> No.9542177

day 1 felt like day 4

>> No.9542180

>wake up at 8 and walk
Marriott is top tier

>> No.9542181

I stayed at the Marriott last year, it was pretty nice. I think it was worth the extra price of the hotel.

>> No.9542182

It really adds to the experience. The ability to drop off shit or change and pick something up helps loads.

>> No.9542184

AX staff didn't manage the line properly again.

>> No.9542185

How bad?

>> No.9542186

It's also awesome to be able to just leave the con, take a short break at your room, and then head back out. Plus, being so close to your room means you can eat home-brought goods instead of paying for overpriced L.A food. I hope I can maybe go next year.

>> No.9542187

It's more of a mob line than an actual line.

>> No.9542190
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I didn't get anything

>> No.9542192

>AX staff didn't manage the line properly again.

>mob trying to line up for persona 5 panel.
>AX staff keeps saying they are going to do this in a orderly fashion
>time to actually start the line
>"OK everyone! I'm going to start picking people at random to line up!"

Did anyone here experience this shitstorm? Fucking dumbest thing ever.

>> No.9542193

>pick drive entrance
There's a 3rd entrance?!

>> No.9542197

Yes and nobody fucking knows about this one. It's upstairs near that bridge to the entertainment hall and main events hall.
There's another one down on the streets in the same area. Don't go to that. It's a long line.
This entrance literally leads straight to the exhibit hall at the side entrance. Close to the atlus booth.

>> No.9542198

>FLCL panel right before Trigger in the same room

Please let none of the FLCL crowd stay for trigger

>> No.9542199

Which stairs do you take to get to that entrance?

>> No.9542200

Are you fucking serious? Of course they're going to stay.

>> No.9542204

>literally traps everywhere
was it always like this?

>> No.9542205

What's wrong with Furi Kuri?

>> No.9542209

Do you know where the west hall parking lot entrance is on pico Blvd? There's a flight of stairs going up in front of it.

It's starting to get a bit longer but still not as bad as the main lobby entrance

>> No.9542210
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>Going to Violet Evergarden before trigger
Is 1 hour good enough to guarantee me access to trigger

>> No.9542211

If they stay that means less seats for the people who lined up

>> No.9542212

Is there line for badges already? I'm getting to DTLA in like 40 minutes.

>> No.9542213

Putting on a skirt and anime wig doesn't make you a trap

>> No.9542215

Anyone have experience with sellers? I was wondering if anything they label as sold out gets sold the next day for artificial scarcity or if I'm just screwed.

>> No.9542216

Why do they not clear the rooms? Is it just to save time? Seems really unfair to people who lined up for hours and also to people who couldn't get into earlier panels because there's a bunch of people camped out in the room for something later in the day.

>> No.9542217
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Someone trade me their FGO lanyard for my Crunchyroll one

>> No.9542218

Nope. But if you do a little something for me I may let you cut in front of me

>> No.9542223
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What is that little something my man

>> No.9542226


I've never seen a major convention clear out rooms between panels.

>> No.9542229

He wants you to give him a succ.

>> No.9542249

>there are people waiting in line right now
Lmao I got in with no lines.

>> No.9542252


is the line for badges long?

>> No.9542260

Are the fakku boards in the main booth different then the ones in their satellite booths?

>> No.9542263

No. Only difference is you can buy the books.

>> No.9542269
File: 318 KB, 554x499, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to take a picture with a CUTE cosplayer
>She invited her really fat fucking friend to be in my picture

>> No.9542275

So many p5 jokers kys

>> No.9542285

Was her friend in cosplay? If so, easy. You say, can I get a group pic and then one with each of you solo?
If not, even easier, you just say you would like the picture of the cosplayer.
Just don't be a creep about it.

>> No.9542288

Someone help me practice my photography pls

>> No.9542291

What time are you guys lining up for the FLCL panel?

>> No.9542292

you dont seem to get his point
that fatfuck probably wouldn't even fit in the picture

>> No.9542297

Right now. No joke.

>> No.9542298

People with no hotel rooms

>> No.9542301

badge pickup line is like 20 min atn

>> No.9542304

Is the line at the convention center or at the Marriott?

>> No.9542306

Does anyone know where to pick up my ticket for neon district?

>> No.9542311
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, AX haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>line was so long only had about three hours to shop with most things and signatures being sold out
Fucking sucks only going one day
What have you guys gotten so far?

>> No.9542316

I'm judging for Weiss. Make seagull noises if you see me, I've got a manbun.

>> No.9542317

good taste my senpai

any loli stuff being sold?

>> No.9542318

Where'd you get the kogal book?

>> No.9542322


>> No.9542328

Yoshiki dropped out.

>> No.9542337

Where are the good food trucks? Also holy shit, I've never been to AX or any american con before, thank fuck I got exhibitor pass

>> No.9542338

Honestly, I can't blame them for this one. It seems like it would be a logistical nightmare considering how big the rooms are, and it would probably be harder to get people in the panels since you'd have a huge mass of people leaving and then getting in.

I think the problem of the lack of room-clearing is also overblown. All the panels I attended yesterday had around 70% of the people in it clearing out on their own, even before the super popular ones like the Overwatch panel. As long as you lined up about an hour before you'd be guaranteed to get in anyway. (It DID cap, with a ton of people outside trying to get in, but there was plenty of room when it was starting up.)

>> No.9542340

They don't sell loli stuff

>> No.9542342


I stayed at the Viz panel for FGO. To be fair I would have waited at a line if it was necessary, but there were plenty of empty seats.

>> No.9542345

Is the Fasion Show any good? If so, do I need to queue 2 hours prior like I do the industry panels?

>> No.9542346

Are they showing episode 1 at the FLCL panel or are they just talking about the new season.

>> No.9542348

>You mean that con that is ran for profit but says its fanmade so it can run itself on the cheap
Dont care about that when the overall experience is fun.

>The con that has fuck all to do in terms of guest
They literally got my favorite seiyuu of all time to be at the con this year.

>A con with nearly 0 industry presence

>A con where people have to go create their own fun as the convention still goes ahead and greenlights a crapton of Character QA panels and barely any musical acts or industry guests
But thats fun. Going into fan panels learning history of shit like yuri or gothic lolita or going to fanmade game shows. Fuck industry panels where they just shill and advertise the next season of shows.

>A con where you don't even get any swag, exclusive merch or world premiers
Who the fuck cares? Why are you going to a con to stroke your ego on the exclusives you get?

>A con where people buy a badge for an overglorified lobby con party
Fanime is fun because it's humble. AX is a fucking cesspool of casualfags, normalfags, industryfags, advertisements, it has literal no space to sit, there's mismanagement and a god dammit I fucking hate the location.

Is Fanime perfect? No. They have issues too but AX is so much worse.

>> No.9542350
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No i didnt get it at Fakku
I got it at a booth in the far right draped in black with a huge Adult only warning sign

>> No.9542351
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>> No.9542354

I did. Was really dumb i don't know what they expected when they told us to line up cause there was no line.

How are you gonna add people in an orderly fashion then christ.
At least i got to talk to Mercer

>> No.9542355

>all those people
wow it must smell like shit in there
I wouldn't be surprised if someone caught a STD just by wading through all those filthy normies

glad I didn't attend. would cringe every time some sweaty fuck passed by me

>> No.9542359

to the gull dressed as Aradia that sucked me off in the bathroom stall: it turned out i gave you a wrong phone number
wanna meet me at that bathroom again ;)?

>> No.9542360

Anyone wants a good smile ticket? It's for right now

>> No.9542367

I am not surprised. Last year I waited a while for bus 3.

>> No.9542369
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What is the appeal of conventions? Genuinely curious why people go through such lengths to walk around in a hot room filled with sweaty nerds

>> No.9542372

it's fun

>> No.9542373

Anyone going to the mahjong workshop?

>> No.9542376

I thought it would be fun since there were big names that weren't English dub VAs. I'm going to fill the void with capitalism and alcohol.

>> No.9542381

>Fate GO gets an entire panel
Wait what

>> No.9542383

West hall outside line takes ten minutes. West hall other entrances take 1

Lol skip south hall seriously

>> No.9542384

Anyone know where the Shadowverse booth is located?

>> No.9542385

You know, some people may not even live in the same state. Popping by to pick up a badge isn't an option if you live >100 miles away.

>> No.9542386

I'm going, it's been a while since I've tried to learn.

>> No.9542394

>Fun/Good looking artwork and various nick-knacks in Artists Alley that you can't find anywhere else
>Shooting the shit with said artists. Had 2 good convos with Tyson Heese (Sonic Mania artist) and he even dropped some bombs about that final Mega Drive issue.
>Snapping cosplay pictures. Make it into a scavenger hunt to find some of your favorite obscure characters, odds are you'll make someones day
>Even though Exhibit Hall is 75% overinflated bullshit, the ones that aren't have some pretty neat stuff. Avoid the overstuffed booths and you won't have a bad time.

Could go on, but as long as you aren't expecting a cakewalk and are moderately in shape and smart about food and time rationing then conventions can be the best shit ever.

>> No.9542405

The Asuka cosplayer getting bukkake at the Westin last night was crazy. She got flooded in "white" LCL.

>> No.9542408

Pics lying faggot

>> No.9542412

Ugggggh I just woke up. What's going on? Worth heading over?

>> No.9542413
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Why do normies have to get into cosplay? "Oh look I can dress up like a weirdo and internally make fun on these freaks while I show off my titties and get attention *from guys I deem attractive"
Everyone on her IG keeps raving about how she's the perfect sonico and it's nice that they can overlook the fact that she looks like a slutty plastic surgery addict. Sonico doesnt need ten pounds of eye makeup, fresh lip injections and obviously fake as fuck boobs. Way to ruin my waifu normie cunt.

>> No.9542423



Beta males are the reason fat feminst chicks exist and why society has gone so down hill. But that is a discussion for another time.

Also this con is not as fun as it was in the past. Lines are dumb, crowds are too packed.

>> No.9542427

welcome to 2017
your only choice for waifu is
1. trap sonico
2. lip injection sonico
cute grills no longer exist in our timeline

>> No.9542429

Not a normie bruh

>> No.9542430

Game room at the end near the right.

>> No.9542443

Um she's wearing a flesh colored foam bra.

>> No.9542453

2 BALLS stream when?
>tfw 2b will never be the same for me

>> No.9542463

what's so surprising

>> No.9542470

what are lines for dealer hall like right now? almost there

>> No.9542473

They just shut down the booth with all the body pillows lined up next to the Love Live one for the weekend and whenever anyone asks why they just keep telling us to keep moving. What the hell?

>> No.9542483

Love Live underage merch is not allowed anymore. The distributors put out a huge statement that vendors/fan artists are no longer allowed to show the 14 year old girls in ANY sort of sexual content.

>> No.9542488

Any easy eay to get in? I got in easy yestetdau may not make it to tales

>> No.9542495

So fucking sick of seeing mystery box booths

>> No.9542506

Im here got told tales is ticketed

>> No.9542514

Holy fucking shit she is ugly as as hell. Is she old? Why are there no cute girls cosplaying tittywaifus.

>> No.9542523

The West Hobby looks bad, but i got in under 5 minutes with bag checks. Also i found a sealed, free monster on a trash can.

>> No.9542526

Beta orbiters like yourself really shouldn't talk. Stupid faggot. People like you are why the cosplay scene is so garbage now

>> No.9542535

Excuse me you fucking cuck, why are you coming at me because I think a girl who literally looks old enough to be 50 is doing a bad job of cosplaying Sonico, because the anon who posted it is right. Cosplay quality is piss poor nowdays, and if you're going to get all the fuck up in arms over my opinion, then you should probably take a bath with a toaster, as that seems up your alley in terms of intelligent thought.

Calm down betaboy, I bet one day a sleezy girl will touch your penis after you give her enough money.

>> No.9542542

Any late night panel worth going? might check out fakku

>> No.9542545


>call girl ugly
>get called beta

Nigger what?

>> No.9542547

I miss staying at the Mariott.

>> No.9542548

Why does /v/ always show up during AX.

>> No.9542553

It's not even /v/, maybe people just expect better quality cosplay, and maybe people aren't going to sit around while others talk shit to them for no reason? Is this still your first year on 4chan, or do you choose to be ignorant?

>> No.9542555

I've been seeing that crazy line,. What's it like?

>> No.9542560

Make sure you line up early, I didn't go to any but there was some hentai panel last night and they had a really long line.

>> No.9542563

Yeah that was yesterday fakku panel

>> No.9542565

Is trihex still at ax? I took his shake weight by drunken accident and need to give it back

>> No.9542569

No idea

>> No.9542575

>"Oh look I can dress up like a weirdo and internally make fun on these freaks while I show off my titties and get attention *from guys I deem attractive"

Yeah, sadly this is what thirsty AF beta neckbeards want. As always, we could literally fill entire threads with discussion on this. I've discussed this with so many people who want to get into cosplay who are genuinely put off because they don't want attention from creeps asking them to take their clothes off.

>> No.9542576

i think my friend died last night

>> No.9542578

What makes you say that?

>> No.9542580


You're going to an anime con. You're going to get creepy guys, its part of the territory. I goto anime cons to escape every day life for a weekend and hang out with said creepy fucks.



>> No.9542581

sent me a text saying we would meet around 8-9

never showed up and never sent me back a text

>> No.9542588

>plan with friend to go to ax together.
>go with some cute girl instead
looks like you got cucked

>> No.9542600

>It's part of the territory.
It shouldn't be. Again, I reiterate, fuckers like you who only want to see tittywaifus and garbage lewd cosplays are the reason they're so popular with Normies sluts and others. You are part of the problem.

>> No.9542606

Nerds, weebs, and losers are the backbone of the entire industry. They've ALWAYS wanted to see hot girls in slutty cosplay.
Of course many want to see good ones or specific series as well.

>> No.9542610

they arent clearing the rooms between panels, if you want to see trigger you have to be in the room now

>> No.9542612

Speak for yourself. There's nothing wrong with sexy cosplay. The problem comes when that's all people want to do because it garners the most attention. Then you get whites who don't even care about anime or manga dressing up because it will bring them more instagram and twitter followers.

>> No.9542613
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B-but muh Violet Evergarden

>> No.9542614

Is anyone making a new thread right now?

>> No.9542643

Please no

>> No.9542645

Yeah because whites and asians look objectively the best in cosplay. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.9542647

I think the room is full right now for FLCL because that happens right before Trigger. It may clear out (slightly) after FLCL ends.

>> No.9542652

They better clear that fucking room

>> No.9542655

Photog here, I need a guinea pig too.

>> No.9542657

Is anyone here going to that anamanaguchi thing tonight?

>> No.9542663

Are the badge pick-up lines atm still disgusting?

>> No.9542678

It won't be cleared until the peep show.

>> No.9542679

Where's that at?

>> No.9542687

MG studio later tonight, starts at 9.

>> No.9542692

Violet Evergarden just capped.

>> No.9542711


>> No.9542716


>> No.9542717

only 1 step

be attractive

>> No.9542719

Ask them to touch your peepee.

>> No.9542722

you forgot step 2

dont be unattractive

>> No.9542725
File: 92 KB, 600x480, 1230036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a decent amount of people are leaving and making room for the flcl event, I truly feel sorry for those that aren't getting in to be able to stay in through the trigger event

>> No.9542740

It's funny cuz fet groups wouldn't say shit like this

>> No.9542742


1. Be attractive
2. Don't be unattractive

>> No.9542757

You forgot
>have lots of money

>> No.9542759
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>going to the fashion show to stay in for the Jojo panel

>> No.9542764

How was mahjong? Tried to make but got swept away by crowds of people. Made it out with tickets at least.

>> No.9542774

FLCL capped to hell and back, no idea when TRIGGER lineup will be allowed. Anyone know?

>> No.9542803

Demarco's here.

FLCL 2&3 Trailer incoming

Prizes to anyone in cosplay

>> No.9542834

Think In this corner of the world will have long line?

>> No.9542835

They better kick everybody out when fclc 2 panel is done

>> No.9542838

Why the fuck are they closing off stairs and elevators out of the West hall but not in?

>> No.9542851

Because race car.

>> No.9542860
File: 469 KB, 1125x1448, IMG_8245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your name beating koe no kotachi on the chalkboard at the AX entertainment hall
Let me tell you why that's bullshit.

>> No.9542864

lmao no they won't

>> No.9542883


They ain't.

>> No.9542884

Anyone here waiting in line for trigger?

>> No.9542889


>> No.9542900

Yeah in second line.

>> No.9542904

Me too

>> No.9542915

>trigger starts in 5 minutes
>line hasn't moved at all

We're not getting in

>> No.9542920

See you inside anon.

>> No.9542925

Start moving fucker I'm in line 1 now

>> No.9542927

Should've lined up around 130pm, like 80% of the people that came in for flcl are not leaving

>> No.9542935
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>almost in

>> No.9542939

I'm in

>> No.9542944

I wish they'd kicked out all the FLCL squatters

>> No.9542946
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>> No.9542947

Me too bro.

>> No.9542953

>Tfw not in and don't think I'm getting in

>> No.9542954

I'm too stressed worrying about my boyfriend to enjoy it. Plus, no ones asked for a picture of my cosplay, which I guess I can understand, but im not cosplaying from anything super obscure

>> No.9542958

Don't lose your way.

>> No.9542965

Mad luluco dosh!

>> No.9542996

When are they going to replace these volunteer jagoffs with actual paid staff? Before the Trigger panel closed a pack of Naruto cosplayer literally just bypassed the line and shoved past them and they couldn't be fucked to give chase

>> No.9542997

TRIGGER panel is lit, they're giving out dollars

>> No.9543033
File: 145 KB, 1122x809, IMG_8249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's at the ClariS concert screening because they couldn't get in the Trigger panel?

>> No.9543040

No she isn't anon. She just has giant implants.

>> No.9543041

Move here

>> No.9543073

Not even meming, people are dying for culture in our ready made tv lifestyle, which is why cons are always so crowded. Culture isn't tv, culture is out being with people while enjoying other people's creations. it's like a huge ancient Greek civic event in disguise

>> No.9543083
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, 20170702_173759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference?

>> No.9543109
File: 2.08 MB, 2988x3950, IMG_20170702_174923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup DS anon

>> No.9543124

>set plane tickets to arrive at day 0
>plane gets delayed by 6 hours
>arrive at the airport at 11 pm
God dam it.

>> No.9543203

Rie Takahashi isn't going to be there is she? All I see of her twitter is her shilling for FGO so I'd be very sad if I missed her

>> No.9543219
File: 793 KB, 600x778, IMG_0831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone want to buy my ticket to the sold out FAKKU x ZOOM LENS RELEASE PARTY tonight? None of my friends got tickets and I'd rather hang with them than go alone

>> No.9543322

Anyone take photos of the cosplays? I didn't because crowds piss me off and the mix of smells made me want to shoot myself but there was some pretty nice ones. My personal favorite was a Mako from kill la kill but again didn't take any pictures

>> No.9543418
File: 97 KB, 960x960, 13606582_1745517235730749_5889154095169555848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Westin Bonaventure Pool Party!
4-7pm on Monday

Bring snacks or drinks if you want. If you're bringing drinks, please bring ice and cups.

>> No.9543453
File: 44 KB, 320x320, flcl-2118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is this meet up, and where are we meeting?

>> No.9543575

Have you considered out of state people attending the largest anime con in the country perhaps?

>> No.9543833

I love waiting in line for drinks!

>> No.9543974

hello. im at ax.

>> No.9551243


>> No.9551246

Absolutely disgusting