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9538323 No.9538323 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for coords with older lolitas (28+)

-how long ago did you get into the fashion?
-how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
-when do you think you will quit?
-do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?

>> No.9538324
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>> No.9538327
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>> No.9538330
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>> No.9538336
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>> No.9538339
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>> No.9538340
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>> No.9538403

I wouldn't consider RD older at all
>reads OP
why 28, op? I usually expect to see 35 or 40 as the min limit

>> No.9538505

Because people on here think that once you turn 30 you're an old hag.

>> No.9538523

that whale bad is so ironic.

>> No.9538777

This means I'm an old hag, so:

Been appreciating from afar since 2008-9, collecting since 2011-2, wearing since 2014. My tastes haven't really changed (I've had some of the same "wow I actually don't like this" moments about individual dresses that we all do), and I anticipate I'll probably stop wearing it except at cons/very occasionally once I have kids and they're past infancy. And I don't really see any of the other jfash styles as being something one "gets into" in this way - it's just a measure of one's aesthetic and the availability of brands - so probably no. I'm already "into" gyaru, though, so maybe that's a yes for your question.

>> No.9538814

>How long ago did you get into the fashion?
I became interested in early 2003, started wearing it in 2005.
>How have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
They haven't changed much if honest, I did try sweet (OTT AP style) for a while but went back to my old style.
>When do you think you will quit?
Not sure, I sometimes think about it but I just love it too much to let it go. It's more than just clothes to me, it about collecting as well.
>Do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
I like Fint a lot and bought a few otome pieces, I also like western grungy goth a lot but I wear all these styles as well as Lolita.

>> No.9538862

>once I have kids and they're past infancy.
this doesn't make sense, they are most dirty during infancy

>> No.9538867

Nayrt but toddlers are worse. Bigger digestive tract, more mobile, able to eat things they shouldn't and get into everything dirty. At least with babies up until about 6 months it's mostly milky vomit, poo and pee rather than that plus snot, dirt, gastro bugs from kindy, etc.

>> No.9538949

I'm over 30 and there are several girls (I guess we're supposed to call ourselves women at this point?) in my comm who are around my age, and some older. I don't plan on having kids and my disposable income is only increasing so I really see no reason to quit, especially while I have a lot of friends in the fashion that I relate to. The crowd of older lolitas might thin out but the ones who stick around will keep driving up the median age for the fashion. I know steampunk is looked down on here, but community wise they have lot of really involved people that are in their 50's, 60's, and upwards. I hope the same thing will happen with lolita to some degree as the fashion ages

>> No.9538952

I guess my kids are just special then since they only puked on me as babies.

>> No.9539150

I'm only 25 but these kinds of questions always annoy me. I feel like the notion of quitting lolita at an arbitrary age is made up by newbie young lolitas, who are still growing out of things. I feel like the world is finally starting to realize that quitting things just from a number of years alive is dumb. Old people still play video games, cosplay, watch anime, go to cons, collect figures, etc. Old people are the ones who CREATE those things anyway. The freaking designers of the fashion are older than that, and I feel like insulting their age as they should quit bc they're old while wearing the things they make is just tacky and disrespectful. If the clothes are good enough for the amazing designers to wear, they are good enough for me. Lolita is a fashion that first and foremost is for yourself. We already break all the normie rules and I assure you that you look just as idiotic to people in lolita at 19 as you will at 29.

I got into lolita at 15, but obviously couldn't wear it or afford much. Finally in my 20s I am buying up all my old dream dresses so my tastes haven't changed that much.

Most people in the 3 comms I have been a part of are in their mid to late 20s. Nobody cares and nobody shows signs of wanting to stop. The only people who ever mention the stopping with age thing have been teenage itas.

>> No.9539155

because OP is probably very young and an idiot who thinks life and all fun arbitrarily ends at 28.

>> No.9539495

>I got into lolita at 15, but obviously couldn't wear it or afford much. Finally in my 20s I am buying up all my old dream dresses so my tastes haven't changed that much.
Same. I'm soon to be 21. Honestly it's 90% newbies young lolitas that have the "quit lolita if you're old because wrinkles aren't kawaii uwuwu" mentality. I knew a girl that used to be like that but then changed her mind as she got older.
I'm chasing my old dreamies and I couldn't be happier even though i thought of "20" as "so old zomg" 5 years ago

>> No.9539520
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>> No.9539532

it's true though if you haven't had kids by 30 enjoy dying alone surrounded by cats

>> No.9539553
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>Honestly it's 90% newbies young lolitas that have the "quit lolita if you're old because wrinkles aren't kawaii uwuwu" mentality.

Yes. And honestly it's not even about the wrinkles in reality because you don't really get those until mid 40s. It's because all these little teenage girls have been stuck in the cycle of growing out of things and trying to follow their peers their whole lives. They are used to quitting dolls because age, quitting cartoons, etc. because other people in their age group say so. So they think it's a natural thing to have to give up stuff you like just because you are suddently a little older.

The reality is that once you're in your twenties, you finally start to form a real identity and acquire enough self esteem to learn to fully not give a shit about others (although that can't quite be said for everyone but still).

And as a side note, I can't even tell that any of the girls in this threads are older, besides the obvious OP, so the whole looks argument isn't really valid.

>> No.9539554

I'd say if you have never had a relationship by 30 and you don't have a well-established social circle, THEN you're screwed. I'd even say you don't have to be married or have kids by thirty; as long as you are in a stable longterm relationship, you definitely will have a family within the upcoming decade.

Personally I wish I had started earlier with both the family thing and the Lolita thing; I started Lolita after 25 and I wish I had jumped in five or ten years sooner; I loved oldschool but at the time I felt too self conscious with that style; the more modern print dresses are more my taste (I even like the AP larme-inspired prints) but now I don't have as much time ahead of me. My goal right now is to get a hefty, complete wardrobe established before marriage and kids, then I can stop spending regularly on Lolita stuff (talking about $20 - $80 a month) but be able to just "coast" on what I have until it gets too outdated.

>> No.9539595

Oh believe me I will, fuck having kids. One student loan in a lifetime's more than enough for me and I know I'm too selfish in all the things I want to do to devote time to a family.

Regarding OP:

- 2004
- started gothic and classic, switched out of gothic to a touch of sweet but still mainly classic
- I dunno if it's quitting so much using pieces in more otome styling than straight lolita
- already have otome and mori, getting into some dolly so it's all concurrent

>> No.9539623

>The reality is that once you're in your twenties, you finally start to form a real identity and acquire enough self esteem to learn to fully not give a shit about others (although that can't quite be said for everyone but still).
You explaine dit perfectly. Now I watch cartoons again, collect cutesy little knicknacks, have hello kitty shirts/pjs (i decided to ultimately reject anything hello kitty after 12 because i got mocked for it even though i liked it) and i'm way happier. Once you learn to not give a fuck about what people might think of you, life becomes so much more fun.

>> No.9539631

only if my husband kicks the bucket before I do. 41, no kids, 2 cats.

>> No.9539780
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does 31 count as old? I've been into lolita for over 11 years now!

>> No.9539791

Even if you have kids you will probably die alone once they stuff you in a nursing home and forget about you.

>> No.9540013

This is actually a romanticized idea in lolita. Have you never seen Kamikaze Girls?

>> No.9540192

Not old and keep on rocking it in your 30s for all of us please.

>> No.9540260

Your coord is so beautiful.

>> No.9540288


-how long ago did you get into the fashion?
11 years I'm in my late 30s.

-how have your tastes changed since you started wearing Lolita?
Not at all, I still wear Ott sweet!

-when do you think you will quit?
Only if I get too fat to wear AP.

-do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
Not really, maybe classic sweet. But not any soon.

>> No.9540320

This is so lovely!

>> No.9540321

thank you! I always take time to put coordinates together. It's been hard trying to figure out the post 2012 lolita look, as I strayed for a few years getting back into it last year.

>> No.9540342

Started to fall in love with lolita when I was abt 12 (now 22 though forever 18 until 30) couldn't afford at that time obviously. The girls I admired back then have all been around their mid 20's so I actually looked up to them. My parents tried to tell me 'I'll get over this phase' but I calmly explained I'll probably JUST start getting into it when out of HS and now here I am. My wardrobe is steadily growing and I already see it starting to grow bigger than my room as soon as I get my first full time payment.

>> No.9540444

Yes, and no. It's also possible you've just got quick reflexes. I don't have kids, but my niece and nephew from one sibling are the reason I don't wear lolita to family outings. They're not even toddlers anymore, and I can't trust that they're not going to spill, splash, or bleed on me.

The other two nephews are tidy as anything. The younger of the two was a sickly baby and vomited at the drop of a hat, but there've been no issues like that since.

>> No.9540446

>-how long ago did you get into the fashion?
Not quite 10 years ago when I was 22

>-how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
I really liked subdued sweet, but discovered that I look garbage in pastels. I still have a few pieces out of nostalgia, but my closet is almost all jeweltones or black now.

>-when do you think you will quit?
I've quit in the sense that I don't go to meets anymore, but I don't think I'll stop wearing lolita anytime soon. I enjoy dressing up on my own.

>-do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
Not so much. I have some clothes that fall into other alt fashion territory, but none of them really grab me the way that lolita did.

>> No.9540453

>this is what lower class people think
Only plebs have kids in their 20's

>> No.9540503

What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.9540643

I got into the fashion around 2003 and I'd say my tastes haven't changed hugely. I'm still more into classic/gothic than sweet (although more "mature" sweet I do like, ie: stuff that doesn't have baby toys all over it.) I really love a lot of the modern stuff but I'll probably wear oldschool stuff until it all falls apart.

I'm now almost 32 and I don't want to quit.. like ever. I also like wearing gothic, punk, "otome" (whatever you'd call MILK, ETC and Jane Marple now) and cyber.

I used to fret over this really hard in my 20s (Oh no I can't be like this when I'm old, people will think I'm weird!) and now I'm like, eh fuck it.

>> No.9540659

What the other anon said, and also obviously I'm not gonna be changing diapers in lolita. I mean going from wearing it a few times a month with my comm (several of us are older and well-behaved babies are welcome at our meets while toddlers and up are not). Babies are honestly really adorable in lolita-adjacent clothing.

>> No.9541149

I'm in my early 30s, been into lolita and wearing it 12ish years. My tastes have stayed pretty similar honestly, I've always liked simpler coords, I think because I fell in love with old stuff.
I doubt I'll quit anytime soon but when I start thinking I look ridiculous I'll change to styles that suit me better.
I haven't been wearing lolita much lately because I have 2 small kids, just a few meets. But I'm getting back into it, I think I'm going to try to put together a really easy to coordinate wardrobe I can wear without thinking too much about it.

>> No.9541165

A blogpost by someone who thinks 18 is a good mental age to remain at.

>> No.9541243

>mfw turning 28 in August
>mfw 28 is now considered "older lolita"


>> No.9541406


If it helps you, I started lolita at 29. Turning 39 soon. Haha.

>> No.9542065

>contributing 30+

-how long ago did you get into the fashion?
> Started in 09

-how have your tastes changed since you
started wearing lolita?
> I was predominantly sweet when i first started now I like to wear all kinds of styles.

-when do you think you will quit?
> Hard to say, maybe when i no longer feel like wearing my stuff. I have always said that if i did though I'd keep some of my more treasured coords and get them framed like people do to beloved signed sports jerseys.
>Though god it's tempting when i think about the money i could get from my hoard...it's like a house deposit!

-do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
>no, outside of lolita i don't really have a set style. I like to experiment with fashion so transitioning into something else is a non issue.

>> No.9542089

Side note: I love this dude! I see him posted through a lot of my friends' Facebook accounts and he looks so happy all the freaking time. I aspire to be as confident and happy as this guy.

>> No.9542502

It's considered "older lolita" by an anon who is probably too young to even be posting on this board. Don't worry about it. Also a lot of the best dressed lolitas around are late 20s or older

>> No.9542572

My mother gave birth to me at age 35. We have lots of cats by the way. Nice bait tho

>> No.9542594

28 years old, turn 29 this fall.

-how long ago did you get into the fashion?
I got interested in 2006, started wearing it 2014

-how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
I started out obsessed with pastel prints and 2010 AP sweet. I'm still into sweet, but not so much the pastels. I've also started leaning towards gothic more and more.

-when do you think you will quit?
When I get bored with it, whenever that is.

-do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
Besides lolita I'm into Otome and general cutesy j-fashion. Considering if I should start building a mori wardrobe as well, but I don't really have the space for it.

>> No.9542621

>old lolitas

No wonder we're delusional

>> No.9543142

See >>9542089

That said, being 30+ and trying to hang out with high school kids at a meet is awkward as fuck. So the age gap is a valid thing to discuss.

>> No.9543228

Oh please she's not even that big.

>> No.9544790

>how long ago did you get into the fashion?
Heard about it 15 years ago and started wearing it around 2010.
I'm 33 btw.
>how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
I started as a Goth thinking I'd never wear Sweet. Oh well here we are... Big bows and pastels? Come to me...
>when do you think you will quit?
I don't think I'll ever quit completely. It helps that I got to know two of my closest friends through Lolita though and they're my age.
We all don't have plans on having kids. So this might be a a point.
>do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
I still consider myself Goth and Metalhead. So I always wore different fashions.
I just like to experiment.

>> No.9544822

I'm 33 & in my darkest moments am starting to wonder if I should leave my hobby if i look too old for it, but his posts give me life. Plenty of well dressed older lolitas knocking about, i just think I need some self esteem

>> No.9544840

>The reality is that once you're in your twenties, you finally start to form a real identity and acquire enough self esteem to learn to fully not give a shit about others (although that can't quite be said for everyone but still).

That's true. I'm 21 (I know I'm not old, but on my 20's anyways) and seriously I do discover more stuff about myself than I did in my teenage years, just without all the stupid bullshit that comes with being a teenager.

I've been admiring this fashion since 2008, bought my first and only bodyline dress in 2013 and quit lolita for a while because I was a dumb and poor teenager with very low self confidence. I re-entered the fashion last year and I'm so glad that I did it at this age. I haven't bought anything but brand main pieces, and even though I'm still in the "let's see what works out better for me" phase, I'm slowly discovering what makes me feel more comfy in lolita.

I just really love how even though there are certain specified things in each substyle, there's so many ways to wear lolita. Yeah, you can be a classic lolita, but maybe you preffer simple dresses to ott stuff, and maybe you preffer darker pallettes and etc. Stuff like this are things that I couldn't had noticed as a teenager, as everything was simply "lolita" and "kawaii" for me.

Sage for blogposting lmao

>> No.9545306

>how long ago did you get into the fashion?
2012 at 30.
>how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
Super into OTT sweet, but sort of transitioned to more sweet-classic. I still own some OTT sweet items and wear it, but my closet is more full of still colorful, but a little bit less pastel items and more browns, jewel tones, etc. I get mistaken for being much younger than I am so I can still wear the pastel vomit for awhile longer. I'm just trying to build other options for down the road I guess.
>when do you think you will quit?
When I no longer have the interest in the fashion.
>do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
Probably not. DESU, I got into lolita because I was getting bored with cosplay and wanted something else to wear to conventions. It went from convention wear in the first 4 months to being very involved with my local comm, wearing it out with friends more often becoming a mod, and putting a lot of thought and care into my wardrobe. If I did decide to leave, I don't see myself going into another fashion style. My usual style isn't lolita or anything cute. I dress for comfort and don't care much about my appearance other than physically taking care of myself. Lolita is a little high-maintenance for me to be an everyday thing, but I think that's why I really love it.

>> No.9545403
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>how long ago did you get into the fashion?
I first bought something in 2010, but I'd been interested since 2006.

>how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
Pic related used to be my newbie holy grail dream dress, but now I'm all about a bit more of a refined style. Part of me still wants to buy this for nostalgia's sake, but it doesn't match anything else in my wardrobe at all.

I like to dabble in different substyles though.

>when do you think you will quit?
I'll quit when it no longer interests me or makes me happy.

>do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
Transitioning to mainstream fashion maybe if I get tired of lolita, but I don't foresee switching to another alternative fashion.

>> No.9545479

>how long ago did you get into the fashion?
In 2003, I was 18

>how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
Umm that's hard to think about since the style has changed so much over the years. I started out with sweet, transitioned into classic, then added retro/vintage elements to my classic style and lately I've been adding a bit more sweet back in?

>when do you think you will quit?
When Lolita isn't a thing anymore? I run a Lolita focused business so giving it up any time soon doesn't seem likely.

>do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
I could see myself wearing mori or natural-kei if I get tired of lolita

>> No.9553408


28 year old here. Don't consider myself old as I still get asked for ID, but hey


>Started out liking old school/gothic (since that was mostly all that was around at the time) now like a bit of everything, especially pastelgoth

>I don't think I'll ever quit, but will definitely tone down to gothic and more casual coords that are office appropriate when I feel my face no longer suits a pastel pink dress and split wig

>I like hopping over to gyaru and pastel goth here and there, but gothic lolita is my first love and will always be worked into my wardrobe one way or another

>> No.9553659

Thanks anon. Conscious and working on it here. Been through a lot and pretty ok with my body regardless of if I get back to my small self or not. Let's see what vendetta chan looks like after her only parent dies and still makes it through college on her own while battling depression. Not ashamed of my whale bag or "whale body". Ironic because my page is private so I'm pretty sure I know which "friend" this is. I've got your number. Either that or you went in the archives on cof to find this. Either way, "anon"......

>> No.9553664

29 and still looking cuter and fresher than most younger lolitas. I grew up in this fashion and I'm not stopping anytime soon.

>> No.9554071 [DELETED] 

>how long ago did you get into the fashion?
I first started liking it back around 1999 or 2000, but didn't have money to buy my first piece to wear until 2007.
>how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
I used to be really into sweet, but now I wear and prefer the look of classic.
>when do you think you will quit?
Not sure. Probably before I'm 40. I already don't wear it as often as I used to 6 years ago.
>do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
Probably not. I already wear chiffon and lace items in regular life (my mom likes to comment that all my clothing looks the same cause I gravitate more towards flowy chiffon in creams and whites), so would just stick with that. No need to move on to another fashion.

>> No.9554076

>>9538323 (OP)
>how long ago did you get into the fashion?
I first started liking it back around 1999 or 2000, but didn't have money to buy my first piece to wear until 2007.
>how have your tastes changed since you started wearing lolita?
I used to be really into sweet, but now I wear and prefer the look of classic.
>when do you think you will quit?
Not sure. Probably before I'm 40. I already don't wear it as often as I used to 4 years ago.
>do you see yourself transitioning into another fashion?
Probably not. I already wear chiffon and lace items in regular life (my mom likes to comment that all my clothing looks the same cause I gravitate more towards flowy chiffon in creams and whites), so would just stick with that. No need to move on to another fashion.