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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 59 KB, 800x600, CGL_Gulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9530552 No.9530552 [Reply] [Original]

Are you new? Do you have basic Questions? Ask them here, please. This is a "containment thread"; which is to say we try to limit the total threads going at once, because there is a small limit to how many threads can exist on a 4chan board. Everytime a new thread is created, it kills a thread; so creating a new thread for each question you have kills entire discussions. Ask questions about any category covered by /cgl/ - that means cosplay and J-fashion. Lolita falls under J-fashion, it's just the most prominent.

Quick Primer:
>What is a "gull" ?
when you say "C. G. L." outloud, it sounds like "seagull". It's almost an onomatopoeia.
>What is an "ita" ?
Ita is a Japanese onomatopoeia for "ow", or "painful to look at". In Japan an "itasha" is a car covered in anime vocoloid or waifu swag decals. An "ita bag" in a tote bag, or other bag with a protective vinyl cover, drowning in anime merch. An "ita" is a Lolita who's coordinate is "painful to look at"

Common examples of newb questions that have been asked TOO MUCH to warrant their own thread, but people would love to help you with here;
>Am I too old for (blank)?
>Are there people who should not do (blank)?
> I am (blank). How can I do (blank) well, as a (blank)?
>Where can I find (blank)?

>> No.9530558

I want to see a pic of the OPs coord.

>> No.9530565

>an onomatopoeia
Did you mean a pun? It's not an onomatopoeia unless gulls actually make sounds that sound like "gull", which I'm pretty sure they don't.

Also, another common question is
>Do you people wear X outside of cons like normal clothes?

>> No.9530572 [DELETED] 

What are the best newb resources? Best blog tutorials, books about the history of the fashion, or general fashion/wardrobe resources? What resources did gulls use starting out?

>> No.9530575 [DELETED] 

You've never heard a seagull say its own name?

>> No.9530576

2 basic points to through out there, hopefully to inspire more specific questions;

>What do I need, bare minimum, for my first Lolita Coordinate / Coord?
The main piece: which is either a JSK, a One Piece or a Skirt. Then you will need a Blouse (unless you choose an OP / One Piece dress), Petticoat, Bloomers (covers your underwear), Legwear (socks or tights), Shoes, Purse and a Head piece (headbow, headress, hat, SOMETHING!). This is the most BASIC list; you should also buy accessories like necklaces and wrist cuffs.

>Why does Lolita fashion have rules?
Because that is the only way each sub-variant of fashion can be categorized separately from another. There are design choices that define punk, there are design choices that define retro '50s. Lolita is no different; if you fall outside of the rules, then you do not count as a Lolita.

IMPORTANT: there is literally nothing wrong with being beautiful without being tied to a specific fashion style. If your look just doesn't match any current J-fashion styles, that's fine. Don't force it.

>> No.9530582

I'm an oldfag so back in my day I used lolita-handbook on LJ. It's still a good guide, just outdated. These days you can read up on the fashion on F Yeah Lolita (can't link it here but you'll find it easily on google) and http://thelolitaguidebook.tumblr.com/
As for books, I recently got my hands on So Pretty/Very Rotten and I enjoyed it a lot, it covers lolita as a subculture, the feelings some participants might have (I found it very relatable) and other things related to the fashion or the idea behind it. I recommend it.

>> No.9530584

OP here. One warning I'll throw out here is I'm not a cosplayer, so I will personally be trying to tackle the J-fashion stuff, but I can't be as helpful about cosplay.

You are correct, it's a pun, sorry.

For Lolita fashion, a good place to start is http://fyeahlolita.blogspot.com/ and http://lolita-tips.tumblr.com/

There's also http://fymenhera.tumblr.com/shops for Menhera and https://otakumode.com/ is an easy place for people in the US to buy current, new from the retailer J-fashion.

>> No.9530586

Another common question
>do i need big brand to be accepted as a lolita?
No, you dont. Generally the rule of thumb is as long as the quality and cut is nice, it's fine. Indie brands are becoming more and more popular, especially taobao ones.

>> No.9530589
File: 206 KB, 685x1000, Sopretty_Veryrotten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the only books in English currently. There were a few early issues of Gothic Lolita Bible translated and printed in English; you can find those on lacemarket sometimes.

>> No.9530619

Is it okay if i use an offbrand OP for a coord?

>> No.9530621

Sure! Not all offbrand dresses are made the same though. Is the OP in question a "dress" that you think is loliable, or an indie OP marketed toward lolitas?

>> No.9530622

Again, as long as the quality and the cut os good, there's 0 issues with it.

>> No.9530646

So is this like the general help thread but more for people completely new to the board/j-fash/cosplay and no idea where to start?

Or is it more specifically Lolita 101?

>> No.9530690

Either or. Anything cgl related.

>> No.9530753

Japanese Goth (a book)

>> No.9530856

It's loliable really
I will buy it as soon as i get paid!

>> No.9530863

Tbh instead of a "school for newbs" maybe this would be better as "questions that don't deserve their own thread"? A lot of boards have a general like that. Expand the OP a bit (next thread- if there is one) to have pastebin links to various resources. The sticky already has some but it's not much and isn't going to be frequently updated afaik.

The issue is people- especially new- don't know board norms and don't use the catalogue or browse much before making a thread, this is an issue that has existed long before 4chan and across pretty much every type of "forum". A thread like this isn't really going to stop those threads from existing, especially when those questions can easily be asked in things like the lolita general, [insert jfash style here] general, help thread, and wig+makeup+hair threads.

>> No.9530930

You should link it. We'll tell you if it's not gonna work, and save you some money.

>> No.9530935

'Yeah, we might be able to save you some heart arch.

>> No.9531015

Where can I find a pair of navy blue shoes, that have a price range of around $50-80 USD ?
I tried using lace market but I didn't really find any that color or in my size.
If you know some options which do you recommend over others ?

>> No.9531022

What style of shoes are you looking for? What size are you? Have you also been checking Facebook sales groups as well as LM?

>> No.9531040

Since it's summer I'd say it's warranted to have a thread beyond "questions that don't deserve their own thread" because I've been seeing a lot of "questions that don't deserve to be asked." But you right, better would be if newbs lurked more like they used to in the good old days.
Sometimes I refer newbs to aliexpress. It takes a while and if you have really big feet your options are limited, but you should be able to find cheap loliable shoes in many colors.

>> No.9531281

Can you give a run down of common terms / short hand / phrases folks use on here? Ex. NARYT, kek, etc.

>> No.9531288

You'd have to be more specific as to which ones you don't understand, as there are quite a few.
NAYRT is 'not the anon you're replying to'
kek is the derivative of lel, which is the derivative of lol.

>> No.9531509
File: 1.31 MB, 1836x3264, punkdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need, it wasn't expensive so i bought it. Sorry for the crappy photo. Thoughts?

>> No.9531515

What style do you want to wear? Can you alter dresses?

>> No.9531523

Tartan is hard to work, especially if youre new.
I would also say that the dress may need to be altered. I dont think its a proper length or petticoat shape.

>> No.9531539

This isn't a resource, it's just a bunch of essays with tumblr art. Using the guidebook is a smarter way to start.

>> No.9531546

Ive been in the fashion for 7 years but only recently I've become more serious about expanding my wardrobe.
I've never really understand how do I buy from Taobao? Which shopping service should I use?
Also which shopping service do you use for buying from Japanese brands? Which Japanese Lolita brands don't offer overseas shipping?
Even links to blog posts that explain it well would be helpful. I mean I've done research but I feel like I'm scared to use a shopping service for some reason?
I'm located in the US

>> No.9531570

It wasn't recommended as a resource for beginners, >>9530572 asked about books that have information about the fashion and its history which SP/VR does have.

>> No.9531571

No reason to be scared, it's very easy and once you start you'll find it's difficult to stop.
I can't name all brands that don't ship overseas off the top of my head but you can use ZenMarket to buy from many places and Japonica Market from others that don't allow shopping services, like Mercari and fril. You can also use Chibi Tenshi or Accio Tokyo to buy online and in brick and mortar stores like Closet Child or Swimmer.
As for taobao, I don't buy there but the relevant thread on here will likely have the information you need.

>> No.9531591

collar and shape looks more otome, you'd have an easier time styling an otome coord than making it more loliable js

>> No.9531620

Questions like this though, Google will readily answer for you.

>> No.9531652

bodyline is cheaper, but don't know if they have navy in stock still. you could also try Antaina, you could buy from them directly or buy it through a reseller (my-lolita-dress has a lot from them)

>> No.9531701

you dont know what "onomatopoeia" means....

>> No.9531746

I did try LM but not the sales. As for size I'm about a 6-6.5 . Preferably a Mary Jane or something that work well with a more classic cord
Would I need a shopping service?
I tried body line and they actually don't have many navy shoes. The ones they do have are not in my size.
Thank you all .. The rest of the advice I'll look into though .

For my Lolita dress which brands/models of shoes would you recommend?

>> No.9531878

Aliexpress doesn't need a shopping service.

I'd stick to Antaina for brands from mt lolita dress. Style depends on the style you're wearing.

>> No.9531888

Hmmm, i see.
Punk. And yes i can, to some extent.
I'm not sure about the shape, but the length is the right one.

>> No.9531915

4chan question here. What are the numbers on the side of each thread? Right now this thread is 38 / 2 / 23 / 2. I know that means 38 replies, and 2 image replies. What do the other two numbers mean?

>> No.9531923

Posters and page. You can find out by hovering your arrow over said numbers.

>> No.9531926

i don't think this dress could work with lolita, the cut and overall design are too plain and it looks like it can't fit a petti. it doesn't even have any lace on it ffs

you could make it loliable by adding lace, ruffles, a different collar or some other nice details. please use high quality materials if you do this.

punk is also a difficult style for beginners, you could try otome or "lolita inspired" with this dress at first.

>> No.9531928

Do you know what t. means? like when someone "signs" a post like
>t. autistic anon

It's the only one I never managed to Google because it's a single letter so you get too many results. I've browsed here two years and never fully figured out what it meant.

>> No.9532051

surprisingly enough a Finnish meme, shorthand for "with regards", so a sarcastic way to sign posts you or another anon wrote
>"with regards, an autist" etc

>> No.9532267

Could I ask what the bump limit picture limit are for threads? And also the cap on no. of threads on a board?

>> No.9532276

Is there a good way to gauge the difficulty of a project?

Certain items that are harder to make/adapt than they seem, styles of wig, style of headgear, etc?

>> No.9532330

Bump limit here for pics is 150

>> No.9532377

It's not lolita, and it's not punk. Agreeing with all the other anons that otome would work better.

Generally it's a case of having some experience/knowledge about construction of those items. That's the best way to gauge the difficulty aside from asking other people.

>> No.9532778
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, Fichier_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please seagulls, help a new lolita with her first brand purchase. There's a local seller who's selling Fairy Marine OP in lavender for a reall good price, but I can't tell if it's the real deal or a replica. Here's some pictures of the dress

>> No.9532782

Ask if they have original receipt, original tags, a picture of the invoice, shipping label, whatever. Sometimes the tags can be faked.

Check the craftsmanship too, brand isn't perfect but it isn't shoddy

>> No.9532783
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>> No.9532787
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>> No.9532791
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Very sorry for my flood, but, as you see, I'm a newbie.

>> No.9532804

not sure about anything other than sewing stuff, but generally speaking thight fitting clothes, any other fabrics that cotton (and poly satin, depends on the slipperyness) and very detailed outfits should be avoided if you're a starter.

simple, loose fitting dresses, simple skirts and simple tops will be the easiest. for formfitting stuff you need to know your measurements, work with stretch fabric and work very secure.

I don't ever do armor or lingerie/corset stuff, because that needs a whole other skills set

>> No.9532815

Fuck I'm stupid. Thanks!

>> No.9532839

It's a little wrinkled but I doubt it's a replica, no replica maker has ever put the effort into replicating the brand and care tags iirc.

>> No.9532924

Is it usually frowned upon (and why is it frowned upon) to wear non-burando pieces or clothing not associated lolita with a cord?

I found some cute shoes i like on amazon, but because they aren't brand name shoes I'll instantly be considered ita.

>> No.9532930

It's frowned upon when it's like a ratty thrifted "loliable" dress that doesn't suit the fashion's aesthetic at all. If your offbrand item is well made and looks good then nobody cares where it came from; or rather, people will likely be more curious to know where you got it and congratulate you for scoring such a good find. All this assuming that these shoes look good, of course.

>> No.9532939

>because they aren't brand name shoes I'll instantly be considered ita
That's not how this fashion works.

It's completely fine to wear non brand if you keep an eye on quality and suitability with the other pieces in your coord. Post in the coord help thread here if you're unsure.

>> No.9533335 [DELETED] 

Is it easy pickings of a brand comes out with an entire set that all match each other?

There's a dress I'm ordering it's part of an entire set and I'm really not fond of the blouse in it, but every other blouse I've looked at doesn't look as good paired with it. Like as if the set was meant to be worn specifically as a whole. I feel like wearing it would be way too easy and wouldn't let me branch out any when it comes to adding or mixing things up.

Sorry for dumb question, I'm very new to lolita.
Would just actually be better to start off with a full specifically made set since I'm super new?

>> No.9533342

So I'm super new to lolita and there's a dress I ordered that I really like, but it seems like the dress is part of an entire outfit under the same title and is made specifically to be worn together. I really don't like the blouse in it very much and am having a hard time trying to find another blouse that not only fits the vibe but also looks decent with the dress as well.

Is it easy pickings to just wear an entire specifically made set, or is it
better/easier to wear a ready made set because I'm so new to the fashion?

I feel like it would limit me if I wanted to added or mix things up/change things with the outfit to branch out and be creative.

>> No.9533345

...no, you won't. actually, a lot of lolitas tend to wear shoes that aren't brand sometimes. it's really not a huge deal as long as they fit the aesthetic. i have brand shoes and i have "offbrand" shoes (even tea parties i've ordered off of amazon) and i like the latter just as much. don't paint the community to be meaner than it is when you haven't even participated yet.

>> No.9533349

Often brands release a main piece with many sub pieces. You can wear them all to be matchy matchy and the models will do that a lot, but most people don't use all the accessories in real life

>example: Angelic Pretty releases a chocolate JSK, OP, and skirt. Then there's tights, headbow, and maybe some other things like jewelry, hat, cuffs, etc.

Either way is fine. It's not easy pickings, although it might be a little pricey. A ready made set might make it a little easier but I did fine my first year without matching pieces like that.

And no, it wouldn't limit you at all. You can change to a new blouse, add a new color schema, and mix in some of the first elements with a new dress or skirt later.

>> No.9533433

Not lolita at all

>> No.9533437

A lot of dresses come in sets, but you don't have to wear them that way if you don't want to. It's of course easier to match a set that is designed together, but people mix and match all the time - it's what makes coords interesting.

>> No.9533720

How tall is too tall for an AP JSK? I'm 5'10" (177cm) and I'm wondering if the dress wouldn't fit right on me, fat notwithstanding. (I can lose fat, but I can't lose height.)

Does it depend on the dress, do different dresses have different fits? Would the waist sit right? Would the skirt be too short, not give a good silhouette?

Sorry for dumb questions, I'm extremely new (clearly).

>> No.9533722

it depends on how the bodice will fit you

>> No.9533724

To be quite honest, at 165cm I myself already feel like my height is pretty much the upper limit for most of AP. It also depends on the dress though, and somewhat on personal taste.
The waist on a just waisted dress is most likely not going to sit right, but there are lots of different dress cuts that aren't meant to sit at the natural waist anyway.

>> No.9533725

It's harder to find clothing that will suit lolita if you're new so your best bet is buying brand until you can tell what works for lolita without asking

It's easiest (and smartest if you're on a budget) to start with solid pieces you can mix and match

>> No.9534324

If you like AP, I would invest in an underskirt from Tao Bao or Lady Sloth. An underskirt extends the visible hemline, so then you can wear your dream print without worrying about length.

>> No.9534424

Where can I sell lolita items if I'm not a lolita? I just happened to buy some lolita brand bags while I was in SF, but they never get any use.

>> No.9534455

There are facebook sales comms for this. It's not easy to sell lolita stuff, period, but those give you the right audience. Try "lolita sales in English". Just be sure to read the rules before u post

>> No.9534462

Or Lace Market.

>> No.9534794

Should I match the color? Like if the jsk I wanted was in black, would I get a black underskirt?

>> No.9534918 [DELETED] 

I apologize in advance, I have a bit of a weird and convoluted question: How do you meet other lolitas online or otherwise get started on social media as a lolita/etc?

It's hard to talk about but to explain the situation, I recently broke up with a controlling boyfriend and my entire social life was centered around him and his online gaming. Because he was so angry and stalking me and I had to stop using email accounts and everything online because he knew my passwords, and it was really horrible.

I'm better now, but I'm starting over completely from nothing, I even have a new phone. I was never really active in lolita before and not active online with social media hardly at all. How do I get started? Where do I start? I'd like to make some friends of my own but I've never had a facebook page before because he didn't like facebook, so I'm really starting out from the bottom with rebuilding my social life.

>> No.9534929

Since your starting fresh, I would like to chime in from a technical side and say that having at least three separate, wholly unrelated emails (plus two for junk) is very nice.
Having so much distance helped me with creeps from my old wow guild, and then again in losing a FFN history. The two never knew about each other and certainly made things easier.

Maybe keep one for lolita work, and another one for cosplay specifically? Especially with makeup it gives good deniability.

>starting out on social media and becoming active in group
I can't help much. Content-creation sites you build networks as you post content and comment on others. Group-activity sites as for games have the common network to play in and work together through. I think the former has overlap, but I don't do anything "active online" with cosplay, lol

I just wanted to share the technical tips mainly

>> No.9534983
File: 20 KB, 300x300, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this dress suit lolita? Or otome? Pic is no mine but I have the very same dress

>> No.9535021

definitely not lolita, not sure about otome (also leaning towards no - it doesn't seem "quirky" enough)

>> No.9535042

This might not be good as a beginner piece as it does look a little more vintage/otome as another anon mentioned.

A few general rules for finding 'loliables' I go by when thrifting or shopping in normal stores are:
-Don't buy anything with a pointed collar until you know what you're doing. High collars are good for classic and gothic, sweet tends to look better with a round collar.
-stick to plain or simple prints and avoid clashing/vibrant colours(the tartan you found here is a pretty good choice but as others said may be hard to coord in more creative ways)
-materials are important, at this stage if it's shiny steer clear.
-avoid anything with raschel lace
- you need at least 2.5-3m in the skirt to accommodate the petti
- make sure it fits properly, don't be afraid to alter or tailor things to fit, Lolita is predominantly elegant, sloppy baggy clothes or looking like a overstuffed sausage is not elegant or kawaii
-ensure skirts hit at, or just above, the knee, you can play with this later when you have more experience.
- if you're buying Cardis/boleros go for cropped ones so you can do them up without squishing the skirt/petti or getting weird bunching.

>> No.9535251

I'd really rather not have my Facebook associated with the word "lolita". It's mostly professional people in my network right now.

I will try that. Thank you!

>> No.9535263

I don't have the skill or patience to make a cosplay, I'd rather buy one even if I paid a lot. I want this Legend of the Galactic Heroes costume, but it's sold out everywhere I look. Is there some reliable site to buy old cosplay that I'm just not finding on the google? What should I do?

>> No.9535331
File: 81 KB, 202x277, SS panzer wrap low quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everything else falls through, look up SS panzer wraps. Pic isn't great, but it has the open collar for the scarf. That outer lapel flap folds up, and since you'd be buying a reproduction, sewing on false buttons, dying the shoulder taps, and other tailoring is all ez and destroys no history.

Better jackets, found though proper research, will use materials closer to what you want. Wool is fine, but you might be able to find some with a lighter, rubberized texture. Either works for the Alliance.

Then it's just trousers, boots, beret, and ordering the correct patches from the hundreds of custom patch websites (/k/ knows the good ones, I've never ordered any). No one should care that your sleeves won't have the elastic.

>muh Nazis
It's a repo jacket that's being altered. Whatever.

>> No.9535332

You can also change the buttons if they're too large. Buttons are easy. If you've ever owned a wool jacket (they're comfy and take weather well) it's just part of maintaining it.

>> No.9535343
File: 156 KB, 1179x973, ss_panzer_arlillery_assault_gun_black_wool_wrapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outer flap folded. This is a different type, so it's not as close.
These things look comfy though. I might need to try some Alliance patches out.

>> No.9535608

This is pretty sure the real deal. I've never seen a replica recreate the tag inside the lining and the care tag.
Every of the three Fairy Marine releases had different lace and the is the lace matching the 3rd release.

>> No.9535702

>Do you people wear X outside of cons like normal clothes?
Why are people asking that lately? I feel like it's stupid male anons who just boardsurfed and have no idea what they're looking at.

>> No.9536507

I get what you mean. I will wear it in a simple normie coord then. I wanted to get a red or salmon cardigan since it has an open back. Thanks!

>> No.9536535

You should be able to create a Facebook account and join a comm even if you've got no friends on it - you will likely need to message a mod explaining that it's a blank profile because you made a FB account just to join the comm. You might need to send the mod a couple of pictures of your coords to show you're not a creep. Then once you attend meets you should be able to friend people at/after the meet (it's easy to find accounts of people who went by looking at the "Going" tab of an event) and build your friends list that way. If you're at uni, you can friend people at uni.

You can also exchange Instagram or Tumblr accounts with people at meets, which is easier than Facebook if you have no history with social media because you can post/reblog stuff without having friends on the site. Even if you just use your IG for a lot of pictures of nature or whatever.

If you had a controlling/stalker ex you want to really look into your Facebook privacy settings and making your account difficult to discover, so look into that.

>> No.9536541

It depends on the dress. Sometimes you'd want it to blend into and look like part of the dress, other times you might want it as a contrasting trim.

>> No.9536545
File: 403 KB, 960x540, wmeuxlntcnn5jlvcp4zr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to cosplay as Hououin Kyouma. Problem is my face doesn't look enough like him, have dark skin, and I need glasses. I'm hoping carrying a dr. pepper and posing dramatically/getting in character will make up for it. I'm practicing my condescending and crazy faces.

Any tips for making it work? I have no experience acting or cosplaying...

>> No.9536546

Don't overact, keep it simple if it's your first time.

Try to get contacts. Make it as accurate as possible within your capacity, get someone skilled to put a little character makeup on you (NOT lightening makeup or whatever)

>> No.9536846

I think underskirts look really bad with most AP releases. Unless the dress is already a chiffon rufflemonster, it won't match stylistically. You're better off buying baby or IW long length if you need underskirts

>> No.9537092

hi, I'm pretty new. I just bought AP's MCD jsk for 160 USD.

Is that a pretty good deal? I feel like every listing I've ever seen is over 200 dollars. I'm just kind of confused as to why it's this cheap? No damages were visible in the pics.

>> No.9537315

How can I buy from lacemarket? I'm new and planning on buying some pieces so I can form my first coord

>> No.9537337


It's basically ebay/amazon, but for lolita stuff.
If you don't have a PayPal account yet, get one (required to use LM). Then create a LaceMarket account and shop at your heart's content.

>> No.9537378

depends on what release it was, original release will go for more because it's more sought after. also depends on the colorway. with your info i can't really tell you.

>> No.9537397

ask a local seamstress that does cosplay pieces, mostly you can find someone like that in your local cosplay group or cosplay buy/sell group

>> No.9537410

Where does an athletic dudebro find a seagull? I've always wanted a cute nerd gf who spergs out adorably about her chinese cartoon dressup to me.

>> No.9537420

If it's cheaper than all the current and past listings you can find, then yes it's a good deal.

It could be cheap for a number of reasons, eg. unpopular colourway, they are desperate for money and don't mind how much they get for it, or it could be an overpriced replica (mcd has a very close replica).
MCD has also lost popularity lately due to the rerelease last year, where it was also restocked and so was in stock for quite a while and also went on sale, thus losing its 'rare' status.

>> No.9537427
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So I'm trying to do Eva Beatrice (the cosplay in the image) for August but I don't know how to sew and for some unholy reason everywhere online that makes this has the frills white instead of purple. How do online cosplay stores stay in business with such grave inaccuracies? I guess I wouldn't mind a commission either but I'm not ready to drop $1k right away on a hobby I'm just starting (do not have the financial means for it anyway).

I'll read around but if anyone has general rules as to where to find good cosplays to purchase/commission if one can not make one themselves I would appreciate it while I read the links to get informed.

>> No.9537503

You should learn how to sew, even just a little. You could buy a premade cosplas then modify it to be more accurate, it's easier than making it completely from scratch and cheaper than getting a commission.

>> No.9537521

At a con, you should maybe get into anime before, maybe do a easy cosplay that would go well with your bodytype, and try to find one to your taste.
There's sometimes threads about con creeps here, you should check them to find examples of bad behavior to avoid with female con attendants.

>> No.9537538

start cosplaying

look for local con/cosplay communities in your area or at your school or whatever, you'll meet a lot of nerds who like anime and some of them will be girls

>> No.9537921

Cool thanks

>> No.9537923

paypal is not required for lacemarket at all, stop supporting that evil company

>> No.9537928

>Q: Do I need a Paypal account to sign up?
A: Having an active, usable Paypal account is a requirement for Lace Market. Lace Market sellers and buyers use Paypal to send and pay for invoices, so having an active Paypal address is a requirement for registration. After you purchase a listing, your Paypal email will be provided to the seller for invoicing purposes.

Literally the first thing on the FAQ.

>> No.9537939

How do I keep a long wig from tangling? I'm using Arda's Eowyn (24") and trying to at least wear the back straight but it tends to get tangled and catch on itself and require being re-combed constantly.

Is this just expected behavior and I have to be as careful as possible when wearing it?

>> No.9538116 [DELETED] 

How do I become an internet famous lolita?

>> No.9538179

Have a large wardrobe and post good quality photos consistently. Own rare, costly dresses. Depending on your talent at coordinating, you might have to be a shit-stirrer to get any sort of notoriety.

Some people get attention by shilling the same item in almost every post. (see hologram-shoes-chan, DP-chan's hair)

>> No.9538314

Why would you want to? I feel like the thirst for fame sucks the fun out of the fashion.

>> No.9538372

Sorry, I forgot to look at the year, it's the 2013 ivory color way. I'm certain it's not a replica because I got it off of closet child.

>> No.9538391


I used silicone spray that is intended for car brakes and it worked like a charm.

>> No.9538410

Then it's probably the last thing, where the market has been flooded with mcd so cc don't think they could sell it for very much.

>> No.9538510

Antaina has an Amazon. You can buy their shoes directly from Amazon

>> No.9541611

Been lurking lolita for a while and I was wondering how do I actually get started? Do I plan a coord and buy everything for it? or do I start with buying a couple of blouses, skirts, otk, etc. and work my way up to a jsk or op?

>> No.9541631

When making cosplay props and clothing, do you need a space or a workshop for it, or can you just clean off your desk, set up your materials and tools and get to work? If you need a space to work in, what kind of cheap
rental space is available?

For context, I live with 8 other roommates and the garage is chock full of other people's stuff.

>> No.9541647


Other than the MCD re-release not selling out, closet child is nice in that they'll generally mark older dresses cheaper than newer ones, so given your dress is almost five years old, $160 seems reasonable for a print that's still popular (the less popular old prints will be $100 or less, newer less popular prints are generally only 10%-30% off retail until they're at least a year old).

I should also add that ivory isn't the top colour, mint and sax were where the bidwars were at.

>> No.9541653

It depends what you're making. If I'm doing something big (pattern cutting/drafting) I rent a room from my university for a day and work there.
So far the only issue I've had with roommates (when I work at home) is that sometimes prop painting takes up too much space.

>> No.9541767

Are you operating on a budget?
Are you looking at wearing lolita daily, or only for events?
Do you have friends who are lolitas who could help you out with experimenting/trying stuff on before you buy?

If you are looking at daily wear of the style, go for staples first. Choose a palette for your closet and get yourself at least one petticoat, some blouses, and versatile accessories that fit within that palette, as well as a few basic main pieces like a JSK or skirt, before you go big with a fancy, expensive main piece.

If you're planning for a particular event, plan the coord before buying so you know what you'll need in advance. If you're budgeting, buy the pieces a bit at a time or ask for help to get them secondhand or on sale. Otherwise, go to town as you see fit.

Regardless of which route you go, don't impulse buy. That is the #1 mistake of most new lolitas, buying because it's a good deal or you like it, regardless of whether it fits your wardrobe/coord plans or not.

>> No.9542804

Fyeahlolita on blogspot has a few different posts on getting started and different ways to build your wardrobe, plus a post about transitioning to gothic lolita if you already wear goth and can build up to it gradually. I think the lolita guidebook on tumblr might have some resources but I'm not sure. It really depends on your budget and how you want to build your own wardrobe.

>> No.9550246

There used to be "Cosplay suggestion" threads around a lot. I was hoping to get some input but I'm fairly new to /cgl/. Have they been banned or have there just not been many around lately?

>> No.9556377

I guess this a great thread for me. So I have a bit more than a week till con and I need some idea for the last minute cosplay. At first I wanted to order something from ebay, but after looking through like 20 offers I was interested in all of them take est. over 10 days to deliver. I did find some wigs tho that probably will be delivered fast enough. I guess few more things I'm a pretty fit guy, it's anime convention so I want something anime related. (At first I wanted some love live or touhou cosplay) and after searching there aren't like any anime cosplay shops in my country so I guess it must be something that can be made from normal stores or maybe you guys know some shop in europe that will deliver fast enough.

>> No.9557390

Why do you care so much about cosplaying for the con when you couldn't care enough to get your shit together more than a week in advance?

What you're asking for is basically impossible unless you do closet cosplay.

>> No.9557407

I'm trying to get into cosplay and I though that Kazuma from Konosuba is a decent place to start. Seeing as I'm not much of maker and all my sewing projects go to shit I though I'd just buy the tracksuit. My real question is, when it comes to buying stuff complete, how do you tell if it's decent quality? Anything or places to look for?

>> No.9561025
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I made a thread about this and didn't notice this one. My thread is too old to delete so I'll just let it quietly die.
I was told I look like Keith Shadis from SnK/AoT and should dress as him. I have never done any cosplay before at all, I am completely new to this, but his outfit seemed simple enough to do.
I actually already have a grey dress shirt and white jeans. His boots are just like the other characters so they weren't hard to find.
His coat is driving me nuts. I can't find anything like it. Closest I can see is an old military trench coat but it has buttons and no pockets.
Anyone have any ideas on where I could get my hands on it?