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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 140 KB, 960x960, 19105642_10155343103304144_190129860588615167_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9514551 No.9514551 [Reply] [Original]

Old One Saging >>9509427

>> No.9514552
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>> No.9514554
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>> No.9514558
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>> No.9514561
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>> No.9514565
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>> No.9514569
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>> No.9514585

Is she even wearing a petticoat?

>> No.9514588

I would say yes? The front of the dress has volume, her ands just might be in the way of letting the sides go out.

>> No.9514589

Based on the way her dress is bunching in the sitting photo I think so, it's just a really deflated one

>> No.9514593


>> No.9514600
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>> No.9514604

>those shoes with that dress.png

>> No.9514613

I wish she cut the bangs on the wig but that's just a personal preference, otherwise I really love this coordinate

>> No.9514678

I love everything about this, it's so goddamn cute

>> No.9514812
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>> No.9514815
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>> No.9514816
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>> No.9514818
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>> No.9514820
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>> No.9514821
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>> No.9514822

First, the mess on her face kills this entire coord. Facial piercings are just gross in lolita. Second, why would you even wear your brand into a work kitchen?

>> No.9514832
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>> No.9514857

Her hair is amazing

>> No.9514901

>skirt: homemade
Noooooo kidding. Why is there so little good handmade?

>> No.9514953

She nailed the look she was going for. It stinks that the background is gross, but oh well. This is a group that's supposed to be about outfits, not photoshoots. Also it's refreshing to see Lolita in an irl setting. I usually don't like piercings, but the rest is so on point that I don't mind. I can tell she's not some edgelord poser who's dabbling in Lolita because it's ~alternative fashun~.

>> No.9514961

Couple things in this reply that REALLY make it sound like this is a selfpost

>> No.9514962

that bag...is it a bunny covered in lace? I need it! must be a Naoto creation.
this coord is not only perfectly poofed and put-together, it also fits her wonderfully. the hair cut is also darling af. I love this

>> No.9514966

That's what I was thinking too. Self-post or white knights

>> No.9514972

I'd like this a little better if she ditched either one pair of socks. maybe adding a pale yellow hairclip if she chose the yellow ankle socks

>> No.9514990

The coord is just meh but this comment is so painfully cringy.

>> No.9515011

Anon simply has seen so many ita scene kids dabbling in lolita

>> No.9515016

Normally I don't mind tattoos/piercings too much in Lolita but holy shit that tatttoo on her arm is ugly.

>> No.9515069

def not selfpost cause the person in the photo is one of those tumblr "male pronouns pls uwu" people

>> No.9515072
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>> No.9515112
File: 543 KB, 2048x1991, 18954718_1892107781040970_6848647035232717052_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coord is so cute and well-planned, but for some reason it also reminds me of those Chinese lolitas that hoard as much as they can from one series and then try to scalp it off later.

>> No.9515114

It's Putumayo, actually. They came in small and HUGE. The only hits I'm getting for it still available are from a shop that shall-not-be-named, however.

>> No.9515115

Actually, I was wrong. The larger, backpack style is still on Putumayo's site:

>> No.9515152

Take it out behind the barn and shoot it.

>> No.9515157
File: 135 KB, 960x960, 18952832_10213488192384801_8886592514193604150_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9515158

she seems wife material

>> No.9515160
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>> No.9515161

not digging the makeup on this one

>> No.9515162
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>> No.9515163
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>> No.9515167
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>> No.9515170
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>> No.9515172
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>> No.9515202

Is this a salopette?

>> No.9515203

i'm letting her know about the black putu bag, it's the last one she's missing in her collection lol

>> No.9515206

Why is it always heavy gaudy makeup? It's so much effort to look terrible.

>> No.9515219

Isn't this just a full set? Also, her bangs are questionable. She's cute anyways tho.

>> No.9515231

Was this on cof and got deleted? I can't find it.

>> No.9515256

Are her eyes that big for a reason?

This is a bad coord. It has all the right colors, but it's poorly executed.

>> No.9515284

I feel like it's way too much blue, the styling is great but it just seems really overpowering.

>> No.9515302

Why the fuck do people wear berets like that

>> No.9515307


>> No.9515335

The gold shoes were not a good choice and something about the bag is bothering me. It's gorgeous but far from perfection, anon.

>> No.9515336

Her hair clip colors are also kind of random.

>> No.9515337

There have been a few overly-complimentary comments about this coord so I'm guessing it's a selfpost.

>> No.9515412

Jesus what a selfpost

>> No.9515417

green or blue lipstick has been worn by every ita lately, do you think it's a conspiracy ???

Top toot of the week is >>9514554

underrated post

>> No.9515444

>She nailed the look she was going for
She said she was going for OTT sweet, she didn't nail that at all. It's not ita, but also not what she was going for.

>> No.9515453

this looks like a replica

>> No.9515475

Honestly, I feel like this is a great example of why everything completely matching is not as great of an idea as people always make it out to be; this is somehow both overpowering and boring at the same time.

>> No.9515493

I think it's the lack of balance on her head. She used tiny accessories and put her hair up in a way that has it pulled close to her head. If she'd used a bonnet or something and done half buns half down, it would have been better. The set is still cute though.

>> No.9515558

could've done something with her hair baka

>> No.9515562

this is really pretty but i feel like the shoes ruin it. not to meme about matching pinks but these ones are pretty off. I think a simple heel would look match the elegant feel of her dress/undersk

>> No.9515567

ooookay i have never had one of my words change after posting on here, I did not type Baka. TIL.

>> No.9515568

Kind of nice to see her in a coord that's more toned down from her usual ones.

I'm angry about the blacks not matching and her sunglasses looking like steampunk goggles.

Was she kidnapped?

>> No.9515569

Oh god this is pathetic.

>> No.9515572

The blue tights ruin this. Also the shoehorned black isn't great but I'm more concerned with how unbalanced the legwear is.

>> No.9515573


>> No.9515576

I don't think it's selfposting, I just think anons lose it when they see a cute asian in a decent coord.

>> No.9515577

word filters

>> No.9515605

it's really well done oldschool which people also have a passionate love for. it's funny how most of /cgl/ is a salty cesspool while the oldschool thread is always super nice and supportive

why try to make a joke that's already been done in the same thread, but like way worse? tsk tsk greedy cheeky chops

>> No.9515607

That is NOT oldschool.

>> No.9515613

oops i didn't properly check the previous posts and thought they were talking about >>9514554 my bad

>> No.9515615

In what universe is >>9514551 oldschool? It's cute, but it's modern as fuck.

>> No.9515616

>shit-tastic bangs
>complete full set
>monster petti with a wa coord

...I mean, she matched her shoes with a set, congrats? I'm not sure why this is getting so many asspats.

>> No.9515617

Ohh ok. Here I (>>9515615) was shaking my cane at these 2k17 whippersnappers to get off my lawn.

>> No.9515621

They said a cute asian. Why would you think they were talking about that post?

>> No.9515623


See >>9515576

>> No.9515629

The unevenness of her underskirt is triggering me. Is it supposed to look like that?

>> No.9515631
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>> No.9515633
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>> No.9515635
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>> No.9515637
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>> No.9515638
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>> No.9515641
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>> No.9515644
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>> No.9515647
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>> No.9515659


>> No.9515671

Otherwise cute coord ruined by fake glasses and uncut bangs.

>> No.9515679

To be fair, those arent really berets more as they are tiny frumpy bakers hats. I have one, it's near impossible to make it cute unless your head it child size.

>> No.9515681

I feel sorry for this person, they (not sure if man or woman) look like an angry middle aged Russian man.

>> No.9515682

I love this, it's a very nice casual coord, but I really wish she wore at least a couple bracelets and, personal nitpick, a shorter necklace.

>> No.9515685

so how do people wear those things?

>i-i-its not like im having trouble or anything...

>> No.9515686

Creepy stare aside, her bag is the wrong shade of gold and it's so off putting. The white on her wristcuffs doesn't match her dress either. Wig is too long and boring. Was about to say "nitpick" but after typing all this there's too much wrong with this coord to call it that.

>> No.9515690

Blouse is bad. She also needs to learn how to pose her face. I have the same problem though so I feel.

>> No.9515691

I normally love this girl but.. is it the lighting washing out her dress and making her bag and shoes stick out like sore thumbs?

>> No.9515700

I don't like the shoes and the lack of accessories bother me. And what is that lace on her neck? A removable collar? I feel like it doesn't fit with the dress.

Is this that same place that girl with fishnet stockings and lilac ap dress took a photo some months ago?

I feel like this is a nice mix of sweet and classical, but I don't dig this bag with the dress.

>> No.9515712

>sweet and classical

u wot. It's more mature sweet sure but it's not classic.

>> No.9515724

This kind of cut always make me think of classical style, but you're right, a "Mature sweet" sounds better fit.

>> No.9515726


You're really new, aren't you?

>> No.9515750
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>> No.9515753

This was cute until the manface. What a shame.

>> No.9515755

That's actually a man.

>> No.9515757

I guess. Thanks for correcting.

>> No.9515768

Was this post deleted? I never saw it on my feed.

>> No.9515785

Never saw it either, but it looks like a selfpost. Look at that filename...

>> No.9515795

It's the classical style. Classic lolita. You 're new to this, right?

>> No.9515797

Switch out the shoes and it is a yes.

Looks decent on the mannequin, but I don't get unworn pictures on COF, I prefer to see what it looks like in person.

Not bad for a basic coord.

There is nothing bad to say, it looks a bit cheap overall but it's still passable.

I guess it looks kinda cool and effortless in it's own but tI'd switch out the hat and the shoes to something more lolita and less western goth inspired stuff.

Is this steampunk inspired? I'm not sure how I feel about all those random elements like the choker and the glasses.

I feel like she took too much inspiration from how JetJ styles their models. It looks nice with all the flowers and hair but barely lolita with the lack of poof and she shoes.

Not bad, just needs to work on her expression and maybe hair/make-up.


The background aside, is she wearing socks over socks?

I like the classic feel of this but like the other anon said, she should match the pinks better.

dem legs

The ugly colours aside, why didn't she at least make it so it would fir her, sigh.

I like it.

Questionable reds and lace OTKS.

Simple and cute, but bag doesn't match.

Good only nitpick black tights/shoes combo.

Too blurry to see any details.

Switch out the blue tights with something that matches the blouse and it is good.

I feel like the beret might be too small for her hat? kek

kanadajin3 is that you?
Also non of the golds do match

She needs to do something with her hair. Her leg pose is pretty awkward she needs to work on that. Nitpick but the shoes could be of a lighter shade.

Could some necklace or bracelet.

I would have picked black shoes.

I like it.

What is that thing on her hat? Otherwise cute coord.

>> No.9515800

>top toot

Bless you anon for getting that reference

>> No.9515802
File: 123 KB, 500x306, nahson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you keep making posts like this stop fucking sperging

>> No.9515804

Nobody Cates what you think

>> No.9515805

The UTKs just look sad.

How unfortunate.

Picture for ants. But it looks nice. Maybe switch out the shoes for something more classic.

He should wear make-up and conceal that man-face and ditch the wrist cuffs. Then it might be passable.

>> No.9515810

I'm bored? What's the point in only posting the pictures and contributing nothing else to the thread. If you don't like content, just remove yourselves from this thread instead.

>> No.9515813
File: 55 KB, 540x720, b82615483f3f4b09a671d4e976f69b5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if its just the one person making RPDR references on here but I appreciate the heck out of them every time

>> No.9515849

With wa lolita?

>> No.9515852

Personally, i try to flatten it as much as possible and wear it 'crooked' on the side of my head. It helps if you have a bow clip or something hanging down with it.

>> No.9515854

I think rather than a bonnet, she needs to de-volumize her skirt by a lot. I usually love big pettis but not in wa, it's eating her up to the point where she almost needs a bonnet to balance it out.

>> No.9515861

It's classic. Not classical.

>> No.9515867

The correct term is classic. Classical isn't used often if ever.

>> No.9515890

It's annoying to me mainly because when I want to see a comment about a photo, it takes me like five damn minutes to figure out which one is which since you've replied to so many things. Like your comment doesn't even fit on my entire computer screen. Just stop your wall of texting - idek if you samefag several posts, having 3-5 comments in a post is much better than 20.

>> No.9515916

Wow, that is the best I've seen crazyface-chan look.

>> No.9515972

This is literally the first time I've replied to a COF thread in weeks and it's the first time I've made a mass reply. I don't know how one post like this can cause you so much salt in your cunt. If you don't like long replies, just hide them.

AS for the samefagging accusations... just for your reference, these are my posts, if you further need proof of where I got you's, I can give you a screenshot of the thread

>> No.9515975

I wasn't accusing you of samefagging, just saying I actually prefer someone making several shorter posts in a row instead of a huge one.

>> No.9515995

I agree. It's bloody annoying to see one long post.

>> No.9516139
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small dump from today

>> No.9516151
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>> No.9516160
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>> No.9516167
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>> No.9516232

I was in mid sentence looking at the photos in here and stop talking the second I opened this photo.

>> No.9516242

Where's plastic surgery offering anon when you need them?

>> No.9516248

Not really shoehorned, just a good netural to use for shoes and accessories. if she had black lace tights or smethong it would be better all around.

>> No.9516255

She's holding the left side up, silly.

>> No.9516263

I agree, some braclets or Wristcuffs plus a choker wouldake this look more put together.

>> No.9516290
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>> No.9516293
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>> No.9516301

This fits her so well.

>> No.9516303
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>> No.9516307
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>> No.9516308
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probably missed some but these are all i can do rn

>> No.9516318
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>> No.9516321
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>> No.9516322
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>> No.9516335

this was already posted here

>> No.9516349

I agree, mint is a bitch to photograph well if you don't have a semi professional camera. Plus the shoes are a bit darker than most mints.

>> No.9516371

Is this Dollbe?? It fits so nicely. I've never seen any of the dresses before except on the creator.

>> No.9516386

I'm sure these aren't, but on the subject of glasses- is there an expectation to get a really cute prescription? Can 'ugly' or unmatching glasses be ignored if they're prescription? Do we expect everyone to take off glasses for photos?

I'm not trying to sound butthurt or angry, this is a legit question/concern. My prescription pair are simple black, but I know they don't 'go' with my coords and sometimes contacts just aren't possible.

>> No.9516391

If you need them, then it really doesn't matter. Being able to see is more important than matching glasses. If you wanna take them off for photos, then that's on you.

>> No.9516395

I agree, I would have said it's impossible for a dress like that to get lost in a look but this coord managed it

>> No.9516408

Yup. Her construction is excellent and she does custom orders; people just shit on her because she's so big.

>> No.9516413

I feel bad for dudes who make decent coords but will never look good in lolita because their face and body is just to masculine.

>> No.9516422

There are a few extremely nitpicky (and obnoxious) anons here that fuss over "the glasses don't match!!!" when they're especially desperate to criticize a coord but pretty much everyone realizes it's not realistic to expect people to have a bunch of prescription glasses in a variety of styles just to suit lolita.

>> No.9516504

>I'm sure these aren't
How can you be so sure when they are literally trending right now. But continue to pretend your fake glasses are prescription when it's quite obvious by the way the glass reflects light.

>> No.9516505


Her stuff comes with pockets too

>> No.9516538

I think it's impossible to win re:glasses. I have a pair of the 'meme' glasses in my prescription, and if I'm just wearing lolita out and about, I'm not going to feel like putting in circle lenses.
>but pretty much everyone realizes it's not realistic to expect people to have a bunch of prescription glasses in a variety of styles just to suit lolita.
You'd be surprised. Some of these gulls will pull the, "If you can spend hundreds of dollars on a coord, you can buy some cheap glasses from Zenni," card.

>> No.9516540

>buy some cheap glasses from Zenni
zenni glasses aren't even that cheap if you have shit eyes. my frames were 20 bucks from them, but my lenses were 100.

>> No.9516557

Ohhhhh. I'm a dumbass.

>> No.9516574

That print is so flat and ugly but good for her for wearing something that really fits.

>> No.9516613

That's a serious accusation anon. Why are you so jaded about gushing compliments given on cgl? I actually like that entire look.
>Sue me

>> No.9516615

Oh summer, when ceeg gets seasonally dumber

>> No.9516622

My fav part of this photo is the reflection of the other lolitas in the window. Man, i wish i had a comm

>> No.9516648

Is... Is that a witch hat?

>> No.9516651

I think it's a straw boater hat with felt bunny ears to match the dress print. If you look at her wrist cuffs, there are similar ones on the raised hand, and on her ankles.

>> No.9516656

There is nothing classic about it, moron

>> No.9516812

Your feedback isn't even good, if you want to give concrit that's awesome but give actual content, not just "I like it." This isn't your blog, fuck off. No one cares. If you like something post something more helpful like "those shoes and dress match perfectly/ nice color balance"

>> No.9516869
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>> No.9516871
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>> No.9516900

I ran out of words, so I had to keep my replies short towards the end. Sorry for that.

You literally picked the only reply where I wrote "I like it" though. To be more elaborate on this one, I think it is decent for a daily coord, but nothing special, so I wrote "I like it". I personally wouldn't change anything, if she likes the basic look it's okay. Does it really need to be written out like that? On the one hand you say you don't like long replies, on the other hand you say that my sentences have to be longer in order to qualify as "actual content". Saying I like it was a short and simple way of saying she did nothing essentially wrong and that's also concrit isn't it?

The other ones that are not concrit is where I wrote "why" because these ones are just beyond saving. I don't see how my other replies are not concrit though? The other replies towards the end are short but still contain what I find nice/weird or what I would change.

>> No.9516995

is the moitie girl in the front the one who used to run a 101 lolita youtube channel? I know the name back in the day was something else but it comes up in my subs as "Fallen Princess" Where do I find her now?

>> No.9516998

yeah it totally is, the girl from Quebec, I dont think she's updated since like...2013 on yt. her coords are really pretty.

>> No.9517006

That's less than new shoes and gulls expect you to have shoes in every color instead of just black, white, and pink like we used to do

>> No.9517009

I'm not the other anon just tired of seeing CoF threads without much feedback. I stopped posting because no one here or there gave me actual concrit unless I self posted here

>> No.9517072

I actually like this it but please with that lipstick It's so stark and contrasting with the rest of the look.
I'm super not into this dark lipstick trend atm. I think it can look good with gothic coords but anything else it's just too much and ages the face.

>> No.9517152

Not sure what kind of shoes you're buying, but you can get shoes for under 30 bucks. Most people don't spend 120+ on each pair of shoes.

>> No.9517153

did he delete this? Not surprised, he looks sooo uncomfortable

>> No.9517274

Yeah compared to the guy in Boz a few posts down everything looks ill-fitting too.

>> No.9517345

shitting up the thread. just give it up and keep your replies brief and a few in each post. if you can't figure out board culture just lurk. this is a community of sorts, not a personal sounding board.
you have to be pretty self-centered to keep defending yourself when multiple gulls are complaining about your posting style

>> No.9517346
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>> No.9517359

You're being overdramatic. You can tell the dress is mint even though the lighting washed it out, the shoes are a tiny bit brighter. Everything will be okay.

>> No.9517361

I really like this? I don't think it really falls within the Lolita aesthetic at all so it shouldn't be in CoF, but it looks fun.

>> No.9517372

Did he really post this on COF? I didn't see it there.
He's in my comm and in all honesty, I think he's kinda gross (hygiene-wise) and creepy-looking, but he's really sweet and shy. He has certainly improved from when I met him maybe 2-3 years ago, but I feel that his improvement isn't quite enough considering that he wears lolita quite a bit, even outside of meets. I would think he'd learned a thing or two in that amount of time. At one point he said that his boss would let him wear lolita to his job, but I think he's no longer working at the same place. I'm glad he decided to start wearing wigs. He used to style his own hair into pigtails and it looked so stringy and flat. With this wig I feel that he should be cutting the bangs longer and maybe a bit less angular. Those short bangs don't suit his face shape at all. Makeup-wise, he needs to look at some good YouTube tutorials and try to make it look more feminine. I believe he only wears eyeliner, mascara, lipstick. Maybe some blush and calls it a day. There's more to makeup than just applying.

>> No.9517378
File: 315 KB, 1440x1304, 18954757_1361667130568302_3503729601047172985_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted a better pic of the hat

>> No.9517382

I think that what's throwing it off to me is the tattoo sleeve and the pink hair that doesn't really match the coord, but that's a matter of personal taste I guess. Otherwise, paired with a white blouse underneath, this would be a cute summery coord.

>> No.9517385

I do not really understand that hat. Is it supposed to be a bunny coming out from the middle of a bush? Points for creativity, tho.

>> No.9517386

Looks like a foam strawberry to me

>> No.9517388

Geez, the harsh makeup takes off a lot of points on this one imo.

>> No.9517389

You have lolita appropriate shoes that cost $30?? I was just looking at the BTSSB website, shoes are anywhere from 130-150$ Even Bodyline knockoffs are 33$ without adding in shipping

>> No.9517394

Get with the times anon, you can get tea parties from aliexpress for $25 shipped or less

>> No.9517410

I'm so happy someone finally did this dress justice, this is so gorgeous

>> No.9517412

This is the 1st time I've saved a pic of a big girl's coord for my inspo folder.

The jsk fits her so well & she's styled nicely.

It's proof that large girls can look great if they get a dress that -actually- fits them.

>> No.9517443

That'll match none of your wardrobe.

>> No.9517445

another boring full set-chan

this wig would look way better with straight bangs
not sure why this got so many asspats because i think it's really tacky looking

with all the available and cheap brand nowadays you'd think it'd be way easier to look good. but CoF is so ugly most of the time compared to how egl/ daily_lolita was.

>> No.9517466

EGL couple goals.

>> No.9517482

where can i obtain these bodyline knockoffs

>> No.9517491

I'd honestly be happy to look like her. If she wore something a little more cohesive and her hair down she'd look amazing.

>> No.9517520

I know this girl in person and while her face reminds me of a rodent, a deer or a horse, she can actually look pretty with the correct styling. Saying that she needs plastic surgery is a bit too extreme!

>> No.9517524

Nitpicking, but the socks and the shoes ruin this coord. If she was going for a circus theme, striped tights (either red and white or navy and white) and gold shoes would've looked really nice. I find that when a skirt is short like that, tights tend to look better than OTKs. Also, pigtails don't really suit her face shape. The hair would look better if she framed her face with it.

>> No.9517534

What substyle does she normally wear? I'm slightly envious of people with a good face for gothic.

>t. zero bone structure, possibly a literal foot

>> No.9517632

She usually wears classic. I don't think I've ever seen her in gothic, although she claims her style to be classic/gothic.
She'll sometimes wear twin buns or braid her hair and it looks nice on her.

>> No.9517659

Good taobao searching; I've gotten shoes for 15 bucks plus 10 dollar shipping.

>> No.9517661
File: 206 KB, 540x406, tumblr_mg6o5vycVJ1qd26v3o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'8" with size 11 feet

>> No.9517668

I'm size 12 and my two most-worn shoes were $30 off eBay.

>> No.9517686

That's great for you but everything I ever see for myself in that range looks like cheap shit. I'm just going to save up for a couple pairs of Antaina shoes

>> No.9517712

There's some Secret Shop ones on Amazon around the $40 range. Don't know if they come in larger sizes. I think they go up to at least a 9.

>> No.9517755

No, they definitely don't but thanks for trying anyway. Trust me, I've scoured every source that I can for suitable shoes in size 11 and my best option is to custom order from Antaina if I don't want some cheap garbage flats from eBay. BTW, in the US 8.5 to 9 is the average women's shoe size so 9 isn't really a "large" size.

>> No.9517967

Considering 5 is the usual smallest and 11/12 is the biggest in department stores, yes, technically 9s are on the large side.

>> No.9517984

They just restocked.

>> No.9518007

>those pointy 80s shoes
>those huge padded shoulders

>> No.9518009

I want 80's businesswoman-kei to become the new thing.

>> No.9518081

I dont know why everyone goes crazy over this, it looks like a cosplay imho

>> No.9518087

This could be really cute if they weren't butt ugly

>> No.9518088 [DELETED] 

you shound like a fucking brolita

>> No.9518094

This has an oldschool feel that I like. Looks like real clothes that real people wear, not a perfect looking costume. Imperfect in a cute way.

>> No.9518115

I like it. Shame it didnt get appreciated.
Why hide your face when you look gorgeous af

>> No.9518119


>> No.9518128

You sound terribly salty. They may be prescription glasses and some people prefer longer bangs, it does not mean it is uncut.

>> No.9518136

Are you retarded? Anon is saying that they are NOT prescription glasses. This is what's wrong with anonimity, you never know which moron is giving you the critique.

>> No.9518140

This is super cute and refreshing in the sea of all samey coords. Loved it.

>> No.9518141

Your unability to make a cohesive coord is your problem.

>> No.9518149
File: 70 KB, 480x480, 19029498_1052312911535916_4977357097063965048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9518151

NAYART but link?

>> No.9518161

Needs a petti

>> No.9518175

Why is this getting no love? Its gorgeous *o*

>> No.9518188

NAYRT some lolitas will wear non prescription glasses with their coords because they think it looks cute, but this girl's glasses are prescription. I know her personally.

>> No.9518193


stop. And it's average.

>> No.9518197

Here you go. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B06XC4XSB6/ref=sxts_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1497368471&sr=1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&th=1&psc=1

Or just search "lolita shoes" on Amazon. Unfortunately these particular ones only go up to a US9. They are available in many colors.

$42 + free shipping.

>> No.9518200

Holy shit are you serious, this is useless feedback

>> No.9518203

>Why hide your face
Unflattering/bad makeup on an already lumpy face and a horrible cosplay wig paired with a barely passable coordinate

>Shame it wasn't appreciated
Badly fitting clothes paired with uncomfortable facial expressions and bad photography. Gee wonder why?

>> No.9518204

>serious accusation
>some anon thought you were self posting on 4chan

So do you have any kind of perspective or are you just that clueless?

>> No.9518222

Are you new? I'm not the anon you were replying to.

>> No.9518260
File: 443 KB, 960x1280, IMG_4016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of her pinks match.

>> No.9518299

He is getting kicked out of the Metroplex and surrounding comms. I believe he might have deleted it himself after that.
However, I know what happened and I really think mods should hear his side of the story and present evidence.
I have bitter feelings towards him but getting the boot like that for someone's lie is just unfair.

>> No.9518309

Is this another predatory ouji story?

>> No.9518313

Yes and No, basically this girl went out with him. They slept together all consensual and stuff, but then he did something that pissed her off and reported him to the mods as a predator.

Mods don't know they had already grown out nor that she had made sensual advances on him before while he was in a relationship with that latina girl.

>> No.9518319

>new thread with proper dump or dump in this shitty derailed thread?

>> No.9518323

It's getting derailed because barely any coords are being posted. Dump em!

>> No.9518328

God this shit pisses me off so much. A friend of mine is being accused of being a rapist by some mentally unstable chick. I've known him and his partner for years and there's no way he's even capable and now he's at risk of being kicked out of cons.
sage for ot im just really mad

>> No.9518355

New thread! Seems this one is saging.

>> No.9518357

There haven't been a whole lot of coords posted on COF lately, so we're running out of content to post. If we don't post something, the thread dies.

Is COF: Uncensored on FB dying? I'm still part of the group, but I think there hasn't been anything posted on there since the beginning of June.

>> No.9518371

I'm replying to >>9517443 what do you mean you are not you?

>> No.9518372

That really sucks. Yes, idk why the comm moderators are siding with this girl when she's caused drama before and is known to be unstable.
I know they're trying to keep the people in the comm safe but they should at least let him defend himself, specially if he has proof.

>> No.9518374

Still, initial reply was assuming that they were not prescription. And moron anon thought they were knighting themselves by saying they are prescription.

>> No.9518378

You're assuming I'm the original anon talking about shoes. I've tried buying offbrand and it's always slightly off in shade/hue.

>> No.9518404

Holy shit, is that what she actually accused him of? I heard her side of the story first and she never said anything like that to me. She approached him first, he wasn't being a predator and he's not like that at all, wtf.

>> No.9518405

No, >>9518328 was talking about a whole different person and situation.

All I know is she sent mods fb convos that make him seem like he's asking for sex.

>> No.9518412

Ah, sorry, didn't realize yours was something else. Sure sounds very similar though. Still, I'm tired of shit like this happening, really ruins people's lives.

>> No.9518443
File: 327 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_4018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl.
See how much better she looks with braids?

I honestly don't know anyone who looks good in high pigtails without looking like an age player. Unless they are really pouffy pigtails with a lot of hair. This usually can't be achieved without a wig.

>> No.9518446

What's up with those socks? Sure they're the same color as the dress, but the theme doesn't match at all. Seems like she does this a lot lately. Last time it had yellow moons that had nothing in common with her dress. Now it's squirrels and acorns with a sailor theme dress? Sorry. Nitpicking.

>> No.9518449

Should have worn red socks to balance out the red on the upper portion of the coord. Or at least red shoes. White socks with red shoes would've looked better.

>> No.9518451

Is that a squid necklace? I want it!

>> No.9518468

Yeah squids and squirrels...

>> No.9518477

I was approached at Bowahoma
The girl in question grabbed my leg and told me that she loved cock. I was in a relationship at the time so I of course reject her advances. Infact I told my girlfriend at the time of the interaction a week later after the event so it wouldn't have ruined the weekend I planned out.

>> No.9518484
File: 753 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_4019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok coord. Hate the wig, but that's my personal opinion.

>> No.9518491

love the wig color with this. i think she did a great job with the coord, really balances the print well.

>> No.9518493

Is she wearing lingerie as a "blouse"?

>> No.9518495

it looks more otome but hell i'd rather see a good otome coord on CoF then ita trash

>> No.9518499

Can someone tell me how those shoes work?

>> No.9518500

I think she's wearing a lingerie corset over her blouse. Maybe she was going for a sweet ego look? Otherwise I don't see how she thought that would look good.

>> No.9518502


>> No.9518503

They're sandals. Maybe gyaru.

>> No.9518508

Points for originality maybe?
But there's so much wrong going on here.

>> No.9518518

would have been fine without the bustier and a different wig, or at least inclusion of the pink twintail because the asymmetry on her head isn't played up enough so it ends up looking like a mistake.
a regular straightforward sweet sailor coord would have been the best direction. the tiny ero element is just confused/poorly executed.

>> No.9518523

I think it would have been fine if the bustier was the only "different" element. I think it's a really neat look, but I'm not a fan of the sandals or the wig or the side veil(?). I really like the bustier though.

>> No.9518532

That bustier is so ill fitting, it looks like the cups are just hanging and she's bursting out of it. Maybe this would have worked with clothes that actually fit but as it is it just looks like some weird fetish thing.

>> No.9518538

Listen S, it is a terrible idea for you to come here and try to defend yourself.
You've done plenty damage by sticking your dick in that bag of crazy.
There are people who are willing and trying to help you but are waiting for the right time.
Someone in particular is surprisingly on your side.

>> No.9518539

It's worse. she is wearing the lingerie corset over the DRESS. You can see the print underneath and it's the sailor cut..

I mean I kinda get what she was trying to go for, like a sailor moon type bodice thing. When you realize that it's actually rather cute, but the first (and second) impression is definitely wtf.

>> No.9518546

Why do I kind of like this ?

>> No.9518549
File: 16 KB, 450x450, 10352785_923374353472_7267083995461064875_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'9" with the same size foot anon, so I feel your pain. I've gotten really cute shoes off of Modcloth and Target(pic related). I can fit some Angelic Imprint as well but other than that it's all AnTaiNa

>> No.9518574

Just wear non-lolita shoes. I'm not talking about ballet flats. Those look terrible on everyone.

>> No.9518589

Isn't this the greasy-looking girl who's always doing "ero" coords.

>> No.9518599

Don't know who you're referring to. Deets?

>> No.9518618 [DELETED] 

You're such a goddamn idiot, why did you get rid of all the evidence?
I want to punch you so bad rn.

>> No.9518638
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>> No.9518643
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>> No.9518660

These are both good.

>> No.9518661

Don't bring her up - mods get ban-happy.

>> No.9518662
File: 242 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_4020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Don't bring her up. Mods get ban happy.
I'm not in her comm, so who cares.

This is sage.

>> No.9518667

Oh I mean I don't care about her either, but just a warning that she and her WKs will come and you will likely get banned if you talk about her. Short version of who she is - girl who makes shit ero coords and comes to defend them every time. Don't know her personally.

>> No.9518668

But how can she even find out who you are? This is /cgl/. Unless you share something that gives out who you are, there's no way of pin pointing who someone is on here.

>> No.9518672

That's not what I'm worried about lol Idc if she did know who I was, sage for pointless reply.

>> No.9518678

what dress is this?

>> No.9518683

Plus she's posting her pic to COF. It could be anyone from anywhere in the country or anywhere in the world reposting her pic from there. Now if she had shared this to her comm's page, then she would know that it had to be someone from her comm who posted her. Still it's very difficult to pinpoint someone. Especially considering that a lot of people on here disguise themselves as several different anons.

Sage for off topic/not pertaining to her coord.

>> No.9518686

AP's Magic Princess.

>> No.9518687
File: 116 KB, 640x640, 19030678_1876755455909374_7533758652610008116_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picking up the dump. stay on topic, anonnies

>comm stuff -->>9487275
>shoe stuff -- >>9473751

>> No.9518689
File: 208 KB, 946x1006, 19222711_1276901952431126_648507850253556601_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9518693

I love it when there's just this one single color accent. In this case the red rose.

>> No.9518695
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>> No.9518698
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>> No.9518699

thank you kind anon

>> No.9518701
File: 257 KB, 809x1440, 19095605_842678099241850_1619276824025697047_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9518704
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>> No.9518705
File: 92 KB, 720x960, 19029397_10155572120800676_9052091890428048854_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end dump

>> No.9518709

Floral skirt with floral tights looks weird.

>> No.9518714

I really hate it when people wear heart-shaped bags when there are no hearts whatsoever on the print. Stick to a theme!

>> No.9518716

That's just me being nitpicky BTW.

>> No.9518735

Have we really gotten to this level of being anal?

>> No.9518736

Yes. We have indeed.

>> No.9518740
File: 207 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_4023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she'd worn a yellow dress. I wouldn't have known she was supposed to be Morton Salt girl if it weren't for the can of salt. Otherwise, good idea.

>> No.9518742

stop posting this, it's old.

>> No.9518745

Is that a salt shaker hanging from her neck? I want one! Also good to warn off wannabe vampires. lol

>> No.9518749


You seem salty. Is this you?

But yes, it is old. It was posted last week.

>> No.9518753

>Stop posting this
Not like anon has posted this picture several times.

>> No.9518784
File: 678 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_4024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9518791

lol She blends in with the wall and window. If she wanted to purposefully match the setting, she nailed it.

>> No.9518795

What is the JSK she's wearing?

>> No.9518796
File: 351 KB, 1120x1440, IMG_4025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl on the right needs a bigger petti. She looks so sad even though we can't see her face.

>> No.9518799

The girl on the left matches the carpets. lol

>> No.9518802

Why did she wear a red blouse and purple tights. That looks so uncoordinated.

>> No.9518806

The right one is ouji though, she's got pants on.

>> No.9518807
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 5b56e14143dff083b5113590160fad5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't tights, she's wearing these boots (that I'd kill for desu)

>> No.9518808

Those are some pouffy pants!

>> No.9518810

Awesome boots! Still don't match her coord. Maybe she thinks that her reds match. #Gothiclolitaproblems

>> No.9518811

You're thinking garlic. Salt is for witches

>> No.9518819

They look like breeches, with those cuffs, the aatp vest she has on has ruffles on the side that poof out a lot.

>> No.9518871

We've always been this anal. I've seen similar posts about the milk heart bags when they were popular.

>> No.9518875

This has a really street snappy vibe to it that I'm into.
Tights are too busy, but I really like this overall.

>> No.9518893

Idk if you'll read this on time or not but please calm the fuck down.
Several people who care about you and wanted to do you justice put their necks on the line for you.
You have a tendency to explode so for the love of Mana, don't start venting at the mods.
They were just trying to protect the comm members. It's their job.

>> No.9518898

aren't those just the little flowy fabric straps that come with this cut?

>> No.9518917

Yes, I personally thought they kinda look like fairy wings here.

>> No.9518980

yikes, her legs must be on the thin side if the boots manage to somehow look baggy? the stock photo looks sexy af

I want one of Meta's floral gobelin pieces so dang badly ugh
I think she should have rethought her leg and footwear however. they look unplanned. she should try to get some lace-top otks if she can't find classic tights in an accent color (sage green+white or aubergine+white).
black wig would be nice to compliment the shoes too.

>> No.9519030

They ban based on ip basically, it's not like you have an account to shut down. It's usually temporary but always annoying as hell. It's unlikely people would know who you are irl unless you're super obvious about it.

>> No.9519034
File: 377 KB, 671x1728, IMG_4556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coord is nice but the angle makes me think of this.

>> No.9519136
File: 45 KB, 400x533, IMG_4028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The socks make her legs look so stubby. lol

>> No.9519155

Yes and they look like football gear

>> No.9519512
File: 472 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_4029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another bad angle shot. Coord is ok, I guess.

>> No.9519541

Cute but would look 10 times better with black oxfords and maybe a black themed purse like a book or violin.

>> No.9519552

Looks like she was trying to play out the pink in the skirt. More pink accessories would've made the coord more balanced. Nice try, tho.

>> No.9519554

Even a clock purse would've worked. She didn't include the purse in the photo, so we don't know what she had.

>> No.9519557

The shoes aren't pink. They look nude-colored. They still match the print, but it's a strange shoe color to see in lolita. Especially over white socks.

>> No.9519558

Meh. Should've worn black shoes. Nitpicking.

>> No.9519588
File: 486 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita, but EGA. Ero maybe? Her wig looks a bit ratty.

>> No.9519591

I love this! Her bag is so cute, and her hair looks awesome with the coord.

>> No.9519609


>> No.9519845

iirc on her post she said she took this right before she changed clothes for work.

>> No.9519872

oh my god i thought the tattoo sleeve was a cardigan sleeve until i looked at the selfie

>> No.9519873

It takes a while to "shed off the lolita layers". It's not like taking off a pair of jeans and switching them out for khakis. Why would she come in to work in lolita?

And face piercings look like zits/acne in pictures. They're not cute in lolita at all. I know I'm going to get hate for saying this. I've been told "my friend has face piercings and she's one of the best lolitas I've met". I beg to differ.

>> No.9519876

Same! At first I thought she was trying to be edgy by wearing some kind of floral blouse under her jsk.

>> No.9519897

This is cute but that blouse looks super pedestrian

>> No.9519903

>Those look terrible on everyone

These are non-lolita shoes and they look really cute on. Unless you're wearing classic, most non-lolita shoes look like garbage, especially what's available for a size 11. Really shitty advice anon

>> No.9519912

>face piercings look like zits/acne in pictures
This. Or moles. Or the nose bull rings make you look like a pig. I find them absolutely disgusting especially so in sweet.

>> No.9519917
File: 185 KB, 854x1280, IMG_4031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fond of the giant bows on the pant cuffs. Otherwise this is a nice ouji coord.

I had to check out her account to verify if she was a girl or a guy. lol

>> No.9519932

Nayrt but I think they meant "don't get ballet flats. They look terrible in lolita". There's actually a lot of non lolita shoes that look good even in sweet. If you're a size 11, I think something with a heel will look more flattering. Tea party shoes tend to look like clown shoes if you don't have tiny dainty feet.

But this is the COF thread, so sage for off-topic discussion about shoes. There's a shoe thread going on if you still want advice on that matter. Stop discussing it on here.

>> No.9519936

I'm glad someone finally agrees. Face piercings do not fit the lolita aesthetic at all. I feel that lolitas with face piercings get too many ass pats because they're trying to be "different" and we need to "support individuality". Meh.

>> No.9519992
File: 187 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_4032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted as "Edwardian kodona coord". All I can think about when I see this is "safari".

>> No.9519996

He said he made it himself, tho. Kudos to that.

>> No.9519998

>That hole in the socks

>> No.9520002

ROFL His socks have a hole on the toe. Should've worn shoes for the picture.
Unless he was going for hobo ouji.

>> No.9520008

>hobo ouji
Yeah he looks kind of disheveled.

>> No.9520011

It's a bit creepy. Don't know why...

>> No.9520015

Those comments! This is gold!

>> No.9520020


It got removed, anyone get caps of all the comments?

>> No.9520024

The shape of the garment really doesn't suit his bodytype, which is too bad because the sewing looks ok-ish.

And for the love of god if you want to show of an outfit you're proud of, wear a pair of socks without holes in it!!

(I also hate the colors, clashing fabrics, pose and neckbeard... also-also wondering if he has a black eye, is wearing make-up or hasn't slept ina week)

>> No.9520026

The shadow at his crotch makes it look like he's pissed himself...

>> No.9520044

>it got removed
Did he remove it himself, or did the mods do it. It got removed really quick for something to have escalated. Maybe he realized that his picture is embarrassing.

>> No.9520046 [DELETED] 
File: 603 KB, 501x2295, what the edwardian fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9520050

I'd imagine the mods could have taken it down, the comments were crazy and it wasn't really Lolita/Ouji anyways

>> No.9520051

Unfortunately, there are /cgl/ gulls. His picture now belongs to the internets.

>> No.9520060

OMG! Thank you!I love you, gull!

He claims to know what kodona/ouji should look like, but I stalked his FB photos and none of his outfits look kodona/ouji whatsoever.

Kudos to him for trying to sew his own outfit (I think he did a good job at least on the sewing part. The design part not so much).

He seems very "special snowflake" to me.

>> No.9520068

I didn't think people could be that vocal on COF. I thought that that was the reason why COF: Uncensored was created. Probably why it was removed. I think there's a rule on COF that says you can't give critique unless the OP asks for it.

>> No.9520073

And I love you too, anon!

Right? Every time I've seen one of his coords, they're awful and not at all appealing. I did a better job sewing my own shit, even though I messed up with the lining a bit.

>> No.9520075

From CoF rules: "If you do not want comments or con-crit, please specify this in your post." He didn't say anything about it.

>> No.9520078

That makes more sense. Maybe I'm thinking of another online comm.

>> No.9520091
File: 242 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_4033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another giant-glasses-chan.

>> No.9520098

I adore this.

>> No.9520100

How do people wear glasses with wigs? I wear prescription glasses, but I always wear contact lenses with lolita because the glasses plus the wig is so uncomfortable. Not hating. Just curious.

>> No.9520105


>> No.9520109
File: 478 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_5082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's him

>> No.9520112

No wonder his "coords" are a mess.

>> No.9520113

jesus fucking christ...

>> No.9520116

What a clown.

>> No.9520117
File: 2.80 MB, 498x280, wtf is going this day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9520118

The lolita with him looks apprehensive.

There's some things I could say about her coord too. Mainly the bottom half.

>> No.9520122

He reminds me of a juggalo. Creepy.

>> No.9520126

A decora juggalo. lol New J-fashion substyle.

>> No.9520138

I only ever see people hating on facial piercings

>> No.9520151

you couldn't block out any names? are you that freaking new?

>> No.9520171

Ain't nobody got time for that.

I'm not OP, tho. I just know it'd be a drag to do it on my phone.

>> No.9520173
File: 105 KB, 483x720, IMG_4034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep em coming, sea gulls.

>> No.9520174

I hate it when people plaster their coord photos with stickers. It's so distracting.

>> No.9520175

"Thank you for posting me on CGL". lol

>> No.9520179

Wtf why hide the face in one photo and not the others.

>> No.9520181

Maybe she didn't like how her face looked in the full body shot. She posted it like that on COF. I did not edit it for CGL.

>> No.9520184

But true. If you're going to hide your face, do it on all photos. It looks weird otherwise.

>> No.9520189

Looks more like a Cosplay. Are those sweatbands on her wrist?

>> No.9520203

I guess you're referring to >>9520173. She said she went out to see Kuroshitsuji and do some shopping. Maybe she was trying to look like the maids in the anime?

>> No.9520231

>magenta wig
>pink dress
>lavender apron
>blue tights


>> No.9520236

Her wig is not magenta. I think it's her natural black hair (straightened probably) with a magenta streak on the bangs Rin Rin Doll style.

But I agree the coord is all over the place. All she's missing is a pair of cat ears.

>> No.9520244

With the way the bow is sitting on her head, I assume its a wig.

>> No.9520247

It could be a headband. Or it might be a black wig, but the filter on her phone/camera makes her bangs look magenta. Or it might as well be a black wig with magenta bangs. Who knows. Either way it doesn't work cohesively with her coord.

>> No.9520248
File: 668 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gulls, it's a wig from Dreamholic. She stated so in her coord rundown.

>> No.9520294

what if she didn't like how her face looked in one of the photos.....

>> No.9520317

She's wearing almost all brand and she still looks like crap.

>> No.9520318

Not this shit again.

>> No.9520335

it's against the rules. ffs
always ask another anon if you can't do it yourself.
common sense idiots.

>> No.9520341

I'm getting bored of this girls crap. Her shitty maid aesthetic is getting old fast. Needs to find something else or else her coords are just going to get worse.

>> No.9520358

None of the photos posted on here have blurred out faces, tho. I do think names should be blurred out.

>> No.9520362

Does she post a lot of maid coords? This is the first time I've ever seen her on COF.

>> No.9520364

>ask another anon if you can't do it yourself.
How would we go about asking other anons to do something, though? It's not like we have each other's emails and this isn't instant messenger. "Hey gull, can you edit this pic for me? I'm on my phone".

>> No.9520413
File: 1.62 MB, 358x200, IMG_4557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I audibly gasped "oh fuck no" when I clicked this.

>> No.9520418

Did I miss something?

>> No.9520482
File: 73 KB, 403x347, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just not the first time I get commented on my neck and I'm getting kinda tired.

>> No.9520507

Nothing wrong with having a long neck, iirc models try to elongate their necks in photos.

>> No.9520539


>> No.9520829

It's not just your neck. It's the whole angle of the picture on top of the cut of the skirt that is making you look like a flamingo with short legs. It's a nice coord,tho. Sorry you got posted.

>> No.9520832
File: 179 KB, 960x960, IMG_4036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes a dump! Gulls, are you still there?

She made her pony bag. Skills!

>> No.9520834
File: 259 KB, 962x1205, IMG_4037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9520836
File: 371 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_4038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9520837
File: 191 KB, 720x720, IMG_4039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9520842
File: 58 KB, 494x1080, IMG_4040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of dump.

I hate it when girls wear black shoes with a coord that otherwise has no black whatsoever anywhere else. It reminds me of Yumi King.

>> No.9520843

Queen of piling stuff on her head
I really liked this but then...wings?

>> No.9520845

That neon green unicorn on the back of her jacket, tho. I wish it were pink.

>> No.9520850

Is wa lolita gaining popularity these days? I keep seeing more wa lolita coords than usual lately. I like the idea of the haori. Kind of wish she would've chosen another color. It's kind of a sad color, but I can see how it adds a masculine touch to the coord along with the boots. Most men's kimonos are of sad colors anyways.

>> No.9520851

I just noticed the butterfly wings. Why?! Ruined the coord.

>> No.9520854

Sorry for being anal, but... There are no butterflies/fairies in the print of her dress. Why would she wear those wings?

>> No.9520858

Is..Is her unicorn peeling off?

>> No.9520887

I think it's supposed to be like that.

>> No.9520931

Its cute anon, like old school coords.

>> No.9520967

Sure anon. Keep crying then with your offbrand shoes.

>> No.9521017
File: 535 KB, 2048x1345, IMG_4041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next up, we have GirlyHoot making not one, but 2 of her rare appearances!

>> No.9521023

She gets so much hate, but I actually like her coords. I'm not really a fan of how she styles her wigs, but I guess that's her trademark look.

>> No.9521025

Again with the stickers plastered all over a good photo... Stahp!

>> No.9521028

Not 1, but 2 purses on the coord on the right. Well, that's one way to overcome the "lolita bags are too small" issue.

>> No.9521113

Did Oops-chan piss in your cereal or something? That was super-salty. Like, her co-ord is pretty boring, but there's not anything seriously wrong with it, it's just mediocre Bodyline stuff. Her wig's passé but passable - no shitty gel-in-rigid-wig bullshit, not too shiny, bangs are a bit meh, but they're not the worst I've seen - I'd say she needs to get with the times. I think she's an oldfag Lolita, like 30 or something, and what would have been a safe coord back when twin-tails were popular is now a bit meh. She has an old face, and a round one, but her make-up's not that bad, just needs to pencil in her eyebrows (wasn't thin-brows a Goth thing a few years back, too?)

>> No.9521121

Why didn't she post this as two different co-ords? Also, those stickers are visual clutter. She's already got fake flowers on her mirror, she doesn't need a bunch of kawaii animals.

I like her co-ords though. Wig curls look a bit stiff, and maybe a few too many bows on her head when the rest of the co-ord(s) isn't OTT sweet, though, especially with the second one, where the mint and blue bows still seemed shoe-horned even if they're on the print.

>> No.9521132

Is this Otome? I think it's really cute, and I think the colours of her outfit go with the colours of her tattoo and hair, but it gives me far more of a 'cute vintage-remixed' vibe than a Lolita vibe.

>> No.9521133

Exactly. It just clutters up perfectly good photos, and it's unnecessary.

>> No.9521195

>Why didn't she post this as two different co-ords?
She probably didn't want to spam COF by making 2 posts back to back.

6) No posting multiple pictures unless all images are compiled into a collage. This is so that the group does not get clogged up when the pictures from one post get separated. Posts violating this rule will be deleted without warning.
7) 1 or 2 outfits per post, 3 individual posts per person, per day. If you have more than three, please post it on a different day.

>> No.9521199
File: 155 KB, 720x1080, IMG_4042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now we have deer-in-the-headlight-chan herself.

I'm so happy she started making lolita news videos again.

>> No.9521203

She's cute, but those faces that she makes in her pictures. LMAO

>> No.9521205

It looks like she's trying to open her eyes real wide in the hopes that they'll look bigger.

>> No.9521221

It's a bit like the 'half-moon-eyes' dogs do when they're nervous. She'd be helped by looking at the camera and not sucking in her cheeks - she has good enough cheekbones to not need to do that. Her co-ord is cute, even if the lighting washes out the print, and she's balanced the pinks and blues really well. Only thing I dislike about what she's wearing is the wig - the bangs are too unnaturally perfect, and the volume has curls that look almost greasy rather than soft. I'm sure they're not actually greasy, just an unfortunate effect of shiny synthetic fibres and that style of straggly curl. I also think it's a bit dark for the outfit.

>> No.9521230

>Hair looks greasy
She's not wearing a wig! That is her real hair. She has stated it before and she appeared in some videos without the bangs one time, but some anon posted her on BTB for it and said she looked terrible without bangs. She wears clip on bangs, that's why they look fake.

>> No.9521245

JFK, she has a lot of hair! I'm impressed - growing hair long takes care and dedication.

Yeah, that hair would be unbalanced without bangs. Maybe she could style her bangs a bit to look less fake? Did she put product in her hair to stay the curls, I wonder? Now I'm not seeing the rest of hair in the context of being part of the same fake hair/wig as the fringe, it makes more sense.

>> No.9521251
File: 1.55 MB, 1136x640, IMG_4043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's her without the bangs.

>> No.9521257
File: 70 KB, 652x640, IMG_4045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from an old video, tho, so her hair was a bit shorter.

This one is a bit more recent.

>> No.9521261

That's a lot of hair! I was sure that she was wearing a rhapsody-style wig all along.

>> No.9521264

More like Romantic Goth - skirt/skirt portion of dress is fine, but that's a plastic boned bodice and they always end up looking cheap because, as is shown here, even if you have a fine figure, the boning warps. She should either wear a real corset underneath (eg. underbust corset?) or have the boning replaced.

The wig needs brushed and styled - it's gone a bit everywhere at the ends.

Those hats do not go with anything. They're not even top-hats - they're like a top-hat/trilby cross because of the sloping sides, and it ruins them. A proper top-hat in a larger size, or a different headdress entirely would work better.

Gloves too blurry to tell the lace quality.

>> No.9521265

Why would she dress like that to film a lolita news video? Beer can in hand and everything. lol I think this is from the very early days.

>> No.9521267

Her hair looks really nice here. She suits the Metal look, too.

>> No.9521270

She MADE that pony bag? From scratch or from a plush? If that's from scratch, that's pretty impressive (and cute)

>> No.9521273

I think it was implied that it was made from scratch. She posted it to one of the lolita sewing groups on FB. She's very skilled, but still it looks like it might not be able to hold much more than a cell phone and a few cards. I would think that if you take the time to make your own purse, make it actually useful for its intended purpose.

>> No.9521304

I really hate those clip on bangs, they look so dumb with her natural hair texture

>> No.9521340

New thread >>9521311

>> No.9521478

Yeah, that's a pretty well established old school thing to do. It looks weird with modern looking dresses, but this is fine.

>> No.9521780

She gave it to the brand guests at the Anime North tea! Such a nice gesture

>> No.9521781


>> No.9521811


>> No.9524546

Was this removed from CoF for being obviously not Lolita?

>> No.9524553

The Gothic Lolita is passable - the bodice of her dress is obviously being stretched, and she would have probably looked better with longer socks, but the combination of items isn't terrible. Needs to style her hair/wig.

The ouji... oh dear. The double-waistcoat thing really doesn't suit their figure - the cut is wrong for their chest and the way it sits just makes it look like the outer bit is too small. Really chunky body and skinny legs just looks off - not sure if it's a sign of terribly fitting top or uneven fat distribution - face says the latter. That hat is just NOPE. They seriously need some wrist things. Shoes need swapped out for some Oxfords -either that or whatever you call those buckle shoes from the baroque era.

Make-up looks like it belongs with a black x green version of a Mana-inspired co-ord, not this ouji outfit. It's way to femme for the outfit, plus Gothic pale-face makeup does not work with that outfit at all.

>> No.9524556

If she made the skirt herself, she should have made it larger - on the rear pic it's clear it's pinching her. Picture is so washed out I can't make out any of the retails on her shirt, but I think she's got boobloaf happening.

Did she photoshop in that hair-ornament?

>> No.9524558

Because they don't fit over their wigs, probably.

>> No.9524563

Has she got two blouses on, or are those just terribly-designed sleeves? She'd probably look 100x better with either just the short sleeve portion of that blouse, or a long-sleeve blouse with regular sleeves. Awkward camera angle makes her legs look weird, also makes me think she'd look better with UTKs with ruffles instead of ankle socks. Ankle socks seem to belong with short-sleeve co-ords.

>> No.9525665

I'm more comfortable wearing wigs with glasses, honestly, but mostly for protection from stray wig hairs. For some reason I only get stabbed in the eye with synthetic strands when I wear my contacts. What part is uncomfortable for you anon?