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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9511338 No.9511338[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it okay for people to cosplay a character of a different race? Like a black person cosplaying dva?

>> No.9511343

Bait harder and go try to start a race war on /r9k/ instead

>> No.9511344

Honestly not trying to bait, I'm genuinely curious as I got into an argument about this

>> No.9511367

You already know the answer you seek so why the fuck do you care what someone on an anonymous bread baking site thinks?

Op everyone has their own opinion whether that is kind or ignorant. No1cur the horse is fuckin dead

>> No.9511374

Silly anon everyone knows that only white people are capable of being racist.

>> No.9511377

Back to the cotton field with you.

>> No.9511386

It's fine as long as they alter their skin color to match the character.

>> No.9511841

My god.

>> No.9511877

Yes, any person can cosplay any character of any race. Cosplay should be fun and if you identify with a character of another race or like their outfit, awesome.

Don't do this. Do not do this.

>> No.9511885
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Why not?

>> No.9511933

Not this pulply horse from /r9k/ again.

>> No.9511940

Not baiting here but wouldn't any non-Asian anime cosplayer count?

>> No.9511946

It'd depend on the anime. No one in their right mind would think a character with a name like "Edward Elric" was meant to be Asian, for example.

>> No.9511947

taking the bait but yes it would be okay as long as they stay faithful and recognizable to the character, granted you have to up the anti if your cosplaying a character that wouldn't be recognizable without their race.

if your doing a black guy just don't do black face just either make a mask or buy one of those realistic masks if your going to do it, or like I said, where enough stuff that at that point the skin color isn't as big of a problem in the case of being recognizable

>> No.9511954

People use body paint for characters that are blue, grey or whatever all the time. What difference does it make if the character is white, black or some other more realistic color?

>> No.9511955
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Sadly, many cosplayers would say no,and you should stick to your race. Articles on the topic



Personally, I think anyone should cosplay any character they want. In the end, they're (mostly) fictional characters. Just avoid things like pic related.

>> No.9511959

Feefees are the difference. If you're going out of your way to become a race that isn't your own that is real then it's racist. But if you are going out if your way to be a race that is fictional like Gannon it's not ofensive to a person of the race since the race doesn't exist in real life. Usually if you're good at it and you're a white person cosplaying a black person, if your cosplay is that good, people will overlook the race being off for good craftsmanship. Only trigger happy sjws will be offended because your " white washing". Just accept the fact that sjws will never be happy and love to live in their own oppressive nature. Ignore them and they go away.

>> No.9511963

They use body paint for inhuman characters or skin tones that, as far as the general populace knows, are impossible to have naturally.

But, sure, I'll take the bait. Note, I'm speaking from the perspective of an American. Our country has a history of blackface as well as similar acts, somewhat less common, that are colloquially known as brownface (Hispanics, Arabs, South Asians), yellowface (East Asians, Polynesians) and redface (Native Americans). These actions were usually used to either mock or disallow non-white people from participating in film production. Why hire an Asian when you can just make a white guy look Asian? You might answer "Well, that was in the past, right?" In reality, many people alive today were alive during the height of the civil rights movement and witnessed blackface firsthand, meaning it's not that far removed from my generation. On top of that, a quick google search about blackface parties will yield many results from different colleges around the country. And, you've probably heard of Tropic Thunder, the film where Robert Downey jr. was in blackface the entire time up until the end.

So, now you're asking, "What does this have to do with cosplay; we do it for fun, not to harm." Well, many non-white, non-Asian cosplayers get a lot of shit for daring to cosplay characters outside of their race. But, if someone paints their skin to match the character, they're given praises. Not to mention, they can literally wipe off the paint and not have to deal with being a minority in American after the con.

tl;dr It's very, very rude.

>> No.9511987
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>Brings up Tropic Thunder, a clear and well done example of satire, as a reason not to do blackface

I wouldn't blackface either but come on, anon, don't be stupid.

>> No.9511990

That movie was terrible with or without blackface. And I think anon used it as an example of blackface not being deader than disco, as many would believe.

>> No.9512029

Good articles

I didn't like Aruru
Her cosplay was shit and she seemed to blame the lack of character recognition on her skin, not her actual lack of resemblance to the character.
Black Ash was cool

>> No.9512177

Just looks awful.
Ex. A white person painting themselves brown looks fake ass fuck.

>> No.9512383
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It worked for the Rhodesians.

>> No.9512424

Yah, he looks white.