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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9456654 No.9456654 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, New Englanders. What cons have you been to recently, and what cons do you plan on attending this year?

-Anime Boston
-Super MegaFest

-Massive Con
-PopCult Anime Con
-Another Anime Con
-Rhode Island Comic Con

>> No.9456705
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There was a Japanese festival with an open invite for cosplayers today in Boston on the commons.

>> No.9456756

I was too busy getting wasted at home, otherwise I would have gone. Plus, its 70+ miles away from me.

>> No.9456760

>Daydrinking instead of cosplaying


>> No.9456770

I do both most of the time.
I got shitfaced at AB and cosplayed as Sex Robot.

Get Rekt

>> No.9456776

>Overreacting to a joke

>> No.9456779


>> No.9456793
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i go to arisia and anime boston! i'd like to roadtrip to toomanygames this year and possibly maxfuncon.

>> No.9456796

Man. I haven't gone to Arisia in ages. It was my first sf con. I forget, what hotel is it in now? Ghe one by MIT and the Charles Diver?

>> No.9456830

Westin, next to the Seaport Convention Center

>> No.9456857

I love how relaxed the atmosphere is, y'know? Also love all the old people whove been in fandom for god knows how long. Smaller cons are where its at.

>> No.9456874

Too bad we got rained on

>> No.9456900

Big reason I ducked out. But can I ask, is it a fun event? I tend to avoid anything in Commons cosplay allowed for fear it's the same spazz crowd at the dumb picnics.

>> No.9456908

I'm not a cosplayer I'm a lolita but it is fun if you come with a group of people. The food lines are very long but there's lots of space to set up a picnic and non-food booths to look at. Since it's not a cosplay event run by you-know-who there isn't much spazzing. But of course this is all a lolita's observations while she's with her comm so ymmv.

>> No.9456913

You know who?

>> No.9456917

anon that asked question, lolita anon is likely referring to the spazzy'admins' of this cosplay group that runs events in the commons. But can correct me if wrong

>> No.9456918 [DELETED] 


>> No.9456921

Correct. They're infamous even amongst us.

>> No.9456923

Not surprised they seem to go out of their way to make enemies with anyone and everyone. Might I ask have the lolita comm had run ins with them?

>> No.9456925

Ight thanks

>> No.9456926

If my understanding is correct (which it may not be as this is info passed from many mouths) an infamous ex-lolita scammer that at one point gave out comm a bad name years ago is quite chummy with them and not particularly fond of us.

>> No.9456932

Oh I know Exactly who you're referring too, and she has been outed by even them. As she started a fight with the wife of one of their close friends.

>> No.9456938

Incredible. She must be something else then if even they couldn't handle her.

>> No.9456997

I'm away from NE this year, but I'll be doing AB, Arisia, PortConMaine, and maybe ConnectiCon next year. AB is my 'fun' con - the others will be spent in the AA.

>> No.9457027

Well, she had a bad habit of inserting herself in their you know little group areas. Where it supposed to be only them and those they liked? But she was friends with the woman she fought with. So they I believe tolerated her but badmouthed her every chance they got. Then she had a big blowout with said woman and started being banned from their events. Truth be told I think her and maybe 3 others (creepers) are the only ones on their banned list deserve to be there. All others are just people they don't like/didn't worship them properly.

>> No.9457162

The matsuri was fun today. Actually went on a date so wasn't in cosplay, but lots of cute dogs around and the band was fun.

Forgot to wear sunscreen though and am paying for it big time.

>> No.9457356

Have to say Anime Boston was pretty decent this year. Really felt like the Pru backed down a fair amount rather than be all over con-goers that dared venture within.

>> No.9457634

Is AAC still worth going to? Last time I went was ~2 years ago before the hotel allegedly sperged out.
>tfw I feel like I know the people responsible for getting congoers slammed with hotel restrictions.

My next con is CtCon, hopefully Hartford is still broke so we don't have to worry about Riverfest, although it's been really lucky there's been a food truck festival the same weekend as the con for the past two years. Anyone know if that's coming back?

>> No.9458035

Heh. I have gone to a few of those picnics back in the day. and can't disagee too much. I remember one guy saying how much he needed a girlfriend very loudly to me.

Though really, any animu or cosplay even are gonna have some aspie spazzes. Hell, I am pretty dorked and stupid at times myself, especially when younger.
Oh yeah. The food court is gone and that fucking amazing Eagaly food court and market is there. I wanted to go to see cosplayers in that spaceand maybe get photos. Too bad a sudden family funderal had me too tired to go even sunday.

>> No.9458042

on nice, lile the comic con
I love old nerds. Reminds us we are far from the first to do this type of nerd shit. It has been going on for a long time. An older cousin went to sf cons and met Dr Who and Trek actors in the 70s and 80s.

>> No.9458813

I feel you, last year at their summer meet which I was dragged to. There was some idiot humping a dolphin pool toy to the shitty music. Because yea, that's what people should see entering the commons

>> No.9458836

I'm going to try to do artists alley at Anime Boston for the first time next year, does anyone know that the artists alleys are like at the smaller New England cons? It would be nice to start small.

>> No.9459854

I suppose small? But as long as you have a good product should sell well

>> No.9460327

AB was pretty fun this year. Already working on my Gurlukovich Merc for next year; trying to find that camo is a bitch.

Anyone thinking of braving the cosplay picnic this year? I'm probably gonna go with a few friends, very drunk and "people"-watch and snap a few pics. Look for the guy in the shitty Dark Souls armor

>> No.9460579

Why would you subject yourself to that? You'll just go be bored and leave.

>> No.9460787

Got nothing better to do. Memeing on mouth-breathers makes for a fun afternoon, no matter who you are.

>> No.9461054

I always mean to go hang out with friends while buzzed, but the placement so close to Dragoncon makes me skip it every year.

>> No.9461530

Well won't lie it was fun watching them call the cops on some poor SOB with his kid just cause they didn't like him since he was around the Rock Lee.

>> No.9462923

I went to Portcon for one day in 2015 and thought it had potential. Shame the hotel sold out so quickly, as i was thinking of snagging a room. Is it growing? Would it be the replacement to AAC for 2nd best NE con after the new management blunders?

>> No.9463958

Anyone doing the disney meet on the 20th?

>> No.9464383
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Hey, if anyone needs an area to do post-apoc photos and such, the old airbase in Weymouth is pretty good for it, especially on an overcast day like today.

>> No.9468726

Is North East Comic Con any good?

>> No.9469430

I went in March, was pretty fun. It's DEFINITELY more of a comic/collectible con than a cosplay con, though I saw some good ones there. There's another one in July, and I'm gonna wear my Elite Knight armor.

>> No.9470634

The registrations are mostly first come first serve so there are a decent amount of good artists but a lot of terrible ones mixed in. I also feel like NE cons have more artisan-esque tables selling things besides art, like dolls and masks.

>> No.9470864

True that, something else that annoys me it the amount of non anime art. Like does your spread really need to be nothing but SU?

>> No.9471327

It's a tumblr convention, what do you think?

>> No.9471940

I wish they'd curb it. But I guess it comes with first come first serve. Though it seemed like they toned down the amount of SJW panels not nearly as many as last year.

>> No.9471965

Arisia, and I'm not even from New England.

>> No.9476055

How many other anons go to Arisia?

I've tried to make threads on it before, and never got any responses.

>> No.9476855

Yea, sadly NE doesn't seem to have much of a presence on here

>> No.9476873

There's a few of us, clearly, but it seems to be far less then I see on other boards I frequent. /pol/ has entire NY politics and upstate/NYC threads that hit autosage, while we can't get a strong thread together for the entire region.

>> No.9477533

It's because the NE networks through tumblr. That, and the non-shitty (aka, usually not on tumblr) cosplayers tend to keep to their own little bubble.
Slightly related, what's your favorite cosplay/cosplayer you've seen at a con.
>Ctcon c.2010
>Whole group of pikmin

>> No.9478135

I saw a amazing Guts at AB this year. And I agree NE sane cosplayers tend to stay with their own. Doesn't help our main active hosters out of Boston are god awful.

>> No.9479978

Boston scene in particular might also be a bit more transient than most with all the number of schools around here. But agreed, it doesn't help that the hosts of the comm such as it is are generally tumblrina batshit crazypants.

>> No.9480004

Good point, and it helps less that they will go after anything remotely trying to host bigger than a quick meet up. So we get stuck with them.

>> No.9480027

i heard the food truck fest is on the same weekend this year

>> No.9480113

Thank god, I've not been in a few years and really didn't want to pay for the inside vendors....Do they still have them?

>> No.9480158

I mean unless someone is willing to say enough is enough and throw an event, and just ignore/rise above their efforts to defame or derail it. To a degree they're only a bullying force if people let them. And at the end of the day, they're all a bunch of beta nerds so it's not like they've got much of a bite.

>> No.9480176

To be fair there was that Salem event last year that did pretty well. But the hosts stopped being friends. One of which is pretty much hanging onto the crazy crowd of Boston.

>> No.9480267

I heard that story!

On here no less!

>> No.9480278

Not surprising hell probably was me. I was actually really down for a meetup that wasn't 6 friends or their shitty Boston events. Plus Salem man, really great place for events and people running around in costume wouldn't be seen as weird.

>> No.9480290

RICC got Norman Reedus I know they are fucking awful about anything involving guests. But I honestly want to go for that.

>> No.9482055

Is 4chan totally frozen?

>> No.9482423

On this thread? No we just don't have a major presence here for NE

>> No.9483000


Thank God, I really hold to Bar rules when it comes to Cons. no religion, no politics. Just wish everyone else would do the same

>> No.9483010
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I'm from South Boston so I always attend AB, Arisia and comic con as well as CTcon and AAC. AAC has definitely been going down hill but imo CTcon gets better every year especially for 21+ congoers. Thid was also the first year in a while AB kinda stepped it up, I was giving up on it for a while but this year go my hopes up. Wouldnt mind a meet up for CTcon tho in July, I travel with a group of like 12 and we always forget or miss out on it.

>> No.9483210

No, all of 4chan was frozen yesterday morning.

>> No.9483484

For sure, AB used to get so bad with it. I remember attending Gender Identity at a Convention after being forced to. Was just the trans host bitching about her life,and how we evil people shouldn't be dicks. (She answered all questions she didn't know with "Don't be a dick!")

>> No.9484632

Forced to??

>> No.9485754

Not that anon but they could have been stuck in a group where a friend of a friend was dragging everyone around.
I'm difficult enough that I'd just ditch them but not everyone is like that.
Seconding this about ctcon, wish the convention center owners would bring back more late-night events (to appease the crowd) but the ones they kept have been enough for me thus far. 18+ Super Art Fight ft the Cyanide and Happiness crew was the highlight of my Friday. It's also kinda nice that the dance is at an actual club now (not that I actually went last year). The food trucks/walkway has also been a vast improvement to the area. As someone who's favorite activity at cons is walking around and people watching, I feel likeCTCon is spread out enough to warrant some interesting/creative cosplays. We also have the best death match.
I feel like people either think the con is shit or love it. I'm obviously he latter.

I stand by that screeching tumblrtards ruined aac

>> No.9486323

Honestly the worst part about CTCon besides it's shitty con staff, the price gouging badge fees and no late night programming is the fact that it's in Hartford, the fucking armpit of new England. Which is saying something considering every day New Hampshire or northern Maine is vying for that title.

>> No.9492485

Yea I was dragged to it, honestly just a waste of panel time

>> No.9495406

$50 for a Saturday badge and the con closed at 7PM last year. Also, restricting access to the non-con stairs between the hotel and convention center for non-badge holders was so unnecessary

I don't have any interest in the "special guests" that they bring, and the other anime industry people that whore the con circuit can be seen at other cons for much less.

>> No.9496570

>never been to a con in cosplay
>haven't been to a con in several years
>no friends to go with and it sounds like a terrifying ordeal to go through alone
i make a pretty solid krillin tho. once i get a better gi and lose weight i might try it

>> No.9503498

Anime Boston was really fun this year and if Connecticon is as bad as it was last year; this year will be the last for my friends and I.

>> No.9504704

Going to CTCon and PopCult for sure. Maybe RICC and AAC as well.
CTCon is pretty shit these days, but it's only like 30 minutes from my house and a lot of my friends go, so I'll be going regardless. I'm not a fan of this stupid Convivial crap they're trying to replace night programming with. I don't go to cons to go to some shit bar in Hartford, thanks...

>> No.9504712

What sounds terrifying about going alone? I've gone to a con in cosplay by myself before. Other than some unwanted glomping (thank god that's not really a thing anymore) it wasn't much of an ordeal at all.

>> No.9504747

My thoughts exactly on ctcon. Like I get what they're trying to do, but they also need to realize they're in Hartford. If ctcon had a completely enclosed network (like AB before the pru stuck whatever is up their ass even further) and brought back night programming it'd be better.
Anyone have experience with the casino cons that have been popping up in CT? That might be an interesting alternative if the planets align (it'll never happen, but still).
On that note, has anyone been to RICC recently? I'm not big into comics so I don't think I'd be interested, but I was curious if they ever fixed their overselling issue.

>> No.9505468

AAC hotel wasn't as much of a shit as expected last year. There weren't any massive changes like we feared.

>> No.9505495

I remember getting live coverage of that happening over text. It's weird to see it mentioned here when I was friends with people who were involved in some of the drama that lead up to that event. The NE community can be such a clusterfuck.

>> No.9505501

AB absolutely stepped up this year. I was expecting it to be shit but they actually did a decent job fixing their previous mistakes. CTcon has always been great for me, though some of the changes they made last year make me worried (i.e. huge registration lines, blocking off foot traffic areas, dropping a lot of late night panels and events)

>> No.9505510

The whole of the New England cosplay scene is a toilet.

Nothing but SJWs and children everywhere. I feel sorry for anyone who has to live there.

>> No.9505636
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At least Bronn will be at CTcon this year :D

>> No.9505943

Anyone know about Ctcon's panels? Because I put in for a panel back in February but have not heard anything back besides the automatic email.

>> No.9506004

Last time I submitted a panel, we didn't hear back until a week or two before the con.

>> No.9506011

I guess I'll start on my powerpoint then, just in case.

>> No.9506013
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This is gonna be my main cosplay for NorthEast Comic Con, Boston Comic Con, and AB next year. Obviously, I'm gonna use a different AK and a different (rubber) bayonet

>> No.9506030

Maybe leave that shit at home instead of taking our cons the way of Phoenix Comic Con eh?

>> No.9506044

Read: Obviously, I'm gonna use a different AK and a different (rubber) bayonet

My con-friendly AK is all one immobile piece, with a plugged, bright orange flash-hider. And, as far as I know, no cons in the NE area have done any sort of prop bans. So chill out, I guess.

>> No.9506553

>Anyone have experience with the casino cons that have been popping up in CT?
I haven't been to either but the last time I looked they seemed very comic oriented, like a lot of collectors and older guest artists from the seventies/eighties. I'm not sure if I'd go to one just because I've frequented Mohegan & Foxwoods and I wouldn't want to dress up around the kind of crowds they usually have

>> No.9506696

I work staff for Portcon and our attendance numbers have been growing steadily for about the past five years. unfortunately we're hamstrung by the size of the venue and the fact that the city refuses to invest in a new expo center that has been proposed multiple times over the past few years.

>> No.9507719

No one ever talks about PAX.

>> No.9508193

>complains about nobody talking about PAX, then proceeds to also not talk about PAX

I've never been, but everyone I knew who went this past year had fun despite snow. Maybe I'll consider it for next year. Those who have been, pros/cons?

>> No.9508204

And which anime are you from little boy?

>> No.9508505



the convention is literally 5 minutes from my house, i've only gone twice. Not woryh the money imo, but I still go to the pubs near by and meet up with friends and check out cosplays

>> No.9508509

Would anyone be interested in another summer cosplay meetup at Nahant Beach? Or a nice beach that isn't Revere Beach because that area is really questionable

>> No.9508569

MGS2, big guy.

>> No.9508697

Great for meeting industry folks and testing out games, eh for cosplay events and the like since that isn't the focus of the con.
You will get minimal screaming tumblrtards, but don't expect to meet up with anyone in complementary cosplay unless you go full FOTM. I was practically swimming in attention when I went to East this year in cosplay (on a Sunday no less, I only did one day this year because of extenuating circumstances).
It depends on what you value out of your conventions, but personally I love it. You can have a great time if you bypass the overhyped booths, and some of the panels are hidden gems.

I am more than a little butthurt over the influx of capeshit everything. Like I get it's popular, but I just have zero interest.

>> No.9508808

In terms of cosplay at PAX, I think the best thing is cosplaying a game where the developers are there. Happened to me last year when I did Travis from No More Heroes and Suda51 was there. Highlight of my short awkward life.

>> No.9508844

Same. People say anime is as popular as ever but it really only attracts a loud niche of people with a lot of money to spend. I'd rather have a good in-depth anime convention than a bunch of small ""geek culture"" events.

>> No.9508856

Anyone know if Colossal Con East will be worth?

I've been to the OG con a few times now, and I love the adult feel of the con and variety in shit to do.

>> No.9510285

I was getting slowly unimpressed with CtCon for a while and last year just kind of ruined the motivation to show up.
>Panels are now LGTBQ in anime bs and flavor of the month shows
> the 3 18+ panels where great, but like 3 good out of 200 panels
> Paying 50$ for a convention that kicks you out at 9pm and tells you to walk around ghetto-ass town in cosplay to look for something fun to do

Like >>9504747 said, if it was like Boston where you didn't have to walk that far in a ghetto city to get to fun events, I'd be fine. But the club where the 18+ dance was you either walked or took the shuttle to. In a city where you can get mugged in the 20 minute wait for the shuttle.

Kind of pissed me off this year so now I'm looking for other cons to fill my summer slot. Maybe NYCC or AAC.
If its good this year though, by all means give me the hope to show up.

>> No.9510299

Wish somebody would run a con in Providence that wasn't RICC. More of a regular anime/popculture con.

>> No.9510307

Stop wearing tactical gear to cons retard, it's not a cosplay. The lot of you are so autistic it hurts to see at cons.

>> No.9510319

The con hasn't happened yet so it's impossible to tell.

Hopefully next year they don't stick it on the worst possible weekend in order to get better attendance.

>> No.9510525

Yeah i have a really tough time getting my metrowest area friends to invest in any con besides AB. The Doubletree being booked wasn't good news. My AAC crowd fizzled and AX is super expensive just to see a few.

>> No.9510630

I've heard legends that Ken Levine wanders around Pax East but I'm 0/2 years finding him. Ghost Story Games (the offshoot from irrational) apparently found me this past year though without me realizing (and linked me to photos they found of me while combing through the PAX tag on insta, so that was awesome). But that whole developer group seems to get really excited about cosplay in general so I'm trying not to pat my own back too hard.

I totally want to give this a shot this year; I'll be at school instead of work so I can actually swing taking the time off. That and Ohio is far. Fingers crossed.
Ctcon kinda shifted as the group of teens/YA shifted into a more erm-"socially conscious" mindset. I was a 14 year old weeb when I started going, but back in my day we had yaoi paddles and glomping, where the vast majority of the panels were run by the same group of people doing various things:
>The Cosplay Musical 14-year-old me secretly wanted to be a part of
>Tall Naruto everywhere (what happened to him?)
>That one year there were two proposals during the masquerade (2009?)
>Webcomic artists everywhere
>The search for what corner they stuck aa in this year
The kinda shitty thing is that NE was kinda the epicenter of Homestuck, which coincided with a cultural shift in values within the youngins/young people getting into the community (probably partially in backlash to the previous glomping and paddling. Sorry about that guys).
I miss the older times in sorta a nostalgic way, but I have to admit that if things kept going the way they were the community might have puttered out. In another decade things will be different again, probably. I realize I'm probably not actually making a valid argument but I'm tipsy and as much as people might shit on it I kinda love my home region.
(Except people who are nostalgic for the homestuck swarm. Fuck those guys)

But hey, at least New England doesn't resort to hiring "cosplay guests" yet.

>> No.9510638

The point I was trying to make is things are different but the shift has brought some good changes with the bad. But then I mostly go for the people watching/select events and then go home to my tea(or wine) like a little old lady.

>> No.9510703

I used to vaguely know Tall Naruto (friend of a friend) and as far as I know he's stopped going to cons. I haven't seen him at CTCon in years.
The cosplay musical actually moved to PopCult Anime Con where it's a main event. Just saw a post today that they need more cast members, if you wanna live out that 14 year old dream, lol.

Thank you for reminding me to be thankful that Homestuck isn't popular anymore. God, those days were awful.
Are the webcomic guests not as plentiful as they used to be? For a long time, CTCon was kind of indebted to the webcomic community because of 2005's Save ConnectiCon fundraiser they set up that saved the con from completely going under. So even though webcomics were never my thing, I totally get why they were so abundant there.

>> No.9510814

>But hey, at least New England doesn't resort to hiring "cosplay guests" yet.

This is a stupid mindset. Ctcon really showed its ass when it made a big public show of proudly claiming that they will never in a million years bring a cosplay guest to con. The people running programming at some of these cons are out of touch with the cosplay community and don't realize that "cosplay guest" doesn't necessarily mean paying Jnig 20k to peddle booty prints. I love it when cons have high level cosplay programming or bring in cosplayers to run quality workshops, but nobody in NE seems to do this the way southeastern cons do.

>> No.9510872
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>it's not a cosplay

It objectively is, stay mad.

>> No.9511015


All the local cons are distainful of cosplay, which is probably ly why there's no really high level people in the area. I can think of a handful and nobody is all that famous. Makes it hard to network unless you want to make friends with 14 year old tumblrinas.

>> No.9511055

Cosplay & Photography Expo is back this year and their programming is all cosplay/photography guests and panels. I haven't heard of most of these cosplayers but I recognize a handful:

>Mark Hyrullian Cosplay
>Lucky Grim Creative
>Human Sushi Cosplay
>Khepera Cosplay
>Cowbutt Crunchies
>Panda and Peaches from Wicked Geeky
>Mhysa Cosplay
>Kitteninstrings Cosplay
>Glitch Cos

It's the week before Otakon which isn't great, but it's local so it's close.

>> No.9511063

NAYRT but why not cosplay an actual character from the game instead of a random mook that just makes you look like some noodly loser too pussy to join the real military living out your power fantasies via video game dressup?

>> No.9511076

Not him, but it's not only a power fantasy.

We do it for the same reasons you do: a sense of community. I know at Colossalcon this year I saw a few geared up weebs and it was fun yelling their callsign at them. If they were really fans they would respond with voice lines from the game, just like a cosplayer from any other series.

The fun is also just how difficult it is to differentiate your character with so much generic gear on, so you can appreciate someone who nails down the character.

>> No.9511080

My biggest issue with most good cons is that you have to miss out on panels just to line up for stuff, so that's why I hope Colossalcon East will have the same quality of panels, but less people. And if it sucks there's always a whole resort to enjoy.

Didn't know it was a shitty weekend. A weekend is a weekend for me so I'll almost certainly be free.

You won't be going?

>Ohio is far
No excuses Anon, this year I drove there from Boston. Just gather a group of friends and make it a road trip.

>> No.9511083

This is true. I guess I've just been jaded by all the guys who show up at cons like this and are just using it as an excuse to wear gear rather than because they actually like the game it's from.

>> No.9511100

>that entire post

Sounds like you're projecting pretty hard. I just like dressing up like some Soviet grunt and having a fun time, this ain't a "power fantasy" or whatever other buzzword you're going to throw out next.

>> No.9511104

I'm literally the post above you, if you don't realize that the dudes who dress in flak at cons are usually fucking obnoxious and seem out of place as hell at most of them, you severely lack self awareness.
Also lol'd at the term "power fantasy" being called a "buzzword".

>> No.9511151


I had a good time at the first cape; lots of photos taking pics of whatever they liked and no screaming 15 year olds. Probably going again.

>> No.9511155

Since when is Cowbutt Crunchies local to NE?

>> No.9511157

Agreed that CAPE is solid if you're into cosplay and getting good photos. I'm glad they expanded to two days this year, my only complaint is that they were on the small side.

>> No.9511331
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There's a huge difference between a bunch of consofters wearing multicam and and thinking they're cool and people that wear military gear to emulate the look of a specific character. See pic related.

>> No.9511574

They've been local forever. They attend most of the NE cons. Ive seen them at CTcon before, as well as some Boston cosplay meets ages ago.

>> No.9513511

You can say that about any cosplay
>I'm jaded by all the girls who use cosplay as an excuse to dress like sluts...

>> No.9513604

What's your point? It's generally considered shitty to use cosplay an a footstool for something else, be it cheap T&A popularity or so that you can wave a fake gun around. In both cases the person doesn't actually enjoy the hobby or like a show so one isn't really different than the other.

>> No.9513613

I agree. You/that anon just seemed to single out milfags and I'm just saying they are just like any other cosplayer. Some are just doing it as an excuse to wear shit they wouldn't otherwise wear in public, while most do it to celebrate their fandom.

>> No.9513667

Not to beat a dead horse, but the subject matter being discussed was military gear. It's not really "singling out" if that's what the conversation is about. It's fine to talk about one topic in specifics without reminding people that unrelated topics x y and z are also shitty.

>> No.9513848

As far as I know there's still a bunch of them, they even get the Cyanide and Happiness crew in almost annually which is personally one of my favorite parts. Maybe in a year on that musical, I guess I have to check that out!
That...isn't a real thing anon. I know people on the southeastern circuit and "cosplay guests" turn into giant autograph centers. I'm also not into supporting cosplaying as a profession as I believe artificially creating "professional" cosplayers takes the whole play aspect out; from what I've met and heard "famous" cosplayers have a tendency to be more standoffish/closed off than most industry guests. Keep that shit on the internet if you must. Or, idk, stay down south.
>t. Actively cosplaying for a decade

Ok, you win. I just have to plan better and get my shit together for colossal

>> No.9513921

I'm confused. Are you saying cosplay/costuming guests who run actually helpful cosplay panels and workshops at cons isn't a real thing? Because I can assure you that it is.

>> No.9516286

Anybody go to ComiCONN? How was it? Curious if it's worth checking out next year.

>> No.9518938

So it looks like CTCon's "informal dance" is going to be held at NIXS across the street from the con center, and will be 18+. I'm glad it's not halfway across downtown this year, but the Yelp reviews for this place suck. Not looking too good, CTCon. Just let the dances die.

>> No.9518953

Going to be moving to Northern Virginia. Anything going on in that area over the summer?

>> No.9518960

>Northern Virginia
>New England thread
anon, I think you are lost.

>> No.9518985

It seemed like the closest thing.

>> No.9518992

DC anon. DC is the closest thing. Or Maryland. Both have cons and both you'd have to drive through just to come here.

>> No.9519007

No, that's a 7+ hour drive.
Otakon is in DC in August. Colossalcon East is in PA in September. Those would be much closer to you. I honestly don't think any of the NE cons are worth traveling very far to go to.

>> No.9519031


Sorry lads. Coming from the South, so I'm not familiar with which East Coast cons are generally regarded as being breddy gud to go to.

>> No.9519499

Not going to Connecticon so getting excited about CAPE since they posted their programming. Hoping for laid back weekend

>> No.9519502

It's three weeks till the con and still no panel acceptance/rejection email. I know ctcon is slow, but damn guys. They're literally putting this together last minute.

>> No.9520268

Anyone hitting up Portcon Maine in a week? If so, any 18+ Or cringe panels you recommend?

>> No.9521760

They've been awful about it the past few years. My group didn't hear back about our panel until the week before. Didn't even bother submitting it this year since it's such a hassle.

>> No.9521790
File: 49 KB, 484x204, Screen Shot 2017-06-16 at 12.16.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daigle's response about panels. So if you haven't gotten anything, sounds like they might have you on the wait list.

>> No.9521801

I might be over thinking this, but I find it kinda concerning that the head of the con is starting this post with "From what I have been told." Like aren't you in charge of this? Shouldn't you be on top of this instead of just saying "I've just been told..." like it's some type of rumor or you've heard second hand or something?

>> No.9521813

You're not over-thinking it at all, and with any other con, yeah, the head of the con would be on top of it. But I've been attending CTCon since 2005, so his attitude doesn't phase me at all. He's always been a very hands-off person and lets his staff handle everything, because as long as people are still buying badges, that's all he really cares about.

He did later say something else about knowing panels were a mess this year and last year, and that they definitely want to improve upon it next year. Who knows if they will or not, though.

>> No.9521822

Concerning most of my issues with last year weren't taken care of this year, i.e. 18+ panels/late night activities, and substituting a million guests for actual content, I wouldn't be surprised if not much is actually done.

>> No.9525792

Does anyone know if CTCon will be policing the outside stairs again this year?

>> No.9526093

Where are you from? It you go to CT con I'll meet up with you, and try and find my Gohan cosplay

>> No.9526317

Most likely, and honestly I hope they are. Saturday of the con is Riverfest so there will be a lot of random people around.

>> No.9527345

Maybe I'm just getting too old for this shit, but jfc what is with all these idiots posting their ~cosplay lineups~ in the ConnectiCon fb group? Nobody fucking cares, that shit belongs on your personal page. Do other cons get this much garbage-posting?

>> No.9527359

It's because cosplayers like to pretend they're famous.
See: people who are actively excited for CAPE

>> No.9527360

And it isn't just this con, ALL cons are subject to this crap

>> No.9530977

anyone at portcon ?

>> No.9531279

Literally at portcon right now, up in my room, taking a shit

>> No.9531968

Was at anime Boston and saw a Donald Trump with a Wall stand. It was pretty darned good.

>> No.9534050

Anyone up for a meet up at ConnectiCon? Last time I was there I was in the L Bar attached to the Con drinking with the Lone Gunman from the X-File. I also met Nichelle Nichols (Uhura) in there which was amazing. Also made a lot of new Con buddies. Thats where I'll be late nights anyway. Keep a look out for a vampire with a strong Boston accent

>> No.9534115

Donarud Trumpstar
Stand : ~F A K E N E W S~

>> No.9537002

I'll make sure to pass through the bar
Try and keep an eye out for a tall Stevonnie

>> No.9537017

I know you! And I'm always down for a CGL meetup. I should be more friendly since I've had a year to adjust to this area and actually have social skills now. Saturday at 10?

>> No.9538681


You know me? Have we met at AB or AAC before? or Connecticon?