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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 102 KB, 675x1200, DBcXYyQVoAAPMI5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9507085 No.9507085 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else gets a bit miffed when cosplayers don't follow proper trigger discipline? I know it's a prop but still.

>> No.9507112

It doesn't bother me at all. I'm not autistic though.

>> No.9507280

seems like an american thing

>> No.9507392
File: 103 KB, 700x700, 1489787681739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gets me way worse than it really should but im a /k/ sperg so idk if my vote counts

>> No.9507396


>> No.9507400

I don't even give a shit about guns and it pisses me off. Cosplaying is about accuracy, and if you can put together a whole damn accurate outfit yet wont even lift a damn finger when posing with a gun, you've fucked up

>> No.9507474

No because I have other things to worry about

>> No.9507602

Why did you have to dig this ancient meme out of its grave?

>> No.9507607

It irritates the shit out of me, people just look so stupid and naive with bad trigger discipline.

>> No.9507650

I like guns (not as much as a /k/ommando), I know gun safety, and even considering that I really don't care if people using prop guns have bad TD. I'm happy when I see people who use TD, but I really don't see the rationality behind flying into a rage at people who don't. They've probably never touched a real gun in their life and may never, and their experience with guns is probably limited to media where they almost always see the character using the gun ready to fire.

Except gun safety isn't in any way a part of cosplay, and there's absolutely no way anyone would ever know about TD until someone who knows guns points it out.

Also you might want to take into account how many of these cosplayers aren't even of legal age to own guns, let along know how to hold them properly.

>> No.9507676

I feel like it's common sense not to rest your finger on the trigger in case you get startled and accidentally pull it. You're literally a hard sneeze away from possibly shooting someone/yourself when you rest your finger on the trigger.

>> No.9507681

No idea about guns
Never cared
Just googled trigger discipline
It seems so idiotic to have your finger on the trigger all the time
No TD triggers me now

>> No.9507840

it's not a matter of gun safety when you it's just toys you're holding
it's a matter of delivering a bit of consistency and researching your character
if you're gonna play a character with a gun, you better have an idea of how the gun works
the same with any prop
what bothers me most is people holding swords like they're any random stick, pointing them towards themselves without even realizing

>> No.9507852

Jesus fucking christ she's cosplaying Elise. From Fire Emblem Fates. There aren't any fucking guns in Fire Emblem there's no "accuacy" or "consistency" or "character research" to be done here, it's not a character with a gun.

That said, I still think it's dumb as shit to freak out over this.

>> No.9507865
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The only good reason to get antsy about bad TD is when real guns are involved and you fear for someone's life. When it's just props, it comes off as unnecessary saltiness. Besides, most artists don't seem to know how guns work so a lot of gun toting characters that get cosplayed don't display proper TD in the first place.

>> No.9508103
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not me unfortunately, i think there's more /k/ cross posters than you wold first think

>> No.9508111
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>> No.9508115

If the cosplayer is doing an action pose, then his/her/xer finger should absolutely be on the trigger.

>> No.9508340
File: 45 KB, 660x607, 1420421570628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we make this the /k/ crossposter thread?

>pic related
>mfw randos at cons point prop guns everywhere with their fingers on the trigger

>> No.9508499

whats most stale laws on cc inside cons?

>> No.9508504

PCC didn't have this problem this year. But they banned all props so no one could get triggered by bad TD.

>> No.9508515
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 1489548926295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>searching the internet for hours to look up reference pics for your cosplay
>sewing your own cosplay from scratch
>dying and styling your wig
>spending hours crafting props
>learning how properly hold/pose with said props

how can some of you gulls be this retarded?

>> No.9508563
File: 44 KB, 800x448, a1d190f6386c8ec748f1a5e5ee9beea84cd0d1e8_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't it really only matter with what kind of pose you're doing? Like, if you're posing in a way that is just standing there or whatever then yeah you should practice trigger discipline, but if somebody was going to pose with an "intent to shoot" then it'd look stupid if they didn't have their finger on the trigger.

Like if a Komaeda cosplayer was going to recreate the russian roulette CG, pic related.

>> No.9508600

I do, but it only makes sense if:
>the gun can actually shoot something(nerf, airsoft, etc)
>you are cosplaying as some military dude who is not in action. Action poses really should have a finger on the trigger
I have a pic where I did follow proper TD, but it also has shooting effects shooped in. It looks ridiculous.

>> No.9508608

I just tell them to straighten the finger. Don't really rage at them, just instruct them.

>> No.9508786

Can you imagine someone at a con losing their shit at some cosplayer for bad TD? It sounds ridiculous, but it also sounds like it's happened at least once.

>> No.9508957

I wouldn't say this was "lose his shit" level, but I had some dude get all condescending and in my face one time when I was holding my boyfriends prop gun while he was in the bathroom.

It was a very fake looking gun with an oversized handle. I'm standing there looking at my phone with the gun in my other hand pointing down at the ground, with my finger around the trigger because it's the only comfortable way for me to hold this thing with one hand, and it's a tagged prop pointing at the ground. Apparently this dude found it really threatening.

For the record, I do use td when walking around with my own cosplay guns out of habit, but I don't think it's a big deal if you've already been through a prop check or security and there are things like photos happening. I agree that it's proper ettiquette never to point your weapons at random people at cons, but I think getting panties in a twist over td is generally overdoing it.

>> No.9511442

It's a 'everyone who has been around real firearms' thing.

>> No.9514862

If its legal in the state its fine, most con's forbid real weapons unless you got permission before hand or worked something out with them. Worst thing to probably happen would be a perm-a-ban from the convention.

>> No.9514900

No con is going to let someone come in with a firearm if they know about it. If you're going to cc just do it. If you have to draw you'll be happy to have it and if you don't no one will be the wiser. ignorance is bliss. I've carried at major conventions and been within spitting distance of guests. I could have killed someone's waifu (all the same I could have stabbed them with a knife or a pointy stick at that point

>> No.9514911
File: 62 KB, 313x474, DSC_0359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like there's a surprising amount of cosplaying at /k/ meets.

>> No.9515314
File: 938 KB, 2048x1536, CZ-75_Signed_By_Kenichi-Sonoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know quite a few case of people carrying at cons where mabye the staff was accepting but I agree ignorance is bliss and they would never know the difference of someone carrying or not. tho I think it comes down to the mentality of the state and who runs the con. ECCC Allowed anon to bring his CC in and got it signed by Kenichi. his homeboard is /cgl/ but he posted the story on /k/
from what I can recall
>Anon finds out that Kenichi is going to be at ECCC
>Sends email to ECCC to see if he can bring his CC piece to get sign by Kenichi
>ECCC tells him to just take it to weapons check and get it cleared.
>Takes it to ECCC weapon check and tells them he going to get Kenichi to sign it
>Weapons checks approves
>Anon is waiting in line for his turn
>Anons turn comes up and he hand Kenichi his gun to sign
>Kenichis face lights up like the rising sun while Kenichis handler lets spaghetti fall out of her panties
>Kenichi calms his handler and explain to her that this is the US and is quite normal
>kenichi ask anon if he would like to talk after signing.
>Anon agrees and at the end of the signing they shoot the shit and talk about firearms and other things.
>Anon had a good time and I'm jealous
There is closet /cgl/s in /k/ and closet /k/s in /cgl/

>> No.9515331

Some people are so hellbent on blindly hating guns that anyone who tries to talk about proper handling of them is ignored. It isn't just a personal safety issue. Like you said, it's also an accuracy thing, and depending on the realism of the prop, it may make people feel unsafe to see someone walking around in a crowded event with their finger on a trigger.

>> No.9515597

I'm not even a gun owner but I've talked to enough that I get triggered (lol) by it.

I always place my finger properly unless I'm specifically doing a pose where I'm pulling the trigger so that I don't look like a retard. Why bother cosplaying someone who's an expert marksman and then brandish your weapon like a child?

>> No.9515609

my dad was sure to raise me knowing proper gun safety and when I see characters or cosplay not following gun safety I go nuts.

>> No.9515670

Honestly to me people who bitch about trigger discipline, ballet stands and ice skating poses etc in cosplay are one of those people who just seek attention and have to feel better about themselves all the time. It's really annoying to have someone comment on an otherwise stunning cosplay something petty like "I just hate it when cosplayers don't get en pointe right reeeee" no shit genius they probably have zero personal experience with the subject but still like the character for other reasons and focused on getting the costume right? Stop your autism.

Because people who haven't used a gun have no idea there's some discipline on how to hold it? It's not like people make a conscious decision to hold the gun wrong, most people outside of Texas buttfuck nowhere have never even seen a real gun in person and much less know how to use one.

>> No.9515778

It's not like it's that fucking hard to hold a gun properly though. Even trannies on /k/ manage it.

>> No.9515789

I've never seen a gun in real life, sincerely hope I don't have to - even cops where I live don't have guns unless they've called people in because something is seriously wrong - never plan on holding a real gun, and the same goes for all my friends and family. The fact people care about this is bizarre to me, but then so is the idea of people carrying in Wallmart.

>> No.9515796

leave mai waifu outta this
she is a special case dammit senpai desu baka

>> No.9515803

Trigger discipline only triggers me because people are so stupid about guns. They have the potential to kill you, while there is no such thing as an aggressive ballet stand or deadly ice skating pose. Even though it's "just cosplay", it also bothers me when people think they're awesome taking selfies with guns. I hate guns, but trigger discipline in any media bothers me. Either hold it right and realize they're weapons meant for death or just don't use it as part of your cosplay.

>Because people who haven't used a gun have no idea there's some discipline on how to hold it?
They looked up references on how to look like the character they're cosplaying, they can easily do a search on how to properly hold a gun to not look like a retard. Why excuse their behavior?

>> No.9515826

That's the thing though - for a lot of people, it just isn't. There's a huge population of the country who has never grown up around guns and never seen one in person that wasn't on a police officer, nevertheless personally handled one. Even with some of the people who do have them, there's still idiots out there who have a lack of understanding of basic gun safety.
Like, for me, growing up, I think I always would just assume that it would be natural to just have your finger on the trigger or that close to it because I just assumed that's how it worked/didn't think that it was that easy to misfire because I just knew nothing about guns whatsoever. I don't think I knew anything about trigger discipline until maybe like 5 or 6 years ago when i was on cgl and saw someone mention it. Once I saw and learned about TD, it made sense to me why just hovering your finger on the trigger would be dumb as fuck and is bad form, but like, none of that was common knowledge to me because I knew nothing about guns or had even seen a gun that wasn't in the holster of a police officer, I had no way of just knowing that.

>> No.9515831


1. It's vita for safe. Poor trigger discipline for props can lead to poor trigger discipline for actual firearms

2. In terms of cosplay, the characters usually portrayed would be trained in trigger discipline

>> No.9515833

>ancient meme out of its grave?

Let's get all the dance fags together and bitch about Princess Tutu cosplayers

>> No.9515834

It doesn't occur to them there is a proper way to hold a gun other than how it is fired.

>> No.9518831

There's an absurd amount of /k/ crossposters if al those "concealed carry in cosplay/burando" posts are to be believed.

Has anyone every done a survey and what home boards are? /k/ seems second to /fit/ on crossboarders here.

>> No.9518846

>two most likely demographics to go hunting (pun intended) for a qt3.14 lolita gf

sounds about right to me

>> No.9519937

Maybe because in other countries we don't all have guns because we have actual laws preventing psychopaths from shooting up schools?

>> No.9519964

Well yeah we don't in my country so if I trigger an autistic American for holding my finger on the trigger during a photoshoot then fuck it I'll do it.

>> No.9519995

Depends on the character, I think someone doing a military themed cosplay should look up the basics of how to hold and manipulate a firearm. Otherwise some weeb showing poor TD with a plastic prop doesn't bother me, now if someone takes them to a range and they start taking selfies different story.

>> No.9520012
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Pictured : the kind of people who get upset over trigger discipline in costumes. It's always the inbred looking motherfuckers that go autistic over guns, like it somehow makes up for them looking like female repellents.

>> No.9520014
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>> No.9520022

t. Europoor trying to feel better about being raped by Achmed.

>> No.9520427
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>> No.9520428

(Also American, it's how I know being autistic about guns seems to correlate with looking like someone took a massive dump in your gene pool. Every American woman knows how the guys who sperg most over guns are seriously compensating for a small, tiny, shriveled... Let's say ~world view. Only the fat or crazy trailer park chicks who think they can't do any better fall for that noise.)

>> No.9520451
File: 73 KB, 600x800, 4c643559-cad1-4825-a9ca-1edec163f128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with leftists weird obsession with dick size? Like, is that really all you think about is dick?

>> No.9520467

We don't need to obsess because normal guys aren't packing lap pinkies they need to compensate for.

It is remarkable how tiny dicks seem to correlate with being absolutely mentally unstable, however. Wonder why that is.

>> No.9520485

Can you actually prove your statement? It kind of sounds like you're rather insecure about it since you're the one who brought it up.

>> No.9520533

my trap sense is tingling

>> No.9520568

Am girl, and don't quite feel up to asking my boyfriend to strip for 4chan.

As for bringing it up, I think it's because to someone without a dick it's fascinating how this obsession among certain types of men seems to lead to being absolutely repugnant.

Bitching about proper gun discipline or bitching about guns in general is less subtle than opening up a conversation with, "hello, my name is Gary, and along with my extensive backne and moobs, I also have a tiny penis. How would you like to have sex with a hey likely to start crying about having been picked on in school?"

>> No.9520590

so do all those hard charging navy seal types have small penises too? you're just as likely to have an abundance of testosterone and be a gun guy than not.

>> No.9520616
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, K Firearm Essentials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but I'll keep beat the dead horse that is trigger discipline because proper safety & education. same reason why smoky the bear still has a job.

>> No.9520811
File: 818 KB, 2048x1152, 34944184536_3017f28305_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who browses /k/ knows that anything posted in the battle rifle general threads probably has a penis.

So, post pics of cosplayers actually demonstrating proper weapons handling?

>> No.9520970

>It is remarkable how tiny dicks seem to correlate with being absolutely mentally unstable

Endless rejection is bad for your psyche, go figure.

>> No.9521068

I agree- although I'd also say that it's more important with realistic props for several reasons:
~ perhaps bad habits might get carried over to real weapons more if the fake weapon is more realistic
~ it can make other people uncomfortable, especially if the weapon is /convincingly realistic/.
~ if the the character is meant to be realistic, as well as the art, then to be better in character it would be better to act like the character would (which also means if it IS an action scene pose/shot/etc. then that's different, too).

With ridiculously cartoony props and characters that aren't meant to be that realistic, it's more forgivable.

What worries me FAR MORE than any behaviour with a cosplay prop is that I've seen photos of people (not at cons, in private photo shoots) posing with REAL weapons for cosplay/theme photoshoot stuff, and that's scarier, especially when it's clear that some have NO IDEA how to safely handle a weapon.

>> No.9521272
File: 38 KB, 472x631, JPEG_20170615_163545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have the same problem with people mishandling other prop weapons such as prop grenades?

>> No.9522088

so an american thing basically

>> No.9522099

I can't believe you're still defending this

>> No.9522100
File: 383 KB, 1024x576, wpid-n2014-12-21-10h02m26s246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic is a cheap plastic toy that isn't going to fool anyone but the finger doesn't need to be on the trigger.

Most poses of characters with guns are going to be combat poses where they're supposed to look ready to fire.

Most reference pictures are probably also going to be of the character firing the gun.

Anyone who owns a real gun should already know how to use it, and anyone who hands their gun to someone even as a prop should give them instruction on how to hold it. I blame the owner of the gun before I blame the cosplayer. Outside of the US the only guns you'll see are shotguns and the like in rural towns where people go hunting, and even then most people I know have never seen let alone handled one.

I used to wonder why Americans got their jimmies rustled about this sort of thing but guns are part of their culture and gun violence is more real to them than anyone else. The thought of people being able to freely carry guns around is absolute insanity to me, so I guess it's hard to comprehend the importance of gun handling when an untrained civilian handling a gun is an outrageous scenario to begin with.

>> No.9522123

People flipping a title about OMFG PROPER SAFETY for obvious plastic props are autistic as fuck. Especially when we're seeing actually dangerous shit at cons now (those Pokemon tournament guys, that dude wanting to shoot the power ranger).

Now if you're taking pictures and the character is somebody who should be good at guns and you have sloppy TD, it's a shit photo. Part of cosplaying is portraying the character and if it's a character who would use guns a lot that includes TD. No different from holding a bow like an idiot or wearing hooker heels with an there's practical costume.

>> No.9522139

Common Sense isn't common though

>> No.9522220

That ever much depends on the pose and the shot. If the character is standing at ease, TD should be applied. If it's an action shot then it should look like they are ready to shoot.

>> No.9522222

Other than grenades being poor props because your hand almost completely encloses them making them for poor posing?

>> No.9522340

>we're seeing actually dangerous shit at cons now (those Pokemon tournament guys, that dude wanting to shoot the power ranger).

What's this now?

>> No.9522341


Yeah. Essentially the character should be adhering to the in-store fiction of the scene and how trigger discipline applies

>> No.9525146

SA wheel gun faggot reporting. Drives me absolutely nuts.

Most cosplayers get a pass because it's obviously a fake most of the time and they're kids who spend their free time making costumes.

The guys who go for the realistic look and/or airsoft wieners ought to know better, damnit.