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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 225 KB, 601x850, __hino_rei_and_sailor_mars_bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon_drawn_by_matyaha__d43074ac98eec461b07bbdbdb15e6074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9477328 No.9477328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How common is it for girl cosplayers to be into getting fucked in costume? I assume that's a big part of it right? I work with a bunch of cosplayers and being a fairly attractive weeb with decent social skills my goal is to fuck them in costume Unfortunately,most of them have boyfriends or are married. I've heard cosplayers tend to be slutty though, is this true?

>> No.9477335

Fucking creep.

>> No.9477337

>wear sexy outfits
>creeped out by men being attracted

i dont get it

>> No.9477338
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>> No.9477339

>girls dress for themselves??

>> No.9477341

is it wrong to be attracted to sexy girls dressed as anime characters you're into? i'm sorry i guess

>> No.9477343

this was a serious thread btw, cute girl at work has been flirting with me and i just want to knwo what the chances are she'd be into fucking in her costume.

>> No.9477349

I would never have sex in my cosplay outfit, I don't want cum on it.

>> No.9477355

Low. An artist wouldnt be into you getting jizz on their newly finished painting, would they? Or onto a sweater they just knitted? It's the same with cosplay. If I've spent hundreds of dollars and tons of time working on putting together an awesome costume, there's no way I'm letting that anywhere near some dude's junk, even if I am somehow actually into the guy creeping on me because he has a fetish for my supposedly promiscuous hobby

>> No.9477359

The girl I'm talking about has been coming onto me hard, tickling me, finding any excuse to talk to me and just flirting constantly. I'm not sure why you are being so defensive. Also, who said any thing about busting a nut on the costume?

>> No.9477360

You're kind of a pig if all you can think about is fucking her whilst she's engaging in her favourite hobby.

>> No.9477361
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>I'm dressing for myself!
>The fact that I also then go to crowded places with tons of people and want as many people as possible to take pictures and compliment me is just a coincidence!

>> No.9477362

I'm interested in her too, she is really cool and we like a lot of the same stuff. Is it wrong that her character choice turns me on?

Exactly. This board seems more like reddit than 4chan from the replies so far.

>> No.9477364

You mean tumblr.

>> No.9477368

Realtalk for a moment OP: Cosplaying has a bit of a trashy reputation and tends to attract a lot of slutty girls, there's a higher proportion of promiscuous women in cosplay circles than generally. You stand a good chance.

>> No.9477371

Appreciate the real response instead of the bitchy feminist tumblr bs.

This is why I hate women and am only attracted to cosplayers, cause they look like 2d. I mean, just look at the female responses in this thread. Total bitches.

>> No.9477373

>delet this

>> No.9477375

And that's why you'll never ever have a chance with any real-life girl, cosplayer or not. Go get off to your 2D waifus and stop being disgusting.

>> No.9477376

Jokes on you, I had sex earlier this week. You're probably mad cause you're a fat "craftmanship" cosplayer no one wants to fuck. Stay mad, bitch.

>> No.9477377

Everyone in this thread is delusional and wrong about themselves
The girls getting offended don't realize they would in fact do whatever a guy wanted (including cosplay sex) if he was hot/rich/whatever desirable enough, and would be happy to do it for him.
OP doesn't realize he's not that guy.

>> No.9477378
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>dat u

>> No.9477379

Dude, calm down. I didnt say anything about the girl you're talking about from your work or whatever I'm literally just trying to answer your supposedly serious question about likelihood of cosplayers in general being into having sex in their cosplays, based on my own experience. Like yeah maybe someone wont care about their slutty pikachu costume or something but even if you're being careful not to cum on the costume sex just generally involves a lot of various bodily fluids and grossness, and I cant exactly toss my lovingly crafted armour and embroidered costume pieces in the washing machine after the fact like you can with other clothes. So I wouldnt be into it even if I liked the guy. That's all. If you dont like that answer that's not my fault. I dont know why you're taking this as some personal rejection.

(and I mean hey I'd be pretty justified in getting defensive about the "you girls tend to be pretty slutty right??" comment because it's an assumption that's getting pretty old bc people only know of JNig and her wannabes anymore but hey I let that slide bc this is 4chan)

>> No.9477380

Everyone in this thread is trash

>> No.9477382

Okay well my apologies about being overly defensive, but yeah cosplayers have a reputation for being slutty that's just a fact.

>> No.9477385

>artist displays their art in a gallery and posts online after finishing it because they're proud of it
>wow attention whore you obviously must want to get fucked
as if I spend hours cleaning resin and sawdust out of everything I love just for the sake of some below average dick lmao

>> No.9477386

Can we have a ban on "costume sex" threads? That would be great

>> No.9477391

reddit might be more your style, bitches

>> No.9477392

Agreed, goes for both sides of the board too. We should just put that as the first line of the sticky at this point, just "No, crossboarders, we probably don't want to fuck you in our nice costumes or frilly dresses."

>> No.9477395

>ask a question about females
>females give you a reply with their thoughts on the subject
I mean why even ask in the first place if you're just going to bitch at people who give you an answer? Can't wait to see the /r9k/ thread where you talk about how you embarrassed yourself because of the 1/8 posters that said you were right.

>> No.9477396

>embarrassed yourself
this is an anonymous imageboard... i have no reason to be embarassed

>> No.9477397

or cgl's just not yours? you cant exactly expect that everything from /pol/ to the fucking papercraft board are gonna have the same atmospheres and yet you're amazed that the female dominant cosplay board isnt what you expected

>> No.9477400

Damn bitch you're a moron.

You tried to imply you dress "for yourself" and I called that out as bullshit. In no way did me simply saying that was bullshit mean you're doing it to try and get fucked.

You sure as hell don't spend hours cleaning resin and sawdust so you can wear your costume alone at home and never let anyone else see it. THAT would be truly doing it for yourself. You want attention. Maybe you can be proud of your work too but you want attention and that means you're not just doing it for yourself. Admit it and get over yourself.

>> No.9477401

that time of the month i guess

>> No.9477402

of course not you can just cry alone and jack off instead bc no qt3.14 cosplay gf

>> No.9477403

You will be when you disregard everyone's warning and go and ask to fuck her in her costume.

>> No.9477404

oh man comedy gold a period joke oh wow i take it back this solves everything we now welcome you to cgl with open arms and open legs you are our king

>> No.9477405

all women think about is getting validation from Chads (dick) some girls aren't attractive enough to be stacies so they go the "gurl gamer" route of cosplay

>> No.9477407

Not the guy you're responding to, OP here, I wouldn't ask that out right and especially not the first time. I'm just going to see how things progress and ask about that after we've fucked (if it even happens.) Not sure how this thread got so nasty or where all the rude commentators came from.

>> No.9477409

im not even that same anon jfc, i just dont cosplay to get fucked and am sick of people equating wanting to show off a cool finished product in a competitive atmosphere with wanting to get rawed in the ass after the con or let sweaty palmed neckbeards grope me bc they cant realise i'm not literally their sad 2d waifu

>> No.9477410

what are you even on about?

>> No.9477413

Where the fuck did anything in my post say that.

>> No.9477417

i'm talking about your life

>> No.9477423

Lets just do a survey:
>how many dicks have you taken at cons from dudes you met that day?

>was it in or out of costume?

>would you be more likely to get dicked down by a guy also in costume?

>> No.9477425

>Jokes on you, I had sex earlier this week

It doesn't count if you paid for it, anon.

>> No.9477429


99% of cosplayer life story:

>be meh 6/10 girl
>only get hit on by desperate betas
>decide to cosplay
>all of the sudden tons of dudes giving me attention
>so desperate for cock you take any guy who looks like he's had a shower in the last 3 days and shaved his neckbeard
>feel slight sense of self-validation then further shame

>> No.9477432


>> No.9477433

seconding this

>> No.9477434
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More like:

>Every girl on 4chan's life story

Girls on 4chan be crazy whores, and that's why I love them.

>> No.9477435
File: 22 KB, 320x239, ain't that some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm ugly and pandering to neckbeards doesn't even get me laid

>> No.9477436

It's only fun if the guy is cosplaying a character I ship with my character.

>> No.9477440

If that's the case do you let him bust inside?

>> No.9477445


Yes, listen to this one person making a joke post. Surely, their opinion is the one shared by most, and not the one every serious poster has posted

>> No.9477446

Here's the real question for you- do the girls who cosplay around you spend lots of time working on their costumes so they look good?
If so they probably aren't down to fuck it it.

Is it a $60 costume from Ali and a party city wig? Fuck away you disgusting asshole.