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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9477142 No.9477142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread in autosage >>9473574

Was browsing many of the Lolita fashion tags and got a lot of WTF.

>> No.9477143
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>> No.9477144
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>> No.9477145
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>> No.9477146
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You ever wore Lolita in the first place

>> No.9477148
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>> No.9477161

Ha, cute look.

>> No.9477171

I wouldn't call these itas

>> No.9477185
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I feel like posting Chanel is cheating almost.

>> No.9477188

First one is ugly above the neck and those fishnets and shoes are ita as fuck. The second one is also ugly above the neck and everything clashes with the dress.

>> No.9477190

Shame, it's a nice dress. Not necessarily ita, it doesn't hurt the eyes but the boots and stockings definitely dont fit the aesthetic.

>> No.9477203
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>Warning For Gross Diaper-Wearing Age-Player in Picture

If I'm not mistaken this is the same girl wearing real AP in the last ita thread. Isn't this another AP jsk? Like... Sugary Gingham? Or Dreamy Gingham? If so, this is beginning to legitimately piss me off.

>> No.9477208
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I think it is, because I've been seeking this dress out. It's AP's Dream Color Gingham.
>tfw this gross cunt has a dress that matches my sweet wardrobe and yet I miss it every time it comes up for auction

>> No.9477287

I know it is a long shot, but if you are interested in the purple colourway it is up on closet child atm. I already have the black x pink and it is the comfiest jsk I own and was going to buy it, but I am not in a financially good way atm and would love to see a fellow seagull snap it up.

>> No.9477310

Why is it gross? Because it's not your fetish? It is mine

>> No.9477311

Why is she gross lol

Somebody's salty

>> No.9477315

right, because having a fetish that involves pissing yourself isn't gross at all...

>> No.9477336

Promoting CP and pooping yourself is gross.

>> No.9477346

Come on now, that wig on the one with glasses, or it's real tumblrina hair can't tell, and that collar/hat/whore make-up on the one with the fishnets and the boots? Those are terrible.
No. This shall not pass.

I'll never understand why you'd get one of those cattle marker nose rings when you're overweight. It's like asking to be turned into a walking joke.

Is there no way that tumblr is going to do something about this deranged shit if they're going to clog up the SFW tags with it?

Maybe keep your perversions out of the public eye? Just an idea. No one here is consenting to watching you piss yourself. Your parents must be so proud.

>> No.9477347

I certainly hope this is bait, otherwise you disgust me

>> No.9477352

nayrt, and not bait, but ageplay doesn't promote cp so shut the fuck up. That is like saying porn makes people rape and video games make people commit gun crimes. Most people understand the difference between fantasy and reality, and those who don't still grasp the understanding that post pubescent bodies turn them on even if they are fucking and adult urine soaked vag.

I still want ageplayers to up the shut fuck about their sex lives, and stop misrepresenting our fashion, but promoting cp is not the argument to stand behind to achieve this. Stop being like the normies who think lolita=Nabokov.

>> No.9477353

sorry meant for>>9477336 salt is obscuring my vision.

>> No.9477358
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dunno, this coord is conlita tier at absolute best.

her appearance is surreal and a bit scary. Something is up with her face for sure

>> No.9477365

You consider black eyeliner and a deep red lip with a gothic coord whore makeup? That is seriously reaching.

>> No.9477383

Wow, her makeup has improved so much, I am honestly impressed. For someone who has a very 'unique distribution of features' to put it bluntly she has really started to make makeup work for her in a very good way. I am glad to see her progress.

>> No.9477388

Looks like Laganja Estranja really let herself go.

>> No.9477424
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Ageplay discussion is getting old. We're talking about this every single week and it isn't going anywhere.

>> No.9477456

/cgl/ are the ones trying to make ageplay a thing. I never even hear the word outside of this board.

>> No.9477464

Oh right, our apologies, ageplay doesn't promote CP, it's adults fantasizing about fucking little girls. Right.

>> No.9477479
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>> No.9477485

The way it's applied sloppily makes it whore makeup.

>> No.9477494

this makeup and wig is actually the best she's ever looked. but she tries too hard.

>> No.9477512

Not ita. Just looks like baby's first coord, and isn't terrible even not considering that.

>> No.9477527

It's a power thing for both parties involved anon, and both parties are adults. You can find it icky and gross or even "triggering" but it is in no way "promoting CP." That diminishes the definition of CP.

>> No.9477556

I was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Seeing things like this, even if it is an adult in the situation, normalizes adults finding children and childish "play" sexy. It also provides content to groom younger children. It's just a legal way to get off on being a pedophile.

>> No.9477569

Tell that to the people in the AA thread

>> No.9477570

You being a victim of CSA does not make you an expert authority, sorry. It's awful that that happened to you but no, it does not normalize it any more than puppy play "normalizes" bestiality. Pedos will use pretty much anything they can get their hands on to groom a child, the pedo is the one at fault, not the people engaging in consensual sex, and two adults doing kinky shit together does not make them pedophiles. A pedo grooms a child because they are a predator who has the opportunity to do so, not because they saw a grown-ass woman showing off a diaper.

This is definitely a situation where your past trauma has made it upsetting for you to think about people who engage in this sort of play, and I don't really blame you, but you're still not right.

>> No.9477581

That sucks honestly, but one persons perspective isn't the end all. I went to group therapy after being sexually assaulted and we had people there who expressed living out their sexual assaults as therapeutic to them. One of them did a lot of role play in the bedroom, and not with a partner either. She literally went to those bdsm clubs to specifically request that sort of service because it created a safe space where she could replay the scenario but with a person who's job was to ensure she would come out safe. It's never okay for anyone to be sexually assaulted, but it's also important not to accuse others of being sexual assaulters or wanting to be a sexual assaulter without valid proof. Just as it's not right to call all sweet lolitas age players, gothic lolita bdsm gear or whatever classic lolita is (curtains? Curtain kei?), it's important to separate the very real and important issue of sexual assault and child porn from a consensual act of sex between two people of age.

>> No.9477591

>it's important to separate the very real and important issue of sexual assault and child porn from a consensual act of sex between two people of age
Thank you for highlighting this, anon. I'm also a victim of sexual assault and seeing so many other victims talk about how consenting adults are somehow supporting rape because their kinks are the bad kind of kinks is fucked up. It's like no matter what I do I'm "supporting" my rapist because I'm kinky, and it makes me feel helpless. Polite sage for OT.

>> No.9477636

I think everyone on cgl is talking about age play to death because tumblr is over run with it, honestly. Like you see this shit all over the lolita fashion and related tags constantly

>> No.9477637

The artist alley thread??

>> No.9477646

We don't care what makes your crotch wet, just stop forcing it into our fashion.

>> No.9477653

>doesn't make you an expert
Nayrt but lol and what makes you the expert...? Victims of csa at least tend to have experience in therapy learning about why pedophiles act the way they act, you're just some kink freak who likes defending adults who shit themselves and post pictures online.

>> No.9477668

kek I'm not even into any of the kinks mentioned ITT, I just think it's probably not the best idea to link consensual sex between adults to the rape of kids.

>Victims of csa at least tend to have experience in therapy learning about why pedophiles act the way they act
What? Good lord, no, that is not what therapy involves. When you go to therapy it is about YOU, your healing, and understanding that you are not to blame for what was done to you. It's not "let's discuss your predator and why they did what they did" time.

Seriously I hate it when DDLGs tag their shit #lolitafashion too but /cgl/ gets so fucking /tumblr/ about kinks sometimes.

>> No.9477676
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I just searched the #lolitafashion tag and this popped up

>> No.9477688

The first comment says it all.

>> No.9477691

While she doesn't fuck classic up nearly as much as she does sweet, she still looks terrible and it makes her look even more like a grandmother than usual. What is the point of that god awful nose ring? It's way too big for her face.

>> No.9477703

Didnt have that happen to me but i agree with you about everything you posted. Its even more alarming that teens and young adults like 15 to 19 range are into it. Theres teens calling themselves littles and they dont fully understand whats really going on. All these people saying its not promoting cp are willfully ignorant. It is getting as close as you can to fucking a kid without fucking a kid or one of those creepy dolls that look like kids.

>> No.9477708

...obviously it's fucked up if a child is into it but then it's just pedophilia, it's a different story when it's an adult. Jesus.

>> No.9477709

I've been in therapy for it idiot, and yes, I have had several sessions where we focused on the factors that play into abuse. If you don't know what you're talking about don't comment.

>> No.9477713

Then your therapy has been a lot different than mine, obviously. Seems like your therapy has just made you into a raging arse who blames everyone around you for "enabling" abuse with their consensual sex, maybe you should get a new therapist.