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File: 126 KB, 650x660, FB_IMG_1494546370557-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9473878 No.9473878 [Reply] [Original]

So I haven't seen anyone talking about this event on cgl and since Haenueli and lovelylor are going I thought there might be some interest.

>> No.9473883

But what event is this?

>> No.9473888
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>> No.9473891
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Here's full

>> No.9473894

So it's a giant tea party or what?

>> No.9473902

A tea party, panels, a fashion show. It's like ruffle con but squished into a smaller space and one day only. IMHO nothing super exciting and the guests besides haenuli look meh, but I'm going to support big Lolita events in FL and to meet new lolitas in my area. I hope it gets bigger and cooler as the years go on

>> No.9473922

That would be nice but it's Florida I'm not holding my breath, there are going to be belly dancers in the fashion show.

>> No.9473933

It looks ok but I heard nothing of it until just now and it's kinda too late to plan a trip.

>> No.9474648
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>belly dancers

>> No.9474651

>samefagging like this
At least take your name out of the name field ffs

>> No.9474726

Couldn't they get any guests other than a scammer, a tracer and a manfaced has-been?

>> No.9474729

Your bad samefagging is making it obvious that's you're just trying to advertise your shitty event. Fuck off newfag

>> No.9474759

This is going to be awful.
I decided to model since it's local-ish to me, it's going AWFUL.

Three days ago the Truly Darling girl backed out of running the Fashion Show, so far only the Haenuli dresses have been announced.

So yeah, it's the day before and we have no idea what were wearing for the other two brands since TD girl dumped all the fashion show shit on the girl organizing volunteers and bunch of other stuff.

>> No.9474761

The fashion show is going to be a shit show I'm looking forward to the lovelylor video where she tries to make it look fun.

>> No.9474767
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same t b h

>> No.9474784

Lor is so up her own ass it's ridiculous, literally no one gives a shit since the shit lolitas say videos and her trying to make her channel relevant again is embarrassing

>> No.9474790

You didn't take your name out of the field so we know you're samefagging. This is actually painful to watch.

>> No.9474795

>I'm not holding my breath
>cakes&couture in name field

Why are you talking down your own event if you're trying to promote it

>> No.9474800
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Looks like OP was caught samefagging in the most hilarious and embarrassing way.

>> No.9474813

This is as bad as watching the Snapchat bots try to promote their own threads on /b

>> No.9476354

>Lovely lor
Excited because I thought this meant Canada finally had a Lolita/Jfasion-exclusive event. Oh well.

>> No.9476361

I'm pretty sure she's always remained consistent with uploads though. That's all you really need to keep up a channel. In terms of relevance, she does have more subs than most other lolita youtubers? Not sure where all the salt is coming from..

>> No.9476379

I want it to be good but I keep hearing bad things about the event organizers

>> No.9476384

Her 3edgy5me post breakup phase was insanely cringey, and I think that turned a lot of people off to her.

>> No.9476390

Is she popular with actual lolitas, though? Every time I hear someone mention her it's an ita newbie or a lolita-at-heart. Nobody in my comm who's worn lolita for more than a month really follows her. Personally I neither like nor dislike her, but I keep forgetting she exists.

>> No.9476498

I understand what it's like to have negative feelings when heartbroken. anyone who'd hold that against her is an alien.
at least she seems to be past it now.

I like Lor because her voice is calming and she seems nice.

>> No.9476858

Yeah really confused.

>> No.9476859

I still haven't seen any photos from Haenuli or on CoF, I'm assuming it was a cluster fuck of fail. Someone update me plz.

>> No.9476916

That was like 2 years ago?? Her videos have gotten so much better since she graduated film school

>> No.9476921

Everyone knows what heartbreak feels like, most adults don't go on a 'love is only chemicals. Love is t real. I'm a lesbian now.' rampage, she's also pretty preachy which is annoying

>> No.9476946

Found some photos/videos on Instagram.


>> No.9477053

I honestly love lor, its so refreshing to see a genuinely nice lolita in a sea of salty/jelous girls like you.

>> No.9477061

There were some super cute outfits and some at the other end of the spectrum. It was a long day and I'm sure everyone is exhausted and will post sometime tomorrow.

>> No.9477074
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>"trying to make channel relevant again"
>mfw her channel has more subs than majority of other lolita channels and has been consistently posting

>> No.9477205

Problems with the event:
- Event literally started two hours late as a result everything was rushed and sloppy
- Everything happened in one room and guests constantly shoved into entry area that was poorly air conditioned and too small for 50+ people to stand in IN FLORIDA
- fashion show models looked lost af (still cute girls )
- Paying $80 made you a commoner
- The coord contest was more like a special snowflake contest
- THERE WAS NO MILK OR CREAM FOR THE TEA like I can forgive stale bread and recycled donuts but it I'm drinking earl grey tea I need milk or cream also no honey for the roibos and green tea wtf

Hopefully these are all just babies first event type mistakes but honestly as soon as the organizers stopped shoving us around or making us serve our own tea bags I had some fun got to meet cool people and have a few laughs but I'm not giving this girl anymore money until she learns how to organize.

>> No.9477221

>genuinely nice
You clearly don't know her. She's pleasant and down-to-earth in her videos but in person, if she considers you an equal rather than a fan, she's one of the most bitter, salty people you'll ever meet. She can't stand it when someone is successful in a way that doesn't directly involve her and will sulk in a corner, making snippy remarks. She's the personification of salty.

>> No.9477369

Apparently it was a nightmare and the VIP bags were shit. They ran out of certain food/drink items before everyone got theirs...

>> No.9477426

>I'm not giving this girl anymore money until she learns how to organize.

I no longer live in Florida, but from reading this thread and my experiences in the past I have have come to the conclusion that many of these event organizers are just way too ambitious for their first events. I understand wanting to make a nice event, but wouldn't it be better to start small with an event that can be repeated the following year rather than losing your target market because you fucked up the first time? It's hard to get people to fork over $80+ on a second event if you failed the first time.

>> No.9477503

Not sure why you think this will stick, it clearly isn't true. Try to at least learn to hide the truth in your lies, makes it more believable.

>> No.9477610

Not worth the money at all.
It was a mess.

>> No.9477623

As someone who was backstage:
We got there at the time were were supposed to be there: 8AM, did nothing for at least an hour, they were going to do our makeup but at 9:30 ish we found out we just had to do our own, so we rushed to do that.
Honestly the models and designers tried our best to make the most of this shit show, there was no space backstage, the clothing racks didnt arrive until after the Haenuli show.
Overall I feel the same way, it was a shit show the organizer, B-chan has run tea parties at conventions before and it was always the same kind of things. Store bought tea sandwiches and earl grey with maybe sugar. You can't charge an $80 ticket and then serve people packaged pastries.
Also I don't think anyone else noticed but half of the of the "VIP" was B-chans friends. Which explains all the itas lol.
I feel so bad for haenulis mom being seated in front of that no bra monster, she looked like she smelled desu.

Also the vendors got the short end of the stick, even though all the attendees were thirsty asf to buy shit they got NO TIME to setup. The "teaparty" went on so fucking long because she only had this one goth guy serving food to 50+ people. Like wtf was she thinking.

>> No.9477629

Ha, of course Andrea was there

>> No.9477660

>no bra monster


>> No.9477685
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It was only in one room about the size of a ballroom, they gave us fucking snacks but it was all cheap shit like powdered donuts, mini cupcakes and croissant sandwiches, it took them too long to do fuckin anything because they had to move around chairs and tables for events they were hours behind on like the transition from the fashion show and belly dancing to setting up for the tea party then making half the room the panel and the other half the vendor hall..if you can call it that lol. I felt terrible for the vendors since they had no time to set anything up reasonably. We were in the hallway a good chunk of the event. For $85 I want more than lil snacks, tea, water and waiting forever for shit to happen
I got a single fucking cupcake and events were hours behind.
A bunch of itas got multiple prizes. There wasn't a point of the raffle because in the end they gave everyone Haenuli's pack anyway. They didn't have the Guest Q&A or announce the winner of the coord contest. An absolute mess. Will elaborate more on anything.
Pic related, food they thought was ok.

>> No.9477698
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Also the food they served to 50+ people.
They really should be embarrassed on how they ran this event. Some random group in the place gave us bags with more food than they did.

>> No.9477734

ah yes a plate of starbursts, my favorite dish

>> No.9477737

Haha holy shit. The starbursts. The wrapped fortune cookies and York patties with the tongs?! Also a jar of jelly beans with no scoop or anything, I guess you were supposed to just reach in with your frilly little paw to get some 'beans.

>> No.9477740

Wait, were there really belly dancers? That seems like a waste of money for a lolita event

>> No.9477757

Yeah it was one dressed as a unicorn dancing to dubstep and the other danced to an orchestral cover of "Take On Me"

>> No.9477780

I wish I had some, my phone was dead for most of it. I'm sure theyre going to put pictures of her up since she won like half the raffle prizes....
I was jokingly saying it was rigged but desu it was bullshit that people could have like 15 tickets.
I wish I could accurately describe how fucking awful this was.
I'm glad there were fun people attending if not idk what I would've done.

>> No.9477850

I couldnt believe what I was seeing. There so was so much boob and ass being shoved around. Not relevant to Lolita at all.

>> No.9477865

Her whole shtick is trying to be the "edgy" "improper" lolita. It was funny in what, 2011/2012 but it's old now. Her style is garish in and out of Lolita and I don't understand how she has such a huge fanbase.

>> No.9477933

>tfw was desperate for more elaborate tea party events in Florida so I could buy tons of shit for my wardrobe, see nice aesthetics and coords and maybe make some lolita friends
>tfw this
goddammit. now i remember why i'm a lone lolita.

>> No.9477935

Why pay for an $85 lolita event to see that when you can go to your local rave and see that for free?
Anyways I thought people were kidding up thread about belly dancers but apparently not

>> No.9477937

I can vouch for this being true as an e famous Lolita who knows her. Her personality over the recent years has just gotten salty and weird

>> No.9477940

She can't dress herself for shit in lolita it like astounds me that her styling is still so bad after all these years.

>> No.9477946
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>> No.9477951
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This is the only shot I could get of these cringe "VIPs" gross replica-chan with Halloween wings, the brocade man whale, grandma sad tits, and the saddest grandpa in the world.

>> No.9477962

Three days ago? I wouldn't be surprised if TD girl backed out sooner and Bridget got caught with her foot in her mouth. B-chan was loudly trash talking TD to anyone in the comm that would listen. If I was in TD's shoes I would also have backed out. Obviously B-chan needed them badly because she has no experience with fashion shows and didn't have enough staff and volunteers to run it without them. If TD had showed I guarantee they would have been left doing everything.

Part of the comm completely snubbed the event because B-chan is literally a fucking dumpster of a human being. She is always trash talking people or events, has ruined every relationship in her life, and that's why C&C ran like it did. She has no real friends and anyone that gets close either gets treated like shit or gets shit talked behind their back.

What's crazy to me is how many people in the comm didn't know this about B-chan going into it. Avoid her at all costs.

>> No.9477969

You used her real name, anon.

>> No.9477973

Honestly the Central Florida comm DOES NOT talk at all.
I've had a bad experience with B-chan before a few of years ago at one of her shitty con tea parties.
Unfortunately I honestly had no idea that B-chan was that same person.
Tbh whenever I saw her she was sitting on her ass, not doing shit, while fucking attendees were helping out.
It was an expensive lesson to learn for everyone that didn't know about B-chan though.
It's sad because I feel like if we ever want to run something again Haenuli might not want to come back.

>> No.9477977

why is everyone at this event so fat holy shit

>> No.9477980

Dude it's literally just the "VIP, aka B-chan's friends" table.

The rest of the attendees were cute ;-;

>> No.9477995

Damn. Didn't know any of this before but got that vibe from her at the event. I also heard her trash talking not just TD but pretty much everyone involved but herself (poor me everything is going wrong I'm doing my best but I'm gonna have a break down) and regardless of whether or not it was true it felt super unprofessional. If things are going south don't throw all the blame elsewhere, especially not to your guests..

>> No.9478027

I'd recognize those Dollar Tree plates anywhere, topkek

>> No.9478091

I tried. Gold star.

I'm sorry I didn't speak up sooner but our comm really has a zero tolerance policy on gossip like this. I don't normally talk about the comm on cgl but B-chan needs to stop putting on events. She can't do it physically and doesn't have the interpersonal skills to build a staff or volunteer base. At least AWA has decent lolita guests? I've given up on Florida. We should just host casual meets month to month and be done with this bullshit.

She does this everywhere she goes and doesn't realize it's unprofessional and ruins her reputation. She does it to herself.

>> No.9478106

I've only met B-chan a few times and desu she is just one of the most vapid people I've ever met with no personality besides her physical issues and talking shit.

>> No.9478133

>our comm really has a zero tolerance policy on gossip

You guys need to get your shit together. As a fellow Floridian that has been to Dream Fantasy Theatre events and was disappointed by them I think the zero tolerance policy has got to quit if we're going to have anything nice in this god forsaken state. We need to call people on their shit and work together to improve. Obviously nobody gets a second chance to improve their events if nobody can give feedback for fear of being booted from the comm.

>> No.9478241

I demand more photos capturing this depressing event.

>> No.9478393

Forgot to mention there was no Mocktail hour or champagne like they listed on the event page, they just ran out of hot water partway through the tea party.
I feel so bad Haenuli even brought her mom..what a mothers day weekend this must've been. Wish I took more pics besides the shitty food.

>> No.9478395

Did she trash talk any venders,sponsors, or volunteers/models, or just guests and TD?

>> No.9478426

Supposedly B-chan literally fronted all the cash for this event out of her own pocket. I can't imagine numerous international flights and the space rental being something that such a small event could actually have paid for?? None of this makes any sense

>> No.9478440


I paid $20 at a tea party that had plates full of delicious local food/pastries but these gals paid $80? to meet a chic off YT & eat Skittles.

Please tell me they served y'all more than junkfood.
Where is the southern hospitality FL?

>> No.9478556

FL is not really part of the South it;s where people from NY go to die.
I don't think anyone wanted to take too many pictures but a girl just posted a video of the fashion show on the event page.

>> No.9478609

B-chan is a lost cause, but with DFT, yeah a little criticism and perhaps more openness or delegation of power would have helped a lot. I think the biggest bummer with DFT was the problems with the hotel. I feel if they'd continued to work with hotels in the area they could have gotten something going, but instead they cancelled everything and disappeared.

Putting on an event of this size is hugely stressful and yeah you need people working together. With B-chan she shat all over anyone that could help her and dug her own grave. If FL wants a lolita event, we need to work together and not depend on one or two people. If you want to step up, please do.

Problem is, people have jobs and events like this take a lot of planning, emails, and phone calls. It would probably fall to one or two people if you don't foster a dedicated team. And then before you know it the event is happening and you're brewing tea behind a curtain with your mom's electric kettle while while you hotglue raffle prizes together.

>> No.9478633
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I didn't really tune in until the end (I didn't realize she was the main person running the event at this point lol so based on how she was dressed I didn't really care to listen to what this person was saying) but it sounded like a big part of it was the venue? Something about them not having enough plates. And of course TD bailing. It does suck but them bailing doesn't excuse all the other shit that went wrong.

Also here I just saw this on the website, pt1.

>> No.9478638
File: 686 KB, 1080x1491, Screenshot_2017-05-14-19-32-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Venue cost, but they only rented one room and there were normies roaming around the rest of the building asking us shit
>Outside catering company, but food was prepackaged and served by two volunteers
>Plate and cup rentals, but all the plates were plastic and there weren't enough cups
>Website set up, but when I tried to go on during the event to check the schedule (since they didn't think to give us all printed copies) the schedule page was unavailable
I'm so mad at myself for spending money on this. I'm glad I went because I met a ton of great people but it was such a disorganized mess that it was stressful.

>> No.9478647

Friendly Neighborhood CFLS Mod here:

There is a big difference between telling the truth while offering helpful critique or advice and cyberbullying, and we think most of you know the difference. And honestly, your mod team knows most of you are just blowing off some steam after what sounds like a disappointing event. We aren't going to ban anyone for saying they had a bad time at an event, or for offering suggestions for a better event in the future. We just don't want personal attacks to chase members out of the CFLS.

Also, please remember that if you have had an issue with a specific individual in the comm, chances are other people have had similar problems. There is even the possibility that the mod team members have been personally attacked by that person in the past, but have our hands tied due to the appearance of bias if we act to reprimand or remove the individual. Unfortunately unless you tell us what is going on, we can't help you, or the community. You guys are smart enough to know the difference between personality clashes and actual issues of harassment, so please understand that if you come to us, we will take your issues seriously, keep them private, and do what we can to help out.

>> No.9478657

holy shit, how obnoxious can you get? fuck off

>> No.9478667

I wonder if she took out a loan or something. That cannot have been easy and from what I understand she was doing all of the organizing by herself. I actually feel really bad for her.

>> No.9478669

Don't. B-chan is a colossal bitch and anything that went wrong with this event was her own doing, and if it were anyone else's event she'd have no trouble shitting all over it. What goes around comes around. I'm frankly disappointed it wasn't more of a failure.

>> No.9478670

I don't know the story but if she was doing it all herself then she was setting herself up for failure and to look like a martyr. You have to be willing to ask for and accept help.
But it did seem like she had other people there helping her so I don't think she was totally solo. Just seems like she is not cut out to be an event planner.

>> No.9478681
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Dang is chokelate that tall or is lor just short?

>> No.9478689

Quit embarrassing yourselves and our community like this.

>> No.9478698

She's wearing heels

>> No.9478933

Confirmed. Im from the NY "comm" and am moving to Tampa soon (hence why im scouting this thread to see what the comm is like)

FL is a warmer death that 3 meets a year.

Btw NY comm still hasnt gotten its shit together despite being called out. Save us.

>> No.9478963
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I'm just going to leave this here...

>> No.9478965
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>> No.9478973

Almost everyone in this photo >>9477946 is fat too.

>> No.9478975

You shouldn't have said anything. Get the fuck outta here with your "pls no cyberbully" bullshit.

>> No.9479006

>. If you want to step up, please do.

I totally would but unfortunately I cannot, my life is in a huge flux at the moment, I don't even know where I'll be living in 12 months from now. It's a shame though because Florida has some really nice girls that deserve better than what's come out of Tampa and Orlando recently.

The shitty thing is that central Florida is the best place to host such an event because it's pretty easy to get to unless you live in the panhandle as the states so big. But it's expensive because tourism.

>> No.9479021

Fucking gross holy shit

>> No.9479035


Do you think we like embarrassing ourselves like this? Either we say something here before it goes too far, or we lose the opportunity to actually hear from you guys anonymously. We don't care that you talk here and we don't hand out bans like candy like >>9477973 claims. If you actually want to see a change in the community and the events and you need to be anonymous to feel comfortable talking about it, then lets talk about it. Otherwise yeah, we'll bow out.

>> No.9479049

As one comm leader to another, you've clearly failed your comm if they don't even feel like they can voice their opinions about things that happen in the comm/comm events. I'm inclined to believe the anons here that you guys like your banhammer a bit too much, otherwise why would they not be communicating with the mods? And if this is such an issue I hope you have an identical post on your comm page encouraging people to come forward about their dissatisfaction with such a poorly organized, disappointing event and equally disappointing people involved.

>> No.9479069

I'm inclined to believe TD backed out long before 3 days before the event but B wants to paint a more victimizing story.

>> No.9479071

That is a fair enough point, and it is something we've been working on trying to fix for awhile. If I remember correctly there have been two people banned from our comm - one for stalking, and the other for impersonating a hotel employee.

We don't have a thread up on the comm because we didn't host or attend C&C, so this is the first that we're hearing anything about it. For our own big tea parties we usually have a feedback form and take suggestions. If CFLS comm members want a thread there, just let us know what you think needs to be discussed and we'll make that happen.

>> No.9479091

If it's such a big issue I'd recommend having a complaint platform, what I've done in other communities that weren't lolita is to have a comm email where people can voice complaints, so if you tell everyone to make a throwaway and email in their concerns it can be behind the veil of anonymity at first, and if they wish to take serious action they can step forward. What I've found is that if one person has an issue with something there's usually a handful of people with the same concern, but everyone is afraid to speak up for fear of getting reprimanded. If you have to earn the trust of your comm back I think this method may slowly bring everyone back and big issues in your comm can finally begin to be resolved.
If you show your comm you do care and take their complaints seriously they'll come around, but if this B girl is in your comm that seems to be a big point of friction and something needs to be done about her.
And I'd recommend making a post to the comm page stating clearly that people won't get banned for voicing negative opinions about events, or complaints about comm members and make sure all your mods are on the same page, or take the reigns and be the sole person to deal with this so you don't have to worry about a mod getting offended by an opinion.

>> No.9479101

Thanks for the suggestions, we'll look into implementing them.

>> No.9479135

I'm saving this. Some days I feel fat. Some days I feel ugly. But seeing this, I know I'll never get /that/ bad. These obeasts give me hope.

>> No.9479147

>impersonating a hotel employee
Whoa, what happened there?

>> No.9479193

Honestly this event could have been way better. I spent quite a bit of money for this event and i did as to try and support a lolita event like this. I had also attended DFT as well and that one had way less problems BY FAR, and me& a friend had issues with DFT that pissed off the both of us and was insulted.
The food wasn't bad, but nothing to talk about. If B-chan needed food i{and sure many others} would have offered to help cook some real Tea Party food and sweets. She asked for no help she wanted to do it her self but at the event she whined about not having helped, and apparently{from what i over heard} even showed up an hour late after models and volunteers had arrived. The how thing was sloppy done. Also for the Coordinate Contest, the reason they didn't announce it was cause{again what i over heard} was that B-chan had lost/misplaced the judges voting sheets. They are suppose to be announcing today the winners, but no one knows what the prizes are at all.
I feel bad for the Special guests and all other attendees.
>not too mention the amount of itas
The site said strictly you had to dress Lolita for this event but people like >>9478963
were allowed in and were really creepy/uncomfortable to be around. I'm sorry they are NOT in lolita. They should have been not allowed to attend. And i'd say maybe, MAYBE only 10% of guest were actually Lolita and well dressed.

/sage for blog

>> No.9479208 [DELETED] 

Aka like NYC you're not going to do shit.

>> No.9479224

I've been wanting to organize a meet to help jumpstart the livelihood of my local comms, so how do I not have shit go as badly as this did? And how should you go about keeping >>9478963 and the like OUT of an event? Have a no guests rule and refuse people at the door?

>> No.9479227

I think I saw a coordinate contest judging sheet in the (smelly, hot) bathroom

>> No.9479228

She used to be a catwalk model, anon. She's pretty tall. Still though
>inviting a known scammer as a guest

Does the pink one have Down's? Legit question. I don't know what I'd do if a raging ita with such an obvious disability showed up to my event. Turn them away and risk being accused of ableism? Idk.

>> No.9479353

For a successful first meet, no guests, reach out to indie artists and designers in your state or adjacent state to do a fashion show and vend, pick a good venue with good food. Keep it simple. The designers/artists you invite can provide really prizes. There's a mega meet in MD that appears to be doing it right

>> No.9479358


>> No.9479381

At least people at DFT had their shit together.

>> No.9479400

Those people are her friends thats why theyre there.
Go look at B-chans profile picture on facebook and you'll see them lol

>> No.9479458

She's about 6'0(182cm) flat foot. Met her in person, and I'm 5'10"(177cm).

>> No.9479464

Honestly I knew florida had some ugly lolitas but shit, every other loli is obese! What are you eating down there??

>> No.9479468


>> No.9479761

Your hopes and dreams after the Brazillian dick bags ruin your Disney vacation.

>> No.9479771

You'd think with the meth problem down there the population would be a bit thinner

>> No.9479813

There's a video

>> No.9479815

Psh, meth heads wouldn't waste money on lolita.

>> No.9479816

Lor's post fawning over Choke made me gag. How can people just overlook a person being an unapologetic thief?

>> No.9479821

You guys sound like you honestly don't know what you're doing. One: Address this individual, and screw "bias." If this individual is creating a problem in your Comm, you kick them out after giving them warnings. Were they given warnings and the problem still persists? Awesome. Kick 'em.

Two: People can say whatever the hell they want to say. That's America, bitch. You don't like it? You can tell us. But you don't have the right to come off your own Facebook group page, come onto CGL and tell people they can't say this, can't say that. It's an anonymous board and it's the internet. Get over yourselves.

Third: Your comm sounds like the trashiest shitpile of a comm. If I visited your area, I'd make sure to avoid you. You're giving your comm a terrible name, and reputations stick. Think about it.

>> No.9479822

Oh wow there were a lot of good lolitas there!

>> No.9479826

Damn, standing next to Chokelate, Lor looks like shit. Like a 35-year-old woman in a babygirl's dress.

>> No.9479831

So is that how you get your wigs? You kiss Choke's ass?

>> No.9479833

seconding, I want deets

>> No.9479834

She's pretty, I'm gay and couldn't look her in the face I would fawn over her too if I had the balls to get close enough. All of which doesn't excuse that but I've only heard on CGL about this so I'm not 100% if those accusations are 100%

>> No.9479835

not even. Try opioids, anon. Looks like the majority of the comm's on 'em

>> No.9479850

Said no one

>> No.9479853

Where else would you hear it from? Do your friends have to get ripped off too for it to be real

>> No.9479854

All the good looking girls just weren't VIPs they were " commoners "

>> No.9479859

True but I personally don't use wigs so I have payed little to no attention, so no matter what she isn't getting my money but if you were ripped off I'm sorry to hear you were.

>> No.9479864

Lmfao if you think cgl is the only place people are talking about being scammed by Nina you're a fucking idiot

>> No.9479870

Agreed, solidifies how shitty of a person Lor is in my mind too.
Honestly anyone who gives Choke a pass is on my shitlist.

>> No.9479901

That was actually way better quality than I was expecting! Too bad the organization apparently sucked.

>> No.9479914

Did anyone else see that sad old rabbit man atthe end?

>> No.9479961
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>> No.9479977

All the pretty lolitas had Finals?

>> No.9480025

I'm so gay for Chokelate so I haven't been paying attention to any of the shit she's done. Anyone have screenshots? I saw something on RC about it months ago, but it was just one girl and Choke came in and cleared it up. Is she seriously a scammer?

>> No.9480060

I was in charge of planning an event for 90-100 people. It was my first time ever with a very limited budget, but we had amazing food because I know how to shop for quotes and work with caterers (also prioritize). I had someone who did wedding catering and got it to about $16/guest. This is just pathetic. For that price, they should have had at least $25+/guest quality or better. That's looks like about $10 worth of food lmao

>> No.9480066
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This is fucking terrifying

>> No.9480110
File: 66 KB, 736x920, ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me wanna be where the people are.
Me want to see
Want to see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around on those
What you call 'em? Oh, teaparties

Flubbin' your lub you don't get too far
Hats are required for tippin', stylin'
Why they say I look like a-
What's the word again? Creep

Up where they hoard
Up where they coord
Up where they post all day in that board
Wandering free
Wish me could be
Part of loli

>> No.9480123

I just sang this out loud 10/10 would sing again

>> No.9480135
File: 18 KB, 396x396, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3Bicy50d2ltZy5jb20vcHJvZmlsZV9pbWFnZXMvNjQ0MjIyMTQ5MDkyMzMxNTIwL1NkQnhiQTRYLmpwZyJ9.F0TEys4hVK9Dg6DPG20mqyfnS38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.9480143

I'm assuming the rest of the money was used to pay for Haenuli's flight

>> No.9480178
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>mfw reading this

>> No.9480185
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>Why they say I look like a-
I kek'd hard though. Kudos.

>> No.9480194

Yes. There were numerous complaints on her lockshop fb page about people not receiving their wigs, but instead of addressing them, Choke deleted them. Also she is notorious with taking her time and avoiding messages during secondhand sales. My friend had to track her down through fb to get her to answer, and she still sent out her item weeks late with no excuse. She never owns up to anything, she just assumes people will give her a pass since she's famous and avoids them otherwise.

>> No.9480195
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>> No.9480212

Holy shit that guy looks like he's wearing a second skin.

>> No.9480227

This. She's been doin this shit since she started lockshop too, it's not like it's a recent thing or something she can chalk up to "I was having a really bad time lately", which always seems to be the excuse

>> No.9480238

>chokelate can get her ass to some shitty Florida event but can't refund customers that were owed items literally years ago


>> No.9480239

Jesus Christ is he a burn victim or something?? The skin around his mouth does not look correct.

>> No.9480268

>Lor was once sponsored by GLW and otherwise gets Ebay wigs.
be salty but be correct as well.

I like Lor. her unboxing asmr video puts me to sleep like once a week.

>> No.9480296

to be fair, it was probably all expenses paid by B-chan. I sure as fuck wouldn't travel across the ocean to a shitty, first year con.

>> No.9480301

>asmr vids
oh, so you're literal trash. got it

>> No.9480310

what's wrong with asmr exactly?
also, how can I be typing and watching videos if I'm literally inhuman, inanimate refuse?
do you talk to people like this irl?

>> No.9480320

I'm curious too, I listen to ASMR a few times a week when I'm feeling jittery and it knocks me out. Maybe anon has a grudge against an ASMR person, or they think it's fetish?

>> No.9480322

Gotta leech off that fan base tho

>> No.9480323

>has never heard of misophonia
I will literally kill a bitch for crinkling a plastic bag too long, don't touch me

>> No.9480326

Of course I've heard of misphonia, but you've never mentioned it before now. How does you having misphonia make people who don't have it literal trash?

>> No.9480335

It makes you unbearable to be around because you're less aware of the sounds you make and how they affect other people, just because they're relaxing to you
Sounds like the definition of literal trash to me

>> No.9480337

Are you sure you're not just autistic?

>> No.9480340

>ah yes! If I accuse the big mean internet bully of having autism then I don't actually have to think of a reply!
How about not replying at all my guy

>> No.9480341

People who like ASMR don't constantly make little noises to relax. I get annoyed by certain noises too (mostly lip noises/teeth sucking etc) but I know that's my problem, not the problem of the people doing it.

>> No.9480344

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.9480345

I'm not the one calling people literal trash for not having your fake attentionwhore condition.

>> No.9480346

>just because they're relaxing to you
You said that people are less aware of sounds they make "because they're relaxing". No, people don't make sounds for relaxation. ASMR is mostly derived from outside sources.

DESU most people who make repetitive noises are stimming, you're literally bitching about autistic people.

>> No.9480354

sorry not everyone loves your lazy trend-hopping videos, lor

>> No.9480360

I'm not defending ASMR. I think it's bizarre at best and kind of gross most of the times. I'm just saying that being normal doesn't make you literal trash, and you being a freak is a you problem. No one else has to control what noises they make to prevent triggering you.

>> No.9480363

Of all things I have ever thought would spark an argument here, I have to admit some chick with misphonia and narcissistic personality disorder flipping out over ASMR was pretty low on my list.

>> No.9480369

>being normal
first of all, lol
>No one else has to control what noises they make to prevent triggering you.
This just in everyone, being disgusted when people don't have basic manners is a you problem! Hope you're ready to get over it!
It's much less to do with triggering and way more to do with expecting people to have a shred of self-awareness, I only mentioned misophonia at all because comments upthread didn't seem to understand how anyone could dislike asmr

>> No.9480374

>comments upthread didn't seem to understand how anyone could dislike asmr
No one upthread said that, they were wondering why listening to a video in the privacy of their own home made them "trash."

>> No.9480377

wow dude, you're actually nuts.
I was initially offended you called me trash but I hope you're going to be alright.

anyway, I like Lor and hope she continues to keep up her channel. It would have been cool to chat with her but this event was clearly a shitshow so I'm pretty glad I couldn't go.

>> No.9480380

no one gives a fuck about your snowflake condition, and having basic manners does not include having to cater to your bitching about noise sensitivity. the world does not revolve around you; you seem to be the one who needs self awareness.

>> No.9480421

my sides

>> No.9480431
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>have a shred of self-awareness

>> No.9480495
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>> No.9480500

She did recently make a video saying that most of her followers weren't lolitas.. and everyone in the comments were saying they weren't. It's weird.

>> No.9480508
File: 57 KB, 527x960, 78d79343ce0b1dc61db83fe7318bd4ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like the babadook help

>> No.9480515

It's funny that the lolitas-at-heart would like her, didn't she throw a fit about Lifestyle Lolita and make a big deal out of how she isn't one? Wouldn't that put them off?

>> No.9480574

She's not nice
She's in this fashion for the same amount of reasons many other girls are and complains just as much. She's actually pretty awful to some of her fans.

>> No.9480596

So did they announce the coord contest winners or did that just fall to the wayside lmao

>> No.9480601

I have misophonia too but anon, chill. Seriously.

That's the impression I've always had. Like her followers live vicariously through her videos but don't actually wear the fashion themselves. And if they do start, they quickly lose interest in her because once they’re into it themselves they don’t need her to fill that void anymore.

As far as I can tell, many lolita-at-hearts actually don't consider themselves lifestylers, as strange as that sounds. They're interested in lolita because they’re weebs and it’s different and nonconforming compared to what girls in their area wear, but they’re not interested in the lifestyle aspect because that’s not rebellious enough. They picture themselves as these edgy badasses who wear kawaii clothes from Glorious Nippon which makes them special and totally not like other girls… except they don’t actually dare to wear lolita, or can’t afford or fit it. They just like to play pretend and feel superior to normies.

>> No.9480652

If you're so triggered by ASMR don't fucking watch it you moron, and honestly if you're saying ASMR triggers your misophonia I highly doubt you actually have it in the first place.
If anything ASMR is a cheap gimmick for more views and it seems borderline fetish at times.

>> No.9480709

No they have posted nothing. Not on the event page, or B-Chan's Steep Tea Page, and not even in the comm it self.
A lot of girls who i know who was in it and who went are getting upset there is still no announcement. And still no idea what the prizes were/are. I'm guessing B-Chan is going to keep avoiding it, unless people start pressing for it more but everyone in the comm seems to not want to stir and speak up.
On top of that group is not accepting any new applications due to this recent surge of drama/issues.

>> No.9480746

My friend sang it for me and said it was okay to post it here, it's too good not to share: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1vLjO0WaRbz

>> No.9480753
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>> No.9480767

Your friend nailed it. Exactly how I pictured it sounding in my head. This creepy looking dude went from horrifying to endearing if I just thought of him as an ogre trying to dress up like people. I hope ogre-kun had a good time at this event.

>> No.9480768

What a disappointment. I considered going, but the thought of my 80 dollars paying for a free trip to Orlando for a shitty business woman and some YouTuber I don't care about made me mad. I thought about volunteering, because Florida never gets a chance for Jfashion events and at least I'd do my part without gambling 80 bucks, but all day volunteers had to buy a ticket, too. (With a promise of reimbursement after the event. Riiight.) It was sort of a noble idea, but as someone mentioned earlier, I think they blew their load shipping in so many shit tier guests. Should have kept one high profile guest like Haenuli and spread the rest of the budget evenly on food, decor, and sponsors that people are actually interested in. Also advertisement. This came out of nowhere and I never saw it advertised. Only heard of it through word of mouth like a month before the event.

Otherwise, I think the few and far between DFT events are well put on and enjoyable, but wow does Florida suck in every other way. People are too spread out to get together regularly and it's not just Jfashion, but every "nerdy" hobby around here is populated by a majority of creeps and weirdos.

>> No.9480782

This is a gift. Please thank him for me

>> No.9481269 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9481401

>Otherwise, I think the few and far between DFT events are well put on and enjoyable,
Yeah, honestly, I'm just happy I decided to go to their ILD event instead. This looked awful, and I feel bad for everyone who wasted their money on it. Hopefully this means that DFT events will start up again. I'm excited for the pop-up shop. There is hope for Florida yet?

>> No.9481411

New pictures from amino of girls shoved into a small room and the sad amount of food we were given.

>> No.9481412
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>> No.9481415
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The hot and the sweaty

>> No.9481419

The Private Catering event is her "company" If you look up Steep Tampa its BChan phone number.
She is a scam artist.

>> No.9481425

She has rich grandparents that spoil her. She also sells used stain clothing at cons

>> No.9481437

That ugly Unicorn is Zoe VanWest aka JennifaeSendai as her Fetlife says. She is a so called singer. She performs at Metrocon with her husband.
They have sex with underage girls and promises them to be her GoGo Dancers at the con.
I dont know why a con would have a Pedo perform at the event.
Zoe also has said to multiple people that she thinks Lolitas are creepy people and she said they are a joke.

>> No.9481440

I heard her talk shit about Lor. She told me Lor was rude and she wished she didn't invite her.

>> No.9481444

I'm not the one trying to pop and lock in an effort to be the cringiest white lady ever. Tbh she looked like a gray alien, bellyy dancing is supposed to be seductive all these women did was wish I had more bleach to shove in my eye sockets. Also neither of them could dance like AT ALL unicorn princess tried to hiphop/ballet/bellydance to awful results and the other girl just spun around with strips of cloth on things.

>> No.9481449
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* shit talks then post pics like they're bffs*

>> No.9481454
File: 63 KB, 994x503, bchan.bs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-Chan posted this so far
>you're welcome

>> No.9481457

gotta get them sweet likes

>> No.9481472

Wowwww she sounds so defensive for no reason. This whole, if you don't like it change it attitude is very off putting, especially along with the passive aggressive blaming others for issues.

Just admit you didnt plan ahead for some issues and will do better without the bitchy attitude, and you will get the support you want. This attitude is why people hate supporting start ups.

>> No.9481479

This is just why you don't support bchan I hope this doesn't deter Lor from coming back she was fun to be around, I hope next year everyone just agrees to not go I wasted my money so she sure as shit lost my support not only with the event being planned poorly but with this " It's not my fault you don't like my event" crap. She did no work besides forking over money those poor volunteers were busting their asses to make up for her piss poor planning no sympathy here bchan I'm sticking with TD or small meets in the future in state at least if the small meets are bad they are cheeap-free and I know at TD events I'll actually get to eat.

>> No.9481482

At the Event B-Chan did nothing but put the blame on others and the venue. I saw volunteers running around needing more help while she stood and moped. When people, including the special guests, started questioning about things she was defensive and avoiding answering things.
Same anon. Until she proves she can get shit together and not be a bitch im not supporting her. Small meets or just lone-lita days are much better.

>> No.9481489

>8 volunteers for barely 80 plus
Then there's absolutely NO excuse for the event to have been so fucking shoddy, I've organized 400 and 500 people events with 10 volunteers and had the event go great. This girls attitude fucking infuriates me, YOU organized the event, YOU were in charge, therefore, YOU fucked up. It's better to just tell everyone 'yeah, that was a pretty rough inaugural Cakes&Couture, let's all collaborate to make next year's better'. You can list the things that went wrong like people bailing, you can't help that, but don't use them as excuses for why an almost $100 lolita event was more like a fucking middle school dance. And a big part of being an event coordinator is having a goddamn backup plan, YOU should have had things to replace the flakes, even if it wasn't another person you should have activities or like a craft table or some shit, literally ANYTHING Jesus cupcake decorating would have been a great little thing to fall back on, 10 mins at Walmart and boom you've got naked cupcakes and frosting. Or a mini game show, 'Burando or Rando?' where you brought up pics of insanely tacky pieces and people had to guess if it was brand or from some other fucking place IF YOURE GOING TO CHARGE THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE FUCKING SHOW THEM SOME RESPECT AND HAVE A DECENT EVENT AND STOP MAKING UP EXCUSES

>> No.9481491

This is the bitchiest thing I've ever read, does she seriously want people to feel guilty for criticizing something they paid that much money for? She needs to grow up if she thinks this is a good way to run events

>> No.9481508

So she can't handle a taste of her own medicine. This is so frustrating to watch.

She asked TD to be a guest and to run the fashion show and then trash talked them for weeks. Big surprise they backed out. She apparently talked shit about Lor, and then played victim at the event. She also has a lengthy history of talking badly about people behind their backs, ruining business relationships, and putting on shitty smaller events. This is why people don't support you B-chan, it feels shitty to have someone talk badly about you. I hope this is your intervention and you finally realize you've created a lot of your own problems.

If you're reading this, I'd recommend cancelling your other events and laying low for a while. Take care of your health and maybe stop trash talking or complaining 24/7 and people will start to trust you again. The girls that didn't know about your shit certainly do now, and I don't see you making a successful event without ticket sales from your local comm.

>> No.9481534

Of course it's some ugly fat chick baka

>> No.9481545

What bothers me most about Florida, with conventions and Lolita events, is no one ever wants to run them like a business.

>> No.9481569

I'm super worried about their pop up shop. A JFashion store would be awesome but as someone who is working for a start up small business and seen a lot of the struggles, I think it's going to fail. I think they're going to pick something like a flea market stall, which is a shit location, and they're going to do a piss poor job marketing it like they do with their brands. I'd love to be wrong DESU but I just don't see it coming.

>> No.9481576

I think one of the few limitations that you have to take into account is whether the venue allows you to bring food in or if everything has to be catered.

>> No.9481578

Amen Anon. And I can never get over when shit goes south in Florida people get mad they were talked about on the internet. It's unedited, unfiltered criticism. Believe it or not there is a benefit to that.

>> No.9481609

JFC. Sorry people were disappointed with the quality of event. I remember people voicing concerns about the venue size before hand and her reassuring that everything will be fine, but now it's "of course everything was delayed we only had one room! That was the plan all along!" Why make schedule if you arent going to bother to try to stick to it lol

Also I'm super salty because she will be hosting a fair amount of the upcoming events in CFLS, most of which sound nice in theory but now I know not to waste my time and money. The meet planning directions are kind of convoluted so I'm not sure if we are allowed to plan a meet for a month that already has one? But if so I'm definitely going to pitch in to plan some alternative meetups.

>> No.9481637

they're like ugly best friends aww

>> No.9481639


I have misophonia AND I love ASMR videos. I hate the sound of chewing when I'm trying to focus or watch something, but mouth sounds, crinkling, and whispering is very relaxing at night through an ASMR video. If people got relaxed those noises IRL then ASMR videos wouldn't be popular, anyone could crinkle paper and make themselves sleepy...

Anyway, just don't watch those videos. It isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.9481662

For no reason? A bunch of you are literally calling her names on this board. Of course she's going to feel defensive!

>> No.9481664

Other lolitas. Now suck my dick, if you can find it under my rolls.

>> No.9481666

Such a bad attempt at white knighting. It's in poor taste to have a tantrum on fb when you should act professional, most of her fb audience will not be on cgl anyways.

>> No.9481671

Jesus. You can't just fuck up and then except people to be nice to you and sweep it all under the rug. This makes me want to be even meaner.

Her emcee-ing for the coord contest was BAD. Some of the coords were not top notch but her stunted, stumbling reading was what really made it unwatchable. She was dressed and styled very poorly, she looks much better even in the pic with Lor posted up thread, which I'm assuming was taken at the Disney event. She acted like a crotchety school teacher when she was trying to get people organized, we all felt like we were in a middle school cafeteria.
She needs to eat a huge fucking slice of humble pie if she thinks that the biggest problem here is people shit-talking her.

>> No.9481691

Props for 666

>> No.9481697
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Laughing because her cringe goth volunteers that were passing out the food left a 5 star review on her "catering" company and thus confirming that this is her.

Did she make this company just for the event to bypass paying a real company which would allow them to serve food without getting in trouble with the venue?

>> No.9481700

the last thing that girl needs is more pie

>> No.9481704

People who actually went need to leave honest reviews with photos of the "catering".

>> No.9481722

What do you gain from picking on fat people?

>> No.9481725

hi bridgette

>> No.9481735
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>> No.9481824

I feel like pic related looks better desu.

>> No.9481828


That's beautiful.

>> No.9481843

The size difference in those legs...

>> No.9481854

I want to know more about Ogre-kun.

>> No.9481924

wait, what's this about a DFT pop-up shop?
why haven't i heard about this? is there info anywhere?

>> No.9481928

>expecting people to come back to this after what was apparently a huge disappointment

>canceled Q&A for guests to "meet with each of you" "one on one for 6 hours"
holy shit i feel sorry for them now

>> No.9481971

Perfectly fair point, and as the event coordinator she should have known that and again, that's something you have to work around. Personally I try to avoid cater-only venues because that just adds another wall to have problems get stuck on (though honestly I've only run into a small handful of places that didn't allow us to bring our own stuff in)
HOWEVER, looking at the shitty cupcakes and bank teller level of a candy bowl, I don't think this was a cater-only venue because I don't know who would cater such shit, at least people better not be charging for that level of mediocrity. People think organizing events is a lot easier than it is, and then people end up paying $80 for what may as well be the lolita Dash-con for the hype and what was promised. I think this Bchan girl is an absolute cunt and shouldn't be running things, but I do feel the slightest bit bad for her because it really isn't easy to pull large scale events off like she was trying. But the flip side (and adult thing to think) is if you can't fucking do it successfully when you're taking other people's money: don't do it in the first place.

>> No.9481979

I can vouch for this too. She is a bitter bitch!

>> No.9481981

Sure, lor!

>> No.9482034

>I don't know who would cater such shit
The organiser's own 'catering company', apparently:

>> No.9482049


My internet connection sucks so I cant post a screenshot but look at how many events she has planned, including cakes and Couture 2, at the Florida aquarium next year.
There needs to be some way to spread the word effectively thru FL so more people aren't fooled into buying overpriced tickets for cheap ass events

>> No.9482302


>> No.9482321

The girl who ran this thing is such a hot mess. Tabled next to her at a con once and she didn't even have her own change. Had to constantly ask me to break down bills for her. When she told me she was going to be running an event I knew it would be bad.

She was also generally unpleasant but that's apparently just a given.

>> No.9482336

Christ. And I thought my comm was disjointed.

>> No.9482433

is girl on right the event organizer?

>> No.9482628

Yes it is. I think she does AA full time, sells hats and handmade stuff.

>> No.9482665

That's not B Chan if that's what you're asking for. She changed her name online lol

>> No.9482701

She sells replicas and knock offs

>> No.9482709

The girl on the right is totally B-chan.

>> No.9482753

If you're in the comm, it's on the comm page, and they have posted about it multiple times. If you're not, I'm not sure if they're advertising it much since it literally just became something they're actually seeing through. They just signed a deal or something for where it's going to be set up, iirc. For now, they're only doing this one as a test run in Tampa for two months. Truly Darling is hosting it, and they're planning on doing meets and events at the shop too. I'm rooting for them because it sounds like something cool for the comm to have as a permanent fixture.

>> No.9482763

That /is/ actually B-chan.

>> No.9482772

Im crying

>> No.9482986

For success - Start small. Tea party @ a tea house. Dinner at a decent restaurant. Picnic at a park. Host a handful of those, then start going to places where you go a little bigger and do some extra goodies.

>> No.9483075

i'm not in the comm but i do visit tampa often so, holy shit! i'd love to support them if i can visit later in the year.

>> No.9483076

ok i just found the event page and:
>We are excited to announce that Wunderwelt has partnered with us to stock the Pop Up Shop!
damn, definitely going to try to buy from them if i can, now!

>> No.9483189

Oh really? I thought it was someone else in the community. Because from the way people are describing her it seemed like it was her. Sorry my bad.

>> No.9483195

Stop talking out of your ass next time maybe!

>> No.9483208

I do know someone in the same community that is just as catty as this person so sorry? lol It's funny how people in Florida warn me about people who are too nice in Florida when most of y'all are batshit crazy.

>> No.9483235

You seem like the batshit one.

>> No.9483236

You were stupid and got called out for it, that's it.

>> No.9483236,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

I was in attendance and I must say the volunteers for the most part were frustrated and seemed angry. The "goth" guy was really nice and he busted his ass with the "goth" girl to get stuff out. The guy in the loli and the tall girl in the gray wig were there at open and without any direction were trying to get that place ready and get models set up.

B didn't arrive until around 10:30, 2 and a half hours after the volunteers were supposed to be there and an hour and a half after the event was supposed to start. Volunteers did have to buy tickets to get in and were promised food, but I don't think any of them were actually able to eat.

She had like, one maybe two people who were in charge of basically everything. The girl in the gray wig and some guy in circle glasses seemed like they were trying to make this sinking ship float. It was crazy. The guy was always in B's ear trying to ask her what to do, how to fix things and when she didn't give him any answers you'd see him walk off and just do it himself, address vendor and attendee concerns, and basically take command of it. The girl in the gray wig basically did the same. She had to run all over the place and try and fix the mess that was left to her. You could tell these two especially were really trying their hardest to make this go smooth but in the end this event was just so badly managed by B that it all failed. If they want it to work next year they need to have a presence that isn't just B and have her maybe just oversee but leave everything to the people who know what they're doing. If those people even want to subject themselves to that kind of treatment again. I feel bad for them, honestly. She just sat there on her ass, apparently lost stuff (from what someone else said on here? wtf) and complained to EVERY ONE OF US about stuff rather than actually working to fix anything while she left her volunteers to carry her burden. Ridiculous.

I will say the volunteers were, for the most part, super nice and tried really hard so if any of you are reading I'm so sorry you had to deal with this! I hope you got refunded your ticket price!

>> No.9483341

Stupid? For making a mistake? Lol you guys are reaching real hard.

>> No.9483368

For assuming you knew who someone was in a pic when you had no clue? Yeah that's stupid

>> No.9483425

K e k

>> No.9483435

you couldn't make this shit up if you tried

>> No.9483481

I'm still baffled by the fact that she hired belly dancers for a lolita event of all things. She must've gotten a favor from someone or something idk. What happened?

>> No.9483560

Okay, keep telling yourself that and beating this dead horse. Only going to keep bumping this thread up :)

>> No.9483620
File: 163 KB, 2048x1367, FB_IMG_1495144440791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone gave us cringe pics in HD, thanks M-kun

>> No.9483622
File: 175 KB, 1367x2048, FB_IMG_1495144422820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was another kind of cringe picture but I thought it was kind of a nitpick the girl is also confirmed minor, not getting sued for keks.

>> No.9483628

Omg she has no neck. Poor fatty-Chan

>> No.9483635
File: 347 KB, 2048x1367, IMG_4668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they had a dress code? This is all absolute trash.

>> No.9483638
File: 250 KB, 1367x2048, IMG_4675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is that shitty Pedo Bellydancer.
Why was she even at this event.
Probably looking to hook up with underage girls. Or B-Chan is sleeping with her.

>> No.9483640 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1438x960, IMG_4676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so fat her socks can't stay up.
Glad she was able to find curtains that fit around her body.

>> No.9483645
File: 183 KB, 2048x1367, IMG_4678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this wonderful food she had catered for the event lol

>> No.9483646
File: 376 KB, 2048x1367, IMG_4679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree the dog is cuter than B-Chan?

>> No.9483655

I wonder how Taobao brands feel when they get custom orders for sizes like this.

>tfw a mod in my comm wears similar shit to meets

>> No.9483667

Dog was cuter than anyone there that's not even shit posting the dog is cute af.

>> No.9483672

These are part of the fashion show. She actually looked really awesome in her own coord, but I guess the models all wore some other kind of j-fashion stuff from a brand or something? I don't really know what was up with those outfits.

>> No.9483674

Does anyone know the real reason TD backed out? BChan was telling me at the event that TD are bitches and she never wanted them in the first place.
She said she was just using them to sell tickets.
I wish people in the comm new how much shit she talks about everyone.

>> No.9483677
File: 302 KB, 1367x2048, IMG_4669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her coord is cute.

>> No.9483678

I love that dress on the right, source?

>> No.9483704 [DELETED] 

I just think the worst part with her was her sad grandpa who dressed up with her he looked so sad the whole time and she was snapping at him about getting money from an atm to buy shit from Haenuli, quick tip kids just because you're wearing cute clothes it doesn't make you a princess and give you an excuse to boss everyone around. This is also the kid who started the " Nice Lolitas amino" after the mods told her she was being a little shit.

>> No.9483716

When she went up on the stage I heard someone say, sincerely, "wow, she's going to win for sure!" I wanted to stick a dagger in my chest

Dog for winner of coordinate contest

>> No.9483718

oh god my bf said she looks like a female Peter Griffin and I cannot unsee.

>> No.9483719

It looks like a complete cosplay. She was "Alice in wonderland-themed", but it's just a literal cosplay!

>> No.9483720

This is a costume, not a coord.

>> No.9483737 [DELETED] 

It's not her "sad grandpa". It's her sad father. She is underage (16-17) and home schooled, so I guess she's really sheltered. Her dad goes to every comm meet with her. Literally watches her like a hawk. It's so annoying and uncomfortable. I feel that because he is always there, we have to watch what we say at meets. And I don't mean as in fowl language, but things that women wouldn't be comfortable speaking about in the presence of a strange older man. This girl always brags that her dad likes the fashion and that he likes to dress up, but he always seems so forced. He doesn't even engage in conversations at meets. He just sits somewhere or carries her stuff. There are other underage girls in the comm, but they always come to meets alone. I feel that if this girl can't take responsibility for herself at a meet for a few hours or he doesn't trust her enough, then she isn't old enough to be in a lolita community. I mean, she's in her teens. She has a cell phone. Why does her dad need to be there watching her every move all the time?

>> No.9483751 [DELETED] 

Sounds like some extreme helicopter parenting. 16 is definitely old enough to go outside by yourself, since that's the age where most teens can get their driver's licenses.

>> No.9483758

These people are not part of the Central Florida comm. They're not even into lolita. The girl in the Holy Lantern replica is B-chan's friend. I guess the other 2 are her parents? B-chan invited them and of course they "helped her out" by purchasing VIP tickets. The man was so creepy and the lady in the pink dress seemed like she had some type of mental issue. She wasn't even wearing a proper bra under that dress. At one point she won a raffle prize and when she came up to claim it, the top of the dress was falling off of her back flashing some kind of black undergarment she was wearing. It was disgusting.

>> No.9483761

This girl kept pestering the organizer to release the coordinate contest winner. As if Lor and Haenuli (the judges) were going to choose her. Her "coord" was the least original out of the whole bunch.

>> No.9483764 [DELETED] 

Oh is this the girl that keeps posting to the comm page & has the fake name? Cos I was honestly expecting her coords to be worse than this so at least there's that? Her posting is annoying though but I guess that's cos shes a teen.

I dont think they ever wanted anything to do with it in the first place but it got thrown at them because it's B-chan and she just dumped the work on them. Given how B-chan was acting, she probably just drove them away or something by being herself. I dont blame them at all, shes awful. TD probably just shouldnt have gotten involved at all but the people who run TD are just so invested in the comm that they probably wanted to be nice and help or something.

>> No.9483765 [DELETED] 

I don't know what happened to her. She's usually well dressed at meets despite her weight. At this event it just looked as if she ran out of time and couldn't get fully dressed. No jewelry. No hair accessories. Her hair tied up in a messy bun.

>> No.9483786 [DELETED] 

Yeah when I looked at her profile I didn't even think she was the same person. She should have taken the time she spent whining to style herself better.

>> No.9483789

B-chan was upset because TD seemed to be more invested in their lolita fashion track at megacon that is coming up and they were probably not paying enough attention to Cakes and Couture.

B-chan seems to be one of those people that break easily under pressure. At DFT back in 2015 B-chan was a volunteer and she kept complaining about what a cluster duck the whole event was. Apparently a lot of the volunteers backed out last minute from DFT and so the volunteers that were left had to do extra work.
People keep saying that DFT was better, but so many tings went wrong at that event too. Like a lot of their "special guests" never showed up and they had to cancel a lot of their panels. At least everyone who said they'd be at Cakes and Couture were actually there. I didn't go to the tea party at DFT, but I hear it was way better.

TD being at Cakes and Couture wouldn't have really solved any of the issues tho. The designer K-chan doesn't have a backbone and her friend L-chan seems like a very arrogant person. She was the organizer at DFT and I heard that she was being a real bitch about everything and throwing people under the bus at that event.

>> No.9483794

A lot of the comm already knows sadly, mods included. As someone that's known about her for a while I'm sad now I didn't go out of my way to warn people, though then I'd be the focus of B-chan's trash talking. A lot of the girls that went are chill, fun, and always well-dressed. I would have loved to hang out with them, but I refuse to support B-chan.

I hope to see everyone at Mega or the ILD event. I miss you all <3333

>> No.9483803

Oh boy shit they can't sell in Japan! How exciting. It's so hard to order from Wunderwelt, we are so lucky they are doing us this favor

>> No.9483805 [DELETED] 

I just avoid people with weird fake names or Japanese-sounding names like the plague. Most of the time they turn out to be ita weeaboos.
This girl is annoying as hell. She keeps posting stupid things to the comm's main page. And then she was bragging about how she got "experienced lolita" in one of those lolita power up quizzes. I don't know how she did it. She only picked up lolita fashion this year. There's no way she could've completed all those tasks in such a short time. I've been in lolita for over 5 years and I got a lower score than her.

>> No.9483811

She was a model. This was one of Moshi Moshi Watermelon's designs. They are not a lolita designer. They design "kawaii" clothing. They put this outfit on her. She didn't choose it. She modeled for Haenuli also and her own coord that she wore the rest of the day was great.

>> No.9483814

B-chan was a volunteer at DFT? I had no idea, she was complaining so much I thought she was just a disgruntled attendee. I was at the tea party there, it was professionally catered. Also the raffle was A+ in some instances.

I'm glad you reminded me of DFT because at the tea party they ran out of some food items before B-chan got up there and she was raising hell about how much she paid and how she was expecting more food. I saw her make nasty comments to the catering staff, even though she had nothing to do with the event. Now she puts on an event and serves starburst on a dollar tree platter.

Also I know I'll be called a whiteknight but K-chan and L-chan are way more tolerable than B-chan. I've never heard either TD trash talk people, but with B-chan it's nearly constant, both in real life and on facebook.

>> No.9483816

This girl's "coord" was a mess. I've seen her at meets before and she always dresses like this. The worst part of her coord was that lavender boob hammock that she was wearing.

>> No.9483820

I'm pretty sure she is friends with someone in the belly-dancing group. They must've given her a special price or something. She frequents the local Tampa goth club. She must've met these people there.

>> No.9483822

Honestly I might go to ILD Event but after this I feel things might be weird ESPECIALLY if B-Chan dares show up...

>> No.9483829
File: 752 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At DFT they also had a "mocktail hour" i between the fashion shows. They made us walk all the way to the hotel across the street where they had jelly beans, smarties, little chocolates, and packaged frozen macarons. I wasn't impressed. I heard that the organizer made one of her friends pay for all of this out of her own pocket.

At least the venue was really pretty and the whole thing happened in 2 separate rooms and the lobby area of the adjacent hotel.

>> No.9483834

B-chan isn't going. The event for ILD is all sold out.

>> No.9483845

Welp I can't go either than oh well.
Have fun girls~

>> No.9483849

The Belly dancer that was the Unicorn slut does not go to the Goth Club. She is all about Hardcore and her so called Singing job. She is a joke at the castle. She used to do events in Ybor till she bunt all the bridges and got kicked out. Now she is a "singer" aka lip sings at Metro con and is a joke in the con community.
Her and her "DJ" husband.

>> No.9483855

Thank god she isnt going. I am sure if she showed her no neck self there people would run her out. I am not afriad I will say she is trash.
At Holmot we over heard her talking about some girl and guy walking around and was making fun and talking trash about them.

Also she sells used clothing with armpit stains on them. She will make stuff and wear it then sell it saying its "new" No bitch this shit is used on her sweaty ass head.

>> No.9483861

I like some of the stuff she makes, but I'll never buy anything from her. She made a hat once and wore it to a meet, then she was selling it for $50+ and said it was "NWT".

>> No.9483866

I don't think she'd dare show her face at the Twilight Carnivale event. Not after having argued with Truly Darling. After All, Twilight Carnivale is organized by Dream Fantasy Theatre, AKA Truly Darling's own L-chan and friends.

>> No.9483876

Oh, I remember she posted it on a comm discussion and said "This is my favorite hat that I made to go with a coord and now I'm selling it". Like at least try to hide the fact that you wore it.

>> No.9483903


Christ her legs are as large as my waist.

>> No.9483906

I think her weight is atrocious, but this humble brag

>> No.9483910
File: 129 KB, 277x273, ..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9483911

She suffers from depression, bipolar disorder, and chronic pain. Probably why she can't lose the weight. But then again if I were as much of a fatty-chan as her, I'd suffer from all these mental illnesses too.

>> No.9483913


There really isn't much to brag about here though.

>> No.9483915

I've always wondered if she wears a petticoat under her dresses, or if her belly does all the work.

>> No.9483920

what doe she normally look like?

>> No.9483921

For a waist to be the size of her leg, an adult female would have to be somewhere like 80-90 lbs?

>> No.9483922

Anon her legs are at least 28 inches and that's an average waist size.

>> No.9483925

Has anyone else noticed that the photos have vanished off the CFLS page?

>> No.9483927

Fucking kek

>> No.9483929

Also B_Chan took her photo down of her and Lor.

>> No.9483930


See >>9483922.

>> No.9483932

Probably because everyone asked for the photos to be posted privately. I told M-kun to take mine down and send it to me through pm.

>> No.9483934

Please, people who went to this event.
I need to know more about ogre-kun.

>> No.9483935

CFLS is just trying to get some control on the situation. Everyone in the com I think are unhappy and are on edge.
Also they realize some of us are seagulls and leaking stuff.

>> No.9483937

Who? Please give a clue who you are talking about

>> No.9483939
File: 6 KB, 250x155, Tlm2pic000227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9483940

if youre talking about one of the people in >>9478963

they were all just as poorly styled + more as they look in this pic. idk what else to say............

>> No.9483941

Looks more like 22-24 to me, but maybe I'm terrible at judging size

>> No.9483943

Damn that seagull pic was for you

>> No.9483944

He looks like Freddy Kruger had a kid.

>> No.9483945

We wont stop till B-Chan is booted out. No one likes her. She is a Drama Lama. The comm would be much better without her around. She said she hates people in our comm and she just uses them to try and make money.

>> No.9483946

We need to somehow get actual measurements. For science.

>> No.9483948

I would need 3 large measuring tapes.

>> No.9483949

I wish I knew who my other gulls were so I could gossip and talk about this stuff with.

>> No.9483950

Me too! I was at the event and I was so creeped out when I saw him. He is super tall too. Towered over me and I was wearing high heels. I am average height. He's even scarier in person. He made small talk with me. His voice was so high-pitched and squeaky.

>> No.9483951

B-chan is a known poster and lurker on cgl she was once added to a group chat that had no screens up on cgl within an hour of her joining said chat screens were on cgl she is probably stalking this thread like a fucking hawk and will post on btb about everyone she thinks might be behind the posts. I'm not afraid cause B-chan can't even remember my fucking name and she added me on fb.

>> No.9483952

What did their voice sound like? Were they socially well adjusted? Did the hat get tipped?

>> No.9483955
File: 297 KB, 498x354, smug seo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides anon.

What the fuck is wrong with that guy's skin?

>> No.9483956

Well I plan on making a btb past just for her. I hope she tries to call out girls maybe then we can get her kicked out of the community

>> No.9483958

I wish I could tell you who I am. We could get together for tea and crumpets and talk about all this in person and have some keks.

>> No.9483966

I wish there is a way to say who we are. hmmmm

>> No.9483969

How come nobody has mentioned the fact that Andrea was there? She and B-chan are close friends apparently. Andrea is usually well dressed, but at this event she looked like she threw her dress on and called it a day. She was not dressed to impress.

>> No.9483973

That would be nice she needs to be weeded out she harrasses and shit talks too many actually nice girls and it's legitimately time to stop.
Me too I mean idk if gulls would like me I'm a fatty Chan but I'm no were near B-chan levels I'm like 1/2 of her

>> No.9483974

Honestly I wouldn't be afraid of saying who I am other than I scared of getting kicked from the community haha

>> No.9483977
File: 81 KB, 330x960, IMG_3868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Not dressed to the nines.

>> No.9483981

There has to be a way to give a hint. hmmm. Are you going to ILD?

>> No.9483985

I can't wait for this Saturday. I hope there are lots of secrets about Cakes and Couture.

>> No.9483988

OMG did she buy some little girls' Disney pajamas and alter them into a dress? XD

>> No.9483991

Can't cause missed out on tickets and I work all the time on the weekends.
>hint-I'm always at least 15 mins early to everything

>> No.9483999

Andrea scares the fuck out of me. Her coords are ok, but then I see her face and I go Ahhhhhhhhh! Her coord at this event was subpar to say the least.

>> No.9484001

All of us are brand whores lol. hmmm
Did you mark yourself not going on the ILD official event page?

>> No.9484002
File: 2.31 MB, 1440x1633, Screenshot_2017-05-18-22-48-15-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9484004

M-kun took them down because he realized that people were posting them on here. He said he's going to get "the authorities" to take them off from here.

>> No.9484006

>all brand whores
Not from what I've seen friendo but ill trust you and yes I'm set as can't go

>> No.9484008

The 4-Chan mafia lol. Big baby. Just photos. Grow da fuck up. He should be happy people are seeing his photos since his photography sucks.

>> No.9484014

ok so 17 marked they cant go. I know at least two of them for sure are not you. lol

>> No.9484016
File: 2.99 MB, 1440x1602, Screenshot_2017-05-18-22-47-46-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What authority is going to do shit about it? Are the cops going to come after gulls for laughing at poorly dressed people while they themselves are dressed really fucking weird by most people's standards? He's high af, maybe he needs to stop smoking with the tabbacco accessories that he sells.

>> No.9484018
File: 12 KB, 254x199, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9484020

I'm also one of the few gothic lolitas in our comm

>> No.9484022

Honestly he's fucking gross and creeps me the hell out.

>> No.9484025
File: 1.72 MB, 1404x1957, Screenshot_2017-05-18-22-49-28-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to her Instagram you will not be disapointed

>> No.9484033

hmmm. I have a clue its one of two people. I could be wrong. hmmm Hint Bats?

>> No.9484034

I'm with you anon he works at a smoke shop, is a furry and really makes you feel uncomfortable in person in my book three strikes.

>> No.9484036

There's like five of us total but I don't want to be found out idk about the other anon.

>> No.9484038

He talked to me at the event. He had bad breath. He looked so raggedy. At least he tries to wear wigs now. Before he was just wearing his natural hair and it looked so stringy and greasy. He seems really shy too. He creeps me out honestly.

>> No.9484041

If everyone hates this b bitch why not just break off into your own smaller comm? Clearly the mods are too cucked to get rid of her at this point

>> No.9484047

I understand. :) If Bats didnt help with a clue then I have one more guess. I may have sent a friend request lol

>> No.9484051

That face is the stuff of nightmares holy shit.

>> No.9484052

One girl tried to make an Orlando comm once, but I guess it didn't work out. Most of the members live in Tampa and it seems all of the meets are in that area nowadays. I wish we had more meets closer to Orlando.

>> No.9484053

Lor backed out on DFT like a real asshole. She went radio silent after confirmed she would be a guest initially. It was around when her boyfriend broke up with her, I think? Doesn't make it okay. She could have just messaged them that she couldn't go for personal reasons, and then they could have had time to replace her. They probably should have had a better back up plan. but DFT was so much better if anything the anons in this thread are saying is true. DFT can't really help that people flaked. And the photos for this event speak for themselves. Like not trying to white knight or anything, but comparing DFT to this crap...

>> No.9484059

I feel the same way. Like the TD/DFT team certainly has their own problems, but they've never been anything but super nice to me, and I feel like they just take too much on their plate is the main problem. L-chan always seems stressed, so I hope things go well with ILD if just for her sanity.

>> No.9484070

OH, I REMEMBER THAT. It was cute, but I felt weird and out of place because it was like in the lobby with a bunch of normies. I definitely did not think it was worth it to go.

I think B-chan bitched about the fact DFT decided to do an ILD event since it was "so close" to C&C. Which is like.... Why didn't you host C&C on ILD then? No shit, people are going to do things for ILD.

>> No.9484072

I thought L-chan was working as a flight attendant now. She disappeared from the comm for a while and even said at one point that she wouldn't have time to manage DFT or work with TD anymore. Now she seems to be back. Did she lose her job or something?

>> No.9484076

I like bats but I'm not sure how you get that for me. But I haven't gotten a friend add.

>> No.9484087

Yo I bet you guys Honey Cake in cream that B-chan is sifting through this thread trying to solve the mystery of which comm members these anons are to swing the banhammer at lmfao
I can just see her hunched over her laptop like a gremlin flipping back and forth from this thread to the comm page

>> No.9484089

Aww, I think his photos are okay. Honestly, I always appreciate any photographer at meetups, so he gets me respect for doing that alone. Being the photographer kind of sucks because no one takes pictures of you.

>> No.9484092

Ok I will try my next guesses lol.

>> No.9484093

I think it was an issue for B-chan because a lot of people had to choose to go to one event only because of money issues. A lot of people chose the ILD event. I personally chose Cakes and Couture because it seemed promising when she announced the event. By the time DFT announced their event, I had already bought tickets for c&c and couldn't splurge another $50 for the ILD event.

>> No.9484102

Yeah, she's definitely getting back involved. I think she mostly made an excuse to take a break. No one else makes meets honestly. Like there have been a few here and there, but she hosted a bulk of them. Idk anything about her job though, and it's not really my business.

>> No.9484108

Yeah, but if she had done C&C on ILD, it never would have been an issue because DFT wouldn't have made that event. That's her not taking the big picture into account. C&C was a thing before DFT announced their ILD event.

>> No.9484128

At first C&C was scheduled for April. I think that if it had happened in April, I could've chosen to go to both events. Unfortunately, I can't make the trip into Tampa twice in such a short time. I need to get some hours at work and they were not going to give me time off so close together.

>> No.9484133

I'm still waiting for that friend request, gulls!

>> No.9484145

Damn I thought I knew who it was and I sent a request and it was denied lol. Bahhhh lol

>> No.9484150

No one makes meets because people say "I'll be there" and on the day of, never show up and don't even care to tell the host that they can't make it after all. No one wants to have to deal with this, so the easy solution is to just not host a meet and wait until someone else is brave enough to do it. I know this is my reason for not hosting even though I have so many ideas for meets. I've talked to a lot of people in the comm and we all feel the same way.

>> No.9484151

I denied a request but it was by a weird guy with a monkey mask unless you some 200+lbs man

>> No.9484155

Yeah, that sucks. I'm just glad I dodged that bullet. I already knew B-chan was an asshole to a degree because of how she reacted to DFT, talking about how she could have run it better, and generally being an ass to the DFT team. So when she posted C&C advertisements to another comm page, I was like... Really? Everything about it felt shady to me. Then I ended up talking to other people who spilled beans on why she's awful. It was an easy decision to opt out. I feel bad because I kind of wanted to see it crash and burn, but I didn't realize so many people were going...

>> No.9484156

I mean we are on 4Chan so it could be a backboard.

>> No.9484160

Yeah, same. It still sucks that she has done the lump sum of work, but I guess that kind of comes with being a good mod trying to keep cfls active.

>> No.9484162


>> No.9484163

There should be a gull group chat or something for us

>> No.9484165

And making an event page has become such a hassle now. You have to first ask permission from a mod, wait until they make a page (which can take them a while), and then you have to go in there and modify the page. And since the mod is considered the "main host", the amount that you can modify as "co host" is limited.

>> No.9484167

Sent a PM. May pop in your spam folder. Me and another comm member are at my place reading all this and having fun.

>> No.9484171

True! I think that's Facebook's fault, isn't it? It won't let anyone but mods make group invites that ACTUALLY send the entire comm an invite.

>> No.9484173

Because Andrea goes to every shitty event she can, it's not surprising. Side note, If there's one person worse at events than B it's Andrea.

>> No.9484178
File: 128 KB, 1440x718, Screenshot_2017-05-19-00-21-13-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we made her crack

>> No.9484179

Oh so new clue: You're "friends" with B-chan in Facebook?

>> No.9484183

Are you K-chan?

>> No.9484185

Good luck she has her fb friends on some kind of weird cloak so unless you're friends w/ them you can't see them.

>> No.9484186

Maybe we should all just make throwaway emails?

>> No.9484187

Or J-chan, or M-kin, or... omg she's friends with so many people in the comm. It could be anyone.

>> No.9484188

Yeah that's probably why she is going to shut down her fb, all the bats will stay concealed behind her massive ego and ass.

>> No.9484191

Dude she added me when i meet her and i'm the one whose also been posting her shit here. Most everyone in our comm is on her fb list.

>> No.9484195

I doubt K-chan is on here. She might lurk, but I doubt she'd post anything. They're like best friends, yo.

>> No.9484196

Basically anon she thinks everyone wants to be her bff because she goes to cons and makes ok accessories, she doesn't get that her shit talking in person and on here and btb posting makes no one like her and we're friends with her for the keks.

>> No.9484200

But which K-chan? There are two K-chans on the Not Going list for ILD

>> No.9484206

The K-chan I'm talking about is her friend and I believe she's her partner on Steep Tampa too. K-chan -IS- going to the ILD event. She always wears the same 3 coords to meets. That K-chan.

>> No.9484208

Oh, that girl with her dad are also going to the ILD event. Now I'm so glad that I couldn't get tickets for that.

>> No.9484209

Oh, okay. I'm bad at trying to play detective, so I'm rooting for you guys to find each other. Be salty gulls.

>> No.9484211

OH NO. I guess I'll get to witness them first hand, haha.

>> No.9484216

She'll probably ask daddy to buy her half of the Wunderwelt booth. She kept asking in the comm page "what do you guys like on Wunderwelt?". Probably so she can snatch it before anyone else has the chance to.

>> No.9484218

Right? Like, do we even know what stock they will bring? I didn't know how to react to that question. Made no sense to me.

>> No.9484224

Throwaway email for anyone who is too lazy to facebook stalk. Going to sleep soon though.

>> No.9484234

3.5 maybe. Deff not a 9. She threw on a dress~

>> No.9484247

I don't believe he works at the pipe store anymore. Last I knew he was layed off. When he was working there, tho, he would wear lolita to work. Such an innapropriate workplace to wear lolita! His brand must've smelled like tobacco.

>> No.9484255


>> No.9484259

Did anyone go to the "unofficial after party at the castle" after Cakes and Couture? I was so tired. I just went home right away.

>> No.9484264

OMG! I wish we could talk shit like this at meets. Things would be so much interesting. I feel like all we talk about at meets is "what's your dream dress?","Are you going to such event/con?", and "did you see the new Haenuli release?"
I feel like I've connected with all you anons more than I've ever connected with anyone at a meet before.

>> No.9484311
File: 656 KB, 810x3357, Screenshot_20170519-025058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems B-Chan is sending out emails regarding event feedback. She put in a coupon for $20 off in hopes to get people to attend next year.

>> No.9484366

That is absolutely fucking disgusting.
When will fatties (especially morbidly obese ones like her) learn that the dress fitting your measurements doesn't mean you look good? She looks like a stuffed sausage in need of a bra.

>> No.9484378

I'm not a comm member, but one of you could just make a throwaway e-mail that can't be traced back to your name. That way you can talk in private and not be afraid of comm rules.

>> No.9484466

Would it kill her to fucking proofread before sending shit out? She's so unprofessional it pisses me offf.

>> No.9484486

Is this a native English speaker? Yikes florida

>> No.9484533

I wish so too! It's nice and allto be
but gulls i want to be the salt brandwhore i am.I want to sip and spill tea with other lolitas.
Justeveryone in the comm seems like they wouldn't be up for tea spill and drama. All they do is talk about Haenuli, and like sure she has nice things but she isn't Baby/AP/AatP level great.I don't get her hyped to much.
Also i got this and was insulted. $20 off. Really thats what you offer us for next year,if you can even convince anyone to go. Honestly im about to open a claim on paypal to see about getting my money back.

>> No.9484542

You could probably get your money back for the shit catering itself.

>> No.9484559

And the fact they ran out of Mimosas for vips, food of course wasnt what was promised and ran out of food as well. Pretty much ridged raffle.
>i'm gonna try and payal dispute my money back
Wish me luck gulls

>> No.9484563

Do it, honestly everyone should get a refund for that shitshow.
And now seeing how shitty it was I bet you anything B chan made this thread to begin with, it'd make sense with the retarded samefagging.

>> No.9484567

She probably made it in the beginning in the hopes of advertising her event. She didn't think people were going to use it to talk shit about it. Well, this is CGL. She took the risk. Now she's paying the price.

>> No.9484573

When was this sent out? I went to this event and I haven't gotten any emails.
It's strange because as of last night she cancelled Cakes & Couture 2018 and said she was going to deactivate her FB page. Unless she's going to create a new C&C page under Steep Tampa. As if we didn't know it's also her.

>> No.9484579

I'll keep you gulls updated on this to see if i get my money back.
Also this thread may kill soon so i don't know if it will get restarted again. But i might make a Salty SeaGull Discord would anyone care for it? I'm leaving a throwaway email in case people are and the thread gets kill.

>> No.9484639

This sounds like a total pain,they should do it the other way around. You make the even then a mod is a co-host

>> No.9484644
File: 10 KB, 333x174, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The format, wording and repetition of words in this email

>> No.9484647

Lor's video is up

>> No.9484672

The fuck? Andrea is a business owner, not a hobo. You talk about the wrong person, anon!

>> No.9484677

She can't be serious! She sucks their cocks so hard! Why?

>> No.9484681

I received mine at 230am

Where and when did she say she was canceling the event?

>> No.9484687

why does she talk so slow

>> No.9484696

OMG! That Lor is such a liar! She's saying that she "wasn't sure if she'd be going to the event" when B-chan told me that Lor had confirmed since the beginning. B-chan told me that she would make Lor pay for all of her expenses and then reimburse her once she showed up to make sure that they didn't lose any money if she flaked like she did at DFT. Lor even admitted in the video that she thought about bailing out. How unprofessional is she?! She knew she was MC since the beginning. The reason why she didn't tell anyone on her social media that she'd be coming to FL is because Lor will not say anything or promote events she is attending unless she is payed an extra fee. I guess B-chan couldn't afford that much.
She's right about 1 thing, tho. When she MC'd it was cringey AF. Also she wasn't pleasant at all during the event. She'd stop for photos and stuff if you asked her and praised her, but otherwise she was just walking around filming and not making any efforts to "interact with the crowd 1 on 1" like B-chan said she was. I don't care for Lor anymore. She used to be an idol to me, but she's lost my respect over the past few years for numerous reasons. Still, I tried to humor her and called out to her a few times. I wanted a picture with her just for humblebragging, but she completely ignored me. lol

And OMG she stayed in the same hotel I did. I could've stalked her.

>> No.9484699

They're talking about M-kun, not Andrea.

>> No.9484702

She cancelled the event on Facebook. She had already made an event page for "Cakes & Couture: Marine Kingdom" and mentioned in her personal FB that she'd release more info about it that afternoon when she had everything finalized. Then that night she cancelled the event right after she said she was going to deactivate her personal FB.

>> No.9484709

The only reason DFT looks better based on the photos is because the venue was gorgeous and of course it was around the Christmas holidays, so there was that special magic in the air, but organization-wise, it was the same of a clusterfuck as Cakes & Couture. There was nothing to do on the first day other than see the fashion show and go shopping in the vendor hall. And nothing to do on the second day other than going to the tea party, which required an extra ticket. Those of us who didn't buy a ticket for the tea party were pretty much scammed out of our hard earned money because we payed for a 2-day pass when nothing was even offered on the second day unless you paid extra for the tea party anyways. All there was to do on day 2 was to shop some more or pick up your consignments from the boutique.

>> No.9484713

anon you sound hysterical
from what I've heard from B-chan why would you believe anything she said too?

>> No.9484716

She pretty much only interacted with the VIP guests. If you weren't a VIP, good luck on even talking to Lor.

>> No.9484733

You guys think you can do better then go host your own events you all have nothing better to do but point out every little imperfection. baka talking about people behind there back is childish and stop hating on people

>> No.9484737

"Baka"? Get out weeaboo ita!

>> No.9484738

Hi, M-kun!

>> No.9484740

You must be one of B-chan's white knights.

>> No.9484744


>> No.9484745

Sounds like an organizer is trying to save face. Bitch about Lor to make it sound like she is a liar to make it sound like nothing was going wrong behind the scenes when there clearly was.

>> No.9484747

>promised food catering
>easiest thing in the world to offer guests
>tossed Halloween candy onto fake metal plastic dishes

You could get better catering from bar food than that.

>> No.9484750

Must be B-chan herself. All she did leading up to the event was bitch about Lor and say how she wished that she hadn't invited her after all. Haenuli on the other hand... All she did was praise her. Haenuli makes clothes for fatty-chains like her, so it's natural that she'd adore her.

>> No.9484762

She also promised people who bought their tickets before a certain day a special "founders' gift" and none of those people got what they were promised. She also said that she'd send out "formal printed invitations" for all ticket tiers, then changed it to only VIPs. She must've ran out of funds. Can't manage a budget.

>> No.9484784

Maybe don't host an event in the first place if you're too fucking stupid to handle it?

>> No.9484788

I don't like Lor at all and think she's way too far up her own ass, but you're seriously over exaggerating the situation.

>> No.9484858

Found out who ogre-guy is. His name is Mephistopheles Wolfgang (probably fake name), he is 46 years old and goes by Meshtoff. What a name. Mephistopheles means "devil". And the girl in the Holy Lanter replica is his girlfriend apparently. So retard braless lady must be just a friend or something. Holy crap. I was under the impression that they were her parents because of how they acted around each other.

>> No.9484866

You cannot be my friend... and walk with my enemies!!!

>> No.9484988

Oh, do shut up.

>> No.9485010


You know you're making yourself look insane right now Bridgette. Unless you're someone just trying to make her look even worse, if that's possible.

>> No.9485019

I think the latter. That doesn't seem like something Bridgette would say or write.

>> No.9485025

Are they a part of that vampire LARP group? Like Masquerade of the Night or something along those lines, it's full of cringey shit like that and he fits the MO

>> No.9485033

That IDK. He goes to The Castle goth club a lot. His page is full of pictures of him there.

>> No.9485045

Ok white night I was talking about M-kun

>> No.9485225

Apparently that doesn't work? Event invites have always been janky, and we had to cut people from the comm who weren't active (all you had to do was respond to a poll to prove you participated, and you could always be added back) because that was also making the event invites fuck up. Too many people a facebook group does that, apparently.

>> No.9485261

She mentioned she had a cold, and it sounds like it was filmed after the event, so she's tired? She doesnt normally talk that slow.

>> No.9485264

She had to do a voice-over and she was probably tired.

>> No.9485410
File: 664 KB, 896x596, BchanSucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone out of state who's met B-Chan... I'd like to note she came to one of our comm's meetups and proceeded to get drunk at dinner, even though she was the driver for the people she was with. Classy~

>> No.9485451

Bullshit though, I have bipolar disorder and chronic pain too and I manage to keep from being a whale. I absolutely hate people who throw that out as an excuse for everything wrong with themselves, like if you cared enough to prioritize it you could keep it under control, and if you can't then go see a doctor and up your meds.

>> No.9485567

ngl you sound more insane than you're making Lor out to be.
>I wanted a picture with her just for humblebragging, but she completely ignored me.
>I could've stalked her.
you also sound like a right creep and a jerk, and you wonder why she ignored you?

>> No.9485576
File: 40 KB, 480x640, 18519691_10155330510426057_4897719644955796667_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pics of sad rabbit man

>> No.9485578
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 18557192_10155330509961057_4938577723336654665_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9485632


>> No.9485738

Are you the person so desperate to make Lor sound mean? I doubt B saying x actually means she communicated it to Lor. If you don't set expectations you cannot get upset that the guest didn't "act right".

>> No.9485797

He looks so sad. He always does. I wish she didn't bring him to meets every single time. Annoying.

>> No.9485806
File: 664 KB, 896x596, IMG_3870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secrets are up on BTB!

>> No.9485809

We'll that's less drama than I thought there'd be. Only 2 posts about B-chan and they don't even point out what a mess her coord was. No posts about the terrible food, etc. I'm disappointed in you, Gulls.

>> No.9485863

I forgot to put my secrets in for this saturday...

>> No.9485926

In all honesty, I thought the food was fine. Sure it was prepackaged, but the sandwiches were really good. The sweets could've been better, tho. The tea would've been fine if we hadn't had to go fetch the water ourselves. I didn't drink my tea because someone in my end of the table hogged all the sugar and earl grey tea with no sugar... yuck. I can do without the cream/milk, but no sugar? No. That wasn't really the organizer's fault. Someone just didn't want to share.
I hope the organizers are following this thread and use what people are saying here in order to improve in the future. Like Lor said in the video, we need to support events like these in Central Florida, otherwise the community might just die off.

>> No.9486203


>> No.9486359

I know Lor can be kinda fake (what YTer isn't?) but I feel sort of bad for her? I watched her video and she's really trying to make the best of a bad situation. It's so hard to judge an event in pictures vs actually being there, even if the catering was an unforgivable shitshow.

I can't understand why there were so many hambeasts there, or the catering, or the sad bows on the dresses of that indie brand, but I really think Lor is getting too much shit for an event she wasn't even involved in organising.

>> No.9486440

lmao samefag

>> No.9486963

The hardest part is upfront cost. The most expensive bits would be venue, guests and supporting a fashion show. I'd agree with anyone suggesting to skip guests year one unless you have anyone local. Skip a fashion show also unless you have any local brands. Do a coordinate contest and vendor area.

Honestly.. I wouldn't suggest doing a sit down tea party either. After years of following different events and tea party meet ups, I've come to the conclusion that in the US, no one will ever ever ever be happy with what you serve. Especially in the US people have so many allergies and food intolerances and while that sucks, you'll still be expected to accommodate any and every special request.

>> No.9486964

I remember seeing this on their site when it first launched and it's still top kek

>> No.9486981

Andrea is alright as long as you keep her at arms length. She just seems like the person who would suck you in with drama. I still never got the whole story about what went down at Frill

>> No.9487073

I made a Salty Seagull Discord. If anyone cares to join just click the link.
Come spill the tea and chat about lolita.

>> No.9487296

New thread up >>9487293

>> No.9487996
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>> No.9488645

Just because you manage your chronic illnesses well doesn't mean other people do. Get your head out of your ass. Pain levels are different for everyone

>> No.9488967

Omg lmao this is definitely M-Kun, shitty grammar and spelling! Hi!!!

>> No.9489075

It is absolutely my business when someone says "oh I have bipolar so that's why I'm a fat lazy bitch :///" and then everyone who doesn't have it repeats "oh people with bipolar are fat lazy bitches." Same with chronic pain. B-chan's bad personality is not caused by her illnesses and it's a selfish excuse to use that paints all of us who are just trying to live our lives in a bad light.

>> No.9489432

u a dumbass

>> No.9489507

is this amino grandpa?