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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9399895 No.9399895 [Reply] [Original]

Con-nichiwa in a week, PCC in a couple months. What's happening?

>> No.9400062

Can anyone else besides Saboten get good guests?

>> No.9400168

I'm so tired of Kazha every fucking year at Sabo. Iruma Rioka was A++ a few years back, as was that one jrock dude group. Wish we would get more quality musical guests like that. At least I've never seen Chii Sakurabi before. Her music isn't quite my taste but she's cute at least and something new so I'll check her out for sure. Not sure whether to avoid Vic mcnugget like the plauge or indulge in my inner 14 year old weeb and get him to autograph my old FMA dvd

>> No.9400174

I wish if Greg wanted to keep on bringing in old irrelevant voice actors he'd bring back Steve Blum or at least get Chris Patton.

>> No.9400493

Wish Connichiwa was at the Holiday Inn still, It's awful at the convention center. Every year is exactly the same, there is nothing ever new to see.

>> No.9400499

Personally, I've been side-eyeing the "fashion show" I'm assuming that will be hellish to endure.

>> No.9400663

Then don't go. Or, please enter and wear something good. It's always so small I wish more people who had a sense of style or who sewed entered. I love D and her designs, but I wish she wasn't the only entrant every year in the Conni fashion show. Especially since I know there are a ton of competent seamstresses in Tucson who attend this con.

>> No.9400675

Can we do a /cgl/ meetup here? Plz? I have no friend and I don't know what do

>> No.9400716

Talk to people and stop being a hermit creeper expecting people to talk to you.

>> No.9401116

Probably going to skip Con-nichiwa, the lineup looks abysmal. PCC should be a fun time

>> No.9401769

>Especially since I know there are a ton of competent seamstresses in Tucson who attend this con.

They're avoiding it on purpose, as anyone with any self respect would. No offense to you or anything.

>> No.9402082

It wouldn't be such a shit show if they actually participated though.

>> No.9402101

but Sabo can't even get any good guests???

They only op for dub VAs that did something 10 years ago or Japanese musicians. I really wish they would invest in an actual Japanese VA or if they had to get more english VAs, get someone that did lines for a popular overwatch character

>> No.9402510

well they did bring Akira Yamaoka a few years ago. But that was more music. Greg just had connections with has been VAs which is why he always brings them. I typically just go for one day now since the convention is lacking in content now and is repeating the same garbage year after year. Greg does need to change up his algorithms for the con.

>> No.9402575

It's not the lack of seamstresses that are making it suck. It's repetitive, anyone in state who's interested has already participated and there's never anything new, especially when you factor Saboten in (putting on the same show with the same people). Even new items from new designers wouldn't revive it, because no one attends Connichiwa's fashion show regardless. It's a catch 22.

>> No.9402583

I've never really understood how people just make friends at cons by talking to people... it's always seemed to me something you go to with your friends. I've only recently began making friends in the con world by tabling in AA.

>> No.9402596

Well being approachable and not an aspie is a starter. Sparking conversation with people and knowing when they really don't want to talk is another factor. You're obviously bad at social skills if you can't make friends in the con scene. That or your that person that just talks constantly and is desperately trying to make friends but can't because they don't know when to shut up.

>> No.9402607

>you must be bad at ____
>no real con crit, just fauxcern

you have no chill, lay off.

I stick to myself a lot at cons, I'll comment on people's cosplay and go from there, it's a starting point if you guys have a fandom in common!

>> No.9402616

Anon has a good point though. People who make statements about not being able to make friends tend to be that annoying guy that walks up to girls trying to talk about how they built their monster computer.

>> No.9402989

>Chat over drinks at the bar
>Go to some parties
>Share common interestes and see if they want to be facebook friends
Multiple ways

So aside from upcoming PCC, not much really going on in the con scene in Arizona till Sabo right?

>> No.9403016

>So aside from upcoming PCC, not much really going on in the con scene in Arizona till the next years PCC right?


>> No.9408629

how's conni going so far?

>> No.9408982

Same old pannels, Chii's concert was cute. It kind of played out like an old Nintendo rpg game. Interesting concept. There's some decent cosplay this weekend too.

>> No.9409224

Was the masq any good? I had to do otaku closet so I missed it but I saw some good ass cosplay coming out after it ended.

>> No.9409697

okay but is the hotel hot tub only out of order when con comes around because it kinda seems that way

>> No.9409812

attendance seemed way down than normal, some of the panels were pretty fun though. crawling with 14yos and their moms it felt like. the artist alley was abysmally slow and nobody really made any money.

>> No.9410221

All this is true. so many 14 year olds. First time I hit the con, I had to get some homestucks to let me in the glass doors on the north and then they took it as opportunity to introduce themselves as "John and Rose" follow me around. I just ignored them and they went away after like 5 minutes.

How is homestuck a thing still, it's 2017, let it die please.

>> No.9410229

Just put in a bad yelp review or something, that is literally the only thing I can think of. If i had a hotel Id close the hot tub every time con people came around too, knowing our crowd.

On a side note, this was the first year that security wasn't super aggressive which is a plus. I just don't think anyone gives a shit about this convention, it's 5 minutes from my house and I still don't want to go.

>> No.9410234

What is the best con for vending at AA here?

>> No.9410236

If you can get a table PCC since it's got the most people attending. Second would probably be sabo. We have shit cons honestly so maybe try for an out of state con like one of the California cons.

>> No.9411012

Someone's on their period

>> No.9411356
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The fashion show results.

I kind of wish this con would cease to exist, attendance seemed to have plummeted

>> No.9413905

Well that's what you get for making a fashion show out of con attendees. They have been asking our comm for volunteers for the fashion show for months, but I don't want to pay to go to a con just to be in a fashion show. If they want a decent lolita fashion show they should let us participate for free (but not attend the con).

On the other hand, how was the tea party? The space and those tables and chairs looked really sad from what I saw...

>> No.9413985

Wow god what the fuck. What is the girl in white even supposed to be? Fucking Ring-kei?

>> No.9414117

It was really nice, probably the best one I've been to since it started. Chii Sakurabi showed up which was a huge plus.

>> No.9414151

That's exactly what I thought

There's plenty of cons that have nice fashion shows, this is just not a good convention. Of course more girls would have shown up if they didn't need a badge, but this one of the main events for the con, why would they let people participate without a badge?

They need to change everything about this con, the location, the guests, the panels, everything if it wants to get better. It's repetitive and needs a complete overhaul.

>> No.9414162

>this one of the main events for the con, why would they let people participate without a badge

Since this is one of the big events, and it has this kind of abhorrent turn out, then yeah they should be getting lolitas to participate without a badge. Doesn't mean they should let them roam the whole con for free though.

Or at least get an indie brand to show. Otherwise this is just a sad paid vanity ita fashion show.

>> No.9414174

You have to remember that Greg doesn't give the slightest fuck about the jfashion community or the lolita community though, which does not help the situation unfortunately.

>> No.9414226


I've vended at all the AZ cons and did the worst at PCC, plus the tables are so expensive. The vendor hall is so big that nobody even bothers with artists. Sabo is probably the best. And surprisingly, Kikori was p good. People in flagstaff have too much money and don't know what to do with it.

>> No.9414468

not original anon but how much did you make at kikori? where was your spot in the AA at PCC? (I'd even possibly consider getting a vendor spot for a better location at PCC since I split with my best friend)
We did good at Sabo, would do better next year, and Conni sucked mostly because of extremely low foot traffic - we did better than anyone in AA by about a thousand.
Considering only doing Sabo/SoCal cons in addition to salt lake comic con or something similar. Don't think the drive to Flag is worth it for such a tiny con

>> No.9414471

Also I know this isn't an AZ con but has anyone sold at Sabaku con in Albequerque? It's run by Greg / monkey paw, some spots opened up and we're considering but I'm not sure if the drive is worth it from Phoenix, especially if I can't even find attendance numbers

>> No.9414495

>if I can't even find attendance numbers

That's because it is tiny. Sub-1k. If Greg doesn't brag about it being amazing then you know it's not worth it.

>> No.9414807

1750 according to Twitter. I'd say it's not worth it

>> No.9414922

I made out like 10x my table coats at PCC and barely made 50% over my table at sabo. Maybe you're just located in a area that has nothing of interest or you have nothing unique to offer. Getting an end table really helps, having a stand that isn't like the rest also helps draw people into your table. The more inviting your table is the more it will being people interested. You may not do well at PCC because your missing something. It's not a bad AA con. It the AA merch that's bad when it's the same as your neighbor.

>> No.9415241

Taiyou Con is pretty good to vend at as well, I've never had a problem. The tables are cheap so I always make my money back and a lot more. The staff is nice too.

>> No.9415686

Taiyou is extremely pleasant. very easy to do well at, fun, and I made lots of friends.

>> No.9415866
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Greg doesn't give a shit about the lolitas here, why does he try so hard to get guests catering to us?

>> No.9415907

Yeah a shit guest. Sorry but it is commonly known that Dolldelight is not a lolita. Sorry but Cakeshop Couture makes better lolita stuff then her.

>> No.9416003

Yeah I agree! Taiyou is small but I like that it's a chill con and everyone seems nice enough to meet and hangout

Okay but who the fuck is this because I have never heard of her and there could've been better j-fashion guests if they tried harder?

>> No.9416060

A shitty designer who makes ~doll fashion~
Watch The Doll Life on Myx.tv for a good ol' fashion cringe fest.

>> No.9416218

Greg's super out of touch wife heard thinks she is a lolita and asked for this guest, how fucking embarrassing, I would never go to see her.

>> No.9416434

> not having heard of Dolldelight before
Anon, please.

>> No.9416497

Lots of really good entrees, and the MCs were very charming.

>> No.9416501

Eh I would rather not go if she's there. Not interesting enough to lure lolitas to attend unless you like pattern dresses that don't know how to color block. Her style isn't Lolita. It's drag queen runway.

>> No.9417308

You know they have a guest suggestion thread for every con. Why don't you suggest your own guests to them? I'm more fairy kei, not lolita, but I know enough about it that I never see anyone ever suggest any lolita guests.

>> No.9417860

where? I'd honestly never heard of this thread

>> No.9417885

I'm actually friends with Greg and have suggested Lolita guests to him several times. It's not my fault he doesn't want to bring misako , rinrin or asuka here. That's expensive since they live in Japan. Dolldelight lives in the United States so it's cheaper to get her here. But he doesn't know shit about Lolita and his wife is so lost in the fashion that it's no surprise at this point. If Greg wants a good convention that isn't slowly bringing repetive, he would actually listen to the suggestions. But cheap is as cheap does.

>> No.9420165

I mean, there are decent US guests that would be cool to meet. Not huge ones, but Greg won't shell out for something big unless he sees it'll bring money anyways.

>> No.9420253

Greg won't shell out money period. You should know this at this point. He's had the same guests that the con scene was cray about back in like 2009. He's living in the past con glory but not bringing to new stuff that people actually like to the cons. That's why the cons all seems to be the same shit but a different year.

>> No.9421019

I haven't seen a single suggested guest be announced. Plus omg So many people have suggested terrible people. You should see some of the cosplay guests that frequently get suggested.

>> No.9421307
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So, in another stroke of genius, Greg has moved Kikori's dates for 2018. Looks like they're skipping this year in order to move to a Spring date block.

I personally feel like it's convention suicide. Everyone I know who went to Kikori went because it was nice and cold up in flag during the fall and it was definitely possible for heavy costumes. Also I believe it's Matsuri weekend as well. Which means most weebs in the valley will probably just stay in the valley.

Can anyone think of any good reason as to why they made this switch?

>> No.9421335

There's some event in flagstaff that has all the hotels booked all of november for the next five years or something. So it wasn't by choice. I can't imagine the weather would be too much different though.

I didn't realize it was the same weekend as Matsuri though. That's really sad. ;;

>> No.9421367
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The cosplayers Dustbunny's panels were fucking horrid at conni this year. Never heard of her before, but I figured I'd go check her out. Her whole panel was basically bragging about how she got free rides to cons all over the country and how she didn't actually have to do work or give real panels, just brag about all the free stuff she gets for nothing.

Holy Jesus I can not believe that THIS was a guest at the con. It wasn't until I saw her and her mediocre ass costume in the panel room that I realized the awkward chick I had just seen doing a photoshoot in the hall was actually invited as a guest.

>> No.9421453

polite sage for ot but what wig is that, the color and volume were just beautiful in person

>> No.9421768

heard that Angel showed up to a lolita meet again this weekend. anyone get attacked?

>> No.9421774

Who??? The lolita meet was quiet and fun. Don't make shit up.

>> No.9421914

Matsuri is always the last Saturday and Sunday of February.

>> No.9421915

Aint like the cosplay famous cosplayers we have here are anything better.

>> No.9422010

Is that the girl that threw a big fit about leaving the comm and boolies~?

>> No.9422313

The boots on the chick on the left.
Such a bad random coord.
She's the best of these shitlords but still god awful.

>> No.9422615

Fucking hell....I thought we finally got rid of her?

>> No.9422722

If you didn't know who she was, you will soon! Probably when she posts your selfies in her album of future murder victims

>> No.9422833

you're not talking about M, right? who the fuck invited her, M is unstable as hell

>> No.9422842

H let her back in, so you can thank her for that.

>> No.9422853

Details plz

>> No.9423118

She's batshit crazy.
I was trying to befriend her when she first joined and I deeply regret it....
From the constant whining about her family being "oh so horrible and abusive" to completely making shit up about people at the meetup.

One of the first times I hung out with her, she pretended to faint on me...like obviously faking it.
She literally fell ON TOP of me.

Naturally, people started avoiding her at meetups because they got sick of her playing the victim in made up scenarios (you literally couldn't have a conversation without her talking about her issues for 30 minutes straight)
And she made a huge post about "lolitas are such boolies! Why don't they accepts me??" Ect ect

>> No.9423752
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This, the last meetup she went to prior to this one was last year's Valentine's meetup? And she showed up late, sat away from everyone else, and refused to talk. People went over and made 100% of the effort to try and say hi and talk to her and her then-fiance-now-ex and she just ignored them and eventually left without a word. Then she had the fucking gall to come onto facebook after leaving and complain that everyone avoided her and ignored her and it was cliquey and no one even noticed she was there bawwww.

Followed by making an album with pictures from meetups (many of which she didn't even attend) next to screencaps of cgl posts and btb posts about her.

>> No.9423818

I didn't know about the album and I didn't know about her breakup....

Should I be worried to get shot at a meetup she goes to? What does the pink text pic say?

I was surprised she was engaged at all....she and her fiance were living with her ""abusive"" mom because they "couldn't afford to move out"
Meanwhile she was buying 500+ lolita sets left and right.

>> No.9423968

What does she look like? She sounds familiar.....

>> No.9423969
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like a fucking lich

>> No.9423982
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This was in response to her asking for rides, Coord advice, anxiety advice, and then throwing a fit about how all of the advice she was given was useless and couldn't apply to herself for x y and z reasons. Most notably when no one would drive to BFE to pick her up, she said she couldn't meet anyone half way or take an Uber because she was afraid of being sexually assaulted and murdered. Out of all the mean shit people have said about her here or on btb, this was pleasant and nice in comparison. The person was blunt not mean. Must of just stung hearing the truth. I wonder if her fiance had anything to do with her weird behavior. I knew a girl who was pretty psyco but after she ditched her dude she mellowed out a ton. She didn't eat any food or talk to anyone at the meet last weekend. Just took selfies and left.she was a lot more put together then the last time I saw her. Girl needs to learn to makeup still.

>> No.9424027

>she couldn't meet anyone half way or take an Uber because she was afraid of being sexually assaulted and murdered

That part was my favorite. I don't give a fuck how mean this is, I'd feel bad for the Uber driver if she got sexually assaulted... not to mention even if she did take one, it doesn't matter how uneventful the ride is because afterwards she'd tell everyone how creepy it was and how she was almost raped etc

>> No.9424090

>I'd feel bad if the rapist chose such an uggo to rape.

I thought you were suppose to grow out of this dumb ass mentality after you graduated hs.

>> No.9424103

Is the other girl that was psycho S by any chance?

>> No.9424113

Oh cut the shit, of course I'm not being serious. Go cry on tumblr about my problematic joke.

>> No.9424152

This is me in real life. Not op.

>> No.9424171

There have been two psyco "S"s in the comm and both have lead themselves out years ago. The girl I know who was psyco was some normalfag girl from my old highschool not related to the Lolita/con scene. Dude was weird and fucked with her anxiety and made her a lot more unberable then she was without him. So I wouldn't be too surprised if M or others suffered and acted out in a similar way.

>> No.9424179

>Meanwhile she was buying 500+ lolita sets left and right.

Wasn't her fiance the one buying her all that brand though? If >>9424171 is correct then he could of been using Lolita as a way to "show his love" to keep her in a bad relationship. Didn't he also encourage her to quit her job too?

>> No.9424201

S was pretty funny though. She was my favorite lol cow. Assuming we are talking about the one that was the one that came in trying to take over the comm then flounced when heat got to hot for her. Don't know the other S though.

>> No.9424208

Funny enough what I experienced with both S girls though limited were both the same. Thought brand made them the queen bee and when no one ate their shit up they flounced.

>> No.9424222

I rarely attend meets but talk often in the group discussions. I never had any actual interaction with them rather then the chats on the page. But the S that tried to take over the group was a lot of help on how to taobao when it wasn't as easy as it is today. She was pretty amusing to watch crash and burn though. Didn't she move to California though? Last thing I remember of her was the trip to Japan.

>> No.9424227

Might be true. I never knew how she got so much brand but I was under the impression her fiance was just as broke? I always assumed she was racking up massive amounts of CC debt, but I have nothing to back that up.

>> No.9424244

This is just something I heard secondhand so maybe take it with a grain of salt, but I heard she was milking both her fiance AND her ex-bf for the brand sets... which could have something to do with why she no longer has said fiance.

>> No.9424286
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> mfw I went to one of the meets that she has photos of in that album but chose to opt out of the group photo
Holy fucking shit

>> No.9424292

Holy shit was was C thinking with that blonde fried wig?!?! Oh god I'm glad she's somewhat improved from that. Can't say much about her recent cordinate from Conni though.

>> No.9424320
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Who knew there were so many AZ people here.

Fuck PCC though - too hot. Why can't they have PCC when it's cool out like in February or October?

>> No.9424322

It used to be in like January when it first stated in Mesa. You're just not dedicated like others are. There was a reason last year had so many bikini cosplays.

>> No.9424460

Oh god I remember when she tried to start up that Genso box fiasco. At first she tried to deny it was her even though the company address was Scottsdale and she was one of the few living in Scottsdale, and an anon recognized her wardrobe when she posted a photo of it to the website blog.

>> No.9424481

That was her downfall. Just own up to it. She was soo fast in and out of the fashion that it was like less then a year she was active and then poof gone. She let her newly found obsession get to her head and fell down soo hard she couldn't get back up. So she flounced. Do wish our gothic Lolita M was more active. She was always a lovey person to talk to. Her not wife N was inspirational when she dressed in Lolita too. But I was too scared to approach her since she seemed pretty bitchy.

>> No.9424714

They both drank the S koolaid hard so they think they're too good for the comm now.

>> No.9424791

i don't think PCC would be as well-attended if it wasn't Memorial Day / summertime.
it's not THAT hot. and you barely ever have to go outside for PCC. do you not live in the valley? that's the only reason I can see why you'd complain about May weather

>> No.9426786

I've been wracking my brain since fucking Wednesday and can't for the life of me think of the second psycho S. The only one that comes to mind is GensoBox bitch.

>> No.9426796

Me too anon. Me too. I know of the drama between K and J. Then there's S and A. Then D with everyone which pretty much had K and D flounce for a while. D is back and not as cringy as before. K is more cringy and more crazy now that her efame hit a bit. I can't think of any other S involved with shit other then the S that D knows. But she's not crazy from what I have gathered. But she also rarely talks as is. I am friends with her and she's pretty chilled out now that she's not with that guy any more.

>> No.9428840
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Anyone else sick of this girl? All she does is post overedited selfies and shitty traced art.
Lies about being part Japanese, and about a lot of things in general.

>> No.9428841
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>> No.9428845 [DELETED] 

Dear god.

>> No.9428847
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>> No.9428947

What the actual fuck?

Who is this and why aren't they getting professional help?

>> No.9428983

Lol who is this Ahiru or something?

>> No.9429195


Ahiru's a shitty garbage person anyway. Only reason why people other than Jenna put up with her is because she's loli b8.

>> No.9429299

Is K back? I thought she fucked off to her youtube corner. I haven't been active for awhile but the comm was a lot more pleasant without her.

>> No.9429367

what else has she done?

>> No.9429482

I mean Jenna sucks too. Heard she got banned or is supposed to be banned from Taiyou for going psycho after the lounge.

>> No.9429579

I only know of the tooth scam bullshit, where she ate a disgusting amount of sweets for her kawaii loli aesthetic to the point of her teeth rotting.
Lied and said she had a genetic tooth disease + said she was poisoned and it caused her to lose her teeth. her whiteknight army paid for the entire surgery + dentures.
She also has them buy her hundreds of dollars worth of itune gift cards for love live gems, and has even offered nudes for them. She leads on a bunch of fat neckbeards so they'll protect her. It's pathetic on both ends.

>> No.9429680

Are you serious? I felt legitimately sorry for her because it really looked like she had never seen a dentist or used a toothbrush in her life, so I assumed the tooth disease was a real thing. Wtf....??

>> No.9429742

How the fuck is AZ Powergirl "cosplay famous"? Her wigs and costume materials are fucking atrocious. She has a nice body I guess even though desu her tits are on the verge of way too big, but she isnt particularly pretty. While I wouldn't call her ugly, she has shit makeup skills, and it definitely doesn't do her face any favors.

>> No.9429791

What the literal fuck does the RTP tag mean on Phoenix Comicon's website?

>> No.9429808

her slutty fionna cosplay almost made me throw up, not even exaggerating.

>sabo 2013
>showing off her underboob
>fatty looking
>acne scars
>absolutely disgusting

>> No.9429813

It's Sandra. Not many girls knew her.

>> No.9429847

OH I remember her, she had like a fucking vendetta against Sam. She was/is nutso but behind the scenes thankfully.

>> No.9429922

Anyone know if cosplay is a common thing at Zapcon? I moved here recently and people in my hometown used any fucking excuse to throw on a closet cosplay.

>> No.9430283

I haven't been, but going off the pictures it would probably be a little weird. It's a bunch of middle aged guys playing pinball so it's not really your typical con-fare

>> No.9430441

Does this person's real name start with A?

There is a girl in the comm that has terrifying teeth and ultra greasy hair. She legitimately scares me and makes me want to go home and brush my teeth five times a day. I kind of cringe when I see her mention that she's going to a meet. I try to be friends with everyone, even itas, but this is the one person I genuinely don't want to be near.

>> No.9430459

Do you mean >>9423969 ?

>> No.9430566

I don't think so. The other girl looks slightly different and way worse teeth. I think she is from Tuscon.

>> No.9430682

I live out of az for school now but it's nice to be able to head back and go knowing it won't interfere with too much since it's in the summer between semesters. I don't mind the heat too much especially now that they're mailing the badges to us and we don't have to wait in lines wrapping around PCC

>> No.9431130

I go to meetups pretty often and I've never really noticed anyone from Tucson with nasty teeth. M is the only one I've seen with noticeably fucked up teeth. D a bit but they aren't so bad. Kind of cute in the way that some Japanese girls get the "kawaii" fucked up teeth implants done

>> No.9431165

A isn't a lolita, she's just a weeb who's well known in the con scene

>> No.9431239

Maybe she doesn't go to Tuscon meets that often, I'm not from that area. When you see her you definitely won't forget. Her teeth are not crooked but are rotting out of her mouth. The gaps between each tooth are wider than the teeth themselves and the teeth are in a ) ( kind of shape. Her Facebook photos are all rather normal and don't show her teeth so I can't even post that. I think she posted in CoF once but with her mouth clothes so people didn't really say much.

>> No.9431698
File: 18 KB, 634x155, IMG_2504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the teeth we're talking about, she doesn't go to Lolita meets. She just buys shitty cosplay (claims to sew it herself) and takes selfies at home for the most part.

>> No.9431705

Yeah that's her. The girl who claims to uguu and be loli and people fall for that schick. We have enough pedophiles lying about their age in our scene anyway, so she won't run out of white knights.

>> No.9432133
File: 118 KB, 1062x949, 2017-04-12 16.43.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh. Thanks for the blog post?
Call it a pet peeve, but I hate it when people post this kind of stuff on the group wall

>all pics on Facebook are animu lesbians

>> No.9432227

Yeah I felt the same way... like first of all... who u? second, it's a group of over 150+ people, no one noticed or cared.

>> No.9432274

D no one cares that you think your teeth are those kawaii Japanese teeth. You have crooked teeth, not cute Japanese crooked teeth.

>> No.9432378

Ok? Not D but whatever. Way to project anon.

>> No.9432382

Yeah sorry D loathes herself way to much to even try and sneak a compliment in like that. She's much more likely to get caught shit-talking K and the mods than she is asspatting herself.

>> No.9432383

>goes to the comm
>new picture
>that's the one
>they went with

Jesus Christ, it's even shitty quality, I hate that it gets changed every month or so, do it twice a year.

>> No.9432404

nice to know shes got white knights that also hate her but still will guard her ass to hell and back.

>> No.9432421
File: 75 KB, 540x960, 11292813_10153458415302053_1413754029_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't really guarding or white knighting though... you accused someone of being D, two separate people told you that was wrong, and now you're playing like we lick her ratty doc martins or some shit. It's like if I replied to you saying "hi pixyteri ;^)" or some retarded shit like that and then accusing people of defending PT when they told me that was stupid

Here have some classic D as compensation

>> No.9432425

Who the fuck is she even talking about in the first paragraph? Meanwhile she has posted here on the regular for years.
And if she's referring to K as her best friend, I've heard K talk more shit about D first hand then anybody else in the comm.

>> No.9432429

Not sure about the first part, but the last bit is probably about C because she's posted in drawthreads a handful of times which obviously means she's been shitposting the entire comm here for some reason. And then has the AUDACITY to ban poor innocent Dom when all she did was admit to posting a ton of really toxic secrets and try to goad others into it as well.

It's really laughable how much K goes out of her way to tell total strangers about how desperate and sad and dumb D is but D will still fight tooth and nail for her.

>> No.9432431

Y'all even I can admit my teeth are pretty gross.


Wow that's old and based in some pretty petty and pretentious high horse shit I was on. Working on not being this anymore.

Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.9432441

i used to make secrets about all the comm members on btb before i ever joined, and sometimes i wonder if it was at the same time as Dom, who I've never met.

>> No.9432442

but who was the mysterious mod who posts people on btb

>> No.9432450

A misunderstanding that I blew up over, because I as misinformed. Decided to pitch a fit instead of making sure my assumption was true.

Like a dumbass.

>> No.9432502 [DELETED] 

Curious, what did you see in Dom? What finally made you see the light?

>> No.9432527

I thought the same. Looked through profile. Its all anime but then, OmG it's scary teeth girl you guys were talking about!!! Thanks for that post I guess, now I know.

>> No.9432532

So what even happened between you and Dom? Thought you were besties.

>> No.9432551

Are you retarded?

>> No.9432729

How could that be scary teeth girl? I thought she hadn't been to a meetup yet?

>> No.9432731

Some personal shit went down, she hurt me deeply and I didn't want to be her friend anymore. Nothing extravagant, she was just a shitty friend (big shocker I know).

>> No.9432927

Good job getting free, she's a narcissistic cunt.

On a side note, that's one of a few reasons I refused to sympathize or tolerate her, because I didn't want people thinking I was on her side for a second. People tried to excuse her behavior with "she's young, she will grow out of it." No, she's spoiled, has atrocious manners, and self absorbed, I doubt she'll ever get over herself.

>> No.9432931

In all honesty her selfishness is what caused the end, without going in to specifics.

I do hope she grows out of it, but who's to know what will happen?

>> No.9433077

I was hoping she would grow out of it years ago but she somehow keeps getting worse. Good on you for getting out of that.

>> No.9433089
File: 48 KB, 640x309, IMG_2508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some classic Domi because god what a cunt.

>> No.9433093

Do you have the one where she said that eating fish didn't make her any less of a vegan? That was my favorite.

>> No.9433103
File: 89 KB, 540x645, IMG_2509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic.
Apparently she accidentally ate real eggs at a restaurant recently and compared the feeling to being sexually assaulted on her FB. Sometimes I wish I was still friends with her for this shit.

>> No.9433109
File: 174 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go

>> No.9433585

I've meant Dom only a handful of times and could feel the crazy in the air when she spoke. It was like walking on egg shells around her to not set her off on a "muh you're offending me by your meat eating life style. Murder"

I did like the " you're not feminist if you eat meat" argument she threw a while back. That was a good laugh. If any one has caps of that I would like to see those again .

>> No.9433744
File: 776 KB, 2615x765, MYqMXzh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately I don't have that one or the one where she literally juxtaposed the holocaust and slavery with eating meat, but I do have this one my friend sent me
>I, too, wish they made icecream out of breastmilk
fucking kek

>> No.9433760

She's fucking nuts. Does she know that a lot of fabric dyes are made from synthetics and often tested on animals for reactions right? Posting links to something on the internet is not a good way to source your arguments. Especially since they are from biased sites that will twist and bend the info to fit into their agendas. PETA is like the worse person to ever source since they literally lie to prove their point in animal cruelty. Is she one of those people that will fight tooth and nail about MAC products not being tested on animals when they even admitted they had to test on animals to make sales in China? Or is it what you don't see doesn't exist? I dunno but I wish I still where friends with her on Facebook because her constant foot in mouth knee jerk post where always fun to read for the laughs.

>> No.9434738

she looks so dumb in this thread, I remember when this was a thing

>> No.9434771

You act like it's still not. Oh man her crazy is worse now that she's a stripper.

>> No.9434772

She's a stripper now? I blocked her on fb a long time ago so I'm out of the loop on her crazy. Stories pls

>> No.9434786 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 640x679, IMG_7927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Think her stripper name is Brooklyn according to her stripper insta. She also posts a lot about her stripper job on her other insta.

>> No.9434788 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 640x906, IMG_7926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her main insta talking about how stripping has toned her. I mean I'm not going to rag on her for toning her body because stripping does wonders to your shape. But that won't change the fact that she's a nut case whack job of a cunt.

>> No.9434831 [DELETED] 

she's still fat lmao
she thinks she's gonna take that mess to hollywood? the strippers out there will eat her alive

maybe she can cut it in some seedy tucson club on weeknights if the girl with the c-section scar has to call in sick that night lmao, but she's not gonna make it anywhere decent in her clearance target lingerie and half-assed costumes

>> No.9434841 [DELETED] 

>dancing in Hollywood soon
Lmao yea ok

>> No.9434853 [DELETED] 

I'm just going to sit back, eat my popcorn, and watch her go running back to her dad crying because Hollywood strippers won't tolerate her vegan bullshit agenda.

I can see her being the stripper with rules. Only dances for vegan clients who smell like patchouli.

>> No.9434940

Who gives a fuck if she strips I just don't want that shit tagged on her main instagram with her tagged Lolita stuff, which it is.
We do not need that shit affiliated, especially from the followers she gains from the ridiculous amount of tags she uses (vegan,lolita,girlswithtattoos,stripper,veganstripper,girlswithpiercings,vegantattoos,veganlolita,stripperswithtattoos. I wish I was exaggerating. Every single post. she's so fucking pretentious.). She already gives the fashion a bad enough name as it is.

>> No.9434999

What you gonna do about it? Nothing. She's gonna tag it like that to gain attention. If you have learned any thing about her over the years you would know she likes attention. Especially the negative knee jerk type. No one would push their vegan protest bullshit like she does without finding it immensely gratifying knowing that someone's going to take the bait and get triggered by her presence. Just roll your eyes and move on. If people follow her for the false image she's doing to the community then they are pretty lost in the fashion any way. Either they will get into it and learn she's a shitty person in the fashion or they will be fetishists that they probably already are which is why they are following her in the first place

>> No.9437116

Curves AND TD's??? How fucking thirsty do you have to be, I thought it was just one

>be me
>working a temp job
>my boss is with me, this is his day job
>his night job is managing TD's west
>offered me a job stripping
>nah man
>"it's better money, you're white, they'll throw money at you just for walking on stage."
>"ah...I'm okay"
>mfw I think I just low key got propositioned to at work by my manager

>> No.9437123

angles work wonders desu

She's definitely not as chunky as she was before, more power to her I guess. I couldn't believe how out of shape she looked even with her vegan diet

>> No.9437721

She's so deluded she legit thinks she's #bodygoals too. I mean like, she could be if she spent more time on the pole and less time shilling herself online? Or literally any physical acitivity at all? But until she concedes that she'll never be more than flabby on just her perfect vegan diet~ that won't happen.

>> No.9437744

I honestly wonder how many of these comments are made by Dom herself.
She hasn't been relevant in the AZ comm in a while, and LA seems to already hate her.

She's an insufferable cunt, but I wonder if she's making a lot of these comments to stay relevant? Doesn't she usually swoop in to white knight herself?
Just a theory.

>> No.9437760

That sounds like a lot more planning than she usually does. I'd guess it's more likely that AZ just loves a good trainwreck and there hasn't been shit all else to talk about

>> No.9438145

Can confirm that being vegan doesn't make you skinny. You can deep fry damn near anything, anon.

>> No.9438646

I wouldn't be surprised she's apparently doing a podcast about stripping and Lolita with her stripper lolita friends and the bullying in the communities, so I wouldn't be shocked if she was here making more fake drama to whine about and make people feel bad for her

>> No.9438648

Twinkies are vegan. If eating an all twinkie and oreo diet makes me skinny, sign me up!

>> No.9438656

>moved to Phoenix recently
>see this thread
>not sure if I want to go to a cgl meetup anymore

I don't remember this much drama where I moved from.

>> No.9438701

If you read the thread you'll see Dominique is the only drama whore and she's moving to LA. The comm is perfectly fine. Of course if you read about it on 4chan you're going to see all the bad shit. Join the group and see for yourself, everyone is pretty nice and cool! And we have some really cool meet ups planned for the future! We'd love for you to join us!

>> No.9438764

It all stays on the internet, there's literally no drama at meets. It looks way worse online, everyone's really nice. We just like bitching about Dom. Come out with us!

>> No.9438778

This!! We would go out for meets and I never saw her actually eat a vegetable, not fucking once. She would just whine and moan about not going to a vegan restaurant. I have friends with food allergies, they just quietly bring their own food in a container for a snack to tie them over. Everywhere has salads desu, eat something before you come out if you know your options are going to be limited because of your diet.

>> No.9438802

And honestly from what I've seen, the comm members have been really cool about making allergy/vegan safe dishes at potlucks, and/or check menus for events to make sure everyone can eat.

>> No.9439012

So we got Lolitas down, any cosplayers or photographers to be wary of? I know AZ seems to birth a few efame chasers but none too crazy it looks like. I might start attending some cons once I move to Phoenix.

>> No.9439024

Can't find his FB so I'm not sure what he goes by right now, but watch out for a dude who goes by Shado. Tall lanky creep, greasy unkempt hair, usually wearing black eyeliner, loves MLP porn. does halo/assassin creed armor shit. Creeps on young girls and people in general. Is close to getting kicked out from a few cons for harassment and alcohol, just hasn't been caught in the act yet. You'll know him if you see him, gives off major creep vibes.

>> No.9439034

>desu anon
You're in AZ? So is your name E?

>> No.9439047

oh no, if you type in the acronym for to be honest, it comes out as desu.

>> No.9439056

Old news, but a guy with the initials of RT. Known as steampunk Waldo a lot of the time, although he might have dropped off the con scene since I haven't seen him in a while.
I actually used to be friends with him and he's a mega creep.

Used to creep on me even though he's married with a kid. His wife is a total sweetheart though, it's a shame

>> No.9439100

Oh and Captain Wazoo. Really fat dude dresses like a pirate, can't miss him. Claims it's okay to sexually harass women because he's "just in character". He's banned from most events though.

>> No.9439109

Wow blast from the past I forgot about RT. Captain Wazoo being banned was fairly recent, I wonder which events he is still allowed at?

>> No.9439190

>being this new

>> No.9439522

Was that the guy who got kicked out of Sabo 2 years ago for grabbing at a girl from a maid cafe?

>> No.9439562


>> No.9439580

If you look really young and are somewhat attractive be wary of Gackto and a few of his buds. They are all harmless sleazes for the most part but can get into creep mode really quick.

>> No.9439790 [DELETED] 

yeah we're all the desu anons at some point

what happens if you type the d word


>> No.9439820

Gackto is a pedo. He'll tell you his age is 21 or whatever but he's actually over 30. Creeper.

>> No.9439837

i have so much dirt on this girl lmao

>> No.9439915

I'm sure it's nothing the rest of us don't know.

>> No.9440254
File: 886 KB, 500x281, bitch please.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like...do you want a cookie or something? She's a mess but why come in here and vaguely allude to having dirt on her but not actually saying anything?

The only people who know the real drama with her are going to know who I am from this post, and I have years of batshit stories with her and haven't aired them out here.

>> No.9440256

unless this is K.L. or something but she's not from AZ, then by all means post away

>> No.9440279

nut up or shut up

>> No.9440528


>> No.9441186

Jesus, you guys brought some bad memories up. First off A got all the money for her teeth from her best friends family because no one was willing to pay up (stealing and lying about it isn't a nice thing) then found out months later she stole from one of her "white knights" about 300 if I remember right from his hotel room, on top of a laptop. She also gets cosplay, didn't buy them, got them as gifts and claims otherwise, feel bad for them since she plays them like a violin, hell she almost got one of her friends killed over jealousy by a photographer in the comm. As for others who play the age game, Gackto is best to be avoided, will steal your girl, and ripoff people blindly, and it's all because no one will call him out on it, but hey that's Arizona cons, we're all crazy from the heat.

>> No.9441653

lord have mercy az got some ugly lolita

>> No.9442409

Still waiting on this groundbreaking "dirt" you have. Or are you just S commenting to make yourself sound relevant?

>> No.9442824

Is this the girl that was "engaged" to
Howl from howl's moving castle? If it is, man that bitch stole cosplays and jfashion from me and a friend a few years back and ignored us when we tried to get them back. Not sure what has happened to her since, not that I care any more because I'm still salty about my missing clothes she stole. And that was like 10 years ago!

>> No.9442849

Is that related to that photography duo she worked for? Gosh I actually forgot, wait Twisted Manga?
They liked to employ crazy girls for a bit.

>> No.9442850

not that anon but yeah same girl. If I remember correctly it was a fake account she made since she wasn't over someone else in the cos community

>> No.9442862
File: 234 KB, 245x150, anastasia my body is ready.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse u I'm beautiful!!!

>> No.9442865

Same with Crunchyroll

I had a feeling. I knew the account was fake because I knew who the cosplayer was. But she was soo lost in that obsession. Like even when they " broke off the engagement" she played it off like it was real. She was a class A pitty party enforcer. Like in person she would always talk about how Ill her mother was and how she was always sick and had to miss school. All I saw her for was a lazy didn't want to do any thing for herself so she minupulated people by pulling their heart stings for empathy points.

Then I saw she was a friend with batty. I lost even what little shred of respect I had for batty when I saw that. Batty will do ANYTHING for more publicity points. It's pathetic what people will do for 5 more seconds of e-fame.

>> No.9443379

Yeah the owner got jealous of one of the guys she was seeing and attempted to accidentally drown him by swift kicking him in the nose while going down a 4 man ride at sunsplash, gave the guy a severe concussion, and forced him under the raft. It was played off as an accident but he's never trusted or talked to them again. Which is good cause I heard it got worse later on with her and them.

>> No.9443706

Holy crap I almost got into helping that guy with photo shoots a few years back. Glad I dodged that bullet.

>> No.9443779

Now I'm not sure if we are on the same Twisted Manga page. I thought it was ran by a couple or an on and off couple.

Regardless holy cow crazy.

>> No.9443906

This is the early days of the group and he likes trying to sleep with those he shoot, as for the other girl aka his wife, she pull the same thing, welcome to the dark side.

>> No.9444856

They always hung around some weird people. some were great but others not so much.

>> No.9446879

Anyone good panels you guys hope to come back? If there were any??

>> No.9448143

this is az, there are no good panels. PCC is starting to stoop to greg levels this year I hear (which is saying something since they're normally bottom of the barrel scrapers)

>> No.9448428

I went to two panels at Conni and didn't even go Sunday. Don't know why it took my this long to realize Greg cons are a waste of money

>> No.9449146

Well damn. I recently moved back to AZ and was hoping there would be something good. A friend told me they've been trying to do a Bara Cafe but it ain't working so well for them?

>> No.9451254 [DELETED] 

Thoughts on the summer International Lolita Day?

I'm personally not planning on attending at this time since the last few have been expensive and underwhelming, at least it's more affordable than previous ones

>> No.9451261

Thoughts on the Summer edition International Lolita Day?

I'm personally not planning on attending at this time since the last few have been underwhelming. I appreciate that this one seems to be more reasonably priced.

>> No.9451273

Prepare for the hosts of events pasts to come in here to complain about all the work they do and if you don't like it, do it yourself, and so on...

They have been a waste of money since the start imho.

Do I even want to know wth is a bara cafe?

>> No.9451379

like a maid cafe but with ripped dudes.

>> No.9451404

I'm happy that ILD has a mandatory lolita dress code

>> No.9451410

I thought Arizona didn't really have the problem of people showing up in normie clothes? Itas are another story entirely. I could be out of touch, though, did it happen recently?

>> No.9451439


Honestly if anyone is going to do a good job planning, it'll be H

>> No.9452928

From what I can gather, it depends. Normally they don't mind normie clothes so long as it looks decent and nice. ILD is one of the exceptions that lolita is required unless it's boyfriends, then they have to dress nicely.

>> No.9453185

there is actually a bara cafe at PCC. Its pretty alright.

>> No.9453190

Well, what do you even want for panels?

Like yeah, there are definitely a shit ton of ask a fandom shit. But that's literally because no one else decides they want to submit anything.

And then those that actually do put effort into their panels get shafted with probably the worst time slots. Either first panel of the day on the first day, during major events like the masquerade, or even the last time slots of the con.

>> No.9453196

I would like to see more workshop type of panels, general cosplay photography what to do and not to do panels, general help panels rather then auction off the cheracter panels. Panels where the guests actually show you how to accomplish things. Project panels like where there's a cover fee for supplies to have a hands on learning session is nice. All the con needs to do is take one of the programs of the bigger more popular conventions and see what they do. Personally I wish there where more media and gaming presence over clubs and groups like the umbrella guys or the larping guys. No one cares about cosplay groups yet they get panels and events.

>> No.9453209

I definitely feel like those kind of panels are best run by people that actually know what they are doing. But, the trade off there is that those people already have a shit ton of work to do already making cosplay and what not.

I feel my biggest gripe with it, is that programming directors seem to give little to no fucks about what the programming really is. And just give slots out to whoever submits first. I've heard that some of the bigger and more popular cons actually have a screening process for that kind of stuff.

>> No.9453257

I wish we where like the bigger cons and had better screening processes. I mean the shitty fandom panels can be a preview day thing or a late at night thing. But it seems that late at night is when the panels are that rocky horror shit and lewd kings game slots. I don't mine lewd panels but not cringy shit like kings game and shadow caster repo or rocky horror. Maybe lewd panels like "know your Hentai" "fandom in the porn industry" would be nice. Hell even live model sketching sessions would be nice for people who like the art spectrum. Panels on how to photoshop, sai even would be better then "ask love live " panels. Stuff people can actually take home with them be it physical or educational.

>> No.9453695

I'm pretty excited. Last ILD was nice and full of fun activities and prizes. This one looks like it will be as well. I dont get all of the bitching about it?

Plus the theme is sweet so I'm looking forward to that and planning my coord.

>> No.9453747

So what's the deal with Zapcon? It looks fun in theory, but will I be wasting $20 just to stand around waiting for 5 minutes of playing an old arcade game? Would I just be better off going to a regular arcade, or is there a reasonable amount of people to be able to fully enjoy the games?

>> No.9453841

Wanting deets on this as well.

>> No.9453948

It just looks like a weekend of pinball/game tournaments.
Basically the game room of a con.
Doesn't look too worth it unless you really like pinball.
Def probably not a cosplay thing

>> No.9453967

Not really looking to cosplay there just wondering if it's worthwhile to go for the games or if it's just going to be a lot of standing around waiting for your turn.

>> No.9454384

It looks like fun and most of the bitching seems to be about other things rather then the meet. My only problem is I don't wear sweet and have no intention to wear sweet so the theme isn't something I'll participate in. No point on buying a sweet print you don't like just to wear it for a day.

>> No.9454493

I remember last ILD there were three categories for the coord contest. There was the "best overall" category and the winners were not dressed to the theme. I don't think everyone will do that anyway, so just wear your best summery coord and have fun.

>> No.9454576

I've been griping for more educational panels that actually teaches useful information like the stuff you mentioned. I submitted some panels about some pop cultural Japanese stuff before, but it got rejected.

>> No.9454600

did you submit to a greg con? Taiyou seems more open to culture panels

>> No.9454606

If Phoenix wants to get to the other conventions level they need to listen to what the fans want. But they would rather play it cheap and rehash stale programming. I mean I never really cared much for the guests that where attending. Although the new anouncment of dick van dyke is nice. I honestly thought he was dead because he's soo damned old and only appeals to a older crowd. I don't know about you, but I don't think a bunch of snow birds that never went back are going to go to a comic con. What makes the other conventions soo memerable is the ever changing ideas and current things trending and the ability to learn or get something on return from the conventions. it would be nice to not go " oh look it's a side cheracter from arrow,powerangers, an old doctor who companion from the 60s" it's even worse with voice actors since it's old has been actors that are doing obscure anime and videogames no one has heard about. Then you get that random big time celebrity that actually is worth your time but does it really make it a good con? No. You could go there just the one day to see the celebrity and leave. There nothing to keep you interested in the pannels and nothing to look forward to.

>> No.9454615

from what I know, PCC really dropped the ball on panels this year. And what it also seems like, is they are REALLY cutting back on anime programming. I've seen the programming list and it bothers me that a majority of panels have to do with some sort of shitty gender studies and fandoms.

I'm a really big fan of game show type panels. There's guaranteed interaction and depending on the panelist, you can usually leave with stuff.

>> No.9454759


>But that's literally because no one else decides they want to submit anything.

That is so not true, I have so many people I know submit panels and get rejected, this is a really common complaint for AZ cons. Like we don't need Kingdom Hearts and Homestuck 18+ after dark panels, Jesus

>> No.9454763

Game shows where always fun. Cosplay chess was fun but kinda dangerous. Fandom pannels are stupid. And really gender studies? What is Arizona Tumblr politics con now?

>> No.9455114

The panel selection progress is literally two fat guys at a computer, they always pick the worst shit. People do submit really interesting panels. They just keep going with k pop and ask a character panels.

>> No.9455622
File: 286 KB, 372x262, sob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do the peasants have to do to get in to these super exclusive birthday lolita meet ups that we keep seeing posts about?

>inb4 not suck

>> No.9455629

Are you friends with the birthday girl? If so you can ask her why you weren't invited. If not i dont understand your gripe, a birthday isn't an event for the community at large.

>> No.9455651

You sound bitter that friends are going out with friends. You're probably not a close enough friend to the group that went that they didn't think to include you. Maybe instead of being bitter try and be more friendly to other lolitas in the group so you get invited to hang out outside of the comm. friends hang out with friends. Not all lolitas are close friends. You're obviously not one of their friends.

And if you are then you're not because you didn't get invited. Or you are insufferable and they don't want to be around you.

>> No.9455653

Different anon, but I personally would never go the host and complain about why I didn't get invited, the lack of invitation says it all.

>> No.9455657

There was one a month ago that had about half the active girls in the comm, including out of town lolitas, so I know other girls who weren't invited felt snubbed by that when all that pictures started pouring in on social media.

It's one thing if you have like 4-5 girls go get lunch, but 10-11 just makes it seem exclusionary when there's only 20+ regularly active lolitas.

>> No.9455661

Then you're insufferable. I mean you're here complaining that you didn't get invited says a lot about you. It's probably why you where not invited. And there are lolitas that are shockingly friends with people in other cities and with multiple people. I didn't get invited and I ain't even mad. I don't know the girl other then in passing at meets. So I know why I wasn't invited. We aren't even friends on Facebook.

>> No.9455665

>private meets are exclusionary
>why wasn't I invited when half the comm was invited to a private meet
>it's not fair
>I'll complain to cgl about being excluded and start drama because friends had a birthday meet without me

Anon you're one selfish entitled twat. Private meets do not have to include the people the host doesn't want to include. You are not entitled to a meet unless invited or a public meet. Cri more.

>> No.9455688

Sorry, would you rather that they post it publicly for the entire 150+ person community to see? That's way more cringey desu and if you're not getting invited it's kind of hard to miss why.

>> No.9455721

In pretty sure entitled butthurt anon is just starting shit. I think it's one of the girls who gets invited to shit but never goes. everyone that went was the active members of the comm that go to most of the meetups any way. Someone just wanted to stir with their shit spoon.

>> No.9455958

Since when does going out with friends wearing the same clothes constitute as a meet? You sound salty, it was a birthday party. I wasn't invited either. Because I don't know the birthday girl very well. And why should she have a stranger at her party because I wear the same clothes?
Chill buddy.

>> No.9456817

either that or a butthurt Tucson girl who doesn't get invited to anything.

either way, anon is salty which is prob why she doesn't have friends in the comm. The reason "half the active comm was invited" to these last two parties is because the most active girls are all best friends in and outside of Lolita, so it's natural they'd wanna have birthday parties and not invite randos.

>> No.9456894

What does Tucson have to do with it? I'm >>9455958 and I'm in Tucson.

>> No.9457013

This was my take on it too. Like it's a birthday party, why would they invite 150+ randos? lol.

>> No.9458092

I can see how it could be interpreted as a super exclusive secret meetup when it's only select comm members invited and not any other non Lolita friends. But maybe they are just weird and have no friends outside of Lolita?

>> No.9458098

Fix her the old Arizona way, bullet in the brain.

>> No.9458415

it's still a birthday, not a community meet. Zero obligation to invite anyone they don't want to invite, even if that leaves someone salty.

Also there isn't some code of conduct that says more private meets with just friends that happen to have been met in the community cant be held? it would be pretty shitty if there was something like that because you do develop strong friendships from spending time together and enjoying a shared hobby...
Theres another girl in the comm who throws very small tea parties at her house and shares her table shots on Facebook without even mentioning who was invited, and it'd be incorrect to challenge her for it... Not every meeting with a friend from the community has to be open ended.

>> No.9458433

But it's a personal birthday party? I'm sure some non comm people were there too. If you want to go to an exclusive lolita birthday party, why not just wait for your birthday and host one??

If you really want to go to one of the people's birthday parties that recently happened then you should have wished them a happy birthday the day of, then started talking to them more and being friendly (not fake) throughout the year. Maybe by next year you have now gained some actual friends and they invite you. But it's a personal event so it's kind of cringy that someone is butthurt over not being there.

>> No.9458780

I love educational panels but there's always those 101 panels or advanced concept panels. I've done both over the years and no matter the panel it's always like 5 people that show up.

The more advanced cosplay stuff is hard because (for me at least) you have haul in samples or equipment since the projectors never work well. Also there's no way to charge for 'workshop' type of panels unless you get approval from the con to promote it (eyeing you sabo) and for them to manage the RSVPs and actual allowance you get for supplies. It's similar to the cafes in the sense that you do all the work and then don't keep any of the return

>> No.9458958

Seriously! Running a 101 panel is crap because no one ever comes! And running more advanced panels is hard without doing a workshop. Here let me tell you about how to make corsets but it's not like any brings a notebook to take notes and a lot of the stuff needs to be shown or at least some form of demo!

>> No.9458959

Honestly its not even that bad.

>> No.9458978

Try to befriend Michael, he is the convention director of Taiyou Con. He knows a lot of the community and can get you the hook ups.

Hes not that bad to hang out with either.

>> No.9458983

Personally I prefer to record the panel if it's one of those "how to" panels. I sick at notes.

>> No.9459529
File: 26 KB, 521x315, AZHP Announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this was posted last night about AZHP not providing gaming for Phoenix Comicon. How does everyone feel about this?

>> No.9459537

Does comicon have someone doing games?

>> No.9459551

I think they might be using Cobra arcade if its anything like last year.

>> No.9463559

Any one know if they are going to be doing tabletop gaming again? Like mtg or dnd tables? They used to do them at the Hyatt but I don't see them on the programming any more.

>> No.9463607

The map shows that they are. They might still be working on the schedule. It usually still gets updated until like a week before con.

>> No.9468397

First time going to PCC, any suggestions for a newcomer?

>> No.9469100


>> No.9469152


I haven't been since 2013, have no plans to return

>same booths
>too hot
>too crowded

>> No.9469745

dammit, why doesn't anyone know her actual first name?

>> No.9469774

>being this new

>> No.9469778

nigga, i know she ain't japanese so it can't be actually ahiru. it has to be some white ass name like sally or ashley.

>> No.9470054

Isn't that what people say about every AZ con? I heard this about Saboten con and it was fun. I know PCC is much bigger though.

>> No.9470093

Does anyone want to go with me? I'm a massive social retard with no friends.

>> No.9470177

Am I not seeing it or is there nothing J-fashion related this year for PCC?

>> No.9470184

PCC is slowly trying to remove all japanese culture things from itself.

so yeah.

>> No.9470513

Saw a bunch of things related to anime, even a maid cafe what do you mean by japanese culture?

>> No.9470607

They used to have a lot of panels for anime and Japanese culture. If I had to estimate, about 25% programing was for it. This year seems lacking. Same as last year.

>> No.9470754

trust me you don't want to know her real name. It's bad.

>> No.9470757

I like saboten because it's smaller in comparison to conventions such as AX. But PCC is way bigger, way hotter, way less personal.

>> No.9470759

I knew a Jamaican kid named Xerox in elementary school, I think we can fucking handle it

>his mom thought it sounded nice
>it does

>> No.9470760

We have Sabo for the Japanese stuff. PCC still has the Japanese pannels but they don't bring a lot of draw so they have reduced them to what will pull people in. The maid cafe thing has been a disaster since the start of it and I'm glad it's finally falling apart. It means batty has no reason to be at the con.

>> No.9470767

As in Jenna, the tall super skinny girl who is on con staff? Or am I confusing her with someone else

>sage for slightly derailing

>> No.9470771

Well who are you?

>> No.9470791

You're thinking of Gena; Ahiru's Jenna is her friend from highschool

>> No.9470795

Her name is Helga. I went to school with her back when she went by the name duck and did the panda eye thing.

>> No.9470927

you made my day anon

>> No.9470955

dont have a lot of draw?

Are you kidding? Almost every japanese media panel is usually filled more than half way if not full.

>> No.9471071

It's a pop culture con anon. If you want anime go to Saboten con. That con is made for the anime fans which is why PCC doesn't cater to the anime fans as much as it use to. You're just going to have deal with it that you can't have your weeb trash take over every con any more. Sorry the truth hurts.

>> No.9471099

wow. you obviously don't know what pop culture means then.
Who even said that its taking over every con? Arizona at one point had Amazing Arizona Con. There's Tucson Comicon. And PCC even started Fan Fest. Like its not like there aren't other outlets for comic stuff either? Its stupid to think that its better to cater to one group of media instead of all of it.

And it isn't like PCC doesn't have budget to get more space. The line up for guests is blown up with a bunch of actors and "celebrities"

>> No.9471114

You still sound mad that you don't have your anime sections at the con. It's okay anon. You can cry with all the other weebs in the pannel halls. No one will think less of you.

>> No.9471155

ntayrt but its not like they replaced stupid redundant anime panels with good pop culture/comic panels. They just cut the anime stuff way down to stuff in more garbage of a different flavor. The problem with AZ cons isn't whether there's enough anime/comic/whatever catering happening, but that there's no one getting good content for any of that approved. How many "Ask a Whovian/Homestuck/Hetalia/Ouran" whatever the fuck and "lewd" panels run by pizza-faced 15 year olds do we really fucking need?

>> No.9471239

Someone please tell me this is real

>> No.9471241
File: 20 KB, 500x320, i heart you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!


>> No.9471245

Anon it is real. If I go to my parents and go into their storage I'll take a picture of her yearbook photo. But at this time I'm unable. I would go by another name too if my name was helga too. Her mother must have hated her naming her that.

>> No.9471388

Who gets the maid cafe this year? I know that AYS is gone but Sugar Pink gets most of Greg's events (god they're cringey too I want them gone).

>> No.9471723

Maybe Anime anonymous? If not anon might be talking about dobutsu cafe

>> No.9471750

Can confirm its Anime Anonymous, Dubotsu won't be working with PCC anymore either.

>> No.9471751

Schedule says Anime Anonymous.

>> No.9471847
File: 94 KB, 640x588, IMG_2928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, you also made my day. Can we talk about how fucking creepy her whiteknights are, and how she surrounds herself with them? She lies to them nonstop too.
This guys only pictures all have ahiru in them and he tags her in everything

>> No.9471852
File: 55 KB, 640x283, IMG_2929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then this shit
>no teeth
wow wonder who he's talking about.
Also how legitimate is her "illness"? Is she actually ill? Because she always seems conveniently fine for conventions and nonstop sugar.

>> No.9471951

Not trying to white knight but I know for sure that she's missed cons or had to leave early because she feels sick so I don't think it's entirely fake?

>> No.9471967

Why hasn't anybody reported her FB profile with that fake ass weeby name yet?

>> No.9471999

People have. She just makes a new one.

>> No.9472052

I'm so sad I used to really look up to and admire her. When I met her IRL she looked like a completely different person too, it was kind of shocking how different she looked. And then her voice is just awful, there's no way it's real.
She's kind of a bitch irl too.

>> No.9472061

Wow you had a horrible weeb phase didn't you. I remember when she was hanging with batty for a hot second. Maybe that's what amped up her bitchy attitude? She was kinda a spoiled brat when I knew her in middle school. But wouldn't say bitchy. Kinda just reaching too hard for sympathy.

>> No.9472128
File: 310 KB, 389x418, Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 5.16.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an ex that was with her for a while 'but not dating cause that would be cheating on Howl-kun~!' and said that she did have some kind of medical issue. Never quite found out what it was or if she still has it, but she could just be a snow flake and trying to make it sound worse than it it like her teeth.

>> No.9472179

Her teeth where really not that bad. But if she had a gum disease and she wasn't brushing her teeth properly I can see why she lost them. All it really looked like was she had meth baby teeth which at this point I think is very possible and why her mom was soo ill all the time. Other Illnesses she had in sure was just S3 (special snowflake syndrome). I don't think she was actually ill other then pathological lier and addicted to internet likes. At this point I think that should be marked as a illness since soo many people let it control how they go about their lives.

>> No.9472206

Oh they are actually well run. Very little drama too.

>> No.9472218

I would imagine that they wouldn't have as much drama because batty isn't using them as a front for popularity points. The other one just happened because batty was soo insufferable to deal with.

>> No.9472327

>is she actually ill?
allegedly she has a heart condition and takes meds for that, but i think she just has diabetes
>meth baby teeth
well, she is from aurora colorado... home to the worst kind of hillbilly white trash

>> No.9472342

Her mom had the heart condition about 8 years ago so I'm sure her "illness" is made up. She's just looking for a story to get more sympathy points and attention.

But if she's from white trash colorado then it makes sense to lie like that. It's how you get people to feel sorry for you and give you money to buy more of your addiction. Easier to play on others heart strings then to earn it honestly.

>> No.9472346

didn't one of her ex friends/AZ cosplayer always have to carry her meds and force her to take them because she was too ~spacey~ to remember to take them?

>> No.9472368

Lol sugar pink is just as insufferable. Both the head maids were psycho.

>> No.9472369

Sugar Pink has always been really nice in my opinion, the girls are always kind of awkward but they're nice. What have the maids done?

>> No.9472402

Wasn't there drama with sugar pink and ays? Like it was a cafe that was made because batty was shit talking someone and got caught or some shit?

>> No.9472432

Leave Jon alone. He's not a white knight or an asslicker of hers, he's just a super nice, kind guy. He works as a fucking social worker two states over. Don't lump him in with this brat just because she tags him in shit

>> No.9472579
File: 1.46 MB, 1420x2340, whiteknights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can we talk about how fucking creepy her whiteknights are
more like autismo

>> No.9472584
File: 158 KB, 401x549, this bird came all this way to tell you why thats bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not, he is a creep

>> No.9472649

in what way?

>> No.9472652

disregard - the person I mentioned has nothing to do with ahiru and may not even know who she is, but this charles faggot looks remarkably similar and since my dude is close with a lot of people in the az co scene I assumed

carry on~

>> No.9472772

What are you talking about? Dobutsu has 2 events this year

>> No.9473877
File: 23 KB, 497x150, events.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're doing night events with the monster girl and cosplay theme (again)

>> No.9474384

The girls are super nice, it's the head maid that's crazy

>> No.9474410

Ahiru's real name isn't "Helga" either. It's really Kaila, or some other weird spelling of "Kayla". Still a pretty fucking white girl name though. She's also lied in high school about having "leukemia" and that she "only had 6 months left to live" or some amount of time less than a year like that.

>> No.9474427

i can only guess that her last name isn't close to being Russian or Japanese either. how in the fuck are you going to explain yourself after 6 months when you're not dead?

>> No.9474439

willing to guess she was "cured"

>> No.9474472

cured through free gifts and attention i'm sure

>> No.9476547

Phoenix Comicon is super soon guys! Who's ready?

>> No.9477932

Ready for some new milk at this point especially after the whole pay to volunteer fiasco