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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9424647 No.9424647 [Reply] [Original]

I love how people in the cosplay community bitch and moan about the old days of Cosplay, when they helped turn it into what it is today. Cosfamous wannabes and whores popping their breasts out for photos and shaking that ass in videos uploaded to Youtube to help funnel cash into their Patreons, Kickstarters, and every other crowdfunding ripoff.

>> No.9424657

It changed when nerd culture became more normal. Nothing you can do about it.

>> No.9424697

There's still plenty of cosplayers who are focused on craft but without that coswhore fb reach, fame steppers like Anna don't give them the time of day.

>> No.9424727

Pretty much. Occasionally a craftsmanship thread pops up and people fill it up with names, but usually they have pretty low follower count. Most social media followers are going to be thirsty fans, not fellow cosplayers who are interested in how clean your hem is. Now that cosplay is mainstream the population of outsiders vastly outnumbers the amount of hardcore cosplayers, so it's not hard to guess which way the numbers stack.

>> No.9424745

Are those cosplayers just doing softcore or do they escort on the side. Im not interested but I would like to know how much they charge. Like if you want to have an instagrammer it might start at $500 an hour. Where would I even go to look this up?

>> No.9425533

Cosplay really hasn't changed that much, people were actually getting their tits out more in the seventies. You can see all kinds of crazy bush if you look up vintage sci-fi cosplay, and that's where the Japanese got the idea in the first place. All that's really changed is that we now live in the generation of social media, where life in general is a pissing contest.

>> No.9425553

Then how do you explain that the same thing is going on with cosplay in other countries, even though nerd culture didn't become more normal here?

>> No.9425614

The cosplay community is not a hivemind.

Not everyone thinks the same things.

Not everyone believes the same things.

>> No.9425622

Finding one or two revealing vintage photos doesn't disprove this argument. Look at what/who was popular in the 90s and early 2000s vs what/who is popular now. Boob focused cosplay has always been around but that that doesn't mean it has always been the most common or popular thing.

>> No.9425625

I still have fun when I cosplay and go to cons. But I'm also not a jellyfat or obsessed with becoming a social media star. I cosplay what I want and when I can and use cons to catch up with friends. If you cosplay because you want to be famous or to get asspats, sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.9425628


>> No.9425647

Internet. The internet has been both the biggest boon and source of rot for the cosplay community.

>> No.9425656

Nigga you don't need to front. Don't act like you don't get excited when your cosplay is well recieved. Don't act like you don't enjoy little complements thorough out the day after working on a cosplay for months. This selfless cosplayer act is so old. I'm sure you spend hundreds on hobby just to catch up with your friends. A thing you could do at a mall and not a convention center across the state. You don't need to be some fame grabing patreon whore to like your work being complimented.

>> No.9425658

I smell a coswhore. If you're getting your panties that in a bunch because someone says that they cosplay for fun and for themselves, you probably are one of those bitches who cosplays to see how many likes they can get and not because they like a character.

>> No.9425725

And I smell someone in denial. I have heard that 'love of character' crap until my ears bleed and it always rings as a half truth. Yeah you should cosplay chacters you actually like, but that doesn't mean cosplay isnt a PUBLIC activity that you're naturally going get reconized in PUBLIC for doing. You know what's a bummer? Spending months on an outfit for people to over look you as if you're in street clothes. That's lame as fuck. It's ok to acknowledge compliments feel good. That just makes you a normal person with self esteem. If you're spending hundreds just to wear a cosplay in your bedroom because of 'love of character' you might be honest but you're also the minority and weird.

>> No.9425756

Agreed, as someone who predominantly cosplays because I love the character.
But, the difference is >>9425625 is talking about social media presence, not in-person recognition.
Personal example time, it's frustrating when you're in a community where the creators of the source material love cosplay, but every chance they get some "cosplay showcase" IG is shilling their ~page models~ to them. It's a networking thing, not necessarily a quality thing but it's so easy to get jealous/get demoralized when certain people are getting more consistent attention than you.
t. Someone who gets a lot of attention at cons, but is shit at networking

>> No.9425761

That being said, despite the problems I still love the evolution and expansion of the cosplay community. It's a lot easier to convince people who might have been shy about trying it to take the dive, and it's rewarding to see the results sometimes.

>> No.9425764

You're a stupid cunt, I never said that in person compliments or people asking for photos at cons wasn't nice. I said that I don't strive to get a bunch of likes on selfies or pictures of my cosplays. And you stupid mother fucker, who wears their cosplays to dress up in their bedroom? I said AT CONS retard. That usually implies a social aspect to it, but I forgot your dumb coswhore ass is too busy posting pics on instagram whoreing for likes.

>> No.9425788

Chill and consider that the state of the hobby affects people whether they like it or not. The wide reaching popularity of cosplayers who focus on getting paid for revealing photos means that often this is the first thing people think about when you mention "cosplay". It is sometimes an uphill battle to convince people who find out I cosplay that, no, I do not spend my time dressing up as softcore porn Luigi. I too cosplay for love of the character and love of making things, but I'm still affected by the direction that cosplay has moved in.

>> No.9425808


The issue with saying oh social media doesn't matter is that people who are new to the hobby are learning about it through social media. If all they're seeing is big boobed girls doing lingerie costumes of characters they don't even know, that's what the new generation starts to mimic. The subculture as a whole is encouraged to abandon craftsmanship and embrace coswhoring, and eventually cosplay becomes synonymous with fetishy soft core and not a fandom or crafting hobby at all.

It's pretty demoralizing to watch and I'm thinking about moving into historical reenactment type stuff instead, since crafting is the most enjoyable part of the process anyway.

>> No.9425814

What? Not at all. If you're the kind of person that's swayed by what other people are doing, then you're insecure. If you can't get into a hobby because you think you need to have your tits out to compete with other people then that's definitely a personal problem.

I don't feel the need to get half-naked for recognition because I don't care about that. I've met so many talented and creative people in the cosplay community and I will continue to because that's the part that I choose to focus on.

>> No.9425818

>missing the point this much

>> No.9425914

Different anon but I agree with >>9425808 that this is happening, so I'm not sure what your 'not at all' is in reference to? You can already see this in places like instagram where 14 year olds post "sexy" photos mouthing to the camera in closet cosplay and then ask for Patreon donations. And unsurprisingly, this is who tends to have the most followers. This is what a lot of newcomers focus on posting because frankly that's what gets your follower count up. That's great that you apparently have morals of steel, this thread is about the community as a whole.

>> No.9425979

God fucking bless you, anon.

>> No.9425992

14 year olds hop on any trend, that's not exclusive to the cosplay community.

I just think it's pathetic that everyone cries about Patreon and girls with their boobs out in a hobby that's about dressing up as fictional characters. I don't take it seriously at all (yes, I put work into my cosplays but it's not my whole life). Can you really explain to me why it bothers you so much?
>inb4 'it's ruining the community!!1!'

>> No.9426003

These anons have it true >>9425808 >>9425914.

It's all well and good pull your circle in close and focus on what you personally enjoy, but that doesn't mean the rest of community isn't sliding off the cliff, and that defiantly doesnt mean public perception of cosplay isnt changing.

>> No.9426083

FUN FACT: you can cosplay for the love of a series/character AND still enjoy the attention you receive by doing it. GROUND BREAKING I KNOW

>> No.9426213

>Can you really explain to me why it bothers you so much?
Literally scroll up and read away! There's plenty of posts about why it bothers people if you're actually curious and aren't just trying to be contrary.

>> No.9426266

i love meeting fellow fans and sharing in their excitement.

>> No.9426302

you can tell which cosplayers are there for the money and which are generally there to have fun (the money is an afterthought)
odds are the cosplayers having fun get more people.

>> No.9426414

I hate those cosplay showcase accounts, since they often just showcase the same people, especially if they're friends. It's how a lot of cosplayers and photographers have thousands of followers, but their photos and cosplayers are shit to sub-par. I ended up avoiding those accounts now, even blocking a few, since they kept showing the works by the same photographers every other day to the point I was wondering if it was just a photographer using it to help boost their own actual account.

>> No.9426646

There was a time when if you wanted to read a manga you had to order it. Now there are cons everywhere. If "others" start to overtake the cons then the original audience is going to get pushed out. Take western lolitas. There are sites devoted to discussing professional lolitas who are pushing out the regular ones.
See the issue from both sides.

>> No.9426662

There were people in skimpy outfits in 2003 and it was fine.

What there weren't a lot of were psychopathic mouth breathers stalking said girls' pages and having apoplectic convulsions every time their name came up.

There were maybe two cosplayers people knew by name in association with crazy, and they were quickly forgotten. Now on CGL people will devote years to hating whatever particular person.

And tell yourselves it's just virgin guys all you want, but it's pretty obvious that CGL is just mostly mediocre to crappy chicks who'd rather bitch about how unfair it is that they aren't e-famous than get better.

>> No.9426822

Honestly, most people in my life know that I cosplay and not one has asked me about skimpy girls in cosplay. I could mention JNig and none of them would know who she is. Most normies don't care and, the guys that do think cons are just hot girls in costume are usually disappointed. Most of the drama in the community seems to come from jealousy. Girls dress in revealing cosplays, other girls feel threatened and bitch about it, some insecure girls see it and want to get recognition. It's a dumb cycle and it won't really be broken until people stop giving a shit. The ones doing it for attention will move on to the next big thing once this stops being lucrative for them.

I've said this once before but the cosplay community is only bad for the ones that feel the need to get involved in the drama (much like with anything). There was a point where I started to feed into it and hate any girl I saw in a skimpy cosplay but I realized that I was getting angry over something that didn't matter.

>> No.9431550

i don't get it. why can't YOU just do what YOU want to do by yourself and mind your own business? If you wanna just do it for the fun or the craft or both or whatever you perceive to be "the old days," then just go and do that. No one is stopping you.

>> No.9431948

This shit used to bother me until I realized that at the end of the day having a well-crafted accurate costume is a thousand times more personally rewarding than throwing on a cheap wig and a vks sweater for some neckbeard bux.
I feel like the market is becoming oversaturated now and cosplayers that want to be taken seriously will step up once they realize being the 1000th mediocre lucoa/rem/d.va with the same taobao outfit isn't fun at cons anymore.

>> No.9432541

Anna was showing her tits and doing giantess porn back in the day before most of these girls even knew what cosplay was

>> No.9432561

>Getting this defensive
Didn't get enough likes today ugu?

>> No.9433708

Lol, this scam artist actually had to balls to say this?

>> No.9433736

So why go to cons? If you just do it for the love of costuming and sewing, why even post it online?

>> No.9433752

To see other cosplays and guests?

>> No.9433774

But the actual old cosplay people are just having fun cosplaying with friends instead of worrying about what other people are doing.

>> No.9433790


>> No.9433791

I think one thing kinda changed was the cosplayers being into the series they cosplayed, and now it's more common to cosplay something for the look... and cosplaying something popular for e-celeb status too i guess.

Then again its easier to get shares these days, it used to all be forums and live journal. Fuck i miss the old internet in some ways, Facebook, twitter and tumblr to an extent just feel so much more prevalent and invasive.

>> No.9433792

Fuck, i remember the days of people using livejournal knockoffs like dark journal or whatever because they wanted to be edgy and get a certain username that was taken by somebody on LJ and literally never used.

>> No.9434270

If you want to see other cosplay, stay at home and look it up online. As for guests, really? Some washed up voice actor and a tired Asian artist who looks like they could drop dead from second hand embarrassment and exhaustion at any point? And you're looking down on literally anybody?

Besides, why would you want to look at other cosplay in person? After all, those filthy attention whores are just doing it for attention, not like you who does it because you just ~*~*care about Sakura-chan soooo muuuuuch uwu~*~*~*~

>> No.9434279

I think you're equating the top 1% Instagram cosfamous with the rest of the community. The vast majority of people at a con still only cosplay characters who they like and are familiar with the source material.

>> No.9434284

There were a shit ton of Chobits cosplayers before scanlations were a thing and before Chobits was released in English.

Asuka was popular despite Evangelion not being that big outside of creepy mouth breathers who related way too much to Shinji.

Lulu from FFX, proto-Lolita, "human" versions of Pokemon that were an excuse for a princess dress or skimpy outfit, plenty of Death Note cosplayers who'd never read Death Note...

At this point I'm pretty convinced 1/4 of this thread actually was there, and half of them were the akward silent types who didn't socialize and ended up projecting this magical otaku wonderland where they weren't turned down by girls and there weren't a handful of guys who got major con tail because they happened to have more social skills than a rotting pear.

The only thing that's changed is this bizarre obsession with certain cosplayers that borders on stalking. Even the crazy Sailormoon chick was forgotten pretty quickly.

I'd say the problem isn't normal people, but the hardcore basement dwellers who otherwise never ventured outside but convinced themselves conventions are this magical creeper safe space and fat chicks who thought they'd be the belle of the ball because they can quote Death Note by heart and ~see I'm not like those other girls who aren't nerdy don't you want to have sex with me~~~

And both of these types are massively butthurt that cons are social events, and there are, have been and always will be people who are hella nerdy but who have basic social skills and hygiene, and they naturally get more attention because they're more fun to hang out with and better to look at.

>> No.9434329

>I'd say the problem isn't normal people, but the hardcore basement dwellers who otherwise never ventured outside but convinced themselves conventions are this magical creeper safe space and fat chicks who thought they'd be the belle of the ball because they can quote Death Note by heart and ~see I'm not like those other girls who aren't nerdy don't you want to have sex with me~~~
>And both of these types are massively butthurt that cons are social events, and there are, have been and always will be people who are hella nerdy but who have basic social skills and hygiene, and they naturally get more attention because they're more fun to hang out with and better to look at.
Bless you anon

>> No.9434528

I get the weird impression that this anon was breathing quite heavily while typing this

>> No.9434543

Maybe it's because projection is easy? "

>Oooh, yayahan, yeah, that evil slut, who does she think she is... tell me again to get away from you, yeah yaya, call me creepy you evil whore, oh yaya~ why won't anyone love me~~"

>> No.9434624


>tfw stacy's body but neckbeard's heart

>> No.9434641

I recently befriended a cosplayer and her page is just filled with pics of her with no clothes on in cosplay wigs and contacts... and she offers private pis for $... I consider myself pretty liberal but it's like every female cosplayer that I meet does this shit now.

>> No.9434874

On the chobits thing: I saw Yuna cosplayers back in 2000-2001 before the game was even released. Inuyasha cosplayers back before it was even fansubbed and no scanlations.

Skimpy cosplays? Lum and Cutey Honey was everywhere. Those were the go-to sexy cosplays.

It was all contained though. Everyone was among other nerds of the same or similar power-level. We we were well-contained in our pre-social media internet savvy circle in the days when everyone used Yahoo/alta-vista/ask jeeves and Google was only a pet project and the funniest memes were GI Joe PSAs and Rejected cartoons.

Once faster internet became a thing, everyone was into anime. It was easy to access and people easily found out about cosplay through CMVs or seeing youtube videos about whatever "comic con".

These days, I still feel there's a lot of the community that is still the same. I'm still meeting new people based on series I cosplay and making new friendships with no problem. I just see more elitisim over people's e-fame. I just cosplay for funsies and the occasional challenge. So e-fame just never appealed to me and as I get older I just wanna chill and get away from work and avoid attention. Still enjoy cons almost every bit as I did back in the day.

I staff cons a lot now and work more closely with con chairs. The amount of people who ask to be cosplay guests is absurd. I still remember cosplay guests being just a weird glorified panelist + cosplay judge deal.

>> No.9434887

>Everyone was among other nerds of the same or similar power-level.
>nerds of the same or similar power-level.

>> No.9434890

>Skimpy cosplays? Lum and Cutey Honey was everywhere. Those were the go-to sexy cosplays.

Lum! That was the one I was forgetting! Also that demon girl in the swimsuit and devil wings, and the there was Felicia.

Mega, mega, mega Felicia...

>> No.9434910

Question: Are people still obsessed with being ""the real"" or ""the official"" _Character_?

There was a period between, I want to say 2003-2006 where everyone was declaring themselves "the REAL Princess Garnet" "The REAL LIFE Ariel" "the OFFICIAL Sailormoon" etc. It was such a bizarre trend and a sure fire drama starter.

The amount of times someone with a name like therealyunathesummoner would accuse someone with a name like theofficialyuna of copying them because they used a similar fabric or their staff was too alike or they used similar embroidery was nuts.

The only specific one I can remember was this really obnoxious teen from Florida who declared herself the real life princess garnet and would constantly complain to Con Staff, cosplay judges, livejournal, cosplay.com or whoever would listen that SHE looked the most like Princess Garnet and people called HER the real life princess Garnet and other cosplayers were TOTES STEALING FROM HER because she had a VERY SPECIFIC WAY OF EMBROUDERING THE LEAVES... And she was hardly the only one to do this. There was a Sailormoon chick notorious for the same stunt.

Sorry, this 'such and such cosplayer has big boobies and sells prints in etsy THEY ARE DESTROYING THE SANCTITY OF COSPLAY' is downright weak. Seems like cosplay and cosplayers actually mellowed out outside of CGL if the worst drama is "so-and-so was mean to me on Facebook and they're pretty and it's not fair."

Holy crap, when the US first got involved with WCS? Goddamn, son, that was drama. Nobody could lose without there being a 12 paragraph diatribe on livejournal about racism/size discrimination/meanies/xenophobia.

OH! And before I forget?

Skimpy costumes for profit?

Been there since the start, began in Japan in the late nineties. By 2002 the West already had Francesca Dani who had a skimpy cosplay page that people had to pay to access. Gone are the times that we laughed at the few people who were so sensitive that they got upset over such a thing.

>> No.9435521

Because its the only way to compete now desu

>> No.9435683

Morrigan from Darkstalkers? and then Cammy too. That was another popular one. Still pretty popular. Oh and Mink from Dragon Half!

I remember this. Now it's really people who spam up social media and physically represent the character the closest.

I remember it was totally bizarre when people would start thread on cos.com for "Who should I cosplay as?" or "Do you think I can pull this off?" and we're all over here like we're white ass bitches you think any of us look like Usagi sit down and shut the fuck up.

>> No.9436412

Huh, a lot of interesting comments here, thought I would give some personal input

DESU I really despise the way comms are now. Obsessive with appearances and fame only... but that's not to say the comm wasn't bad before, it was just a different flavour of elitism and circle-jerkiness.

I really do hate how all the "well-known" cosplayers only cosplay the waifu or husbando of whichever series is most popular at the moment, regardless of if they even have watched/played series (e.g. Nier, P5, etc). Often they'll also do ~sexy~ fanservice cosplays to stay relevant. Most of the time they'll also be very lifeless, with the same "sex doll" makeup and expression and with poses that show cuteness/sexiness rather than character. Yet they're the ones hailed as amazing cosplayers.

What annoys me is the "trickle down" effect of this.

I'm not well-known by any means. I do have a few friends who are small names I guess(?), and friends who are close with quite famous cosplayers. Normally, no one gives a SHIT about me. But the moment they see I've cosplayed with someone relatively well-known (and they're not even that well known...) people SUDDENLY want to be my friend and so on. It's transparent at best and irritating at worst.

I feel worse for one of my friends who is friendly with someone well known. She's constantly bombarded with people asking her if they can cosplay with her friend. So disrespectful.

Also in my area, the amount of craftsmanship based competitions have reduced drastically and now any competition (if there are any... not much anymore) is based solely on likes or luck.

My favourite part of cons though is definitely meeting people who are genuine. You can tell that they love their character and really want to pay homage to it, rather than just cosplaying it to be famous.

Still, it feels disrespectful when people are out for fame and look down on you when you are just trying to converse with them.

>> No.9436413

I don't know why T B H turned to desu...

>> No.9436415

Because you're new.

>> No.9436427
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>> No.9436484
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>I really do hate how all the "well-known" cosplayers only cosplay the waifu or husbando of whichever series is most popular at the moment, regardless of if they even have watched/played series (e.g. Nier, P5, etc). Often they'll also do ~sexy~ fanservice cosplays to stay relevant.

I still can't believe we live in a timeline where a Yoko Taro game has a "basic bitch" cosplay.

I was neutral to this behavior until it happened with a series I care about. Coswhores leave reeeeeEEEEEE


I love all of the resources floating around these days. It's so much easier to put together a GOOD outfit on both a budget and timeline than it was back in the day. Being an adult with money now helps too obviously.

Is it worth the price of all these slags and thirsty betas giving them cuckbux? Absolutely. Just ignore them and, if you're casually petty like me, talk shit when threads like this pop up.

>> No.9436489

Yes because it has nothing to do with having fanservice for gamers

>> No.9436495
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The last two entries in these games had way more fanservicy ladies than 2B. There was an undeniable spike of popularity with Automata and it has brought in wave of coswhores who literally only know 2B.

>> No.9436553

>Francesca Dani

>hey, i kinda half remember that name
>look up her current website, It's all travel, nature, art photography and no cosplay anywhere
Good for her! She found her calling.
>check out her work. Half is good , other half is horrible overwrought HDR bullcrap
Well, I guess she had to do something once her youthful looks faded away. And maybe it does sell.

>> No.9436555

desu though senpai

>> No.9437013


Alisakiss/Alisachan is still going after about 20 years

>> No.9437500

There is a trend I notice with anime cons lately, maybe its just me.

I feel like nobody cosplays like they used to. Even if they do cosplay, its rarely from anime. I admit I'm guilty of this, I goto anime cons but I've never cosplayed. I'm wayyyyy too fucking fat to cosplay so I never bothered. Now I think I'm too old (34).

I use Otakon as my base con for this. I have some of my video footage from Otakon 2002, 2006, 2016 and the older the year, the more people cosplaying.

I hope somebody tells me I am wrong about this.

>> No.9437508

could you clarify this? I'm confused by what you're trying to say

from my experience I know a lot of people I used to cosplay with dropped but there's still plenty of young cosplayers coming in

>> No.9437510


I just feel like there are less and less people cosplaying these days. Cons seem like they have more normalfags walking around. Again I am part of this problem but at least I can talk to you about old 70s mecha and shit.

I can talk about anime at an anime con, I feel like the average person walking around not cosplaying never even heard of something like GaoGaiGar.

I really Hope I'm wrong about this.

>> No.9437545

>Refers to people as 'normalfags'
>35 years old, refers to people as normalfags, posts on 4chan despite being a 35 year old.. blob? Man doesn't sound right.
>'but hey at least I can wheeze about mecha (like most virgins?? Seriously, what is the deal?)

If anything there are *more* cosplayers as cosplay is more accessible- more patterns, cosplay fabrics, YouTube tutorials, taobao stores with ready to buy, etsy stores with ready-to-buy, tv shows about cosplay, global cosplay competitions, etc.

If you don't see as many people it's probably because everything about you screams C R E E P Y. Like, if you're this bad online? Holy crap, in person you must be like, I don't know, actual vagina repellant?

>> No.9437552

>"I can talk about anime at an anime con, I feel like the average person walking around not cosplaying never even heard of something like GaoGaiGar"

I was at Otakon 2002 and 2006, and neither I nor my group had ever heard of whatever the hell that is. But then again we were too busy having fun and meeting new people and going out and having more fun, like I assume most people at cons who are not terminally akward still do.

>> No.9437560

I've never heard of GaoGaiGar either... maybe it's your experience but I feel that there are way more cosplayers than before....

>> No.9437570

I was neutral till everyone who had cosplay plans with me decided to push back so they could cosplay whatever's popular first

It was easier to ignore in the past but it feels like it's everyone now, even among the people I know...

>> No.9437573


>How I look physically changes what I see walking through con hallways

Okay kid.


I'm glad you are having fun, but damn how could you go to an anime con without at least having seen some classics?

I'm more then willing to say I'm just old but I'm in this otaku game for life. I hope you have seen other classic shows that defined anime.

>> No.9437584

I donno about you but there's always been people not cosplaying at cons. More people cosplay now than back in the day when I started going to cons in 2002. Otakon always has lots of people in normal clothes. It's fucking sweltering. If they're not in an elaborate costume for show/competition or normal clothes, it's something easy to wear in the heat. Nothing new here. Always a complaint in the Otakon threads. Everyone seems to save their big showy costumes for Katsucon or whatever these days. You're probably seeing more because more people are attending conventions now. Instead of a few people in normal clothes before you see a cosplayer, there's a sea of them and a few cosplayers peppered throughout.

Anyway, you can't judge people in normal clothes. I know people who are extremely knowledgeable about anime, watched everything under the sun, knows the depth and history of the industry and keeps up on new material. Yet these people have never cosplayed and never will. It's not their thing, they don't have the skills or even the desire. On the other hand, someone can throw together the bandwagon of the moment costume and can't tell Naruto from Pikachu.

Sorry bout your age. I'm 35. Don't have a problem at cons, let alone with socializing. Still enjoy myself as much as I did at 20.

>> No.9437585

Bro you're on 4chan. Look around and say.
"Oh the most prevalent thing in a community ISN'T what new people think is normal."
It is. People notice the loud, the flashy, the large things. And that's what they consider "normal" when they first lay eyes on something.

>> No.9437588

damn can we ignore this derail and go back to talking about how we can reduce the number of coswhores in this comm or whatever

>> No.9437607


Teach betas to stop beta orbiting and have some self respect.

>> No.9437613

>Teach men to stop wanting sex and have some self respect.* (?)

>> No.9437636

You definitely have a point anon. Nobody spends hundreds on cosplay just to sit around alone in their room. There's definitely a social/recognition aspect to it. That's not the only reason people cosplay (for most of us, at least), but it's absolutely one aspect. And it's an aspect that a lot of people on this board seem to be ashamed of and try to deny, oddly.

Of course, the importance of recognition varies depending on the person. But at the end of the day, most cosplay entails going out in public dressed extravagantly. It'd be a lie for anyone to say that reactions from others aren't a small reason why they choose to cosplay.

>> No.9437693

>multiple people come out to say skimpy costumes have always been a thing in cosplay
>can we derail this thread into being about how all the hot women who won't have sex with me are whores

Compromise: Start a 4chan con that's a safe space for creepy nerds. If you can name ten obscure anime and the thought of you in any sort of skimpy outfit is physically repugnant, you get free admission. Anyone who is comfortable mouth to talk to strangers and can look at a pair of tits without breaking into a panic attack will be instantly denied entrance.

We can call it VirgiCon. In case of weather emergency, we'll just dump you all into a volcano to appease the Aztec gods with enough virgin blood to keep them happy for millenia.

>> No.9437734

>implying everyone here is a dude
I don't agree with GGG mecha dude up there. For some reason you seem to be conflating everyone with a different opinion to you as some kind of hive mind...

>skimpy costumes have always been a thing
I know it's always been a thing. Everyone in this thread has acknowledged it's always been a thing. But in recent years it's gotten a lot worse.

There's no way I'm going judge someone who's been a fan of, say, Drakengard and Nier, who then cosplays 2B. But I am going to judge someone who has never heard of the games till it became ~the current big thing~ and does OOC fanservice and hops on every bandwagon to get noticed. And when you try to talk to them they have no idea what you're talking about. This isn't limited to girls either, guys who do it are also coswhores and I've seen my fair share of mediocre guys who get fawned over for showing abs or nipples because there aren't many guys (comparatively) in this comm.

funny joke, my friends

exactly. when people are stand-offish because you don't have over xxxx followers or aren't connected to someone who does, and this is now behaviour common among newbies too, there's something wrong. At the end of the day, most friends you have from cons you will know outside of cosplay and can easily hang out with them outside of cosplay. People like to make new friends at cons.

>> No.9437737

Says the dumbass who stole book fundraiser money

>> No.9437753

I cosplay for fun and to see other cosplayer and meet/hanf our with new people, but I will admit part of the reason I cosplay is to be somebody else for the day. Being myself isn't great desu

>> No.9437759

>implying everyone here is a dude

Naw, pretty sure CGL is mostly chicks, and chicks can be insecure neckbeards (legbeards?) too, as your post eloquently shows.

Whether you're a man or a woman, taking offense at the idea that someone is dressed in a costume from a show they didn't watch and getting pissed off because they're getting more attention than you without being a ~true fan~ like you is pretty autistic.

We've all been to cons, we all know girls can be every bit as creepy and overweight weirdos as guys.

And no, it hasn't gotten worse recently. Cats on Mars used to do entire countdowns of people in skimpy costumes who shouldn't be in skimpy costumes, thus where the term mega-Felicia started.

I think what annoys and hurts the CGL legbeard crew is not that there's more skimpy costumes (there isn't,) but that there are more hot girls in costume.

We used to make fun of cellulite ridden pudge balls squeezed into a Felicia costume, now you guys have apoplectic fits over the sight of a girl in a skimpy costume who has the audacity to look good in said skimpy costume, thereby getting more attention than you despite you being a ~*~~*~real fan.

I think that's what bothers you guys. That you think you deserve Internet or cosplay fame because you can quote from a series or whatever, but cosplayers in skimpy costumes automatically get more attention because they're hot.

Except instead of simply understanding that hot people generally get treated favorably in every aspect of society, you throw tantrum after tantrum because you feel being a fan of a Japanese cartoon somehow entitles you to nerd adoration.

>> No.9437762

I do find all these out of context green text interpretations of anons thought patterns amusing, if a little deranged.

>> No.9437765

I think the problem isn't jealousy over looks or popularity, but the fact that it's turning how cosplay is seen from a silly thing nerds do into porn.

>> No.9437766

I think you need to chill, I can hear your heavy breathing through the monitor

and are you not going to acknowledge the other points being made in the posts or will you continue to be a beta orbiter?

>> No.9437769

In some ways i think geeky girls are more self aware and assertive, i guess i remember somewhat fondly the typical female cosplay being someone who dressed plain and never put much effort into their appearance for most of the year, but in con season they turned it up to 11.

Now of course theres the "normies" intermingling for attention, but these days i don't know quite why, maybe it's more accessible for things like makeup, more.. cut? clothing that shows off figures better, push up bras, but they are switched up to 11 all the year now, and that confidence in their appearance leads them to dressing in skimpier outfits.

At least thats what it seems like as a guy, i'm curious to know what any women think.

>> No.9437775

Costs mouse skits sc count for maybe 2% of actual cosplayers. Go to any con and it's mostly just a bunch of people having fun

>> No.9437785

You're lucky. I guess it depends on your area, because where I live I get laughed at for saying I cosplay. People think it's a joke because to them cosplay = hot girls in sexy cartoon outfits and there's no way a man could be into it as anything other than a spectator.

>> No.9437801

It's even worse in goth culture. It's becoming fetish clothing and that's it.

>> No.9437813

I always liked the more classic goth stuff, but the more modern PVC and chunky boots look isn't so much my thing. Plus the hair... plus the tattoos...

>> No.9437816

>cosplay is seen from a silly thing nerds do into porn
This is my interpretation of cosplay is now a days. The general public sees it as "hot girls dressing up as your cartoon fantasy". It's no longer "Look at those weird ass Trekkies and their stupid dress up shit".

>> No.9437884

I guess I still see cosplayers getting laughed at so I can't see it. Like I said, most people that believe it's all hot girls in skimpy costumes are going to be very disappointed if they ever go to an actual con.

There are plenty of girls here that try to go the sexy cosplay route but their cosplays are horrendous IRL and they're not attractive. To me, it's a joke because I can't see any of them making a 'career' out of this. It's going to fizzle out once the market gets oversaturated and it's quickly on its way there

>> No.9439055

Are cosplay photographers who get press badges still charging at cons?

>> No.9439148

why does >>9437759 sound like one of those holier-than-thou nobodies at cons who act like they know all the hot and/or famous cosplayers despite only making brief small talk with them and desperately trying to white knight for attention? Actually I think I know the answer to that question

>> No.9439150

The market is already saturated but there's no signs of sizzling out yet...

>> No.9439156

PVC has been around since the beginning, I'm honestly not sure what anon means when she says goth is just becoming fetishwear. If she said it was just clubwear I'd agree, since it seems like half the people at goth events in my city don't actually wear goth most of the time (I've bumped into acquaintances at club nights who I'd only ever seen in blue jeans before and a lot of people seem to go just for the 80s music), but just fetishwear? Is your only interaction with the goth community "alternative models" posting sexy photoshoots online or something?

>> No.9439260

Start paying those people who are not "whoring" around and then the rest will do the same if they see money

>> No.9439263

One word: Patreon

>> No.9439284

tragic haha

>> No.9439368

The amount of money given to "true" cosplayers will never exceed the amount of money given to vks or sexy fotm cosplayers.

>> No.9439666

Of course

>> No.9440289

There are too many cosplayers obsessed with fame and most of them are actually not interested in fandoms. They just see cosplay as an easy fall-back since their "modelling" careers failed, and thirsty betas are stupid enough to fall for it, hoping that by supporting and white-knighting they'll be able to get laid.

>> No.9440291

Then who can you blame for that?

>> No.9440432


The stingy fans of so called real cosplay who always moan about coswhores but never donate to the real cosplayers themselves

>> No.9440474

Not really. Desperate men with no hobbies other than slobbering over coswhores will always have more disposable income to put into Patreon than people who actually have a life and hobbies of their own. I do support several cosplayers who produce quality content and tutorials but because I also cosplay myself, I will never be able to sink as much of my money into these cosplayers as the lonely neckbeards whose primary social interaction is throwing money at a girl in a spandex suit who pretends to like them back.

>> No.9440492

Exactly this, and it seems that apart from a few prints/photobooks, most quality cosplayers don't really provide means of being supported, which is unfortunate because I'd much rather support them than some trashy Virgin Killer Sweater version of Waifu of the Week...

>> No.9440510

Good cosplayers tend to, you know, fund their own hobby. It's dumb to me that Patreon is even a thing for cosplayers honestly. A hobby does not require me to pay you, especially if the only 'reward' is photos

>> No.9440522

The oddest thing to me is the trend of "fan sign" photos, which is just a crappy closeup of them holding up a post-it with a patron's name on it. People really get off on that?

>> No.9443242

I know some neck beard probably had a part in ruining Lobitah/Shika for me. Turned her into a other Patreon whore who only posts teasers + feminist garbage + rat pictures for "free".

Back when. She only had a couple thousand IG followers life was great.

>> No.9448472

Cosplayers who shoop their appearances to hell and back but are praised as "amazing cosplayers" when they're actually uggo in real life, are another part of this absolute shitshow desu

>> No.9448499

How to change this community? Genuine question though

>> No.9448644

I don't know how it can change or if it ever can go back to the way it used to be.

Way back in the day when anime cons were a new thing stemming from college anime clubs or just people forming a fan club, people were meeting together because it was hard to find people with similar interests. This is how conventions like A-Kon started (first long-going convention in the US), because the lady who started it just wanted a meeting place for like-minded individuals in the area and it grew.

You have to figure that in the 70's, 80's and early 90's before the animation boom really got going, cartoons were by and large for kids. Your average joe gave up watching animation after puberty or maybe caught a Saturday morning cartoon with their younger sibling or something. Rarely did you see teenagers and adults getting hardcore into animation. Plus the anime we did get back then was edited down to make it kid friendly. It was hard to get this stuff, and you had to rely on Japanese pen pals, yes, actual pen pals and snail mail to get Anime VHS to show to your local nerd club.

When you found a fan of your series or hell even a fan of anime in general it was like holy shit.

These days, most everyone in their 20's grew up with Naruto, One Piece, Pokemon, Bleach, you name it. Kids these days can just watch anime on Netflix. It's not a niche little gathering where people were overjoyed to meet people and make new friends anymore. It will never go back.

>> No.9448646


This is how social groups function. If they stay small, they tend to work out fine. You've got your occasional character or two, and you get your drama but it's well contained and generally short-lived. Once it grows to this point, there is no going back unless your source material stops production and you wait until you're back to the die-hard fans. Kind of like watching stuff being made by other fans of a show or game while the media is new. Unless it stays popular (like Sailor Moon or Final Fantasy 7), years pass and you watch as less or less is being made and you only have the die-hard fans remaining that are doing the creation and appreciating the works of others. I'm in a fandom like that now. The game was released over 10 years ago. I can name all the die-hard fans who are still fans and still make things and we all know each other and have mostly met in person. We are the last ones standing.

This would need to happen in order for the cosplay community to get back to what it used to be. I don't see that happening because the source material is always expanding.

>> No.9448887

Which game?

>> No.9450231

Well, let's say we don't need to revert it to how it used to be. What if we wanted to improve it? People are so focussed on attractive but mediocre cosplayers and those who put out bad fan service, but I see cosplayers with fantastic craftmanship/acting getting ignored. Also in my area, people are focussed a lot more on appearance/fame rather than craftsmanship and there's a lot fewer cosplay competitions than there used to be (excluding the ones where winners are based on Facebook likes)

>> No.9450291

Are oldfags just looking at the old days through rose-tinted glasses? Sexy costumes have always gotten more attention. Hell, even in pics of cons from the 70's, the most popular photos are girls dressed as Slave Leia and that red haired lady in the armor bikini thing (sorry, I totally am spacing on her name). It's just that now cosplay is much more popular, so you're seeing more of it.

Men like boobies, guys. Accept it.

>> No.9450305

But people hotter than me get more attention than me and that's not fair!!!11 cons nerd safe space blah blah whine blah whores blah blah boobs blah blah please look at me

>> No.9450646

Easy, start paying them (>cosplayers with fantastic craftmanship/acting getting ignored)

>> No.9450727

In order for that to change, you'd have to change what people are more interested in and I don't really think that's going to happen. Sex appeal is always going to sell more than anything else

>> No.9451885

>didn't read the thread
Of course they've always gotten attention, but now a way greater percentage of the well-known community are like this.

everyone else is trying to have a reasonable discussion, you're the only one embarrassing themselves with this ~wao u dislike this u must be T-T-TRIGGERED!!!~ attitude. Also on that note, are you triggered? Lol.

with what? kek

>> No.9456164

>If I don't see as many people at cons, it's because everything about me screams creepy
>I can attain the power to actively lower the population of normies at cons by looking repulsive


>> No.9456554
File: 143 KB, 755x1057, IMG_1871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been around for a while, but this.
Idgaf about coswhores, but people that are touted as great when it's actually the result of heavy editing/heavy marketing grind my gear. There's so many "best of cosplay" IGs and such that boast about their "page models" which...are usually just people they've networked with.
Sell to thirsty neckbeards all you want, but what I'm really sick of is every photo shoot just being your standard beauty shoot. We have all these resources and no creativity.
>tfw you have great ideas for photo shoots/skits but have no photogs as autismo about your fave series as you in the area

>> No.9457611

I care about coswhores too because surprisingly a lot of these two groups overlap (from my experience, at least) but otherwise
>are you me anon
People in my area don't even care about skits anymore, and a lot of the shoots I see these days have photos with very out of character, but generically cutesy or handsome expressions/poses

>> No.9458061

Trying to discuss this in a sensible manner is always a waste of time. People intentionally miss the point and aggressively resort to fallacies and other bullshit just to make conversing the topic impossible.
>Just so you KNOW, skimpy costumes have been around FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what about Cammy and Slave Leia hmmmmm???? yall oldfags just looking it through nostalgia goggles
>what the fuck does it matter??? cosplay is about having fun lmao you're not the gatekeeper of this hobby fuck off
>sex sells, deal with it loser lmao
>not everyone wants to sperg about crafts my bought costume is just as good as a self-made one!!!
>ALL cosplayers want attention!! otherwise you wouldn't go to conventions or post photos online!! lmao CHECKMATE
etc. etc.

I've seen this thread a million times in the catalogue and resisted the temptation of posting for weeks but honest to shit I'm just so done with this. Nobody is so dumb they think skimpy cosplay = sexy cosplay. Nobody is so dumb that they think cosplay has always been about funding slutty patreon camgirls in awful costumes or worbla-bikini clones desperately begging for more facebook likes with gratuitous titty shots. So stop acting like you are. Everyone knows it's a recent thing. But people like to act like it's "been around forever" to avoid the guilt for being a part of the cancer taking cosplay to hell. That's why you assholes are getting so fucking defensive about it every fucking time this topic comes up. Your lazy ass wants to avoid the effort to actually become a talented costume maker so you cut the corners and just post your tits to gain male approval to cope with your daddy issues, greedy wallet and histrionic personality disorder.

Because you all are in denial and incapable of a real discussion, I'm sinking to your level with this post. FUCK YOU and FUCK OFF.

>> No.9458065

It makes me sad how many talented craftspeople I see on instagram who have 100-200 followers. And then some fatty who pushes up her tits will get 10k+ without even trying

>> No.9458070

>actually the result of heavy editing/heavy marketing grind my gear

This grinds my gears. It's not even limited to cosplay obviously.

I remember Keira Knightly had that stupid ass topless shoot because she wanted some body positivity for small titted women or some shit and it was still photoshopped to shit.

I am loving all of this recent drama with Kim K's cottage cheese ass too. The faster we can get photoshopping out of the "looks" industry, the better.

>> No.9458080

Like the other anon said, most of the cosluts' followers are normies and thirsty men. People focusing on craftsmanship will never reach those amounts. Never. It's a cold fact that we have to face.

But it SHOULD NOT MATTER. People are focusing way too much on follower counts and like amounts and other stuff that shouldn't be important. As a coslut you might have 100k followers and at least 2k likes per image but most of the comments will be just disgusting and degrading of your humanity. But you might have 500 followers as a crafter and get 100 likes tops per image but the comments will be congratulating something you worked really hard on. That feels a lot better than xXBrentBurgerXx telling you he wants you to sit on his face.

Just keep doing your craft. Don't cave in to the social game because after you do, there's no return.

>> No.9458116

I completely agree. I just feel really sad when talented people give up posting because they never gain traction. I've made it a point to give these people free marketing using some of my more popular accounts.

>> No.9458194


What are some good craftspeople you follow? Always looking to fill out my feed with more beautiful paint and clean finishing

>> No.9458602

You sound fat.

>> No.9458604


Maybe if you guys didn't have such gross personalities maybe one day you can be internet famous too~~~~

>> No.9458607

Who hurt you, anon? :( Did Yayahan not accept your friend request?

>> No.9458986
File: 55 KB, 625x626, 4e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every reply just barely making it through the post time limit

>> No.9459111

i feel you anon

the replies to you just prove the point... I completely agree with you desu, glad cos I thought I was going mental. Everyone I know seems to give asspats to people for being mediocre as fucking SHIT

thanks I needed to hear this

oh no, a coswhore! kill yourself lol

>> No.9459180

>complains about people resorting to fallacies
>does exactly that
No logical discussion will happen because everyone's too far up their own ass. Cosplay will never be this glorious nerd hivemind that people keep imagining because that's not how things work. Sex sells is a fact that's been proven time and time again. People are going to always get more attention showing skin than they would otherwise. Nobody is saying it's right but it's going to happen whether you hate it or not.

Again, if you focus on craftsmanship and don't care about followers, you have nothing to worry about. At the end of the day, cosplay isn't my life or livelihood. The only reason to get angry is if you're trying to make money off of this (or, like people have been saying, if you want attention and aren't getting it).

>> No.9459269
File: 19 KB, 604x84, Screen Shot 2017-05-02 at 15.36.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or if you don't want sexual attention from neckbeards but get it anyway because they think cosplay is something women do to please their dicks? The most skin I've ever shown in cosplay was midriff with arms/legs/cleavage covered and I still constantly get comments on my accounts that I should cosplay [character in skimpy bikini] because it would be hot. These glorified camgirls are changing the way people view cosplay and the way cosplayers are treated. People like momokun encourage overt sexual comments on their pictures and that makes these guys think it's okay to talk to all cosplayers like that.

>> No.9459355

I think people keep seeing the cosplay community as if it should be this separate entity but...it's not. It may be a 'nerdy' hobby but people don't change and that includes the men. As soon as cosplay became mainstream, it was inevitable that this would happen. Again, doesn't make it right but everyone complaining about it isn't going to change a thing and we all know it. So long as Nigri and Momo and the rest are cashing in, there are going to be girls that want the same thing and that's going to bring in the neckbeards.

I've asked this before and have yet to get a solid answer but what do people think the solution is? You can't get rid of the girls that do it, they're the ones that are at the forefront right now. You can try and push people that are actually working hard on cosplays but the majority of the people that are now interested in the cosplay scene don't care about that. We have Cosplay Melee which is a nice change of pace but I really can't see anything that's going to shift the attitude surrounding cosplay. Things change and, it may kind of suck, but the community is different now.

>> No.9460017

I'm just more upset about the avalanche of subpar costumes as of late.

>Mei from Overwatch but its just a wig, tank top, and glasses (not even the damn gun)
>Lucoa from Dragon Maid but its just horns, a hat, a tank-top, and jorts. No contacts or anything
>Kirito from SAO but it's a trench coat and some poorly made swords

>> No.9460073

They do overlap, but then there's that weird overlap of not-as-self-aware-as-they-should-be cosplayers that legit think they have a following because they're good but it's actually because of the titties/a select few pages make it so they're being shoved in everyone's faces. Not that I like coswhores either; but I at least respect those that are up front about their intentions (as laughable as cosplay deviants is, at least they don't play innocent).

As for creativity, if I could find more people that were into my fandom of choice as much as I am AND went to the same cons that would be superb. The fandom I'm in is pretty much dead, and the ones still here are either spread far apart or deeply divided on some...issues. It's easier to pull together a group when the popularity for something is booming but luckily I have a select few people that indulge my cosplay dreams.
>it helps to have a S.O. who cosplays

I second this. If you're going by looks, I'd much rather people be genuine about it. See the caked on makeup in all its glory.

>> No.9460140

good thread

one thing i've found kind of baffling is how many people just cosplay what is currently popular or in the public eye. even craftspeople with some skill. it's so cynical. i guess that's how you get the $$$

>> No.9460194

Some people do it for the attention, not necessarily $$$
Group validation is a hell of a drug

>> No.9462855


In a sea of cosplayers in VKS and other shit trends I found this video really refreshing. Are there any other videos out there like this? Or anyoine talking about this kind of thing outside of cgl?

>> No.9462861

Lyz Brickley is one of few cosplayers that I enjoy. She puts out great work and she still seems pretty genuine which is refreshing when most of the community seems to be the same.

As for people talking about this topic, I'm sure it's not just cgl but few cosplayers are going to say anything publicly because they need those followers/subscribers

>> No.9463258

that was savage

>> No.9465003

Most cosplayers don't even have online pressence. When I go to a con I see tons of cosplayers who never post their cosplays online.

>> No.9465012

You just forgot a tiny little thing. That is not cosplay. Those are just whores begging for attention. They don't even wear cosplays anymore. They just go "I'm wearing lingerie inspired in X character!". They are amateur models, not cosplayers.

>> No.9465022

>Now on CGL people will devote years to hating whatever particular person.

cgl is civilized right now. back then in old days this was insane. it was all about bullying others hoping they committed suicide.

>> No.9465028

That's funny. It's mostly guys who are bitches in my community. We only have a girl who the local jealous lolcow and we laugh of her.

>> No.9465030

To help other actual cosplayers to do their shit and meet and find other fellow fans/cosplayers.

If you really have to ask that, you're just another fake nerd girl attention whore.

>> No.9465038

I cosplayed Yuna in 2000 because the game was leaked and I read every fucking spoiler. I knew the whole game before playing it. I suppose the Chobits cosplayers lived a similar situation.

>> No.9465044

>Question: Are people still obsessed with being ""the real"" or ""the official"" _Character_?

Yes, sadly. I have to deal with a fucking crazy fatass who thinks she's every character ever and gets mad when someone else cosplays said characters and get attention.

Photographers avoid her as the plague. They even ask her out when they want to take a photo of a whole cosplay group she forces herself in.

She even manages to get people kicked out of cosplay groups or the event itself by picking fights with them. And I mean phisical fights.

>> No.9465057

Skimpy costumes have always been a rare exception in cosplay and they were hard to find because those few cosplayers who pulled them off had a lower profile.

They J Nigger appeared and shit went nuts.

>> No.9465708 [DELETED] 



Thanks Jessica -_-

>> No.9466176

It was Miyu before it was Jnig and it was Alisachan and Francesca Dani before it was Miyu. Alisa transitioned to paysite work and FranDan quit so Miyu took over. When Miyu quit cosplaying Jnig was just next down the line. She 'blew up' because she came right when facebook was getting big so it was both timing and ger ex bf marketing her (aka buying likes in fb before anyone else did/knew they could).

>> No.9469587

Miyu, Alisa and Francesca never caused a stupid fever like J Nig and only Francesca was known worldwide. Besides Francesca had quality cosplays and was true to the characters original design.

What J Nig does (lingerie shoots that are NOT cosplay) was only made by very few cosplayers in the dark...But J Nig caused cosplay to become prostitution, basically. The worse part is that she admitted it.

I miss the times were Kipi AND Francesca were role models for cosplay. At least it WAS cosplay.

>> No.9469623

>inb4 'it's ruining the community!!1!'
This is literally the entire discussion? It's like you're showing up to a debate on climate change and calling your opponent stupid if they mention the climate. We are not talking about YOU we are talking about the community, you are on a community board for cosplaying right now.

But you do understand that 10 years from now you and I will not be who determines the future of cosplaying because we are not the ones seen my the majority, by the public, or by media outlets that cover this hobby. If the bad eggs get more attention than the good eggs then the factory gets shut down.

>> No.9469804

Honestly J Nig hate is so tired now. She saw an opening an took it, whether you like her or not that's just smart business

>> No.9469818

But she's not cosplaying. She's not a cosplayer. She's a fucking model.

This is too stupid.

>> No.9469838

As are many other popular cosplayers. Most of them are sponsored now. I've stopped giving a shit, it doesn't matter. Either keep cosplaying or don't, this argument is pointless by this point

>> No.9469844

Where did she admit this, anon? Do you have caps?

>> No.9469992

I just want to say something quick. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH SEXY, BAD, UGLY OR ANY KIND OF COSPLAY. The only problem should be is that there are girls coming into the cosplay scene and cosplaying characters from shows or games they've never touched purely for fame. That's what's wrong, that is what's ruining the community. Sexy cosplay to me is not okay when you don't know anything about the character. The reason we all cosplay is because of our love for these games, anime and comics etc. I've caught that many girls out for not knowing anything, go and reveal them instead! Why are you getting angry at someone for being attractive? Get angry at the posers and the fakers! Pretending to like something for attention and money? That's what IS ruining the community.

>> No.9470935

I'll still never properly like sexy cosplay but agreed

>> No.9471015

This thread is like concentrated autism.

>> No.9471023

Francesca and Miyu were never cosplay role models, a few people whined about their costumes being crappy and skimpy then too.

The difference is those people were in a minority and the argument "BUT THEY DONT LOVE THE CHAAARACTEEEEER" was rare and usually met with thorough mockery.

Normal people just didn't care, as I imagine normal people don't give a crap about BOOBIES ARE RUINING MY FUUUUUUN nowadays.

The only difference is in the anonymity of CGL, mouthbreathers have like a virgin safe space where they can meet other likeminded mouthbreathers and jerk each other off about how, no, see, there is nothing hilariously stupid about thinking boobs and lingerie are ruining cosplay, it's just those Normies keeping us troo fans down.

>> No.9471293

People like invadernoodles is ruining cosplay. She even made a video called how to become cosfamous and admits to cosplaying characters she doesn't know because they're revealing and will give her fame. It's sad.

>> No.9471295

Ew shes rank! you can take one look at her profile and can tell she knows nothing about star wars that bath shoot omfg

>> No.9471893

Fuck Anna Fischer. She is no better than the people she is complaining about.
And that's why this circle of drama with girls like her never end.
Let's not forget the giantess porn she did.

>> No.9471962

Her fb page after she was shouted to undress in some convention in Latin America.

She fucking knows she is destroy cosplay and doesn't fucking care.

Hope she goes full bald and wrinkly soon.

>> No.9471975

+infinite omg. You are describing Nigri and many other girls who copy her.

Like, WTF are you doing here if you aren't a fan and don't even bother to be faithful to the design of the character? GTFO.

Francesca Dani was the role model for many cosplayers who copied and imitated her. Don't take me for an idiot. The ones who wanted to be sexy copied Francesca and the ones who loved the cute innocent look copied Kipi. But at least they were actually cosplaying and had quality shit and also liked the characters.

>> No.9472051

Please get a life

>> No.9472202

ROFLMAO I'm not >>9471295. I'm >>9471962 and >>9471975

You look retarded now.

>> No.9472551

This has got to be the retardest response ever. Are you okay anon?

>> No.9472896


>> No.9477023

Way to take me back, yo. So this is what a time machine feels like.

>> No.9478008

i know a friend who got mad because she wouldnt get attention from cosplaying. geez have fun dont worry about attention

>> No.9478488

Crazy, right? Now with all this whining about "normies" and boobs and quizzing random cosplayers to see if they're real fans of the show? What the shit happened? Cons were just an excuse to get out of the middle of nowhere, meet other people in fun costumes and maybe laugh at the occasional crazy.

How the fuck did nerdy people become so up their own ass? When did people start taking cons and fucking anime so damn seriously?

>> No.9478494

>, even though nerd culture didn't become more normal here?
Third worlder here
It did become mainstream everywhere

>> No.9478733

Was getting my hair done in Latin Amerca. The girl working on my hair and her buddy were discussing Baraka in mortal kombat and their DnD characters the way their boss was discussing soap operas with my aunt. As kids we watched Saint Seiya with the same fervor as adults watched aforementioned soap operas.

This whole 'nerd culture' thing seems unique to Canada/USA. Why is something you like a culture? You can like things and not have your life revolve around it, what's with this 'well so-and-so is not a true fan' crap?

>> No.9478758

14 year vet here. There was never a time where cosplay was good. 4Chan used to actually be a tool that bothered people because the negativity on 4chan could actually hurt your reputation. People were always Me-First, and super slutty, and all that. Yaya's boob job was SUPER early into "new cosplay" (I think like 2008?) So it's been this way for like 10 years now.

What's new is people being successful at Patreon. That's really all that's happened is everyone can be internet famous and make money so you all hate each other now instead of one isolated person or group of people.

>> No.9478762

Woooow, FranDan and our Goddess Kipi take me BACK.

>> No.9479585

I like this thread because I like feeling super old with other old people.

Who else remembers Studio Ironcat's sexy cat girl cosplay calendar? All the cool kids were in that, and I was like, "Next year, I'm going to be in this sexy cat costume calendar with Yaya and Lindze and ... (I have forgotten who else was in that.)"

But then they never did it again and the company folded. Still kinda mad I never got to glue studs on a bikini and be one of the cool cosplayers. (That's not a dig on the actual participants, that was my actual design plan. I was also going to cut thumb holes in socks and wear them as gloves, because it was 2001.)

>> No.9479669

Hooly memories, batman. Wow, I did not realize Lindze was around back then. Man was I out of the loop.

I just remember when Yayahan had made a "transforming" Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland costume and my little fifteen year old mind was blown. I could not wrap my idiotic little head over how she'd made a detailed transforming costume. That was like my white whale throughout high school. At that time, few people had even tried onstage costume changes, and most of them were crappy and awkward. She was the only one who had made a transforming costume that looked cool before and after the transformation.

And fuck, remember how West Coast cosplayers as a whole just seemed to completely dominate the scene? Whatever group costumes they did always seemed amazing. In the East coast we had Usagi Kou and her very lazy looking Sailor Moon princess group, then the West Coast cosplayers got a Sailor Moon Princess group for anime expo that managed to not just have good, well done costumes, but they actually looked good themselves.

And the brief Takarazuka craze and the ensuing gorgeous costumes.

>> No.9479860


Uh whats the point of dressing up and going out if you dont want attention

>> No.9479942

Making a costume, going out to meet up with friends? This obsession with having to be the centre of attention really puts all the whining about cosplayers with big tits into perspective. Ultimately you really are just salty that other people get more attention than you, it's got nothing to do with this real fan bullshit.

>> No.9480505

no, the "gatekeeping" in the cosplay comm has always been here as well. but as more people cosplay things they don't even watch, more people lash out

personally I enjoy cosplay for the challenge of making costumes and becoming my favourite character... but to be fair, tits and ass aside, I find it annoying when people don't bother to watch/play/whatever a series that a character is from. Why waste money on someone you don't even care about?

>> No.9483192

>"quizzing random cosplayers to see if they're real fans of the show"
Are there really people who do this? My god, that has to be annoying.

>> No.9483231

Its not quizzing its more wanting to talk to a hot chick because shes cosplaying from something I love and as soon as I ask a question to talk about the game she knows nothing

>> No.9483441

>people who dress up as characters from children's chinese cartoons for attention complaining about other people dressing up as children's chinese cartoon characters for attention

like, who cares scoob?

>> No.9483625

>Cosplayers who shoop their appearances to hell and back but are praised as "amazing cosplayers" when they're actually uggo in real life

That's why i hate 98% of asian cosplayers.

>> No.9483703
File: 1.12 MB, 756x748, six___little_nightmares_by_link130890-db7a5yq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay as Six from Little Nightmares. Thing is, I never played the game. I watched someone else play it on YouTube because I'm a lazy/poor piece of shit and still watch let's players occasionally.

I know the lore and the characters and the overall plot of the game. But would I be a fucking piece of shit if I cosplayed Six even though I never personally played the game?

>> No.9483739

You watched it though so it's not like you don't know anything about it? Seriously, you guys get too worried about other people

>> No.9483745

>would I be a fucking piece of shit if I cosplayed Six even though I never personally played the game?
Literally nobody outside of this board (who are <1% of people who attend cons) will care.

>> No.9483779
File: 837 KB, 3252x3483, original_8ddb09fd-1bd3-4c4d-afbe-14fb3662e918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I know. It's a personal problem of mine that I've struggled with my whole life that I really need to work on. I won't deny it. And also /cgl/ makes me a bit nervous about quality/being genuine as well. But it's not like I'd know anyone here if I bumped into them at a con so....dunno why I'm so worried.
Well that's good to know. Maybe I'll do it then.

I've got so many ideas for the cosplay, like pointing a mirror at people dressed as geishas (not sure if that's cringy or not. But if I see someone dressed as Six's mother then I'll do that for sure), or carry around a big key/those little gnome things with the pointy hats.

>> No.9483882

>cute girl cosplays from X series
>walk up to her, and say, "Wow you like X too? What was your favorite part of it?"
>see that OH SHIT look
Don't cosplay a character from a show or game unless you actually can hold small talk about it. That's just common sense. Do you expect people to just not talk about the series/character? I don't want you to remember every detail autistically, but I at least expect some sort of cursory knowledge about the source. That's like wearing a blue hat and bitching about it if someone talks to you about the blue hat.

No one will care about the gameplay. As long as you can hold a conversation like a grown up about the game, it's fine.

>> No.9483889

Does this really happen? The most I've gotten from people is a 'love your cosplay!' or 'loved that game/show/etc!' to which all you really have to say is "thanks!'".

Maybe I'm just lucky enough that I cosplay shit that's not super popular in the first place.

>> No.9483961

Yes. You'd be surprised the amount of girls that cosplay shit and haven't played the game/watched the show/read the manga. It's usually the girls that wear a sexy version of the costume, probably because to get good angles for an accurate cosplay, you'd need to go to the source for multiple angles.

If you mean the small talk, it's what normal people do. Don't take small talk too seriously.

>> No.9484204

To be fair a lot of fellow Asian cosplayers I know don't do this but ALL the famous ones pretty much do

this. I hate people who have never been involved in a series AT ALL. You watched it? That's fine though. A lot of cosplayers this board is pissed off with are those who see "oh, Nier Automata is popular? Better cosplay the waifu in a sexy pose!"

Yep. Most people on this board are girls btw. I, like any other cosplayer, go to a con to also make friends. Costumes/series are a great starting point for conversation. It's cringey when someone knows nothing. Even if you don't engage in the primary source at least research the series' plot etc it's not that difficult

>> No.9484385

I'll be honest, I dislike cosplayers who haven't watched their source material if it's a show or played it if it's a game. I feel like it's lazy.
However, nobody would ever cosplay anything if they had to stop as soon as someone doesn't like what they're doing. So my recommendation is to do it anyway if you love the character. Don't pay attention to the opinions of people like me, because there will always be people that don't like what you're doing. It's no reason to not do it if it makes you happy.
Go for it!

>> No.9484449
File: 32 KB, 463x900, eb2ea6c9049e2083c90d5dd6aa8be7d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this really happen?
I feel like it happened to me a long time ago when I was but a wee cosplayer that didn't know any better and it stuck with me since. But for the life of me, I can't remember the cosplay nor the series that brought it on. It could just be overall paranoia, but I do think this sort of thing does happen to people.

I think for me, it was small talk. I just...like I said earlier I can't remember. But you have a point - people shouldn't sweat small talk. I just feel like I'm kinda "shaming" the people who are really huge fans of whatever I'm cosplaying as if I can't understand what they're talking about.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to it more and more now. I do at least know most of what happens in the game like who the enemies are, what tools Six uses, what happens at the end, her weaknesses, how she poses doing certain things, etc etc. I don't think I could ever go in 100% blind because I also feel like it's lazy. But you're right, I gotta push forward and do what makes me happy instead of worrying about other people's opinions so much.

>> No.9484490


stop samefagging anon. you tried to seem smart and just failed at the attempt. just accept it.

>> No.9484495

Cosplay died as soon as every girl with a facebook thought they could pull a JNig and use it as a way to become a model and get popular.
No longer did they dress up as their favorite characters, but in stead started dressing up as whatever was popular without even knowing or liking whatever they were dressed up as just so they can get likes or just because it looks cute.

Hell I saw a girl at a recent con dressed up as a character from an eroge
without knowing it, and when a couple of guys came up and talked to her about it she ran away embarrassed.

>> No.9484505

I honestly have my own personal counter for this. In which when I see that "oh shit" face, I immediately start talking spoilers and ruining things for them. Call me an asshole if you will, but I feel that they deserve it. If they can't be bothered to knowledge up on thing they're cosplaying from then they also shouldn't have any problem with me telling them about how their character suffers a horrible, gruesome death.

>> No.9484768

Nope. I personally knew several Chobits cosplayers who weren't even really aware that there was a manga, they just thought the art was cute. If anything, Chobits was particularly bad with people cosplaying Chii/Freya without knowing anything about the story other than "cute robot girl who wears rorita". A lot of them probably didn't even realise that Freya was a separate character and not just Chii in ~gosurori~.

>> No.9484832

Different anon, but JNig was a judge for a cosplay contest and she liked some of the cosplays, but the audience boo'ed them because they weren't showing skin, so she did a video when she came back to the US. Afterwards she was posting cosplays with little to no skin for like two weeks, before going back to her normal routine.

>> No.9484973

Holy crap this thread is like pure distilled autism. (Also: if someone is cosplaying from a show they don't watch, they're not going to care about spoilers. If someone had come up to me when I was cosplaying Chii and told me her long lost totally-not-a-sexbot-with-an-on/off-switch-in-her-vagina sister wanted to fuck their dad I wouldn't have cared less? I, like many other cosplayers, just saw a design I thought was pretty and wanted to make it regardless of whether the series was an ode to the sexual frustrations of a group of middle aged Japanese women.)

>> No.9485282

yeah all the models with failed careers decided to go alternative or niche for $$ cringe
desu every normie fan who allows this is also to blame

uhh but if they're not going to watch anyway and you just provided free info for them? lol

agree but why would you waste money on a Taobao costume "just for the design?" smells like BS to me lol

>> No.9485450

When you see a cute dress at a store and you want to wear it, do you ask if the dress has a backstory? Besides, some people like the crafting challenge. Nobody wearing a Sakizou costume walks around with their 500k thesis on the characters backstory.

Seriously, why is this so hard to understand? They're just pretty clothes.

>> No.9485458


Oh oops never nm didn't see you had learning difficulties.

So, some women feel the same affinity towards pretty clothes that you feel for, I don't know, model trains or eating paste. Pretty is good, people want pretty things, people get pretty things, people feel happy and oh-so-pretty.

>> No.9485500
File: 325 KB, 1080x1080, NaUx6dn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly I just get annoyed more by 'take something and make it cheap and sexy' like pic related. It's just fucking uncreative and lazy boothbabing. Especially when there are clear options for something more sexy and authentic in your subject matter - she coulda gone as one of those repentas or some crazy half naked littered with scars and tattoos and sigils cultist. But nope, let's just slap on some iconic pauldrons and a stupid looking outsized bikini top with a loincloth.

I wouldn't object to someone doing a character from something they never touched/watched because they think it's neat or it's popular if they do a neat job of the character or have a creative schtick to it that is a lot more than just "_________ but half naked :3". Like nigger please unless you've got someone doing all the creation you're already getting your hands dirty why not do something that lets you stand out a bit more.

>> No.9485517

>I love how people in the cosplay community bitch and moan about the old days of Cosplay, when they helped turn it into what it is today.
wow, finally someone who released that

>> No.9485535

This is a really bad example though. Midriff and a bit of leg is sexy to you???? And the construction is incredible.

>> No.9485537

Why not cosplay original designs, then? Why spend time and money on a cosplay from a source material you dislike? After all, you're going to attract people who do like that source material. It seems so awkward and uneccessary, and this is coming from someone who's cosplayed a Sakizou original design.

>> No.9485541

Cosplay isn't just clothes though, it's costumes of specific characters. Are you lost? Did you mean to post in a lolita thread?

>> No.9485616

Why did you cosplay Sakizou? Why did you make a Sakizou costume instead of only making costumes of a character you feel attached to from a series you're emotionally invested in?

A pretty design is just that. "Hey, that looks cool! I want to make that!" It's akward that there are people who legitimately take issue with someone cosplaying from a show or series without having any particular feelings about the show or series. It's honestly remarkable having to explain that sometimes people can think something looks cool while having absolutely no emotional attachment to it.

>> No.9485667

Are you one of those people who wears military uniforms and then gets annoyed when someone associates you with the group whose uniform you're wearing?
>I'm not a Nazi I'm wearing this SS uniform for ~aesthetics~, duh! It's just clothes, grandma!

>> No.9485671


I'm laughing you're literally autistic, I clearly stated why would someone Taobao a costume then claim to cosplay it just for the design?

I personally don't care if someone's making the costume if they don't know the source material. But if they're buying it off some shitty ebay/Taobao store then they're obviously not in it for the design because if you've ever bought from Taobao you would know the quality.

Also, cosplay =/= fashion. Seriously, are you stupid?

>so some women ... *autistic blabbering*

cool, pretty much every poster in this thread is likely 1. a woman and 2. into some form of fashion or another. Try again.

This. They probably do shit like, I don't know, wear a pastel purple wig with their Kotori cosplay (like I just saw in the Cosplay Circle group topkek) and get triggered when you say the cosplay is inaccurate.

Sakizou is different. Nobody is going to cosplay it by buying a shitty one off Taobao for attention because there's no way you can get attention for it like doing bikini Pikachu will. And we clearly aren't talking about it so you can stop feeling victimised. Stop derailing with your autistic blabbering.

>> No.9485786
File: 340 KB, 288x500, 1427211122892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do y'all think they're cosplaying from? It has nothing to do with normies. Even jnig, yaya, and momo show less skin than the average anime and video game. Suprise suprise the kind of men that get pissy a 14yo's panty shots are censored only pay attention to coswhores irl. The same women that like those things will also wear exactly what those characters wear and show the same amount of skin.

For fucks sake you'll call someone doing an accurate bayonetta cosplay with the cleavage and thigh windows a whore if it weren't canon while fapping to them then spend hours defending it as 100% nonsexual and "just her fashion sense" ingame. Bikini cosplays are horrible but quiet's design and ingame scenes are completely reasonable. Cleavage and boob physics in WOW are just accurate dimorphism but jnig wearing less revealing armor is an insult to "Real gamers" everywhere. God forbid someone cosplay the harpies, centaurs, and succubus or anything from dragon's dogma.

What else can it be but jealously and bitterness when all the criticism is coming from people who have no problem with the exact same content being in everything?

>> No.9485816

Doesn't matter. I'm happy seeing more tits and ass at conventions any day.

>> No.9485900
File: 87 KB, 717x960, d59f046c9db55fc354ea174a88d59e94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's top heavy without anything to balance the weight and girth of the shoulders and chestpiece, so it looks as ridiculous as someone wearing a greathelm and gorget with a mail bikini and nothing else. It's taking some Khorne berserker and ripping everything away except for the minimum amount to make sure it's clear what you are (The pauldrons and a bit of the chestpiece) like pic related.

Like I said in the rest of the post - sexy cosplay is fine, it's great and fun and hot, but when you're just doing a cheesy pinup version of something it's uninspired, BORING, and above all just blatantly trying to be a boothbabe kind of "look at me because I have tits" not "look at me because I can do great costume work and have a creative design".

>> No.9485915

But why is it only considered slutty when they're the ones coming up with the designs? You see it in cringe threads all the time. Someone posts a woman for slutting up a costume and it turns out to be an exact replica. It happened again as the third post in the cosplay cringe thread. If the ingame designs with the same amount of skin are fine to anyone who plays it why can't they like it just like men do?

>> No.9485933
File: 561 KB, 1920x1080, valkia_ill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually went ahead and tried to see if there was some Khornate character I didn't know of that looked anything like that, so as to not be an ass and go "lol how cheap and boring" and then learn it's legit - like you said with the cosplay cringe.

There wasn't. For starters there's no female worldeaters (the guy on the left), though that means fuck all because people should be able to cosplay as something that isn't their gender. No objections if she was setting out to be a Worldeater. But that is not what a worldeater looks like - they look like the guy on the left. You don't get conan the barbarian khornates in 40k. Kharne has bare arms but that's it.

The closest is Valkiya, who is fantasy not 40k, but look at how awesome she looks and how much more challenging and cool it would have been for her to cosplay as Valkiya.

>> No.9485936

I'm talking in general. You seemed a lot more reasonable and no one ever answers when someone asks something like this. But the cheesy pin up line could again describe quiet perfectly. Literally a military uniform without clothes on top. The "look at me" part describes anything with a cleavage cut out. So what is "fun and hot" cosplay and what's generic boothbabe cosplays?

>> No.9485952
File: 343 KB, 400x389, Valkya2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's some minis where Valkiya has the midriff and such exposed but it has a lot more that adds to it - horns, bat wings, additional bits of armor. The pic I posted kind of made me unsure if the midriff was flesh or bronze (I think it's bronze) but if it was just flesh at least the ptergues and hip-plates help to balance the look.


I appreciate that it seems reasonable, ultimately course all this shit is just opinions and I really don't give a huge fuck if someone does this. It just kinda seems like a waste of potential and makes me eyeroll when I see it now. I can understand how for women trying to do more authentic cosplay it can grate on their nerves more.

To your question: Quiet is an official character from a game. That's her specific canonical look, so you are being authentic and accurate to do her that way. Same as any other cheesecake looking character's authentic look (like a WOW night elf). I know you might counter with "What's the difference of someone doing their own fictional character and doing a specific character that looks scantily clad"? Admittedly that's a tricky point, but I see it as the specific character's look was designed by someone else so to pull them off you have to dress cheesecake. If your fictional character is designed to be cheesecake, then that's your conscious choice to be gratuitous. And there it becomes a question of sensibility to the character/setting. Half naked magical girl? Yeah you can justify that. Boobplate armor bikini? Unless the setting is a Hyboria/Azeroth you can't bullshit your way out of it being about booth-babing.

One more post

>> No.9485957


What's fun and hot cosplay? Anything that's setting out to look like the character/concept. If you want to add a novel unique approach you can keep the sexiness but you have to do something more than just strip as many pieces off as you can (while maintaining the silhouette) to be more naked for the sake of being more naked. "Battle-wear and tear" on say a sailor moon or a Mei or D.Va would be neat. A few scars or fake wounds, a scorched jagged edge to a high cut thigh. Having parts of that Samus-Aran Clone SA-X being fleshy and body-horror (like one leg not being the plate armor but rather a bare leg with bits of parasitic flesh-melding) would be cool.

What's generic boothbabe cosplay? Trying to erode or remove as much armor/clothing as possible just to show off more skin for the sake of showing off more skin. Stormtrooper bikini? Boothbabe. Master chief bikini? Boothbabe. Turn the Bloodborne doll into rule 34 art? Boothbabe. Gijinka pokemon wearing lingere and the bare minimum of features (some shitty tail and ears)? Boothbabe. It needn't be only for women, I just don't know a proper term for the male equivalent but "batman wearing a speedo, the mask and cloak and nothing more" would be a male equivalent.

2B isn't a boothbabe, even if you strip it down to the leotard given that's authentic to what she can do ingame. That Ashoka Star wars girl is not a boothbabe because that's what she looks like in setting. Your usual sexy outfit superheroine is not a boothbabe. Morrigan from Darkstalkers is not a boothbabe.

>> No.9485972

>Admittedly that's a tricky point, but I see it as the specific character's look was designed by someone else so to pull them off you have to dress cheesecake
>Your usual sexy outfit superheroine is not a boothbabe. Morrigan from Darkstalkers is not a boothbabe.

Why is it not cheesecaking when their creators designed them that way? What if someone really loves Bayonetta and has already cosplayed most of the variations, then decides to make a similar but non-canon outfit as a way to be creative? If a skintight suit isn't sexy for the sake of sexy why is turning a clunky suit into something more streamlined as casual wear cheesecaking? Superheroes are an especially bad example considering all the artists that literally traced porn. Why is something "authentic" exempt from being fanservice but much milder outfits are when made by women?

> Unless the setting is a Hyboria/Azeroth you can't bullshit your way out of it being about booth-babing.

But why is it that those things are defended to the death as nonsexual purely for design choices? What about someone who loves wow and has been really wanting to try an Arabian look but doesn't want to get shit on for "appropriation" who decides to do a centaur cosplay? What if they decided the want to try something really difficult and impressive like harpy legs? That's literally just pasties, but covering up would make them much less accurate as it's literally the only thing they wear.

The complaints are about women who don't even like the things they're cosplaying wearing them, but in order to like that media in the first place you'd have to at the very least be tolerant of gratuitous nudity and fanservice. So why wouldn't someone like that also like them purely design wise just like men and their creators claim to? What if someone really likes Morrigan's design and a character from another series and wants to try to meld the two without the standard outfit change?

>> No.9486042

>why can't they like it just like men do?
Are you fucking serious? That shit isn't a cosplay. Men don't care about cosplay. They think of it as porn. They think cosplay are just porn stars with shitty party costumes and this is the reason why the entire hobby went to trash. This is the reason why everyday real cosplayers (fans of geek characters who do it as a hobby) are treated like shit by these very same men with insults like "you shouldn't cosplay if you aren't j nigger!oneone111!!!"

>> No.9486044 [DELETED] 

Stop playing dumb you fuck cunt. Cosplaying = recreating accurately a previously designed character from an official geeky source (anime, manga, videogames, comics, movies...).

Original character is not cosplay since it doesn't has anything to do with the very definition of cosplay.

>> No.9486046

Stop playing dumb you fuck cunt. Cosplaying = recreating accurately a previously designed character from an official geeky source (anime, manga, videogames, comics, movies...).

Original character is not cosplay since it doesn't has anything to do with the very definition of cosplay. It's a shitty lazy party costume. Get over it. Don't try to force your way into a community YOU DON'T FUCKING BELONG. Go out with your high school townie friends or something and leave us geeks in peace and fucking alone.

>> No.9486055

Nope. Nigri is the sole responsible of how cosplay is today.

>> No.9486122

I'm talking about attitudes in general. I'm not for any cosfamous people at all, I'm against hypocrisy from neckbeards. You can't even talk about a game without tons of them coming out to say why a sex scene isn't sexual isn't sexual but those exact same men never stop bitching about "fake gamer gurlz" and coswhores while fapping to them. Either a metal bikini is pointless fanservice or it isn't.

>They think cosplay are just porn stars with shitty party costumes and this is the reason why the entire hobby went to trash.
>Don't try to force your way into a community YOU DON'T FUCKING BELONG. Go out with your high school townie friends or something and leave us geeks in peace and fucking alone.

lol I have zero interest in cosplaying myself it's just constantly in your face when it comes to my circle of "friends: online and irl. Seeing the work put into can be really be cool, but again all you ever get sent is sexy cosplay #68513 with some people calling it "empowering" and men alternating between insulting them for not being busty enough and insulting for being sluts. Right after talking about how that exact character has a perfectly valid reason for getting naked three times in the game. It isn't normies pushing their way in, it's the same guys bitching about "censorship" of canonically 14yo girl.

No one has answered my question, why is something that barely skirts public indecency laws not sexual but a plain clothes version covering much more of a character in a photoshoot with canon designs included obvious attention whoring? Why can't someone do canon designs and then add and extra design in addition to it for fun? If fun is all that matters why not?

>> No.9486169

please stop feeding the troll

>> No.9486178

I'm genuinely curious, it probably is a troll but the attitude is exactly the same as most attitudes I've seen online and irl. No matter how many times I ask no one ever answers my question. One of the said neckbeards told me I was dressing very "provocatively" wearing a baggy sweater, mid thigh skirt, and not even thigh highs but cutesy patterned knee highs. Exact same guy that does the standard "nerd" behavior of justifying gratuitous nudity and going on about how "deep" GOT and Berserk is while freaking out over the slightest things irl.

He's my bf's brother and his parents baby the shit out of him so I can't just drop him. He's basically the same as the average guy you'll meet on steam or mmos anyway. It's so incredibly frustrating having to ask someone to not be a fucking mong and have porn out in public while they're screaming that nothing is ever sexual.

>> No.9486549

>Don't try to force your way into a community YOU DON'T FUCKING BELONG. Go out with your high school townie friends or something and leave us geeks in peace and fucking alone.

seriously how much more obvious could it be that CGL is just mostly populated with those fat trolls that are always crying at cons because no one will ever have sex with them?

You guys were a minority in cons, you are a minority in cons, and you always will be a minority in cons. Not all nerds are autistic and those that aren't generally hang out, have fun, and some become popular.

Cons are just year-round Halloween where people get to dress in cool costumes and hang out. Few people have an encyclopedic knowledge of anime because few people care that much about anime, this doesn't stop them from wanting to go out and meeting other people into the con scene, and some have found out ways to make their hobby profitable. This hasn't changed since 2000.

>> No.9486552

>Why can't someone do canon designs and then add and extra design in addition to it for fun? If fun is all that matters why not?

This isn't about fun this is about caring for imaginary characters and nerd safe space and *faaaaaaaaaart*

>> No.9486560
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Exactly, look at how toxic the community has become, sending hate over a wig colour for a character.

>> No.9486563

i sincerely hope your comment is sarcasm anon

>> No.9486575

this girl has got to be a troll, no one is that retarded

>> No.9486589

>tfw most of the 500 comments on the post agree with her tho

nah she's being legit

>> No.9486987

This is sad all around. Why do people care so much? If I see a cosplay that I don't like, I just move on

>> No.9488220
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stacey sluts fuck off back to chad

>> No.9488225

See, this isn't even accurate, so you need to get called out.

>> No.9488291

I don't get supporting what should be a hobby on Patreon. If they produce actual, tangible product like patterns sure, but why pay for someone to cosplay? Because they will look good as -insert character here-?

>> No.9488361

Some people are just into that I love having prints on my walls! I also love supporting my favourite cosplayers.

>> No.9488425

>No one has answered my question, why is something that barely skirts public indecency laws not sexual but a plain clothes version covering much more of a character in a photoshoot with canon designs included obvious attention whoring?

If I'm understanding this right, my answer is plainclothes are often associated with closet cosplay = laziness. I dunno, I think that's all. I don't think many people complain about extra details unless it looks really out of place. Don't take your bf's bro seriously, because it sounds like he never lives in the real world anyway.

Back in the early- to mid-2000s, people went for "Amano" versions of Final Fantasy characters which were pretty much throw anything on to give it more detail. Many of them were hot messes because they looked out of place.

She sounds like she's fishing for asspats to justify her mess up and someone isn't falling for it?

>> No.9488430

This i dont want to crash the thread with mgtow posting ,but why are women lying to themselves so damn much ,i cant stand it i have the feeling men know themselves so much better ,or are just so much more truthfull

>> No.9488431

wow this sounds like more fun desu

>> No.9488613
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Fat chicks wearing tighter clothes

>> No.9488622

That's not mgtow posting; it's straight up red pill.

>> No.9488630

You reduce it by.... Well you would have to change society. Look at the influx of IG "models" and how people feel the need on the regular to get praise through selfies and pictures of everything. Pair this with cosplay and the internal need for attention/narcissism and that is pretty difficult.

>> No.9488652
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>> No.9488897

jesus, next level salt

>> No.9488902

A what now?

>> No.9488912

A lot of people don't know ggg /m/an.
Clawshrimpy pls.
Old series of mecha animes. Not a lot of people saw it even back in the day.

>> No.9488919

Fair enough, love me some mecha.
Even build a lot of gundam kits but i'd never heard of it lol

>> No.9488935

Its hard to get into because these older shows sometimes take commitment for finding decent subs.

>> No.9488937

Ahh, fair enough.
Is it worth the effort though?

>> No.9489685

I mean casual as in like in-universe versions of casual clothes for characters that wear armor. I got sent one years back with final fantasy type "casual" clothing that was amazing. You can talk about he's just one person, but he's literally every male "nerd" I've ever known irl. Just not even the tiniest bit subtle about it and has no shame.

>> No.9494592

owwww... you're cutting deep anon :(

>> No.9495730

You don't know what normalfag means, newfag.

>> No.9495734

>casual and proud!
You're the cancer killing all hobbies

>> No.9495745

Fucking this. Making a hobby about money is always a mistake. These people are just the result of the community getting large enough for vultures to realize there's money to be found in all the hard work done by the fan community for years entirely for free. It's supposed to be about love for the hobby, not fucking money that can be made in it.

>> No.9495766

It sounds like there's two separare approaches to cosplay now. Traditional/old school/craft oriented etc and sell out/sex/nu school etc. The solution is to just make that clear, and form a more tight and distinct secondary community for the craft cosplay. TTRPG's did the same thing, the field changed drastically in the 90s and got extremely commercialized and flooded with new blood who didn't respect the original style, so now there's a thriving "old school revival" community that plays the old RPGs as well as produces a lot of new RPGs in the style of and taking inspiration from the old. There was about a decade of unmitigated cancer until it really got off the ground but now they're perfectly happy doing their own thing in total isolation from the mainstream new school. Why can't we do the same for cosplay?

Also, people suggesting you should just be donating patreonbux to better cosplayers you like or helping them out by giving them instagram shoutouts don't fucking get it. That's the cancer of commercial cosplay. Enthusiasts do it out of love for the hobby, that's it, the only thing they want is a community they can participate in who appreciates and helps them - not money, not followers, or else they're not actual hobbyists.

>> No.9495772

Standard response of a normalfag enroaching on a hobby. Wow you actually take this hobby seriously? Lol you actually care? Fucking autist/mouthbreather/nerd!

>> No.9495781

>I, like many other cosplayers, just saw a design I thought was pretty and wanted to make it
People besides commercial cosplayers actually do this? What the fuck? Isn't it embarrassing when a fan wants to talk about the character and you have to tell them you're just a poser? Isn't the whole point expressing love for the character and series?

>> No.9496364

>Isn't it embarrassing when a fan wants to talk about the character and you have to tell them you're just a poser?

A) Doesn't come up that often.

B) Who in their right mind would care that some creepy mouth breather calls them, what, an anime poser? If anything that just makes for a great funny story to tell later.

>> No.9496366

C) the person in the costume isn't the one who has something to be embarrassed about in this scenario.

>> No.9496877
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>traditional/old school/craft oriented
>sexy cosplays are only a millennial thing
>there were never half naked characters in almost every game pg13 and up

>> No.9498397

Disagree that sexy cosplay is a new thing, just that it's way more prevalent especially with commercialisation (your second point).

honestly they sound personally attacked, probably do sexy cosplays on the regular for attention

oh no summer is here

>> No.9498962
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I first started admiriing cosplay like 11 years ago and actually started cosplaying like 7-8 years ago. Then I stopped about 4 years ago. I hate cosplay and want nothing to do with it all. I don't feel the need to explain why because I'm sure it's already covered in this thread, I don't even have to read it lol.
I used to like showing off my costumes, now I don't even want to tell people I used to cosplay. I'd rather tell people I like lolita and deal with that.

>> No.9500671

>it's now embarrassing to try to have a conversation about an anime with someone who went out of their way to dress as a character from the show
How little self awareness do you have to have to not realize you're an outsider exploiting and undermining an enthusiast community for your own personal gain?

>> No.9500934

You say it as if they don't realize this. The popularity really outweighs the negative in this scenario

>> No.9500975

>oh no summer is here

Not an argument. That anon is right. I've cosplayed a few things just because they looked cool and I've even gone to the photoshoots. I have no problem with telling "creepy mouth breathers" I don't know much about the character I'm dressed as.

>> No.9500981

>That Zatanna

Someone get me some eyebleach PLEASE

>> No.9502683

You need help if you think this is true

>> No.9502686

Obvs just a poser trying to justify knowing nothing about the character to save your pathetic ass

>> No.9502870

because some of us nerds go to these events to meet people IRL with common intrests. Seeing hurrr durr people at these events is annoying. Get out

>> No.9503855

I fucking know right. Sick of all these fake girls.

>> No.9504714

>>9500671 (ps this is an A+ comment)
I mean if you look at >>9500975 I think that's all the answer you need, really. Wannabe Instagram models who realised that appealing to neckbeards would allow them to become "~famous~" much more easily.

This. I'm not going to quiz someone on a show but if they don't even know the name of their own character and a basic understanding of their personality, then literally what's the point? These "cosfuckers" don't give a shit about any series then HURR DURR when someone's trying to make polite conversation at a con or whatever. I'm not saying you need to enable the actual creeps.

And honestly? I'm so sick of all these cosfuckers in this thread claiming "ewww the neckbeards" when the majority of the comm is FEMALE. I, and MANY other women who cosplay, are so unbelievably SICK of these cosfuckers who just wanna make a quick buck off their shitty Patreon. It's so obvious when someone cosplays just for the fame once they open their mouth once, and someone who's unashamedly proud of it is cringey.

There is only ONE cosfucker in my local community who is, surprisingly, lovely and I suppose she's unfortunately chosen to ride this wave than to actually cosplay properly. But every other cosfucker I've had the misfortune to interact with at cons are self-centered, will only engage conversation with you if you can make them more famous or can do something for them, will only want to be friendly to you if they find out you are friends with "famous" cosplayers, and are overall garbage.

It's so fucking pathetic and I'm honestly so done with these attitudes. I don't even have it in me to interact with new people at cons sometimes because there's a 50% chance they'll be one of THOSE types of people.

>> No.9504728

I'm not a cosplayer and I went to a con the other day for the first time in 10 years

Last time I went I was able to find fans for the obscure stuff I liked. One of my cherished memories is striking up a convo with a guy in a shitty cosplay of a rare character, and both gushing that we were the only 2 people who loved this underrated mecha anime.

In 2017 the cosplayers were way, way better! But it was way more popular stuff. I didn't see anything for most of the properties I like, even from the last two seasons.

It's sad because it feels like anime/manga/etc. and cosplay have split more as hobbies.

>> No.9504744

Ugh girls rite!!! XDDD gross

>> No.9504862

Someone is angry no one is following the Facebook page for her pudgy cosplay of obscure characters.


Loooool thank you for this.

>> No.9504866

>It's so fucking pathetic and I'm honestly so done with these attitudes. I don't even have it in me to interact with new people at cons sometimes because there's a 50% chance they'll be one of THOSE types of people.

Yeah. The social outgoing people having fun are the pathetic ones.

Not the socially awkward fat chick having a meltdown on 4chan because nobody cares that she can quote the backstory of anime characters.

>> No.9504869

>And honestly? I'm so sick of all these cosfuckers in this thread claiming "ewww the neckbeards" when the majority of the comm is FEMALE. I, and MANY other women who cosplay, are so unbelievably SICK of these cosfuckers who just wanna make a quick buck off their shitty Patreon.

P. sure that the reason that chicks can indeed be neckbeards is the reason why nobody has signed up for your patreon.

>> No.9504874
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Se-senpai w-would you like to read my yaoi Saint Seiya fanfiction <3<3

>> No.9505927

I don't have a Facebook page or a Patreon, and the thought that I'm "jealous" because I don't have likes/backers/etc shows exactly what's gone wrong with this community.

I'm glad people are improving in cosplays because that's something that should happen, but the fact people want to capitalise off another creator's work is disgusting.


>> No.9505954
File: 63 KB, 620x388, whitesmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're sick of women abusing their sexual power.. don't fall into that trap.

These girls make money off thirsty guys because you're willing to buy them shit on their amazon list, and kiss their ass.


Better yourself and find something else to do besides jerking off to cosplay girls that don't even live in your fucking city m8.

Get some self-respect and grow up a bit. If every guy did that it would be a different story.

You give your power away freely. Don't give it to anybody who can't give you something in return.

>> No.9505987

>why won't anyone pay attention to me
>I care about these characters so much
>its just not fair
>its just because theyre prettier than me
>but they don't care like I do
>I just care so much

so how long until we have to arm con staff for when one of you crazy lonely nutter types finally snaps?

>> No.9506015

On one hand

>No one is forcing anyone to give them money
>It is a fact of life that sex sells
>If that is what those women want to do, so be it. There will always be talented cosplayers regardless
>Ez money

On the other though

>It's trashy
>It's the easy way out, instead of working hard they decide to sell themselves at the most basic level
>No self respect
>Diminishes cosplay as a whole
>Can't avoid seeing them
>If they do that they're usually into more degen shit

If anything, as much as I personally dislike these girls, I feel x10 the hate for the men who buy their shit and keep them famous. Like, lately all I can think is how stupid and pathetic men are, that they're so led by their dick that they give money to women when there's porn for free and it's bad, because obviously just like there are exceptions to the rule. I'm starting to see men as these mindless, instinct driven, mumbling worms and I feel nothing but disgust and anger towards them.

I know I'm probably not the only one but would feel nicer to have some confirmation there are other femanons that feel this way.

>> No.9506034

>Diminishes cosplay as a whole

We're grown ass people spending hundreds of dollars to dress up like anime characters for a weekend, what the fuck is there to diminish?

And I think it's pretty obvious most of us are chicks, cgl just seems to attract the types of women who go completely mad with sexual repression.

Our behaviour is not dictated by men, for fucks sakes. If some chick dresses scantily to get money from guys, who the fuck cares? She's happy because she's getting money, the guys are happy because they're getting to see tits, how does any of this affect most of you?

Why is it a problem that some people you've never met are getting more attention than you? Why are some of you so obsessed with other people? That's why you guys are so damn lonely, nobody wants to hang around people obsessing over the unfairness that some anonymous stranger is having fun while they aren't.

>> No.9506039

>Like, lately all I can think is how stupid and pathetic men are, that they're so led by their dick that they give money to women when there's porn for free and it's bad, because obviously just like there are exceptions to the rule. I'm starting to see men as these mindless, instinct driven, mumbling worms and I feel nothing but disgust and anger towards them.

>I know I'm probably not the only one but would feel nicer to have some confirmation there are other femanons that feel this way.

I can only speak for myself when I say: you sound like an absolute hot bed of crazy. Holy shit, take a Xanax or something.

>> No.9506054

Did you completely skip over the first part of my post?

>Why is it a problem that some people you've never met are getting more attention than you?
When did I imply this? I literally never said anything about attention, holy shit. Did you get fucking triggered because someone thinks that perhaps women who dress slutty and only do sexy shit like momocunt for the sole purpose of getting money without even being slightly interested in what the source material even is, is in some way being jealous??

>Why are some of you so obsessed with other people? That's why you guys are so damn lonely, nobody wants to hang around people obsessing over the unfairness that some anonymous stranger is having fun while they aren't.

Again, when did I ever write this or even implied this. I even in the first fucking part of my post basically said that it's a "whatever thing/neutral attitude"

People can have different opinions without having envy or jealousy to be the reason anon.

I don't date, but that's all I hear about from friends and family, then see it online. Just guys not being able to be loyal because of a piece of ass/lack of self control they see at work etc so I'm probably salty. Didn't realize it came off that crazy damn.

>> No.9506076

The amount of men that pay for these girls is legit miniscule.

The fact that you let this tiny percentage of men skew your perception of ALL MEN makes you look really nuts.

But then again, I have started to realize that the vast majority of females in cosplay have serious and deep-seated mental issues .

See a therapist,

>> No.9506133
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>Talks about not judging all men
>Judges all cosplay women based off of one anon's post

>> No.9506151

Except they are somewhat of a majority in cosplay communities. They aren't the majority in the overall population but in the world of cosplay, they are.

What makes your assumption funny about me, is that I don't even cosplay, I just like going to conventions, following good and talented people and it gets very annoying seeing some half assed bikini costume with "donate to my patreon" underneath the caption that no matter how much I prune my follows they still always pop up.

>> No.9506181

>says something about "vast majority" of women in cosplay as opposed to judging every man on the planet
>"judges all cosplay women"

DESU, I don't even care. Y'all are legit weirdos sometimes.

>> No.9506289

>Did you get fucking triggered because someone thinks that perhaps women who dress slutty and only do sexy shit like momocunt for the sole purpose of getting money without even being slightly interested in what the source material even is, is in some way being jealous??
>I don't date.

With that winning personality and charm? Surely you jest.

>> No.9506539

Is this really such a difficult question? As a guy, I can see literally what happens every single time without exception.
>Anime/Video Game/Whatever gets exaggeratedly popular for one of a variety of reasons
>Tons of girls who are seeking validation, attention, whatever it may be, or maybe they just wanna show off their plain sexy bodies, pick the popular choice because it means more eyes on them than less
>For every one of those ladies, you have at minimum 10 beta orbiters to take pictures and feel as if they are near their costumed dream girl, 5 pseudo-alpha dudebros who cosplay from the franchise/entry to try to hook up with those ladies, and maybe 1 or 2 actual fans who just wanna be around like-minded fans
>The more dedicated fans get swamped with all of the disingenuous "fans" and stop attending those groups, accumulating ire towards a fandom/fanbase for harboring thirst-riddled cucks like these, and it basically turns into a typhoon of sad people just using each other for validation
>Periodically, you'll get a markedly attractive (or at least agreeably so) lady (It's literally never a dude, I don't know why) who has some marketing angle and does relatively lewd shots and periodic fancards because those count for markedly more than just being a sexy cosplayer, so the thirst train is now digital
>Tons of ladies right now jumping on this hype train, because there's serious bank in being sexy

The issue is mostly that niche fans aren't meeting other niche fans anymore. If it gets too popular, you get a thirst typhoon to follow it. If it's not popular enough, nobody cosplays from it because nobody will recognize it. People need to go back to just cosplaying lesser-known series that they genuinely enjoy rather than just "Whatever's popular". Betas are forced to interact with real fans, and as such, might actually just make legitimate friends, and Dudebros run out of easy targets and wind up fading away.

>> No.9506552

Your post alone lacks so much self awareness. We don't pay girls beta money in the hopes of getting some "cosplay bodouir".

>> No.9506559

>maybe 1 or 2 actual fans
>implying the neckbeards aren't "actual fans"

Spend two seconds on nexusmods and you'll see "tru fans~" are the exact ones that slut everything up. For literally every game that's relatively easy to texture mod and nude mod is out first. GOT added in explicit rape scenes explicitly because fans found it hot. The sex scenes in The Witcher that are literally "Hey I killed this thing let's fuck in view of this guy for no reason." The mandatory strippers and sex scene in metro 2033. All the pin up versions in berserk drawn by the author himself along with all the explicit rape, sex scenes, and orgies. Bayonetta's and quiet's outfits and fanservice. "Accidental" groping and nudity in anime and manga. Famous and popular comic artists literally tracing porn. All of those things are constantly defended by "tru fans" and seen as good additions.

So why would someone who has no problem with that suddenly have a problem with someone wearing the exact same outfits or covering even more than in that media? Anyone who is a true fan would have no problem with revealing clothes or nudity, so why would they have a problem dressing like them? Why would someone who likes that in a series suddenly have a problem with a woman not caring about it just like she does while watching/playing that media? It's one thing to take something like spongebob and make "sexy" versions, but when you absolutely have to at least be okay with having nudity, fanservice, and explicit sex to even tolerate something how is that fake? It's just pure hypocrisy.

>> No.9506564

False equivalence. Neckbeards modding a game are looking to add to an otherwise boring experience, such as playing Skyrim or The Witcher at all. People who spend a ton of money on travel, food, hotel rooms, conventions, and cosplay are looking for the best they can get out of a fan experience. Revealing clothes are one thing, wearing only revealing clothes because it's sexy and ignoring/outright not knowing anything about the source material is something else. You can be a sexy fan of Nier/Drakengard and cosplay Zero, who herself is intimidating and sexy with an awesome attire. However we have innumerable "2B" fans who have never even played Nier Automata who now fill up every Drakengard/Nier cosplay group, as well as every cuck who wants to tug their rug to sexy 2B cosplayers. It's never been about the sexy angle as much as the lack of actual care about the franchise/series/etc.

>> No.9506593


Hark, the virginity squad has appeared!

Maybe one of you guys can date the insane man hating chick and bond over your shared patheticness?

>> No.9506621

As I said >one thing to take something like spongebob and make "sexy" versions, but when you absolutely have to at least be okay with having nudity, fanservice, and explicit sex to even tolerate something how is that fake?

My point is the fake and extremely hypocritical moral outrage and throwing "fake" around for every woman wearing something slightly revealing. Not people like nigiri or momo.

>It's never been about the sexy angle

You haven't read this thread then. I would've replied to them specifically but it's been over a day. How do you someone is fake though? It's all well and good to say that's only who you have a problem with, but when you're complaining about people you've never met and don't hop to every single series instantly how do you know? What about all the let's players that call themselves "true fans" but just screamed through the whole game and ignored a lot of the plot? You see just as many as guys going from series to series too, even on a. You can watch a 12 episode series in a day or two and most 30-50 hour games can be completed in less than a month even with time restrictions.

>> No.9506737

It's still here, but now it's called being ficitionkin

>> No.9507380

It's a hobby, man. Of course there are people that are going to make some money out of it, it's inevitable.
The most important part is just being happy with what you do.
I started cosplaying because I knew this'll help me learn new skills like sewing, soldering and basic construction, and I'm thinking about getting into 3d printing. I'm still not good enough, but it's enjoyable.

>> No.9507529

Yes you do. You have neither the confidence nor the attractiveness or charisma for getting anything else out of them.

You pay for bad photographs of nearly naked chubby cosplayers because they're *slightly* more tangible than a Hollywood actress or model.

You beat your meat and then cry in loneliness. If you would have some fucking self-respect, women wouldn't be able to do this fuck shit to us, but you keep funding your own despair. It's sad.

>> No.9507767

Any and all cosplay community problems and drama come from either women or gays.

>> No.9508100

Hey, this sounds sarcastic but I mean it: good on you, I hope you achieve what you set out to do.

If you honestly believe this you have probably not been part of the community for long, at all.

>> No.9508178

As if the majority of the men posting on CGL aren't usually whining about the hot girls that won't touch their minuscule dangle or how cons have been destroyed by the presence of all those chads/beta cucks/normies getting all the attention from women instead of the creepy fat guys or scrawny mouthbreathers that cgl seems to attract.

>> No.9508591

Thanks, man. I just don't get all this rage. Sure, there are people making money with all this patreon stuff and such, but does it really change anything you do?
Don't let other people kill your enthusiasm.

>> No.9512195

>It's trashy

>It's the easy way out, instead of working hard they decide to sell themselves at the most basic level
If it's so easy, why don't all women do it. It's not like creepy sexual predators will use it as an excuse to harm someone.

>No self respect
Who are you to define what someone else's self respect is? It's respecting your motherfucking self. How the fuck should you decide how someone feels about themselves, simple bitch.

>Diminishes cosplay as a whole
Nah. Cosplay is still cool as shit regardless of how little or how much someone wears.

>Can't avoid seeing them
I can't avoid people wearing Attack on Titans costumes, you don't see me trippin. Chill.


>If they do that they're usually into more degen shit
And that's none of your business.