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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9455276 No.9455276 [Reply] [Original]

"Boo you whores" edition. Who let the old thread die?

Starter topic- how do you feel wearing gyaru out and about?
What kind of reactions do you get?
Is it more positive or more negative?
What do your friends/family/SO think of it?

>> No.9455282
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My sister called gyaru "hooker fashion" so I just don't wear it around her anymore. I wear mostly rokku

>> No.9455287

Well, she's not all that wrong I suppose. I just go 'yep, I am trashy as all fuck' and accept it. Are your other family members negative, or do they not really care what you wear?

My mom loves it as she's always been into alternative fashion, especially rock stuff. My dad doesn't get it at all but he figures it's just another weird hobby of mine like cosplay.

>> No.9455301

Oh I don't even wear it around my parents. I mean I sometimes slip in brand pieces in normie outfits but my mom thinks everything is trashy, even things like simple nail art, so I don't even bother wearing it around her

>> No.9455305

Are you me? And if yes, who am I? My mom hates all sort of makeup (you look so much better without it), nails (only hookers have nice nails, you know?) and trashy clothes.

>> No.9455326

my mom learned to live with it, as long as I'm safe. My brothers don't even notice, they do not care about clothes at all.

My boyfriend hates my leopardprint, bellbottoms, tackyness, but he still loves me, and accepts it. He does prefer agejo a lot!

>> No.9455357
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I live in a tiny town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Seeing anyone under the age of 50 is a bit of a shock, and everyone knows everyone else, and I work with kids and I just know if I wore gal out in my town it'd get back to my employer. Whilst nothing would probably happen, it'd make work awkward. So I save it for city trips with my friends. There's literally only a church and a grocery store around here so not worth going to anyway kek.

My partner really doesn't like gal, he's just not into alternative fashion at all - goth, lolita, rockabilly, anything - he's not a fashionable guy. But he loves me and when I wear gal he always tells me I look beautiful and never says anything negative. My mum loves it, I know my dad probably thinks I look awful but pretends to support it. From what I've seen from lolitas on this board there's this idea your partner should be 100% into your fashion choices but w/e, as long as they love and support you who cares.

>> No.9455362

a partner doesn't have to like/love it, only to support you in it. they still have their own preferences.

It is both a curse and a blessing that my partner is an ex vk guy/goth, since he supports me, but he knows a bit too well what he dislikes...

>> No.9455366

Reminder if you want to submit valentines this week, go make them now.

>> No.9455408

I don't wear gyaru myself, but in the UK it seems like a lot of people would just think you look like any other low class bimbo, albeit a few years out of fashion.

>> No.9455742

Is 90s/00s gyaru popular anymore? I want to get into gyaru and gal, but I also really like the hot mess of the early 00s.

Also, are there any shops that people like the most for getting gal?

>> No.9455756
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Best way to start getting into gyaru when you're chubby (UK size 12-14) and a broke ass uni student?
I dress kinda metalhead/punk/goth at the minute and would really appreciate tips on how to start incorporating gal pieces or gal-ing up my daily look and finally make the transition to the glorious, edgy, trashy life I'm destined for.

>> No.9455783

Isn't gyaru based off of western edgy teen fashion in the first place? It's like chav have gone full circle

>> No.9455784

Do you mean like ganguro or back when gyaru was like tanned skin and cowgirl hats?

>> No.9455786

>chat gone full circle

That's a good way to put it, even if it isn't the most flattering of ways.

>> No.9455788

Fuckin autocorrect

>> No.9455893

It's not popular but some people do it, Miyu Yoshida was a gaijin gal who used to do it and she had a p big following. If you like it then do it mang, just have fun with it.

I usually get my burando from mercari.jp, then I hunt for accessories, bottoms etc from random U.K. Stores. Everything5pounds.com has given me some great finds, it sounds like the shittiest shop ever but because they have such a random mix of clothes, sometimes you find some really gal stuff, and ofc it's all cheap as fuck. Really, shops are going to depend on the su style you're into and which country you're in- for example New Yorker in Germany sometimes does great tsuyome stuff, they've even done the odd d.i.a replica.

>> No.9455899
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Tell us which substyle you're into m8, can't really help without knowing that.

As for cheap stuff I've found in the uk:
-e5p.com as I just mentioned, cheap and if you get in there fast they usually go up to a size 16
-there's a lady called Carmen Tse on fb who does gorgeous custom nails crazy cheap, pic related cost me £10
-Japanese bottoms don't really go past a size 10 usually so don't waste money on them, look for offbrand in random popup trashy shops and on eBay
-cheap extensions on eBay from koozuland, I paid something like £40 for more human hair clipins than I will ever use at once

The key to doing gyaru cheap is to know the look you want to emulate inside out. Read magazines, collect inspo on tumblr and Pinterest, follow your senpais on instagram. Once you know what you're looking for, you'll find it in unexpected places.

>> No.9455928
File: 74 KB, 688x592, 150810-ganguro-cafe-shibuya-tokyo-makeover-bar-black-diamond-makeup-10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always admired this style, and have been dying for a chance to try it.
So I was excited that there was a Gyaru cafe in Japan that will dress you up... not so excited by the results.

>> No.9455942

Yeah the ganguro cafe is terrible. I don't know why they do it so badly, they can dress themselves well enough.

>> No.9456007

Does Claude still lurk here? She hasn't posted in ages and I really liked her outfits.

>> No.9456619

Is there a gyaru google doc or something we could reference for good brands/online stores/basics? I'm just starting out and I'm having a hard time learning about it and finding resources.

>> No.9456630

Pretty much. It depends on the style, but most gal styles just look like chav on a white girl. It's why the popular gals from the UK seemed to mostly wear ageho and himegyaru.

>> No.9456928

It's not active anymore but you can try the gyaru-coordinates Tumblr

>> No.9456944

Is anyone still into hime anymore? I always wonder how business is for La Pafait and Jesus Diamante nowadays, since the takeover of larme.

>> No.9456957
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This week's Valentines spam.

>> No.9456959
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>> No.9456962
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>> No.9456968
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>> No.9456971
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>> No.9456975
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>> No.9456978
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>> No.9457011

Anyone know who bottom left are? so so cute

>> No.9457570

There isn't, I would recommend recommend just joining the Amino and asking there, people are very friendly.

>> No.9457571

Fucking rustled that Reina's amekaji shoot didn't go up until after valentines were posted. Ah well, next time.

>> No.9457597

Her name's Melissa, insta's @jyoudramoni

>> No.9457869

I think it is more popular than it was 2-3 years ago for sure

>> No.9457874

i found a lot of good shit in the cwmden markets, turkish shops and vintage/second hand stores

>> No.9458251

Depends on the style, gyaru is exceptionallu offbrandable for certain styles, for things like old school hime not as much, but youre not that big so anything made with shirring you'd probably fit
I've made slightly too tight elasticated brand clothes fit by just cutting out the elastic and replacing with larger elastic or leaving the casing empty (have a 38 inch hip)

>> No.9458261

You tried just being not chubby?

>> No.9458288
File: 38 KB, 400x366, Ow_the_edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking fantastic advice, Dr. Asperger. Don't you have a pro-ana tumblr to update?

>> No.9458321

Idk have you tried not being an edgy cunt?

>> No.9458443


I don't get the chance to wear it because I spend all of my time working or sleeping, but I follow a few people on Insta who sometimes do OTT hime coords. It makes me so sad that when the fashion was popular, I was just a broke middle/high schooler with no money to wear it. Finding secondhand La Pafait and Jesus Diamante is just depressing and expensive now.

>> No.9458462


Good god, right has the most unfortunate face shape I've ever seen. Sad too because she has potential to be cute

>> No.9458633

I used to like gyaru when I as 14 but I realized in my 20s it was a scheme to absorb young women into the JK community (prostitution) and it totally lost it's appeal for me.

>> No.9458637 [DELETED] 

more info on this?

>> No.9458664
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so, I've admired gyaru from a distance ever since I was an 11-year-old weeb with a how to draw chibis book, but I have no idea how to start and need a little bit of help regarding style.

I really love the stereotypical gyaru style you see in anime (hence the ridiculous amounts of oshiete galko-chan in pic related) but I have no idea what it's called. I looked at amekaji but I feel like that's not it. Can you guys help a sister out and point me in the right direction? thanks so much!

>> No.9458686

I don't want to start drama but...I know several girls who have succesfully moved to japan to live out their infantile weeaboo dreams and only done so through the solicitation of sex. The fantasy of Japan and the reality of Japan is drastically different. I don't want to post these people but they are in there 20s and never gave up on their fantasy of living a gyaru "lifestyle" never bothered to learn more than kindergarten level Japanese and regularly solicit themselves for "cutsie" japanese crap.

>> No.9458697

"ince it's conception as an actual "group" v.s. a blog ring, sa-jin saw red-flags because BD shared a very similar structure to DJ Fukui's "gal circle unit", which was music based and had a really big 'member base', resulted in getting shut down and Fukui being thrown in jail for soliciting sex from underage members. Pair that with the fact that sa-jin were having their time occupied by BD rather than their respective circles, there was always tension. Black Diamond in the beginning also made it clear that they are a "Gal UNIT", not a gal circle. Some media do regard them as a 'circle', but they aren't; however that is an example of exactly what BD Producer Pontsuyo wanted, which was the 'image' of a gal circle without claiming to be one. Then, there was the whole prostitution thing (where a lot of the BD 'members' were prostitutes, who were openly advertised on websites), which leaned heavily on the guess that Pontsuyo was trying to be the new Fukui... then there was the fallout of Black Diamond International; and not long after that, the number of girls at BD gatherings was cut by at least half (most likely due to the realization that most, if none of these girls would ever see any sort of cut from the BD music/fan club sales, via 109 store or BD shop on facebook)."

>> No.9458700
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In the mood to do a spam, got any requests?

>> No.9458714
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" Fukui gave a representative and producer of Gal Circle to which about 8,500 junior high and senior high school girls belonged, "

This guy had over 8,500 underage "gyaru" and was soliciting them for sex...

>> No.9458879


landwhales btfo

>> No.9459563

jesus theres some real twats in this thread, she has a cute as hell face

>> No.9459566

you've kinda put about five different styles in this collage, there's some almost kuro gal, there's some onee with galkos sister, rokku with the pink dress and idk what you'd call the bottom right, sinces she's kinda in a swim suit type outfit

>> No.9459575 [DELETED] 

i thought you'd have a better reply than this.

do they happen to be mentioned on lolcow at all?

i don't think that is a fashion's fault. they made their own decision to go down that path. why would they move to japan without a job lined up or money? literally any weeb can move to japan with naive dreams like that and end up a prostitute due to their own poor planning and bad decisions, not just someone interested in gyaru. sorry your friends decided to whore themselves out for brand.

>>9458697 >>9458714, thanks for the legit reply.

>> No.9459588

Someone here sounds salty. Most weebs who choose the prostitution road have at one point been into gal. I won't name people here either but you're right, just check out the farm, or search on instagram.

>> No.9459603 [DELETED] 

i just think if someone wants to live in japan, they should plan appropriately. money doesn't appear out of thin air.

>> No.9459801

pin was perfection. i loved watching their coords evolve.

>> No.9459812

That's what I was thinking too- I'm not really getting a distinct style from that image.

>> No.9459813

I miss her too. She was my main inspiration

>> No.9460195

dang. Well, thanks for the names, for now I suppose I'll just lurk more till I pinpoint the look I want

>> No.9461275
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How long before someone throws a tantrum they weren't invited, any bets?

>> No.9461302

Fucking hell.

>> No.9461349

Hopefully not, it's literally just a group of us who know each other and get on well.

>> No.9461837
File: 857 KB, 844x576, ganguro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient site of gyaru (mis)information for anyone that's interested, it's got a load of still-working links to oldddd gal pics and a horrendous 90s website layout:

>> No.9462817

I really wanna start a gal cir in my area, the US seems pretty dead on the westcoast as far as this.

>> No.9462842

old gyaru

>> No.9462859

Sounds what a lot of wannabe "idol producers" do these days.

>> No.9462863

Looks like it to me. It always makes me think of how the "cool" girls in my area dressed in the early 2010s. Now you mostly see that stuff on the hicks who fight in the hallway, and some of the outcasts who think it looks cute /sexy.

>> No.9462868

Oh and forgot to add, but they mostly overlap on the clothes and huge hair. Cross motifs, rhinestones, clashing patterns, neon are all popular with teens. Basically picture an outfit you would put together with stuff from Walmart and Ross.

>> No.9462952

Go for it then, message some well dressed girls you get on with and make it a thing.

>> No.9463089
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doing a gaijin gyaru spam

>> No.9463090
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>> No.9463091
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>> No.9463093
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>> No.9463095
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>> No.9463099
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>> No.9463100
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>> No.9463103
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>> No.9463106
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>> No.9463107
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>> No.9463112
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>> No.9463115
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>> No.9463116
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>> No.9463117
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>> No.9463118
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>> No.9463119
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>> No.9463120
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>> No.9463123
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>> No.9463125
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>> No.9463126
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>> No.9463130
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>> No.9463132
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>> No.9463137
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>> No.9463139
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>> No.9463142
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>> No.9463147
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>> No.9463158
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>> No.9463266
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>> No.9463295

Tyvm for the advice!! Especially the elastic tip, I'd never thought of that.
As for substyles, I'm mostly into kuro but I'm looking to experiment a little to see what suits since I've not worn the fashion before. I'm considering rokku as a kind of transition style since my daily style atm isn't too far from that

I fucking love gulls.

>> No.9464863

Post. Pics. Please.

>> No.9465262

Imagine a world where pathetic thirsty men stayed out of our threads and on the porn boards.

>> No.9465331

What a boring place that'd be.

>> No.9465352
File: 53 KB, 703x526, 1376920163530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think you need to import Japanese products to be Gyaru? Just buy flashy leopard print and act like a wild slut.

>> No.9465360

Maybe if you're a literal whore and need them for income. I'd love to be able to just chill out and wear what I want and discuss weeby stuff without men coming in trying to make it all about muh dick.

>> No.9465366

Hooker clown
This is just weeb shit, I see no Gyaru

>> No.9465369 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9465502

Someone here doesn't know what gyaru is? If you dislike all these, basically all very well executed examples of popular styles, then please submit something that'd be gyaru for.you.

>> No.9465504

Pin was one of the best western manbas, sorry for your tragic taste

>> No.9465576

Not thirsty beta op, but Jesus, anon. This is a blue board. It's funny, but good lord.

>> No.9465587

>replying to obvious bait
Just report it and go on with your life.

Is anyone here going to Galfest? I'm on the fence. I'm really into para para so I'm kinda tempted for that alone.

>> No.9466516 [DELETED] 
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this got me excited

>> No.9466520
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This got me excited

>> No.9466741

Ooh, I wasn't expecting GGAs to come back. I wonder who'll get nominated? I'm expecting to see a lot of Georgie and the French gals.

>> No.9466980

I wonder if we will get 1000 jojo nominations again
She does look good, but I feel sorry for other girls

>> No.9467014

Well, that was a year when the gaijin gyaru scene was really dead. Jojo's not really anything special now, she doesn't get anywhere near as many valentines as the other well-known gals anymore. Going by her insta, she's not all that gyaru anymore anyway, more basic tumblr goth.

>> No.9469763

Does anyone even care about jojo anymore?
I predict a lot of lizzie and reina

>> No.9469782

Who's reina?
I don't think lizzie will get as much. She isn't even gyaru anymore.

>> No.9470331

>who's reina
what fucking rock do you live under lmao
she runs the amino, she's all over facebook, she even posts here

>> No.9470342

Most people don't care about amino

>> No.9470370

Everyone actually relevant is on there

>> No.9470565

You sound high as hell
Reina runs the amino which is one of the most active gal communities currently
and how in heck is Lizzie not gal anymore? because she posts some casual outfits?

>> No.9470574
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>tfw no gyaru gf

>> No.9471121

I don't have an amino, so sorry for not knowing who that girl is.

>> No.9471242

she also posts in this thread and all over the fb pages tho

>> No.9471259


your mom sounds like a cunt.

>> No.9471565

Imagine a world without catty bitches. Nothing is perfect.

>> No.9471687

Some do, I still love her cl recommendations.
Also, I do expect reina and lizzie (sweetest gal)
also kohaku, ailsa, and probably gyaransu.

>> No.9472501

I just hope to see Akipoyo gals nominated, they're gorgeous!

>> No.9473471
File: 22 KB, 360x204, 10614139_1557354041152328_6357967233088238701_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#youknowyou'regyaruwhen. Who wants to play?

>> No.9473567

#youknowyourrgyaruwhen you already have two pairs of straightners but you see a leopard print pair on sale and have to buy them

>> No.9473584

>tfw you know what documentary this is from

>> No.9474031

I saw this post
and it made me wonder, what would the gals wear in modern times?

>> No.9476276

I'm kinda disappointed by the gga categories, they're really restrictive. There's a load more gals I thought I'd be nominating but they don't fit into any of the categories.

>> No.9477950

That has always been the problem. this year actually has more than when hyper organized it

>> No.9477954

youknowyouregyaruwhen you look at jersey girls and snort, but other people don't see the difference

>> No.9478006

Well what is it from?

>> No.9478912

I'm surprised there's no amekaji category. I mean some substyles there's only 2 or 3 western girls actually doing it but that goes for gyaru-o too and they had categories for that, so..?

>> No.9479064

Which substyle would you switch for amekaji then?
I am only mssing the best newcomer catagory

>> No.9479419

I think the people running it are doing a good job, I didn't realise there were limited categories.

I'd prefer just an overall "best circle" one and include a most improved/best newcomer in that one's place. I would take off best gyaru-o hair as there's like 3 western gyaru-o's and include amekaji instead. But that's just my personal taste/who I would have liked to have voted for. I also struggled to find someone for "biggest hair" that was different to "best hair style".

>> No.9479852
File: 167 KB, 600x892, d35e2f1cc2d4ae999b46d41e07479d98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a genuine question that I'd like to hear opinions about - has himekaji completely separated itself from gyaru?

These days the himekaji tag is full of bland girls with little makeup, boring hair and basic cords. I've always considered attached pic as himekaji.

What do you think about himekaji these days? I still personally think that himekaji needs styled hair + make.

>> No.9479996

OT but centre girl scares me a little, she looks like she has fangs and the grin + lenses + intense expression makes her look like she's about to eat me. Kind of evil-looking.

>> No.9480271

I think himekaji gals should not forget about lashes & makeup, because every basic doing himekaji nowadays don't even use a drop of makeup
Maybe they can skip nose contour but not the fake eyelashes

>> No.9480275

I wouldn't say it's separated itself, it's just that brain dead white basics can't comprehend the concept of putting some actual effort into a style.

>> No.9480356

I want to slap this picture into every LizLisa brandhoes face who's tagging her photos as Himekaji

>> No.9480487

I love the extra gyaruo catagory! Give the guys some attention!

>> No.9480662

This!! It frustrates me so much, just wearing liz lisa does not make your style himekaji.

>> No.9480708

Especially because the newest releases are rather larme or basic bitch style than anything that'd fit into the whole gyaru aesthetic (except for the fact that it's low quality -beware never tell this to a ll hoe- and the skirts/dresses are short af).

>> No.9480718

Newfag here, what are good quality brands that also (better) suit himekaji? Liz Lisa is the only one that I'm familiar with.

>> No.9480732

Liz Lisa has/had some nicer pieces. With LizLisa it's kinda important to search for pieces pre 2013 because around that time they started the hilarious prints which are repeating each other and everything also has the same cut nowadays. In general, leave out the prints, they're horrendous

>> No.9481352

Ive been a gal for quite sometime now but I have officially come to the conclusion that I have no interest, like I would in lolita, to meet other gals or form some kind of local group.
With the drama that typically follows gyaru I feel more content admiring others on instagram from afar.

>> No.9481869

I feel you on this one. It's definitely not worth all the drama. If certain suspects of the main groups don't like you for whatever reason you're fucked.

>> No.9481905

How's that any different to Lolita? Personally I find gals a lot more honest and easier to get on with, but it definitely depends where you're based. At the end of the day people are people, there will always be some good and some bad.

>> No.9481927
File: 65 KB, 640x640, 1473731246106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people
>pretending to be japanese people
>pretending to be black people

But it's okay, because Gyaru makes my pee-pee go hard

>> No.9481960

Tbh all the lolitas I'm in contact with are pure cinnamonrolls where as all the gals I know irl and/or online are a huge bunch of two faced bitches. Glad that I'm mostly out of it.

>> No.9482011

that's what's so interesting about gyaru imo, like watch some of the kawaii pateen videos on youtube of the manba girls talking about how they idolise and wish to embody black women and their natural beauty. they have no concept of western racism, perhaps it's a bit ignorant but they're from a different culture and honestly it seems like they respect black culture a lot. Also how japanese people have always been into breakdancing and b-boy style. Ironically enough I've always thought black girls look the prettiest in gyaru/pull it off the best.

>> No.9482013

that's what's so interesting about gyaru imo, like watch some of the kawaii pateen videos on youtube of the manba girls talking about how they wish to embody black women. they have no concept of western racism, perhaps it's a bit ignorant but they're from a different culture and honestly it seems like they respect black culture a lot. Also how japanese people have always been into breakdancing and b-boy style. Ironically enough I've always thought black girls look the prettiest in gyaru/pull it off the best.

>> No.9482019

You're lucky/unlucky then
My local gals are sweethearts ,honest and not asskissers, where as the lolitas are two faced vague posting all the time twats

>> No.9482052

Same experience here too. Really cannot stand the lolitas in my country but the gals are awesome.

>> No.9482070

OP here, where I live there was already a lolita community so naturally I made friends within that community first but its been 8 years since then so I no longer look to make "new" friends.

Never had a gal community but some of my friends who were in lolita dress gal from time to time as well

>> No.9482110

She really should do something about her gross thighs before wearing short shorts

>> No.9482124

Fatshaming is so 2011

>> No.9482136

She's actually one of my rolemodels and fav gals these days, because damn she looks so damn good, not only because she DOES look good but especially because she feels comfortable abt her thighs. And you can see they're natural like they're sport thighs and it's awesome so fuck off.
Also OT I may never tell kohaku in person how much I love and appreciate her because reasons. But kohaku, you're awesome. Feel loved by someone you probably wouldn't expect it from

>> No.9482139

Well, in my area there are no gals/no gals left and the original scene was difficult.

The other gals from my country, uh yeah, I think some might be cinnamon rolls, but I also know that some are pretty two faced. Also they're too far away to attend meetups hosted by them.

I wish I had cute gals like the akipoyo(?) ones in my area. They're all so sweet and perfect

>> No.9482141

Anon you should just tell people how you feel about them. She posts here anyway so it's likely she'll see it, but there's no reason to be shy. I try to be upfront with telling my senpais how I feel about them and it usually goes well.

>> No.9482142

Which area is that?

>> No.9482143

i'm not fat shaming i'm grossthighsthatcouldbefixedwithexerciseshaming

>> No.9482151

Cellulite exists, even if you're fit and not flexing. Unless you're anorexic or a musclegirl. Go back to the lolita threads with that business.

>> No.9482154

OP here, my thighs are that size because of exercise and as I have previously stated in gyaru threads I am very proud of them. Lifting is exercise, purging isn't :^)

Thank you sweetheart, I think I have an idea who you might be but I won't pry.

>> No.9482174

lmfao embarassing insulting one of the hottest gaijin gyaru over their figure

>> No.9482182

Isreal (?)

>> No.9482183

You look great. But holy shit, just assuming anyone who's thin is purging? There is a middle ground...

>> No.9482193

I assume anyone who's so obsessed with other people's weight has some kind of eating disorder, I didn't actually mention or make assumptions about what that anon weighs. For all I know she could be morbidly obese and just self-hating.

>> No.9482194

Oh then why don't you just go hang out with Akipoyo?

>> No.9482200

Does anyone else feel super awed when a gyaru senpai gives you crit and follow it religiously? A gal I really admire told me a few years ago that she liked my style but my hair was boring, now my hair is one of the first things I think about when planning an outfit. I feel like that really helped me improve.

>> No.9482209

Exactly, I worry about a lot of gulls really because I know they have to have eating disorders with the way they obsess over the weight of people who are irrelevant.

>unpopular cgl opinion: Thick/toned thighs make Gyaru look better, especially the skimpier styles

>> No.9482226

I'm not from Isreal

>> No.9482228

I hope you can appreciate it, maybe I.can step up to you one day and tell it to you. But until then, feel loved. Because to be honest I always thought you're beautiful and a great gal and you give me so much confidence. I can wear short clothes again because of you, you make me feel a lot better.

>> No.9482273

Any suggestions for a newbie wanting to get started?

>> No.9482281

What style do you like?
Found your style?
>Search for inspo -tumblr, google-

How to makeup, hair?
>magazine scans, depending on the style either ageha or egg
>youtube tutorials

Essentials you'll need for whatever style you go for (except really oldschool kuro)
>lenses (can be left out if you're good)
>curling iron/straightener

>> No.9482339

...I asked you which area and you said Israel, anon. I was asking which area you were from.

>> No.9482348

Someone else said that Isreal, that wasn't me. Sorry

Maybe that person thought you asked where akipoyo is from, so they responded to that.

>> No.9482358

Oh that explains it. So where are you from?

>> No.9482372

Wow, this gave me nostalgia for the old Internet. It's amazing it's still up

>> No.9482378

I won't tell, sorry. Like I said before, I'm not too fond of the gyaru in around my country. Some are sweet, but alot of them are difficult to deal with. I've learned that it's better to just stay away from any kind of comm when it comes to gyaru.

>> No.9483110

I third it
Although I'm not really in contact with the girls from my own country anymore (I still like them, but there just aren't any meetups planned) I do hang out with my other gal friends pretty much monthly
I do however stay away from lolitas and vk people

>> No.9483111

I agree with you, though I tell her I love her as often as possible without being a creep

>> No.9483112

also, do not use the white lower liner unless you have improved, it is a dead giveaway that you are inexperienced

>> No.9483133

VK people are where drama's at I swear.

>> No.9484410
File: 21 KB, 212x246, Namnls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wants some GHOST OF HAREM?

>> No.9484585

Anyone know what happened to Chewiee?

>> No.9484678

she quit the style like 1,5 years ago, she now looks kinda larme inspired

>> No.9484786

She accidentally exposed herself on the farm by posting an uncropped screenshot and got bashed by the scene.

She was so cute and perfect, I still miss her so much.

>> No.9484792

That and most of her friends had either quit the style or moved to Japan so she was getting bored of it.

>> No.9484809

I've only ever seen her hanging out with Lizzie. Who were the others she hung out with?

>> No.9484814

Marie, Emi, Emmie, Ksara- all went to Japan. You can't really blame her for losing interest.

>> No.9484861

The only one of these whom I have a picture of in my head is ksara and it's a relieve that chewiee stopped to hang out with that person.

>> No.9485866

What did she screenshot?

>> No.9485958
File: 1.32 MB, 2556x1917, IMG_2674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My coords from this weekend so far.
Yes, I know they are lacking in parts but that will be fixed next time around (like stockings for the Golds Infinity dress)

>> No.9485968

I love the one on the right! You look fantastic, anon!

>> No.9485983

I love the middle and right. With the stockings you mentioned it's be perfect. How walkable are those shoes if you don't mind me asking? Those kind always seemed like they'd be really slippery to me, but I'm wanting a pair more and more now.

>> No.9486003

Theyre actually very easy to walk in! The strap across the front is tight enough to keep the shoe from flopping around like a flip flop. I recommend insoles though, the shoe is pretty hard so it will hurt the sole of your foot after a while, but the arch is fine.

>> No.9486028

That's great, Looks like I'm going to be making an order soon.

>> No.9486037

Is she into larme? She doesn't look it

>> No.9486194

Katie whateverhernameis not knowing the difference between Dutch and German, and Chewiee was just saying that it was awkward. It was a super minor thing that Katie went full victim complex over and the local drama whores in the uk scene went to town with it. Huge overreaction and I'm still quite sad that it turned out the way it did.

>> No.9486476

How do I convince my gf to dress like this?

>> No.9486555

not OP but it's this I think not sure where the subs are

basic translation from my understanding is that Himura is training to perform a para para dance at a concert and this short doc is feauturing on variety show Lincoln (リンカーン)

>> No.9486634

Tips on wearing slouch socks in styles other than kogal? I can't seem to find examples

>> No.9487403
File: 77 KB, 891x658, QUEENIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shade at the girls in the group but the name makes me think of Blackadder and it cracks me up.

>> No.9487585

That's kinda where it came from, actually. We thought of Queenie originally but our friend had the idea of changing the spelling.

>> No.9487592
File: 617 KB, 1280x720, laughinggirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit i just saw the extra picture, pmsl

>> No.9487665
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Lots of valentines this week.

>> No.9487669
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>> No.9487677
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>> No.9488726

#youknowyouregyaruwhen you get ridiculously happy over being the most tan girl in the group pic.

#youknowyouregyaruwhen you start wanting to shave off your pubes so you can see your tanlines better

>> No.9488790
File: 60 KB, 620x497, IMG_0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone been noticing a hostility towards gyaru, especially kuro gyaru on tumblr? I feel like they'll attack any light skinned person who wants to get tan and be gyaru. I love gyaru since the the early 2000's and would hate to see any newcomers being run out of town in fear of being called racist or doing blackface.

>> No.9488807

I've seen people on tumblr who I know weren't trolls seriously say "tanning is a form of blackface," so I'm not surprised there's a lot of hate. That argument makes me so mad, like how is it not more racist to carefully avoid the sun and stay as pale as possible?

>> No.9488827

As far as I'm concerned, all the black people, Japanese people, and black-Japanese people I know say that's bullshit, so it's bullshit. The look is based off a stereotype of white American girls in the first place, b-gyaru is the only bit I see as dodgy.

>> No.9488887

The most hilarious ones are the ones saying that they looove gyaru *insert picture of a larme/lizlisa model* but absolutely hate and would never support the kuro styles. Think about it, there wouldn't even be the term of gyaru without the kuro stykes to begin with

>> No.9488989

it' s like hating your mom and grandma who bake you cookies and write sweet notes to put in your lunchbox.

>> No.9489520

Besides that isn't hating only the styles associated with dark skin much closer to actually being racist than anything else?

>> No.9489568

Yea b gal is literally black street fashion, though it does get crazy bojangles-y and problematic sometimes

>> No.9489604

That's a good point. Actually even the girls who are into bgal ADMIRE black people. And you can also see it among the diamond gals how they're actually interested in black culture. Also, I can't see blackface in gyaru other than in bgals. To me gyaru looks more like they're copying the travelers styles

>> No.9490190

Depends on her sense of fashion, really. Mine hates flashy clothes but respects that I like gyaru fashion and such so just get a Tumblr/IG and indulge that way.

>> No.9491400
File: 14 KB, 287x263, 17457416_1376064002432349_3610010587510955262_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know
how much as i like looking at it from afar, i don't think i could handle having a pimp queen as a gf
my personality is too bland and my will too weak

>> No.9492446

I know who you are.
Always bragging about being part of the "original scene", "first gal of the country" and so on.
You know... You'd better not show up with that kind of attitude in our comm. However, doors are open if you're feeling a little humble ;P

>> No.9492467

What? That's intersting. I'm not that person though and don't even know of a person who's like that.

>> No.9492952
File: 574 KB, 1118x714, squish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top middle is honestly one of the sweetest people i've ever met!

>> No.9492954

I'm just tarting off in Gyaru and want to try amekaji, but every time I try practicing makeup my brows always ruin the look since they are long and have an even width... I just grew their arch back in since I tend to over pluck but now I'm seriously considering plucking them back into some Tong dynasty looking shit. I'm sort of scared of my brows not going back in, though. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.9492975

Shave them into the form you want instead of plucking them out if you're scared of them not regrowing. It also helps to trim them down.

>> No.9493063


Yeah I shave the outer part of mine off and trim the hairs shorter, so like I brush the hairs up and trim them to like half a cm long or so. Helps a lot to make them look thinner without taking too many risks.

>> No.9493080

Anyone have tips for big, gyaru style hair to a total hair styling newbie? I don't exactly style my hair outside of tying it up sometimes but I admire their hair so much. Are extensions a must or can it be done with a regular cut and style?

>> No.9493082

Unless you have super thick hair, you're going to need some additional material to work with.

>> No.9493090

Depends on what style exactly OP wants to go for. A sujimori style can be done with natural hair only, you only need layers as they'd make it a lot easier.

But what you need either way is a lot of skills and patients. Eg the sujis you see among the BD members are all done by professionals at hairsalons

>> No.9493094

But >>9493082 is somewhat right. You won't get far if you have super thin hair, but normal to medium thick can already be enough for lots of styles. It also depends on the length of your hair.

What about making a collage to show us what you want to go for, so maybe we can find you some tutorials.

>> No.9493128
File: 98 KB, 600x400, gyaru hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do actually have super thick hair, not sure if it's thick enough for big gyaru hair though. My hair is naturally curly (I like curled gyaru styles so this works) and around chest length.
I would love to do something like the girls in pic related, especially the girl on the right. Puffy at the top and curly at the bottom and very neat looking.

>> No.9493148

Oh you won't need extensions for that, just light, fluffy layers.

>> No.9493152

>tfw extremely fine and straight hair and you will never be able to achieve this type of hair without wigs or extensions

>> No.9493179

thanks a ton! I can't believe I never thought of just shaving them....

>> No.9493199

either shave or bleach them, thick brows are okey for amekaji as long as theyre a lighter shade

>> No.9493200

do you have a picture of your hair? (you can cover your face for privacy reasons)

>> No.9493223

I double this, you only need some light layers, some decent curling iron skills and back combing skills. I thought you were talking about actual 'big' hair, but this you show there is pretty easy to recreate.

>> No.9494025 [DELETED] 

Fast forward today, ~mahou shoujo~ culture is basically a subtype of general kawaii culture. The reboots. The galore of merchandise. It's major business. It's a fashion style. It's an identity tied into third wave feminism etc. Let's not even get into fetishists but they ruined so many things for me.

With this revival, comes the unfortunate side effect of attention-seeking wannabe-weebs who collect merchandise, brand name clothing/makeup etc to fake attachment to magical girl fandoms in hopes that they appear to have v special kawaii interests uwu.

>inb4 there's fakes in any fandom!!!!

I know but what's particular here is that these are CHILDREN'S shows. They claim to stumble across series aimed at kids, fall head over heels for the plots/characters/themes and suddenly their life revolves around these fandoms.

As a long term fan, this makes me want to disassociate from the hobbies I hold dear because I realize there's nothing to defend about the original source material. Kodansha/Bandai will do everything in their power to sell merch. The western fandoms will continue to use these series as symbols of female empowerment and that means normies will eat it up with no end in sight.

As an adult, I recognize that Sailor Moon has a shit fucking plot. These series are garabge. How can people tolerate Precure, they don't even have re-occurring characters. If not for nostalgia's sake, why would you ever put yourself through that torture? I couldn't even finish bits of SMC, it was so terrible, and that's coming from someone who has a fandom tattoo and owns the original manga series in every format released.

I'm abandoning all hope anons. Should a sane person in their early 20's stick to legitimately great series? Cowboy Bebop is my favorite anime and Berserk is definitely the best in terms of manga. Maybe i'm starting to feel like the fake fan after all.

>> No.9494241

Totally love this, I'm having a hard time finding the top/dress/whatever it is. Any ideas?

>> No.9494415
File: 77 KB, 640x959, bootsagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some outfits I've saved, there's a few different styles in my collection but I'll dump my folder for the sake of keeping the thread going <3

>> No.9494416
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>> No.9494426

Should be the dia sailor dress

>> No.9494430
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>> No.9494432
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>> No.9494435
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>> No.9494438
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>> No.9494439
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>> No.9494442
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>> No.9494443
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>> No.9494447
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>> No.9494450
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>> No.9494453
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>> No.9494455
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>> No.9494457
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>> No.9494459
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>> No.9494461
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>> No.9494463
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>> No.9494464
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>> No.9494466
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>> No.9494467
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>> No.9494468
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>> No.9494469
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>> No.9494472
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>> No.9494474
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>> No.9494478
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>> No.9494481
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>> No.9494483
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>> No.9494485
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>> No.9494488
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>> No.9494489
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>> No.9494492
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>> No.9494494
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>> No.9494500
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>> No.9494502
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>> No.9494503
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>> No.9494510
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>> No.9494515
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>> No.9494517
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>> No.9494519
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>> No.9494522
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>> No.9494524
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>> No.9494526
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>> No.9494528
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>> No.9494530
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>> No.9494535
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>> No.9494546

Do you know what thread you're in?

>> No.9494835
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>> No.9494837
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>> No.9494840
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>> No.9494865
File: 93 KB, 409x544, 6cf1a217-61ce-4067-a7f3-81eafef5fbd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9495166

Well, OP said outfit inspiration. But I agree, some of these are hard to ever get gyarufied

>> No.9498886

LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! *_*

>> No.9500923
File: 64 KB, 960x720, 18342538_457229884611660_3178090289756500108_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread bump, also one day left.

>> No.9501010
File: 686 KB, 479x577, galcoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you weeb out too hard during a shoot and start imagining a world where gals model for everyday ads

tfw you will never be a gyaru fast food model who's paid to eat Big Macs in Cocolulu

>> No.9501311

become a camgirl, there must be SOMEONE who would pay for that
Mukbangs aswell

>> No.9501318

ssshh that doesn't fit my vision of desu anon

>> No.9502018


>> No.9502063

How does a transwoman have such massive tits? I am in awe.

>> No.9502099

thats a breast chestplate. notice how the skintone is a different color.
That person is not "trans" they're just a sissy.

>> No.9502107

I've been out of the loop with gyaru since 2012, but want to learn more about it and get back into it. what are the more modern styles?

>> No.9502143

So awesome anon!

>> No.9502158

There kind of aren't any. Onee gal is still the most popular style in japan, particularly clothes from Datura, Delyle Noir and Emilia Wiz. No particular style is standing out above the others in the international community.

>> No.9502328
File: 183 KB, 807x586, 1443386068256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love your style anon. Any social media links?

>> No.9502333

>less than 10 notes for all, mostly less than 5
>141 notes for a fake af jiggling breastplate

Men were a mistake t.bh.

>> No.9502339

Thank you! I'm kermit__purple on insta, will be posting more from that shoot there.

>> No.9502497

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but JK doesn't always mean the sex business, it's sometimes just abbreviation for girl high schooler (joshi kousei). Surely has more unsavory associations as the abbreviation.

>> No.9502713

Try to stick to actual gyaru pics pic dump anon, it kills the image limit and means we need a need a new thread...

>> No.9503991
File: 312 KB, 457x1033, IMG_4417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My outfit for a trip down to the beach today.

>> No.9504046

Newb here, wanting to get into gyaru. I'm plus sized by Japanese standards. I've got somewhat of a disposable income and I love the way the fashion looks. Any tips?

>> No.9504056

Focus on make up before anything else. Buy yourself some nice lashes and a contour kit of some kind and practice eyeshapes until you find one that suits you. Worry about clothes later - find every gal magazine scan you can get you hands on and study them until you have a good idea of what you want to look like.

Don't worry about being Japanese plus size, there's quite a few in the gaijin gal comm these days, brand isn't the be all and end all. Quite a few of the gals in the valentines earlier up the thread aren't tiny and for the most part they look good.

>> No.9504737

If my Chinese comic books are to be believed they like taking advantage of shyguys, who they then fall in love with

So I guess just find one and be patient? Idk

>> No.9505415

What a cunt

>> No.9505419

That sounds more metal hair band groupie, are you a fellow steel panther fan?

>> No.9505421

Owff wif his head!!!! Hehehehe

>> No.9506412

If you don't know how to do proper gyaru. but a pair of leopard pants isn't just gyaru with a "d.i.a. specs" label on a brandwhore ass.

>> No.9506574

Do you want to try rewriting that in legible English?