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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 622x871, IMG_7999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9451999 No.9451999 [Reply] [Original]

Post caps and share stories of itas or new lolitas saying dumb shit that makes you roll your eyes

This is a gothic dress that she called classic. Why can't new-litas tell the difference?

>> No.9452012

If you are going to start a thread post more stuff newfag

>> No.9452085

I have a story.

Going to a public meet with out group which typically is the meets itas go to. Sit down at the table and start up a conversation with a Lolita to make friends since I'm typically the one that reaches out to the newbies to help them out of they need someone. Girl is wearing baby the stars shine bright lucky pack dress set from two years prior. Pretty average looking for a Lolita but looks like she's done some reasearch and made a boring but passable cordinate. Tell her I have the same dress but I'm the black color. She gets excited that she's got the same dress as someone else in the community. I say " yeah baby the stars shine bright is one of my favorite brands". She gets a look on her face that looks almost annoyed and confused at the same time.

"Anon my dress isn't baby the stars shine bright" she says as she touches the hem. I get confused because there wasn't a replica made of the dress and ask her what brand it is.

"It's btssb" she says as if the abbreviation was a word. I try my hardest to contain my laughter and explain to her that it's actually B.T.S.S.B and is a abrevarion for baby the stars shine bright. She gets embarrassed at her newbie mistake and is quiet the whole day. She then later messaged me on Facebook to help her know the abreavtions of the brands and lingo of Lolita.

>> No.9452100

didn't her dress have a tag, or does baby make tags where it just says BTSSB?
and in what language can you even pronounce BTSSB as a word? it doesn't have a single vocal in it

>> No.9452114

Story time
>be 14yo me
>mom buys me totes beautiful much lolita, very gothic dress from ebay in order to fulfill my lolita dreams
>dress was from glp
>wore it to a con and made it even more ita through adding totally edgy anime goffic items
>got a photoshoot and upload said photos to a lolita page
>my photo was put in the ita folder
>tried to explain the mods how my coord was totally NOT ita!

Omg, it was so bad, I feel so embarrassed. Even after all these years.

>> No.9452129


>> No.9452152

Don't the cloth tags on BTSSB dresses say "Baby, the stars shine bright" though??

>> No.9452207

When i was a noob I did this with AatP

>"Oh, it's not BtSSB it's AatP"
>"Anon, AatP is a sub brand of BtSSB"

>> No.9452210

This is a story thread, idiot, not a picture one. No one does that in story ones.

>> No.9452232

>"Bodyline/replicas/taobao are just as good quality as brand!" (usually from someone whose never even touched brand)
>"$300??? I could easily make that!" (proceeds to never make anything ever or a complete monstrosity)
>"I just could never justify spending $300 on a single dress, especially with people starving in the world" (but spending the same amount of money or more on a bunch of cheaper items that are no less frivolous is totes legit, a+ logic)
>"lolitas are all a bunch of mean, scary, elitists!"
>"I've been a lolita since I was 5"
>"you can be a Lolita without ever wearing it, it's what's in your heart that counts"

I was on the receiving end of a newb who did this once, only they were pretty rude about it.
>post collage of favorite AatP dresses to tumblr, caption it as such
>"... Can you not read the watermark? It clearly says these are Baby dresses."
>educate them and explain to them the importance of Googling shit before acting like you know everything

>> No.9452241

>bought first Lolita main piece on ebay because I had no idea that brands had their own websites
>turns out I paid 10$ over the retail price for second-hand bodyline
It was long enough ago that I can laugh about it but damn I was stupid

>> No.9452353
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>> No.9452357
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It could be worse. When I started back in 2004, I bought a clearly stolen photo MM replica dress and some questionable cosplay lolita.
>pic related, i actually bought this

>> No.9452358

I swear online comms need a rule stating that you must accept con-crit

>> No.9452364

$10 over retail ain't bad, there's a con I go to that's had a stall selling Bodyline for $50 over retail since forever.

>> No.9452377

Technically you were right. Like, I love aatp but don't like btssb. They are two brands with different aesthetics after all.

>> No.9452380

>no concrit please~~! (asspats only)


>> No.9452387

I made a dress following a yumi king tutorial.
Forgive me gulls. I got too excited and saw everything through a fog of lace. When I snapped out of it I realized the monstrosity I had brought forth to the world.
I'm so sorry, I didn't know.

>> No.9452441

I was one of those "revolutionnary itas" that thought "we must change the name!", "we must abolish elitism!", "bodyline is just as good as brand", "lolita at heart exist"., "we should be luvlies"..
Now I only have brand main pieces and couldn't wear any bodyline ever again,am kinda "elitist" in some points (believing lolita at hearts is bullshit) and couldn't care less about the name or being a "luvly" 100% of the time

>> No.9452445

You gotta share anon, which tutorial was it?

>> No.9452488
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>"oh i don't like drama i'm too mature for that~"
>drama happens

>> No.9452498
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>> No.9452499


I swear to God it was a temporary lapse in sanity. I was starry eyed at the idea of making my own lolita dress so easily. I was Eve and Yumi was the snake, her tutorial the apple.

>> No.9452500
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>> No.9452521
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People like this need counseling to use the internet.

>> No.9452537

>I don't believe in rules
>I dont stick to one style
>I mix and match at least 3 sub styles in each lolita dress I make.

>> No.9452543

>I like to contrast the soft, feminine fashion with masculine elements like converse!

>> No.9452555
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>> No.9452590
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>"I don't know what lolita is but is basically cosplay right?"
>"I better post pics of my cosplay in lolita groups!"

>> No.9452605

Some of her tutorials can be at least sort of salvageable but that's not one of them. It's okay, anon. You live and learn.

>> No.9452607

this made my cancer come back

>> No.9452620
File: 306 KB, 486x790, ita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my comm's itas is just a trainwreck. In one sentence she'll say that she knows cosplay and lolita are separate things and not to mix them. In a different sentence she'll say that all of her coords are each inspired by a character. Spoiler alert: it all looks like trainwreck cosplay lolita.

She also refuses to accept polite concrit and anyone who tries to help her is labelled a bully.

>> No.9452626

what makes them so horrible? Just the lack of explanation? they seem to look pretty good for handmade.

>> No.9452632

@ me next time bitch

>> No.9452633

anon-chan, she hotglues some shit together and her construction is shoddy. also all of the lolita stuff she's made is textbook ita

someone with sewing knowledge could look at her tutorials, take the basic idea, and maybe do it better, but the things she produces are extremely subpar and the people who follow them are generally beginners who take up her bad habits

>> No.9452648
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Lack of explanation, bad design (more cosplay than lolita), uses really low quality materials and most skirt lengths are just far too short. She just has a lack of understanding between "lolita inspired" and actual lolita fashion. She seems very inspired by the anime interpretation of anime rather than the real thing.

>> No.9452651


>> No.9452659

The technical skill is fine, it's her lack of understanding about Lolita that tanks the tuts. She is a fucking age player and it shows in her pieces. The skirts are too short and the materials are cheap because in the end they are just fodder for her fetish. I will never understand why she ever gets brought up as a good example of a Lolita. Are there that many gulls who blindly idolize thin women?

>> No.9452666

And the biggest folly is that they're all circle skirts. Circle skirts are not appropriate for lolita, they hang differently and weird. Much more 50's/retro/rockabilly. There have been a FEW brand releases that use circle skirts, but it's not really done.

>> No.9452691

The biggest issues in her tutorials are materials and construction.
She uses very cheap cotton or snuggle flannel which aren't suitable for lolita dresses, ESPECIALLY the latter good lord. The way she constructs dresses is really bad for lolita. Her basic lolita dress consists of a tube for a bodice and a circle skirt, neither of which are seen in lolita (and tube bodices are just ridiculous). You need to make a real bodice for lolita and use a rectangle skirt, which is arguably easier to make than a circle skirt due to the curves hem (which Yumi can't properly hem to save her goddamn life). And like the other anons mentioned she uses really questionable methods like using hot glue on a dress to attach bows, which is an obnoxious no-no.
Her videos are absolute poison to newbies because they'll instantly get sucked into the ita hole, but if you know how to sew already and how to make a proper lolita dress her videos can sometimes have some inspiration for dresses you could make 10000x better. And if you don't get anything useful from them it can be funny to watch at least.

>> No.9452792

At con tea party next to other established lolita. The people hosting it and ourselves were the only lolitas. Everyone else is in bad alice/steampunk/meido cosplays. Girl next to me: I want to try "rorita" but it's soooo expensive. Won't stop calling it rorita.

OMG is that a replica? (wearing brand)

Is that Baby the stars shine bright? (wearing bodyline's carousel dress, most iconic of all bodyline prints)

New girl in on my comm page can't figure out what lolibrary is even for. Try to explain. still doesn't understand. Says she's looking for an item for her cosplay lolita dress. I...

>> No.9452828
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Yikes, her bulimia cheeks are so disgusting. Looks like pic related.

>> No.9452871

We have an ita in our area (no comms close by but we all know eachother in the local area) and she thinks that she's literally a lolita goddess. She looks down on all the other lolitas around, even ones who own full brand coord. She thinks she's literally the top but she doesn't own anything but replicas. She doesn't even know her substyles. She tried to argue with us that a gothic dress was a classic dress. The worst I think is that she calls herself "lolita senpai" and everyone who isn't into real lolita worships the ground she walks on and won't listen to the real lolitas.

>> No.9452878

Lolilex? Is that you?

>> No.9452899

what is the best type of skirt for Lolita? when I Google it circle skirts seem to be the answer. is the difference just having enough room for a peti under?

>> No.9452905

I don't know. But maybe she never saw the tag? Or the tag was cut out? Or it was one of those that's tucked into a seam along the skirt part and if you don't know to look there you can't find it.

>> No.9452911

Nooooooooooooooooooooo don't use circle skirts, lolit skirts and dresses use rectangle skirts, that gives you both the length, gathering, and poof space needed for a proper lolita silhouette

>> No.9452933

Isn't this the korean woman who was a surgery addict and injected herself with cooking oil?

>> No.9452935

Doesn't Baby put their dress tags like right beside the zipper and another one by the care label though? Maybe it's just me, but the first thing I check when I receive a dress secondhand is the tag. Also if it's a print, Baby the Stars Shine Bright probably shows up on the dress somewhere as well

>> No.9452965

We all did it just now. Btsssssbbbb

>> No.9452991

Your mods made a public it's folder? That's pretty fucking harsh. What comm?

>> No.9453021

Who's selling this? This colorway is pretty cute. I'll offer her $50 shipped. Ive already spent mad $$$ for the pink x sax colorway so I wouldn't mind the replica in a new color if she's willing to sell it for what it's actually worth.

>> No.9453057


>> No.9453070

It was the 2011 lucky pack. I had the black one and she had the pink one. The tag is in the collar of mine but I'm guessing she's probably just stupid and ignores the tag. It was still a funny incident how she said that.

>> No.9453075
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Girl in this fb group, she's asking $130 so I don't know if she'll drop that low lol

>> No.9453122
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This was a while back but Tbt to Kylie the ita from Lolita Amino and her threat to hack people and blow up their phones because she flipped when given gentle concrit.

>> No.9453123


>> No.9453124
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I lose my shit at this picture every time. RIP Kylie.

>> No.9453154

I was one of those people that gave her crit and still waiting for her to "hack my device". Debated on having her reported to authorities for threats because I got her data info to report it. But it wasn't worth it.

>> No.9453167

Isn't this nebula who posted then when she got the boot from her comm? Or is it just similar to her incident?

>> No.9453171

>The technical skill is fine
Bitch please. Her construction is all over the place and even the "patterns" she uses are atrocious.

>> No.9453178

When she bothers to use a sewing machine it's not terrible, but yeah the patterns and hot glue are damning. It's been a while since I watched and I forgot how bad it actually was.

>> No.9453194

>put uploaded newbie photo's in ita folder instead of helping them improve
and people say /cgl/ is bad

>> No.9453201

I don't see how the bow-monsters are acceptable and the cute and simple mint one on the bottom left is not.

>> No.9453203

Jesus fucking christ. Im a cosplayer and even I know how to use the term 'ita'. Does this happen a lot in your lolita FB groups?

>> No.9453205

Meant to be for this. >>9452555

>> No.9453211

>people still think you can find someone with their IP when IPs don't give out pin-point information

>> No.9453231
File: 83 KB, 290x387, 242-0103_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like they’re going by length — the mint dress is mid-thigh, way too short for a lolita dress. Proportions looks even shittier when you know which dress this is trying to copy.

I gotta be honest, though. >>9452648 looks like it was made by someone who went crazy after bingeing YK tutes. The rainbow frill dress is only long enough because her shoulder straps were too long, the bodice and waistline hangs too low, it still looks pretty shitty. The only one that looks anywhere near decent is the black dress, and that’s mostly because it’s taken from a further distance than the others so you can’t see the details.

>> No.9453246

This is almost poetry. The ita in six words.

>> No.9453250

The two on the acceptable side have the tube bodice part all sagging on her body. I can't even. The only one that has a remotely fitted bodice ( and I mean it in the lightest sense) is the VM looking one at the bottom left. That one with some better fabric and proper length could be workable if it was sewn with half a brain and understanding about fit. The rest all have that god awful saggy bag bodice thing going on.

>> No.9453255

Rectangle skirts are by far the most common and easiest to make. They're basically a 50x250cm (or so) rectangle sewn into a tube and then gathered at the top and sewn into a waistband or bodice. This is also why border prints are a common thing; and those would never work in a circle skirt. Rectangle skirts are so easy to make I honestly don't understand why anyone, especially beginners, would try to use a circle skirt for lolita.

>> No.9453294

aah ok I agree that it's way too short for lolita but otherwise I think it's kind of cute. But yeah if it's meant to look like the MM dress, that didn't work out very well.

>> No.9453309

I forgot about this holy shiit

>> No.9453366
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Lmao it's the equivalent of a little kid saying "my dad is a cop" or something.
This is as laughable as her outfit.

>> No.9453396

I got more " my moms a lawyer" but really she was just a secretary at a law firm.

>> No.9453406

Yes, it looks kind of like a shitty version of some of the stuff Liz Lisa used to put out, since they did shorter dresses in a similar cut for himegyaru.

>> No.9453585

why bulimia

>> No.9453704
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>> No.9453718
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For someone who wants to be a Lolita so and she sure as hell doesn't want to associate with us either. Banned from discord too haha

>> No.9453721

Is discord only for teenagers now?

>> No.9453728

Now? It always has been.

>> No.9453732
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She has a sodium level high enough to kill a grown man. This is hilarious. I've never seen someone that buttmangled before

>> No.9453734

This sounds like Bloodmyer so much.

>> No.9453758

No. This was like not even a week ago in the Lolita general I think?

>> No.9453764

I've never met a single person who says they don't like drama who isn't extremely dramatic. It's become a massive red flag to me when someone says that.

>> No.9453766

I think a lot of people don't like to be involved and deal with drama, but love to watch it unfold

>> No.9453767

>anything I don't like is ita
The worst variety of them

>> No.9453772

OTT sweet is ita.

>> No.9453773

Yeah, people who treat everything like cgl are fucking cringey

>> No.9453981

Someone please tell me why shes shit talking people who have money to buy dresses and dress themselves properly even though given the chance she would buy everything she ever wanted and most likely would feel like more of a snob because of it.
>im not ita im a super perfect lolita desu
>fuck you old salty cunts for buying things i secretly want fuck you, you like anime you old fuck.
All of my what.

>> No.9454040

She's fucking mental oh my god

>> No.9454045

Sounds like a lunatic who can't handle the booty blues she keeps getting from being kicked out of comms and called an ita.

>> No.9454091

From the pic this dress is the gray colorway and to be honest the dress hardly looks gothic by itself.

>> No.9454127
File: 137 KB, 1320x542, shet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why comment that
if you're a poor faggot, don't cry

>> No.9454133

How do they not understand supply vs demand? Poorfags are ridiculous, that's not an unexpected price for the special colorway of Misty Sky.

>just bought new set of tires for that much the other day
>silently weeps

>> No.9454135

what's the use of that comment????
Fucking rude
That stupid bitch wants it for free? Or for BL price? Bitch should learn about brand

>> No.9454138

From the usual suspects of lolita, gonna guess it's a poor fattychan trying to guilt trip the seller into lowering the price to a ridiculous amount then demanding a 3 month payment plan.

>> No.9454163

i'll admit i watched the video on how to make the mint one... she does say she regrets how short the mint part of the dress turned out, so that's something i guess.

>> No.9454204

Jesus Christ!

>> No.9454206

Mary Mother of God and all of Nazareth!

>> No.9454252
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is that.... Her birth year?

>> No.9454253

What's her discord user number?

>> No.9454264
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Itas just praying that this will finally be the hottopic dress that gets them accepted as a lolita.

>> No.9454267
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Totally works right?

>> No.9454268

holy shit what's going on with that bodice?? that looks awful, and why did they pick such a bad looking model for it? fuckin yikes

>> No.9454269

Literally almost every human being on Earth enjoys watching drama (that they are not involved in) unfold

>> No.9454271

If there was a real lolita skirt with that print I'd buy it in a heartbeat, not gonna lie.

>> No.9454273

>comments on sales posts for reasonably priced brand piece
>"Would u b willing to trade 4 second-hand bodyline and/or replica?"
>Inevitably rants about elitists and britches when told no
Every fucking time

>> No.9454286

Can you blame them? Britches cause chafing.

>> No.9454288

Chop off the bodice and use it as a skirt and it could be cute. I'm sure the material is cheap but it wouldn't be AS heinous for baby's first lolita look.

>> No.9454290

The dress is $100, no way it's worth the hassle. Also, because it's so expensive any ita seen wearing this can never bitch about how expensive lolita is.

>> No.9454320

I couldn't find it. I wonder if she saw this thread and deleted it?

>> No.9454324

omfg she did, that's hilarious

>> No.9454331

Jeez those are some steep prices for hot topic. You can get brand for that

>> No.9454374

Also she steals people's designs and uses them to make her ~kawaii original tutorials~

>> No.9454388

Oh god please no

>> No.9454389

It makes sense anon. Her behavior reflects that of a 16-17 year old in this fashion.

>> No.9454390

yes, she's a minor. she was defending herself on cgl, too, and asking where Moot went. check the archives for "kylie" and you should find her being asspained in one of the early amino threads.

>> No.9454392
File: 74 KB, 340x380, 2ht6t532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THAT is an ita thing to say

>> No.9454419

Damn it. Do you remember who it was? Maybe I can pm her.

>> No.9454420

You'd be amazed by some of the cringey offers I've gotten and the sense of entitlement that came with them.
>selling IW dress for $275 ($10 less than retail for a decently sought after dress that I had worn twice and never even seen for sale)
>"I was wondering if you would take $150 for this? You're selling it secondhand and have already worn it, it's only reasonable you mark it down significantly."
>use every bit of self-control I can muster to refrain from being a complete bitch as I inform her how the secondhand Lolita market works
>someone else buys it shortly after

Like, wtf is wrong with people? Did this girl seriously think I would take $125 off the price because she sends me a rude message criticizing my pricing?

>> No.9454424

Back when I was still trying to hunt down Aqua Princess in black, I posted a WTB on the egl_commsales (after replicas had been banned) and I still got a bunch of bitches sending me messages offering to sell me their shitty ass replicas...

>> No.9454435

I've had people offer me offbrand and replicas for trades on rare expensive shit even if I specifically state brand trades only.

>> No.9454437
File: 25 KB, 274x266, 1484663559580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can people be so shameless

>> No.9454438

Could you imagine the reaction of these types if the ever walked into a place like Chanel or Burberry? They act like burando is so fucking expensive...

>> No.9454440

>selling silent moon
>get a message of an offer for a trade
>I'm not interested but if it's something on my wish list then I'll consider
>girl sends me a 20 dollar homecoming dress with a blue bow around the waist and matching tulle at the hem.
>"would you consider trading for this?"

Why? Even if you're new you would know that the value of brand is worth far more then a cheap dress you got on clearance at Ross.

>> No.9454441

Screenshot I took was just cropped to cut her name out of the frame, sorry anon. You could post in the group that you're interested in it and ask the seller to contact you,

>> No.9454455

Oh.... :(

>> No.9454462

This so hard, new burando is relatively expensive considering average income - but its cheap as chips compared to high end western designers.
I cant think of any instances where new brand dresses were over 550US (excluding baby's wedding dresses) yet you'll pay the same price and even more for unheard of western B grade designer dresses with far less intricacy and material. In my opinion brand pricing is completely fair - they use a lot of high quality printed fabrics, have many details and custom lace, beautiful craftsmanship, thoughtful design etc. Jane Marple is an exception, I cant quite justify some of their pricing besides the fact they're a smaller brand.

>> No.9454490

For those wanting a true throwback to this here's the archived thread link. Reading through is enough for me >>/cgl/thread/S9213104#p9218254

>> No.9454605

fuck, I got a good second hand cringe out of that thread

>> No.9454612
File: 23 KB, 769x237, MOOOOOOOOOOODS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides are in orbit

>> No.9454618

>Wtf moot

I'm crying omfg

>> No.9454647
File: 143 KB, 1071x892, little timmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my shit. I laughed so hard I actually woke up my roommate. why are they so concerned over the well-being of a hypothetical child

also sorry for my godawful editing, it's 2 am and I suck

>> No.9454657
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>> No.9454774

gdi i kek'd

>> No.9454789

You'd be concerned too when Timmy's mum takes you to court for making her son into one of the gays. I've heard it's ten years to lifetime on that one.

>> No.9454809

God, concrit is one of the only reasons WHY I post my shit online. I want to be better. I don't understand people not wanting to better themselves.

>> No.9454823

I mean she was stupid but you sound pretty catty yourself. I don't see the wrong with wearing something from two years prior. But whatever

>> No.9454827

I'm the anon you're responding to and didn't say any thing was wrong with wearing something from two years prior. Just stated the age of the piece for reference. she got the dress pretty cheap off the second hand market and had no clue what brand it was since it was advertised as the abrevated name. I'm actually still aquanted with the girl since she stuck in the fashion and improved with my guidance. We talk about this story all the time and she refers to it as her " ita-isms". She also now knows about the tags since she didn't see it in the jsk due to it being pink like the tag and excited for her first brand piece. I can be catty though if you want to know the scoop on another ita in my group. But I'll refrain since it's not involving me.

>> No.9454833

I still can't let go of my GLP dresses even after having equally cringey photos taken in them.

>> No.9454840

So basically they just want everyone to see their outfit. "Oh I like lolitas so lets see what they think of my cosplay".
She feels like if older people with money left then she would shine. Thats not how it works. If she got a part time job coupled with living at home she would be ahead. Instead shes moaning on discord. Like a kid created the group.

>> No.9454915

Throw a bustier over that bodice and you're good to go.

>> No.9454927

>tfw the ita who posted this has a listing on the comm page trying to sell a dreamy sky replica for over $90
> 135-155cm bust

I mean, dang girl, that's definitely a tough size to find, but if you're willing to pay $120 for that HT dress (with a skirt that is almost definitely gonna be way too short for you) you can probably get something made custom-size on taobao for the same price that will look much better

>> No.9454929

Do tell! It's nice to hear that your ita friend got better with your guidance.

>> No.9454946
File: 11 KB, 181x153, 11223760_1722876937931083_3934175360851963550_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that last post

>> No.9456147
File: 44 KB, 749x454, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lurking rn so I can't find it, but I found this from her Twitter. This chick has some SERIOUS problems with people online

>> No.9456294

Can this be made into a banner

>> No.9456347
File: 51 KB, 750x601, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9456363
File: 152 KB, 749x1008, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit here we go she was lurking.

>> No.9456364

>the streets
says the middle class white girl lmfao, she's fucking delusional

>> No.9456401
File: 56 KB, 446x400, 1413343732978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>implying handling the "streets" is a thing to brag about
>being the type of person who even says "streets"

>> No.9456403

>betcha they can't face me irl
Well if you'd kindly provide us with your address..

>> No.9456404

>cant handle the streets

I feel like people who CAN "handle the streets" don't fucking care about anonymous drama?

>> No.9456406

They sure as shit aren't on the lolita amino fuckin kek

>> No.9456419

>hoes that dress like 5 year olds

>is in frilly pink dresses
>has pink curtains
>stuffed animals
>MLP on the walls
>footboard of the bed looks like crib walls

You sure about that, Princess?

>> No.9456422

>cash me ousside howbow dah

>> No.9456455
File: 26 KB, 574x226, ss (2017-04-30 at 11.14.13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care so little I'm gonna post everywhere I can about how much I don't care!!!

>> No.9456476
File: 60 KB, 600x620, 409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly what I was going to say anons.
Her butthurt is delicious.
She wishes she was like us.

>> No.9456480
File: 11 KB, 267x400, d0PYh7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audibly laughed

>> No.9456482


>> No.9456485

If she doesn't care then why is she lurking?
and nobody said that they were richer than her lol
so delusional

>> No.9456492
File: 1.11 MB, 480x270, topshelfgourmetkeks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a meth head holy shit
>tfw she gets max of 2 likes on her tweets

>> No.9456513
File: 1.39 MB, 1386x792, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google name
>pic related


>> No.9456522
File: 134 KB, 750x1279, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's on the alt fashion discord complaining to people she just met kek

>> No.9456525

She's absolutely mental, the way she talks and looks screams white trash.

>> No.9456533

The white trash version of a spoiled Daddy's little princess. Used to everyone catering to her but the moment you don't it's suddenly "Fight me in the streets, bitch!"
She'd probably run crying the second a black girl bumped into her.

>> No.9456535

Is this person really a minor? She looks older than I do and I'm one of those "20something cringy dolly cunts". Must be the edge seeping out.

>> No.9456541

I know, it's amazing how she already looks like a trailer trash mom hijacking her 5 year old's bedroom to rant about the checkout girl disrespecting her by trying to tell her to have a nice day.

By the time she hits 20 she'll be haggard as fuck.

>> No.9456544

>comparing herself to mars and poppy
they're on a whole different level than this dumpster fire, lmao

>> No.9456546

Considering she's openly anti-feminist, calls herself a conservative and reminds me of a white grandma during thanksgiving with her gay grandson. She wouldn't cry if a black girl bumped her, she'd just blurt out racial slurs straight up

>> No.9456548

Wonder how long til she's on lolcow. She deserves it.

>> No.9456557
File: 663 KB, 480x324, 1490222035913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trash is right

>> No.9456559

None of you are any better than her. Worse perhaps, since you're supposedly adults.

>> No.9456562

I turned 18 yesterday. So if one day is the threshold between making fun of an edgy cunt on the internet and leaving her alone, I really don't care. She deserves the ridicule.

>> No.9456565

Hi Kylie how ya doing

>> No.9456569

cry harder?

>> No.9456570

I'll let a lot of dumb shit from teenagers slide because most teenagers do dumb shit, but this girl is something special.

>> No.9456571

Welcome to 4chan, how's your first day?

>> No.9456573

>the streets
>middle class white trash girl

I genuinely hope a black girl kicks the shit out of her and puts her in her place someday.

>> No.9456574

Nah, at most she'd mumble something under her breath and then post racist shit online. For all her cash me ousside attitude I doubt she has the guts to actually confront anyone she deems a threat.

>> No.9456581

>threatens people online
>claims to dox people
>claims she's hired a hacker for revenge
>tells people to fight her IRL

No, anon, she's total shit no matter her age.

>> No.9456582
File: 19 KB, 420x418, 14742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are ita tears so delicious?

>> No.9456583
File: 691 KB, 2048x1373, 9-11-attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being born in 2001

c-cursed child.

>> No.9456598

Whoops ya caught me in the act g/res/59370.html

>> No.9456606

Why would you put it in /g/??

>> No.9456618

Shit lemme fix that.

>> No.9456622
File: 181 KB, 750x1188, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed sty/res/3445.html

>> No.9456629

I'm always surprised when people bitch and moan about cgl how nobody has ever said how bad lolcow is, they're way worse than we are.

>> No.9456634

>We're way worse over on lolcow than we are here.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.9456636

kek, yeah I thought about that just after i posted

>> No.9456637

Kek, this. Lolcow is what cgl was before the drama ban.

>> No.9456656
File: 1.97 MB, 1436x2125, 1493409337734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. No where else can I get my daily Asherbee fix. Even 5+ years later she's still poop brooch tier. She recently wanted to create her own lolita substyle that was fairytale themed and didn't know sweet was already a style.

>> No.9456663

it might be a good idea to dump more caps and summarize what she's done. i would do it but i'm on mobile. i'll find more caps to post later though

>> No.9456673

You know what fixes that. Getting your ass beat. If there werent legal consequences for it id be there in a heartbeat and give her a good old fashioned beat down. Maybe then she would realize the difference between actually fighting and "cash me outside i gots me poodlecorp"

>> No.9456741
File: 38 KB, 750x291, IMG_4231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9456746

>dont use anon boards
then how did you know you got posted here lol

>> No.9456747

But you HAVE been on anon boards, you silly tit.

>> No.9456768


>> No.9456812

That one girl who parodied Jillian and Kate needs to get filming a new parody, this is too good

>> No.9456814

Whatever happened to Carly, btw? I was thinking about her the other day

>> No.9456822

She made a update video recently and a stoner parody? I think she has more things in the works.

>> No.9456832

Time to sign up for amino so that I can watch this shit.

>> No.9456853

cant find her?

>> No.9456860

Profile link on alt fashion amino. http://aminoapps.com/p/q87dt2 She was Banned from (lemme count how many I can recall) Lolita Amino, Lolita 101 amino, everything Kawaii amino, ladies in Ruffles amino, anime amino, grunge amino, multiple discord servers and hopefully when she gets butt mangled enough she'll rant in public chats enough to get banned from alt

>> No.9456863

There's something about the majority people born after 2000...

>> No.9456870

Like that they're children maybe?

>> No.9456871

Got it. Awe man..Nothing good so far. Someone go in and crit and see if she flips her shit.

>> No.9456877

Jesus Christ this alt fashion amino is so full of asspats for badly coorded shit and homemade disasters.

>> No.9456896
File: 86 KB, 480x280, tumblr_inline_nc14wyYmm01svn2jw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Izzy girl is absolutely mental.
But she's so butthurt and trashy it's funny to watch. And wait, she really is under 20?? God, she's going to age like milk.I'm 21 and look younger than that.

>> No.9456906

It really is which is why I love posting there. That the Saiko+ app get you likes/comments so easily when you're feeling down about yourself. Big fish, little pond.

>> No.9457065


What the fuck

>> No.9457166

I read this in Saionji's voice, jesus. Just add a line about
>nasty little pigshit
and it's her.

>> No.9457349

Bruh I feel bad asking people to go down 10 dollars let alone over 100. The nerve of some people

>> No.9457546

I know people who whine about how mean cgl is and "would never go there" but lurk lolcow every day, supposedly just to keep tabs for a friend. Suuuure.

>> No.9457867

Holy fuck that explains a lot. She needs to either grow up fast or an hero asap.

>> No.9458562
File: 19 KB, 717x117, noexcuseforbeingita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bodyline is better than AP and BTSSB!1!!

A classic ita

>> No.9458567

>Lolitas are supposed to be innocent lovelies that don't swear :)
Are you fucking kidding me, why is it always fat itas that think this?

>> No.9458598

What video is this from?

>> No.9458606


>> No.9458616
File: 81 KB, 600x833, IMG_4243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading the comments

>> No.9458675

Is this cute or have I just been watching too much moeshit

>> No.9458734

Subscribbled when i saw this. Shes hilarious and i love her attitude towards ita problems. 10/10 would be best friends with

>> No.9458771

Because of body positivity and all that bullshit when they tend to be the most hateful and awful people out there. What I've learned if that if you give a water buffalo lolita some asspats, she will take those asspats and turn them into confidence that shouldn't even exist and suddenly turn into the lion lolita and think everyone who isn't her is garbage.

>> No.9458821

This so hard. When I was in high school, ham planets were by far my biggest bullies. They would shit on the fact I'm small to the point of giving me such bad body image issues, I needed to see the school counselor, yet they went on about how wrong body shaming fat women was all the time and how sexy their curves were. People really need to stop giving these people empty compliments because they feel bad for them, most will let it go to their head to the point where they warp reality.

>> No.9458853

Sorry that happened anon that sucks. Just go to /fit/ and see what guys think of fatties. It boosts my confidence maybe it will for you too.

>> No.9458871

If she keeps it up, someone pray provide her address for her.

>> No.9459125
File: 245 KB, 346x427, 1463934462327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laughed, thanks anon

>> No.9459142

My best friend in high school spent several years convincing me that I had an eating disorder until I eventually sought help for it, and was told that my eating was totally normal and healthy. I just ate significantly less than her. However I did develop a legitimate problem with eating in public because she'd constantly harangue me for it.
>said friend is now a psychologist working with children

>> No.9459148

i fucking love this

>> No.9459158

> Btw should I wear my hello kitty coordinate tomorrow???

no....you shouldn't

>> No.9459290

Hot Topic employee here, it's on sale in store for like $25 right now because no one wanted to pay $100 for the stupid thing. The fabric is surprisingly nice too.

>> No.9459309

DESU I wish Hot Topic would stop trying to be better than what they are. Everything in there is super overpriced.

>> No.9459314

Holy shit I recognize this dress pattern. I think you are in my comm. Glad to see you learned from your mistake, anon!

>> No.9459316

>However I did develop a legitimate problem with eating in public because she'd constantly harangue me for it.
Oh god, this is a feel I know all too well. Many fatties are under this weird impression that it's totally acceptable for them to comment on the way skinny girls eat, and I deal with this so excessively.

>> No.9459322

Eh, she's kind of trying too hard I feel.

Also, she's too fat to not be extremely off putting with those salt levels

>> No.9459340

>that dislike to like ratio
Anyways I wish we could have some kind of lolita commentary channel. That would be cool

>> No.9459345
File: 145 KB, 750x1291, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually lurked and found her general location on FB. She's dumb enough to have her location on Amino too. She's in Oakwood Ohio.
>cash me ousside howbow dah

>> No.9459371

I get this a lot too, and I'm not even as skinny as I used to be. My counselor once asked if I'd ever struggled with anorexia, and I'll usually get comments from people when I'm out to eat with them.

If ~body positive~ women were actually happy in their own skin, they wouldn't put down other people. The butthurt over skinny people is obvious, and it's embarrassing.

>> No.9459387

Unfortunately I'm a lonelita, there's only three other lolitas within 200 mile radius of me that I know of, but I hope your comm member has improved! I was lucky enough to realize how fucking stupid the dress looked before venturing out in public with it.

>> No.9459390

that eyeliner....

>> No.9459392

My momma is super petite, like barely 5' tall and 100 lbs soaking wet. She's always been that itty bitty and is perfectly healthy, it's just the way she is. She would constantly get harassed in high school by bigger girls telling her to eat more, that she was anorexic, 'omg you're SO SKINNY', and she eventually fucking had it. She had a coworker that would always comment on how skinny she was and so my momma started replying with 'omg and you're SO fat!' 'Wow you're eating a LOT!' 'Maybe you should eat less?' One day of that and the fatties finally left her alone, don't know why they think it's okay to harass someone about their body like that but are too much of a pussy to take it back

>> No.9459409
File: 249 KB, 1920x1080, 1477632244137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone screencapped my joke and other anons liked it

>> No.9459419

laughed IRL

>> No.9459424

Oh man, I know people who struggle with gaining weight, and yeah, I know not to be an insensitive prick, because to them, gaining weight is as hard as losing it for some people. It bums me out when they're so happy that you're expressing sympathy instead of making some lame comment about being jealous. Like, I'm sorry people are so shitty about your problems.

>> No.9459435

I love your momma! Fatties love to project onto women they're jealous of. She sounds like a sassy lady who don't take no shit!

>> No.9459471
File: 49 KB, 240x320, fd9ad157-91bb-57bc-ba96-c1dddc51f32c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remembered about an ita I met once at a con.
I was fairly new to the fashion. I think I'd been wearing it for just under a year at the time and had a mostly Bodyline wardrobe, but on that day, I wore my "new"(second-hand but new to me) AP dress, and I was also helping out at the lolita community stall at the event.
I was just standing there, minding my own business, talking to my friends who were also manning the stall when we were approached by a pink monster. Her face was covered in streaky foundation and no other makeup. A tangled pink and blue wig sat on top of her hair, with one of those little dangly star clips and a BTSSB head-eating bow jammed on, you could clearly see the clips of her wig poking out at the back, and she wore pink BTSSB dress (pic related) with what you would have thought of to be an offbrand blouse, but was not.
BUT the highlight of her entire outfit was the alpacasso alpaca that she had buried under her sweaty armpit.
Now, people say a lot that even when wearing full brand, some people just don’t get it right, but I never once thought that you could get it so WRONG.


>> No.9459474

So this beautiful disaster must have seen my AP dress from a mile away and set her eyes on the only other Lolita worthy of her presence. I smiled at her not knowing what I was about to get myself into and without a hint of emotion on her face she said:

>Hi, I like you dress. Angelic Pretty, right?
>Uh…yeah. It was my dream dress, I’m so lucky to have found it.
>Yeah. It’s good to see that there are other ACTUAL lolitas here, everyone else is wearing bodyline or replicas

At this point I still had no idea what I was getting myself into


I agreed.

>I would never wear anything that’s not brand. My mother FORBIDS me.

But she lets you leave the house looking like that, I thought.

>Too many lolitas are wearing cheap clothes. It’s all because of Princess Peachie.
>I dunno. I think it’s okay to wear bodyline and stuff when you’re getting into the fashion. I have a lot of bodyline.
>WHAT? I could never wear bodyline. Don’t you find Princess Peachie annoying.
>Um, no I really like her…
>But all she wears is BODYLINE and REPLICAS. She’s not a true Lolita.

At this point her first emotion broke through, anger.

>I mean s-she can’t really afford anything else, even though I think that replicas are b-bad, she’s a good role model.

She boomed.
I said nothing

>We are far better than her because we wear brand. I am better than Princess Peachie.

She then proceeded to go into a 10 minute spiel about how TERRIBLE Peachie was and how TERRIBLE Bodyline was and how she was above them all.

All I could do was nod it terrified agreement until she stopped, smiled and said:

>I’ll see you around, anon.

And that was my first encounter with a full-fledged brand whore, and she was a glorious ita.


>> No.9459497

I think it's because pretty much everyone knows about cgl, but most people in the fashion are still unaware of lolcow.

>> No.9459508
File: 174 KB, 443x443, 2623462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've posted this in a feels thread but i think it's relevant here

>be me, lolita
>leaving Disney World for the day
>sitting on a ferry and resting my feet
>a wild fakeboi appears
>"what dress is that???"
>it's angelic pretty!
>"oh wow i totally thought so. you know, i'm not wearing it now but my whole entire wardrobe is angelic pretty. all of my wardobe is lolita. i'm usually totally sweet loli, ehehehe"
>that's so cool! what's your favorite AP print?
>fakeboi looks at me, confused
>they pull out their phone and show me a pic of them in that bodyline pie JSK
>shitty dirty mirror pic and they're not wearing a blouse
>they ramble about how much brand they supposedly have
>smile and nod until they leave me alone

why do people even lie like this?

>> No.9459511

I have a hard time believing this happened

>> No.9459514

She talks like that new cast member on SNL..

>> No.9459521

yup, because that totally happened

>> No.9459533


Maybe it's because they want to connect with others.
maybe they're afraid of being cast out if they do something wrong?

>> No.9459539

rhetorical question

lying is inherently wrong. i get if they wanted to fit in or something, but spinning a grandiose yarn that's obviously a fib is not the way to make a good first impression. i don't fault them for trying, but i do fault them for lying. rhymes.

>> No.9459546
File: 25 KB, 168x365, Theita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, you asked for it. Had to dig up this old photo of her and crop us all out. Sorry for its tinyness and low quality in advance

Also if you go back far enough there's a BTB post this picture. The poster either called her "ew" or "ita"

Also, just to add, I never saw her again after that, she's not part of our comm and I never saw her at a con again.

>> No.9459882
File: 110 KB, 500x559, please-be-patient-i-have-autism-17575999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random lurker here, why are Lolitas so dramatic? I can appreciate the cute and high quality brand shit, but holy hell, /thread/ reads like a soapbox drama. Can some anon explain?

>> No.9459896

Possibly venting? It's what I do when I post here. It's easy to get carried away when you're anonymous.

>> No.9459904

Holy shit, she wasn't made up

>> No.9459906

Or anon found a random photo on the internet and made up a story about it for anonymous internet validation, which seems much more likely.

>> No.9459951

I have this kiddos full address and phone numbers so... cash dese hands

>> No.9459975

How bad is it that I'm considering picking it up and cannibalizing the fabric for a nice skirt? $25 for fabric sounds like a steal to me.

>> No.9459986

And if you buy a huge size you'll get more bang for your buck!

>> No.9460168

anon should send an anonymous tip to the FBI with her info and her threats to hack and assault people desu

>> No.9460267

even if this story is true you sound equally autistic if more so than the brand ita.

>> No.9460349

She doesn't really.. Denying that she thinks someone is annoying and refusing to cooperate in someone obviously trying to get her to shit talk isn't autistic.

>> No.9460371

I'm inclined to believe it is true only because I knew a girl like this. She was 16, her mother was at the meet, and she began rambling about how she thought bodyline was ita to a girl in a fully bodyline coord, to which I had to point out my own bodyline pieces to get her to lay off. She'd also go around boasting about how much brand she owned. Her mom bought her a ton of brand and she wasn't really ita but she was a really bratty and bitchy child that half of us were really leery over. But that happens when you have money and don't teach your kids respect.

>> No.9460427

Nah she's still a minor so it wouldn't leave anything on her records even if they took her seriously.

>> No.9460439

she'd still get the slap on the wrist that she deserves, that's all that matters

>> No.9460488

They wouldn't do anything in general anyway. Her threats are so broad and vague without one single person really being pinpointed that it wouldn't be taken seriously. The second an officer even sees the idea that she wants to hack people and make their computers 'explode' - which mind you cannot happen - by using IPs of all things which is NOT how you even come close to accessing someone's information, is hilarious. I would hope they laugh.

>> No.9460500
File: 49 KB, 599x421, 1456897729427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK. Of course she's from my state.

>> No.9460801

Im thinking about it too. I'll be near a mall later this week, I'll probably check it out.

>> No.9460858

I don't understand how anyone could think publicly making threats about hacking things to make them explode in the US is a good idea.

>> No.9460878

"The streets"? Fuuuuuccckkk I died, lmao

>> No.9461069

This is wear all the drama condenses into a diamond of pure salt. At meetups most people are friendly and polite. It's a fairly big risk to say anything that could be deemed rude since it's such a small community and burning bridges can happen faster and easier than normal. So if you've got any shit talking to do most lolita bring it here, resulting in a drama extravaganza

>> No.9461172

It might just be the way you wrote it but i think that was an unnecessary detail since you didn't describe which dress in particular it was anyway so it was an irrelevant detail, which makes it seem catty and elitist.

The lolita community is toxic enough, please understand how your meaning might become lost through text compared to voice and don't be so defensive when someone points it out to you.

>> No.9461323


>> No.9461333

You are the only person who read that much into it, anon. Maybe try being less sensitive and stop trying to see the bad in people.

>> No.9461443
File: 102 KB, 478x1098, huhuasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brand is too expensive :^(
>Actually I didn't buy it because I work with kids
>implying you'd wear lolita to work at a daycare or school

>> No.9461785

this is so cute ita but i like it

>> No.9462117

non lolita here but I don't think these people are dramatic. Most of the time it's just them getting frustrated at people not following certain standards/aesthetic that a fashion category holds.

Kinda like how artists get pissed at deviant-tier people for saying their shit art is "just their style" and will never try to get better.

>> No.9462280

Isnt she the one with the 23 year old ugly pedo boyfriend? Someone should use her address for something better than harrassing her for lulz. Screencap the relationship bullshit and call the local police and email them pics for evidence. I bet her parents would love to find out some dudes banging their underage daughter.

>> No.9462290

That's a win win to me. We get to scare the crap out of her about the internet AND get the lolz. All while upholding law like the concerned citizens we are (I can't say that with a straight face)

>> No.9462306

Thats not how any of it works though and I would assume most officers would understand that is someone were to call the police, especially if they attempted to contact homeland security or the FBI. You have the be a certain kind of special to think an IP could not only locate your exact location but to think it in any way allows a means to 'blow up' someone's computer.

>> No.9462341

This is the reason why we can't have luvmonkeys and pixelteri threads anymore. Stop before you ruin the amount of shit we can talk on someone else.

>> No.9462358

>implying you'd wear lolita to work at a daycare or school

My best friend does exactly that, but only Bodyline of course.

>> No.9462440

I have zero sympathy for people who buy replicas because they're too fat for the real thing.

>> No.9462510

This is why we have lolcow, friend. We're still discussing them over there.

>> No.9462539

as if she's even old enough to know who Flyleaf are, they haven't released anything good since she was five.

>> No.9462544

>implying flyleaf ever released any thing good

I question your taste in fashion if you thought they where ever good.

>> No.9462555

i was a 13 year old emo, i fully acknowledge my shit taste haha.

>> No.9462603

And yet you still imply they had something good? You sure you're still not a cringy emo at heart anon?

>> No.9462606
File: 32 KB, 625x415, 22-tumblr-posts-that-will-make-former-emo-kids-cr-2-18859-1453128401-1_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i definitely am.

>> No.9462620

I wish my machine dealt as well with shirring elastic as hers does. It kinda makes me angry with myself that she can make the time to make her own lolita clothes while I can't be bothered. Please excuse this metal fag, but the artist of the music in the vid is? It is cute.

>> No.9462697

Actually not even trolling im pretty concerned. Shes obviously a tryhard and imo, not saying anything like its a fact forever all over the world, but when girls get older boyfriends its either to be "more mature than u XD got an adult bf that obvi means im mature and can handle things" or they are just skanks at their highschool and social circle and all the guys have already had their way with her and wont touch/date her anymore she has to date out of her social circle/highschool. Shes at fault for having the older bf just as much as hes at fault for having an underage gf. Im all for the lulz but yeah im actually genuinely concerned that theres a pedophile whos clearly ok with being a pedo and thats wrong and he needs to go to jail if hes touched her or done anything illegal. Im pretty sure shes under the age of consent. Her parents are clearly failing at raising her if shes doing all these things and that guy needs help or jail time and help.

>> No.9462706

Then do something about it. Don't tell 4chan what your concern is and do something. Nothing will get done by bitching here about it.

>> No.9462738


>> No.9462774

>or they are just skanks at their highschool and social circle and all the guys have already had their way with her and wont touch/date her anymore she has to date out of her social circle/highschool
You're reaching anon, third option (and most likely IMO) is that she's bullied at school and none of the guys would touch her for that reason, so she's dating outside of school because of that.

>> No.9462814

Don't be jealous, she's a lazy ita who can't be bothered to learn real sewing techniques or real construction. My machine handles elastic very so-so, I just default to making shirring casing, takes a little longer but looked more professional in the end. Here's a link to the song:

>> No.9462822

Grew up in a small town so i think i just have a different experience. Grew up in the boonies and theres nothing else to do but fuck and cause drama and yeah that option sounds a lot more realistic because theres something called standards in the real world. My hometown hasnt caught up with that yet. Some unis have more students than the total pop of my hometown.

>> No.9462846

It's possible it's legal. The age of consent is 16 in most states.

>> No.9462862

I grew up in a pop.16k town, still think third option is far more likely.

>> No.9463544

anon, not sure if you are baiting, but I will bite. Your projecting on fatty chans, I know they can be annoying but pic is clearly an unshirred highwaist ap op. Fatty's just scroll past that.

>> No.9463552

I was just being super salty, sold some JSKs recently and dealt with really obnoxious poor fattychans.

>> No.9463568
File: 820 KB, 972x2584, SeagullSnacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from LSC. Enjoy!

>> No.9463581

Sooo defensive Jesus. She expected "if looks great keep bring awesome" but instead got the critique she asked for.

>> No.9463666

Aww you didn't get the best one before she deleted it!

>"That guide is full of beginner information. If you think I don't know all of that after being into lolita for ten years then you're fucking stupid!!"

>> No.9463673
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>> No.9463675
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>> No.9463678
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>> No.9463696

Managed to catch this right before it got deleted desu

>> No.9463709
File: 141 KB, 471x400, 1491769468834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've watched hundreds of hours of videos of people in lolita

>> No.9463712

>pulling the "i hab a mental illness" card
fuck that bitch she makes us mentally ill look even worse than we already are

>> No.9463754

lol bringing up the mental illness fight she started like that.

It was more a poke fun at the fact that earlier in the week Rebecca played the " how dare you make fun of mental illnesses" when people where having a conversation about people's behaviors towards Lolita and why they behave that way. It's in the amino cringe thread.

>> No.9464182

>A LOT of Japanese Lolitas would say that the fashion isn't for Americans AT ALL
Yeah, that's why brands use western models

>> No.9464284

The brands don't think this, but a lot of salty Japanese lolitas do.

>> No.9464700

>mental issues
Jesus fucking christ. I wish these spergs would fucking stop throwing that around. Most people with mental issues don't like people fucking pointing them out and don't fucking yell "MY MENTAL ISSUES AND AXIETY" constantly because it fucking embarrasses them that they have something they usually can't control and taking medication for such things sometimes also embarrasses them too because they need assistance.

>> No.9465285

asherbee is still going??

>you silly tit

thank you for this

>> No.9465442

Still going. That Belle cosplay photo went up in the last two weeks.

>> No.9465607
File: 139 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170506-093601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white girls
I'm assuming this noob has no clue about all the rich Chinese Lolita's eating up all those $1000+ MTOs that baby and ap have been putting out the last few years

>> No.9466824
File: 80 KB, 240x240, sylosers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keep yapping about "white girls" on dumblr but all I smell is jelly.
Not even rich and I can afford brand, they're so dumb.

>> No.9467609

The internet says that guys dont mind passed around girls but that is not true. So many girls say "they only date college guys" but thats cause they burnt the bridges with hs guys.

>> No.9467812

>dear white people

Jesus fuck. Get Yaha-kui out of that lower post.