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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 43 KB, 349x600, a29ea6b57098bba23664d2634b1cc080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9445498 No.9445498 [Reply] [Original]

didn't realize the old thread would autosage so quickly >>9408212

Petite Dollies intro to Larme and style guide: http://blog.petitedollies.com/2016/04/about-larme-magazine.html

Partial Scans List:

Brands/Models List (WIP):

Video about Larme Magazine (annoying narrator alert):

Facebook group: Don't Cry Baby
Amino: Larme Fashion
Discord: https://discord.gg/XFX4QVy

>> No.9445765

No offence but what makes that larme kei? Because it's katie?

>> No.9445773

>nostalgia edition
Old larme trends. Larme changes.

>> No.9445775

It just looks like generic girly fashion

>> No.9445885

The second half of the last thread was about the evolution of Larme/larme brands from more generic girly fashion into something more recognisable.

>> No.9445888

Yeah I saw the last thread but this is just katie doing katie. I'm sorry I'm not in the "if it's x or x brand it's automatically larme" boat.

>> No.9445924

Op here. I just thought it would be cute to use an old Katie image based on the topics in the last thread. No need to read into it that much.

>> No.9445931

Wicker basket bags were big in the latest issue, so that at least is a current trend. Not a big fan myself, though

>> No.9446507
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Sounds very Jane Birkin. I dig it.

>> No.9448815
File: 1.43 MB, 1915x2554, early larme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big dump of very early larme images in the discord now. This one is most recognisable for the style

>> No.9448903
File: 132 KB, 1094x490, recent buys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered these from H&M as they were all on sale. I almost bought the bomber jacket at full price; £25, it's on sale for £7 now!

Particularly looking forward to trying the black dress with the ruffle. Think it'll look really cute with a heart cut out top and some fence-nets and platform sandals.

>> No.9450834
File: 245 KB, 449x721, Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 15.27.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically how the western Larme fanbase looks if you aren't Asian

>> No.9451133

It's a good coord lmao, the only thing I don't like is the shoes.

>> No.9451140

I have that black dress anon, I hate it. It wrinkles really easily and the ruffles don't sit the way they're supposed to (from the stock photos anyways) I would recommend ironing the ruffles if you have the same problem I found it helped a little bit!

>> No.9451145

Thank you?

>> No.9451257

Ah that's a shame, thanks for the heads up though!

>> No.9451405
File: 28 KB, 431x575, tumblr_oavkyuroKK1qh5myqo5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, anon. i think this shows how, despite our best intentions, on a western person larme will never really look ~larme.

>> No.9451489

That "Western" pic doesn't have the right makeup though. Hair and makeup are pretty essential in making Larme "Larme."

>> No.9451514


gotta agree with >>9451489 though

>> No.9451951
File: 75 KB, 500x667, 20160821042645432_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Monaca Nishi so perfect

>> No.9451954


Its near enough? Half the girls in the western com dont have the right make up half the time and most the outfits on that Facebook group are terrible.

Capsulebunny or Katie whatever is a good example.

>> No.9451967

True, although I was mostly speaking to the anon who said

>lmao, anon. i think this shows how, despite our best intentions, on a western person larme will never really look ~larme.

Which isn't true. Larme can look good on a western person given the right amount of effort. It's just that the effort is somewhat lacking for most girls right now. But at the same time a lot of girls on wear.jp and such aren't exactly wearing Larme brands with all the right makeup and styling either, but we only post the best (mostly model) examples here so it creates a bias.

>> No.9452174

Tbf It's really hard to have the "right" makeup if you don't have Asian eyes. This is the age old thing of a lot of things Japanese people do to their eyes gives them a more "Western" appearance - tape, circle lenses, eyelashes. (Before someone jumps on me I'm not saying Japanese people all want to be white or whatever.)

When westerners apply those things directly without modification it looks overdone and harsh - because those features are already strong. It's not a coincidence that the western girls who happen to be Asian are barely ever critiqued for their makeup except in terms of poor application.

Really think a sixties look might be the way to go.

>Capsulebunny or Katie whatever is a good example.

yeh. She's one of those people who's makeup always looks like she applied it over yesterdays makeup that she slept in. It drives me crazy how she's always carrying/wearing like three bags? I literally can't see your outfit because of all the straps messing everything up.

>> No.9452185

The tweaks to her makeup would be minor, maybe slightly less heavy eyeliner and more blush.

>> No.9452186

Did I say western girls look bad in Larme? No, I didn't. I'm saying the opposite actually. That most western girls aren't going to look like they stepped off the pages of the magazine or a brand photo shoot because they aren't Asian. Even though Capsulebunny doesn't have the best makeup, her outfits are fine and she would probably be a community favorite if she were Asian. Hell, even saramari, who has an excellent grasp on the style, gets a lot of criticism on here for her face-basically because she's not Asian.

>> No.9452194

Her komaru eyebrows are a bit too heavy for me but I really like her outfits.

>> No.9452385
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Thoughts on this brand? Doesn't look like they have an online store...

>> No.9452422

Is there a subreddit for Larme Kei? If it wasn't obvious I don't use reddit, but it would be nice to have a community that doesn't use FB or a phone app.

>> No.9452436
File: 14 KB, 200x241, makeup-tips-dark-lipstick-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you guys consider good western larme makeup?

>> No.9452437
File: 95 KB, 500x776, 1_copy_5130dd01e087c36d62f8f971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping the few things I have of non-asian girls wearing makeup that seems acceptable for Larme.

>> No.9452440
File: 216 KB, 680x417, 2_52652ac0ddf2b34378b5a69e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion squid had great makeup, but her look was more suited to the old Amo style of fashion

>> No.9452443
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>> No.9452451
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>> No.9452453
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>> No.9452456
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>> No.9452457
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>> No.9452464
File: 160 KB, 500x653, 26232140_7896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think on non-asian girls, going too heavy with eyeliner makes the look more gyaru, but forgetting the eyeliner entirely looks too plain

>> No.9452496
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>> No.9452517

Western girls tend to overdo eyeliner a lot because the popular eyeliner tutorials on the internet are all about cat eye and winged liner.

I want to do a tutorial on subtle eyeliner so bad, but I don't really have a good place to film atm.

>> No.9452540

I really like this makeup. Not too much, not too little.

>> No.9452556
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>> No.9452559
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>> No.9452565

Some of the stuff is cute but it's all pretty basic. Wardrobe padding mostly. I know they also sell a lot of vintage as well.

If you want to buy something from there you'll either need an in store SS or someone to ask if they ship. I used kairai before to order from a small store that didn't have an online store, but they were willing to ship it to kairai who then shipped it to me, so that might be an option.

It would be nice if they had an online store though. Their prices are pretty cheap. Makes me wonder about the quality though.

>> No.9452566
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>> No.9452568
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>> No.9452570
File: 101 KB, 500x600, tumblr_mski7b72691qmtdp1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats all I have for western larme makeup. Doing a general beauty dump now.

>> No.9452571
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>> No.9452574
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>> No.9452575
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>> No.9452760

Romantic Standard is just a random stuff from Taobao reseller

>> No.9452872

I just image searched one of their pieces on taobao and found it so it looks like you're right kek. Well that makes things easier.

>> No.9453518

Discord works in browser. It's pretty much all I use it on. Just join the discord

>> No.9453678

I wish there were more girls of colour who did larme desu

>> No.9453699

anon, larme is still majority Japanese; who are considered to be poc. Are you actually just wishing there were more black girls?

>> No.9454136
File: 111 KB, 500x453, tumblr_o9xzxs1lVA1ujpyoho8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo many western girls do their eyebrows way too strongly compared to the Larme models. In western community strong eyebrows are trendy and fab but in Larme something less dominant would work better. Some girls also use a bit too heavy falsies, maybe because they did gyaru before?

>> No.9454170

Even without the instagram brow trend, most western girls just natrually have thicker eyebrows with coarser hair than most asian women, so how we do our eyebrows will be different.

The heavy falsies is probably girls using their leftover gyaru lashes, and it being hard to find brown falsies in western stores. I miss the amoyamo eyemazing collection.

>> No.9454353

This is so weird to me and funny how you guys think that. It's like how Japanese lolitas think lolita looks best on Western girls and they'll never look like that because they're white, but then I see Western girls lament they're not tiny little asians for lolita. Larme is based on nymphet fashion inspiration, therefore someone who's white wearing it just looks like a typical tumblr nymphet, the source of much of this inspiration. If anything, it's the Japanese trying to emulate that look.

>> No.9454380

But everyone in Larme threads talks about how they do not want to look like a Tumblr nymphet, even though that's what Larme style exactly is. It's just denial and delusion, I think the western community builds up Japanese fashions and subcultures to be more than what they really are.

>> No.9454386

Raise your hand if you actually think the outfits in Larme magazine looks like tumblr nymphets...

Has anyone made an image collage comparing the two? Cuz I don't see it at all.

>> No.9454431
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 2eff46b11cddc19c017e5275653dd0ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Tumblr nymphet" is not really a set subculture of people. I quickly googled "Nymphet Fashion" and got some polyvore outfit sets. Some of the clothes themselves I could see a Larme brand putting out, but the style isn't exactly the same, no. But, it is naive to act like there aren't similarities between the two.

>> No.9454432
File: 71 KB, 600x600, y (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another polyvore image I found

>> No.9454473

There are probably just as many similarities to traditional himekaji items or items from brands like Liz Lisa. It doesn't mean much.

>> No.9454480

These are kind of "risqué" by Larme standards. If you added a shirt under the bustiers then it might pass for Larme somewhat. Don't really see the swath of tummy like in many nymphet outfits unless it's a swimsuit.

That's one thing I like about Larme. Most of the outfits cover the parts I like to cover (chest, stomach) and emphasizes the parts I like (legs legs legs).

I'll admit that I like some individual pieces that get used in nymphet fashion (like the stuff on the coquettefashion tumblr, which actually has started posting Larme brands of late) but I don't like the end styling. There's also lots of Larme stuff that doesn't look like nymphet fashion, so I feel that Larme is more broad.

>> No.9454512

Yeah but himekaji isn't directly inspired by the other "lolita". Larme brands come out with shirts that say "lolita" and they don't mean the fashion. Didn't the magazine have spreads inspired by the film too? It's just dumb to pretend like the nymphet and kinderwhore aesthetics don't influence larme in some way.

>> No.9454515

I think the point we're trying to make is that they're not exact equivalents like >>9454380 seems to be saying.

>> No.9454981

God I hate it when they have shit like that on tshirts. People that want to emulate the ~aesthetic~ of the novel's film adaption gross me out.

>> No.9454993

That's just a difference in culture. You can wear skirts that hardly cover your butt but you don't show your shoulders and armpits. And they make it kawaii instead of sexy.

>> No.9454994

The "lolita" shirts don't bother me quite as much as the "daddy" shirts did honestly

>> No.9455180

Hence why I like Larme (and Japanese fashion in general) and not nymphet fashion.

>> No.9455361

Most of what you posted looks like cosplay or exaggerated gyaru makeup imo. The circle lenses, feathered lashes, and bottom false lashes are too much.
Risa has that one vid on larme makeup that I can't be assed to link but it's pretty applicable to all races. It basically suggests the following:
-natural/nude pallete eye makeup ie browns and pinks with focus on shading under the eyes. use pink for an under eye highlight.
-heavy lashes
-rouge or dark pinky lips
-heavy red-pink blush focused across the cheeks/ under the eyes rather than the cheekbones

I like to add a touch of highlight on the eye corners, brow bone, and cheekbones too, but that's my preference and what suits me. I think you'd wanna avoid too much black eyeliner unless you wanted a more retro style look.

>> No.9455641

What's the Discord called? Is it invite only?

>> No.9455840

Read OP

>> No.9455961
File: 298 KB, 1802x893, Example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post my (relevant) tumblr.


I scan the magazines.. I've been kinda inactive recently but I'm trying to come back now. ;_;

I have scans up from most issues, though i don't post in order of issue, I juggle it around, you can find images from certain issues using the tags.

>> No.9455972
File: 59 KB, 432x576, 1a0ee1e3-911f-4503-a840-b1e227dee2a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all your hard work anon!

>> No.9456001

Not to sound like an ana-chan, but I seriously feel like larme doesn't look good unless you're very skinny/petite. It doesn't "work" or fit right, so to speak.
Any thoughts on this? I know some of the looks in La Farfa can get pretty similar in terms of the cutesy/feminine aspect, but they're obviously not the same.

>> No.9456022

fashion has always been for skinny people, that's just how it is and people should stop being in denial over it.

>> No.9456054

I just feel like it's especially true for Larme.
There are ways to be "thick" (not fat, obviously lmao. Just mostly thin or average with big tits/hips/ass/thighs) and still look good in different fashion styles (especially in western fashion with its focus on overt sexuality), but with Larme, the innocent, coquettish, Pretty Baby era Brooke Shields aspect is almost always thrown out if the wearer isn't petite as fuck. Things just take on this awkward, sexualized ageplay tone and fuck up the whole aestheic if your body shape doesn't naturally suit the look. You could argue the same thing for a lot of Jfash, but there's usually ways around it, like looser fit/baggier clothes - that just isn't the case with Larme, it's much easier to fuck up.
It just seems like these clothes are essentially made for girls who have childlike bodies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but still worth noting.

>> No.9456250

'Thick' never belongs in high fashion--skinny or fit only.

>> No.9456265
File: 44 KB, 480x614, 18199214_10154646663262055_1698553824634824229_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I found funny while scanning 26.
(For those not in FB Group.)

She looks's determined.

>> No.9456267
File: 13 KB, 197x391, 18157218_10154646892107055_7580159589132163002_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.9456272

People generally don't wear "high" fashion, though - it's literally meant to be inspo for "actual" fashion brands, which obviously looks better on thin people but is overall more inclusive (which is why fashion models are generally thin, to show the quality, shape and cut of the clothing, as opposed to accentuating the person in them).

>> No.9456652


>> No.9456897

I think the most important thing is dressing appropriately to your body shape. Chubbier girls are going to miss out of some of the trends and silhouettes in Larme, but that doesn't mean we can't use the aesthetic to enhance figure flattering outfits.

>> No.9456992

Well if you're big you're either wearing brand that doesn't fit ideally or wearing offbrand, so the odds are already stacked against you.

Yeah, I get what you mean. I have big hips, and if I wear a pencil skirt I don't look Larme; I look like I'm going clubbing. That's just something I have to play down when I put together an outfit.

>> No.9457061
File: 95 KB, 500x539, tumblr_o7zefyCPRI1vw7lgqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we admit that the vibe Larme is going for is childlike and nymphetesque?

>> No.9457564
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>> No.9457573

Umh at least this look of Risa could not be any less childlike or nymphet looking to me.

>> No.9457951

That influence is there anon, but it's really not that simple

>> No.9457967

I don't see anything childlike about larme at all. Its so bizarre..

>> No.9458204

Honestly me neither..

>> No.9458451

I think it's all the pouty faces the models make and the fact that lighter colors are used - but often in contrast to something darker, hence giving it that sexy feel.

The only time I really see the childlike part is when it's clearly referencing the fashion from the film.. like the shorts and the glasses are really common.

>> No.9458467


So basically we all have to be Risa skinny to pull off Larme then

>> No.9458471


I know what you mean.

All the models in Larme are all skinny - the clothes hang off them. Even just having a tiny little face and the right look works.

But its all J fashion really. Unless you're thin then its no good.

>> No.9458504

No but it certainly helps to be skinny enough to fit brand.

>> No.9458576



But not everyone does anon. There are many who are too tall or thick or big who cant wear the brands because they are not short or thin enough.

>> No.9458583

I think the more pin-up style larme looks would look especially good on fuller figures. The grunge type looks too. They've featured western artists and actresses before for inspiration, many of whom were not waif-like skinny. Just make it work for you.

>> No.9458653


The pin up look will just be confused with the rockabilly style desu

>> No.9459101

Especially since that style seems to attract normie fatties. My theory is that they dress like that so in their mind they can tell themselves the reason people are staring is because they're dressed "wierd". No it's because your fat.

>> No.9459110

No, I would think it's cause pin up girls are called curvy and they consider themselves "curvy"

>> No.9459131

I want to wear larme, but my shoulders are really wide, so I look like shit even though the rest of me is skinny. Any advice on larme tops that'd look good?

>> No.9459165


Ive noticed that too... it's still a bit discouraging for bigger girls who like Larme.

But rockabilly does seem to be spilling out with big girls. Not even curvy like actual massive women

>> No.9459166


Saramari is kinda broad? She does larme well

You'll be fine
And btw guys I think Aminyan might get joining the Larme gang.

Fun! That means more drama and Lolcows

>> No.9459193

Has anyone here tried ordering EATME from runway with a foreign credit card?

>> No.9459319

E fame hungry girls getting into Larme just because it's the new cool thing never last.

>> No.9459333
File: 33 KB, 432x576, IMG_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls in the make your own kei thread are talking about how Larme is so age play and gross again.

>Favourite kei
>Probably fairy kei, though I also love menhera. Uchuu is cool too.
>Least favourite kei
>Larme. It feels like ageplay to me and grosses me out.

Personally I find it kind of funny that someone into fairy kei can turn around and call Larme ageplay. Don't get me wrong I like how fairy kei looks, but I could never wear it because I personally would feel like I was dressing like a toddler. I tried and it just felt awkward.

Also, thoughts on >>9457891 ?

>While I love some the clothes I don't consider this a "kei" and I think the Larme girls on cgl are overly critical and judgemental for such a young fashion. I don't see it lasting much longer in its current form than another year, then the trends will change and the thread here will just be bitching about how it's different now.

>> No.9459337


True true

Wouldnt surprise me... its annoying. Remember when Jillian tried it? Then Becki?

>> No.9459348

I'm >>9457821, just happened to spot this. The reason I find Larme more ageplay than Fairy Kei is because Fairy Kei has nothing really sexual about it. You're dressing in younger person cuts, sure, but it's just cute and fun. When I see Larme adverts there looks like there's a sexual component to it, especially in Risa's ads.

It's fine if you like Larme, I'm just really not into it.

>> No.9459353

That's because Larme supposed to be a young women's fashion, not a fashion for teens.

>> No.9459360
File: 666 KB, 980x900, IMG_9267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this brand? Some girl is making the products and modelling for it?

I like it but it just looks so much like Honey Cinnamon... except it has a white girl modelling. A cross between Honey Cinnamon and Swan Kiss id say.

Its a cute brand but I feel like it will only be popular for a certain amount of time while Larme is in.

Kudos to the girl though

>> No.9459369

A lot of Larme brands look similar so I'm not going to knock her for that. The designs are cute and the prices are quite decent considering she's making these by hand. I really like the styling of her shoots, it's really nice. Kind of reminds me of old syrup shoots.

And if Larme does go out of style then she can always fall back on her Lolita stuff.

I'm still not sure why people keep saying Larme is going to go out of style soon though. Larme is a trendy fashion that changes quite often, so I think it has staying power because of that. Is it just because a lot of the brands spring collections have been lackluster this year?

>> No.9459374

I think it's adorable. Got no plans to buy anything, but it all looks really well done.

Agreed with >>9459369 that Larme will just evolve. I'm disappointed with the spring collections too, but hopefully they'll get their mojo back and start creating more unique items again.

>> No.9459395


Possibly it will evolve and I wonder who will replace Risa one day? I mean look at Amo. She went off to have a baby and Risa is nearing 30.

Reckon Maihee will take over?

>> No.9459397

Why is she in a little girls room?

>> No.9459427

This kind of styling is pretty standard in Japanese brand fashion shoots, she's just taking inspiration from them.

>> No.9459657

I just don`t get it.. I have been buying the magazine since 2014 and I just fail to see anything age play-like in it. It´d be interesting to see examples of the Larme pages and images that makes people think about age play!

>> No.9459670

Probably the time they did that shoot based on the movie version of Lolita. I mean the outfits in the movie are cute. I personally choose not to wear anything that says lolita on it because I don't want to be associated with that. It just confuses me when people act like this one part is all Larme is.

I can see some of the similarities to "nymphet fashion" but honestly even a lot of the so called nymphet fashion is just cute girly fashion. So do clothes suddenly become warped because a girly with the hots for her teacher starts wearing it? And blogs like coquettefashion (previously nymphetfashion) are trying to move away from that moniker because of its connotations.

>> No.9459684
File: 111 KB, 500x303, 4CADAB88-2DD5-4137-9D49-A342C207A6E8-11076-000008FCCD548C3C_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Larme isn't the only one to take inspiration from the movie in the fashion world.


>> No.9459688

I've never seen it before? But I'm new to larme, I only have one issue of larme but I have a ton of normie magazines (like myojo, cancam, sweet etc.)

>> No.9460047


Ill admit

I like the nymphet style? Just not the whole ddlg thing with it. The style alone I like. Is this a bad thing or?

>> No.9460193

More Swankiss-y than I'd wear, but the editing is nice

If a pretty pink bedroom seems unusual to you I don't know what you've been doing on this board.

>> No.9460611

>teddy bear
>therefore little girls room
Yes let's just ignore the retro telephone, strewn around lightbulbs, lillies and elegant picture frame and dresser.

>> No.9460635

You might want to look Ruka, she's skinny although in some recent pics she's been showing abs
But maybe you have a similar figure: https://www.instagram.com/lukarucat/

>> No.9460879 [DELETED] 

There's a carousel as well and I thought it was like a toy phone, why are you getting so defensive? I was just asking a question, not attacking your room

>> No.9460881

There's a carousel as well and I thought it was like a toy phone, why are you getting defensive? I was just asking a question, not attacking your room.

>> No.9460943


Ruka is a guy so naturally has broader shoulders...

>> No.9460950

Why. Every single thread we get someone trying to start some shit about her being trans or a secret dude or whatever. Shut the fuck up she's a biological female being tumblr trendy.

Stop trying to make this a thing, it's not going to be a thing.

Shit. I don't even like Ruka. and sage your bullshit.

>> No.9460978

Not those anons but people here are getting tired of the ageplay accusations and your question seemed to fall along the same lines, hence the reaction. That probably wasn't your intention but that's why. As I said >>9459427 this is pretty standard for brand shoots. There's even a Japanese photo book dedicated to setting up sets like this, as well as places in Tokyo you can rent out that are already set up.

>> No.9460991
File: 101 KB, 660x440, 5D5BCBE6-1AC5-4D1D-8A2D-BB364746B9EE-12614-00000A01C9CECEF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's just one example from honey cinnamon, a brand which tends to skew a bit younger than other Larme brands.

>> No.9460994
File: 82 KB, 700x372, 7906A317-9AFA-4E6F-8641-5226A4A3A8D8-12614-00000A02F4C064C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9460998
File: 1.74 MB, 300x290, 1434673327231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not ageplay!!
>posts this

>> No.9461001
File: 14 KB, 236x265, 1484588609474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but this just proves the ageplay point, this screams ageplay with the shitty "child got into her mom's makeup drawer" makeup, the sleep motif, and her frightened expression. It looks like some creep walked in and took a photo. Gross.

>> No.9461015

So my next question is, is this really common (because I've never seen it in the normie mags I have), is it common with alt fashion in Jpn or is it common with larme?

Ageplay is a sort of roleplay. I don't think girls who wear larme are trying to dress like children, but even if someone did, I would respect them for daring to be different instead of assuming she has a ddlg fetish or something.

>> No.9461020

I can understand some of the nmyphet fashion comments but I will never understand the "ageplay" comments being applied to anything on this board. Ageplay is a very specific kink thing, that encompasses a lot more than just this whole oooo looking like a child thing!!! I assume from your reaction image that you're a Lolita. Do you agree with the comments calling AP ageplay just because they put out a print with baby toys? Or the problems with the name itself? Does the existence of Lolita porn make all Lolita ageplay? Someone will find some way to skew what you like into something disgusting.

I understand people are grossed out by some of the "sexualization", but I feel like this is a fashion that tries to bridge the gap between adulthood and childhood for girls who feel like they're still in between. As for the frightened look, imo she just looks like a standard vacant looking model to me. Pretty much all models look like deer caught in the headlights.

>> No.9461022

I think the ageplay vibes problem is exacerbated by cultural difference between the west and Japan. The problem is twofold:

1. Genuine innocence on the part of Japanese people and missed intent on our part; lots of things we read as sexy and mature read as cute and girly in Japan. the single best example of this imo is corset lacing; every moeshit anime girl is covered in it but it's never supposed to read as sexy. It's supposed to indicate a cute, childish and girly character.

2: Cute and young are both requirements for sexy; if it doesn't have those ingredients it wont be viewed as such in Japan. So the shots that do have an intentional sexy vibe about them also pretty much always feature cute, girly, kawaii elements that we see as being inherently childish rather than just feminine.

There's some great examples of art from clamp that proves my point exactly, but not sure if relevant enough to the rest of the thread.

>> No.9461027

You're not gonna find it in normie mags. Other than Larme you'll find these kind of whimsical shoots in mags like Popteen. its aimed at a slightly younger audience. You might find this kind of styling with himekaji brands as well.

>> No.9461032

What's bothering me with that ad specifically is it looks like an ad for porn. When an official ad looks like porn that's pretty uncomfortable. I don't really see that problem in other j-fashion ads, which makes me think that those weird porno ads are a deliberate choice on the part of the brand's creators to cater to ddlg or ageplay fetishists.

I don't think all people who are into Larme are into ageplay at all, but I think there's some deliberate choices the brands make that caters to creeps and makes the ads really uncomfortable to look at.

>> No.9461033

Popteen is a normie mag tough? I am talking about Japanese magazines.

>> No.9461040

I guess we'll just have to disagree on that point because I see nothing pornagraphic about the ad at all. A little concerned honestly about where your mind is going here.

And I would agree with >>9461022 that you're missing some cultural context here. They're not trying to appeal to ddlg and age players, they're appealing to girls who want to look cute and this is what is considered cute over there.

>> No.9461041

Huh? Popteen is a Japanese mag...

>> No.9461047

I said I have a ton of Japanese normie mags and have never seen it in there before, you said I won't find it in normie mags but in popteen, which is a normie magazine for girls

>> No.9461051
File: 515 KB, 1145x1600, IMG_2273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't consider popteen super normie, it's about as normie as Larme. Which is to say, a small step away from normie. (Hence why people call Larme not a real jfashion, there is some truth to that). I consider normie to be magazines touting more onee kei looks and what not. Something more mature and similar to western fashion.

Anyway here's a scan like what I was taking about from popteen that I found in five minutes.

>> No.9461066

I consider it a normie magazine because its mainly bought by normies and marketed towards normie teens, and follows mainstream trends rather than create new things. (I only have one issue because a really mainstream idol group was in it). Like I've said, I'm new to Larme but even though spreads can look normie and mainstream, they are trying to do their own thing while still being trendy, and also create new trends, kind of like gyaru no? Popteen has looked gyaru as well but when that wasn't popular with normal teens anymore they changed.

>> No.9461082

Ok I'm not here to argue our respective definitions of normie. You asked for examples and I gave you some.

>> No.9461282


Mate Ruka even said ages ago? There is even pictures of Ruka as a guy way back?

So fuck off

>> No.9461286


Who fucking cares?! Its a magazine.

Larme isnt age play.

Ruka has a cock

End of!


>> No.9461287

Does anyone know secondhand shops that mainly carry girly or larme brands? I only know girly-cute

>> No.9461289

Those comments are not about ageplay or ruka

>> No.9461334

I thought she just used to dress boyish not that she was a boy.

>> No.9462076

Can you post at least one of those pictures?

>> No.9462090


aw shit, is even that considered broad? My shoulders are wider and straighter than hers, but otherwise we have a similar body shape.

>> No.9462438

I was the anon who posted the link. Her broads aren't broad, but lot of times they're like the widest part on a skinny girl's body (because the chest and darrerie are smallish).
I thought that that person probably meant that, because I'm also skinny and I always feel that my shoulders are broad because of that reason

An anon is shitting on her and it makes me feel like I shouldn't have posted that link. Mostly because that anon is making us look bad...

>> No.9462439

*Her shoulders aren't broad

>> No.9463110

Whar Larme brands are you guys currently loving? :)

>> No.9463551

I agree anon, there are child-like elements but that's not the same as 'age play'. It appeals to nostalgia and girlishness and through this, carries elements of fairy tale-like theater. It comes across as far more introspective, appealing to escapism than 'thinking of daddy.'

>> No.9464327

are there any good step-by-step, full face tutorials for larme-style makeup on more western features, or is it basically trial and error?

>> No.9464379

This doesn't feel larme to me, just feels like she's trying to mix it and lolita in a weird way.

>> No.9464420

Idk. It has the right "feel" to me and I think it's good she isn't just straight copying what brands already put out while still being able to see some influence.

>> No.9464448

I think you're overly critical of her because she's not Japanese

>> No.9464453

...I think it's nice. Not sure why that's so critical.

>> No.9464465
File: 84 KB, 960x660, IMG_2332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but I think they replied to the wrong post.

Here's another piece from that girl's collection. Definitely getting a swankiss vibe. I like her stuff and her construction seems great and the prices are decent, but the styles are a bit young for me personally. I'm interested in seeing what else she makes in the future.

>> No.9464708

Not that anon, but that she used "dfab" and "dmab" in the fitness post, as well as how she hides where the adam's apple should be in her neck in almost every photo ever makes me think she, well, just might be "dmab". Probably still with a penis too, since she conveniently had that part covered in the swimwear picture.

Not that it matters either way, as she'll keep looking super cute anyhow.

>> No.9464729

They are 155cm and that makes me doubt these rumours about their biological gender or whatever. I also feel a bit bad for them as they probably hope people would just let them be instead of wondering what is or isn't in their pants

>> No.9464815


I dont really find Ruka cute... the body is but face is offputting.

I like candie.sweetie more shes got larme potential

>> No.9464861
File: 466 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop now? This is a post from before her gender identity issues. Around ~2013 she wanted to change her name to Linden which I assume is meant to be either a guy's name or gender neutral name.

>> No.9464968

Wait, so she was actually closer to being ftm while people (myself included) thought that she may be mtf?
I swear, it's /lgbt/ all over again.

Weird, I feel the opposite. I think her body is less than ideal (though being smol and her style more than make up for it), but I absolutely love her face.

>> No.9465157
File: 1.53 MB, 2160x3245, IMG_20170506_133452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently visiting Tokyo and stopped by at Rose Marie Seoir. Here's the new book they had

>> No.9465158
File: 1.15 MB, 2967x2160, IMG_20170506_133438~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemon and cherries

>> No.9465161
File: 891 KB, 2913x2160, IMG_20170506_133415~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear OP

>> No.9465163
File: 1.11 MB, 2958x2096, IMG_20170506_133404~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shapeless maxi dress, it's a weird lilac colour but nice fabric

>> No.9465165
File: 931 KB, 2927x2160, IMG_20170506_133352~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor cut OP and low waist OP

>> No.9465167
File: 1.09 MB, 2968x2089, IMG_20170506_133339~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selection of OP looks

>> No.9465168
File: 1.28 MB, 2138x3123, IMG_20170506_133311~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back cover. Hope you enjoyed and got some inspo

>> No.9465207

That wig has got to be bad on purpose...

Ahh wow this is so different for RMS but I love it. A classy '20s feel.

wig is just as bad here but its a lot more tolerable.

overall I like that rosemarie seior has a pretty identifiable style that incorporates larme but also does it's own thing. but it's been getting kinda samey up till now, I think the lemon dress and the longer dress really show some other sides of their style.

>> No.9465253

I really like that they're branching out more. Wish they'd rerelease the glitter shoes though and in more colors

>> No.9465280

Oh gosh, ID on those lashes + those lenses?

>> No.9465372

Having a scanning day. Any requests for dumps in the thread today? Scanning vol 26.

>> No.9465376

It looks the same, when will they come with something new

>> No.9465500

The lemon dress and lemon bracelet I NEED it

>> No.9465511

Any of your favourites!

>> No.9465531
File: 215 KB, 1476x1103, img070 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok sure!

This is from Vol 26 until I say I swapped.

>> No.9465533

Just avoid tops with details on the shoulders

>> No.9465536
File: 95 KB, 750x1014, img098 - Copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is super cute imo.

>> No.9465541
File: 427 KB, 1526x1992, img108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465546

I absolutely love hairstyles like this.

Were there any creative uses of socks/tights in 26?

>> No.9465555
File: 144 KB, 1470x846, img096 - Copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, I actually havent seen a single outfit with tights yet and the sock ones are generic socks. I havent finished scanning yet but if I come across any I'll post them.


>> No.9465565
File: 69 KB, 736x689, img106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465569
File: 214 KB, 1549x991, img109 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the eye make up on the left is unusual for Larme, but I quite like it!

>> No.9465573
File: 122 KB, 817x1305, img067 - Copy (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465619

Anything using tulle skirts? (Sorry, I really love tulle skirts in larme lol)

>> No.9465681
File: 84 KB, 600x723, CW1XphJUwAAYEVQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, not yet. :(

This would be quick and easy to scan if anyone has an interest. Not exactly Larme Style though.

>> No.9465686
File: 379 KB, 1539x2116, img069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465688
File: 86 KB, 644x964, img057 - Copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465761

Haha wow this is the ugliest romper I've ever seen.

>> No.9465768
File: 202 KB, 1549x1003, img109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465775
File: 114 KB, 1166x760, img649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switching to random images from Vol 1.

>> No.9465777

I found the blog post it's from but I don't think she gives a rundown of her lenses or lashes, just the mascara she's wearing

>> No.9465781
File: 181 KB, 1358x691, img685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465786
File: 150 KB, 965x1181, img671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465796
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>> No.9465812
File: 209 KB, 492x699, img580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465955

Kek, yeah, it's not flattering

>> No.9466900

Thank you for sharing the scans, and I would love to see this book!

>> No.9468019
File: 268 KB, 1342x1742, img128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping favorite images.

>> No.9468021
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>> No.9468027
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>> No.9468029
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>> No.9468030
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>> No.9468031
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>> No.9469659
File: 225 KB, 750x1000, c53cb981-312d-4a6e-a150-f94a93f89986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any scans of vol 24?

>> No.9470368


Delete the space

>> No.9470826

I always wondered whether shimmer eyeshadows were allowed, since they're easier to find, esp. in pinks and reddish tones. It seems like some model pics have a sheen or satin finish to the eyeshadows but I don't really see outright glitter.

>> No.9470828

That and the make-up with heavy blush.

>> No.9471676

I think those are sometimes lipstick or cream blush applied to the eyes.

>> No.9471715

Hmm. I have a lot of shimmery pink/red/brown eyeshadows, like the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette and some Maybelline Color Tattoo singles, but if it's no good I might have to invest in some more mattes. Not sure how safe applying lipstick/blush to eyes really is considering the concerns about red pigments.

>> No.9471958

Do you ever get "your bangs are not cut straight" comments? I'm sure they are straight and I've only gotten these comments after I started to curl them slightly like Risa.

>> No.9472452

when you curl your bangs, it is possible that they don't always sit straight on your face, because the curled part can get stuck on your forehead on different positions. (sorry i don't know how to explain it better)
so maybe check more often if they're even during the day. if you already check them pretty often and still think they!re straight, it might just be people not being used to your new bangs?

>> No.9473062

I think it's impossible to keep curly bangs perfectly straight, just look at the pictures in this thread and those are for photoshoots

>> No.9473080

they shouldn't be cut dead straight if you curl them anyway. Bangs like that are usually cut in three separate sections, and only the middle one will actually be straight, the two side segments should be slanted towards the middle.

>> No.9474708
File: 185 KB, 1200x1361, media.newlookassets.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those sunglasses are really cute!

Does this jacket look vaguely familiar to anyone else?

>> No.9474715

But then it would look bad on days you don't curl them

>> No.9474733

That's the price of getting any sort of bangs, they require daily maintenance. Even with normal bangs you should be re-wetting them and blow drying them, separately from the rest of your hair, pretty much every day.

>> No.9474782
File: 51 KB, 431x575, IMG_2454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably thinking of this swankiss jacket. The back of the jacket is the part that's unique to swankiss's version.

Quite a few western stores have released denim jackets with ruffles lately.

>> No.9475131

Those ruffles look so pitiful

>> No.9475296
File: 480 KB, 2400x1600, IMG_4292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me more of this

>> No.9475638
File: 95 KB, 500x644, risa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's one image that's iconically "larme" to you? Pic related, even though it isn't really standard larme kei

>> No.9475685
File: 195 KB, 635x835, 10411310_545665365542000_1353124774716210366_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this, since the outfits manage a balance of sweet and sophisticated.

>> No.9477348


Every picture of risa out there

>> No.9477356

I'm thinking of adding some larme clothes to my wardrobe, I know it's cheap of me but are there any shops on Aliexpress which cater even a little to the style? Checked the doc and there didnt seem to be anything. I already drop a bit of money on Lolita so I want to try out larme before investing in brand. I'd prefer stuff without replicas but since I'm already asking something kind of awkward all help is appreciated!

>> No.9477458

You just kind of have to browse around a bit honestly, like try using keywords for things that appear in larme a lot, like gingham, ruffle, etc.

>> No.9477790

Yeah, especially 'pheromone fetish' style.

Anyone know anything about that new Bis magazine? The description sounds quite similar to Larme.

>> No.9478182

I feel like people who complain about the quality of swankiss are just poorfags salty that their closet is filled with forever21

>> No.9478528
File: 178 KB, 588x800, 169E2326-2312-4AA1-9BDE-D610C0FC59BF-747-000000CCE9A0248B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only real English info I could find: http://tsukinonaomi.tumblr.com/post/159973864267/new-blog-for-bis-magazine

Preorder: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/433484295X/

Official site: http://bisweb.jp/ (nothing there currently.)

It seems that Nakagori actually left Larme months ago. While some issues have been better than others, I haven't noticed a huge difference in the style and tone of Larme so hopefully the new director will keep things going. What do you guys think?

I'm also super excited for Bis. I'm hearing it described as a slightly more mature Larme, so I'm interested to see what sort of styles it promotes. It would also just be nice to have another mag to binge on. Larme is the only one I buy currently since I'm not interested in any western mags or "normie" looking Japanese ones, and mags like popteen are too young for my tastes.

I am a bit interested in Mery magazine though. Does anyone have a copy? What's it like?

>> No.9478554


A little more info from this article: https://www.wwdjapan.com/402981

"The concept is "Fashion Bible (Lady with the girl's heart.)" To have a girl's heart, becoming an adult woman. We propose a cute girly style with a sense of trend and practicality, targeting women 20 to 25 years old, and editing with fashion 40%, beauty 40%, culture 20%.

In addition, the magazine has detailed targeting of supposed readers. Area is central Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sapporo. My profession is senior UNIVERSITY student, society 1st and 2nd year. My favorite high brands are "Miu Miu (MIU MIU)" "Prada (PRADA)" "Gucci (GUCCI)". My favorite colors are pastel pink, light purple, light blue. My favorite pattern is a small flower pattern, gingham check. Favorite bottoms are tulle skirts, flare skirts, tight skirts. The frequency of going to the hair salon is 0.8 times a month on average. The budget for the hair salon is on average about 12,000 yen. Hairstyle is Loose Loose, Dark Hair, Medium Bob, Rob. The monthly cosmetics fee is about 7000 yen on average. Favorite cosmetic brands are "JILL STUART", "ANNA SUI", "CANMAKE", "YVES SAINT LAURENT BEAUTE", "PAUL & JOE BEAUTE) "" THREE "etc. Standard makeup is natural thickbrow, bleed lip, shiny skin base, brown eye makeup, blood color teak."

Sorry for the shit google translate but you get the idea. Only thing I changed is that for some reason google translated 大学 to "high school" which doesn't make sense since the magazine is aimed towards 20 somethings.

>> No.9479192

What a weird and specific description, also tf do you spend 7000 a month on cosmetics? I spend a lot on make-up but it's because I buy a lot of stuff I don't use, once you own high-end stuff it lasts months.

>> No.9479197
File: 95 KB, 746x960, 18425069_1663242947317728_6681838923282302990_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover of the next issue

>> No.9479275

Yeah, I don't know a lot of uni students that spend $100 a month on hair salons.
I like how the ribbon looks like fairy wings.

>> No.9479375

That kanji says college, it was just Google translate being weird

>> No.9479506

Yeah I know, that's why I changed it. I'm still not sure why it translated so strangely. This should be basic stuff, google.

I found some Japanese fans complaining about that too, noting that college students generally can't afford that much.

http://toro.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/zassi/1287350144/l50 (It's near the bottom, this thread spans literally years)

Makes me wonder if the magazine will be too out of touch with reality?

>> No.9479680

As far as I've seen, their construction is good; they just have the trim and decoration choices of a child's arts and crafts kit

>> No.9479684

I guess it's supposed to be aspirational, like a lot of magazines (thinking about how Cosmopolitan and similar magazines are written as if every reader has a high-paid office job in the city where they can wear what they want to work) but it might be over the top.

>> No.9479808

They buy 2 high end lipsticks a month? Skincare? Esthetic treatments?

A cut is usually ¥6000+ at a trendy salon, plus any headspa, treatment, color, or perm

>> No.9479836

Taking hair from straight black to wavy brown without ruining it will get you to $100+/month pretty quickly.

>> No.9479971


To be fair I am a university student and I work three jobs alas work as home too.

I tend to spend a fair bit on lipsticks and clothes... if you can afford it why not?

But I can see why it is a bit away with the fairies as not everyone can afford it

>> No.9483058
File: 46 KB, 550x632, CCyXp-wVAAAvoJ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a simple gingham blouse with a round collar? Or any other sort of collar that isn't office looking/high neck. I would've thought something like this would appear in normie shops sooner or later, but nooo

>> No.9483141
File: 196 KB, 600x660, BABYSITSblouse01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like the blouse you posted, I don't know if you saw this and were looking for a cheaper lookalike, but here you go


>> No.9483256
File: 52 KB, 431x574, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this is the same top, Ank Rouge just released similar style top too

>> No.9483307

Did the latest issue just come out? Anyone have any quick pictures?

>> No.9483359
File: 122 KB, 640x832, IMG_2593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some:



I'm sure there will be scans of non akb models soon too.

>> No.9483405

Nice, thanks anon. Some of this is really cute. I like the mermaid themed spreads

>> No.9483455

The scans look beautiful and I love the photos but these pictures look so normie compared to some older issues. I know larme make up is considered natural compared to many fashion styles for but the makeup is just so natural & hardly visible in most of these scanned stylings. The models´ hair also seems less curly than before? This combo makes the stylings look quite normie to me and not so obviously larme, the pages could almost be from Vivi or Sweet imo. I wonder if the change of editor-in-chief will sooner or later has an affect on the overall feeling of the magazine?

>> No.9483465
File: 48 KB, 610x432, AE662632-8E92-4F1B-8FB9-E65DF52B93B4-5172-000005B1B8826C7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few more


>> No.9483541

I didn't want to say it before, but I do agree. It does still look good, but for me the appeal of larme was that it was unique - you couldn't really get similar items in the west. Now, there are lots of trends that I've already seen in the west, not the other way round - like the wide waist-cinching belts. I hope they don't lose their creativity

>> No.9484404

I found the Katie blouse a bit expensive but I didn't even know Ank Rouge released something similar! Thank you anon.

>> No.9484417

These are so cute! They look just like my school uniform as a child, it's quite nostalgic.

>> No.9484731
File: 653 KB, 567x700, tumblr_okoekgWkP41w4z715o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way. I have felt somewhat underwhelmed with half the magazine issues since 18. I really loved the 2014-2015 years of larme, it felt more niche then and seemed to have more distinct styling (specifically 40s/50s/60s era, himekaji, cult party kei, fairy kei influences) but the more recent ones seem to be taking more from modern western trends.

>> No.9484828
File: 991 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170519-201021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9484905

My lady heart isn't enjoying this at all

>> No.9484930

So the current editor is a guy?

>> No.9484958

An example of upcoming bis aesthetics? lol

>> No.9484959

Don't make aliens larme, what??

>> No.9485795

I've been collecting larme pieces for a while and I really enjoy the style, but I seem to have some reservations when it comes to posting my photos online.

i've been told i have a very similar "feel" to my face as Risa. Not to say the features are all the same, but I have larger eyes, similar cheekbones, full lips and a general sort of permanent pout on my face because I don't know how to smile.

I really don't want to have a bunch of people screaming at me that i'm trying to be a copycat of Risa and I feel like everyone and their mom would get on me for it.

Would you guys go through with it and post photos online despite the risk of snowflake accusations?

>> No.9485798

I wouldn't, you sound really sensitive and it might ruin larme for you

>> No.9485804

Agreed. If you have to ask then you already know the answer, especially when you describe yourself that way and seem to think anyone would actually care about some random. You'll only get posted if you're either really good, bad, or semi e-famous.

>> No.9485805
File: 162 KB, 442x457, moon-aca nishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9485808

>sound really sensitive
>just doesn't want a continuous stream of "ur such a risa wannabe"

Well, I don't know why I expected a serious insightful answer here.

I wasn't really talking about getting posted to /cgl/, I was more referring to direct conflict/drama within my comm

>> No.9485810 [DELETED] 

>I'm worried people are going to hate me because I look so much like Risa :(
Now if someone who slightly looks similar to Risa, people are going to think it's you and hate on her just for that

>> No.9485817

I'm pretty sure there's some serious underlying issues if someone would hate on a random because something an anon on /cgl/ said something that vaguely sounds applicable to that person kek

>> No.9485818

>I'm worried people are going to hate me because I look so much like Risa :(
Now if someone who slightly looks similar to Risa posts her picture, people are going to think it's you and hate on her just for that attitude

>> No.9485820


>> No.9485821

That's what people do on cgl tho, there's a girl on my comm who is hated because she was defended in the CoF thread and people thought it was her defending herself lol. It's that easy. Sorry I deleted my post but I forgot a few words because I'm so sleepy.

>> No.9485823

I've been on /cgl/ for a few years and while it's obvious that some people are that salty not everyone here is.

My apologies possible future random who looks like Risa. I never meant to hurt you. rip.

>> No.9485824

The thing is why would anyone care? I highly doubt you look like an exact Risa clone. Even if you did why would people hate you solely for having similar genetics? You sound a bit delusional and self important desu. Like those weebs that go on about how they totally look asian in this pic and how people keep asking them if they're hafu. If you don't mention it no one is going to even notice much less care.

>> No.9485827

I didn't say I looked like a clone. I've had comments about it in my comm before, and my comm is filled with a ton of petty 12 year olds.

>why would anyone care
I don't know, why does anyone do anything? Boredom and insecurity probably. Everyone's insecure about something, especially within the realm of Jfash and you of all people should know how petty of things shit starts over since you are on /cgl/.

>> No.9485860

All I can say is if they do it to everyone then yeah they'll do it to you, but if not they won't unless your personality catches their attention. My comm is supposedly infamous for drama and I've never seen anything even remotely similar to that.

>> No.9485865

There's already a larme girl who looks a ton like Risa, I think her tumblr is Brainscratch.

People will be able to tell the difference between you looking like someone naturally and you copying their style of dress especially if you're not even the same race, which it sounds like you're not. Risa (or other popular figure) clone = unimaginative, copied coords. People are getting mad at you now because you're basically humblebragging

>Oh woe is me I fit the ideal of larme to well~ People are going to hate on me for it

Like, c'mon.

>> No.9485885

I don't see why it's so hard to picture, especially seeing the adverse reaction i got just for bringing this up here.

But anon, I look like Risa the MOSTEST.

[pretend spoilers]I cant believe I need to say this but this is sarcasm [/pretend spoilers]

>> No.9485888

>unless your personality catches their attention
>People are getting mad at you now because you're basically humblebragging

>> No.9485889

It started out as a serious question and when I realized I wasn't going to get a serious answer I started going along with it. Don't blame me for having some fun, it's raining and I can't go outside.

>> No.9485897

No. You got serious answers that you didn't like so now you're just dismissing them.

Most people even said what amounts to
>Don't worry about it, your attitude will make you have a worse experience than looking like risa will

Don't blog if you can't even take that much criticism, you wont have a fun time.

>> No.9485908

You sound like you need to cheer up, sincerely. The answers I got basically honed in on one specific part of my question and disregarded other factors I mentioned and that's why I'm not taking them seriously.

When I try and reinforce the other factors the answers still ignore them. I'll take into consideration some of it, sure, but with a grain of salt(kek)

I can and AM taking your criticisms into mind, but at the same time I think a lot of it is exaggerated and based on an ill informed perspective, probably because I was too vague in my phrasing.

>> No.9485948

dude you started dismissing everyone after one reply saying you sounded sensitive.

Which was okay advice, even; if getting messages saying that basically amount to "You're copying X!" is going to bother you enough that you'd ask for advice on it preemptively, having any sort of social media is probably not going to be an enjoyable experience for you.

If your comm is the problem because they're immature; don't post there. There are wider internet communities to get involved in.

Everyone else said it probably wont even happen because it's such an unrealistic scenario; that's why your post seemed self important, you need an audience to get haters and why do you assume you're going to have an audience at all? Let alone one big enough to inundate you with annoying messages? So just relax and post what you want.

>> No.9485975

There are a lot of things in your post that would be great in theory.

I already addressed the probably less than adequate phrasing and explanation of the situation on my part, so I'll skip going over the details of that. I suppose I just outright dismissed the accusations of being sensitive because that's not at all accurate(I will referr you to my shitty job of portraying the situation for explanation)

>if your comm is the problem because they're immature; don't post there. There are wider internet communities to get involved in.

One of the things that is lovely in theory, and yet doesn't quite meet up to scratch for the real world. This implies that somehow it's impossible for my comm to see my online presence if I don't post it directly to social media related to my comm.

>Everyone else said it probably wont even happen because it's such an unrealistic scenario

Unrealistic how? That someone in this world happens to look somewhat similar to another person that happens to be popular for a certain style? Unrealistic that people would make comments? Unrealistic that my comm is filled with people who would start drama?

>why do you assume you're going to have an audience at all?
I have a modest following on social media and I am quite active in my comm. There is an audience in place to begin with.

>> No.9486000

Anon, this is gold. That blush. The lacing on the antenna. 10/10 good shit

>> No.9486010

Honestly, anon, I'd love to see more larme and larme girls out there. "Copying Risa" is the vaguest and most common 'criticism' in the book. All of Larme is trying to look like Risa, anyway. You won't actually be copying her unless you wear her exact outfits, so just post it. You can cover your face with a sticker if you're that worried.

>> No.9486075

pls draw more anon, that triple undereye blush is inspired

>> No.9486146
File: 341 KB, 708x864, 1f5c006d-99da-45df-8100-4dfe8f2896d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is amazing anon!! I wish we could send this to the editor or something.

>> No.9486168

And you've actually made it look so larme. All weight/height/race arguments BTFO - if the aliens from Toy Story can look larme, anyone can

>> No.9486395

Thanks, glad you gulls liked it! I almost want to send this to the editor now.

>> No.9487324
File: 192 KB, 1080x1349, 1495389894535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this dress work for larme, or is it too long?

Do it.

>> No.9487356

Are you me anon? Just posted in the Misako thread because I wanted to find out where this dress is from.
I can't really see the length very well but I think it would work as long as it's not longer than mid calf..

>> No.9487379

Should I do it through twitter or instagram? Twitter would be easiest, but the aliens appeared on the instagram story so that would maybe make more sense.

>> No.9487395

Looks like it's supposed to be knee-length - their size guide tells you which height each size is suggested for but they don't list the actual length on the site. Comes in lilac and pastel blue too (and dark blue, red, yellow and green but they don't look larme and I wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot bargepole since they scream kids' school uniform straight away).


>> No.9487731

That's a great dress anon. I think it's simple style would work well to emphasize elaborate summer hairstyles like the horoscope hairstyle spread from last summer. As far as length, I don't think that's really a problem in Larme; long skirts can give a very modest-mature or vintage look.

>> No.9488240

People complaining about Larme looking too normie now days made me think; isn't it the brands' fault, not magazine's? Do you feel like the brands are not innovative enough?

>> No.9488416

No, it's the magazines fault. A lot of those brands are doing either what they've always done, or following trends. It's not the brands' fault if they want to do something different from larme or if they want to follow more normie trends. It's the magazines job to find clothing that fits their concept and style it their way, unless it's an actual ad like the btssb ad.

>> No.9488480

Does anyone know where to get a blazer dress suitable for larme? (My shoulder width is 36cm so I don't fit some Japanese brands.)

>> No.9488878

Why the hell is Larme so popular

>> No.9488882

accessible + girly but not too UGUU KAWAII UWUWUWU + mutable unlike certain jfashion styles that have very rigid outlines

>> No.9488898
File: 69 KB, 600x567, CHHztUUU0AABej_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girly but not too UGUU KAWAII UWUWUWU

that's the main reason for me desu. my favourite thing about larme is that it's OTT feminine but very different in sensibility to what would read as OTT feminine in western fashion right now

I can't imagine that at all to be honest, got any examples of what you're looking for?

>> No.9488942

You know what I don't get is that people complain about this but also bitch that swankiss is too OTT. There's no pleasing people.

>> No.9488968

Looks like the dresses we used to have to wear in summer at primary school.

what on earth is a blazer dress anon?

>> No.9489237
File: 247 KB, 552x788, 3A17022B-6900-408A-9932-163E55CBDBF6-2619-0000034ED46FBB37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but I google searched it and I guess it's just a dress that looks like a blazer. So a tailored blazer that looks a bit too long?

The only thing remotely similar I've seen used in Larme is the Milk Josie OP, and even that's a bit of a stretch.

>> No.9489248
File: 55 KB, 1020x1530, 33A9A1EB-104F-44AF-9BE6-A79CF5937732-2619-000003530332EDC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm attempting to find a "cute" blazer dress and I'm really struggling. Most just look like the girl forgot to put on pants.

>> No.9489418 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1020x1530, 83d723cf3a7ac3bc0a97da740b5d7323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you live without knowing anything about normie fashion?

>> No.9489420

How do you live without knowing anything about normie fashion?

>> No.9489427

Then I don't find any problem. Just buy from your favorite brands.

>> No.9489451

Look at trenchcoats in larme for inspiration

>> No.9489986

Just never see or heard of one, I live in a pretty big city as well so it's not as if there aren't plenty of normies about. if I saw someone wearing a blazer dress like
I'd assume they had forgotten to put on trousers.

Though blazer = ugly school uniform, travel agent etc to me. It'll never be cute in my eyes.

>> No.9490023
File: 63 KB, 495x743, TS17B16LMON_Large_F_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not less cute than a trenchcoat

>> No.9490027
File: 27 KB, 495x743, TS10N01LPUT_Large_M_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boss wears pic related to the office

>> No.9490050

your boss has bad taste when constructing outfits. all this reminds me of is a flasher

>> No.9490055

Eh, I have less personal reasons to dislike trenchcoats; they're not marred by having been a part of my horrible school uniform.

>> No.9490071

You realise she's just modelling the thing and people normally wear other clothes with it?

>> No.9490142

How is it a dress if you're supposed to wear clothes underneath it? The models on most sites are styled, they don't sell jeans using topless models.

>> No.9490161

It's not a dress dumbass

>> No.9490167

People wear a tanktop and leggings/tights with it. Your opinion doesn't really matter fact is that normie shops are selling a ton of these this spring/summer. But keep thinking everyone is just so retarded they forgot their trousers if you want.

>> No.9490216


wow who pissed in your cereal. I'm not either of those previous anons. If it's so normie then it probably doesn't belong in this thread in the first place then does it?

>> No.9490311
File: 279 KB, 750x569, easymomentsandobsession.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twin Peaks Larme spread when

>> No.9490348
File: 53 KB, 600x900, 87C13B71-A0AB-4CAD-AB16-9074B4B1C378-3236-0000041AF33A9325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't really seen anything like these dresses in the normie shops I frequent and had to go searching to find any examples. Are they really that popular?

There's something masculine/utilitarian about this type of dress that just doesn't seem like it would work well for Larme without some tweaks. The necklines for many of these dresses are too low since they take after the "tuxedo" style V-neck hemline. Yes, you can wear a tank under it but it's still not a common neckline used in Larme clothing. Maybe one of the sleeveless ones would work better since you could wear a nice blouse under it? I'm also not fond of how the silhouette of these dresses looks on most of the models. They manage to look both shapeless and too tight. But that might just be a personal gripe.

And yes >>9490023 is cute but it's really different from all the other blazer dressses I'm seeing. Looks like topshop only calls it a "blazer dress" because of the button placement. So are you looking for actual wrap type blazer dresses or just cute dresses with that side button detail?

>> No.9490368

New thread >>9490364

>> No.9491663 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 350x466, bb2e9807c3854a0e8e0a85fa9220705c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im one of the anons who complained above, but Ive never thought Swankiss was too ott. I think their hair and makeup is really cute. My problem with them is that alot of pieces look badly made (questionable construction, ill fitting, etc) or some pieces look badly designed. For example, pic related would be cute if they made the fur on the sleeves smaller and put the roses in a different spot. ( maybe around the text?)