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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9435267 No.9435267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do you fall on the whole
>male gaze, objectification, safe space, regulated outfits
>cosplayers should be free to dress however they want, no matter what

>> No.9435269

As long as the convention isn't targeted at children then anyone should be free to have their tits out and not get molested. However if you put your tits put in the public eye then you cannot complain when people stare, take photos or leave gross comments on those photos. You can control what happens with your own body but not what happens in other people's minds.

>> No.9435272

Since most of the cons in my area are family friendly, I'm all for safespace/regulated outfits. I don't want a kid seeing something like a KLK outfit and watching people get touched and thinking that's not going to backfire or be an okay thing to do.

>> No.9435276

Agree with >>9435269, with emphasis on the "don't molest people" part.

>> No.9435457

kek, that's a pretty good image

>> No.9435483

I don't care, just don't involve me

>> No.9435490

These anons have the right idea.

>> No.9435505

kids aren't going to die if they see a butt.

>> No.9435554

Do what you want. I personally admire the confidence of people who do that, though sometimes it can be taken a bit too far (I remember at ALA this year there was some lady walking around in a shiny gold bikini, I have no idea what or even if she was trying to cosplay), just do what you want.
At the same time, you shouldn't be getting harassed either - of course people are going to want pictures, or even just to look for a while, especially if you look good in it. But if they start following you around without actually approaching you, they're pushing boundaries that shouldn't be pushed. Additionally, they shouldn't be going and being generally creepy around you, or be using sexually charged speech.
And outright touching without consent should prompt an immediate response.

>> No.9435605

That's right. Kids are actually going to feel less embarassed than adults if they see a scantily clad woman. Because they don't care?

>> No.9435687
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>> No.9435705

I agree with you on pretty much everything except the part about leaving lewd comments, sexual harassment is just as shitty over the Internet as it is IRL.

>> No.9435751

Yeah, pretty much this. The thing is though, most cons have started to advertise themselves as family-friendly

>> No.9435759
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I think it sets a bad example, but I'm not going to rail against it. Cosplay has become, as one other anon put it quite well: "glorified softcore porn". Most men seem to regard cosplaying now as a sort of kink, if that makes any sense, so they tend to assume women who cosplay are more open to other kinks/fetishes and talking about this stuff openly?

Same with dyed blue hair, piercings, tattoos etc - they're all cool but you should be prepared to accept the sexualized comments and jokes from guys that come alongside choosing that sort of "look".

Jesus, can you just like, not dress up scantily for one day?

More or less agreed. I'd argue that what you dress has a bearing on the level of harassment you receive though too. You can't just tempt guys and expect nothing to happen.

>> No.9435772

>All the pathetic robots in this thread

>> No.9435794

>Same with dyed blue hair, piercings, tattoos etc - they're all cool but you should be prepared to accept the sexualized comments and jokes from guys that come alongside choosing that sort of "look".


>> No.9435799

>You can't just tempt guys and expect nothing to happen.
Please leave

>> No.9435800

Agreed very much with this, kind of sick of seeing Yaya and Jnig chicks whine about people being obsessed with their tits when that's all they advertise. You should feel safe wearing whatever you like, and I think cons are pretty good about that. But you can't stop creeps from making comments, that's just the way it's always going to be.

>> No.9435801

Unless the guy doing it is hot.

>> No.9435802


You remind me of my boyfriend, he'll grumble about these "whores" when we're at conventions together and how they must come from broken families, but he can't seem to keep his eyes off of them - to the point he has a hidden folder full of "fap fodder" from such girls on his laptop...

>> No.9435806

Be gone robot.

>> No.9435816

>that hair
>that cleavage


>> No.9435817

A guy automatically loses all hotness to me when he starts sexually harassing someone. Any guy can be creepy regardless of looks.

>> No.9435820

Sometimes it's just flirting.

>> No.9435821

There's nothing less attractive than sexual harassment

>> No.9435824

Jesus christ anon, why are you with that degenerate?

>> No.9435826

>you can't just tempt guys
please kill yourself

>> No.9435828

Sorry to break it to you but there's a giant black line between flirting and sexual harassment. If you can't figure out which you're doing you're a retard
Why is it that betas have this victim complex? 'I was just flirting :ccccc' your parents should have beat you more

>> No.9435832

Protip: if you're ugly it's always sexual harassment

>> No.9435835


He's not as bad as I'm making it sound, he's just a bit of a dick with being open about liking other girls and occasional flirting. I just find his madonna whore syndrome thing really bizarre. He hates them and he wants to fuck them?

>> No.9435837

Sounds like you're dating a betafag, 'I hate them because they won't fuck me'.

>> No.9435842


Caught him flirting with a girl he met off of here on skype tbqh, that was a long time ago and I planned to initially break up with him after that but gave him a second chance.

>> No.9435843

I would frankly feel disgusted with my boyfriend if he was open with me about wanting to fuck other girls. That's something to at least be a little ashamed of in a relationship, if not a sign pointing to not really wanting to be in the relationship at all.

>> No.9435874
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It's hilarious when it affects Nigri, not so funny when it affects the rest of us

>> No.9435881

You should break up with him. Don't be a cuck.

>> No.9435884

ima laugh when he cheats on you and you stay with him

>> No.9435889

You're dumb. He's going to do it again, people like that never change.

>> No.9436108

Leave him, guys like that are bad news. Especially if that's how they see women.

Personal opinion: wear what you want; if you could get away with it without breaking any indecent exposure laws in your area it really doesn't matter. Kids are exposed to a lot worse shit, our idea of what is acceptable for children is seriously skewed towards violence. Cleavage isn't going to kill them.
Conversely, if your marketing strategy is your boobs/butt you have no right to be mad when that's what people focus on.
Creeps are going to appear no matter what you do (and really, nobody particularly deserves sexual harassment), but if you're marketing directly at them then I'm not sure who you were expecting to be fans.

On perceptions of cosplay in general: I always saw it as a form of wish fulfillment. If you take it sexually that's on you. I think of it like a more personal version of Disney world. It's a neutral concept; not inheritly porn.

>> No.9436112

That outfit on the right is so horribly fitted I'm actually dissatisfied.
>where did her waist go?

>> No.9436140

dump his ass anon, I sincerely mean that

>> No.9436148
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>> No.9436150

>You can't just tempt guys
I think male gaze theory is a load of horseshit but that is some horrible phrasing you have there.
The kind of guy who would be so weak as to be "tempted" enough to make rude comments or try to cop a feel or take upskirt shots is the kind of person who should be permanently banned from any and all conventions.

There is never an excuse for catcalls, con-stalking, etc. Not because sexism, but simply because it's RUDE.

Yes, speaking realistically, in any crowd large enough there will be a small minority of slimeball dudes who think you're asking for it because your ass is hanging out of a thong. No, realistically you can't prevent them from doing harassing things. You CAN pop your phone open when they do those things and hit the record button, and send that to the con staff privately. Then hopefully they'll be removed from the space, making it actually safer for everyone. If the con doesn't take action, post it publicly and make the con itself lose face. Better than putting up some signs that assholes will ignore anyway.

However, I do find it unreasonable to not expect people to at least passively stare as you walk by if you're wearing something exceptionally slutty. Cosplay is all about making a spectacle of yourself.

>> No.9436189

>there's a giant black line between flirting and sexual harassment


>> No.9436201

She didn't make it. It wa the costume she was to wear when she was a promo booth babe in the start of her rise to cosplay fame. She's never really had a waist and was pretty boxy like Paris Hilton. She just photoshops herself to have curves today.

But she gets what she deserves since she's one of the big culprits that caused the scene to sexualize women in cosplay. So she has no room to be offended when she's the one that opened the door for the neck beards in the first place. I noticed the shift when my cosplays reactions where from " wow I like how anon made the design real" to " she's not showing enough clevage for people to notice her"

>> No.9436213

I mean if you pay for the tits why are you mad that people comment about it?
I never understood that for some cosplayers.