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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9417961 No.9417961 [Reply] [Original]

>Due to cuts in government funding for the arts and our spring break trip to mootxico, we've had to combine a few boards. Try and make some new friends!

>tfw you're so salty they won't even include you in the yearly prank

>> No.9417963

I like it better this way. I would hate if retards from other boards suddenly started invading this one. /cgl/ is like a hidden sanctuary and I want to keep it that way

>> No.9417966

Which boards are combined? At the moment an and c have been combined into can

>> No.9417967

We know about your hidden circlejerk of fatlolitas.

>> No.9417971

/pol/ and /mlp/, /co/ and /ck/, /fit/ and /lit/, /fa/ and /p/ were the ones i could be bothered to find

>> No.9417972
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/cgl/ x /r9k/ next gulls

>> No.9417981
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>> No.9418042

Mecha and auto are /mo/

>> No.9418066

Yes, thank god. All our threads would die in >tfw no gf spam.

>> No.9418093

Wow, our board is so hated, they wouldn't even merge anyone with us.

>> No.9418106

Semi-related but apparently HoneyColour's idea of an April Fools prank is to have a completely legitimate flash 50% off sale on pretty much their entire shop without warning??? I couldnt help myself and got two pairs, super happy about it

>> No.9418112

I'm fine with this

>> No.9418133

Well shit. I should've gone and gotten my eye exam ahead of time.

>> No.9418141

What were their prices like before the sale?

>> No.9418157

shit I forgot to mention the 50% discount only comes off at checkout with a code (april50)

>> No.9418160

It's only /mlpol/, /cock/, /fitlit/, /fap/, and /mo/. We shouldn't feel left out, but we should be mad about the new competition for /fit/ and /fa/.

>> No.9418191

/fa/ and /fit/ belong together. We shouldn't be that girl.

>> No.9418203


Pft, we both know /fit/izens only dig big muscley men. Everybody saying otherwise is either low test or in denial.

>> No.9418206
File: 56 KB, 640x459, THE ULTIMATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to be combined with /a/ but then this popped up as I was posting and it's PERFECT

Should've been combined with /fit/.

>> No.9418213
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>> No.9418224

Or super-thicc women.

>> No.9418231

100% more

>> No.9418238

This would be beautiful

>> No.9418247

Two HC coins have been deposited into your account. Thank you for your contribution, Apu.

>> No.9418249


Vote to make /mlpol/ a permanent reality, gulls

>> No.9418250

Wonder why they don't fuck with /a/ Talk about sheltered bitches.

>> No.9418251

/pol/ rules, kill yourself

>> No.9418260

frankly I wouldn't wish /cgl/ on anyone else, this is the cattiest, bitchiest board on the site.

>> No.9418263

>implying the others aren't horrible in different ways

>> No.9418265

I feel the same way about women in general, but poor cis hetero men have no choice.

>> No.9418271


Nah, fuck that. Good riddance.

>> No.9418274

It's not working for me?

>> No.9418282
File: 28 KB, 200x348, 200px-Fatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /fa/ isn't the top and /fit/ isn't his bottom bitch
It's canon by now.

>> No.9418289
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>they don't support paypal payment anymore
I-It's not that much of a deal anyway.

>> No.9418293

You need to write it in capital letters, so: APRIL50

>> No.9418298


cgl is already a combined board. Lolita's not cosplay.

(yes, I know April Fool and all, but still)

>> No.9418343
File: 137 KB, 1372x1249, mlpol is love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ and /mlp/ are natural together.

>> No.9418487

/k/ommando here: a /cglk/ would be interesting imo

>> No.9418508

Concealed carry in lolita and cosplay seems surprisingly common on here.

>> No.9418511

it should have been r9k and cgl

>> No.9418539

robot pls

>> No.9418541

robot no

>> No.9418543

we have enough of r9k in this board as is

>> No.9418547

Nothing would have changed.

>> No.9418551

/fap/ seems like a logical combination. /jptv/ would have been pretty cool too.

I would have loved to witness the shitstorm that would occur on /yu/...

>> No.9418552

it shouldve been cgl and /d/ considering lolitas are fetishists

>> No.9418553
File: 990 KB, 320x180, 544bdd67-a6d3-47ab-94f5-1d21a7ef5408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please teach us about guns and stuff, senpai.
We'll teach you about cosplay,LARP,lolita,...

>> No.9418554

>/jptv/ would have been pretty cool too.
The servers would implode from critical shitposting. That's like combining /tv/ and /sp/.

>> No.9418824
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4ch pol is pozzed and ruined, true gulls migrated with gamergate :^)

>> No.9418885

I'm just glad /b/ got left out

>> No.9418888
File: 206 KB, 1600x1200, gun left edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can decoden their firearms.

>> No.9419044

Hi seagulls. R9k here. R9k is dead.

>> No.9419047



>> No.9419088

/spa/ Sports and anime
/vint/ Vidya International

>> No.9420042

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