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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 59 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9407079 No.9407079 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not really sure if this is a nitpick but the combo of that dress and the blouse looks super weird to me, is it supposed to be an op?

>> No.9407142


She is wearing a blouse under an OP. I agree, it looks strange. Looks like fluffy sausage arms.

>> No.9407151

Fully shirred bodices look like shit on everyone except really thin people with no breasts.

>> No.9407153

I have that dress and I pretty much always wear it as an OP because it looks weird with blouses under it. You could maybe do a long sleeve blouse with it, but you definitely aren't supposed to wear short sleeve blouses with it.

>> No.9407170

This is only her second cordinate so I'll give her a pass. But that blouse was a bad mistake. I used to own this in purple and it just never looks right with something under it. I always wore a bolero over it because the sleeves made into it just feel wrong.

>> No.9407171

Her smile is really cute though, she's still full of that newb joy at her first coord.

>> No.9407173

>doesn't understand how to start a legitimate ita thread
>posts nitpick knowing it is nitpick, and then no other content

start a thread off with at least three (relevant) images, ya walnut.

>> No.9407214
File: 119 KB, 604x576, IMG_6900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you anon. There's a gold mine of shit tagged Lolita on tumblr if you can get through the ocassional pedo shit.

>> No.9407217
File: 111 KB, 400x600, IMG_6899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9407219

Minus not having many accessories and the socks/shoes and maybe the headdress everything seems okay? Is this really ita or am I just losing touch with reality?

>> No.9407221

I wouldn't exactly call this it's either honestly

>> No.9407223
File: 100 KB, 640x498, IMG_6898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl likes to post pictures of her blowing smoke in various j-fashions.

>> No.9407228

The hair isn't very kept, the makeup looks like garbage, the socks don't match, the skirt doesn't fit very well and the shoes are for the wrong fashion. The idea was there just exicuted poorly. Too many changes need to be made to make it nitpick.

>> No.9407229
File: 124 KB, 640x640, IMG_6897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9407232
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>> No.9407234
File: 703 KB, 350x960, IMG_6895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was tagged as deco Lolita.

>> No.9407237
File: 65 KB, 330x600, IMG_6894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a " I just got it picture" but this girl doesn't really do much more with her coordinates from this photo it seems.

>> No.9407238

>we get it, you vape
Perfect dress for her then, really.

>> No.9407239
File: 168 KB, 640x960, IMG_6893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Lolita but tagged as Lolita fashion. But dem furry ears on the left.

>> No.9407241

Tbh I agree she's cute just needs practice

>> No.9407244
File: 94 KB, 640x833, IMG_6892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a showcase for the tights. Probably more nitpick on my end.

>> No.9407247
File: 85 KB, 640x640, IMG_6891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged Lolita fashion

>> No.9407249
File: 106 KB, 450x800, IMG_6890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of my dump

For now

>> No.9407251
File: 47 KB, 384x512, IMG_6901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From amino.

>> No.9407252
File: 15 KB, 234x512, IMG_1879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I can't even tell if she's wearing a petti, and even if she is it's obviously not a very good one

>> No.9407253

What dress is this?

>> No.9407258

Bodylines skulls and magic jsk

>> No.9407262

this girl is such a cankle fest.

>> No.9407263
File: 307 KB, 700x1200, IMG_6904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodyline L580

>> No.9407264

that purse is real cute

>> No.9407270

is this girl supposed to be an ita or is this a nitpick thread now

>> No.9407272


How can you even tell in those boots? Her calves are what gets me.

>> No.9407277


The lipstick and socks don't look good but I wouldn't call it outright ita


I actually like this. I'm trash.


That dress is utter garbage


I don't really think this is ita, just not good.

>> No.9407283

when clunky boots like those look super tight on your calves, there is an issue

her legs are so stumpy

>> No.9407284 [DELETED] 

it not that bad
he told me i was a nigger
your opinion disnt matter

>> No.9407288


She does have super stumpy legs from what I can see. Either fatty or too many leg days.

>> No.9407289
File: 74 KB, 614x1024, IMG_1881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress is fucking awful

>> No.9407291
File: 96 KB, 819x1024, IMG_1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be nitpick but I can't deal with the colors

>> No.9407293
File: 54 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9407295

is the beige thing an apron, or is she wearing a skirt over her dress, or is that part of the dress

>> No.9407298

she's so fat that whatever silhouette she could have is completely gone

look at how her fat ripples out at the top of the skirt. with enough effort, could fatties use their rolls as weak pettis?

>> No.9407299


Is she wearing a navy undershirt with a beige skirt?


This girl pisses me off

>> No.9407300

She needs to invest in a really poofy petticoat and not wear dresses that can't accommodate one. Her body doesn't fit that shape.

Are you new? No fat is not a petticoat.

>> No.9407301

>what is a joke

>> No.9407309
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1490386449535s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after you see her cankles without boots it's more obvious maybe. They look tight on her ankles, which is so weird.

>> No.9407310
File: 234 KB, 1024x1024, 1490386449535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture for ants sorry

>> No.9407315

Seriously I need that purse.

>> No.9407316
File: 24 KB, 425x404, yourightnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9407317


I mean, I guess they are a bit big I will grant you that. Cankles are so ugly.

>> No.9407319

i hate seeing such a nice dress wasted on such an ugly girl

>> No.9407320 [DELETED] 

lmao what??

>> No.9407325

Report and move on. They are trolling of browsing the boards stoned. Probably both.

>> No.9407326

she needs a nature wig. The twin tails look ugly on her. They're very cheap/

>> No.9407330

fair enough, just seemed so out of left field lol

>> No.9407333


She will learn in time, hopefully. She really isn't that bad looking. Just needs a better wig and to smile with less teeth.

>> No.9407344

And makeup.

>> No.9407349

I hate that itas on animo can have so many followers and likes.

>> No.9407355


Asspats for everyone. Probably why cankles thinks she looks okay.

>> No.9407358

Their outfits are relatively cute but they look like they'd be annoying as fuck to hang out with

confirmed for worst than most of the "itas" posted in the thread

>> No.9407359


At least their having fun, eh?

>> No.9407362

First of she needs a binder. That cut of dress looks like shit when you have above an A cup. especially with a shirt underneath.
As is she looks like one of those creepy adult baby fags.

Secondly when you dress up like this YOU NEED TO DRESS UP YOUR FACE dingus.
so many dumb idiot female cosplayers don't understand that you need to fucking wear an appropriate amount of makeup to the amount of dressed up you are. I know we are all autistic and don't know how to function like normal humans .. but that's why you look weird and your cosplay looks like shit even though you put all this time into it.

>> No.9407366



>> No.9407367

Newbies to the group will hit follow when the group prompts the welcome message. It trends to give those who are fairly active on the app the follow. 95% of the followers you get are not even aware they are following you.

Tl:dr followers mean nothing.

>> No.9407370

Fashion not a cosplay. Although the idea does fit with cosplay. This isn't the thread to throw around that word like it means something.

>> No.9407380

there's a great disparity between the amount of likes on horrible ita posts and pretty nice coord posts, though

itas tend to get around 20-30 when better coordinates can reach for 150+, so they're really getting what they deserve

>> No.9407392


Eh, I rarely see posts even get to 100. Most average to good posts seem to get between 50 and 70 while ita posts get like 30. Not a huge difference and even some ita posts can get up to 50

>> No.9407394

that's because good content is hardly posted, but when it is it usually gets 100+ likes as a result of being featured

i spend a pathetic amount of time monitoring this app for reasons

>> No.9407401


Eh, but even then cheap posts like cankles honey cake gets featured and winds up getting 70+ likes. Feature does not equate quality but newbs like it anyways.

I can recall a post or two reaching 100 so you may be right. It is just super rare

>> No.9407405

i didn't think it was that uncommon because there are a few users who get 100+ on like everything they post?

now we're just nitpicking, i'll show myself out to the amino thread and sperg over numbers there instead

>> No.9407410


Amino, ita...what's the difference anyways?

>> No.9407419

Well the alt fashion amino has some pretty bad content to begin with. Her post was one of the better posts considering the amount of crap that is posted there. LA lately hasn't had much being posted and she is the better looking of the recent posts. The likes and follows are because of the prompt and there are a lot of "lolitas at heart" on there that see an AP dress they can't own and simply like it because it's Lolita brand.

>> No.9407439


So basically everything is so bad that anything that doesnt induce vomit is considered good?

>> No.9407443

nayrt but yeah basically, the standards are pretty low. so when something actually good is posted is when the rare 100+ occurs

>> No.9407464


Huh, those socks are actually quite clever.

Everything else is a hot mess.

>> No.9407466

not ita. Bad pose angle, bad glasses, bad face exressions, and yeah these girls aren't models but they can't do much about that besides a little makeup. But it's not the worst. nitpick

>> No.9407468

This is how amino works. Only seldomly will you see a 100+ post show up because of the age group on amino generally.

>> No.9407473

I think it looks bad on people with boobs cause they aren't wearing the best bra for themselves so it makes their boobs look sad and leaves the waist to look add as a result.

>> No.9407479
File: 178 KB, 545x888, IMG_3660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe no one pointed out that she chose to wear this cheap ass hair dollar store bow with a fucking honey cake OP. How could she think it looks good. Also I can't get over those huge fucking gums.

>> No.9407485

Girl on left
>wearing mother fucking peds
>cheap tights that make her legs look fatter
>sad petti
>boob loaf
>bad wig with bad fringe
>no makeup
>headdress with flowers when print on skirt is bears and balloons

Girl on right
>shoes a shade of pink not even in the dress or elsewhere
>sad petti
>boob loaf
Normie sweater that doesn't match (this is actually a nitpick)
>replica bag
>bad wig with bad fringe
>no makeup
>wearing waist bow as head bow

More then nitpick.

>> No.9407489

Eyeliner and lashes would make her face look soo much better. That headrsss is cute but not for Lolita. Maybe fairy kei or decora but not for Lolita.

>> No.9407499


As long as she keeps her mouth closed she is kind of pretty

>> No.9407517
File: 141 KB, 641x973, IMG_2557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9407525
File: 70 KB, 450x600, IMG_6902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9407528
File: 210 KB, 750x742, IMG_2591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, he print tights with that skirt...

>> No.9407538

She drives me nuts I just blocked her honestly. No one wants to see that

>> No.9407555
File: 144 KB, 600x800, IMG_6903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9407567
File: 53 KB, 400x533, d9698aa6c97be15fd2529ac1cb4f446c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're meant to go with long-sleeved blouses, pic related. Short sleeves is just asking to look like the Michelin man, especially if you're not skinny to begin with.

There's a whole other fit issue going on in her boobs, though.

>> No.9407591

Boy I love Ghost World, but you seriously aren't supposed to identify with Enid, and having a huge cutout of her on your wall is a big ol' warning flag.

>> No.9407744
File: 1.37 MB, 751x751, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9407751

There are ways to wear lolita at her age, but this is not it. If you're on the wrong side of forty, and depending on how you look thirty, anything sweet just doesn't work. And the shoes, ugh.

My problem with this is not so much that they're fat, but that they're filling those dresses like water stretching a balloon. There is fitting right, and then there's busting at the seams. The latter is never a good look.

The lipstick and shoes mostly. The socks aren't my style, but I could live with it if there was blue in the bag.

A polo shirt. Always a deadly sin.

Too small around the bust. If the dress arrives and is smaller than expected, either sell it or go keto for a week and lose 10 lbs. Do not post it as is.

Boobloaf is the flavor of the season.

I really wouldn't mind seeing well-done Pippi Longstocking inspired coords.

And too small.

I'm just happy this one doesn't try to smother her boobs with her dress.

Looks like a kid, she'll learn.

Stole my grandma's flocked velvet tablecloth from the seventies kei.

>> No.9407752

even on stick thin people full shirring still looks bad IMHO

>> No.9407759

not ita

>> No.9407768

glad to see i'm not the only one who thought this was kinda ugly

>> No.9407769

Not really lolita either, to be fair.

>> No.9407772
File: 55 KB, 576x1024, IMG_1884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9407775
File: 116 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just bothers me

>> No.9407799

This isn't ita.
Just needs better accessories and trim the bangs of the wig and it's a decent beginner coord.

>> No.9407824

Wow, this is easily the most nitpick ita thread I've seen in a while. Most coords here are not perfect and could be improved quite a bit, but are not 100% ita either.

>> No.9407829

Have to agree. Front shirring is ugly as sin

>> No.9407840

where tf are people getting all these antique beast headdresses from all of a sudden
i thought their stuff was really hard to lay hands of because of their ordering system? but i keep seeing these headdresses pop up on what looks like newbies.

>> No.9407846

Replica-chans maybe?

>> No.9407850
File: 98 KB, 750x744, IMG_2578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More bad Wa.

>> No.9407858
File: 174 KB, 750x924, IMG_2590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bitches need to stop posting in the lolita fashion tag.

>> No.9407880
File: 60 KB, 512x512, 20170325-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a fairy kei ita too. how does she always manage to look like a dumpster fire

>> No.9407883


She seems too eager. Needs to play with fashion and not photograph it.

>> No.9407884


This. Half of these aren't even that bad. Just throwing shade for the fun of it.

>> No.9407888

meh, let us have our fun. call it a nitpick thread if you want, but most of the people here aren't looking too good.

>> No.9407891

Shes not fat, but she has some ugly sausages legs, Those tights are a mess too.

>> No.9407895

>cheap bathrobe "kimono", check
>seems to be folded over backwards, check

Prime wa-ita.

>> No.9407897


What even causes someone to be small with fatty legs like that

>> No.9407898

every day i thank my stars that i'm not a dumpy white girl

>> No.9407901

i think she is pretty chubby aside from her legs, lolita just has so many layers that it's hard to tell. not fat, but nowhere near skinny. you can tell by her arms >>9407310

>> No.9407905

Kill yourself
Fucking idiot

>> No.9407906

how do you search for lolita on tumblr? legit question. it gives me 0 results.

>> No.9407908

why did you go out of your way to post a pic she's not doing it in then?

>> No.9407925

turn off safe search

>> No.9407927

Click the lock in the right corner to turn of safe search. It's a flagged term.

>> No.9407929
File: 23 KB, 384x512, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9407931
File: 81 KB, 600x600, tumblr_on3125HUX81qm874xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr dot com slash tagged slash lolita dash fashion

>> No.9407936


>> No.9407941

oops meant

>> No.9407947

anon you're a goober, the OP meant blowing smoke as a figure of speech for "fucking something up" or "acting like you know how to do something when you don't." i specifically remember this same girl fucking up menhera really badly

at least that's what the meaning seems to be, or else they would have posted a picture of her actually smoking

>> No.9407961

Then post some real itas

>> No.9407970

Does she have down syndrome?

>> No.9407982

No actually there are many pics of her vaping and literally blowing smoke.

>> No.9407984

in that case.. what the fuck OP

>> No.9408027
File: 259 KB, 746x878, IMG_2592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9408037

nah, i knew her from before she started doing lolita. hopefully she improves quickly.

>> No.9408063

Hey anon are you completely fucking blind

>> No.9408133

My biggest pet peeve is blouses under OPs, drives me up the wall.

>> No.9408149

Not even a little nitpicky, pure ita

>> No.9408157
File: 9 KB, 240x200, 2d6ee8c39c1dd4f8af6f8278127e7f47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking lace

>> No.9408162

ugh this doesn't belong in the lolita tag at all.

other than that, I'd put this framed on my wall if I had a dedicated dressing/wardrobe room. it's an actually well-done modern pin-up. make up is flawless. I just wish she had some kind of shoe on....

>> No.9408171

not ita

if you want to give crit to nitpick coords start a nitpick thread.

>> No.9408179


>> No.9408187
File: 913 KB, 500x667, IMG_2594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9408222

why does she look like she's wearing someone else's face as a mask

>> No.9408286

>m-my dream dress...
please tell me that's a replica

>> No.9408289



>> No.9408301

Chest bow and headbow look off, I'd say it most likely is a replica.

>> No.9408306
File: 181 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_1891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no fucking idea what she's doing with this color palette

>> No.9408313

lmao, THIS is what happens when she tries to coordinate something herself instead of wearing the set sent to her. what a disaster.

she needs to figure out the principles of color balance and doing her damn makeup

>> No.9408317


Looks like she is playing off the syrup bottle but I have no clue about the shoes?

>> No.9408334

What has that got to do with how she dresses

>> No.9408338

I thinking sneakers are fine with sweet because of the common decora and fairy kei crossover. They match. The shirt needs to be swapped for a pink blouse or cutsew though.

>> No.9408347

This would be so much better without a wig

>> No.9408352

For real, is this even a woman
Looks like Willem Dafoe in every pic

>rest of thread
Itafats all the way as usual huh.

>> No.9408356

I like this because it feels nostalgic for old LJ comms and decora forums. I miss when I aspired to that look.

>> No.9408376


Pretty sure she is 100% female. Don't see the resemblance, she isn't ugly just plain

>> No.9408384

The text on the pancake mix I think?

>> No.9408385


Maybe. The brown could match thr chocolate bottle and I guess the pink could match the pink fading on the bottom? I don't know. Looks like she is trying but she fails so hard.

>> No.9408387

nah anon, she's pretty ugly.

>> No.9408391


Eh ×shrug× I've seen worse. She isn't pretty but she doesn't look outright ugly to me. Maybe I'm just used to uggos

>> No.9408394

Not lolita but she's hot

>> No.9408397

if you pay attention to the people around you it's amazing how many of them are ugly. i accidentally started doing this and now i'm way more thankful for my face.

>> No.9408398

Cuz she's ugly

>> No.9408408

don't do this. also you seem to have a weird obsession with the honey cake ita, you respond to every post that mentions her.

>> No.9408410

oops, quoted OP when i meant to quote >>9408391

>> No.9408427


Dream dress of mine, fixated on print not her

>> No.9408437
File: 250 KB, 750x910, IMG_2593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this dress but it's not lolita and i can't believe she's trying to pass it off as such....

>> No.9408447

This is god awful

>> No.9408448


Not lolita but I have a mad need for that dress now

>> No.9408455

anon she looks like a Brian Froud goblin
she looks like she belongs in a Jim Henson puppet film

>i accidentally started doing this
kek, the funny thing is I know exactly what you mean, I think it's part of (girl?) socialization that we're not supposed to notice, "everyone's beautiful" etc but in reality uhhhhhh

once you kinda shake awake and start to actually look you can't stop because reality doesn't just go away. liberating in a way t b h

>> No.9408496

That was my first dress, good to know I'm on the right track in getting rid of it. That "blouse" is fucking shit though, and WHAT pose is that?

>> No.9408508


This photo confuses me

>> No.9408558

could be that
>she's fatter than she looks
>she has fluid retention from a medical condition or med side effects or something
>she was just born with stumpy legs
>the weird pattern on the tights creates an optical thing that makes her legs look odd
or any combination thereof

>> No.9408635

fat distributes differently on everyone, on her it obviously goes to her legs

>> No.9408648

i don't see anything wrong with it, it is deco lolita after all

>> No.9408670

This girl is a forever ita. She also keeps trying to advertise herself as a model lol.

>> No.9408682

This photo is a couple of years old, right? I think I know the person in the photo. It's an oojia replica.

>> No.9408706

Brown shoes and ivory tights would fix this easily

>> No.9408709

except not because of the random pink bow on her head and the fact that there's way too much brown still

>> No.9408783

Is she wearing a garbage bag for a crop top?

>> No.9408934
File: 81 KB, 670x665, whutwhut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annd back on topic

>> No.9408946

Why has her brown dress turned blue? Why even choose such a bad image?

>> No.9408949

Why does the dress need a boob window?

>> No.9408960

It's a very purple toned brown and I guess in certain lighting it looks different.

>> No.9408968

This could have been cute with a better fitting cardigan/dress and getting rid of the too dark (brown? black?) bag. I like the idea, but not the execution.

>> No.9408987
File: 67 KB, 720x710, Lolitainspired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita inspired on COF. Mods plz.

>> No.9408989

IDEK what colour its meant to be, its blue in on pic and brown in another....Is it bodyline and is that a shirred bust that has been stretched to the limit?

>> No.9409007

Looks like a lighting difference. Apart from the colors not matching this is probably one of the better coords I've seen with this print but it still isn't great.

>> No.9409036
File: 266 KB, 1001x1500, IMG_4186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cone heads are sooo kawaii.

>> No.9409037
File: 319 KB, 993x1440, IMG_4188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9409039

this feels like the most Russian pic I've ever seen.

>> No.9409045
File: 617 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petition to stop making auto ita wigs.

>> No.9409046
File: 730 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_4189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9409052

the weeb in me loves this and that backdrop is cute as fuck

>> No.9409056

Not ita

>> No.9409234
File: 197 KB, 741x960, IMG_2541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh honey... it's still not lolita.

>> No.9409240

nitpick, please chill anon

>> No.9409297

I'm not trying to be "Omg y gulls so mean!!!" but she does accept concrit. If you take issue with her coordinates, why not just tell her instead of roasting her here where she might not even see it?

>> No.9409311

i want to talk about this desu. imho yall are really qt

>> No.9409451

Not a fan of the wig but I really like this!

>> No.9409459

No, that wig is pretty awful, anon.
>butchered fringe

Put it to rest.

>> No.9409461

>yall are really qt
>in the ita thread
You're either lost or have atrocious taste.

>> No.9409462

Shit, thought this was the CoF thread. Sorry!

>> No.9409489
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>> No.9409611

Wow you're right this is kind of shocking actually

>> No.9409617

holy fuck you were right

>> No.9409618

I love this desu

>> No.9409776

Nice petticoat boner. Right through the middle of the dress. Also the bracelets upset me.

>> No.9409777

>don't have a petticoat
>just wear two skirts

>> No.9409783
File: 92 KB, 360x480, decorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is almost on point for what she's going for. Only thing I'd say is the white shirt and the obviously short petti.

>> No.9409803

There is no replica that I know of. The only reason it's not super easy to acquire is because the webshop is not always open. The headdress is not particularly rare or limited, you just have to be a bit patient because the shop may not be open for a few months. There's nothing really stopping newbies or anyone else from ordering them- they ship directly overseas.

>> No.9409934
File: 56 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1490612072739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ita per se, but how the hell is she making the dress sit like that?

>> No.9409938


>> No.9409956

Honestly it looks like a replica, because the gathers at the chest are too long, the dress is too short, and there's not enough fabric at the waist. If it's not a replica, then he's just stretching the shirring to the max and his gross man-body is coming through. HL is very soft chiffon fabric, so it doesn't have much structure, even if the shape looks fitted.

>> No.9409993

I HATE seeing itas in nice dresses
It's like you have the money to dress nice so why don't you.
I have a hard time affording lolita. I work my ass off and have to hunt down toaboa and comm sales to get what I have and I'm better then these itas.
Either get help or stop.

>> No.9409994

I think where she is the blouse is the only thing helping her rn.

>> No.9409998

I think she looks okay
Other then the fact that she's wearing a towel as a skirt.

>> No.9410022

>Either get help or stop.
I think you're a little too bothered by this, like these itas are a personal offense to you. Not everyone has fashion sense, which sucks when your hobby is based on fashion and aesthetics, but that's just how it is. Not everyone is going to be great, some people are downright awful, no point in getting this upset about it.

>> No.9410048

I was kind of thinking that it could be a replica, but DESU I can't tell from the distance the photo was taken.

I also want to know-how tall this person is because I'm lanky and very tall and this cut still hits right around my kneecaps. Damn.

>> No.9410127

>nice dresses
http://bodyline.jp/en/l029.html this dress 13$ you fucking poorfag

>> No.9410309
File: 113 KB, 495x740, IMG_2617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh, again with the hair.

>> No.9410328
File: 86 KB, 640x628, IMG_2618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does the crown even fit in with this? This isn't hime, it's not OTT. So wtf?

>> No.9410339

It sucks because it would be really cute if she just wore a natural wig.

>> No.9410342

I know this person, in person. They own 3 colorways in the dress and I have seen them up close (they are not replicas) he is very tall I am 5'1, hes about 5"11 without shoes. And the only reason i can say it not a replica is because i have the same dress in the white colorway and its exactly comparable to mine (bought it from ap directly). He just maxes the dresses. But hes so super sweet and nice.

>> No.9410348

Hes very tall.

>> No.9410356

>Ita thread
If the coord can be fixed with a change of hair it doesn't belong in this thread. If you wanna start a nitpick thread for all the bad wigs out there go for it but please stop posting them here, this is for trainwrecks.

>> No.9410383

Can you maybe shut the fuck up? Her pinks don't match, she has no makeup on, no accessories, nothing. I can let some of that slide, obviously, but this is definitely an ita.
Also, it's not a wig.

>> No.9410385


They just had to interview itas

>> No.9410392

Boring =/= ita
You can nitpick to death all you want but this is far from trainwreck-tier which is supposed to be what these threads are for. The coords posted in ita threads are supposed to be cautionary tales to newbies, shining examples of "don't do this because it's not lolita".

>> No.9410400

>pinks don't match
I feel like you missed that part

>> No.9410407
File: 35 KB, 250x333, IMG_2622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone at this meetup looked a mess. Dump time.

>> No.9410411
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>> No.9410412

Oh yes, you're completely right anon. I take back everything I sad, execute her at dawn in front of her friends and family for the capital crime of slightly-different undertones.
Fuck off, anon. How new are you to still be NITPICKING this fucking hard in an ITA thread? Please, seriously, do yourself a favor and lurk much, much more.

>> No.9410426

Why don't you contribute something *you* find ita instead of complaining about the thread?

Sage for replying to bait.

>> No.9410434
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>> No.9410444
File: 86 KB, 540x720, 941551_609421515737383_2071144825_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ita" is a term that is way less subjective than "nitpick", you just haven't been lurking long enough to know that. I'd be happy to dump itas until this thread is in autosage, but for now you're only going to get one because it's not my job to spoonfeed you when there is an archive with years worth of ita threads you could be browsing instead.

>> No.9410457
File: 57 KB, 400x533, IMG_2619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheap cat ears really make this

>> No.9410471
File: 277 KB, 894x894, princess_by_tiny_hetalian_turtle-d8uq5ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be like you, anon. Trust me, I did. Sitting here trying to make a mountain out of a molehill every time I saw something in a coordinate that wasn't PERFECT, because I thought that was par for the course and that all lolitas were nitpicky about every tiny detail. It sure does seem that way from the outside because we do criticize outfits for things that your average normie won't, but cards on the table most seasoned lolitas do not give a singular shit about things like mismatching pinks like in the case of >>9410309, because other than the hair they're all "close enough". Once you've been at it a while it's easy to give someone like this the benefit of the doubt, because those pinks might've been a closer match when she put the outfit together at home or they might've photographed very differently than they look in person because the materials used are very different. At the end of the day, shit like this just isn't eye-searingly bad and I don't know why you're on such a crusade to pretend like it is. Again, and for the last time, these threads are for shit that is straight up not lolita but it's trying to be passed as such.

Pic semirelated, this is the kind of stuff you should be focusing on anon, and there's so much of it out there that you really don't need to be looking at that boring pink playing cards coord under a microscope.

>> No.9410497
File: 96 KB, 232x347, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, this isn't just any kind of autism

it's advanced autism

>> No.9410819

anon please

>> No.9410849

I think a while ago someone was trying to make a style called lolita but like in the nymphet sense of the word? not sure anyway

>> No.9410861
File: 45 KB, 410x391, 1478984765822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally nothing in this outfit matches

>> No.9410901

This is old as fuck anon, what the hell?

>> No.9410907
File: 9 KB, 178x188, IMG_3553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad she looks like a neanderthal

>> No.9410934

It's free from my Lolita dress with orders occasionally. Couldn't afford anything else?

>> No.9411015

Shipping to my contry is expensive not to mention the exange rate.

>> No.9411017

Yeah. I really over reacted. I just wanted to vent. I used to have a terrible sense of fashion but I worked hard and now it's not as bad. I don't think they should stop that was too far. But if theyre going to put the money in to it I'd just hope they Atleast try.

>> No.9411019

Dude this coord is actually cute. The only problem is the hair.

>> No.9411024

Super sweet and nice still doesn't excuse someone from being an ita. If he has 3, then he's got 3 very ill fitting dresses.

>> No.9411032
File: 408 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_5986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita is not a costume, I thought we went over this

>> No.9411033

>never did i say they fit right
just saying that they are not replicas and yes he is tall.

>> No.9411036

It was tagged as lolita?

>> No.9411039

is this the themed puppet meetup that the LA comm had? jesus anon theyre having fun get the stick out of your ass

>> No.9411063

Having fun and looking ita as fuck isn't mutually exclusive.

>> No.9411074

It was a meet so... yes?

>> No.9411089

It's literally a curtain, I saw the post on FB. She bought a curtain from a thrift and made it into a skirt.

>> No.9411105
File: 31 KB, 264x480, itai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Super Casual"

>> No.9411106

this doesnt belong here

>> No.9411110

I don't know, I guess I have terrible tastes, but this to me isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be. I see where she got the colours from on the dress, and it's not like brown and pink are a bad colour combination together in theory. I do agree it looks a little off but not ita material. Nitpick for sure though. Maybe I'm being easy on it because at least she isn't wearing the headbow and is wearing less of the shitty wig in a way that makes it look at least half decent, and has a smile more that suits her face more, unlike in >>9407309 so there are improvements on things that were in her court both times instead of the things getting spoodfed to her via sales, which is apparently what happened in the yellow and green coord.

That wig needs to burn though. I bought a wig like it when I first started out and I regret spending money on it. Plus she needs make-up really badly. She has a thin enough face, I think if she learned how, it would make a huge difference for her. Even investing $100 and a few hours in make up tutorials and practicing would do wonders at this point

>> No.9411162
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>> No.9411277

fuck off with defending your ugly ita friend

>> No.9411286

stop whining and find another hobby if you can't afford bodyline with shipping.

>> No.9411297

That four layers of lace near the bottom of the dress just looks so random looking

>> No.9411413
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>> No.9411482

Are you their friend? You seem upset that someone has pointed out the truth that yes, you can be having fun and still look like an ita. As this is an ita thread , they belong here.

>> No.9411638

Omg calm down I just wanted to vent. Your one of the reasons I don't like the lolita community and I'd rather lolita by myself.

>> No.9411645

It's not bad. Just too much lace.

>> No.9411681

i feel like you don't even wear lolita. you sound underage and have that stupid newbie attitude that all newbies have

maybe try growing up and people will call you on your shit less often, ita-chan

>> No.9411698

I ranted honestly calm down I've been a lolita for years.

>> No.9411949

I don't even know them or the original anon you replied to. Again, get your stick out of your ass. You're being way too upset about this.

>> No.9411960

are you for real

>> No.9411961

oof that color blocking is so so wrong

>> No.9411966

what on the what no honey this isnt even a good non-lolita outfit

>> No.9411967

This could be a lot worse. The only thing I have an issue with is no make up at all. And the wig could be better.

>> No.9411969

aw i'm going to give her a chance. baby ita

>> No.9411970

lol this is like someone's HS teacher who moderates the anime club

>> No.9411972

she looks like a stale girlscout cookie

>> No.9411973

okkkk this is not ita, I just dont think it's lolita

>> No.9411978

nooooo please not with this dress omg

>> No.9411980

did you see the tights...?

>> No.9411984

Fucking what?

>> No.9412006

if you're all the same anon, geez. you can reply to several posts within one post, stop cluttering up the thread

>> No.9412053

wait, but this isnt cluttering up the thread? sry didnt realize it was a big deal

>> No.9412060

That's 3 posts in comparison to the 7+ posted by the same person. It's really unnecessary and will make the thread reach its limit sooner than it needs to. Just like this discussion will. Sage for newfag.

>> No.9412722
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Reddit was a mistake

>> No.9412730

Do you watch runway shows and think that these are the least fashionable outfits you've ever seen? Do you take fashion magazines and burn them saying designers don't know what women really want? Fashion allows us to be conceptual, to create a look that is art, to explore what we can and cannot do upon our bodies.

It seems like fashion isn't really a hobby for you, you prefer a strict uniform where nobody strays from what is comfortable and safe. Nothing changes in your world. You are fearful.

There is certainly a difference between these women who show an understanding of the foundations of Lolita and ouji fashion and those who miss the mark completely.

I know none of this will reach you and I'll receive some sort of "shut up faggot/sorry you/your friends got posted lmao/ita af". Oh well.

>> No.9412818
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1447207001187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using lolita as a verb

bitch what?

>> No.9412893

I love that jsk oh my gosh

>> No.9412930

Yeah I checked reddit lolita today and realised that they're are all pretty much itas.

>> No.9412966

that dress is cute though

>> No.9413051
File: 649 KB, 2304x1536, GDxrEI1ogIo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a Russian girl making replicas of them and Im almost sure >>9407214 is wearing a replica.

>> No.9413089

I like this comment.

>> No.9413127

That replica version looks pretty bad compared to the original.
They're not hard to get either, just don't be fucking lazy and order when the shop is open.

>> No.9413156

Sorry you/your friends got posted

>> No.9413326

Anon here; I'm not the one who posted the photo but I'll bite since you wrote a blog post. Your assumptions are off the mark btw. Sorry you spent 2 paragraphs on that.

My take? Not all experiments go right.

>> No.9413340
File: 72 KB, 688x566, 130803_gothic_lolita_meetup_vienna_wien_europe_lolitas_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some throwback ita.

If you want to help him, tell him to stop carrying his parasol like some random cosplay weapon.

I don't completely hate left, maybe she could have had better make-up and a better wig. But I love clowns. Digressing, but I love that the new Pennywise has a costume that has parts that could fit into the fashion.

No words. She just liked the dress and doesn't know the first thing about the fashion? She didn't even try.

This actually looks like one of my Aussie professors.

Saw that and thought fucking what, glad people calling him (? one of those tumblr transtrender girls calling themselves boys?) out.

>> No.9413367

Please stop posting

You must be 18 or older to post here and based on your comments, you're either 12 or very low IQ

>> No.9413382

Thank you. This is great

>> No.9413452
File: 42 KB, 400x600, MHWfxnZSWtk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this gem in weeby sales group
Wearing OTKs over your shoes is some new ita-stic shit

>> No.9413491

This seems more like a nit pick. But honeslty I have never seen that done before wtf.

>> No.9413537
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random pompoms over everything
>stables like headwear, blouse and tights are all basic normie shit
>throwing your purse on the floor

such edge

>> No.9413541

And you still failed to post them.

>> No.9413552

How come pdx gulls always get posted to these threads? I haven't seen an actual ita of theirs in a while.

>> No.9413580

Because they're nice to their itas and vicious to their e-famous wannabes

>> No.9413611

Lolwut. The two girls posted aren't even a part of the efame group..

>> No.9413624

... She normally looks fine. I'm really not sure why she posted this mess.

>> No.9413644

Maybe to see if she can get posted here and see her Knights talk about her boosting her ego. It's like when people post on April 1st and get posted here. Their Knights come out and go " it was a joke coord anon"

>> No.9413662
File: 82 KB, 345x385, tumblr_oaly9mviWb1sl76igo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white bag on some dirty-ass store floor


>> No.9414598

Vapor isn't smoke.

>> No.9414604

it's not necessarily bad but it's not that good either, just sayin

>> No.9414612
File: 121 KB, 688x894, 130803_gothic_lolita_meetup_vienna_wien_europe_lolitas_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9414804

I only saw ero-chan, I'd say she's at least trying for efame. Who's the other one?

>> No.9414819

you didnt even quote an image, cosloser

>> No.9414823

it's still carcinogenic though so it might as well be, you're not just breathing water vapor

>> No.9414835

It's almost kind of endearing to see itas like the girl on left, who looks like she just attempted a coord with her first lolita purchases. If she's still a lolita years down the road this will be a funny (and cringey) photo to look back on.

>> No.9414844

>No blouse
>Low cut dress
>Normie shoes

>> No.9414871
File: 132 KB, 640x828, IMG_7822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still not something that is cute. I mean her cordinates are cute, but they are brought down by her vaping selfies making them look dirty.

>> No.9414872

you took the time to "disprove" someone about something you didnt know about. how does it feel to be wrong? god, we get it, you vape

>> No.9414873

those aren't normie shoes, those are "kawaii neko footwear kthxbai"

I thought people stopped buying that shit.

>> No.9414880

It rubs me the wrong way
>old face
>kiddie socks and shoes combo

>> No.9414888

that greasy cow-lick

>> No.9414898

this is the new copypaste

>> No.9415742


>> No.9416349

theyre just an older style of sweet shoe, calm down wallpaper / grandma couch chan

>> No.9416352

>when ur ugly so you have to hide your close-up selfie with the vape nation

>> No.9416466

the pose really does remind me of that AP model.
I can't quite remember her name, but I'm sure you know who I'm on about.

>> No.9416553

Omg. What even are they?

>> No.9416952

How is vapor dirty?

>> No.9417007

It's not it's more that it doesn't really go with the lolita aethetic

>> No.9419086

What the hell is that?! A pope?

>> No.9419328

No, crossdressers have to plow their faces with make-up(like you). Some Naturally women are moving away from it because they dont want to look like drag queen(plus the cost). I notice a difference in make-up since guys started being y tube gurus. Its hard to compete with no fat man faces. Seems the light makeup trend has hit lolita, around the time guys started stealing the tag. I still wear heavy make-up but if I post to the tag I wont.

>> No.9419341

I dont know if its lolita, they just look like cute girls. If I saw them in the streets I would smile.