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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 480x640, 13393238_10200552019828503_384118802_n A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9384157 No.9384157 [Reply] [Original]

Get your spook on.

>> No.9384159
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>> No.9384164
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>> No.9384168
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Ugh, most of my images are on my other laptop, so I can only dump shit from 2010 and earlier rn.

>> No.9384171
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>> No.9384172

I'm in love with this coat

>> No.9384177

Do it anon! Best era.

>> No.9384234
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, 16908124_177172072782241_1112264321980694528_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EGL related or general jgoth?

i have a few recent coords saved to fill you in on the latest in gothic lolita(TM)

>> No.9384238
File: 67 KB, 750x750, 16906514_303907140026692_8029843433235415040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops was saving that for a lolita operator thread, oh well

>> No.9384243
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>> No.9384244
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>> No.9384246
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>> No.9384250
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>> No.9384260
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>> No.9384261
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>> No.9384264
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end for now with this mother-daughter pair

>> No.9384266


>> No.9384267


>> No.9384270

Seagulls n' sync

Birds of feather flock together

>> No.9384274
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>> No.9384280
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>> No.9384286
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>> No.9384432

is this girl model for Atelier Pierrot?

>> No.9384458


>> No.9384655
File: 1.06 MB, 750x1400, SHES PRECIOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9384768

Love this. Dammit Sheglit, just take my money.

>> No.9385810

whew lad don't go belfast in that one

>> No.9385867
File: 145 KB, 640x800, 17266229_1443091465721185_7978744845810270208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

takin a mini dump of recent shit

>> No.9385869
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>> No.9385870
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>> No.9385871
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>> No.9385877
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>> No.9385890

Holy mother, this is awesome. How is that hat supposed to be wore? Like a normal hat or a little inclined?

>> No.9385897

not sure, it is a WIP by I Do Declare. can't wait to see it on a human

>> No.9385920
File: 369 KB, 700x1010, ega2_by_jolarocknrolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old school ega back from livejournal days...

>> No.9385927

The limp unstyled hair is underwhelming and kind of ruins this. I like everything else though.

>> No.9385938

It normally is a halo, so it is tilted back for effect.

>> No.9385942

>emphasis on "old school"
yup, agreed. still my fave tho.

>> No.9385957

It's not that old, is it? Jola was active on EGL around 2008-2009, wasn't she? Or do I just not remember correctly?
>still think the 90s were 10 years ago

>> No.9385961

>the Hello Kitty glasses

>> No.9386336

>Jola was active on EGL around 2008-2009
that's before the reign of OTT sweet, right? i remember the 2010s ushered in the age of wigs, not sure

>> No.9386352

2008-2009 was Fruits Parlor and Sugary Carnival, OTT sweet was definitely a big thing , but at the time wigs were basically only an OTT sweet thing and a lot of people considered it tacky ("lolita is a style, wigs are for costumes.")

Also, IIRC hair with absolutely no body was one of the early/mid 2000s trends, especially among goths.

>> No.9386413

I have a love hate relationship with this girl. Like I often love the things she does. But she just makes me roll my eyes half the time I see her.

>> No.9386448

Nice discipline.

>> No.9386461
File: 78 KB, 402x604, gothic lolita fashion gothic lolita-f48884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goths love HK too ;_;
but I was thinking the same thing, the coord is so cute but, damn, them glasses

>> No.9386462
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>> No.9386464


>> No.9386466
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>> No.9386470

>wigs were basically only an OTT sweet thing >people considered it tacky ("lolita is a style, wigs are for costumes.")
^This. The pic posted of Jola around 2007, before wigs were a lolita necessity. At the time, she was one of the few lolitas that successfully pulled off an elegant aristocrat look that didn't say "normie romantic goth look".

>> No.9386472
File: 67 KB, 500x667, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F85005d5903e504db0fa5ad4bb915cb81%2Ftumblr_n2ccjyzhWW1rbz3m3o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love these kind of pics They remind me of my teen years hanging around town <strike>drinking in parks</strike> having fun and stuff

>> No.9386473
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>> No.9386475
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>> No.9386476
File: 80 KB, 400x600, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fdb55bc00b385574e4fbbb3059a4807f9%2Ftumblr_ngjcdkDRmU1u5t1e8o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>html where?
I'll see myself out

>> No.9386477

Why is gothic so perfect

>> No.9386480

Name of this dress, please?

>> No.9386538
File: 101 KB, 640x960, 1475003154707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100/10 coord

>> No.9386540

Anon from before; you're right but I meant to say that if she styled her hair it would have looked much better. You don't need to wear a wig to style your hair in an elegant updo.

>> No.9386618

>At the time, she was one of the few lolitas that successfully pulled off an elegant aristocrat look that didn't say "normie romantic goth look".

What. There were more people wearing aristocrat than ever then, with the nordic girls look 10 times better.

>> No.9386620


>> No.9386703

I miss seeing goths and gothic lolitas together. Such an easy style, it stands out the right amount, and nobody will ask you if you're wearing a costume. More than that, it makes you part of a huge community in your city, not just a group of a few dozen lolitas.

In high school I used to dream about coming of age and wearing my dresses out to goth clubs, but by now all the venues have closed and the few scattered shows left just aren't the same :(

>> No.9386782

aw. the goth scene in my area is picking up. sometimes our venue has goth nights twice a month. which is an improvement over 0 times a month.

BPN and h.Naoto are good for dancing in.

>> No.9386845

>posting one of my fav coords of all time
>probably for the 10th time lol

uhhh...that's so vague, anon.
I'm 100% in love with her style so I'm kinda interested in what it is that bothers you.

the tiara confuses me the most.

>> No.9386847
File: 216 KB, 500x750, 6abf8fba06af37faee0ec7f0f2ae513d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking dropped pic

>> No.9387211

Maybe because she says she loves gothic but she wears a lot of sweet in black instead of actual gothic brands.

Plus her hair and makeup usually looks stupid. I remember her from LJ, she was quite an ita then.

>> No.9387224

This Coord is so aweful. I don't understand everyone's boner for it. It would be cute without those fucking HK glasses and that randomly placed tiara

>> No.9387225

One day I'll have this fucking dress

>> No.9387458

I guess we just slightly disagree then.
I don't think I've ever seen her wear sweet. it's always gothic, ero, or old school, often with a gorgeous Mana-inspired flavor.

do you consider yourself a gothic lolita? if so, what's your style inspiration these days? if not, what are your favorite items you like to see featured in a gothic coord?

>> No.9387467
File: 117 KB, 627x960, 11937425_897295283658829_7516175753628116905_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her make-up is always gothic, but she often has a mishmash of styles, with the only cohesion being that it's all black. For example, pic related. Thick cotton with cotton lace, huge peter pan collars, heart apron, etc. She seems to often favour wearing sweet main pieces in black for some reason.

Yes, I wear gothic. You can't get any gothier than Moitie, which is most of my wardrobe..

>> No.9387475
File: 118 KB, 640x960, 10500301_695632090491817_4290637607179900906_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also thinks this is gothic

>> No.9387478
File: 218 KB, 768x1024, Windows Photo Viewer Wallpaper 91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what this monstrosity is, but again, the main piece is extremely sweet. She also wears a lot of tacky Bodyline and there is always something cheap/off about her outfits. I wish there were more people like Tamie posting.

>> No.9387479

Also, old school is not a style on it's own. Old school sweet in black is still sweet.

>> No.9387485

>pardon me, I'm drunk and blog posting

ooo, that's cool. your wardrobe must look nice as hell!
one of my holy grail dream dresses is blue rose chiffon op but I have been trying to numb myself to its effects because I just can't bring myself to spend about a month's rent on a single dress. I mean, it's no iron gate price-wise but it's close lol maybe one day I'll get it but I just can't get my hopes up.

I don't know why but the coord you posted lights my fire. It does combine different style elements but I like it. the combo is strangely pleasing, and I guess I'd label it gothic because of the legwear, shoes, and bag. but I feel more comfortable just thinking of it as kuro.

the hairstyle is top-notch and the best thing about this coord. it looks like a deadly dessert and basically embodies what I love about all-black pieces: the simplicity in color leads you to admire the details, the texture, and the intensity or depth of the black.

I do think the shoes are a bit intense and too strappy compared to the rest of the coord.

>> No.9387496

I think she needs different glasses. Hers are way too modern for the look.

>> No.9387497

I think she has a really unique style that's so refreshing to see in an ocean of the same boring shit most lolitas seem to wear nowadays. Even if I don't like the coord all the time I'm so happy to see something different than full AP sets with full on shoop from weibo accounts. I've seen an anon compare her style to old lolita illustrations and I agree.

>> No.9387510

>TFW you can't be Rivet and EGL at the same time.

Hard to stomp in Frilly Dresses.

>> No.9387612
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>> No.9388072

> tfw no gf to wear lolita and aristo versions of the same moitie print together

> mother-daughter
oh.. now I feel gross.

>> No.9388166

What dress is that? I'm gonna buy it and cum all over it.

>> No.9388318


And yet >>9387467 feels goth to me.

It's normal in gothic fashion to wear peter pan collar, cotton lace, heart shaped anything, Hello Kitty and other cute stuff. But in lolita it's suddenly sweet. I think a lot of people forget that with gothic comes an aditude and that gothic lolita isn't a exception to the rule (eventhough it's not completely part of its western counterpart and bla bla bla).
That's why wearing only black clothes and doesn't make you goth. And that wearing a cutesy bag doesn't ungoth you. You need to own it to make it feel goth.

>> No.9388479

I really don't see what the big deal is. I think taking old school sweet and gothing it up is actually pretty cool and this looks super legit, it gives it a creepy vibe whereas moitie goth feels more elegent. I think out of the 3 pics she does it best in the this one.

>> No.9388571

how can i dress as a modernly acceptable goth male

>> No.9388576

This isn't even lolita.

>> No.9388582


You're gonna have to be more specific, man. When you say modern, do you mean you just don't want to look like Dracula's cousin but everything else is fine? Or what?

>> No.9388602
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, jRwVK0O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9388636

this is the wrong place for these questions.
I don't understand why you want to look "modernly acceptable," especially as good goth comes with experimentation, inner passion, and a general middle finger to what's "acceptable."

browse >>9310301 for fun inspiration but you need to figure out your own style and interests, then think about buying or diy-ing good quality clothes.

polite sage for ot

>> No.9389133

Any good gothic lolitas on instagram to follow? Preferably people who wears it as a daily fashion

>> No.9389150

tell that to the Atelier Pierrot shop staff

>> No.9389270

what's stopping you from doing it now still, anon?

>> No.9389273

Isn't Atelier-Pierrot EGA and not exclusively lolita?

>> No.9389368

I like obsixwi

>> No.9390635
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>> No.9390636
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>> No.9390718
File: 85 KB, 500x667, Old School Lolita and Ouji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9390720
File: 227 KB, 379x600, Putamayo Eglise Robe OP huberschwinkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9390992

gothing up 'kuro' has been a thing since forever, if you're using Japanese street fashion and magazines as the benchmark; which is to say its not a pulled out of ass look, or something only developed on tumblr etc.

>> No.9390997

don't care what anyone says, love white shoes on black tights when styled well.

>> No.9391223


>> No.9391544

only Moitie is EGA, sorry to burst that bubble for you. no other brand uses that term and Japanese goths don't use it as a tag for their coord shots, either.

>> No.9393083

aristo happens to be something that can also be elegant and gothic, of course mana coined the term ega but that doesnt mean the godly nippons dont use aristo to tag their shots you egg

>> No.9393267

>black goth
cultural appropriation