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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9382490 No.9382490 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>9377250

>> No.9382491
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>> No.9382492
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>> No.9382494
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>> No.9382497
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>> No.9382499
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>> No.9382503
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>> No.9382506
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>> No.9382509
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repost from last thread since it was posted pretty late

>> No.9382514
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>> No.9382520
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>> No.9382524

>loltia girls

holy shit

>> No.9382530

I hate everything about this, right down to that shitty lacefront

>> No.9382533

this is such a clusterfuck of a look, I don't know where to start. it's like someone who shops primarily at hot topic decided to try lolita for a change of pace.
could she have not at least tucked her blouse in ffs

>> No.9382534

have at least*
who made that skirt anyways and why have i seen it in so many bad coords lately

>> No.9382535

i feel like with oldschool coming back, so many half assed coords labeled "oldschool" are popping up. just bc ur jsk is "oldschool" does not your coord make... cough cough wtf are those shoes

>> No.9382536

burn it with fire. what is your bonnet? why??

>> No.9382548

She ruined a perfectly decent coord by adding all that cheap looking handmade stuff. The underskirt fabric is so cheap looking, not to mention how it just hangs there boring as all shit, and doesn't match the chiffon overlay on the dress. The textures are just all wrong. And the weird like...half-umbrella on her back is just pointless. I wish she'd left it as is, with maybe a nice underlay and actual wristcuffs.

>sad, sad wristcuffs

>> No.9382558

a quick google of "bonnets" could have saved this tragedy

>> No.9382563

i don't even know where to begin with this but maybe

>get rid of the pigtails, let the wig hang long and flowy and trim in some actual bangs
>remove star hairpin from collar
>get actual wristcuffs to replace all of those cheap looking bracelets
>take off that sweet AP ring and replace it with something classy/metal
>plain offwhite/white bag to match the shoes, or instead get gold shoes and a gold bag

it just gets worse the more you look at it but it could be salvaged with some taste

>> No.9382573

This is really really cute, I love this

>> No.9382577

was this posted separately from the pic with her daughter? it is odd to have posted on its own since the coord is not fully shown.

>> No.9382585

yeah, i think it was posted by the photog? i'm not even sure if a partial photo like this is allowed

>> No.9382600

I came here to watch the roasting. This coord is horrible.

>> No.9382603

I'm sorry, the bonnet (??) being worn like a visor is fucking killing me

>> No.9382622

If I'm not mistaken it's Butterfly Cemetery by Soufflesong

>> No.9382644 [DELETED] 

Who is the fat niggeress?

>> No.9382655

what the fuck? Are you just being gross?

>> No.9382659

What do you mean? I want her name so I can laugh at some more of her pics lol

>> No.9382662

you sound new

a lot of us are mean, but we're not that mean. back to lolcow you go

>> No.9382665

The coord isn't very good, but her hair is so cute!

>> No.9382667

Nothing mean about it, she should be proud to make my sound happy that I laugh at her attempts to look good, she brings joy and is fat like santa.

>> No.9382668

Looks like she got stuck in a Party City parasol

>> No.9382670

Please learn to type like an adult, newfriend.

>> No.9382672

We have rules here about racism, do we not?

>> No.9382676

She looks like an Instagram girl that stumbled into a Hot Topic. That coat is probably my least favorite thing in the coord. (And there are a lot of things I don't like!)

>> No.9382678 [DELETED] 

The fact that she is a niggeress is none too important, I don't hold it against her.

>> No.9382687
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>> No.9382688
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why do people bother posting without footwear

>> No.9382689
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>> No.9382707

why she wearing sneakers, god

>> No.9382715

I wanna buy that bunny bag.

>> No.9382721
File: 303 KB, 1243x2048, 17159233_10209776274737918_5267642487883116278_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That eye shoop is terrifying.

>> No.9382723

you have to stop

>> No.9382725

looks like circle lenses to me, but yeah asians with circle lenses are really jarring. also that guy looks ridiculous. i wish CoF only allowed lolita posts.

>> No.9382726

I really hate military lolita. I've never seen an example that didn't look completely out of place.

>> No.9382732

>i wish CoF only allowed lolita posts.
does the presence of pants trigger your need for a safe space?

>> No.9382733

when the pants are part of a coordinate that make these dorks look like an overglorified Mr. Monopoly, yes

>> No.9382736

I don't think so, it may be cgl but it's still 4chan so these kinds of comments shouldn't surprise you
Just ignore it, I understand it's difficult as fck for you all to ignore bait, but please try

>> No.9382800

Eddie Izzard?

>> No.9382809

Everything in those pictures needs to be trashed. Everything.

>> No.9382851

ive been watching this girl since she was a beginner and i love watching how her hairs gone from middle part with no bangs, to a fringe, to a hime cut as time went on

>> No.9382859

>I don't think so
moot banned racist comments outside of /b/. but yeah, bait should be disregarded. ignore it like you'd ignore any other attention whore, gulls.

>> No.9382897

Because lolita is cute, this shit is a guy either trying to be edgy or trying to get lolita pussy.

>> No.9382898

This definitely isn't ouji, and isn't really aristo either. It's more like steampunk than any type of j-fashion, so I don't think it belongs in CoF.

>> No.9382902

Yup, that's definitely more generic goth/steampunk.

>> No.9382903

not all lolita is cute though

agreed, as did people in the last thread. how many male-privilige likes did the dude get despite being ita and offtopic?

>> No.9382907

I disagree, if someone who didn't look so steampunk himself and took off the glasses it would be fine as aristocrat. It's his glasses and face thats throwing people off.

He still needs better boots though.

A bit over 100 likes, not much at all.

>> No.9382969

Considering how CoF is filled with landwhales I hardly doubt guys go there to just to meet girls.

>> No.9382977

found the racistchan

>> No.9382981

Why is it that if guys dress in aristocrat or any kind of EGL male style they're always weirdos or betas, but girls who dress in lolita can be total normies?

>> No.9383022

Because toned down or casual lolita can look pretty similar to normal/boring clothes that normies wear, but most dudes don't pay attention to fashion and won't usually incorporate items like top hats or capes into their wardrobe unless they're creepy to begin with, so it looks very out of place. I'm generalizing but you get the idea.

>> No.9383081
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>It's his glasses and face thats throwing people off.
face and hair matter, especially for aristo. you cannot hide behind a beard, sunglasses, and a hat. you cannot not wear makeup. what separates aristo from western victorian gothic is the androgynous, glam/visual kei aspect. threadly reminder that pic related is definitively EGA; if Mana himself calls this casual style Aristocrat, you know it's about more than just the clothes. most men phone it in with a ruffled blouse, vest, and pants, as if an EGA coord can be bought and not styled.

to be a normie male you must reject frills. your only decoration should be your muscles, beard, and a cool watch that does internet shit.

dressing in frills is categorically abnormal for men.

>> No.9383103

she has made such cute coords before.
I recall one that was red with a strawberry or cherry print skirt, and she wore a short curly wig. twas cute.
this is one of the biggest misses I've seen in a while. happens to the best of us I guess.
props for experimenting but this really needs work

>> No.9383120

>no one likes fat girls

you'd be surprised

>> No.9383260

>lolita over 35 theme

>> No.9383313

desperation has no preference lol

>> No.9383317

holy shit that phone case..

>> No.9383397

I feel like the hime cut is terrible for everyday wear but it looks acceptable in this photo I guess.

Styling a wig is one thing but having that cut everyday...

>> No.9383404


>> No.9383406

This isn't military lolita, it's just shit

>> No.9383408

I had a hime cut and hated it. It made it so I couldn't tie my hair back right, couldn't put it behind my ears right, and if it dried funny then I looked like I had a mullet but was also a cocker spaniel. Never again, I grew that shit out so fast.

>> No.9383445

no I mean I've met several people who actually sexually prefer tubby girls.

>> No.9383446

lisa frank nostalgia

>> No.9383575

He looks like a menacing stage magician.

So? People should stop liking things at some random age of your choice?

>> No.9383583

>So? People should stop liking things at some random age of your choice?
They're just trying to say those girls look bad because of their age. You're right but you're also not gonna get through to that person.

>> No.9383699

i definitely prefer having small sections of hair to frame the face over a hime cut

>> No.9383715


>> No.9383983

They could use a little help, though, that's true. I'm not sure some of their hairstyles or skincare choices are really working for them. I'm 31 and proud to be a lolita, but I'm also not going to post a bad photo of myself to a public group.

Unpopular opinion: Hime cuts don't look good on some people!

>> No.9383997

Honestly, a hime cut needs to suit your face. I think on this girl it looks pretty bad, not awful, but just not right. If it suits you then it can be very cute for daily wear too, especially if you wear jfashion regularly.

>> No.9384006
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dump inc

>> No.9384007
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>> No.9384008
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>> No.9384010
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>> No.9384011
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>> No.9384012


Absolutely lost as to where/how you know they're over 35. They don't look over 30 to me.

>> No.9384013
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>> No.9384014
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>> No.9384015

I actually really like this, I'm really into simple, casual coords with no print.

>> No.9384017

>when your hair is more voluminous than your skirt
This would have been much cuter with a better petticoat.

>> No.9384030

>He looks like a menacing stage magician.

LOL is also probably a pick up artist

>> No.9384062

where are the pettis??
come on lasses. it's not lolita without the proper skirt shape. they both look very pretty but one is simply a 40s inspired outfit and the other romantic goth.
>stack dem pettis

>> No.9384070

>>9384011 is very clearly wearing a petticoat.

>> No.9384078

That's a very flattering dress, I like that.

>> No.9384080

are you the same person from that thread yesterday who kept using 'lol' and claiming to be an oldfag while complaining about how bitchy all seagulls are? lit. nobody uses 'lol' on the chans, dude, you're only embarrassing yourself

>> No.9384084

Hermione Granger lolita is a cute idea but i think the coord would be more immediately recognizable with solid colors rather than a floral print theme

>> No.9384102

this girl has a pretty face, but the dress...
I feel almost bad because if she made it herself, the construction doesn't look all that awful, and chiffon ruffles are pretty tedious to do...but it doesn't read as lolita. Maybe a change of leg/footwear would help idk
if anything, I get a vibe like 'oldschool shoujo manga heroine'

>> No.9384103

Babby's first coord?

>> No.9384105

she's wearing a corset underneath
you can see the top of the underbust's rim through the fabric

>> No.9384106

One of those girls is 27....

>> No.9384122

I assume most people wear shapewear of some kind. The actual dress looks very flattering with the v waistline, trimmed square bodice, and sleeves. I like it and think it's classic.

>> No.9384123

This corset provides no cinching or shaping what-so-ever, if anything the contrast makes her look more broad

>> No.9384126

I...didn't think that corsets were commonly used as shapewear these days, but this is lolita, after all.
i agree with you on the cut, though. i wish that there were more historically inspired lolita dresses floating around. lizchen-r comes to mind, but that's about it.

>> No.9384133

and another 25.
we're obsessed with age...why?
sure, they're not teens but that doesn't have much to do with the coords and just derails sadly.

>let's get more crit in this bitch.

>> No.9384340

This. A good 80% of cgl needs to learn to talk about the clothing and NOT the person wearing it.

>> No.9384347
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>nobody uses 'lol' on the chans
at least it's not kek for the millionth time.
also board culture is cringe, fuck off.

>> No.9384392 [DELETED] 

that's not a lacefront senpai

>> No.9384397

thats not a lacefront friend

>> No.9384447

>construction site
This is off putting... too little whine in jsk for my taste.

>> No.9384469
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pic related. feel free to leave at any time if you hate the 'board culture' so much.

>> No.9384498

The only part of this coord that doesn't have to be scrapped is the blouse.

>> No.9384500

Most people don't wear shapewear unless they're fatties squeezing into a dress not made for them.

>> No.9384507

Is it fucking LiveJournal 2007 in here or what?

>> No.9384563
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Yeah it is, just a really bad and obvious one. It's that shitty gray ombre synthetic lace front wig that's all over sites like Aliexpress

>> No.9384568

>a pretty face
Are we looking at the same photo?

>> No.9384577

It is also used for effect, either for a dramatic shape or for outside aesthetics. See any overbust done by brand which aren't well made so a corset that is real under helps.

In her case the historical pattern begs for a corset as well.

>> No.9384593

I agree she's very pretty. that wig is a fucking travesty...a thin, lifeless disaster with a shitty 5-yr old boy fringe.

I'm interested in her progression because this is clearly a first try. the color of the jsk and her face are the only nice things in this.

>> No.9384600

my least favourite thing about this is the waist belt over the V shape waistline. shit makes no sense

>> No.9384629

As glad that I am that the old school trend is picking up, I think most people are better off just .. not.

WTF are these coords? Why would you use any of those shoes?? Black normie tights??? Please just leave old school alone if you can't handle it.

>> No.9384648

just because a dress is old school-style (as in monochromatic with torchon lace) does not mean the coord is os. >>9382497 is clearly not intended as old school. look at that blouse.
you're new. lurk before telling everyone you're dumb

>> No.9384677
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Im only saying this because I have the same wig. Its for sure from aliexpress but it isn't the same one. It has a skin top but no lacefront.

>> No.9384705
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>> No.9384707
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>> No.9384716

absolutely gorgeous. dying for that aubergine!

>> No.9384766

I was really happy with the coord until I got to the shoes. Absolutely loathe those loafers, but I know it's a nitpick.

>> No.9384810
File: 228 KB, 858x725, VQSucsH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking hair
>the dollar store halloween neckwear
>amazon blouse
>hairband on wrist? what is that?
>"i was goff in high school" corset
>victorian whore petticoat totally counts as a skirt
>fatty feet in tiny shitty Payless Shoes brogues

discount madam red k thanks

>> No.9384814

I want to like this, but the tent in the background rienforces the "circus horse girl" look of this.

>> No.9384816

Hate fandom coords, but this is good? Just needs a bit more poof.

>> No.9384820

good coord, but someone please get this girl a good plastic surgeon for whatever the hell is going on with her face

>> No.9384821

Dude, I wear shape wear and I am 108 lbs. Not only is it used for dramatic effect but it also helps create a smooth body for clingy fabrics that show belly button or rib imprints.

>> No.9384822

What is the deal with the recent influx of shitty handmade lolita? And it's all terrible quality fabrics too. No redeeming value.

>> No.9384828

>discount madam red
delusional fujo weeaboo detected

>> No.9385032

u wat m8? I use it here and I know I'm not the only one.

obligatory LOL

>> No.9385114

Everyone uses it. They're trying to get at someone (through anon of all things) so they can get some point about board culture across and it's not working. LOL.

>> No.9385273

God, I hate this coord. Only Hermione related things are the wig and the necklace. A book printed dress or even something with cats would have been a better choice. Plus the cape screams cosplay and hides the entire lolita silhouette.

>> No.9385281

Instant like because of that purple. Did she give a blouse source?

>> No.9385283

Of all the bad thing about this coord, the part that bothers me the most is the booger hanging from her nose.

>> No.9385335
File: 72 KB, 480x720, IMG_1498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her coord is cute, if more otome than lolita, but it's such a pet peeve of mine when people say shit like "six month anniversary". Anniversary comes from the Latin word for year. If you've been together for less than a year it's not your fucking anniversary any more than people have birthdays more than once a year.

>> No.9385348

I have the biggest ladyboner for her, it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.9385371

That's a dude

>> No.9385388

hi OP, I hope you mean yourself, because that's certainly what you are :)

>> No.9385389

I'm still not sure. From the face, I'd think it's a dude too, but then again, I have a pretty similar face and am female...

>> No.9385423

Has tits and hips. Is a girl.

>> No.9385547

No... I don't think anymore more than Spanx is appropriate to wear under a coord, this is the second coord lately where you could see awkward bends and angles from corsets under a dress. It's so awkward and uncomfortable looking

>> No.9385555

girls make the best princes and now i just want to watch utena all day

>> No.9385563
File: 205 KB, 541x188, 1454717173759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOL in all caps

i get that you like being anon so you can embarrass yourself all that you want but still

>> No.9385565

Yeah I agree.
That coord isn't old school. It's just ita.
The blouse is a sad droopy mess.

>> No.9385587
File: 139 KB, 960x960, 17264642_1270590092994979_5854289620725694952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is a editing submitted to CoF...

>> No.9385589
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>> No.9385592
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>> No.9385594
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>> No.9385598

That looks like cosplay from what I can even make out.

>> No.9385604
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>> No.9385606

tf, i already uploaded this, lurk more

>> No.9385621

I really don't care either way, androgyn women and feminine men are my jam.

>> No.9385625

it's funnier with the caption imo

it's on its way to becoming a haiku with a little tweaking

>> No.9385627

Okay, so what mod decided it would be a good idea to have this person in the group in the first place?
On that subject, are they even screening people anymore? I got a message request on fb last month from a guy who obviously does not wear jfash that was basically "that coord u posted on cof was so hot ;) ;) i'd love to see more" and I'm still pretty miffed about it

>> No.9385633

Editing by me
Playful Summer Lolita
I hope you enjoy ;))

>> No.9385639

I liked this one until i saw those kind f21 boots

>> No.9385645

that dress is SO SHINY jesus christ i am blinded
also, I think some elegant bracelets would go better with this coordinate than the wristcuffs, esp. with that 3/4 sleeve length.

>> No.9385647

Isn't that the guy from deerstalker pictures?

>> No.9385649

I got a really weird message from some dude last month, too; he was offended by my coord and said I was doing it wrong (the guy obviously had no experience with Lolita and was just a new spectator). When I said I disagreed, he blocked me; it was really weird and like he was pissed I wasn't in sweet for him to get off on.

>> No.9385650

No that's just an insult anon. He also said lolita was a mistake yet still wants to earn money from them views

>> No.9385651

C'mon, where are your stalking abilities? It IS a girl, just check her Facebook to take your conclusions.

>> No.9385653

i needed that laugh thank you

>> No.9385663

wait, deerstalker pictures said lolita was a mistake? that's so fucking sad, i always used his pictures for panel presentations when it came time to talk about ouji or aristocrat. i loved his content. what tf happened?

>> No.9385667

No way that guy was much uglier.

>> No.9385670

Could you post these in the online comm thread?

>> No.9385676

Small nitpick. But I think red shoes would have gone a lot better then black. It would make the coord stand out more than blend in together with all that black

>> No.9385681

Do you not get what a joke is? Anime is a mistake is a meme, make the connection.

Elliot has a beard now so no, the girl is not him.

>> No.9385686

Mod of CoF here, could you please pm us the names of these individuals?

We do screen as thoroughly as we can but with facebook privacy settings it is often hard to see more than a profile picture and a cover photo for some users. Thankfully, facebook is beta testing an application questionnaire feature for new group members. Once we get access to it, it could be a promising way to help us screen more effectively.

>> No.9385691

Why not just make your own application before allowing people in. It's what my comm does.

>> No.9385692

nayrt but CoF is way bigger than any one comm. that would be a hell of a lot of work, idk how many mods they have on their team but they'd probably need a lot more who'd be willing to read through all of them

>> No.9385705

This is why it shouldn't be on Facebook. But if you want to keep creeps out, what else can you do besides screen individual members.

>> No.9385707

Basically >>9385692 hit the nail on the head. We get about 20-40 member requests a day and using a google forms or something similar would result in a lot of applicants not seeing the form / not understanding it.

I'm hopeful for facebook's new feature because it sends each applicant a very clear notification when they hit the button to join and lets them fill out the questions on-page. Also, I'm assuming, facebook would send the "hey you need to fill this out" instructions for their form in whatever the user's default language is. Even if our questions are still in english, at least non-native speakers would be able to realize there are questions easier than having just a note in the description.

>> No.9385710
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how did you ever mistake these two individuals

>> No.9385711

>tfw CoF was a mistake

>> No.9385712

Boz; in her description she says it's a deeper red though I agree it looks purple.

>> No.9385736

So until then you're just letting anyone in pretty much? Who cares if they don't see it. If they don't see it, they don't want in badly enough.

>> No.9385737

no need to be such a dick anon, they're trying to do their job and they're trying to do it efficiently. there's bound to be human error. they're obviously trying to implement something more beneficial for both the members and the moderators so i don't really see why you're so assmad.

>> No.9385755
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>> No.9385758

The skirt is handmade apparently and I think it looks really good!

>> No.9385759

diff anon here to bring you two together

>> No.9385764

everything below the collar is quite lovely.
the wig (? or lack of styling if that is her hair??) and lack of hair accessories is disappointing

>> No.9385776

Because they are relying on Facebook for it when it could have been implemented she's ago. But feel free to let creeps be creeps. It's not my problem.

>> No.9385781

if it's not your problem why are you so triggered

>> No.9385790

Thank you kind anon, didn't realise my misquote!

>> No.9385807

I usually like when the legwear and shoes are of the same colour, but I have to agree that red shoes would have looked better here.

I actually find that very cute! Is she wearing double socks or are her tights double coloured?

She's actually wearing hair accessories on the other side of her head. She had posted a picture with two different views of her coord but deleted it soon after to post this one.

>> No.9385814

What brand is this dress from? I'm really intrigued about this shiny fabric...

>> No.9385822

Aatp. You could go on fb to check

>> No.9385833

I was banned from COF. CGL is my only hope.

>> No.9385835

And I apparently don't know how to quote

>> No.9385841

>i was banned from cof

the fuck did you do

>> No.9385858

How the hell did you get banned from the hug box?

>> No.9385945

Off topic, but what dress is this? Plz and thank you.

>> No.9385958

AP True Rose Story

>> No.9385994

"X was a mistake -someone who is influential or loves X," is a 4chan meme, you mong.

Are you aware of what site you're on?

>> No.9385998

Probably by giving honest concrit lol

>> No.9386025

But it really happened, not as a meme.

>> No.9386032

Your autism is making it hard to see a meme for a meme. They clearly wear the clothes still. But video wise they realize that their interest isn't Lolita topics and they are doing cosplay more which isn't the same audience. At most that means lolita videos are a mistake.

>> No.9386049

Source? I realize it's a meme but I still want to see under what context it was said.

>> No.9386076

>"x is a meme you mongoloid"
>x was actually said in seriousness

but somehow the person asking for clarification is the idiot.

>> No.9386116

She's a girl.

>> No.9386127

it's Vampire Nocturne if you needed to know.
it's really beautiful.

>> No.9386133

I hope to god this girl is gay because she is doing a fab job priming international lolita pussy

>> No.9386168

she's dating that on the left guy that twin last week.

>> No.9386173

This guy just doesn't get the aesthetics of EGA/OUJI. Come on bro this isn't steampunk.

>> No.9386174
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>> No.9386181

correction on the Right

>> No.9386194

Not her fault that many lolitas are thirsty lesbians.

>> No.9386234

that vest is disgusting. why purposely wear something that makes you look fatter

>> No.9386444
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>> No.9386447
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I had a hard time trying to figure it out this pic, it looks like hover loli.

>> No.9386532

didn't she have a blog or something? could someone drop the link please

>> No.9386541

alastairscarborough at tumblr

>> No.9386557

That's the definition of a punchable face

>> No.9386571
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>> No.9386582

No it's not. It's Chocolate Addiction.

>t. own both of them

>> No.9386584

I love this but it always annoys the shit out of me when girls put on flower crowns that match nothing. This would have been so much better with a black headdress or even black roses instead of red.

>> No.9386587

She pulls this off really well, but for some reason I want to see her in classic or gothic instead.

>> No.9386595

Thank you! How do you handle the shiny fabric? Does it look good in any kind of lighting?

>> No.9386598

>girls put on flower crowns that match nothing

But there's a flower on her JSK.
While I do agree that a black rose headdress would look fab, I guess that maybe it could just disappear in her black hair.

>> No.9386611

Yeah it might just be either the lighting or the fact that she has the black colorway. I have the red and irl it doesn't seem that shiny. The print is really cool, if you like it I would definitely get it.

>> No.9386613

True, I just wish if she was going to use a red flower crown she made an effort to use a darker red that would have matched better.

>> No.9386668

It's Aatp black color way of Chocolate Addiction
>not knowing the difference between chocolate addiction and vampire nocturne
....damn anon wtf their prints are nothing alike other than dark colors

>> No.9386716

Eh, I have Vampire Nocturne, and I can see how they could be mistaken with that dark colour way.

>> No.9386797

Yes, a darker shade would clearly be better!

>> No.9386799 [DELETED] 

what dress is this caled?

>> No.9386803

what dress is this called?

>> No.9386810
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I'm having a really hard time figuring out what she was going for here...

>gothic antlers/black flower crown
>Sweet blouse
>classic book bag
>sweet shoes
>versatile main piece
>chocomint stars???
>minimal sweet/classic type makeup

I mean, where did that headdress even come from? Why does it have horns if she's going for sweet? Nothing here makes sense? Why is she wearing chocomint stars with NOTHING ELSE GOLD IN THIS COORD? FFS the book looks like it might be silver?

>> No.9386815

If I had to guess I'd say she has a small, trend-chasing wardrobe and just wore the only black accessories she had.

>> No.9386837

omg really?? wow, that's cool if it's true.
ouji couple, fucking rad.

sounds spot on.
proper wardrobe building is becoming a lost art. I was guilty of this in my first 2 years and it really, really pays to take a step back and determine how much of your closet is full, usable coords. random accessories and mains should be sold or else set aside until good coords are developed.

>hope she sees this. good coords are consistent in style as well as general material feel. keep working at it!

>> No.9386879
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>> No.9386891

this actually made me smile so hard
I like this girl

>bring the fun back to lolita, 2017

>> No.9386917
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>> No.9386919
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>> No.9386921
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>> No.9386923
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>> No.9386924
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>> No.9386926
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>> No.9386928

>ouji couple, fucking rad.
need to see them together.

need to see them dress in each other's style/dress each other up.

need to live vicariously through them.

>> No.9386931

but if you take a photo of yourself doing anything but posing in a semi-relaxed, demure, nonthreatening manner, you're a tryhard.

>> No.9386936

Yikes, anon. That's some interesting projecting.

>> No.9386951

anon I don't think they were being 100% serious, more just commenting on the current state of affairs.

This is really cute, especially the bear on the bag. Personally would have gone with pink OTKs to patch the turtleneck though.

>> No.9386954

she must be really short because that high waist goes up so high on her. it doesn't look the best casual/sans petti so I'd suggest some poof next time.
not bad otherwise.

yess, so glad to finally see this worn! it looks beautiful.
only thing I'd nit are the shoes. kinda lackluster

>> No.9386955

Go blog about your shit opinions, don't try to pass them as fact here.

>> No.9386967

Someone visited Lolita Collective and that was all.

>> No.9387082

I don't get the hype. Her hair's always really underwhelming.

>> No.9387095

Those glasses kill me. Those are dad glasses, why would you wear these if you are not a dad in the 80' ?

>> No.9387097

Crew socks are really not doing her legs any favors. Otherwise really cute though.

>> No.9387106

Decent photography + decent face

>> No.9387115

I feel the same. It's kinda like I wanna corrupt her. That felt really fetishy to say.

>> No.9387117
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>> No.9387143
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Ok, it's not just me.

>> No.9387149

Do you also enjoy kicking puppies and burning ants with magnifying glasses

>> No.9387263

You can't even tell where her chin ends in the first photo

>> No.9387409

No, but I do enjoy mocking adult women who try their darnedest to look like a fucking toddler uguu~ in photos.

>> No.9387455

anon, she's still a kid...

>> No.9387460

hair is healthy, pieces are gorgeous, she has immense presence in her photos, just an overall regal taste and statuesque look.
she's had a select few misses, with some lolita coords, but I really dig her style. I'm convinced she's descended from some kind of royalty.

>> No.9387513

>burning ants with magnifying glasses
I thought I was the only one who did this.

>> No.9387532

Settle down, anon. And don't forget most royalty is inbred as fuck.

>> No.9387614

I set an ant on fire once just out of curiosity. I felt so guilty afterwards. I was young though.

>> No.9388201

what >>9386951 said. social media and dour debbies kill community creativity

>> No.9388426
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Dump incoming

>> No.9388429
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>> No.9388431
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>> No.9388432
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>> No.9388433
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>> No.9388434
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>> No.9388438
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>> No.9388439
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>> No.9388441
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>> No.9388442
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>> No.9388444
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>> No.9388445
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End of the dump

>> No.9388447

I think she is so beautiful. I love the old school/high fashion feel of her coords.

>> No.9388452

The wine shoes don't match the red on the rest of the coord and she desperately needs jewelry. Definition of a brand ita.

>> No.9388453

I love this so much. Simple, cute, and elegant.

>> No.9388455
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Her selfmade dress reminds me a lot to pic related.

>> No.9388456

why do people not wear petticoats any more? This fucks me off so much. I'm sick of seeing shit flat coords on COF.

>> No.9388458

I like this but then I don't like this at the same time...kind of looks a bit like a costume...a well put together costume but...costume none-the-less. Also her face is a bit unfortunate.

>> No.9388460

I personally think the dress could use more lace, but the girl is cute so idgaf

>> No.9388461

She's perfect

>> No.9388472

there isn't anything wrong with her face. she looks fine.

>> No.9388495

>the girl

Welcome, newfriend.

>> No.9388514

Her legs with those shoes are creeping me out somehow.

>> No.9388515

I like this a lot. I just feel bad that everything is big on her including the wig. She looks like she's being swallowed.

>> No.9388588

Her outfit is decently cute but I can't help but see her nose as a penis. There is a penis on her face. Poor girl.

>> No.9388592

I think they were referring to >>9388445.

She looks fine to me. The shoulder seams of her blouse sit where they should and there are no folds of excess fabric anywhere. Just because her body isn't straining against the fabric at every point doesn't mean she's "being swallowed". I think the one-side-fits-most concept of most lolita brands and slightly overweight nature of many of its wearers have warped how people define "fit". Lolita isn't supposed to be skin tight.

>> No.9388607

Cheap ita garbage

>> No.9388624

It looks a little she's standing upright on a long skinny seal flipper

>> No.9388629

that cardigan is ill fitting and I wish the hair puffs were a matching pink to the print and shoes.
so wearable and pretty. it's also a fresh celestial coord. dig it
I like the colors here. a little eye makeup and maybe gloss next time. eyes have no definition and are lost
this is one confused coord. I hate the fur neckline with this and the accessory choices need revising imo.
left is great! right coord is meh and her face and bangs are giving me yandere horror nightmare. fuck.

>> No.9388632

I agree with >>9388515
the sizing of many of the items is off on her body, which makes the coord look strangely unbalanced.
it would be fixed if the blouse sleeves were more tailored and cuffs shorter, oversized dress bow was removed from KC, skirt shape was a bit fuller/more symmetrical, and the twintails clipped to be chin length (since she seems to have a small face and pointed chin).

these things are doable. no one is asking her to change her body, only to flatter it more. calm yourself.

>> No.9388644

It might be a meme but they clearly realised that their anime videos weren't doing as well as their lolita ones. He did complain about that and about lolitas who were still subscribed but not actually watching their content. On youtube it's views that count more towards getting money so it's clear that he was pissed off that they weren't making the money off the videos they prefer to make. It's really obvious especially as they've finally updated their 2nd channel in months so they can start earning that youtube money too. They push their patreon so hard too. I'm not donating to pay for their brand thanks

>> No.9388645

It was on the youtubers thread I think. It was a comment they made on fb. It might be a meme but I think deep down he does get annoyed that the videos he likes to make more get less views and less dollars.

>> No.9388664

Her handmades are always on point, and she is so sweet. I really liked this coord for its simplicity, but I do agree that a black necklace or tie could make it even better.

>> No.9388665

The hat is Linda big, but I really liked this one. The colours are nice and it seems pretty comfy. Wish we had more basic stuff like this.

>> No.9388666

What's wrong with wearing Spanx? I've got a 27 inch waist and fit into most brand skirts but still wear shapewear with a lot of coords because it gives a smooth line at the waist.

>> No.9388668

Kinda* wtf

>> No.9388693

>adult women
Pretty sure she's a minor, calm your tits.

>> No.9388821

i love all the elements in this coord, but together i think it's too busy. the printed dress is super detail-heavy, and I think the themed bag and the patterned tights draw away from that. i'd replace the tights with some lace-topped otks and swap out the IW bag for a plainer white or gold purse.

>> No.9388853

I love her stuff and am in awe of her making those skirts herself. I just never look at it as lolita and I can't place why. It's not because it's ero, I like a well done ero coord.

Does anyone else feel like this about her coords?

>> No.9388925

There's nothing wrong with ero coords but the fact that that's all she seems to be doing rubs me the wrong way. Like girl, you're in this fashion for the wrong reasons.

>> No.9388964

Oh god it's not just me. I was wondering if I was tripping or if there were seriously that many coords on CoF that were petticoat-less. What's going on with that? Most of lolita looks like shit without a petti.

>> No.9389314

Does anyone have pics of that one ouji and the ensuing thirst comments/memes?

>> No.9389356

his is so damn cute! Did she make the bow out of waist ties? It's giant!

>> No.9389404

Someone is thirsty for irrelevant drama.

>> No.9389668

'Hand Made'

>> No.9389669

That dress deserves so much better than this.

>> No.9389950

punchable face? your jealous behavior is showing along with your primitive nature

>> No.9389965

no, it's giant because bodyline can't with restraint and always makes their detachable bows huge and starchy/stiff looking.

>> No.9390140

It's okay for a more casual coord, nothing special. What would you do with it?

>> No.9390156

Love the chemise a la reine vibe. Too bad the waist line of the skirt is pointy.
Also, the foot wear is atrocious.

>> No.9390158

Actual daily, wearable looking lolita. I wish someone would make a real replacement for d_l already.

>> No.9390163

I think her face is really cute and I like what she's going for, but I think it's because because it reminds me of plain old j-fashion goth and romantic goth.

Are these h.naoto pieces or something? They don't look familiar.

>> No.9390292
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>> No.9390491

>that shitty party city wig

>> No.9390532

Enough with whiteknighting or self posting its overplayed

>> No.9391043

i took one apart once to make a rectangle headdress, theyre stiff because they have heavy weight fuse interfacing in them

>> No.9391047

she bleached it herself

>> No.9394913

Dif anon, But I was banned for agreeing with someone's crit over a year ago. I wonder if they'll ever let me back in?