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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9356321 No.9356321 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to all the aus threads? I missed reading and keeping up to date on melbourne cosplay lore.

Anyone going to anything soon?

>> No.9356945

Are there even any con's going on now?
I'm from Sydney and they tend to be mid year? And there were one or two recently but it's not what I'd call "con season"

>> No.9357110

Anyone in Hobart coming to AIcon in March?

>> No.9357129

Maybe, are you cosplaying?

>> No.9357196

Yup and yup, how about you?

>> No.9357223

It's not exactly con season rn but seems like Aus threads have been dead for a while. We used to love shitting on cosplayers like datbaka, Audette Jupiter and kateysmile but they all seem to have fallen off the face of the earth.

>> No.9357237

Lol I never see my home con mentioned in these threads

>> No.9357289

Neon pop was honestly embarrassing. Small and full of ita tier weebs. The location was terrible too.

>> No.9357315

Madfest and Oz Comic Con are coming in Perth soon. March for both of them.
Madman and then OzCC's whatever they have. Some people are entering both... with three weeks in between.

>> No.9357318

Maria is too busy these days trying to get into porn

>> No.9357332

In one sense, that's a blessing because we have less trash in our comm.
But that means no juicy goss to dish on...

>> No.9357333

I'm glad animaga is going back to the royal exhibition building

>> No.9357335

Oh that's great! It's a bit small, but the venue is beautiful.

>> No.9357336

Same. Much prefer it to showgrounds, the location is so lovely and in a much less annoying part of the city.

>> No.9357356

If they use more of the building than they did in 2015, it will be great, maybe have some more stuff outside too, besides the cars

>> No.9357358

ozcomicon in Adelaide is April. Guests are still sparse but they love to wait til last minute to get in their names.

>> No.9357370

Is anyone going to complain about the prices of cons now? Supanova was a waste of money last year.

>> No.9357372

AMC in Melbourne was awful and dead . Such a waste of money.

>> No.9357374

a muse?

>> No.9357398

Yup, way too expensive. I'm only forking out for anime cons from now on because I feel like they have a bit more to offer than just a big dealer's hall for $60 entry. That and of course PAX.

>> No.9357472

There's GX in April, but it doesn't look that great

>> No.9357508

Wasn't a waste for those of us who met VAs. Thats the main reason I go to cons anymore

>> No.9358171

Amuse was fine. at least they know how to coordinate their outfits so they're made the same and look uniform.
Unlike that other LL group with the shirts and clearly individually made skirts.
They obviously didn't have anymore guidelines other than 'Pleated skirt'. kek

>> No.9358537

Pax dates were announced today, 27th-29th October.

>> No.9358690

are there even any good cons in WA?

>> No.9359550

remember that time people got offended and went full sjw when a girl asked about 'gypsy inspired costumes'? never change, mcc

>> No.9359759

Wai-Con is dead, but Supanova, Madfest and Ozcc all visit, and we have the smaller cons of chibicon (small but fun), evolve (expensive but trying hard), rahcon (small and earnest), and some other one I can't think of right now.
It depends what you're looking for in 'good' as that depends on what good is to you, but nearly the whole community goes to ozcc, supanova, and probs will be at madfest too. the others are smaller but nice and personal.
Cons are social for me so they're all 'good' desu

>> No.9359779

Evolve wasnt good. Had to get our tickets rescanned, and panels didn't run on time. Not a good experience.

RahCon is small, but its still a fun day going down to mandurah.

>> No.9359880

i wouldn't really be too critical to the other LL group considering all the members are under 18, but i do agree their costuming choice wasn't the best.

>> No.9359882

That was hilarious.

>> No.9359884

What was their issue with it?

>> No.9359886

Basically this girl was asking a question about gypsy inspired fan arts and cosplay and this chick went full "triggered" and started talking about cultural appropriation and some other bullshit. Poor OP was asking a simple question.

>> No.9359911

this. basically someone thought the word 'gypsy' is offensive and cultual appropriationy.

>> No.9360250

I'm aussie and cosplay. I'm almost 27 but I look 12.

>> No.9360503


>> No.9360511


>> No.9360527

last year's evolve was very strange I agree. Prices were high for what it was for but they had performances on the stage nearly all day which was cool.

>> No.9360742
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>> No.9361803

This is the boringest thread I've ever seen

>> No.9361865


>> No.9361890

Like, right this second or?

>> No.9361905

No Melb cons on until Supanova in April

>> No.9361942

Lucie pls go

>> No.9361979

Wow, super happy for this thread! I'm visiting aus for the first time ever in March and now I might bring a cosplay for Madfest Perth.

>> No.9362797

No decent guests at any future cons worth seeing so far.

>> No.9362822

fuck you visting perth for cunt theres fuck all here

>> No.9362876
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Anyone cosplaying for EB Expo in Oct?

>> No.9362892

Two words - Jason Mamoa!

>> No.9363459

>>9361865 I'm going to the Japanese Summer Festival this sunday (26.02.17) in fed square.

>> No.9364130

same senpai
not cosplaying though just for the food

>> No.9365457
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Supernova's never really managed to disappoint, but at the same time, I'd only be going for panels and slightly discounted and/or ridiculously inflated comic merch.
>mfw realize that's the whole point
Well, Animaga's always nice, albeit late in the year. I always enjoy the maid ca- aaaand couldn't finish that sentence without breaking into a fit of laughter, nevermind.

>> No.9365591

Madfest tickets are about $60 for a weekend pass, I'm hesitant to pay that much for the first time it'll be in Perth...

>> No.9365921

It's a tad steep, but I've just gotten used to everything being expensive in Sydney.

On the plus side OZCC had free beer last year. You can't put a price on that

>> No.9366002

I went to Madfest in Melbourne last year - I found it to be a really good con with lots of things to do.

>> No.9366460

What sorts of stuff could you do at Melbourne Madfest last year? I would've gone, but... things.. happened...

>> No.9366485

yikes did one of the maids turn you down or something

>> No.9367160

they also act under 18 .-.

>> No.9367268
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They're asking for a crowdfunding of $500 just to DEBUT their stupid cosplay dance group

>> No.9367300

wtf do they need $500 for?

>> No.9367322

Why have so many LL groups suddenly popped up? Mews, E-MUSE, Musoka Live, and all the pre-existing groups....
and will any of them actually be successful?

>> No.9367339

the only successful ones I know are A-muse and Stellure

>> No.9367356


>> No.9367377

Whoever posted this didn't bother reading properly lol, they're asking for $150 but still, asking for money when you're just debuting and don't have anything to offer other than petty photos and prints is kinda silly....

>> No.9367534

permit from council

>> No.9367565

What do they need a permit for, dancing around to anime music? Top kek

>> No.9368171

I've heard of amuse but what is Stellure?

>> No.9368176

It's a Sunshine group. They're performing at Madman Perth iirc

>> No.9368663

no thats Stelluna, stellure is american they make they're own stuff

>> No.9368664

there's too many idol groups and they pretty much all hate each other.

>> No.9368687
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this is Aus gulls in a nutshell though...

>> No.9368786

The young groups definitely, I've heard a-muse is pretty friendly with other groups?

>> No.9369162

pfft. they were nasty af when they were first starting out.

>> No.9369252

Aw gay not going to the gold coast just for that.

Didn't go to last year's but the one before that was lackluster

>> No.9369472

Stellure have made two post on their Facebook and haven't even performed yet wouldn't call it successful

>> No.9369517

The nasty members are still nasty, they are just better at acting nice to people's faces lol.

>> No.9369571

Who went to the Melbourne Japanese Summer Festival this year? Fuck it gets worse and worse every year. I didn't even get food this time. It was already crowded as fuck and yet some retarded Love Live cosplayers decided to play their own music and start dancing in the middle of the crowd

>> No.9369581

were there any decent cosplayers this year at least?

>> No.9369656


Looks like it was the same retards asking for money.

>> No.9369706

Yeah I barely looked at anything because it was too crowded. Was intending to get food but the lines were too long and ended up going elsewhere. It was pretty shit.

>> No.9369759

Can I hear some stories of Amuse being the bitches that everyone on here says they are? Not doubting you lol just curious

>> No.9369851

Maybe they meant successful in the terms of actually performing at events?

>> No.9370892

Stelluna is the Perth group, Stellure is somewhere in America, Stellure posts all the time, though they haven't performed yet.

>> No.9370893

I've never been involved with their bitchiness :\

>> No.9370978

more bitchiness in the perth cosplay seen than their is in the dance group seen.

who r we going to see them this weekend?

>> No.9370987

I'm surprised SAO seems so popular from the looks of the MadFest schedule. Anyway I'm looking forward to the magical girl meet.

>> No.9370993

Yeah I heard that Perth is pretty bad...

>> No.9370999


>> No.9371017
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>> No.9371030

people keep talking about their bitchiness, but how exactly have they been bitchy???

>> No.9371078

You have the worst grammar I've ever seen

>> No.9371082

I don't know. Hence why I said I've never been involved.

>> No.9371127

Is someone salty about something? There hasn't been any drama in the community for awhile, in the older groups at least, can't speak for the younger groups, and the last drama was funnily enough regarding live star which is a dance group, so...

>> No.9371744

>a-muse are bitchy!!!!11
>unable to provide examples

nice vendetta you got there

>> No.9371762

They're quite Creamy in my opinion, But I don't have much of an Odea when to go to another one. I'm feeling quite tenicious about.

>> No.9371777


>> No.9371896

Maybe you are just hanging with the wrong people

>> No.9371911

Anyone got any real drama?

>> No.9372238

Nope, you'll probably have to wait until after all the cons

>> No.9372296
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>> No.9372317

Lol did they like steal smash's maid cafe outfits? I swear I've seen those outfits before.

>> No.9372335

All maid cafes are cringe anyway

Probably stock standard from taobao

>> No.9372341

It's cause they're from Bodyline. They sell those maid outfits in heaps of different colour combos.

>> No.9372366

animaga cafe is better by miles and thats saying something considering all maid cafes are shit

>> No.9372378

Personally I have a feeling that its a huge misinterpretation of what they're doing, they likely contacted the council to see what has to be done for their "debut performance", council probably took it as an actual concert thing with loud music and a huge crowd rather than some kids doing a couple of anime dances with a portable iPhone speaker and a handful of weebs watching

>> No.9372394

Am I the only one who is over ataraxys same face?

>> No.9372412

Literally who

They actually got Hitomi from @home cafe to come last year, fucking based. She was the cutest. Other maids are pretty cute too

>> No.9372459 [DELETED] 

What's livestar?

>> No.9373421

anyone notice the influx of aussie cosplayers on patreon?

>> No.9373505

Anyone notice that Kayla Erin is making close to 9k a month?

>> No.9373510
File: 90 KB, 520x320, Saucy Content.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo many layers of cringe

>> No.9373511

Sooo many layers of salt

>> No.9373523

So many adjustment layers

>> No.9373526

I don't mind when people do it
but she sounds like a 5 year old trying to be sexy
it's cringey

>> No.9373527

maybe they shouldn't have picked a name that wasn't similar?

>> No.9373573

Yeah USD, AUD more like 12K.

>> No.9373583

Maybe they didn't know stellure was a thing

>> No.9374730

not sure if I should be disappointed or proud that there is no throat ripping drama being said here.

>> No.9374746

Patience there will be after this weeknd

>> No.9374781

wait, what's happening this weekend?

>> No.9374834

I guess anyone who buys a honey birdette lingerie is a "model" now

>> No.9374857

so many thirsty neckbeards out there

>> No.9374861

Madfest Perth

>> No.9374865

I read aus as anus at first XD

>> No.9374981

any of you see that dangan ronpa shoot that went down recently that some of the A-MUSE girls were in?

>> No.9375553

What happened? Got pictures?

>> No.9375712

Looking forward to hearing all the disappointed fans Beethy will have once they realize he never delivers on what he claims. Then he'll sit on facebook and complain on his fat neckbearded ass that his anxiety and depression are his reason for not delivering on promises.

>> No.9375727

Shit stirring this late at night. Saw the pics. Really quality shoot and everyone's having fun.

>> No.9376015

Yeah it was a really nice shoot overall tho i did feel like the makoto's face didnt suit the character at all QQ

>> No.9376182

was talking to a photographer pal, he told me caedan lee up and left the apartment she and middle earth barbie were sharing

too bad caedan had to find out what she was really like the hard way

>> No.9376249

Hi Caedan

>> No.9376275

heh yeah no id neck myself if i looked like that alien eyed weirdo

>> No.9376288

> QQ
newfag detected.

>> No.9376424

Lol I completely agree, her face looks like a toad to be quite honest
I've heard she's been trying to start up a lot of shit in the coscom lately.. gotta hate those kinda people ugh

>> No.9377048

Tfw work my ass off and and she gets 12k a month for being semi attractive. Neckbeards are fucking mongs. Just pay for a porn subscription fuck me.

>> No.9377487

Know a guy that went to uni with middle earth barbie. She would brag about how her boyfriend would buy her all kinds of stupid expensive shit. She ended up dumping him because he said he was going to have to start saving for things other than stuff for her. Real nice gal by all accounts.

>> No.9377551

why does that not in the slightest surprise me.

I met her a few times at Cons through other people. Spoke in the most annoying high pitch voice giggling. I dont know her well in person but I knew that was fake as hell. Just plain annoying.

>> No.9377642

seen the photos, what was shared anyway ... not worth it ... people pay for "implied nudes"? wtf!!!!

>> No.9377670

Anyone catch madman and the dances at Madfest today?

>> No.9378143

Her implied nude is nothing interesting either.

>> No.9378153

I have to say the madman skits were pretty boring, costumes were amazing but why does no one ever do an interesting skit?

>> No.9378168

She also looks awkward as fuck and can't really act sexy at all. People are idiots.

>> No.9378434

Hey don't insult text emojis E_E

>> No.9378464

Idk about you guys but Kayla looks pretty sexy in those implied nudes. However it looks nothing what she actually looks like because shes been shopped to hell and back. Ive seen her butt and it sure isnt that nice but with angles and photoshop people will believe anything. Beethy can make anyone go from a 2 to a 10. I can guarantee you if those photos were not shopped she be earning half of what she has now.

>> No.9378466

And I thought boudoir was bad. Now people are just doing nudes and soft core porn ...wtf is cosplay anymore.

>> No.9378666

yeah she involves herself with so much of other people's business and its fucking annoying. I've talked to her a few times and her tone and attitude just piss me off so much.
She will just get involved in any drama within the coscom, and thinks shes superior. Like lol what a huge fucking drama queen. Just honestly piss off the coscom already

>> No.9378700

Because writing good quality skits and being interesting on-stage don't get likes on facebook lel

>> No.9378771

Eh not really, her fan base has been built since she was young, half of this community is borderline pedos lol.

>> No.9378789

Beethy's a bum and a leach! We all know he can't take a decent picture without using photoshop anyway. His "secret" is just the use of color efex 4, which he overuses!

>> No.9378845

Reminder: she was featured in playboys hottest cosplayers and they used a picture of her misty when she was 16

>> No.9379107

a-muse is such a stupid name, this is the only true one

>> No.9379110
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>> No.9379428
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Check out this australian laugh fest;
Theyre all ugly white girls btw that dont suit the characters they cosplay at all and yet are asking for money to debut their "live" ???

>> No.9379468
File: 236 KB, 747x948, honestly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if emus formed an idol would would they look like this? or this?

actually the worst fucking group name to come out so far

>> No.9379514

This comment is fucking amazing

>> No.9379592


>> No.9379708

Did anyone else see sunrise's segment on cosplay from this morning?

>> No.9379893

It would be on youtube, right? what was the segment about?

>> No.9379915


for your cringeworthy viewing pleasure

>> No.9380008

Madfest wasn't too bad, saw some pretty cool cosplays.

>> No.9380126

i am honestly not surprised by how cringey the entire thing was. All mainstream coverage on cosplay in unbearable to watch

>> No.9380138

I made it to 34 seconds.

>> No.9380142

the fucking terrible love live cosplayers just perfect it

>> No.9380164

Yeah it was pretty fun. Cosplay parade on day 1 and madman panel on day 2 were sad af though.

>> No.9380840

MadFest was a fucking mess.

Cosplay parade/contest Saturday only had 8 entrants, and all sub-par.
MNCC seemed like a washout as well. The Ghibli girls looked the best, but their skit was boring

Seems like most people who had weekend passes were giving them away Saturday because they didn't want to come back.

>> No.9380846

Cosplay parade on Sunday had over 30 contestants. Guess everyone was waiting for day 2 for whatever reason.

Didn't the Spirited Away group not even place? That was some straight bullshit.

>> No.9380850

Heard someone saying that there was no information on pre-reg cosplayers. But it sounds like they weren't the only one's screwed over by it all either.

Placed 3rd in the end. Straight up bullshit.

>> No.9380852


Yeah, I heard that going around as well.

Definitely don't agree with 3rd place. The girl in 2nd, had a costume malfunction on stage.

>> No.9380855

I personally didn't even like the second place skit or costume.

If Azura's dance was more energetic I'd have put her in 3rd and bumped Spirited Away to at minimum 2nd place.

>> No.9380879

Flash Frost doing weeaboo moves on live TV TOP KEK

>> No.9380932

yeah the girl who placed second told me some wiring came loose in her prop or something like that. And 100% agree the spirited away group deserved to place higher

>> No.9380937

I have no idea what the judges were doing. On Sunday they gave a No-Face cosplayer judge's choice. Fucking No-Face

>> No.9380954

Unfortunately it was just on stage, I saw her after the compeition and her skirt and sword were fully working and looked amazing, I'm sort of glad the ghibli girls didn't get a higher placement, I spoke to the yubaba and she was super bitchy and full of ego, can't imagine what she would of been like if she won
Her costume was terrible though? It was fitted, most of it was shitty craft foam and not sealed correctly, it looked liked she'd entered the wrong compeition
It had over 30 because they realized they'd have no entrants again and took entrees on the day
The awards were pretty bs, the only deserving ones were the armor girl and the madoka Magica
MNCC had exactly the same winners and placements as last year, probably rigged
Not to mention the MNCC compeition started 30 mins late...
Shit con was shit

>> No.9380971

Anyone going to OCC?

What are you going as?

>> No.9380992

Wasted my money on buying that expensive weekend pass. Totally not worth it. That Maid cafe was very expensive and was a total rip-off
Stop making it look like there are different people. You are too obvious. Go look for attention somewhere else and stop stirring shit here. Nobody cares about your own little dance group

>> No.9380994


I actually think the dude on-site had actually bothered to research it beforehand, and while it was cringe, there was honest effort to represent it fairly

Now the desk presenters on the other hand can all get fucked

>> No.9381009

The Maid Cafe was shit and to make it worse there was a full blown autistic psycho there. I had to postpone my booking just to ensure I didn't have even a 1% chance of being seated at his table.

>> No.9381013


What cosplay did you guys see that was your favourite? Any good ones not in the parade or competition?

>> No.9381017

Probably rigged? But they had completely different judges from last year.

>> No.9381019

Cosplays are always varied. There are pretty ones, ugly ones, mediocre ones. In the end it doesn't matter. I was there for the con, not the con-goers and cosplayers. What mattered is how expensive the ticket was and how little stalls there were. The con wasn't as good as the hype it created. It was a big let down.

>> No.9381025

I just wanted to know what your favourite one was anon.

>> No.9381027

Not them but there was a Rinkah on Day 1 and a Tatsumaki on Day 2 that both looked great. Neither appeared in the parade though

>> No.9381038

What do you guys think of zachriel cosplay just wondering

>> No.9381041

Not a "favorite" but one Asuna caught my attention. Though if one were to go for the purpose of seeing cosplays, just staying outside and not buying ticket would've been enough.

>> No.9381046

True but the cosplays are a nice bonus. Does Oz Comic Con usually have more stalls? It's at the same location but I suppose they could fill in that empty space that was the SAO area.

>> No.9381047

why does the orange one always do makeup that makes her look 80 years old... good grief

>> No.9381051

The onsite reporter is adorable.

>> No.9381053

The musoka live girls the kotori just posted after seeing their group in here about how bc she lost her mum from cancer this is the only thing she has left like ??? Fuck off no its not you were her "secondary carer"? That just means you were her kid the primary carer does everything and looks after bills and rent and helping the sick person shower and everything the secondary carer just helps clean the house LIKE A NORMAL CHILD WOULD DO FOR CHORES like sorry your mum passed away but dont use that as an excuse to scam money out of people to dance in a public park in cosplay when literally every other group does it for free you're just like the rest of us who have lost someone and cosplay you just have to get a job and buy or make it yourself without asking other people for money smdh

>> No.9381054

I believe so. Oz Comic Con in various states have bigger areas and much more stalls than in Perth though. Wai-con would've been the biggest one in Perth but that's history.

>> No.9381057

I'd probably still go anyway. Hopefully they at least have more panels than madman did.

>> No.9381063

Different "judges" except their is definitely one or so always present somehow but always the same organisers and let's not forget Sly...

>> No.9381069

I believe OZCC/Supanova use 2 or 3 rooms since they need the extra stage space for celebrity things, Madfest only used one room and half of that was the Tokyo Ghoul Art exhibition and there was nothing towards the back

>> No.9381088

In news today:
>Supanova aim for relevancy by bringing 'Stranger Things' actors to sydnova and perth
>AIcon Tasmania had a shitty blackfaced cosplayer
>AIcon Tasmania hosted the MNCC wildcard round
and of course

>> No.9381100

Go to interstate conventions if you wanna see lots of stalls. As you can see cons in Perth are tiny and cosplayers who aren't even worth your time fight each other as if they're hotshots. There might be still some decent people around but I suggest not to bother interacting with any cosplayers at all. Just go for the event, not the people.

>> No.9381105

Cosplayers from various states have their dramas as well. Just don't bother with them to start with. At a Brisbane con and some cosplayers ask photographers for photos and then played victim by saying the person took indecent photos of them. Cosplayers would do anything for attention

>> No.9381205

Hah, you're not wrong. The Yubaba entered the OzCon Championships last year, and even her work there was awful. I've never seen someone look so crestfallen so quickly, when they announced the awards.

The SAO girl was awful. None of the costume fitted, and the wig was full of fly aways hairs and just didn't look like it had any thought put to it.

Few people are complaining that a MLP Ginjika got the first prize award after the whole "Japan only" rules.

It was rigged years back, to keep a certain armour "smith" out of the finals so nobody had to deal with them. People were flying over from the east coast, and they were taking out first place to keep him from winning.

Shit con was certainly shit.

>> No.9381206


Didn't see anything that blew me away. I'm waiting for people to pull out their OzCC costumes.

>> No.9381221

I don't think the offering will be any better at ozcc. It's still too soon.

>> No.9381224

I assume these anons have been through many shit and survived.

>> No.9381239

Yeah, but they've had a lot more warning, and time to plan shit.
I feel like OZCC has taken over Nova as the "biggest local con", especially now that WaiCon has well and truly died.

You ain't wrong.

>> No.9381240

Are you still talking about about MNCC when you say SAO girl because if so that was fire emblem

>> No.9381243

Yeah, my bad. I'm not big on the anime scene itself.

>> No.9381262

Oh hang, did you mean the girl who came second?

>> No.9381269

At least if the cosplayers are bad I won't feel out of place with my entry level shit.

All the ones I asked to take a photo of seemed nice enough though.

>> No.9381270

I saw a 10/10 Android 18 but didn't get a photo. They weren't in either cosplay event.

>> No.9381272

people are actually trying to get sunrise to issue an apology to all the butthurt cosplayers. its so goddamn embarrassing that its come this far

>> No.9381273

Ignore that anon, cosplayers may be bitchy but they're going to be awful to people asking for photos or atleast a decent being wouldn't be...

>> No.9381280
File: 82 KB, 695x715, 1392450802200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one asks to take a photo with you.

>> No.9381293

No, the girl in 4th.
2nd was a Date a Live? costume from memory

>> No.9381299

Okay yup, yeah it was Fire Emblem not SAO
Look better I guess

>> No.9381321

Haven't seen either, but you'd think with the exhibition for SAO I'd recognise it.

>> No.9381365

I thought it was an awesome cosplay.
I think that anon meant "bad personality" not bad cosplays.

>> No.9381382

Does anybody want to talk about the fact that the first place for MNCC was from an unreleased game and was super inaccurate? What do they even judge on anymore?

>> No.9381790

Got a pic of what they were supposed to be?

>> No.9381800

Do any of the Perth cons have good after parties or are we too small time for that?

>> No.9381940

Does anyone know if the guest cosplayers/judges for MNCC were even present for pre-judging? Looking at the timetable Knitemaya had autographs from 12:30 then Angie from 1:30 and pre-judging was apparently at 1?

>> No.9381941

Respawn does after con parties, that's the only one I'm aware of

>> No.9381942

Considering everything on Day 1 was running like 30-45 minutes behind I'm going to say yes and that may have been a reason why.

>> No.9381947

They were supposed to be some of the Nier Automata characters.
Super inaccurate, and their skit was subpar, as usual but somehow it beat out the others.
There was prejudging, but when it happened, nobody knows.

>> No.9382047

It beat out the others because it looked detailed and their skit was less sub par then the others, they were the best out of a boring bunch but they'll get eaten alive at finals, again

>> No.9382207


>> No.9382210
File: 912 KB, 960x852, sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but here you go, apparently she's since deleted it? All the comments were just the usual "noooo bby ignore the h8rz ur all beautiful and perfect and better than those 4chan bullies!!!"

>> No.9382223
File: 221 KB, 1920x1358, FB_IMG_1488959230602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9382230

Guess he focused all his effort on the lower half of the costume then full on phoned it in for the rest.

>> No.9382238

To be fair, it probably looks really weird because hey, she's a human with human sized limbs and not a robot? She could of done better with the corpse's however

>> No.9382239

When will people learn that publicly whinging about being on cgl is just going to make sure that you keep being posted

>> No.9382250

Eaten alive at finals, I've never heard truer words.

Looked detailed from a distance more than anything. Seeing a few photos pop up, and it's not their greatest work, considering they made a light up fur suit last year, and a dress from vinyl something or other.

Kudos to him for making his own vaccum former, but heck, they needed more details in the top half.

The corpses look they should be muscle systems rather than bones though. :\

>> No.9382254
File: 302 KB, 2048x1526, team animaniacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic from Madman of the automata entry
With a bit of polish and work, could have been so much more

>> No.9382255

It says android corpses in the picture anon put up so why they made them look like bone I'll never know

>> No.9382260

They should of made the bottom things in smaller tiers to allow that fourth to be showing

>> No.9382264

This is actually really shit, no weathering, proportions are all off, lazy work on the top half overall, also the boy character looks like a 30 year old dude and not a young kid like he's supposed to.

If that was best in show then it must have been a terrible selection.

>> No.9382278

Says android, but they look similar to muscle forms. Considering the difference, I don't know why they looked like Day of the Dead dolls.

Zero makeup on him. He needed it. Same with styling of that wig though, it looks like it's just been plopped on his head.

The silhouettes of the robot looked incredible as they were setting up, so seeing that when the lights came on was a disappointment.

>> No.9382301

It won because everything else was simple and didn't look like it took more then 2 weeks of work, the yubaba from ghibli team keeps bitching about third place but they depended solely on that dragon as their wow factor and in the end they just dragged it on stage

>> No.9382317

This is just so funny, she keeps going on about how they can't afford it like THEN DONT DO IT?? And even so, are they actually that dumb to think they need money for a meetup? Council probably thinks they're holding an actual concert lmfao
On top of this, they've already reached their goal of $150 but they're still asking for more?? Can't wait to see these greedy bitches crash and burn

>> No.9382363

What was Nier's wow factor? Streamers? Regardless of her personality Yubaba did deserve better than 3rd.

>> No.9382423

the haku was too simple imo and i'm not even sure if it was ironed. They hyped themselves up too much thinking they would win
If you take away yubaba wig and nose it's just a simple ball dress with a tacky fabric choice

>> No.9382432

Exactly, the haku was definitely not ironed and yubabas "hair" looked more like a hat, not to mention her latex pieces weren't even blended in

>> No.9382433

To be fair Yubaba is like 80% hair and nose.

>> No.9382442

Two aspects that didnt even look good and thats why they got third

>> No.9382453

>Can't wait to see these greedy bitches crash and burn
You and I both, Anon.

Honestly though there's some really simple, obvious solutions to their problem that have absolutely NOTHING to do with asking for money, and are also more beneficial to their group. But since these kids seemingly lack any and all mental capacity, they didn't even think about it for two seconds and jumped straight to "crowdfunding is the only way".

For instance
>convention debut
It's not like we're in the middle of November/December without a single con happening for months. Supanova is 7 and a half weeks away, a mere 20 days after their planned debut meet date. Whats so hard about organising a time and doing their dances under the pie on one of the days? People who know them can go along, people who never even heard of them but are into weeb shit may notice them and stop to watch. Since the pie is outside of Supas weird fence thing they started doing, they don't even have to buy TICKETS to the convention for themselves.

Though, they're not even matching costumes for a single day of the con, which is honestly proof enough that they don't really care for the success of their shitty little idol group. If I were them, I'd be wearing matching cos at least once each con.

>online debut
It's 2017, Youtube is, in fact, a Thing. They don't even need somebody to operate a camera, just pick up a tripod, go to a nice location, set it up and they're good to go.

Online video debuts are good in the sense that they can have as many tries to perfect it as they need, at live events if you screw up you can't just stop the song and start over. Despite the fact that Love Live dances are fundamentally simple, having 9 girls with next to no dance experience flailing around, it's really easy to look like garbage. Record and re-record until everybody is in sync and following their steps through fully.

But, of course, these concepts are CLEARLY too abstract for a bunch of teenagers to even think of.

>> No.9382489

anyone heard what happened with those cosplayers on sunrise?

>> No.9382501

Last I heard they are all living regular lives and remain unaffected by their television appearances.

>> No.9382518
File: 163 KB, 540x304, tumblr_nbqbnyunuI1rsgf12o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't understand how they think they need a permit to perform in the park. How stupid can they be? Do they not know the difference between an organised, ticketed event with actual sound setups, a real audience and a bunch of weebs dancing a few songs from an ipod speaker in a park?

Maybe it's just a really sneaky scam and they know they don't need the permit and just want the cash to buy more ebay cosplays. Then again, I doubt they're that smart.

>> No.9382519

The simple answer is they plan to charge for the event.

>> No.9382553

do...do they actually? Is there any proof for this?

>> No.9383112

Are you serious?? That's gotta be the dumbest idea I've ever heard. The only people who are actually going to their debut are all their friends, who I'm guessing are the same people contributing to their gofundme lmao. They'd just end up milking the same people of all their money.

Besides, it's in a public space. There's no way they could enforce something like that.

>> No.9383209

The thing is that if you check their event then it states where it is and all but if you search up why you need a permit, the guidelines barely apply for them. The only thing they could possibly breach is that if the debut has over 50 people. They could just perform at a con with Supanova being a few weeks later or just choose somewhere else, simple as that.

>> No.9383234

Like I pointed out though, they're too incompetent to even consider performing at Supanova in the first place. That, or they did consider it, but nobody wanted to drop one of their plans in favour of everybody wearing matching costumes one of the days.

They probably just saw the 50 people thing, saw they had 50 people mark interested on their Facebook event (which is never even accurate to actual turnout), and decided they NEEDED the permit. MelCosPho was much bigger than this back when it was a thing, and as far as I know never had any permits.

They'd be fine without it, either they're too stupid to realise that, or are using it as an excuse to scam people out of their money to buy more taobao costumes.

>> No.9383285

It's incredibly stupid of them to not have at least one group outfit for Supanova. Supanova is one of the bigger cons so if they want recognition, it would be natural that they all attend as a group. They gaining a bad name for themselves without having fully established anything by sucking money out of their friends to pay for a dumb permit that they don't even need.

>> No.9383475

Right? If they were REALLY serious about wanting to have their little idol group, which you'd assume they are since they're asking for money, then they would be wearing matching costumes Every Single Convention. Ideally for the whole con, but just one day while they're starting out is fine too.

Maybe they know that they're below average white girl cosplayers so they wont get the attention they so desire if they match costumes for a con.

Slightly OT, but I really hate idol groups like this, where they offer literally nothing original and yet expect love and adoration in return. They don't make their own costumes, don't record their own songs, don't choreograph their own dances, why should I be invested in a group of shitty cosplayers dancing around to a choreography they learned from a youtube video, when I can just watch that same youtube video instead? Especially when the sets and actual execution of the dance is more likely than not, better than anything they could ever do.

>> No.9383806

Diff anon, but I completely agree. Like, if polly flower garden started crowdfunding for a project, I'd probably throw money at them because they make incredible costumes, and they're fucking amazing dancers. They've done dances of things other than love live and it's apparent that they're all really talented.

But what do these girls have to offer? They talk about rewarding 'fans' that they don't even have yet, giving prints when they haven't done photoshoots, performing dances that they're copying from better groups? And the extra money will fund cosplays that they aren't even making themselves. It genuinely feels insulting that they're asking for money in exchange for practically nothing of their own.

>> No.9383896

Too much salt here. Pretty sure your own little dance groups aren't working out so you all go out of your way to pick on other groups.

>> No.9383913 [DELETED] 

"Too much salt here"
You must be new

>> No.9383918

"Too much salt"
You must be new here

>> No.9383919

When this is actually nice compared to how it usually is

>> No.9383921

Nah. My dance group's fully sick aye, proper good

>> No.9383972

>Too much salt here
Discussing recent events and offering valid criticism and advice is salt now, I guess

>> No.9384455

Look, I have nothing against people dancing as idol groups. Go for it. Good or bad, idgaf

What I can't stand for is the unnecessary leeching off of other people's money and then even hauling in more and not closing their gofundme when they've got the amount they needed, which they said was $150. But nooo "we want more money so we can buy more cosplay!!!"

This is where I draw the line

>> No.9384461

I would also like to point out that the cost of the permit is $470, which they said on their crowdfunding page.

There's 9 of them, 470 divided by 9 is just a little bit over 50. They must be dirt poor if they can't even save up $50 each

Oh, but you know what, cosplay is easily at least $50 or more and they seem to afford that just fine. It makes you think doesn't it

>> No.9384608

Wait, the original amount was $150? Are you fucking serious? They just needed to pitch like $20 each and they would have MORE than enough. Oh my god. I originally didn't really care what weeby kids did to feel important, but this is actually making me mad.

>> No.9384784

Who won Madman National Cosplay Championships this year in Perth?

>> No.9384786

This guy>>9382254

>> No.9384791

The original amount they wanted to get funded was $150, but said that indiegogo doesn't let them put it any lower than $500. That means the total they would've had to split among themselves was $320, only $35 a head. Supposedly $35 each is the *most* they can afford to cough up, when I know for a fact that Lucas alone bought ~$100 of love live merch off me very recently, and has been buying things from other people too.

>> No.9384831

>AIcon Tasmania had a shitty blackfaced cosplayer
This can't be real.
>typical inbreads

>> No.9384913

What fucking rats, whining and begging for "money they don't have" holy shit

>> No.9385017

They can whinge and carry on about being students and working minimum wage aaaaaaaaall they want, but the fact of the matter is that for the full permit price ($470, in case anybody is confused and thought it was only $150) split between them is $52 each, less than a weekend pass for Supanova.

Which happens to be a convention that most, if not all of them are going to for the full weekend, mind you.

If these little shits can afford to go to Supanova then they can definitely afford their stupid little permit they're so adamant on apparently needing, when they really don't need it at all! My one wish is for all their friends to wisen the fuck up to this dodgy ass scammy activity and dump their group to burn in hell where it belongs.

>> No.9385162

Too butthurt to think properly. Anon was talking about the dance groups picking on each other. Not the comments regarding about cosplay competitions. You must be the new one here.

>> No.9385221

Did you quote the wrong person? I was talking about Musoka, not cosplay competitions.

>> No.9385255

Who said anything about cosplay competitions?

>> No.9385336

They're saying valid criticism and advice was only discussed in regard to cosplays and the conversations regarding dance groups was pure salt

>> No.9386136
File: 23 KB, 500x639, FB_IMG_1487297715763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious gull is obvious

>> No.9386139

Can we seriously stop with these love live groups though. They're all usually ugly and overweight and love live is absolute shit anyway. It's so embarrassing and weeby I would not be caught dead doing what these girls do.

>> No.9386212

Amen brother

>> No.9386255
File: 25 KB, 500x238, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're not trying to scam people or start drama and are just generally having fun then let them and ignore them, easy enough

>> No.9386291

It was real. He was cosplaying Ruby Rhod, and while his cosplay was extremely tacky his characterisation was good. It made me cringe hard, though.

>> No.9386300

I'd love to see a group that hasn't shitstirred anything but I'm afraid I haven't seen one yet.

>> No.9386324

literally posted underneath a proof on how this group is scamming money off people

>> No.9386346

"if they're not trying to scam" Yeah okay dude, maybe read the text before posting next time, huh?

>> No.9386348

They're out there, they dont cause drama and thats why you dont know about them...

>> No.9386350

I was talking about other groups in general and not that group :')

>> No.9387236

did everyone just leave?

>> No.9387328

Melbnova's not too far away, what's everyone got planned? What cosplays are you all hoping to see?

>> No.9387417

That's the end of April anon. We have Perth OCC in 2 weeks and Adelaide OCC in 3 weeks

>> No.9387536

we'll probably see some girl groups, weebs, gulls, and lots of tits and asses out

>> No.9387639

You say lots of tits and asses out like it's a bad thing

It's only bad when they're fat

>> No.9387640
File: 82 KB, 345x385, tumblr_oaly9mviWb1sl76igo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many Love Live groups will we see dancing outside to an ipod speaker

>why can't we put them in a cage and make them fight it out to the death to see who is the most powerful aidoru

>> No.9387797

it is when it leads everyone to believe male cosplayers don't count

>> No.9388238

That sounds like a personal vendetta.

Male cosplayers get loads of attention; when they are attractive

Just like no one looks at unattractive chicks

>> No.9388698

can scarlii rixx and her shitty attack on titan cosplays fuck off already

>> No.9388712

She needs to stop doing shit Guzzardi-style makeup for every single fucking cosplay.

>> No.9388716

She has proven she can do somewhat decent makeup, yet continues with this shit.

>> No.9388719

Why do her lips always look so fucking weird?

>> No.9388820

yeah, that's why they comprise 100% of the photographers, because that's the only way to get noticed for them

I doubt any dudes have millions of fb likes

>> No.9389792

The way they always look so huge and swollen, she looks like a cheap porn actress who just finished sucking dick

>> No.9389814

I see PAX melb earlybird tickets are available now. I'm thinking of going, but I've been too busy building my fallout tesla rifle to even think about cosplaying. My original t45d helmet is a bit worse for wear since I dropped it off the bar at the Beta Bar fallout 4 night last year, so I think I'll permanently retire it to the display shelf. if I get time I might have to come up with some sort of raider outfit.

>> No.9389986

Quality beethy


>> No.9390029

Anyone else in MCC see the parents posting about taking their newborns to suapnova? I can't help but feel really sorry for the little guys.

>> No.9390069

Yet another reason I'm glad I'm skipping Melbnova this year.

Honestly though, do these parents not care for their children at all? Cons are loud, there's people everywhere, everybody hates a parent with a pram taking up space at a con, and if the kid can walk there's the risk of somebody stepping on it. Not to mention con flu, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a baby caught something at a con that ended up killing it.

But nooooo, these parents are selfish and value their own recreation over their actual CHILDREN, hire a sitter or put the kid in your families care if you wanna run around a convention christ.

>> No.9390112

Going to comic con for the first time this year. Unless you're making a beeline to the artist alley to get something commissioned or to arrange for an autograph is there even a point to lining up early? Couldn't I just wait the 5 mins for the entire line to go through then casually walk in without having to have spent 20 minutes beforehand sweating in a cramped space?

>> No.9390114

Lines are there for like hours

>> No.9390124

Really? How does it take so long when all you do is walk past and hold up a wrist band?

>> No.9390167

Too true. She never changes up the makeup style so every character just looks like Levi. Same face syndrome, boring

>> No.9390194

at perth oz con they wrist band you as you walk through the door into the con there is no separate area for wrist banding - if it is the same set up as last year

>> No.9390212

The door to the convention centre or the exhibit area? Either way it sounds retarded

>> No.9390215


At Madman you just collected your wristband at the counter or from one of the helpers around the main lobby. Can't see why they wouldn't switch to that set up unless comic con brings in such a large crowd that it packs the lobby area.

>> No.9390226 [DELETED] 


Hmm she looks familiar

>> No.9390228

No idea who she is but she looks cute.

>> No.9390233


If you meet this person please protect yourself anon

>> No.9390239

Not even in my state. That's the safest condom there is

>> No.9390240

I dont mean in that way

>> No.9390247

they didn't either

>> No.9390275

Mistzy is an escort now? Wow.. well that came out of nowhere

>> No.9390277

No wrong person, right city.

>> No.9390520

who is this?

>> No.9390865

wow is that ellanor?

>> No.9390928

Definitely Ellanor

>> No.9390993

Do we know anybody entering the Perth or Adelaide rounds of the Championships yet?

>> No.9391011

I guess I know now why she said there was a rumor she was/is a prostitute.

>> No.9391226

Thats the kind of guy that will NEVER get himself a girlfriend or wife.

>> No.9391359
File: 5 KB, 219x230, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Dan :)

>I left HK and had no money, of course I would be desperate and try to get any money I can
>I stopped after like 3 weeks
>I didn't even type that shit
>IDK why it is still up
I never had sex with anyone for money and never will

>You post things that were really old and not true on 4chan
>Post things about me on FB after I thought it was him who tried getting into my account
> I was wrong so I apologised
> Still keep posting things about me
> I'm the bad one

Dude get over it. You're in Japan so do something worth your time, rather than focusing on someone who is so 'horrible', when I am not even posting shit about you and trying to focus on my studying and work

I'm not even cosplaying anymore and just focusing on work and study. Stop trying to make me relevant still.
I was an idiot early last year and did shit to you which was really bad of me and you know that I apologised for that too. It's up to you to get over it and do something productive.

>How would you find this stuff without looking through my laptop or phone whilst I was in QLD?
Better luck next time buddy

Get over it and yourself. It was ages ago, asshole.

Go explore the fucking country you're in rather than staying in your room furiously masturbating to your own posts you make.


Yeah actually I am really dangerous. I might work for 12 and a half hours a day and get back home and sleep.
Watch out guys I'm a madman

>> No.9391370 [DELETED] 


Btw even if I was still doing it, and even being a prostitute... What does that have to do with you hun? Are you that lonely you want to post things about me from nearly a year ago and you just want to make friends by exploiting someone you dont like?
Also thanks for the photos. I look great in them. Good shots.

>> No.9391376

Keeping those sorts of photos of me for a really long time is quite concering, Daniel. Something you want to say to me?

Btw even if I was still doing it, and even being a prostitute... What does that have to do with you hun? Are you that lonely you want to post things about me from nearly a year ago and you just want to make friends by exploiting someone you dont like?

Also thanks for the photos. I look great in them. Good shots.

Seeing as you have had that link since fucking April, I can always send you updated photos of me if you'd like? Those are outdated. Don't feel scared to ask, it's okay.

>> No.9391441

whew god damn the shade.

>> No.9391552

I'm curious about these updated photos.

>> No.9391732

Kirilee cosplay and Terranous are the only ones I've seen post about it for the Perth round

>> No.9391835

I think Yiji Cosplay too. I am excited to see who wins Perth/Adelaide.

>> No.9391865
File: 506 KB, 1080x1537, Screenshot_2017-03-15-19-08-44-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumin vs Hero Studio
Place your bets!

>> No.9391934

it's called obsession ... you must have left a lasting impression ....

>> No.9392065

Who here is going to the Perth comic con? Going to dress up for it?

>> No.9392473

Histoiri Cosplay is too

>> No.9392737

Must be some great service

>> No.9393160

>Oz Comic-Con is a family-friendly event and as such there is an expectation of an appropriate level of dress, including those in costume. Costumes or clothing must not be overly revealing, must not be overtly sexual or include inappropriate printed language or other elements that would otherwise contravene the Code of Conduct.

How strict are they on this and what do they consider an appropriate level of dress or overtly sexual?

Would this mean no Motoko, or Starfire or is it just a rule to stop some slag dressing up a "Poison Ivy" and having 4 leaves covering their shit?

>> No.9393258

Nah I don't think they are that strict
Just don't be Ivy with three leaves

>> No.9393260

Sometimes I wished they were more strict

Some girls/guys just shouldn't show that much skin.
Don't care that I'm fat shaming sjw's

>> No.9393261

Basically don't look like you could be mistaken for a hooker
You can get by with skimpier outfits if you're in a skin coloured bodysuit

>> No.9393277

Well they have Ivy Doomkitty as a guest so it can't be that strict.

>> No.9393292

Would visible pantsu be ok?

>> No.9393300

that's hooker territory unless they're boy-shortesque like Harley

>> No.9393309

Guess I'll hope they allow my prop then.

>> No.9393401

When cosplayers post on every group with the same pic

>> No.9393418

How do people feel about Ivy doom kitty being a guest?

>> No.9393546

I haven't heard of her till now desu. I looked her up and didn't really see much cosplay.

>> No.9393836

Wasn't she a guest last year?

>> No.9394537

Most people on facebook were like 'who the fuck is that?'. Shows that even casualfags don't know or give a shit about 'cosplay guests'. I like how OzCC is trying to engage the cosplay community but inviting coswhores like Doomkitty and Stella Chuu?

>> No.9394551

I thought she looked/sounded familiar!

I'd prefer someone who actually cosplays, rather than the general "sexy female version" bullshit. Miss Sinister was a great guest, just a shame she didn't make it to the early OzCC's in the year.
StellaChu was pretty underwhelming desu.
But then again, most of the guests in WA were at the time. Most people hadn't heard of Lady Jaded either.

>> No.9394568

All the cosplayers I would love to attend don't have 1,000 of likes so no chance they would come. It's a shame because they're the ones who make beautiful garments and are so helpful to their community.

>> No.9394596

Mhmm! Either that, or they've got the likes, but no one -here- has heard of them.
I think, as a community, we're over the like of Yaya and Ivy. We want craftsmanship and elegant sewing, not "celebrities".

>> No.9394604

Would you recommend any to follow? I mainly sew so anyone who has a great attention to detail.

>> No.9394651

I'd for Kamui to come as a guest and do a panel

>> No.9394653

*love for

>> No.9394659

Speaking of sexy cosplayer's what are peoples thoughts about nova's ban on sexy cosplay?

>> No.9394709

guess we won't seeing sexy Rey after all

>> No.9394734

Any no namers you recommend?

>> No.9394749

>Everyone under 13 has to be accompanied by an adult
>Some areas of the convention rated MA15+
>No sexy cosplay though
>Pls think of the children
>We family friendly event guys.

Makes them look like a joke.

>> No.9394752

Makes them $$$$$$$ you mean
Parents with brats spending more money than nerds apparently

>> No.9394755
File: 364 KB, 960x540, cosplaydramabelike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ozzy cosplay drama in a nutshell

>> No.9394756

As long as they don't confiscate my waifu cutout for being too lewd they can pander to brats however they like

>> No.9394787

Does anyone know any urban graffitid/ abandoned places in brisbane where its legal (so no breaking and entering) for a cos shoot??

>> No.9394793

We talking tags or we talking art?

>> No.9394797

Tags preferably inside a building?

>> No.9395548
File: 27 KB, 290x350, wow-its-fucking-nothing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perth schedule is out? What do you guys think?

>> No.9395912
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>asks for money to debut their dance group
>won't actually be doing anything until 2018

"Thanks for letting us take your money bye!!!"

>> No.9395913

R people still talking about beethy n kris?

>> No.9395954

wtf then why didn't they just decide to debut in 2018 and save up for a year rather than asking for donations?

>> No.9395999

You should check out Atelier Heidi
She is a bit more talkative on twitter than facebook though

>> No.9396008

I actually follow her! I wish she would come to OCC rather than Ivy DoomTitties.

>> No.9396048


my sides

>> No.9396068

I can't believe that ugly slag has the gall to charge $40 for a photo with her

>> No.9396080

i just wanted to see how much fat she was trying to squeeze into a corset in real life without the photoshop. thank god i didn't need to pay for that

>> No.9396092

I'd still motorboat that!

>> No.9396129

I didn't even consider photoshop. If she looks like a mess in pictures she must be awful in person.