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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9379453 No.9379453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who is sick of this shit?

>> No.9379455

Yes, you are the only one in the whole wide world who doesn't like novelty clothing items that were memed in weeaboo popularity.

>> No.9379459

Thank god. I just can't seem to escape this stuff being shilled everywhere. There's even threads for it on /co/, /v/, ect.

>> No.9379462
File: 11 KB, 320x320, L_p0025647503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck these tights too

>> No.9379466

Yes! Thank you

>> No.9379470

I don't mind most of them, I just never got the appeal to the cat lingerie.
Sure the idea is nice, but the top is really unflattering, it throws off the balance of the whole ensemble.

>> No.9379485

I just like it for the novelty desu no other reason

>> No.9379486

I hate when people like things that I don't like.

>> No.9379491

This. I couldn't have described it better.

>> No.9379495

Probably just because you aren't cute enough to wear them

>> No.9379497

I actually really want the one in the top right. Any links? I'd prefer not having to use an SS for one item.

>> No.9379502

>when clothing bothers you this much

>> No.9379504

It's meme clothing. May as well wear a doge or Le troll face shirt.

>> No.9379507

I don't like seeing the same ugly clothing trend spammed everywhere. Do you guys honestly think they look good?

>> No.9379508

Yes you are

>> No.9379512
File: 31 KB, 528x414, pEQUBKG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking japanese meme fetish wear


>> No.9379513

i literally couldn't care less what other people are wearing.

>> No.9379522

These look better than at least half of the other shit people post here that they think looks good. I wonder if the hatred of these things stems from the fact that they look very unflattering on fat people.

>> No.9379527

This is coming from a HUGE clothing fetishist. Hell I love all of the typical weeb uniforms like nurse, maid, seifuku, thigh highs, panties, classic turtleneck sweater, you name it. That's why I'm especially tired of these new trends. They aren't even sexy. This new virgin killer sweater looks so bad that even when artists try to draw it, it looks bad.

Wut. Fatties love these things the most because they are all about showing cleavage and that's it. See people like Aki Dearest.

>> No.9379528

It stems from it looking like shit on 3d people.

>> No.9379530

You could care less about what other people think about what other people are wearing though

>> No.9379533

... I still think they're adorable

>> No.9379538

>this whole thread
am i the only lolita who is also a tree? :(((

>> No.9379548

some have different taste, simple as that m8

>> No.9379551

If you're talking about the "tree Lolita" threads, those aren't allowed because they were just threads about weed.

This is talking about actual "jfash" items and that's it.

>> No.9379557

Yeah, shit taste.

>> No.9379558

Who cares? The only one I've been considering is the cat boob one because, of course, my bf thinks it's hot. It's just clothes at the end of the day

>> No.9379561


P sure that was sarcasm

>> No.9379566

so you agree they look like shit

>> No.9379572

Yes anon, that's why I agreed with what they were saying, which was that they and many others "don't like novelty clothing items that were memed in weeaboo popularity"

>> No.9379576

I'm just in it for the payoff, senpai, I don't really care how they look

>> No.9379590

Okay thank you for confirming you also think they look like shit. I just want to know I'm not crazy here or that everyone hasn't gone blind.

But honestly you're bf has she taste and I would reccomend you spend the money on something nicer than the cat boob tube piece.

>> No.9379598

>>9379455 here. Personally I'm neutral to most of it and actually like the virgin killer sweater because sideboob+exposed back, but yeah, obviously there are many people who don't see the appeal in these weeb trends. It's a trend in a subculture notorious for horrible fashion taste after all.

>> No.9379600

Well I appreciate your candidness nonetheless anon

>> No.9379776
File: 13 KB, 203x224, tumblr_nrt66uehFd1sqfgmoo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes!!fuck anyone who wears this weeaboo shit

>> No.9379781

I wish they came in plus size so I could wear them. No cute cat tights for me...

>> No.9379796

Couldn't his have been contained to the fucking virgin sweater thread? Why do we need a new thread for this shit

>> No.9379824
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>> No.9379856

I like every single one of what OP's post showed, EXCEPT the fucking cat lingerie. It really puts me off somehow, the balance is off, it's tacky and just eugh no.
My favourite is the original keyhole sweater and I confess to liking it a lot, but I can understand it gets annoying to see these exact pieces spammed everywhere because meemu novaarty desu. Gets boring, eh?

>> No.9379858

they're really stretchy anon-chan
you could buy a really cheap pair off like ali-express to try them out

>> No.9379916
File: 47 KB, 800x600, 1488619507478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling it tree
go back to 1976 where you belong, loser.

>> No.9379929


Actually I dislike the boobwindow precisely because fatties like it so much -- they take closeups of their squished up boobs so they can post "muh womanly curves" selfies to compensate for their fat waistlines. I can't see boob windows without thinking "fat attentionwhore" anymore.

>> No.9379933


The cat lingerie does look like the Yumi King of lingerie -- no shaping, no darts, no nothing. Just a flat tube with elastic to "shape" them into boobs. I don't see why they're popular either.

>> No.9379938


Most of the people who go into those threads like whatever dumb shit it is, the ones who disagree tend to leave and start ignoring the thread. You can especially tell with the sweater thread, it's got to be one of the slowest moving threads that's getting occassional slow bumps from whichever anons are still nursing a boner over "muh nerdy sex costume".

Sometimes it's just better to have a thread where the first post directly says "this shit sucks and so do you", for everyone to see clearly.

>> No.9379948

I'm pretty tall (173cm) and they've never fit me properly :( I've never found a pair that stretches to fit me without ripping or being super uncomfortable and needing undershorts just to hold them up.
I don't actually like how they look anymore thankfully, but I find it irritating because it means that the plain fake thigh-high tights don't fit me either.

>> No.9380023

Yes, the original keyhole sweater was pretty nice. People got weirdly obsessed with it, but fashion-wise, it's honestly not bad at all.

>I don't see why they're popular either.
It's a cute idea, I guess? People love cat things.
I did mildly hope the hype would encourage some other brand to come out with better cat lingerie but I haven't seen any yet.

>> No.9380032

Cat lingerie never looked good on anyone without photoshop, VK sweater is awkward but kinda sexy at best, keyhole I have no place to speak because I would literally die from boner if my GF wore one.

I was gonna say cut off the pants part and seal the edges but then i realized that at that point why not just wear thigh highs lmao.

>> No.9380071

>pretty tall

*laughs in giant*

>> No.9380076

wait, what are you girls talking about?

>> No.9380081

lol is for bedroom purposes. nobody cares how it looks, it will be destroyed anyway

>> No.9380098

Pretty sure OP intended "tree" to mean "tall & flat" because that definitely makes most weeb fetish trends hard to pull off properly

>> No.9380125

Not a lolita but I've always been admirer. However, I was born a western redcedar and both my girth and height keep me from wearing (I hate when other superlotitative mangle it by barely getting it over their knots). I'm so envious of the japanese maples that brand caters to. Anyways, sorry for the barkpost and I hope this isn't too sappy but I just wanted to let you know you weren't alone in this thicket!

>> No.9380199

>thinking 173 is tall

Try 180 cm, you cupcake of a person.

>> No.9380314
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>> No.9380517

In a 7billion population, I don't really think, anon

>> No.9380601

This is amazing. Thank you.

>> No.9380652

>not remembering the actual tree lolita threads

>> No.9380767

another jealous fatty thread

>> No.9380795
File: 9 KB, 201x251, 1442387767877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothing fetish?? Please tell me more friend.

>> No.9380883

where the fuck are you seeing this? maybe spend more time outside?

>> No.9380914


I'm a knitter and those smut sweaters are truly offensive from a design standpoint

>> No.9380922


I think it's the people who keep bumping the unpopular stuff. Like if someone makes a thread, anons say it's ugly, and the thread falls off the board, no big deal. But right now some idiots keep bumping up the virgin killer sweater. So those anons who are here to check the serious cosplay or lolita threads are seeing the same stupid thread repeatedly bumped all over the place. Stands to reason someone's gonna get annoyed eventually.

Sex costumes don't even belong on this board, it's not actual jfashion. Take it to /d/ if you so desperately need to discuss it.

>> No.9380927

>stop liking what I don't like!
Sheesh, it's fine if it's not to your taste but there are people who obviously like it. And not just for sex reasons, but muh animu aesthetic reasons.

>> No.9380942

>half of a sweater
That's /e/ at best yoi baka

>> No.9380944


Hey, just basing it off the people upthread who all said it was about the sex.

Also, I'm not the one who made the thread. I just pointed out a logical reason for why an anon would say they're tired of seeing it so often even though technically it's just one single thread.

>> No.9380945


My bad. Take it to /d/ or /e/ it is.

Feel free to chime in if you think of another board that's better suited for it.

>> No.9381015

thanks girls....i'm an idiot haha

>> No.9381018
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, Rachel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends did it before it was cool

>> No.9381044

that's just a low cut shirt with a matching scarf thing. like an infinity scarf.
Also what is the random bondage looking shit?
I'm sorry but western fashion is just as whack as anything else out there.

>> No.9381138
File: 13 KB, 240x266, 7a1433857eee9e27eca53d626aeb797e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cat lingerie

I guess someone has to point it out.

The cat lingerie is marketed at weebs. And they're not a group that's exactly known for wanting high quality high fashion, what most people's idea of "weeb" is the kind of regretsy stuff you find when you search for "lolita" on etsy or ebay. Hyping up the cat lingerie in hopes that real lingerie companies start making nicer cat lingerie is like buying weeb stuff off etsy and hoping Versace starts designing lace armwarmers. No matter how well it sells, the actual lingerie companies take one look at it and think that it's not their target market, it isn't even underwear in the first place, and that weebs sure do buy some weirdass dumb shit.

What you really need to be doing is dissing this stuff as being fully awful on social media, while at the same time lamenting that your favorite bra brand doesn't make cute cat-themed lingerie. The more of you that cry about the lack of decent, quality cat-themed underwear while complaining how fugly this weeb stuff is, the more the actual bra companies will realise there may be an actual market of girls who are willing to shell out for cat-themed underwear.

It might be a little too late now to start a campaign, but eh, if you have any of your bra companies on your social media, drop them a line and complain about how ugly this weeby stuff is and request they make real, proper cat-themed lingerie. That's going to be your best bet for getting things rolling, not settling for this regretsy-tier reject.

>> No.9381149

>proper cat-themed lingerie
Pic unrelated, right?

>> No.9381151


Hey, I'm not the one that said they're hoping other companies make cat-themed lingerie. I went and searched "cat bra" after reading her comment.

If it makes you feel better though, pic is actually a DIY project, not an actual product you can buy.

>> No.9381164

It's the same fabric and you can't see for sure in the pic, it still counts.
I don't know, it just looks like a belt she hung from her neck? I've seen it in other shows too where they add weird stuff to a character's outfit. I remember in a recent show a character having a strange chain-thing over her chest over her (otherwise fairly normal) clothes. Maybe it's because I'm from a small country but you'd never see something like that here (ok maybe with goths) I'm not sure but I think it was Darlene from Mr. Robot.

>> No.9381165

As a cat lover, I absolutely adore stuff like this! I have only seen it on rare occasions.....I honestly wish it were stuff that people in my area wore daily.

>> No.9381167

>See people like Aki Dearest.

>> No.9381534

>cat eyes staring at you
>judging you
>all you tryin to do is fuk

>> No.9381609

They keyhole sweaters, the lingerie, and yes even the kitty tights I never was against because I definitely could see them being cute and flattering on most people.

That cable sweater is an abomination though.
Nobody I've seen looks good in it.
It made one of my fb friend who normally looks skinny look like a square shaped heifer with no neck. It makes people look fat. And to top it off, it's hideous as well as impractical.
If you're trying to be your anime waifus this isn't going to end well. You'll look back on this trend and cringe and regret spending money on this unflattering, uncute garbage.

>> No.9381678

I love cat stuff, but I feel like these always come up to a really awkward place on your leg and the nude only looks nude on a handful of people. Stopping them at the cat face part and using a decent hold up top would be cuter.

Sort of this. Honestly, I wish they made more weeb fetish related underwear, it's weird that they only really make kitty cat stuff. If someone made monstergirl lingerie I would probably die and buy the whole collection.

I'm also a big clothing fetishist. But I think turtlenecks often look unfortunate on fat girls.

Also, I have a hateboner for when items make the fashion statement they do because they are supposed to seem "warm/cosy" or "practical" and they have a lot of cutouts- chunky knitwear that's also backless and skimpy, or open toed combat boots or whatever.
This is super cute. I had a pair of halloween panties like this once, but the cat face was on the butt.

Specifically, with the virgin killer sweater, the problem is that IRL girls don't have an artist deciding how their clothing should hang on their waist and breasts, they have gravity. If someone added princess seams while still maintaining the overall design, it would look cute as fuck. But no one is going to do that, because it would make the item way more expensive and this is a meme fashion item that isn't going to be popular long, so it needs to be forever21 tier pricing or no one will buy it.

>> No.9381693

>Hyping up the cat lingerie in hopes that real lingerie companies start making nicer cat lingerie is like buying weeb stuff off etsy and hoping Versace starts designing lace armwarmers. No matter how well it sells, the actual lingerie companies take one look at it and think that it's not their target market, it isn't even underwear in the first place, and that weebs sure do buy some weirdass dumb shit.
Not what I meant. I wasn't expecting Victoria's Secret to come out with a cat set based on the boob tube.
I just meant other weeb-clothes designers in general. Surely someone looked at the shitty cat lingerie and thought "I can do it better"?

>> No.9381826

This. It looks atrocious. Like, yes, you have boobs, of course you do, your whole body is a sack of fat.

>> No.9381841

>See people like Aki Dearest.

You take that back!

>> No.9381852

>Also, I have a hateboner for when items make the fashion statement they do because they are supposed to seem "warm/cosy" or "practical" and they have a lot of cutouts- chunky knitwear that's also backless and skimpy, or open toed combat boots or whatever.

I also hate that shit.

>> No.9382232

>tfw thighs are too big to wear these
Only cost a few bucks but I'm still pretty sad.

I don't like the cutout sweaters but that's because I don't like showing off cleavage, which seems to be the main point of them.

>> No.9382246

Does this shit even look girl on real people? If you have boobs at all you need to wear a bra to not sag down to your elbows, but the straps are gonna be all over the place. And if you have small, perky boobs then you don't have cleavage to show off in the first place.

Looks great on anime chicks and buff dudes though.

>> No.9382253

The cat lingerie sure but I've seen plenty of people wear the keyhole sweater at cons and one girl even wears it to class regularly. I've also seen the virgin killer sweater worn twice IRL, though with leggings underneath thank goodness.

>> No.9382257

newfag pls go

>> No.9382262

Girls in my local cosplay community have been making their own virgin killer sweaters by buying a regular oversized one and cutting it up with scissors. It makes me want to stab people with my knitting needles t b h

>> No.9382274

>I've also seen the virgin killer sweater worn twice IRL
OK there's no excuse for that shit. I'm embarrassed just reading this. Leggings do not help.

>> No.9382276

nearly every twitter hoe I follow has an image wearing this. harriest sugarcookie has been shilling hers nonstop.

why did these things suddenly become popular?

>> No.9382679

Same reason Power Girl exists.
>boob window

>> No.9382727

You could probably rig it with costume tape.

>> No.9382743

Personally, I'm sick of those clothes because so many lazy ass "cosplayers" just put them on with a wig and call it a day.

>patreon link below ! *wink*

>> No.9382759


Good call. Female friend posted on facebook in despair, apparently on skinny girls the boob tube really looks like a giant scrunchie, and it's impossible to get any cleavage at all (she has D-cup boobs, so it's not like she doesn't have the goods). In other words, nothing like the promo photos, awkward and totally unsexy.

Consensus among ourselves was that the model must have had her boobs taped to heck and back, and that the cat lingerie was a waste of money. I don't even know how it reached this level of popularity.

>> No.9382765
File: 35 KB, 480x600, rem chi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend has that in bottom left o.o

(also i found rem wearing it 2 e.e)

>> No.9382770

4chan is 18+
please leave

>> No.9382794

Personally, I think the keyhole sweater was really cute. Especially the cat ones. At least in the beginning
The cat bra is really cute too, but that stuff should be kept in your bedroom lol
The last one is just.. ugly. Especially if you have boobs. And it's too lewd for normal wear and it doesn't make any sense to wear it for kinky times
I liked these at first, then I got super tired of them, but then my little sister started to wear them (and other variants like totoro tights etc) and now I can't help but like them again because they make me think of her

>> No.9382810

I cannot be the only one that cannot take the cat boobtube lingerie seriously. It just looks like the cutout cat has a giant butt for a face and it makes me snort every time I see it.

>> No.9382812
File: 538 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On sale at Torrid right now
Amazing what a google search can find

>> No.9382826
File: 47 KB, 560x614, BMzJ9tKCcAA07Dx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate those tights, or any tights that make it look like you're wearing socks when you're not. I get that tights can be less of a hassle, but come on, it's so much cuter with socks.

>> No.9382830

Socks are cuter but holy shit I can't deal with feeling them ssllllooowwwwllllyyyyy shimmy down my legs, it's drives me fucking crazy

>> No.9382836

These are't plus size, this is just what the regular ones look like on a chubby girl- stretched out, only reaching the knee

(source, chubby girl who bought the regular ones)

unless that was sarcasm

>> No.9382837

Same, even with sock glue or fashion tape, it still falls down, so I'll defend my fake sock tights to the bitter end.

>> No.9382913

Eh, their just trends, they come and go. The only one I find good looking is the boobwindow sweater, the rest are ugly and kind of awkward on real people and only looks good in drawings.

>> No.9383173

But anon, what could be sexier then boobs that looks like a butt?! Its the best of both ends!

>> No.9383174

I don't ever have much of a problem with socks falling down, but no matter what size tights I buy, the crotch always wants to hang out with my knees. Cant exactly fix that in the middle of school or work either.

>> No.9383178
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