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9374808 No.9374808 [Reply] [Original]

Yet again a larp thread which is for discussing everything related to Live Action Role Play and the like.
>"Ask and ye shalt receive!"

pointless arguments edition

Previous thread

>> No.9374842
File: 205 KB, 768x1024, 2hKQ_KDOCUs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where to get SCA grade churburg plates for cheap? I want a nice curved breastplate to wear for light armor over my current bulky armor but don't know where to get one for the best price.

>> No.9374873

Larping in Russia as a non-Russian. How scary is it?

I've been to Russia a couple of times, and finding a Russian that actually speaks, or even UNDERSTANDS basic English is so rare. I mean no offence, I was just baffled that not even the staff at the main trainstations or any restaurants knew anything but Russian or Polish.

Larping in forgeign countries have never been a problem, even without German I do just fine in Drachenfest. Even some of the 10y/o kids spoke English when trying to rob me in a pub, wich was fkn adorable.

WH 2017: Forest of Gloom, Moscow. Go or no-go? Will I die?

>> No.9374874

well, what's the worst that can be happen? the Mushroom Elves no longer goes to russian larps, so I would say you are pretty much safe as long as you have common sense

>> No.9375236
File: 95 KB, 960x1280, JackChains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup larpthread,

I recently got my hands on some simple Ulfberth jack chains. Problem is, my gambeson doesn't have arming points. A friend of mine is a leatherworker and willing to make them, but I don't know what size they need to be. I measured the distance between the holes: it's 23mm center-to-center at the shortest, and 43mm center-to-center at the longest.

Does anyone have a 'pattern' for arming points? Also, do you need two strips of leather per arming point (one on the inside, one on the outside) or just the one on the outside?

>> No.9375266

Attach them one by one to see where they will with.

>> No.9375280
File: 22 KB, 540x374, 13880255_1323702200973575_1483357240935231439_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointless arguments edition
But that's every larpthread!

>> No.9375291

No it isn't.

>> No.9375295

Ask an anon who's 'friends' with MoMo Obrien and LarpGirl anything

>> No.9375324

Where to buy used larp gear?

>> No.9375337
File: 178 KB, 960x960, Arming point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not talking about where to attach the arming points; I'm talking about the arming points themselves, I don't know what size they need to be. 3x5 cm approximately?

>> No.9375340

Who isn't "friends" with either?
I can say without a doubt that the first has had quite a few 'friends' travel through her station

>> No.9375342

Facebook buy/sell/loan groups (search in your country's "larp" name for domestic trading, advised)
Small larp shops that deals and do renting services
Larp Organizers (left behind stuff from events, NPC outfits etc)
Theatres and acting organisations

>> No.9375352
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>> No.9375385

Specifically I'm personal FB friends with them both and talk to them semi-regularly.

Oh? Tell us your tale friend.

LARP YouTube hoes.

>> No.9375411
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I see what you did there.

>> No.9375466

will you kill them both?

>> No.9375494

I usually make my points so that the holes match the ones in the armour, and then add about 1,5-2cm around it for sewing. And you only need the leatherflap for the outside of your gambe. Never cut trough the gambeson itself.
When sewing on the leatherpoint, leave 1 of the 4 sides unsewn (preferably the bottom longside), and use the point without damageing the gambe.

>> No.9375560

Google doesn't really help me out on this one; so I'd like to know if anyone knows where I can buy embroidered cloth lining?

As in, pre-made strokes of fabric I can sew onto my clothing. I'm sure I should be able to get that online without having to spend about 20 hours doing it by hand on my tunics.


>> No.9375566

Depends on where you live... Here you can find it in the little more expensive fabricstores and in some indoor marketplaces. If it's handmade or "real" (not just printed) it's obviously expensive as fuck, but some of the printed ones look ok too and wont cost you as much.

>> No.9375570

I killed MoMo's character at Bicolline once if that counts

>> No.9375572

Nothing impressive in stories at all
Just a girl who wants attention and uses guys to get whatever she wants (in and out of game)
Shes the official "photographer" at a larp, (so she plays for free) and takes maybe 10 photos an event? Its mostly just funny to me. She wants to play damsel in distress and be doted on, and hero-complex nerds are more than hhappy to oblige
The only funny story I have is second hand from a larp she went to with her boyfriend at the time
Another larper offered to make her a princess there, the boyfriend wasn't comfortable with it, so she dumped him and did it anyway

>> No.9375608

Oh that was at Bicolline! I remember that shebang. Yeah the dude was called Prince Felix IG and was basically hitting on her, her at the time bf was pretty fuckin uncool with it, and she instadumped him. Dude went to Bico just for her too. Tbf he then started pulling some major creep moves but fun story anyway. Funnily enough she basically ran away from that after the event. Fun times.

>> No.9375924
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Hey folks,
I recently received a swiss civil defense helmet, pic included.
It may sound a bit stupid, but worn backwards, it gives off a huge salet vibe. The original metal is an aluminum/copper mix. Do you think it would be worthwhile to make a visor to try to improve the salet style?

>> No.9375931
File: 122 KB, 792x609, 074_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inside is as pictured. Normally, there is a pad at the forehead, but backwards puts the back pads at the temples.
The other thing that I am considering is to build an additional scoop to lengthen the back-neck region.

>> No.9375960


>> No.9375981

if you wear it backwards, definitely add padding at the front.

It looks potentially fine? I would probably sand it and re paint so it doesn't look so modern.

>> No.9376175

Who, and why should we care?

Ebay is also a good place to search for fabrics; most of my soft kit making friends use it, or local fabric shops.

>> No.9376187

not really.
You need to kill the player to truly kill the character

>Who, and why should we care?
we shouldn't but then again it's 4chan and it's a good thing shittalk every once in a while. Plus they are a prime symptom that shows how shit is US larping

>> No.9376235

Tbf MoMo is Canadian, but yeah a good shittalk is fine.

I remember the time LarpGirl got pissy at Dystopia Rising for not giving her special IG armour in exchange for being... uh... youtube famous I guess. She basically pissed off the whole national game for wanting to snowflake it.

>> No.9376247

my to main problems with them is
#1 they are making factually wrong videos
#2 lot of people praise them and accept as the only truth whatever they say

although #2 is probably more of a hatred of people in general for me.
And the thing that larpigrl always whoring money on kinckstarter and the likes isn't helping either

>> No.9376315

>personal FB friends

I swear I'm getting too old for this shit.

>> No.9376321

Like so, anon?


>> No.9376329

I was kind of interested if there was a non-personal FB friend but probably I wouldn't like the answer

>> No.9376349

In her regular facebook feed she frequently begs for random donations, buying shit from her amazon wishlist, basically just straight up begging. She recently got a bf who she literally just uses to pay for her shit. She also got super fucking fat. MoMo herself seems to not be a real person anymore. All of her 'friends' shes only friends with to get gibsmedats from them. I know a lot of people shes fucked off completely for not being able to give her something.
Its the difference between just being FB friends with some random person and being FB friends with someone you actually talk to.

>> No.9376352

A kurwa, what kind of witch are you?
The shop you linked me is based a good 20 kilometers from my house.

Thanks anon, and please don't make my crops rot or my cows give sour milk and I'll be sure not to ask questions about your magicks.

>> No.9376575

A shot in the dark, I assure you.

I was going to offer either that or http://www.fournituren4fun.eu/, but the last one doesn't have an English site. Being that you're Dutch/Flemish, that should no longer be an issue

>> No.9376579

>just being FB friends with some random person

This? This is what I'm getting too old for.

>> No.9377874
File: 51 KB, 480x853, clericrobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started playing in my 2nd group last moth but this time im a cleric not the best picture i know but what do you think

what kind of weapons would you recommend for an intermediate player?

>> No.9377893

Is the robe comfy?

>> No.9377904

it is comfy yeah
i want more room in the bottom so i can run though any recommendation

>> No.9377954


>> No.9377983

>what kind of weapons would you recommend
Whichever one you're comfortable with that fits your character concept.

If we're talking generic fantasyland, maces and clubs are probably the most stereotypically associated with clerics. They're pretty underused in larp too, so you get hipster points for having a relatively unique weapon.

>> No.9378097
File: 120 KB, 564x1159, black and white armor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how thick would a buff coat be? About as thick as a welding jacket, or thicker?

>> No.9378327

Assuming you played with them, are they good roleplayers? Craftswomen? Fighters?

>> No.9378397

Roleplay Wise:
-LarpGirl has absolutely zero personality. Like, none at all. She's nice and all, but she contributes very little in terms of 'presence'. She understands roleplaying and can get into character and gets involved in the game world and such, but she doesn't really have personality really.
-MoMo is all about drama, bordering on tv soap like drama. She also HATES not being the centre of attention. Shes VERY good at playing her characters, as melodramatic as they all are, and gets into character pretty well. But its also very snowflakey type roleplaying.
-LarpGirl, as far as I'm aware, isn't GREAT at crafting her own shit, but I know she often makes an effort to kitbash costume parts together.
-MoMo makes a lot of her own costuming and outfits. Bretty gud. Otherwise, everything else is shit she gets from sponsors and stuff.
-LarpGirl is an unfit person, but actually commits pretty decently to fights. At Bico she was fighting in line battles with a spear and was doing a decent job.
-MoMo sucks at hand to hand, and sucks BAD. She's not a terrible archer though. While I do have my gripes with her, I'll accept that she's a damn good shot.

>> No.9378398
File: 30 KB, 540x960, 17124808_1442248199120152_1546452852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I found this. Nearly fucking pissed myself when I first saw it. Also, consider this my proof that I'm authentic. MoMo has fucking awful grammar and spelling.

>> No.9378429

Ew gross

>> No.9378519

>how thick would a buff coat be? About as thick as a welding jacket, or thicker?
Historically? Probably about three times as this.
They WERE NOT for common soldiers (it's a misnomer), they were people who could afford essentially the highest quality leather goods...
>and they weren't even that good compared to a nice Almain Rivet :(

>> No.9378538
File: 159 KB, 696x374, MadMax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but who has the best tits?
>It's Gropey and Hungarian, the dynamic mongoloid duo


>> No.9378543
File: 146 KB, 564x848, landsknecht1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, impressive that people could fight with stuff like that. My welding jacket is hot enough during the summer, and there's plenty of air flow

it hits 110 here during the summer, at least one guy in plate will pass out per event

>> No.9378613
File: 362 KB, 1200x1600, 41e8fc13bfd92b01b500496bc418131a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does ANYBODY know where I can get one of these breastplates for SCA fighting on the cheap? Looking for MSRP under 400 USD.

>> No.9378691
File: 1.92 MB, 300x300, 15909638_10206561470030480_1415977476_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going cheap on armour for a contact sport like SCA

mmmkay buddy

>> No.9378751

400 is perfectly fine for SCA armor. There's guys on facebook who sell quality coats of plate for just $200.

But hey, thanks for being fucking useless and probably not even involved in this hobby given your post.

>> No.9378753

>using actual white pristine paper

Ew. Historically inaccurate or not, atleast do some prep and let it soak in tea at home.

400 For a breastplate sounds about right.

>> No.9378874
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x3872, 30eves%2520%25286b%2529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will admit any day that Gropey has bigger manboobs than me

well, they doesn't really have the same tayloring

>> No.9378886

Did you tap that?

>> No.9378936

LarpGirl got really fat, so she's got the most boobmass, but MoMo has a decent amount of perk. With decent support I'd give it to LG, but on an even playing field MoMo takes the prize.
Ikr that's the worst bit.
I did not, as I am otherwise taken. MoMo seems to have a thing for taken guys tho, seeing as she broke up with her bf at Bico to fool around with another player who she knew had a gf. She might be into me due to aforementioned gf (who she hates). Honestly its really creepy.

>> No.9379027

I didn't even know there was such a thing as famous LARPers to be honest. And the more I hear the more I disappointed I get.

So far my only contact with stuff like this was a group of Nordic LARPers who's blog got pretty famous round here. 70% Of it was political bullshit that made me retch though, the other 30% was good costume/Roleplay advice nontheless.

>> No.9379031

larp celebs are mostly a thin in the US. (but then again they have "celebs" for everything)

otherwhere it's just who are famous about stuff he did, locally.

>> No.9379090
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>Nordic LARPers who's blog got pretty famous round here
> 70% Of it was political bullshit that made me retch though

If they ever mentioned having to put up with an alt-right/neonazi group on campaigns that repeatedly ruin their day and rapes their villages and burn their women, that would be us.

>> No.9379166

Pathetic, hang yourself this august please.

>> No.9379317
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Hopefully you guys will be the best people to ask.

Fa/tg/uy here. Currently running a modern horror game, and in the next session the PCs will be attending a larp. It's supposed to be a chance for their characters to relax, but tl;dr guy running the larp is using the larpers to perform a giant demon summoning ritual, players need to uncover the truth and stop it.

So what sort of drama goes on at larp events? I've been to plenty of cons, but not a larp one, and I want to make things believable/interesting. What events take place? What's the general attitude of players like? Are creepers a thing?

Also looking for any drama/horror stories you've been involved in, I'll see if I can work them into the game.

>> No.9379343

Just moved to Canada, in the KW region of ON specifically

What's the LARP scene like here?

>> No.9379385

>What events take place?
Typically in American larps, game time is divided between "mods" (a sortie aimed toward accomplishing a specific short-term goal, like "scout the locations of three enemy camps" or "clear out the goblins that have taken over the abandoned mill" or "retrieve the McGuffin from the Tomb of 100 Traps") and downtime. Downtime is used for roleplay activities and character interaction, with staff periodically appearing as Important NPCs to discuss Important Plot with Important People(tm). How broad their definition of Important People is, depends on the group--my game is pretty open about letting most anybody get involved in plot stuff, but I've heard many stories of staff playing favorites and only giving plot to the people they're friends with.
Mealtimes are usually sacrosanct, a guarantee that no combat is going to happen--at least not initiated by staff. Some games forbid players from fighting during mealtimes too, some just discourage it, some say that if you want to shank your buddy while his guard is down, go for it.
Procedures that have the potential to get awkward or uncomfortable, like characters getting captured and tied up, or searching bodies, are generally abstracted. You place a rope around someone's hands loosely, and they can automatically escape their bonds if they remain unobserved for a full 5 minutes; you kneel next to a dead NPC and spend 30 seconds describing where you search, in only as much detail as necessary, and they tell you what you find; that sort of thing.


>> No.9379394

What the fuck is written at the end ?
"Deer people who said they can get my soul back in exchange for my first brown child" ?

>> No.9379397

Safety is a Big Deal (tm). Sometimes to silly degrees. You'll get sensible safety rules, like no shield bashing, no body-to-body contact in combat without permission and none in heavy armor, etc. You'll also get silly ones, like the common "flurry rule:" after 3 swings at an opponent, you have to either take step back or let them swing at you before you continue attacking them. Seriously, fuck the flurry rule.

>What's the general attitude of players like?
Varies hugely by player. For the most part, the only thing they'll have in common is that they're all excited to be there, but occasionally you'll get an older character who only keeps coming out of obligation.
Overall it depends what that player plays for. Sometimes you get the people who come from battle games like Dagorhir and are only really interested in fighting. They tend to fight exclusively in shield walls, wear boring black leather armor, and make only token attempts to roleplay, but are otherwise inoffensive enough. There's people who are there for the attention or the drama, others who are really attached to the character they've created and just want to see interesting things happen, etc.

>Are creepers a thing?
Absolutely. Most larp organizers have gotten better about weeding out the obvious ones, but that also means the ones who stick it out are the more subtle ones.

>what sort of drama goes on at larp events?
Most stems from "bleed," the larp term for when stuff that happens IC causes bad feelings OOC or people doing IC stuff for OOC reasons. Like metagaming, but goes both ways. The attention whore isn't getting as much attention as she'd like, the BSF is bitter because his expensive magic sword got eaten by a rust monster, a rude character was rude to another character and the player took it personally, somebody's bf doesn't like his gf having an IC relationship with somebody else, etc.

>> No.9379398

W-where can I join?

>> No.9379400

my first born child*

Rest seems about right. My wild guess is some people, and with people I mean furfags which is a big compliment to them, play creatures that look like deer. And they gon' get her soul back, which she ofcourse lost because Edgy Inc. took it from her. Not like anybody noticed, because just like her acting, her actual being lacks soul.

>> No.9379402

At your local Evil Empire Inc. faction, with nice streaks of the Spanish inquisition, Russian Oprichinik, and ofcourse National Socialist Italy (fuck the Germans.)

>> No.9379447
File: 62 KB, 900x280, larpers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were not actually a neo-nazi/alt-right group, its just a bunch of guys who likes to beat people with foam sticks and banter all night long when we are not busy mugging and extorting people.

We lived a whole year in a village where the rest of the inhabitants were tree hugging hippies (both in and off) and they just assumed we were fascists for not being tree hugging hippies ourselves. So we burned the village to the ground after taking all their money and then moved on over to the next town. A good portion of that campaign must think we are fascists because they all treat us the same 'off'.

I don't recruit random guys off the internet but its not hard to find our recruiter on Facebook. The recruitment ad basically says the same thing as I mentioned above.

>> No.9379451

Are you American or Northern European? Either way I pity you man. I see the disease that is peoples' OC politics seeping in here in the lowlands too and it's painful to watch.

Why can't people just keep IC and OC apart and behave like real human beans?

>> No.9379517

I'm Nordic.

I hide my political views to 100% because its a tiring and pointless subject to talk about, I just want to enjoy my free time as much as possible. Yet you cant take one step without getting bombarded with hippie shit. Going to class, work, parties, shops, events etc, its always there. I took a math class and guess what discussion eventually churns up? I quit a university class in basic economics because I realized it would be pointless to study a subject led by someone who is obviously biased towards a certain political view. I'm not surprised that it would eventually sip on over in to larps like this since it surrounds these peoples life 24/7 and they start taking on this odd group mentality, but I expected more of them than this.

That village I mentioned earlier started out as an outlaw/bandit town where all of the rejects of society would live and prosper (like Tortuga in PotC, no lords, laws, church, taxes etc. It would be drunken parties at noon, and all the trolls and elves would be invited to!). Instead it turned in to a "we are a big family and everyone are welcome except for the people we dislike" hugparty. Now its just a creepy hideout for people who pretend they love everyone, cultists who can't hide anywhere else, and some vikings with no real purpose than to get used by the cultists. We also began noticing that some groups and individuals up there eventually leave because they presumably get frozen out of all interaction, kinda like we did, and those who leave on their own accord may get kidnapped back to the village (and when you rescue those people you will face the biggest dindu crowd ever imagined).

I could ramble all night about this, but that would be to specific, and some of the shit we have experienced so far is so bad that it would come off as lying. I could drop some drama shit I haven't seen anywhere else but only if no one objects.

I will, however, admit that I thoroughly enjoy beating their assess.

>> No.9379583

>in exchange for my wife's first brown child"?
Please god let there be a Sir Cuckoldting somewhere out there...

>> No.9379601
File: 192 KB, 956x846, crusadingandchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally managed to complete a kickass combat kit
>Absolutely love it
>Attending DF this year
>No way in hell I can bring it, due to weight?

What do, my fellows? What are some decent light-weight armour kits?

>> No.9379609

Screw that, who has the better butt?

>> No.9379624

could ship it to a friend's house if you know anyone in Germany

or just wear it on the plane, I can't see any reason why you couldn't

>> No.9379655

Its okay. With a big emphasis on ok.
Its you want post-apoc, we have Elegy
If you want fantasy, we have fantasy alive
If you want flint and steel we have Ashes of an Empire

>> No.9379897

>Saga Flameborn

Fucking really?

>> No.9379898

I'm interested in drama stories, just tohear more about. The Netherlands is slowly taking the same turn and I want to prep for the worst.

>> No.9379936

>so bad that it would come off as lying.

We've taken stories about literally shitting in someone's campfire and a single gf ruining a faction's 10th birthday by making the king's general, advisors and bard sit outside of their baldachin in favour of the king's new consort's brand spanking new personal guard at face value.

Spew your bile and spew it well, we've all been there.

>> No.9379952

Yeah, made me kek at first too. Leaving her husband to go coalburnin'.

>> No.9379981

Ah, Dutch larp drama. So deliciously pathetic.

>> No.9379984
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>> No.9379985

Oh, definitely, but I find myself enjoying it nonetheless.

>> No.9380003
File: 9 KB, 210x240, Guillaume2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so exceedingly pathetic about Dutch drama though, compared to say, boffer tag 'Murica or SJW-palooza Sweden?

.t Butt-befuddled Dutchman

>> No.9380007

I have experience with the former and not the latter? It's not specific to the Netherlands, I just sit back and enjoy the drama.

But to be honest, to me the Dutch larp scene combines American SJW-ism and European elitism in a very nasty way.

>> No.9380010

What? What events have you been to that you got that strong an SJW vibe? It's slowly on the rise, so you see some small outbursts here or there but I haven't really encountered any real SJWs besides people parroting some nordic stuff.

Also what even is European Elitism? You mean disliking people who don't put effort in? Because that's very strong here yeah, and I like it.

>> No.9380016

I mean I feel there's a large "larp is for everyone"-crowd, but also very strong cliques and "Old Guard" groups, often at the same time. People push for including newbies but want their own group to remain exclusive. That clashes in unfortunate ways. Add onto that the usual larp drama of cheating, resolving OC drama IC and vice versa, biased GM's et cetera and you get a tiring mess I want no part in.

>> No.9380021

Old guard and LARP is for everyone are a problem for groups all over the world, which give a bit of a paradox. You want to both offer the best costuming, worldbuilding and setting you can, whilst at the same time attracting as many people. Although I gotta say most groups I've been to have found a nice middle-ground, somewhere in between "everyone can join, aslong as they don't wear jeans and break immersion too hard". We don't expect a screening before games, but most events even offer a bit of items for the beginning LARPer to quickly pick up and give them a basic costume.

I'm still very curious at what events you played though? Because like any country there's a lot of good, a lot of bad, and a lot of weird LARPs out there. And each person views different ones as good or bad.

By the sound of it you played V.A. though.

>> No.9380022

My strongest experiences with this come from Omen, which is a secularized mess of groups who interact little with each other. I've seen so many people leave because they had nothing to do because the GM's don't bother with anything smaller than group-scale. Then again, Omen isn't exactly a prime example of a good larp.

I've heard some bad stories about V.A. too, though. I want to go there once to see for myself, because the people I heard those stories from sounded like the source of the problem themselves.

>> No.9380024

Yeah heard Omen had a lot of trouble, esp. since it still had the kind of rules where powerplaying was a lot easier and people who've been to the events a lot got so much stronger than a beginner. Atleast I think that was Omen.

V.A. is a shitfest, and what you said hits the nail right on the head. It's a mish-mash of very clique-y players, lots of good people in them though, whom a lot have a holer than Thou complex IC.

I currently play at Games-n-stuff, which has a whole load of problems on it's own. But so far it's been pretty good if it weren't for the 2.5 hour drive there everytime.

From one Dutchfag to another though, any good LARPs down south that you know of? Preferably low on the power-scale, with more civilian/interesting roleplay than people wanting to play pretend important.

>> No.9380026

Try The Balance, maybe? They just did a reset, so it's a good time to join. Nice people and fun roleplay from what I've seen. There's a few people I'm not terribly fond of (who coincidentally also play at Omen and V.A.), but no actual problem players as far as I'm aware.

>> No.9380110

Any good suggestions for pattern books? i just want to make some simple beginner things, tunics, basic dress, trousers, no leather/armor stuff

>> No.9380131


Also, so many condoms found in the forest that the event after the orga got an official warning not to let that happen again

>t. Ravenskeeper

>> No.9380153

Google "the medieval tailor's assistant" and check out the PDF.

>> No.9380173

What the fuck, I love ravens keep now.

>> No.9380194

Thank you that's perfect

>> No.9380249

Sure thing friend
Its supposed to be "first born child" but MoMo seriously cannot spell for shit.
Pretty much exactly that yeah, except loads of people noticed because MoMo is really good at hogging the spotlight. No one cared though.
I mean that's pretty much what happened. She left her boyfriend to flirt with this prince dude. He wasn't black though.
LarpGirls is bigger but a lil more saggy. MoMo's is small but actually has aesthetic appeal. MoMo all the way in my opinion.
I know right. "Geddit, cause I have red hair," is literally why its her character's surname.

>> No.9380257

Yup, Ravenskeep is... special.

>t. Ravenskeeper

>> No.9380291

Thats all of her characters though. Everyone is named after her hair

>> No.9380303

That's the larp in which MoMo is fucking the guy who runs it in exchange for plot importance and being the centre of attention, correct?

>> No.9380347

>European elitism

That's a new one. I'm an Amerifag but I'm willing to admit that our costuming game is largely decades behind Europe.
We're still stuck in the boffer vs. Latex debate round these parts.

>> No.9380454

Look man, I'm just trying to LARP. I want to avoid drama

But yeah.

>> No.9380460
File: 50 KB, 395x600, 5594281696cb32e4a8610e19ade6009e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do not really care about those two.

Please show us your creations or pics of your costume instead.

Its about larp here, not celebrity bashing/worshiping.

Please be constructive.

>> No.9380505
File: 143 KB, 800x600, arm-protection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latex and/or injected foam.
Buffer should not even be an option other than for pratice.
Lets try to raise the bar america.
One good looking weapon at the time.

Are you doing your part anon? Are you on the good side of this war?

>> No.9380506
File: 1.09 MB, 1161x2064, 20170306_163104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Rough From The Hammer on facebook.

The pieces are shaped and finished, but are not polished or strapped. This cuts the price and allows you to put some personal touches to it. My placard is from RftH.

You'll get it for much cheaper the 400.

Dude, its a freaking rectangle of leather. I prefer 1"x1.5", but come on man.


Not bad for a free helmet. Ignore >>937598, and leave it yellow. That way, you can paint heraldry on it.

But Hungary-chan, are we not personal facebook friends?

Buff coats are made of a minimum of .25" thick buff leather, sometimes thicker, and sometimes layered.

No worse than quilted gambesons. I have worn both in the Virginian summer.

Yeah, Hungarian is flat and a beanpole. Though my chub is nearing its end, and I can't wait for the photoshoot next month.

And what the fuck was with the Ausfag anyways?

>> No.9380561
File: 119 KB, 800x1200, 16804276_10211459339219733_6457200824969304562_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And what the fuck was with the Ausfag anyways?

Fucking colonials getting rowdy as usual.

Pic related is me at a recent Empire event. I should have posed with one hand showing, as it has silver sleeve cuffs as a wee bit of contrast (That and the House colours are blue with silver)

>> No.9380570

>Fucking colonials getting rowdy as usual.

You spelled "convicts" wrong.

Digging the coat, Socttish. Whats on the side of your head?

>> No.9380593

Empire has "lineages"; humans who have a degree of one flavor of magic in them which has physical symptoms and roleplay effects.

The facial bark is a sign of the Briar Lineage and generally is a sign of someone who is "straightforward" impulsive, restless and energetic

>> No.9380636

What >>9380593 said.
Briars scab over wounds as a bark like substance. It either falls off like a normal scab, or it stays as a type of scar tissue.

>> No.9380647

>Sir, can you please take off ALL your armor before proceding through security.
>And the codpiece as well...

>> No.9380659

>And what the fuck was with the Ausfag anyways?
You know the answer, just don't speak of the devil as they say.

>> No.9380828

It's difficult when my group still thinks Calimacil weapons are "dangerously hard."

Plot twist: I use one and I've just never told anybody, never had a single complaint.

>> No.9380842

Forgive me for my ignorance, but why have you repeatedly referred to Australians as "convicts"?

>> No.9380929

Australia was used as a prison island by the British. They basically dumped everyone they didnt want there.
So unless the aussie is native, they are descendants to criminals.

>> No.9381001


The elitism is less about costume and gear and more about in group preference.

It's like that in the Netherlands, also in Flanders, it basically just means when a certain group gets wind of a plot, they will ballhog it worse than an NBA star. If they can't contain it alone, they will possibly speak to one or two other groups for back up. If you're not part of this circle, you ain't playing.

>> No.9381048

>Evil Empire
What's that please? Can't find a thing on Google.

>> No.9381049

Yeah, that's a better description than I could muster.

>> No.9381084

At some events though, I hardly noticed anything about this to be honest...

>> No.9381153

Dutchfag here. Honestly never knew that. We were taught it was just a colony.

>> No.9381155

Another Dutchfag here. Pay some fucking attention in school.

>> No.9381169

>Please be constructive.
you are not frenedian.

>But Hungary-chan, are we not personal facebook friends?
nope, we aren't. I'm not even sure either of us is a person.

>> No.9381180
File: 400 KB, 3675x2076, Morning_Star_Flail2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has any experience with flails in larps?
Opinions are welcome

>> No.9381183

Great way to fucking hurt yourself, or at least get tangled up in shit. Generally unsafe if they are weighted at ALL.

>> No.9381185

>getting hurt by a larping flail
You mean actually hurt or self inflicted loss of hp?

>> No.9381187

Actual hurt, like the chain getting tangled up in shit and getting wrench. I brought a foam flail to a larp once but made the mistake of making the chain itself out of some iron I had on hand. Twisted around another dude's arms and he wrenched really hard. I fell, and in my kit the arm twisted the wrong way.

Another note, don't wear a breastplate you can't bend over in.

>> No.9381189

You're the most Lin Manuel Miranda-looking motherfucker I've ever seen

>> No.9381204
File: 170 KB, 898x1600, IMG-20170302-WA0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my current WIP, and without the armour. Got a fully painted plate 'n chain set waiting for the last leg plates and 'till I'm done making flags in my chainmail. Also bigger codpiece incoming.

We were taught it was convicts. Git gud scrub.

Dutch-Indies though, those were 'just' a colony.
(Also it was 'just' police actions, KNIL are heroes. Free Rhodesia.)

Gypo seers aren't human. No matter how many magical answering power you have.

Last part ain't that bad... first part though: you actually put an iron chain on a LARP weapon? How the fuck did that get past the weapons check and how braindamaged are you?

Did you atleast keep the chain under neck length?

Looking good bro.

>> No.9381207

Never an alphaer peasent. 10/10

>> No.9381214


Pretty much banned over here, since you are expected to be full in control of your weapon at all times, as in; you can stop a swing if necessary and you have agency over what direction it moves in. Neither of these are entirely possible when a flail, as it can bounce any which way.

There's also been bad experiences with the "chain", whether it is rope, leather strips, bungee chord, etc., tearing up the latex of other weapons.

>> No.9381220

trick is that for proper weapons the chain must be short, somewhere around 3 links max for one handed versions, might be a little longer for two handed ones.
Otherwise you just fucking over yourself with it.

>> No.9381241

>Did you atleast keep the chain under neck length?
I was luckily smart enough for that, but didn't think of wrist length.

Also the LARP runners were retarded and only checked the heads of weapons. You could have a completely iron flail and it would be legal so long as the head itself wasn't iron but rubber or something.

>> No.9381245

Well damn. Goes to show that my idea of just using wooden pavises isn't that weird after all. Although my pals said I shouldn't do it.

>> No.9381250

Granted my LARP was run by a community college, so it's not like it was the highest quality and safest thing ever.

>> No.9381253

You're thinking about Tasmania, not Australia.

>> No.9381257

Most larps here accept wooden shields anyway, so long as the edges are covered with foam of some sorts.

>> No.9381261

Ah yeah, explains it. If it's more on a friendly basis a lot can be excused from the organizers since it's kinda down to the players themselves.

My plan was using actual wooden pavisses and setting them up on the ground. So you have your portable bodyblock shield from which to shoot your crossbow from.

>> No.9381363

Not anon's fault. Depending on when he was in school, anon may have been in a weird "everything is taught PC" way. Calling slaves "immigrants" and Australians "colonists".

>> No.9381440

Anyone who didnt have the dumb idea to put actual metal in a part that is likely to hit someone's face?

>> No.9381447

I'm pretty sure the 'personal' was describing the facebook profile and not the type of friendship.

>> No.9381467

So, where do you guys go to that your inspirations ?

Making a medic costume, but it's pretty much just Pinterest.

>> No.9381479

I really like fighting so I usually find a way to make a warroir's get up and appropriate to my group.
Really depands on the setting tho.

>> No.9381504
File: 45 KB, 500x282, CostumeIdeaInAtightSpot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History books mainly, usually just looking at the styles and fashion of Ye OldTM does enough magic for me.
Otherwise I'd turn to more basic measures and go for Pinterest and games like you said. Not sure if there's any good other sites out there.

I mean; who would visit a picture board? :^)

On an unrelated note; if I kitted out a bunch of noobies in bi-coloured tights rather than real hosen, throw in a cotehardy/gambeson and some wacky hat or kettle helmet that'd do as a good uniform right?

I need to kit out a few lads who're all starting and don't want to fall for the ancient "we all wear the same coloured' tabbard trope.

>> No.9381516

Sounds pretty solid to me

>> No.9381599

Could also be descended from people who emigrated there after the fact, to be fair.

>> No.9381606

Contrary to what the other anons are saying, they're fine if you actually follow basic safety guidelines. Ball should be coreless open-cell foam, "chain" should be no more than 6 inches of cord lined with foam discs, and the business end of the haft should be padded as though it were a striking surface.

As a shield fighter, flails and other flexible weapons are my worst enemy.

>> No.9381613
File: 254 KB, 2048x1365, 17097474_1894750804093744_8499829195030727467_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I got the inspiration for my character was a funny hungarian comic.
Then of course the thing became more when I tried to fit that into the existing game word and at the end I used a lot of borrowed stuff.

But yeah, inspiration can come from anywhere, then you put your own touch on it

>> No.9381657

I fail to see how that's European Elitism though.

In my local plot game, most serious smaller (ie: not mandatory for all characters) plots get snapped up by a handful of old boys and their close friends. Everyone else just kinda tags along for the fights with little understanding of why we're all marching off into the woods or who we're smacking around.

It's generally a select cabal of coolkids and their close orbiters who get to run with personal plots and the like.

>> No.9381670

I just MEK'd it. I left a very thin yellow rim around the edge, but the bare aluminum with a wax has a kind of 'gunmetal grey' color.
I kind of wish it didn't flair out so much at the temples, but eh.

>> No.9381700

Post pics plz.

>> No.9381701

Mainly looking at other larpers, trying to figure out what I like and dislike about their costumes, then trying to apply that to my own costume.

I feel that in Europe, way more than in the USA, people with more or more expensive gear look down on those without. I've literally heard someone say "if you go larping, I expect you to invest a four-digit number into it". Elitism is not a Europe-specific thing, but the specific kind described above is (as far as I'm aware).

>> No.9381710
File: 662 KB, 3264x2448, Helmet_Cleaned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9381712

I have it propped in the 'backwards' style so that you can hopefully see the salet look that I am imagining.

>> No.9381720

>I feel that in Europe, way more than in the USA, people with more or more expensive gear look down on those without
where do you got that impression?

>> No.9381731
File: 65 KB, 560x737, GoobleGabble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely seeing it mate, looking good! Maybe paint a flower or some heraldric imagery on the side to make it even less recognizable.

Never heard of anything that extreme, although if you have a better costume people will expect more of you as a stranger. Which is normal.

Most people who aren't complete twats will give you a chance to do your thing if you have a half decent costume (read: it doesn't break my immersion.) But if somebody with a really cool costume that took a lot of time comes walking up I do kinda expect him to be more try-hard.
And more try-hard = more better.

But if you come in wearing jeans, or something stupid like an image bearing t-shirt under your tunic than I will treat you like less.

>> No.9381738

Should look pretty cool.

>> No.9381777
File: 509 KB, 1332x3858, slavic drow 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of my character inspirations from a /tg/ joke, personally.

>> No.9381900
File: 60 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.890289305_oyfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty neat.

>Thats just the piercings!


As >>9380929 said. There is a decent, if -slow burning- drama series about it on Hulu.

>you are not frenedian.
Frenadian is still dealing with IRL stuff last we talked.

>I'm not even sure either of us is a person.
Im a dirty gypsy and you're a dirty slav.

We most certainly don't count as people.

Local foam groups use rope covered with sections of pool noodle. Work decent, but is kinda OP. Pic related, a one hander.

>I brought a foam flail to a larp once but made the mistake of making the chain itself out of some iron I had on hand. Twisted around another dude's arms and he wrenched really hard. I fell, and in my kit the arm twisted the wrong way.

Things that never happened for $200, Trebec!

Decent kit.

Think less "medic" and more "barber-surgeon"

Also: >>9381504 is right. History books and reenactors for the best ideas.

There were only guards, convicts, and rats. End of discussion.

Gonna make a simple tail lame maybe?

I have found that in the US, many groups will actively disparage new folks from looking "too good" because of the low standard.

>> No.9381917

>Things that never happened for $200, Trebec!
It absolutely happened. Never underestimate what happens when you mix LARPs with shitty colleges and bored students.

>> No.9381952

>I feel that in Europe, way more than in the USA, people with more or more expensive gear look down on those without.

It happens over here, maybe not openly, but it happens. For west coast chapters of my game, we have a cadre of pretty okay costumers who tend to roll up as the season goes on. They don't say anything in game, but they'll shit talk about equipment if you give them the chance.

Im also of the opinion that it's a good thing. These people lead by example and are actively raising the bar. Our game has huge problems with costuming, be it the teenagers trying to slip under the radar in Converse and cargos, or the old-timers wo haven't managed to throw together anything better than a Tunic and """"""Viking"""""" pants despite having played for a decade. Sometimes, elitism serves a good purpose.

>> No.9381981

>I have found that in the US, many groups will actively disparage new folks from looking "too good" because of the low standard.

I've occasionally seen that attitude, but I don't think it's quite as common as to say "many." More like fringe groups and the ones that have succumbed to the hugbox mentality enough to refer to their larps as "safe spaces."

>> No.9381984

Then let me rephrase: In my experience, many groups will actively disparage new folks from looking "too good" because of the low standard.

I have had that happen at more events than less. Several while still in line to sign in.

>> No.9382030

>Helmet guy
Yeah, I want to either add on a visor or extend the back. Can I get some sexy salet pictures for inspiration?

>> No.9382081

This happened at my first and only event. I thought they were joking with me

I wore my SCA plate and apparently looked too good

>> No.9382217

There's constructive criticism and leading by example, and then there's being an ass over an already okay costume. I only agree with the former.

>> No.9382256
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows how you call these types of glasses ?

>> No.9382268

Hinged spectacles. Its great that more vendors are carrying them.

>> No.9382796
File: 73 KB, 480x360, PioneersWood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys I just saw some comments on one of the event's facebook pages I go to that they're looking for a new way to build the city pallisade.

Now some came with plans to go all out and go Conquest style, but that's a whole lot of work for a weekend event. And with our current build-up team it's as full as it goes. Somebody else said the pioneer's poles combined with cloth could do a whole lot.

A bit of quick info; the event is a 'what you see is what you get' styled thing. So if it's just a wooden wall with holes in it; then it's just that. If you want to walk around it, you can.
There's a lot of pioneer poles out there, and a few happy denizens who are willing to put in a bit of work.

So does the LARP thread have any cool ideas on how to solve this problem?

>> No.9382866

anti-personnel mines

>> No.9383029
File: 78 KB, 500x374, img_0274_88276539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no hacks for building stuff, you have to invest either money or manpower, or change your pattern for the most efficient outcome.

>> No.9383083

>how you call these types of glasses ?
Over glorified magnifying glasses that were too expensive and fell off your face every few minutes and eventually got lost in a puddle in the middle of the woods so you had to spend the rest of the even squinting and getting accused of being racis and then some newb at the end of the last day says he found some spectacles in a puddle and they're yours but because he found them during a mission they're techinaclly (IC/IG) his and because the event isn't over you have to pay the twerp off with your currecny so he'll give them back to you without just saying fuck you and leaving the event because the owner of property said so.

Also early form of Pince-nez.

>> No.9383086

That actually looks really nice.

>> No.9383281
File: 2.28 MB, 4199x2797, dsc00251a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That style was not meant to be worn outside of a reading room, you idiot.

And what kind of retard doesn't bring their mundane glasses as backup?

>> No.9383757

Look up fawns and fawn makeup on Tumblr and YouTube. Or rather, don't.

>> No.9383817

I think wall-print cloth held up by poles and wire works. Try to find a way to use only a single sheet of double-sided print cloth to save cloth and therefore money.

>> No.9384462
File: 795 KB, 1303x758, 10outof10kingoflarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how many of you guys can call yourselves "competent larpers"?

>> No.9384484

I'm not even near this guy's level...
Though I guess it's good for an anon to dream of his future. One day I'll get there.

One day I'll do it for, poppa.

>> No.9384490

Is this from an American LARP ?
Most people here in Francistan put a lot of hard work in their costumes, even when it's their first time.

>> No.9384497

Man, that looks like every Amtgard everything I have ever seen, especially the people in the background.

>> No.9384511

Pretty sure its from either amtgard or belgarth. A year or so ago someone posted the unedited pic saying that anyone trying to not look like shit instead of dressing like this guy are just tryhards with no skill.

>> No.9384529

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that that guy is a 'knight'.
Everyone else is wearing colored sashes to show their class.

He has a white belt (with green for serpent knight, the crafting specialty), unadorned chain necklace, and a black phoenix beltfavor (to signify his class). All of those things are symbols of knighthood in Amtgard.

>> No.9384595
File: 37 KB, 700x555, pic_anatomy_saber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing as a surgeon but don't have weapons yet.
I love the Chachka but before I make one I just wanted to know what type of shield could go along with it ? Would there be something medium/small (as I'm no warrior, but I'm pretty sure it's necessary to have a shield) that would fit alongside this type of weapon ?


>> No.9384749

I'd say a buckler if you want a small on hand weapon that can easily be stowed on even your belt.

For upscale I'd say most smaller roundshields could still fit the Zapharozian-esque theme of the Chachka. Although a lance, musket, or even a whip would be more in-theme with a Cossack.

It's definitely not necessary to use a shield, heck it's not even necessary to use a weapon in a lot of settings or events.

I think there were some techniques using the scabbard as well, though don't quote me on that. Cossacks ain't really my expertise.

>> No.9384757
File: 1.29 MB, 637x1193, sipah dismounted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partial to Hungarian shields, myself.

>> No.9384771

Where might one get a Pembridge helm? Can't seen to find any online makers still around.

>> No.9385125

Thanks a lot.


>> No.9385260

Technically speaking I'm totally capable to call myself anything. Although I won't do it because I will never be as good as that guy

>> No.9385849
File: 1016 KB, 540x960, vortohouse1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ment to update earlier but i finished my houses flag for our belts
just gotta do 3 more and were good to go for sunday

>> No.9386099

Any good way to make a musket that would actually work with a foam ball?
I'm pretty sure a wooden one wouldn't be accepted.

>> No.9386424

I think some level of wood, metal or plastic is inevitable around the mechanism at least, if your game allows bows you can probably persuade them that a wooden ranged weapon of another sort is fine as well.

I know that in the UK Jim Evans and Justine Andrews successfully made a prototype and demo'd it at a kitfair about two weeks ago. There's a video floating about on FB that 4chan won't let me link. They might be good place to start your research

>> No.9386806

..... What the fuck is this mang?
I get that you want to do cool original stuff, but try taking a little more time for these kinda things.
This looks like a 3 year old made it.

>> No.9386866
File: 19 KB, 602x602, housevorto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a good picture chill man here's my house logo for reference so you can see what it actually looks like before you judge

>> No.9386884

So the problem is that it's a bad photo of a shoddy reproduction of an awful logo then.

Photographywise better angles and lighting would help a lot

Craftingwise, foam looks like the wrong material for this job but i don't know exactly what it is for so I could be wrong. If your are trying to reproduce something quite geometric and linear like the picture use a template or a ruler or something to ensure your lines are good and your sections are even. I'd probably lose some of the emblem details as well for a mass produced wearable vs the formal flag

Logowise I do not expect people to adhere to actual heraldic rules (except maybe the metals rule because it actually works super well for making good designs) but some basic color theory is pretty mandatory.

>> No.9386933

The Larpquebus looks awesome from the videos they've posted.

The Heraldry looks far too "busy". There's too much going on. Drop the chevrons, they detract the eye from the main center piece.

>> No.9387033
File: 167 KB, 898x1600, IMG-20170302-WA0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The house logo is kinda busy man. And it still doesn't take away my judging. Draw on your shapes before cutting them out of felt.

Also, don't glue, sew. This is as time-period appropriate as just drawing it on with pen.
And to let you know I'm not completely talking out of my ass I could show you my current WIP heraldic flags, but they're without the logo yet.
So have the one on the back of my coat.

>> No.9387679
File: 356 KB, 1299x974, IMG_20170312_154613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothmail guy here.

So I got the base cloth done and ready and the chain mail shirt I ordered has arrived, now all that is left is to rip that shit apart and hope it covers enough so that I wont have to cover the rest by hand. I am a bit bummed that the chain mail shirt I got has a 4-1 pattern that runs sideways over the chest, and it basically means that I can't use the pre-existing shape of the shirt to simply put it on, and I have to tear it all apart in to squares to be able to sew it on to avoid sagging in the rings in the future.

I think being to generous on the sizing of the vest is gonna come back and bite me a bit, and the overlapping front will most likely make it noticeably front heavy.

I do not recommend this project for anyone, its very impractical to make and theoretically not good for maintenance.

>> No.9387947


Fuck being period appropriate, gluing your fabric is just shit. It looks bad and it's less durable to boot. Spend like five minutes on this board in general and you'll learn that.

>> No.9388685

To the anon who ordered something from ForgeOfSvan, did you get your stuff yet? I would really like a review before I spent a whole lot of cash on a brigandine there.

>> No.9388762
File: 152 KB, 542x767, FPbGiC8uF1C0kKl1uzE0G_OMxb7VSVBQIXchX3XFqcI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is going Epic Fantasy possible in a LARP? Mostly talking about those amazing armours and the like. Was it ever done? If so-Does anyone have examples of it?

>> No.9388778

I'd guess that it would be really uncomfy.

>> No.9388788
File: 94 KB, 540x960, 13920928_362825707174850_3318342936799264329_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think nobody did that?

>> No.9388906
File: 226 KB, 2048x1367, Conquest2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check some of the ConQuest stuff, or some of the Chaos armours frollicking around for inspiration.

I'm sure there's a whole lot of other cool places too look out there too but this all I could come up with in a second.

>> No.9389162
File: 3.74 MB, 2000x3000, 1471002855976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are just very rare at larps because those costumes are costly to make and very cumbersome to wear.

hungarian got a bunch of them in his folders somewhere.

>> No.9389178
File: 299 KB, 900x1350, 1471066656789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also seems to be more common for the bad guys to have über heroes in the field, but that would just reinforce the great Thunt's theory that evil outnumbers good seven to three.

>> No.9389192

nah, it's just that evil always had better gear.

>> No.9389978
File: 178 KB, 584x880, 67cab8bf556c42ab02c75a96c9b4189c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, the good guys often try too hard to be clean and tight.

Though there are exceptions.

>> No.9390087

Is that a good guy ?
Because he sure as fuck is /fa/.

>> No.9390091

It's a Warhammer High Elf.

I'm pretty sure he thinks he's the good guy.

>> No.9390094

Knife ears are never EVER the good guys though. How would someone be that delusional?

>> No.9390157


>> No.9390312
File: 224 KB, 365x301, N1viY8S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that a good guy ?

As part of the forces of light, this is what your average interaction with elves will be like:
>ask elves for aid
>they shoot the messenger for trespassing in their woods
>elves asks for aid
>they shoot the troop you sent to them because they arrived half an hour early

I guess you can call them good since they will only put pointy shafts in to your body until you die and not sacrifice you to some degenerate god or eat your soul before it even had the time to leave your body.

>> No.9390315

w-what larp and can I genocide them in it?

>> No.9390325

Eleria in sweden.

Only like ~15 elves left in the woods so you better hurry up if you want to kill anyone.

Just remember that their arrows ignore armor points and shields and deal twice the damage.

>> No.9390328

I'd love to but no money and wouldn't like to be raped on the way.
Be sure to genocide them for me, anon-kun~~

>> No.9390335

But its only girls and children left in there..

>> No.9390354

Omen in the Netherlands. Not worth it.

>> No.9390437

that's perfect genocide material if you ask me

>> No.9390452

Games-n-Stuff anon here, getting more and more tempted to play the most anti-climactic peasant/longbowmen/angry farmers in bi-coloured tights group to that setting the more you mention it's horrors.

>> No.9390463

It's not that there's actual horror stories from Omen, it's just a very mediocre larp in every aspect. The GMs are inexperienced, the ruleset is quite poor, the plot isn't interesting, most of the old NPC crew left. The only actually bad stories I have from Omen is the GM not kicking out the guy spitting on NPCs, and the one metagamer who went around stealing stuff IC shortly before the game would end so he wouldn't suffer the consequences.

The only good thing I have to say about Omen is that their food and their barcrew are fucking excellent. Best I've seen so far.

>> No.9390475

Any European LARP where there are good fights ?

Most people I see fighting are just doing an imitation of Geralt of Rivia.

>> No.9390485
File: 3.52 MB, 480x270, 947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with spinning? It fits perfectly with my ballet practices, giving it double training purposes.

The other alternative would involve getting a fist or a pommel in the face.

>> No.9390494
File: 125 KB, 642x960, DemBootsWithTheFur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody still have cool old-school LARP pics? And then I'm not talking about 2010. I want to delve deeper, into the dark horror that is early 2000 and earlier than that LARP.

You mean big and well-executed; go for the larger ones or Kriegslarps. Sweden, Germany and I think a few of the non-axis outliers got cool ones.
(Drachenfest, ConQuest, and a Hell of a lot more.)
What exactly are you looking for, and where are you located?

Aw. I was kinda hoping it was a shitfest in the other way. Or atleast to such an extreme it could be fun.
Guess I'll go back on my quest to get a LARP I can actually get people I know to. I want my men in tights damnit! (Also, was too late for the balance. Need atleast a month and a half prep time. )

>> No.9390540

there are a lot of larps with good fights. But honestly, if you are can't enjoy fighting then none of the larps will be good for you

>> No.9390574

If you tried that against an actual fighter like Gropes, you would get your shit stomped. Its goofy and no one did it IRL for a reason.

>> No.9390579

Not him, but if you spin your sword will be faster and you'll hit harder.
They had to use it against late-medieval armors, otherwise they couldn't pierce through the armor unless they did half-swording.

>> No.9390623

>spinning your sword makes it hit faster and harder

Lol, no. You have obviously never studied actual swordsmanship. Gb2 /v/

>> No.9390630

>Not him, but if you spin your sword will be faster and you'll hit harder.
They had to use it against late-medieval armors, otherwise they couldn't pierce through the armor unless they did half-swording.

No. Just... No. Please don't believe this.

>> No.9390726

lol @ trolls

Of course it works. Theres a reason why drills are more effective at digging through hard rock and they don't just bash a shovel against it.
The cylindrical force adds to the sword allowing to to pierce heavy plate. Read a book

>> No.9390744

If you have a cool group concept for the Balance, I'm interested in joining. My current character there is kinda meh.

>> No.9390748

Hey don't you take my (You)s clients anon, this ain't your territory.

>> No.9390753

No my friend. Either you're a troll, or just very misinformed.

Please just trust me on the subject of historic fencing, the ballerina like twirling from the witcher is ungodly mornonic and actually slows and delays your blows, takes you out of line and form, blinds you to your opponent.

Force generation in a sword blow comes from the use of then"coiled spring" action of reflexive muscle counter action, interacting with the mass and aerofoil of the sword in question. Think of the form a golf swing or baseball bat swing.

The nearest concept of the circular swing using blade mass comes from much later period sabre fencing, focused on the wrist action known as the moulinet. Even then, this motion is exclusively at then arm and wrist, without turning the body away from facing stance.

Translation: you are wrong.

>> No.9390756
File: 375 KB, 763x960, 1485994234837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cylindrical force adds to the sword allowing to to pierce heavy plate. Read a book
>piercing with muscle powered sword
>heavy late medieval plate

Dont post this shit in case some dumb /v/ poster comes by and takes it seriously and spreads it...

>> No.9390761

Posts like this are why I tolerate you, even as a tripfag.

>> No.9390765

D'awww, thanks!

>> No.9390820
File: 97 KB, 1600x1064, img10495890873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't decide between making a Shashka or a Longsword
Is half-swording even viable with this type of sword?

>> No.9390838

There is no point with the weapon. Shashka are lighter, shorter, single handed, sabers.

Its like halfswording a rapier or a cutlass or something. Its not part of the weapon's design or usage.

>> No.9390885
File: 18 KB, 596x88, rapeier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit gropalope, you can't just deny and hide the existence of the rapeier!
OF COURSE circular motions makes the sword better at penetration

>> No.9390911

Britfag here. I've never LARPed but I've been doing freeform, tabletop and inbetween RP on the internet for years and I think LARPing could be really fun. Are there any LARPs in England, or would I have to go over to Europe? Preferably RP heavy stuff as opposed to just hitting each other with foam sticks and never talking in character.

Also I'd love to be a heroic knight but the cost of armour seems incredibly prohibitive. I doubt I'd want to splash out on a full set of transition or full plate for my first time, but could I expect to get something like a chain hauberk, a helmet of some sort, a surcoat and a tunic and some pants for a decent price?

>> No.9390926

look up Empire for example, I think that's the biggest larp there, but there are a shitton of other ones.
Also there will be a few anons here who can give you more detailed answers

>> No.9390954

>Glorious Slavtech
>You see Sergei, if sword is to drill when stabbing, then easier is to put hole in enemy!

>> No.9390982

Do you guys look down on girls who want to join LARP?

>> No.9390989

Of course not! Male or female, you can be an asshole.

>> No.9390991

No, why would anybody?
Most LARPs here in the EU are somewhere inbetween 3:1-1:1 for normal LARPs. And about 6:1-10:1 for LARPs solely about fighting.

>> No.9390995

>current year
>assuming genders

joking aside, no.
I only care that the person shouldn't be a fucking idiot, that's the only bar that must be jumped

>> No.9391262

Fuck, this sounds so cool but it seems like it would be so expensive to get involved with. Though, I suppose that's a problem inherent to LARPing rather than Empire specifically. It doesn't seem like an easily accessible hobby.

I've just spent ages reading about Empire and it seems rad. Any stories you could share? Is it a friendly crowd? I'd love to bring a friend to something like this but none of mine are into nerdy stuff.

>> No.9391286

Are you that Australian?
If so, please go.

>> No.9391288

>Do you guys go down on girls who want to join LARP?

>> No.9391446

>cylindrical force
I think we just found ourselves a new pasta

I mean, spin to win if you're feelng it. LARP is only worth what you're putting into it. If you wanna channel Orlando Bloom and spin around a whole bunch, go for it. Just don't expect to win a lot.

I'm curious what you think you'd get out of halfswording in the first place; it really has no use outside of HEMA/harnissefechten, and it probably breaks a few rules at a couple games I can think of.
Anyways, you really don't halfsword with a one-handed weapon. Most texts use it as a way to close range for infighting/grappling with the sword in two hands. If you find an opportunity to use that in LARP, you're either doing something wrong or you need to tell me where you play.

If anything, I actually look forward to girls getting into local games more than dudes. Most women I've met in the local scene have been a lot more willing to sew and do the actual legwork when it comes to throwing their kit together. Guys largely just buy or thrift their shit and never bother to improve.

>> No.9391716
File: 30 KB, 580x386, FB_IMG_1480662235717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these serious responses to a clearly bait post.
What the fuck, guys.

>> No.9391832

>I'm curious what you think you'd get out of halfswording in the first place
I-it just looks cool.

>> No.9391837

I was asleep when you posted this and I have to go to work now so I can't go deep right now but.
Yes Empire is incredible but it's also probably the top of the pile in terms of cost and quality.There are a whole bunch of cheaper easier options.

One of your Local Uni's will have a Larp society. They'll almost certainly accept non-students and probably have kit you can borrow. It'll be cheap and cheerful but a solid intro.

>> No.9391897
File: 4 KB, 152x182, serveimage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't seem like an easily accessible hobby.

You overestimate larps, anon.

When I first rolled up as an NPC, I had good enough loose linen trousers (not historically accurate), a Jacobite shirt and a pair of boots like pic related.

When I first came in as a player, it was that, plus a 70 euro woollen cloak, a 50 euro sword (admittedly did not last long) and some odds and ends like jewelry and instruments.

Nobody rolls up looking like Richard of York, 1455.

>> No.9391955

>It doesn't seem like an easily accessible hobby.

Can you say this to some people at my local game? We have some people who have been running the same characters for years and never moved beyond a tunic and cargo pants.

Axel Petterson just hosted a small tournament in one of those devious scandinavian countries recently. A lot of the longsword pools had some pretty satisfying halfsword finishers.

>> No.9392018

it's a /tg/ tradition. Plus we are autistic

well it's just as expensive as you let it be. Obviously like with every hobby you can thorw money at it until you are broke. Or just start it simple.
There is no reason to not go with simple costumes. Even the guys who have everything go with simple costumes if their character fits that

>> No.9392028

It wasn't a bait question, guys. I'm legitimately a girl. I come here for the lolita and cosplay stuff, but I started lurking on your LARP threads and looked up a local group. They're very polite, but there aren't many women. I hope you can understand how I could feel intimidated.

Someone mentioned starting out as an NPC. Is that generally the way to go? (It sounds like fun actually, and I'm a professional actress, so playing an NPC would be cool). Thanks for those of you who took me seriously. Sorry it was so blunt. (I was drinking when I got up the courage to ask it.)

>> No.9392035


>> No.9392045

he meant the cylinder drill sword bullshit, or at least hope so, because that's what screams troll.

About the NPC stuff, it depends on the game, some have NPC's and players can attend as one and sometimes they even get a discount price for the whole event. Sometimes the NPCs are pre made and for specific people, sometimes there aren't even any NPCs in the game.

As it always said in these threads: depends on the game.

Some people find it easier though to start as an NPC because it's less work and less commitment.
Some people want to have the whole package from the start.

>> No.9392107

If you want to give it a go, try as many roles at once, and have a good chance of getting a bigger helping hand from the organisation; then go NPC.

If you want to let your creative side go on customing, culture, background, Interior tent designer or songwriter, or whatever creative outlet. And preferably know a player who can catch you a bit; then go player.

If you don't know the group I'd say go NPC, and maybe ask the group if they're nooby friendly or could teach you some of the basics.

All in all LARP groups are very spread and range from the best of nerds to the worst of nerds. But the chance of running into a really bad one is really low. Most likely another NPC, or if it's a big event the NPC crew leader or whatever it's called there will show you the ropes and stay with you.

>> No.9392331

Still looking for historical (medieval) guides on tent design/construction. If anyone has anything, please share.

>> No.9392424

Always, ALWAYS start as an NPC if you have the option. It means that you can get a feel for your game's costuming, combat, and general pace of life without sinking a shit ton of money into a costume for a character that you might not enjoy. Nothing like diving into a game blind with a thought-out character only to find that it's actually just mellowdramatic Amtgard.

Also most character-focused games give you extra XP to use on your character if you NPC for an event instead of playing.

>> No.9392455

>most character-focused games give you extra XP to use....

U wh0t m9
It might be me having a preference for settings where usually the most senior players can still be taken down by 2 very fervent noobies with clubs that I never heard of this. But goddamn does it reek of getting people stronger IC for no real reason other than them being part of the old boys' club.

This is one of my biggest problems with a lot of LARPs, tied with calling out damage calls and spells with a lot of suspension of belief.

>> No.9392472
File: 58 KB, 714x1176, Arbitrator_b&w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, there's a new 40k larp starting at the end of the year, based around each group being an Inquisitor plus 4 Agents. Pic related is what I'm planning on making.

I disagree, a fair few of the smaller/medium sized larps (30-100players) often have limited player spaces available, and I've seen instances where 30+ tickets have all been sold in under 10 minutes.
Anyone that doesn't get a space, will often go join the crew side. They still get character XP, as a thank you for actually help run the event. More crew means a much better game overall.

This any use? http://diy.smartkids123.com/how-to-make-a-bell-tent/

Not at all, larp should be open to anyone. A good chunk of my larp friends are female.

I really enjoy Empire, there's a fuck tonne of stuff to do, it's not all battles. Hell, over a full weekend event (Fri evening to Sunday afternoon) I maybe do 4-5 hours or combat, that includes taking my time to go Monster the opposite battle that I play as my character in. The rest of the time I'm engaging in the politics of the world, or sitting in the bar drinking till 4am.
Larp can be as expensive as you want it to be. I went in with a couple of basic tunics that I got a friend to make me for just the cost of the fabric. I've built up more and more every event.

The big fest larps are Empire, Curious Pastimes and Lorien Trust. Then you have a multitude of smaller larps that happen all over the place. Where in the UK are you based?

>> No.9392475

Don't get upset about people having fun in ways that you don't approve of, senpai. Shit like Amtgard and Alliance exist for people to make the jump from video games and TTRPGs to larp.

Plus, being video gamey and having damage calls helps people keep up with each other and feel useful even if they're not combat masters who've been studying the (foam) blade since they were three years old. Whether it's because they're just shit at combat, horribly out of shape, or physically disabled. Unless you're playing in a really gritty realistic larp, it's supposed to be a fantasy.

What >>9392424 said. Sounds shitty that your local larp is mostly dudes, but most larpers I've encountered are overly inclusive so it's probably not a problem.

>> No.9392493

It still feels a little weird that a character would receive experience for thing he or she didn't actually do. It can all be written away, mind you, and I'm not saying it can't be done well.
But to me it still reeks of being able to level your character for no reason, whereas a powercreep is something you should try and avoid in my opinion, for most of the time.

Also nice taste on costume inspiration, how are you thinking of doing it? Plastics or latex, or even steel?
I get all that to an extent, although I'm one of those meanie-bo-beanie dickweeds who feels people should be able to portray what they play to an extent.
If you want to play a snake-oil vendor with a silvertongue, and all you do in character is mutter and stumble over your words; don't get mad nobody will buy from you.
Same goes for combat, I've had moments where I actually felt I had to lose IC and so even played my own loss in combat while I could've won. But even at those points I feel you shouldn't play characters like that if you can't follow up on the premise to an extent.

>> No.9392500
File: 165 KB, 1600x1600, eagle-pauldrons-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The basic plan is:
- Motocross armour for the chest
- Leather motorcycle armour trousers
- Visored sallet painted up with aquilla/Arbites symbol
- And then get pic related in gold and attach them to a greatcoat.
- Weapons and shield are easy enough, as I'll just pay a larp weapon maker to do awesome ones.

>> No.9392509

Agreed on the powercreep thing. Alliance has that problem, and the old boys from the oldest chapters are throwing tantrums trying to stop the rules from changing that'll make a lot of that power go away.

I don't think anyone's saying you shouldn't make an attempt to portray what you play, just exercise a little suspension of disbelief. If it's a fantasy world with dragons and ogres running around, Joe Fuckowitz coming into game at level 1 and fucking up Lord Giveafuck the Longdicked because out of game he's practiced a shitton of swordsmanship can break the fantasy. A lot of the game is representing things as they aren't. Of course that's not really an ogre, it's some shlep in a rubber mask with a giant foam club. But it's a representation of a giant man-eating creature with the strength of five men, so depending on your game system, they're gonna try and implement it that way.

But most importantly, just have fun, senpai.

>> No.9392512

I'm less looking for how to, and more looking for methods. Stuff like were the posts pocketed into the fabric, or tied, what woods were used for posts and why.
Design wise, I already pretty much know what I'm going to do.

>> No.9392528

Newbie interested in potentially contacting my local SCA chapter (Calontir)

I am not so much into LARP but very into living history, particularly as it pertains to tradeskills like cooking, leatherwork, dressmaking, ect. If I joined it would be to learn and utilize those period crafts but only if the people involved are competent and worth learning from and a decent support community.

I hear they are pretty keen on trying to keep things accurate, I don't mind wearing the period dress and the superficial stuff but I am really not interested in the advanced LARPing/acting and combat side of things.

Do you guys think it would be a good fit? Who would I contact within the kingdom to get steered in the right direction, would be pretty nervous about getting used to the whole new dynamic.

>> No.9392595

A lot of the heavy combat guys will probably argue otherwise, but what you're describing is *why* the SCA exists in the first place. It's living history first and foremost, so practice your trade skills and wander around as a civie.

>leveling your character for no reason
It's there so those of us who want to actually contribute to the game and help out the plot team can still keep pace with players who roll out their characters for every event. I really only bring my dude out for every fourth event or so and NPC for most others, but ngl I don't think I'd still play if it meant that I had to eat shit in comparison to my peers.

>power creep
refers to the addition of features in a game or ruleset that end up outclassing previous features. Shit like psionics in 3.5/PF or Clans in Battletech are powercreep. Characters leveling up are not.

>> No.9392600

>It's living history first and foremost, so practice your trade skills and wander around as a civie.
This is so refreshing, the more I look into the society the more I kick myself for not discovering it earlier. I already messaged my Kingdoms guildleader so I am hoping its developed enough to have something for me. The huge wars with vendor stalls and marketplaces sound like heaven on earth.

>> No.9392609

Not just that, powercreep can also talk about an arms race. For example when you were a young roleplayer doing those good ol' freeform roleplay at some point somebody was going to outdo your donut steel with his donut steel +1.

This would keep on stacking up in some weird arms race where at some point gods were a walk in the park and other retarded points.
The way I used it implies the powercreep in a game where a high level character is so much stronger that newer characters hardly have a say in the game. Or feel of far less value than the high level character.

Lots of games 'round here block that powercreep by not making experience that important. You can have a character there from the start in his full plate armour, and he can still get his shit kicked in by 2 first level characters with crossbows.

It's to keep the powercreep away, so all players matter. Now this sounds a little hug-boxish. But it's rather to prevent older characters, and more so their players, from forming up groups and pretending they're hot shit at a LARP which is a big problem in LARPs all around.

You're there to roleplay, if you want to live out your powerfantasy because your live sucks. Go be pathetic somewhere else.

>> No.9392643

Yeah, I ended up getting into the An Tir kingdom via my WMA group, and we just roll around as a little 4-man mercenary group. The fighting's fun, but I'm starting to buddy up to a bakery that sets up shop around these parts and honestly being a baker sounds like a lot more fun.

>> No.9392651

You mean a historical baker or unrelated to SCA?

>> No.9392809

>We have some people who have been running the same characters for years and never moved beyond a tunic and cargo pants.

Ugh, my sympathies. I know that feel well.

>> No.9392812

here, it wasn't your question I was calling bait. It was the earlier one about the swords and spinning, like Hungarian said. Just clarifying!

>> No.9392826

I sympathize with you re: called damage and certain spells, but I'm not following how rewarding a player for stepping out of their character to help the staff out a bit = "old boys' club." It sounds like you're assuming that EXP only exists in boffer tag games with inflated numbers.

>> No.9392843

You're gonna wanna talk to Gropey. He was raised in the SCA and is super into all the things.

>> No.9392918

Historical. I wanna just roll up some random puke and be a baker's assistant at events.

>> No.9392924

That sounds really cool. I love historical food but more on the eating side. I'm pretty decent at meat pies, though.

>> No.9392968

On the note of historical food, how does one keep parishables cool without breaking immersion at longer events (week-)? (ie no Genny and fridge) Does dry ice last that long in subotamally insulated containers (straw and cloth lined chest for example)?

>> No.9392982

>He doesn't have a wood veneered bar-fridge with chest decals.
Stay pleb buddy.

>> No.9393042

The reality is that people really didn't keep shit cool back in the day. Anything that needed preserving was usually pickled or salted to hell and back. There's some situational stuff where people would keep things kinda cold by burying them but that's not gonna preserve meat or anything.
So use a cooler. Maybe slap some wood veneer contact paper on there or something idk.


>> No.9393159

You don't see how giving in-character game based rewards for doing out of character things leads down a slippery slope?
Once again, it can be done right, but reeks of the beginnings of a shitty old boys' club.
Why would you be so hell bent on deserving exp. for a character that shouldn't get it.

Are you one of those people who tries to win at LARP?
Because the rule number one I explain to a lot of noobies is "never try to win at LARP. You can't. You're LARPing, you've already lost."

>> No.9393228
File: 34 KB, 298x298, 27192991[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Take any old wooden chest that's big enough
>Line the entire damn thing with wall insulatio of about 2 inches

>> No.9393324
File: 59 KB, 625x415, MEDIIIIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys accept a medic giving you things to drink and all ?

I'm playing as a doctor and encountered on my first game some people that REALLY didn't want to take a single thing I had in my potions and all, even if I took some of it in front of them.

As I'm new and don't have a lot of tools yet, even if they had something like a sickness I just had to roll with it and at least give them a bandage to have some interactions.

>> No.9393327

you can just pour it to the ground or something or make them pretend that they drink it.
Sometimes people have medical conditions that makes them vary to drink anything. Maybe it has sugar in it and they are diabetic, maybe they are allergic to a lot of things, etc

>> No.9393342

The entire point of giving XP as an option for NPCs is to *prevent* the old boy's club in the first place.
Likewise I'd much rather that the people actually giving their time and effort to make sure the game can run in the first place be rewarded.

Given how nerds are in general, I wouldn't necessarily want to drink shit some rando gives me. Also, a lot of people have undisclosed allergies, and no one really wants to spend an event breaking out into hives or having their throat swell up.

Maybe try investing in some scary-looking 'medical' tools like forceps and calipers, or just see if people would be down for a poultice or a a cure that doesn't need to be ingested.

>> No.9393350

Depends on weather, but sausages can survive a few days on the ground in shade.

If the event is a week long then Id recommend that someone in the group would just leave the area and go buy fresh food every other day.

>> No.9393365

So you keep the old boys' club from existing by giving people more inclined to have good bonds with the organisation (NPCs) free exp so their characters can be stronger for no apparent ic reason?

>> No.9393367

trick question: why is XP needed in the first place?

>> No.9393413

Not the anon you're baiting, but I'm going to bite this hook. I'm going to let you in on a little secret here: If a player is NPCing, they're not PCing. That means that if they're donating their time to help out the larp organisation, they're not able to do their character growth IC. Which means that in your ideal world of no incentives for NPCS, you, Mr. "I Win At Larp", would PC all the time, hoovering up every stray ounce of power that you can, while people who care about the health of the game get a middle finger jammed up their ass and told that if they want to keep up with other players, they should have just PC'd.

Because some people can't understand RP without the G on the end. And it's the easiest way of offering people rewards without having to give them anything tangible at all.

>> No.9393420

I don't understand this. If you aren't playing the character, it still does stuff. They don't just sit at home for the month/however frequent your games are. They could do stuff to get xp.

But seriously fuck xp. Legacy LARPs suck dick. Just show up and have fun. You get shit and thats how you get better. Not leveling up and spending points

>> No.9393423

...do you sincerely not understand that some people enjoy NPCing or are you just trying the old 'baiting by calling other posts bait'?

>> No.9393427

>But seriously fuck xp. Legacy LARPs suck dick. Just show up and have fun. You get shit and thats how you get better. Not leveling up and spending points
I'm not against XP but there 90% of the time it's just a shitfest in the games, mostly because people do table top RPGs IN REAL LIFE with it.

Also about the whole NPC thing. , I don't like that either. Why give players a role that isn't playing?
Make the NPCs into PCs.
Possible exception is monsters but not in the way as US larps do it...

>> No.9393431

I disagree, and so far enjoyed the systems with less RPG and more RP elements to it.

More so,>>9393423
gets it. If you NPC I'd say do it because it's fun, not because "a bloo bloo, look at my sacrifice" I want my expsies now GM/ST/Whatever!
NPC'ing, which is something I've done equally as much as playing is tons of fun. Also you're being part of the organisation, you sometimes get to have a big say in the plot lines by just talking to the staff and being part of the group. It's different than playing, but equally, if not more, fun. So stop pretending like you're doing somebody a service and should receive a reward.

Then why can't my character start at level 20 with "MordHammer the Anal Destroyer" a 2-handed hammer that strikes crush through fatal cancer upon hit.

Oh yeah, and I didn't bring my own hammer, could I borrow a really cool one?

I get what you mean, but I don't feel like you should be rewarded exp for that.

>> No.9393433

Because it's the only populated fantasy game in my state that doesn't use Dagorhir pillowsticks. I'm not the biggest fan of the system, but I'll take what I can get. You find me a stateside non-legacy medieval game that uses latex, and we'll talk.

What >>9393413 said. I think I never really communicated this, but that XP isn't supplementary; it's to represent what you would have received if you had gone into the event as a PC.

>> No.9393443

I've been full-time NPCing for over two years in my larp org. I've really enjoyed it, and it's helped me become comfortable with a variety of roles, and shit it's been fun as hell. But I'd be pretty pissed if I decided to come into game as a PC and I was a level 1 dirt farmer.

More importantly, why do you so fervently hate when NPCs get any sort of compensation for giving up their time to be your dancing monkey? Do you hate them that much?

>I disagree, and so far enjoyed the systems with less RPG and more RP elements to it.
That's fine. But a lot of people (and therefore, a lot of systems) really like the game aspect because they want their fantasy cake and the ability to eat it, too. But an RPG without the game aspect is basically just a medieval reenactment.

I think it's important to keep in mind that everyone larps for different reasons, and not every larp can be lumped under the same banner. I'm arguing for NPC compensation (as >>9393433 said, getting the represented XP as if you'd PC'd the event) for the gamey larps that have damage calls and magic and such. I might change my viewpoint for a different style of larp, but there it is. Though I'm just a pleb, and the only larp I play in is Alliance, because I live in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.9393455

>it's to represent what you would have received if you had gone into the event as a PC.

So you get all the XP you would have gotten as a PC while doing fuck all that warrants it, advances the plot or running the risk of getting your ass killed.

>But my NPC would've done shit off screen

That's cool, my NPC did enough off screen to get a vorpal sword and reach epic levels.

Also, next event I'm going to abuse the fuck out of all the information I metagamed from being on the crew side of things and you can't stop me because I'm buddy buddy with the GMs after sacrificing myself to be an NPC at their beck and call.

That's an old boys system? Now you're just being silly.
And all that because of an outdated leveling concept that people still cling to because they can't see progress in abstracts such as allies, achievements and reputation, which will inevitably lead to power creep where new players will be unable to keep up with 20 event veterans and just give up after two events, the game starts bleeding dry because this leads to no new blood, which the GMs notice so they try to hit the reset button to desperately get new players, but the old boys throw a shitfit about the proposed changes so they boycott and they refuse to NPC anymore and the GMs just kill fucking everything out of frustration and start a new game and setting.

In which they will, invariably, introduce a level system.

>> No.9393457

>dancing monkey

He doesn't know all players are retarded because NPCs know the plot and it's funny to see people stumble over shit you already know.
The players are the dancing monkeys, and they pay more too. ;)

Also I disagree on the reenactment stuff. A LARp doesn't have to be Anon's Powerfantasy WankFest-a-palooza to be a good game. Trying to win at LARP is stupid, and having a gameist attitude I see as soemthing severly hurting the scene.

Besides that I sort of agree with you, we're both talking from different LARP backgrounds and the likes. Mine all have had a severe lack of tons of calls, levels mattering too much except for the sincerely overleveled.

>> No.9393458
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>More importantly, why do you so fervently hate when NPCs get any sort of compensation for giving up their time to be your dancing monkey? Do you hate them that much?

>> No.9393460

>But I'd be pretty pissed if I decided to come into game as a PC and I was a level 1 dirt farmer.

Except... That's all your new character should be, you entitled leech.

>> No.9393464

>So you get all the XP you would have gotten as a PC while doing fuck all that warrants it, advances the plot or running the risk of getting your ass killed.
A lot of PCs don't ever step out and do anything and still get XP. We've got a couple permanent crafters with their own shops in our chapter who never step outside of the safety and comfort of town and stick to roleplaying and they get the same experience as the guys who go out and slaughter orcs all weekend. Are you suggesting they should not get XP because they haven't advanced the plot or taken any risk?

>The players are the dancing monkeys
Fuck me, it certainly seems that way sometimes.

Okay. Let's say no XP compensation for NPCs. What do you give them instead? Or are you suggesting no compensation for NPCs whatsoever, they should just shut up and enjoy it or PC instead?

>> No.9393465

>But an RPG without the game aspect is basically just a medieval reenactment.
no. just no. Let's stop that there, don't dwell deeper into idiocy.

I agree with you on some points but that one statement is so wrong I can't walk by of it.

>> No.9393467

>Or are you suggesting no compensation for NPCs whatsoever, they should just shut up and enjoy it or PC instead?

It's how it works in most of Europe I understood? The real profit you make is on super cheap tickets and getting to LARP without lots of prep.

>> No.9393472

It was a minor exaggeration, senpai. Without the gameyness, you have costumes and roleplay and maybe some """realistic""" combat, but you're limited to what you physically can do. There is no need to be upset.

How super cheap are we talking? And I don't know about the "without lots of prep" part. A lot of our NPCs bring a ton of their own supplies and their own costuming for different roles.

Is NPCing a lot more chill in your larps? By the end of a weekend in our chapter, most of the NPCs are stressed out and/or completely exhausted.

>> No.9393479

>Okay. Let's say no XP compensation for NPCs. What do you give them instead? Or are you suggesting no compensation for NPCs whatsoever, they should just shut up and enjoy it or PC instead?
Well, I don't know how it goes everywhere else but here is my experience with this kind of stuff.

Leveling systems aren't big in Hungary. There were a few back in ye olden days, but they are kind of non-existent now. That doesn't mean there aren't larps with skills and whatnot, it's just you won't get any bonus system wise just because you were there for X amount of games.

Sometimes you DO get system wise bonuses if the specific game has the continuity but that's depends on other factors.

There are also a varying degrees of games with NPCs. I wouldn't say that they are on the decline but it's totally different. Lots of games aren't using NPCs anymore, instead there is a different approach, your character may or may not get extra info from the organizers and extra plot hooks if you agree to play your character this way or another. This is entirely optional and always a two way bargain between the player and the organizer.
What does the player gets from this? a cool story. Sometimes even free food or transportation. That's all. Nothing else. No money, no XP, And most of the time these characters has an even higher chance to die.

I follow the viewpoint that three things is needed for something to be called a larp.
1. Players _must_ have full fledged characters, not just a social role they do.
2. Everyone must share a common "world view" of the game, stepping out of that is breaking the game. i.e.: you must be in game and it should mean the same thing roughly for everyone (this means fluff and crunch too)
3. Most players must be there IRL to represent their characters

Reenactment lacks 1.) and sometimes even 2.) to some degree. Cosplay completely lacks 2.) and sometimes 1.) too.

>> No.9393484

Well yeah, that's a thing. But when I go as a player I have a costume to make (anything between 10-80 hours of work on sewing, designing, talking with weapon makers I know, talking to nd setting up a group to roll out with. Prepping camp stuff, getting an IC appropriate tent and indoor stuff fitting of the character, etc. etc.

When I NPC I just take some armour stuff I have and ask the organisation if they want me to take along anything special.

>> No.9393499

I agree in an ideal world, all NPCs would just be PCs. But hooks and monsters make it hard to balance the need for NPCs.

The best way Ive seen in the west is shift work. Where every player signs up for a NPC shift, (usually around 4-6 hours) and everyone takes turns. This ensures monsters to kill if thats your thing and randoms to RP/trade with
It helped a lot with immersion for me, I didn't see the same dude every other hour as someone new.

Of course, the game had permanent staff as well but it was like 6 or 7 people.

Super cheap for me (when I npc) was about 5 bucks down from 40 for the weekend.
I don't understand the stressed out part. Exhausted, yes, I run around all weekend but I do the same as player. Why would you attend an event in your free time that stresses you out?

>> No.9393503

I'm kind of interested in a game without a leveling system. How is combat usually handled in your games? I've read a little about larps without damage calls and such but I've never experienced one. Most of what I've seen is basically "one hit breaks armor, one hit wounds a limb" sort of thing.

Also interesting seeing how you handle NPCing. In my experience, there's a lot of little roles that require a warm body to play the PCs don't want to take on 24/7 (traveling merchants, clerks, bar wenches, yadda yadda). I assume organizers handle the little roles for when they show up?

My experience with NPCing is pretty much the opposite of how I imagine your PC experience is. Very little prep, but ingame we have a tight schedule where we're trying to cram as much content in for our PCs as we can. Our summer site typically has 20-25 NPCs per event and 50-60 PCs, but there's usually 1-2 mods running at any given time. After a role, you can hit up NPC camp for a quick drink of water and then you have to immediately prep and head out for your next role. About a third of our NPC camp usually crashes at some point during the saturday of our FRI-SUN events.

Everything I've heard from our PCs suggests that their setup is very involved, but ingame (aside from maintaining character) is a very relaxed pace.

>> No.9393504

Holy shit dude. I agree with the point you're trying to make, but please, never try to argue anything ever again. Just stop.

Anyways all I'm saying is that I'm someone who likes to both NPC and play a character. The only game with an actual player population in my state is Alliance, so it's what I've got. It runs on a horribly outdated leveling system where it is genuinely less fun to be substantially less powerful than my friends. Obviously it's not perfect, but I thought I'd state this seeing as you all seem to have a hard time separating what ought to be from what actually is.

Given all this, I am happy that the game doesn't make me choose between having a competent character and being able to contribute to the game as a whole. I'd be put off if the only way I could do both was to have to play as Lawrence Fuckworth, the world's least capable man.

>> No.9393508

>I didn't see the same dude every other hour as someone new.
I don't really understand this. You say people play as a different something every 4 or 6 hours yet you say you didn't see the same guys playing as something different.

>How is combat usually handled in your games?
trust based in the games I like to go the most in this country. But there are various other abbroach like the 3 HP system and such.
Thank god we managed to kill all the call-out-damage games here.

>Also interesting seeing how you handle NPCing. In my experience, there's a lot of little roles that require a warm body to play the PCs don't want to take on 24/7 (traveling merchants, clerks, bar wenches, yadda yadda). I assume organizers handle the little roles for when they show up?
Hold on to your ass because that's where it gets strange: People like to play as such characters. That is, they play a guy who's job is XY merchant or such, but has a whole personality backstory and whatnot to him.
Players look at the game, and what kind of characters fit it. Then go as such.

>> No.9393511

Combat in my no damage calls game was pretty simple.
You have 3 hp. Armor for up to 3 locations where each gives you effectively 1 hp.
A hit takes 1 hp.
There were a couple passive skills for assorted effects, but nothing that effected damage.
It makes combat feel fucking fantastic. You can just focus on actually fighting. Or trading banter if thats your thing.

>> No.9393514

Mostly plot folks, honestly, but I'm one of em. Trying to wrangle NPCs to make sure X plot points get out. Our larp's heavily story driven. I blame the career DM owner.

NPCs get a discount, but because we're still working on building our own site since our chapter is fairly new, we have to rent out a youth camp for our weekend events. NPCs are usually $40 canadabucks (including friday/saturday dinners, sat/sun breakfasts), and PCs are $90-100ish.

>The only game with an actual player population in my state is Alliance, so it's what I've got.
Same desu senpai but I'm in the only Canadian chapter. The fuckbois in the oldest chapters are pitching huge tantrums trying to stop the rules from changing so that the power levels will be squished down a bit. As far as I know, we're the only chapter that's made serious attempts at playtesting the new rules.

I want it. I hate the fucking damage calls. Trying to do math and call out a shitton of numbers in combat is super frustrating. It leaves no room for bants.

>> No.9393518

Its different people every 4-6 hours

If 20 players show up, players 1-5 NPC for the first 4 hours, 6-10 the second etc...

Yes, you will see a little bit of person repetition but not to the degree of one person NPCing for the whole weekend

>> No.9393520

>>9393514 cont.

A hit taking 1 hp is the only thing I'm sketchy about. Chad Thundercock with his giant two-handed axe has the same effect with one swing as Dickass McThief stabbing you once with his dinky knife. I imagine it incentivizes quicker weapons, but meh. Still infinitely better than damage calls.

>> No.9393524

I saw that 'dragon attack' video.
I would have walked out the moment Plot tried that shit.
Also fuck the old timers. Their costumes are shit and they can't even stay in character for more than five minutes.

Honestly that sounds kind of like Dagorhir's system.
Now if only Dag didn't look like shit.

>> No.9393526

>I want it. I hate the fucking damage calls. Trying to do math and call out a shitton of numbers in combat is super frustrating. It leaves no room for bants.
the problem with fight systems is three fold.
First is that it should be playable
Second is how realistic should be
Third, what is your playerbase/target audience.

No matter how good system you design if your playerbase consists of retarded faggots who cannot even do simple thinking then it will fail.

Trick question: why is it a problem to see the same people doing things?

>> No.9393532

Everyone ingame basically knew something big was coming and they needed to GTFO, they had time to grab all their stuff, it was heavily telegraphed and led up to several events in advance. The dragon attack was basically plot's excuse to say "we're burning down the old site so that we can move to the new site in the summer" and also wrap up some loose ends. Unfortunately our new site isn't fucking ready yet so we're STILL AT THE OLD SITE but calling it something different ingame. Our plot team is heavily influenced by the chapter owner who's a shit writer and kind of a cunt.

The smaller numbers are fine for most of our playerbase. But once we're dealing with people swinging different numbers in the teens constantly, and having hundreds of HP, things get retarded quickly. Those stupid numbers are the whole reason for the flurry rule -- get rid of damage call combat, and you don't need the "play fair and safe uguu" rule.

>> No.9393536

>Those stupid numbers are the whole reason for the flurry rule -- get rid of damage call combat, and you don't need the "play fair and safe uguu" rule.
Sometimes I can't even comprehend how people thought systems like that would be a good idea...

>> No.9393538

Swallowing a spider to kill the fly.

>> No.9393539

Also you'd be surprised how well things keep at room temp in a cool, dark place. Meat for example used to hang in whole joints in a relatively cool place that had good airflow which is basically the same as dry-aging. When it was time to eat you just shaved out the outer fat layer which acted as a buffer.

Most food keeps well around 60 degrees or less, except for things like pork and milk.

>> No.9393551

Its not necessarily a bad thing. Its not like I hate it or am not used to it with the majority of larps.

It just helps with my personal immersion when the Town guard tells me to go kill some orcs, and there he is among the orcs.

It'd be less of an issue if costuming was good, but a little face paint and a different colored shirt only go so far. I mean, the larp tries. The "tabards" are decorated to each monster so its better than the standard fare but still

>> No.9393589

>It just helps with my personal immersion when the Town guard tells me to go kill some orcs, and there he is among the orcs.
You lost me

>> No.9393595

Probably meant it hurts the immersion rather than helps.

>> No.9393607
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sounds like the larp I go to. That kind of thing happens a lot with smaller player base. We usually get around 30 players and maybe 10 Staffers/PermNPCs. The player gear is decent and the system is super flexible with low numbers. NPC gear, similar to the example you gave, could use some upgrades, but its the quality RP that makes the game worth while.

>> No.9393608

even then, npc shifts doesn't counter that. I mean if it's a 4 hour shift it might take to find the orcs that much time. Except if it's a very simple "hey dude here is a QUEST you have to kill those MONSTERS 10 meters from here and you will get the LOOT"

>> No.9393609

You would think you could get some acting/improv/drama students to work NPCs pro-bono by contacting the local schools.

I mean, high-fantasy is as high a genre as its ever been, you think it would be good experience.

>> No.9393612

or, you know, make games that doesn't require 100 people when you have only 30 and a fuckton of makeshift nigger-rigging

>> No.9393620
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>acting/improv/drama students to work NPCs

Something like that happened one event. A group of 9 or 10 showed up to NPC the entire weekend after a friend of their's wrote an article for a class about the LARP. It was fantastic having a group that large play NPCs. They played a group of mercenaries that was looking for me and some other roguey types. I nearly shit my pants when they rolled up asking for us.

>make games that doesn't require 100 people when you have only 30 and a fuckton of makeshift nigger-rigging

Hit the nail on the head.

>> No.9393655

Call me crazy, but I don't think exp and level-based character advancement is necessarily a bad thing, as long as it's handled right (which very few groups do, especially legacy larps). Using exp to buy bigger numbers is dumb, but letting it represent, for example, "I spent my time between events studying troll anatomy, so now I've learned a skill that lets me hit just the right spot to stop a troll's healing," gives players a tangible, in-game way to track their character's growth that can't be taken away like equipment can. It's not my personal preference, but I'm not going to poo-poo it just because of that.

Basically like you said >>9393427 here, desu.

>You find me a stateside non-legacy medieval game that uses latex, and we'll talk.
Where you at?

>> No.9393659

Its funny because the next stand alone larp the DR guys are producing would include some kind of boon, I think, if you can make your character youtube famous.

>> No.9393736

Been meaning to ask, is legacy the name of a specific larp or is it a descriptive term?

I agree with you on the XP buying numbers thing. As soon as you give people the opportunity to minmax their damage, you start an arms race where all the monsters have to start doing it too or players face no challenge anymore.

>> No.9393742

>Still looking at Empire
>Turns out it's only like 2 hours away from me
>Would have had the cash to get all the necessary gear to attend every 2017 event if I hadn't lost my job in January
Forsooth. Maybe next year.

>> No.9393870

While XP not necessearily a bad thing the resons why someone wants XP in a larp can be all kind of badwrongfu. And I'm usually interested why someone thinks X or Y (or P) is a good/bad thing.

I think by legacy he means all the nero, nero childs and nero clones

>> No.9393909

What Nation were you considering? It might be worth joining that nations facebook page and see if anyone is selling any kit off or can help a new player out.

>> No.9393937

Pacific Northwest.
We have two Alliance chapters and a bunch of costume-minimal pillow fights from what I can tell.
Of course there's shit like DR, but I'll scrub the skin off my arms before I ever interact with post-apoc nerds ever again.

Unsurprising. DR and it's creators are a distillation of the worst things in the LARP community.

"Legacy" refers to games that use derivations of NERO's ruleset. In certain cases, like most of the larger Alliance chapters, they are built on the bones of defunct NERO chapters. Much like Carolingian France, if Rome was run by autists with a profound misunderstanding of Tolkien.

>> No.9393954

Yo. Sup?

>> No.9393967

I wanted to go Dawn so I could be a knight, but knight means armour and weapons and that's expensive: though, not quite as expensive as I'd first thought: I was really put off because most of the steel armour I was seeing was a few hundred pounds per piece, but with a bit more thorough searching I've found somewhere I can get a steel bascinet and somewhere else I can get a chainmail hauberk, both for under £100, and then stuff like shirts, trousers and surcoats aren't any more expensive than regular clothing.

Do the Empire armour rules require that your armour actually be made of steel? Because when I was reading them it sounded like the material your armour was made of actually affected how many hit points you got, but a website like Wyrmwick offers decent looking resin armour for cheaper (and presumably doesn't need as much up keep: I have no idea how to take care of metal stuff that might rust).

I suppose it might be an idea to buy a simpler, cheaper set of clothes and go to one event just as a mage or something to see if I'd actually enjoy the event, before sinking a large amount of cash into it, though I love the idea of going as a knight and hamming the whole thing up.

>> No.9393978

>I wanted to go Dawn so I could be a knight

As a Dawnish Yeoman going through his Test of Mettle (therefore a Knight-Errant) to become a Noble, I approve of your choice.
You can totally get away with just a chainmail hauberk to begin with, just stick a surcoat/tabard with heraldry on the front and you'll be fine. You can then add bits of plate on top of you wish. The only plate I wear is greaves and a gorget & pauldrons ontop of my chain.
Unless you really want to for the look, you don't have to bother with a helm. They give no extra protection under the rules, and is an extra cost.

>o the Empire armour rules require that your armour actually be made of steel?

Yes, polyurethane plate only counts as medium armour, it has to be steel for it to count as heavy. Now, what you can do is wear the poly-plate ontop of your chain hauberk, it gives nothing extra beyond your chain, but you get the look of plate, without the weight.

A thing to consider is if you'll be a Yeoman or a Noble. You can get away with rugged or less bling clothes being a Knight-Errant going through their Test of Mettle.

Also, read all the Dawn brief, they aren't Knights in the chivalric sense of the word, a few new players have been caught out thinking that.

>> No.9394025

I was thinking of being a questing knight rather than a knight-errant, because I wasn't sure what exactly a Test of Mettle would include or when (or even if) I'd have a chance to complete one in game. I realise Dawn knights aren't meant to all be romantic heroes, but that's the sort of knight I love: so, I was thinking my character would be an almost Don Quixotic fucker who pursues highly outdated ideas of honour and romance, and might even be a questing knight because his noble house encourages him to go 'adventuring' as an excuse to get him out of their hair. I'm also really tempted to be a questing knight rather than a knight-errant so I can have my own heraldry.

Looking at the armour rules now, it says that helmets do count, and in my opinion a knight isn't complete without a nice helmet. So, I think I'd go for a hauberk, a helmet with a visor, and a surcoat over the top. It's a shame that poly armour doesn't count (seems kind of like an unnecessary money wall, though I suppose the idea is to stop really shitty gimmicky looking stuff counting for as much as good steel plate), and seeing as mail would already count as medium armour I'd probably just save myself the extra ~£100 and forgo the poly.

>> No.9394037

Steel mail counts as heavy (assuming you have the coverage)

>> No.9394046

Armour page says
>Butchers mail and ring mail are not included as heavy armour, regardless of the materials used
Which I assume would include whatever steel mail I end up getting. Still though, 3 extra hits, plus another if I get endurance, isn't to be sniffed at.

>> No.9394052

Ringmail is unconnected links stitched to a fabric or leather back (and isn't a real thing anyway) and butchers mail uses super tiny rings in a way that makes it expensive and unlikely to show up in larp shops.
Cheap butted mail hauberks bought on ebay from india are about half the heavy armour in the field.

>> No.9394055

It looks bloody awful though which is why the "put poly over the top" plan is fairly common and well regarded

>> No.9394073

Ooh. Right, forgive my lack of knowledge then. Well then, that's even better!, especially seeing as I've found a place that does surprisingly cheap butted steel hauberks.

Fuck, I'm really considering this now: though, like I said, for my first event I might make a cheaper character just to scout the whole thing out and see how I like it. Might be a Merrow or a priest or something.

How common is character death in Empire? I'd hate to put all this money into a knight (especially stuff like a surcoat of the correct colour and painting up a shield), only to get btfo in my first event, essentially wasting the cash.

>> No.9394090

I'd be wary about outdated ideas, as they may be off brief for Dawn or the Empire as a whole. While honour isn't frowned upon, it also isn't a thing that's required. Empire is a gender neutral setting, so don't have anyt old fashioned ideas about what a Lady should and shouldn't do.

The reason Poly-plate is Medium is to offset the fact that it's fucking light as shit, and that if you're willing to wear full metal, you should get that little it extra.

As >>9394037 said, steel 4-in-1 chain is classed as Heavy, and I'd definitely suggest getting full length sleeved one, as you'll end up getting a CLEAVE on your lower arms, and you'll be fucked.

With regard helms, they don't count in so far that a hit to your head does one point of damage, helm or no helm, and special calls don't count if they hit the head anyway.

Depends really, there's usually a few deaths each battle, and some groups seem to fucking die in droves *cough*Shattered Tower*cough* but as long as you don't do anything stupid on the battlefield you should be alright.

Playing a Troubador (Dawnish Priest) is a good way to actually get stuff to do right away. There's usually Assembly meetings, and stuff for priests to discuss and vote on. Just read the Religion pages thoroughly though.

>> No.9394113

Na, I wasn't planning on tipping my salet at every lady I met and bemoaning the fact they're allowed to use a sword. I just want to be a hammy but otherwise friendly knight: 'old fashioned' might be the wrong word, 'idealistic' might be better: always insisting on bowing, always respecting his superiors, stuff like that. Still sticking to the brief: glory in battle, earning respect, all that jazz. And the 'what the Dawnish are not' bit says *required* to be honourable, so being overly honourable as a character quirk hopefully wouldn't be off brief.

I'll still go for a helm for fashion points, and if my arms do end up being uncovered then at least the helm will make the armour count, I guess.

I'm shitty at musical stuff or coming up with poetry or whatever on the spot, so if I did go for a more passive character to get used to the scene, I might go for something other than Dawn. Brass Coast or League maybe.

Is there any stigma about reusing equipment between characters? Say my knight character died, if I just pulled out the stitches on my heraldic animal and scrubbed the design off my shield, then reused the same gear for my new guy, would anyone shit on me for that?

>> No.9394160

>Of course there's shit like DR, but I'll scrub the skin off my arms before I ever interact with post-apoc nerds ever again.
Rest in pepperoni. I'd actually quite like to see a *good* post-apoc larp, and this is speaking as someone who doesn't particularly care for the genre. There's a lot of potential for novel character interaction against that kind of backdrop but it always gets ruined by too much gamism and nerds abandoning good character building for tacticool and grimdark.

>> No.9394172

>nerds abandoning good character building for tacticool and grimdark

That's literally it. Post apocalyptic games always seem to come down to a cadre of dudes who get way too passionate about nerf guns and that one dude who collects gas masks.

>> No.9394175

Good post-apoc is my dream as well. I love the costuming and the idea
I love the idea of desperation holding around the culture. That there are guns but bullets are rare. That food and water are hard to come by.
Every one ive played though is just nerds with hero complexes fucking the bed

>> No.9394581

>what ought to be from what actually is.

If you don't fight it, it'll never change, though.

That said, for myself, I play in one game and NPC in another. This is done by a lot of people to keep a pool going.
I also note our organizers try very hard to keep things interesting enough for NPCs to not crave being a PC.

>> No.9394621

One way ours handled that was allowing a skill for breaking shields (otherwise indestructible) with two handed weapons and trips with staff weapons. Staves and long one handed weapons with shields ended up being the most popular choice.

Trip and shieldbreaker still are call outs, but at least it's not yelling "double" with every swing.

>> No.9394685

I will be going to a good postapoc fallout game in a two months.

>> No.9394690

Meanwhile autosage so here is a new thread



>> No.9398595

I dunno, DR has those tactical overdressed guys but it also has some ridiculously colorful characters and hearty shenanigans.